« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

257. Redefining Men Ft. Jason Wilson

2022-03-19 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined in the studio by the founder & CEO of Yunion, Jason Wilson. They discuss the misconceptions of what it takes to be a real man, how to gain control over your emotions so that you're not a slave to them, and why it's more important now than ever for men to be men.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the county, countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know his shot case. Club is a gadget to eighty per cell, as this is the chauffeurs are really say goodbye to the lies: the fitness delusions of modern society and broken mother fucking real guys. Today we have an awesome, full length episode for you, I'm so excited to get to it. I've got dr shell in the room. What's going on, everybody actually got a message, the other day that their friends started. Listen, and they re actually got your doktor house a doctor. Will you not doktor at all, Today's times, I'm still I'm state. You know why, as a doctor identifies dogmas and right now I am a doctor and as always, I've got my my hands closer per year. Now you so
MR deeds. hey. What's up dude my line in big reggie oliver that diversity that there are no real doktor now doctor after I concur anyway- and we have a very special guessed that I'm super excited to have on the show, you guys might know him from instagram. I know him, you might not ever heard him before, but he's an amazing man, jason, Wilson, who's, the founder and seal of union, which is an profit organization, Detroit Michigan, that really focus on developing, The young men are coming up in the next year, patients, society jason has over fourteen years of experience of training in developing young men and has effectively reach more than ten thousand youth at the ground level. Young adults in the men throw detroit area, the cave
transformational training catch me otherwise, known as canada is a male transformational training carry of the union. were boys in young men who are emotionally distress mentally disconnected and spirit. We in debt gather here to be taught train in transforming the comprehensive men and jason's. Also the author of an incredible book cry like a man which explains the dangers men face in our cultural definition of masculinity. Now dude welcomed his show me honor to be a things will have its say. It's a huge honour to have your show you know like. I was telling you earlier when we met. Thou jason, I'm no map for today, but one of the things the car my attention and that I wanted to bring him. On the show to talk about was, I came across. An incredible whip. This is maybe a year ago about a young boy who was
they were doing. Martial arts was jason's young boy and ah was crying. He was frustrated and the way that you handle that young boy I shared on my story because I just thought it was so amazing and in such a great example of men leading future men and arm. That's an obligation that that I think has been abandoned by society has been forgotten by society. And I just wanted to have you on the show man and talk about what we, because we all know the word, it's crazy right rise. We could all agree. We might all have different opinions of how crazy or what crazier, what's goin on. When we talk about those things all the time on the show, but today what I really want to focus on is what do we do about this? What we're doing here as men is leaving a world that is completely corrupt, whaley disorganized lacks moral standard, lacks the understanding of how to provide
it achieve and become actual men, and so do I just want to say before even get started, I'm so ratio for the work that you're doing, and I I hope, if guys were listening to the show and you have young young, people in your house, noise, I realise that you know you guys message me alive So, what's the solution, solution is those young people that you see in your home every single day? And so we we gotta get on board with that, will help in these guys get to where we need to be so absolutely thank you completely honoured to be handy kicking. It was sad, sal and, first of all, most. I'm is blown away by what you guys doing here and we have we just protest to fifteen thousand square. for building an to learn that you know I am on the right path. As far as you know, the principles which rhine in steel in our community with our staff,
this really blown away. So I take my hat off to already what you're doing this is truly amazing is amiss using arm. you're right, you know, frederick douglass said on. Easier to raise origin, it is to repair, broken man. I believe this truth in it, the problem is that we're leaving men broken and I'm pretty sure, frederick douglass was living. He says I didn't mean to leave. Men broken, I mean is literally, it is easy to raise boys, so we have broken fathers broken man always see broken. Man has broken boy, buoyancy, answers he doesn't allow us as men to actually operate in full, this of our humanity. So we typically confined to mask and attributes with boldness strength, aggression, But when I saw so where his son, I saw a nurture, saw someone compassionate, but we typically talk.
Decide away from those attributes because what looks weak but unfortunately, because of this mentality, was suffering mentally were suffering asylum quality, emotional incarceration and unfair many, even though these doors distorted his jail cell is open. We refuse to walk out because it away society in view of men, we will allowed unlike women We will now want agitated define us, which is masculinity. Women refused to allow a call two or femininity to define them there anything everything they have to be at any given moment and that's where we must these men as well, and so what I do is I give boy A start young? I give them an opportunity to be human to express their views when a young boy cried on a matter couldn't break the boar because it was hurrying, but it wasn't pain. It fear, and I told him when you get older, we dont typically cry over pain. We cry, hurt, disappointment or feeling like a failure.
And ass for little bruce was dealing with in that moment. But when I gave him this space debris process, which a fool. You know it's ok to cry. We cries me you give em, opportunities to be free in a moment he saw what- but he was able to gather himself puts the was fear, failure and break the board. Doktor William fray discover that tears from induce from tears from emotional stress, a trauma actually really stress hormones, So when you tell a boy not to cry, you basically tell him the cut off his man, and then we wonder why man, we do by suicide three times as likely as women, I believe, the united states we commit over seventy percent of the homicides nine out of ten p, who lived to be over a hundred. Are women, is very rare, use your facebook or any platform a visa, A man over a hundred years old, being celebrated for his birthday because we were we identify us.
it was by what we do instead of who we are, how hard we can work working long hours. You know your canvas misses building my building. What I do for boys what I learned quickly. If I didn't change there And only have an early grave, but I would if I live longer, wouldn't be able to enjoy life, and so, when I start allowing myself first and foremost, stop allowing the wanted to find me One is the work and define you. Your life has been limited, so you can't defy myanmar comprehensive man, I'm anything everything I have to be at any given moment. I'm strong I'm sensitive and courageous, but a morsel, compassionate and keith and his men. We don't live for, a good in our hearts. We live from the fear of what will be perceived as So for me now that I'm free from this performance based lifestyle. The cry here. If I need to, I could be a nurture. Acca help a homeless per I can do whatever I need was a couple. Both What did the more say in a coffee is set out for female you, Mary S,
guy. I wanted some coffee need. Do. Is you mike here? You know it s. This is our female know. While you are there and I grab because of You know so I'm off. If you know why, I'm, unfortunately, you know any minute, was we don't will you know who we are a mantle we'll be hard. Isn't we really dont know what we were created to do Why were here and that's why It was our our lifestyles. A high risk me well listen. I agree with everything that you're saying you know. I think I think the way social structure restructure right now. Men have a very hard time. I definitely focus my work on toughening men up right.
because I feel like there's a lot of softness going around the world to and I think, there's a good balance. You know there's a balance of you have to be able to handle. What's goin on but you also to understand that it's ok, to struggle, it's ok to indulge things and making us who we are rested a here. Why you got into this? How you found yourself on this path? Because What you're doing man your men to do. You know it's very obvious to anybody. What's your instagram the jason o wilson. Yes, my handle to also meet you guys need to follow him because the he does things is, is the way it should be done now momentary when I, when I pick up almost a bad man. Are you one guy is. Is it's amazing, you ass their because arm
I had to learn real quickly, man? Ah, what my purpose was why I exist. I caught my so early on waste. And into everyone's call? Instead of doing what guy called me to do,. And because it a pain which you see now as a result of much adversity and pain. First, desiring to be loved by my father, who definitely motion incarcerated, like so many men of his error, I grew up without having and so what you see also is a desire something I longed for so I bet sickly, I'm living for what I long for, instead of what I lacked Meanwhile was strain and my son in the Basement- and he asked me is there. How did you become a great day when you dare wasn't and the thing he was your says, a maybe and ass. Soon. Ass simply gave you what I longed for I have never said that before
but literally s all I became, and so from that desire I started remembering what I was doing young my committee. There was a lot again you know and drug dealers. I never knew why the big drug dealers, call him oh geez or regional gangsters. It would drop their sons off to my house because I felt that it was a say space for their size to be my mother thought is juvenile. Why you hang, which is five eugene What are you I didn't know? I was like a big brother to Macao was prepared me for women, doing today and when I started it will be. It was marsh was a hard just like you drive and discipline driving focus, and then quickly, realized. When I start seeing the boot camps started falling to the waste, crashing in law in boys- not really transform me e europe We do not necessarily need more discipline and needed more love, especially
like community, because the gold standard was the hyper mask and and blackmail, and I try my best to do- wear that t shirt to that- that crown and it was a suit. The couldn't fit me and I so we will use the term. you know you dog. I made an acronym for that. A dog is it. I'm a ties, human unable to agree and ass. When I look Yet when I go talk to gain members of those who call themselves thugs, they break down in front of me because really was happening, is you're stuck in firefly majority of us, his manner regardless of your background, because we told what to suppress what we feel, So what does that mean? We stay like this. We stay longer. We can't even get in here. Discussion without wise without yelling. You know, I saw tat, there was a whole none
Game changer for me was it is up teaching having emotional stability, but yet my wife was able to drive out something in me It should never have come out my wife's, it never fear and threatened with me around arguing with me. She should never feel like man, I wonder if we keep Oregon. Where would this go? right and but his men, if we don't know how to release a process where we feeling hake before we get home, now, those who deserve our love, our patients in care. They can't get that because we gave that to the world s. Why respect our conversation? Sal, you let people here, it who deserve Ebay you. What do you want? The liar? You get the lie, but can bring the lion. Homely lion protects the price he doesn't fight and damage the home and whipping but I understand we wanna be. These beast is man we again is promoted in society belie asleep
tina twenty hours a day he's into your mouth. So I tell my recruits I want you to live in the lamb. But when a problem comes, you become the lie. There was something you said in their video. There ain't that right it was in the caption, maybe that video or another canyon we write about you want to have the lyon on call, but does not. That should never be your default. Your your twenty four seven, four stuck you stuck inside of latvia and ass, a dangerous place too, because even love. Will it like a threat? You no end I can't tell you how many times man, my wife said to me. I was just sharing a love, your son and your relationships out, because I long to get that back. We assign gets older, you can like. Madam grow grown dead, be you know I was a man any decision, one more time what little Jay said? My wife is sitting across from me in the kitchen and all she said was man. I wish you along to spend time with me like that, When I heard was something else, I wasn't doing right.
before. I knew a man I hit with a big, didn't stainless steel refrigerator. And at tat moment we will consider considering separation, because I saw my beautiful wife literally her confidence. Cotton is everything to swallowed it and she just said that and ass. I never ever would treat you like that again when I learned how to process my emotions to keeping in the moment, and we leave now she can get the best version of myself and that's what mere we really we want to be free. We know us a facade trying to be tough. Twenty four seven is impossible. I tell people we know we say to each the you know your mom. Could that whomever someone close to pass in, I say: stay strong Andy! This isn't the time for you to tell me to stay strong. I should say grieve. My brother cry. Get this out. This is a heavy way. She was a pillar in your life. She deserves your tea, a man be trying to fight the tears at funerals
like when I hear the eulogy I went over to one of my friends who grandmother passed, actually no texto. I said you should be crying right now. This woman was a pillar. She deserve your tears and at freed him up to grieve, and we all hold it in and ask what we have to do as fathers, but we can't free our sons into we're free, and I I my goal. My my mission is to teach train and transform uninitiated boys into comprehensive men, but I also have a heart. My desire, my heart, to truly reconcile the relationship between father and son, to bring them back together. Where can be completely hole. The nest in weight is calling an you. I embrace it. There's nothing else I want to do nothing of a money doesn't motivate me
no faye mac you can cut all is off that your work, yeah. I turned out speaking engagements Andy. I believe it cause guy harbouring eliza yeah. That's it. I wonder what you guys know steel here here at all the dj. We drive them like this deal and they still in saint louis raw sought. A facility manages gave me home because I don't want to abandon, must sit here. We know neither yeah, we reject but this earlier, you know Detroit and saint Louis are very similar. Yes, we have. good places in nice. Nice area and then we have the areas seem to be completely forgotten about, and are you now for us to it? When we talk about things, seeing this country and we talk about the improvements need to be made and, in the end, the nonsense going on right now. You know.
Everybody in america has to realise. They have a place here and it's hard to bring people who feel like they ve been completely forgotten about a for that right. Right, I'm talking about the black nicholas yeah, the high crime, where, if you you know It's hard to be motivated about build a business or getting better moving in the right direction. When you're looking over, you shouldered see who's gonna. Jeanne back you know, and one of them biggest things that that we talk about here. Is, I would love to see our city. You know, sort like the Phoenix come from ashes no and revive and see. You know some these wealthy men and some of these wealthy women in business owners here in Saint louis reinvest backing These communities, properly, n n, n n called the bay leadership like what you're doing up there so that we can get because, like people, people tend to think they're like all? Well,
We just gotta put more money in the schools. Are we gotta put this in that? No, what we need is people that can we need people. The care and understand that what we're working towards, things were neglected. Now are only going to become bigger problems. A hundred things deal with later you know I've seen if you want to experience real love for us. get everything together in the mirror and ass. The biggest issue. Even in a community. You mention you know walking through where we started businesslike. You, nor, I tell a story. My book battle cry. We just purchased a fifteenth equipped for building a come. I will my son play basketball. The guy next to me says some was trying to kill me in a suburban, how come. I was three guys. Why do know what was going to happen. I say, as I can tell the story, but besides investing in a city, we also have to dismantle what causes there or call
that mentality, because wherever there's desperation, I don't care what background what community we stay as long as the desperation. There will be cry there until we really reckon with the. Why analysis Thirty, two: how we get to the? Why don't we can see some change? You know The work did ya. Doin you know is its. Is you asked during the why and so the recent another brother were pull a gun or me his way deeper than him needing some food and that's what we have to get to get too like when a crack epidemic affected the black community. Isn't it was an alarm like the opiate or opioid epidemic, what I'm saying is is is: is there's a double standard, double standards, and so when we can link up as brothers and sisters in and can get past yeah what the system has taught us about us
in color and again as man again when you can live from this was decided good and it causes some bad and in his well. We all know that when you can have, The good in your heart, without fear, was perfect. Love castle. Fear then we'll see in transformation? Until then, you drop a million dollars anywhere young just be spent, as I think that that's one of the biggest things that we talk about this quite a bit man in sight there the other, the problems quota. We have in this society in that country. There, not black problems, now why problems and not this community's problems for all our problems. You know and and if you consider yourself an american yeah, you know what I'm saying, because the end of the day we're all affected by all of it right at some point in some way, shape or form. You know nothing, that's why it's so crucial, like you know like like for me not a group without. If I were you, I got another have won t slogan, milk somewhere, that southern Joe goes right
there are other have that their role model. You know I'm sam, but I had access. who a few people I'm alive dash, told me what was passing by nothing? That's what really missing a a communities. I think it definitely goes deeper than others. Just poverty not condemn this poverty everywhere in all different types of communities: I think there that there is a lack of quality men. I think the problem, too, is because you were touched on this- is that when we talk about the just stating its position- of exposure there's a lack of explosion, but then what they tell us that that that a man is supposed to be as this long beard right? don't kill him. The only man here, you're going to kill a world of bees right, you're, making fun of it, and yesterday they kind of make it unrealistic right, because there's some people like Madonna can grow fish were I think. I know what I'm saying so it's like. I mean there there's a real struggle. What do you think you could take his trophy away from that? you don't know about what living right to say that if you look at those those five characteristics
make a man a man, what would you say well well What would you list those out as I can once I do, that he's defined as written yeah, but he's done so once you once you do that you're back in a box hm. I think that's I mean that's a great answer. I never really thought about it like that. While I mean, if you're trying not to be defined, then define yourself then use your box outright to the point, but I mean you know. I I think you know. Humility and ego are a huge growth component that a lot of men never go through than ever and they never get to because of the fear that it goes back to the fear, simpson and jason, because you're afraid,
work. We were talking about couple of what, if like what happens, if I do this and what are they going to think about me and what is society going to think about it? What am I friends going to think about me in that fear factor you know in your ego because of that not allowing you to to cross over into expressing humility, never really let you get there, you know and that that person that looks back you in the mirror. The truth is, you know what you're scared of you know the difference between it wrong. You know what you're afraid of, but the the ability for you to call you your call yourself on your own shit right and address those problems and if you're, not willing to go through that journey, you're never going to progress, and I think that's the you know he start talking about. You know defining who you are as human as humans, not black white and pink purple, gay straight we're all god's children away and our identity should be making
we take care of god's children and before in order to take care of anybody else's children. You got to care yourself and taking care of yourself is understanding who you are and finding who you are. I don't know that now that you can figure out who you are with not completely understanding who you're not what about creating who you want. I think, I think creating who you are is built or figuring out cause that I feel like I'm just you know just real. I feel like so many people use I'm gonna, discover who I am as a complete cop out to do any work to develop, who they can be. You know, I feel, like that's a trendy thing like oh dude, I'm going to take my me. Do you know what I'm talking about yeah? Of course? No I mean I, I agree right, but I mean, at the end of the day, we're gonna get down to spades, are spades like you're going to have to do some work in networks, internal yeah that works in the mirror that works mental. Like those those struggles, you know where I've got to a point I mean these guys know like I'll cry on stage like it's one of those things
at first I didn't like doing it was made me feel, like I'm scared of doing it. I understand when its common, like aim of others here, have not happened. Like I don't know it's not gonna. There is once you what you want. You allow yourself to be seen as human people, the not even something. That's that's a huge misconception. I think I think that people I think that there's a lot of men out there they feel like like you're, saying jason, have to have to be a certain way and I think when you are a certain way, but you still show these other sides of who you are it makes you weigh more. credible than someone who just goes up there and you know barks, you know I mean I mean I don't know like I would like to meet was that meeting about I dunno a month or two ago, where I got a little emotional about helping helping these people right were having on people's posts.
Yeah. We were talking about helping people who were in the middle of transforming, and you know like these p. or out there doing this work to become better and do all these things, and I see imposed You know that you're one like ours, or comments in. It's like you, don't talk. What talking about my team, like hey, support these people, these people, who have anybody else supporting them and arm. you know, I got a little emotional because that's important to me. I spent a lot of my life being the fat guy. and be someone who pretended that it was. Ok to be that way, and then I was happy with it, which I wasn't and if you are that's fine, but I dont think you are, I think you line, but ah you know we're talking in and I was taught the air like a week later, he's like manhood, meeting really hit everybody and like why, in their life what could you got emotional michael? What do they think they think
really care like like I'm really care. Is I've been there? You know what I mean. I know how important it is because like do these, these people, who were going Are these transformations if you will support them and then let's say I have a bad day that could be the pivotal day. That forces them to go the complete opposite russian for the rest of their lives. They might to a time were like you were saying: maybe they get to a point where they're considering suicide because they feel like they can't control any. hence in their life, an arm I take you know I truly believe I think the reason that we built this facility in our successful, because we all carry that same amount of care for other people and that's what I saw, what you do man, but I saw it instead of doing it with adults, assault you're, starting at the foundation and- and I think that such a huge thing. You know, I don't know if you this, but I have a set of children's books that I right now
I didn't know that yeah, it's good yeah yeah. So so now you know, like I said I don't have any kids of my own, but about I dunno thousand fifteen. I was Are you to do a lot more public speaking then I do now and I, What I got asked to come speak to a group of veterans out in salt lake or what was at sundance sundance film festival and were flying out there and we're flying private There are six people on a plane or some it was me and some of the team and and dude I get real crappy. Alright, like I, I will complain a lot, but it will still get done, and so I was I was complaining the plane, unlike you know, do run I go up there and give these guys everything I got and they're going to walk out and they're going to go through the same shit they were doing before they came in, like a just and I said, like our frustration for winter, we write books for teenagers as when we need a touch him before and then I'm like. ass, to eight weeks, That's when they're, like twelve, now ass you right now we re kids books and
I was saying it like just kind of just kind of talk- is shit. everybody got quite and looked at me in there, like oh and I realize oh, pretty good, so we started these books that are, designed to as tools for parents to use to teach their kids the principles of succeeding. And success? What I hear all the time from parents is, you know Annie, I love your show, but I can't my kids. Listen to get that. I get should not just be a real. You know. Maybe I should do a kid show to or something you guys is eighty percent right do occur. serious mean you out by man? good idea, so the arm. The whole concept was to build tat to give parents a tool can cause because they don't know what to teach dude like they don't know. like so many parents out their thousands
one thousands upon thousands of reach to me in there lie man. I love I love what you're talking about, but I dont know how to teach you, because I didn't, learn that and I'm learning it now and an so? How do I teach it? And that was the purpose of what the books were about an that's, what they continue to be about what you know are you books available lawyer? Who can there be one website how guy some free road idea here is it was you brought a children's books because my louisbourg battle Why do I really well with men? My publisher, we stanza hale, is do a children's verve dared you you have. You have to do likewise for the way Teach these young man did ok, yeah yeah in anything. can do to help with that. I was on my help. It I think what what's interesting now, because you know just we touched on a brief earlier. The correlation. Now we do a lot of work in haiti, and I was it out.
telling jason earlier. You know we got whenever covert hit. We did it. We are doing a thirty for the kids and we did it for haiti and we got trouble because more helping kids locally. And so then we got involved in nor city and in here in ST louis, and that was when we made our rule. Whenever we do there, we do here, that's right, yeah and share the dollars right and so invest in our local communities, lettuce and whatever we're going to invest in there. Let's invest in here and we've done that in the last two years, and back you know, is the guy barking in the crowd. He's never done anything. You know what we've been able to progress. and help. You know hundreds of children here in our backyard yeah. Thank you. Yeah, of course criticized because it gave us a good idea. They criticize, but the truth is the world separated by doers, not talkers yeah. You know and we got busy. It's like. You know what art fair to share. If we're do it so talk- and I remember when we had a conversation, I was asked the imo, exactly where I and what I was doing and I'm like you know what that's fine, we'll just do,
thing that we do. There would do here too, and you know that I think you know you start looking at commonalities: problems as problem solver by nature. You always find the common denominator Usually, when you find a common denominator, you can identify where the problem sits, and you know when you compare nor city in haiti. You know both in a poverty stricken, but we start looking at the men, the lack of men in the communities in haiti. It's the same deal, there's no there's no men in the household, and you know when you look at the moms who have you know three, four: five in particular, where my haitians on his marco. He has nine nine brothers and sisters, no dad and you go into the inner city in ST louis and there's there's no man and hustled no dad so who racism the streets. You know and- and you know, we've also invested in trying to help out a lift for life program to get some kids off the streets and start teaching 'em much like you're, doing jason some discipline and giving the
some team, you know, effort and some sport and lifting weights and a community and starting trying to centralize that that parenting right in some some type of male leadership and teaching them hey. You don't have to go down the gang violence route. You know you can use. You know, strengthen sport and team and community and and start to build some of these corker characteristic values. But from your experience like, where do you start, men for what was interesting. I found that you here is just a statistic that talks about how seventy percent of black, These apparently by single females are forcefully that step is really skewed. does it implies that there is no men around another. Then he came out, leave us in a new york times Maybe the daily news. Eight, they did a study. They approve the black. Others are the most active in their children, lives and any other ethnicity.
There was a what is where is on these new narratives going on, so you ass? I was saying about dismantling a system: systemic, racism is a system designed to keep a certain group of people in a certain position. and so let me give you an example: I'm one of playing one day- and I am I am going to a presentation- was a guy like me why the coup. He looks over any I'm talking about pipeline, the prison school pipeline, a prison, basically a system where they feel to keep from the educational system into the prince, industrial, complex sources, will you tell me prisoners are privatized, So you didn't know that peace is decimal
Possibly this should be illegal because of prisons or privatize. It means assets of people soloing. Where you want to get assets, you gotta create laws, as he just looked at me was like oh, so those are the things I would need like you, my brothers, to really hit harder because again up alive, truly document, truly values: brothers, like you with the heart to give back cause, you don't have to do now we do have to do it, but not only there, but we did this. What I'm saying I hear what you say act from your own conviction. If we call ourselves americans, we have an idea of what I mean is that you don't have to do what you do But what I m saying is is the system as long as the russo supplying the tree, the branches will continue continue to grow. We keep cutting the branches off, but the real problem in my can we people they think the majority, the boys it helps the is on in their lives,
I have one inasmuch ass. He doesn't want to beat it again. So when I do deep dive like why fathers are active in its yoda lives is not today, I don't want to be is that many of them feel like failures that he can't even provide. I can go down ally, but I've never met a father that didn't want to be in his son's life daughter's life and then, when I again as as as a black man, I'm told qualities. Narratives did are lies in that programme. I'm a generation, a boy is not even believe in themselves. Like Other things cannot auto. Have issue was boys, but we are crucial. beyond plan again, do You know, so we up. So I put that as well, but we have to go eight again: environments, where you celebrated for robotics, we celebrated for being going after being a dot
I would argue tat, architecture or they're. All you want to start a non profit, or you know is, is so what about even alzheimer europe mental, as soon as I saw it in the cave? What we do with our boys is well once we teach me motion stability. We actually have a workforce development programme where they can go out into these trees to see what they want to do like drawn. Building draw. As you know, an carpet reconstruction, but is still not celebrating you get it. ro fee for framing a house the fastest yours? Yes, oh boy, we want to go with. Affirmation is gangs. papa. Why? Because you get affirmation and there you know belonging exactly so when I even I had enough. it's only because again allotted time, if you just listen to the media or the way things are spun in the news you think is just a black issue. Again like a seer when a crack epidemic hit the black community wasn't no alarm sounded.
We will all be always did? It was a major issue, so I had abbot. we to work with white kids, one wonder it's fun, really cool the work of white boys for the first time was everyone kept up saying. You know Why do you only work with black ears or, whatever you know be ines, that's offensive in and of itself. This is a picture of school of all of my students. There is no us, my daughter says colors only you know, but you don't. I bet you don't ask the same question to a white school martial law school. Why why Germany black is ordered. I get asked at every town. Do as we know that every time A photo without any black people argue yelled at collar racist, everyone, let me see the opposite. Interesting, writes the same. In the same guy understands Oh god is not doing nothing to say that to say, because martial arts, when a level marshall either way he has always
why people call me racist that this is one I love about martial arts. We really dont get caught up in this kinda era. We train settled. The changes which the ultimate equalizer man, but but this is what would All this is that so one of my friends train with iq budgets who for awhile- and he taught me, says J, you can lose your job right and you won't. You keep a moving. Your fortitude just pushed he says for me. He says you will hear stories about a banker, lose his job, go home and kill his entire family, who says thus a psyche that you really need to dive into as well. Because again, this is. One of the biggest issues with society a large as long as we look through with our lines, we don't have the empathy for any other culture cause, it's just promise way. We see you, this
for you. Why does this is how you are the one week for me being a follower of cries, I had ass god to give me his eyes. Let me see things through his eye when I started having that mindset. In that perspective, I was able to to deal with things from here, the good, and so when you can My friend told me another guy, who's, irish american, he told me says: Jay, don't believe the nice house, the wife and kids and the dog barking in the backyard is not just a black issue. Is a man issue? This issue an issue, and so here we go. We talking by dealing with the real problem course. Resources are needed, Trust me. I know I'm right there, but if you have power and influence. were these laws are being pass with. These systems are being
basically erected. you know if you were really one and we believe that we need to work together and dismantle those systems feared. I agree, and that is so. when you look at a young boy, you now be clear which, because you you believe that everything is, why is right, did you? Guy is easy, you know, and when I was train in those boys. I saw a com. Denominated they suppress their emotions, depression, suicidal thoughts, lack composure, one key was crying. so bad just because he loved his lunch at home. He did not how navigate through his emotions, mother, nor to do father wasn't there. I literally laid on my back in, and in a school floor and looked up. Democracy will look me in the eyes. His name was baron.
And I soon was wrong baron. He just dropped his here. Crying crimes are laid on the ground and I looked up at him. He smiled ass. Oh I see you now ass, it was wise. I love my lunch at home because I gave him an opportunity to really express was going on perform Werner day how many men are trapped in this box toward a feeling that way can ex bessie then they go grab gonna go, do submission is so why I do a black with no real story like that: bj Baldwin who's, a buddy of mine, shot a guy who shot a got. Two guys walked up on him black, as he's a white dude does doesn't matter just this is to the point that the day they came up and be Jane killing one guy because he took I pulled.
Oregon shot a couple of times and bj is like super. Like trains he's a he's, an instructor and he shot this guy and killed him and now be J and his this disguised, who he killed. Brother, are actually friends and the reason that he that that guy had pulled the gun. That day was because some bad should have happened at home and his. Is what he had told his brother right before he went out and got himself killed was that he just wanted to hurt somebody. It was She was so frustrating one heard somebody and That's a real life example of exactly what you're talking about again and until we look at look at the wars is going on right now, who lead into will lead in these wars? Women are men, men, boys. Specifically, I get what you're saying, What have you seen? A movie were to war, whose were men who were stronger, marcia artists way, which reconcile a conflict without fighting. Cs the solar cell receive assistance,
and then we wonder why our boys can reconcile conflict. Why you smoking drugs look was promoted, is a system; they don't do a wee wee safety, they do what we do and that's what I'm saying it's Emma principle person just like you guys, are clearly. I don't cut branches off. I'm trying to take the tree out, I'm dealing with the rules on a snatch it up by its rules alone, and so that's how we solve this problem. is, is that there is a document of coming out of my life. I sign with the act alone fishbones film company and it should be out of wheat issue and was crazy. It's a beautiful fear. My spout me where work or do a boys in a cave of Adullam and it deals with the cause and effect a trauma etc, and how to overcome it
But when I was doing my wife in a territory because. The world doesn't show like boys away. This documentary will be showing our children. And this is. Why knows we people say: will you know I'm not prejudice were aren't you because your grandfather was lynch, because my grandfather was lynched and I saw intergenerational trauma because of its effect, my entire family, but I'm not It is because I've been blessed by so many relationships from people of different ethnic backgrounds. However, when I look at this situation with us are boys dislike is sad to see that they have to be humanised, because the first way you can live with doing something evil you had to be humanize. Someone was thus
something they are less there. So I can do this. This is why I have hope, when I one by one, two thousand, sixteen still to come. Since no one hundred million views were wide a so one comment: gas menaces, bs I know, there's other boys like this, but the media won't show us, sir, Alex animals, a white guy from germany? There is a system in place designed to keep a separate hotter. reset, spiritually, sentinel or spiritually in own press was divide and conquer. so all it is, you can't rule your emotions, you can forget about it. Yeah you a slave to them. You know people say well. Ah, This made me do what the devil may me do it. This happen at the end of the day. Is our desires to lead us destroy? We can't check was not right is in us and we
Indeed, a live that way in may and we will never be able to do that, especially with less than we don't take. Time like you were saying, sow and due to introspective work needed to transfer warm our hearts trans renew our minds. You can't like pizza. How are you faithful to your wife, man? You've just got one one. Women like for one is much deeper because I feared the most I am on assignment here and then to your prospect percent. A perception of peace is not really accurate, so most men look at sex as a way of escape as for pornography is so addictive is so you can. Control will make your all world problem. Is peace can't be a place? If that's the case, you can't have it in the midst of conflict. So with me, I've been training. If I'm in a fist coming at me, I'm still calm as if I'm on a beach in hawaii, but they're only happened when I allow myself to sit still
and of course I had to go to psychotherapy because all the trauma I've been through as me and we'll run through bullets like you, send it to something yet have long, beards, muscles trained in jujitsu or whatever. That's why I don't like defining manhood the hardest thing for us to do is deal with ourselves. We managed nada, that's what is world is the way it is. We know, confronting the real enemy. That's because you know the truth yeah, but we will, but so we were talking and I loved this by the way. I love your pictures of society or something just hit me. That is a part of the problem area, but I will have to put me on air the world m e there, because, when I think of why I was in what, Your struggle with today is not was around me. This was in me is the ban on me. The fears of the, where was neglect can go on on abuse the bullying, those things I have to suppress inactive relief.
Should I can live in a moment, but we don't face that purse. That's the greatest fear, because that pursing doesn't lie to us. We look in a mirror. We know we see the pain. We see we here. The words again from Other I'm far from our friends who led as that is so then we buy things but honest, provide or trying to be smooth, strong, whatever it's all a facade, we just trying to make it, but when we cut the lights off, we feel empty and ass, because you know for me until I said, decreased
When I was done, I wish I could go any direction. I was angry this moment depressed this moment. My wife, beautiful Saturday afternoon want to go to the park with my daughter. I'm sitting on the couch. Angry didn't even know why what the hell was wrong with me, because I never took time to release because a quarter says society says a mayor who cries is weak, a man whose week is soft. You feel fear. You know many men a deer today, because we want allow to feel fear. There is no
courage without fear. You have to have fear to be courageous, that that's it and so again, if you only look through it, the one lens will say, and why did you go to a party there was shooting, thus a black problem, or something like that you will say, but then I got white kids on instagram while licking my dns. My direct messages is seventy five percent young white. Males who reach out to me. One in the break free, so it may not be a game. Violence obeying shooting, it'd, be drugs, it'd be a stabbing violence abuse. But again we were looking at it through societies. Linz said really what really happening in the can. We really move all what's right, because we again all of us, it is way something can make us uncomfortable the copper
eyes our lifestyle will. I will wait and we really think about this. For me, I don't care anymore men dislike. I'm do was right, and ass. Well, we all have to be, and you should see that several times I rather be right. Man enrich a rather be a private success and public failure, I don't want to go home I don't have the praise of my wife and children. What good is it a building, cadmium, say wally's boys and can even say my son is meaningless. It is to have the number one book were seated documentary does will and only below my wifi. Why hate myself. being real, as I know what I mean but being real, and are you
but being real is harder for me because we believed a lie. So really we walkin around fake because we were this is worded, defines we can't be defined cause. When you need to be a nurturer. You can't will you need to be compassionate. You can't We need to be sensitive, you can't we you need to the long suffering like I had to my mother with dementia combing here doing her nails fouling, though I try, my embrace masculinity. My mother, didn't need a masculine mail, She needed a servant son and I gave her that because I was comprehend you have it, isn't real masculine need being company. of masculinity, see I look up things. I'm a principle person Look up. The definition is just a few attributes such strength boy.
this aggression or masculine attire that could The light off woman was wait a minute. This isn't a comprehensive do the addition of a male noise, women have masculine attributes. Yeah look at these women power looked up. I got the wants us to name who took the car lifted up off her father when a jack collapse, mm. See, we've been deceived, you can't define us while you think we what why? Why do you think that was the will? I buy what what like, if you could pinpoint a time in history that like Where is hard cause we saw with that? We we saw were women right. They had this me too, because I mean, if you think, about women. We we think about now. All they're supposed to be raising the children in the house are supposed to make sure Dennis done by six right, but then we had this me to move right and the feminine movement that cannot be said that that box office there was no way before that that was due to abuse such will be sent me to me
was completely different levels of feminine feminine. Yes, oh, but a woman, you, never your woman, say she's only of feminine woman. They travel women their places in the kitchen and by that, we say we are by what you got europe you gotta have actually cut trees down your beard, women, do not allow society anyone define know why take my head up a we do you have to be both can, while we live ways way is supported, being a man. Are you gotta know how to fight you gotta know how to shoot. You gotta be top you gotta curzio curries. Now you made the brotherhood, no curs feel like you, not a man, because you let someone define what a man is. That's the biggest deception men. Would you say that there is
the risk, though, because, like I I hear, and I I love everything that is right and I think I I do feel like there are. Some things are in society that absolutely need it. We need it. We need strong men right now, like there's a lack of strength, you miss? You, mrs oddy say: don't be strong right right since it is It is not only only strong is, is not an absence of two big apprehensive here. You just got it in you is this: the weapon in your toolbars. As an insane. It's ok to be you. Are you gotta find you? You got associative spill thought when I go very kind person. Was the luther vandross plan that I have yeah when luther? Let me then yeah, but you know- and you got to a r in between the seat right. Magazine. Thirty. Well, magazines in a bag. My interesting I love. I got guns to whack issue very well.
for the first time, the a and we were talking, but I if the people know me more as a hillard and a killer they're one hundred per year. So I don't, I don't so a nest of lot, but sadly beer, but I'm not gonna, let it stand you not under the name, but could you imagine freely walking in the teddy bear? No now? I know you think what someone tried to try out the auto think its realistic for the environment a middle way. Now Why? Because the reality of the environment are the airbus everybody thinks teddy teddy bear is no easy to wrestle. Do you play I got up. The lamb is great yeah, so a mind when I first went home to see his son says, hey matthew. This is Mr Jason he's curtly, is a baron is dangerous. His bare I love the notice If so what I try to operate. If I could operate a hundred percent of my life in the teddy bear witness
then I'm a mine is clear: I'm cool, I'm nine fight of flight when a grisly coma. This a problem like just yeah my claws, ain't out cause I'm happy right right is. I can't stay like this, the whole club for sure, but but but sure, but but That's so again, we will out masculinity to be our definition as what became pretended to our wives, like we would inside of us for me. May I be honest with you. I grew up where you The guy was holding a woman's hand, he could be down by five or six guys random were all year, so I saw it on my brothers would tell me you know I had two brothers who were both die homicide on my second brother who died. He was heavy weight in the world
the game, and he would tell me you know you can never let a woman know how you feel even your wife should take advantage of. So I thought there was some sage advice. Almost cost me. My marriage, I have to fight to date a whole my wife's hand in public because of what I've been ingrained Believe a man is a man. Is it really romantic unless he was so that's why we can't really up into intimacy with intimacy me are, we bought her sex. No intimacy is a touch. Look in her eyes, saying you love her without saying the words we can tap as we only masculine. you really want to be a great lover, become comprehensive. Now you can express the nurturing during sex. You can express the empathy to compare. Does she have a bad day? I've I've talked and encourage my wife, while making love to him is a.
Another boy again, but as main s, why you know I ma I'm hoping and Wendy can do a cave, capable dolan of a man because we'll talk, we all have broken boys assignments wireless of our backgrounds, color of our skin. walking allow hurting, and I would love to one day, the truly be able to give us that freedom. Now we we desire and deserve? I think it's your calling. Yes, one hundred per cent yeah, I mean it would only take five minutes of speaking with you believe that hm yeah, I almost feel like I'm, not good enough to talk, is kind of funny. I'm jason what plans has fuckin dead on, not mere. You talk the whole I'm ahead, as recorded in our well. I know, and I think you know I find a great deal of comfort and you're thinking, because I had like think I think very linear to that. I really didn't start living. I had an accident brought my leg in collision home plate in because I was identifying as a you know, a male.
national shall athlete right now that was who I was, and you know I was gonna run. You know, run at night. You know what I was playing. I was never really living in. It was the It was the term you know the societal standard that I had learned from playing like. I was going to act like a big leaguer. I was going to act like a professional baseball player. And that's kind of how I had to assume the role really what I was dirt bag and an asshole. You know and I had assumed what they did was incorrect. That's just the truth and when Broke my leg always say you know got took that from because I was treating a wrangling, and you know It's a conversation I had to have with myself and understanding that I was given the opportunity I just I just didn't take advantage of it and because I didn't take advantage of he took it away from me, and you know I I think, through that progression of life, because I really that was kind of when I started to make some turns. You know when I started to realize you know I need to identify who I was going to be by figuring out who I wanted to be. You know like
and when I start to see my life progressed from that moment, you know. and that's why I was saying earlier, like blossoms figure, who not you know was it really happy right was playing a role that I thought was. One who agree base is right trot was so worried about present society that I really wasn't focused on fulfilling. What I wanted to do and who I wanted to be, and I a lot of that was you know you think back you know and interact grown up from a broken household. You know I was. I was not the man, and I know that I wanted to be. I was playing the man that I saw, and you know when you look at how I want to go through life. You know, fixing that emotional connection and you know, is theirs.
Defined roles in my household know. I will cook and clean and my goal is to do better than she does right and that's just the competitors she reveals ray. What's that your wife bills from what you were telling me? Oh yeah, that's the competitive side, you know, and it's like I'm going to do the job and I'm going to do it well, and you know I I have like in my own little, I have a plus one theory now that I have three kids and I think this is going to add another plus one I would I would. I would probably at this point knowing kind of what I got. I would consider having another one, but you know Rocky's gonna kill me now, but I have three children. You know and eventually to two trees are gonna go from the forest rocky and I'm in. If we have plus when we believe one one more good one, then we took you know from the earth and I find it's. My internal obligation to you know: try to develop young humans, and specifically
son into being better versions of the of me through showing them how to do it and things that are things that scare they scared to being a dad is hard rice and being a being a good dad is even twice as fun and harden is and you know. It now comes with a twenty four. Seven time clock you, no one and being the person that you're supposed to do or be when no one's watching you know and making the right decisions when there are no repercussions. You know in doing in and shrink constraint on yourself when you the One is going to know you know and those those parts of life are really tough, because you know I try to give a try to give myself the advice. The emotional advice on the twenty four seven three sixty five- that I would want to give enzo my son in the environment in which you across that same path- and I try to put myself in that in that place, because it's the only place that I can give myself the truth. You know, like the the the best advice I think comes from father to son, because
we want better for them than you want for yourself, and you know when I get in a tough spot, even though I was sharing this with. You know the best part about having our dad two doors down as he comes down and he'll, give me he'll give me the truth. There's a non emotional answer there because he wants what's best for us, you know, and he will give me the truth as he sees it and I try to really. I try to do my best emotionally to try to give myself that same truth. You know twenty four, seven, three sixty five. What is the advice? I would point my son to do right now. What is what what I want him to do and I try to replicate that action and through that I've had to go through a lot of emotional things, because you know you want to raise a sun, that's great and sport by realize, like sports sports, don't identify him his greatness
you know good, and not only do they not identify him as greatness like I want him to be competitive, but I wanted to be compassionate, and so how do I teach him that after show him that peace is hard man, because, as a guy like who doesn't want like last night, my sons at bat, first baseball practice, you know what baseball guy Of course I had to fuck barred, you know absolutely. He should that's right. That's right! You know like fuck I dunno you don't sit here. Thinking it's inside. You know that chapter of life, you know, Bela, being young man is hard, but the interested in the dividend pasteboard, as is his tenfold- and you know, going through that emotional battle and that emotional internalization is, is a necessary evil, and I think you have to face those emotions. You know we have to learn it. It's so k to before
traded but were not designed to be perfect, were designed to progress, said att man. You know we have a saying, you know the piggyback of what you're saying and emotions a great service, but poor master So once you allow emotion, amassed a u you become its serving, and so I may truthfully sam managers from talking with you today, you one created to play baseball you created, do what you do now. and god the father is not one who last compassion he is literally written is that he is love. He removed like you remove produce a music out of my way. So I can do what I do know is clear. You weren't created to play baseball. He created do what you do now. He gave you an opposition. The high precipice edition to help people cause he needs. You hidden, need another baseball player it needed. Other personal go to the hall of fame he needed
how to operate in his give right now and live freely from there and you know I'm I'm to you know to have met you, and I thank you for your transparency because is clear I want you to believe that there is I think you master, he didn't want it for you, Who you are, I saw you with your son, is always beautiful, embrace debt and become better at that yup that's what you you are, who you are right now? Yes, definitely? What do you think speaking back to out? You know not defining men it waters like cause. There's a lot of people, listen to right now, they're, not sure how to direct their their kids right. Do you have some? I mean what are the? What are the attributes
I have a good friend rich to have any who's a navy seal. He has this book called the attributes, it's really good book and about team building, but I fell means that people really like, like, like almost society is almost regressed so far, I don't even know what the values or the skills or the attributes they should be. Teaching are because some of the things that are that are poor, pillar right now in terms of culture. Movements, people know in their heart are not right and though not healthy, and so in this crazy world, where we have all of these and by the way, I want to say this: I agree with everything you said about the systemic problems that we have. We need better leadership in this country he's going to unify americans. As americans, not as blackmail
Hence why dimona we're there need? We are those leaders yeah I to us when we actually cause yeah, we looking beyond it's us only around the last no more just the last year, the last year to have really old. My eyes then nobody's common. it's all her. So I go for animals. Does. Is we have to be the cavalry when I leaders we were been looking for the average not come. That's it man. this last two years. All this crazy stuff has really oh my eyes to then and in oh. If you call yourself a patriot american and you only care, about a certain group of americans, whether that be black or whether that be why or whether that be some other group, that's not what I meant because about man, remember too should be that shouldn't be about. No, it is what it's about now, because of the way that we ve been culture. The groom, by autumn lawyer and by these leaders, thereby set that only care about
own self interest, but see for us all. So it is to understand, is not a hypersensitivity for black america, for us is never For us, the honesty is italy. So that's why, means a lot win is compassion. Is you guys? Are there and you with it, but you back it up. Ok, will you say I'm off the fence, I'm on this? I then we can view and asked what could supply people think like we're in awe playing a victim. They made a wise and minimize real issue. Yet do look. I get There is no lesson learned go ahead. Now I am, you know it's it's. There is major differences even from the way we have to pay for insurance. The way we lose a thousand says so.
again we're we're that now, when we were there, we are there. Is that we want yet tell the truth. There is no sense in where that change, and so this were knows not away. France as well Alice and it is this. Will the delivers knowledge you soon? As I always said, I have to qualified, we have lacked france now, anyway, I reasoned reason us reason. I said that is because not to justify anything but to say that this point when all that was happening in twenty twenty with the Joyce floyd situation, police brutality throughout it hurt me to see. Well, I didn't shear, the voices of my friends have different ethnic backgrounds. Wasn't angry. I was hurt because I had,
thereby that's what I mean by really being a guess. Real is air. That's when you know when your problem My problem becomes yours, yours is man with his justice somewheres everywhere. I don't like talking lie at all in our debate on do all I said to myself and follow me and I get the stuff done Not you! You issue that that's all I'm saying is its if we really about tat, we see We have to use above the sooner we really. We really want to have that type of change in this country. Do it like I may see, and it does have to be grandiose start like with your door, but more so than just giving really try to deconstruct
so many systems in a still way, because again you still want to be wise in I can open air. You know somebody one guys now my brother was very dangerous me. Her bags would come through the airport. His bags are open cause of the Feds and I'm yelling like you know how to write to open a bags he wanted slap me, he said, do you understand who they are and who we are? Sorry, one wants to be street. Why and tough and all these other things. But then you lose everything. Could you so emotional? You can't let an enemy see you come in. You have two strategies. so once we get the horse together in the renewed these people to come Other strategies in such a way where what we worked hard for won't be compromise, but we see change.
Can't be emotionally leader, you're done you're far for anything. And that's all I'm saying is like I am so sick of talking tied it gains in you know the put up a shut up, yeah a may straight up, because I I did it. I'm not even qualified to be a seal of any non profit in his country. Nobody The amendment was this: do anything we're belligerent? I owe billy. I'm my high school diploma get me to him. Now Ok, look, look, look what's me here. I did it though that's all I'm saying is like I'm. So tired at the top If he really doesn't matter. it is really not about this. It is really not about you losing a position was so when gaining in this do what it? What are you
think some of the changes that need to happen. What some of those routes, the guy you put up a moment ago, Is it I can tell you from my point of view. How it looks is what it looks like to me looks like we have, and this is how I see society right now. I see a lot of people who are very, very wealthy. or using a political system to gain wealth. Creating scenarios that keep all people all people suppressed in a certain way. Are certain people getting worse of the of their suppression? Absolutely. I think the black communities have been long for by the people who come to their neighborhoods every single election cycle, once a guess what we're here to fix your shit and then they go and what happens nothing. It gets worse and that's been happening over and over and over and over for forty years, and so when I look
The big problems that were having our inability to connect at ground level in the actual citizens nappy elite families that run the entire country talking about us if we can't ever get together to it's a till to look at these people in unison and say hey. I were going to do this. We whenever we won't ever be able to get where we're gonna go. I mean in the search for has been more than forty years, for us is so s it's you know it's like I said is. It is. Feels insurmountable. Most of the lies, are we being too and then the positions in all again systemic racism at in in for me, working with young boys, black boy specifically in detroit, to see privatized prisons, not being eradicated
because in order for that businesses survive, you have to get prisoners. And to see somebody statistics come out about how black men poured over more than white men. Mistake: police, just came up, came clean with that. Why to fill to a system. So why are they still privatized prisons. I can go on and on the school system money being spent, all stadiums. There was it really supposed to be spent on schools or or bees fists, sixteen billion hours, which I did them. Asked by the way. I don't remember it, because my memory is not that good. When it comes to this,
It was sixteen billion dollars sent to ukraine guy. Now, if you take that sixteen billion an you divide, it see here by the top fifty five metropolitan areas you end up with almost three hundred million dollars, metro area, tat. Fifty five natural areas we can be putting into our inner city educated. We can, but we can do that same man. We build out the wash We, oh dude, I'm with okay. So again, so we're cutting off branches. Now yeah, you see what I'm saying yeah, that's something that's going to keep happening here, I'm with you on this and says we have to uproot the tree. And ass does the biggest issue and is so many issues for me, Personally, I know where I'm starting. It is first for me
need to or you're doing your pay here, but as he is crucial. I need to help people in my influence released from stop alive in trauma time travel suited to seize and I'm planning can finally take root, and we can warm and grow S. Wanting that I'm doing. So when you, when you have a great evil this been established, you have the knack its base out and it takes time and it will take a lot of effort. Together but again just talking about, like you just did the map I did that before with them when they build out wall street and then when the will of two thousand and eight when the housing market collapse we yeah, but but but then I quickly realized. This assistance is the system
Sure that's sixteen billion you think's, even given to ukraine battle. I don't go it s right now. We have those a hypothesis ryan assumptions. I can't entertain a space. It would drive me crazy, all it only to our own. Deal with what I can directly impact and change? That's why I'm a sector, but when I do, I can't I'm not a politician. I don't know a lot about was really going. I study, I have friends, they do so ask an alarm, but my specialty is helping boys and men navigate through going back and do my part. Someone who was in politics, someone who is in a criminal justice feel some. the government is right, is in you do your part. I don't try to do other people's jobs or collins. Also no one's call, but my what guy called me to do. I'm doing that. However, if I could have a platform to put the right people who can speak on all these issues in that
position if we really want to get change. Ok, let me bring the right people with me unless willie dialogue and ask leave the table with some concrete strategies to bring forth change, but far, as is in no idea, I'm telling you I did their manner. I lost focus of what I was called to do, and I made the greatest change when I just say you know what you're sure Jesus said, the bessy said the poor will please be with us, but I would not what was happening was me was anointing with oil. Gettin ready for his crucifixion chooses anointing for what he came to do cycles are mad because oil was very expensive and they could a solid and gave to the poor. He says the poor boy, with you, but I will not always pull, always be with you, but I will not. Basically, they should have been bracing in a moment that he was their embracing, this moment what they could be doing right now. So for me
I have learned that there will always be eve period longer theirs, we're. Not even that, like you know, against fiercely, is written in the rule of this world is Satan I don't even know what is written. That's why the good always catchy here you have no say I could build a ship out, a would sail drugs and I would have no issues. Will it would land on a more whatever will? Let me try to save a affirm point accuse like you: don't go to feed chosen a haiti you'll catch me he'll try to do that. Cause is much more than what we see in a natural. This happening is where I agree with you.
Bro, and so again, if, if you know conversations are great, I like action, yeah and so putting the right people the right horse together who are specialists in their field, thus how we can really get to the solution s. One oh speak on, alas, because when I do yeah in in reference you, you said you know in a george george floyd situation about get off the fence and speak you wish your friends would have done that What do you mean? What do you wish? Your friends basically? Well, I won't even say I wished. I just see a hurt that they didn't say. A word like this is unfair. Oh, this is evil this is all right. You know not right Even when we protest it george ploys death, it was beautiful to see all the cautious gathered together. You know. If the shoe was another foot.
Your people see so why people were were oppressed right brought to this country enslave you freight chilled. Now, when you get out a slave, you try to establish all seated in his bombed by torso glum karsten always tearing you down and then you see, a man basically die because officer has his knee honest snake any can breathe and I'm your father, and in this everyone a social media is talking about an hour. have sal I e dinner with sal. We talk, we play games, we go to the gun, raise together, say a word, yes says a lie. You sigh That sometimes is loud it in the barn and ass for her. Ass when you say, Maybe we really ought to go. I see I got a problem with that. Little bit clear.
My brown happen here, saint louis sky, and I actually know a lot of police officers that dealt with that guy and he was real criminal guy earlier that day he had robbed of convenience store. Actually like five minutes before the incident happened. All aside should have been shot, she'll, never happen. Ok, poorly hurry Black lives matter started here, ferguson The organization black plasma and its by a guy named George Soros guy. They took all these millions of dollars, small these people here and saint Louis they're gone. I was two thousand fourteen, so when george flight, happen in everybody- was saying, give my be a lamb and black square in this and that I had already observed what black. lives matter. That organization was about so I sent my fucking posting it because it's not the truth.
Now black lives matter the cause, the statement, the statement, amazing, I agree march, all day, for that I will march all day with that. One hundred percent, but I can't be sucked into a propaganda play that it deserves, to steal money for as is they have nothing to do with this real cause. Ok, you miss the prince of northern ireland is not a hot golly. Listen when I didn't postal blacks, where I had hundreds of people call my company. I had people call in my dm call me a racist call me every name in the book that there could possibly be called because I knew better than to promote an organisation that was that was named creatively b: l a black lives, who does agreed. A black lies man. Everybody agrees, a black lives matter. what I don't agree with is white powerful people
Creating organizations and hashtags that creatively play to siphon money to do whatever they want with and by the way, We see the same thing was staying with ukraine, who's. That so now again, Andy respectfully you, MR principle, and understand it. We think this is a further argument, either from black the I'm talking. by a man being murdered. I don't say you posed a black square, not at all like. No, no, it was him to send a process of giving you the other silent about data really know where go on. I hear what you say: I'm talking about a man being murdered for what What was he accused of doing the browser that exercise
I've, seen my white brothers point guns at police officers and they don't get shot at so now, so that it dismisses finishes points. What I'm saying is this? I'm not I'm saying that for me not to hear one thing you're going to possibly You say this is not right now. I thought it was definitely not ok, but that's all I'm saying or else let me go a little deeper. You can actually go back to our show know as I understand you guys. Are we just talk? I understand, I know who you are. I wouldn't hear of her but ass. It is you guys elusive great. We are saying, is I didn't get a personal call? The sea is on offer?
We did know YE way it, but you see what I'm sandy ass is I'm not I'm just a little one, we personnel, and so that's why I say again: you got branches and you got the roots and with cutting off branches, and we start playing about this big old tree and we just cutting the branches. I think Andrew's. Point, though, is that the system and, as you know, he's identified the manipulate, correct, yeah manipulation and as a homeless, okay, so so listen so again, stashed soon, as that's true right is not the principle What I am talking? No! No! No! I don't think any. I don't think I think every single person, listen agrees exactly what you're saying that was disgusting and they made everybody upset. It caused so much problems in society that we are still now deal with divisiveness. Based upon this.
Exact scenario, even a principle, Andy. What I'm talking about how my friends didn't say anything there, I'm naval talk about that. I'm still down here at this base, love what should they say? Because I would like, if I would feel weird like I'm, just be real: ladys. Let's see this happen, and I must say this happen and. like what do I? What do I say: hey, J man. You know this first, what is missed sub identify where we're going with your pay. How can I support the same thing with the word? Winners, chaos in other countries, No, his reason: isn't it us that, even as the I just talk news, my brother cause, you asked question is this is good to oh you're, not going that people have to see this conversation go down or hear it to understand. Ok like where does, as my point being is we're on our side of the fence.
No you're not you're, my brain. How my point map my little point in it is that we are of the opinion and I'm pretty cool in this opinion that we are intentionally manipulated to now, like each other and not communicate and not learn from each other and not connect and we're not not not only through, the media propaganda and the political parties since no ok I get off what we get. This is the big picture. Now, These people know that If we never get together on the ground level, they get to keep their jobs and their position. They could keep doing this over and over and over and over again- and when I see. Shady shit going down around things Just like you would I want to say how many site now that's all right right am I
point of bringing up. What do you say is like I am being honest. I wouldn't let added honesty I mean yeah. You know- maybe you some of my friends didn't and eyes to this is not like: I'm we're not close, It's coming from a white person. It's a heart. Like I wouldn't know what to say to his individual and I had my younger brother. That was a fair and broke out europe's, but I consider, but I consider I consider anyone and I'm close, we view with me and I will fight of some good idea. You like a brother did when I was about lugged george What was your brother? I got arms I like so I saw a soul and I received that we see that it, but that's why you know m m o k which saying hey. Did I take this wrong way, but this is how this bottom younger and asked why some point people afraid had I log on because it's it's it's emotionally, tough. But ass all if you're not used to being expressing your emotions and releasing them, you can't deal with feeling hurt a sort of
Like many other financing laboratories area, I teach while the men I work with your tailored his brother. When we is some beef going on tell him he hurt you. Why cause you don't trust me and I've been down with you for twenty years? I take a bullet for you yeah. It hurt me that you accused me of stealing or whatever yeah cause. That's the root cause of that anger. surface most. That's a great that's why we can have these conversations as long as you slave to your emotions, you can never Willie's this whole countries and fight of yeah. Oh yeah reason, wisdom, scar, no one is entertaining any of the now that's either to the Israel, at high emotional and manipulation. So for me you know again it's it's. I'm do some fifty HU this year, which is still young. I just don't have time to waste yes or even
May I see be you're doing. I know what I'm saying: oh boy, ass, to be heavy and a conspiracy to me. Ike. What I have learned is that the things it I've studied. Maybe twenty years is obviously realities what is known as those you play J you trip is, I know twenty years ago you might be surprised. It's about that. An officer know, I say it also people say I'm a critical thinker so to say, but there are some still bad, though do you know what I'm saying, but twenty years ago, conspiracy theories bad name so, twenty years, some of the same stuff still about am I there's no wisdom? Something is wrong here. Yeah, as soon as my whole thing is again is like sit and look, and I want to say.
That's a waste of my time is like a commercial gotta handle the problems in front of us. I saw a commercial and I dunno what company was it was in a women's restroom in a faucet was just runny in all of them, just staring at the are staring at the faucet the girl walks in and look at all the women staring at the force and she just cuts it off and in walks out as society. You can fix this problem, but are you willing to do man in a nasty thing? So we can talk, cause it's safe, we can have Dallas. Why are so many ppi cares now people you can find talkers anywhere change makers is hard to find. Doers yeah and so on. You can keep all it s. Stuff man, I'm I'm, transforming the lives a guy placed in front of me. I think that's how the problem is overcome, so you got it. We got the airs and so now did keeping, as is next steps strata,
either we scale that gotta start here their statistical meat. We can't resolve it and in this one episode, but we can do something I came down here for more than episode. You guys help me just buy me seeing how things array she er now we're going to do we're going to even more together we are going to bring my boys cause. I want them to see, there's more to life than sports yeah. Even Clinton know they get a kiss play violin and cello oh yeah, well, you know celebrate, we got out look at all this is about. I make all the time when the show the people that people forget about you been here. No, I haven't look at well. If you go to you, why don't you to go, get on the internet and just look at it looks buildings they bill five hundred years ago. Living ashore we're building, you see what I'm saying and we're say technology. It's o me, that's that
spoken to leave our kids like this phone, and I tell my wife- is often this was created to make us more efficient to actually have more time but is actually taken. I test on all of it. yeah and it's created a fake identity. It was a nasa whole nother, ballgame, yeah, yeah, and so, but I say that to say is that when you cut this off all the talking all this other stuff, the showboating, you know you can get some things done, yeah get eleven, you can get it, you can get it done. That's why they go back to the foundation of the conversation. The family were not present. Yeah, we come home in august
evicted for the longest thing with like fifteen minutes a day I was spending with my son. I was at the dinner table and and we watch a little sports fifteen minutes a day. If I, when we as old men, we started we're sitting on our front porches your ankle care about. None of this. You build only thing: we're going to care about is our children, a wife whereby they care about me. I had no children care about all those flaunted children. Children out there fact were honoured if there's there's their special relationships to that. These guys is messy what it means to ports. What does it? Look you you kid. Now, listen to me. Have you, I would listen. You're talking to another dan were forever, for, for us like a brother will literally like they can you know the connection. You know you connected people right connections, real net, that you know you talk about. You know gotta get
it's off the street. I I'll actually want to kind of challenge the the sport thing. You know teacher more than sporting in it till it comes from experience, because I I actually have you myself as colorblind. That way and the reason I view myself as colorblind is because of the locker room because of sport, you know and then play with black kids and white kids and pink kids and not play with kids and and when I graduated and you go to college AP. Those were my guys in any playing pro ball that those are my those my teammates, my dudes and sport taught me to be that way. You know- and you know, I've anthony monegan is one of the one of the browser plays in chicago like when I'll ship broke out in Chicago. Like the first call, you know he he is my first call a yes, I know you, this is where you bouts, where you live. You alright actually moved out there thanks for in it. So sport taught me that in that capacity- and you know, I think, there's a lot of good things that happen. Inside of luck
A lot of you know necessary, necessary things in leadership and competitiveness, and you know an interesting. They don't happen in other environments, I'm just saying they are very prominent. We so I'm glad you brought this up bro, because I don't want people to think that I'm anti sports know how I know this is I'm gonna be clear cause I'm not in arm. I'm very fallible just a little too much weight No, no I'm just saying. there are enough character. Coaches. I guess what I need to place. More emphasis on sport is very powerful if you use principles and teach boys really more than just playing a game tyler that life is lombardy, do menu. I can have a bowling league and I could transform both I may say so. So did you notice is while transform not the sport? Ok, you see that was modest under me. I'm glad I want to clarify that probably need to be more aware of when I'm talking, because I have an issue with
This is why I do it is this. Is this? Is so was more to life. S is your prime example: the cup was time. We invest in playing a game or sport is typically forty. Five years so your entire life? Could you imagine going to school your entire life for for your job? No, it doesn't make sense at all. The problem is boys are extracurricular because you can't miss. Practice has got a study for his exam coach, but I'll be at the game and expect to play. You see. None ass, confusing point s molly thing sports is great men of a competition teach boys how to deal with anger and disability. As you, MR shot diamond writing how you feel I can tell you that there's value in both of those there's value in both the individual sports, like when you, you teach and also team sports, but I think you know. I don't want you say wrong row
What did you say right and I think there should be there should be. cultural value on getting recognition. If your achievements outside of sports, because I grew up playing sports as well, you know up sounded like tell people this buzz actually way better than him. We, so you know ability there, but you know that thing is like this is where I was getting back to with like that. The traditional ism so to speak in terms of architecture right. I think these things are important man, because I like look at all the look. It look at art, then look at art now you know consider ought not like dude staples, a hot dog. You want in the cells for two minutes I broke my like a boy like Yeah do have it's like a big troll, like everything's trawler joke and what the word that we're leaving, because, we value very small amount of things too.
two I get I want to sell it no more on adopting the you not beings was you will. Let me because sound think about laying ceramic marble. Yeah, ok, do it will lose the new zealand guys. I have one employee because we would beat our thousand deaths to make sure there was no voice. A hairline crack in one of the towns. He call me always says you think she noticed it ass it s, not important. I noticed as writing. and so I have certainly agree at another. We was gettin wifi put throughout our building and the guy's a friend of mine, and it was a guest, a little hot spot. Whatever his call I was in the ceiling and I looked up at her. He looked up He says you know, you know, you're very meticulous said was not copying, would take, listen just one right, because it was he caught the whole allow, but it was too big.
The device is, what do you mean ass, a war with that company, the maker of that device come here high professional photographer to take picture of way. That was in for their brochure. No, he said no, I said as not meticulous, thus being right and so to your point. So much stuff is just able to just fly in so when you dislike this press was you guys, teach writing and it's like pushing a cheer up the death like when you leave it. S like I started, believes that was wrong with me at the office that you shall be. No it s a nice. Just it's not right! You not dare put to cheer battle. Was the first thing I said everybody in this building removed in her tears going back. I have your chair is now back and I think you will not you come back in. There will be you wanna have placed us. It was job witnessed the principia in order, as there are no principles, because everything is quick fix, yeah, it's incidents, principles of bill over time. That's right, and so I agree with you, but I'm also careful because someone
most creative things may not look is the way we want to know where we were used to, but our group am glad they were invented for sure. But yet to your point, a hot dog on a was like come on. Do yeah, but it is a is a is a is a hartline. You note it's really dislike either this. Where that way, I guess the principle is doing with integrity there, I mean, if you can, you can do whether your artists paint with integrity. You know I bilbil with integrity. If no one sees it. Do you see no other user lay tom and I didn't have any customer complains there. above and beyond and NASA's. You know it s. What you know again we train in martial arts. You know by like we were talking about grappling earlier. You know, I'm not you know, we don't focus on just you just super. I love the
principles. Did you see digits in while most of my friends practice jujitsu? When you teach a boy not to let someone take your back in life, there are so many principles you can title. It always keep your problems funny and we train that way. So now is downloaded. So when you grappling, you know not to give anyone your bag in life, you know to keep things in front of you and that's why when you teach press was it may take you longer indicate what you can go in a jam in train and pick up from another and I mean how do you learn super fast, as I know the why to why this works and ass, the key and his men? We have to teach our key his patients, the long road. Like my son, I don't you know my son, men, are put pressure on him to perform.
Because annoyingly I didn't, but because of all the things I am able to accomplish like me, and I cant do nothing, you know deck and do it instantly hit me went ass. It also, and I get it you lookin at the finished product. My daughter saw the work so my daughter, hard working me. She handles her business in California. My son sees fit. product so now I have to go back as much as my body. Aging is tired, as I am to show him the process. So I wouldn't even play my children. I blame the adults again, Are we really spinning enough time with the children of this generation is show them the process, while we too busy Wanna follows in ipads, you got it we go out to each a family nobody's on your phones. you get home where we you, when you tv, the bedroom, no more. We got ipads so who really to blame
for the cold, you been away, it is in us. Why say you know? Look not mere man and in another way you sure Jesus said he says, don't be a hypocrite first. Take them plank gotta, you! Ah, then you can seek Clearly we move the speck out of your brothers, so we cause I'm in a mere words. The civic were ass dyke, and yet there is a big difference. Stop judging people, because I keep seeing planks of my own. then it was until I can remove it and my able to help them. We move is when you done with someone, I can be very sensitive, you can't do say we get there. After I odd man out blow it out. Even you know you can just I could just tap on your eyelid and it can hurt you.
Are we supposed to be with each other? One was struggling when we got things, and I liked it with some reason. It's just it's. Just too much is controlling us is an addiction. We can't do that. We have to be patient, as in we can make gimme more. I can get accuracy now. Let me get this out your eye and then was swiss also sweet about. That is that we know what it feels like They have something bigger, and so we do that man, you stop. Judging you stop complaining about the children, a member when cold at first hand the pandemic, the teachers was upset. My son, because it has missin assignments, great, teaches don't get me wrong. Because it was I was. It was difficult to transition from a person. A virtual is very high fuel. Caring teacher- and I told you just say, listen now. I want you to know that there will always be an ashtray by twenty. Twenty one is reporter. When you grow to the bottom is will say:
dimmick. What I mean by that is that you will not pressure my son into doing school. The way The way was in person when a missive abandon if conversation allow me to speak more with them and there was able to help them teeth were because again we're performance based as a people when it was saying wait a minute. Let me adapted is that's why I hate I found you just who so late you have to adapt our really firm it. Two thousand and four I was thirty Thirty, four, I think, and then I didn't take a series because again you still coming out of tradition hands. You know you want to look sweet with the kicks. Would you just who nullifies that? So Did you see his men? I would say until two thousand in tehran met him, but it doesn't thirteen. You say: willie terror, oh that's a textile will. I know he told you
We do ok, dad he's pissed obvious in hawaii. Listen! Well, that's it beautiful whether day. That's what I but on africa was saying. Maybe do you should do some was put down. Say: you're you're, talking about a jujitsu, discovering it and we shall take MR thousand, majority iran within prided, because africa, where you off track, is ok, but here, but you know, again, just I guess a, but it was whole The same man is make a shoe we as adults and man. A modeling. What we want to see men have weaken grass, tat, miss correspond, with our children in the thing man and this can be how we have talked about marriage. You know a lot the we worry about kane enable when I adam and eve and so I should is, and I shared with shoe salah believe what did I think I should? to my wife,
Recently, man is hadda, something just came up in her. She dismissed introspective work and made thirty years words and things. I would say to her that was negative started coming out. She hadn't gotten over which she was suppress it just to keep the marriage gone. So we went were hours psychotherapist where mares counts, I'm so thankful. Why and where I am now, because a session was five hours or imagine sitting across from your wife in hearing the words that you said to her the actually shape the way she think about her. So. I mean we have to get to the place where we don't run from those conversations anymore. As with so many marriages feel like twenty values. Thirty is what did you get divorced now because now you're tripping over there Not that you here for so long under the wrong, so my wife and I we never wanted to beat a couple, and I was able to say, like
How can you remember have to stop? I just say: I'm sorry you're, not there. You know, and in may, when you were me, I can get. There are really believe you noticed the community's changed, but the world we can actually live from our horses, thereby egos Is it is, is disguised limit man, things would drastically change and ask me mission- and I you know I must stay focused on it. How can people support admission oh my non profit is called. The union is spill with a why in front of it, so I website is doubly doubly w die the union, org best. He ate ii, the letter, why than a word union, dot org and you can do there we were we renovating second floor creating a bit computer lab multipurpose room. I held the willingness room where we hill she is released trauma. well they're through neural feedback counselling, as well as meditate
soon, and we also have a a film studio, was well dare to teach them how to star pie, cas and other things will it can generate income that allies with their passion and then, of course, the cable dilemmas the top floor. The entire, therefore, is the cave, and you know you can support a child can of What's a wishing, you know cause again, we have to keep our lies on, and so a lot of, I don't as one so thankful. Esparza key all right now. We're good saddle care my pay this among and you let me no when they are ready, and so that's how they can support
and that would be truly a blessing, so we can continue to again do what we can. What we call to do. That's awesome thanks man thanking their ai. This has been a you have a gift by the way- and I know you probably are aware of this, but you have an amazing gift to open perspectives and make people think about things in a different way, and this show has been I mean private show. I've said the least bond on it at the six hundred so did I d done ah for reason, and I just wanna thank you man and in commend you for the work that you're doing and said it is very much appreciated, which. a lot on the show by handling the problems right in front of you, and you're the living embodiment of that I'll. I love the focus on it. A lot that you're so focused- and you understand- because do that's where I'm coming to europe, into the I'm? Coming to the point word:
the mountain is so big and sole wellmeaning it I'm realizing that I can only control what's right in front of me and if I do try to worry about the mountain problem, it don't every affixed because just look at the mountain and that's no difference in building a business or building physique or building your mentality your building anything and am dude. I just, It has been a wonderful experience. Man, I'm really glad that you came down to be on the show. Thank you I'm on and I'm really Oh man, when I says is not needs, is he was, miss our god, man, because. I know who I am you know me and I'm thankful that I can be using a way to to give people hope and different perspectives. Without everyone staying and fight of light. More change, marijuana waste time. No more, then you know, and so they
That means a lot. You know I I affirmation I I've learned to receive it. Instead of always deflecting deflecting it and seeing doing great you're doing great, because that's what helps me keep going when things get tough. So thank you. Well it it it. It is it's not a it's not shatter it. Stuff. In our view guys follow this man. You watch anything that he does a red where he's about you are. You are the changes needed brother you on and on buddy listening right now, who is, is understandably confusing upset by what's going on in the world like we say all the time. Man it's handling what's in front of you and it's it's making the people better, that are in front of you and it's pouring into the people there front of you if we all do that things collectively will get better so thank you so much making the trip beyond show what will do death now be back. I want to bring a boys. I had to see yeah Addis, great working
joy and then the principal mammas, seeing a piece a trash anywhere. I thought I had. I went to the rest or rest room ass ass. He paper on ground when I look closer. It was the logo on a man in front of the. It is ridiculous that may enable that stuff. So important. Now we are here to just like you teach the like. You were talking about the wifi and the ceiling right. You know what people have to understand when it comes to these. These skills, skills of discipline, skills are doing things the right way all of the things that we are confronted with a daily basis, contribute to build. Skills, skill being present inside of that's right, so I'm a bit like Weird about it. Like you, you, like you, said. Oh, we could talk some like I'm aware like. If I see a speck of paper on the floor, I don't think it's a speck of paper. I look at it and I say I found picked out and I'm going backwards and it's been hard to get here,
what a wonderful backwards as on I still all those little details like you it's not being meticulous. It's just being the way it should be. Do people don't understand disney world? Did this had the same model yeah? I worked at a charter school in Detroit one of the best when it first opened at the security the king did not want to leave. He made it like disney warner asked the the the ceo I'm like. Well, what is it he was like you ever seen, litter at disney world. I said no, he says you won't see little here. It makes people feel more valuable there. Anyone special. And so, when I walked in here I told my programme direct ass, a man there's no trash anyone, not a piece. paper even in the lunchroom will you can expect to see something you find son come here?
let us put it out, but even that you and I don't want to discuss this key payment is poison, but this is deep. So when I went to work out airy, all the dome bills were in order in it in the right place and then turn the correct way. So what do you do with saw me? This is like men doing this. With this being out of order, could probably coffee ajar people mean I understand what you're really teaching them but see if they move on from here to somewhere else say everybody wants to be, entrepreneur, they johnson as very hard. when you become one you realize how important principles I did you teach, and I just take my hat of man ass well, mamma, my boys to come not only to dream big, but to see the principles. Do you see anything out of order in here now want you to go back to your room, and until me, does it line up with the principles you just saw and then Does it even liner? What the dream you, one or two sorts
We all those things dude as an investment in what we're doing like AL here's how I look at a man if I walk past at pisa brought? His is lord my standard so just like a video game, has speed ninety nine I say discipline, ninety nine, gay and when I walked by their and I'll do anything about it. I just want to maybe right and if you pick it up, I can keep my standard up them right. as for salsa me as they don't give on your standard men at home. I I see trash blow into our property or a grandma orange home depot bucket image below the bones to pick up trash cause. I feel if I walk by it is like God is like. Are you being a good steward of what I've given right I'll go grab that clean it up yep asset days, yo stands for custodian as right stands for custodian. I don't care, may you know I saw the game in august. You know this is. This is a raising manner. I cannot wish you good luck,
Have a model to teach business owners cause I haven't walked in nepal, like this, I don't believe in my life. straight up series alike nothing. In here, man like the glass and I was just what I was way, notices funding we are lost, The media sow is so, you know, is glass tables beautiful for those who listening at the logo lit up in a glass? table we eating lunch at this table. So we finish this. It like who plays a table cause is glass DJ grass spare my he got up immediately ass. Would it there. Now the landmines immortal, romania, is his life means a lotta, you value. That is, I guess, that's cute over a lot of people's heads. Well, I know I know you get the guys we're gonna the same.
sure no citizen wants baseball practice yesterday and work. There is only one person picking up trash in the field. You that's right, you're, giving me a year! Mischance added! I worry about is the hope is the next progress will be two or three at it and I see they see you will see you here, like you know a member, they try to school. If the ceo was Pineau trash it was probably a boy I mean like you, try to beat him because he is in these nice outta there, in a grass grabbing seed, no is one I say to be done and may I got the wrong staff. No, I saw my committee, this is, is just amazing in and we commend you back. I now we were. I can speak for all this. We really appreciate what you're doing and it may not get the alkaloids. The big I'll call aids and a bit. You know all these things.
well, you're doing is what really matters man and I thank you for doing. Thank you both thank you appreciate. You got there I think I definitely saw guys as the show if it brought you some value for major. Think if it made you see a new perspective have taught you some things. If you thought it was worth sharing. Please share the show that's how we'd rather show so appreciate you guys. I love you guys were talking sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope Kang both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.