« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

217. Andy & DJ CTI: Elite Rich Getting Richer, Djokovic Leaving Australia Disappointed & Ghislaine Maxwell's John Doe's

2022-01-18 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the globalist elites who've more than doubled their wealth during the coronavirus pandemic, tennis superstar Novak Djokovic leaving Australia disappointed after the court dismisses his deportation appeal, and Ghislaine Maxwell's decision to let the court decide whether the names of 8 John Does will be revealed.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph can't both doesn't know his shot case closed. What is that guys who stated priscilla- and this is the show for the real estate goodbye to the lives that figure the same illusions about our society and welcome to the motherfucker reality guys today we have eighty and dj curse the internet. Bulgaria had lots of good broadband I man with the show right now I'll, be duties daily, shows or phone, because we could How can real time or what the fuck is going on? Like the one thing tat, I love the work we do battle before you, here. We didn't embassy approach. We talk a little bit about what the fuck was born on. What are those We later No now like we could actually talk about this crazy bull shit, as is happening or you guys her this, your trust emilius worse now as right.
That's right! Hey we get more fucking downloads, the most fucking liberal media, burrell, look just like rogan. Now we ain't on his scale, but yet we're getting nes right, we're getting there he's great at what he does bro, I'm so thankful for that dude. You guys can fucking say whatever you want. I think he's amazing, alison or shadow. Ever I watched her lips, I don't? U nautilus, aviation analysis I don't know. I know this is my own show, because I don't want to know what everybody else is doing. I want to keep my shit. My shit junior organised yeah I've heard about that too yeah, it's probably about rowers. I just saw I just shared you this meme. I just saw this as a as a Joe rogan clip he says quote sometimes on cheap days are put a little extra, saw my steak and then has spoken. Brian seltzer his you're. Gonna miss ingesting sodium chloride, a chemical known to explode under the right conditions. Do so
What the fuck, like, oh my god, Jesus Christ will do. Independent media is the future. It is the future. Okay, you have to hear the shit. That's going on from people, it doesn't have to be me either, but people that are unaffiliated with corporate interests. In in the big corporate way like like, I know Joe, runs as right, but those are little products that that he that he likes and that's okay. I don't have a problem with that. I don't like to do it because I don't, I just think it's cheesy as fuck, but but I get it right, but like do when these motherfuckers at fox news are beholding to the farmers, critical brands, of course, they're going to act on their behalf right right or cnn or fucking any of them out of those five commercials after they go off for fuck three be formed and that'll never be this. We're not going to read from a teleprompter trump folks. Somebody telling us read this shit like not in the point of the media. Sharing this to you guys is that if we're going to have a transparent society, ever again, we gotta support the independent media, mrs kane. I know I'm not the best at what I do on the best of what aid for seller does, but I'm not the boy
his podcast around the world are the best this. Without this I'm cool you're doing me. Will you guys got to start supporting these independent people? That's the point! I ask you to grow the show and share the show. So anyway, the crazy shit we got to get some crazy shit may also. I didn't have a chance. There's just came out. We also show you to make fun of people by a woman. Like ribbon on peoples for some reason? Yeah, I guess I'm forty. I didn't have chance to really make this like a full topic. I just had to throw this in here real quick that dunno, if you've seen it yet and MIKE tyson, Jake Paul fight what Therefore, provide a solar and thirty six may I don't think they came out with an actual date but then we are when we find the most vegas me. There's like a fucking you, thirty, eight thirty one hundred shit as big, but no jason. Boy yeah I know yeah yeah mike mike's, a big big one pie guy too yeah he his. So it's like I'm here
It's what I wonder. If you find my while you friends, you find friends our people are the common denominator? Is you bro? What's going on yeah? Listen, I love the podcasts yeah. All bros are fucking bad ass, dudes, yeah, they're they're, taking the world by the nuts, if change a lotta shit, man love it yeah. I love what they're doing it's awesome man, so I mean no fear in those dudes. Now that's what I like about them. I'm not talking about like physical, I'm talking about like just the whole thing. They just don't give a fuck. They do their thing and it's awesome other white privilege, ma'am. Now I remember. I got some good headlines for you man, so I thought that'll be interesting. I gotta be cool who who's? Not gonna. Watch it. That's the point. The point is you're gonna watch and you're gonna try. talk about it and you're gonna fuckin b Do it and you can sit here and say well: fuck you're, just gonna watch because
everybody's going to watch and you're going to want to see what the fuck happens exactly when these users are geniuses in that regard, yeah Ellis is amazing. Marketing bro, like the fucking, fucking Jesus dude, I've been telling people for years. Years ago, I was on fucking their show. Like their low youtube, but not the little, you did you ever tell you to show a few years ago. We punter we punctual in one moment my land, both in our j, pretending to give it to him as a fucking gift. Alamo, what it's probably by real lambo, so yeah, no shit. What I'm saying ocean that day he went and bought his first lambeau that day no shit yeah. He went by I fucking blew her her that he has supercharged like that day, so there was fucking. You know, I'm really proud those dudes man they're coming a long way and do their just getting started off some guys. I've just like the shake a shut up, unapologetic. What I read is forty is how many fucking losers aidan I'm sorry, you could hate autumn all you want, but you look like a fucking clown hangar mercer. There do a big shit, it's cool,
Haiti is put more money in the bag. It wrote louis, I learnt paw look apologists partner with his fuckin bigger. right, ok, aside, to create a company to arrive. Our migration drink you don't say like bro, these guys get it. Now. Look, I'm just glad, I know I think it's bad ass, how deadly watching it definitely was maybe I'll be there. I dunno pretty fucking cool I've never been to an actual I'd say you could go up so maybe I'll be there. You go Nobody will have grown up up up up your emotional support. There is no less true gotta, be there because we're together. Nobody calls me racist, up up up up up. I think we're like interracial gay though they call you the racist hurry up I do hope we hogshead on the show that you are to tap dance. You are most welcome. Also borough he's funny, if not the most frightening
the best was. When I was shown in the ghost ship at the fuckin dinner, there then I will play those. What do you call his mom and say yeah tiger? So therefore he's like man, I had to call my mom. I said a semi. Why people believe in those who said really? I really am. What do you think it only right that with the fucking goesler shows issue, If we believe in a row, here's my question: how come in if I can go show for real, the black people die first. No I'll be of real. Why is that every warm ok? But you would think that after years of years and years of a shit that the black people in his fucking Movies will get smart, yeah, no shit, no, the only black person who hasn't gotten a movie in the horror movie who they're fucking, allow KU, J e, boosie Are you and I wondered at all it's easy to hear of mythology kill the shark by the way and other? Do I find him?
good school. My mom had a big russian nobody had a crush on her lap awry still does not rooms like we're adieu, still pimping there. It's fucking ll cool J Jake, I'm here we started the shell. Far from talk some so racist. Her large number, one. Oh by the way guys all these links, the articles, you guys who phenomena and if so, that yeah yeah, yeah so surely Why do you guys were like what we're going to see the article? Where could I see the pictures? closer more on my website, any posada com. An first headline up got profits of. Do local is deletes, doubled their wealth, bearing corona virus pandemic shocking. holy shit, you don't
so, what you had to go any further. I'm so shocked here that the people that own the biggest companies on the world have doubled their wealth, locking out all the small businesses and a fucking planet so shocked that Millions of small businesses have closed because the people, We made the laws made them close, but allowed a big compass. Is to stay open source. a double or wealth, brought. That's a crime in itself. That's why you shouldn't shop at these big companies. below them a and listen you shouldn't shop at these companies. I'm sorry shouldn't you shouldn't. If we all make a concerted effort to do that, these people lose their power, all in all a man says world was buffet it by a crowd of wires tsunami leaving force lockdown supply chain problem, economic upheaval in poverty in its wake global, is naturally leads have had a terrific pandemic. According to the report released Monday
I'm, the world's richest men have more than doubled their fortune. So one point: nine. Million dollars a rate of one point, six, billion dollars a day over the last year. Proving elites are largely spins aired by the misery of financial ruin inflicted on so many by it. and oh shit. I feel, like someone told you this two years ago who was a guy radie crasweller. That's right! You got killed two february of river so the forbes listed the term richest men in the world got he lama schedule. Baisers yeah Google found a larry page and sergei bran mark Zuckerberg bill gates, steve bomber, Larry Alison, u s inventor Warren Buffett and the head of french luxor grew bernard are not ah nautical. quote: we have a situation where ten men, old,
more wealth than that of the two thirds of humanity. Combined combined, combat foot mobile workers have more money than two thirds of the entire planet. Put all the money together just understand sixty six percent of the world. That's insane. I tried to tell you can say I try to tell you Well, I didn't really really closer that two eighty fuckin faulty. discover that he has ten point. Four million dollars lined up in fucking investment, two point: two million dollars. It was realised within the last six months. Labels on those unrealized gains not on. That is what sounds pretty bad. I tried to tell you: do How to tell you what this words? This is a. Can subversion of the elite to wipe out Middle class america at home.
Times. I said in the last two years: if you ain't richair, you won't be able to get rich. Can we talk about each other, so Deborah hundreds, hundreds, While I ran within forking screaming at their I've been scraped wild, you I'm putting that message. I'll go what message out your own platform or wait people up fuck. It was crazy. It's great, I remember, you said that wanna would I think it might have been. You don't have much to say this, because I you devilish. I wish I remember what which episode was it with? Other was my truth, your truth, in the truth, so our over. But you like guys was by the happen, is whereby the sea, a shit, senna wealth, got about a handful of me, You said I remember you sandman I remember to here. We are dude! I get people coming at me, they're like what do you think about this, I'm like? Well, you obviously don't listen to my fucking show. I spend a ton of time putting a show off for you as the here this shit, if you listen, I once a month
What do we do about the low? What do we do about this right so like tomorrow? president. What? Where watcher, what you do with these rules these things are fucking monopolies. Ok, a version of a monopoly right and we have to get to appoint like do it. There's plenty of situations in history where your dear regulators, certain things like social media needs be deregulate cannot be. One by one or two or three people, the internet not be run by one or two or three b, the whole entire be deregulate, split up in a little groups of little people that contribute little businesses instead of a set of of you utter billion dollar company and used to be a budget four billion dollar company right right or or ten like bats that's just reality. Man bill, I'm a capitalist bro like there, but there's a there there's with this. We have to be responsible with the ethical, yes and so like a get it do I get it then, actually are you consider that capitalism or not, I think it's beyond.
I think it's oppressive. You know what I'm saying and like people will throw that in my face will say: well what about you will fuck bro? I ain't on their fucking list right either way. I see companies like I said, dominoes pizza who gives away a hundred grand and runs ten familiar Fifty million dollars and as to promote it, I don't do I just gave away millions of dollars, no say shit, nor female match, responsible capitalism how much money do you know Lemme get well. What do you guys don't even know like if I thought can actually What would you how much money I give away? You fucking shit, your pants, so you know what I'm saying like I don't I don't go and post about it. I have never made a post about my charitable contribution for sale. Just don't do that! Just do it. You know its whatever, but like do these use? Do the same thing on a massive scale right like an actual like a number of fair dude. I should think you almost is actually serving the world. A lot of weight. These other guys are too, but the problem is like do when they own that much power. Now
we're dealing with ten. eyes in their thoughts that that they create oppression for everybody else, because road like we're so dude I mean look. We came is what I'm saying here on the show cannot be set on fucking on on social media right. Why are because they don't want you to say it. That's right now it is countries about made you could do and other countries you can do that here right at me to stop men broke If I want one really going on it, federal arguments came out last week. The show that they knew that I've met. Enhydra cork worked since April. Twenty twenty as fuckin prophylactic and treatment of covert, so who's responsible for censoring that should off the internet and causing the deaths of fucking. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of actual people die from it because they couldn't even prescribed the fuckin effective treatment that they knew effective that they sensor because they were getting pay from big farmer for the mother. Fucking back see who's responsible. For that. That's murder,
crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity. Who is responsible for that? That's where people need to be thinking. Do I wasn't a hopes? right right, oh mamma, mamma, we didn't know no, you fuck anew all along years ago, Actually, it's wrong, doer and and like dude, I see very few people talking about it. No, no fuck man! You got picture gates up there. What a fucking cock sucker is fuckin face. Dude he's all got the same punch above mother fucking faces yeah. Well, yeah rule summa, another evil when you wake up where they want or they'll, be sleep river. It's interesting to see how many people are starting to wake up work
thus contributed to the fact that all you motherfuckers that are just now waken up your common new to the show because it increases every fuckin weak. I want you to understand This has been going on your whole life. He just never noticed it right. Welcome the team should first, I'm your man crazy. It like I see mega mccain, waken up she's like a re route like is this really like? ya never really happening what the fuck is, that we must? Europe must now what the fuck are. You saw people number of people that that that called the shit out directly cause like dude. You know it takes a lot of courage to stand up against guys like that. One hundred percents mother fuckers can bury anybody what I'm saying now they have so I saw people wrecked. nice people that we're trying to help them are number two for you. Helen reads: novak joke which
leaves australia, disappointed after court dismisses deportation appeal. This has happened is that over recent years, as Novak joke which followed bits to avoid deportation and play in the australian open, despite being on vaccinated against culminating in sunday, when a court unanimously dismiss the number one rank, tenants, players challenge of it- government ministers decision to cancel his visa. So can the australian open open novak shot ago that a play is unvaccinated? It's elam. Now he can't play I'll. Add they put him in a camp for like couple days: yeah. No, it wasn't. A couple of days was a couple weeks. No, I didn't know that then I think it was looked at up there along with uni the camp, and so then they they they void his visa and then deport them out of the country craft, and he sat in
I am extremely disappointed with the court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the ministers decision to cancel my visa, which means I cannot stay in australia and participate in the australian, open, vukovich deadened statement. I respect the courts, ruling, and I will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country at it. But his words get gets funky, okay, so that's australia after all, they are the australia opening open. There is the french open, They just came out with a rule had this alone. reed's, no vaccine, no french open for joker, which says french sports ministry I'm so that dublin out on their stance as well, are you said Anne Ambrose document right joker, which is a joke of which you are wrong. I'm uncultured I beg you sure I thought it was no judge other I don't fucking know that's why I asked as one check your ship bro said he was near for five days in a hotel. He was detained yeah! Oh, he went in again
These are tell them, but would still be godmother funders camps over there right now, one also as you may know that I have no idea. Marshall. America has no fucking idea. What's going on, what are you gonna show it. Media will not show well fuck shows it fox news, it only The show a up north watch fact news, because they think that well, They say they know a watch that happens to be the highest rank, fuck it by a lot. So we removed the sorcerer, France's vaccine, pass laws which came in on Sunday this past sunday. So that's gonna require people to have a certificate of vaccinations into these public places such as restaurants, cafes, cinemas and long distance trains. The ministry council said quote: the rule is simple: the vaccine pass will be ample First, the sun is the laws promulgated in the stable. was there already subjects of the health pass. The ministry added this will apply to everyone who is expected or professional sports person in this isn't so further sis is fuckin.
sincere and now I will say this doubles advocate eddie. There is a lot more important shit going on right now than fuckin watching people clayton. Now, really I tell you why, because this man taking a stand in the public eye for everybody to fuck see what it looks like to stand for your fuckin values, I'm gonna go away and here's the other thing all seas, also exposing how tyrannical these countries are becoming a shred checked his plea, not because it was dangerous, but because it would set the wrong example for people who have already been governing. whoa. This guy gets a panacea. They were afraid it would cause dissension in their fuckin policy, but with your power she's good. You will have dissension All these world leaders are bought and paid for from fuckin china? Everybody needs to come to terms with it, you're being fuckin told
what to do and how to do and what to say by a small group of a very elite people who are above the fucking people that we just listened last thing right. So it's not conspiracy. It's fucking actually happening. What other reason can you think why everybody happened? You fucking agree with all these rules. At the same time all across the globe. when in reality, getting allied to buy the data were getting wide to by statistics. If you take a objective, look any of it, it's very easy to see the problem. Is people attach their identity to being pro backs pro mask and aunt? I've acts now a dime ask. So there's no way to having a logical discussion with people who attached their identity to a certain cause, because if remove the identity they are literally, nobody! Ok! So
we have a real problem. Here is a real problem and even if america gets out from under this bullshit, which I believe we will, we are going to have to deal with the entire rest of the mother fucking. What do you think about that? So you mother, fuckers, that have kids and you raise them all, be pussies, you'd, better! Think about that bro, just being real, not as real these kid. These people in china are not teaching their kids to pick their gender at fucking, eight years old, they're, putting people who promote that shit fucking jail in their teaching your kids to be fuckin warriors, and am I saying that we should put people in jail, but I am saying we should be teaching her kiss me. Mother fucking warriors two percent. Feed, oh by the way, I got to listen to you If we get our shit together, numerical be conquered, he will realise that the wrong path,
No we're like happening, we're we're close. We got our army. People do in tik, tok videos, their fucking, barracks and bet in in basic training. Ok, it's dangerous do that if you do know how quick ten years goes by, because I like that goes by like that in ten years, if we don't fix the shit we will be, we will probably be doing something else. We might not even be new guy. think. That's a fuckin on being overly dramatic or alarmist. That's the plan. Uk America has many natural resources by more than most of the rest of the world. You if you think these motherfuckers over there, what peace, loving harmony, anyone skip to fuckin downs. we would you hold hands speaking fucking love your fucking insane? They fucking hate you Let us also be hate you an undue
We don't get our shit together, we're going to get fucking ass fucked by these motherfuckers and your kids that you are teaching to grow up and be these like. Passive fucking, weak ass people are gonna, die, that's what divisive shipment has to start has. As I know, china does onlookers as these fuckin separated from each other, so that eleven million times. While do not look at us as black white left right, get straight algae bt q. whatever what I liberal conserved, they do not see that We see that until we to a poor. We don't fuckin, see that anymore. We're gonna be super fuckin vulnerable people like that I understand why people don't fucking get this dude. This is like five star alarm shit. It's happening. you men, who listen to show you were going to let this country fuckin fail by being quiet. I taking
pride and say: ooh port of the silent majority know you're a bitch and you're. A pussy and you'll stand the fuck up for this country, because if we don't we're going to fucking, lose it and it's urgent, real quick on that hotel part is a notorious immigration. Detention hotel! Okay, so it is a classically. A fucking camp you're crazy man, our authority final, her love for you, eddie, there's this. This I'll show you there has been much. Noise is the first thing that I saw the came out since the shit went down. Arms was dive into this. the way maxwell z in an article by the way, delay. Maxwell ends fight to keep eight John doze secret court to decide where the names should be unsealed slogan.
Maxwell she's no longer fighting to keep the names of eight John doe secret and will leave it up to the court to decide whether the name should be unsealed according to a letter dated January twelve, the documents are part of a two thousand fifteen defamation lawsuit. Against Maxwell brought by virginia robert, who was one of the young children that were abused by Geoffrey Epstein, an maxwell? Ah, after a pause after careful review of the detailed objection submit a ban- party dough, seventeen, fifty three: they have you given them: fuckin, toenails, okay, so John doe seventeen fifty three, fifty four, fifty five, seventy three ninety one in a hundred and fifty one council foregoing Maxwell rice to inform the court that she does not wish to further address those objections. Here's my question lesson. None of this should be secret. None of the american people deserve it.
well the fucking truth about every mother. Fucking thing that's going on is we need to know who killed John Kennedy only to kill. We need to know about aliens. We need to know the real shit. We need to know who the fuck a child molesters are in government. We know who they aren't. Hollywood. We know who the fuck they are. Ok, Protecting them, for any reason at all is fuckin bullshit. It is what's illegal People should be million. People protesting for this right now want hundred percent bro. My question is like given these fuckin john doe zis code numbers like all your john doe, seventeen yonder, whereas we two three four five cr where the rest of these mother fuckers were well, were well how about what about all working on a victim's right right, like dude like dude, there's no justice in this. This is fucking corruption, hiding corruption, hiding corruption, hiding corruption is fuckin bullshit, one hundred and are now there's two chandos understand that there are five minutes there. Okay, with there name's coming out. That's John doe. Fifty three and John doe fifty four respectively do not
oh and do not generally objective their names being and seal, but why are we just concerned with these eight, where the fuck are the rest them? Apparently there are hundreds of them right. where their names that we're we're trying to help people like it, the fact that the ship Sealed up should be an indication of how corrupt arc system really is one hundred percent we will go in using the fight law is offering the fly logs are out there, the release. We know the names already say the fuckin aims say the names, no because they don't want all people who called everybody names forsayd odds. Could he actually for we have evidence for I know that they unseal those names. It's gonna mobilise a whole bunch of people on the left who ve been calling the ship bullshit for last fuckin, three or four years saying say: that's not true that such that's not true? What they know is that those p
it will be mobilized to fucking get the mother fucker. Making decisions gone, that's what the fuck is going on. So fucking garbage is true It's it's insane and in the united states of america we are protecting child traffickers or child molest or normalizing pedophilia protect that. If I was walking in saying in a cup, four men being weak and not standing up. in saying I don't want to deal with my liberal neighbour, who's gonna fuckin yell at me, fuck, your liberal neighbour, stand a fuck up I'm getting sick, amended but in every mother, fucker man out there in the pocket posts about football wherever the fuck they post about. I want to punch him in the fucking face. He's gonna lose our country were complicit. the I dunno man. This is wild and there should be fuckin. Protests from this people should be fuckin infirmities court in front of in front of that courthouse.
The problem is the people who are reasonable can consider. You know a week now, conservative, but like just reasonable pro freedom. Americans are lazy, Lazy they're unorganized, they won't organize like the left, was organize. They don't get out and fucking protest and you, mother, fuckers, need to take a page out of their book. Get the fuck out there For the man, the shit yeah wander percent, five hawk said hawk, so we want to show bro you can Whenever you want about to be while, but guess what it cost, and get some shit, they were after What does the world actually respond to this or respond to? Please? Brazil responded destruction, I mean I was a valid point. He made was very valid point absolutely valid. Another point of view. Sadly, this country was built on violence, lounge tints a chain, some shit yeah. Do
and then try to discriminate. Everybody into fucking shut your mouth by calling everybody a domestic called schoolteacher carrots school board meetings, domestic terrorism right, the fuck. the gender and everybody seated here everybody seen like even of democrats. We're starting to see. What's going on with Joe Biden and his his his insistence to divide this country and make enemies of the people I agree with them. He's turn in the oj. Armies turn the f b. I alone am, and even if you I don't agree with those people's views. You should disagree with how it's being handled and you should be enraged about it because one day, that's going to be you right right. That's a terrible presidents, ma'am. yeah, seven hundred people right now in federal prison without due process, because they gate they were given a guided, fuckin torn up yeah- that's essentially what it was a guided fucking torn yes, but that's not what there I write it in history books as well,
So in ten years, when fucking in the history books are now published and are, and they're gonna have a picture that candlelight vigil, they had there and they're gonna, have this this story written in book. It isn't even true by what happened So you guys gonna love. You guys should be observing, what's happening right now and be be able to see how the people are using their power to redirect the sure historical narrative in I'm saying is think here's where saying everybody sees that right, why aren't you got to be a total more on two, not agree what I just said about the about j six. What do you think the rest? History did? That's the point. I'm trying to make the people- what do you think's been going on for two hundred fucking years? Actually, six hundred years fought do I either a genius or everybody else, a fucking eddie, I'm serious. Both dunno do both men,
I will make just crazy. Other cities is move. I know it grains, meda, with a good point, man ass, the sea, a couple of towns where were on a precipice like I can kind of feel something that, like everybody, has a genuine like a general feeling that something's about to happen. Yes, you don't know what exactly like when it's going to start, but like dude, I feel like we're fucking seventeen, seventy four anna, that's how I feel and I think they might no doubt because her put concrete a ten foot concrete wall around for a while, oh shit, I must say that as even what needs to happen, but tell you right now. They steal that election. I gave them I steal the election like they didn't fucking, twenty twenty, where they close the polls and all this funny business, even if it's, even if it's not crystal clear, like dude, if that election is not run crystal fucking clear They pull this shit where they shut down the vote. Do the shit and dragon? for a week and then an out people will fucking violent. They won't. They will fucking,
This country will see a fucking civil war and it will be not a civil war amongst the people. It will be civil war amongst the people versus the familiar, a revolt. Revolution attire of national, we'll habit is inevitable. if they do they run that you know, and I think that's why they're push it so hard to bust up the filibuster, because, as you know, in which great is by these more Farmers are literally so fuckin dumb, but they get out there and keep pushing and pushing and push and pushing his. A boy people into it when in reality, all its doing is pushing the really sociable away is pushing. It was not wrong direction: centre, cinema! What's the other guy's name, another guy, the guy that democratic out it's not voting for human, no mention homage again hockey, not geared tulsa gabert emma, usually reasonable democrats right there not progressive crazy, like left his like teacher kid to fuckin, have a section four years old.
he's a reasonable people who believe in america and love america and are realizing that they were fooled and we have a fucking tyrant in our fucking white house, yeah orange. And so the more he fucking goes up there and has this fuckin senile fuck enrages the more people hey, you know what the fuck you go talk that shit broke, as you do making you're making it happen, one percent largely hopefully my hope, is that the there's a lot of regular people running for elections. Next cycle. Hope alive. Those people are going to figure out how to get. I hope that the voter base of america- figured out Can I have these establishment people in office? We have to put real people in office. There do, I think, allowed people to are At least what I've been getting from a lot of my friends is that, like a lot of people to discourage- and I know I'm not even gonna vote- that's the point- that's the most interest. As would argue it that's the point. What do you think your boy, but
matter no matter and that's what they that is the most, because if you don't vote you might as well canada the vote for then they don't have to cheat exactly right. Exactly so I mean we have to as as americans as voters in this country. We have to be so fucking LAO with those votes but there it is literally impossible- You cannot make up a fuckin. Ten million fuckin ballot count different chemicals as we saw no they're gonna get slaughtered midterm. You know, that's why they're trying to change the shit I think about this guy's. We ever we have a group of people. An office were literally getting up on tv. In saying we don't change to filibuster, we're gonna, lose elections. hey no shit, don't fuck! That's how democracy works is I've you suck you give voted out right. So that's a tyrant thing to say: hey! We're gonna lose power. If we don't change the rules that we say exactly what he said well just went to their survival
and the real vaccine data where they're gonna to trump, you know. What I'm saying like and that's going to justify trump is trump is fucked up trump has made a huge strategical error. Yeah he can he's been bragging. about the fucking vaccine and operation warp speed this. Now this unknowingly, going against what a big majority of his base actually believes and if he doesn't stop, which I think you did stop this certain conversational that, after a certain conversation that, yeah that you and I know about I know about- I- was there but dude he will lose his base if he doesn't stay the fuck away from me and more dangerously when the site, what they're going to do is there a pivot, the narrative and they're gonna come around to pretend I didn't do any of this shit.
it's the holy shit. All these people were actually dying. The vaccine is dangerous and trump made it. We inherited. We inherited the right thing. We pushed it through. That's what they're going to do, and I can already see them doing all they are already a week or two or three they're going backing off all the covert shit and they're gonna start promote, in these actual things that we and it's going it's going to appear going to appear Now agreeing with us right but they're doing that, because they intend to pin men on trop run In the twenty twenty, the winner will justify them, making up that two million gap difference that's the play. They're gonna run. Fuckin save this shit play back in two years, because he's gonna be true, no whole fucking life. You know the crazy. to any, though, is the sap whereby all of that is that there is still a decent amount of were so I gave for this. is a decent amount of americans that are so fucking stupid that they're going to believe that but didn't watch anything wrote, listen.
If all you want, you see it in your ear or If all you watch is fox, we're all you want is fuckin ben shapiro or if all you watches. honourable members, crazy. On the other side, like a messy shapiro square. The undersigned like if all you watch is one thing and you don't. the whole thing you can never see the whole picture and that's the problem we got going on here in amerika you gotta hear that's. I gotta hear the other side and understand that the truth is somewhere in the mood you were in the most dangerous time this country's ever been in, like for real, is more dangerous them one by one, more dangerous world war to america. Revolution dangerous than fucking anything with ever faced and people are making tiktok. who'd, you, men, listen the show, I'm calling on the man You men, listen to show you better wait! A fuck up! You better become a mother, fucking leader and you were stand up for your fuckin family. What's right right now,
If you don't, it's gonna, be on you, motherfuckers that we lost by the fucking country can, beyond the men. I meant gastro last segment or or final segment show. As always, we ever thumbs up segment so once your headline will read. It were talking to dudes. I talked to you and they're like yeah dude. I know I know I know I just I I just want to stay. Exonerated given drugging at a shit. There's, no choice. no choice. No, you are their enemy. If you don't go along with their shit. so you're already on the other side's. Don't fucking know it yet sustained fuck up have courage, dude do something that you're gonna be proud of fifty fucking. there's for now being the history books, but on the right side You must focus research for purpose. This is bigger.
purposes, you could have a fucking half through I guys to file signal the show you ever thumbs up segment Where I saw alarm It's either going get two thumbs up or two terms in the butt, and so with that being said, one reads: woman faces if the felony charges for forgetting to return sabrina the teenage which the age s tape. Twenty years It was a vhs, ha ha ha ha ha ha joke cause they're like a floppy disk. That was the worst you're told him the show. Now it wasn't a worse one of the real worst ones. We cut out cause anyone embarrass yeah, alright, so I found this are in order him axis. I do not I do not find her, so you actually you're. Joke is true, however, that only all my father's as shown obeyed him acts with. What's abating, obey max's,
You are like you see it. What are you looking up? Betamax, yet legged amano? Nobody videotape meditate yeah a a attract, much harder. Fuckin works to listen I listened a back in black mother fucker. Yeah he's, got six or eight tracks on it. you're fucking. You know I had before I do. I played a month or two year. Yes, you yeah. I dunno that is your homework. Guys go look up! Bader married and I thought it was a porno or something guys. Don't even know. You know how hard we had it back in the day bro they show some boobs on a vhs. You had to pause it and when you paused it, the fucking boobies would have like a fucking fuck. We know that enable yeah. That's what I'm saying umbrella like all these kids nowadays like.
You know you are working the honourable member that its role in the world are not going to value that through We saw the finnish recital finish our now, sometimes he asked We were eyes it as such are those being into a fuckin screw. Fuckin static screen broke through the box. I believe that in asia being offered to them, The vetoes is alien uselessness shows by tomorrow morning, nazi work at the warding afterwards yeah, it's kind of like the backseat yeah, no shit, oh shit, fuck. Yes, so man woman faces felony charges for forgetting to return sabrina the teenage witch vhs tapes. twenty years ago, guys were warm on its axis risk. a nasty shock while tribes update her married name, she was a criminal fork.
She didn't even remember committing. In fact, she was guilty of a crime, most people certain age barely have problems. Committed twenty years ago, she forgot to return a vhs tape. Karen mcbride Fifty two made the discovery during the term of the envy, the former oklahoma resident and moved to texas. Everything got married and needed updated information quote I went to church my driver's license during the coal with them How to make an appointment were bright said they told me but I had an issue in Oklahoma. Bride was mystified. She called the number The deal we provided and was connected to the cleveland county district attorney's office during that converse, His brow was floored to learn the shoe was a wanted felon we're gonna die, do had no right. The first which to me, was felony embezzlement. So I thought I was going to have a heart attack, you then, then she learned what crimes committed she told
She told me over. It was over a vhs tape and I had to make her repeat it, because I thought this was insane. This girl was kidding me right. She was not kidding so this lady rents. It sabrina the teenage witch episode just walk right. That's that's a felony violation itself, not shit what can spend money reminder that you deserve what you get there. Does your return it there and then back buster immediately turned it into the police. the total amount was fifty eight dollars and bury too since, as I phony it's a felony but twenty years ago. I guess I dunno and family values. If you have your closet Andy, mario all age groups. Ah you know so that cleared the sorcerer it cleared her big. They had all the charges and also shouting here if you're gonna let motherfuckers out of jail for covered in flood the streets of criminals and then
men pretend like you, don't know why the crime rate is one hundred percent, whatever the fuck it is you motherfuckers, stupid, dude, I'm so piss, not right. Now, You know what's going on, because we're not prosecuting anybody We will enable people all jail and we give, its focus, love fucking idiot anyway, and why they re in five minutes later this real near while I she does deserve to be charged running. That should now be sure washing shit, You see it though hammy you was lyra beer you guilty is fought role. You got all seven seasons seed it now. Never That's a lie. That's I believe The jury rely on July, those lounge reserve. My will we gotta give this. These accuse you shit you're guilty, but
Josie races near want to prepare a way. I know where you think two thumbs up y'all gonna. Do terms are for good situation. They they didn't, give her no shit yeah. I gave it two thumbs up on that part. Yeah two thumbs up for the dogs down for it. The garbage no, sir, I'm row or brother s a show me like that movie to keep it for twenty some years. I was yeah know I about the only she actually had the t, Rowe she's, just a barrister she's gone. Oh, no, there are no drugs in here. It's like he's a hardened criminal. Don't let her fool you bro the fucking felon. You're. My german, that's all got as web was when you read stupid shit our guys, love. You guys appreciate your friendship, sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.