« Pod Save America

Trump’s Surprise Q-chella Set

2023-05-16 | 🔗

Ron DeSantis tries to reboot his presidential prospects in Iowa. Donald Trump calls into Mike Flynn’s QAnon rally. Joe Biden is much more optimistic about a debt ceiling deal than Kevin McCarthy. Senator Joe Manchin flirts with playing spoiler in 2024. And Diane Feinstein returns to the Senate. Then North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton stops by to talk about her plans to turn the state blue.

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we're getting yelled at an hour. Now, that's a separate incidents! Sort this out in the after. We have to be careful in today's upset because even tommy hasn't either you have neither what is wrong with you it's hard to get to it. Now I've got a lot going on. anyway, on today show rhonda santas tries to reboot his presidential prospects in iowa donald trump calls into MIKE. Hans cuban on rally, Joe Biden, is much more optimistic about a debt ceiling deal than Kevin Mccarthy. senator Joe mansion flirt with playing spoiler in twenty and twenty four in Diane Feinstein returns to the senate, and I talked to the youngest democratic party cheer in the country, north carolina Anderson Clayton, about her plan to turn her state blue tar, he'll bluer, duke blue while tarheel elijah Elijah is here in studio. The tarheel blue is objectively a better blue, no offense and coach K or whatever it is. Anyway. We have some big news. First, though huge news,
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The point that I was too good, though you good, I was at the most we have every week ago, internally on so you should check it out. A community of friends of the pod on disco and we will come by from time to time to say hi. We already have been I'm going to be ominous dream new zelda game over there. Okay, that's great, oh promise! I said I'm going to do it right, that's not the same thing. I am going to stream the new zelda game over their meeting in credit, a dumb behind the scenes moments that we sometimes find out we're being recorded at the same time you do. That is true. That is true. We never know anymore nope when we're being recorded around this office. Nope never know, though, be careful, also lots more. more and when you sign up to the best friends here in dollars of your monthly subscription will go directly to supporting both save america, helping to organize voters for twenty twenty, four and beyond you'll get also get some pretty amazing, vs a swag. So that's great, and if all that
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met showing off the quote, sometimes enigmatic, later side of his personality by flipping burgers the. It was also he led his wife talk a lot, so I guess that's one way he showed off personality by by handing over to his wife bumper bowling. That was this article believe I know, and I could it. It's so funny because, like a couple days before the new yorker had an article that was like why Rhonda santas is limping to the starting line is that in suddenly I two days later he's impressing voters in iowa. For I love I just I just I love the idea that, like finally, the nations dissent, as we ve all heard about cause, he said nice, whether having in these other serve flippant a few burgers, they called it. I am appointed pit stop, which I think is a very. This is really really stretching the descent esteem also invited politicos Jonathan Martin to tell has to make their case for the governors candid
see which is basically a their internal polling, shows two santas does better than trump against Biden in swing. States amity also has a higher for Billy ratings, especially and I were new hampshire in south carolina still after a lot of trump attacks on de santas, be they think most of the big geo p donors will back to santas. Once here answers and see they think he can unite the republicans who aren't magda diehards and maybe, as the only candidate who can do so. Do guys by any of this to santa spin, is he being counted out a bit too early. What do we think tommy? Definitely being read? Not really, I mean reverend if you could make a long list of candidates that were the declared either candidate, he was declared dead and then they went on to get the nomination. John Mccain in two thousand and eight comes to mind. Remember he basically fired all the staff moved everybody to Hampshire in and started over. So it's too early to write off. We were, we were pretty close to you. We were
doing well for a while. There was that there was a hermit. Was it a new york post story where the headline was hilary ready to accept her coordination in his hands in september of two thousand and seven, I got a friend of a friend of the of the law. That doesn't mean he's doing well. But yes, it's definitely too early to write him off. Yet be written off any earlier and so? Yes, in another area, as it announced, I would say that if we go down in flames. It was the right time to write. Em off for trade becomes back, it was too early, ok, you now journey back. There will come of it some genuine and ridiculous, like I guess we're so universally well, let's hope, but their case. What are you by about the case? What do you not by about their case there seems to be a couple core two or three core arguments: wine is everyone knows. The majority of the republican party wants to move on, said the sentences, gubernatorial campaign manager and closest aid. Jonathan Martin. Ah, I think that's, maybe that's true.
But donald trump is far and away the republican front runner at the moment it doesn't seem like all of them want to move on. I am not sure that that quite ad yeah, there's, probably a lot of moderate voters who do want to move on from trump there's, probably voters who are worried about, elect ability that want to move on from donald trump and look at the mid terms and think he's at fault and look at twenty twenty. You know the reality. What happened was not that the election was stolen, I think it's probably a little early to make that argument or to say it's conclusive yeah we did it. Maybe you can make an argument that they won to want to move on, but a sure sign that they don't want to move on. Is that he's being? Is that dissent is being dominated by trump in the polls? If he can make this electronic
the argument? Then? Maybe people will want to move on to the us. So I think it's true that it's definitely true that most republican voters are not paying attention to the primary right now and national polls don't tell you nearly as much as about the race as early state polls. National polls never tell you much about a primary, but especially this early, and especially in comparison to these early state polls, which, in fairness, trump, is still leading in a lot of these early state polls. But again it's early. I do some problems in the santas case, one it's hard to unite the donors and the non maga diehards when there are still so many other candidates in the race besides de santos and trump, and I think some of these donors who were like maybe high on dissenters at first and now are sort of backing away. They're, not going back to trump they're like thinking about
nikki, haley or tim Scott are some of these other p they're. All getting quoted in the paper saying we're keeping our powder dry there there's something so I'm cynical about even the dissent has been already if it's too early to count them out. I feel like it's also at this point, they're they're, saying how dare you count him out? We have all these perspective reasons. We think he's ultimately going to win this boxing match. He is stronger he's fitter, he's he's able to sustain himself over more rounds, but he's also not willing to punch yet, and they make this argument, like will obviously not gonna start going after tromp until after his officially declared, is key,
I say it's like okay. Well, then, we'll see how it goes once you do that yeah. I think I think it's central challenge. Here's the elect is making the electability case and first of all, we've seen that some of dissenters is more extreme positions. Like the six week, abortion ban hurting his own electability argument and and spooking donors and voters who were sort of thinking about dissenters because they thought he was more electable than trump, but now he's taking these extreme positions that don't make them so and also, as you said, love it he's got to make that case and he's got to make it against trump so that it's sharp enough to get attention and our blood, but not too sharp that it pisses off voters who still like donald trump, even if they might want to move on and that's a and he is not figure that out yet, and it may be an unsolvable problem. I mean like. There was another story I forget where, but doesn't just can't even say that trump
Last. That's what I was twenty twenty! That's what I was going to talk about here, because he he he thinks he can be. He thinks he can do this with subtlety. He says like we have to move on from this. Loser meant Lady here is my elect ability argument, but now been asked dozens of times about the twenty twenty elections he will not give an answer. Has the audacity to be annoyed. That is being asked, and so how can you make a case that you believe donald trump? loser and therefore we must move on from him while door, seeing election deniers in refusing to say that donald trump lost the election and forget how you know hypocritical it is and how ill, It is, he just seems weak. He just seems like a politician, so it sort of hits him twice. The other quote in the John martin piece was not only will republicans have significant problems and traditional battleground states of trump's, the g o p nominee, but any of these reach states
would already be off the table, and I give you mean that might be true, but dissent, as is steadily weakening his own case with the abortion band, with his culture war fights with getting beaten up by disney and bob eiger. So what what the big takeaway I had from the The Martin peace was is dissatisfied, staffers realised that they need to get in the game and play the game a little bit. They can't cocoon him in florida legislative session that can only talk to, like you know, bloggers at teepee, usa or whatever they need. Play the game a little bit, so they call in the media elite that all other elites read and they tried to spin Jonathan martin for awhile and, like I dunno, I think, Jonathan's piece miss on this week and I talked about. He came away. Thinking. Okay, these folks are getting in the game now they're going to try, but they still have a lot of convincing to do. What did you make of his iowa trip as our resident. Our expert thanks for asking John I mean like strata, he's gotta. What it was one of those with a zone
No no, no, like I remember, you're thinking, hey it like a hey he's, a hate really real in touch with our rural america has got a chicken I dunno. What do they do over there? I can't it's hard to see from up in the plane he's a straw, yeah he's a straw straw and you know we're relating on strike. Sure it's all. This is what the them, I think, I'm gonna, my hey, bail, roquelaire, sawyer, chew, so The DES moines register headline was dissenters in iowa calls for positive alternative to Biden, though absent trump's presence was felt, so he was even felt in the headline. It was a completely standard trip to iowa. He went to northwest iowa to do. A sort of fund raising event with a member of congress, all those republican elites from the state were there, the governor, the e g I'll be state like the official, so good thing to do. Can like the Harkin stake fry right. You flip some burgers, you press the flesh you meet with the bunch, influential people, then I think he went to cedar rapids witches in eastern iowa, and I guess it is added this last minute- stop to troll trump
a little bit because he cancelled his event. With his fake tornado warning mister. They went to some bbq place right by the airport in des moines, and I guess probably flew out that way. It was fine. Like you got. Covered you want. You check all the cliche boxes. You talk about casey's breakfast pizza, blah blah blah. The really weird thing about this is his dissent. This is super PAC announced a bunch of endorsements. I just don't get. How you can have a super pac announced in endorsements for a campaign that doesn't exist rather earlier. It's also, where didn't did I loved coordinator? I guess it must mean that the de santas, some dissent is org, publish the list publicly and then the this pack had to run with in order to bring the languages. Those responsible is so weird speaking at this. The super pack
One thing I wonder about that is: after the CNN town hall descent, as a super pac just like unloaded on donald trump yeah, they be a basically they they tweeted, something that could have come from, like the Dnc about everything that Donald trump did wrong in the town hall particularly focused around electability. If dissent starts making a case like his super pac has been making recently, then I think he's got a he's, got a pretty decent shot, but he's kind of got to get to that level. I think it's he has to I actually make a case against donald trump, and then we will see, is it working? Is it? Is it for our refinery going to see if there's actually going to be a contest year or not yeah? The only really interesting thing from the I was simple in the jumped out at me. Was this guy bob vander, plaats who's kind of a right wing. Religious conservative activists criticized trump via tweet about for criticizing the six week, abortion den Does he like the first little inkling? That may be some activists thing.
There is some room to attack trump from the right on that issue. I don't think it's going to work personally, but it was notable yeah. I thought it was interesting about the m. The J mart piece to his the way he framed it is like de santis has to unite v, like evangelical conservatives like the people who would have who are like behind ted cruz and twenty. Sixteen, with, like the more moderate john k, sick type, republicans with the Mitch Mcconnell glp establishment. Those are like three pretty dish. great groups to get together, and I dunno. If he can, I dunno if he can have that trump lost evangelical voters in iowa to ted cruz in two thousand and sixteen, but that was long before he named every right wing judge. They could ever have hoped for and got Robbie wade overturned. So yeah, that's true. Despite not going to iowa kept himself in the news by giving along interview to a new outlet called the messenger where he mocked cnn, for being traumatized by the town hall to santa. we're, having quote no personality and
so? As you mentioned, tommy seemed vaguely critical of the governor six week. Abortion been even though he refused to say whether he would sign or support national version trump. Also, into the reawaken america rally on Saturday night, which is a christian nationalist organisation that has ties to queue and on and nazis and told convicted phelan mike flynn. But he will bring him back if he gets a second term of listen Do you like nobody could have had already came out bigger, better stronger than ever before. We love and you just stay wealthy and elsie and well and everything I want you to have great lives in general. You just I stay healthy because we're bringing you back or the my wife's going crazy, not the only one
Nobody wants to be able to just have great lie even earlier, whose reaching we're healthy, while the unwanted setting up any couldn't find it ever you stay wealthy, say healthy. You gotta stay healthy, so I counted exactly three media mentions of trumps call into work. You in on paluda a tweet from never trump pundit ron, philip kuski and pieces in news, weak and rolling stone. That's it don't you They should have been bigger news, and why wasn't it was she? Should it be? Bigger news I mean it is it? Is it values Surely me for a bigger news? Yes, I as it should have been bigger, and once you I don't know it's like he has been doing this. footsie with q and an entree social and twitter forever he's been in he's, been the pardon MIKE Mike flynn for his crimes already? Ah so I mean it's hard to get a I dunno at this point. It's like Was this worth another cycle similar to the cycle that happened when trot met, met with anti semites in?
in MAR lago probably yeah, I think so, but I don't know So this event, the reawaken marketer. I think it's it's bigger than even just you and on its eye conspiracy, theory, coach, Ella, like you got that another guy from loose change. The nine eleven documentary I think spoke at it. There's a bunch of five g conspiracy, people that answer vaccines like white russian nationalist are all there. They bring people together they cross pollinate their crate shit, and then they sell them march and that's how they make monies it's a grifter conspiracy thing. I agree as like, objectively of a weird, been big deal for the present. I say it to embrace this conspiracy theory that if you really understand it says it a jfk juniors still alive and he's gonna be president some day soon. But I think the truth is true. Q and on is become like the social is the home of q and I now trump re truths. Q, people all the time- and I think, a couple of years ago he was asked about a q q and on- and he said I is that supposed to be a bath.
If I can help save the world from problems and willing to do it so he's been up in the rear, decided, like outsourcing avail incremental to me so arrogant, very upset. san antonio- I don't know if you guys noticed that yet we went when did that happen. There's some people. People are a little upset about that. I think that the the greater danger in the media coverage of trump this time around is not giving him a platform to say extremely unpopular shit. I think it is failing to report when he says extremely unpopular shit, because voters need a constant reminder of that. They are going to assess him as a candidate, because no one has any fucking memory whatsoever any more for sure. But did he come out in favor of q at this rally? Or do you just call into a rally that is pro q? I think that's sort of the bank shot that makes it a little more complicated or he continues to associate himself with and seek the support of and praise some of the most heinous and unhinged people in our political process.
also there were this was held it trumped around one of his one of his anger paid resorts. There were two like NEO nazis, who they had to like. Despite from the thing who were like there's so many horrible people associated with this and again like yeah. There was a whole new cycle around kanye, nick fuentes and him meeting like there should just be another one right does he know like what? Why not remind people that he's due this? That is news that there's a lawsuit out today against Rudy giuliani by former staffer. That is full of truly heinous allegations, and but one of them in this complaint she legit Rudy giuliani, told her he was selling part. For two million dollars each and splitting the money with donald trump, so the loudest ring to chase right now, also mike flint convicted criminals Harlan, I donald trump, but also wanted trunk, to declare martial law and sees voting machines spread seriously- that italy used military satellites to switch votes from trumped abiden. Will that happened? Think that's true thinks
when vaccines are infused with, microchips designed for mine control took acumen on oath and then pled the fifth, when asked by the january six committee. If he believes in the peaceful transition power now and trump calls into a rally and says once you back in the white house, my second time round think that's worth I wish you well are three more dynamic along just like I was like the sea outrage at the outrage over over cnn, letting troublous say a bunch of shit that will make it less likely that he's elected president are tromp was out. By the messenger, which is a new outlet that has raised a ton of money run by the former former editor at the hill, she read himmelstein or something yeah who cares trump friend or something anyway, so the messenger ST why is doing all these non magda media interviews and end trump said the one thing I find is that if it gets ratings, they know it. They cover you, even if they say they're not going to like a fairly accurate observation about the mainstream media. But what do you guys? Like absolutely yeah? Of course, I think
because what you're saying before, though I like, I feel like there are these em like two competing ideas that we have to like have in our minds about the way trump talks about the way trump is covered and how we react to it, which is that, like there? Is this valid and earned criticism? How like the mainstream press covers trump? They can, as you were saying, allied the threat downplay or just do the work of making trump make sense right, describing what he has. His rhetoric is having some cogent to it when it doesn't and or even more damaging, is just covering trump actually think fairly, which they often do then trying to elevate the sins of Democrats, the kind of make it feel more level attacking democrats or washington or hilary or biden unlike. That is something I think we have work the reps pretty hard on for the past like now six years, and I think someone we move benito, but not enough, but then there is the other side of it, which is this fear that trump has these magical powers. and when he says deeply unpopular things in a town hall, basically open to a national bush in law,
proud of returning road doesn't support. Ukraine supports default whatever it may be: parting, the jason hardening the january six in a direction as darkly or not. We should not, which even Josh Holly disagreed with them on really. Why do the resistance joshua, but there's this? I think this fear come from a lot of bewilderment about the fact that trunk could even get close to the white us in the first place that we, the kind of careful watch If politics can see how bad and dangerous he is, but most people can't, but that's not true, right and there's a little bit of I think working the refs are attacking cnn, because you're afraid of what happens when trump's words hit people's ears, and I think that to me is can be, I think, the least helpful form of sort of media outrage. I think it's. What in the media's job is. I don't necessarily think that the media's job is to defeat donald trump or when they interview, I mean it, certainly not when they review him too. Like act like we would, if we interviewed donald
Well, that's another job. I do think their job is to just report in an objective way. What he's doing what he saying and then let people decide for themselves and you're right. Most people in the country have made up their minds about donald trump, but again it's just. It's run its reminding people what he is doing, what he is saying all the time, because otherwise you know it all sorta gets mashed up and you forget all be free and everything we forgot. I forgot all that my mike flynn stuff- I just read- I spent most of that until I read it today, and that donald trump is at his least popular when most presence is another lesson that I believe we can of our memory lose resolution and I think there's a lot of peace, who remember rightly that trumped sucked out the oxygen in the twenty sixteen primaries and no one else could really kind of catch up to him, and there was cnn with the empty podium and it was all treated like a joke, and so when they see as cnn town hall coming
wego? Has the media learn nothing as if it's a rhetorical question is like no, they ve learned a lot, but also they still do things that appreciably. Sometimes actually more nuanced than that, and the fact that at- and I think I think in hindsight, when you look back on twenty sixteen and to a lesser extent, join. Twenty was the problem. The amount of cupboards at donald trump had got or as the problem the weight that kind of coverage you got in. The way Democrats were covered in the horse race. That sort of denied enough attention to the actual sticks and also probably don't take them live with a friendly audience. You know Caitlin collins, that a lot of good work there, but like let's give a shock collar on the guy you're, not gonna, fetch and everything. So it's expectations management here for buddy to your point about twenty. Sixteen though He gave me a choice between. I wish. We had more fact checks on donald trump speeches or of fewer stories about Hillary Clinton emails. I definitely take the were stories about hillary's emails over the heart. I was the but we are not fact checking our way to a donald trump defeat in two thousand and twenty four. That is not the fuckin brow, if the, if the, if the, if
if the fact jack gun fired as strong enough rounds? I think we're different situation? Oh, I don't know he was a liar, my goodness, thank goodness, my goodness, I would not vote for what do you mean not truth and lie? I know this is true, but he went on television. Let's talk about Joe Biden, whose meeting with congrats leaders tuesday in an attempt to avoid a catastrophic default. That's just a few weeks away, janet, yellow, on Monday came out against it. Oh yeah june. First still the deadline the ex ante John janet yellin being Jesus, how I was now I want to make another genuine put joke. Now. I wasn't. I was gonna say I was going to say she is being you know, congress is filled with children and she is being a teacher, giving them a deadline, ah that they probably can blow through safely. That's a good metaphor, like I hear
while she doesn't really desperately tries to John pic anyway The president told reporters over the weekend that he's optimistic about negotiating a deal. four publicans and laid out some policy conditions he's. No one. Requirements for medicaid sounded like a maybe on work requirements for other aid programmes. Meanwhile, huh begins or now adding border policy to their list of debt ceiling demands. She doesn't seem all that constructive and given mccarthy gave up. Conference on Monday, where he's like? No we're not at all close things, are bad we're not making progress. I think doesn't really want a deal that bullshit, so let's I'm abiden. He certainly seems to have moved off his position of refusing to negotiate over the dead ceiling. Even that smart move. Did you realistically have any other options. I mean, I think with away ass would says we will negotiate over the boy
Yet we will not negotiate over the debt ceiling. You can tell me it's a distinction without a difference, but I think the point they're trying to say is: you are not giving us something when you offer to raise the debt ceiling. If you want to negotiate, let's negotiate, but the washington post has reported that the white house proposed closing about it does in tax loopholes to get money in reduce the deficit. You've got immediately rejected by the republican party congressmen. dusty, johnson real may remain. Who was a moderate a pair Lee said there to red lines, are no clean. That ceiling increase in no tax increases. I'm sorry that should not, serious position you're not seriously concerned about the debt, if you won't consider raising more revenue. One of those loopholes was in in in the socrates and call the wash rule. So if I have, if I bought shares of apple, the price went down, and I it for a loss. I can't immediately by apple again and then right off.
At loss for my taxes and then still own the stock. You have to wait thirty days. There is no wash rule for crypto currency, so they proposed creating one as point of loopholes to raise a bunch of money, and the republicans in the house said no, like that's a stupid position to take. Of course, you should not be able to game the system by buying and selling crypto all the time and writing off all your cap gains. So republicans are not serious about this Kevin Mccarthy's comments show that they are not serious at the white house is just looking for. concessions on the other side and then, though, probably offer some of their own, but it doesn't feel again close yeah. I will say it there's something interesting about the like the contours of this negotiation. That Biden can go out there and say I am optimistic. I'm feeling good about the progress you making and he views that is
bid for his politics and Kevin Mccarthy goes out there and says were nowhere, we're getting nowhere and he sees that is good for his politics. That doesn't bode well. I think for those four where were headed, I'm sure the white house like believes that this republican house is very likely to blow up the economy. They don't get their way and then hope that voters will blame Biden because he's the guy in charge, I'm not sure, they're wrong about that, so that leaves for buying the choices of unilateral action like invoking the fourteenth amendment, roar, negotiation and and as time he said, a negotiation where you say look even if there was no debt ceiling, we would still have to have these negotiations over all these programs. The spending programs, because we need a budget or else the government shuts down which is not as bad as a default, but still something that we're have to deal with. So these negotiations would happen regardless of the debt ceiling, and so they are going to try to separate those those too. But unless you know,
Biden folks decide that they can legally do the fourteenth amendment thing or mint, the coin or whatever the fuck you want to throw out there. They have to negotiate. There is no other way yeah it's interesting as they it. You know, Biden having been part of the two thousand and eleven negotiations, which were seen as a mistake right by that but you know who the consensus was that oh Obama, bahman Biden made a blunder by opening up the debt ceiling to negotiations, and they wouldn't do it thereafter. And it's almost as if, when you that that line, which was a really good line to draw draw meant that the only ways republicans could open up that silly negotiations again in the future is not by just feigning crazy, but by being crazy, they actually had to radical eyes to the point that we now sincerely- and I think rightly as it as opposed to in the past, believed that they truly would default and once they that power, and it is power the willingness to bankrupt the country and to destroy the global economy, to exact extract conditions. They have
in your also getting even more conservative members senior senior members in the house trying to add things like you know, immigration policy into a debt ceiling deal, and you know, like that's impossible. The goalposts are being moved on and Joe Biden every single day, and if you can't get, dusty johnson to the table where, as you know, and not just immigration policy mean they want, they want to finish the while they wanted a they just passed a bill. Republicans festival through the house on immigration and border policy that would like finish, trump's wall crackdown on asylum seekers, even more et cetera, et cetera. So it's like I dunno. What do you think the politics are of republicans threatening to? love the economy unless Biden agrees to finish trumps border while yet is another another place where I do think the coverage matters and you know right now. I think a lot of poles the blame would be equally distributed, may be slightly towards republicans, but he would hold Joe Biden accountable.
One of the main stream and like even sophisticated political coverage, ultimately serve redounds too. After so far apart, this is politics. Today, politics is broken and I don't know I don't think we have successfully made any kind, the case that republicans are holding the economy hostage or want to bankrupt the economy to get the spending cuts, and we that's a case that we just need if we're, if we really are pushing towards this abyss. That case has to be made so that they worry that they will face the consequence or the other issues that the coverage and a lot of the elite opinion is yeah. We know republicans are crazy and that they would blow up the economy, but president Biden supposed to be
adult so shouldn't. He give a little bit right, which is so fucking annoying greenland really got ugly raspberry. I do think on your immigration question, John. I think immigration is probably the last thing that Joe Biden wants the conversation in the coverage to be about cause. I think it's probably the area where they're pulling the worst. It's the thing where the the country is the most united in frustration with the status quo and I think you're seeing that, because I know they put out a white has pitted a memo on last couple of days. It's like if the if we went with the bill that the repurpose republicans passed to avoid the debt ceiling that in itself would cut border enforcement border security. So they know that's on people's mind, that's sort of a political issue. That's that's tricky. There are pieces of that. house bill, though that would ultimately be part of a comprehensive immigration reform proposal. That even Biden would support like there's a verify in air which is about making sure that when companies hire people that they verify that they are eligible to work, there is rules around these overstay which sent a preacher
to me, but would again be part of any kind of compromise. You know I dont who knows what's gonna come up, meeting again tomorrow and were in the middle of a negotiation. It seems like it's a lot of flux, but one way to go asian widen beyond budgeting? Is that now permitting? Reform is part of a conversation, so there are some ways in which this, the widening of the scope gets you away from the eu to give on things like crazy to coney and capps right, and you could find other policies where you can have given something. So so who knows? I just can't. I can't figure out how they do this, because unspent covert funds seems like they can agree on that permitting reform. It seems a good idea to an agreement on that. They want budget caps rights, cabin spending republicans wanted for ten years. The Biden folks say they want to closer two years. I don't know how you meet the middle on that and then this this work requirements stuff where republican said they they must have work requirements on medic aid and that's a red line for present by an endemic rats. I don't.
We are also by the way, there's only currently scheduled four days between now and june. First, where both the house and the Senate are in session at the senate. Joe Biden goes to japan this week, wednesday yeah thank him and unlike unless he wants to unless Biden canceled his trip unless they cancel congressional recess next week great week for recess take some time Rigid pause for a moment to talk about the fact that adults have recesses deadlines. Intellect examples of areas where it is a work period at a registered imitating period as genet eugenio and eats another full fuckin role of reforms, just trying to get something until the country is. I I feel like it'd, be the opposite of that yeah. That's good, I'm not sure, that's what happens but anyway doesn't seem dozens electronic eyes turned a dusty johnson in the moderates. Have other The forty the moment, I would say that the hand through the
courts now suit. We got forty, then have no skips, that's the beauty of it. People don't talk about it. every fuckin article, fourteen, the method of anger and as a bag of rules we ve taught before how the democrats defiling strategy might be complicated by a perpetual pain in the ass Joe mansion, but DC. Most famous houseboat resident may also take the parties, twenty twenty four prospects and with it democracy mansion is a co chair of the third party sport. a group, no labels which says it's quote, laying the groundwork for a potential independent unity ticket in twenty four, and they have our. We gain ballot access and swing states like arizona in colorado meant recently met with a hundred and seventy iowa business and community leaders in DC and has been issuing cryptic statements about his political future like what
I will win any race that I enter now, I would say: there's one thing: I've seen that number one hundred and seventy business leaders in Iowa several them were cows, leave that on? How word to you that I shall mention, may be the conor roy of twenty twenty four. The contents I am very worried about a third party bed, I'm worried if that third party bid is led by Joe Manchin, and this could be the difference. I mean having a a a spoiler that got a bunch of votes is the reason Hillary Clinton didn't become president and not having one in twenty. Twenty was one of the reasons that Joe Biden was able to become president. So, ah, I think there is reason to be concerned that something like this can gain traction and then kind of spin out of control and gain it's own momentum and then, even after it is mostly, if not fully abandoned there enough ballots where they have some
godforsaken ticket garnering votes that it can make the difference. I really we should be worried about that. GonNA. Put on my optimist, hat, let's hear it yeah and just hope that Joe mentioned play here is to understand that to get reelected in west virginia, he has to put as much distance between himself and the white house and Joe Biden in the democratic party as humanly possible in may be flirting with no less Bulls is a path to doing that is also threatened to hold up. All of Joe Biden epa nominees cause he's mad about the implementation of the climate bill. he's really like make it a lot of noise, he's attacking the white house. It has worked for him in the past and you know running and getting reelected in twenty twenty four in that state is going to be tough, but that's my optimistic take
I think we gotta root route, for there are prone to candidates running on the republican side and west virginia for the Senate nomination. One is extremely popular governor Jim Justice, who used to be a democratic he's, basically like another Joe mansion, and everyone in the saint knows him very popular are there if he wins the nomination. I really worry that Joe mansion will bow and potentially make this third parties no labels, but I just If mooney wins the super rightwing kook that mention has beaten before, then I think mention policies. Ok, I have a chance to win We think that was like if mansion runs as the no labels third party, like he's going to lose, and so I guess you do it. Why? Because you're promised some sort of job by the republican side, I mean
both outcomes end in a humiliating defeat, so I'm not sure what's in it, for him or Joe mentioned, is as dumb as we sometimes think he is and and and believes as no labels says, they believe that there is some path for a third party candidate and we should say that it's not a no labels always makes this known. It's not a an independent, take it's a unity ticket, meaning you would run one democrat, which presumably be a gm engineer. Kirsten said him or someone like that, and one republican susan collins is also co. Chair of this, but some kind republicans and then you'd get both of them and perhaps they wrongly see a path to win, which again is wrong. It's crazy that you could imagine a third party candidate, winning there's an there's, a a a call that at the head of no labels did with a bunch of donor,
those reported by puck and first of all, there is one part in which Nancy Jacobson, who leads no labels, says that they got pearl harboured by third way. Yeah, because third way is the one that said: hey everybody look out the his His third party wrote a memo. His third party bid is coming out of pearl harbor, and so they got pearl harvard by a memo which I just enjoyed, the the phrasing of, but they weren't planning to have this out there yet, which is, I think, why and there and and basically they, they knew that what was coming is you're just going to be a spoiler. But what was interesting in the call is there's one point where Jacobson says I do actually find this reassuring. If this is not a national sensation and the crowds or not coming out, then it's not happening we're getting out of this we can get out of this by the end of august: pull the plug. That's the latest. We can get off the ballot, I know there's a lot of fears about all this. What I'd love to hear on these calls is more of it and do spirit of. Why can't we convince other people? Why can't we do this so even on this call would do
there is a little bit of on what she described as darkened doom and gloom, so thou to me was reassuring in and that that at least under the bravado and the bullshit there's some understanding that this may be a completely futile and stupid, and you know grifter pearl harbor here we're talking here. Here's one example of how how dangerous this could be in two thousand and sixteen voters who didn't like donald trump or hillary Clinton voted for tended to vote for donald trump. He won those voters and and partly because some of them went for jill stein or gary johnson in two thousand and twenty voters who didn't like trump or Biden still chose Biden by fifteen points. You give those voters. Choice in twenty twenty four, it's going to hurt binding. It doesn't have to hurt him by that. Much covers a couple states, terrorism, a long iran has as its it you're done. It's an enormously dangerous and stupid organization,
their raising seventy million this end or they want to including a hundred grand from clarence thomas, is sugar, daddy, harlan, crow. So that's fun. Also, the voters who happened to be the weakest partisans also happen to be the most low information voters and the most the more likely to think. Maybe a unity ticket could win because they're not paying close attention to politics. Oh that's again. Another reason why this is dangerous, very bad. It's india at all and and chorus, maybe get nine eleven by the Brookings institute out here, I'm dying at some point. We just got it like third way memo of the great the pearl harbor attack, the data of living. In that will that needs to be like you know, democratic groups super pacs, all that they need to get the message out to more people that if this does happen, there is no chance. The unity ticket is
is winning and so you're. Just from way your vote. If your voting visit, I think I am opposed to mindless partisanship, and you know the silly tribalism that recently in politics, but I will wait for it and mindless centuries, as mindless centrism is equally stupid. Just combining republicans and democrats together doesn't mean you stand for something I'm a Democrat, because I believe in a bunch of things that unbalanced. The democratic party supports. That's why people join political party like reading that, like a sinful act or like its grocer distasteful, stupid and annoying and classic, like dc idiot centrist, debate, but maybe he'll run on permitting reform, since pumpkin is also just like you step back from all of it. It's like Joe Manchin, who has confirmed all these democratic judges who has supported, who, who made possible, passing the inflation reduction actors, the biggest
when in climate history, it's like I'll, have it let us cut in and add for no labels will no. No, no! It's my play only able I put a side, although put us all the kind of process stuff that your measurably cares about about the way that wash and works like this guy has like by by his policy votes. He should be like terrified of atrocity man, your criticism of dying, fine sounding praise of Joe mentions troubling speaking which, speaking of him speaking back now she's back baby, she has returned to the senate and already voted to advance. Six federal judges, who'd been stuck in the judiciary committee because of her absence she lifted up. She lifted a volkswagen off a kid. That's also true. She also said, though, that her doctors have advised her to work a lighter schedule due to lingering side effects from shingles. So all's well that ends well or should love it stick with his plan to stage a sit in, etc. Senator How did this all's well that ends like she's back she's, not resigning. I dont know how much more pressure It could have put on this. Eighty. Nine
of woman. We all collectively did a great thing, which is got it or two. well before her doctors, one or two now she's working in its end and she's, I going anywhere. We got our judiciary votes. Let's make sure she votes for the fucking subpoenas. I dunno what else we're supposed to do. At this point, I dunno how much more, how much more heat we can bring on this old lady, I'm glad she's doing the bare minimum left unsaid as the opportunity cost of having a senator that's. I dunno dude working really hard for biggest state in the country. It's a senator, is more than an arm that goes like listening. I arrive hey I once we can hear, I went inside a gallery out her staff, refused the washing puss request for any sort of memo from her doktor detailing. What's going on, the complications are prevented from travelling there, just not disclosing anything, so that this is not a good situation. I also say that the fact that the day she got back, she voted for. Six judges had been stuck out a committee to advance
sort of belies the argument yeah, where there were no diet or some other democrats that this was not causing any problem sure does add. I was that turns early with autism, bravo not having a senator causes, some problems judiciary, committee yeah. It was ridiculous We live in that we live in the fifth largest economy in the world here and I were represented by we ve been refusing represented by one senator one centre, and I doubt if, when you well, can we only got to you know? They're gonna stay less than a fiber those people it's like ten million in l, a county, okay, I kind of at wyoming, though it's a nice place to go man of the people. I can see both sides mindless mindless part, I'm sick of all this mindless partisanship, anyway, but anyway, when with that's it, that's all we we when we come back, I will talk to
up and coming twenty five year old, who is the state party chair of north carolina, Anderson, Clayton and she's got a lot to say about how to turn north carolina blue in twenty twenty four pots, america's brought about Lou end did you know we're eating and drinking roughly a credit cards worth of plastic. A week rose at lahti. Much do, might assume. I want that. I don't need any plastic little and a whole credit card for now. I did then Save me will end the products where using every day, are ultimately contaminating our water supply, generating hundreds of micro plastics that we end up ingesting so blue and set out to do something about it, eliminate the need for single use. Plastic and the products we reach for it, the most Booleans on a mission to eliminate single use plastic by reinventing cleaning essentials to be better for you and the planet, the idea is simple: they offer endlessly
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not that by now the state would vote more like virginia or even georgia, but no Democratic presidential orson candidate has one state sense. Why do you think that is I mean I think, Obama really had a inspiring and galvanizing across north carolina support. He was one of those once in a lifetime type of candidates that I think that just really touched people from all across north caroline, I think, in order to be able to campaign in our state, you have to hit all one hundred counties and I remember on his own people and worsen county. I took over rose the person county democratic parties, arr before I became the state party chair and I had people that would look at me and be like. I remember when a brock obama had an office here, and I was like there's no way that Barack Obama had an office in person county then he had yet at work in ice or here, and they remember him being like the person that everyone wait do in that, and one saw that campaign, and so I think when you see the trajectory then withdrawn is taken. We we let go of the grass roots that more since the sins of almost campaign here, but also state. Our states just had a hard time.
Republican majority and also since twenty ten, when they took back our state maps, we saw a m and increasing. gerrymandering racial gerrymandering across our state, and so when you really look, The boy been up Hence I think over the last decade and a half really here, it's it's been hard for us to be republican extremism in that capacity. So the washing post reported today, that president Biden does plan to invest in north carolina and hopefully when the state in twenty four. What would you advise the campaign to do differently from what they did when they lost the stated twenty twenty. I think that for us that comes in a lot from the party perspective too, you know we didn't have one hundred strong county party operation and when Joe Biden ran in twenty twenty, we didn't have a democratic messenger in every community in every county, getting out his his message and for me
this year in rural north carolina in particular. I want to go ahead and I want it's, how you know the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the american rescue plan, but genuinely because I think that both these two pieces of legislation are historic and for the first time, Well, I'm from a rural part of the state- and you know Joe biden- is looking at rural, north carolina and rural america and basically saying we believe you deserve to have a future. Fifty years from now and there J powerful thought that message, because if that happened in the last fifty years of a federal, a minute mission we ve never seen the investment in trying to bring back manufacturing and really make things locally again, and Joe Biden wants to do that, and particularly look at north carolina, history and economically We had a huge down ball in two thousand and eight. My damn lost his job in two thousand seven. He was in manufacturing before that in textiles. Western north carolina- and we saw a big population of our state- just lose their jobs and jobs
Biden is trying to rectify that by bringing manufacturing back to north carolina undocked to the united states again, and I think that that's something we can run on in north carolina and we'd run out a really strong honestly and that's what I gleaned a new dawn, so yeah nice. I like it. I want to ask you more about state politics. The republicans in the legislature just passed a twelve week, abortion ban. Democratic governor Roy cooper vetoed it over the weekend, but republicans in the legislature, holder, slim super majority so they can override the veto if they all vote together. Very thing Democrats can do to prevent that from happening. What do you guys thinking we're trying organise the best that we can in no cooper has done an amazing job going across the state or the last week in a half? Because republicans Did this under the cover of darkness right last week we had forty eight hours to really understand what the twelve week we should ban would be a north carolina, one of the strictest abortion that we ve seen throughout our state when you think about the actual remedy nations of the bill inside of the forty six page piece of legislation, also it basically
takes medication, abortion down limits it down to ten weeks and there's also stimuli. genes and there were women have to go to their provider at least three different times or their able to actually have an abortion, and so really looking at women that are coming in from across the country and accession process out these region, it just makes that access harder and so on I try to push these republicans and let them people in their districts know what's going on right now, because not everyone is paying attention. What's happening and rally, and that's it, where's it reality when you have so many other things. We're going on across the state and also in your life, but we're trying to make the voters in those districts are aware of it and more bone banks hosting really like strong rallies, trying to bring as much attention in this is possible because republicans our brain and they should be afraid of the people that and that their doing this to show the way the republicans have that veto. Proof majority is that a state representative tricia coffin recently switched her party affiliation and went from campaign
an abortion rights to voting for the twelve weak ban. Do you have any insight into why she switched parties surreal head scratched her for a lot of people or a reading from outside of the state yeah, there's a lot of speculation. I've been going around right now about lie, represent gotham made the choices that she did and for me I think it just comes down to the fact that she maybe was never actually a champion, bore for any sort of values that she has in particular about how she's taken the boat. Lastly, graham and she voted with republicans- and I think that she owes it to the people of this state to be able to explain why, she's having them question democracy right now. People voted her end, represent their values and their best interest and right now, tricia caught them is representing politics above party, and I think that something that's really interesting to me. But it's also head scratcher for us to be right. Like my job
I'm, like you know I wish folks would actually asters or cotham that, because I'm not a mind reader, I don't know why she's making these decisions- and you folks can't get her to answer- I don't for some reason. I mean it's hard when your constituents are demanding things of you. I want to see whether if you're going to uphold the values that you ran on, but now will you mentioned your constituents? Do you think an Democrats can win back her seat or break the supermajority and twenty twenty four? What are the? What are the chances I plan on it all rights? I liked that confidence, governor cooper is obviously term limited? So you'll have a view born governors, race and twenty twenty four, especially since the republican running for his seat mark robinson, is, is one of the more extreme candidates. We ve seen what you people know about robinson and and how do you feel about the potential democratic entity I think that folks folksy, to understand that mark robinson is someone to be fearful of and he's someone that is not to be taken lightly, and I think that a lot of folks
brush him off as though no one in north carolina whenever gopher someone that extreme and I need my party to get there. The rio but he rode into them that, yes, they would amend its because I but he's reliable and some capacity, especially the rural north carolina, and carolina has the second largest rural population in accordance to texas, right and people, don't I didn't know that about our state, but we have a really dense rural populations, including in you know, northeastern north carolina and southeastern north carolina had a majority black and brown communities that live in these these areas and that our job as a party is really educate books about through mark robinson, is the positions that he stood on. You know he's someone that said if you could pass a heart be built tomorrow for abortion. He would, even in the case of raping fast. He would you not allow women to have an abortion and his calling the elder me teach you community filled. He doesn't believe that you should be allowed to be who you are,
and I think that it's devastating when you look at what he would do to our economy here in north carolina, what he would do to our public schools here in north carolina, I mean he basically believes in re, like in segregation of schools again and- and I think that you have to see the reality of that for what it is, rather than that the picture that he's painting right now, but he paints a dance I dangled picture to be honest with you, John and, and has so far since he's announced, and so my job has really become. I need to to help and explain this to people and help folks understand what we're fighting for as a party this year, which is everything that he's not, and you feel it does have some good democratic candidates, as that is able to appoint I'm a democratic this year. I think we'll get some good ones, and I think that we're gonna really make sure that we there is a good juxtaposition. With not just here who are you voting against agree voting for and in this election cycle, there's so much good about foreign north carolina? you think about. You know marijuana. I passing in our state. You know that making are pushing that forward in some capacities and rationing. Legalizing that I'm in bringing in the text
when a new back to our public schools, hopefully when you actually think about and in a way we ve got medicate pass through our state legislature. Finally, because they finally realized they could not repealed out or go back on it, and I think there is a real opportunity for us to get a message on that, but in general also municipal broadband access making that something that we campaign on this year in rule north carolina, our democratic legislators and our democratic governor offer water running for governor this year in our state, but also running for every position on council of state this year. I think our exciting dynamic ready to get out across north carolina and really campaign everywhere. That's what we're gonna have to do. Uva mentioned democrats need to do better in rural parts of the stay I know you're from rural community in north carolina. How much of this is about sort of infrastructure? showing up in rural communities and how much is about the message when you're in a rural community fighting
asked that, because I really looked at books lately and I've said I don't think we have a messaging problem, I think maybe showing up. Probably just don't do it like We we have everything Meza drawn right now in rural north carolina like the fact that the reason your community has got free to buy million dollars in your for you not only your municipality, but also your county as a whole like. Where is that money going if I'm in rural north carolina right now that the only meeting I won't be going to his last city council meeting in my county commissioner meeting and I want to go where's my money, I'm looking for my democratic federal level right now. Where were you putting it because this money was supposed to be given the communities to make them better? and to actually bring them back out of the pandemic crisis that we've been in as a sheep or a small economy, and it's supposed to be bringing revitalization back to your community, and so how are your commissioner in your local municipal, lecter elections like or books, be municipally right, focused on like bringing that change back to your area with the money that's coming down from the federal government, and so I think that there is a huge opportunity
to go in and talk about the affordable connectivity program right now, thirty dollars off a month of your internet bill. If you make up two hundred percent, the poverty line caroline upon fact drawn, that is forty four thousand dollars, and when I go into rural north carolina say that books with me in my emerson the job. What you're talking about online you, your poor, that's what that means like you, you, poor, unfortunately, And I think that there is a reality and put a number with the legislation in the things that are coming. I'm from the federal government to really help folks realise like. While this is talking to me, it's helping me at the end of the day- and you know as someone from a rural community, you know, oftentimes rural communities have more culturally conservative values, and in the question, is always can a strong economic message, economic populism talking about or the economic benefits the Democrats can bring to real america. Is that enough to sort of overcome?
folks, positions that are a little more culturally, socially conservative in those areas. Where would you say about that they have to overcome it. Unlike me that people are really think of an and when I say hey, I'm trying to organize a rural north carolina folks go well. How are we going to win back rural north carolina and I'm like I'm not talking about winning it back just yet that's going to take a long time. We've got to trust in these areas. We gotta. Let them know that democrats are not some sort of scary act like apparatus anymore and, like the we're, not we're. Not the party of coastal elites honestly, like we've, got a rebranding problem to do in some of these areas where it's just like we hadn't been there for so long. So the fox news, rabbit hole that people have been down has been able to message for us. They've been able to put out that that intricacy swore us right or that the syria type I want to say, but I really do think that there is an opportunity to great margins and
tell folks all the time, I'm not just telling you to go out there and talk to rural voters and rural democrats like who do we still have in this party. That's in these areas that haven't been talked to by us haven't been tapped into aren't, getting out to vote and in north carolina. That's the problem, and other rural areas. I've been in us, not the issue does not. The issue may be, and I was at the issue may be in eastern kentucky sometimes, but I do believe that it is reality north carolina. We have black and brown populations that line, in rural areas that are just not being talk to their doors, are not being not when we're losing. You know eighty twenty and rural area members as we used to lose by sixty forty like those martians matter, and then I think we have done so far away from believing that elections are won on the margins, but Joe Biden losing by two thousand and twenty or by hundred thousand votes in twenty twenty to me is a margin like it's something damn right, it's sharing easily losing my hundred thirty four thousand, like that's a margin and and am chasing them, this year I reckon Barnum from worlds in my young folks to like every place in between there like. We just have to pick up those votes, because I know they're there and
I am talking about the new registration efforts that we're trying to do like. I want to get more people registered to vote this year. That should be the job of a party. Always is how are we engaging new voters and getting them there? So yeah what made you run for party chair twenty five. I was mad there with the us really now in the rural north carolina being ignored because I'm like people like me, live in rural, north carolina right now and I grew up their believing that no one ever the same way that I did or wanted to see this place. like, I did and I, No, it's worth going back to its worth having that fight, because there are more people like me who live there, europe with a gay best friend in person county and I that you know there are more folks that are part of the lgbtq community than we realize of north carolina and like rural, north carolina and rural america in general, and they replaced also feel like they can be themselves growing up there. So damn that's great. There's a lot of people, your age, who aren't super excited about a second Biden campaign
What would you tell them until turn on the democratic parties? The only party right now putting a fight for your right to exist and to love me when a love, to have the rights to your body that you want to have and taxing matron Should I know a lot of evil lahti on of steel, like the parties are broken, the breed structure in general, the two party system right is broken and I will give them like when you're looking a helper it takes is run right now it's really divisive, it feels ugly and it doesn't motivate people to get involved with it, but better people unless better people get involved with politics. Politics doesn't get any better and I think that there is a whole movement that we have to change as young folks of saying, like there's one party that we can change the there's one party that wants us to get involved, though, and that is the democratic party, and so will you when you're, when I'm looking at? How do I welcome new folks and I'm like what do young folks want to do like? How can I train you and- and there are so many people. The thing I heard. it was when I was running for this office, and they said interesting. Where are the young folks like? None of them want to get involved and every young person I've talked to has been like. How do I get the
how do I get my skills as to the party like? What can I do differently, and I was just when someone earlier about how we train, like you, organizing, do camp for young people the summer, just because I I talked to so many of them and stickler. Marie north carolina was in davidson county yesterday and that, like six young books, it just came out the blue, and I was like oh my gosh like, they're here and we just have to find them in tap into them. Anderson, your energy and optimism about the future of your state and the party are inspiring and infectious. It spin. Israel a pleasure to talk to you, and I, I really wish you luck, because we could we could use more of that in the democratic parties. Thank you for that.
if rejoining now they do. I'm gonna know that look that I can get and they do everything that you've done for the party like genuinely. I there's a whole inspirational speech that go on about that, but I just say thank you. Iowa was a dream and that's where I think I really learned like retail politics and how it should be run. So I collect prop obama set that off for everybody. He sure did. He sure did well. Thank you for saying that. That's very kind and again good luck and the thanks. Come on the show you, when a teller listeners about a new podcast produced by our friends over illuminative, a native women, led non profit organization, building power invisibility for native peoples. It's called american genocide and it's about how the? U S, government conspired with the catholic church, race native communities, the crimes committed by native american boarding schools and the generational trauma they left behind in the guess, you'll hear from to native american
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page memo on the Biden, families, business dealings that didn't implicate. The president himself Any wrongdoing whatsoever when asked about the much hyped whistleblowers and informants by kooky can fierce he maria barter romo here's what comber set. Where is that today, where are these whistleblowers? fortunately, we can track down. The informant were hopeful that the informant is still there. The whistle blower knows Inform the whistleblowers very credible hold on a second cashman. Did you just say that the way so blow or the informant is now missing. Well, we're hopeful that we can. Finally, For I remember these informants our kind of in this by business. They don't make a habit of being seen a lotta are being our profile or anything like that. It's the girl for any minute summer camp that no one one has ever met an informant are like airports. Let me just follow.
You drop by drop that thing five. Therefore, I am very drastic changes to explode else. I'd really like that maria tried to change that quickly from we can't find too has gone, missing, yeah, well, I would just glad to see that she learned her lesson from the dominion lawsuit yeah about. You know good guess in sources in yes for checking everything twice, imaginary, info, the imaginary, informant is quickly turning into the informant that the Biden white house made disappear right, the the genre sure it was on Hillary's list informed. His kill list now found it somewhere with adrenal crumbs. they? Are there they're all talking about this? Like there's a whistle blower there's enough beer- and it's also like you know what I'm sure there is. Some disgruntled f b, I persons somewhere that's going to be able to say so thing some salacious allegation against Joe Biden that is probably unsupported most likely on yahoo worded, since they have now been investigating this for the better part of a year right,
it's. It's can't find any does what always readily I was prosecuted on january. Sixteen so yeah right, yeah come at all different shapes and sizes over their yeah yeah. It's too I like innuendo, which is its where we're late in the game for innuendo. We ve been doing this for months and even some, then suddenly they got anything. They have not tied anything directly to Joe Biden. Any of those decisions he releases tax returns every year like show us where he key benefited by they have not any of us, and yet it gets an audience and foxes, and I know that you know Yo J. Is citing now, whether to prosecute hunter Biden for renewed gun charges or whatever else, art crimes. Book crimes against But even then it's like you know what that is going to be. You know it's gonna be really tough for a hunter Biden's presidential run in twenty twenty four like they. They they have not connected anything directly to Joe Biden.
They haven't even alleged. They haven't even been to a bit been able to allege anything that is connected directly to Joe Biden, only to say that, oh, how could he have not known that his family was making some money from foreign sources, which is also can not illegal namibia and ask them yet one of insinuation. They haven't eyeing Joe Biden. John as it has a chinese bank account hundred barton get in trouble for like lying on a gun application. Sing? Permit application say he was now using drugs when it was me, was slick, silly unrelated charge. They dont want There are one hundred and to be able to use a second mon right. I guess not, while disgusting anyway, tougher james comber. Thank you enter clayton for joining us today, and we will talk to you later this week, byron hot
America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martina. Our producers are anti gardener, Bernstein in Bolivia, martina its mixed and edited by chad with jordan cancer is our sounded near with audio support from kyle segment and charlotte land, thanks to halley, keefer, madeline herrings irish works, anti tough and just how production support into our digital theme. Eliza, cone, Phoebe Bradford me a common then have code David all subscribe to pod save america on youtube to catch full episodes. Exclusive content in other community events find us at youtube. Dot com, slash at pod, save america.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-06.