« Pod Save America

"It's Coup O'Clock Somewhere."

2022-06-14 | 🔗

The second January 6th hearing exposes Donald Trump’s Big Lie, Senator Chris Murphy joins to talk about a potential deal on gun safety, and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy stops by Crooked to talk about Covid and mental health. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I welcome the pod, save america, I'm john fibre, undrawn love. It taught me better Yes, you do I, but it's I'm reacting victim. What is it? I thought you sounded pretty normal meter monsters on today show the second january. Sixth hearing exposes donald trump big lie: senator Chris murphy joy. to talk about a potential deal on gun safety and surgeon, general vivid
They stopped by crooked to talk about covert and mental health, but first to supper topics. Yes me tonight to connect it or who also connected church, but will we'll talk above, but first whenever one to check out crickets newest podcast, one of my favorites with ever done. It's called mother country radicals host Zayd airs doorn. The son of bill airs and burning Doorn takes us back to the nineteen seventys when his parents and their young friends in the weather underground, declared war on the united states government. As this passes it's fantastic lovett rubber into does night when you and your buddies at the heroically campaign. When I had demagogue when we urge you to demagogy from around brok obama's neck is a sort of I just like an interesting what role Barack Obama plays in the series. Also, we find out from the city
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episode to of insurrection aired on Monday morning, and the theme of this hearing was the donald trump inspired the attack on the capital and his own supporters out of two hundred and fifty million dollars by repeating the lie that the twenty twenty election was stolen. Despite being told over and over and that there was no evidence of voter fraud or irregularities by trumps own campaign manager. His campaign lawyers, white house staff, whitehouse lawyers and officials of the department of justice, including attorney general bill bar, who is the real star,
monday's show. Let's take a listen. I made it clear. I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff, which I told the president was bullshit bullshit bullshit and they were idiotic claims, complete nonsense, completely bogus and silly and usually based on complete misinformation. I saw absolutely zero basis for the allegations. I told them that it was crazy stuff and they were wasting their time on bill. Barr. Welcome to the rest. What do you know about? It assumes cut through life Let's our general reactions. What, if anything, was new or surprising in Monday's hearing to you guys, Tommy I was
to put the whole hearing less in the new and surprising dan powerful to hear it from these people bucket hearing bill bar talk about just how nonsensical the frog claims were was powerful, their whole bunch. Folks of the d, a j saying the same thing: all trumps senior staff were telling him that there was no election fraud or at least not enough to swing the election and are you decided to believe the crazy people? It was fun hearing. It wasn't new either that rudy is constantly drunk Arria together fabulous lawyer, I love that they all think that the national sousa is a complete clown that that was the amount of money you and tell people with genetic diseases and just in case right wing docking, terry in quotes, slash criminal. Who has been resuscitated by that? The trump Elk The amount of money late raised by the election lie was new.
Something new that I learned. What word the word: a fabulous profits, Well, it's, like I stated here. Constant drunkenness learn that today, from I'm just now to my uncle. You know when step in was supposed it s, my person today, but his his wife went into labor, believe that, looking after their quota viral you're actually no desire. I performed airports by fingers in it. but you felt them that's acting the bats But the point is people thought? Oh, he must be lying out because he's obviously a trump guy he's not only comes campaign manager. He of course. Yes, out I didn't make that's the point. Is that the reserve point your point. We're all waiting bated breath when bills debian pull got backed out of here. For a legitimate reason for can freeze
when he was first announced that this might be a hostile person because, obviously still trompe, not only did he work for trump. Obviously, he's now gone on to represent people like liz, chinese primary opponent was actually surprising how direct this very sleazy and disgusting person was in saying. I didn't believe these claims I couldn't stand by these claims. That was that was adding more than people even expected. This morning I felt the same way a lot of these quotes or accounts from former trump staff, former white house staff campaign stuff. They have been reported in the past here and there, but it's different too, like red in the new york times that a source said that bar thinks this or bar is said to have said and just hear it in a deposition on television in humans are his tone like mocking it mocking
Acting the allegations as ridiculous and absurd. I mean you know: bar was the star witness. Steppin was the other another star, witness who ended up appearing in a pre recorded video, a baseline thompson yeah they figure. They got bigger, prerecorded videos of everyone. Just in case something happened like you. Your partner goes into labor. I bars the staff curry is getting in it. The clay lane thomson steppin rudy the dream on green, ok, hamerton, kangaroo too, on the boss, woody the committee's go along ethnic potential can just tightened talkin some basketball talkin some NBA plough, hitting on that against the microphone. Sorry what he did. He's goal was with these witnesses in their testimony today. Why do you think what you think you think the big lie day? It was all about have had buddy,
I think they're telling a story telling a story about trumps efforts to overturn the election, how it connects to January say then a big part of that story is the manufacturer of a lie that the election was fraudulent some way, they ended the entire hearing. By going to under the handle throughout the day, which is they went back to january six, the people on as part of the mob, that's from the capital, all of them regurgitating the claims that trot made, and so this was a day about connecting the lies at the people at the capital beliefs, with the effort to manufacture a reason for the coup over the proceedings several months and how few people actually provided. Trump with any evidence
a reason to believe what he was telling these people, making it clear that he was lying to them. He was wilfully line to them or that no reasonable person could believe what trump ultimately was claiming year. They collected just about as many trump campaign officials and trump administration officials and deal J officials as they could and they had told the american people. We looked at every single allegation of voter fraud. We looked at every single election conspiracy, no matter how crazy it was we not all of them down, we debunked all of them, and then we told donald trump that about every single allegation and conspiracy over and over again, and he just didn't care and he kept lying anyway, which I think is You know I did the closest, maybe the most damning testimony way came from theirs- that deputy former deputy agee robert donna you. I guess I knew tat I was great and he was like. Basically, you would tell tromp that his conspiracy is bullshit and run
and he wouldn't fight you wanna. He just move on to the next year. You will get a mindset in motive and intent in a bit, but I do think it's it's relevant to show the american people that trump was offered to versions of reality, one of which comports with actual reality, and it was too him by the man he made attorney general or vice president or deputies earnings each has not to believe that one instead went with the craziest of the crazy people led by has drunk lawyer, Rudy giuliani, even all the campaign hacks that work for it The government officials will go well there in the government, jason miller, jason miller bill steppin, almost cameroonian tax rates, which reflected the dread of the earth for the relay. This seizing this on the campaign, so stepping untold many that he was on quote team normal within the trump campaign, because after election he quote, didn't think
what was happening was necessarily honest or her professional fun understatement. Should we be thinking bills and bill bar for their heroic public service. Guys. No, I mean us bill bar plain a little fast and loose here with his own behaviour at the time Maybe he certainly was making comments that under cut people's faith in by mail, for example, you mention was happening in june, even interview where he said that vote by mail would give reason to believe that the that the election be flooded he's at flooded with fraud could potentially be flooded with fraudulent bow he was playing this game whole time and also at it is good that we
bill bar on the record calling bullshit. But I am sceptical that he was as emphatic and clear in his meetings with donald trump as he is being in these committees. Now, though, bar is a long time, member of the republican establishment and still wants to be a member of good standing in this version of the republican party, which means that you know he can say what you won't say about donald trump, but, like that's, why he raised and with a letter of flowery praise to Donald trump said nothing until a year later, when his book came out and is only telling us this now, because he was deposed as a rule, there is no human being that worked for donald trump in november of twenty twenty that didn't know exactly who donald because you cannot claim to be an honest person who was donald trump camp in the manager. But it was just too much once once a linwood and the other goons started showing up with their election fraud clowney and in billboard he used the ticket until then to realize that trump was detained.
In reality, the like, let's inject bleach, to cure, covid press conference in, do that, for you write like I'm also and then bill stepien bill, stepien, currently working for liz, Cheney's, maga primary challenger. That's that's what he's up too there's a little bit that there's an element of of the step ends in bars, and some of these republicans that feels a little bit like gum seen in nope outside. That would be really mean a metaphor for no reason to do so. going to share this is gonna, be a winner will still stir. The point I will you ain't gonna worry what he got. The point I was gonna make is only its. seems as though their real problem with people like rudy, with linwood with with thy sidney power, is they didn't? Have the patina professionalism, the kind of the glass of kind of seriousness that these people require they're going to participate in some kind of national campaign?
this information. They were not there weren't effective enough coup plotters lead with us. quickly pointed out. I never know the film analogy. I was gonna you'll die without knowing everyone at home, what a loss for everyone and humbled die without knowing speaking of debt. Side a jared kirshner. I just love that his vibe and the whole thing is like he had like three, Let the white house he could done the one meaningful act for its entire time and stepped up and helped like defend the country against this lunatic. Stepfather in and protect our democracy, and he did the bare minimum he was out of town for as much as possible. I think we should love it when you think format a little segment on P s, a little music word. We cut to tom any talks about Jarrett cushions I just they get. It happened now and in each of these episodes we get well could erupt. Eight four hundred into a likeness like a static amounted to two billion dollars out. Exciting Bene sounds boring. Investigation sounds boring to make us too much too much time to which tommy too much time on this,
A whole dialogue reminds me of ever seeing. Maybe they did it I would do it or you wonder they regretted I honestly listener, and this is actually a pretty good window doubting. Governor helpful does fickle, We can see with me and the music Try to bring it back to the partner if you like oj. What am I did it? I do think built helpful testimony from horrible people share it, possible yeah. Absolutely! You know bill Barr, gave helpful testimony both to step in and give helpful testimony they're still horrible to bill Barr to, even as he saying things that are helpful. To hear that you want your unequivocal plain as day trump was full of shit. God. What an arrogant pretty still manages to be he's still can like em know them in hooliganism whose he's got. I know. I davies: I never liked images you even in a moment you can't help. It remembers what a fuckin pricking as it has asked us to refer I'm not asking if everything a goddamn thing, one person certainly not anti normal, of course, was rudy. we heard about him on Monday, you will,
so here testimony that president Tromp rejected the advice of his campaign experts on election night and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated rudy giuliani. Anyone in their conversation who, in europe observation tat, can had too much to drink, where giuliani The mayor was definitely intoxicated. Was there a purpose? through their purpose, to that other than the very laudable public olive, just mockingbird giuliani. I don't know it's a tough cell. The find a legitimate reason for trying to embarrass lady Juliana, about its alcoholism. I'd there is, I suppose, it use blurry your eyes as if you ve drank as much as regionally on even drinking you can say, but they're, making the point that no one reasonable could support were trump is doing in the only person who is telling us
out there and declare victory was slashed beyond recognition. That's perfectly reasonable and just did it. Yeah is that of all the inadequate guide on guy who told the man is in crisis, the one guided told himself to declare a winner was hammered and trump said sure. You know what, though he would tell declare winner when he wakes up sober and some rheumatism eyes. The only mean like you, all you need to do is watch judging showing last counter year dinner ready with those always drunk. I think that what this Is that really was visibly drunk who everyone instil trump chose to believe him, despite being visibly drunk over everybody, payment of tromp, not character in judgment in decision making me, while also on a show here, for I know little possess. really does he like is in crisis, yet we are getting, there was already testimony where he's like. If you put me in a small room with all the ballots today, I have counted them. I could find you some fraud, but who is not great? That was just light of day testimony he's gotten Erika. So there's
debate among legal experts and people who play legal experts on twitter about how much matters. weather trump knew he was lying about the election or whether he genuinely believed his own bulshit. What do you guys think? I don't know different people say differently. Good mindset does matter to prove the intent of a criminal offense, but like this also it's hard to know, I dont know I'd be the big lie matters, because if trump could try to show that he wasn't actually trying to do anything but protest or use legal means to object to the result. might be compelling in some way are get a medicine legal jeopardy. But I think it is clear that he wasn't just trying to protests in wasn't just trying to use legal means mean they're trying to do blatantly illegal or corrupt things to overturn the results of elections
I don't know, I'm not sure. So you know there's some kind of dissent is about this. Among you know, prosecutor twitter, but one point I have seen a few times is: it is not necessary to prove that trump had this malevolent intent, but it's nice. If you're, trying to tell a story, doesn't important that you were telling a story: the country. There is a point that at that they made at some point hearing to think, gets a sort of what's most important with it, which is not what trump specifically, leave, but rather that no reasonable person could believe the story. Trump was saying we don't need to be inside of donald trump mind, but we have is plenty of eta
and that no one reasonable could take the information and trumpet been given and come to the conclusion that this was fraud, Barbara quaid, whose of former federal prosecutor shutter gregg sergeant with washing post about this? She said that all you need to do is really prove willful blindness, which means, if you close your eyes to the high probability that a fact exists. You can't use that to evade responsibility. So, like the vat, which is once again all these people telling trump it's a lie. It's wrong! It's a conspiracy! We looked into it. It's debunked. You can't just pretend that none of that exists and then say no, no. I just believe myself. It also isn't the first. I mean challenge legitimacy, election. He he told TED cruz that he stole the iowa caucuses. He was prepared to challenge the legitimacy of the twenty seen election. So this is a strategy yet pattern and then beyond the legal ramifications of this, which I, which you know is, we are not experts the political ramifications
think you're easier. It doesn't matter if donald trump was consumed by a completely idiotic delusion or fucking liar either way it's damning, yeah yeah. This guy wants to run for president again in to enforce the again. There is a we're all interested in the legal outcome here, but there is a political outcome it, must be given more consequential, marjorie mare grounds like what we have. The tvs on over the oj he's been much a news from his these eddie. I'm sure my prosecutors are watching too hope so upset you up there doing some investigating do, representative thrown over there percent of zodanga those eyes, buddy representatives, zoe laughter and close the hearing by pointing out that the decision to nice just a new, at the end of the at the end of the hearing. In her closing argument pointed out that the trump campaign raised around two hundred a million dollars from fundraising, even about voter fraud claims that they knew to be false so much
later told reporters that the committee has evidence that trump and his family have personally benefited from these donations. How big of a legal and or political issues thou on guys to you know not to put too fine point on it. After the hearing, Lofgren was asked about this about the legal jeopardy and said it's clear that he intentionally let his donors asked them to donate to a fund that didn't exist, and use the money raised for something other than what he said. Now it's for someone else side, whether that's criminal and on mere garland I shall now pay for american. You hear me now take it. They take that southern dip it in the end you slow, fuck,
or is it? You know you're, not a good information set an arrogant way and how that's really bad them build up in my time, and I look look around you and what its built spreading over the table, our ideas, betting, it's when a gay person does it its resistance. I like it, I like the kim gill, foil, don juniors girlfriends. The time got page sixty thousand dollars to introduce donald from junior at the january. Six rally at the letter explore their re. Much monies occurring in its moral varies a hundred million dollars in the first week. Of course, these griffith aren't gonna, try off the spigot? That alone is enough to keep up the big lie with them. It is if I like it is a political point too, because just like hey he's a fucking he's, scamming, you he's scamming. All of you write like, of course, the hardware supporters don't care but lot of people are very like this guy did it he's he's, corrupt and hoping to differ
they want to hold on to power. You weren't overturn election. Eighth, more heads can make a buck, wasn't one that I ve got one at one of the republicans errors made in it in the hearing was witches. That's money that in going to elect republicans rather the judge on the current language, but that the ultimate into a bill, steady and other through so before. On some brand new pulling out today political morning, consult says that sixty seven percent of all voters think the justice department should either definitely or probably bring legal action against elected officials who have attempted to overturn the results of an american election. Listen in america, ireland, hey, hey merit because he does make his prosecutor real decisions based on poles. That's what we want in an attorney general I am not understand a mine. Did you, you said joking, I'm not an accusing. You have anything, I'm the same. Let's get the commandment any love it. I know that you were digging into the crosstown yea. All I swear shares like any of anything else. Surprising. The pole loved loves europe's overall over that our office in disease. Like em, look at the crossing
at this point or for any other interesting for may get under way out. But you didn't. I stand on Afghanistan, timing. I get John John rates of some questions and sometimes tommy we realise that he wants us to say his? He has an elegant error message via that you know what I mean. Don't I really am accelerators dan is no pfeiffer message bottom dating, whereas last year the conversations the virtues of the meat. Let me look at this policy that can find anything interesting. The only I will say is, I think, the most important part about that sixty seven percent number is that there are obviously strong democratic sport is also strong. Dependence of support. I ever have making hunch that some of the republicans This is the biggest democrats. At that time I run that's right. I think that sixty seven is a little bit its capturing. Some republicans. You think nancy policy, common irishman, or just sort of the hypothetical verses d want to re litigate. This old thing, the you're sick of hearing about adding, might have different answer, though
I jumped out at me was asked how much of the first hearing they watch live. Last week, fourteen percent said they watched the prime time hearing full twenty five percent. They watch some of it in sixty per cent said they didn't watch any of it. That was the number that I jumped at jumped out at me as well. That's a bummer. The last part, although the the the ratings were surprisingly huge, what twenty million people watched the first one huge ratings and still in the you know it in the context of the entire electorate, seems small meal. It's not like you know, mash final episode. Hiv is a pretty good. They also the vote. Impact number was. It was in that same category of a which was thirty, two percent, said that it would have a major impact on their vote. Eighteen per cent said minor. Fifty per cent no impact- it's not that's, not. I don't think that's necessarily too good or too bad it's about where I would have imagined. I would also say, though, ask people what the impact is of a hearing the haven't seen. It is a little bit dumb self fulfilling year without yet cause that sixty percent number. That's all of our people have now tat summer that fourteen percent enjoying their funding
There's people lie? Oh yes, I caught a bunch of it, of course. Yet I would ask the questions about it, but I saw for say there might have been re should have asked a question. Have you heard about it through news coverage right, which is will probably where most people going here, but these hearings from yeah? But if you want to watch them the next january six hearing is Wednesday june fifteenth and we will have a life group thread starting at ten, a m eastern, seventy and pacific. You can find us at youtube. Dot com such crooked media to check it out will all be. There will be only favour committee has just jumping out of the slack channel group threat is very fun, but I find myself far more focused on what we're all saying in that then been wandering. I notice that statement about fair one should get because we watch the fur russia can. Anyone is gonna jugs, while the first one we watched and out was not on twitter that much because we were prepared for it was right before our live shown allay. I found that more impact
to watch without it without a screen or tailors. Also. But today's hearings about how I gentlemen, I'm glad it exists, but I mean I'd a second our. To tell me the troposphere should remain others couple of us. I think I think Wednesday is going to focus on the justice department what he tried to do with the justice department. I'm interested that I, like it, they're bringing in new characters witnesses in members of congress right yeah go locker and again, some shine today, elegant joy brandt stirred up with it at a yak practice, members of congress have never sat on live television, so quiet. and as the members on this yeah I like probably taxing their restrain. You gave I. If you gave adam schiff and jamie raskin coal, you could have diamonds by the end of the week are sitting there in silence to land members of congress elected to
no returned this liberty, but you are it's obviously here's I wanna defenders, because we have crews. I know it's all my life. They all give these longs visas, it only Elvis, and it is the most discipline I ever seen. Members of cardiology discipline very learned its lecture them. We should at least in some stupid shit if we had a best dressed funny aside, yeah, worst Angola, regionally ADI one worst zoo mangled today. Other step is without great either yet with over the best sort of image to combat it was the photo of bill. Steppin leaning back candy motor, like you had his head against highschool locker, look, and I said so, like you seem normal, get back to the work were meant to do vilified muslims. team normal or fuckin assholes. When we come back tommy tax, the senator Chris murphy about the bipartisan guns safety deal. He just announced with ten republican centres party america, has brought you buy brooklyn. It is your dad
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Yeah awesomely with day with the so No, you ve been working on the menu working on this issue for years and years, people working intensively on this compromise package for the last few weeks. Can you just walk? through a kind of what's in this framework agreement that you guys announced over the weekend. Well. First of all, I'm really grateful to all the partners who made this happen. I just think that we all sensed of this anxiety and fear this urgency from you know: parents and kids, moms and dads back home that you frankly, I've never felt before. In the wake of uvalde, there was just just no option for failure here. I'm glad that republicans about that same thing, I'm with you. This is a break through this is the biggest, set of changes in the nations gun loss since their ninety. Ninety four assault weapons, basque, almost thirty years Diving meeting fallen well. This is not clearly at the finish yeah
It is the end of this three decades long log jam on it's, not everything I want, but it is lifesaving. five major gun provisions in this bill not one not to five we're talking about, building out right, lag laws all around the country that will allow us to take weapons away from people a danger to themselves or others. We close this boyfriend loophole so that every domestic abuser is prohibited from getting guns, not just spouses, but also boyfriends. The first ever federal criminalization of proper to seeing and gun trafficking that helps. cut down the illegal flow of weapons into our cities. We have changes to the poor. the definition of a federal firearms dealer. So more of these, Their selling a gun shows and selling online have to do background checks. Finally, we have this innovative approach to under twenty one purchasers
the I would have liked to address all weapons. I would like to raise the age to purchase them, but what we got agreement on is. You essentially a pause, a kind of waiting period so that every twenty one. Buyer has to have a more comprehensive background check done, which means they won't leave the gun, store with a gun and The police department will get a call so that these kids- evolving shooter who were police involved will have. the opportunity for an intervention, MR in crisis and walking into a gun stored via an air. Fifty now on top of that, stop it billions of dollars now funding, so we're gonna make be made one of the biggest investments in the nations mental health system in a very very long time. So that's on time. The FAO has gone changes, so did the big eels criminals all compromise and I'm really thrilled to be able to try to push forward where's my personal bias years. I've been watching this issue go on
all for long enough that I'm in the camp of if we could do anything that saved a single life I'm for it. I am a little has been. Why do you think we're the people negotiating with, could go to these increased background check provisions for people under twenty divine assault rifle in not raise the age to purchase one from eighteen to twenty one. I think that that feels so minimal. I just curious like where that opposition came from I don't know the answer to that. I listen. There's republican support for raising the age, but we wish spent the last three weeks counting votes and realise that we probably won't gonna get the sixty votes on in the age at any time. You know this that this is you. Did this this few of our fifteen's. Is a really complicated one for republicans and republicans gooders their pursuit of an identity that people have attacked to their ownership of these weapons and their ability to get them without
single. I don't quite understand it, but I know that that that did that cultural connection to the weapon does exist, and so you anything that would essentially stop a classic people from getting access to that weapon was a bridge too far, ross right now for a balanced, but here's. My theory is that by showing republicans vote for this that various political benefit, to supporting more restrictive gun laws, and not much political cost. It's gonna make other changes. Much more possible down the line, including potentially raising the aged twenty one. Get down that other cultural point. I remember Rep ted cruz, releasing a video a couple of years ago, where he thought it was called a wrap bacon around the muzzle of an assault rifle and cook it. Through the heat I mean, there's this weirdo stuff that goes on, that will incentives for states to enact red flag laws. Are there levels of states that wanted to create these kinds of red, flag laws or intervention programmes, but didn't do so yet because the lack of funding
yeah, I think that's a good question and I think maybe the piece of this bill that will be most impact for unconvincing states to adopt a flag has. Is that deep polarization of red flag, as this will be republicans and democrats standing up and saying that red flag was save lives, and both republicans Democrats can get behind them? I think you're right that in most states they dont have them it's Probably a combination of funding but also politics and our, is the sort of making a political lift easier in states that have been adopted but we also know their twenty states that have them it's a lot of states and immense states didn't work very well, because there is funding necessary to teach law enforcement and first responders
you what to do when you see somebody in crisis and how to navigate the judicial process to take those guns away, so even if they have them. I think this law will save lives because don't get money, and I do think that we, once you have high profile, republicans at national level, standing up and supporting flag was we'll have a few more, maybe a lot more republican states that will pass them no one who has fallen your work on this issue, I think, would doubt your sins clarity or your commitment to getting something done, the ideal, your connection, a new town, you literally wrote a book on the subject. Again, I am of the mind that like doing something is better than doing nothing been. I went to allay march for our lives march rally protest on saturday in what I heard from the organizers there and in your teenage speakers, were called. Or in a force all weapons ban, your young woman who had been shot in this? was shooting her best friend who's sitting. Next to her or her friend was killed. She went hid in a classroom until she could sort of get medical
What is your message to these young organizers who are desperate for more get on, and how do you make the argument to them that this bill will break the log jam rather than and you know, give republicans an excuse to say you know we don't actually have to do more. We just passed a bill. What more do you want? what did he was out? Firstly, the argument that this built, I save lives in an and that you don't you We should be in the business of supporting legislation that results in less homicide and less suicides. Emphasising this bill undoubtedly. Does that the second aspect there sceptical about this to you. Other great social change movements how they succeeded. None of them got eighty percent or one hundred percent of what they wanted in the first bill that pass the united states In fact, every single rate social change ruled that you read about in history books, I'm just got one win and then another and then another, you after you state started.
Stopping laws to allow gay couples to marry the marriage, equality movement didn't go away in fact gained steam because, all of a sudden, you sort of had a taste of victory. All of a sudden. Your opponents realized that there was political benefit to voting with the civil rights movement. The same thing so I really believe that we have got something this meeting for the powerful we're not its and checking boxes but study other change movements and know the victor, get pictures and that is what's gonna happen here, geometrical times this, this hope that this will change the political catalyst for a lotta republicans. How do you interpret the fact that you know the ten republicans. It are part of this compromise, four of them retiring and none of the rest are up for reelection this year I mean, like I know: that is leading to some cynicism. I think that this might change the political calculus on the right
I know I think people looking for reasons to be cynical. I really do like. I mean, I think, that's not a helpful analysis, it also. It is true that the ten people no matter where they were in their election cycle were the ten that would most often engage in by parson discussions ran. It so happens that none of them ever right now in their election cycle. you will see. Is this bill moves other republicans, some of which were in cycle ending up supporting it, I wasn't, I think there is. I think there is a I need sometimes to filter everything through cynical levels. Right, it did to just come to believe that republicans. Could you never do this because of legitimate political pressure that their, but that's what and here I mean. Did these folks came to the table. Member knows what happened: englishmen, frontal, hadn't, given permission structure for these talks to happen. I think he felt
as well. Was building out there and you ask me: I think that that democracy is exposed to work so now from our framework agreement and in principle to putting it on paper, writing out the actual law. How delicate that process. You know how much room is there for things get mucked up and then related lee is. Thing listeners can do in this interim period to help support the bill and help get it ass. You want people, allowing members I? What can we do here now? I do I mean it again. I think we can take this for granted. Looks like we have sixty votes, but we gotta hang onto the ones that we have and we are doing today. except that there are a handful of Democrats who are sort of of the belief that we are but for anything and give republicans any kind of went on this we do have to convince spokesman
lives, is important, even if you're not saving every life at one at one time and of course there is the potential of this good all fall apart. You probably the biggest about their gunnar owners of america. Just came out strongly against this bill. Today the right is gonna fight, how to stop. This have already seen the sort of articles in the house starting line up against it. So this is going to be hard to get across the finish line, and so just because folksy, Ten Republican signed up today doesn't mean it by any means. This is daring. t passengers a reason why it's been was thirty years since a bit like this has passed because it super difficult, yeah. Well, I'd I'd. I hate the fact that I've been working party long enough to see a series of mass shootings assume have conversations about how things are different, followed by nothing legislatively So, frankly, I'm
excited at the prospect that you know you guys are put together this compromise that we could see something done great to you and all the republicans who had the courage to come forward and work with you and a side on this, so fingers crossed will keep the drums on this thing and encourage people to call senators members of congress. Nobody else, because you know saving one life matters. Something positive work is brought by eighty one. What if I told you, you get seven I've, highquality vitamins, minerals, whole food source, super foods, probiotics and adapted djinns in a single scoop of mythical green powder, You told me that so many times like I no evil number, I know John mine by
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So one piece of the by partisan gun safety deal that senator Murphy just spoke about is seven billion dollars in mental health funding. Even before you baldy the binding ministration It's been sounding the alarm about the youth mental health crisis in this country and taking steps to increase mental health awareness among kids, an effort that has been led by surgeon, general vic murphy, whose here with us person today, doktor murphy, welcome back to the power so happy to have you here and studio things guises in person, I know is a great pity that uniform impersonating, more riding anymore government officials should have the full the full the whole uniform unknown. I rose migration addressed up today. They made me
That is our guide. You ever get your in los angeles, talking about the youth mental health crisis, which has been exacerbated by everything from the pandemic to mass shootings now to social media, even focused on this for a while. What have you found or the most effective ways for parents in schools to help kid? who are having a hard time. I'm glad you asked tat John look, I think kill him and having a hard time for a long time, even before the pandemic. We know that kids were struggling. In fact, in the decade before the pandemic, there is a fifty seven percent increase in the suicide rate among young people, and there is a forty percent increase in the percentage of high school kids, who said they fell, fell persistently sad or hopeless. We noted keys were having a tough time for the pandemic, made things worse, and I will tell you also that these these mass shootings when they happen numb they take a toll on
the mental health of kids as well? Even if they are not directly involved, they traumatize an entire nation and its include our children. But there are three step, so we can take a thing number one getting more councillors into our schools will make a difference, and its present Biden has spoken a lot about. He directed a r p funds, makin a rescue plan funds to help do than his ass from money to a more cancers in schools. The athenian sitting important is that we help make it easier for kids access care in Iraq. Now it takes on average eleven years from when a child has symptoms when they can actually get care, that's in unacceptably long period of time. That's eleven years when a child is struggling more and think about this is a parent to see your child struggling and to not be able to help is one of I believe, one of the worst feelings a parent can have and that's a lot of parents are going through we ve got to improve access to care and we can do that using a combination of technology, expanding the workforce and also revamping our butts call the parity law I to ensure that their networks, through which people
care actually adequate, but the last night's mentions this look, there's a lot that we have to do, but one thing he's one: is it a parents directly? I can't underscore how important it is in moments like this. They, your child, knows that you love them and they are there for them. and it seems like such a simple thing to say. But moments like this when a child going to shooting or when their oars is about it or when their bullied online or experience any other form a trauma. Iraq's there were and they need their foundation reinforced and his parents many times. We are that foundation for our kids, who may not seem like it solving all their problems, the knowing that you're there rock behind that you're there and knowing that you can start up conversation about mental health with them. Even if they don't say anything, they know that you're somebody that they can talk. and you're setting an example and how to talk about mental health and tell them it's ok to get help. These are powerful rules, we can place barons and there are more important. Now than ever. Imagine online bullying
one thing that has risen in the ten years, which we ve seen this increasing depression. Suicide attempts to social media ah, even internally. We ve seen weeks, but at facebook They were aware that instagram has incredibly negative consequences for self esteem. How much the tribute describe says to social media and the effects its had on on young people. Why social media is, is part of the problem here. I've heard of some kids not for all case, I think some kids. You know her actually benefited by social media. They find community otherwise wouldn't have had, especially if there are part of a group that, under represented for other kids. It's been harmful, its aids hurt herself to self esteem. It, sir negatively impact at their relationships with their friends and its contributed to this culture of comparison, which you know, is the experience of Comparing your average days, the p
best days. That's what social media, like president sureness, that's what that's what it's supposed to be for right and even though into even though in Ebay. You know that you know there are other parts of people's eyes or napos outline. Its still makes a lot of kids feel worse about their lives, and I say that not cuz its theoretical It actually literally, were kids Tommy as I do round tables across the country, and I asked them about their mental health. Social media, and they let it hasn t match me. They say we feel that we have to keep using him, but it makes us feel worse about ourselves and it makes us feel good about our friendships, as we think they were really good. Friends. and then we see a minor. There are parties into other stuff without us and that aim and tell us about it. So I do they it's up. It's a complicated and sometimes negative. Like a fact, but I think what has to happen as a result of this and frankly, which have happened long before is it. We need technology platforms to be open and transparent, with data about what's happening, kids companies have a lot of data there,
So the sharing of data- and this is actually what independent researchers tell us. These people been setting tacs and the of kids for a long time. They say we cannot get the data from the companies and privacy. You can share data and trends whilst protecting user privacy, so that son and shouldn't be an excuse here, but I do think that, as happened as we ve, had this national experiment. That's been conducted on our kids and frankly in all of us, where we put social media platforms out into the ether we saw rapid adoption now, billions of people are using them and oops. We didn't actually understand what impact they have on our mental health and wellbeing and its long past time for us to get the data but understand what that is entirely. I think This, too, is well, I think, of your platform. You also asked ask yourself what is my responsibility here, no to make sure when I'm putting out the world is harming other people, and so I think companies have
responsibility to whether its designing their algorithm algorithms, whether its designing the platforms themselves to think about how they can contribute to the well being of children as opposed to adjust, focusing on the amount of time that spent on their platform should be about time. Well spent not just I've spent, but it is an unsafe at any speed. Eating instagram is safe, any speed for kids. there's a version of this kind of comparison can be doing online every single day that one contribute to their did too to render them out to have well, That's. Why did that answer? A question is to be borne my data right. We got got understand what they two tells us about. What in what form it safe like. I know, for example, that we feel pretty Only that if I were to show up to this interview and as actually do have on my phone with pictures of my kids right, and I show you pictures and mike and maybe those pictures involve a vacation that we took last year is
episode. Gonna adversely impact your mental health will maybe it'll make you feel great. Maybe pardon me like gosh. I wish I could go on a vacation, my, but we know This is a normal part of him. Actually we ve had a funny about that. I'm not a mock him. So the point is ins in small doses, I think, and with context and with relation So we can absorb a lot of these. These This is where we may have a bit of comparison here there I think the challenge is the sheer volume and with which it has on social media and the utter lack of context like if we If I were to show you these pictures. when I, because we're in person and we're having conversation where we have of a relationship here. I might also talked about the fact that yeah we went on a vacation is pretty tough. Baby was financially. challenging for our family or maybe we we got sick. You know on the trip no really kind of socked in the end, and it was well worth it like. We may have a more nuanced conversation Ben you wants is utterly missing often,
social media you're, just purely seeing a highlights without the contacts in people's lives. I think context is everything in these areas it about time your europe next notice, that average also between watching screens together as a family and then doing it separately right, because then you can have that count a conversation there. Let's talk about vaccines at long last, the fda has has said that both and pfizer's vaccines are effective in kids under five there's. The hope that the fda and cdc authorize, both maybe by the end of this week, if not he soon and others, millions of parents who can't wait to get their kids vaccinated, there's still might be others. aren't sure about their under under five kids. What would you say to them? Well, look I say this: not just a certain number numbers apparent of a child is under five. My daughter's for and I m look I've, waiting to her vaccinated too, but where it is, the most important thing is for parents to make sure that they have formation they need to make it is.
For their child and that, that they have to understand to critical things. One is: is this vaccine safe and is it effective for my child where you get that information from really matters because there a tremendous, madame misinformation out there. This is actually a top those Pick of my very first certain doubts advisory was health misinformation because it's been so rife during the current crisis. but we want to make sure people are getting infer from credible sources. That means your own doctor, the nurse who, as you won't take care, your family needs your children's hospital, your local department of health, I mean to see Sea or the FDA? What's gonna happen this week said the FDA advisory group is meeting to discuss the data that data will be public eye the fda and render a formal, reno Brady server authorization for the vaccine if they think the data may and then, after that, the cdc and render its recommendation and then, after that it will be available. But all of the people should know that the operational work of making sure,
the vaccine will be available in pharmacies, doctors, offices in a community health centres, thou work and planning men are, has been going on for weeks and months now. we want to make sure as soon as the fda and sees he give the signal that the vaccine will be available to parents a resilient, and you ve had covered. You should still get vaccinated that this is the same true for kids under five, if you ve had it can under five was had covered. It'll go seek the vaccine, other us. That's really safe thing to do, because what we know is that the having prior infection gives you some protection but we ve seen already that protection doesn't always last so even for example, if you got the first wave of em on ba one, as it's called, as I did in my family, did you cannot really guarantee that I especially the absence of a prior vaccine that you have great protection, now against the new or sub areas that are coming out? So that's? Why get That said it is, is still a good idea, but the bottom line is throughout this pandemic. Vaccines have damaged,
that there really effective at keeping you out of the hospital and saving your life? That's a most important job of a vaccine. You may still get an infection, if you, if you I've seen a bit, it will likely be mild or in some cases, even asymptomatic. So that's. Why would so recommend people accept their childless while take my four year old, also to give activated when it's available- so in April, the administration, put out a warning that said without additional funding from congress, they wouldn't be able to buy boosters for the fall last week They said they were moving money around to paper boosters, but that would require cutting money for tests scaling back some money, research? What's the law, yes on making sure that we're gonna have boosters. We need this fall right now, here, is a good question. This is something we should not have had to do. Take money from critical pots to buy more vaccines and therapeutic and let me just be clearer: what we're taking money away from we're, taking money away from buying more tests, we're taking money away from a disappointing domestic manufacturing of vaccines and tests which are both
really critical, we're taking money away from research into them. ex generation. Kobe vaccine people have been talking about having was called a pan corona virus boxing. We love. Yet there as soon as possible. We are now literally taking money away from them at super yeah. They it is, it doesn't make sense, and- and these are lessons we should have learned from prior pandemics- so right now with the funds that we have taken from other parts were two eyes to get in line, because even the mind like other countries having getting in line to buy vaccines will fall. We have been able to do that because of the lack of funds, which is really terrible. Also, now release restore able to start getting in line, but even now we don't have enough money to guarantee, every american who needs a vaccine in the fall, will have one, so we still need got to come forward and to provide the funding for even though some of the funds that we put aside, for example there, may be used for vaccines and therapeutic like packs of aid, but also for another therapeutic called monoclonal antibody right
we only have enough to buy five weeks more of monocle antibodies, so we Have there been less as a country to have had expired, in their resources to tackle global. team. This is not the time to take our eye off the ball. I know that this is a big fight with republicans in congress. Is it I've been wondering this? Is it possible to do this through reconciliation? that's a good question. I dont know: if it's what he did this reconciliation. I would deferred others who are more expert in into the budget and entered a policy in this regard. But what I do think, though, is it shouldn't? Have come to the right right. This should be we actually- and this is what I when I talk to people in the country. This is what they don't understand, the John public. They say we Tell me this again: we spent two years developing extraordinary treatments and vaccines, and we prove there. We are
experience at the seed? So many lies and prevent and millions of people many of the hospital? But now we're not gonna make them available to people, like they just doesn't make sense of people, because it just doesn't make sense. It was a status of an comecon specific booster. Furthermore, so There is now data on amr crime are what I will call the bible lent a vaccine, so they include both the so the original version and and work on variant together, and the data is released provided by the company, seems to be promising that these actually are affected, you know in reducing the likelihood of people end up in a hospital or or that they mean your life. But the two is we ve got see that data you know like in this is me: I just wanted to be cautious. About is a lot of times. Companies put our press releases based on their interpretation. The data
While we should understand what that is its only when that data is made publicly available only when it looked at and examined closely by the FDA, I and the cdc that we can truly and make a decision about whether it is worth purchasing recommending for people on the country, I hope that it will be, but we gotta see the data first. I believe everything pfizer monotonous. As always. How do you think these did would, with this by violent booster, be effective against ba, and be a five, and some of these new are variants doing now He asserted. That is an interesting question and they were likely be some level of cross protection and they said it'll get lease against severe disease, no hospice station in death, but how much and in particular how much protection they may be against preventing mild and modern infections that parts now clearly, and this is really one of the challenges. John is at. The very revolving pretty quickly but again one thing that I want people to feel reassured about is at least, throughout asia, even when you're back stated, with the original version of alma kron that this vaccine
sell tend to be very effective in keeping out of the hospital in saving your life. So a lot of people I talk to who are fully boosted. Are still not living there prepared mc lives because they are afraid of getting long covered and not just long covered symptoms, the last four weeks or a couple months, which is bad enough like potentially disabling case of of long covered, that leaves them disabled over the long term. What's the latest research say about the chances of that happening? and what is the federal government doing about it, Yeah, it's a. It is really one of the still unanswered questions that is, its vaccine is frustrating as we would. We The data about how common decision in who critically at risk, for that would be really helpful. Random people can adjust their risk accordingly. These studies, like all over the place- there's like a study that take its two percent up to ten percent. Forty percent you're, like the number, is all over the place.
That's right! That's why she, one of the things in the federal government has done as the age is actually dedicated. specific and indeed the whole initiative too long, covin, where they are actually doing a study to understand exactly that's what is a frequency and whose at risk its also president Biden actually directed norman than human services. I, to put together a couple of In short order to help patients understand, what services were available to them if they were in fact chauvelin with unclear, because we want to do and the government administration is doing everything possible to make sure that people who do how long will we have the support that they need that sets and credit born, but to your original questioned on the question it comes down to the head, is how do we in the interim mine if I'm out therein- and this is too but we know that the majority people, despite who seem to get covert, seemed to recover right. That is good news and we have also seen from some earlier studies it that long club, it tends to for a more often when people have more
or severe illnesses when they have? You know are in the hospital for long period of time and again some of this stepping into the nitty gritty the data that, when people hospital appeared of time, they tend to have longer sent in any way with their arrest, buzzer, pneumonia or something else. So how much it It's just you know this sequelae or that concept is it being seriously ill, verses, actual long covert? That's part of what's been teased apart, so What I would say said you know if you're in somebody who's vaccinated if you're boosted, if you ve, got higher risk at home, we are worried about my be mean a compromise, if you yourself or even a compromise- and it makes sense to two probably sylvie as you know, in your approach, whether that means avoiding hire a high risk activity, your testing before you engaged in activities- are wearing a mask when you're in public indoor spaces if you're not worried about your own health, because you know you don't have other matter, conditions are not living with. Son has a pretty good high risk, then this is a time where I think, being able to pull back. You know what some of those precautions, especially if your boost
me is reasonable, if your primarily through primary goals, herself at the hospital I may should enter. I think synergies. Are people struggling with I've struggle with this myself is so the risk of have getting long covered, there's the risk to amino compromise people and and and the vulnerable species and elderly people, even if their fully boosted and then is to other facts? One? Is that like we're? Not gonna hit her community? This point and covered may be here forever and then I think back to what doktor vouchers when I'm account hit, which is virtually everybody, is going to get expose unlikely infected to MIKE. How do you square all of those three facts? Because then it just sounds like a lot of people are gonna wanna, take precaution, since forever. If they want to avoid long covert- and I just I will and then that's that's a challenge, my that's what we have to really make sure we do everything we can to get answers to these questions on the frequency and risk factors associated long. Kobe, too, that we don't you, people are in limbo. forever, but it also way
By adding these variants we're getting so transmissible right. Each one is more transmissible than the next or contagious than the next day. That's why I'm part you're seeing me so many people, you know, get infected internally. I've seen that and in my own circles the good news is said the vast majority of these people, if they were miss pretty way. vaccinated, are are ok. You know the people who are looking to folks here hospitalized, you know and who are losing their life to cope in its the death rate, is much higher among those who are on vaccinated compared to those who have access to it. So in a while. We don't have all the answers yet you know. I do think that and yes, while this is incredibly transmissible I think we should do what we can to prevent the transmission, but it's over. It's a risk benefit a balance here in for a lot of people, like you know, to give up going to see family you know to give up, your wedding. That's view vile, often in returning for a couple here's. You know our major anniversary celebrations deserve. These are price.
hey you! We pay as well, and we have to just those against the risk of getting a mild infection. What that that those are. There are many ways I kind of the easy ample rikers other special things that people would really want to take a chance for. I've struggle with his. There is a period of time or there is this debate, everyone's gonna get it and a lot of the health experts has no that's bullshit. Not everybody is gonna get it. You should still try to avoid getting it, don't, listen, we'll say every is gonna get it and then you see data come out of places like hong kong. That shows that places had better done. Extremity She met measures once they got hit by these more transmissible back. variants. The rates didn't just shoot up. They caught up to what they would have been on the lines of the countries that are, unless an iphone that really persuasive and when I took away from that. As someone who was really careful for a very long time is, I can no longer avoid us. I will get this. The best I can do is be careful for a week or two around a special event. A big show, a big event.
But that, in the end, whatever the risk along covet is almost beside the point because It is inevitable that at some point I'm gonna get this infection do agree with that, while I think look In our current circumstances, I do think the vast majority of people you know at some point me in the months and over the next few years will likely get exposing infected. You know took over it and we already have seen at the majority of the country has in fact gotten coping nineteen. So we know that that's hey set will likely continue to happen, You think this is where it becomes trickier because it suggests black and white. You know take precautions are not it's about. When do I take precautions? Have you ve got again somebody coming to visit you who might be higher risk or if you're gonna go to an event, you want to make sure that you don't end up getting sick right before two to missy event. Then he makes sense to take those gonna precautions and if you yourself were at high risk- and I think they make sensitive precautions but I'd given how contagious it is. I dont think people should think that if I got covered that I failed somehow
that I screwed up. I didn't do this right either we need you. If you everything right, you can reduce your chances, but you can eliminate on a per cent your chances of getting sick, which is why again it's thing: it's important for people to be able to way what they're giving up you know with the benefits of mitigation and for a lot of people, which they will tolerate the risk that they make it a mild infection. And go about living their life, you know going I d with friends gathering with friends going to concerts and I don't need That's easy! It's on a decision to make. You know it's just a silly different, depending on people to risk tolerances and based on your personal health and the health of the people in their home in virginia, where it's so important to then make sure we have up to date, boosters treatment. treatment, specially for people who are munich, compromised and then look look into funding and in research for treatments for lunch over that's right now, The thing is, I can, as even with it two years have we been in their struggle. We ve developed remarkably good vaccines, and we have a therapeutic impacts. Will then, which is remarkably effective at preventing auspices?
he's right. Just imagine what we could do if we continued our pipeline of research investment. We may one day have mucosal vaccines rain, which could actually help even doing better job to prevent transmission, who we may have pan krona virus. since it will be even more effective against future variants? We could do so much more, and so I do think that we shouldn't dumb judge covered you know, based on what's happening right now and think that what's happening now is going to be what our life is going be like in perpetuity. I believe that things will get better as our therapeutics treatments continued it. Ants. We just have to make sure we keep investing in those cars and not do so. I think we'd be to would be would be just tragic. Let me ask you this question you have to pay for the jacket I thank you for it. I assume you get the job do charge you for Does it come with it? You buy your own yes, I was by your own- you don't wanna, buy down from its very toxic rivet worthy thank you for stopping by its always wonderful to talk to you really thank you so much it s, even in person to
begs to senator Chris murphy and banks surgeon general vivek murthy for joining us today and we'll see you group thread thread tomorrow: seven am pacific and we'll talk to you on thursday. For another part, did you ask doktor murphy if he's related, as required, I admit that we made that jack a couple times, but well I mean this is the ultra the indian everyone of the auction? If he wasn't this anyway, I've got some shots. They're gonna, take Levin shirt? I'd want to apologize to jamie ruskin I apologize. I m sure I m just a joke the enemy is after its out. We're here were clear. I have a brick options in this respect my existence or expect a brick ally until we should develop our lot. Yeah look at us promoting
once in many different, for example, that of reducing asian to the person out she's your gifting, a brick gifting Abrek, that's what you were thinking thousand dollars. If I got it than anything else in the younger and when you read chelsea edge hobbes, where ngos attack was a daily paper. Mario fan here became her his american and not looking at my wife mocked my sweater and have you had your not avert hammer you? You know- and I think it's great gives me a hard stare when she looked. I look. Here's the thing. Even women can enforce oxen masculinity like saying that you can't wear that you can wear that. This is not an non masculine. Nobody I'm saying that that the bounds the bounds of your the to rethink driving group like as a cigar. I always you have you do not hear a stop. Do not pressed up the two of you want. Nothing makes me so sure that masculinity is a prison with no longer than the incredible rigidity of the.
sounds around the live you literally or bash Uva new joke. I know it's hard this one before John and happier hetero normative in their clan. There gosh, my next netflix, watching. you attack men. I do about netflix my uncle. You argue in force hetero normative standards. By attacking the content, I enjoy tommy like some larger, seeing p b the other. You had a couple, a couple fire island fire. I will raise me: adorable ran com, you love it or you don't know. Joanna reward me! Sorry about ireland enemy! Sorry, that's torture means in a fuckin prison to get me to say so. nl about fire island or how did I can dearly ass? The battle test the young man, someone, then an examination on twitter, but he got is issued
still general was, unlike others, like gold. Extra episode, leave it on we're going all of it by relying bye, bye, we'll see what suitors they with dan Don't worry, I don't worry. You'll get it gets better listener, thursday Hardly of america is a crooked media production. The executive produced is Michael Martinez, our senior producer, Andy gardener Bernstein are producer is hearing, who's in Bolivia. Martinez is our associate producer. Its mixing edited by andrew chadwick el segment in charlotte, Linda sound engineer. The show thanks to tie so many to sandy gerard Halley, keefer, irish warts, anti taft and justine. How for production support into our digital teen, Elijah, cone, Phoebe Bradford, Milo came in amelia monies are episodes are uploaded, is videos at you to dot com such crooked meeting,
Hey everybody, its job of it and travail anderson, and we are so excited a team up to let you know what cricket is up to this pride month, we're bringing you incredibly queer content across the entire crooked network. That includes what they love it or leave it, keep it strict scrutiny and more plus we're fund raising for trans lifeline equality, florida and trans education network of texas, all of whom are working tirelessly to support the queer and trans communities nationally and locally to get the scoop on all of it. Had a cricket, dot com, slash pride
Transcript generated on 2022-06-14.