« Pardon My Take

Sam Darnold, Mt Rushmore Of Pisses, Joey Chestnut Is The GOAT American, Britney Spears vs Vic + Monday Reading

2023-07-10 | 🔗

We're back from 4th of July and have a lot to talk about. Joey Chestnut is the greatest american ever. Threads happened and we're over it. Hank is taking the summer off so leave him alone. Victor Wembanyama vs Britney Spears (00:00:00-00:26:03). Who's back of the week including Wimbledon, eating, UFC and more (00:26:03-00:59:38). Sam Darnold joins the show to talk about TEU, his career, seeing ghosts and actually seeing ghosts at George Kittle's house, Adam Gase's hyperdrive, USC and more. (00:59:38-01:31:56) Mt Rushmore of best pisses (01:31:56-01:56:08) . We finish up with Monday Reading The Reply Guys Who Won, Repeatedly commenting on your crush's twitter posts is a terrible dating strategy...until it isn't (01:56:08-02:10:39).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, pardon my take listeners? You can find every episode on apple, podcasts, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon music. This is brought you by better help. Getting to know yourself can be a lifelong process, especially since you're growing and changing therapy is all about deepening that self awareness, because sometimes you don't know what you really want until you talk things through better help connects you with the licensed therapist online. Who can take you on that journey of self discovery from wherever you are visit, better help dot com today to get ten percent off your first month? That's better help. H e l p dot com on today's pardon my take. We have sam darnold on the show. We interviewed him at t e. U it was awesome in person a great talking to SAM darnold. We also have the mount rushmore of pisses ps, great mount rushmore we're back after the week of July. Fourth, we've got a lot to talk about. We had who's back the week. We got a monday reading now, a time out from our sponsor better help. This is your operating system talking, not your computers. Your phones put your own internal human operating system, just kidding it's cabin from kfc radio, with your daily reminder that you're doing great, but I can tell you're stressed, of course you are. How could you not be so right now take some time for yourself, close your eyes and breathe. Just breathe feels better right. If you want to ease the long term stress, you should be on better help. Online therapy they'll match you with a licensed therapist. Who can help you with more than just telling you to just breathe, having a
Ok, you can make a huge difference for your mental health through better help. You can connect with the therapist online via video phone or chat and it's more affordable than in person therapy. Give it a try. Today, okay, let's go I Violence, None at the all right. My say goodbye wasn't part of my take today is Monday July. Ten and the boys are packed
hello, boys, the boys good to see all of you, it's a great great to be back. We had the week of fourth of July off, so we haven't talked to the people in a while hope everyone enjoyed dungeons and dragons on friday. I certainly did TIM woods a legend ah, but boyce. Where should we start? I mean I actually think I was thinking about. I was trying to recall everything that happened this past week and there's only one way to start- and I know it was my call victor women, young and Britain, british there's. No, it's our guide, joey chestnut being the grace american of all time, saving, literally saving the fourth of July for america, yeah. That's when he goes between being that the greatest athlete ever compete sport to being an absolute legend, a living legend, the paul bunyan of chugging blizzards, because this do was fuckin. He he walked out locker room when they cancelled the event and the look on his face.
With just one of utter sheer determination. I said that they should put that phase on money. That should be a portrait that exists on what afford our bill. However much a hot dog cos. that should be on that denomination of currency because he was determined. He was gonna. Make that thing and come hell or high water and they stepped out there. And yet was wasn't his best performance. But given the circumstances he absolute We still dominated everybody and and put his best foot forward continued the streak. Dude is legit. He he I mean they tried to freeze them out. We know what happens to the bonds. He told us what happens to the bonds when they sit out that gets stale they're harder to eat. He still dominated sixteen championship. I I know that people think maybe we get a little hyperbolic when we talk about joey chestnut in terms of the greatest of all time. I don't think we are we're doing it enough, because this bat past fourth of July,
Not only did he, you know cement himself, even further better than everyone else never going to be touched, but he's also maybe on a shortlist of greatest americans of all time. He saved the sport saved to eating, like that, the list of people that you can count that have done something of that magnitude. It's joey chestnut and his teddy roosevelt when he saved football yeah and when he changed when he turned it into the the woke football league. We're not allowed to have people die on the field anymore, but it was like it was such a great moment because we were all bummed out when, when the when the hotdog eating contest was cancelled, everybody was just pissed off like what are we going to do before the bbq starts. This is what we do. Every fourth of July is appointment television. We get amped up about it and he just he as an individual, made sure that had happened. Music, we're going to do this fucking thing yeah, and then he did the fucking. Then he did the fucking.
I think he is yeah he's up there. I if we did a new mount rushmore of greatest americans of all time, it's joey chestnut, who else get tj off Thomas jefferson, thomas jefferson, fraud, overrated, arnold schwarzenegger, I'm trying to think who else. If we're talking like second down hot dogs. If you like Nancy reagan, might never have a say. Oh yeah, it's been a while, since she's gone viral for being the throat maybe maginnis you can in the nathan's hot. In contrast out, that would be match. Yes, hologram nancy reagan, hoagie great. If we just like when they, when they do like what this horse would look like against secretariat and they need it. That is the animation, maybe get like the money. I football graphics, going again
We would like to make in autumn, like pills, ethic attacks, she's a good yes she's, like what you give you. Your dog pills, ease parliamentary peanut butter, capsule nope, oop, boop. No, it was over. It was great though I was. I was so happy that we at least got to have the contest it was. It was a great moment for america. Was it really was the other things that so victor buddy, I'm a welcome to america buddy. Ah, I don't know no way to like be introduced to to our culture and our world then have britney spears, try to grab your ass and then have it become like a international incident on your second week in this country I I still don't really know what the big issue was watching the video I like what what what was that she try to grab them a security guard. Qana swiped in an it shows hid herself in the face
yeah. Well, news came out again. Poor came on the day before and I will use our imagination thinking that has security guard like puncture in the face, and then what once the video came out, I was like. Oh, this is not a burger yeah yeah I'll, be honest I this was a story that I saw the headline and I was like okay. I don't really need to read past this headline. I'm not sure. If this even happened. It was like tmz needed something to write about. So and they are the king, its them in, and our good friend robert little at black sports online dmz. and being so. They know how to write a fuckin headline. They do and they. They got everybody's attention on an otherwise slow news day. It would, it would be great if, like the most shocking part, is britney. Spears knows who victor web and yama is maybe a big like whoop had, like maybe she's a baller, but that would be great if, like e S, p n hired her for, for maybe some of the vacancies on an mba countdown like how great would that be? Brittany, pretty nose ball.
how high did she have to reach up in the air to grab his ass yeah? I do it's imagine that his ass is probably like above the top of her head, and I probably yeah it's I I gotta say because he is playing right now in a similarly game. I think is point better than his first one. I know, were victor remedy, I'm a pot cast. We ve staked our reputation on it. Everyone will remember this. It would be so fucking funny if he was a bust, no, no bigger! Thank you. Misconstruing what our point was like: we were already right about victor women yachts. You said that he's the best prospect as history can be addressed. Or what he does with that from this point on that's on him, but we were, he would first We need them. So if he's a boss like that would be funny right, like ours yeah pretty funny? No, I don't think he's going to be a bus. No, I I don't think so either I I don't think so either, but it would be kind of funny it'd be very funny, yes gets hurt? You add buzzer, said yeah,
I really like Gregg odin, like that sad different, though that more about injuries, if you, if you just like, wasn't good applying basketball, you all I'm ok, you're you're right, I then impossible with his eye, yet the only ways of buses if injuries. Ok, so I agree: hank pus our sad. What if he just socked, really bad this year and then became like an all time. Great doubt would be funny. So how many dummy? from pigs to the thunder have right now they got like. I know they have thirty. Five draft picks. I think, like fifteen of them were first romping. I think they have one of the rams picks. Is it possible for the thunder too What would be the amount of first round pigs that disperse would accept fervent women young? Oh, I don't know, but you ve done it they have checked. I can't wait to watch chat and victor go out it like you. We ve got the equivocal victor women young at home- maybe one day I hope it's gonna be like. I actually think both of them will be relieved when they play.
other, because they know that do not we get partied who's gonna like pure appear wet around each other for her fer. You know four, the minutes and I like do a little dance. I actually think that when they play against each other, there pointed see that is opportune for them to be able to back down somebody. Finally, yeah, so there go start like throwing their tiny robot is around into each other. Yeah yeah be like look at this. I'm a real man. will? It will be a motorway mono, but yeah that was. There was quite a story that was So one of those like hey we're in the middle of July, not a lot to talk about what is run. The the victor women Yama britney spears storyline for forty straight here is pretty good is. It is a great headline. I have a goddamn, I feel really really old, and I wish that I didn't read this today, odo so the nationals drafted don't crews from Alice you that, due to beast by the way Alice you players when one and two in the adobe draft schemes once the pirates.
Yeah and they asked dylan. Crews like who is who is idols were growing up like baseball and said that as a kid he modeled his swing after bryce harper, oh yeah, that I wish tat. He had never said that already love em Is it going to be an awesome? Learn major based was a great college player, but I just really wish he had said any name except for bryce arbour. Do that's that's kind of like a wee wee jokes about it. When Brandon Miller said Paul, George was his goat, but I saw another clip of another prospect being like Paul, my favorite player and I was like this it. This maybe, is like what this. What the future is that we need to stop saying like m J Leubronn just will actually who's your favorite player because for a lot of these kids like if you're eighteen years old, what does that do the math twenty fifteen is
when you were ten years old when so you you are too young, probably to like even understand the heat lebron, that's crazy, yeah, that is nuts. My delhi was my favorite player growing up, it's fun, that's that's a bummer. I can't believe you just told me that, im. Sorry, I I other news damian Lillard. I am so sick of him. I already was sick of him, but I'm more sick of him. The report I dunno, if that it came from him, but maybe his agent basically been like I want to go to the heat noah. ass. I he's he's done a really good job of taking like the best goodwill that any players ever had and just finding like how quickly can I can. I rode all this yeah? I I don't know how serious he is about. I mean he does want to go to the heat. Obviously, but when he says I don't want to play, I won't play for any other team. If they do trade him to different teams, you really just going to sit out the entire time, that'd be in him,
I think that's the only leverage that he has to say that he would do that. I dunno if you'd actually follow through, but I'm still, you know what they should do: threads the new or the new twitter. That should just be a dame lillard free app. No dame little discussion on threat, I'm down for by the way should we should we talk about threads and I'm already it was fun. for like two and a half days yeah. He come here today, so I've just yeah I don't know I don't know what to do with it now, because I just don't, there's nothing. It's too nice. It's a bunch of people like trying to go viral by being like asking like questions like what you, what does anyone have for dinner and shit like that? I try to play that game for a day and a half got bored like. I. I think I'm done. I think I'm done with your users. Yeah I can't leave, or you can delete your instagram as well I'll delete your instagram account countess, oh
zack you crafty mix, swine. Got. It It is funny it is funny like on up on a bigger scale, like the the all the like anti long guys been like wolves. Zangwill will will save us the guy Why is the four years ago, like the whole country, was have a crisis about Zuckerberg? Like you know like swaying elections in all this shit and like I was like this hidden congress, algorithm he's. Not a lot it's cool would all of our information. We have the collective memory, the goldfish today, it is really it's really wild that that zog is now the good guy in a battle between like zirconium mosque. I think they posts but its arm. It was fun for the first two days because everybody pretty much trade thread like it was a burner account like what they said there didn't matter at all and there's deafening on these people that do get cancelled for their jobs like seven years when they looked back at what you put on thread for like the first two days.
when everybody was just like firing off, takes left and right. So I go to new social media. It was like twitter in two thousand and nine two thousand and ten. People just like saying whatever. Like ten years now, somebody's gonna there's gonna be congressperson. There has to get in front of my from you I wish it was the lyrics to wrap, saw that was putting up there. Ok, listen whose thread it was the wild west. At this point it wasn't real but yes, I got. I am with you because I have not been on threaten last two days after just like doing nothing but random top ten list cm as things and then it's like, oh yeah, that app oh yeah. I remember that one yeah there the first day and a half was exciting. It was like cause, there's nothing going. Who knew up and then I realise that I was falling watch people that, following further pictures, not their thoughts and, ah me their thoughts, but I dont need their thoughts. Yes, geyser girls, that's a guy girls.
I er cielo for his picture of the the the the jailer one I gotta find it gilo had one where I was like. I think I'm I I think it was the moment I was like. I think I'm done with this app forever. She whole lot gotta find it cause. It was. It was a it everyone's just too nice, too they're all like everyone's, like all the is nice. I'm getting your juicy dane cook. He was like this. This places so nice, like all these all this community, that we built subdued. We ve been on this for a fucking twenty four hours. What he out about really really, stuff, very sri. It also socks. Having too, the morning now there's another out that you have to log onto what's going on now, You gotta go twitter instagram thread right the morning or else you gonna feel like missing out on something you know what's going to happen in the thread it I feel like. If anything happens, on the threat, it's just going to be on twitter and probably is versa. Yeah yeah
I think you need both Jayla said next thread. Humming birds appear to me in some of the most important moments of my life. What's your spirit, animal I was like I'm. I can't do this. I care this is why We have bullying on twitter slots. Kids, we cleaned out twitter to to be, brutally honest about everything week. Are lazy and they sleep all day, and you only see when you're on vacation heck yeah did you see? Your theories proved corrected. The island boys were making out on, though yeah well, I know that that's true yet twins. all twins alternative kissed, her red ass. She never saw it was for all. My friends are given only france there kissing and then there like come check out our own defence. I saw it on twitter, your guy said it was on threads That's that should be the sign of the internet was about idea. It's the hope. It's a bad idea to show you that idea like people,
twin boys, picking out with each other to drive subscriptions to their only fans as a promotional. Everyone needs to log on, be you If you have to use the internet in the summer, I like yeah, I liked it it's like twin brothers, kissing we we, we were fine with the guy who's, just publicly been letting his wife get rails for the last week. half of your guy that's bought. That is when it really is in terms of like the internet, delivering on it on town sports times it
was fun for that, like I appreciated zach doing it when he did it, because there really was nothing going on and like hey, let's all fuck around on an app for a couple of days and then we'll forget it until some type of controversy happens, it will go back on it and then we'll forget it again. Yeah it was. It did fill a nice purpose or gave us something to do for for those two down days and I've got, I add another drunk idea. We can get into that real, quick cause. I'm sure that a lot of people out there have have thought about this at some point, but we need to make it happen. As reality, I've been playing a lot of golf recently. I've gone out with hank a couple of times here in Chicago and they need to make a fucking golf ball.
With a chip in it, that you can locate on your phone when you lose it in the woods or in a bush or in tall grass, we've spent what like fifty billion dollars on an f twenty two to shoot down a hot air balloon, and I think that the technology exists out there to put a chip in golf ball. They have twenty thousand of them at every topgolf that you go to now. I understand the naysayers will be like well, then you won't have to buy new golf balls because you'll just always be able to find them. No, that's how you use american ingenuity, make the chips slowly where down. So they are only good for like a couple months and then you have to re up on new balls. This is to happen. I know that we probably have somebody out there from tailor made this listing right. Now, let's make a golf ball with japan. We were way overdue for the apple tag. Yeah. Apples, air that adds value. They got it. They have it. day, tailor made tp five got away, he's really
onion rugby team, now tv via the best, but in the name of these items s golf ball but I used to have an entire rack, teepee fives I burned. nobody's business because her shut up, hey, there's, not a chip, and so I lose him. I also have me a ball with a chip and worry about it because, like if you go in the water you're not going to go, get it yeah. If you hit it in deep grass or not we'll get a useful ideological, explodes and water. There are gps got but gulf. they're about to garage will they need to be, they need to be in the mall to everyday life yeah, but so pft. The only downside, if we're, if we're just in the trust tree and we're just you know, like pretend we're in shark tank. What then, like it kind of, is a bad thing cause like I'll hit in the woods and then I'll, just like wait till no one's looking and then drop it right by the woods. That's fine! Yeah! I mean
we're gonna cheat you're going to cheat anyway right, but, like people like you know you you want to, I don't want to know where my ball is people like why you have so many balls. You only need one ball, it's like well, I don't want to hit it out of like when I cause I hit out of bounds, hit it out of bounds, yeah oh meet me too and I'll just like it's more than a hundred off the farewell privileges, probably just let it go off. I see the ball within like the first pass through it's like that that one's gone forever, it would make golf so much more fun. The rounds would go faster, it'll be better. What let's, let's make it happen, I'll I'll put my name behind this one I'll I'll help tailor made develop. achieving economically feasible gao what is and what smile handed one mile donna wars that smile like warned about a mile, I'm I was cobbled it is making me make me, laugh with go on war. I was I was that you remember the tracking and then also mean future playing s reign. Who a couple times
playing, like legitimately, like to fair ways over. It was funny when I, when he was, I give hundred yards away like now not only stairway cotta good line, the airway after yeah. If I'm in the other fairway, I'm definitely going to play it, I'm in a fairway, it's a great shot, yeah! No, no! No! It just made me smile, yeah, good. I'm glad that we can make you laugh. Some of us Soon, someone was kick it out there and golf seven to nine times a week. I mean this is a yeah whatever, whatever one by the way whose giving hank shit this summer No I'm here before the summer started. He did sit me a phd down he's like I'm, not working this summer. He said that to us yeah it's a summer- has not exactly eyes like guys just see. No I'm not gonna work somewhere there was no joy wants. A football season starts he's into workmen like you.
forcing them ever know what I have work to do. I don't have always. I noted the golf course is literally the mire sensuality making deals on the golf course like it it's over open I'd, be there by my happy link, we know tat, he did alert us that he will not be working with some. So lay all get him ok layer. How is it Blindsided by this I was fucking shit. I was shocked when he texted us pft was like hey. I have a vacation plans like dude, you told us you weren't working somewhere. What do you mean a vacation planned yeah? Do you mean august yeah? you're. The occasion you would plan is to work with our vacation play. I'm gonna work for a week. actually not even against this kind of counterfeits. This false narrative that you guys are trying to spin blood I am going to lobo. Did you or did you not say I'm not working is no. I, the I'm going to enjoy myself it's because we don't have an office to work out of Once the fall comes we'll be living in the office, but do
banana me now, working I am taking a vacation always to block island which doesn't have a golf course. While no, that actually in anti vacation. That's that's work, I'm going to work you're in prison. Basically, if you are, how do they not have a fucking golf course? They just don't have one there. I think it's like they want it that way she got hit in the ocean yeah that did come over me or not answering all this time off bugger I came in play. Wait there is one knows: ok, billy I miss. You hate you I have. who will zooming market outlets like arles art, His work this last month estrada find a single golf course block these two golf courses. Man can be a bank levy. The only other thing I had for us, cooper flag is, is is like making waves, and I just want to remind everyone. He was our guy first, the real
that we had him when we had a wonder he was sixteen years old, we ve been two guys. the charlie woods, everyone else back off his his awesome. He just one bosnia, the backward and what six? subject each of game and iran alyosha to himself raw news like what he's going to be a duke blue devil. I will just choose to just not acknowledge that entire year of his existence well indefinitely wouldn't have gone to duke coach k with solar. That's true, you would not have fit into coach k system ah by the way quick bear season. Two recap: awesome, awesome season, waiting scotch here talk a little something I wasn't sure yeah it was. It was, but never go. Watch that show it's fucking awesome. If you will it now looks like it now now. It was just wants to show its very stressful,
although yeah have you ever worked in a restaurant before you get ptsd from the dinner rushes, all that stuff, you feel like you're back in it yeah. Oh, I had a drunk idea to speak in a restaurant business. I went out to dinner couple of weeks ago and when I was finishing I had some leftovers and a dude came up and he was wearing a shirt that was different than all the other waiters and Can I take this for you. I think we could just eat for free if we just show up to really nice restaurants and we just go to like people who are just finishing being like I take this for you and then just walk out yesterday her hands behind your back matter efficient. I need to your piece. You could probably do one cities, restaurant put, it would work, I I handed him my food like it was nobody's business being like this guy will come back with a bag and yeah. I I think I found a way that if, if we ever fall on hard times, we can live off of that year. Next time see homeless person on the street, don't don't you
Many money don't give them food. It's like teaching a man to fish as opposed to handing him a fish yeah. You go up with a nice van heusen shirt from calls off the rack. You tell him tucking in these khakis put a belt on and then you can eat for free at any restaurant in the city. Yes, yeah, just like just walk up and just kindly say, and it was just about done hey. Can I take that, for you correct bag, that up I'd socially, do whose back then get sent donald and about rushmore pisses. Do it hank, whose back the weak, I am a whose families billy lying he does in sport. Still some hoping to me- maybe there's definitely not that's the worst. Live everything delights. What like yeah! They did you can't you have you cages, whatever blogging block island club, wentworth white, course is not obliged to cover all chew golf courses in block island in butcher gulf holiday today,
I give you gimme the location of those billy and let me know my other, whose back have a couple of forests. Is yeah you day. Arms come back when today also I'm not even trolling. I was watching it. It was interesting. I came smith was winning He had a chance to birdie eighteen and his team would have one and he would have won. Two shyly buddy boy, he did so his team law. but he still one like single thing. Tournaments towards. He was like mad. He would like how do you feel like it out kind of mixed emotions. I wish wish we had one, but the forests are just a wagon the forest is going johnson, badger greed Peter you line paperers Their eyes finally got it got it through absolutely zero golf courses. Yeah
basel ii is demands, wait you, but His websites are lying Well, now you today, you have to click more than one click into like a google search. Result figure that on leading courses, dot com, it says there's two and they're not long island, jamie from from the Joe rogan sure if you only get like off the very top? the screen every time right at all to do with that jack men. and my other, whose back it was really whose now who's now is this. Is globe. Yeah they were they rolled it out this weekend and it's maybe the cool thing I've ever seen. They, I feel it's gonna, be everywhere all the time now like it's, that is the future. Like a giant, I know how you describe it. It's unbelievable, really, really good. I would factor it's a three hundred sixty degree ellie d,
screen that can be changed, manipulated to look like different things like that sick fire, some, the fourth of July they make it look like data n b, a basketball for the summer league, I dunno how much it costs, but you know what side you know what the craziest part about the globe is what who created it yeah James dawn. James Dolan there was an article a few years ago. There was basically like the here's. A headline forget Kevin durrant, new york, knicks owner james, don't actual pass and project is building. Futuristic, tome shaped arenas. So if you go next van, you gonna hate, this club, you gotta protest is globe. I mean he's really good at design globes. She had a little he's been spending the last like Ten years of his life building a glow Instead of a basketball team, look we're cabin door answer now. Look what this fucking glow serve as true did the global
go down for a minute. You see that picture pictures that photoshop, because I don't know it was it it. Is somewhat treated it. It was like las vegas, local or something, and it was like when your computer screen goes to like a blue screen. It was like, please restart it ruled hope that Israel, that sounds like a motive in further say, probably was yeah. You got the xbox red ring it I thought it yeah that'll be I play like video games on the globe to the globe is the future. He has ever your obsessed with buildings in LAS vegas seems like that's what I'm saying like, I would fuck that's quite an afternoon like fucking. allegiance, stadium and then going over and is using the global economy. We also have a special fuck. You like anyone out there whose like what a waste of resources like the world is, like you know, on higher we're all gonna die, yeah dude, if we're going to die, I want to watch some cool. I want my tv, I won't be able to see some cause. I die.
where is this is this is actually like a great other thing that we can add two billion years of your family Are you either have to own sport? Seem of some sort or design something cool for all of us to look at and just have our minds blown by any for good. If the owner then do both, I can't wait for the like got. The the article is going to come out a month about globe. Accidents like people getting in traffic accidents. Just look at the globe. Because I would just stare tat thing: I'm endorsing the turns the mecca. They should turn the mecca into a globe. I think he wants to do. You want to build another globe in london, the iron I don't see how anyone can see that, but potential investor and be like I'm in like if you have any any amount of money to invest and you're, getting offered the chance to invest in the globe, like you have to say, yeah yeah yeah. What does it do it? Just
what's cool shit out there yeah take pictures of it. It's like they're going to, however much it costs to advertise on. It is like it's better than a billboard, absolutely globe. Alright. Is that all your who's back? That was good jack? can t buy whose back the week is Bob huggins, yes Bob huggins is kind of back, like you might be back. But he's he's employing a brilliant legal defense right now claiming that he never actually resigned from w view after Do you I? It was less David freezes. Do you I in terms of busy, but he did you they get it. Do you I pretty bad one and on they claim that he resigned at the time west region yourself said that he's stepping. from his position as had basketball courage. He is now saying that he never resigned that his wife sent an email saying that We may be going to step down and then they ran with. That
and so now he's claiming that he's gonna come back and coach west virginia basketball unless they firemen and they're kind of the balls in their court. At this point but as far as illegal tragic, goes, I think it's it sounds pretty ironclad It's, like my wife, sent you an email. I didn't yeah yeah and if you want to fire me fire me and then I get paid at a zoo or farm, my wife. I got I got hacked by my wife is what he's saying. I hope he does because he already took a pay cut after the radio thing and it feels like he might just coach west virginia for one dollar next year. This was in Louisiana. There would be ok, yeah, that's a good legal venture back westward. he's kind of their kind of louisiana jason in terms of how they apply their laws. Than usual entire
because then he walks away from all that money. They owe money yeah. I hope hoagie goes like the gym calhoun route and goes in fines like a division, three school and you get some on the treadmill and wins all the games. Yeah he's a school that exists in a place: it doesnt have roads, I can't drive yes. Where would that be just block? Island have have a college and roads billy golf carts, yeah idea, yeah, alright, good, whose back was you got any others Knowledge is it. I was gonna, said billy being liar too, but I took my her What yeah. I got a few whose back first is wimbledon talking tennis. Ah, I don't know no federer was fully retired. Oh yeah, yeah you're, going to sue Washington yeah. I know kind of a cock move while while djokovic is going to keep just tallying up winds in his face: I'm not I'm not I'm not a fashion guy, but the speed.
these rookie in and just thomas were there, and I saw the picture and was like speed, looks good like like is of most and then he wishes cox furs suit, not being ironed, can I say something, and I don't think this is true, because Jordan Spieth has a lot a lot of money, but I think I have that same suit, and I understand what happened cause. It's like a five hundred dollar suit that you buy on instagram, one of those swipe up ads and I'm pretty sure it's the exact same suit it does. It does wrinkle very quickly because it's a five hundred dollar suit? On its regret, you know, when you get those adds alike, you'll, never own another suit. Again I bought one it does wrinkle and it's exactly that same color and it looks exactly like it. I think wearing a five hundred all his ribs. You fly harder work during any pakistan is going to be a little bit wrinkly all that travellers. Make it wrinkly. Then you have to remember. I gotta get my suit pressed
get to a new city, new country, new hotel, probably just now time to get the small. It's a small amount of wrinkles is not a good visual, but it's not like the most wrinkly suit ever seen my life jake. Find me a picture of a of the suit I was wearing for the barstool invitational since the group. Oh, I got it. I think I'm wearing the same suit as him, so the same color, but I, but I think it's wrinkled in mine, wrinkles as well, I think, five hundred dollar instagram suit. There's also makes sense it like a big cats. Like Oh, he has wrinkles too. I have a rig same suit. Look at look at look at, I just say the picture. Okay same color same thing say it looks exactly the same same material. I think he was five hundred dollars room suit route. I think different color yeah, going to see the buttons are going to see that we got to see the or those cufflinks are wearing. No, no, I don't think so.
so, like the buttons on the bottom save it could be, it looks the same again. You look good too. I thought it was that I thought it's fine, and then I saw I'm going to collectors as well. That's why I dunno fashion- I just I was like homer simpson meme when I was like I was going to roast them and then I was like wait. I think I know exactly what happened here and listen. It's a comfortable suit like it. It did work. It is it. Is she here you're saying you he will he will, but the ad he will get another suit again. It seems like me, my he might it's so that the thing is its now really can I just saw myself it's one of those, its yet targeted for a lot of the ads max knows back to back me up the though like hey, You ever want a shirt that hide your belly and your tits like get this shirt, you'll, never own another shirt and it's just a t, shirt and you're still fat in it. This is the suit version of that it's a strategy material there. In iron. Well, in
it's like it's like. Oh, it's like almost like a it's under armor shirt. Suit form, in fact, is a fat Ursus TAT is. Why do they don't like iron? I bought it because it was like this will fit the contours, your body perfectly in line Well, everyone says a vessel fur lined the leaders this it's a compelling at its a compelling when you see it on your instagram. So many of the danish and like so many of those that I will try to confirm through maybe j t if he could figure out what exactly suited weapon for yeah thousand posts. Ah, I like the idea that you max get served ads, are issued body like t J was suit. but yeah it is yeah. I'm not kidding it's it's it's! Basically, the alex jones picture in every ad they're, like you, look fat and frumpy with man tits in your shirts, and it's like some guy like slouched over,
like stains on his shirt is like try, this shirt, and anyone like it's like perfectly concord for wide shoulder guys pop your biceps hide your fat and then you put it on it is just the teacher. Biceps loose around the ways. That's always I lie sample, is blind and always gets only fucks. Although jacked end skinny heard there is a large portion of ada wheels, listen right now being like yup. I know it all. Actually, what you're talking about- and I get those shirts is so we stand with you max I stay with you, we ve been. targeted and harassed by mark Zuckerberg for our boy, yeah? I might look into this. I think it's a great shame. The best part you just go you go, would you like don't get measured for it? You just need a large yeah. It's basically like what body type you fat huskies. Thirty, oh yeah, only three of his
when it comes to those algorithms. Yeah cause got all your pictures, so he knows what you bodies I get the I get there like lifted. Looks like you want to add an extra one and a half to two images here, I was just slip these on in your shoes, legends, everyday yeah. We add eye over the my other one other, whose back is eating which is actually kind of perfect, eating is back. I saw this, but there is a new tik tok trend called girl dinner, so dinner, it saw it I'll read a little bit of the article. This isn't the monday reading. It could have been, though, according to tick tock, where the trend is more than thirty million views
Girl dinner is akin to an aesthetically, pleasing, lunchables and artfully arranged pile of snacks that, when consumed in high enough volume constitutes a meal or so the thinking goes so it was basically came ah, like it, they set the scene. Ninety ninety degrees, outside you come home from a long day at work, you grab a popcorn bag of popcorn, a glass of wine, some bread, some cheese, a hunk of chocolate, settle into the couch for a night of snacking and wash them The is rising, more glorious, welcome to girl dinner, so it just at anything any girl dinner at the last twenty years. My life has nothing. I like better, they doing in all apps there. It is. appetizers all finger food, maybe even all It's like five different types of dips. you told a snack snack is girls, do not know its different,
Oh, no, hey it's a lot of snack girl, dinner, bowl of corn and chocolate cake hank and enter one hank. Typical girl. Dinners may include some kind of fruit, a block of cheddar sliced salami, a sleeve of fancy crackers and a dish of olives girl, dinner both chaotic and filling, which cannot be a bit it is certainly a good idea to the needy girl data forever. I just I accidentally EDA, falsely crackers in a block achieves swamps dating from my fridge. it's girl. Dinner is the best and then there's this woman whose o works. In l a said. I think the concept of girl dinner came to me while I was on a hot girl walk with another. our friend the consequently it in your eyes, Girl, walk, hocker, walk when I hot hi. I walk. There are the heart, how curls or is it is harder us their hotter. No, no! It's to walk the walk is a hacker girl on yeah
she said. Yes, is it describes the walk, doesn't describe the girl, a guy can do a hot girl walk. So here's the last thing I'll read from it. She said she and her friend had been discussing the unmatched perfection of bread and cheese. Is a meal unto itself as simple as it is satisfying? We love eating that way and it feels like such a girl dinner, because when we do we would we do it when our boyfriends aren't around and we have to have what's a typical dinner, the it's a how's. This is eating. it's gonna like to plot a yellow jackets. Honestly, that's the real girl dinner. It's its girl, dinner baby. This is my dinner. It's chaotic, infilling, filling, so girl, dinner, eat. is, is back all the way back, also lent cockerel dinners, also, all the northwestern lumps or back for speaking out against hazing o eight. No that's right. They are what's up which I know actually care, but it is funny
because they are the loudest people in the world. I don't think greenie greenie was in a japan, so I think he gets to be like. I was on a flight for two weeks time zones yeah, yeah. I just call and they can't find skill hopes cause for skip. Yet I can't find a nobody workers or yeah yeah, the northwestern thing, though it's It's weird! I don't really understand like well, I guess there'll be more facts that come out, but it just the the part I was just interested in is like. Let me hear all the northwestern alums that are down our ass when they went for football games. Billy bill he's gotta. Take he's been brewing on, dude. You don't play and transfer the pace niches ever oh ho ho ho. Lately I only I rang like khazar. There are the only ones that there's only one with this program. It's not wrong with me. It's the program. That's wrong and they're like in like never get buy in yeah yeah, exactly no but like in it'll, get built by getting
I mean, if you think, of a door, if you think of a football pile, there's probably listening were, are more intimate. Then then who has an island there, boy ass? We actually do it. We do every one part of my tent like brotherhood it. It is always like what happens in a football locker and would shock everyone in the world. Probably all yeah I'll just say it's part of this, like it's there's some parts that aren't funny. There's some parts that are funny by far the funniest is the fact that they are going to have to have a locker room, monitor that is not affiliated with the football team at all whose job it is just stand in the lock room and what's going on and then report back universe make sure no hiding there there are going to get in a pumping that guy, the other like there there's gotta, be a million alike northwestern is, I guess, is haggis. Moccasined say it's a tricky one.
Should you on an even worse like there. There's, no doubt in my mind that there's other programmes that like, if that, whatever the nineties, I just know this: is it in this? Just from a personal perspective, every time that northwestern western wisconsin I hear about it constantly and then I hears crickets now so are those guys either they're gonna have to fire fitzgerald. Unfortunately, yeah the soap slips, the soap slip and slide in the showers is just a classic across the country. If that is wrong, then I don't like the naked bear crawl faculties. Generalizing do that's it! That's a hot hot boy, walk up that we get guide dinner. We We go at the alignment and we get five thousand calories. We call a guy dinner, but their needs they're gonna introduces this locker monitors are gonna, bring in no offense jake, but, like somebody,
Jake today to bring all can it's, they reveal its government. I was gonna, be like I'll fix this hour. I will be the locker reminded Jake, it's gotta be a curve on but there's just doo doo doo watch naked it's their job and make sure that their snow, the snow naked die jinx going on in the locker rooms, yeah alright bill you're who's back. I can't believe this dropped far, but you have c r s awesome card last night properly or the highlights. Was Israel adesanya going going to confront trickiest duplicitous herbert browser right in the cage after he won awkward it. Why? What do you say we have? What are you say bill? He? I can't see it when I became I actually did Saunders online where we might not have gotten the fight. You can get it.
Why didn't you guys are going headlines again, no proved to us that you want to tell us what he said, but I honestly don't know he said. What's up my brother? Oh okay said that then he said bleep bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep and then drinker said. Ah I'm not your brother. your brothers or in new zealand and urges all thing: ok, basically do plus basically duplexes so bad. It'll be pleasant, say he's the only african champion, you'll see himself yeah he's like playing off some like old, like ninety ninety south africa, stuff on funny is what's going to happen- is that after that, but I just voted Yadda Yadda yadda report, but which crazies that is actually
bigger rivalry between south africa in nigeria when it comes to like sports world cup and everything so there's a lot of even black south africans. Rooting for treatise against Otto sonja, because he's originally nigerian trick is just an awesome name for fight. He's an ambo Nicole was incredible. He had photo awesome. He showed people your box yeah, but it was a dry cart. It was great. Fucking cart. End up. Oh also there's another thing: artist Sonia another part of it is like there's video of our sonja when he was kickboxing and china saying that he was really chinese and that he's not actually african he's chinese I like there might be another elements of the whole thing. Okay, so it can be a great fight he's going to twenty six amir yeah. it has other part. This is a battle whose more african yeah is what I'm hearing and billy is the judge. Yes, billy with a I'm, bringing who will be ringside, restoring the scoring the fight. you have any others backs Tom Brady.
Oh yeah, urgently involved with cried ashen after your boys white party yeah. What about the report that came out today believe if you're going to, if you're, going to bring up news you gotta stay up to date. This was, the end of my less after britney spears and stuff. So who had the report today, those for today that he was seen at a party talking to multiple women who had their whore violent. it's probably newer times so helping us florio and then he added now now it's already yeah. We. We will still sneak in at some point we were there, I was there yeah, then I'll call you a sage escort it'd be and yeah soccer. Canada fuck, you that's for those wildfires bitch, let's go I feel like we definitely do. Do phoebe amphibious assault on the wife part on the way to party we just I sorry they what why we just go from the sea. These problems are solidarity on the sea, so egg
Would you not be excited about Tom Brady dating Kim kardashian, that a real question, yeah yeah? Why wouldn't you she's hot? She drove kenya crazy. She can't now Oh, she made kanye crazy. affection? He went crazy. I'm remarried, eva braun, you're, saying I do not know who was all is a little bit crazy. That's easy. I say in hindsight, like you aid than I love cannonade before before kincaid. Let me ask you a question egg what an area of religion kris, humphries disaster everywhere, as if she'd been inaugurate because she's, four clout she's all about clout, tom. Brady is a real man. He cares about. You know the family, brotherhood, love yup, why you not playing anymore yeah, but also hey what if Tom Brady said, Kim Kardashian's love of my life- and I just want to be happy let him be happy if he said that
he can do whatever you want, but I'm not gonna. Let the internet and billy dialogue was like how the code on vague rumor has. It sounds like you're being a cop block right now. Are you mode, What are the facts? Come out that Portugal is insane yours you down with a thickness. Do you sell gel was like, I know, cake that was already sells. All natural juice is just one. All natural giselle is like h is, is a two by four compared to time out billy saying he just wants to get down. The thickness is way worse than you. Calling every golf course attract just want to update the walk there. Ok I mean I think there are should both good phrases like thousands down thickness issues via its units of our body. Shaming. Can I ask you, know me she's gonna, think body, and John Brady would never do something like that's all. I got
You certainly like what have sex with a folder female narrowing on hands Tom Brady's, all natural himself had all about. How are we gonna write asia? She may be to inflate for some time he got there, What is this? What do you mean you're on a better cup which better come twenty two three or the red tape. The exact, because that's that's what hague watch people? What's what what's kim's p s eyes on her ass? I thought. I don't know man. This is too much at the ideal gas love refineries. Never say you would never gopher something then plated yeah. No. I just think like that that report came out of a week and a half ago the one that came out today was used at a party talking to multiple woman located within what is so even susan. I learn on Brady talks to people that party yeah, ok and also
just tell page. Six. Brady was also spotted engaging in conversations with various women at the party was talking to men too, cause that's a bigger story, but I don't see any of those reported, but hey on a basic level like you and Tom Brady are bros. Right like us are boys and he comes back after ninety is like yo. I just met this chick. I think I'm gonna smash she's, so hot and you're like now brow that don't do that, don't know I wouldn't talk. You gets a poker pizza with the boys will inspire the xbox, your comment now on and I'm in math class, and I got Jimmy Johnson next. Maybe I'd like to do here, Tom Brady's baby in him and unlike too, they are making a broader slant, and my brother like that Andrews honours defending its later came out the well. Where's, usa penalty, coming for canada, boss,
what what do you want? You can gradually be if the seas no, but you take those what what what did you say your neighbor heart, should we now later on very sick she's, a lawyer hank? She went to law school. She has successful line of of cosmetics and she ass. They won't quit It was a lawyer. I gotta use crazy, like you think, came crashing Tom re were both like the two head haunt chose walking that party. Tom breeze, the awful mad rations, the owl flat on I do us hydras higher rank drake drake jury. I do not think drake is high triggers there. I sure jersey wasn't there. He was their right names. The drink was there, but I dont think drake Tom radio drake two women who talk egg, tell us Tom Brady your drink. you could ask me anything in its tolerate.
laura literally anyone do you not think drake would be like at a party tom, radio being crueler funnier producing better. It's not hard to communicate, though reactor livy done. The answer that orb in LAS vegas? All of them. Everyone, you just said is kinky, like the picture is weird that you have like a big thing against one of your best bros banging kim card. That's what I'm saying he's a cock is weird think you're jealous there. This is fair and eventually I want so used. would you have just created this? Obviously, oh, so there there he owes then you're like yo dude, you you would never you like. You shouldn't, go for her and then you're you're, like yeah I'll meet you in a second we'll play some more zone you're in the bathroom texting Kim k being like yo,
I'm the one Jesus answered? If, if, if Tom Brady comes out publicly, I will I'll take everything. I just said back and I'll be the biggest kim k fan in the world lover, tom, brazen and the like Lamar odom but like in amsterdam. Just like a nicer value. I mean the ashes. She is the lira. Wasn't she was mccloy yeah like say our car crash in here. So now like yours is real dating what oh Jesus his daughter in law, yeah daughter. flowing you have set out. Don't make him. Oh geez, half daughter now now That's not how I thought. That's half daughter, if not step sister to the real killer, odious yeah there. Now you got it I don't know how we got Jake you, Europe.
that call resolution. We talk for awhile, because it makes our lives adding unless I am mistaken, billiard unwarlike come on whose back thousand mandarin. Twenty minutes I started with north western and ended with the egg. Fucking can guard It is really weird, though hank is totally against dude being with camp here, he's being a real fucking, like dog, he's being a vibe killer, dog. Is it is rumours? Does it doesn't mean anything consumers you guys had had do you guys? Rumors were like? I would to fund new to load tom breezes stay home, dad you need to find another sugar mamma to pay the bills, because you always likes women who make more than that's just the fact that He needs a woman with money. That's the facts, there are only something there there, maybe someone there again. I told you what every wants
but until I hear from him I'm not a trophy husband. These people decide you know what's best for him, he got dumped by his ex wife who needed a better trophy husband. Now he's looking for someone to take care of him or check your who's back, whose back is the n b a cup, it was revealed yes, this weekend and everyone. I think a lot of people don't like it. I think it's awesome. I think it's the professional version of like the maui invitational battle for Atlantis. I don't think anything's wrong with it. Okay, so I actually agree with you jake yeah. I know you think that I I only shit on things just to to be cool. That's not the facts here I and here's. Why there's one reason why I like it? I looked at the schedule. The final four is december. Ninth, what is december? Ninth, that's army navy day. That is, day that you're like oh fuck college football, is over so scheduling, wise men. I will watch all have like like december. Ninth, I don't think people are circling
on their count over gives you a reason to do so. Yes, yes, I know there is a feeling that you get. There are many these over we're right. There should be more sports on that day right Exactly is an ice bin is on right, yeah! There's, there's, never any good sports on. After that. I think it's it's going to be great. I hope that some real shitty team wins it so that they can just hang up a banner that all one yeah. If the bulls win this, I will make that shirt ever so, basically for people who don't who haven't been connected or read up on it's basically a world cup version of an ba yeah. It's like fort for a sixth group, five teams, each and there's knockout stages and then the final eight teams playing vegas, it's a whole thing. They would they did a good job of weaving it into the regular season. So you won't even notice it until that december ninth day and then you'd be like. Oh, this is kind of fun and
also, I think the players each get like five hundred. Ninety nine theme violent uk each. So that has been aren't you gonna millionaires, that's a big deal wall and games or in vegas. So it's like we're. Gonna get six we're gonna get craig content of the winning team is blowing all that money. That night yeah saw all excited: yeah, ok, good, whose back also ellie della crews. Yes, stand homer, I saw all three bases in the same inning in in in two pitches, while it's quite so much fun to watch ah max's, underneath the desk right now trying to plug in the computer. We might, we might lose you guys, but let's get to our interview an awesome interview with SAM downward were plugged in or plugin
interview with sam darnold and is brought to you by our friends at better help. This show sponsored by better help, sometimes in life, we're faced with tough choices and the path forward, isn't always clear whether you're dealing with decisions around career relationships or anything else therapy helps you stay connected to what you really want. While you navigate life, so you can move forward with confidence and excitement, trusting yourself to make decisions in line with your values. Like anything, the more you practice, the easier it gets. Look we take care of ourselves. We go to the gym, you take care of our cars. We take care of our house for cleaner house. Why not do it for your mental, it's very important to make sure. Even if you don't
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wet Otis Eureka your written with how's. It gone so far, its great men. First of all, they ve For me, this is awesome. You know I've been a fan of the show for awhile, and this is a very formal setting. This is how we european does exactly nobody's gray. Men like it's nice to on the west coast. Again, I can't live like by my family, like a forty five minute flight down orange county. So that's really nice for my parents to be able to come on it forget super easily and then Obviously, the organization man like that's, you know this past year is my first. Time has free agency. So First time I had a choice really and to be able to just see were you know there are organizations like that. Offense is like and just the culture that sir in that locker room by just great aids and guys that obviously it's it's a perfect,
and it's a business and they take a very, very serious. But at the same time like I feel like they. They do a great job of of kind of have. fine, but also mixing that with being what a lock on the field and in dear work, when you need to do so. We were just out at your teammate george kettles, barn, we'll work it out with him did an interview with him and he too was that you guys have become yeah he's pretty close, you lived at it Poor godaddy is but then moved out and he was. He was wondering why you moved out I, like my spot, Is there anything else? and the other reason why. Why moved out now that he would have told us, maybe now to ask you about you think he was haunted. Oh, the poorhouse, yeah, oh yeah, There is something going on or that moved out and moved out, because I had already spent a week there, but that didn't help You know we have to follow that up yet
tell us algae, and I think you actually do see- goes real biology legitimately now, this crazy man like. I never had anything like that happened me before I'm talking about. I mean I guess both in other doing on game and this house now, but it was It was crazy. Man, like I woke up, and you know how sometimes you dream and then you wake up and you feel like you can't move. Maybe four five set, yeah, whatever it is, and you know I felt that whatever it was. Like three m want to go, a p and came back full right of sleep and then that next night. You know that after that. The same thing happened, and I like I couldn't like I had. No, I keep focusing on this thing in the court like there is something else. The hat man like in
was issued wearing a hat now that's only worry on us about that. Man now was george georgian Are you guys about those know? Now, I'm kidding it might have been him yes, watch exactly how he was just watching me know that it was. It was very creepy and I had never dealt with anything like before, and I like now, couple people who have had situations where alike there there have been and whether it was like old, like civil war, you know place where now there's like a hotel or a dorm and people have like certain experiences with that, but it was just like super super weird like and just felt like when I woke up. There was something like holding on to me and then the next night I like felt that something was in the room with me
It was the freaky as and like getting chills talking about it right now, but that's never happened to me before and and I'm sure it sucks for you cause. You can't be like tell the media. I saw a ghost. Yeah! No, I didn't see them. I didn't. I just fell to listen to your body yeah. I felt that so now that was I mean yeah, I'm glad george told you I am even more so on. We hung with you. I'm on your side goes hunting in the walk a few years ago. If you don't believe in goes, I don't believe in you as a person, real yeah. Of course, a real. How can you say? Ghosts are real I mean if you believe in angels right, you believe, and all that stuff like that in order if they die to become a ghost, someone has been wronged. Burgos tat. That's that's a fact. Just sometimes They feel like make their presence felt and sometimes it our growing worry about them more thinking. It probably was just george just put on one of his looted or masks goes this then you watches reads: gabby
who played in it in that new office and as a region you chose to go to san Francisco. Right, like this seemed like a place that might be a good fit a good place for you to start get back out. And see what you can do. We always say like imagine, any quarterback in cash in hand system, because It seems like it's a very quarterback friendly scheme and you are a guest or gunslinger right. Would you call it? Would you consider yourself a gunslinger? I mean I think we're back your gunslingers for short, ass alessi elegy as every other. So What is it because we know ball? We watch the all twenty two. We study we break down the film, but from year perspective is a greater. As breakdown. Yes, yeah I'm a film right. The big I'm so we when you're you're looking at different offices, and you see the kind offers it runs, the risk of. What is it about that that made? You say I want to be part of this. Guy's are open, I mean there's a lot of guys open on on being near. Every play
It just seems like there's there's a tunnel answers. Great run game I mean whenever you can have a great run game as a quarter back. That's always a comforting feeling and- and I think you know just with the certain weapons that they have no debo debo. I you george, The christian juice John Jennings, like there's, somebody guys arising, go on and on, but they ve been there for so long and miles been able to understand. whatever one does well what they don't do well and- and I feel like every game when he, you know you. Is an and and gets the the most out of his out of his guys, and that's a a very good feeling as as a quarterback. Knowing that you know the the coordinator is going to put everyone in the best position possible. Do you think kyle has hyperdrive in them? What does that adam case when you use like we're gonna go into hyperdrive member that yeah he was like our office about going hyperdrive.
Teresa yea said that yeah thou, probably one of the two years. I was with them that I wasn't really paying attention in the media very often yeah, smart or even for two years yeah well, hyperdrive can last for a very long time should see a doctor if it goes really a few weeks It was kind of like viagra. Sometimes hyperdrive is like over. Like six seconds too, it's great while it lasts, but then everyone else is nonsense. Yeah, okay, yeah, so we mentioned, makes a lot of sense. You mentioned the media. Billy is jets, fan he wrote a report that basically jets fans. just sort of on call time the new york media, so do do you feel, like his report, is found, in fact, at all, You send the jet struggle because of the new order, my specific quarterback, yet a media basically takes them down now. Ok, now I don't really just wasted. at times I mean, I think you could. You know, have a case for
for sure personally living through it. I don't think so, You know, I think, there's. A lot of you know, there's a lot of current situations where maybe they make something better than it is and now whether you know you have a great you know an organisation that allows that's going to creep in the locker and were not you know, that's that's a different story. But I think it's about you know having that call. where that won't happen and having a go back with good, had on his shoulders that just going to continue to play at play after playing I'm after game, because at the end of the day, like it's hard to win in the nfl, and if you make the biggest thing out of every single loss, it's gonna be have success. Ella did you ever get an apology for the saying goes: clubs you got, you got bigger, yeah yeah, yes, but they did not. You got under not big time now. You know him
lex? They got further yeah yeah ass, a thing it's like they could take something from every single game. They're doing my shirt and dig it too to paint somebody in whatever light they want to after game, where all the stuff it was on you know, in between plays, they can find a clip, put it out there. For whatever reason they just chose you and they're. Like okay, we'll put this out for him yeah I mean you know, there's one of those man like let's see screwed you, they also screwed you with. The motto graphic Well, it's kind of funny That was points very briefly. It was like debates. We were like ours that only for the internet I was like, sickest. I've ever men like on my death bed. It felt, like obviously say wasn't, but I was lying in bed from the game, and that comes up the minimum. Like my founders, blew up all my friends. It is when the oil on hats crying laugh in phase and then, of course, like I'm sick. So I'm kind of laughing but am also like this is, is super. This is and then another thing to maybe his point
just another thing that I had to deal with in the media yeah you know, but I thought it was more especially after a couple days, by thought it was more funny. Ok, thing attitude, model We ask you now exactly like man like in training camp when they may be point to the never thought I'd be for nuclear hosts. It saved our lives in organised down our member. Like doing that. We live in today s you and it's the end and now it's going to be a meme now I know, but, I remember when I did that stupid thing. Whatever it was otiose as camp out like This is going to be is whatever reason this is going to be used for it's not going to be like no good is going mountainous for me, and then it would have. That was worse case can so from that moment on. I think I've done a lot better. Job of in those media is just being like hey like to pass on
yeah gimme gimme your touchdown celebration, I'm like nah, I'm good yeah I'll just say here. You guys can take a head job me and then I'll need to be like touchdown celebration just hand me a clipboard back to exploit literally just yeah. That could happen to anybody to like and you anytime use water found yet mona, like a motto: awareness campaign, all the time say I know you. She, my mom was the one who is cut you brought it up and, like you know, you could have got it any way around it. You could have got it from sharing a bottle with one of your teammates, an accident guy. You don't you, don't even have to bring this. I think for her. It was more just like you know, a couple of minutes, by not talking in the car. My mom can talk so like she had to say something and that was going to be now and so I love- and I like here, you know it could have been anything, but is it also said
because motto is like a real thing that, like you, said, you're really really sylvia put everyone just leave. It would like the high school kissing there like yoke, but it's not. Why had a hundred percent allocation of god at that point too, we are sure, but like, I know how to keep on wait. However, I could like it. I was dropping obese like crazy I am kiss after this I mean everything, that's how it works at a shirt nobody? Was it sucks? I mean as I was dropping to turn away, and there are like you literally just the doctors like you, gotta keep on way. However, you can and so I was eating burgers fry like I was eating five guys a ton, because nothing really sounded good right. I was drinking a ton of milkshakes, not milkshakes protein shakes and maybe milkshakes
from five years, but yeah those is brutal because it was like. I was you. I ended up keeping my weight on like two twenty to twenty five, but it was just not good right right I came back, that season- and you know I just Didn'T- feel great the rest of the year and it was just kind of brutal honestly. How did you find out that you had it? for a while we're just like I'm, I'm tired pulls out a shed. Did you think that it was just like your body out of shape now saw its actually crazy, so weak one. We played buffalo in new york. And I wake up that sunday and that's when I first felt sick and play the game played send in plenary, but we have a chance to win. Josh ended up driving down and beating us, but you know from a rather game sittin in my apartment like day, I don't feel right and went well,
next day on Monday, and I felt sick as a dog, and I thought maybe you know, got some medicine they would have need to do with doctors and well, Next, they woke up to and now just like some wrong. Me so they were like. I, let's go get your blood worked on and just rule out motto that's how they sat a less raw motto and sharing got it back and moto got the phone call from Gaius yeah he's like yeah you're gonna be out for a few weeks. Then, when you come back hyperdrive, but yeah now is brutal. This is such a it's. It's so funny. Whenever we talk to athletes and like the things we remember verse, like your job being like what about hyperdrive or like what are you talking about yeah Never yeah just send media zones, and I think this might be the son of hearing about it may be the second obviously so that was no. Not yours hold you weren't, and I prefer I wasn't repairs team for hyperdrive in
I remember having haven't conversation about. You know, go more door staff and going moment more high tempo. Maybe that's what he meant by that by he needs are clearly say: hyperdrive, there's a button Every coach has yeah and he pushed it. You didn't know yeah exactly. Do you think you got your swagger back a little bit, because I do I I'm think it was somewhere around. We fourteen fifteen last year were aus like unbelieving and arnold I said on the show us like. I think I think I'm ready. Let's go, I mean you know, I think I think for sure you know being caroline, I think just gettin away from new york and in carolina, you know, haven't honestly Twenty twenty one, two years ago, I had a goods to the season and then middle hidden hit a wall, but I felt you know just that first littles start to care I know that twenty twenty one season I felt really good and then got hurt things happen in the whole and color fell apart,
and then I was already I really liked we hired mackadoo at the end of tat. twenty one year. and really pumped up about being in his system because it was west coast ish and I had really on the west coast system, since my rookie year and and successful excited, to learn his system and once I got it and no t a's and we kind of ran it, and I was really pumped We are doing a lot of on the ball stuff kind of what I was doing when mackadoo as the o c, I think in the yard, when they had when they had a couple of years with, with obesity, making the the one handed catch catches stuff That was mackadoo com plays and Go no huddle, sells it excited about that, but yeah. So I was excited, then baker gets traded there and you know I end up
I hurt my ankle grade three ankle sprain and the last preseason game against buffalo. Josh is really bad luck. Actually nobody! So her my and allows I can do anything for like eight weeks and then came later in the season and felt man. I thought a good run that system and your colleague. From the beginning. We had a really good run game and I felt really helped, and now you guess we're gonna get do like they are winning games and temper, and doing very well, so we have a chance at the end. You know, I think we're up for ten years in the fourth quarter against Tampa and if, if we beat them and then beat new orleans week. Eighteen, the gun to the mike everything, crazy bribe would still being carolina urban, but and then turn off mike and Tom go off in the fourth quarter and
the first firstly about mackadoo deceit, disease maintain the same look all year round, You come in here, slipped back, occasionally so he never you never like fully slipped back. You never had the PA maiden, but he would like he would out every morning, doodles jacked like and he's got, you know really sure arms and short legs, or he would dead left that taiwan and bench press upon it. Like five thirty in the morning every morning and come on sundays and backward her like all a coach. Eleanor Why you're back sorted idea, man, I've been dead lifting four times a week an actor whose body body it's like four hundred pounds, cheese, but I know he's a beast. So but he would come in and he would he would have just showered so dislike back sometimes, but he didn't do anything and so just fall apart by the you know. Halfway through the meeting, but I know Mcadoo is a stud man he's a good dude. He wears his dad's suits, which is cool does a well is press conference when he was the giants head coach
I was wearing a suit. It was like five times too big and it was just a very if it's now I didn't get another guy over this this past year. He's he's not. Dna suke right, there's some football guys. It's like whatever you want to do. if you put them in suit they're, going to look weird yeah, one hundred percent he's definitely that and what about other football coach Gregg Williams, yeah he's zero blitzing you in practice all the time yeah. You know he would go off script a couple of times, yeah cause him engage. scene. I would go out. You know in training camps, just trying to mix it up on each other exhibits a gay lesbian, the head coach, you! What kind of in a script some things during practice? to get the right luck and get you get it down, and so, whenever I would highlight whatever in a run, cover three or cover to hear and sometimes dragged just kind of them every now and then and you know, go covered zero in the play were we wanted to get a good play action fake over the top and get a nice little hi read on a backer and you
brings zero easily like do yes in the, It's like you know, second and six, and we're going to run a play. Action try to go over the top like you're, not going to run here, I bet he would he yeah. He did a last play of the season or last play the game against the raiders, which wasn't great. No, that was doctor. He that's what he does. That's what he does take the good with the bad with him he's always going to be heat. One hundred percent yeah, that's true. Look at it. Now I play for game called games. It I on and loss, but it was actually worse for you the. U s c your house state ballgame taken away back yeah. You got sacked eight times in that game. I did bet on us see how much that sucked for you it sucked for me but how much does suffer you yeah? How much did you put on it? I was a good amount, was good about couple of grand She was not apple grant yeah and it wasn't it wasn't, for. I really believe you guys couple grand
I mean shoot as pry worse for you, it sounds like and gay time getting sacked by it by neck, and you know some of those beasts that were upfront at Haas ohio state. I dunno, but. Well grandma yeah. It hurt it hurt all along and I was actually at my buddies house and he had he just switched to streaming. So it was like it was early streaming so wasn't like it was always just a little bit behind, and so I believe the tv would freeze and then you just be sacked again. The irish language of what has happened and on the ground that up and that's great you that was one of those games. That way you would tell right away like they can't walk in. When you, when you're in that gave you know that you're just like this gonna going the ball. We are entering an assurance from the currently, I think, that's when you just gotta, take your own one match open and im, a chance, yeah yeah, but you did have a great career. You se was it. I mean dumb question: how sick was it to be a star quarterback for usa? It was fun man, it was fun yeah just being able to
You know. I think the best thing in a lot of people maybe not realise this, like yours, he's not in a grey area, it's inside. central aware We have. We have like our one bar that we would go to thing else's. We would go to browse, we would go to in our peoples, whatever was a house with their like house parties, but we weren't like no way we weren't downtown or hidden up any of the clubs and I want you now right, so that was really fund because it was. It was a real college experience and you know, be be good at the same time and be winning ball games. It was pretty fun, it's like the top like when you think of like what would you want to be if you could pick like any position any school, it's like star, What about your does some? You guys upright talked about europe. There. That's gotta, be kentucky derby. Horse would be pretty good future proof.
Actually using up like a sick point carter you and see, maybe but U s! U! S sword whereby it is like a group chat that you're on I like her lover no, but I am like pretty close with with most guys The most recent quarterbacks here so incalculable, pretty damn good, whose hell, yeah he's a beast man he's right again. Are you word on? Are you worried, though you see haven't to play in the big ten has come to play a pussy brand of football. That would be sure you ve been to pascal away on a friday night you wanna go play was lovely. I was. I was actually think about. Like yeah, it's got. It's got a sock from football team, but Saying about basketball and women's volleyball, I mean having to travel game ass that far for that that many games I feel like that, would be tough yeah.
I'm happy you're, seeing you sailor in the big ten, but it does kind of like I liked watching pact. While there was fought when you use Please. There was a fun to do even wash the back all the tire accident. I mean you guys found a way to make it so that no one can wash whatever his name is Larry, whatever the PAC twelve commissioner yeah just bad move after bad move, but I love pac to them. Yeah I mean, yeah. That was how I grew up watching your semen yeah, you know, but will you will you originally recruited to be a linebacker you'll, see so I played I played linebacker receiver myself, where your of high school but as you know, we had a senior quarterback who had kind of waiting his turned to play and to play varsity football, so the only way to go in the field was to play receiver. I'm backer, so true football guy yeah. Just so you know bob, you know a ball, but it was. It was great man just to have the experience and then there
some seniors that we're gonna recruited some some office of Lyman that we're gonna recruited in cocoa. Her chosen comes out, arise, he's got his a little, you know, cameroon, like his foot camera whatever was, and he's like recording the guy's going through bags and staff and like this is literally just like, yeah like men, you know him get recruited and All of a sudden like we start doing linebacker drills and we didn't have a linebacker that would get recruited to to u s c at the time and he starts filming. I'm like the fucking and then he d starts film me as I'm going through the bags and unlike what the heck is going on in so that was that was a pretty crazy experience for for him to and then he came up to my coach are afterwards I didn't say or talk to him at all, but he went up to my coach and was like hey like we think this kid has a chance like you know cause I was a sophomore at the time and he saw something and but
as that's crazy, now that senior quarterback ended up getting her broken collarbone, like that. You know thirty last game and so I ended up going in the last couple of games like two and a half games and my junior year and are missing tat actually shows like if you hadn't, if you hadn't, been playing linebacker pry would have gotten out spot right at the end of the season to get a quarterback now how to proceed. We ve already bought at the awesome now private plans, eva you're, some new know what has just been the backup who knows if I would have been in good enough, shaped to run around and do some of the things that I did at quarterback yeah. How far do you think you could throw a football question? That's a good one! I say prior, like sixty five, seventy yeah as previously far we'd, better votes on a good start. Others vortex reports,
like when Eric tail on it like a nerf ones, yeah yeah, how far you can throw one of those bad boys, probably like one hundred twenty yards. Oh man, hundred twenty, but you could the tail. They spiral in the win its best, where these throw up into just keeps going. yes or no, I yeah, probably one hundred and twenty one yards or something like that. Will Josh you're, good friends. Josh are our best friend and when he lets it rip or I was actually texting them for this and they give you. There lies the aid and tommy aside, guys earning less. He probably has right. We call every morning so he brought his like. We already said I knew Did you hear knew for awhile ago yeah, you I'm here. Its Jacek new, in our own I realise that got the old one to just for fun for nostalgia. You have just announced our we'd. Are we doing now
no, I have no, maybe it like we fuck either. At the outset, I added a serious question: if that's ok, it's ok, you're gonna have on your. grandfather, has the best name of all time had the best name of all time, respectfully yeah dick hammer yep? When did you first realize what an awesome they got worse probably highschool sophomore year bicycle I don't even know I didn't even really even really put it together until then. To be honest, yes, grant grant, see me yeah epic name. You know his story too and yeah. He was a legend right yeah, one of the four. Regional marlborough. Men he was captain of you know firefighting squad. in l a and he went to the nineteen. Sixty four olympics played volleyball and
play: vibrant basque, bought. You see as well he's like a true american here, and smash it. I didn't even know until he died and ninety nine. So I don't even know if he's if it's Well, you know it's it's very. I never heard the stories from him yeah, it's very real and his name is dick hammer on top of all that unbelievable unbelievable! That's gotta give you tons of st credit, the camera. I last question robot questions of an awesome. RH you'll, be educated com use promo code. Take twenty percent off your first purchase, cusack polos, hoodies, joggers shorts, all that robach dot com. Alright, so SAM has been awesome. You're here at tight end, you are you the only quarterback you know, okay, there's always a few others, but you gotta be like everyone's gotta love you round here, because it's a bunch of tight ends. You get to get them the yeah exactly feed all of veto them for the for the next couple days. Are you learning software to like How does are you just like throw the ball? Throw the horse
no just to be able to hear these guys does like we spend so much time in the quarterback room. Obviously, in and with the orphans, we're not usually you know with Titans talking about technique or how they're gonna separate one a wonder its zone, and you gotta, you know a little. You know in car like if you they want to throttle down, or anything like that, I'd like to be able to hear them come to talk about football. That way. Can we really cool in order to be able to table here here here with their thing in october, we again, you are run a few routes, as I saw the that there isn't a game. I remember how fast roots routes routes. I remember I saw sam's face he's like I remember how fast you can say. I mean you can say it. However, you greatly you're a great route, runner yeah. I love watching the rest, yeah yeah yeah yeah you're sneaky vast yeah, I'm a probably won't be run any routes or routes for the deaf,
we'll be running any routes, but now try not going to run any routes of your mind. Who knows you are backpacking on SAM Jon. I think your back one hundred percent yeah yeah- I mean, if you guys want to say that No, I am not going to be I'm not going to be a little headline. Donald's back put it. I set big cats at how about how about this are you? Are you feeling to healthiest that you have in years? I feel really good. I feel really good healthy, read rule yeah. Alright, that's a good one! and right there. I always love that healthiest I've felt in years. You feel a little bit patty and get the ball faster against ohio state little bit that once not as both its ethics and watch things like that. The same genre is brought to you by three ci of all the things in life. One of the best has to be getting high wherever you want. Whenever you want, without the paranoia of consuming some sketchy black
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I'm like eight a day ten, a day body, armor water hanna days or that's a callback to the beers, and I want that. I meant that men I drink ten beers a day yeah, I think, just off the top of my head I'd say: ten million pies yeah I'd, probably piss ten million times in a lot That was actually a good start. We wanted to upset, though it was actually funny before we started this one longer address in your life. Oh ooh, we said we're going to do the mount rushmore piece in anc. I think for a second was, like you mean like green. These are what I gotta pee here. How that, as I think that everything is the letter pay either crazy, piss stat? Ok, every single water molecule on earth has passed through a dinosaurs, piss address all true the trees, It's like that is that, where it's like your yo every time you take a piss, you're pissing out, Hitler's blood yeah how's that possible billy. I just saw it okay, so it's so you've been googling.
yeah! You, Google divest pisses donor. I wanna know what videos those turned up I've been googling. I just remembered I member, remember the house a passport or the waste water doing, it's been millions of billions of years were dinosaurs were like alive and they drank so much water. During that time that past we drink all the water, they least release past one dinosaur system, all the water on earth was drink by at least one dinosaur. Yes, don't that? Ok, it's insane I saw the as yet is. Let me your it all out. seems like one of those things that neil to grasp thyssen stats. That aegis.
Wigmore is out of his brain yeah they're, not drinking salt, water right, I guess yeah, alright, okay, ah yeah hank and max yeah. He confirmed before he googled the exact thing, and it came up ah hagen max know- were first married but billion jake, that's character, building Jake, yes, Billy Jake, hank, emacs me and Pft. Okay. Here we go one one billion I agreed on this rare drunk at the bar piss, okay, okay, alright, good good waiting in line long line crowded bar we've had a couple beers that graphics as drunk at the bar piss yeah, not waiting in line pissed. yeah, oh yeah, the target that's drunk at the bar being drunk at a bar and taking a piss yeah. I I still feel confident that I'll say this not to denigrate god we're not getting the picture, but we didn't have that.
It's no way. You know you're lying. No, we do not. We didn't have already. We have fourteen deep list. We did not have that ireland are not the ones voting. It's a good pick is a pick. It's actually surprised that's about picks out. Didn't this you're, the one great? Alright, ok, We are going to go with them. after a long override guy, that's good you're, stuck in over for a long time on the throne of china to throb here are not to piss, you think your guy can hold it and then you're just basically sit none sitten with you. Legs cross, for it is good to hear you're watering. The whole time am. I gonna make it cause if you're in your friend's car, you just like pissing in a copper pissing, whatever you're pulling over, but if you're an uber you just have to wait. Yes, that's a good pick, because I think we go with number two on this list, a real one, to two pit.
yeah, you got one iota too I offers pic is going to be after a movie pass the nest pass. We know you get that big the big soda you won't get out or get you don't go. Take a piss after getting out of a movie theater ip during movie our idea of how they are naturally, ladders. That's crazy It is now gazetted you're, the best peasants, I'm not gonna generate, but the best possess You can't control the situation. lady leaving maisie, you miss you the plot, the idea and leave a movie, though you can no problem. That's great good. I've read how many times you watch movies and near look at your phone, and then you look back and like oh shit, that's it that's a lie. you. Look you stop going over there and you georgia move beyond one, what a movie theater and then, when you drink your entire, so to have your popcorn, you walk out. It feels great.
It is appalling. That will be that's crazy. That's not airless ogre, oh god. What is this? This is sure to slip in saying that you guys and take this already paying in the snow. pissing snow. Now. Writing your name of the snacks watching it mel phenomenal, find peace, ice dogs. Only dogs do I've never diver, ok, I grew up in florida. I grew up in florida. I didn't know there was such a great thing, though it was on our list, it's even better when it's really cold and your piss looks like it's like yeah heating up yeah yeah. I I actually used to commit graffiti around campus by pinning my name into snowbanks, and it got to the point where I got in trouble for it, and I have multiple pictures of my name and actually I should say how they know it was you that revenue, oh okay, that sounds bad ass wasn't it you just writing. The college's name was so goddamn cold that just stayed frozen got it.
Our second pic is going to be in your pants. At bathroom with mark schlereth. Okay, alright, oh go pander pick curry piss or piss dogs, yep, okay, very fun, very funny! Yes, when all time entering pick so this er yeah yeah. Today he went hard on the panther on refugees, good yeah. Okay, great alright, to wrap up the second row, we're going to do the piss that passes the drug test. That is very good. That's a good thing that really! Why would you pick that the good guy, a good pick good pick. I will go with are yet another three relate there. Reed, I owe you don't worry, away from it. When you pointed out
during a long road trip? Okay, okay, again the car or all roads out you'd ever thinks we're gonna rostov. What are you guys want it's right here right now, Finally, we are talking about our five yeah rest up eggs recipes. That's why I suppose that are s thought road trip we'd like it road trip row, repressed, outpace, yeah business! We can do that the worst version of ours, but ok, yeah, not real yeah, no uber you're, just a long car ride. Nobody will you stop. You take a break. You have you ever driven for illegal you, our love, taking different variations of our picks and what type of longer a numerous like forty minutes max act in places like three hour. You just did a pic of a most
that you are hitting like one, eighty three at hofstra when it happened without idea that I didn't make that okay, I hit two thirteen yeah sorry. That was me because that is sick, that you actually played college baseball three home runs like yo. I'm being honest, that's Now your parents know I've got no wonder you call! you call yourself the masters of the cia rules, the pay, pandering pinner, pitpat picture, whack, next pic is going to be in the serious studio standing extra edged shirin now, guy very good sebaste. Very silly. Stealing our law, you guys just want to be a nurse stealing- is like one J, peter mink timing everywhere. Tottered appears in the history of the lot of you guys we're trying to get a wonderful for those. chronic personnel, both of them are the best peasants. I could ever think there were no good business there, both good pieces, but not your stories.
certainly not your mother. I caught you guys want Video I've seen it and when those pistols in one of em you ve talked about every other podcast for seven years, wherever there's iconic piss on p, if he's not a whole board, stop sweating, or so you guess what I see now that yeah you do, okay all go wandering, and then you just pick whatever you want cause. I love our whole list. Okay and this one shouldn't have lasted this long either the shower, Yup a shower is easily hatred. I had a debate about this law for a match. This guy was a lot slides. If I was you clean your hoodie talking about to go against my partner here, we were outside and I was like wait a minute. I dunno. How do you clean your fleet hilarious that it was a fungus that I was like? I was like oh shower base shower base, he's like what I'm like. What do you mean? Hey Eddie is
whole shower. Pisses are show grow. How can you not be in the shower? It's like automatic that I get all the pistol and refer. water hits you you have to. Even if you just pissed, you have to pee again in the shower What kind of bad ass! When you're like a little dehydrated, I dreaded enterprises like yellow in the shower now cool different color, yet moist salute used to piss on his own hands. That's a glove, the ship before shower pestering yeah before our pestering shower. If you, if you like doing that, take b vitamins, then you're thinking materials lecturing on our list that one of my pictures, an honorable mention but ok, I was yeah yeah. I can't believe you don't pee in the shower. I saw a pfc if you want to last one I like it guy. I also think six seven is is six seven as good
I'm sorry not the last one. Second to last one. Let me see, let me see, let me see: okay yeah. I think that's a good idea, yeah. Alright, our last pick we're going to take peeing on to a smaller fire fire, that's going up putting out the fire building a fire ass, a great! Oh! You know that rules billy, you can't fight against you love it. one of the only camping you got your own firehose yeah, just been like. Oh I'll, put it out. Well, it's so cool. It is the first memes I ever saw was like a kid pissing with like your favorite team and then pissing on his. I was logos, yet I see now encounter thousand there. Question. I've never done that. I figured that it sounds sick. What does that? What does like a hot piss like that smell wise? It doesn't you're outside, so it doesn't smells like burnt
that's one great now over the five thousand ass it is. It is an awesome now I can see. That being said. Don't ask unity. So she is a night. society, what its value for heaters. Yeah. I suppose that back we're gonna go with our last pick, an ocean ocean kangertech. We we were gonna. We were debating that we thought about that. We did shower piss. We think that better pass, so we don't want it to well again again, where we're talking about all of, as pisses are very controllable, like huge piss in the shower he could piss in the toilet. You wait is that you making it doing peeing in the ocean the that you're at the beach. You don't have an option. You can walk a million miles in the san diego to a port, a potty or you're, going to go into your ad pe yeah, but you're you're you're confusing something right now, you're, basically saying it can only be pissed that you really have to do. Those are the best ones. Okay, so explain to me peeing,
with marks, learn you had to go, everyone had a girl and I was standing literally next to a toilet. I could have in the video we're in the bath. We want that woman when it made the less the view that a little sir, then you know getting up again It would be a lot less of icon and if you just pissed, toilets malls and your arguments not denigrate now I feel bad women that they don't get almost all these are just dudes rock. I mean ocean. Shower, probably those you, those it'd be very dangerous for a woman to put out a fire with their pets. How could they do it in the shower? Just goes down my leg. Our attitude and which is open, open up a lot over the narrowing they just not just pulls out whenever woman stands up or pistols out over china, it Why women go to the bathroom together, cause like they don't get any other good, pisses yeah they just hang out. Girls will be girls or they have to like hold them above the toilet, yeah yeah, yeah, okay,
last pick. Some ground allow rankings ever thought for we agreed on with the view that means nothing yeah cause this one. I, though, was going to go with this one. I thought was you know so much earlier. That's why I didn't bring it then put highest one, so relatable, no, no! No guys you guys get to oh yeah sure, shot alright pissing to get out of class okay, porter banya everyone's done that you get the bathroom pass, We are saying that at any minute, that's like you do out ashes break. Sometimes when everyone's done it it's relative okay, which is why the middle of the night piss okay, Lord shakespeare, is that why the cousin of the middle of the night drink the middle of the night it's like is more noise is very. I enjoy one you wake up, you're, like all the other guy to piss ass. You try. getting on a glass. It's like you, ve got me feeling minutes were paying for thirty valley which, when you have to pay the bill No, but then you wake up nearly over three m. I can sleep for another like three I could.
six hour. Yes and you like mad at myself, went to prison and you're mad that you have to it up, and then you try to will yourself to go back to sleep, and then you realize this is going to get worse before it gets better. No, then you like check the perimeter I like to. I think the class one that that's that mean everyone did like. Oh can I use the bathroom and you're not going to the bathroom, but sometimes you all. We left one on the board. Well, with honorable mentions wiping off the the stains on the toilet bowl with your piss. Oh yeah, like cleaning up the toilet with your pi yeah, and this one is just a personal one, but the sink pisses lead. Although you're insane yeah? Well, I mean I know. I understand that I'm in minority here, like you, know, I'm a persecuted class when it comes to sink. Piss put. It is awesome, I also sing in your side yard when you're like yeah, like pissing like if you have a side yard like coming home and not even like pissing outside before you get a pool party. you. Wanna go inside your muddy, wordy one of our pics
I don't wanna, hear anyone who disagrees with this, but I piss in every pool I've ever yup, one hundred percent, yet that's all the on she all right Yes, every every rule, my ireland every fool, I every full. I thing with what they would like a public political waterborne. Our allies already filled a dinosaur, piss, others hot tub. What's your now, I know you don't piss thugs who really know that's the dilute it is not there. I feel a little bit worse about doing it, but yeah? It's all others! I want to make you pay at times I will get up, but I'm not going to show you that I've never done a ip in hot tubs. I'd say so two percent of your hot up right now. I will make an effort. If there's a if there's any vessel plastic p, that's nearby, we don't have to go, and Sarah
we'll do that correctly. This is respect, and you know what I am here's my difference. Actually, I I dont think I ever p in an indoor, hot tub. Ok, I could see That makes sense if you hold it will grow, serve yeah figure. I'm about that. Fifty sixty percent tubs one hundred and one percent in pools lay I will I will stand not even getting in the past. Isn't it you too hot tat? Much I like this and improve things hard times will turn a different color. If have you ever lie on? Nigeria is naturally the duties. Watch, I guess a hot tub like last week when you just don't it is. When you listen this, you guys have all seen the dirty hot tub tweet amount. They can't be eighty ok cool. While I go and clean hot tubs, and then I make em dirty here's the thing is, we are just saying what people are too afraid to correct and in fact I think, It is not up to you to. Actually, I think, whereas I look at them like. Oh, it's dirty yeah, so
he'll be in July. You try not to this is like this. My point, I don't. I don't go out of my way to pinata, but you, just as oil monitor, presents itself yeah that when the situation is at the heart of this is my point with pools. There's two types of people in the world: people prison, pools and liars. That's it. Jake, I dont know I have not even mutant, I'm not I view on those gotta get your mute. Might ever it jake Oh you did libel you're born one. Besides that, yes jake, I've, never done it with it. I repeated a fool before ever. I don't think so now my guess is definitely in the ocean. You know every swimmer. Does it. I love really like the olympic sized- yes, oh definitely, every swimmer, the best and also after an airplane ride. I know you can it's an airplane, but I mean there's a reason why the urals are pats right outside of a gate, that on the major it after an airplane red when you're on the window, YAP. If you don't. Yeah also said that pissing on an airplane is probably mount rushmore of war
yeah that being in the bathroom with losses of buses, as we thought he has actually cfcs, pausing a bottle on a road trip and not having to stop. In about leads paying off of any elevated surface yup and then watching. It follows logically down on a dog pissing on fire hydrant, the esa classic hilarious, malaria. Any longer I got a sporting about fifteen twenty. Maybe that's socks that's what I'm gonna do not want to have to say for the moment. The moment you got to the front yet. No, that's good idea. Pissing in between cars into football tailgate also awesome open up the doors yet and energy like as you ve, been drinkin ears like I need to pass to stand. Hissing pissing between subway cars. They haven't exhilarating alley pisses. That sounds off our possess great
that's great piss porter pot is one of the where you find a nice dumpster to go behind, and now I see your shielded on us, the best, the the first piss after nasty I cleared up the up great pests, also golf course: no pain, golf course outdoor. I think pate peeing on a nice course. Is is rude like dependent israel. I actually think that a nicer than horse the boat more open it is that I look, there is no light peeing outside just is it just is what I really like. If we're lucky enough to plague ass, the one day like we wouldn't did duties great might whom? Because my son is so young and he like is party trained when he has to pay when we're outside. I'll, just lumpy, anywhere like on the street uncle fuck. Has anyone ever got a public? Your nation have really well without the knowledge comments on our knowledge at
Well, you get find your just came over here. He comes over. He shakes your hand two hundred bucks, but then he seventy five mt. I was expense. I was two hundred. I think mine was two hundred yeah and let's see we did no one pick the morning piss morning, pisses, that's crazy! That's a great purse, always yeah color check! That's when it's exciting, I'm hydrated and you just feel great. He majored in yeah bad team, a sneaky piss when you get away with pissing when you're really not supposed to win or you're, not supposed to piss in various these situations where go outside. like when no one notices that you're even pissing cause you're like doing it. Casual. Okay, like there's something in front of you like not prison. Have you got? Have you guys ever done a zoom piss where they don't know how you're pinged, on a sequel that it's it's crazy
What is wrong with your camera, still on yeah chemists allows like you're, basically like that guide was named tubing, yeah africa. as ever pissed, while riding a bicycle cause, I've been able to pull that was accidentally like I've. Had it I've had it, you lock your legs I'd gone schools me yeah. They probably did during like the iron man. Are you so peddling them? if you locked your leg, just piss off to the side, kid do it in a wind, obviously, and you need to get a little bit of speed but yeah you get it yet, with in your pants, are not getting dick out and just fucking go off to the side. Is it a thing in other sports or are just like rugby, where they take the you, take a knee on the field and you just, We reject the sun pee on the field. Now you do that yeah. That was just four sided that allows a one year. The bike is just force
right, yeah. No, I just like pissing right right, random, like places up pools that are supposed to piss in a pool. I was trying to think of a situation where it would be convenient to pee. On the bike racing. There have been a bike yeah. Now, that's alright! I think we owe This is one that we totally missed ice in the urinal yeah that was brutal, miss brutal, nip miss. That is when you get to ice europe. Also. I like this might be weird, but I I liked the wrigley troughs cause. You just don't there's no like you! the aim or anything you just stand there and piss. It is a little weird cause. You are standing like dick dick with a bunch of dudes, but there's also just no. It's just free rein, yeah if you can squeeze in. Can make its like a wide open, receive. There's there's a concert than you nor the virginia that had one of those troughs, except it was a circle bowl
so you had to stand all you have. It was probably like twenty feet. While he was massive and you had to walk up to it and there were guy it's on the other side with their dick out peeing at you, and you have to pee at them into this big ass. It was like a birdbath or pissing into it, sucked that might be. We know that Iraq's like rocks, but until We've been at one of those things at a poisoned concert when you're seventeen years old and you've got probably thirty fifty five year old, guys with their dicks out peeing right at you. The reality hits you hard and it's not that cool yeah yeah, though I've I've seen those those are brutal because you're just staring on the pissing contest. Last time it was fun was some cunt who can see you can pistol, sword fights yeah little like the
you're like out a lake and you're trying to so. You can piss the farthest. Oh yea sword fights fights with the boys. I do. My son is awesome, sword fight all the time I fucking dominated. I like the urinals that touch the floor, like they're, so tall you'll, literally piss, on the floor yeah. Although those get a little splashback, they can yeah yeah. This Google splashback doesn't mark the spot yeah. I should I love pissing in pools. I want to piss in the pool right now. Oh my god, so bad we should do a podcast from pool yeah I just want to just go- is open your pants on and get right out here Jacob. You know you've never visited puno. I was just think a top pfc on the shoulder. I got a water park when I was younger. It's like, I think, there's a pool where we're staying. Yeah jake. You should do it your business, That's a nice hotel like I've. Gotta doing so, you have your inner about doing it around poor people.
that's messed up? I would do it in my own pool like if I were to do for the first time cause I'm like all upset my mom but she'll get over it. Now I want to get in your house, just a prisoner poor. How would you know that's the thing they never know? Yeah, you don't know you have to tell your mom rhyme alexandria reveal what ails you doing it to her than to render fringe age. While I guarantee you your mom peace, pool and shot out by the way, whoever started the blue die like rumor back in the day that just got kids to not piss in pools like all they put blue dyes. Have you piss it will? I know it? Has it ever happened? No, never right! It's not a real thing. They did a great job of scaring all the little kids child abuse. Yeah. I powered through that mentally tough, just peed anyway. Okay could mount rushmore everyone. Today is my rushmore is brought to you by stella, blue coffee. Amazon prime day is here, help make stella a blue coffee. The number one coffee and cold brew on all of amazon
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he better purpose. Okay, ah yeah do go, buy it. If you, if you buy a on amazon prime day, please leave a review for cell blue coffee helps a lot. Ah, I told you guys we had a monday reading And- and I tipped off means that I wanted to make sure he was on the show today so memes I want you to chime in whenever you feel are necessary I'll. Whip around. But here's the here's, the monday reading com has to be about means right. Well, kind of it comes from sleep and its titled, The reply guys, who one repeatedly commenting on your crushes twitter posts, is a terrible dating strategy. Until it is And it's an entire article about dude that a reply guys who and updating the chicks they were heard it
I got to I'm going to read a couple of snippets, but this is literally the story. I'm actually upset. They didn't use memes in this article cause. He was our reply guy that we ended up fucking. Not actually, I will not actually just dry yeah, writer, right right. Ok, so I here it is our yell, a thirty two year old flight attendant los angeles, actually married one of her reply, guys they recently celebrate your second wedding anniversary. She remembers his replies to her tweets back when they were first to talking as being a cut above. It would be, it would just be like it wouldn't you. We like your hot the way he did. It was so much more delicate and sweetened poetic and not like disgusting, our ills. on her real name and then it talks to the reply guy, who set his Ivan authorities.
Your lawyer in aerials husband started following his now wife and twenty seventeen when a picture of her happened across his feed one fateful day. I thought to myself. This is the most beautiful face of ever seen in my life is the guy online who's who sees a face? Our minds is wow. I need this. He said with around five thousand followers she wasn't usually famous or anything but to Ivan, who had night team wars. That's a perfect reply. Guy number by the way, yup, like nineteen followers, we followed. Three thousand people, yes is perfect, but with nineteen followers she was way out of his league. He hit follow, but he didn't interact with her for more than a year. I need him. I didn't even have the courage or self confidence to even be a reply guy at that point, so he was a reply. Guy in waiting, he was a lurker yeah played it cool
it is the entire landscape. Here's the best part ah put after a while. He started notice a way he could differentiate himself. Every reply guy has had this epiphany by the way been like no she's, gonna fuck me. I would see under every post that she had all these dudes that were just like wow beautiful, gorgeous Ivan continued. I was just like. I don't want to do that. She gets that so many times from all these people, were the country. If we can show, he wasn't like the rest of them. He might have a shot, is a real article by the way, an opportunity to break silence, finally rose and twenty nineteen. I posted something like this from Oreo. I posted something like I had a bad day at work. Who wants to buy me a stake are, you said, and so our first real interaction was on Van mo because he sent me twenty dollars first, that this is a very dangerous. This just got it's giving so much hope.
So many guys at other than just like you know I I just gotta posts harder. I just haven't posted enough. Yet, oh my god reply, guys are finally winning it's a whole article about reply, guys just finding a way to reply their way into relationships with hot chicks, online. Yeah memes do do you have a moment where you're like hey, I think I think I might be in with these guys. So my first tweet when I created the part of my meme count. They can't retweet it and I got a thousand followers instantly wow yeah, so there. So you got your reply. You were just like It's it's on site, yeah. At first sight I was like. I think I got something here, but I remember what it was. I think it was coach doug's on it was that photo that, in the studio of the guy in the water, ski yeah, with coach, Doug's photoshopped onto it, Oh man! I am here's one other guy style, banger devon. Is it
year, old journalists who is following in the world, the philadelphia sports twitter and last summer, a guy named Eric himself unknown quantity in that seem to a lesser degree very publicly. This cleared himself her reply. Guy he started tweeting about her and sending silly replies to posts of hers. I posted a photo of me and my friend it a fillies game and was like. I want you to hit me with a baseball. Well, you're, the first who passed it was a bit, but it also wasn't. It became a community preoccupied, a preoccupied. Ok, you patients, so many other people within philly sports trader would kind of way in and even other guys and girls would be like it was so nice. When Eric saved my cat,
burning building. He got everyone else. It of any help me in my grandma cross street corny stories. It obviously our true devon said, but it was just cute. It was like everyone, cotta had his back and she s ship us in a way. So I think I ever do that they would never do that force boy Tom Brady gets. This is a whole article about reply, guys, pining away in so yeah very dangerous bs. I completely agree. I do want to hear. I want to fast forward like fifty years now, sixty years from now when they have grandkids like how did you meet? How did you guys end up meeting so well, I told her. I told your grandmother she was so hot that I wonder to hit me in the face with a baseball bat. So I was actually her number one reply guy, it was it was. It was pretty beautiful, beautiful relationship from the start, so yeah reply guys, finally have a win
Well, I mean let's go around the room, real quick, because I'm pretty sure that most people in this room have some sort of a reply, guy situation that they found themselves in, like bigot. I know that you would reply reseller lot. The opt out I got him trying to give due to lift with me. I was a big reply. Guy for florio. Honestly, you up, We have reply, God's shadow, that for shoe brando love that guy love, that guy clue, haywood yup pig reply guy. I have another reply guy who I retreat. Sometimes I need to give a shout out to bully football bully football. He just bullies me after every tweet. That's literally, all he does yeah just like shits on Israel funny. That sounds. That sounds really fun to do you guys every reply, keyser, you just like no one, you like yeah, that's my guy this guy? I ass into kid now used to twist getting action and I'm not oh what
so reply, but he did he I'll ask them whose tuesday he was by infer response for like two years the EU has also hank ever get their lottery ball now that as before the but he's He he he he gave up, he actually died. Members are nonetheless, if your reply, guy arthur and you just comment on hot cheeks pictures overtime, don't give up. It's the meme, where the guy's digging for diamonds and there's one guy. That gives up and he's like an inch wave yawning diamond light. The next post might be the one that does get yeah. We we when we run the gregg alternator view next week. I have a funny story about my guy vp, a big cat corp, who is an original reply guy who who is like part of my life now, so I guess he is he should have been in this article is well. He found his way into my life, its reply, guys they win peace.
He's miley responding. Nobody is funny like when I tweet a mile in everybody like back me up like they back up this one guy at you you're. Thank you for for donating your lambo to my grandmother, she's, really sick and had a hard time getting to the hospital last week. Dude. Maybe you need to get like a photoshop picture view in a phillies jersey, but, like I just want you to hit me with a bat yeah, maybe over miley loki, oh no way As to skating getting I like, I, like Kim kardashian type figures now, thanks like tat, so we'll talk, now appear to overcome galvanise been up great for you. I would not mean mean Kim k. I would never work I've just she would break me in half. Arms like when you had the level that your eye with Tom, it's like its yeah it almost impossible for him to upgrade. Now we know it's your writing, like
what, if any loss of any martial dating Kim k like that is great for us, the true definition of a best friend is talking to your friends. Out of having sex was insanely, attractive women. How would you go crazy if you started dating kim kaylee? What do you think hang in there will be a power couple back into his old friend leyden ways. I would be so if Kim dom tank, because he got too much That is what a man around water hey. You too, who would be an acceptable person for somebody to date. Could question good question. I know what he he wants a little class. What about citys we too young three young. Ok, what about shakira? Ok, here, I he's, gonna hate, winslow, yeah,
That's what you want! You want the yet like a class, Anne Hathaway, meryl streep. but let us also Mccarthy, no it here, did kate impeding Longo metals and hate milton's drew ripa di yeah. Telly taylor swift thing about that. They got that should have megamergers barriers. I that's all show by weight if these are common on friday, so everyone beyond best behavior like and subscribe. Tell everyone to subscribe go subscribe on some extra phones, because I take his or coming friday and we want the w also go for eight in a row.
Put, it might not happen, so I will say: free shared a lotta alot eight everywhere were in their take these by reaching out and tell me how I kind of got screwed and dungeon and dragons all everything that happened at the end. Should it got benefited alot more kills. So those a lot. It was an overwhelming amount of of dams and and responses of people being like hey to see no bigger screw you, but we got trouble. I like I did a word when elicits and which are being just hanks sums yet and accepts their their corporate suits, uproot liquors kitty, stop clicking. Nothing max is asking you to stop. I'm not me drowning in your hand that you keep playing within its making it yeah. What is its factor fiction? Is there something in your hand, and your writing show you're, just a guess what it is laws god you let you I Jesus Christ Phd. How is the fourth, though
good numbers for seasonal workers, one thousand thousand The european union on these too close to me right now, is also distracted and watch needed as you again and again, at source borg to soccer, ok, of seventeen the twenty six I'm going to go. Forty eight all the size of Kim kardashian's ass last thing forgot forgot if this is going to be a weird thing to say, but just trust me that we have good intentions if you live anywhere between buffalo and detroit and have a big piece of land that you wouldn't mind the boys coming over to and building a really big hole hit us up. Pantheon turnip arsenal sports lock on. We want a fucking dick. Do we a whole? We have excavating experience now, don't ya but yes, so we want someone who's willing to. Let us build, let's just say
three hours of whole digging and will leave it at that, but yeah only real increase, please this document well there's no way. This is only going to show up to like some dude like fucking apartment population later when they do say raising dear how's, your daddy and other pictures somewhere you in front of the picture with with your phone out and the time stamp, And dig save report and its safer poor area. This good point bill. excavating, but also where he got a funny if there wasn't a dick, safe or you already each Yeah bonus points if you think maybe there's some oil on your property. I still think
we should do east palestine and and help get rid of some of that toxic director personal front line. Unless I, what one means you forgotten this, no one, okay, what was your numbers? We have twenty inc, forty eight hank, twenty six, okay, Martin ST louis sixty sixty more n, sixty war
very gets I'd, really, humming varieties have age. Size was paid in guinea nubians
the The you remember. These
the the.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-03.