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Pete Prisco, Tom Brady Is Inevitable And NFL Week 1 Weekend Preview

2021-09-10 | 🔗
Tom Brady is inevitable and Football is all the way back with an incredible opening night game. Dak looked great and Drew Brees has new hair (00:02:18 - 00:13:32). Weekend preview of all the games and we have a new bet between all the guys that may end the podcast (00:13:32 - 00:43:01). Fantasy Fuccbois (00:43:01 - 00:49:33). Pete Prisco joins the show to all preview the entire league and give some takes on what will happen in 2021 (00:49:33 - 01:34:36). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Watch, coach, prime in all, access look at one of the greatest players and icons in NFL history during his first season as a college, football head coach in this Zeppa, so documentary series we fall. De on Sanders mission of levelling the playing field between each BC, use and power. Five programmes, its prime, like you, ve, never seen, prime. Before only that bar stool Ports presented by Chevy Silverado odds, part of my take. We have our good friend PETE Briscoe, preparing the entire twenty twenty one and I fell season. Would you are weak an preview fantasy, Falk Boys, fire fest of the week and, of course, swear recap: what was the kick off the NFL season? It was a great game or talk about that. We have a plan show it's a football Friday. It feels good and its brought you by our friend at the rise in there's only one best network, it is Verizon. I've been of rising guy. My entire life Verizon
it again been named America's most reliable network by route metrics for the sixteenth time in a row, and Eighty power name them most awarded for network quality for the twenty seventh time in a row. That's a dime still folks with the fewest calls messaging data issues of any network, its clear nobody builds now. Works like rise, and, yes, there's only one best network, It is rising. The most reliable based on route. Metrics reap reports from second half twenty thirteen, First, have twenty two twenty one of three Operators on all network types combined knots risks two five g networks rise and receive the highest number of words: consumer satisfaction with their wireless network performance for the twenty seven time for GDP twenty twenty one, wireless network, quality study, award information, visage Power, darkened slash wards for more detail. Horizon is number one yet again, folks, again,
I am of rising guy. I think we're all rising guys here, there's only one best network, it is rising. Ok, let's go none its point, Matvey presented by voiceless words work on the part of my take presented by the rise in the best network period, the best network period that is rising today.
is fry yea September tenth and Hank. I want hate to do it four boys high k tonight elsewhere tonight prove all the doubters out there instead wasn't bad fuck. You footballs back big time. It's all we got to see was this was one of those just magical nights all around. We got to an artist at the top of his craft guy, gets better hotter with age, and then after adjourn. We wait for Ballgame Tom Brady just was lights, and when you said magic, I thought you were going to say that the magic of drew raises, hair, bs just while good objects breeds cobbler, Roger break up the problem is thinking about I tv shows like alive audience. I was there. Do you read about this? I was thinking about it. You have to do one of two options. With your hair. You either
three options: you can either just embrace it Scobie impelled channels, Gov impelled, Football is coming home. It's coming home number two He had to do what Tom Brady did and get in front of it. Early or not. Three: you can do the earlier, where ego zero to one hundred and you're. Just like hey guys, I was the ball guy, I'm not drew Bree. Falls under none of those categories where he was losing it losing it losing it and then popped up. You did the Jason Wit yeah showed up and, like all got a new rug, whoops no one should mention this, but everyone magic use. Trending all day, I thought you look pretty good yeah. I Yola good for drew it, but if your role model is Jason, witten and you're getting into the broadcasting business rate, not a great start from him, but on the field. Also awesome game awesome gave back, I think, is back, I'm actually starting to think that Maybe he wasn't has heard as Jerry was letting us know anyway. That was a game that the cowboys loss, but one because you're going and if you're cowboys Van you're going in the season in saying I hoped acts healthy. I hope we will competent. They look.
more than competent Dac looked awesome. Drove them down the field which could have been the winning feel go DR, except for the fact. What was it than us? Tom Brady's inevitable, Mikey, just Forty four years old is what is it twenty two for him, forty Or he hears old, I saw tat. There are now sit skies in Canton, who said their careers after Tom Brady Crazy, like full hall of fame careers there their enshrining Kin and Tom Brady still playing, and at this point I dont like What do you say you care he's, like God Ambrady? I have to say at this point like he's aging backwards, is Benjamin bunnies, better than he's ever been. You can that or you they're shone like the stats on help look here, his release, time and health half down field. He was passing on what I know:
Billy was taken which child billions taken, older, Billy, all the water bottles off the cable that have labels. Are it live audience, but Hank like you have to do. It was actually said tonight. I was a little bit disappointed, Hank, well being Hank started rooting against, so I'd also set the scene where, in New Jersey, sore according the beginning, in the show New Jersey, recording the rest of the show after the next address will be back in the studio, so we're in New Jersey Arsenal Sports book is live nine states yeah, it's ascendancy nine states, Tennyson Arizona, welcome to the club, I esteem and changes walked by thought. He was caught. We are competent for him, so he showed up to New Jersey, any live, but the cowboys so then taken away. We have waited so long ass. You did in the fourth quarter, I'm I'm rooting against Dumbarton for Tom Brady. At this point I am the one that saying too much time of the clock. You can't, let God get. The ball I can drive down the field. it was held TIM, the TAT man, the only to people that thought the Cowboys heightened the bag is Hank
is the money like dog king of the world, and Tom Brady. Just, I think, AEGIS Put it down your throat. Had yeah I as much as I love Tom. I truly do other more than most people in my life, I love money, one hundred dollars more and when I actually been half times I saw doves editing and when I came also covers losing, I'm gonna bet on them and it happened me. The cowboys, so nothin per Oh Tom, but it just create I d really apply it in obvious that we have to mention the Miss call the Opie Eye on Chris God, when Chris Goblin HAT was like so close to having just an all time you fuck this game. because he fumbles on the goal line. And then the no call on the opium to put them into feel go range, but yet Tom Brady, like I just I think we ve said this before, but if you had to bet in your like art, he's gonna play for another three years. I wouldn't bet against that. It's crazy! It defies everything wrong
and grown rather awkward, saying tat. His hands were good. Bye, bye, deck actually like you is, I think deck was almost more oppressive gear in a way than Tom. Brady was because we do know what we're gonna get ankle, though, though, shoulder every out deck s, city lamb keeps dropping passes, he would have added even better night? If you didn't do that? Well, that past attack, through his best pass the night, was intercepted because it hit off CD lamps hands going across the middle is worth throws in real time it was a deck. What are you doing? You saw them play, and it was the perfect pat. Yes, oh, why you can't get any better so as to pervert pain. If you look at cowboys, has this what I really like about this game tonight, it was lost The washing football teams in first place in the Irish Sea be still true, tied three way: tired three way type but Dac Press. gave so much hope to cowboys fans that they are officially ready to have their hearts broken. Yes, oh yeah, because he I walked away from that being, like tat, looks just as good as he did right before he had that horrific cramp.
last year, the put him out for the so. The only thing I had was. Are you sure, barbarians? Ok, I buddy good tonight. I so rare you would know he was less read the normal hit it the priority of light out. I think he, I think, if you cut Bruce Arians open it be Marineris, that's already say so. It wasn't like. I don't know I've Bruce hasn't made the switch from to kill two gin and when that happens, that's when the pantaloons really shift on his face, but I think he's actually, I think, he's been out of the sun, for at least them the vaguest yeah, I think he's kind of an indoor cat fur for at least the last couple. because when you some at the white, he was like ten times that true and might Mccarthy Carthage shall might Mccarthy for being smart. Knowing its Florida muggy night. He lay up so much that he was the wedding through his entire first layer. Will you couldn't tell it wasn't like a Sean Miller situation? Worse, nipple started showing he had like,
six more layers to go he's a big time dad. I say you know what you can always take layers off, but you can't put a background exactly I had I had one other thing will, first of all, the numbers fucking sock, the new numbers the single digits on running lax on quarterbacks. It looks like a bunch of kicker running out there on the field letter for not being seven, there is at one play, were tumblr you're trying to pass a letter for that number seven and digs intercepted at number? Seven- and I know her will. You watch college football. Your huge college. Football fan college football. Yes, there there's right there, duplicate number, sometimes like on special teams. Put it still just is not right in the NFL they were too cowboys had a. they had number one out there. I got you pass that sets the finger, there's ones, there's too many lessons in there. Just a number one in seven appear to me to back up quarterback number on the figures here. Don't you see the number one year like always taken ill in this game like what's going on? I think he's too well yeah, no data James. This too, I think the Algiers to Thursday, seven seven seven yet at south right, but it
you see the number one running down the field and you think others a gadget play who's. This do rapporteur quarterback, they just decide to make a wide receive. No, it's like soccer looks like a bunch of soccer players out there on the field wearing soccer numbers like a fellow Thursday night, now there is one big I'd. I'd say like the mojo moment of the game, was veto, then tonight of aid dominating the game, just a large human and it's it's so cool. Whenever those deepens alignment that has the big puffy here you can be bad, but you can probably exist in the league for twelve years. If you wait for three hundred pounds. I have long hair in plan d the line. I looked up what his name was and I need Jake too pronounced. This is gonna, be the ultimate test of Jake Skill view faze full name Jake. Can you try to give it to me yeah? So I looked it up. I didn't see an exact pronunciation guide. I saw some people singing on Youtube, trying to listen to it, so we're going to go with Savita. We are key owner to people
to most cease via hay for Hokosa volatile via pointed out here. I hope that's right. I think we might be clattering Parker stocks. I feel the energy list yeah. It's definitely rising, really feels good. So I guess in conclusion it was a statement like this college football. The Dallas cowboys still be into play off picture, yet no, they would have gone from like the twelfth ranking to the fourteenth. They might have even gone up and irregular it's well. Then there s the number one fashioned true true, I d. Ok, so we're gonna get too are weakened preview. Before do that, I forgot to say the can't lose parlay before we did it so I'm gonna tell you guys. You tell me where it loses ready for it. This is are still sports book under exclusive by the way the overs tournament is live as well. You have to opt in its season long tournament, its awesome, one million dollar prize in an overall like a hundred people, get flown They weren't you nor leans or Vegas flown there. We do in overs tournament, one day,
million dollar prize opt in its awesome are so where does this loose? eagles, plus seven and a half years, just did and eagles for seven and a half does it loose now when money on ok, I, like it Hank. Niners money line, ok yeah against cardinals titans over forty one and a half adjusted and seas. Ok, I work and then we the days you. Those are the one o clock aims and you get to the fore. Clock aims, cheese, money line because the brown cigarettes browns I actually like the browns plus six purchase money line to win that game. Does it flew all? I think that you would you like to Browns could do we're gonna get to the chiefs off into language. You Bob. I think there can be better this year, but early in the year they might not be a lot yet. No, I I again brow plus six makes sense, but I think that you will find a way to win the game because patch roms
unlike the easiest wanting. Oh my god, don't say that lose during I got it could not can't can't if that make since he could, bullets It is not going to, I think it's gonna be somewhere around plus two fifty single fund in the Birstall sports for gap. Romeo and a hundred M were you Hank, nine states, nine states, Tennyson, Arizona, added, Virginia's, added, Colorado's added Illinois. India New Jersey. Pennsylvania Michigan. I think I got all the while, you know I've been watching, let's go to the rest of the shell rising. Did it again been named America's most reliable network by route metrics for the sixteenth time in a row. That's a dynasty, an J D power name, the most awarded for net equality for the twenty seventh time in a row with the fewest cow all messaging data issues of any network, its clear. Nobody builds networks like Verizon. Nobody builds five
gee like they do. Yes, there's only one best network. Verizon I bit of rising guy, my entire life. I can tell you right now: it is the absolute best best most reliable, based on route metric reports from second half twenty. Thirteen first have twenty de one of them The operators and all networks types combined, not specific to five g networks, rising, receive the highest number of rewards for consumer satisfaction with their work This network performance with twenty seven time for Jd Power, twenty two he won wireless network quality Study, award information, visit, J D Power D. Calm, slash rewards for more details. There's only one best network, it is Verizon. Verizon is the best. at work out there we one basket network, it is rising. I can't repeated enough, but I will and there's only one best network. It is rising, I've been of rising guy and they were all rising. People in here so go check, out for a the best in the business. it's not just my opinion,
studies have shown for eyes, the best network. Ok, let's get sore, week previous can do little fancy Falk boys. There we got people, oh and fire on the other side, so we're here to talk about what will touch at all the case, but let's first introduced this, so we just hatched this idea in the pm he studio. It is ultimate chaos. We have dance surrounded the last few years, where we do. We pick an over an under favorite an underdog most people like I well whatever these don't mean anything because there was a year that Hank had to kill the debutante. Yes, right, you'd kill debutante, but this year, here's the deal. All six of us in the room. Papa Hake, Jake Bill myself, p of tea. We're gonna go we're in a pick, our favorite dog over under everything weak for picks at the of the season regular season, the way play sky. In this second place guy.
So, yes, you heard that correct. The last place guide the person with the worst picks and the second place guy. The person with the second best picks will, have to drive from New York to allay to the Superbowl just the two of them it is chaos. It is utter chaos, because there's no way to plan out. What's gonna happen in that last week, when down to like somebody's been be second place. Immaculate words must be first second places they lay Billy was just asking like well. Why don't you just throw it if you're insane? Please not realising that we're all sober gambling that it's impossible to throw it. If we are to make are like picture the weak, their problem. Not gonna hit at anything about fifty six percent correct so die, for it was be amazing. If I get fifties, I would suck my dick fulfils a garrison. The outer I that's my line. There are usually don't say on air, but yes, I agree. Yes, that's usually use. Are we using only air are usually wait till I needed a win really badly. That's you just pulled the Bobby.
Third doubt go skin, our cons, mom Oh using Jesus in the second Creasy? I used up my do early for that. Yes, you, gotta least wait till like weak five for your ass as you well know, I said suck my dick for fifty six percent overall and sees it, but still you you will now be wasted orbital on a big goal. Yeah, I don't know, yeah it's gotta be specifically. I have actually suck my dick. If fifty six love is love sexier manaos, no shaming. Now do you ex positive, I guess so that is gonna, be the the competition just talk real, quick work, combo to have to do to strive together, I just, taught my head. I think although that is most likely to crash and die, is, probably billion Liam Liam, doesn't drive but doesn't draw so that's gonna be, and we know his history with cars
the word, the lights. Now I like less yes yellow, I was, I was in like a pretty bad car accident, like my freshman year College, where, like I'm in that house, undersea Neuro this way before I got hit by a car alleged, I was in a passenger, see- and I like put my head through the window, were Every time I like I like flinch when I sitting ok, so I hate rising open, but it doesn't fish last, but then I got hit by a car after that he hated even more so so I'd say bill in Bobo's, probably the least likely to survive likes. You really get DR right, but what he just said he doesn't drives you get through the whole dry. I think billion be a world class passenger, Yannick Booby, you maybe be my one. One shot gun guy, the most the most likely to be enemies at the end would be Jacon Billy. Now would be an electric dr. Why is the document this entire? We have.
some good body on greatly? That's right. You talked about where your goals were the most in the hormonal animals. Normal one is is probably mean hanker Mean p of tea or Phd in Hank. I think any of that combo. It's like ok, good trying. You can't put it probably not going to have any nosegays die. No, it's gonna fight each other. If it is me in big cat on this trip across the country, you guys are just like high stepping interface car maybe we will turn on her. Quick now will turn on you, but I think it's liable that we're just gonna go insane if they're going right, but we might fire them by the time we get to that we want to reach other. We will turn on all of that. We might put out a Craigslist satellites and seeking new producers right now. We will have other ways to get all of you. I would also be a way of activity like I would feel. Shame not going. Are you weird for me to not go with you guys, just browsing? That's like someone would have to go right, but I'll go prose. We distracted,
fucking car. Ok, I think I beg of you my anxiety, that was, you are probably the Bosman ruling against the most unfortunate to go would be me because it would just add another three days to being away from my family, Thou Itzhak, but guess what a man of people. This is further listeners. The I did have to clarify whether before our eyes are you a hundred percent Paul, do you're, saying this in September: yeah I'll do and make sure you know. We now hear that same in Ireland to draw January. I tried the open road is actually nice. It's it's like a meditative thing for me, except where I live. I like doing long cartridge, except for the citizens of Europe. They want you to say depends. We need still have thirty six hours to go yeah that will probably saw and say to pit of areas so fucking. Why did she showed of state takes like seven hours just to get through and you'll be winner, that's gonna, be an x factor
but for the record, is big had finished his second or last. I will now no, I mean I know it's not the mud Russell Guy last weekend. Out of you can realise that are not call weakens yeah would know it wasn't gonna be on a weekend, but what we d, I got you the guy who's who challenge meat or mud rustling dwarfed. If two ain't beat Oklahoma, they almost it. I just. I think that Billy Billy would be great to have as a road trip, shocked and guy for to day. I think day three, it's like! need to be. I consider steering off a cliff like all brimming, get how much Joe Rogan. Can you listen to write rare, exactly how we allow much I've reacting? Can we take y know not true? No, not try were met and actually good medicine yeah force, cavies receivers, aviator navies there you go So that's what we're gonna do it's gonna be electric. I think we also should to make it in sing. Obviously be our people just don't want to hear a rattle off our picks so, when you do do you picks, Some reasoning will talk about the game that you pick whatever.
Maybe that's how we do our preview on Fridays. Ok, so, let's start, let's start will start with our favorites in again with stab discussion off them. Because that will be what people actually want here we ve written are picks down yup, ink and paper old school style. You get away with MIKE Robots electrical ink undermining under my anger. She up I so, let's start J Billy. Why don't you start moving around the room will end up back with me, and again, more just do discussion on each one. just a favorite yup. Ok, my fairies chiefs minus five point. Five billion duchess allay up. I saw it safe. I have thought about that chiefs and I it's actually I'll- reveal my countless parlay, the first one of the season. After all this, but I'm a little nervous about the chiefs, full revamp of their office of one feels like but it could be good, but you were right, Well yeah, we talk about, it would be Briscoe, but, like you,
also don't know. So I am still of the mindset. Patrimony sense like as long as you're, Patrick my homes, yeah. Then everything will be fine s, sure it's just like in Asia, nice war meal. I count I hate week, one of the NFL, because you did every one of the NFL, You know that there is going to be an upset, the no one saw coming in, you know that, but Stiller, like oh yeah, Chiefs Niners like they're gonna fuckin crush people. The only Roby wanting that loses week, one where I'm I'm gonna write them off the teetering here until like weak seven or we can undertake this teams of fraud, and then once they start putting together string of like seven eight winds and around the Ok, I guess I was wrong about them. We
They bousfield there about the box feeling they're gonna be upset. Oh ok, well, know the dishes. Now time travelling will is reorganize. The gaming talked about it. Ok, so maybe does have, but chiefs they got that she would go with that. Bad offensive lie rise, so now they have a new offensive lying rises in a silly bad office. They d get alot of injuries towards the end of the season, so yeah. But yes, your icy, you're right, Jake favorite. My favorite Gonna be Washington. Faulty minus one hit my ass well yeah eyes, while right good Z, yours will know, is I've put something I've made. intentional selection this year at least his first game, I'm gonna, bet heavy. on the chart now to go wrong with you thirsty. That's why Van card is done the equation in my head- and I think we ve all probably thought about doing this, but I think this is Europe actually go. Do because I regrettably have expectations for the watching, but I'm
they're gonna bet against them. Because of the I've made the decision, my brain of how many dollars I'm willing to pay for a win, none, so I wonder why when you're. When you watch your team, it's almost like a free role of like you already have the investment so that you bet autumn or you just if you dont like them to win you just really hard because that spend. I also like to charges a lot. This year day, a scary amount to the point where I everyone likes. Our scientists do finer and I was like stew I love just Herbert over future to win the european future of chargers. When their division, and he was I So do I the charge of the best, even the ABC, putting all my money on the charges here. So now, I'm like fuck site I love to, but
I don't know you- I mean the fox or with a weak one year. Now you he struggles out of the gate. So can you have washing football team? I do as well. I I favour saw aspect, the only language members week once somebody I know, also chargers going to these coasts. New coaching staff, washing football teams- defences incredible, fits magic early season. I yeah. So that's my pick as well. So I think the turf and rail John might be too good this year they replace the entire stadium. They have a headache I sought it so that damn it all the team that there right now is never have judges, progress on a field since community, but different, I baba its minus three and a half. Ok, ok, MAC, Joan about Only Alabama, quarterbacks I I feel like Montenegro toss up. I feel nationals we really good. I dont know why, like just if, as you like, the best course Kortright have well yeah. That probably helps, but also to spell check. Choosing him in like emphatically choosing him
I'm already ready to give him time. I think people are going to I'm not ready to the overreaction after every game, so she act like hearing Peyton Manning all these people talk about how you do need, amount of time to develop like if he loses early on. I'm not gonna be freaking out about almost a good thing that he has that if you ruins early, I'm not going back, he's a great hoard, valuable time that it will regressive grumpy picture that came out of college. That's that's was done him a favour because people are like if use How can you have that frumpy image and you're on any team, except for the patriots people like us, this guy's not great shape, but because Tom Brady had that draft picture public. Sky fits or system yeah. The m- I just keep. like what is the best possible situation for quarterback to go into in its Bilbil check as your head coach, and they wore like if there's one coach, coaching staff, it's like I we're gonna just played all your strengths, and now You do too much is MAC. so tat. I was the fight yeah. Ok, like fist,
notes battle or saint rattle and isolate what kind of perverted she does that do now seem to be assured offered fight. I would mention that actually being. I would actually to really enjoying that. What's your favorite fifty my favorite, I'm gonna go with the Broncos I like the giant spreading Bridgewater. It covers all the time he's an invest. Quarterback in Israel He probably a covering spread tattoo gloves, headed to gloves She said last night, skinny knees, big dick yup minus three, so Broncos Maestro like that Acta. I think their defence can be really good, also, like I'm I'm betting against the giants until proven otherwise yeah I'd route that I agree with that Billy, your underdog arduous, plus one. Ok, I think digging up upset we talked about that game utility betting on the charge. They will say that no Jake you're underdog
can we go with cardinals plus three at the Titans cardinals this year I was good good collision. Varying varig gonna get some guy, my grable it mind, saying the court does not even that good. Last year I feel people, the corner, the coroner's are highly Mary yeah. There are hot team to talk about. Everybody has been saying that often too can be really dangerous this year, but feeling I feel like I'm taking crazy pills where the glorious get added in the mayor's beat him out for their plants and they didn't even looked at good for them. part last. I don't I don't I'm not a believer in cliff kings very, and I also think I can't out, why I know who we owe joneses older, but I just feel like we're. Gonna see work. One is the titans. First monitor football game. Or something I football fund that for me, because I'm just me, Brain just thinks in storylines there's gonna be Tyre weak six home against the bill. Perfect, so weak, six homer gets bills are gonna. Do like a twenty minute segment!
about. However, one forgot about Julio Jones cuz. He has at weeks ex. He already has like sixty Stones in five hundred yards will might be. That might be he's got, like six hundred yards receiving and weak six and What are you sure you know when talking about yeah, there's gonna, maybe it'll be Derek Henry and Hullo Jones together, like maybe athletic Rick segment, may bring back Rick Reilly. so get a bunch of kids. They put it against in high school yeah. You can see it can't you yeah yeah. Ok, your favorite distillers on other underdog, underdog, sorry, underdog idealism yet lost six and a half. I hate that I hated to. Are you going? Are you money one?
the question then hands. I will you do hate her friends its pathological. At this point, I am absolutely not. I mean the bills are in our division. Rival and I know we talk. All off season knew its jury. I don't wanna patriots. Ok, you guys. I've talked all fucking Aussies about this diet, how big Bennets changes and new quarter values he's not enough sat here and the producer chair of this new guys like talk, what good, that's gonna, be for him and how the team is going good. They are to have a good defence This is the ultimate like everyone, so high and the bills. This is the game you got your talking about, though my this came to me. This is the number one fan game of the weekend: I think this crowd is gonna, be so electric happy work I'll fuck. We forgot how much fans can impact game. True, however, there something new in the bills tailgate this year I just saw today they're not the catch up anymore, you're not doing the ketchup spread over Pinto wrong they're, not doing the bowling ball shot Kohinoor, my because it issues I don't know, how is the kitchen
Think of it, I don't know yet covered only after over protocols yeah, or they lick, be lit the catch up off people. Don't see that part? in Buffalo licks it it's walk up at heart out. Yes, bread number, however that's yeah, so I think the bills. in Buffalo. Less can be the fan game of the week where we look back over like holy shit. That was awesome day. Looking Annabelle and then, though, probably lose the week two against dolphins, because they will be at Miami Violette out spot are Bubba, saints plus three and a half? Ok, nice. I think you might actually get for their. Let me double check. I just look ok, ok, three! I guess it's the forty thirty game and it's gonna be late. Close with our their driving down the field, ok, values just gonna- be close famous JANUS. I love it. I like champagne and close game too. played in Jacksonville but I am so excited Virginia thousand money last special to geniuses. I mean I'm just so excited watch James boy. I really am, am really
I'd watch him be started: yeah, yeah, yeah, undermining it. I'm gonna get so mad, though, when he takes when he does the exact same thing that he did drew breeze last year and he too screw breeze out in obvious, like passing situation here and pushed him Helen, I'm gonna get extra mad winch on pay, decides to do that to our JANUS. Yes, this year agreed are your underdog, my underdog, I'm taking the courts at home plus three who ok, I also know we're on the roof just yet from MR or say, still waiting on that tweet. But right now it's plus three Colson Homoiousios Seahawks. They might get my foot. stamp outta. My way what he said, like when you're ready on my way to early fraud stamp. My way too, fraud samples to Seattle. I would like that pick if Carson once wasn't play. When I die, Carson wants is reached territory where, like I, would If you tell me the culture,
whilst three in whose they're back, whose first backup Jacobson yeah Jake reasons? Why a bike? Oh, I like that, that's plucky, will you be tell me Carson once he's gonna spin around it gets well. I think you know what I've done. I've fallen into the mental trap that the entire city Philadelphia fall fell into for the last three years, which is I am convinced that Carson waste can be good quarterback with his old, quarterback coach in the rights system, You play like any VP again, yes, I'm I'm, I'm I'm! I'm really think it may be. That might be something that could happen. We won an unexpected restart, like the entire season. Obviously, but I like to call to Romania, I my underdogs gonna, be the Eagles plus three and a half. I just I feel We ve got a written off the eagles going into this season, and I dont- think the thugs regret their defence is not improved. Obviously their office can be electric because it always is, but I think we like whether it be the new code or jail and hurts or whatever it may be we ve got us said: oh yeah, the eagles are gonna sock,
like that's. Why they're gonna be out at all, so in that seven one, seven and ten, seven memorize. Seventy seven nine in one, yes, Evan Item one area where there will be a moment where they are competing for the end of sea EAST sometime in like MID November. I have this game circle. As may I don't know who's gonna win but something stupid. Gonna happen ya. With quarter go ya somethin. Real, dumb, all gonna, oh yeah, I over Steelers bill The forty eight hour we ve, talked about Game, good, Peg, almost Billy editor. I have that I for them on that Ok,. Hey our eye. There is respect. The rules, if I was not going to factor, was how to switch milder. That pick, but that's why it's good erected on us when it rains that ok good to know me up article. You know you ve made your mentally cheating near emotionally. Cheating know I'm going to bed the under for sure brought for the sake of the contest. That's why it's good to write them down. Yes, honours men of honour My overs lies forty nine or say with my chair, Gotham VP,
put a little money and the partial sports book. The item to think about forty five is the number there great odds. Your under ok, we'll gets the under. So the forty five, and, by the way, the bills Steelers, is forty, eight and a half over. So those are overs. I I do think of for going to what the lions, just because the forty diners are healthy for the first time. In a year and a half Georgina put a number of years, gonna put up numbers exactly agreed on that little fun staff for the lions, They could become the first seem ever to beat every single bird team only NFL this year, who dank ample might be a bird honour wow. Ok, I like that I would go to our under. I think we touched almost every game, but less good or under Billy, Jacksonville taxes. There we go. We hadn't hijack aim forty five and a half hours Felix, whom he sloppy game. I can name one person on the Texans is Pfc pointed out your skin terra Taylor. Discharge, Larsson yeah, he doesn't know
I uh we wish to talk about it. I haven't, I fear, fuck boys? Really I mean it. You know, I'm not sure about us personally under saying the media to shun Watson yeah. Mazurka talk, lazy play! No, no! No! Like debts Are they just the most bizarre thing that has unfolded now: everybody's very confused as to West going yeah, because I think the reason nobody's really talking about is because. No matter what is true, it's an insanely fucked up situation, correct like best best case scenario for humanity. Is that two Sean Watson? is being set up by like twenty five women. Making this accusation Worst cases he's like the biggest pervert in the history. of organised sports in America possible and on top of everything, that's going on off the field regime, Watson, its totally forgotten the fact that he demanded of trade right before all this came out really wanna play for the Texans out. Even of taxing Wanna play have imply no,
it's a very bizarre situation. I good under a moment ago, foreigners lines under forty five and that's limbs, yadda about two quarterbacks and two teams and new quarterbacks. Maybe a little jpg or the sardine Georgiana yeah I'll, keep the pic. Ok, father starting point: That's a joint research! Mistaken! That's! Ok, that's ok, Athens! Yeah! It happens. God your falcons, the birds, low scorn, bird game, joke. Thousands have been a joke Eagles Orange. I wanna be ugly again to see jockeys laughing I mean to have their quarterback disaster, Is it down Why is Gian hurts a disaster no, they don't know like Alabama quarterback. Now it's not that I just did they trade for maybe not Now that's my page, Lama quarterback still preserver us when revising this Alypius Nicky over there It could be carbons just look I'll pits her
for numbers. Yeah. Do that often says probably what ten first round pecksy. So hot might be nigh now. Has a trade hullo John. I actually think that the falcons have the most talented, often in the inner fell. Yes, if this was six years ago. Yes, I appeal to your under my under is gonna, be the jets at the pan. there soon under forty four Donald revenge, gay, it's a low number, the same Donald revenge, game yeah I ll. Actually, like the jets Had culture like sour a lot. so, especially as a defensive coach, I don't know what orphans, gonna, look like it's, not gonna, look any worse than guess, I'm pretty confident that so on, but I do like difference lies. I'm gonna go under forty four. The Panthers are one of those teams that I need to see SAM Donald in irregular she's in game. For me to stop thinking Teddy Bridgewater, Sir quarterback. Well, For me, it's like the Panthers, have they ve got low points. Jerseys yeah, the Jersey just feel like ass. Not
two points to make in a low point field. They put not the Unifil day took the fellow go off. Only one feel that still has that. That's the metal and ass my under because I think that any I think and I fell logo fields just go on its slow. Yes, it is slow. That's my honour, its forty one and a half the Broncos Giants game. I don't know I guess I could give by Dint of Jones just drawing like five pick sixes but thou women. I owe you that's not my under shit, I'm an idiot. I that run down my under the bears. Rims man This bears ran forty six and a half. I dont think the bears risk or thirteen points so I'm very low on the skin You don't think amassed average gonna go on. This is gonna, be like announcement game. I think this is this. Actually, the latest in a career that somebody could have a coming out party yeah. No, I I think that the rams are going to be good and put the pay. Deepens is still decent. They still got some dudes, I just our office why it is so bad.
Indulged gonna, look so bad, The games could be so bad. We feel so bad. So that's an under that is all those so bad up. That's it! forty six and a half It was therefore seven thou o forty seven, the gimme, forty seven. There we go bank error my favour. Ah, I gives we didn't touch, is actually was a very efficient way to talk. All the games on Sunday. I think we hit him fighting spangles only game we didn't hit. The only note I have on that is the giraffe named after Joe burrowed died today that significant. So we we do angles. Do we need to go bangles mortal longbows moored, allow mortal lock you are. I p, what's his name? How is your right now and all systems Joe Joe wrath? They name that one of the german- I don't I just it will be a great name for giraffe yeah, the giraffe see
by the way its bureau with the EU acts. Ok I'll, be great name for that. If you wish, ok just be neck. There was great nature. Should we talk at least a second about marches being like, I can't see the ball that feels bad and my But a fake news are big cat, always it very Florio. Get us Florio. Mighta Ganis, with his classic Baden Switch click paid Florio's. You have to trust. Anybody goes by Pfc. Why kids report Florio's had a report that Jabbar Chase because you know that I know you it's true, it's true butter border report does nobody contact. It was so the full balls in the air and suitable way. We talk about a million times it pretty queen having a flexible spirals because they have that white paint it just. It looks better in the air. the four policy out of hell, don't have that there was a which I guess I'm very much part of like that, people who see a tweet, don't read article just see the tweet so that it was essentially. The marches is
trouble seeing the ball he's had noted, drops during precision in practice. having trouble seeing the ball without the White Paint Phd. The context, yes in the context of that tweet was that there is a question asked where the system to describe the differences. Between Ethel ball and a college bore the reporter ass, and that question is two marches were not down was like hey just so, you know, I'm I've got hands like Nelson Aguilar. Alpha because the paint isn't on the ball anymore. where they asked and very specifically, What it was in the way that I know this is because somebody tag me on twitter instead actually tagging Florio and told me to do myself a favour by a tall stool, strong rope. for writing, destroy contacts Florio. That was meant for you, I probably wouldn't need that's. That's all! That's all the stool checks. So the question is: why did array? Why did we had always? Why did you have a lack of focus
and he just said it's a bigger ball adjustment. Anyone making excuses- I gotta, be a pro admit that catch. That sounds like an excuse, and then you mentioned early on the Unifil balls a little bit different how's. It differ and was that more than you expect, and he just said the balls different. He described what balls different God, because his bigger and it doesn't have the stripes on a basis for was purchased got used to it find out what comfortable catching and going from there You know it the more I say it out loud apologised to Florida. That was sounded like these having trouble with the because it sounds like he is just saying, like the white stripes on the ball. Yes, like this ball is easier to catch. One had the core design on. Yes, absolutely souls strugglers rich. I hope you kept the receipt for the tall stolen, the strong euro. You bought a week. Rope yeah is tolerance,
Oh yeah, just a very sad attempt. Yeah you crashed to the ground immediately a stool, the camp he flipped over it, not just enough window. You must do that is nailed to the ground floor. Do me a favor go to the store by gun, but put one old timer flags, that's his bang. When it comes out and and point out your head by a gun and by your wife or Pepsi and then just had that exchange in your house. Took a little what candle gender which are shot. She's, bringing again right. By now, highly colleague, colleagues show you the one with the Pepsi Tenos Orthodoxy. Candles war with, perhaps colleagues one would think I shall genuinely William on hot time I matches up while Aaron Rodgers Gabby punch near. I now hear don't have that's why I'm taking the saints yeah Aaron Rodgers revenge gave me mad mad, a celebrity revenge game. Alright, let's do
heresy prop voice, then we got peepers go talking all about the NFL. We help around with him little preview of everything,
Oh baby hour of dots are, let's go high. Energy formed age, mad foggy name is lateral Mick Jagger. All stardom is impressed extensions to get blocking indices in his pocket season. Billy's laugh and he knows how key of a fucking exercises is. We want you all to get big. You gotta extend and you gotta present you gonna push you gonna pull send out two Taliban. Those weak fox triceratops over here with those on my system, is the Sean walks in what we do know what a day but he's not stolen. This will give you a parking drafted. Ammonia team. You don't wanna plan. Could these not blocking plain? I don't know why the record decide Watson Perverted nodded, not time they might sleep. Is Chile sat wisely blah? I love Chile. At that time. You get up, he had not yet is now the only seven worry. Oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah early bore the tv stinky Bossy Falk here all right. What's up take heads is Andrew Cuomo, Gummy lemme. Give you sugary on me willing daddy's yourself guys are. I am stock, is weakened, I'm starting to Pappy Pappy, you I'm talking Pappy the superstar, happy, the God. For the? U S men's national market, Socket Ulysses get off the stage torch passing scenario: happy is God the new play off peat, which the socket number one perverts report, no hurry, wasteful heads? Ah, yes, it's about this. My room around the house. Now thought it! No, I thought we laws are good and we are not alone. In the middle of the night, lay low pension robe, I'm serious, I'm sitting every ravens running back ever of all time. That's right there, all the Judeo got weak kneed. Take any boys off. Is you have to go a ground, throw never school quoth the ravens love it. I'm sleeping your grandmother threaten peace. I what's up guys if Tony Robbie, all the story ravioli my stardom, is gonna- be able to address almost sleeper no sit on the ravens. I think very said is gonna make come back with the start of the Ravens Zena running back every names get thrown at the wharf. Let's get back out, they get their guide Jamal Louis out of prison. Priest of weary. Daddy would had we're all Caledonia. Let's go very Johnson if he's busy he's not busy chastened down pedophiles with to a non. Let's get him on the feed even better. My system is out whether whether signal because guests were exposed to be like seventy five degrees sunny all weekend long and I don't give a fuck a zombie sit inside watch football like a real man. That's right, always seventy one degrees, procurement procedures, a cold wanted just balmy outbreak in that, and I didn't see the sun on Sunday my sleepers Chile donate again I'll. Give you the word alien doing your fat boxes, ands alone trend below my start on his gable Stevenson, because you know what he's Rayner rumblings me going W w e instil wrestling for Minnesota. My sit on its Jamal Chase as we talked about and can't poppy catch can't see. Sheridan keys. These white lies whatever my sleeper away like you were to come away like taking a practice. Johnny may sell, thrown on the ball, passed it for ten times. You forfeit no guys and we must also do their tacit archive nope. Honestly, my sleep on the sea from fuckin blues coups Juno, he's gonna fuckin show up we're all spoke. A boom come out of nowhere, but maybe you think about shit. I didn't actually watch a video, but oh my god, I was so emotional on either majestic me. Fuckin dead, become it back after sixteen years expected I mean he comes of walking adore, expects me role at a nice people and re formed ass to who the fuck out of college for companies that guy, like I like when we viral videos happened aegis our attention span is so low. Now are so small I just said
the means they are not idle. I'm not gonna watch the video but yeah of consume the meme. So I kept waiting for him to apologise for taking the shit that hot tub drug problem he's gone bald. Ah, I saw a report with him to send out a very narrow rumour, such Zodiac now merely may like. I can't leave because of prejudice, stomach pilot notes, marrow metadata Rivermouth deal, but also we advocate a stomach. I thought you must use these, so that was the Dallas cowboys. I think that with the latest more set man ok that one vary depending on where you grew up. That was maybe look him. I don't know I anyway. Sean Watson. I had one last point on him at every year. One of the best fanciful ball moments is when someone takes that first guy, that's got like. Oh and everyone just like ok, dude like a they, don't know you have that mobile, we're like oh so morals. Not yet you know
wrapped in a team that you know. Orally sound or their does that out of the loop like there, it's like your friend group that one of the guys I don't even like pay attention and fell off season storylines and just like a gap we don't want lighten up what if it comes out there like design. Watson organise all this and set himself up gesture that he would try to get out of the way, so he would get away from the Houston, Texas yeah. I actually think that's the best possible outcome just for all of our mental health. Yeah yes that impose yet he he is behind all the yeah, but it is always a fur very funny moment every every person's gone through when your fancy football draft. When the first question character gets taken. Yes, I got ok cool that your father, oh fine, I must go to our people. Risk going, peepers go we're toxin fell with PETE we're whip round pretty much. We had every team and yet we do that
k, we now welcome on a very good friend, p purse: go you confinement, CBS, sports, Doc, commies and analyse for CBS Sports H, Q renew little NFL. Preview with PETE Pete. Before we get the NFL Preview, I dont think we ve had you on, since our former governor Andrew Cuomo did is pressing average saying he is not perverted he's just Italian. So the Listen to you is? Are you more italian or pervert wool now there's pervert tat was a pervert parts mean now portal. Work much more while he had to think about it. I got an Italian worn right here. Very I sing always sure he's a pervert appear. Are you access? Whatcha Chester, not at all
I am not among those days as no hair, just like a ball ran to tell you like a smooth little boy, yeah Swain. So a percentage wise percentage, wise. Ninety percent italian, ten percent pervert wayward. We let no Maggie presented that guy? That's where I do not appear, not a problem. I'm lightless talk, so football assortment of how we this is a blank canvas. I guess, lifts, let's go high level. First, Did you do a super bowl prediction, Do you have two teams that you think are the needle? By far the ass in the air Zena see what an off their life Far the best, but yes, I do have a suitable protection and in its the Buffalo bill, the winning at all beating the tab you paid. I like it. I like tat yeah, you might be the only person I've seen that actually has the balls to pick the Buffalo Bill everyone's like
bills? Are there there my team that you gotta watch out for they're gonna be in the hunt, but everyone? the chiefs, beating him in the absolute. But you think this is the that it gets done a buffalo bill for a couple reasons I'm being. I think Josh Allen's only scratched the surface. What he's going to be as a quarterback in in all that running around stuff he does and the cold runs and everything those are going to be. There be as many as those the sheer because he's gonna be better in the pocket. He's gonna go through, has progressed better can become a better quarterback. and then on the outside of all the one thing they gotta be able to do. When you play patch Bob's knockabout, believe added about you, is the Kinnock about Rousseau, bookie bathroom, I think banana is gonna have a big year. There will be much better on If an m I've been shawl Mcdermott's one was underrated. Coaches nedda fell, ok, Rudy there. I like the bills, love let's. Let's use that to then go to the other tv just mentioned mentioned mention the Kansas cheese. Are you buying? The whole story line is the revamped offensive line are
you buying this, because I know looking at it. They have five new guys like an that's, very rare, to just completely wash away your offense of line. No continuity. Are you buying this chief officer of wine getting back to look? They went to the several Asher, something there. Add that clearly was their weakness. That did them in. Are you buying? Well paper. I'd say: look they're gonna be better, but do you remember three guys on that line that have never taken and then fell snap negate the centre. Don't worry the Right board Psmith than the right tackled, if that they ve never played it fell game so to city or say with it now two percent certainty that could be better is would be mistaken. I think yet let it play out, but on paper, do they have a chance to be significantly better? ass all because I think sometimes we get caught up in all. guys in the Steelers is another example? By the way the line last year was a disaster they get about young guys play, and now it can't be any worse than what was in it.
How can it be anywhere forget city that wasn't in the Superbowl? I guarantee you that so but again, We see him on the field together there tell debate, you know that takes time. the mass young gimme, a team, Gimme Gimme a rookies of the year, who do you think we're gonna be the most impact for workers. Are you a big MAC Jones guy? I think that jobs be good travellers can be reviewed here because they're gonna be battles, Venza who throw for a lotta yards, because I got to play for behind, and so I think gonna be the work of the year on army. If it's a side of all ethnic defensively, I think Joe try and that it be the repeal of the year on the decades unblock about and adjust, depends on how much cavity she's gonna, get because they have other guys and check Barrett Jason Pierre Paul can wash the pasture but of all the guys I saw drain again. He was the most impressed rocky of all I mean he was unblock about four times in his work. It gets to the tackles imbracus most yeah Woody regret the fact that travellers hasn't played from behind that much can be unfamiliar ground form.
I've had some people, it's a good point. You make us. I've had some pretty aims in the I've. Had some gems in league actually say: what's he gonna be like when he has some some things? Yes to overcome disease, that you never did a nice going. Never did in college yeah, that's very good assessed. Don't do it, you have to do it. We ve won by the way you get that that's gonna be a top gave for them against the taxes. On, like I mean just what's wrong: random name like SAM Eleanor right. If he gets time with the cult he's been in games, where he's been behind he's been in games at ease loss like he has that seasoned veteran feel too right, yeah, but then again this kid so superpower did that. I don't think you re a major. Now, Jerome along on nine March, is gonna, be he'll, be a superstar back in asleep, but here it is a good point, as you never had any all of it and it's all you have to deal with it. You don't know so you just said that he might be plain from behind against the Texans this week, Are you? Are you taking like the over less I check was a Texans overregulate, three or three and a half three games season. I
not really name any players on the taxes that aren't there running back, or the courtiers essay tyro tailored like lots of marking. They ve got the Johnson Brothers Johansson Johnson, David, Duke Back field who know Martin Ingram nobody prior king, Philip Linsey, they brought to back, I think, has on the practice glow Jacksonville Disport due back railing. Okay, this is breaking news. Ok, anyway, I don't know the taxable. Yet when you look at the review of the taxes on paper, it's not a pretty. but there's a lot of better to have played games and so week in week out. I think the guy feisty, early and Caesar they're not gonna win a lotta gazed, they're gonna be feisty, engaging to be a painter properties, the end of the year, when I start losing those games, then it is better to start Poconos trip junk food and a net. They will be very good at the end. The athletic give up the gun a point did happen. So I got I always say on the Texans front, I kind of agree with PETE that they become like so
much of the butt of every single joke about the NFL season this year that there to cover the spread at least a few games, or you might think that they might not with him we or last week, one. I feel like they're, almost a good value team to bet on at this point, and as a season goes on they're going to get worse and worse? Not for the reasons you so people. I think that the taxes they ve done. Is they ve just acquired a bunch of players that they thinking their mind will go, gets Thing for them over the course of the season they'll be able trade away like a cool, the rostrum, because I've got all these vats and get some pics back. My second day picks and try to build for the future. That way, while there trade they pretty broadly Roby, the rail Yeah I've looked the obvious question. Is no tagging yeah. What do you care taken? The NFL? You kid truly taken the NFL, because, like love, is guys we apply with their necks contract. Right because you can't take it
once guys get out there. They placed their kid they gonna play because you gotta get hurt, you don't get it out of step but until the ivy detectives going to be tough out week in week out, they just want, went along Ok! So then tell me this is wrong. Bad teams, which team will be picking first next year's draft alliance as you say, it's it's probably a you know. If you're picking for a group, it's the lions, the job wars? Maybe jets, yeah endless Zack Wilson is incredible. I think you have no eight okay, so upset wasn't a credible. They won't be picking last. But if Java large is incredible, the Jaguar thing first any right. You would agree that yeah. I think the jet I mean doesn't feel like the jets might have a little bit more on life than the Jaguars right now now events completely changed here, but
they get the ok, the jaguars. We look at a position by position Javert corners of better significantly better you're right and they play in the south? South Asia he's gonna, be very competitive. The agri tigris, Think the dollar, if I had to give you a gun to your head dolphins or pay it's one of those he makes a point of which one you picking patriots Ray, I mean you believe eyelids here, because I think there your odds of line is significantly better. I think defensively, they ve added gotta, get your height our back, but they also get about you guys, like Joseph chosen out a great year for them and Belgium defense? the concern is: what do you do? Thrown the football because receivers, our great I need to get a bundle. I think Harris Gonna have a multi year beyond that offers of little take the pressure off backyards, don't become What the end of the year and there people healthy or user. Here's a quick trivia question for repeat who was the last rookie quarterback too, in a play off game was it Sanchez Nope who was it
boy, Russell Wilson, In that way, you and I am against the former Washington Redskins football team. we want an orgy three, the game. I believe you dubbed the toilet bull because this can be read options and he thought that that friend would go away a mistake in the red option did go away in Washington that day it did more than half way through the feels that the aesthetics, if you wanna, get the relevant I'm one football team zero without was never even. Over the same after that, I know I know, but that I think that has less to do with the actual style of football playing that then to do with the surface of the field. However, the toilet bore reference. I like I do yeah, that's where I saw your takes. I was like I like this guy. I think that this guy can, but also, as were the same height, I won T Pete, give me the team or teams- maybe go F, CNN Fc. Do you remember disappointed in most disappointed in.
that I'm gonna be this world, Why? Because why did they? They have expectations? Okay, so ran. So are you of the mindset, the Rams obviously have some great top and talent they probably dont- have the depth and Effort has to be we were talking about this about a month ago, like Stafford. I've always sauce efforts. Good! I've always saw he's better than you know what the lie River, the put around him, but why if he's not as good as people expect them to be in Sharm agrees orphans and with the rams, because this is kind of this- is it for him like this? Is the big step up? everything supposed to be in place for him. He's gotta perform really really well this year. There's a lot of pressure on a minute. I'm I'm an matched Africa by the best efforts, a heck of a poor record It has been under appreciate to be honest with you, but that you mentioned the deaths in that. Be the key for that when you're so top heavy the waiter.
army would have three the players Stafford, Donald and jailing Ramsay take up a ton of their capital. So you better be good feeling in all those gaps and it- and I think it's just too easy to say I will match that- was there with Sean Mcvay they're going to the Superbowl a modern that Jim? I think in fact I think the forty hours you gonna win the division about who pasteboard back, I think it's gonna, be demographic, shabby Jim drop below the forty nine is when will you have the vision? I think the rams gonna be struggling at that additives, U S, will probably be the most competitive division. In terms of rule, there is not really a team that you can look at me like art, that's an easy outright there. What about in the fc? What's a team that can be the most disappointing, the colts I think, Ok, I guess I think that I think normally I'm not bullish on the Titans, because I think there that that's always play in one the heavy off Edson in plain sight, defects in you, make the policies and you're not going to really make the true run because style play but this role of all around looking more, and I think that,
a change and they have to rush the pastor better to be a deep, deep play off team, but I think that. Visit there, the better team and most people. A lot of people think of course, Enzo unconcerned about the courts with Carson went. Is he ready to take the next step? Who are the weapons? Do I What was down Leno Pip into good player, but they need speed outside so the corpse of the team. That's a little concerned to be ok What about another team that debt is getting obviously lotta buzz? It feels like this is the first year were you can really say like the browns, you know they ve had accepts some pre precision excitement in the past where people were we'll them to being good. They are good. There are good football team. Do you think that they will be able to replicate last year in terms of winning a play off? I'm going to the playoffs all these things like exists, gonna cause I've, I've I I want the brows to be what good. Oh, I'm Rudy.
Baker Mayfield. I do think the Odell thing is not talked about in very weird that, like he was significantly better without Odell we're. What are your thoughts on the beach Only the best, even the division, No doubt about that. But again, how do you handle expectations is attained its as another handle right, and so you don't know it's one of those on loans and I'm I'm a big believer. Gavest fast, yet think he's a heck of a coach. I think what is done with it team turning it around, as is a heck of a job, but now you have expectations. It's one thing to take a bath. team and make it better. Now you have to take the good team and keep it there, make it even a little bit better the child. You met, you no doubt becum look a market, it, I'm never going to be in the camp same other, better off, not having or go back exotic believe that he's act, the player It is a matter making it work and I thank Heavens, the best will make it work there, the best, even at the vision I dont know if the good enough to get to the challenge of game.
they're just just a little bit off from doing that, but they're gonna be tough. Team every single week. What a team out west I've actually got the chargers winning that division. This year, I put a future M O. I liked the charges I like their new head coach I like Herbert. I liked your d, it's getting healthy. I mean it. The charges, so you know like you can and you can set. You watch that after you know the second week in October, you'll have some significant, well there's an injury or just bad luck that happens to whom they are reliable? but I think I think that the charges are Townsend enough right now. I think they're coaching is good enough and I really like there, the orphans of coordinator, that they ve got lombardy right from this The saints? So? Can you talk me- of the charges, because I put I put a deal, future down on them to win that division and for her to win the envy p I'll talk here, by saying the chiefs in that division. Up
That's that's reason enough to talk yet another look, I'm with you! I didn't. I didn't Herbert a star and waiting. I really do. I think he's special. Always people say they might have a software slump. I don't buy it. I think they're there often Lines could be significantly better. They haven't the good of its life? A lot I felt rivers took a beating there and then last year. They struggle there we got up and saw I'm with you on that the question becomes They are defects and getting Darwin James back I'll, be big for that, because he can equal is tight and that the Beijing declaration tighter so yeah. I think they're gonna push reply spot idle. Victor winning the division and I like why she didn't? We won by the way yeah. My mortal I saw that Brussels words I might we're moral order lock, mortal, I'm also like what I am like laying a mattress down for my own brain on this one, because I've already thought- had to what I'm gonna feel like the Monday after the washing. The bottom loses, it gets the charges at home
It's all right, I'm just like you know what I think that the best him in the FC anderson- good team. So maybe I'm just over inflating them getting mice like checking my own ego in advance when I get disappointed, you're amazing, but you're right about the charges that something always have yeah yeah to state always happened yet determined the falcon sad a year where they didn't make the place where there are the number one office in number one defence, it's like: how is that possible? what even don't even like going back to when they had the spouse days, that they weren't they. They went on the road and beat Miami their overtime game that had to go play Cincinnati in the freezing cold. They couldn't throw the football, which is what they did. Something always happen. Let me ask you, though, with chargers in your knowledge of how long you be covering the NFL. Thirty three years had you have a ve, often vote. I dont so, are we getting hall fame voter? We getting you into the hall fame we couldn't remember. Will Brinton asked us to do that woman,
You want to get me into the hall ok, so why has the vote it gets into the office yet skip? Do not pass go I do not like you want to have the boat, you don't you know the story of the vote right. I'll. Tell you to be the vote used to go to the peat writer for the local market and when they were given it out Jacksonville. It should have gone to the newspaper- and I was the big guy that, but I is this the organization, so much included. Thought cobbler decided to a tv guy instead and once you get it, you keep it. Why paper. The newspaper in Jacksonville has never had the hall of Fame Boat. I haven't We need to right or wrong. So people risk obey really cause that you'd get that's That's why you're ninety percent italian you're hot temper got you erect data from the NFL Healthy, but at the very least you know I'll, do free, PETE The very, very minimum we're getting it's you one better than often but we'll get you in in VP vote
are you. I have no doubt and known envy, envy, n, o n Niccolo Demonian, valuable pillar and you know one deeply This Rowan this role, a majority vote in their sure. I you got one of those two now what's that for the greatest, back in college football. Every year. Oh, I like, as I say, about pullback utilised, about full backing, and the bottom its donated down the I not that job before PETE you dont like them. I don't. I don't weighted down. I dont think that if you give a full back a ball, you ask him to get two yards. Will get you three. If you ask me to get you Five yards he'll get three: that's consultancy, yeah the man who gave us the Toby, guess we used to call Toby care heart. The magic belt. The twenty are run into a three hour run that are you, gonna do with regard I'd, so go ahead, of course about the charger, so they are, they did switch. Obviously coaching staff. We are believers in brain and steadily we had a money was fantastic Le Monde again, though,
My question, though, is It's rare that you have a quarter back like just and Herbert who was so good his rookie year, and then the entire coaching staff change. Is there like from you covering of the league from your understanding of how this works. Are you worded all about that change even though could be changed for the positive, but are you worried about having to him now learn new stuff. Gotta, learn you don't to work with another six. Cholera, like all these things does, were you at all No ok, there haven't you, don't ok, their nails. I like that, all big believer that you too have a you'd, always like it's like area He says what AIR Rogers got to watch for a couple years before it. Aid, and it really helped make him a better quarterback. No, it didn't you their habit or you don't ok, so I totally agree with you marks Lilith actually change your mind about that. A few years ago. He said that exact same things like bees, the guy he's the guy doesn't really matter. I used to believe that if you get beat up your rookie year, you start
looking at the past rush, it's like! No, if you start look it up. First, you were never gonna, be that guy anyway, so wreck. My question, then, is my bears just in fields. Why do you think its agreed just that he is not starting. Yes, ok value. I would start I would you gotta get on with the right ass, a fight at the sooner you find out that guy's, the guy and if he isn't the quicker you get to the next cap and Not only that, I know a lot of the counter argument is, if just feels the franchise guy- and he has been always say- fifteen year career in the NFL. Eighty two and started the first three games knock in a matter in the long term, which is correct, but but I think it does. How the Unifil set up now, I think, window where you have a guy who could be special on a rookie pay grade, matters a lot for building a team. You have a fine window where you win with a
Costa, around him and not have to pay in the tunnel money. So that's why you started right away like every quarterback. I've ever talk Who said I learn more playing a half of irregular, seizing game. What I did watching an entire year if they watched it consciousness, is so yes play. Those put the eye. We say, play the kid now in San Francisco a little different, because I think that teams ready to win big this year so play Jimmy grovel right, awake, analysing tray lapses, ready from thrown the football standpoint, yet it's gonna be in a little time and he's also a different case in that he played one game. Last year you played a different level of college football, so it does change things a little bit like the bears, I'm supposed to be good, so bit almost revealed the blind I actually I'm very very down on them. I think they're going to be very, very bad. recover Montenegro, I don't know how they score. Thirteen points. going to cover Monday night. Ok, I, like a confidence, would you
about. I was gonna underlines this year. James Winds, are you a believer. Are you hate her knowledge? James bond thereby generating? What did James instance? Things is he's gotta cut down on his interceptions, pier I bet That's why we mourn launches a tape, guys, nothing gets by you. told me that they tell em look James. You get me a year on every point It's ok, your honor. We block any it still has a gods. Rule should pay said MIKE. What about your job? equal, Redstone's role, interception so there's a dynamic there to see, Who wins out? Is it John paid me don't come greater substance or James still, gonna, be the hero. Sums got yes, oh, what's the orphans gonna look like without your brief, because we ve only seen champagne injuries. They ve been married for the last. What like this, in years down there, so many interests What's with the orphans, gonna look like in terms of are they can use, compare? How are they going to use Jamie's? What's gonna be differ
but the often this year compared to what has been like, while last year, shot jus breeze. Wasn't that good Eve knows terms it, Yes, I'm going to be able to drive the borders more shots down the field. I think I'll always creates a big shots down to feel the passing game. You do you. the Titans allowed. You go back and look at his history. When you didn't have one receivers, use a tight ends in the running back, so your comparison at a monster year. I think they should give a more carers. I don't think they give him enough care that's one of the things that champagnes always said is like we want to be. fresh in December, Steve, you might need to give a more carries early, but they might not be around grumpy separate arriving there. My daddy play a meaningful, I try like this is why we have peed on because we didn't actually plan anything, because you are I guess we consider your friend, but we are kind of jumping around me hitting almost everything I wanna hit. Let's jump to Seattle, you are a famous known Russell Wilson, Haider narrowing, yes right, Now you're the guy who at it
Russia Wilson makes an increase. We'll play PETE then goes he'll have to clean pocket and gets like really upset about it. that is correct in my not wrong. I've done yeah? How many times I do that with all quarterbacks? Now I liked Russell Wilson Odyssey when, when he played Wisconsin, I think he's of awesome player watching him play when he gets going, but I think it's fair and even Seattle fans would agree on this. He has faded. a couple of seasons down the stretch in there been some weird moments in that loss against the Rams last year in the play off, he was very very bad. So what is what's the issue and what's the fix, for Seattle in Russia, Wilson? Ok, first off, I wasn't a hate,
I was a young rhetoric and the reason I was a critic was because they won with dead the top scoring defence in League for straight years, for the only other team that did. That was the fifties browns, which was a dynasty. That's why they wonder Superboss and they ran the ball now as they ve morphed into a team. doesn't have a great deal that he's actually become a significantly better quarterback. In my eyes I think he's better and I think part of the problem is style. You have locket and met calf outside, and you have a quarterback who place better, free, loose and free thrown on early doubts, and what is paramount to do? You want to run the ball and I think that's where the problem is with was Wilson and it was a positive point of people up Temple, loosened, freeze and much better quarterback. They don't want to. Do that cause they stopping their defence atomic around the ball and that's the problem right. There, ok aren't! Your problem is that you you Love Russell Wilson too much now yeah
you're, so right about him. Is come around in a big work. Yes, because you must do you know it If these guys all is to be, they be better pliers. Why don't you give it wants? Even then Vp Volta, because you could actually have the like last year? You should give them and then be people, so that way, the story on Sunday football when Chris Collins worth dislike. You know never have em bp vote. They could be like you know that we have one every people whose people Cisco now I got I would be after eight games Grubby was the BP must rigorously of integrity. Like that's great, you could get a lot of shine from that. I will do that. now here I might the gimme some ideas halfway through the seas. I might change it for you. Ok mixture risky, back up ITALY. Ah how best the best he's he looked good like Not only does Rural Ireland I would go and I'm not just knowing that the scheme that they had been, which was a lot different, obviously on the bills under table, but like he looked like
good quarterback mechanically. We need other some guys that when they're playing with as the starter, the pressures too much for him and then when they play is the backup there's no pressure any place back, but so big, like issue with Ryan Pace. The GM is, I know that it should whisky had to which they had to move on from him right, because many clearly didn't trust him. He watched that in that play off game. Any is not better than Mister Bisbee, as we currently s. You know he's not like this. Second do, you think, involves a better still admettre risk I desirous now. I want to tell you watch it because he is a better use. A better player you sheathing, indulgent, still competent started in the interval Eliza Arousal, Lord Sir, he's, not competent air, his car! competence for a couple gave out of that. You can win consistently exam oval along. he served at all for ten is competent for two years
these better? The mischievous? I disagree. Ah PETE, I got it. should I come back clearly and you get a vote on that too I think we do yeah well, what do you have to come back from? Can you just like? Can you come back from laser? I surgery. Can you come back from obviously the ACL. That would be a comeback. Can you come back from just sucking last year, Well, what are their nose? There are no rules on paper. You gotta be able to come back. I think is coloured. Mostly it's coming back from it. I mean aired, buried, you're back from an illness couple years ago. In one I mean it, go into that you're going into the deep dark places like somebody had a car reckon they came back yet they probably will new. So I ve been raucous Berger, for example. I bet you he's really pissed off the hidden when last year, when Alex Jones wanted, because this was a gunsmith or sorry out out your before, but now he did not win comeback clear the year, not yet, but no when Alex Smith. Obviously the gruesome leg injury been. What it was like? This is my year that I'll come back because
Had the elbow surgery that no doctor I've ever seen before eight and play well enough. That's what I'm saying could he win this year from coming back from not winning the come back? Where I? Yes, no doubt Prescott gonna win this year at the walk, so ok, well that that Dubbs Tills nicely to what I was gonna ask you we dec what you say hypothetically the die. cowboys often stays a hundred percent healthy this year. Ok, ok, so all their guys play an entire season. Are they going when the enough see beast or is going to be somebody else wash it as well. Even if thousands often states totally health, because they have stopped these problems once I think that we What what's the deal on different? Why they have like nine line backers why I mean they have yet while they pay jail and Smith, so they have to keep up drafting like a parsons? They have Vander Ash. Like date,
I don't know they got Keanu Niels plan yeah. Can you actually play? Could you explain it might be Parsons and Giuliano New on the field more than the other two right? Can you explain why they are going into the season with what feels like way too many line backers, I don't understand it. I just I mean, while they were happy with jail Smith and inventor S got hurt last you never. So that's why they drafted Parsons. I wouldn't drafted parts I would end he's been very good, but I would add, drafted mother Possession Corner Somethin like that, because I think in the past, Russia. I think you at your after me, I've actually John Smith, they made of it. paying them and they need employed are well yeah. I didn't you since we are in the end, if she beast in Johns, buying or selling. I think this issue it's gonna make me a seller. Does I is in less his line? Can somehow get better he's gonna take a lot of shots, You know they ve been bad on the front of wrong. They have to be better actual one arm, you think Joe Judge like
he feels kind. like one of those coaches, that if things go bad this year ever it's gonna be like fuck this guy, because he makes us run lapse and were professionals, yeah, there's a there's. A fine lie mare that women. If you push to harden about winning it's gonna, go left. Are you Are you worried about urban in that respect the age? Definitely he feels like a guy who's. Gonna keep doing his method, even if they're not good,. Yes. I worry about urban and a lot of ways, because, how's he handle losing its gonna lose never lost before right. I mean you think about it, I hear was upset after the precision loss. Of it and which parliament he's probably was like. fuck we're gonna have dropped attempt in the rankings. So you can't you kid the NFL you lose, gave you gotta get out over that quickly gives you play the piano called you lost again. You see though, but he felt
who's, a game you're, not that you gotta, keep lie. There's a tonic. Football left the play and I think that's the metallic he's gonna have to get out, what about what about other first you're coaches, which one do you think he's gonna be the best which, when things go to the worst it I think I do camels actually get bigger? Coaches, not gonna happen this year Turkey's he's gonna, one of those guys at the players play for respect and belief. I really think he's gonna be a heck of a coach. You know the rest who's gonna choice. They got to turn. My head was seriously Leonidas, who I'm gonna dancing around. You know what, when he killed him, because with press conference and all that- and I dont know Nick, but I do know that know him very well say he's a rider and he's a good coach, coherent and so will say. Coach, Syria, but use less complex was terrible. Was lacking, was like you known it Irrigation or something yeah, yeah what about arm so who's. The first fired the sheer. Never another man's job, their families.
Families and together with the other private school, they want you once you're, making seven million dollars. You told your finally value culture for fourteen years, Europe It's took us he's gonna, be the joke. Pete! Thank you. I get it. I only get. The oh, I get it. I did not support, we're coming out. I hope that you do they get Georgetown. Ok so we know it's gotta be forgotten when I was there for people. I know one right, If you want to know one who's, the first post to get fired, Oh that's! A good question needs have only just say some names yellow says: maybe we'll it's gotta be someone who's, obviously not on a rookie deal so so happy. If you don't get me, sorry, I e the bad or lines are bad and I can fire the jets bad there, like a father jaguars, whether my get fired so there there's the
Joel George, I think it is safe and dig here too, to not get fired during the sea with it, so they want to fire people giants right, yeah. What about the bangles Zack tenant, I dont think that they have later about either he's ok, now he's ok limits are one out there for you, wouldn't cliff kings, very Patsy yeah like if they, if the Cardinal stumble out of the gate here, I feel like that. You take it up. he's gonna win this year for sure. Yes, if their, if there too, didn't if there, you know in seven it won't boy eagerly in big trouble. What about VIC fancier another one of these? If struggle he's in trouble trajectory since it that quarterback was his pack by June, but let me ass, she is above expand. Yoke is he's. Obviously I would make the argument that he's the best defence of coordinator in the end a foul right now. If he was a defensive quarter, not a head coach, what he did, what he's done everywhere, you did. It seemed Cisco kid for Stanford. He did it for the bears,
he's been everywhere done it. What is the why does a guy? Who is that good at his job as defence accord their struggles head. Coach is the gay, its manage the people, you gotta culture, coaches and and and manage the players in its different. When you have a roomful thought it out, they have the team, different than having the entirety and when you have all the college's it's different than I haven't your staff as on the defence. It's just that it's becomes a your job and you got a deal with all the distractions in disguise you. It didn't come the practice on time. He had to go pick up his wife, you know all the crap. You have to deal with so I too, I think, some guys handled better in other guys, don't eat it in you ve seen it guys are just coaches and they can. He had all this stuff on the outside and whether Vicksburg Ireland will know after this year when he picked I believe, that he picked Eddie Bridgewater- would you like, because he thinks he's defects and b that dominant and he just wants in the
play it safe, rather than take the shots down the feel Richard whose differences, if you know what these events is rolling. That is how they can win like day are. He has been put have some really really good defences. So I that divides? He's gonna, be really good. Bye, so. There are pulling the progress defects, so they can't win games with seventeen point two victims, you gotta, get events rolling. They can win games like never Theo K. I get it by your ears. Your flight probably a little bit higher, but you're ceilings, not as I think. If they had to work, they had a chance to be in office. he's what he can flashed at times, then you have a chance to be much better team and maybe go deeper. The policies and you might be, the policies in this year, but can you win consistently with that? The counter argument would be if you put lock in there in your defence, is as good as you think it is you're going to lose games that you should absolutely win, withdrew, lock, making mistakes open it again events is that good. You make mistakes than you're gonna. Stop woman opened the fuel. You haven't nobody you! If your defence is like out of this world good right
and you lose. The game is drew off through three interceptions. That kills. You cause you, like our defence, put together a game that should absolutely win we just weren't able to do it like all the other side of that is, if your defence is that great and you play conservative offered the football you end up with seven points in you lose ten. Seven is the others. The other side don't make me break out the expected points per Dr Short because, like we're tongue, if you throw turnovers in your like inside your own thirty, that's problem, translate two more points. Then, if you drive the thirty than pot. What, since every defect is exactly the same and yet so you're brings ass to go. What was that just like that, just like again with Ex guys now they come out, they say are dismissed and I you know Tony com, there is also a Linux companies. You know the son of the owner, Jack's. What I said to us haven't you guys start to Anna Linux based on inches instead of yards than come, because
the boss over the two yard long in they let you say you're inside the two, but do not the one. What's it sounded statute don't hand about Marshall much? Well, that's it that's what it says. It is really about. What's incisors, it sets forth and forth in what right right, if you're inside the one on the insulin, what the same statute forth in one so that the same day dear you right, its game age is your point, they're all around I'll write you so that you can and plus game flow matters in stats they made I'll. Take that into account gains I've learned a forty five, forty four and forty five, forty one game. It's in your own fortune, three, it's easier to go for that if it's ten sab! Okay, I agree with that, but something that I it is also very underrated when you're talking about like analytics in people trying to take the human element out of a game is complimentary football, which they
goes back to what we're talking about with the Broncos. I think that if you have a great defence complimentary football, why you don't want it. Often it's going to turn the ball over because then it's it's hard to take away from the door thence they lose some of their juice where if you haven't often? Secondly, behold the ball for awhile manufactured well, maybe not be electric. I think that's complimentary, full That's planes scare scared, I got kind of like you're, Teddy Bridgewater Hate, though I like you, we now have been so I guess you don't. It sounds like you're. Just like you think. Why does the lock as a chance to drive the ball the feel more than also through a lot of pigs, you lobby, seventy thousand two epics down the stretch. Last year I mean that's. Ok, I was on garbage time. He was actually play much better damage. Any any. Looked at the priest really, no reason you locked, look, Regan
looking to look at it. It big at war. They was like seven in order to set up and look up and look, I like Teddy Bridgewater, because you can always condom to cover the spread against when it. When he's an underdog. I think he covers what like sixty four in the time yet sixty eight percent. something like that drew off down the stretcher Lasher through fifteen touch on sixteen interceptions you're wrong PETE, he went hee, hee hee he had a clean game to touchstone zero interception against the raiders week, sixteen, but in weak fifteen. He through two bricks roads. I wasn't there, but there are three what's down game, in other words, our son gave against Carolina, but am India? Ok, so what the fourth and final for game bore the numbers, the final for games. While, if you wanna go final five games, he was for seven, nine nine in for saying that there is a bad put again, and you look at the games. They lost
report came to the chargers where he through two picks and no touchdowns. They lost six point game to the chiefs. Worry through two picks, so you off, two games, because of like I guess, we'll just saying the same thing I mean he Winwood. I like you. I, like you a little bit too, because when I met him at the SR one Euro today yeah, I said you know good opinion on your small hands. You know younger egos, yea yet does on camera goes yeah yeah yeah, and then he walked away return back negroes, damn region. small hands. Do you know that's how I said now you ve I like TAT, because I think that you are here. You go one piece of information and carry it with you forever. I know I just like I like a guy like that. It's yeah he's got moxie he's the marketing years. Democracy is idea. I just looked up Testbridge Worth thirty five, thirteen one against the spring. hundred that's impressive yeah, no. This is always the stars ass, a lover impressive prior. I have one last question for repeat this been great
Tell me how it goes wrong packers. I don't want to hear how goes right. I want to hear how goes wrong the deeper doesn't get any better. Ok, I like tat, and you think that will happen now. They're gonna be gotta, get cut that part you hate that you hate the pack, I hate the pact's they're going to dominate the intimacy north is actually the most. I try to go on all the debate not will be better than you think their music, so, but I think that I think the packers are the most shocking result that could happen in the regular season. The NFL is the packers, not winning the north. Yes, I would agree with that. yes is it, though, when the north, but the Viking Gonna be about it. You think they are. I don't think so, I do not believe it to be very much better than they were a year ago, today with the game, don't you get the vibes or from my Zimmer that, like he's he's gonna sit?
is he always does her cousin in non dodges, her cousins, I feel, like mugs images, he's walking in a work. Just like I don't want to be here anymore, like de la likewise, is excited about the defects me, I'm telling you just covers is gonna, be the best receiving led by the enemy Helen mind. I think, we'll start again by the end of the year, no yup. I know that that will better stake I'll go out, ok, boring, and No, not yet hell. No, I get injury, now saw your injury. What the fuck you just tell him. I'm gonna start a game because he's taking over for performance reasons. No, I Both I get if cargoes give her cousins ankle. Listen, I get both isn't preferring anymore. I get a look at what happened. What did he do? Whatever calls it well that, his fault. Ok,
I am not giving you that when either so, no Kellerman Place proof if he, if Kellerman, plays because her cousins is playing well enough, you in the back, if Kellerman doesn't play because if we place because of injury or something, then you dont want her cousins has started. Sixteen. Sixteen sixteen sixteenth, fifteen and sixteen games come on make the bet with the injury cos opium, go down. Do these you're saying it for performers reason why you it s saying just going on five may about. I don't care, I think her cousins take. You think Kellerman plays for performing yes I'll just say yes, there you go then let us get on that date. Staking Billy had one last question for you: IP grow, quick. Fishing using your Trevor Lawrence thinking on playing from behind. You think dad Zack Wilson has a chance of being work here the year with the jets yes, but with their young corners. I do yes, there for the eyes were: ok. Ok, I, like it
what did you think about what you think about Philly scientist, our Beaufort? Why think about Billy start dishonest are both both of the above these knots. You got to get out to get you you get a little over one fund, funding methods loved Pierre, you got it. You got here. We got you see how to transform yoga, not that we are not new about my mom what am I like my cut, yeah! You know like ip. Thank you. It's always fun go check him out. CBS Sportswear, our favorite on Alzheimer'S- can't do it over a year or is he still you producer? I'm an oh Jake Jake. More often, we forget about it,
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far from the weak, wrap it up. Member No! Yes! On Monday, in the football seasons, we can just talk football we'd top ball taken after everything, so get excited Firefox the weak, Hank I fire fast. I owe terminus beget. I can tell you that one that put me onto the fan app yeah. Ok, you were So I need white noise, asleep, Maya, AC, my old harmony to delay. Blast knows enough noise and everything cold came in need a fan on a fan for my new apart because the ace he doesn't it comes through. We don't hear it. I need to hear it. I came to sleep with my own thoughts. Otherwise I don't sleep torture. So A fan broke, the fan I don't know how. I literally don't know how the sun it just like. came unhinged was I'm going in like just saga, was basically like the head. The fan came off and would just gone crazy, My apartment was,
and then I drive around in the middle of the night. I didn't shadow just like fell off, and then so imagine hose, I imagine a whole as we have been banned in Scotland's odoriferous moving around your part, so it was still plugged in and it was still recycling humankind and around night with this Vienna had till I had turned off and then I is incredibly stupid they like, the different steps at my brain trying to figure out what was half. Also I've got a fan. dancing around my bedroom also add to the fact that we're not talking about a regular person getting woken up, we're talking about Hank. He probably wanted, despite the fact that we are showing our so that the virus of furniture in my you described, I think I broke the fan trying to like NASH. act together, because the next day I would like our fixes fan I'd. It's broken just completely broken. Hey could win the heavyweight championship of the world if you just got him at all in the ring right after he woke up
just like you Adam Sleep, that's the ring, just tap him on the shoulder, and just like I fight time he going just smash. Anyone there I mean you guys, I, my I or my sister, which you set the way we ever school night thou is like we had years of a village turmoil because it s all about but yeah. So then I decide did have the fan up actually paid for the upgrade of Isaac adds little music. To get. Another fact is bought this one like two weeks ago, the socks it good news is summers over. So but maybe it is not even about yet they sounded the sound sound. It's just a sound. It is nice to have to use your phone for right get out. I had I and those I made that I did that in the first sight, outside all once I went back programme fails, broken turn the fan app and they will come out with my phone. That's right,
why don't you want you, try just gonna? U to channel about you. If you just search like fanned noise on Youtube, each with a fair pass, it all right, Vienna has at all ages. I also like the fact that air, yet. And you know what you are like. A real. The real fan YAP, preferably at Aisy, does not like the aces onto my room, but it's not that cold and it's not the noises in comic? The fair app is for the road, an actual old school fan is for ad hoc. Rightly up. Ok, I really wish that you are dead like some sort of surveillance, video of your room. I would love to see. I know I know you. I know you would like. There may be some mirrors on the ceiling to write Phd. It would have been an all time hilarious, baseball injury. That's it! That's a middle reliever per my fingers finds his ban in the middle of the night. Then I waited for a fan. Nano fought, Here's where his family was running catches fan does it was on the loose road fan
years. I've been thinking about time, everything at times and watch while at saw boys falconry up now, you know what I thought about it a year, almost forty on back in time to seven years due to the sub now? I know you know like age. That's a merely a million times worse than the one I had already seven, this January shut up in basically forty who I know I think about all time: bomb. Ok, my bad earliest, your man, my embraced it I'm a man, the males warrior. You got time, I'm a but everything about timing. Fucks me up even dislike to forty three his bad, obviously, but thinking I did. One of those like. Oh this date is closer to that date than this state is now so the a fellow started in nineteen twenty right that's. When week, one of the first NFL season was that's closer. life of Thomas Jefferson than it is today. Woe tat Fuck me up. That is fucked up. I had one
and you prior the same one were it saw this fall. The I saw friends that I met pressure year in college. This fall is officially I've known them for more than half my life yeah I've heard that it's not our sovereign big about us. I like the other week, but. We may in big had have been. Could we started the same similar like the same year at parcel we ve been doing part of my take for more years, yet we ve worked at parcel before that. Would just crazy, because when we started Armageddon had already felt like we had been doing. Moreover, as a long you'll be six years in March yeah who I've working for long as Billy's been alive, yeah well cheese near there? Often these content minds, It is surely working the hell. I put like any job, never liked sue, the high school years, how Audrey
We ve my dear child labour, twenty two. So when I was fourteen, yet won't job yea us die, that's still counts is like being a pistol. I've had jobs, I've been in the workforce right, our joint high value, our full time student. The time in the workforce has not been. I was a student I attended, attended in high school in college, but I've been in the workforce I thus nothing, but this should I more my firefox the week is, I'm jumping out of a I think, a helicopter. Now for the area Nepal and I got a text message from gents islands, which I think was confusing some people. It was Second person in tandem job has to be under two hundred twenty pounds meeting me the first person. as the person whose, like the instructor whatever so I have to get under two hundred twenty pounds by the end of the year to not die What are you coming to that these days fully naked first thing in the morning to thirty one inch? Are you knew that easy, but
walking around more like two thirty five six. seven you can. You did you wear black already yet, where lecture to the ways and means that you have a black parachute, every fine Obviously I this is some: do I gotta figure out a way to get under two twenty Billy? Looking at you, although already failed them itself. I have nowhere. Yeah nice, I'm working right. Apis otherness he's a fat. Heaving is actually swayed since we started. I would say that, if you're looking for somebody that can make you lose a lot of muscle Mass Billy's, your guy care, I tried to choose his loss. I, how long do I need to get? I know a Lady Bay cat. Oh, why Take your lady, yes, Eskimo Box, Billy Europe. arrest, my jake you I did there I have one of them
was. I was at a bar last week and I didn't have cores like ah lay come. I spoke to enjoy myself. There's no course. I'd leave order, competitor, throw the bought on the ground and walk out. Yesterday I was giving money to the competitive burn, the bar down to the ground. With everyone in it and myself. ones Catholic, a future anxiety, you think Sunday, the return of you guys bash me, for, I think, edge of the scientists and correct I'm making a resolution this year, I'm going to be nice to enter the silly Otto because, he's a nice guy I'm very clean slate. Aye aye mega resolutions is unwell, Leon. I will take all the hate the pay of tea had and I will double my hate, so four addresses the honor screwed on I urea. I just sit to take you out and double it. So that's my I first as worrying about the USA to hold on. I confess that I just remembered the reason my sleeper sucks so bad ass, an everyday written down, but I had it mentally and I forgot to say it:
Regarding other wary, Oh yeah, yeah momentum. I meant to match that fanciful boys. That's ok, we're I just came gradually all next week. Would they be home on Monday right, on Monday shown the mega money- and I think this Monday and until Love tee shirts and shit, and also make an picks whatever fibre we therefore, do we almost o big five fetch, a belief shake you remind me Jake, I forgot. I completely forgot what general the regiment analyse, I think about how to Arizona three, oh, but I have a different package than you: Directv sono yeah. I've got a backdrop I'm so out of sorts. Usually I take. I go like the way. before and if all season starts. This is why we need a red zone for the precision is now I'm panicking. As I know that I'm gonna forget about Communist sit down, would like ten minutes left and yeah I'll, get it there on time, but I'm going to miss the countdown clock and that first, Don Clock season is awesome. When it s agrees Y gotta
Somebody remind me jake- and you said reminder to remind me on Saturday to do a red zone dry run. Yes, at twelve, fifty p M utter Johnny attacks you at that time. Yes, yes, by another five as to boycott the some, such socks had been watching the Red Sox Games and every time I'm scared to get my bill every my term a tv on turn off. If I go to the extra innings train, it doesn't have to reorder like ten times that two weeks ago, every single time. Thank you came general order subscription. You have unified on how this happened they're going to charge me like that that they had to see that I didn't like driving time, and I want to say that his gaze I paid for, like legitimately, four hundred dollars worth of strangers price. A faint hats, curries seem heads like us, yes, which yet you gotta do it Billy wrappers up, I was gone to sleep when I saw a bunch of sirens
no, I saw the lights and you just ran out to help. No, I ve redistributing. Nor do I look. You are Deutscher and I look down the street and I saw like seven or eight cop cars, all one intersection pulled over and could figure out what's Goin on ok, so did he go ask no because too late an hour My boxers- and I really want to know, is gonna. Look like alive activity, I'm new to the neighborhood. So I dont dynamic one ass grey thing: So my advice is something we will have a block away from. You did you and have it or it might have been. I might have been there. I don't hate, should now have you ever citizen arrested someone now that, like the I know, you would you absolutely looking for it Billy, when you're kidding I left home alone, did you set up perhaps your house leg in hope that burglars brigantine. No, but I block all the windows and doors pussy be ready
we're? Gonna got we're gonna kill you, you block all the doors, hey, that's like the that's. No, they all time scare moment is a kid being like what also. I just realized. This book has been on the table a whole time which will be a teaser for upcoming entered one so subscribes to the Youtube yeah the tube and we're going to relay appeared. He's gonna pop up those glasses mercies. Eyes is beautiful. I freak eyes yeah yeah. What's that was our mistakes, so yeah you? great interview coming next week, we, like actually a really really good one is like an hour long, So. If your listen, if you go subscribe to Youtube anyone's, listen right now, go subscribe to Youtube please so Pfc golf, his glasses and so you can see who the interviews also other fire fast get her on time, That's brutal Parana would have been good in theory given in Iraq, is very difficult. Now really
Estonia has one eighty, seven, nine nine ninety seven nation. Eighty Sixty six. Bobby
no joy at breaking moose did you want just sign onto a billion extends let's go. Steel is big t yeah, that's pretty much! The worse number to get before an entire gambling nfl seaside ay is actually my favorite memory, of course, as borne out by the red quarters. Manicheism mermaids. Us, though, not right on society. Important love, yes,.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-10.