« Pardon My Take

NFL Week 7 Recap, Deion Sanders And Fastest 2 Minutes

2020-10-26 | 🔗
NFL Week 7. Fastest 2 minutes (2:27 - 8:48). Recapping every game. Seahawks play another insane game. The Falcons invent a new way to lose a game. Baker was on fire. The Steelers hold off on the Titans and we disagree on who the Titans are. Cowboys continue to be laughably bad but Mike McCarthy is now relatable. Cam Newton looked off and the Bucs officially are a problem (8:48 - 101:28). World Series talk (101:28 - 107:11). Deion Sanders joins the show to talk NFL Week 7 (107:11 - 120:50). Who's back of the week and football guy of the week.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Andres Pardon part of my take weeks. Seven recap: the boys there not pressed there in a good mood because we had cardinals night, the quadruple winner, quadruple winner, oh my god, what a game or were key recap every single game on Sunday, including that one we have facets two minutes. We have ten fifteen minutes with John Sanders. Talk a little bit about what it looks like you have. A players. Only meeting in Vienna fell Football guy, the weak, whose back of the weak little baseball, talk, yeah little World series, baseball talk which has been incredible. We have it all and it's coming up tee for you in a second brought you by cash out for always brought you by catch up. Not only
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We start in Cleveland with the Battle of Ohio and Long Island iced tea Higgins. trying to run up the score as Odell Becum got knocked down and didn't get up. Again and as someone who went to Brown University, I would like to wish my sincerest condolences to all J and wish him a quick and speedy recovery Donovan. Here's that here's. The steeple look inside and see all the peoples Jones found. God the form of a bigger Mayfield pass to finish off a thrill victory in Cincinnati people in browser apply that too Brown, thirty, seven Bengals, thirty, four, Nashville, where I want derived by bicycle. I want you ride. My my Tomlin had a dream ready to go in the pre game: tone: guys, you don't of course, until you're putting the pedal work. Brown. Our girl was a strip in a job and make I loved. The green grass behind
stadium for the tune of honoured. Fifty three yards underscore, like Georgia, Psmith Simon and Schuster closed the book? Titans come back Stephen Landsbergis, Cowskin super bad kick to tie the game. I was standing with our friends in a poster block. A rope still have twenty seven as regards party bought some spread. Washington, where we start with a verbal mean and tone open Darras Gibson, realising he's going against the cowboys deepens, sits I can see the avoid dreadful season is now the sea, the Lamb chops song this is the south in the never ends. We got a really she had the bans Jerry Hard might book even though we really socks I will never win a super above all again, just because it is the season that never read way down yonder on the bed. The Neue dont know start a job or a scare about you, know Washington, football team, twenty five.
The cowboys worry fuck up ninety barbed, the mental lands where this is your cabin speaking without commits hyperdrive, as they just scored, not one not to not pre not for what points and losing effort not too far Tony Sopranos old, stopping grounds, Tyler big Mouth? bastard they do the river flop around. Like a Van Dorn. All your ass whereas all the cowboys gone Paula, oh Beazley, his on the bells and puzzled parents are saying. I don't want to wait for our lives to be over before the bells win, the Superbowl bills. I think I don't know, Paul Jets, Let our Rahim Zack Moors wishes. He could pause time with one or forty go in. The fourth point is running back taught score, really couldn't help, but get that not Let's get run over by a MAC step forward with zero on the clock. Teacher
A common concern stepped back the freedom and blasted often Arthur Blade space that make up great again walked out after sixty minutes declaring himself the Victor lines, twenty three thousand two and allay where I can't feel my face. What I meant to look forward are moving on from a bad weekend after Sundays game Mr Harbour went out for a play. An eastern stick. How are you know everything for that is not just a baseball back there I feel a little just in the bottle. Norbert is aging nicely german Saturday night, all right forgotten said. So call and Alan Johnston put up pitches back as like. Tartarus get our second. When the season trousers, starting on the chart, large pointed I a mile high, where once you pop, drew care luck as IRA, don't ask me but sour cream and is the best flavor Pringle Rana KIT platform score Jerry
We bloom is a good young adult. What, homes is already reading deepens is at a genius level, seeing my good friend any red on the sidelines reminded me to be the first to wish all you, young, kids out, they're Happy Holloway false candy bars and uncle swans house for the kids. You did is pretty adults, want to give you the nice pop. The other coding Viana. Do it wasn't a coating velvet upon like you, nice path lions, forty three and forty, two, standing on a cholera, James Wolfensohn down and no powers to see with eagerness or goes by the name of the Teddy B come on This is my
time is see, turn play God. Besides was saved twenty seven painters toy. Let's go marching, we ve tonnage in Arizona where the cardinals depends got use our little public parks more affordable to border record everywhere, and he could not go all the k DR touches of provide to get back tat, touch down. He gave up against Dallas Tyler you locked up. No, you locked up, remembered the rule number three. Four, they Touchdowns Ziad lay like a champion nor excuses. Ruslan and Wilson said it's hard out here for a sip as I see OX, Baltimore cargoes and overtime. Thirty, seven. Thirty, four boom. We forgot no one circles, the wagons like the above all else. Rights, weak seven. In the box Sunday Night football delivered this
should play every single Sunday night. It just should happen. It should be a standing occasion because their games, no sense, and we thought it was gonna, be the decay MAC, half game Phd came a calf, is the fastest human being alive. Guy he's Gary family always not faster than you say boat, but I think you might be. I tell you you can just ended after you, because I used ass, the yes, I know he is terrifying. How fast easy see you do that size run that fast in the first fifteen metres, Eddie out of fifteen yards, the amount of ground that he covered was not used almost as facet Daniel Jones. If you look it up with, we ve actually take a look at the advanced stats. Daniel George ran faster than decay. Mecca that we don't know me events. I no longer trust the new radar manoeuvres- and I took the eyeball test- tells me then say- is the fastest human being to ever step put on grass. That's like the time I
I met the guy it Wrigley, who does the stack castles like so what's the deal behind is like a comic ass you make it I have like. Do you really is that I like I, have some numbers, but until daylight comic ass, yet the Unifil had to get us fucking about the Thursday game more, so they just tossed that stand out there. That data shows like the fastest human being territories, but you're right this he hawks are just insane. They should play at least every week. They should be in prime time but it is it's a good see Sunday night nightcap we are basically stuff. Will this season was? Where does it has been? We stumbled upon the perfect schedule. Thursday night has to feature see esteemed up something I have to have the Seahawks any half have to monitor, games attitudes in Ike, yes, and then you have your perfect schedule. That is, Actually, the best way to do it was a credit to the cardinals, because that felt like a game,
They were never in a million years going to win it like I'm talking from the beginning, when the Seahawks just walk down the field and we're up seven, nothing, we all look cuz. We all took the cardinals like there's no chance. The cardinals can win this game. They just hung around and they hung around Kyler Murray. Our world is a key, can eat. There's, there's not many quarterbacks right now, who can go from? Has this guy ever put football to? Oh, my god he's the greatest ever as quickly as Carl Armor yet know every play he is, he is definitely danger of either fumbling born getting hit after just like standing in the back of the pocket for ten seconds or scrambling for, like twenty yards are hitting a guy like a long past. Four forty dat that that he made some incredible past but that throw when the Seahawks through an interception and then the next throw he threw one
one of the worst passes all weekend right leg. It was not counting college college football to it was that bad yeah, but that's Murray. Like he's, I he's a young quarterback figuring it out, and I would I didn't think that he's gonna be around for a very long time, but there are times you like what is going on right, little funds that about the game site. This is the first ever match up of two sub six foot quarter. Backs who both past for over two hundred fifty yards. Oh I'm. So this was actually huge win, the short with five nine community over the five ten the same week, that the EP comes out on the Iphone, wherever it can can now just pointed at people and get their height, I'm actually looking forward to that. I'll just reveal me, there's bigley, there's conspiracy theories, that they think that I'm like five five, five six. Why so? The more I get cameras pointed at me, the more the truth comes out where oh yeah, he was only lying by one and she's further work I'll see you got your listen, I I'm wearing the left for another seven twenties. As a lawyer, I was eyebrow telephone, fax vulgarity for it. If the plow started right now that there should be the one seat
is very fond found that upload eyes I apologize, you guys have home field into the Superbowl. Yes, now can apologise for that. Now we haven't played yet we still have put Monday night and also there's more than half the season laughed yacht. We're just still take it. What what's same like if you don't stop ins in smell the roses. Every known appreciate where you are as yet Span revealed, is up and in an claim, not one seed. After six seven weeks, what support of watching for Poland, knowing that's all, fall part you. You should become like full long, Corona Bro at this point and advocate for the scene and ceasing to be shut down. yes that way when it does restart, or we have only the playoffs bears- are the ones who I am I or health. I am I put up a better. I put a better more if the plan started after six weeks or seven weeks, Pre Monday night came by and be the one seat yeah I get a verbal mean for the little guy who puts his head around the corner, whispering just shown for and BP back on. Neither Us Wilson through three touchdowns into primetime game. Did you do
Did you know I'm not jets, we'll get to the bills. Presentiment all, but understanding accept this. This game will definitely a boy like a factor for people. Look you again rustlers anything, it's probably Aaron, Rodgers back right right. but still the always so so. The ending, though we gotta time on this, So what I I think either Wilson I hate the guy who like when a really good player, plays poorly at any point you're like while he must be injured, but I think he got fucked up on that Vance Joseph Blitz, where he sent the house on that third down and just like no one was there to block of and so that the pic ties, s images and credible play by his summons. But Russia wasn't looked a little often overtime, which great point by Jake. I do not know why they made at ten minutes it.
no sense like player safety, gathers retired eighty five minutes. There is really no point. Five whatsoever has increased the amount of ties which I'm ok with for the record, like I'm, ok with having a few those ties, the screw things up. I guess it also increases stupidity, because Cluckings very took a page. I met navies play look. Who did this last year, this exact same thing on second down when you can get more yards and decided not only couldn't get more yards, but he could waste more clock any side, not fuck it. I'm going kick it on. Second, and like a forty plus yard area, with two thirty laughed. I get way do that on third down I would make a little bit of censure. Is any? Can spiky deformities clock a year and then he be ices own kicker because they took two on getting the snap off yes had to call time out on him, but yet they ended up it up working out for the cardinals. I agree with you that
Seahawks are just they need to be featured in. Prime time is just so much fun. I like, I would like to see a study done, a fan bases and see like which, which team actually affects the lifespan of their fan base is mostly because I think that probably being habitual smoke of crack cocaine is healthier for you than being an active Seahawks spent. I don't I'll Brownsville, probably or number one like lowest life expectancy yeah. It's a different life. It's a different shorten life to seahawks or like burn out the Brown Sven surges, dying, just like slowly you're using a leading rice arable, advancing, not eating terrible fool, bootlegging terrible football, they will just kill, use like from inside
We also want you away more pirogue ease, I think eating worse through is probably right. In Seattle they get at least a lot of fish socially. I healthy v, the sea ox like if, if you just put him on on Sunday night like you, can guarantee a few different things. It's Russell Wilson throwing a moon ball. You ve never seen before and ears like how the fuck did you do this sum insane catch by Tyler, locker he came back, half the sea ox being down and then the sea ox being able to come back in that this woman's reversed cause. They were up and they lost again, but the sea ox are. I think the pinnacle team in the ETA fell right now, where no matter what the situation is. Your like she's gonna, get Yeah she's gonna get weird if they're up by ten shits, getting aware of their down by ten shits gonna get weird it's all. It is, the sea obstinacy, Elsie OX are playing Mario Carton. If you're in a spy, You're gonna get a lightning and if you're, in the first spot, you're gonna get hit by ablution and came back. I've got three mushrooms when he was chasing down Buddha Baker on site, right yeah. It's crazy shit like that
Larry Fitzgerald, for union out there. He is like It will not only be out there, but he's playing. Acts explained why receiver easing the slot is also the side judge whose now uncharted spotting Yes, at the end of the game, he's I'm Isabel. I go out on a view that yes, yes for the Vikings yea when they had visor team. He is a private like these and, as I think three weeks in a row where he will run directly over to the suggestion like hand them the ball and help them spot it to get like an extra two or three seconds- smart, very smart guy, yes- and it also confused me because life is Sheldon January Hopkins sit like we talked about with Madison in and Darwin Cook yeah when did when they catch a deeper, takes me secondary who caught the one year. If the guys like fast, then its Yonder Hopkins right, if he's just get a big ass, ass. It is now everything is Larry Fitzgerald,
so that was Sunday night football, which was fantastic. So we're going to recap every game and talk a little baseball to get Dion coming up pack Monday show and we will start with the Atlanta Falcons switch. The lions beat them two thousand three hundred and twenty two. We have joked that the Falcons invent new ways to lose every single week. It is not a joke. The fact that they lost a game by Todd Gurley, his momentum take him into the endzone, which was essentially like a reversal of the famous Todd Gurley going down against the rams versus the Packers a year or two ago.
I it's incredible. It is incredible that they lost airwave. Todd Girly just goes down. They win that key it not only if he just went down. If he had went down feet. First, Yengeese thou be technically giving himself up so the way that he fell. He just he realized it half step too late and his kind of collapse onto himself and the ball cross the line at last. Second, if he had just gone feet, first, is from where you start your slide right. If you give yourself up that way, so I have no way to prove this, but I think he did that on purpose because the Falcon stink they're not going anywhere scoring touchdowns is cool. It looks good for your stats and the reason why I truly think this actually said out labourer wash in this game. I think the lines were almost trying to let them score the player to the two place before they were playing very loose defence, where they were kind of doing like an old lady thing, we're if anyone had actually broke,
they might have let him scored stuff to tell the difference between that and normal map. Energetic true put, I it, and maybe maybe I'm lay off. Maybe it simply the fact that the falcons are the Falcons may have the law. Situational awareness on a football field of any team ever because how how you doin say that to everyone in the huddle beforehand, like hey, there's a good chance they're going to let a score here, because the only way they can win this game is if they get the ball back and still he's going full blown through the whole wild lions were just away from my. They were about to pick him up in tat alarmingly, their young. It was crazy, so I shall it tells me. The really doesn't watch college football. I'm just saying ass. He had watched like any highlights from Saturn. are you an unknown known, go down on that exact same play. Ways are gonna end up well for you and then then it became a fight to see who could do can make the biggest bonus error, because after that happened and the yard the lies go all the way down a field. This score dna
dollar. Has sixteen your penalty, yet emperor unsportsmanlike conduct, so they had to back the kick up and that would have been the most lions way ever to win a game is losing our time. Are you game. I was glad to you. After tug early just made a lines, type mistake: yeah your favorite yes find out for me. Jake COD girly. It is, I don't know if these are listed, but bonuses for touchdowns, I was also going to say Florio tweeted Todd Gurley quote mad as hell on quote about scoring late Vienna. Smart. That's too faint like your mad, because he's lacks Brac anyway. That's why he's pissed off a demagogic he used. Sometimes you just so young and like domino, don't mean that a mile away what you believe that, like tat, Early falling for ongoing, probably wanted a lock Roman said a man This is how I would Jake believes it, because it was from our friend a journalist. Am I Florio not us guys with brains, maybe shit for brain, but we have brains and eyeballs and we have the fan sense so that the falcons have also,
broken mass? They broke gamblers this year. Yes, they played out of their seven guy. They ve lost three games when they and a greater than ninety percent chance of winning. It know. If it's a ninety eight percent ninety eight percent on wine probability, which either when possibilities bullshit, I without these kind of its kind. In the same pile for me, right now is like judging Daniel June to speak. the opposition. I think they just come up with them. It is in that way because it feels like every week there's a team It has a ninety nine percent when probability that ends up losing the game on one probability can't count for a team being so sick is the situational awareness like a little, the lighting scale were right, like the falcon should never be overturned. Focus should never have a ninety percent chance of winning a game. Reverent right leg it just it shouldn't, and this is why
you're, smarter than computed computers and robots will never beat us for this simple fact. They actually think that the falcons have a ninety percent chance of winning a game that we know as human beings. That's not true. It is. Don't do stereotypes like going up by twenty to fifty fifty yards. Fifty four agri, It should be for the falcons. There's been a cap on it until you get within a minute and then in the ass many of the fourth world, should go all the way up to twenty five until the last minute. Yes, but never above up yes version on seeing the two million dollars Sawney bonus, but it does say incentives, three point: nine, funded months. I will look into that. Nobody there how many touchdowns ass the just seven mad as hell just matters hell, makes me like give if Lord it said Todd Girly was despondent or when, like Todd, Girly was emotional locker even more, but matters hell that is held. The fake is mad. That's actually cartoon back. While I get mad
This piano fell on my head days. Get steam coming out of his ears, like, like a t kettle, always heard a chronological give it to me Jake. Seventh, twenty regarding the incentive girly gets the full five hundred k with thirteen tedious or one thousand russian hearts. Ok, I'm tellin! You man, I'm telling you the reality was cut. It really oh poem for cool and is really no point for him to not score that touchdown in. If you thinking like in the long run the falcons economic players, it's actually better for the Falcons to get a better draft peer. Yes, through going to need a trap, Lords are they're, gonna need a Daniels. Other gonna need a tray land when they move on potentially from that Ryan. So yeah I didn't think that he didn't on purpose, but you can you bring me overnight as I, you, ll, never be able to produce a great debate, a fan debate that you'll never be able to prove one way or another, but I just I am I the only reason I I thought of it was because of the place before when it felt like the lions. It was clear what they were.
do what they're trying to how we touch us. I've got a thirteenth These guys are neither an interesting yet want to read way more suspicious, because there was that classic example of him doing the exact opposite to harass beings. through pursuing and then It would have been logical, schomburgh visa code. If he did not do this on purpose, I can be very confused sea, like the level of hate and ah people getting pissed off at them online and he's going to think back to the last time I did and he's not going to know what the right thing to do is to be a very confused boy. We need to at least give some credit to the other side so who I've always been a fan of cuz. I think he's a good quarterback. That's in a bad situation: seven thousand five hundred and seventy five yards in sixty four seconds for the touchdown for the game, winning touch
Dr Tat was like vintage staffer. That was a great moment. There was a great like he is a guy he's at ease in a small list of guys in the fourth quarter, with the ball down and like no, you don't know time out. You can trust him to get the ball down the field, so he needs to get some credit. And member. What I said on Friday, little baby little baby run lives. Call him a little baby their schedules and large out of their little eighty tiny cutesy would see taking the first steps tiny little baby right there. Three and three now would you wouldn't have thought after like week, one in annual the week too, they go up to Green Bay and they got forty, nothing they get actually ship pumped so get calls at vikings, washing football team at Carolina at Houston. Little bit, a tiny little baby when what I said they were gonna go. I think, as it ever be five and five going to the texts. We said that on Thanksgiving, yes, there are going to be
competitive. Yes, my like fine on Thanksgiving five and five on Thanksgiving going play against the Texans enemy, look with the end of cease being so so, herbal and enormously. Then, if see West is awesome, but the three and three you're in it like three and three is not here. This is still very was seventeen years are very much in that so credits of the lions fur for coming back and map Patricia he's gonna find a new like he's, wherein, like a poncho thing, that is essential.
like a baseball tat world like they torpedo right and I went Randal at that size leg. It's crazy! The only thing that can fit on you and with a neck hold of sea, appropriate width and girth, is something that's gonna can fall down at an angle to make it look like a punch, you basically stuck. Would you can go the blanket you can go like two five excel white teasing combine a gas station and that's it. I think if you looked underneath his tarp at any given moment, there's like the ah six foot eighteen year olds, Some are in turn from the ball park. Six four hundred and fifteen pounds who always gets swallowed up in the target swallowed up by the top. If you just shook Matt Patricia one of those kids would fall out backhanders here for four credit, I'm just here at this. This single Abe, a ball team for credit. Maybe it's me, but as map Patricia as each.
Did the pencil entirely. I think so, high of metals and funny when you suck, I haven't seen the pencil recently. I don't know if it's like the mass that he's wearing- maybe it if you put the strap every year in the difficult to fit the pencil under the need to know for map, Patricia if you listen to show where what orifice are you stashing the pencil and yes, yeah where wears a pencil probability. Probably in the time I would think belly button, that's obvious shaken yeah. You can change Jimmy Hoffa, cats hands all well, we all kinds, the like a skull, an old skull, elegant cat, maybe EC a cat skeleton to two buttons, some string yarn, yes or other a dip bottle without a cap on
another two short that he forgot to take off like six years ago to just finally wards elect plasticity up, urges all fall out there, so I that's lines falcons just incredible stuff falcons you're, just an e, the Jersey is terrible. Like I don't know, there are some that was one of the law the visually aesthetic games, I've ever watch with the weird color of their turf, the good. What do you call the gradient? What is gradient the argument. The falcons unifying rabies regret. ready Loretta entire bodies were infected anyways. I was some sort of like old, like frostbite that they had taken into that was gradually using at the top. It was a very it was weird look and then combined with the with the all gray the lines all great yeah really was. The whole thing was just discussed and discuss it looked like if you simulated, a game on man and appreciating game or like
You can make your own franchise near the tyburn sharks. Yes, you like a defunct Euro League team yeah. I browns Bangles Brown, thirty, seven bangles, thirty, four Baker, Mayfield was awesome, so he starts over five Odo Becum gets hurt. Now the take is gonna. I mean someone's defiling into uses. Take that he's gotta without yet I was actually gonna say that yeah in any finishes egos twenty two of twenty three for his final twenty three passes. Two hundred ninety seven yards five touchdowns and the one in completion was a spike right, so he was incredible. It was like reductive and on fire on fire. A gets a bad bangles defence, but still like that's if your Browns Van, not only five too, but that's a type, a game, the even waiting to see from Baker for a while. Now we lay up, let him just go
when a game it be incredible, n, o Dell being out like it, makes even more press. I don't like that. The media has put so much expectation on the grounds that their making them feel like five into is a bad place to be like they should be better. No, I think it's the opposite. I think that they are. There were experts patients come into this year at any time that you have bigger plainclothes he's like a guy that no he's in the media lobbies on, like all the Hulu commercials and progressive commercials. People always talk much bigger being like he should be the guy that taking you guys, the playoffs five to four can celebrate. If your way you guys and you have a beer fridges that were stored around your town for the moment that you one a those and I came against the jets. It was a big celebration like don't want any Are you take away the joy of five into from nuclear? Why totally disagree?
I think it's the opposite. I think last year's what you're describing this year like last year. Everyone was hype. I think this animals like do they sought, will aft after a couple weeks, lining are healed by the Ravens week were weak one week. One. This yes, however, was like fought the brown their terrible, this team socks. So I think it's like looking them if five into I do think people are saying we're five, and you too, incredible. They should be saying you should feel that way. It was mostly like ESPN for the last couple. We or say I've got an idea. I disagree with the EU. S be intake their sell. You leave lend go off kings, not great news for the bangles caused Dunlap put his house on sale on twitter right after the game was over. He said six thousand Square Foot city view with huge balcony for bedroom foreign half bathroom in one of the best school districts for sale. Do your market analysis make me for serious inquiries. Only with proof of funds, I love, so he immediately loving. It is seldom would pick one he immediately.
Quit his house on sale because he's like fuck sincerity? I've been here for nine years, but this is too much about so the bangles job we're all we ve. So we ve talked about this before, but he's like running for his life. Now we should give a little bit of contacts that the bangles do have. Four. five of their day. One starters had been out with injury, so it is a revolving door. There, it's bad, the office of wine is bad, but if you're looking for positive Zack Taylor looks pretty competent, Joe Borough is the guy I long created and actually yeah. He was that dude. Now he's the truth. Yeah ya Joe mixing, didn't play today and you are in this game and then you have tea
begins, who looks very good young receiver, Tyler Boyd Young Receiver, unaware age greens gonna be in a year or two, but there is at least some like. We ve had this the theme every time we talk about teams that are really down. If you can have one or two things I can point to the like. Okay, this is what will be looking forward to, it doesn't feel, is bleak and I feel like that's definitely the case of the Bengals, especially the fact there in every gate, yet as their fighting every single gay. I think what we're looking at here is a team would like a lot of young office of talent, a team with like no real defence to speak of end you're, losing your guys. I, Carlos Dunlap GINO. Atkins again, we don't know where GINO is GINO could be buried in Carlos Turnips basement somewhere for all. We know but like if your hemorrhaging talent on that side of all yours kind of being set up to be
next falcons by the next lions, because you're gonna have a good quarterback for while it s really fuckin fast receivers. You get a good running back to. Please have the giraffe what you just get draft while sleazy it come on. Sincerity is always you nobody, you so easy to do, but I I wanted to not be negative about the bangles, because I do think there are positive pieces and there, like next year, will be big because next year, if you hope that maybe they can trade age green, get some draft picks whatever may be, but Next year, you hope they start winning a couple of these clothes game. Cuz they've been in it, they've been in a lot of these games. We're, like you, know. Last week there up twenty one, nothing against the colts they've been in games where it feels like okay, there a player to a way so, and I have credits Joe Burrow, and you know if they get some help on the offensive line. Maybe they'll win some games later on this year? Maybe they'll do would you would you that's like the backup
two or actually that the best thing, though the the where the bangles we're out right now is not good, actually objective. We bad, but things look forward to the next step is winning four out of five to finish the season and been like this thing they were working sleeper team going into next year. Yes, oh you can that still? How do you like, if you can figure, even get some help for the office of line and figure couple things out at the end of the season? You rattle off a couple wins because once you have your quarterback you're, not playing for a draft, but you are playing overseas to want to hide rapid we're not playing for the number one picketing you're not like right. You know, let's take let's take. Let's take tanking is for quarter, but imagine that luxury to be a bank was found to be drafting not like at a at best.
our available level but right drafting for need. You, like you, know what we need to deepen to tackle. Ok, thousands of Albion, nice spot for here we go. Bangles fans are moving to keep getting weren't, keep it going. Ok, keep deposit vibes going near the end of your season, washing in football team joy dolphins, cowboys steel is you're, gonna, lose taxes and ravens weak seventeen, which they're not gonna, probably playing for anything, could well have like the fifth seat locked up. Ah, so they could be one of those tapes get just get ready for that. If the Bengals have five winds, the the season I feel like that's, I think they were victory. I think they will have. I've Wednesday and I ve got forwards. Vienna season for five months can counter the Thai Yellow form three more. wait three more, not losses right, just five without that is a that's. A great season, insincerity re S,
I've lost. You ve got a guy who's, the truth at quarterback. Yes, yes to future! Ok, you don't make sure of of Joe with his family. Back like they went to a game in Cleveland. I won't say was: seventy years ago arose right before he went to you went to us you and he looked like you actually look like a seventh greater care and he was just standing on the feeling to Cleveland, and I think his brother was like today something like. We were no longer brown Spanish, like fucked around some for longer lives who just it nobody is aged more in their like, had as much of a glow up in their college days as jouberts did the money went there. He looked like he was twelve. When you get out you look like you dear. Yes, yes is good. Looking dude, I sets Browns bangles o one lasting Donovan People's Jones. You might remember him from all time, Gus Johnson name on big noon. Saturday was supposed to be like us
of studs? It Michigan use good, but I just love the name, because it's just its biggest Johnson and people gotta people's jobs, yeah loves having three names to say: Texas is back the air, he loves, having three names debts to say so. Tat was a hell of a cash into hell the throat to win that game. I Steelers Titans. While I think we're RCA disagree here. I I thought the cylinder go when the game, the Steelers won the game and they kind of just fucked around and second half. I still don't think that insert are like top top level FC. Oh I'm right, ending the titans. I didn't come away from this game. They they fought. Lord Antony first have to tighten sighed out put so the two things it stick out to me with the titans. Are they
They have, and maybe they'll just have a horse you up there ass year, because there are teams that just get the lucky bounces. They had to turn over that we're just gonna lucky bounces. They they won the turnover battle, three, nothing in this game and still loss and the other thing is, they are the worst team, and I'm not saying this. This is not me. My opinion, titans fans, don't get mad at me, yet I'll say more things you can get mad at. They are the worst team in the NFL on third down hence there so so bad. The Steelers were thirteen of eighteen it today their past Roget works They were worse coming into the game and they probably or even further into like thirty Sech, a bet do right now, my rebels, why the fuck did I signed today, the unclouded gates, just because I work for them down in Houston, so I just that's it. I think tangles good, very good.
I obviously Derek Henry's, incredible edgy brown when he's out there like that touchdown was awesome and they do their very well coached, but the defence makes me pause at saying they are at the chief Steelers Ravens level at the F C, because you can't you can't win if you're, that pat on third outweigh didn't that exact same defence for the most part beat the shit out of the ravens in the plan. last year. Yeah. I think that's why I think that they can put it together. But again I must have money pursuing. You know a hot run under song about like what I'm watching- and this is not if we're putting it into two to tears. I'm not saying the titans are bad. I'm saying: there's it here of chiefs, Ravens Steelers and, I think, there's a step down to the tight. I think that the titans in the Steelers or are at about Iraq,
I think the same way. I didn't feel like to steal the Steelers. They weren't, those traditional national out of date. They locked up diagonal Daniel, I'm taking is that a shitty as the Titans played in the first half, they were able to come back and almost when the game or tie the game in this basically saying yeah. They sucked ass in the first, but I'm from out the window yeah. It is watch your game. I feel like they got a couple bounces it we're like this. They were so long as you're, never gonna run out. There were sleeper for most. The first have big Ben was doing. I ah use as you are all his like. Weird throws where he's at his best when he just goes full on panic in the pocket and there's like two guys draped on me, just throes of authors its killed. You just for ease falling down. It's a big tree, falling down, yeah, just shocks: the ball in agenda, I'll direction. I was also what I was looking forward to the titans, maybe winning this game, because I think that if they had, we would have the conversation of like right. Tat Hill. Is Clearly I like it when you re the envy peeress mean he wasn't incredible. Today
and he was still good and you know it in turn the ball over. So I I still think the titans or good there I was gonna get to the plaster. Obviously, gonna win a bunch games and guess what titans fans the best part about this is in two weeks. the titans play the the bears C we get to do this and you get to you get to tell me how long have all your revenge you get to call big cat on broad, even though I've never claimed that the bears are incredible but yeah. I just, I think the titans are good great, I think that's I walked away from being like the Steelers. If the Steelers had just focused for sixty minutes, this would have been a three touchdown game yeah. I also like in the second half when it looked like
We're watching the game on a vcr, yet will always like three eyes like the ninety. Ninety earthquake world series- yes we're just like these weird patterns were floating cross. My tv, I had no idea that was like a filter that they put on the tv as well as I was watching Redstone channel, that was kind of nice, and then I want to give a gust Caskey Hall of Fame update second ballot. Now, yes, second song about hammer, it sit, I agree with you there second ballot, MRS it the wars continue, where I think my group was gonna, get fed up and just be like we're, not kicking like you did last year at last. He should have done that after the after the Broncos gained this year and brutal such
coach, because you are right that they did the coming back. That's all that's a good coach team doubt lay down and just die and for all time funds that are very much going mad at me. Oh, I will say that I had the blessing of tell who on because I had. I talked him after the game and I was like, I think, I'm borderline, maybe gonna start respect. The titans and he's like I'd actually appreciate you not because from everything that I've seen once you respect a team, they suck as a good point. That's true. We have good point out I'll keep nagging the titans They ll keep winning I'll keep. Looking like an idiot theme of the shop I'll disagree, I will respect the titans. I will get it I'm going to respected in that way. They think about it. The entire pot gives all that's. Ok, listen. We disagree on that area. Aid donor takes me a long time to ever respected titans, just because of their their color scheme and unify the general like or around the Tennessee Titans, as they ve been in the past I guess they still have a little like Jeff Fisher Musk on yeah
I am. I also there one in five against spread. I don't count. Their win against Texans against spread set was bullshit that they won by six in overtime but they're. So if you count that is not a wind like, I just did the one five against spread and sell. You know, that's all that matters from my big question is: how do the Steelers get this sketch? the still the sewers don't play. Anybody ever be added their division of you. All the time why party you just disrespected the Titans I said the sizes, but it took me a second you just just regulatory intervention, digital hose insane like how. How does this happen? They're gonna, how it mister, Rooney, has my way in the future. I have a little tiny little future on the Steelers is nice price. They ve played a ridiculously easy sketch of the giants: Broncos Texans egos, browns and then besides the Ravens you can be great game next week, that's going to be a very big game for both of those tat way. The ravens twice,
and then they have to pay the bills at the bills, besides that they should when all their games. Yes, according to team rankings, Thou com, thirty of thirty two- they got a tough whose number thirty two courts O Ashdown, that's just because they get to play a part in the Texas wise. Yes and an Wilson S, ever really strong opponent internationally. I, before we get to the next Saturday ones, probably the Jaguar before either the next add your pipe thinking about lunch today. Well, I got you. I got. You covered right now with our friends at Jimmy Johns. I love Jimmy Johns, you of Jimmy Johns and Jimmy Johns delivers freaky freaky fast, so so fast and this week at Jim genes. Every time you order, one sandwiches get a second sandwich: half off use, promo code, p m T
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the Steelers with twenty point led galleries, and this is irrelevant status because we talk about the Falcons win probability and how terrible it is. The Steelers, with a twenty point led in the history there franchise two hundred thirteen zero Jesus. The falcons have lost twenty point: can lead game? The sheer that's insane yeah, I mean it's, it's it's crazy because you think. Like all twenty point lead, you should never lose that one. Of course too. Thirteen gains at some point: you lose it, but no toward a thirteen year old. Why the only other no to hand this game had coaches, it was MIKE Mike, sounds kind of an hour's create just look at it. So Panthers saints juries, wash meter not washed, had a good game, a kind of felt this one coming just because the Panthers dont really have like a ferocious defence and drew breeze had time today put yet he he looked good today. Well, I yes from a football standpoint. He looked good, but I'm actually, I'm concerned
with him and Matt Rhine with their health wider. Both just get their both shrinking to both guns, Yaller and amazing. It I don't know they ve been sick. it's it's whenever whenever like what five years ago, whenever someone made the decision did Fitness was no longer being men in lifting weights, and now it was just having little rubber bands and stretching your hamstring. SK, as dramatic as witnesses. These days guys, it's good reason led to play. Dodgeball NP anymore No one is it's it's everyone. in that soccer bodies of the hot spots yeah. Now it's not there's. No, my muscles are out toned down. These are. It is just in banning army self he's gettin paler here. Turning into he looks almost ago, elicited six flags
but remember that annoying daddy's dance around. Yes, he just like his his fate. His heads getting bigger gap, but his skin is like shrinking in on itself. What our pilates pilates is, where you say that you go to me checks. What is it, though? I system of exercises using special apparatus design, improved fiscal ball, shocks, ability ball of fire, and hence my vote you what it is. I think I think it's a classic go to to lift the smallest amount await possible in, like very, very high wraps Jerry say you know what I'm not looking yet bulky, I'm just looking yet toned see. We need the pendulum to swing back cause. I think we ve had this idea on the show that we should start Jim, that's just manual let me just make someone like build stuff. We have we the Jim, is you build up the agenda? You build us, the Jim and then a house, and then a wall in the car and then a moat yet committed have a cast. If you just a symbol like the squat racks and treadmills and shit for its work. Yet then you get to work
got for. Like a week after you ve assembled a part of the Jim, the right. That's your payments had a dues. Yes, so states, Panthers, Michael Thomas, according to our friend of mine, wow, my Florio said. Potentially, maybe someone could be traded and then champagne? ed insiders on the outside where they belong roasted. I think that is something we regard Michaels. Ah, you think that, because he is so good can't guard MIKE what are the best twitter names out there, but- ass. He is he's a big reason why the orphans hasn't looked. Awesome like they have in the past also drew breeze his arms falling off, maybe but there's something going on where I think he's probably on the trading bloc yeah in John Paden. They just keep coming up with weirder excuses. We think the lady Doth protest too much like he replied on Twitter and is a cats, and what is that from his account was locked is shakespearian yeah. I think it makes me whenever I mean, if you say, methinks
it's gotta, be I'd, say and withdraw. Try to get strange. You smelter dealt at Bay, rightly so broke out somewhat forded. It's like you that do the just said that shakes her that do that on protesting, wait, Hamlet, the lady doth protests too much methinks I hadn't right, takes me yet nobody screwed up the sun, the eye like use, guided, exacting, actually fact checking us. This is something Billy could do, but if you have got it exactly right, I would say: that's that's more regular yeah! You said you plaudits Michael Thomas. He I think he's gonna be traded yet peasant. He like such opposing on practised on Paden yeah. Champagne replied, that is a total. red flattened Ciampi, doesn't leave twitter gap. He was cheese, basely trying to say no were not just so that he can get a better deal and also, I think Florio is on the inside of the saints yellows got. These new technical champagnes has got a reach way down south yes, these big saint sky, so oh, ah, Teddy Bridgewater was awesome. Job radius by four is
number one on the boy genius. Next poor genius, less yeah he's he's my wild card to get a job at this. I think ocean job. Yes, actually gonna happen. He is definitely gonna. Be there's gonna, be a feature of our Joe Brady revolutionizing Football, just like every guys, revolutionized football before him, but he is awesome them in that that often doesn't have a running game right now and there just they don't have like incredible talent. Teddy Bridgewater hit his. boy missed real big mistake was taken that sacking he's got dj, moors, really get to get even worse now, underrated. Have they don't have one and have a running? Let me speak of you right, but they don't have like a didn't, have insane wide receiver. They have good God. The James requires good yeah.
No, no, not at Edison Robinson, the other other jack I yet obviously good. Yet dj more is good, but they don't have no one's gonna confuse the Panthers skill positions as being like a top five unit in the right, and it's hard to tell. Sometimes we have a new head coach like how much of it is just the fact that nobody has film unused, they can't figure out what the fuck you're doing and how much is like. Oh yeah, this guy actually is changing stuff up. Like you know, Jeremy, the second, the season they don't change anything now every defects knows what they end up doing. I want. I want to flag that rule that room went to the smart today for the first time the s he didn't. You bleed a beauty, the Carolina Blue Smock. I I feel like he went to the smart you soon. That's that's a move that you wait to do if you like, losing in a play off game at half time. You come out for the second half in the smock. Well, you don't do it and weak seventy or reason smart worked for him right now
As with the face shield, he really is just everyone shop teacher from Seventh great yeah, like he really has that look yeah a guy who's. Now at some point, maybe there was an athlete in their bodies really given up and right now. He just wants to make sure nor the kids like color fingers off. Yeah he's gonna get the welder look go onto, but I don't know it just it's too early date. That is that's a major like big time energy boost move. You know one a wasted in a game like this one here hold out you're back, although division, you know this would have been a nice deserve a nice when, for the Panthers now that they fall back down to earth were them where we kind of expect them to be cause after that win. Whatever was few weeks ago where they went three into and was like who watch out for the pillars, our selves and booted steady bridge waters are covering machine, did lead us respect Eddie, I mean he's a covering machine. He covers spreads, that's what he does so the Panthers, though Well sure, joy, sly, that kick! That was the best miss kick of etiquette.
he it was so Teddy Bridgewater takes a sack, a pretty inexcusable sack. I don't know what I mean. I have to wait till the alternative comes out guys, but he takes a sack. Whales like around it would have been about about. Fifty two yards takes a sack on on. Third down and sir now they're all the way back Joyce lie kicks a sixty five yards when I say was dead on like in the center. It was dead on in the centre and it missed by maybe eight inches in a sling fell short. So if, if too, if Taber Mauritania sector was an inch, you look at that. It was that clocks and that was some exceed five yards. That will not do that. He nodded kill the greatest miscarry yeah again, Joey Sly grew
great awesome cool guy named, and he had, I think he had covered all week. So he was, he was practicing at one in the morning with no one round I mean that's it. A perfect position get covert, because no one hangs out with him anyway, rice or just like sharing prowler. Do I next up bills, that's hyperdrive hyperdrive, actually working for a quarter and a half. Well, did you ever gets Marilla ten nothing over the year. discover the year. Oh, ok, so you go. I turned our I didn't want to have the jets beat me. I was like I'll be myself going down that without playing day. I do think we're ten points you hadn't gaze gave a play. Calling the outside A lawyer, I have probably like, take it back again next week, the up. No, what what the like impetus for him now was when all his assistant said. No, you keep calling play he foisted on dialogue and journal.
good like a little shot in the arm. I think that's just I think. Maybe that's the key to the jets for the rest of the year. They should look at their schedule if they're playing at talk to you later before I go in there when we play eighteen, maybe a little bit less and they put Donald in as I swing with the with the weight on your your bag, don't write because when you go from flak, oh two Donald everything looks just about twenty five percent better and faster, because Doc corpse understand, and you also don't want to ruin, seemed almost confidence entirely. What's left of it? After he's gone through dealing with our gaze for like two years, you yeah pomatum little plague, it's a shitty teams, you didn't even Europe, even Blake protests anymore about flock. Oh yeah, like oh, is a hike I usually when national airline I have not given up I've overlap, goes a beautiful boy, the jets they can kill anybody. The jets Chet suggests
What little remaining lifelike o had running through his veins right now mean hyperdrive for ten. Nothing we get on. It seemed extra no I'll buy back in maybe there in the locker he's a good gotta have around. Is your big family give my job next year we are hyperdrive worked He said he's the old quarries one of those old quarterbacks. It's sad because you see like Tom Brady playing to his forty three and you see you know Josh Mccown, you know is, I think, forty and he was a back. Last year's back up right now he backup Ziad wording it like a hotel somewhere, but Joe Flacket has lost so much ass lettuces and may even have a lot to begin with, but he lost so much tat. He can't like. Taking a snap under centre and doing a five cent drop fast enough to knock it sacked is almost impossible yeah. I don't know what happened to him. Of course. Last three years I think. Maybe you just kind of was always.
printing this direction, but just getting Us Denver exacerbated limit ye had the greatest run like he. The life lesson of Joe flak O is just for one struck your life in your career, get arsenal, life, get hot and stay hot for a little bit of time, and then you can always look back and like that was me back to truck up yeah telling me
so getting good shape. One you also had. I tell me he hasn't founded off it's a corner, that's willing to use his strength, which is just like protect him for three seconds. Let him fraud of all forty urgent healed and let him get a passenger ferries against the defects. Yes, that is the ultimate Joe flack o office, and he has, he hasn't been he's, been it square peg and around hole at the last to places where he's expected to complete passes, Z S and that's not his get. Yes. So are the bills? Were sloppy straight up sloppy eleven penalties, they won with eight feel goals. I think we need to do something because I can't I can't do the back and forth Josh Alan thing. Every single week I like Joshua, defend Josh on I'm just going to say here and now he's
still young and he still work in progress and sometimes like they'll be weeks where he's not a finished product listened the first four weeks of the season. I am not willing, ran up the score so now, and he doesn't anyone didn't play like that bad today, but they had trouble in the Red zone, and so we get it back throng. I'm I'm saying truce. If you can, if the other side can agree that he's a good quarterback and we can agree that he's not yet and envy p, I think a fair middle ground. I disagree. I think I think he's still has who he was right under the surface lurking at their debt the guy that we saw a big check in the first four weeks. The guy that we saw is still inside that body somewhere still got. What is I'm not taking knocking him? I'm saying it's going to be weak to. Sometimes in the global weeks where it just he did do the thing today were you is getting tackled and then try to throw the ball back
words as those that have lower mumbled without eyes. I love to its part of what makes me during any beat the jets. Listen, he wouldn t unsavoury interceptions. He won yeah, he wasn't. It was just more their often look bad. In the Red zone like would you have a feel something wrong, the up against suggest, but then again, maybe that was just low energy costs that's bring low energy suck you down there, the writers, you vampires, the reverse Seahawks. Yet when you play the sea hawks yeah crazy shit happens, you often can score from anywhere on the field. When you plague is the jet. Sometimes you just like that, I'm bored playing against you yeah their energy vampires nine. I just actually look at all, got it just to have one and if upon him it is so the patriots. Which now is like an arrow Puglia. Like us, I was hoping that we'd saying like the general energy vampires. Please don't give us one more primetime jets game. Ok, I next up Cowboys Washington Football
team up, so I guess that for you to started off the cowboys well, now I've always thought we get my car out where the Might Mccarthy yeah, when you get to four winds in your division, a lot of research that he's found says that you are more likely to win your division, yes to the written. So so, who is the rapporteur was it? Was it. Shit. I don't know why did Jake she said. Might Bacardi told me there's resource it. Wants a team gets too for division. Wins is likely to win the division while research dreaming numbered yet football games can lead.
Success in winning divisions and making the point in your division. If you beat those divisional opponents, it makes you more likely a lotta teams, game plan to not when those divisional games and throw him out and say whatever will treat them normally. But when you treat them with more importance, you can get more wines, which then means that you can win your division, sometimes more likely. I wonder if might because he then took that incredible knowledge and he got off the profile focus subscription. That is definitely lapsed and set off. My computer make my prayers. You Jake. I think that the zones of then a fund, our children's came Jones are so came. Jonesy came Jones, I got as get nice Hank that's good. They do it again visit first year. Jones, who might Jones, who is it might Jones, came John ones, I just hope, sipping on loans, oh God spire to be a rapid, that your says there name all, and therefore not everyone here,
Jason Earl. You could just call outside Rouleaux. It was like any songs. You just get MC caully pick up, sometimes so very very smart marking, so might Mccarthy do they. He then took the that incredible analysis that he got that winning football games in the division can help win the division and then took it to the guys and was like listen. This means all you do is go one and all this week I need just like MIKE Mike Mccarthy, has over thought everything he's known about football since getting fired by the Packers and having Aaron Rodgers ruin his life to the point where he is now reading all this stuff and then like reversed, engineering himself back to the most basic neanderthal football guy. I think he uncover that stat and he actually thought it was like
there's, a national treasure young. You like uncover this ancient football riddle written blood on Jerry Joneses will he's like you guys will never believe what I just came up with right now, so we gotta go out. We gonna beat the washing football team and if we do we're in a better position when the division- and he thought TAT, he was a smartest person room which he probably usually does think that he has always yeah. Always I'm actually now like this quote is making me might picardy fan and I never thought I would do that because here's what what I love about it is that might Mccarthy is so relatable in this moment that I've I've had this. Personally, I think a lot of private where you say to yourself, I wanna be smart. I want to read more our learn numbers I want to try to better myself. He had all the intentions are doing that and then, when he absorbs all the information and takes in all the articles in the numbers and
everything he's dom dumb shit for brains can only spit out, like the most baseline understanding of it, which is winning, is good. Yeah, like tat, is the most cause every time I try to get smarter. All that comes out is like the absolute bear, mom of what I learned and I go talented around and telling everyone I'm ok. I read a book. You know you see me when I read a book em what right so might we have always do? It might Riccardi reads Malcolm Gladwell Gang Point and he spends like a week in a dark room with his book, and it comes out he's like the Beatles were good because they pray. just a lot yeah like Joe Paternal didn't actually no yeah yeah. these fears. Why he's he reads a book and then comes out of it with like the most basic we're dummies version. Like you read the back of the book. Yes He probably red pro football focus for ten thousand. Our I like MIKE Mccarthy, if he actually meant this as like something that he's uncovered.
If he was being sincere, honestly blazing at fifty. I think he did. I think here you would all dumb like us get. I'm saying I am just as dumb as my party that this is the lesson he learned from looking at a bunch of fucking pie, charts and percentages and cool color graphs that you see unprofitable folks, I am profitable focus, description. That shit is like Chinese to me. So if I just stared, if he, if he came out of this- or he had like this interview with Kim Jones- and he was like you know what I have to put something out there in the news that will I get back to Jerry, so Jerry thinks that I'm working hard, I'm just going to say some numbers- I like him less, but if he acts, He believes like holy shit. This is cool. I have something new and then he gave that is like an honest answer. Yes, you're right I like it. I like aims in the division matter more. Yes, because you are when the revision so mocha coffee. I think we just talk ourselves into being, like Mccarthy got
like how he's also saying like, maybe I'm coach in these guys too much, I think that might be the problem being two hands all of them. Well, dogs they walked off. There is a problem in that is true with MIKE. No one might know, and I dont know what might no one has done- an incredible job of just making all his defence of players terrible and so much so that so the wash in football team going into this game. They were the only team, the NFL to not have a Russia was sixty yards or more in a game. They got that in the first corner. So that's how bad the deed- fences for the task. We don't. They have good line backers like last. I checked them ass. They had Lain Vanderdyke, you might know it Ed, Galen Smith, right And he's been lost, thinks he's thinks it's because my glowing it's like member one whenever nor
Turner would go with his ten thousand page playbook in the office. Would look different like what's goin on here like all. Well, yes, a totally different system than I think might no one has just confused the fuck out of every single person how the Dallas D, for my No one has one move to save his job as a difference corner your have lotta moves because you don't however, give up or take play calling your usually one guy that gets blamed. Even if your head coach is a defensive guy like these are supporters. It's a hard job to keep in the phone you stick. The best thing that you can do is just become known as like a mad scientist. sky yeah like just dial something not his bring the heat. Just say: let's go go in the press next week. We, like you, know what I'm gonna need to thousand new stuff up and we'll get exotic with. My blitz is our guys you can in our ears. Back, yes, look it's fucking, Gregg Williams. He is Gregg. Lives is an absolute shit, a person, but he possesses yeah he's a rat he's ass, all use jerky throws everyone under the boss, but he brings the
you play, and it doesn't matter if they like. If they catch you on a zero blitz and these could they dropped like a forty are touch on you, you ll get. You know what will live and die with that guy, because he's an aggressive play collar on defence, It also when you put when Europe, when your doktor, he, U Blitz and it works. Nothing looks better. Yet you look like you look like the eighty a bare, and then you can also blame your players after the game, if you just blitz the shit out of them and they score fifty on you, you may, like our guys, got it radio, when we, when we bring pressure, we gotta get to the court and you could also be like the well cause. Usually cut you loose like Tom Brady or drew Brees, or you just eat up with his in Blackwell, I mean no one's beating those guys, but you have to try something. I'd rather die I'd rather die thing then die just plain and zone. Yet we can always say that and if we play if we drop back into nickel coverage, dime coverage they're, just gonna pick us part back there. Yes, get fresh autumn and knock em down in that's really the best way that you can. The only way
you can beat the Washington Football team and Kyle Allen is, if you get up in his face and knock him around a little bit. If you don't he's just going to be a surgeon out, there, dissecting you for up to and including twenty five sets its great point. Gotta blitz MIKE. Don't you gonna put something else to tackle which she just haven't taught evermore forgot. How to tackle this game was too ill to nothing for a second which was awesome, and there was fifteen to three it was for all some and then also. We should mention that John Boss, Dick stealer from Pittsburgh, Stealin tragically bears whatever, which I watch that that clip of him hitting Teddy Bridgewater Florida Louisville NET Ballgame. I've never saw myself on a draft pick faster than that, but it just call me Boston here. In that hit I mean I hit and all timer Leah embrasure for loss I came put. I remember, a draft might be like, oh my god, this guy's gonna bring
fucking would but yeah that was a dirty scumbag hit on eighty down. In any doubt, we make our jokes and we have our fun boy, normalcy, any don't get her no itself nice guy, that it was a dirty. Had I'm not gonna go Tom Wilson on this, the it was a dirty hit dirty. very dirty hit, who probably suspend for a little bit. I actually thought fine is most interesting. Take was Danny. Would heads podcast partner, Matt Slawson, said all the Dallas office alignment should be imprisoned for now, fighting Jeff plastic after that it uses in Basra. If you saw the head to the lime and discuss the runaway damned the guy and he had ox yeah man. I wish it was me yeah, let's play anymore, if I don't Skype, like Quarterboat Micro, hardly said that, after the game to whose very upset about that rapid that beer, the coach like you're the coach, the team pulled the job ass a Teddy Bridgewater hand. I want to see that just to feel it
now we have been duty vanity, keeping a Gucci Heru that they really should track trade for four arrived Fitzpatrick The really should I was thinking about. Anyone could Fitzpatrick conceivably do a series of one week contracts with different team. Yes, I want to be floating around. I dont want to be committed to up to the Dallas cowboys this hit made me I was like oh, my God, giant plastic is gonna, be the monsters amid where back socks by the way is not a good player. So each does begets, and sometimes very illegal heads We also saw as equally it is having like quiet. the worst year, not a lazy fumbling, but that clip of him drive ran over, will hitch blitz by you and see Legend CALL Holcomb. Your call look like a fucking hall of Fame lying back. Yet he looked like someone talk shit to lower taxes. There is another run over. The sky ran
He it was when the hits where he like you hit the guy who started block you into the quarterback. Yes, and that's how you get the sack feels awesome when I have is equal Elliot? It did time feels about right for him to take an injury while he got it so he can hang insured just say: listen, I got a rib. Hardly hanging four copies kind of already doing yet it was like why you do on their illegal, do it at home and credible and guess what I'm not even really talking shit about as equal alike as if I were him and I got paid, how much more do you get around I probably know what I don't really want to go out there and in absorb hitting concussions and break bones anymore. I'd rather just chill at home, play Xbox and years many million the six years. I know the cowboys rather just sort of being back. That's the size of my entire room, who had barbecue older. The cowboys we'd like with virus beneficial.
I have given an option for teams to opt out collectively at any point during the season cowboys the jets absolute do at this point. Jerry would not let them. I don't know. And Joe again battery would start an entirely new team, bring, was always to here's. The good NEWS for everyone, the cowboys are horrendous. We have three more times that there are national television and you know what it's not that their energy vampires like the jets, because watching the cowboys stick. This badly is so much quantity. Yes, it is a lot of yards to see how bad they sought because usually the cowboys suck, but they have at least a hint of an expectation that they ve got enough talent to win a game. Yes, I like they could maybe go tenant six eleven in five. If all goes well now you get to see the cowboys as one of like legitimately, the three worse teams in the inner fell and just know that skip Bayliss is watching. You know he's when we
look at the window at the same moon. You you like skip aliases, look at that moon right now think he's pissed off our boys. Yes and Stephen. A Smith is looking at that moon just flippin Skip Bayliss off yes, yes, it's great point so more cowboys. Ah the first time in NFL fell history. There were weak seven with no teams in the division with three with scarce. Incredibly, who cares washing football team? I'm going to Hotmail and half a game out then killed there forever Lawrence chances. Maybe she'll do you think just wanting to games its possibility, no way viral when I'm nothing about flag up again and again and washing for what he was gonna put the cowboys again. They have the giant twice. Rice have almost no. What when we're timing is giants? Now I am talking myself into then. Why is it that we wash and for putting? This is what this is the beauty and have seized one week, you're Trevor Lawrence, the next week, you're in winning the end,
How awesome would to be, though I think we looked it up last week I was wondering if a team could conceivably when their division. If they went. I think three, thirteen three and thirteen could know. You're, a foreign twelve, if Orange, while Windisch, if you go for twelve and every other team, finishes at foreign twelve also, but like you win the series of Thai breakers, acquaint flips you in the division and then you also get the number one overall picking the draft, because you win the series, of course, flips, that determines a tie for every team know that can help us get there. But it's. If you make the player yeah, you then you're automatically put out of illegality, yeah yeah I would you ruin yourself redraft. Yes, you really beer for foreign twelve. You would be like the fifth draft, pickaninny pump onward and eighty, but you could tie for first place in the universe, the east and also get the number one overall, picking the draft UNESCO mobility by way you'd ass. She go, I think I don't know if it's when you lose, I think you could actually be lower than eighteenth cause. You win the division,
I think it's based on like when you lose, but I can't get them to do the math, while the different, while cards, I didn't think you'd be lower than the Wall Cartesian, actually won. The vision that are at stake. Yeah. What at this point I want if I were to go one way or the other we're not going to get the number one overall pick. So, let's just when the whole fucking division be legends, and then who knows, maybe you, kids, lighting and bottle one we can play off. You went wild card game, went on ass, India yeah believe it achieve it. Packer Saxons, Texans, suck advancing Adamson, Aaron Rodgers aren't fair together knows I wrote down, get Vandams is good Genji. What is mad as hell? He also cities myself and they just about losing shit. Socks, shit really successful mouth Judge bill. Brien's goes kids okochee this team, because the Texans did Kika feel goal to make it a three score game from threescore game,
So I think the score was twenty. Eight seven, yes, twenty two seven and they kicked available to make a twenty eight ten, which sounds a lot better. You have met twenty eight to ten cents way, baronial light. If Europe, We can now you can't do have both ways. You went for two against titans last week to go up nine in life The the gun slinger interim Head coach fuck it let's do it, now you're doing like the path Shermer Box score next day, our lose by last so that they can give me the job which they won't your assigning way too much strategy right, not Romeo, Colonel Romeo, Cornelis DE coaches off his got it that's why they had made bill. Brian actually still has like EAST, does an office in the stadium and he's just talking Lawyers stole the janitor, he's the grounds, crew guy single chef yeah, but Romeo Canal. He just he looks at twenty two seventies, like men. Look a lot cooler. If we had double digit points,
and then sometimes every now again just go for too. I don't think there's a Reimer reason to when he does or doesn't do it. No. I do know that, like when coaches fall into these weird score games, like the football team Cowboys game, where it was fifteen to three coaches just start going for to every time the score touchdown, because, like I'm not used to seeing these numbers the only score touchdowns, I'm going assume I need to go for two. I want to get back on track. You I want to get. I gotta get back on track. Get me to a zero, are seven and then I'll stop going for two. Yes, so the Packers looks good afterwards or like we know, we owe it to ourselves after African. Are ass, kicked by the box like were mad all the stuff. You pointed texts, U S, always a Texans! You look good. The backers are good team. There will beat up on bad. They did this also without earned Jones. So the packers her view
but the Texans are really back in the Texans run. Defence is really bad. I am, I think, to packers. Are you not go good position to receive ban on me? Why I don't know why they beat the Texans dude Packers, really good, notably the Texans? Why would you say like one week they beat the texts have book. The taxes are the best worse team. No, colleagues, you anymore after this last, maybe they had to crush the stats. Invest worsen seem to me is the titans. Ok, that's where I would say: maybe the patriots. Oh we're, gonna get their eyes, and I know is that showed along is hake. We gotta get Hague hastily we get there. I shall do the package are good their varig, ok, the very good. What have I don't care? I am obviously very biased to very good whatever, but it was a Texas who cares there very get chargers. Jack
worse, Justin Herbert gives us first win. Gardner men, six straight losses. This game was fucking crazy, this game. Every time he looked up, there was a different touched on a weird touchdown. score, Gummy right, Jake, score Gummy, yet thirty nine forgone this who has never happened, the NFL history, but others like block kicks in in deep bombs, but just at her. It is good that finally want a game because he like basically did the charger staying where you just losing in terrible fashion. It gets really good teams, yeah, so nice to have the jaguars come in and get that when he's got that little bit like youthful night was at night If this gallery, he just he likes to talk, the bond run within is really good at it, but he's one of these guys like scrambles after looking off one guy and they know just get his ass, kicked as he's like jumping diving forward, and he still has again hit hard enough. I think over the course of the last six weeks after like realise: oh, that's, electric fence in my one, stop touching
I want to watch. He just like China is a big ball energy which I, like you know he s got a rocket arm and on the other side, I'm getting really sad about jaguars, because I saw this article, the debtor thing and we're gonna MIKE linen Why would you would you do that to us you're gonna lose you're trying to tank governments use at least one to watch. I'm cool to look out on the sidelines. Easy is banned. Amateurs rack and, like the guy that look swedish right exactly should be allowed to rock like a tide, I'd Jersey, like a uniform like to read one where you know I did the quarterback. Yes, it tight, I one where you're only laugh to hang out and smoke a shitload of wheat with the quarterback after the game. Yes, I, like God, but you I don't think that he's the problem. I think that there are a lot of other problem. Nosey have no talent. Sturdy maroon was wearing his mask upside down for the entire gaming. Nobody told him, that's fine, that's it! It's fine! I don't have a problem with it, but I've problem infected. Nobody told Doberman. They respect him too much. They number. He could never be too share of Uncas evil.
Yeah, you can say swung out a bit of german Ramsay would hurt you. I just feel bad form, because it was a very obviously on upside down, and nobody was even talking, What it was that he is he's scared got. You is that I was laughing about that, but I actually kind of a greater Diana Street a little, but he couldn't be. I think you could beat up every coach in the Unifil not named might rebel yeah, I think variable would welcome a wreath, forgetting anyone specific you ever able Riverwood what reward kick the fuck out of every he wouldn't, he would eat cliff kings, but I'd like to cite actually likes. No more light might be a dark horse. Now, rainforests, pre tough dude, yeah, yeah, ok, ok, thousand came down over the Jaguar enough in Australia, governor jaguars.
It's good for the charter's bad for the giant. Jaguar scored a lot of point anytime, the Jaguar score more than twenty points I gotta chalked up as no as a moral victory for they ve, also given up or jaguars if Jeeves Jaguars Kin score a little bit their great overtime, Keziah their deepest so bad that you have thirty points everywhere, every one and its and there's the public perception, because their defense was so good that, like all they survive that that defence before we get to our next game p of tee. I have to say we talked about this game earlier, but my whoop was going off for the end of the Lions Falcon. My my whoops been goin off all We can't go off king I've been rapid, rocking this thing, I'm wearing it tomorrow. I think we're doing. Did the whoop five k on Monday afternoon truly afternoon, the off it's gonna run. I'm try to run it. You try to get a it's in time. I don't know what a good time is for me as long as they break thirty minutes I'll be happy with it. But whoop is the perfect tutor.
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Clyde seems like a cool guy as a rookie coming in plain that well he's fun to reform and now they're, just like ok, they ve got everybody, then the chiefs of everybody, and yet they have the ventures. Are you ready to talk about boy? Because you owe me the standards when it comes guy, I might have been rule- I might our guy- might have been oversold Andrew Lock by other, is at wet. My question to you is, if drew, if we'd never get that video of true locked dancing on the sidelines, does anyone think the drew lock is a franchise court about? My reason for thinking was a franchise quarterback was weighed dumber than that. It started back at like to the senior ball when he gave the double finger guns to order that asked Mcquire ok conceals: did he did the dance Masood played Texas, known others, you got a throne is vague. Now he was just doing the devil finger guns, because he was talk about how he doesn't. I think you said he doesn't bench that much pretty squats lot yeah and some said like legs
feed the wolf somewhere. I given the figures unaware you out with him cause he's now now offered artists complicated touch on seven interceptions. He looked back, you did. He looked very bad and loss YAP Ma. Am you know one of young quarterback just doesn't and so there scrambling and their throwing its place as they should be drawing up and it just like you there's some young relax we're they'll once in a while. You know in a game, they'll be one or two throws Reich: woe that was young quarterback, throw then there's young quarterback shortsighted their loss.
He's in the loss category right now. I'm not gonna, throw him out and not saying he's done under saying you might have to reassess I'm ray. I mean the process of reassessing right now and and right now, the biggest conclusion I can come to us that he looks very pat Shermer like had Shermer has its hooks into a big time like you want. I grant energy vampire Pat Shermer, just name Pat Shermer, getting I'm falling asleep pathway, say, but his offices there just boring to Borys factor, boring and in New York when used coach, you they're like he is he's not a good person to be installing, like I fancy high speed office in the factories teamed up with the Van GEO, who doesn't want to do anything innovative offensively he's like did at the height of of develop.
exotic, often perfect fans who is like, let's sign a frequent running back. So what I'm getting from this is you're at the state of our not ready to admit that. Maybe I was wrong now scan blaming anyone, although some blaming everyone I am assessing, though I'm in the process doesn't which are usually don't do yes, I do. I usually ignore everything and I'm just like he'll turn a corner, yeah or just like keep going with it, and then it becomes its own yeah, like I'm good at I'm, just I just now. He opened his eyes. Yes and no true luck, I'm assessing drew lack or to think about Andrew Lock. Is I'm not really tied into the guy whatsoever, while you did, I just you know, but very highly of no use to use your guy. I thought my biggest key indicator for drew Lock was he was making. These you gave. Roxy were locks even MILAN of prey. He was making. These throws into tat windows and finding himself in the right place at the right time all the time, and so at some point, I'm like there's something about
which goes not merely because he touched on. Seventeen was Africa's last year that I was saying that no that's an order stats for both here. Ok, there was also VON military. Unlike disguise, making the craziest throws a resume a life of practice and the finger guns in fact the double things as its near yeah, so you right here assessing were gathering information is united like three of those eight tonnes in one game right now, right now, the main culprits, Pat Shermer. The second main culprit is the altitude weather and the third not look good in calls fans YO and he's not used to is ice and snow.
He also is in a bad division. Big out he's a very competitive varies, very yes to play the Chiefs twice: VIC Banjos such a good fortune, defensive coach and he's not a good head coach, but man that guy he like I'd, give anything to have him backstreet, like diva. Everyone should want him as different. Supporting he'll get an he'll get another job, because the the the Broncos got blown out today, but they weren't that good on offer. like they weren't. You know, TAT rose had two hundred yards passing and they had a hundred yards running. It wasn't like that she's them him up. These had some special teams. Defence applies, if that makes a huge huge wit with right. Now that he's a great it has of but he's just. I don't know why China, we thought that he was gonna, be like to guide to lead them. I think he just and I thought it was the while everybody else zags everyone's, Are there no more Sean Mcveigh assistant coaches to interview yes, and I'm gonna get this old guy from Chicago? Yes,
rapporteur all theoretically happened today, but it was the we all agree. We turned the elderly falling snow yeah. We need to do whatever we can to climate change. He gets no football to actually had us. Yes, I wrapping up. We have few games left, weirdly, they're, they're kind of linked, he's sitting up in what way, so I will start with the forty honours: patriots, foreigners, thirty, three patriots, six, thirty one teams passing cabinet we saw a lot of those tweets in September seems like we don't see. As many now Hank CAM Newton went nine four one thousand five hundred and ninety eight yards. interceptions. He uncovering from a virus. That's killed. Ok, hundreds Thousands of american lies and he's playing the game two weeks after having gang, and why Would you say to tat? He really hasn't. Look all that great passing the ball, except for the sea I'm in poverty brothers, this to me earlier, and it really know
turn a light on in my brain. One of the side effects of cronies. Having you know, foggy brain he's got long Rona in the long run. I'm where you know a situation where, in my recent matic know, he's got the long cocoa, Begat hearings asymptomatic only had it right wing me asymptomatic and in the weeks later you can sew on decentralized sets. The biggest symptom is not having one ok. I got it where it has been throwing weird when he throws it. Just doesn't look at you makes it look strange. It's very strange looks like he's. Go like overhand, Legate, Debbie overseas overthrown, acts or hatchet he how we radicals Roy, really hearted people's feet, yeah now I think we should say borders, Sir, that's where, on I like that, allows you to defend cam, not directly defending camp but indirectly different care covered. The pages defense was tariff like that. Should get criticism as well. My cabinet wasn't good Prodi, there was a patriot style,
be all about Campbells, a lot more fun to make it all that well, it doesn't have like did obviously doesn't have weapon don't worry about him anyway, because one he's a forum. Bp went to Superbowl high profile guy, two he's on a one year: contract so like the future and where he fits in is always gonna. Be a conversation. It's funny that you talk about deposit, go extra, it into his share. Maisie decision throw its it's weird, he release. Is it like a boy? his head, then the ball. It seems like a ball, has more gravity coming out of Kim Noons hands words, it goes down at your alarmingly ordered it's almost like it. It would be like a trick. You know, like the trick. Golf Pasok trick football. Where we on one side of it is waited yes, what it looks like yeah yeah you're right when he released at the front. The nose is already pointing down it's it's. I think they have those proposed. In practice there was. There was a tumblr we left over that period, so like work on his.
Emotion, and then he just accidently use them in the gate yeah. It does look where he also doesn't have that many weapons on offence I'll, given that so, what's what is? The prognosis sank, whereas prognosis me with a diet, What's that, what what do you think the? What's the diagnosis problem in one is solution here we Ass Warhol. Our team is looks like ass, its autumn cheeks, the solutions are used by whole, each other cheeks cheeks ass, big, John Ass, as ass ass. Those measures that are you. Ok, obviously, as is a generous description, what you saw today. It was. Last week, yeah last week was here and there the game against the cheese with Roux said it was just for the Kobe wants can play as they would beat them around Nachos Oh sure, I think what is more straight booty. His ears were, like I bet on the patriots today.
because I just like us validate acute monsieur belch, he's a system coach out, but I think that this is Right? Where we want? Em, though this is actually like the first time you gotta, be. I take that back like ok, so we can't just bet Bela check, here I mean like: do the players do matter? You can't just bet Bela check out coach someone when canyons throwing balls people shit. We do into our next for games and you have the bills the jets, the ravens in the texts yup, you can do that yeah. Do it to others, for threats and threat afore than were back in play off some feeling great. That's. Where I met oaken, I so there you gave yourself some hope. We had already shown up people always say the whole village. I gets rid of a player one season to early rather once easily. I don't think that he actually does it that often, but this is what it looks like when you actually does. that Liquid Tom Brady, the other, was the one. It's not an Earl now it's like
I don't know if I would not like to have Tom Brady about, I would but one of those things where there's so much more. That goes into that. It's not like as simple as like of we know, but scientists there's so much like history and like clearly. Antonio brown thing they like thousand issue like Tom, really want an brown broaden the patriots crafted Belgic like stood the groundwork for our that we're now them now. Antonio, on the buccaneers, like it clearly it was more into it than just straight up. Like the Patriot wanted Tom Brady. Is there There was much more of a power struggle and, like it made sense, I don't know I don't like that are not accepting Eric. I wish we had very upset with liberty, but, like I understand that
It was a realistic given the circumstances of the tea I'd like to give respect to the San Francisco forty Niners Office of line I feel like they get like dirt, titans. Obviously, like Kittle Fallback Cusic Jimmy Genius talked about a lot. The receivers a good their office aligned is the shit drop, is like a really good, and when you watch the Niners play, it seems like every position on office kind of like has the kind of look like off into line and a little bit the way that they block and like run. They all carry out a great technique, getting everything they did. All I get low. There are no people, we talk about hips and are really know what a hip is, but I feel like all their hips are sunk to like proper leverage on happening. Just all blocking everybody. Caution is just an incredible coach infer and I fell fans. There may be a little younger. who don't remember, might Shanna hands like heyday in Denver. This is essentially what it was in that he had done
Wilson, Junior, who end up getting hurt, which look pretty bad on drafted free agent from North Texas. He had seventeen carriage four hundred twelve yards, three tedious. He gets hurt. You Michael driver knows hasty hasty on drafted. Frazier from paler comes in nine, Russia's for fifty seven yards down my chin. It, like you just put a guy in doesn't matter. He'll, just be a run, your fuckin, they call me running back to the gone through, like I feel, like things can be like six or seven an injured running back every week, unlike so they just again all the injuries and everything this going on in the fact that think about how bad the forerunners looked against dolphins dolphins weeks ago, and to win on Sunday. I guess ran to go into fox ruin this. They need a lot of credit, they feel like their back on track, but yet the patriots I dont know I, like you just camp at Bela check for Belgic anymore. It's it's a weird feeling to be like
Oh, so well check isn't going to just he's going to lose three in a row: okay yeah! I guess it doesn't matter who's playing and their defense. Is he kept the defense stock today? I mean look at the figures were shed now how many yards on one hand it's like Hank. Welcome to the club. yeah, you ve had a lot of feel you ve had to tell of the hour at the end of October. This is what everybody all socks right. Don't we will get worse, normal Elzevirs, our normal. She saw no reason Jerry, star players, all them taken. in our was hilarious. Just give it big, I get one, couple weeks. We know it was Carson, lose a couple games like you understand my pain, sad that you're lashing out like that, are not I'm trying to help. You understand we're on that then you're. Looking at me like to reassure you, it's a fact: you're sorry quarterback also, I have covered it sucks.
When you come back with foggy brain and he's not throwing five touchdowns in a game. You gonna, be they wait. What happened? Yeah, ok, so next game Pox forty five raiders twenty, Tom Brady lifted up. I'll. Ever since I was how I like watching buccaneers I enjoy watching the buccaneers and ground not only right he's. A rock is, as always got a villa drugs put on two and a half pounds every single week consistently Now, there's like all good he's, looking good, yet looking like old age. This is this I mean everyone is spoken, a million times over how Tom Brady is linked to grace quarterback in and he is incredible, but the little things that end of the first half way, why Tom Brady somebody and Brady and everyone else is not me because they get the ball like two and a half minutes left. He ran off the perfect to monitor.
I am to get into feel go range. Take the one shot that being a touchdowns incredible, passing catch. But if you do Get it he's still gets another shot, and then he gets a feel. Go it's like that's. Why? Grady is top radiant and other teams. Wool you'll, see them just absolutely shit down there. Their pants in end of half and, of course, end of
aim situations he's got some even so calm and cool, and it was like ok. This is exactly the amount of time we need to take off the clock, so they don't get the ball back and we can have a chance to score here. Best case seven worst case three, and then you do the double squire and they may not have got the ball to start have put like that's that's a different. I am a little bit concerned about the box after this because of Antonio Brown, guys Van Gogh actually think until your brand, I think, he's insane. I think, he's like a total, not job work. If you then obviously like you're right, there is something going on with temporary and Antonio Brown. I think he I think Tom Brady was going to business with Antonio Brown. I think he's gonna be like involved in TB. Twelve moving forward like Antonio Brown, bread. He was, I guess, I'll, get your dick suck by China Trump, your Jim. Yes, that seems logical feature we could add to the tv talk
he's a seems, like he's, involved in his Weird Tom Brady Universe within turn your brown or he's getting like. What's his name, tony Robins till I go given pep talks and convincing and brain why, Inter Alia, got yeah wow Tony ravages like talking to and Tony around me like yeah, here's what you need to do to unlock sexual? How, except you all the surrounding shaker, then you're gonna want to pay all the people that work for you. Yes, this of this weird shit go on with Tom Brady and Antonia Brown and I don't think Bruce areas doesn't like intoning brown. He said like pretty clearly back in March that he does not want him on esteem. He's like that guy's diva, like said some pretty, like Bruce Arians after three cocktails type stuff about right and now all of a sudden Tom Brady want some so he's gonna. Let him in precarious, didn't like him when used in Pittsburgh. Yes, he's not gonna like now.
we're just gonna. I think that the bucks might things might get blown up real, fast and tyrant. Although Tom Brady has the power of like you, if you want to buy it, we could window right disease. Everybody agrees for the season to become part of the call right like Bruce areas right now. I really do think that he has up ability and the resolutions on his coat. He said and nothing new authority him the Jim had been working on, for while there is no chance, that's Andras excited the hold, are good friends even changed his feet, the fire making him answer for all their Tonia Browns actions. Scumbag. Yeah season and Ozma the raiders. They actually is a four point game and they did lose the right side of their office, of line to injury in ejection turning name any kind of changed from that point on. So I don't know the ranger, just as I dont know what to make here's something nice about the raiders, I'm stealing this financing.
and the game, but Derek car has good balance when he runs yeah so often times when dirt car runs he doesn't fall over. Yes, is not something you can see: not every quarter by any, also really takes his time before he runs vague he waits for as many options that happened. He was like a mono. What goes through is progressions, yes, he's really get it at taking his time, making sure they is ever receiver open and then, if he doesn't get sacked, then start running imperfect yeah, it's true. I also allocate gold, therefore back. He stopped leaping over people and now he's just running through people like he knows that it should be up the up, also true, so good job raiders losing my million, but whatever that came as a little bit closer than like it was twenty five point. Eighty four point, eight alone in the fourth right, so kind of fell part really quick. The boxer
the boxer officially a problem, there is really very good. Would it do? Did you have like? Is there such a thing as a baby moon, I've heard about elsewhere, like people do have a vacation before them our last time the other Napoleon dead. Now this is a baby moon people this this is the eight can go on You I'll, take years categories big. You have to get somebody pregnant, I've, dog, nobility ass. She had a really high idea of doing like a sketch, where it's a dude who is like a terrible gm of his own life, and so he keeps trading future picks for current, like situations where so he'll like it up his fiance being like. I don't want to have a really big like boys weekend like I'm, going to go. Watch the games like week. Eight of the NFL, like bushes, pretend it's my bachelor party, so just trades Waze Battery park yeah and then my he just keeps cut down the line.
raise library for just like the most. I quickly stuff, you like all you like. What's it like pretended today I get I get when I'm forty five yeah like I really want to watch weak twelve with my guy. At some point you get so like he's like twenty seven years old, and he just he has no draft capital left is unhelpful. The last thing you can do is like ok, I'll trade. You, my entire funeral how come you're, not only the outward just like, like my body on fire like all or like. Let's pretend this weekend, Is our seventieth wedding anniversary, yeah reading everything he shot Mugabe's, like I'm a trade off, for we now, where are we now is literally just go, eat wings with the dunes Watch College for its talk, Tuesday, where you, You get beer towers for nine. Ninety nine. So, instead of having a funeral pledges, go down there get hammer to one. I am yes that is actually pretty good idea. I it's yes like a sketch, but also arose life, but yeah so wish we talk, peaceful, real, quick, real, quick, Craig Kasza, Epic waltzers, empty pay,
Why not you? You know it would be so awesome if they soon home on him tonight. My god now came for was incredible. Like one of the best World Series Games did no one watched. Ah I wash it no. I know I'm just saying like it. It doesn't feel like on a macro level, but yeah. It's it's. It was awesome, like a million, would lead changes, That is something about there's something about whether it's a shot in basketball or throw the alligator arms come out at the worst possible time. That's rowing whose Turner Turner made the throng any just alligator armed, it won't Turner, cut off yeah many out on her throat, a hall where you like, a star throw Mary. He thought twice about making the throne, and I just there's some about the alligator. I think there were four errs on their last by weren't. I was incredible, ended Kelly, kindly Janson like Dude Little League year. He was standing in the worst possible spot in these back,
I'm up they probably gotta extra and you weren't even standing lose anything further airport users. He was watching the play happen, you got to know where you're going to be before the play happened. He was the kid in the little league who, like you, have to put in the right field. Cuz he's going to sit down in like pick the grass, yet in the middle of the play, into the game. They remind me a lot of Louis Gonzales, remember back again, as it was two thousand and one wanted starts yeah yeah great, ending, yes la, I ought to know Clayton Kirsch, I think he's gonna be here's what I'm hoping they do and hoping that will not result in a pitcher on Tuesdays games. Six may be bold. and when they came seven Yazzi bf ago seven, but he was yeah he's tuna. Why not? I feel it will give it to him right: wanna fuck, it muky earlier in the series? Yes ship, I well! That's our baseball talk! It's been a great series. I would highly recommend people watch it
Joe Box, doing a wonderful job done a great job. They closed the roof on him tonight, so we can complain about a fly over there. Some really funny fans. There is the German, the fuckin do doing socket. He looked like use fifty years old, wearing a white shirt doc. I was living I'll know who's going to these games, but I fucking life. Thank you be funding, What are you a game right now? I think that the USA, like would it be fun to go to not not world series game? Would it be funny, go to an ineffable game that had like ten thousand b gas takes our yes, you pat traffic would be sweet. Everything would be Sweden your own fuckin section. Everything will be three in these worlds. Games like the fans, I dont, think any of them have jobs, but they look like your eminence Let's be immediately Y yeah every time they show someone did some older due to the wine shirt hemming Larry was an old duty with a wider doing suck my dick and then the guide the night before through the through the glove on yeah.
the short Nightwing Bitch, what did it work? Great Murray, don't get those in baseball audiences, especially on the proceedings. The tickets are like five thousand dollars Somehow this world series the entire fan base, the entire stadium is just full of like everyone's everyone's cool divorce. Dad they now you know it's a lotta uncles, yeah baseball. You never get neutral sites like these funds. Only care who win I am really answer there. If address dryers my alive there, therefore good time, I must get to deal. On and then we'll wrap up with some football guy. The weak and whose back the weak,
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week. Seven, where do you want to start Dionne? We could start with the falcons being dumpster fire. We could start with the cowboys being even bigger of a dumpster fire. We could start with what else a patriot jobs for fire, the or Tom Brady being incredible aged forty three. Where do you want to start? What stuck out to you that Esta, lest I, with the patriots, no damages just take it a dump right now, like SB periods, I didn't see that will come in I didn t come in the patriots are as good as the some thought they were. I did think they will want to division anyway thick. I still think buffaloes gonna do that, but what they did the day was horrible. I've never been able to dissociate that word with the patriots over the last decade, but that today was horrible, and so
I mean I agree, was a very bad game. What, though, is the fix because cam newton- and there is a lot of talk early on of you know? How did all these teams pass upon came Newton? If you take out to Seattle Game, which every Seattle Game becomes a track me up and down, he hasn't looked that great passing the boys are good running the ball times. So what is the figure as it is it mechanics? Is it he's not fully healthily? Where do you see it going to try to get this back on track for them? Well, first of all, to start with a decent. That's it. Ruins is a glimpse, a glimpse of what it. What were in camp, the cattle quarterback thrives on deep bids that they can control the cloth and run a football. What is real options in all that we can have to sit back in the pocket in throw you back into the gay. There's no is needed. That will be successful. I've never said
but no one say consistently amen boy carriages, just eight is alive thrown about they up a really hadn't heard that associated with camp. I heard a common people use the key word to toss it. You were not there about Patriot, saying they ve, never seen New England team play with this little effort as they did this week. I dont say that it's tough for me till I watch of professional football team on tv. oh like from the outside when they're not giving a hydrogen effort and when they are from your mind site like you actually think that, like maybe they just taken their foot off the gas, maybe there's something mentally going on others. There is the level of play on the details of the ball office as well, but really on diesel. Like that's what we think of Sicily, with the cowboys like
come on guys, you gotta travel more now like when you start seeing long wrongs and you start seeing like explosion plays with raw. We understand you to have an explosion play which means twenty yards of more often supply. I understand I would a peasant gay, but when I was a running gay were not wrong. Has explosions that don't make him sit, there needs gas and again to the ball. Gaza, not doing a job skies about filling the gaps and adjusts consistently is the kind of things that we seek. The cowboys not necessarily the pictures that we saw today, three, if you look at those who teams of patriotism,
boys, you ve, been on some pretty good teams in the past. At what point does Deanna Sanders saves time for the players only meeting we're gonna we're gonna handle or subs little chat minus the coach like his now is now the time to be put in a panic button. The cowboy she did at last we they broke. The glass cat is a case of emergency and the patriot should be doing it Monday morning. They should be done tomorrow because think somebody needs to step up and talk and take troll, because what they did today at home. Oh my god, it was back, but I tell you what, on the flip side of it, the body matters look like the body. That is that we saw at the end of the season before it wants a suitable debt. So they look like what all the injuries that they have. They still look great yeah. No, it's it's incredible. Couched in such good coach, the fact that the rebel to do that with all those injury so that the players only meeting how many times
You don't want to hear or could you get too? Can you sneak second you're using they get a second, you can make it a second you you care. What I don't like is the leaders only me, because the leaders were leading it wouldn't take debt. I would think that I think that a leader would have a leaders only meeting because you gonna, where you gonna excluded, we reinforce, believe, boil and had his leadership committee, that's true and that one
one- would have really how I was bad. So so so any players only meeting can everyone talk or is it light up? Ok now explained to us because we never been in a players. Only meeting obvious ok is is like the dogs were. What would open up? Give? U history suppose we had appears only meeting endows so surely, as the authority they get up and say some MIKE Urban has authority, get up saying that as well as the party was a guy like myself, therein Woodson Charles Hayley could git up in several areas go sit out. She had a right to shut up unless their guide is really not known, but it works is but off any ass, the respect of the team, he could possibly say so. Have you ever been players only meeting I like turned the entire seas around where actually work now and it's and now disease there is there one guy in the players only meeting that you know you got your eyes on you
This guy's gonna go just Smith to the coach he's gonna tell everyone he's gonna tell the causing step after wood said here, not because good things you know how, but that dog, because you get rid of young lady gaga, I feel again, you may go. I feel like Charles Hayley was a good person have on your side and personally Egyptologists like walk out their naked and start body slamming people. Did you not Charles the Naked eye Unita but gas naked What is is often too there's been written new guy, yes like he was like when he's in the lock real, he would only basically put on pants if he was walking out of a locker room right, yeah jogging anything you could think or anything again they anything you could think of. Charles did you do know that, like we know everything about those cowboys, are you saying we don't know like which, if we're like? Oh yeah, member Michael Evans, White House? Even how do you know about that now? You know,
Let us stop would you know, but everything that happened would go. There was before deprived areas before me, I mean I was Ronald, ran right now I just Google drowsily when the person and came up with an article called Charles Hayley, the last naked warrior amazing, what a greater I'd so the falcons everybody even say like their inventing new way saloon say this every week, but that was Todd. Girly goes down and the falcons when this game instead there now one in six, they should be foreign three essentially like they have to know. I wouldn't you say, falcons additions. They should be looking to trade, some of these guys right, o o o gonna wanna, who we are don't you want to know how to treat you is the french ideology?
That's what I'm saying you gonna get a starts. It makes some tough decisions, but I guess they don't know who's gonna be in charge of the team. Next year's or who would have the authority to trade. Anybody right now are to blame, will end up with a sure they bore all alone it. This is what they got to stop this, themselves with the quarterback quarterback, an owner has a real relationship. They gotta figure out what direction they're gonna go, because when fans turn on you and starts in a manner that has to go, you don't have a problem, but he's attached to the hip would donor understand it is, is its met, runs turned to go, but that's the first thing often tat people blame is devoid of it has been the most consistent thing it yeah yeah. I know it's true, and it's always sausage soon, when it feels like a franchise player, has a true friendship with an owner.
because it can get messy, won't open your modem eventual. What about Pittsburgh Tennessee! Do we talk about backing, for assent? Is a law I take away was, I still think it contains- are really good whether they came back in the second half like I think it either. One of these teams, like any given Sunday could be the other walkway being I damn Pittsburgh like they have their number. Your assessment is: why does it acted in Ispra? One in spite of begin it many times the? U and again in the quota by those three pits he was on. One like he was feeling himself: he was less cool. Big bang like how many that never have is no way possible. Like is like unwritten rules in football. If a court about those two pics of more is, is almost impossible to win, and if you get a pot return, a kick return or special teams. Touchdown against. You is no way you want it that rarely ever happens it and they want to day, in spite of not only
Great? No, I cannot believe, but I cannot all be dead. Baker play well, I'm hoping, ok, I'm happy you part of that was gonna. Be might be my last question because Odell gets hurt very sad. We don't want to see. I remember watching modelled Beckham play in others. Hot takes about him, but I'd rather watch him play the. Not Baker then goes just insane and that game. What do you can eat a little crawl for me? What are you gonna do not apply to all of you know the biggest yeah, ok, you're thinking so does not those not burst. I have clapping was not made.
red garden for bigger, but I'm happy that he showed us something. I really am happy because he would do when he plays well. My guys may well when he plays well. My guy get you're gonna get the ball, they get credit, and now you see that you guys guys to throw to you just gotta. Do the job really play die? Like appeared like twenty one consecutive completions out like shit? Obviously, no to the interception gear bottle bite, but should you should eat a little bit across just a little bit? You guys put a little crawling. Your mouse tiny, just genuine strike the nails. The toenails is one in one place you how many went over tonight.
Really. I knew my word. You are given bigger credit. I knew it. I saw it. I was not LEO. I saw one that over ten yards away, the ins own anyone on the game at the very end, the aims you see. I want o o o o day. One of the funding is the law. When I was a video both in the way you turn around looking, you know so much so that was the funding is part of the video. You know some young with the way you looked in turn the wrong, but already, but what the right, so If that were not there. My website, I messed up when he hung about warehousing number on the untried to dump on me in the office and he called me a beginner recycled. We get a picture for my website where you meet your website. You mean partial sport. Is that guy gets website and then did you try to talk on me? I swore did you and then I must you deny I dont. If you saw the steel
The still frame of moss in you, you had your head in your hand, away from a paint over running away away, and then I spoke to Bonn your face. I wasn't nappies Beggar Baltimore face, but when you turn around flintstones, you know so much so that was the puppies. I pledge is called reaction times. Cause confusion, fluid s right right in ready for anything like what I actually had one last question arch Manning are: we are you gonna, let Pfc and I go in Recruit him for or Jackson State, because we will know all I don't know given culpable the gentlest. It now make em comfortable. I want you to make a comfortable, but I dont know if you would be ok will no doubt he grew open. Let us hope and meadows recruit em. You know what I'm gonna put you don't think that I know you could really attain. Obey gets unattainable, put us in a position
to succeed. Actually, wouldn't that be aware moment for America, if we could recruit Arch Manning to go play for coach prime at historically black out much either Einstein, there's gonna be all though, because as a kid him all halls that Mercosur recruiting right and all that I want to play quarterback at the age me you did. I called you ok, so you should like they did it to set us up for success. You should let us recruit your son to play for you. Do you know what I tell you, what you guys got upon, what five day that you can do to say that my son will want to cause five ways by tanks in Uganda: just me what I saw the automated the boxing day, you guys got a lot away to get the Gaza Sobers number. One best reason do it are. You have often of guru future quarterback?
whisper steal a yak student. Shea, that's gonna, given you play so he's going, one some stuff is below you might say ball. She has exploded my ear I've already got. We know just what he does it. I'm using toolbars quays this week as a I'm gonna take a chance it today they make it. Oh my god he your creating a monster. I am waiting for them to fail. I just want you to know because he is. I want him to be successful in life, but he's gonna be gradual, because if he gets too much too fast, he's rub off our faces in global justice. He's gonna club, this goddamn, it will have to take us out. I could walk. Take you as always. We will see you next week. Are you crazy you all global do more of a political group, but about signals? Are we not going? Ok there we go there ever forget my idea,
seacoast. Okay, thanks to Dion, let's get to our football guy of the week and we'll finish up the show with who's back football guy the week presented by Philips, Norelco Oneblade, the only tool that can trim edge and shave any length of hair- pick up a specially marked one blade barstool pack nationwide, where you can win up to one thousand dollars for the barstool store, and if you have your own football guy looks we want to see them, treat your funniest game, be a facial or body. Hair looks to at pardon my take using trim it to win it for a chance.
When a special p m t experience, lay playing around of Mario Party sitting on that pursued, recording or watch a thousand football game of us which, using one when our month, your style, made simple, Philips Rocco one blade. Do it again: shrimp, cached extremity when it fills Roca, we love the one blade and they are a great sponsor of our football guy. The weak, the Philips Rocco one blade football guy, the weak Jake up our guys, we're gonna start off with Steelers offensive, coordinate coordinator Randy feet in her. He said he I do now set correctly. It is feats nerve. Hey, I was freaking out trying to patent like so many minutes, defined at our feet to dinner, feet, feet tv, tuner, nerve, feet and treated as I reckon Ryan's, wet dream, how many, how many, what Harry Spilett EF, I see hd any, are but very burner feet interference. I agree with the georgian convict, nor so what's the deal David figure,
He said he hasn't gotten a haircut gone, no gas station or restaurant or grocery store since March sixteenth. Why? so he's a huge lib cock or yelled art always like to complete opposite is a mountain man? I heard about maybe survivalist and had had an apocalypse bunker that has come and very handy overlay arising in football. I blog the first half of the street is duty on circumstances out of his control, but after summer I think We ve all gone. Oh yeah, yeah right your area. He doesn't like to read to you like being lost. I don't know probably structures, wife, how do you survives. I got sick brag. You haven't done anything around the house. Yes, yes, I know I got six, I can confirm the round is now left he probably like Corona virus hit and use like guess what honey I can't take out. The trash can do. The dishes came, knew anything. I think that if you're real football guy eulogists
it at the office the entire time yeah. I don't know why I'm gonna be able to get back in if I leave, so I'm just gonna make this my my little guy nest. Yet Us Stephen Foster had coach call be careful. I saw this. He took his shirt, often celebrated with his team. Immediately after his Lombardo, I've had a big went on Saturday, a beautiful thing. It was great because we're if you see the screen grab your like. Is this so random dude who ran from this the ants, and it's like that's my coach yeah. That would mean that your coach all its strength. No that's my head cut a head go sometimes when us guys just get excited about stuff. The first thing that we think of doing just taking off clothes. Yeah where's it on recent. Just like a bit brings you in tune with their happiness with it a couple of high school football teams in Michigan they play each other in a big time model. Over the weekend. I saw this on Friday. I didn't. I saw the picture of a guy in its me in like exquisite detail, dirty Marty, Hogan Modem,
yeah. You could make out the numbers there. While I mud those eight years. I had some ground or no backrooms wetter, yeah, some study on our right now sloppy sloppy eyes was slippery. Squishy live! the squirrel, Zulus ivy boy, rocks in the mud that such rock in the mud, yeah. Ok, come on. We're ended things with bills, fan MIKE Jazz Walled, a pilot who drew Buffalo Bill logo in the over the same stadium and surrounding areas where we have to this guy. This guy has to win this way. If you can get a pattern, that he flew in the air. First of all the attention to detail. He did include the Buffalo penis in it now. It's people don't talk. I'm on a one man, awareness raising reckon crew to just let people know that the Buffalo does have a penis in logo
he has that he may like every single sharp turn, including some is worn sharp pointed out like he risked his life to execute a turn: the sharp to draw the logo just perfectly above our western New York. It's unbelievable. In fact, when I first saw tat, I was fake. I was like there's no way if you guys like prison Paul on here who is breaking down like the pilot. Numerous and loose change to get Paul Watson to look at this juncture is no way that than untrained pilot will ever be able to pull off this term without, like third years in a jet aright. So for one rather weak, Philips Rocco votes votes, one blade was on the we end want it.
As we all know, is random. We did this pod CASA then became after us on Twitter. Now we know his name or carry out. Yes, I see a few covered guy. Yes, your perspective, perfect perverts. Ok, thank you. Jake great job, philosophical one blade football guy the week of Vote Hank, you start with whose back the weak sure is if cubby miles back, the wheat is yeah. Why he fought this weekend, moved on twenty nine in oh and then he retired and came out football guy that hit a broken for the whole time wound and data for his dad who passed away recently. That's why he's retiring right said it can't
his dad. Won't it form to right right his dad pathway in the past year so and then so is like this. Might you know? I can't do it again without my dad. I'm upset just shouted Habibi he's such a good fight. Also, his his hat searches must see tv you tune in to see we're. Gonna had he's gonna we're afterwards that end, because our seen the clips of him when he talks to his opponents as he beats the fuck out of and yes, the scariest thing in the world. When he's like us smashing someone's face in his like. I deserve this like title shot. I deserve this on the one like you sorry, I had to do this, but I have to do this on the want. Yet any such a good fire that he's fighting liked best competition, but they're just hasn't been and when they can challenge him, yeah, really at all what it caught say: Finally, my guy Asia respect for he's gonna get my ask beyond good performance team can be
I will carry on respecting indulged father again also to you and family, your concealing the gunners wow. That's very nice, that's very class, anything that means Macgregor. Next fight will be title. Fight in Mcgregor again doesn't have to get his ass kicked by who beat so because the way Habib kicks your ass is got to be. The is the more likely easy snake the whole I'm foot. Stopping here too, I am like you. You realize very quickly step into the ring that you ve made a grave mistake with your entire life. getting up to that block and when I saw them, I sensed crazy was the one of him in the eye. The river was like an ice cold river s swimming upstream, and he was a sky. You did you catch him. Now, if you say that I am able to have you with us, where you can kill, I say sting, I'm I'm meeting in a very positive way in the fact that he just will he like strangle the life out of his opponents and make some tap and its awesome. Would you look at it? Gets to shop pay a fee which my whose back in a week is the shadow man rockers is back wreckers, got a big win
They are bull eligible icon it all their ruin listens to show on Friday. That can happen in a year. Why did I told everyone? I love Letter of Indiana, really they just have one more win to hit the ITA season over which I did take on record because I'm a bully. and this young man at least for a short period of time. I believe in the shipments, it's good to see you back and then my other, whose back the week is another coach who we love that haven't seen around and whilst you Jackson yeah Jackson when on the radio in Cleveland and disk. since Baker Mayfield, he said I think Baker is not. Being in a system in my mind that showcases his talent and ability. So if there is one person that knows exactly how not to showcase bakers, Billy out, take it from here action. Do you see? You also is a big time. Like DM reply, guy I saw some of those floating around real like given him shit and he's he's a big like you know,
I'm praying for you I'll think about you. It sad that you have to leave. After belittle yours else in your family by trolling on the internet type, a guy he's run improve people like one passiveaggressive common attitude, the last human on earth, the things you can change someone's opinion on bless your heart and try to fix out. So they article does not explain its people. That's all. I can explain condemns on twitter and they'll, totally see my sight. The article I read about him was very funny, maybe unintentionally, because it a quarter missing the alpha male bakers, not playing as well as he thinks he should, or anyone thinks that he should said Jackson who Three. Thirty, six in one s head coach, the brown before being fired midway through the twenty eighteen season, so yeah I'd, here for more Eu Jackson like going back to the whole like talk, show circuit again and saying how Kevin's to fancies screwing up the browns by by having them at five into or whatever like. I could deal with a little bit more. Jackson, my life he's really. He is prime. I really want to be relevance and
Oh, I remember what it was. Someone is like over under, like five wins that you would get if you or like you would win a games, wonder the browns are some of them back to the browns and he was like huh. I won six games when I was with the raiders like as a brag, and I like you like that means you're six and ten, but you also won three games come, like the John cases of sports. We just like has stuck at everything I does but goes back on the air saying that he was an expert when he was there doing, at which I mean. If you look around sports median general, that's that's the eyes and the game, absolutely so more huge acts and making a fool of himself my whose back is having something nice and then having crushed so grammars Friday night. You guys watch Wisconsin quarterback. He was electric twenty four twenty one, five touchdowns pretty
much like I lose my mind like hey, we have a real quarterback and then it came out today that he tested positive for the cocoa and ten in their attempts to get football back, made the rule that if you test positive for the cocoa it's for twenty one days, so, just as I was like this is gonna, be credible. We ever were passing it down the feel well, who were next three games? Nebraska someone else. There will be an then ok with backups are Chase Wolf Purdue The middle man are, you know I hold on time our time up on the face of a nice well produce because produce. I have a rivalry where proofing hate, my guts produce. I bet on Iowa I thought because Jeff Brom Rhonda more both out. I was wrong, produce very, very good. Against Iowa, that's gutsy win, that's a decent. Team, and therein lies my very nice compliment about Purdue I'll, say this: I say a word about them. You have seventy five percent male young college. I
I could never laboratory yo and on your campus lunatics at a tremendous amount of intestinal for do you got azure knots yeah, no I'm hoping its false, positive right. Who knows the big ten? this is where it all kind of false par with big ten having these rules like as they made these rules dragging their feet. I will come back. We're gonna, be extra extra, cautious and now twenty one days makes no sense. It makes no sense right it. Just in arbitrary number it sounds a little bit longer than most schools in fourteen I don't what's longer, work is higher than one week more than fourteen yeah, so I mean Nick saving covered in like nine hours, it was less than that yeah, so I think grandma can probably play, but whatever I wore, candid l don't go throw it big cat. That's your always got the arrange, rob that's radio in Russia, but it is easy to chase. Wolf is decisive moment, Danny Vanden Boom, yeah, great names, dogs names
chase one hundred percent causing territorial. May we any Van Hudson good literally translates for Chase Wolf Wily Coyote there you go Chase Wolf and Danny Van Boom, so yeah just perfect Wisconsin than I had that moment. Whereas this is incredible, we have a real quarterback and then he tests deposit for the cocoa in a short and season. With this stupid twenty one day, rule so he's gonna miss like half the seas. Great awesome! I wasn't he in those same meeting rooms as the other quarterback. I have no idea how this works is concerns how we live. She has just didn't havoc, would have you run an entire like what? What is that formation? We talked about with worn traveller was awful backs yeah we could we have that we have the ability to do that, but really translates Ramsay Bolton. There were yeah very go, hang icing. I understand that were nice and we, yes game with round a scream thrown a throne idly thrown in, the authority acts there, the throne he got squad
you want to do a whose back, because Billy's not here, take like I've to our work and over cheaper, ok, first, the earth the two thousands, Phoenix sons or yeah, Steve NASH, Aristogiton, while my wine, that's my I started my area He's gonna wait. Inquiry what's goin on were hard about whose poaching south, oh ok, so tell us who's on the coast of south, just Amarian, Steve NASH, mothers, others yeah, like those really matter, Marin, ok, Russia Bell, would be a good deal. I like tat of Mars started my day. There are really funding to watch
Therefore, the horse they got out by the spur Sunday get evoking the rap on video you, they kind of fuck themselves, whose more dispersion is Bruce bone, be a scumbag thingy wage Spock, Jock Fawn was Bristol on Bryant, which I preside. Von was authorized, area Grant was approved bone. I do is a fuckin scumbags sons and started there that yeah good wording was worried shop, Steve NASH, into the scores. It will be the ivory further yeah yeah, those born but Thou you're also going to be doing like the alternating coaches? Think so, really it's just it's not Steve NASH heading it up we're going to get head coach Morristown tomorrow. Hopefully you will bring the wine baths to the nets. Yes, we must ensure that cost more. I think it's just it's as cheap as the why Sophronia pool is that why sir that were best way? Do we re on his right arm anywhere from seventy five dollars to get you a simple thermal bath and aroma therapy and access to the reactionary two five hundred fifty dollars, which would get either red one
ritual very go, and then you can sell your bath wanted to the Simpsons out there. Our laboratory animals, Robert Ory breast bone, was a scumbag for other things. Maybe uses of past, but Robert Horry was the was the person who did that. So they were the spurs. Basically basely stop the sun's from getting a title, because the stupid you can't leave the bench rule that was in place because one time run, our test went and beat the fuck out of a bunch of pistons fence one I'm and then everyone added change every rule, all my other, whose back as you like for a disgrace, recurring dust and
sincerely on of back on the directive, your ads on child poverty, and that is what it is all glad he's safe. You I'm glad he's very helpfully data recurring us. I do not like him I'll have a problem with enters silly, but he bothers me. He when you listen to more Scott Hansen, you realize it Sir Leon. Oh God cares. Sicilian are also sounds like he's. Scott cares. Scott cares about the gamblers out there. He cares about fancy, cares about telling people not giving people false hope. He cares their brasiliano just there to cash paycheck, not fear other jobs for those guys, it's only job, is read them zero is only job anything else. You who's, gonna, find out, which I don't think so, but then they brought A diner is again Helen, rotten winner sicilian.
Ass. We have said it was great. It was able to use other recent fresh air there. He is very clearly got some instruction saying like don't say anything, don't try to do this job better, get probably from Sicily out until I was. I can only mean better, not fanatics. I will give you covered in this job sounded on coffin. You spend your mouth. Have you try to say I don't recall shock is the ongoing thing I gotta think out for my fellow alone Jake at some point you just have to? U have to be like hate call a spade a spade, sometimes guys shop in Sicily, are being born, is a screw up now now Can we go right now? That's not whatever you say, EAST he's. Let me a stray many a time. I've been mentioned, the Fucking Corti Park, you miss being gambling moment mentioning just mentioned. Ok, I think There is a great job at the very top. He seems like a lot of crap other I, where we have had
I dont actually personally hate him. I just he he drives me not send you know what I am it's one of those like it kind of makes me gonna, give me a little extra something argument backing to come and give me x or something Sunday to have that hate. My heart, it's like arms, acutely sharp buyers sharp desired, is the ideal associated somebody like if you watch a certain game and you end up losing your bet and he's the one that informs me that loses you end up carrying on spare feeling towards like if you're sick, when you're Alex six or seven years old- and you have the flu and you remember, eating a certain food, and then you can have that food for the rest, your life, without one a scream at it. That's what big geckos through Sicilian awry for fucking him over on some best. When you, Fifteen years old, it's good to have a full every now and then maybe it gives you a Sunday months, not I'm going to have a lock on you lose about her. I saw you know. What's the honor, you serve a great purpose for me, you give me some one that I can just project all my anger on too, and for that I thank you. Sir.
And let me know when your birthday is- I wish you had with him. Happy were born and have these back. Let's do numbers eight late, it's gonna be on six. Seventeen, seventeen, the Ojo, show to me what would Billy had tat. Someone say something really want only six six nine We get twenty one, nothing would lose close. I really Billy was realized, really close charters, Jason's right bullshit. This is do you have any given able fact, let me guess: God do haven't you have nothing, you ve, no animal name of one of the earlier. I haven't you also you guys at owner. Why don't know Hake,
thanks. Here's the animal fodder repaying assiduous hey you guys. We see a fucking huge dog boner in view of the above, said no Rather we not do this because we are not as easy as it is that you raise is dollar. If it's almost like five units, do not set. No, we are not going to go. You have your block, you know, Send your nose FBI, don't send it. Here's a fun animal fat, Qual fingerprints are so close to humans. It they contained crime, seems fun, fan club. They also get committee because they fucking before that's why they're finger yet they fingered fuck all the time. I asked Quarles zero Wednesday someone's love
Transcript generated on 2020-10-27.