« Pardon My Take

NFL Week 12 Recap, Deion Sanders, Fastest 2 Minutes

2020-11-30 | 🔗
We start with Fastest 2 minutes from Week 12. Recapping every game.  (2:10 - 8:09) Bears/Packers  (8:09 - 17:32) Titans/Colts (17:32 - 23:41) Giants/Bengals (23:41 - 32:57) Chargers/Bills (32:57 - 42:28) Panthers/Vikings (42:28 - 49:02) Raiders/Falcons (49:02 - 56:18) Cardinals/Patriots (56:18 - 61:28) Dolphins/Jets (61:28 - 66:48) Browns/Jaguars (66:48 - 75:04) Saints/Broncos (75:04 - 82:01) 49ers/Rams (82:01 - 74:56) Chiefs/Bucs (74:56 - 91:50) We talk with Deion about guarding Tyreek Hill and the Raiders dud. Football guy of the week. Baby Bron of the week, and we finish the show with Who's back of the week.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On today's pardon my take. We have weak twelve, we twelve recap. We recap every single game, We have the sanders on the show we have fastest two minutes. We have a ball guy. The week we have baby bra, on the weak we have, whose back it is they pay empty. It is chock full of content. We are ready to roll and we always brought you are friends at the cash app for my take- is always brought to you by the cash app. Not always the easiest place send money to your friends. It's the safest, especially how you know you don't wanna, be hidden around money. Oh boy in there goes image fumble. You're you be handed out money. You are you in the cash out as a third quarter, when it links directly to your bank. Counted super super easy to use. The cash app is the best we can. Of the cash out, but also given away money left and right if you're, on twitch drawn in scream on twitter. You need a cash tag, but their given away money,
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He started in India, where the head to see titans we're sipping the age, a brown liquor taking shot, shot, shot, shot, cha, Cha, shot shots everybody down field all day. Derek Moran is finally fought back punching India in the mouth, well, family man, Philip River, said honey. I spoke to the kids t why you gotta be so rude Hilton, flash the magic where they want hit, wonder in the end sown, but the colts got their aircraft carrier dome sunk in the famous words of our dear friend Chris Berman, Frank right, yelled to my Grable Rodrigo, yes, sunk by Blankenship Titans, forty five called twenty six and Minnesota. Where vikings kick retard our went from verge to Chad as we move to kick in the fourth, only to come back with a game when untouched out my Zimmer was less into old school fireside chats to prepare for the return of Bridgewater, because last time all later could use a walker. Teddy's cousin was on the radio robbery, Mr Andersson, and do J Morpheus Matrix us into taking the Panthers are good, but I lost by the one till a viking blackens. Twenty eight paragraphs, twenty seven and Windy Buffalo combined six turnovers between the charters and pills had the ball being toss round like an instagram model at a sons hotel room, but in this instance the last tall ballplayers could not finish with interest to go shopping. Anthony Lynn sanity has the brain of a scythe, Lik, Woodpecker and Joey Boso. No straw worked closely with the bills mafia to put a hit out on the charges head coach hated. You want you want you go down, grab addressed down their yeah yeah, keep walk right down. There pray I cook who could check out that trust entity go, go, go and no circles lag. Is above all a bill bill, forty seven charter, seventy and such an area where Bruce Wayne
No, no, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No, no God and ran for ninety four yards and our touchdown against the hapless. Bangles brightened at Rio and have Paypal is getting their picks. It I'm going back and forth between a winning loss and also between his dick in its tongue. Eighty eighty Higgins dropped a reception, but ever Lord Ingram and Joe Judge Janine Piero, outfoxed bangles defects as a child's play conservatively and they had in the right direction to New York.
Paul Giants, Nardoun De Vigo, sovereignty and Fox borough. Where Jonathan Alex Jones was we litigating the two thousand eight election of his true patriots, verse and alleged Kenyan as Drake had seventy eight yards into scores, even though Kai Lorry, lawful and Murray had a full house to throw two to four? U S to see the cardinal struggled to gain admission to the Enzo Nick folk Lore swiftly, save the last great american dynasty is the patriots are still in the hunt, patriots, twenty cardinal, seventy spread and Jacksonville. Where what may be the last to wish you a happy thanksgiving, carvers Landry took one look at my Glinda Turkey said: Gluck save a knack for me. Nick, you can find me the job you can have two quarterbacks, but I'll. Have the fifty cent many men trying to stop the Cleveland running russian game, but that when that worked, Baker Mayfield took them to the laundry shop Cleveland, twenty seven, thirty five or forty five New Jersey, where the NFL honoured Ryan, Fitzpatrick and Joe flackered exhausted wives. During the last month of salute Cervix month, the jets hyperdrive gave them a three o led in the first quarter and then took the rest of the day off in true New York fashion. Devonshire, hey, I'm pocket overhear worked all afternoon in traffic, Xavier Enron, Howard continued their happy days, delivering a hillbilly elegy to the coastal. Only to the New York Jets dolphins, twenty jets. During this war, three hyperdrive replacement, Colonel James went down and no such a fine size starting a practice come on t start to look at its own doctor or one of cyclical Marcher Party monetary Turbine, Patrick starred and Travis Canaan Kelsey. We're all that. As of chief slide, the Box Tom Prodi Anderson may need a little extra better talk to season as a box. Those gray at our last for decreed said I could take you. Tricks are starting to think at the right time, and my homes keeps dropping past. Ever savers with arms, wide open, factually fly party supper, portable boy, finnish and allay as Jared Cophos Depot supplied Jared Mother Kin LAW. The football who took it first surprise visit to the Enzo Allay and can a Kirsty Alley. White waited watches of forty nine percent. Debo saving well Jackson played with Nick Furry Mullins looked unbreakable as they gave the ram the Shap. It's not gonna, be a Hollywood ending in LOS Angeles. His errand Sorkin Donald might have blown up a few plays, but the rams fall down a game in the annex C West Wing, the Niners hold off the rams twenty three twenty. Alright, we twelve facets two minutes in sport presented by whoop the fitness membership service. It provides twenty four seven personalize insights. It makes the perfect tool to help you
rain, for whatever you have going on in your life recorded this segment using the whoop live feature in the Alps are check out. Our instagram see one too many whoop the many ways whoop gives members features to help them better, understand their bodies. If you don't have a whoop yet check it out with the code taking get fifteen percent off gotta whoop w each oh BP, dot com, intricate, take a check out to sea fifteen percent off we'd better recover, faster train, smarter, with whoop, okay, weak, twelve in the box as we are taking this, the bears. Are our national television, the down thirty four to ten same story different year, they fucking sock the hackers have embarrassed them yet again on national television. I dont really I don't really know what I'll say Mitch didn't look if you take out the fire Bull and the two picks midst.
pretty good too fumbles the two and well now he now either contains icon, and there is also faced man. He picked out the other one dollar fumble too. There's one and a half almost to pigs. They look like a competent, her office, I was a competent, but they do something about which I think, maybe just the fact that he looks alive when you place quarterback here on Nick falls when you, back there. Sometimes you just looks like a corpse, so the the here to be slightly better, but still I mean you guys get dog Can I tell you why I don't I don't want to rag on Minsk has again he did look more alive. The Nick falsely orphans had a little spot. Can I say that even though we got our asses fucking kicked in the Packers did what they always do it to us in his fucking punk us about my Nagy saying that he is taking off
play calling. So you can spend more time around. Other groups on asylum is at hymns at him, trying to like insert himself into the good parts, the football team. I don't know he just trying to talk you trying to get up and go hey he's walking up to everyone, be, in my case the exemplary eager said, good job right. So you say you say like me, I think what he's doing- and I think he's doing it feudalism- is trying to become the damn quainter this year where he tries to get the team to go about. Our problem worries, and I mean the bears- will do whatever the what's the Murphy's law. We can go wrong, will go wrong, I've been dead at the same time, the average member cat, whatever the whatever the right decision, is the bears we'll do the operating Murphy's laws, just whatever the bears would do that's what happened yet. It's just that the worst possible think so the only two things I had about much one. And again, I'm not I'm not rang America's use. Em in the defense socks now came Hicks. I've told you a million times most important wary and play night Mitch.
you're near for dude when you get outside the pocket, you can't get a penalty. For throwing it away. Okay, so Mitch a very Mitch thing to do is just get outside the pocket in and raw bound for four yard loss. Yeah still doing that too. I don't know what we're gonna do with so bears to have Mitch light, I don't think I've seen one person in the in the age covered sitting on the sidelines with the like thirty cents disposable mask that you get it see vs. Yet Mitchell We can't even get him a fuckin team logo mask that's what the bears you're hot himself is and brought it's a fucking joke. This team his franchise, a joke packers Kick your ass. I still fought the packers. But they kick our ass but fuck em and I came. for them the lose cuz they Montgomery, ripped off dude. Dear Montgomery, ripped off IRAN there the bears haven't had that type of run. In like five, you
so you rise peaceably lost this right out. Wielded Montgomery has six carries for seven. three young packers lost. If I I've just on diva Montgomery. You know in an his ability to run when the bear, not been able to run all year all liked as two years, hackers lost this game. If you just go what's that which is what I wanna go. Often ok, they're Aaron Rodgers. Also you held him to only a hundred. Seventy two yards pass. Also, his that's all that's a will. This could easily get way. That's again, this way were no. It just occurred to me so that there are certain elements of Mitchell for biscuits game where he, looks like a slightly worse version of Carson once I think maybe it's like their build, their stature, how they run around like a chicken with her head cut off, not yield when a play breaks down. Would you want a Carson whence on the billion I don't know, I don't even want I don't you can't get air does not play football anymore. Does imply the team it didn't work out. I want them, do exist, but I just maybe
one year off there's one year off, give everyone a break at least get us awful prime time television. I think I speak for America when I say the bear. Playing in one of the prime time slots needs to end next. There schedule comes out. You give us there fuckin one? Thursday game early in the seas and the Jacksonville Jaguars rule give us sector the game and then be done with no more bears impromptu. Don't give us fuckin money. No, I don't think you have on it. No, they hide away. I think the elders earlier little dude, usually on we're coming off a terrible your last year we like five this year. There still gonna do it. There are doing, punishes, I think good l knows better than to do. That's a joke get us off fucking national television disfranchised socks, I still it hackers they sought to. They gave up that run Montgomery, so amateur. You know what which would you rather have a suitable, trophy or of fifty yard, run
Montgomery ripped off in the first quarter saw game. They're gonna lose by like thirty five soft teen that can't stop David Montgomery. I personally, everyone stop save him. I would rather have David Montgomery on everyone's substantive, Montgomery Packers. Couldn't so you do the math What date is this gets wayward, some short well. Ah, Aaron Rodgers, loves running it up on the bears. Ah, I listened two weeks when we see your love situation, maybe we can maybe maybe I don't know for Chicago and maybe maybe Tyler break its in it he's crazy, though watching this game and seeing like Mitch has in place great, but how If your Matt Nagy like how are you not hurry, not starting him, he and this is a knock on Nick falls issues that Nick without an off. It's why Nick forces a dinosaur you can't have quarterback like to immediately to non yes you're, not waiting for four Nick forced to take the next step. Nick force took the next step and then he took promptly step directly backwards,
You want wanna super that was the next step September into the discussion of. How vital step? How good can this guy get well and we know that he regressed backed exactly what has been sold. Nobody was watching. The bears this isn't taking like ok scheme, I think falls gonna figure down. This often look more come now: we met you. Might you might get like a couple? Splash plays a game Jake. You look up a staff from Iraq where they got the longer better outer mass. Along with us, they did you ice alongside Dave, Montgomery, Runnin, first quarter. look. I got her fifty seven years because that run was fifty seven hours jastrow than yours. Absolutely gas to suck it. That should be how that should be. When I modulating, I might allows begat if it comes I'll, do it and it's like it's you in some other team in the end of Sea West Europe did they give, up over fifty yards in a single play today. Montgomery note: well guess what you're getting over. When you walk into like facilities, team facilities, we ve been a bunch in college, they always have.
like a video bore the place, highlights and have the trophies when you walk in a household from now from here on forward, it should be eighty five bears coffee and then on repeat demon a country's fifty seven yard run, and first quarter, of a game, oh there's, as long as I like her servants is here, but the progress in recent years Sunday losses game. If you want to call it made a man like they losses gave. They know they want security too, about the run, though, yeah there actually can ever forget. There was even a touch. No, no! I don't I'm sure you'll be legitimate right up a middle like if you look at a football field where all the players they're usually in the middle, the field, That's where David went on the run. Is someone read remake that for me to Morrow morning? I, when I wake up, I want to have that run with the Rudy. Music is still a long way from scourge for the bare, since the seventy are touchdown from three Conan twenty eight to unite the hackers gave. This ah said the Packers Sock,
This is a win for the bare song and find out about this gave and storing Howard. Sixteen I run and twenty sixty thereon. This is, though, run we're we're. and for the rights of the rightness c and they started to feel the same or territory. I wish I was walking into the kitchen, and I saw it on the tv that were set up and in the football gave her and I literally said the bears- are gonna win this game after that run the rest of the world. I was certain tat. I was wrong about half of that, but I dont know feeling that when the run happened, I was sitting in my seat and I didn't get out of my seat, but I thought about it I fired off the tweet. This offers is explosive. You can actually go see the time stamp if you're wondering Where were you during the rohingya that was treating this offices explosive. So the run you felt yeah, that's where people go away on this gate. Feelings can never be wrong. No dorani what you feel people will be talking about the run for years and years and years and
yes, what they won't be talking about. The bears getting dog while yet Aaron Rodgers, the oh, so good. No, the run you got run on I was getting to the rest of the games. Titans called speaking a run on whole yeah shit. So it is a fact. chile, tractor pseudo season, I have some statuary. These are always fond Derek Henry Stats, the pop up when it gets late November early December. Are the fucking bad, so he twenty seven four hundred seventy eight yards, three touchdowns, the first half the the Titans had four hundred and forty nine yards now I'll, throw it out there for cults bans the forest Bognor wasn covered less, but this is. doktor pseudo season. If you don't, if you're, not familiar, attract Yoshida season, dare countries a beast later in the year, so weeks won through eleven for point, three seven yards precarious. Twenty two touchdowns! That's fifty games, fifty game. Swayed to touch. Don't we twelve on five points. Six, one yards requires a one point three yards more.
twenty three games. Twenty five touchdowns twenty three games. Twenty five such transverse fifty gave twenty two touchdowns. It's pretty impress it's fucking, don't you see that wants to him when it gets cold outside yet ever take a soccer ball to the ear when it's cold outside same thing, little tags tackled tractor seats or he's a fly. Are the blooms in the winter time he's I mean he runs extremely vilely, and this is not just Gus. Like notice and of course, everyone he looks like he looks like a night and day different player in weeks. I was like a couple weeks ago. The season those starts. Are you a little bit early this year, but It's nice day compared lakes weeks two and three besides. That wants to find that he had on Josh Norman who ways like a hundred and fifty pounds early in the season. he wasn't running heap, didn't put anything on tape. It looked as just like spectacularly violent, as he's been less too. He also so so
We watch all the games here in the office. We have six tvs, we have Directv, so we set it up. We have five games and red going on fuck you Intercity Otto. I dont mean that. But I do and there was a moment's where So we had the colts Titans game on and there was a moment where so red zones on Derek restoring a touchstone on red zone on one tv on the tens courts live on one tv and they were showing right the place of his out every other touchdown onto other tvs, and so there were four out of six tvs, we're just Derek Henry being a peace which I wasn't complaining about. It that's and that's how good he is like he was just Hog, all of the TVS just being a monster in that first half like that was absolute asking and I don't know I don't oh, the bear the package's scored again, but they didn't guess what it was like. A twenty aren't run, not a fifty seven yard run know what to make of the time because when they look like this, it's like they're, very
confusing team tightened? and the raiders outside changing the raiders are much more confusing teams by far in the Unifil right? I guess what I can and you want to know what the culture in the colts, I think who got someone got heard on the court's orphans. Why August answer now, which is big B, deal. Essentially fool rivers. Can he can't move, cannot end their slowly pinching, Philip Rivers? That's the only thing I can. I like their bitching here. Gradually used to be just for he'll marries Then it was Hale Marian Cubey snakes. Then it was held There is cubey at any time that they might want to run a quarterback option, and now it's like some time on. Third, in short, they'll take rivers out there gradually pudding Jacobus reset into the game. Yeah and eventually were only going to get Philip Rivers in I guess situational specific scenario where they need an interception right. He and he had all my god that drop intercession. The titans had like he had a hero. a game and it could have been a good looks a lot worse, but yet the colts
they are made by us? Probably, but I just don't- I don't trust them because feel rivers came to the courts was a good idea in theory, but I just I saw feels like the courts have enough. There should be a tie breaker in place. In the end, I fell because it's gonna come down to ten seen any Nablus, obviously for the ABC South theirs. type rigour in place, because we could end up in a scenario where, in get sent over tenancy having the same record But if you watch this game of football, Tennessee is a much much better football team like there should be an eyeball test. It goes into the like how good always talks Maya four hundred drunk eyes in a bar, think, is a catch They should get a hundred drunk people together to on whether or not Tennessee better Football team than India, does come down to a Tiber, because the answer is yes and tests is a much better fulfil. I'm look here right now, the Tec. The courts will make the players, so they have the Texans twice in the Jaguars remaining, and then the raiders and steal your mixed in there in between they'll make the play
cause they'll get like say they split Texans beat the Jaguars, which I guess they d. They didn't beat him, and then What the raiders Steelers! That's ten winds. Remind me to please bet against the cultural players. Yes, because that's the ep that there the quintessential everything has to be perfectly well. have to play from believed that they have the oh protected, Philip rivers are gonna, be will run the ball. which they weren't able do pretty much any those things today and when those- and listen, they can win games. They were coming off, beating the packers last week. They can win games and be good, looking team, but when it goes bad it looks really, but they should be in the backers. Oh, I still feel like two packer should one that game that's crazy lost the jaguars require they play. They play much difference, football when that roofs close Saunders, I mister or say keep the run, are going to be as down on the court's action. Thinking about it there not there like the fourth best fit Bessie and there. I think there are perfectly fine team, but if you look at the but kicking
happen today. You can't say that their that they deserve to get in over the Tennessee. I guess the absolute idea in the question goes to like. If your culture, then the Gue actually trusted Philip Rivers, can win our plan. I do want alone, two or three now. I would be very clear, though I do want to see Philip regret in the play. Yes, that's more like rain horse and What that's that's a big when that's an impressive win for them. They fucking Kay, Their ass, oh doubter and Maybe they got the schwaiger back. Ah next next, I would like to see a wildcard banner get raised, rafters and indeed apple. Yes, they have see? Wildcard qualify. Yes, yes and twenty call. Yes, I know of giants bangles. The giants. were able to hold off the bangles. Dana Jones gets hurt, which lets us but the washing football team, real quick. They win SIG on third, on Thursday hangings giving day they momentarily take the lead in the emphases, be giants snatch it back from them, but I think the
Why should a football teams strategy is start to finally come to fall russian here it is essentially like past- all five yards down the field with Alex Smith, and then we for every other quarterback backing and of seas to get her yeah. In that well strategy in its now we're too Third, the way there and Carson whence I don't even know if you'd want to get hurt, I think you wanna keen eye one lying and yet, given that getting hurt now dinner Jones, maybe getting hurt for a while it's all kind of fallen in place where this is a genius strategy by IRAN? Vera plague events we're passes let let's get her one thing is we ve got ya, we did lose one quarter back to a leg, injury, but Thou art and other want issued by subtraction is another one who I has a history of leg, injuries and then a third, then out indefinitely we diarrhoea for two months. We do have that third to fall back on, we do have to ask is in case it heaven forbid eating happens Alex Smith, but also the washing football team football clubs, strength
still there past events, yeah ended, the W have T F sees strike is a defensive line that will get for the quarterback monitors. Sweat played like a fuckin Some thanks giving chase young is again as advertise Jonathan now and we ve got a bunch of really talented players, not defence and the run a game truly strong, GINO Neo Gibson is a fucking master, and I think that both here's, the thing with with Dingle Jones, getting injured com, boy comes in who, at his heels as good as an average Daniel Jones. Well, Lord George Certainties Leeway and while he was certainly well giants differences legitimate. The giants. Events is very much legit. They they basically held the bangles scurrilous until their prevent defence. You know the kick return happened, but the job and is very, very legit They also have a few play makers. Words like day,
all comes out to dinner. Jobs have Jones, I think, you're the giants. You basically say fuck it but this gaming in Seattle coming up in Seattle. Let data those get healthy, hopefully em hit that home structure for games were three or four of them are or at home, and yet I still think the giants there now it ok, here's the thing, I'm looking at the football Team Football Club schedule moving forward and yes, play. The Steelers rely biased with your lot here, I'm not viewing of the schedule. Ok, your will. They can't. I had your back on. The run would run into how so we're about he we're talking about every we're about to go and are run and we the Steelers. Next week's yours will become an short weak. we always a for its for NASA Europe's four days to re off after play, your physical football game against their heated rival, big, let down gave me up for bolting, could take that one week after that, forty nine now, you might say, to foreigners or good team. A well coach team
that is capable of beating anybody in the sea tat, where you wrong on this one big cap, because even though the game is scheduled, we played in San Francisco the into our county or of Santa Clara, has ruled that you can have sporting events so that game might take place in Washington. I dont anything. Can I don't your place of sea winds and then on the week, fifteen we get to see oxen we're chalked up as a loss. Okay and up. Ok then panthers at home, which are with heroin frisky ass. We can win yeah and weak seventeen, the Eagle Saturday at the Eagles, the Giants Avenue or when the giants. If we do the same thing with a giant schedule, they play at the Seahawks, okay, ok or of chocolate of his loss at home- It's a cardinals at home. We get that surrounds. I mean how was If this is where the buyers can lock hurdles to, are not goods to play off teams right now, I don't think criminals are no planting. I think day. I think they might be. I don't think they are
according to my play, it might be because in which upset emulated? It's tough, because I've been so much time Warner. The ESPN play off machine That is just remembers my pick sometimes and so I urge you I already had the cargoes beating the rams next week. In the sir, I basically create a little a little love like glimpses My brain using the software device. It just makes me feel better known. That wasn't football team is going to debates. We have the same schedule and you somehow have it is like the washing football team as easy schedule versus the giants of the harder schedule ever Well, they don't have the same so that the giants also have to go to Baltimore. Ok, which I mean if you want to substitute games in and out, I would rather go to San Francisco. Or wherever they dont know, if lots more the way their built a possible. I don't know about that, and then the giants also crash in hand has revenge the browns at home, yet which whoop was a tough guy. That's a tough gave. I'd rather have we gotta get back out of around operators are the giants, but I'd rather play the Panthers at home than the browser at home.
Yes sure, but that's not the game that you're substituting right. The cardinals would be the team that you would be subs either one of those matters either harness are not good. I don't beat the football team they, they are struggling, we'll get to them later on. But yet oh yeah, the job, so the giants were good today. They put great events I love the Jack Taylor is coaching like a guy who's got, a team is to an eight cause. Will yet too. If he lived in a second put, the fake pot is great. In my question to you, Phd is The giants win this game, but did Joe Joe personally lose this game, because here the special teams coach, the bank returned to kick on his need: a fake Fuckin Pont on his ass and at the end of the game. They have like a twenty yard return. when they need it for fuel range on his ass, yet it cut him out of his own specialty. Joe Judge personally lose this gate. I think it's more of a negative deposit for Joe Judge Yea beat to an eighteen without her without restarted. Quarterback
and they dominate your faster, the game that you're supposed to be a specialist in cs. Some of that shine is gone off the judge did even have a champs. He's got shine right now, dude shot he's having a moment do the giant. Your goodish today are listen. I'm talking shit about the giants, because I want truly do believe in the washing for passing by The giants are getting, their defence is good. we even have- we even have giants fans advocating for yeah. Maybe we should look at trading sake, one Barkley in the office. it is very funny as it moves so quickly. I go into the season. He was only that they had to root, forgetting that there were looking for most now again get us out of here. It is very funny in the office because we were obviously in New York Office and the giants had been so bad. They ve the most gave their thinking. The NFL in the last five years? It's funny like figuring out whose giants ban pop up there, yet
fuckin sprout. They are largely rise. Oh oh, you, like I know, climbers diehard there's a couple geyser diehards than ever now then said, o o J. Jets, even though Europe exists in I'm. Not that's all. I can knock They ve been so bad. What would they cheer for right, but it is funny like Eaux, the giant certain makes no end, and just so you know when I say giants fans. I've heard start to say that they would trade sake. One Barkley under sometime Mclean evolves, so yeah I don't know that an accurate assessment of the entire fan base. I choose to believe that it is because I believe that Glennie is just act. Representation of everything in something about the giants in their uniforms when they start playing well, I just like there are uniform team from yeah, I like you, know, oilers like whenever they certainly won't like they go to the Superbowl. I really liked admin call him good. I like the bangles uniform today, the White ones, Yahoo sweet. I got confused big. I always do whenever brain announcing pops up his. I was expecting the effect guy Caprice. It has often sublime in a very good, often Suleiman Brandon. Our yak played for the Chiefs yeah
and I just always expected to be him. I quarterback, and it never is, I'm always sporty up the up, also giants. I'm I'm keeping my goodish territory come out on a limb com. Goodish! Don't let me down, although noughts caught Mccoy so well for conceived their differences, legit Mccoy and they have Fuckin playmate school every time they look like giving Ingram starting to play is such a foul money thing for the giants re now and and dairy Sweden and LA they have got like wing governments, not terrible right when yeah when Evan Ingram starts to play. Well, he looks like a came next it at his best gap. But is there s eye darting to some the giants I'm captivated, I think they have something. going on in our scope. Mccoy does have the revenge game against the browns and he does have the revenge factor against the entire washing football team. Trying to beat them out down the stretch out who knows what's gonna happen, we're
bless to be living in a day and age were six and ten enough C S. Team is probably gonna, make the playoffs yet number six. Yes, it is gonna happen. I next up chargers. Bills are just alluded to this Anthony when so as much Zack. Taylor gets credit for co Mattoon eighteen, be unlike fuck, it lose let's go for Anti Lynde you're, the opposite. Your a coward, your chicken shit. I cannot, but this guy is ruining Justin Herbert in this talented roster. That's pretty much I don't want to pile on put your fuckin nincompoop and got nothing your brain air iron. His bridle even think that he's like a coward, I think, he's just a bird brain. That's the only two scripting phrase I can come up with four Anthony Linz, brain he's a bird brain? I don't mean that he has a birds brain their seven, nothing in the fourth quarter. I don't turn that he has a birds brain inside of a school. I used to have yeah what are they going as our diversity? That's flying around one or all the time. Yes, a bird flying around. They actually escort two tons of fucking bird brain. These are our years, a coward. You know what he is called
but he gets confused, sometimes a panic. Yes, yes added at the end of the game when he was figure out whether he was gonna kick a fuel goal. to go down by seven points or score touchdown to go down by three he had no idea which we, that he wanted to lose a one score game by We kept sending his opposite teams field back, fourth back and forth, and then he and the dumbest play that I've seen probably in the interval year, which was the quarterback by just and Herbert where he had the orphans of line drop back into pass protection. Nobody but at forward and then just an urban just took a snap under centre and tackle the media. What yeah? They all went backwards towards him, to that end, the game now they weren't gonna win the game, but the You don't have the presence of mind like hey, we're down ten, you got spike it and kick a feel goal and then get your prayer. No, he runs the ball its previous. You always in you can't let you could get passport. You do anything, but what's so that it is forty though they speak, like the biggest conundrum financing Linz Bird brain was true
to figure out whether like which way he wanted to lose. Good. I rather score touched on here and then have to It didn't make sense to him. He's like I'm. U starches always lose. I want just me and have it being close at the end. This is in close, but I can still lose by one score: how How do I make that work, which the smartest way for me to do that and the answer you should just pick one way and something competent with it. Besides, drawing like a million go line, phase, which is nothing days addicted to any eighty, even brought out to fuel unit with like three seconds left yet, like oh shit, I've I forgot so the other Greenland Dumdum thing at. first half when he left He calls a time out pretty for waits for, like twenty seconds doesn't know what he's doing and it doesn't go on on forth into. I think, like the forty five yard line to Dior to an eight year to an eight just fuck, go for your new in eight. What are you doing, and I we should give credit to the bills. Defence, visibility events looked
to last year's bills- defence coming out of the by link, if they figure their defence. That's a scary, scary team, because we know that their. France has weapons and can score. Man, their defence like finally looked competent against charges, often that has been be able to put up points objectives, render offers yet- and I think tat I think, numbers just ruined Anthony Linz mind. I think that there are certain football guys. That should never been introduced, the world of analytics our advice. A strategy and they should always be got guys. I think that Anti Lynn, is one of those due to just got you get points by math when you became a goat and now he's trade to make any decision because he's still thinking about what the numbers might tell em, if you have a guy that is just like Strip of Football guy like Neanderthal type head coach, just like then be themselves. Yes, when they become a coach and don't you and turn them into Nate Silver, so Anthony Lynn. Here's here's a positive spin for the chargers.
Everyone, so incompetent that he's gonna get fired, and you have a chance here too, to hire a real coat, which I would action throw out there. The charges job is probably going to be one of the top jobs out there simply by the fact that just just now it looks for real, you have Joy Bolsa, who is also very much real. He was a beast today. You have the The recipe for life a championship window, yeah the quarterback on his rookie deal. Who in the next couple years, could be a bona fide guy on? through deal, and then you build up the Russia around it. You have the ability now the charter's actually have liked in today's NFL, the before your window. Here they could act. B, something so I think that, from a coaching perspective, You should get the pick of a letter from like who who your next coaches go, get like Eric Vienna me go, get your brain whatever. It may be that, it's been sown now
I think everyone still is a fucking. You get some people would say it's not as directive, because then you have to play the chiefs twice a year. I would say you were wrong about that, because you have built, an excuse to not when you're division correct, because nobody is gonna. Blame you for getting beat twice by the chief you're. No one's gonna blame you. If the chiefs go like fortune and two for the next for five years, and you finish in that wildcard spot people can be like well shit. That's others Patrick Muslims is the best quarterback that we ve ever seen. So you have a built in skews, red and yellow, which is your most important part about taking a job in the affair like be ready to end like of that followed the charter's play the cheese while they put him well, so it's it's yeah I see it's very attractive. Job give credit Josh out. He got a hockey assist today. Josh I want Josh on. Is the group is the best number one guy reaching for the ends? yeah how it all he is he's got the began hands. He is
Oh good doing that that touch on was ass. If Europe is to design a human body to stretch out for the goal line, you would just make Josh out speaking much like he broke his ankle and he was fine I don't know what happened on that, he had been back. He pound is occurring and when you see got equal completely rolled up, I don't know how he was able to come back and be effective. There, like different levels of a guy being heard on the ground. We can just tell how bad the injuries The head in the hands is always a bad. We up the pounding of the turf with one hand, while you like face putting the term is another really bad sign. And that's where he did? He got up limped off the field and came back to place later and format Castle or not MAC,
hardly took in extreme sack to his big wide just yet he thought he was Josh on first. Second, he's like oh, if I just play quarterback for the bills, your I'll have all of his skill. Joshua you'd, like a step where he was Josh Alan, what a step and be able to get free any did that just got absolutely blown Josh on on the play that he d get injured on was a classic Josh on play. We pressed the button sums way down. Yo Yo shrank elect to more steps in and then at the very last, like he's a just try through dumb ash ass to my two, my running, but yeah, I'm glad that he's not hurt the bills. Look good, because it's got killed out alone, exiting the defence look Good, coming out of the by and if their defence can get shit together, a little bit. That's scary, scary team. Also put a pin in this one Alex camp? You know You know I'm mad about a game that I lost money on. When I look up who the rough, crew. Was now it's camp? That's the crew! Don't ever let me, but on a game with him again, because those flags were so fucking ridiculous.
Flag did, who is more Scott for unnecessary or was announced my conduct when he literally just rolled over on a guy you're, getting tackled factor Scots Josh. I got a flag for spending the ball. In the end, it was crazy. It was all right. You know, game he's, officiating you with eighty one mother fucking, piece of shit. Jake is made up of the under one of the beer Gus it just barely under their there like three different cruising. They fell, whether the head referee has a beard and that guy did not have a beard. Last year, I tell me who is roughing next, fraught next Friday. Tell me which game you're taken the under, because there were so many drives killed by their stew. Bullshit flags. It so many points left on that board. I like them en Bloc Alex Camp again. If I had to look up who the officiating crew, as you know, that I want to finish by you in once you in the neck and we get into this a little bit would Dionne later, but the bills
he'll Mary, so the worse hilarity, maybe the history defensively. Yes, often probably the best of all time, which I now you think so he'll Mary from anywhere on the feel yes, but Yon Defensive, given up three consecutive completions on him is one of which was a push. Thank you now, which they did call, but still like back to back, catches on a hill Mary. That's that's a tough luck. he had left. That is tough luck. and shot out our the newest member, the p empty crew camp. He listened it's tough. It's too. To go sit in the gambling cave with us on a Sunday. It is they trial by fire by almost I must focus his head off for war because they the first sale Mary He now and we had the most blatant push off of. Time and again He then took off his helmet and the guy. The rough comes in and throws a flag in camp, like neural the flag was for the helmet being taken off it's not
for the push off and has shut the fuck up dude he pushed off than they call the push armies. I've always right as a dynamic dammit. You do not like there's no crunch time, witching hour moments, everyone S had have their head on swivel. And no wrong statements can be made in its ok. I'm not mad at him, but I was like garbage there were two wraps that through flag to like right in front of it, it was the most enlightening push off ever the most play down. There was such a shitty ending to the game. Here really was a really was fuck, you everyone and there were like nine turnovers and the third and fourth quarters everyone hates you did I Turning, finally to nice, guy Like seems like a nice guy like them on hard, not easily. A nice comes good. On zoom I Panthers Vikings, Vikings, Kirk Cousin with a game winning DR unbelief If cup, come back and win a game where there is so much chaos going on in the witching hour. I
like this one, was slipped over what we looked up like oh shit, vikings about when we ask, because they sort of fuck up in the fourth quarter baby you Chad and are you actually fuck some stuff up I will say this about her cousins. It takes me not to say this, but I he's he's a fine quarterback. He's a thousand nice is a fine young and winning drive is played well at home. did love. There was speaking a man. There was the man glitch to start. The second half were Jim my chin back to Act plays gotta fumble for touched out now. That's one where you throw your control or through the tv and you're like fuck. This, this game is rigged. I really hope that he had something good for breakfast, because every other game from now on you have to have yet to eat the exact same thing. You'll get a copy. Whatever you did today. That put. In a position to get those to scoop scores. I hope it was something hardy. Something Delicious
so that you're going to look forward to replicating every week so Jeremy Chan, so he scored back to back touchdowns in back to back, plays offensive snaps on fumble Aubrey's is the last guy to do. It was nineteen forty, eight Fred Dippy ever and I will try to find what his nickname is for? I assume you should see through an fuckin huge hogs dippy, but all I could find who is this is, it is afraid, dippy, Evans story, that's that's quite something Evans was considered shy, but tough before game against U S C bill reared in a teammate poured a bucket of water over Evans Head so sounds like that's the first ice, Bucca chow Evans try to retaliate but crash into a wall split his knee open, conceal the urge the injury from his coat and played in the? U S he gave Benita Levin Stitches, afterward we can see where first of all a bleeding eyes and they have to ask for coal career he on the dry cleaning.
Still have ado. Did you just thrown in how open area did you have eaten one wall and split your knee open? I can think alike, nine different parts of my body that would hit the before my knee would, if our italian Fred, dippy additives so couldn't find out why they call dippy the dipper Fred Debbie Evan I had a couple hit. A bunch of dippy was probably a code name for something that, like there was weird back in fifties aiming event. Deepened dots Mary. Like the future, you like Daniel, he had just dipped it and yet still does nicknames were dippy dip. The dipper fearless Fred That would pride because of the stitches. What a legit so Fred, ppm shadow. You do and the eight o peak times, Bulgaria. He brought. He actually was the one who introduced Anal to the entire state of Ohio.
Fasten tat here and now its days like Johnny, opposite it easy wherever he goes, everyone judges plugging a, but he was soon you out on the grounds is a check. This out, watches boys it dip in and then Take it out. You know they say: dippy have only died. Last time somebody says your name. We just resurrected Fred Dippy Avenue readily be Evans is allegedly literally, and when I got the answer lies the anal anal. the view that answers about. Ok, if it doesn't have an honest debate, something I've got it has anal does no one at all.
you just. As I know this is a word. Railways involve horseplay, he was a month is that you mention her name. He was among some fighting irish players involved in horse play at the door me or you can. I have to say that is literally okay, so he's a strict catholic, yet horseplay yeah cause a problem like Yo Yo, recording water on the redoubt, probably only ICE Korea exactly was water was alive. We know they probably like yours friend is frank: no noise level. You told the story wrong. What happened was the was a t made them the water. It was opposing players. What who dump the water on him and then they shot him up with Nova Kane that made him little sedated in dippy. So how I did seek as usual, shot up. The opponent is widening hall had not hear me. Why not reported him and then shot him with truth, Amazon Ray? I am it's his bill reared in a team it.
the young men were scoring water on each other as they ran to the Billy. He heard his knee. I like twice, I guess, Evan slipped on a what's loss was all really her on her fine hurting his name yeah. What is this fucking so we can all yachting up wooden shoes with no, but I think we got it's the angel. It's totally ain't got all got Personally. I think this was a good Kirk Cousins game. I still think he can. Thanks, but he's a fine quarterback, unjust, tilting at times be Evans. It is actually big that they want without dealing yes, yes and will Chad baby? yeah baby. The new idea. After being the goat, you went from the goat to the goat The key selling Joyce lie, as you say so, Joyce lie. Shall Joyce lie this guy. He has the worst job in the world, because The panthers are just good enough to always be in it and then just had enough to never get actually indefensible rain, so in the last six games, trotted him out there to try to hit a game
or winning kick from fifty four arts. Today, sir, these seven yards against, achieves in sixty five yards against the saints they basically urges like dude. We just we ll go out there. Kicker fail We are often cannot get into your that line viable ranch. We will never get there, you go out there, kick it and then We call it the shall. I really think they have a line that they put up when Joey Slice Undertaking, because it could be from you could attempt if you'll go from literally anywhere on the field. Yes, your wish lie not be shocked. if he had the leg to to make it through the enzyme, but miss by like fifteen yards. Why did left man, so joy sly, shut out, that's a terrible job. They have also doing a good job. Jefferson, really Evan, hey Jefferson, really good. We mention
don't care about a phasing out offence, though I don't even care about offence that we mention before. What's his name Tenzin look within Turkey for Kindle who want to get into that its I've already said, he's gotta go off his head. I thought I was there. I was right and high off the news of taste and hill put, not numbers as a titan. Last week I was like figure out a way to hack the system handle how we have a wide receiver, whose also Quartermaster Kendall Hinton is gonna. Go I next to help We have raiders Hawkins. Just Joe, us when we started to give the raiders credit and start taking them for real, They go and drop. An absolute blocking egg in Atlanta I don't know, I mean here's a positive, also something nice raiders fans, Nathan, Peter at five past attempts at dinner or interception. He completed three of them within Europe, three four five, so the game ended with Nathan, Peter men and match shop on the field beautiful, going back and forth just how injured it stinks, because we don't get a pic six with those two guys play
as each anyhow to pick six I'd say it's like seeing porn stars were their clothes. In the same room as each other, like your avian, when they get up to accept to warn you, keep hoping that someone's gonna take your shirt off the up against the others. Johnny sins and and Madison Ivy on the red carpet. Worms gonna get their pants off soon know and we don't get to see pics, but Matt Shop to get a quarterback safe. So he has gone the one save on the air behind James Vincent's too. I don't either raiders. This is just a huge step. Back, I guess the actual spins own here is the raiders were so bad that you can use throughout the game. Dainty like you even remit. only in this game. It is never a question. You you looked flat from from the beginning and dare car we'll talk, DE on, but little hands little tiny little hands dare car. If don't think little hands matter. If you dont enhances matter, dare car has played hundred and five games the NFL, he has sixty three fumbles and he's lost thirty one of the pathetic down,
is insane and which almost worse is now he's. Got that mean that falls around every time. He does something bad they're, the clip from last Sunday night when he like staring at the camera, looking like Jared, Goff and he's just looking like, are crying, is eyeliner off his face. And so every time you do, some badge is like boom- that pops up on the timeline happens. Now I saw their cars brother, not David, the other third brother tweeted. On Sunday night last Sunday night when they were planned the chiefs. Ah, I kept a lists and I'll be like colonies, people out what to do now. What are you, after this will he's on good news for everybody, had made fun of Derek car. Last week, his brothers on your list, yeah, I mean, like I told you, so I told you this guy stock has a bad bad game. It only the raiders defences just back their cars, a big blocker on Twitter, too. I believe you like the been ruthless Berger, I believe he ran his own account seems like his wife might run his account just block everyone product leaves. He seems like here. Honey have all my passwords type adieu. Derek car I does
lock me about that share. Let's share O Missy let's sherry email. He shares and email addresses. Why an answering machine message as Apparently he It doesn't block me call. All your ass their car and will follow you if you're dirt, car, it's gotta, be so much worse to get bench for Nathan Petersen than from Arcas Marianna Right corrects. I would much rather see Mary I come in the sidelines exempts the sky we need. I put that in regard to put that in, like a Google calendar Jake, January, seventeenth, for remember, Marcus Mary Agis. If he's a losses, Bertha there we go. Have you no doubt shall remember. Remember. Did Marcus Marianna on that day is added. That is how to choose their Wednesday. What You want an alarm. There will be no no I'll give two options. They will know what they will be here. So actually sorry, no offense, your sister Hank, but let's move it back now,
let's go to actually the following Wednesday it's very Tuesday, Tuesday. It's you like a Tuesday type, wished for Wednesday, Show Wednesdays Inauguration, Tuesdays the nineteenth Oh, you ve really got a lot to talk to be busy now I've just give my apple calendar, and I had are you adopt- are using the election is official ok well outside vague who set out a holiday cobbled on your animals, Islanders Altos, that's what came on didn't say who is getting inaugurate? Yes, true, yes, point as good point aches lights or put it in that's markers, big, and I remember market inaugurated. If you, when you get reinvigorated yeah, you like W Pinky, swear on the Bible Contact Judy we can remember Marcus, Mature Yoda Day got it. Ok, on board. My take, How can a curious regulatory spoil me why you're just screaming at the telling me I have a second have under
twenty one and a half years, twenty one points currently and the package has dropped and interception and touch in the engine. Yes, I did so This is gonna submissions, gonna fuck. I like this for made us more guys. I wait three defenders, I think, to bear naturally a touchstone dear, Montgomery Mugger. They can't saw game, they catch the game. The wrong the catch is everything while what a beast. Rights of all the gold for two: let's go gaunt, there's no way. I dream big tat he's done the math maddening. He's gone. The math chart says when you downtown easily over to you. Gotta go, do yeah we're were we be done sixteen and bill these teachers lie keys. Everyone. When I look at this billiard users alive, I shudder to think what the spreadsheet looks like incorporating all we're gonna Caesar right down. The bears now have they're gonna be up. thirteen. Nothing in the fourth quarter, that's kind of a slaughter. That's cause I will live for this too over this matter. Hank o doesn't ok.
The you want commercial doesn't matter. Montenegro's Europe is best play and very nice. Sixteen, I'm on to treat idle illegal. You guys you're, just gonna run our time in this one again on a treaty, eyeball motors rockwork one's going to feel good, Billy. So when you have started working on your teacher spreadsheet yeah to the success of this week's can't Parlay. Aha, I see it's probably the most successful shut out. You do, I'm sorry for hate non dude, it's working, we perfected it killed it. You prevented it it. Why you know, on a hundred, I bet, and one hundred twenty twenty four, what you when you open up the spreads you for the first time you put the formulas and you get Clytie the Microsoft office logo Papa be like hey like these lists- are others you can spend all your money which they use, they are continuing to allay worked. I mean it worked. It worries as buster once said, the only difference when a fool and visionary success and we
it buses or said, sir. You call a visionary Leanna contrast mission, aha pushed so actually check it out twenty next week and its up for the year history. where's the girl somehow covered the spread. They could Let's go to. Oh, I get it. Hawkins Good Job every years, the same now for the Falcons. They sock interim head coach or I'm Canada and when, after the buys, enter my coach last year and the put together, some wins and losses. Why are the Falcons so bad if they have such a good roster in the next year? We're going to be like who you know who we should look out for the falcons. I look at the falcon just a bad job. If I'm If I am a farmer coach set her, that's that's. Looking you buy pick the litter next year. I don't think I would go to Billina is kind. Would not. It is cursed, ah aright, Let's go chew, cardinals patriots, Hank! Are you back in? sort of,
I'm running for a game cancellation which would then add the extra two teams are one of the fourteen the playoffs, Forty four one actually want, shooting I'm running for a game cancellation like this, the Steelers rate. You know your eyes on it. I got my honor, you got on the ticket, I'm one one cancellation equals pats about if those why our in the NFL that would your web site in his salary to seven. I think you, I think, you'll be Belgic. Yeah yeah agree. I saw Cameroon, one this game now for eighteen, eighty four yards to interceptions dance, remarkable, he drew big personal thought. He and you believe, pass on cam thirteen basil rating in the first that I this just a testament member, I told you this- take last a few weeks ago. I do think it's coming. Is this bill Belgic best coaching job? It might be
his without always actually is Bilbil checks. Best coach and I mean his defence has stock, but he shut down, Kyler, Murray, right and in office of Guru Cliff kings. Very, do football genius, cliff kings bury was not score more than ten points against this team kitty- and it should have been worse because they got that flag on the crack back block on the pot return, by Gunnar yeah. The phantom call, which does it still doesn't make any sense out of it was right or wrong call, but it looked as just somebody was watching football like a normal football politely was displeased normal blocked this other person in his way at each other in their faces. And then, if that Apparently they should just A team should have one floppy nerd, they send out on kick returns to just get blood. into the dirt, have it look like a penalty and then the rhapsode just call it, because that's that's what happened?
penalty causing the NFL are now just like. Does that look like it, but yet Zack? I look like he's hurt yet, like a fool I mean with Cameroon penalty at the end of the game, is kind of like that to wear it looked like it was penalty, but I don't I don't know I think that even wasn't I grant you hide rounds and he was a runner. I agree Well, I guess a nature by Uk Contact Bosnia's crave contact is cliff kings. Very good coach No, when I would, when I call him and orphans of genius and a guru not saying it's our English? Yes, he yet, this is the cartels are now one Hale Mary way from Afore game losing shriek like they haven't, been playing good right, and they do have a ton of talent and so what's going on, I don't, I feel like we ve anointed him a little, maybe not us personally, because we ve been com, a member and say that you want to get sucked off. Home from Pm James, but still it feel like cliff kings? Very I'm not that could have a coach. I think he is
It is crazy about that hot he's, not that hot it is crazy how bad the preacher deviants played well that that go on standards to end the first half it's crazy. How bad both quarterbacks played this game was one of those games. That's like red zone forgot about it. We can see it much it didn't seem very good, but the patriots I think the pages are gonna. Do this. There is going to go back and forth like this. I think Belgic likes playing against a quarter back was a challenge. Caliber yeah. He gets up where he gets into the real weird shit on defence when it an enigma that he has to solve lucky he can only force himself to be so creative effort twenty some years, coaching, if he's run up against like a traditional pocket passwords like Philip Rivers again his they got. You I got a fucking figure, we'll pick this guy of three times again in the fourth quarter. But what is the guy? Like Kyler Murray? Who pays the challenge to that.
that wake him up and writers little football come yet they're gonna either picture gonna lose the charges next regain, though, beat ramps the week after thereby what's going on and went out They went up. I just think they're gonna go back and forth like this they're gonna. What what game? Back one gave forth like just go back and forth. What what do you make of them? We don't know, because our taxes law still makes no sense, let's see ya, The cardinals I dont know what to make of the cardinals. I think this thing now in the cardinal stake, I'm sick of hearing about the cardinals and being like, I think yourself, if car if Kyler Murray, you know and Kliff Kingsbury put it all together. I think they stink. I think they're not going to make the playoffs, even though that's, that's kind! Hearted you looking at how bad the edifice like the indices has changed the entire play off picture. They have brought everyone to their level, why don't we just eliminate, will acquire baby nominated for full teams and so that when you look at the rest of the play off picture you like
where we find the other teams. I think the cardinal should only play games against enough see West theirs. Oh fine when they play the rams through the Seahawks. It is true forty nine hate. You need this at all, or no now, ok, you're out the Euro. I our next up. Let's do it, dolphins, verse. The jets. Billy you're out now. Ah sir, The court was with SAM Darnel than his three do that receiver I'm gaze said this is a chance for everyone to see what maybe you could have bet. He said that this past week taught him Adam Sandler, or getting healthy. The three do that receive we're? Getting health d whilst that line is sixteen for twenty seven hundred. Ninety seven yards were always just look. I can think men would how Great we have been if everybody was herself yet two sovereigns didn't get Mano three points. We could have had their this could have all been arse three points. Everyone,
the hyperdrive three points. Pan Sam Donald afterward said still super confident in Adam gets well know why, Is he saying that? Because I think I think Everyone realises that they're all hitching there there are wagon to Adam Geese. Staying is the coach for the rest of the year because they want to complete the tank. so Joe Douglas once complete, think it travellers dont wants to complete the tank, get travel so he can then go somewhere else. That's not the jets they were like always go back, a big Ben and in Pittsburgh that would The greatest thing to ever happened Sandro Career, but I think he wants a state like sand. Oh, I don't know, I think he knows. I think he knows like I get me out. So if I'm SAM Darlin probably do the exact same thing where you you have to act like you have Adam cases back for the rest of the year, because if you don't, if you like publicly go against, and he continues to be the head coach, then the chance, it's a small chance, but there's a chance. The front office looks at the
I'm at the end of the year and figures like one of these guys, Patsy and they take aside Rowan where the other now, yes, if your SAM, don't you could say like you, have they wanted point their fingers at me and get rid of me and keep out and gaze that's great because up early, I'm back and beat Adam Gaze as a coach. The New York jets eventually but I don't know I feel, like you, just gotta pretend to have his back what I think he's doing is he's like playing mom and dad off each other little bit, because gaze was saying that you know he gave play calling took it back. Then there was the reply Then he gave it up again, but then their office greater said that he will calling the plays and then after the game gives had to like. Yet splain that, yes, he was still involved in the place. All you this is dialogue. Is it out of gas? Have done this in? Chicago did this in Miami another now they're doing with jets. This is I can just traveling band of idiots yeah he's getting jobs
I want to see, I'm gaze, give no job. I won't even be shocked. If he does. I would love to see the jets extend Adam days yeah. How great would that be? It would be an incredibly spinzone spends on four jets fence steam currency owner the Mets right now, So you get to go. I end also I'm happy for ran Fitzpatrick. Could he came back? played well and he got a win and that's cool agility It just dawned on me years why. I guess I can't remember whether not he's actually commonplace, not You can't remember what he leaked: diminish meadow as Alai right in the New York dealing for Hake. He can't keep his lies street at this right and all his grudges straight. I gray so like with the report comes out that he actually confirms. That was originally a lie to try to fuck over a who sucks then he looks like a liar for the press afterwards, so I can sympathize with that. Yes, yes, it's a! the jets are just full on just keep losing just keep Lou I don't think there's a jets. Vanden isn't happy about these losses like dirt. They just want to keep lose no made
firemen and there's always one crazy whose like who, like we're gonna, win this game pie originally it and they brought. Rogers Neil, in our face files. Forty twenty five that fuck inside a lot and it wasn't that close. But the run we will always have the run. Dolphins. Yet so that's dolphins, jets, good good on the dolphins are still rolling. There bangles next week, then they have like a gauntlet coming up we'll find out. How good they actually are linked to a mate. Miss some thought. As to my. Well, I don't know that's an address so as to officially hurt yet LISA. So Frank or twenty one carries food security and set out he's gonna break gourd. Its oil and worries might take his son. Anyone can as starting running back in three years. Twenty one carries he's fucking ho ho ho. All lawyers there died out was love. This, the old Gregg Shanna yeah, a little old
black and blue, nor a single football get em get man That was that fond good fight defence will fight at the end there after the game is over. Let's go to brown jaguars, the browse the Cleveland browse the legal embrowns. Browns how can I have a losing season for the first time since two thousand and seven that's good for unbelief and their good and they're gonna make the playoffs you're gonna make the point rounds or a good football team They won't have a losing record for the first time since two thousand seven, that's huge, that's a cri. Everyone should be rooting for the brown. So how do you know? I don't have a zog and fight like it's good, to see a team finally make there. And base happy you a long time. Browns play off game will be, must watch television. Will you say really quick Russian for yes, yeah, where you get put the browns next to the raiders or the Falcons to do.
You said you what's the word or bad. Was the weather yet give us whether his fork play a stretch, type, what ok so cold, ass. It were thrown a dome. The brown sold in though it's cold, but it's in a dome is called inside the dome Betsy, cold game. Both of them are in such a forty degree game inside of a dome. For some reason I take the brown. The browns and writers are actually very similar. Teams dare cars, but Then Baker Mayfield put the raiders, don't have miles gear. That's bring much aid summit. I am, I might We might have run the football league, it's their kind simple similarly built except the rain, The events has no one and the Brown Stevens has like a top five defensive player, and so that changes thinks adieu to smashed with his help, I think, are actually very similar. Even like Baker and David Car, or so a quarter baker in that
ok make regulating well, but he had a come yet rose red, like apple shuts, transit issues had that were very easy that he did not complete what I mean when you go to seize, we Derek car he makes bonehead mistakes do not even the touch shelter already missed at Fort down, throw their third down, throw where they could have just won the game right there and they couldn't fucking get it like. the Jaguars were spunky. What did it? What did my princess? Who say that the best one in ten t meander? So so he said there are the taxable jaguars are the best one in ten team of all time. That's in history, the Unifil, and so we had Jake look up. Who the other one and it cannot be right or the other. Sixteen this debate in the last decade position- this is great I take by France S alive. I want to start earlier most recent, most recent twenty, seventeen forty Niners as ship Kelly ok. I only sixteen forty nine that's Thompson where they were good. They won their first game. Twenty fourteen Jaguars Blake portals now before boy
not as as his rookie year. Her was share so many of our job right, I'm the top for twenty fourteen raiders. Now, twenty twelve chiefs, I can tell you that, Iraq's on that might have been now to grow twenty tonnes. Panthers Oda no, you know who that was. It was some way what is it twenty? What twenty twelve chiefs, always at Tyler Palko to channel proper with his heel, Mary against the bare Jacques? Yet as a pretty good one in ten team yeah, twenty eight. There is the perspective. Get can the author power I'm going to say that I am missing number one was the two thousand fourteen jaguars, because there rebuilding to come up and and almost when the apes each year budget in a couple hours, Tyler Palko? It was not now they didn't play the bears at your entire. I remember Tyler, Palko, o o, Orton was on that team, ok This is the eye whose yellow teams,
that wasn't a teller Palko game might already quiz leaves earn twenty Son Panthers toy ten panthers. Who is with that? Twenty tenderness is terrible. That wrote those What's his name Map Barkley now mcclosky me colossal, Jimmy class yeah. What is acting so ass to retire topics, Airmail Cooper yeah. So, sir, he said Carson was was to be so those so the jaguars this year, the seventh we intend team last. Second, that's a lot of the bottom line. Is wage earners have one in ten dynasty we last and we can figure out who? What are those schemes are not Simba Oak, cause, I would be the easiest way to figure out right up will give one of those teams ended up foreign twelve. They have to be the best, the Kansas City was too and for clear too, and fourteen up So that's interesting debate. Where do you think you get that paper debate, nor else sports, yup gratefully What why some fort twice
before it honours ended. The seas are winning five at around very Gaza Nights, Salzburg you're wrong migrate. Aren't you want it's out of british citizens and you are wrong. My predecessor, that's the best one intend team of all twenty seven seen for you. I think it seemed impossible, for it seemed to be better than you. You cannot be a better one. Eyed yeah debts, so the area bears the seventies, Dudayev and wondering what year was at twenty. Seventeen is when you say about their bright orange Jimmy Jimmy you all that shit hands. use as our local, yet ever say when you is sorted put it all together. I actually remember. Oh, my God is even the debt that that bears for nice game was in the snow. It was so far whose value and fourteen the hour- or so I bet you- you can go back in time to old part of my takes and listen to us talk about that for a united seem. I think The time we were even saying this is mobility, something shitty team, Yak Assets EU that they played?
the Rams in a Thursday football game that everybody thought was going to suck and end up being issued out. We're like damn listings, really good vs. So you have my princess. It doesn't always you're wrong might, for example, will take over the back and what a debate wild. I was fond. We like action sports. Yeah yeah. I know very well. That was it I mean he a great thought start or one of the best one intend teams of all time. Yet I came off I remember I came around slipping around the campsite art. Let's see, where are we all brown showers I got it wasn't terrible he's pretty bad He was pretty bad, but he was like he looked like he had played. back before, whereas jig Latin, maybe not, and then after the game they fired, Dave Caldwell their general manager, which kept it can't be a comfort thing for Doug, Barone memories are going to talk. I think you know you know what the floor with the he knocked at the start is cool zealots gonna go models like they're, letting them do it. Why did they fired right now? I guess they want
they want to hire a new guys. Look for the next Doug yeah fresh blood too feels good. Yet they want to. first pick wherever I was gonna wanna go to the Jaguars, ah also cut. Jarvis Landry I've, the jars Landry sometimes gets lumped in without Odo back and but Jobs Landry going back to member hard knocks. We talk about changing the culture, and I mean he's he had a huge game, he's dependable guy, like you, he has changed the culture. Cleveland you, should get a shot up for that Cleveland again, their eight three What else? Is there an aim? Three football team in Cleveland. You should be extreme a happy about that. It is also fucking awesome watching Nick job when he gets a block ears. Legal eerie goes your egos. There sometimes just make running the ball sexy. The grounds or one of those tapes. Yes, because they ve got a beast orphans of longer term turned you on. he's not the offensive bunco.
We'll call her. Ah there's Roma was no no, no, no Tony. While he was yet no park, Bob. I love alley. Bob Bob, while you bill Callaghan, is the best off into line coach in Unifil and he is the browser. Go yes, Browns off, it's like I before it's our next game. Late slate won't talk to you about Bugsy genes, most comfortable men genes ever made its cyber Monday amongst these are twenty percent off site wide today. Only this the biggest sail the ear you don't want to miss out. If you don't know about Bugsy genes been wearing jeans for years because they look like genes but feel like swipe pants. Mugsy was started by a story was tired of being uncomfortable in genes. His goal was simple: rainbow men's genes, look good if you outrageously comfortable, after five years of working with industry experts. He perfected genes for the common man the match is in monkeys, proprietary Denham, which is me. from a bunch of high tech materials that make these genes mine, blowing, blushingly, soft and flexible, even better mugs, comes in a stylish fit, that's not to baggy, but not too tight
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I'm here to report right now that Aaron Rodgers is back to doing a southern accent after the game. I don't know why it said up where he picked that up from if it's a Danica Patrick thing, we want to sound like a NASCAR driver for gross. but the run was AIDS Broncos who handle hint one for nine thirteen yards that sucks I dont know why the NFL did that to them. I don't know why we can move all these games. They don't move this game that socked, but here's something and I don't wanna- be mean terrain. Leafy- has been on the show before, but Kendall Heading that wasn't the worst performance. Rhine leave had a game. in nineteen. Ninety eight, where he went one for fifteen for yards, and Kindle went what one four nine for thirteen yard light he had
more interception yards and passing yards and twice as many interceptions, educated completions. He had one completion today. This game was essentially, if you ever wondered like hey. What would it look like if army and Navy played with any fell uniforms on? while this was the game for you kind like that, seventy seven runs seventy seven runs and teach him hill was now. In four sixteen for seventy yard, so less than a hundred yards passing total in seventy seven runs yeah. It is Softened and Billy was saying that if we got into your bill. You say that you could do better than then Hinton. no I'm just not guess not true. If there is like like a lotta under rout. Checked out, will that's you know it's crazy. They didn't do yeah like you was crazy. They came out distorted bombing it. I dont know understand why they didn't try to give him a bunch of maybe because they thought, while the diva it's gonna, be all the way up anyway. Put it weird that they didn't give him some.
Bubble, screens wholesome. That's attach farmers often soon. Just like you know what we're gonna do, what we do it, even though we have passed so we can get a complete, just look like it play action. I wouldn't do that the internet, for a parcel. That's He was saying the Gaza Play action, quarterback and high schools has like, She just go hitting wide open receivers, it short yard. You were so why they do that. Airbus water, has, though I mean the bid, actually think that he was gonna throw here here at nine times, but like well yeah. They ran the army off a Billy. What answer when they had to throw so Billy think so he could complete a bunch of like screens, check downs, some crossing rouse, some Anders the thing I think that in a day I think that mean big. I could actually be a better info quarterback right now than you would right now, because you Oh, are good enough to think that you can complete passes mean big.
Would not even try to complete a pat. No, we would resolve rack, just run backwards, I'll just to shovel media. Maybe a pop pass here and there I might point, will cause you, then that met right into two handed shovel passed today. I do that. Can I say I did not appreciate the TIM Tebow's slander, all the branches of put before, without a corrupt before yet at all big jays dishonor being now, who my pleasure, everybody myths ass? I saw handful everyone did. You know I always thought about playing for a second. I tried to get coached altogether. I d get a letter. There, bat, what their quality control, wide receivers culture whatever they should have let him try to get in borderless, the bottom line is Blake. Borders should have been in a bubble this entire current like we suggested a little more. The season even started yes. This is why you sign of Blake portals Of course, if you haven't inure facility he's a social butterfly, everybody loves him. He's gonna be one person in
The facility has covered are test positive, you know that Blake's gonna get it cause, he's everyone's best friend and saw his all. You need to keep him isolate, keep him in a bubble. He would go out probably beat the saints yeah. This game was crazy minutes. It is that's that they can move all these games and then then the Broncos dont have a quarter back and the like up we're gonna play under the rule yeah we're gonna play. It is isn't say that they that they are playing this game when they backed up other games beforehand and and if you just need to know that when it comes to like every quarterback being out you, I know you have a protocol Protocol, as far as I know, is just a rule to limit things that dump people think that you should do. but there should be an exception when your entire quarterback room is test, positive, either being isolated and use could be allowed to bring in a swag Kelly. Forget hand should be allowed to bring back a timetable. Gaslight citizens give us something that we want to see to make it more interesting than having Kindle Hinton go out there. And just like, I mean he wasn't. Even he was
there have to be a starting quarterback awake for XL dude. You know it. They should actually do they should have Eli Manning in a bubble for the entire year and he's all time quarterback. If you need em he's, there yeah that would be awesome, Who would want to see you I go back out there for more? I would love to be like you. I know you That's that's count against more goods. That's count so, literally Pask completions cow incompletion don't intercession zone touchdowns. Do I like before the game that it the team, twitter cow was, let's go out there fun. Today, Broncos unbelievable, I mean it's unbelievable AIDS yeah! It's crazy! grew football guys don't enjoy having fun it's crazy. You know it. You know it's fun picking somebody else not have fought yeah. So the sensor are also, though, like you can judge him. this game, but they are picking at the right time. Tastes and hill is a good job in Teresa absence, I have a staff for you Pfc. I hate to say this that Some people say, I'm being by some people will say
I have an axe to grind. This is just a static dress. Statistics don't lie. Would you say that I'd say numbers? Never, law numbers never lie so mice That is simple. Juries has Miss seven games in the last two years. The Broncos are our sorry. The saints are seventeen o, but more importantly, there seven against the spread, but the the saints don't lose it gives the spread of October well they are seven against spread. Without your worries. Ok, I'm just saying I'm just say seems like they're, pretty good Would you really is an out when he has a shoulder injury red, We have all his just broken other at the up thoughts, another after the game fanned. You said I was disappointed on several levels that are cube. Is put us in that position that our cuban put the league in that position, The count them to be leaders of our team,
The leaders of our office in those guys made a mistake, most gesture scale. Who did this right gesture scale through lock, who else boy now when they wasn't like that will make us Blake was doing his job. It wasn't his fault, it was nice I'll rip. That ripping Gallia written beat the jets later go ribbon. Fuck, em Rooney for everyone, our next game for nine rams. caution in owns Sharma. foreign Earl again shall Mcveigh sweep this year, he's, got no one to play. Caution. Is such a good fuckin coach, like the fact that the forty Niners actually could make the play ass. Unmoved, it's a long shot their five and six but Kyle shoe. It is such a goddamn, good Even he has them ready to go scheme in him up. got a million injuries. A million different running backs, different quarterbacks different secondary, doesn't matter. Air competitive and he owns comical
even when their bad, they look good yeah, look like they ve got that sparked their yell. Yet caution and great offices. great I mean for some reason his defence also plays exceeding it might be like complimentary football will: I swear I thought like when Richard Sherman went to San Francisco. I thought occasionally washed up and he was playing on that prove a deal. They wrote for himself and back the napkin, like even richer tremors play pretty decently. I am actually wrote down. Robert Sala, like now's, the time that we are talking about him again, I owed a hiring defensive coordinators, isn't cool anymore but Robert saw limitation is cool. He's the top of my list, dude that will head, but one as players after big play, while their wearing their helmet yup he's up there he's a fucking, jacked up, tighten the currency, and you know it brings as he brings a juicy browser spring, your own guts see after there will be a there will be a head coach, general measure that looks to go the deepened throughout this house.
and they should higher. So I think that is clearly the best, even greater and- and I dont know what to make like The rams, often when it doesn't work, just falls apart in an errand Donald like This is why our Donald his errand Donald is the Rams offence was bad today and then all, unlike the like a two minute Wretch Arundel. Basically, changes the game with the with the hit forced fumble, that's down and the rest, a common extra that leads to a touchdown like that's. Why he's air not what he can actually just complete? the change game in like two minutes from his and when you have a great tackle blocking them. Sometimes it looks like it's a tight internal, blocker and tat when he's just a terrifying player to go one up against worry. I saw I guess it was kind of a not to be expected, but it does make sense like the rams lost a division. Opponent of a big. When do you think, will like. Is there any shine coming off the rams, a dark horse taken contending with the other sea so far and wide open?
no. I so I don't even look at this as that. Much of a knock against the rams be must be sown by kamikaze. The forty Niners are really well coach team. before you on the road cha Mcveigh is gonna, be so scared to reply to any of caution and texts are talking. He still in something from yeah. Maybe he's got like he's. Actually tat, you he's got you captain he's got your house tat, I finally organ Dionne. What use will or finnish troublesome football guy the weak and some baby Braun Chiefs Box. who boy tat you were homes turns out he's pretty fuckin good is still there. This quarter that game right now that it lasted so long territorial. Like two hundred yards receiving in the first quarter, could not be seen. I think you'd, like sixty fancy points in the first quarter yeah. It was insane what they were doing and Tony Roma Sergio ground saying that Terry kill could have thousand yards receiving any game. I actually think that, Patrick bombs, could throw four thousand yards over the course of the game.
It might be a different conversation, but I act. I think that it could be done. Yes, I I actually agree with you. I hate to do this to myself, but Holmes had three hundred fifty nine yards passing in the first half Chicago bears have had that once in a game since two dozen fifty That's fucking. Stupid may select easy. He makes it will be so easy to get. You think that you could throw a football thousand yards down the course of an initial something like, as this game is going on. You're out on the football field on yells, but you can We throw the football while the clocks running in the game. Yes, a thousand yards yeah as well I mean you, would you go get it? I know his role, you, so you have to go you throw the ball like twenty yards. Then you jog up to the ball girl. RO at twenty more yards and keep going like that. Yet you're, not gonna mats right that started three throws twenty yards. Thirty three:
a third thirty yards Acta Authority, thirty five, twenty thirty There is only those running yeah You absolutely could do that empty without it's so tired who fifty without that now. Here's actually created is hardly about. That's like how are you gay minutes there forget there are sixty nine I know, but little using actually well do locks while the clocks running or yet, while the there's action do you know, others that an eleven minutes yeah, that's where I saw him ok laughing you're talking about during plays yes, Stoka do it. I don't know yet Yes, that would be an interesting test. Now. Here's a funston Do you know who has the most passing that's ever in an initial game: unless you Billy who norm Van Broccoli sadly broccoli in nineteen, fifty one he had five hundred fifty four yards
Iraq is crazy, that that record has not been broken, win and yeah how's that brokered, I thought so really yeah. They they probably burned him at the stake after that game in nineteen. Fifty one is a witch. Private use plain, I use a peace plan against a butcher deepens backs was probably really easy for I figure whores record. I never What a guess that that feels that feels creed my shop at five hundred twenty seven yards in eighteen, fifty one alaskan who I weren't even states, then that's when the unifil passing exerts car as five hundred thirteen Yossi taper making you break it down try to la yeah. What do you make of the box or because they are now they were six into another one in three and I'm not. I'm not gonna put Antonio. Bravo, there one in three since they brought down here I mean that's again: that's just a stat grog looks Good Tom Brady like it. It alternates plays worm; sometimes he can look
like the worst quarterback and legal one play and then like a top five guy on the very next. Will you know it's? Is it like its per se? Brazilians office, they throw picks. Aren't I it's crazy to me that you got Tom Brady. You have a championship. Window You have all these guys, why wouldn't you let Tom Brady, just beaten, break just like to empty, ready. You run the office. You know the office was stopped going deep, all the time just fucking Let's do, let's run the odd. I would make a lot more sense. Make a lot of sense. I'd feel a lot better about the bucks chances. If that were the case, but it's not the case. Bruce Arians, like everyone place resilience throws interceptions ashes, how go a special year, one right, you're. One here is the interception year. We get it on your system, so I e a minute. I dont trust The box I like seems like they're running out of time. Till I figure it out. You don't mean that one of those teams where he keeps saved yourself
he'll figure it out to get its getting we'll figure it out. Just knock em happen. I do want it. I want to pull Tyrann Matthews your holder, I loved I re Matthew and big honey, badger guy. Ok, what are the most electric players to watch on defence has knows for the vote yet interception today, and he slid instead of getting tackled by Tom Brady? he slid a tumbler easy to move. I don't know if that was like shown. Respect for Tom Brady is now quarterly that you got it. You gotta try to trucks, Dick Tom Brady, happy that you have. There is no excuse for that yeah and the cheese should start around in a form of the perfect time. Are they gonna go fifteen in one? Are they going fifteen and one may be brought I win at dolphins, probably would lose seats at Saint Weak Fifth team is Dr Duval game. Well, if he is in the same Toulouse, yeah and if he isn't goodbye. I actually think that since my Peter. I don't know man, but she's they just they
the chief, so the one of those teams thou where and it was weird, this game was actually we're because the big like they're gonna, win by a hundred, and then they left the bucks come all the way back in sharing. max, plus three and a half, but the chief. Do you feel like lights, which team where they could be downers like. I was flip it. Anyone in we could always because you can, you can figure out a way to get tired, kill the ball strode any German. He just runs fast. The nails like that that they threw for an ice. They ice the clock with with past it. Never in your mind, was in doubt right? That's all that's perfect play. They can do that. it's crazy to watch and knowing a different sport and then, after the game we have to give an update on this. Is Tom Brady picks and chooses who shake hands with after the game? He did shake Patrick moms hand, but I saw tweet It said that he was not wearing a mask when he did so Brady might be trying to get my homesick and he just respects Nick for so much
that he doesn't want to risk transmitting into anything to him? That's why Jerry off? and you're gonna. That's why sprints off the field instead of acknowledging and yes, I do love those weekly updates on whether not tambourine shook somebody's hand. It's fantastic, artless, kids, Dionne before we get to Dionne, I believe Hank has an ad reed force. I do piety thank you for that introduction there's a new and, dare we say more exciting way to masturbate wait a minute exciting way to masturbate, yes, Phd, introducing Trojan Patrick's the new sex toy for the boys, while in my the countless and euphemisms for masturbating think butter a corn charming the snake, cuddling Go Bassa, examine this at your hammer in the Hank. Let in the mean time, beat the shit out of you meet, there's a now what better way to masturbate, with new Trojan Tantric a handheld pleasure sheet that beach bare hands
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although chronologically the story from the early slate, what the fuck cap into the raiders, and do you think this is a deranged it's going to you know they were the the team that one said watch out for the raiders after they went toe to toe with the chiefs and they get punked by the Falcons. What do you make of that? I didn't have enough guts to pick. The bulk is about a girl. I say that on football, football show, but I really felt good about them. The rating he felt his heart garbage iming hot garbage, hot dogs like Frida MAC away, and you know that one sing about the falcons. They have an offense that impeccable that pretty darn good. They can score on anybody. They just can't stop talking about it and they had. The advantage of all game. And writers are down a middle of the road there, really not that good, but they put up a fight equally hard every week, but defensively
you going overboard jumper what they got where he Morris's cushion to foreign to down Atlanta, do take it there's a chance that they keep Rahim around after the seasons over as the full time head coach note. question hour loved him too? I would love them too, You went out scobie concern. you ve really got to make that decision, but I don't think they will. I would love them too, because I think he's had experience. He got a raw deal there tab any the good guys guys, like the only reason. I kind of agree with that, although I feel like he's deafening, played himself or coach himself into consideration if you have an owner like Arthur Blank, you last higher was defensive. Guy, probably gonna go than orphans of guy, because you like well last summit and work out so I'll, just the opposite of what it did before. What I need deepness again. They do need deepened cigar or Unita. Honestly man, if they get somewhere somehow convince a guy, like Rex, ran to come out.
And take over the deep ass they would be. For now. I lay a road map to do something with the difference that that's the kind of guy did you need so one less nor on this game, and we ve had this disagreement before, but dare car fumble three times. He has small hair small, really small small hey. Does that He has now he's got a kitten mittens. You don't care about now, stubs. We all talk about small hands. First of all, what is this Ah here about what is really a small low. Ninety there I saw you know a small. He does it. The look of a small, its nine inches or smaller. You know what you know: what small hands? Look like, I'm shaking a couple smaller I don't really know what a small here looks like I know it filled lay about looks like it's. I know it's. It's there, quarterback role in these publicly.
The small here, I've never heard. I do it, guys certain guys, like Aaron Rodgers, for example, errand. Others he'll get hit in the Balkans be stuck in his hand, he has big fuckin hands. I do that, that's not, yeah, I think, there's a little small part of it, not no pun intended with the small, but their carbon playing great this year, but in terms Paul Security and I'll have a lever, stats guy pull up some stats, for you put it in turns a ball security. That is an issue other Carson Windsor begins it is, I got an idea. He just thinks De Aircars fumbled sixty times in his hundred for games? Twenty eight lost, so we go about it, that's all on a formal he's, got a small area that weapons there their different parts, your body that can be adversely affect your ability to play the flax. What there is something like you do that for the last fifty years they ve been, looking at hand size. Just
because they're like you, have no idea what you're doing fetish do you think they had finished they might. I gave us I've, never seen a guy not get drafted because in his hands. I've never seen a guy, not your job does either and the three cone drill right, just like some stupid stuff that they do to come back, I never seen a guy not get drafted because he can bench two hundred and twenty five, five hundred and ten I have just done started to do anything I agree with you. I do not think you four guys good. Who cares how biggest hands are, but there is our concern with the fumbles in that is directly correlatives. Hence, as whatever I'm right, you're wrong. It's fine, let's move do different, came What do you make of the Tennessee Titans tractor cedar? So we we ve been talking about a four year. Derek Henry gets better, as the season goes wrong, there's something to be said for defence later in the season? Maybe it's a no vote or December you bodies banged up aegis.
I really want to tackle him the same way. Is there something about him getting better as a season goes on, You know we just interview him on the segment. I call Gimme fire. We just took five minutes from him. This weekend and he came on twenty first and pride in this guy here man he's a phenomenon. I really think he is a treasure and interpreters under appreciated because he is a consistent as it comes he's no, he's gonna get that in the box. Everybody will be outside. Mademoiselle, he's making halting better receivers got away. You got one! I wasn't guard outside you eat what they are dont. What this team is so unpredictable, the deep as it is not as good as it was last year. So middle the road, I did not get them the wind, but had I known their Henry was gone for books. Seventy eight that you cannot read for understanding, yeah, Zulus, Edwin Goggles he does, is like he's. Look like he's been running harder. The last couple weeks, like I don't have the defences like big cats, says tired later on the year are features.
finds that next year, as the weather gets Olympic Quarterboat like people People don't want to tackle Derek Henry anymore. We saw the exact same thing last year, so I think it's probably to continue the debate. And I told him that he and operating as each other I would afford yeah, we're gonna, give you ended up. His lady was, if I were you listening level that is laces and he would have no cloud was stepped over. You like out I've written over around. I really thought that he would have never done me. Like Judge Norman, because we would have never got in this situation, but no, but seriously. This is an honest question point being in a locker room leaving and you good teams would know. Maybe when you're on the Falcons, if you get to later in the season, is mentalities I've talked about, but is there mentality of like fuck. I don't really want to this guy anymore, no reason only thing that will the phenomenon went out with the bath water heart garbage early, my career we call it boldly. Ok, what bowling means is we want? You know it was a miracle, body put the rails upon, decides
I am thinking about the up, so what we everybody stood on the edge of the bill on asylum. Was we do want, nobody to go out about because we want the game over his boss displacement like that about so we were both. Happily keep the clock, grounded about the bills game, so the Buffalo bill they won, but they have. An issue that they need to address at some point, which is They do not know how to defend against a heel Mary, they gave to catches on a hail Mary today, one counted. The other was passed. Her efforts and then obviously the down Hopkins from a couple weeks ago, as a defence of back I mean I protest and ask you this because I sky above you and of all over your head a couple weeks ago, What we as regards out on others, come out there. You can watch if you want to, but what was mentality in defending against like an end of game situation, where's the hail Mary Rosabella made the deepest back coach. Put me in the back in the metals like get bored
and is helping to run our way back, I was not taken in the second about. You got deepens Baghdad Kin, are not ball savvy, mostly that the banks will bear receivers early on what I would do. I would take the receivers and put them in back three always across the go, let em let those guys who are normally known for catching Dern football go catch, deterrent football yeah! That's what I was good, that's the kind of code you get, now Jack State Debts- and I think it's a Lisbon strategy unless they do the thing at the dolphins did grown and your stock illnesses in a situation where, tight and is now you're free safety, they're kind of thought. I would not but grant my idea back to know. I bid this game of them of of Sunday, the box in the chiefs, what How do you do to stop patch me home entirely, kill TAT was insane. He had thirteen catches, two hundred sixty nine yards. Three touchdowns patrimony had three hundred yards in the first half. What do you do? What
What do you know who to try to stop them? Dublin, you, Dublin Airport, a man up you, Dublin, and they. you postal market is based Bob him in Dublin. That's all you do, no, I will not take him out of the game. Is that he's not gonna beach of any by let timescales each man is a slow death that way You don't want to have a expeditious dealt with this guy. Appeals. Are you normally goes back a beacon, its bags twenty four hour no his name right now, but I feel bad for him straight up like a guarantee always, rang it off the hook, a blowing up what means in everything because it was his birth. We call birthday. I when I called you right now to coastal. It was like I did last night about the abominable corner, all I do. Is they birthday birthday ran report? They read me. We blow him like a candle to their rights and that's what I get the simplistic, My report therefore woke me through this from a different perspective, because I always say like it's really easy to say like oh, I love your plane against a box. For example, you, A double team, Grog God doubled, see my governs yet
our team and told you you have to double team ever. How many guys can you actually double team one single place too weak way: We blame the baggage years ago, when the cowboys we had a double double you gotta understand he grew starter, Randy Malls and he had great we doubled doubled demand, object, re alone, which was a great scheme. We laws boat. It wasn't it wasn't a defensive because we ve been inadequate game that we'd, but you can probably double up. The two guys what's this, that line. If you go one on one with Terry kill abroad, so dizzy catch Emily. Gotta catch something you got, you can inactivated umbrella. He doesn't beach deep than other I'm from some fifty yards Natasha. not all elderly guzzles, lock him down to Jack. It's about I really look at all:
I got a red jacket for the NFL's one hundred I gotta go Jack, but the whole thing you can. It asked Mister like the got. I have rejected the clause in but you do so you never! You never gave up the big game to anybody. Move Una was the big what is worse game you overnight and later, What what? What was the worst tat line against you? Look this. We didn't really go just that land that will make it wasn't my track. That really looks like this ready must never got nine. Nevertheless, we were working on a large scale as a deceptive we're, like writing. Are they really have it where you, when you are one on one with that guy play against guys and they had a hundred, but they didn't have a hundred. When I was gone read a lot of time like what we ve cowboy
as with Samarang will we got zone? I went to work. I play regular either side we played man, I went to Harper and they doubled back because Alvin Harper you seen in my life back in the day, so we doubled. My took Harper and Merton Hanks took. no budget and it was. It was all I'm reading Renato jerk You have his two hundred twenty five yard: five touchdown game against the Falcons. One minute what does it mean that we thought it all wasn't here, but I really felt because according to want to switch, that's the Charles them regain. I think juries what factors? They did that Maisie retired he'll eating it. Now Is it you want goddamn out form is a man had become aware of. Nor got it now. You don't we we manager rice, wheat and shake your hand before that. Play. Is yours
put your arm out, and I like that. I was like boches like last night before fighting and then because I saw you commentary on the fight last night. Modification not wait to get to that Sweden motorbike I'd need becoming you're sure you did come on out because we gotta talk about. If I may Robinson who oh we got to talk about the damage that this was it I'd say no, I would say no, not words. of me. That's rush body to France, like my daughter, my daughter's in here right now, my granddaughter and I know for a fact that it did have. jamais. She would not look at me. No, no! It's ok! I know you can't do it at some point. It is not even worth because, even if he one like, what's the what's the ups, it's not as much as all downsize yeah you kick. It knocked out but the doubt like the way it ended is no way you can encourage
ok now and say: come outside. You can't give up you gotta fight to fight it through debt. Are you kidding, thou. Hast thou was very, very bad very, very had. Therefore, yes, d on you and I have a limited beef to cause. You came out me on Thanksgiving day. Thought hi live nowadays as far as concern You had an is. What do you had an issue with my macaroni and she's, my my old family recipe that awake the mayo and breadcrumb mixture. Yo needs, I was not my grown in. She is just everything: ideologies did you see how we turned our gratitude because it turned out pretty Garbutt, it was almost white. make your Jesus almost white and it wasn't an jeez? What was it was mackerel? only bread crumbs and many many the holy trinity? I guarantee you were so. Did you ate the you straight to the thought would you didn't see that was our your parent after I added
I've given rise to an anti red style and then Take the whole mathematical directly pause for thought. Right out. The you, maybe I was applied, My last question for you d on the back to that Box Chiefs Game like at what point? Is it too late for the for the bucks to kind of figure it out on offense because it just looks clunky, it looks like it's not like it is there. Can they at some point the seas and can contemporary walk interbrew Syrians orphans? Big, let me just do let me Let me run anything that I did in New England like let slip stopped deep all the time, let me beat Tom Brady anyway, Can you do that as a two asked us desisted turn again that you guys messing? It also whose Arians the great quarterback he's coach in the first year, all of them at least fifteen pits at least. I think the thing seventeen picks. So it s not the does not good management of office. He really let needs a let Tom be Tom. I got into a thing. I think they make the move
Antonio told the slot they got it Antonio, more involved because he's a dog a man and then not using right whatsoever and put them for the gathering outside let network. But if you two Antonio, game changer chain mover men in their money is not nearly what he wants were Their use me. I'm incorrectly Maybe one or is it just the whole thing looks a little weird and they have all the talent of that look. Yeah yeah doesn't look good where do camp over me less? What, where does camp I dont know with See here, if you can, would you go somewhere me back up because it that's what he might have to do next year doesn't like like do day. Written is probably like Bob courted by ex coming out of costs. Protestant one first round the sheer some pretty girls. What what Do like the what's going on right now. Do you do?
dude it's over? Do you give another shot? I think if your cam- and it will be a blow to his ego, because he knows M Bp. What five years ago, four years ago, I honest you think I would go to a great situation. Kind of Jamieson enormous now, obviously takes him. He'll come as change that because you he ended up being the true backup but go somewhere words, a great situation, a team, have you and if the starter gets hurt you basically walking into a championship level team. You can't dressed like that and come out the bitch that's true, you do have yes, you're right, you're right, that's great with all he needs to change its entire wardrobe becomes off the boat. Wondering whether innovation What situation might look like that across the Unifil? Would it be like a Lana? Maybe not I don't know- maybe yeah- maybe I mean you know being a string, one is a leg. Ashore Mcveigh, allow Shanahan, what about it, let from it that yeah? That's it
That's basically, why said it, but then they do have an aging quarterback and a new coach knows who that's gonna be but yeah, of course, would be an interesting go somewhere, where the coaching you know it's system that they use. success in everyone, just picked up by the way on NBC. So I've heard about that's great. Go let's go on. I would beyond. Thank you is always you look great that hat peace where a piggy blinders hat ah. you look swagger where one third to so tie up reset your death cherry kill at whatever retouch arms against you? Terry killed three touch on the issue of bread, ok, Z! okay, let's wrap up the show. We got football guy. The week was out of my Philips Norelco Oneblade, the only tool that can trim edge and shave any length hair it's November, and that means gift giving season is coming up, which makes now a perfect time to pick up specifically marked one blade bar stool pack, nationwide, where you could went up to a thousand dollars the partial store make sure.
You already have your bar stool, one blade. Did you head too, partial stored use your credit. And also keep treating assure forties game day. Facial or body here looks to a my take using tribute to win it for chancellor a special p, empty experience. Your style made simple, Philips Rock, one blade. I forgot guy of the weak Jake Prs, by thoughts Rocco so four nominees, first off cowboys coach, MIKE Mccarthy. This was late last week, but we couldn't including, lastly, could help him on that yeah. He pulled out a sledge hammer doing Saturday Night T meeting and smashed watermelons like Gallagher to emphasise their objectives, smash his own brain after that, with that that shitty of fake pot, did he call home? Why worked under this is for the Vikings Yazoo Microgram, arms. That's first, next we are to football gauss of the weak broke. Galileo may guys, just you click to this one,
the niece of yes Piano, ordered at Ali Smith is his ass. She once she told the sword that her niece once words OX jacket to a game, verses organ c and got hidden hair with a chunk of ice, but it did not go out and knocked her silly Eyeless put this and put this clip in early one of them ass to his rival reason all college upon. How do I now because I've been to a bunch of us once I was here My knees, but now son, who was wearing your ducks jacket, got hit new hidden ahead without chunk, revise it didn't matter silly. That was one of the most ridiculous clips ever I was watching the game live, and I was so confused when she said this, because its national broadcasting she's. Like hey funny little anecdote. I need got hit with some ice yeah and now it's now she's insane and that's the rivalry our arose in the blog. If you could do my lips for what she was going to say next, I don't think you would ever get in the whole. Look. She was like you with. The game was crazy, exists, afar game couldn't see shit. The analysis were literally like and he goes active ass, we
maybe in Pass Leandro saying I don't play actual spoken everybody up here and she was all bundled up Show Smith. She looked like an aunt, Jane that she is like. That story is the embodiment of o my crazy. did something weird. But in this case since, like she went on tv and told a story about begin, hid the face with a bunch ice. It was very, very funny. Next we have, private the biggest story this week and Sports Vanderbilt Kicker sorrowful, who became the first pillar the outlay. Polish followed I'll, give you gotta gardeners coach fired as it wrong to say that I played one game there gazing apart costs. Fifty squib kick twitter really came out in full force, scripture. But he was a script jack. I don't know. I don't know like with the process of seeing what she was able doing, where the kick was. Gonna go how they like Moses Gameplay went on, but it was a squib and I think she hid it with There are telling her ahead it I would have liked to see a drive. Your goal, but right, distinctive Vanderbilt is so incompetent got across my field. A few Sunday
barely four that is so valuable to be. I came with me I'll break this beer and were never going to fill gaps Lastly, you monsieur Robert Sal earlier he studied it's up in the morning on Thanksgiving needs. Pumpkin by pyres is appetizer plus a breakfast but higher- that guy Real football guys, don't even know that of Thanksgiving I guess another dead. Wood will must champ, say thanks giving as a meal yeah my wife thanks. We come home one day, one day a year, Thanksgiving Jake. Did you do that? The burn the ships one Are we had Tom out on a few weeks ago? We What who burn the ship zero do No this, when I was going add one cause, is actually sick. Okay, so there is a football coach in western boon in the middle of Indiana. Seems just pulley in order motivated players, he told story of portes who,
I use of terrible guy, who cares keys cancelled, listen the court has the killer by Neil Young burned his ships to motivate his men to fight harder and with the guy did to motivate was aware. Was named importer He bought a ship in the barn, did on the lawn and for the high school you got a full boat in law. On fire. bonfires to motivate his players to win tat week. I is real I don't know what you look like a guy like you bought a speedboat and then blue eye. Hurrah flare, gone and entreat you, MRS I mean I didn't see it on Billy. who gives a fuck about pumpkin pies burn ship wow. This is zero. the validity of the soil is so Billy in between you doing you're other pod gas in the show. Where'd you find the time to to bring our failure tried his car. Maybe you do the sheets for them
but Jake. I swear. I tag use on twitter. Jake, it is a fair question: do you think, maybe almost too much time called vessel with some french Bob could subscribe. I do love on jobs. Higher Prague Castle go Subscribe, are darkshire. Yemeni crack are our darling Jake's as new podcast. He cares about more than this This is my priority that not all me to quit and do this time I never go. Scribe are good at Us Rico. Bosco I've already know, I think, is the number one college basque ballpark gas in the country. I saw Cynosure Dj Suez hell yeah gossips grass should not question my Lord. While you were out Billy. Why out of these this actual studio, unaware you're, doing your pride on the bench. Rob saga, Billy was like. Can I start doing forego the weak, I guess you're it like
No, actually I don't work files. It was. He chose literally less than a sack each of control of about a week for a second, and then he was like now I don't wanna, do it? Well, you say no dispute over his life was that they could go home, so they fight and play harder there. We get it right. We got up or so dearly wishing her with a grin. Gives, is, I think, very cool uncertain and injustice purely on twitter he's a hand over the real doesn't matter. You would think good make headlines. Where'd you go, Billy did you burn the ships did you burn a ship and funnier borrowing is email I saw you I saw too. Is someone printing Billy reality? All time is an art settings. I do why the we add- or is this thing ski start, sending fat fake name This is why I am Billy's back on this one. Ok, aspirin!
I think there was habitable old fire and the guy was like. I did this to motor insurance bilaterally. Motivational, ok I will either way Jake I found it yeah. and how do you miss out? Billy heartaches check what this Indiana Footwork hosted the movie the scheme for the chariot? Again, they loved the motto, burn the ship's, alluding to Cortez, who tweeted had just and Polly. Now some guy Dan L coach, twenty six, another hundred likes so thoroughly in take my cardiac as a week. I do like the fact that this football coach bought like an extra ship like a vague ashen boat and then let them on fire to symbolise watch. How do you get him on? There's? No winds will get no turning back now, boys alien him in India. Like for the others. No water does not only an about turn about. There's the canal lakes. Don't exist, Billy Eggs,
the other lakes in other- actually not just a bunch of Milton points. I have just one: zero schools, yeah people via the dazzling driving around I lose rose really oil nor threatened when they break open. They just can become a reality and is not border. Anything like some pressure. A finger like this. Have you nothing makes great lakes, be finger yeah. Actually there in an AIDS hush, it does touch. Lake Michigan does when you re always a little party access Chicago Indiana, how many lakes in Indiana eighty six. Actually not that many less than others thought tat, they could use large ponds, no, that's not that may exploit. It is significant that there are lakes I sold the beaches still vote for football guy, the weak role for football guy, the weak
add that when an Jake is very distraught now it's ok. I feel bad, I'm lonely honey. I told my Jake, we love you. We live only fine. You can do little pike ass, your good son bench rob coastal snob. We love that package. I vote for a filter. Aka one blade football that a week I what you baby Braun and then we'll get out of here. With who's back of the week baby brought of the week Hank can. I combine. Mine duties will burn you whatever this a first Sahara, question rocard voodoo be yes, I think the answer is yes, it is the first signs of wash sports. Are they say? Is he doing something like you know? He should Israelis drowning every minorities listen get. His is the summer of Braun right now, baby brother he's watching every sport, because this is like This is his little vacation away from play. Basketball, so he's just hang hours couch getting drunk everyday yeah he's dragon is watching tv actually sounds, like he's, probably have a great time. but he just amazed by everything that he sees yeah. It was me, everything that he sees blows his mind
So my someone is high young lady. He might my name. I wrote those voices on his new to kill a ship is all time which I guess is nothing new for him. He is one of the weak, though he's been tweeting out old clips of himself kind of way now do in the letter to me on Instagram YO. I like that, but he's been tweeting, you know, there's been clips of him in high school and said that he's like, quoting and being like our man. This is crazy guy for greatness young king bubble. Tell it himself lay from future advice. Roads ought leubronn to these maybe they bribing baby brought here and he baby brand baby Braun Lebron James, you hook keep everything that he has the ground like pictures of them. Work announced that it was, I was gonna, be my baby. Bron would Ronnie brontes my baby brown of the weak eyes to that no, but you did the Rhine James as a young Braun. He just to be set young Braun was brawny was Bron We have drawn brown I'm saying that Braun Bron is Baby Brown of the also fight
bright, always pronounced Brontes, brownie brownie like you like my little pony here, I had thought motorways Brownie James might be. Makes me laugh. I always read it that way. My other big medicine and imagine Braun dresses, like he's an undercover brownie probably is locked, the my little pony, soon neighbours, kid Brown. Eighty. I heard that Lebron James makes all the free ages of the sign. Where tales underneath the herds have you. There won't be up Hank as much weight what's up hey Isabel? Why you're? What as hang on a bigger, why you tailed email, Oh yeah, I would for non guys from the guy, a really detailed humility with your I might given I'll, be rosier some other baby round the week was Joe Biden Stock scout. Oh yeah. Crosser miles out here. Breakin angle, if he's rationales on Joe Biden on having go the hospitals get a foot injury which can be, I mean Clay Thompson. An awful lot of people tell you for injuries or are very bad?
worries lucky that dog invited here are my baby, we're onto the weakest jerk Patterson. Buffalo running back, had eight touchdowns, eight touchstone four hundred plus yards forty nine yards I dont know how is code, pull them unreal he actually said after he apologized to didn't know he didn't know, but some gas to tell yet so this is what always amazes me about in a false sidelines and calls for both sides. They don't have a guidance on the sidelines watching tv or just watching twitter. You should be as I'd line watching television and scrolling twitter in in a lazy boy. Just to let your coach know about important situations like this, where hey sky could set all kinds records. If you just given the volume or tat. Could you imagine if we you had like twitter watcher on your sideline? There should be as walked up to. Montenegro has lay hey. Buddy is our goal. I mean it is almost shoot you straight. It is not
here you are turning out Adam gazes trending logs over tonight. It's malnutrition amen. you just looked everyone just saying that you looked shoveled by way, Patricia getting fired totally under the radar like fire. After all a call football Saturday after Thanksgiving before Sunday. Wasn't Fourth quarter of Michigan Penn State, righted literally like that's, that's it this time we fired you, you could very well. We up to our morning in not realising that Patricia was fired until we just oh, he was definitely fire but put on. So you know what I'm saying like you're, what you spinning ear you you're having little many break. you're watching college football. Your way, for and if the NFL happened so he's Knocker lead on Monday like nor can be talking about it. Map Patricia was, there will never be anybody who is going to be more unemployed than map. Patricia is gonna, be couple months he's gonna be the most employ guy of all time. Just like sweat, pencil
He probably put on a shirt. Definitely not one with buttons on his beard is gonna grow out. What are they doing them? All? They may hear was going to look like a walking Julie suit. What do you do with all the gear he's probably hoarding holding that for a like just. He knew that this day would come that sock donor, like half the, where do read your clothes of all the gear map Patricia still absolutely gonna, where his free stuff that he got yeah he's got just like a desk filled pencils that he's been. sk whirling away for the last two years? on Euro Arab and walking closeted of law. Men's jumpsuits, yeah, Arthur Jarrett Patterson is my baby Bron of the week Billy. Do you have one? Yes, my baby brown of the week in Lebron would totally do this, but Baby Brown MIKE Tyson hasn't showed out. He said he was high during the fighter yeah in women, for these then the brought yes, I know I looked, would totally be like you MIKE Tyson. My baby Bron now sent by
Yet how can I get it, but I think I might do that. I got the brow really euro or baby brine MIKE Tyson. You have done. I would say that, for some that's older than here in that thing, it's psyche is the brow like animal bribery. Bronze is broken, is what is ethically I wore up, I'm coming athletes, who were mind there? This reminds leubronn of Splay. That's the thing you someone does you lumping awesome and the Broncos? Oh, you know who else is awesome.
Me look exactly like MIKE Tyson with my cousin father draw for paper. It was too late for you in his prime on the problems like twelve, so exactly cyber. I agree that I agree Billy, that Leubronn uniting who have not done that whose back the broad might have done that it is MIKE Tyson without their and beat the shit out of him, but lay in larger, and you know that I know you did DR draw my legs. You aren't you again. Roy users like we go by the judges, Stewed Edra scared right. You I have a being drawn up. Ok, you're, J Greaser, maybe brought you Jake. I had to have a real owner Dame running Back Cairum, William. I see you hit him with the silence or to close out the game. Yes, great reminds me of me tat the hidden the silence. It would be totally abroad to baby Bron MIKE Tyson, Odin, everyone knows it's as baby brother. We ve not theoretical the paper on which not Billy forgot. To do this. I ve Mason. I voted down yeah, I prep.
or I ll be funny whose vacuum Billy Redeemer away before you, whose back pfc you had a real quick word from offered screwball yeah, but actually this is another whose back the weakest screwball whisky, because I drank some screwball whisky over the Thanksgiving holiday same screwball. It did Jackie. He liked a peanut butter, Staffa Gruber, whiskey on the rock Delicious, the holidays are looking a little different. So why not me? supping, go to drink for cocktail as well and gray when you do that screwball whisky, screwball peanut butter, whisky. You can have a need, on the rocks earner classic cocktail. So if you're doing old fashion. Why not try a peanut butter whisky go screwball mix up a little bit, taste delicious. It will fully up that's the best part about whiskey, screwball peanut butter. Whisky is the ultimate do of two american favorites american whiskey and peanut butter flavour. In result, you get a whiskey that six different scope, warm and well Roma. It scared deliciously, we meet savory palate and then scandalised smooth finish at the end. Screwball
It's amazing all by itself and seventy proof he can. We need on the rocks or as a shot section, you're very smooth, shot to take if you're looking for go to like a holiday party, get together amongst friends, you drink something that is a gross doing too much but still we'll get you nice and up. Seventy proof. Why not go for screwball peanut butter, whisky for making cocktails? You can replace your usual whisky with screwball get a whole new expire. it's you take a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. This is actually my favorite to do. People don't combined liquor would dessert enough. In America You can take a scoop of vanilla ice cream and then you can Screw Boston, whisky or through. Peanut butter whisky over it for the autumn indulgence. It's easy its awesome be great. For date, night you could add to coffee, hot chocolate or ignored for festive treat. Will irish coffee was peanut butter, whisky, great way to start the day, the crew,
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Margaret I soon oh yeah, MIKE Tyson after his exhibition. That was a draw that he did not win. He confirm the report as it is high shit during the fight parallel! Something you do like you just smoke. Weedin in March on Lynch came ended interview and how to use it. Take shouts of Hennessy before every game love and I'm always amazed by any athlete that can do anything while there It is the most it's crazy to me, tat, you can go out there and in box while So when I'm stone, I just like to sit on my ass. Unlike replay the events of times that, like, or either really awesome a really bad in my own, had even in all its basically it's an east sport, so basically sport, but like sometimes up in a small, can play call duty and I'm not ass, great ass, yeah, through you trying to do. I think it's a year we chill out
So you got these technically stimulant. Becoming great marijuana really want is not a stimulant its. It speeds of your right Jake and you ll get off yet does marijuana marijuana airline? Actually I went to virgin drug class. Oh, why none are like school. They they drugs, yardsticks corner relation the identified disc is you? Take a drug test, does have some guidance areas in question is marijuana stimulant hard. You says, and I should remind you, that cat they put the Big chinks northwestern this weekend, yeah. No, I did whoops might have met again the boys to pumped up what we are aiming to weak. As dean of we're of metal. Speaking of stealing stealing football, guys reveals what has tried self nominated someone who were well? What? We do not like football guys there then his mission states guy with the funding of funds,
The funding for it If they drank of alpha on the machine state dragging, I guess I did get high on Friday and I peed man- I got it all into the toilet and I felt like I was or fires illegal labour. Not me, I'm I like nailed like all into the well. Let me guess colleges, no one has a similar result, we can be classified as a depressing stimulant or hallucinogens around. So all the above. this achievement independent smokin midst, ideally, if its ocean, I legit, though it it's mostly dog, that she is a stimulant if its Europe will re married to I wish that shit is it? Is it down if its ally ass, the hallucinogens yeah he's a You do. You should do in moderation, yeah, specially moderation
respond. I used until Billy comes around then sit down. Yet until I get my whose back in a week is, toward shorts in college basketball. Earlier we ve been com. I think we we said like three years ago that there were starting to come back their fully back now. There's one do don't Indiana that sort of bring back a couple years ago now it's like James lies and was a short shirts. You was for three aims now others problem, like forty percent of college bass. Poplars Iraq in short for, can actually make sense. Economically speaking, it makes if you're playing is for we have to like dribble between your legs. Anna Lindh get low, run yeah and not like grabbed onto I've, been saying for years short shorts, make more sense in basketball and their cool. I think they look cool neither whose back the week is journalism fights so Florio and shouted very It's like a really first of all Florio Shhh had an old fashioned source off how Thanksgiving night try
there were. The fighting was what they were arguing about. Ways like the smallest detail, possible over win, the ravens would be allowed to go back into facility to practice. Naturally and Schaeffer was like sources inside building say that they're not going back until Monday Laura like that what the ravens think, but it's not their call to make shelter and then shattered I quote, tweeting him and now Florio won't, let go of it so he keeps as more information comes out. He keeps quote tweet docking on chapter and do a lovely eyeballs loves, I think technically might Florio was correct to say that the inner fell was gonna, make to call as to win. Go back into the city, but Schaffner was also still correct. They wouldn't be going back into the facility until Monday, which is what Harbaugh was telling him you guessing into haven't, is I know that you don't want to know. I do I do actually it not that anyone cares, but I had perspective,
her fancy and not about about. Also that's more important than the patriots really mean Well, that's why you did what game to happen. True pages hands Yet, hang you just one: everybody be safe right, yeah, there's somebody called X is PAMELA around out there ass. Well, that obviously are my whose back, who week what you say you were sent earlier, that harbour. If he does far from Michigan the coach, the Detroit lawyer. Yes, it's the only way to keep his legacy liked it superstores legacy. Instead, the Detroit stood straight in Michigan. What about this one? all the harbours went together and coaches each was your eyes like as a euro, contemplating a family of Europe really sweet? Do it we signal I know my whose back is magic job. Since Sweden things twenty four hours later, so he the big fight, happened on Saturday night and then he treated during the past there's bears game praying for Nate, Robinson
and we all actually thought need. Robinson I like went to the hospital is something really bad happened, and then I looked it. magic, twitter and I realized it. No, he just replaying the fight an eye. Twenty four hours later cause the the before was last night. I watched the fight between MIKE Tyson Chickens, Junior and then Sir, giving his empty piece, which was everyone one won the Mvp. It's not necessarily a bad thing to do every now and again to just annoying What needs going through its like periodically tweet out pray, Four Nate Robinson he's gonna need that over the next couple years, shoes sneakers recall they were. That was all I had Billy we want, due to beat up which Paul Jake we want yeah, he's tiny, can we have you beat object, Paul? I will fuck up J ponder said he small geez. I need some time to actually learn how to bodies, but
you were right here? Will luxurious not six one's own? Your fucking, like Paul Nausicaa, Mary Robinson, was yet they robbed. You won't you walk. You are he's five, seven at the taller. I looked at a picture of next year. For joy and they were exacts him high noon eyes. How tall High Roberts, hotels Dave. I have walked round it. Just ass phds, hotels, pay fifty five may raise a hive depends on the chair. I am I thought. I'd like I know, J Paul, it probably never finds night is listed as six one. So Billy he's not. Actually I want so. This is where we get the genius of Billy's mind because Billy thinks that if you can prove that Jake Paul all is shorter, like a smaller creature than Billy is the that your daughter need arises. Billikin defeat and my my reach on him. I was watching fight, nay robbing could get close to him I have a bigger reached and Jake Paul
I told you able to pick him up from the outside, just saying I know would probably never have been because Who the hell am I the driver, J Paul but like ours, I think about it In fact, I think we should market you act like a long lost Paul brother that guy caught out like cut out of the entire family estate and now you're coming in from the Bastard signed, the bastard, some black sheep company communist might ache when you re all yours spill, you're the John Snow, this exactly anyway so I was told always use- were my whose back the week is a holiday season, in what better way to celebrate the holiday season and by gifts for your friends and family go to stored up or partial sport. Stockholm to pick up gifts great for the whole family, such as pardon my flakes org, this part of my take had, which is back and stock on Monday, which is, MRS Area, as well as this football guy sweatshirt go to store DA powerful sports Talkin to get your merge today.
that's crazy, love! What were you may facing, whereas in the twelve? sissy night, Jackie avenues biting the idea who's, the guy. Why would you cut Jake off like the back of the cereals eyes, cereal boxes, the theme this week, I guess benchmarks my, whose back, but in his eyes not for long, is the key oh yeah. I says army cities, goodbye, yeah, he's taken about it, a lot easier, doubly world. Do you like if they cancel March madness again this year, there's be flown in his polite, believe odd. He's on the call for wanting to champion classic ass. He left the room. Reprobates, that's it just is dead, could be a tie. Was rumours we'll be designed, as I think, someone's gonna get it right now? Hopefully, while Billy mention that sire Monday. Discards are a discount I'd logged all data. We also responded with proven
picked a number, so I'll shoot them out. If they got this. Oh, I counted only fifty one of the one hundred numbers and there were picked by people so festivity shot. Someone gets her eye out where sixty nine thirty four has eighty seven eighty, thirty, nine. I thought I had a genuine thirty, thirty nine out to just in Brock's Meyer. Oh, oh God is either we just stated ideal and guess it George, just in blocks market attitude of Unita job come we really new internal labour to love Gus military dogs and get purple pause. They purple hearts, but for dogs acute when buy a wish for
There are four popsicles. No I've started right down a list: hey that's You know what that is. That's a snap of us. You, as our starting point we live in, is not with us where we see the little. That is really do next. I know I'm not giving you literally reed, I'm not your email, I've. Not. Let me reassure you that you're you're tirelessly. how can we pour later this week on re? All, I guess we're good amazing. All my legs leavers warts. I lose who have you eating o, whose winning money? Well you see how I care to pay its win. Everything winds in in the cargo scorn you're like I go cardinals, because if the cardinals, when I had a higher pay out- and there was also a losing its reports- that is this- the fact that simple fact, three twenty one always in favour blood in another EU country I snapped. I ever consolation of vacuum everywhere ease our new into from everywhere what
way way, whether your salary goes, I will compilation Kabila's from everywhere. You're alive, you pay a love. The aid in by the way, make shrewishness stresses how seriously this story about it. We were allowed to retain its pardon, my tent presented by bar stool sports.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-03.