« Pardon My Take

MNF & Damar Hamlin, NFL With Pete Prisco, 1 Question With Max Duggan & The 2022 Bonk List

2023-01-03 | 🔗

We start the show a little different with PFT and Big Cat talking about Monday Night Football and the Scary Damar Hamlin situation (00:00:00-00:22:21). We then move back to the studio to do hot seat/cool throne (00:22:21-00:55:21). Pete Prisco joins the show to talk Week 18 and playoffs as well as what happened to Russell Wilson and how Prisco would make a great Special Teams coach (00:55:21-01:38:56). 1 question with TCU QB Max Duggan (01:38:56-01:48:40). We finish with Hanks 2022 Bonk list for the entire show (01:48:40-02:06:41).

You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey part might take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon music. For this episode we pardon with e harmony the dating apt to find someone. You can be yourself with bodies who gets you as hard right. I like to think that's a good thing, because your human and there's lots of humans out there. So why spend time on dates with people? You have no connection with e harmony. Wants you to find someone who gets you? Everyone on harmony takes a quiz brings out their personality on the at so many you match you're one step ahead in getting to know one another journey, harmony to find someone. You can be yourself with e harmony, get who gets you raise part of my take or gonna talk about money, night football and what happened in cincinnati on Monday night with two more hamelin, or breaking up the show a little bit so the first ten minutes is just can be me in pdf t talking about what transpired,
Then we'll go back into the studio. I try to people are normal show without this is the best way to do it will do hots equal thrown. We have p press go on. We have max dug in and hank as well to do the twenty twenty two pointless, so we're trying to break it up and a gate as best as possible, ready to unlock more than twenty four adding gold standard. One hundred percent whey protein by optimum nutrition to your workout gives you twenty four grams of high quality protein to support. Muscle, building and recovery, enrich delicious flavors, an essential piece for building a routine that can support your workouts available at your favorite stores, like walmart, amazon and at optimum nutrition. Dot com helps support muscle building when used everytime in combination with regular resistance exercise. The okay, let's go The And
Violence none him. how My trade by Work in a part of my take today. Wednesday january forth. a little bit something different to start to show money I football to mar Hamblin. I think everyone saw what transpired we thought the best to do this show was to break it up, so the first ten fifteen minutes will be just be impunity.
Talking about it, and then we will go back into the studio with everyone else, and you know who, before we get into tomorrow, I understand some people don't want to right now. It's very serious thing. We know what our role is and to be now give people brevity in their life. Life is not easy, so we thought this was best way that we could both talk about a serious thing, but also give everyone some to smile about so yeah. and I was pretty horrific as taping this, it's nine thirty. On tuesday week we try to wait the majority. The data hopefully get good update Last update, we've seen is damar hamlin, as we know in critical condition, still and it may be doing better from some of the report's racine, it's it's obviously like you- not we're, not gonna get answer, any I'm soon, but yeah
it was. It was pretty shocking and tragic to watch and we love football. We know that. I think the thing the pft you and I like it. We always were huge football fans. We love football and we have to admit that our livelihood- and they show is all a lot. It is based on football and in what the sport provides for. So to see that one football players, but we care about a lot as in the nfl and the league is important to us so to cease, collapse and need cpr on the field. Was it it shook me, it should be bad. It was scary. It was. It was really really frightening, watching dan tiresome play out and end the look on I saw Josh island face and a sideline digs his face, The players knew almost instantaneously, that this was some pretty serious going on and the the sports world kind of came to a stop like nothing else, really mattered at that time then
I can assure you is ok because I, as as sick as it is like as in fancy we do, love the nfl like. A weekly basis will see a plenary, though they d break leg terror ligament and they get off the field and sad and any feel form, and you think about em to show goes on and that moment and I think what a lot of people saw last sight is like theirs, a clear line where it's a cliche to say that things are bigger than supports this. was a moment. We're sports literally did not matter is that there was a person on the field that was at risk, dying and end a quarter. Some reports may have act. He died on the field that day that they brought back now There's a lot of negative stuff. That's going on right! Now, people are jumping over like skiff. First, We said he had bought scots said some stuff, I really want to get into any that? Because it doesn't really help anything, I think some things that we can put a little bit a light on because those other the heavy implications, those are self explanatory, but the the
echo staff at the game did such a good job like it's, it's unreal there two places, that I would want to get severely injured. One would be in an emergency room like in the waiting room and then the second would be like fewer than in avail game, because within, like thirty seconds, they have world class doctors on feel that we're right there were giving CPR almost instantly to em that might have been the difference. We don't know what's gonna happen, obviously, but that might have been the difference between life and death. It's a really is like a credit to modern science, and the doctors like to be able to be there right away and and the tools that we have, and to say something about the the negative stuff. I agree with you. I think being on the internet, for as long as you get on the internet, you start to realise a trend that, when something tragic happens, people can't just feel grief, they have to feel anger, so it quickly just devolves This is a terrible thing that happened and we should all
sad and and- and you know, kind of put it into perspective right to who said something down- let's jumped down their throats and we're gonna like litigate there Everyone's tweets, but I just I've noticed that on the internet that people just can't comprehend this, the really tragic thing that happened so they're like will. What else can I do? I can be really angry online and go after people, and it doesn't really penny. I you know it ranks said a passing in. The whole scene was so crazy to watch, because it's it's you don't poker and shit. During Susie colbert were put in impossible spot to basically carry alive broadcast. You saw bugger was very shaken up and he did it. outstanding standing job, then they went to scotland, pelt and ryan clark and Clarke said patsy. Was like this is the dark out did the nfl that we don't you know as players. Don't we try not to think about it that that this does exist?
like tragic injuries and and really life altering things right. is your on that same field can happen and you try to like not not think about it. lotta young, guys chasing dream, and he was saying, like I love football more than anything besides my kids, and so it's not like footballs. If it's that this is just really really sad and it hopefully takes a turn for the better, because you know damar hammond love but when he was chasing his dream and to have that happen in a freak accident is just You just really really hope that everything turns out you. You said exactly right, like the the bills. Players like players always know before any new right away, that it was something different when he saw their faces and he saw some crying- and you saw like even that the five minute warm up which we can talk about but like Josh, was just looking out blank face out on the field like this is not.
They can't planes. They can't play this game here, and I know that the animal I mean the in the moment we're all sitting on our couch and we see that you can't play the game. I do think there things are happening. Nfl clearly, obviously doesn't really care like did they ve, never prioritize player safety. They say they do, but they don't but I do think that lay per prioritize, clear safety in so far as point where it starts to cost money right right in, and I think that five minute warning thing that every a warm up thing that everyone knows is really like hung up on item. he about it today, like I don't I dont know if it came from, the rest No, I think what happened in a tree the human moment is. We ve seen really bad things happen on a football field, rhine she's, your being like you know an example, enable us take someone away and then you go, is normal, and so I think alike It was almost like reflex like this is what we do. Do you go on the
Then we start became backup and then you know our mcdermott exact taylor, credit to them and in whichever players spoke up being like It is not normal. We should not play this end. The right decision in the air. So I think that if it a little too long. You can. You can argue that, but at the end of the day they didn't play the game and it's probably credit to the players and the coaches, not the league, but it still happy that they were able to get to that conclusion, because I we have been very wrong to continue that game they made the right decision and, according to all the reporting that I've seen we saw it when it was happening live. I think we all reacted to it in the moment where make the announcement Joe buck think four times on the broadcasts it there were being told The game would be restarted in five minutes, Troy vincent from the fell says That was never his idea, which could be true. Can be very true natural events in roderick adele did not. The call in this and that it was the officials and the game managers on site that kind of
you said, went along with what the traditional playbook is for something like this way, is ok, give the teams five minutes to warm up and we saw Joe borough start to throw passes we saw some of the guys moving around the sidelines as if they were gonna get back in that game. In that moment, I think everybody with with a sense of what just happened, understood You can't play this game. One is is bigger than a game, because there's a man that died on the field that's a literally what we also happened to expect his teammates and everybody else to go out and to try to put football game after that it is foolish and there is a plan safety element involved where those There has not gonna be in the game when the greater and there's gonna be a different level of of competitiveness in that game, depending on play to play and whose end it who's not focused. Dangers for everybody involved. and then there's just the simple fact that, like you shouldn't based on what these players have seen and what their through mentally, do not
some go back and do their jobs. Imagine if you're, if you're at work and like a co worker, passes and you have to shock and back and give him cpr you got, any position to go back and focus on a job. Later, on that day, but what we saw was was the nfl they struggled initially you're right taylor and sean Mcdermott day. the credit to them for making the logical decision and for saying hey. This is not something that we ve normally seen so the game. From restarting it. When it looked like it was going to, then it sounds like the nfl p, a gun touch the teams and they work their way with the nfl and discuss the fact that, like this is this not going to happen. So I'm not gonna city, I'm not gonna point fingers are roderick, don't say, you're the bad guy for tat to restart this game. It might not have been his call, but it does just like the natural flow of things in the nfl is when a player get seriously hurt even up to the point. Of them needing cpr on the field. This as quo is ok we're in yet the star in five minutes. That's what the
on, say game officials tried to do and I think you d like take a step back and and and realized that it's not always it's not that serious right and it's it's also a great remind in a terrible situation that it had to have the ito take this to remind everyone that the geyser all humans- and you know tat- is like hearing about denmark, famines, mom coming down from the stands in trying to get to the ambulance there. You know that relationship they have with each other as teammates their family is that are watching them in and watching the game and saying you know, the next hit could be a catastrophic kit and I don't I don't think there there's a school of thinking like what football they signed up for it, yeah. Ok, We all know the dangers of football, but there are some really bad shit that can happen and football in it's ok to take a step back and be like, let's, let's, let's make sure everyone's okay here, both like you're, saying the mental health and more
anyone in the hospital in critical condition. Right now. I don't think anyone, making the argument that you know footballs over it's just either needed the necessary step back and the game to stop and and be cancelled. To realise like this is something that is a one in I don't know a million thing that happened. That needs to be addressed accordingly, and I can't just be the regular show goes on because you you're right, like the than the norm The reaction of the nfl, is always like the show. Moscow who played an entire season and covered with game on tuesdays and wednesdays, like we know that, that's what the nfl, that's their protocol. They go to show must go on, but this is one of those situations where I'm happy the show didn't go on and I am happy that you know the bills players were able to stop playing. Some were able to see. You know, go to the hospital notes to find went to the hospital they are able to get home to their families
at the end of the day like work, look we're not Everyone knows this show we reach to be serious ever put. This is a wait where it is like a step back situation and say: ok, these guys are humans and we need to. We need to reassess kind of how we look at the whole thing and and and give it it's like time to to heal yeah I, I think I'm going for verses. Why clarify once it is? Not that serious am obviously not talk about the injury. I'm sorry about this sport of four compared to the right guy That is those entered. I want make that clear, but so I think People found themselves in a state of, I guess didn't have a direction to channel in any their energy right after because we're so used to getting a thumbs up from a player being like put into nay, even when there are clearly not doing well this year. We see like movement. were used to hearing, denounce or say like he has movement. his extremities
I think everybody waiting for an update from a reporter saying is game consciousness and He's got a message for his team and for the fans we were. We are all waiting for that we're waiting for the picture like we have from christian Eriksson. passed out where he actually had heart cardiac arrest, as well as socrates, two years ago. Where are you going it's a picture up from the house. We are all waiting for that and when we do, get any acknowledgement that, like things, were improving, we were we were, we start to lash out and we did see little bad at online like looking for the bad guy. ok, I can get mad at schiphol us and that will make me feel better in this situation, but the reality is, I think everybody was kind of dealing wrestling with their own little, grief, and also just a little bit of of I can try to process what they just saw in its don't blame people who get their initial reactions, let's get angry and in which on the internet, because it just no one knows how to deal with this. No one knows how to deal
situation they ve never seen before. So I don't, I don't think it's. wrong. I think a lot of you probably woke up today being like beyond maybe to to witch hunt. The the three or four bad tweets was not the where to use my energy. Maybe they didn't. I don't really care issues thing. It is sad and I really really hope we get a good update soon. I know that you know I would assume I dunno what the nfl is going to do in terms of scheduling. It's not really relevant right now, but obviously that's a question. A lot of people are asking, I'm sure will happen in due time in the next day or two The only thing I other thing I want to say was just like tomorrow, I'm on the guy, because you know it. I'm out his charitable gale, giving with with the toy drive that has now reached, I think five and a half million dollars
and all the stories about who he is and like how he is he's really a role model to kids in pittsburgh. He grew up in pennsylvania. He went to pitt and he's a hero. Two out of these kids, you seem, like you know. The consummate just professional he made friend. You know son brother, all these things and- and it seems like you know, one of those things where, instead of finding that anger online for who made a bad tweet, it should probably be focused more on, like what an incredible human being to more hamelin is and trying to help However, that is an n n. You said it I mean before phd, but like I think what what was his uncle's quote, that that was really like profound. I can look it up exactly here and I think, damn it. Let me do that because I don't want to get it wrong. It was. It was really look it up in a tragic, ok. He say he said this is. tomorrow, hamlets uncle dorian Glenn Is it a lot of people don't get to see how love they are, while whether alive
so for him to have a situation where he could have been taken away: He has a chance to come back and see all that love that he got yeah. I mean it's, it's true, like you know, we say, give people their flowers and most people. don't get to ever see. Like all the lives that they ve impact and how much people truly care about him, but truth. Is people ever out there has a lot of people they care about a man Fifthly, it- and I hope I'm not reading too far into this, but it sounds like theirs. For a little bit of progress being made as far as a goes and hopefully he'll be able to to wake up, and and what a what an awesome moment that would be for him to to see, All the love that's been shown to him from strangers. Friends, bills. Mafias obviously stepped up big time. the organization is teammates like that would be an incredible moment for him, so I really
amongst other reasons, I really hope that he gets to experience that yeah and I hope he experience it too, because it just the we love football we really really love upon. I think a lot of people love football in it. It's been cool to see the outpouring of of love for Timor hamelin, both in buffalo nation, wide cincinnati, like the fans, were, I think, we're great on Monday night football, I made up some of the stories about making sure that his mom was able to get down to the field as quickly as possible, even though she wasn't credentialed, like all the thing. So I don't know it just is that that's the positive side of of seeing rowan kind of come together and use positive energy and and hope that you know everything turns out. Ok, that's enough that those are the moments and I look forward to be like yeah. This is this is what's good in life. You know it's not someone's bad tweet, it's it's rejoicing.
In a great young man who, hopefully, I can come out of this, Yeah ninety nine percent of people I actually think are- are awesome and wonderful and and and worth celebrating, there's one person particular I wanted to talk about because I did get a couple of dams and I got a couple of texts from some friends who happened to be at this game as well. I don't know who this lady, why she was part of the medical staff that was there and the second he fell to the ground and she started to being attended to on the field. Recognizes very the situation sprinted off help. defibrillator onto the field more, for the ambulance was kind of colleagues. Were shots and started to grab the players from team pull them into place. To have them stand around more. to give him a little bit of privacy in the moment when they started. You see your item, which is something that would have liked out that would have. odin dramatizing to everybody involved and also he deserves its here he deserves to have the dignity of having privacy. In a situation like that,
and I don't know who she was these people. I I got to the aims and to tax, people that were there that wanted to share that story, so I was worth sharing on this show in case. Anybody knows who she was just absolutely great job by the medical staff to be able to like bring into action that quickly and idea. The last thing in and we're gonna kick to ourselves back and studio. We mention it with people, s go but Knowing how to do CPR is is pretty easy to to take like an hour course. I mentioned it with pete, but, like I did do a course when I had you know my son and we had to do a child cpr lesson and stuff that, like you, never know you never know when it could help someone and their cereals everywhere. So we know if this it is a moment that spurs a lot of people to go out and get certified in cpr like thing about all the good that will happen from that, but at the end of the day, we we know what type of park
we are. We know that we're here to entertain people and not be supercilious. We thought, obviously, this situation needed a little bit of a different tone. start the show the show will be back in studio with everyone back to our normal programming, because we know that people want to laugh and people want to think about something else we in maybe it's did not even thinking about this, but think about something else. It's going on their life, that that's right now, so we know we know our role and in the universe, in that sense. So with that lets kick it to ourselves back and studio. We have people s, go max dog in and out twenty twenty two bonk, listen, hots equal to rome. Ok, we're back in studio in the show is brought you by friends of part of my chief stake, its delivery and pick up. Only restaurant brand, bringing craveable, cheese, steaks and loaded fries for my cheesecake is now available in hundreds of select niche locations nationwide with new locations being added every week heck you were cooking cheese, steaks at the arizona bowl
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Non cash tips every single foods It's like, I feel like I used to have an understanding of the unwritten rules of tipping are supposed to tip we're not supposed to tip, but in today's day and age with technology. It seems every single place you put a card. They asked for a tip ya out and it has three off my understanding of what is a tip and what's not a tip, and I also and woke about I feel like if I'm tipping we ve got to pick up food. to go pick up my lunch today. It asked for tip. I dont think that that if I give male twenty percent two dollars by doll I don't think. That's going to the person who made my food right, okay, so I've got- and I I just don't I just want to- I want to get this out there cause. I don't want to be a scrooge, but sometimes I do zero and then I feel yeah sheep yeah, but in my heart and like this is this. Is correct it some it's definitely something we're seeing more and more of especially at places were like you'd, essentially is trans? Actually you pay money, and then you get your things
you are very simple system for handling this. My system is, if there's somebody next to me, in line that can see. If I'm right, It tip or not. I leave it and if there is not a usually don't, The report gives data henrietta just to make it I'd. I'd feel bad. the person behind music. Oh shit, fifty's, cheap type. We would have with CBS. Now they essentially you know they asked when I was around up and into a donation yea. They basically pledged like fifteen million dollars to the to the whatever the corporation, where the the charity was. They pledged that they used. Their peoples money to fulfil that fifty million hours which has brought so that in my head now, two words like now I'm like. I don't even think again this, where I don't think if it's, if it's money going to the workers, that's one thing I don't feel like it is. I just do fifteen percent every time just so that, like the transaction, is clean. We did this because you're that are you cheap is cheap, not open. The bird on electric, no fifty percent only take out
I this is where I get thrown off? What are you talking about? Yes, I'm talking about takeout you're, talking about like walking into five guys ordering a burger fifteen percent. That's what I do. like I'm, not eating their I'm just taking going away yet put five years ago would have to benefit about my little eyes lit up if the exact, if they give you an option and it's not like a CBS, CBS are like a grocery store where they do those those donation things, I'm just convent the money doesn't actually go there or like hank, saying that its act, gonna go there from sea vs they're using asked refill what their pledging so my room I honestly just go like twenty percent just say: The only reason this is become a conversations because I knew square ipad. the energy that europeans are extreme and take talk trend, but it just because certain especially take out places use that type of payment system that has that tipp option is why the solvent discuss. I dont think you shows it
If you like, pick up food, I do see. I let my pick up what I do: fifteen percent, if I'm sitting down to twenty percent or more yeah I use I am going to drag incidences of good tipper, but I questioning myself when I go, I lit a walk in pick up the food and then I think about it. This they asked me to tip, and I'm like- I don't think about this, or my tipping is the way you gotta think about. All these things is the people working are probably not making a ton of money and you're it's like if it's a fifteen dollar meal and you're tipping fifteen percent. That's like a couple of bucks. What does that mean to you right? It's prob, if enough people do it. It means a lot to that yeah and I say again the money and if they get them on, if its take out, there is usually somebody that responsible for, like putting entire meal together, packaging it up in the star from and stuff. So it's You are getting service which is not coming to your table is just getting packaged of input bag. I mean delivery. Twenty percent twenty five percent I usually if its. If it's the same place, an order from a lot I go on
to the right and I tip the most mount because know that I'm probably going to see that person again yeah wait real quick. Does that mean you guys tip at chipotle's I wanted you to be fifteen percent. I think I can be bullied into a tip adela. Europe always lay exactly what I'm talking about. That's a bit like caught like gonna, get a coffee, fifteen percent get twelve or fifteen. basically. If somebody asked me for money, I feel bad not giving them. I just hit the button we're on saint pages. Yeah we'll makes only five can absorb all different I'll give you one of my colleague, mrs gm down five care, which that does that does q into my cool throne. I have a couple the first one was insane and biased allies Donovan Mitchell. Seventy one point: last night, LUCA a crazy, sixty point triple double a week ago. We can half ago yeah. So that's insane, unbiased allies are backed by other cool throne is actually, again darts day everyone remembers darts day back in june, jerry world, arts federation, whatever it's called, came to mass square garden, thanks for the invite, but
when it was awesome, had a great time I would have had I placed a bet. What I thought was a bet on that night. and I put in to people being girl in whose out and then Michael smith, whose also pretty go, but he was a much bigger, underdog girl in one the event as a guest cash. It like plus a thousand something. It just never cash. It's been in my bed slip for young entire year. In an end, it said the date that the final, where was January first, so I'm lookin jenner verdict. Finally, like I try to track like whose winning the championship and try to follow what was going on. Click at no point I ever sure when this was ending, It didn't in january. First it ended today, but the fire, going on right now, Michael Van gogh and and will smith wow, guarantee winner and ARP, before you went his start. It started today right there, The clear battering at the watchers Liddy report are recording thing. Darwin
was one dart away from getting a nine daughter. He missed the twelve on eight and nine michael smith comes right after nine, wow summer call it the greatest hand of darts. Ever I am I'm calling it. The gray eyes is in the eating I've done that before I end like twenty twelve, I want to say when there was the world cup was a toy ten world cup. I bet on. Cricket world cup, and I had like five months and just like sitting there like what the fuck it was June and I've been looking every time I go into like you know I'll be NFL sunday be looking at my bets, and it's like well yeah Maybe this van one will hit plus twelve hundred young you pretty majority spent that money probably get. How are you so good at betting darts? I just I just handicap. The well yeah. I had to get that event well and then, apparently they won the championship, although it again it said it ended january.
Since january. Third, right now, so I'm not even a hundred percent positive that this is the end, but it like has to be is. like actually a cricket match words like four days long. I have to wait this long. I really hope all all all fall back on friday. Okay, alright, who's, your the angolan I earned Michael smith, though better odd, more money, so you had you hungry I'm kind of oriental pocket my hot seat is women, Oh, women are in the hot seat, because a study came out where they are. men and women of various ages. What the chances would be that they could land an airplane landed airliner if, if the pilot became incapacitated and and they had to take up the cockpit with help from from air travel, choice they could get on the radio and less than fifty percent of women said that they could landon airliner, while forty six percent of men said that they could so men,
Forty six percent, and only one in five women, say that they could landed airline out over, have little faith in half confidence is just these. Things are basically like its. It is pressed the way. Impress you press, auto pilot, any talk to the people in the tower, and then you land, the fuckin plain. It's not that hard, and if you don't let it you just take it back up and come back or up yet in the air you just keep flying it. So there's a mean throttle down, there's lift drag and the other two which are line anyways. I could land for combining it's not that hard answer. if anybody out there, I I Actually, if, if southwest airlines did give me a jet and they let me try this, I would be able lenders, What do you want with a jet out their yeah? What when I'm pepsi challenge worries illuminating those pallaby fur peril of working, which I believe is again that the first part what lady
here when you go on Billy, I see you're talkin moron. That's the last thing that you do you got no, you know my final approach put the flaps down. Then you the gear down. How, then you put the wheels tat? Sounds like you, don't really does europe might be eliminated spill? It might be a woman, the world's down. Her ok right, you know Bob yeah billie eilish heels up guy, I'm a wheels down guy now, whatever I could learn to play is what I'm getting at, and I think everybody in the studios should be able to land a plane. A one string what you mean that thing when they went on carriers or cable. There gave we're not when I buy it. realistically. I don't think I would be able to land a plane on aircraft carrier, but I draw not first right, but I do think like joking aside, if I behind the wheel or when the stick of us. thirty seven and I was able to talk to air traffic control
I honestly do believe that I would be able to land a plane. I agree about seven forty, since these are all fly by wire. Some forty seven I've never been in the cockpit of one of those, so I'm not cheesy easier. Airbus, probably just give me an ipad, auto auto, like you, just go right down yet It is simple stuff: it's not rocket science, its air science. When you guys were little kids, you know how they would they make. You turn off your phones and stuff. I thought that it was I guess I didn't have a phone, but I had a game boy. I thought it was because if I kept on, I would be able in the plane was my game. You could does it's an all time like we should we should do a whole like dumb shit. We thought I think we did about rushworth it like. I used to think my balls were plato. When I was a little kid eyes. I thought I was myself. The visual yale will now. I thought those because I'd pointy years, that's the iron ass tall ass. If I were to set up the most I wouldn t, I I snappy keyser cookie. I started in eighth grade, I'm sorry, fibre,
Actually pretty normal size thing, which areas me yeah. I have dropped off your house before it was a big, No, it is trying to shew people. bottom line, is I landed airplane and I'd I'd like women out there and have more confidence in themselves, so so I got all this just speaks to the irrational confidence of men. I think that Women are just too humble yeah, you do it ladys native land, a plain: it's not that difficult! Absolutely ok, holder, Michael! grown. Is its workings like me, of pillars elves, because there is a poster out in the new york times it was an article. why people need to sort of proceedings what kings more and why being short is better for the future. So either this author mara ottoman wrote an essay say that not only do shorter people tend to live longer, but there also crucial in conserving food. And resources on her dying planet
The shorter, also inherent conservationists, which is more crucial than ever in this world of eight billion. So, basically, if we were ten percent, or we would save eighty seven millions of tonnes tonnes of food per year, not to mention two. of gallons of water, trudged quadrillion would be to use of energy and million. tons of trash so ill its truly the eight thousand shortcut bill gates, wrote it it sounds like were doing eugenics, but for top people. Here I was. I don't think that any five nine person in power whatever try to limit People that he saw as undesirable, if that's, is not how we operate so shirking their batch workings or back and I am a self hating short king at times, because I do. I do fully acknowledge the fact that, like if you're under five, nine. You should not be in charge of a military. I think time and. I'm a good company. We learn that lesson. That a country not be run by a five foot. Three man you shouldn't get to drive. The cars can be in common. I've got pedal lanes play
There is no doubt that's for bosses. Sixty six! In above so anyways. All you are you talk people out there think that you're so great, just because you get the genetic lottery just know that you're slowly strangling the earth. I don't think I'm great. I just old used when they won't know neural over strangling the earth taller man more slowly destroying this planet, that we love so my hum? my hot seat. I have two, the first one, is Chris imps I dunno. If I saw this but Chris images, beefing with with the sports centre instagram account I hope he got very, very upset or more chris, who is it who runs it Chris, amazon had to take earlier this year. That said, there's just no way talking about sorry talking about jalen hurts, he said, there's just no way he's more valuable to his team than the homes, borough or Allen. Those teams are not the same teams; they don't have them at quarterback. If you put gardner minshew in for the eagles they'd still be really damn good. Gardner Minshew obviously started twice
lost twice, so sportscenter keeps posting it over and over and over the chris Simms went on his podcast, he said fuck, you sports center instagram for putting it out there for the third time in three weeks, like fuck off like really fuck off E s, p, n sports center I make content over there. Any more. I mean. Damn. Stop jogging me e s, p, n, holy shit. Give me a piece of your check. Invite me on sports center and let's have a fucking conversation. That might be a little bit of an overreaction with any anytime we're getting into an actual like debate with a brain, the cow here already include your already losing at that point like what are you expecting sports centres, gonna write back to its also just you know. If you're in this business gonna be wrong. How you hey! well. Being wrong is a is a pretty big testament to like who you are well. I actually think that that Chris sims is doing the right thing in the wrong way, which is turning this into content for himself through and getting us to talk about Chris Andrew beefing with sport centre.
Instagram account, while dollar by but he's actually madame right he's an area that is actually very mad online about it, where he should just be pretending to be mad online and then using this to get us to talk about it? Yes, yes, I also I hand up if Chris Simms is looking for haters. I did during thursday night football jets, jaguars retweet the tweet, where he said Zach Wilson is, I see Patrick and, as is Patrick holmes, a lot of packs are sorry. I see a lot of patrick homes in jack. Wilson he's my number one quarterback this year yeah. I did retweet that okay, so if you're looking for and who is trying to jock, you I hand up object. You Chris Simms got I have spoken funny, isn't it I cook if you get up at about all, takes exposed, use can be in this business. Is it I am also a top button guy. Yeah sure at what point in life? Do you make the decision I'm going to be the top button guy? Because you can't you can't just like tat, this into an it's, not like the boat. I will you phase out of that yeah if you're
up on guy. I almost assume you have to be a top up guy from from the jump. Once you go on tv, the first time I like Chris simms. I know him personally, but Chris we got to. I got to maybe reach out to and be like dude. You can't you can't let the e s p an instagram account when yeah. He should do like an informal version of his power gas where he takes the button down are. They said I can also tell them. This was brewing because I he did tax me you a few months ago a little set about my my. Affiliation with two, not so he and florio do not like to not, and so there like, whose two not we're on try to get the heartiest, what did they did they come back at today is here showing like the victory parade. Robots can cost strudel. You can't you. Dynamics are carried on russia see this data white tat was bad yeah. You had that billy. Does my heart's eaten? What do you want your thoughts and he got bitch slapped yeah I wonder if I take away the bite.
Is that he got slap. Tell you tat. I can't believe you, but it's got it. I, like the other part, was probably the take away. You have you. some video gateway, slapped his wife in public buildings, apologize, but also. I just think that if you slap your wife in public or in private know? No, I'm saying if you slap your wife in public, it feels like you might be: okay with slapping your wife all the time. Yes, yeah, that's not something that you do like you go out to the club like. Oh, it's just woke up and I was a wife slapped, surrounded by a hundred people- and you start hitting your wife yeah. That's. How does that alcohol is like a drunken words. Thoughts thing were bad bad, bad, better! Do now, when you really drunk YAP, bad bad, bad, it was told women very very easy rule to live by ciba, just straight up, do not do it
add sean connery interview went viral a couple of days ago, Barbara Walters died and she was like you sit an interview at one point that it's okay to hit your wife and he's like yeah. No, I stand by that yeah and she was like what something that you you fully expect a guy like that to be like. No, actually that was taken out of context and it sounds really bad, but here's what I meant be like doubled down on it yeah signal. It's true that very bad or my cool throne is tulane. Football just want to give a shout out to to a football what a fucking comeback against us. He also at all times, thinking wryly, like you se this is, is the bed you made is a very good coach yeah, but his defense has never been good and those things will happen. I just they join has like some of the best colours in the country. They haven't been good in forever of that logo to and the ascot odd, so good they left. I think it was like some time in the fifties. They left the ssc for academics
and I been all downhill since yes, forms of football programme, but the back what twelve quincy's, maybe eleven twelve to intended linked. I think it might be twelve into the biggest turnaround. I think in college football willie fritz, shut out, willie fritz, and that was an awesome, fun game. I'm going to miss bowl season very much. It really is my favorite time to also any one who had illinois plus three and a half. My thoughts are for you, but you really should a bet against a dead coach gets on you. At the end of the two I game, I love seeing the fans just like freak out because it was never in your expectation. If you wanted to end, they had ever finds itself in a position like beating. You have seen a ball game. The look on their faces of like holy shit. We did it that's the best. or about college football yeah and there's some people saying that oklahoma fans bitching but lincoln ryan, using this as an opportunity to take a leak autumn, because he lost Ballgame is it's her and beneath the people of Oklahoma. I actually, I think this is exactly what we should be doing. Yeah, that's it
at college. That's college football. If you're in Oklahoma, sooners fan, you should be the the most petty person on earth and celebrate every single one of lincoln riley's failures, facts at the other thing about that guy. I dont remember ever having a safety mean more, they were down eight and they got a safety. I don't think I've ever seen that because usually save these happen and weird score games or defence of battles are to happen early I got put opinion that literally just two, conversion. They got to get the ball back and scorn. And what would you think about this my greensburg dumb rule, safety should be worth for. Because the cities are so hard to get, I think The point is, I guess it's like spitting in the face the deep and they always stop the ford motion. Yes, so I was, I thinks a safety should count as for if it's a clean sack of the quarterback, the enzo, ok, if it's a holding in the un's on its two or three, Two, I think, to holding the ends on two. When the running
Try to run and he gets stop. That should be too but true old fashioned sack in the end. Is that doesn't really happen? It doesn't, I would say, like if you stop a running back call in the endzone. That's three yeah that that's in between I like it. I, like it billy just saying I'm very violence against women, but you're, also against dudes. Looking like bitches, it sounds like yes, and I know that, as is bad joke. I'm really sorry. My cool thrown adventure, your guy I'll eyes on in the hot seat here, I was on my heart scene again, is a thing that I said five seconds ago: a wild bill, video all round. yes yeah Dana. What it is
I know that Dana was actually almost all Dana white all day, no way he looks terrible, very route. The whole thing: yes, Michael throne, his adventure there's a bunch of treasure in the east river or ancient treasure. Okay, I I love this. I love for billy sounds a fun project that can work on the coin squat. Why are you given this all way? Yesterday the treasure there? Why are you saying it on because already out there, the sports sports, what it? Why would you do that here, I'll give you you can believe one thing from the show europe with that. Know. East sixty fifth street next to the FDR drive in the water and donny from Donny. Does he's got a buddy with a boat and we're gonna? Try to get a nice s. Army has swam across the river. So why? Why are you giving people? The exact coordinates at a stretch already out there? Ok you're, simplifying the message is: how do you know that it's there we don't know if it's there, what is it exactly woolly, mammoth bones toss.
I value word million civilians, try foods paying for doesn't what once it's worth millions, but like who'd. You sell it to russians. Probably so if there is actually in that raids that so dumb, but I kind of agree I just that wasn't thousands were Billy that I know is run by just one explosive any for us, and we know that it makes sense russian what's wrong in the river isn't the water. it's an estuary, so the tide does come in now out and there has been many. You know generational gigantic hurricanes that have hit since they were dropped off in a long time ago. Two out of the bones get: what about like all dumb oil and gas from boats that come through constantly ok gretta what are you go? Look for these bones or controls of what suits go, scuba, diving or just free dive,
What you I do with them? What's, hopefully we find them, then we get to go and your rogan ok, we're believes in I've got a tusk. I've got a woolly mammoth task. I can give you should just fake. We found the us and we should simply sure. Yes into rhino, we that's the school year, rushing connections that I've got a bowler to wait. Let's just pretend we found those in the east river and then not crazy guy. You should I use a guy, I go and don't worry about like genk certified scuba job, don't even use scuba is actually an everywhere. I also it's only fifteen feet Then you hit sludge, you know you need to do. Is you need to eat to ten there's no way it's underneath the slot yeah it's going to be in the sludge, so I think we're dead, a big hook on the the line and then just drag it around. The bottom sounds like you got this all play out yet
if anybody has an underwater drone that you know they would lend us that James cameron, yeah but yeah or if anyone has some serious equipment that could actually help us find it in the east river we're gonna be coordinating. This is like mtv if James cameron directed national treasure. This is what you've got yourself into yeah. I like to direct a great movie: let's go jake my hot seat, as name mix ups. So we have this pj golfer named scott stallings yes, and a random guy named scott stallings was sent the invitations participate in this year's masters tournament. Gm them and said, I think this is for you Alright, I'm all time good guy move. I have absolutely no doubt other ends like hairs. Highway, yeah, that's a classic gulf aunt. they excite policing our game yeah? Well, you deserve to be a scots, always has to get tickets right, yeah, hath, hostile. Are these carry the poor through? If it doesnt have you don't have kids,
Well the primary make sure that scar? If he doesn't, I will skull fuck yeah, the real scott's, the golfer yeah, the golfer yeah. What would you do jake if that got sent to you, I mean damn right away: oh yeah, you would I beach, I be shone out, probably killed the real scots dollars and assume his identity entirely. I'd be at the start right here: veracity, one. How awesome would that be too if you'd, if he showed up- and you re like? Actually let you play posted like who Israel's rounds. How does the lie to fifty the fake clay thompson right at the final sierra leone, although already wanted all fear of other nazis march madness? There's talks of expanding I d teams, so not great. I more land as yeah. I dont forget yeah like ok, so awarding the downside I get. It means a little bit less to get
if the tournament go under five hundred and make the turner yeah there's going to be a lot of bad teams in the tournament, but then on the flip side, way more games so yeah, I think I'm in. I think the part that I made on way more games. You get what a whole other weekend, probably in so in You got me. Are you my own? I listened the. Whenever these expansion things are discarded, crazy. You know I know, but like even college football expansion or the nfl plath expansion emma be, every league is expanding and I get the argument. Like you know, the making the play off means less. A bad teams. But then, when you start the playoffs there's just more playoffs and therefore yeah about week, one na camp, a site called wildlife set against you be unreal. Do you know what we less of is the regular season. We need more players in all yes play off.
I actually think that I'm going to hate the new march madness brackets, going to look ugly as hell, and I'm going to I'm going to despise it for the first year and then after that first weekend, I'll be like that. Honestly. That was good because it just more sport, Z, also if they do a correctly. I think the way to do it would not be make a ninety bracket. Ninety team bracket- it would be basically just an entire bracken plans there, because then it would just then, so I hate you can make me all that are not really in the tournament yet put. Those are still games. You'd watch member was emma was it notre dame who play would play no room in the airplane rockers. Yet in the awesome awesome gay don't play those monday tuesday, Wednesday, higher seated teams, though nobody really living or ends yeah. Last weren't, that's of saint just make it all the last whatever it be like the last thirty years, the last at large ones get and yes to the conference champion still get no matter. What right in it would just be fond. A watch that then you just put it. You know why
games Monday, five games, tuesday, five game Wednesday and then start the real tournament that sounds good to me sounds great. I'm working at a blank. Ninety team bracket right now in this format of thirty eight teams get a bye. I dunno how the math works out there, but the top thirty eight would be wishes. This was consecrated by this year. As too many hurdles is your twenty five, that's ok I see where you're bracket. That's the one thing I don't like about. This type of thing is just it's new rules that I have to learn a new procedures details. I dont let my brain doesn't have any more space for being always through, eight buys and then This is how a recedes once a different plans beat each other's now recital one hour. I don't want to know. I don't want to know all that though I just so nice to sit down sixty four teams, lage other and then boom! I hear you in the empty but more marsh madness, yes, more! yet we do. I wasn't really. I hate it now. The brackets gonna piss me off. I once it's at once reaction in the thick of it are built. Ok, more sport ideas, we I mean
just find someone. I think we're still doesn't like expanded play, also need you sit there and bade him, and he just makes us long winded argument about how it makes the regular season cheap and honest by but more march madness, and then I went to that's more marsh man, so no one would complain about happens. My core thronged got: we did it flexible here. yeah one in our last one packers lions, thanked you for convincing, maybe up they are too high dawn for aaron, rodger yeah? And there are people saying that game might be irrelevant for the lions if the seahawks win, but the aaron rodgers button, like you started saturday with them a home button, they know superstars move the needle moves you know, and I would say that the lions, even if they are eliminated one eliminate their derision arrive. Absolutely is another football finnish over five hundred the wiser we hardly matter what yeah. I actually think the real strategy is if the rain- loose the seahawks hammered alliance, because that line will go up like outlined, will go to
six seven year and the lions we're gonna, try very hard to one I'm trying to think what would be the most heartbreaking result for the lines, because lines fans will assume that that's what's gonna happen. So if its, it would be worse if the seahawks win, and then the lions lose to the packers, or would it be worse if the lions win or wait a second area right. What does the ox win and then the lie? doesn't really matter at that. The worst outcome for the lions would be the seahawks winning a very tight nail biting game where, like maybe the rams or up all game in the the seahawks win the game and then the lions, absolutely glittering. They went to and show that we did our job, but we just didn't get in now. It's interesting because the there's some traffic ramifications too, with with the rams right, so the rams oh, the lions draft pigs for the matthews, stafford trade and so tat, We in the lines best interest in a week
way. If the rams lose this game rights, no matter what they were, no matter, what it's actually maybe for the This time ever win win guidelines as we can to job behind so finishing the season with the flexible. Your when now I know for next season just always favour the super always just always and the cowboys I think about it, the site re schedule, jaguars titans, we knew were just going to be in there because it's a win and get in and then saturday afternoon they had to figure out a game. What's a game It doesn't mean anything, but every cow we'll fan will do in the homes, but they just works thereof. Is ok. Let's get a p presto pity that a quick out and then we have one question with max dug it. Yet before we get to be precise, go the show a sponsored by better help when you're out your boy, You can do great things, but sometimes life gets bogged down and you might feel overwhelmed or you might feel like you're, not showing up in the way that you want to working with a therapy.
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come on are very good friend. It is people s going to a senior nfl fell, calmness CBS for stockholm, analyse foresee for CBS sports h, q, p, we talk about began to show obviously montana football really really sad thing it happened and we we all watched it and were pretty shook up, and we want to talk about other stuff, because we don't want to repeat and just do an entire show about this one event. But you have covered for over a very long time. You ve seen a lot of football games where we was this kind of in in terms of uncharted territory when you're watching it on on Monday night was terrified and it must be really. It was terrified and you you, you guys have been around long enough. You watch the games, you know. Would players react to it? You go! Oh my gosh there's something really wrong here and I scene? I remember there was a guy want to rent a plain when he was a jacksonville entreaty, cabin
and as soon as he ran the play, you heard and all the players went. Oh, my god, they started run away and you knew it was bad, but you've never seen anything like this. This would this was. I mean this was a man fighting for his life on the football field, and so it was terrifying and we saw back in the day when I was a kid. I was eleven years old. Chuck Hughes died when he was playing, and you know you remember that you say oh, my gosh, it's terrible and he had a heart attack on the football field. It wasn't because he got hit, although some people later disputed that, but if he had a heart attack on the football field that as well so terrifying pit, your stomach, you hope, the kids, okay, you pray for them, and and then you go from there yeah yeah. No, I mean it's true and it's it's. I think we all just sat there like in complete shock because it was yeah. I I think the moment when they went to the bills players and you saw guys in tears and he saw guys putting their hands over their mouth
Players always know players always know before anyone else. It's just that they know what a for a regular football it looks like. They know what a regular she looks like. They know what something very severe and back looks like in the end it was yet they could play the gay there's. No way you play no angry way. You play that an end. you have kind of it in a spot right now torn? I do think that the nfl callous we all know that, but I also think we sit on. Couch marilla, you saw the game, there's a lot of things that go into I don't know how how the order of operations went down, feels like exact taylor and ensure Mcdermott where the real heroes of being like were listening to our guys and we're not playing this game. You haven't, there's differently
What's the weather, there is actually a five minute warm up in the game. I I find that highly unlikely to be honest with you, but you know you never know with all the details get ironed out, but here is the other thing. Is your coaches? You have to take that on yourselves. These players could have just said: we're not playing they're, not gonna play would look bad for the league. I think they ultimately got here handled the right way. Now the question becomes, what do you do? That's an important game in the football sense of it, and sometimes you gotta separate life in football, but that's an important game. Let's hope the more hamlin wait. You know wakes up comes out of this as soon as possible. He's fine it was on and then they can play the game at some point and when they play it, that's that's. The top part were not when christian Eriksen the soccer player when he died on the field. He went into cardiac arrest. They spin in the game a couple hours you into the hospital and then I think it is a pity
was tweeted out or he was responsive. He he was the other young cpr and he can a return to normal and at that point that the teams agreed. Ok, I guess we can. We take them. To play the game right now, as long as hamblin is in the situation that it seems like he's in right now, which is very in limbo, and you don't know, what's gonna happen, if he's in there situation. I don't know how you can ask the bills to play crack. I would agree with one or two percent if he is still unknown in his is outcome is unknown nano now. Are you asking the play either? What one thing, though, I gotcha the rebel leaders on the on the sidelines and then about stadiums, and this should be a message to all the high schools at everybody else out there get those on the sidelines of seriously that back those kind of it can happen all the time This will be the last and which I want to put its. Also a great message gets CPR certified. It takes two seconds may not two seconds, but it really does it's a low bar.
go. Do it it's a one. It's a one hour class. I remember when my before my kids were born. I had to go. Do it just cause you have to you know what I mean like child. Safe cpr is different than adult cpr. It's like it's something, it's kind of like being a kidney or organ donor. On your license, like you could if someone's life you never know when that could happen. Ours like in those areas where it is true, it's cliche disabled seconds do oh yeah. I did every year and thirty science and a minute could be mass. Yes, absolutely idle, absolutely we'll transition to some other for Bobby's. We do have a weak eighteen coming. I wanted to go back, and I looked at your superbowl protection. So let's start there, you have the buffalo bills over the green bay packers.
or the green bay packers, still able to win the super bowl this year, pete prisco! Yes, they are, and you know what they are. The team that nobody's gonna want in the post season. Everybody in the nfc playoffs right now is rooting for the detroit lions this week. They don't want green bay in there because rodgers can get hot. The defense can take the ball away, based on run defense issues, which is a major problem for him, but they could take the ball away. Their offensive line is getting healthy parked. The rv back Jenkins is back there healthy up front. The young wide receivers are growing up. Nobody wants in the post season. Yes, they could still go to the superbowl. Oh man, no they're not could is something to be said about. Like a team. I guess we ve had the the bottom seeds win, superbowl
the grieving packers did in the ravens did right. I think aaron rodgers only did there's a lot of what I would say that there was a giant have done it before. Teams can also absolutely you can you can do when he won the superbowl rod. She did at the time he got his hot spots. We can take at any luck every year. The team that come from nowhere that shows up and makes a deep play, are pushing the bangles who thought the bangles we're gonna make a bit player pussy super push last. You put ok, alright, so my only counterpoint to It- and I know that you know I always I remember the year that was the randall cobb year, or no that wasn't the randall cobb years, so many fucking tortured years. It was the jay cutler ne year in the nfc championship. Ah, the packers like the bengals last year's good example. They when they beat the chiefs like before the playoffs you mean like they were peaking. They were beating good teams that yours have beaten. The tightens the dolphins with two issues they lost at its height, they lost in a tight, oh, yes,
They lost its aid, so so I mean, but they beat the they they they haven't like beaten up you will see the cowboys the cowboys with comes under slums, grimy beat the vikings dividing them The volume I think you know the viking sting novia town where the there there might is nineteen point deferential. They have twelve with that credible eyes why the miami on the road they beat. The bears sock the rams suck, they beat the dolphins with two issues and then they beat the vikings over the last four winds. Is there. why why are we saying that this is like they're they're peaking at the right time come on? Well, okay, then ooh, okay, san francisco, there are probably the best team in the in the nfc right now right. I agree. We don't you don't know what party's going to do in the playoffs. They have. No idea
I think that the forty nine hours are built to the point where they can actually take that guy in a video game. You know, like the fourth shrink, quarterback, that you select and it's just a silhouette of gray head and that guy's plank what for you. The niners can do as long as that grey head doesn't turned the ball over as long as that grey head doesn't or three interceptions. I think two forty niners are built to the point where they could be any team, the unifil, because they want so many superman the plain that way. Anyone any meaning I get it I'll, be the one that could do it with Jimmy. They could do with this guy. They could do a trailer. They could ever want it. Yet there's always the possibility. They can't win it. So I get what you're saying, because our team is talented and that depends is nasty and the beagle rides. A great coach and college enhance one of the best players, always if not the best black bar in the nfl, but there's always the unknown. What if they're down
ten in the fourth quarter in party take them back that no christian mccaffrey will throw three touchdown pass. Yeah, it's half backtalk! It's a fair point, our it's a stick in the end of sea. Maybe I don't! I don't carried away, but max our producers, a big eagles. Then I don't care about eagles at all, but to make him feel better. Well as long as hurts back their top. The defend I mean it's hard team to defend its hard to get ready, for gotta beat them. If you say you win your divisional round, you gotta play him in the championship game, it's hard to get ready for that style of offense in that short period of time. So it's going to be a challenge for anybody, they're different, often scar to mature, not a starting quarterback in the nfl. Anybody who keeps saying that is way off base he's not he's a backup. Quarterback he's a good backup quarterback, but there are different offense when Jalen hurts is in the lineup, not having lane johnson hurts by the way they got. He got sacked six times last week. They were brutalized up front,
but a good day, and they have run defence issues, which is never a good thing. So or is it easy to say that the number one seed and they're gonna run through the autopsy? Absolutely not yeah? What about? There would be two bucks. Tell me that is Tom Brady. Is he peeking at the right time Is he going to be one of those things where he's gonna hosts to play off game? They I'll ask in this way out of the old guys in the nfc who's more likely to go on a run right now. Aaron rodgers or tom Brady Tom Brady cause he's at home. I think that matters or you're all everybody's you're, saying the same exact thing and we started all year at some point: Tom Brady's gonna look like Tom Brady, but last week he finally did so what's going to happen in the first round of the playoffs who's going there, the cowboys and everybody's gonna sit here and say: ok, there go the cowboys they're going to lose the palm Brady, because Tom Brady and his team has figured it out. What has happened is the offensive line has got guys back now.
His back, that's important for them. I think that showed he could stand in there and make the throws and carolina will be doing, leaving your corner and one on one situations over there. The entire game with my gavin disabused them was a terrible plan. So yeah tampa bay can get on a roll. I don't think they're good enough to win it, but they can get couple. went to the boils yeah yeah I mean I I'm, unfortunately starting to I've thought the bucks have been trash all year and I'm starting to believe in them, especially if Ryan Jensen comes back cause. That's really been. I've been a big believer that the bucks defense has been good. It's their offensive line that has just made eddie, look as bad as possible. All your long and like everyone's out of sync, can't run the football with tristram worse in ryan jensen, possibly back it's like I don't know, maybe they will make a run. You know it, you know it's great, though said oh tom, Brady speaking at the right time. Yet, What forty six days picture he hasn't yet he hasn't even peaked too powerful out every one.
Avocado ice cream or whatever the hell he puts in his body. We we should all be eating that yeah. Lord knows we don't so the f c? I I want to give you, as I say, you're doughnuts every saturday, due by the way, I'm on a diet. Also, I'm on a diet now you're going to be welcome to my world you're, going to see me so that we give nick the superbowl you're going to see, though you guys are both going to be ripped at the superbowl yeah yeah, I'm on the pillow john politeness. And finally I note that triggers you post, my scores were a long way off of it a few years about two years. I took a brief hiatus. Okay, so well, when I see it, the superbowl you're both going rip yeah pretty much the superbowl like don't worry about your laundry. You can just do it on my apps. That's no! There's! No! Conceivable way. I pray you can make that but zero. Ok, I actually doing early this morning hand up. I googled male lycos up male liposuction, abdominal cost, so it's in my price range I might just might
go under the knife yeah. You know what it is and I go see my doctor before every season, and he says I said yet. This is going to be the year of not going to put on the ten to twelve pounds I put on every year for fat palsy, so he goes yeah and ok we'll make an appointment for you in march and we'll see we're here it is in january and air. It is bad balls. You go to your every you go to your doktor right before every season that such a football guy move like gesture, quick check up, see. How do I do all by a point. I do all my appointment before this and then you go back at this season. Was that your physical getting ready to get right, yeah yeah! I liked that alright, so the fc. I want to give you not talking about the playoffs, yet I want to give you credit you yourself box. Ah, you have and write about russia Wilson, especially this year. How good does it feel to have a lot of the nerves and step boys who wanted rushed to cook how good, as issuer feel for poor people, go and are his long standing? Take that he's a good quarterback
but he makes a lot of mistakes in his his height is is a detriment and his inability to move is now a detriment. To I mean he is excited points of the season. Look like what was I mean. He just doesn't move very well and and so that's the concern. Look, I'm not gonna sit here and say he didn't have good years because he did but early in his career best best scoring defense in the league four straight years, the only other team to do. It was a bit these dynasty browns. So that tells you how good they were and the better they could run the ball. He didn't have to do much when he had to do stop they. Let him play loose leaf streak and he did a nice job. He was a good quarterback, but that was all you know getting outside the pocket. Creating those legs going up tempo and now I think, we're seeing the results of not being able to move like used to book he's not good in the pocket. He's not making good accurate throws he's getting hit a bunch. His offensive line stinks and it's all added up to a terrible, quarterback and now they're on the hook for it, You think they're buyers, remorse I may be carol- should be coach in the year to forget radical. Ok, I want my thy peace.
You arm. You do here, russia. Wilson, that's been established eyes. I don't need. I know you hate him through asia, arch enemy. In the light of item I've never was abandoned his game, you one, but that you ok, you want you won the war, the like long term? There are few That was you remain committed to it. You came out on top. Is there a way, you're also kept biologists? You know a lot about. The seller can Is there a way that Denver could move on Also wilson. If they wanted to not not did not for a couple years, absolutely not nowhere, no way too much money and that bob guarantee money, theirs nowhere europe, what about a train? And so now you Would anybody have to accelerate they'd have to accelerate the the cat? The the you know, the remaining tap into the caps at the meeting bonus money into the cap. It's too much and know they're stuck with them, and that's the thing if you get that job, that your quarterback you're stuck with them, yeah, so
Is that what coach wants a job who's gonna who's going to take that job? While you gotta figure every coach as an ego, every single one, like it picks up I'll I'll get in there he's going to be just young, get them back. Russia wilson again or you can hire a guy like Jim, are born to sub turn around and end the ball of forty two times a game and nineteen. Seventy scope offered me that's possible. Do right! That mean that that is, that is highly past. There's talked to harbour would be interested that job I could see, I could see harbaugh going there harbored. I actually do think he would be the. I can fix this man, oh yeah. What would you want which aren't paid me? The I can fix this man and I know John pretty well, I think he wants his quarterback sean payton's. Ideal quarterback would have been the guy with the chargers justin herbert, but the problem is, we're going to get rid of the coach there, so he that job is out the window yeah. So your your big jacksonville guy you're plugged in with the team for a long time and we're,
in off. Right now looks like the jaguar at my. My best bet is ever going to win this weekend. It feels like they ve got all the more. To bear, would they actually be? Is this the best worse team that we ve seen since was a two thousand. Seventy Blake bortles yeah it much. I mean it's better than that team, because no offense blake bortles, but travelogues better to blake. I mean he is yeah, you guys. Winced, I mean I love blake likes great biblical. Both trouble are just going to be special he's going to be a special quarterback he's going to be one of the five six best quarterbacks in this league. Maybe a couple of years would be one two or three: that's how good he can be, and it's amazing what he's done and by the way, let's make a case for Doug peterson being coach of the year. Okay, here's why
he had to decide the demons or the moron. That was incredible. I mean that's the worst coach in the history of the national football league urban meyer, with his bullhorn in his sophomore high school ways, gimme a break. That thing was a disaster. Last year, every week they paraded trevor lawrence out as a rookie quarterback to explain away the mess that was urban meyer, that kid handled it well and now he's grown up and doug. Peterson is a great play caller, although he has one or two every every game, and I pick on him because I say one or two every game when he gets into that, let's run the philly special mode and then he runs some stupid play like he had a reverse to what a running back the other day where he had trevor Lawrence as the lead blogger in a meaningless game against the texans. I mean there there's one of those plays every single gauge, they're going to beat I'll. Tell you what they're, not that great on defense, they're getting better on defense they're going to be
top out, because I could score so I I agree with you. The jaguars have been playing great great football and another team that I still can't wrap my head around it I'd love to hear your take the chiefs. The chiefs do feel like they're for iran, but they ve also been keeping hang letting teams hang around, and a lot of people are asking the question, as patrick homes even proved anything in this.
weird because he's never won a road playoff game and look he's proved a lot this year by what he's done with the offense without Tyreek hill, I mean they're, just as good on offense as they ever been, but I think they have defensive problems and I think they'll show up. They do have a game record. He you know when you get to the post season. Every every team needs a beep at the game wreck and they have Chris Jones. He can record game, but the outside guys haven't been spec as effective as I thought they would be. So eventually, you gotta be able to knock that quarterback down from the edge- and I don't know if they're good enough to do that. That's a problem I mean at times this year they made a couple of game. They made Russell wilson, look good, a couple of games that that's hard to do so that tells you something about their defense, I'm worried about the defense, but they could score on anybody. Well, I'm worried about the special teams as well feels like they've had some like whether it be punt return or actual field goals. I'm a big believer in you know. We ignore special teams all year and always comes up in the play on words like, oh, that that's what the games on the margins. You make a mistake. I fields upon you know in the tent.
Within the ten yard line or like you know, fumbles one miss miss a field goal missed an extra point. That's how playoff games are decided. He had put the ball out of bounds, kicked the bottom. Look, don't worry about it either return, perhaps emma gimme a break specialty said: spotty you're doing kicks you're doing it. you're, damn declared that make your damned kids. I thought you joey damage can be made to get from fifty. Can I just make you get what you got a practice? What are they do all that they stand on the side and they checked and they check and they kick and they work on the mechanism of the snap. Behold the get a kick and get them to get the games. You make it It's your job, you I like you may be a special teams. Coordinator, kicked abad, abounds dollar tat. Guy return, it make your kicks, make you do as simple as that. Yeah, that's your point. just lean and make sure nobody gets the edges and make the characters many complicated around it s, not a third of the game, either the great man it's about working. Said. I don't know it's a third, listen. What
the package last year, that team had special teams issues. All seas along comes in parts of the asking corners. What about the bears with cody park? He like You see, teams all year where, if you're a fan of team and you're, really dial been you you're sitting there be him like. I have a special, feels a little off and then it happens, and then you give up. Ok, you hundreds oligarchy. What was his problem? They make us gag. I know we, but I knew it all year long. I said it before the playoffs. We're going to have a props should made him. You know, you know it's funny when you see a kick off and you're watching the game and you go okay, just put it at the end zone and go from there I'm going to play right. Did, he see, oh, no, he's going to hit a high one, do about the the the three yard line and see if they can pin him and just then the answer you don't have to worry about. It's not that complicated
Great? Even if the bills had done the right thing? If the bills are done, the right thing in that playoff loss to the chiefs, they would have been in the superbowl and probably would have won the super bowl. He didn't they didn't and they lost against ya know it's it's a good! It's a foolproof strategy. Honestly just make your cakes and don't let the other team. Return your text for touched yes by special teams, corridor, pete prisco, I think, there's a future here. What did they have all about that? This parliament, which is a coffin cornering, so it is in its true, though, like it's, not a third of the game, but it could bad special teams can completely wreck and otherwise good football teams. the two thousand ten chargers remember those guys they had the best. Sense number one offense in the nfl, at the number one defense in the nfl? They didn't make the playoffs that's how bad their special teams was. Well, that's called chartering. That's what that's called, because we've seen that over the course of their their lifetime, the chargers are, they always seemed the?
your it doesn't matter what it is, but they always seem to find a way out the bribe whenever you're different my eyes, you're different, not gonna charger. You know what I like your team. I really do think that quarterback especial, I think, they're beat princess play, make it all over Europe owes a back, they can attack the quarterback mac. Has a bit is good. This year, the off its blinds had some injuries, but those guys are played better, and you know the receivers back when you have williamson Keaton. Now that it's a problem think about week, one chargers at jackson, That's probably with the games gonna be if they both when they both windows. Media. Tell me the charges more or less light you if they're gonna, if their travelling jacksonville, you think the chargers have a chance to be. Are you that high on your beloved jaguars? Oh no damage is being absolutely jacksonville, whacked them early to seize it, but they didn't have the receivers and they did it hurt
his plywood a repaired ribs remember they went out there and just dominate in mma. I worry about jack. Those defense, I think you know herbert, can stand back there and pick them apart. That might be one of those games last one with the ball. Thirty three thirty two quarterback shooting it out and see what happens and then that's with that game too, but that'll be fun to watch and by the way, it'll be get ready for because you can always schedule the game around. It's going to be it for the first game on Saturday will be jacksonville jaguars. I went back and looked since two thousand and ten that the amc, south champs or four team has played at that spot every year, except one and the only time they didn't have didn't happen was when carolina was seven. Eight one day were planted at spot. Ok, but I thought we'd guarantee jobs will place. The early gave birth gave the welfare p priscus guarantee I like that they did send it up for the jaguar play saturday night, so you to run a place at her again
some of what our advantage, by the way that it their disadvantage this week as the tightens up three days rest, but they get into bed they win because the charges or whoever plans on yes, Some of us are not lucky enough to have play off teams, so I want sk draft question. Ah, the bears look like as long lungs lose on sunday out the number to pick. What would you do if you are ryan poles and I'm The first time I'm saying it out loud is breaking news. I'm starting to get a little Mr Ryan Paul's, like I've, seen some quotes, whereas I get just a few. Incredible runner, but he's got a these gotta get better as a passer is their chance that they treat him. Ok, you know I don't want to zero. Ok Europe, though, and just in fields we'll get better as a path or a great. What's that you mean I do in the top of the week. Every week I taken off it's alignment or an office of line, and I go through all the tape and I took them out. We make a little spinning top graphic and everything, and this week it's the chicago bears ooh. They were bad last
yeah really bad yeah they've been bad all year to run. Riley reiff was terrible. The rookie left tackle too he's going to be a good player, prevent Joe he's going to be a good player, a boy I'll, tell you what they gotta beat up the other day and that's a problem, so they gotta get better on the offensive line and they gotta get some weapons. I don't worry about him as a passer. I think he's going to end up being a good passer, not a great passer it'll be a good passer, but his threat with his legs is going to make him a really good passer president. They get dependent So what would you do? The second peck? Would you trade it? Would you figure out a way to package deal and you know knowing? I would
rocks that are coming up. Why people get a deal? I would do that. I don't think anybody. I don't. I'm not sure this quarterback group warrants going up to get somebody mean if you break it down. Rice young is five nine I mean five ten, I love the way throws a football, but can you take it? You know they were standing next to mark ingram the other day and he looked like the same sideboard ingram's. Why bite me that's a little quarterback he's, not a big guy, the way he could sling it. So it I probably taken burst or levis, who had a bad year at kentucky. He you know you guys got on the John Allen, train you're, going to probably get on the the will level I think we've all been on it. Yeah yeah he's he's our friend he's a friend of the show so we're right, so he can. He can spin it. He had a bad year this year because his team stock, his livestock as a restocking
it was turning. He adopted. He got hurt what happened to answer. He was outstanding, yeah, ten for Jan pretty good hands. So we measured him amaze late last year against georgia. He was really good that defense was loaded with nfl players and then you had CJ stroud, who had his best game in the big moment and he was fantastic the other day. So I think that that, but I don't think, there's a trevor lawrence in this draft or one of those guys. So I think that's concerned, so I don't think you'd trade down maybe can but Jalen carter is a beast man from georgia. Yup that kid is a monster. Okay and I I you know willing It is a possibility as well. If you're the bear errors, I mean, I think, that's a strong possibility as well. Alright, defensive hell, yeah, we did everything, you need everything yeah. We went deep, a deep and less couple weeks I mean they been terrible, absolutely terrible. We were just talking the other day about others does usually one surprise coach. They gets fired at the end of every season, we're trying to figure out who that could be, or maybe, if there's multiple
Is there one guy who's name could be on the hot seat that isn't like the top of the list that everybody thinks could be fired this year. I don't see it. I mean that you guys have kingsbury on that list. I would imagine the surprise yards and who else did you add on the list? I mean look at lovie smith, potentially yeah, that's a potential room. If they want to go, you know big splash. I could see them doing that. He actually did a good job with that team down the stretch because they don't have a ton of talent. About rivera yeah, I might, I think, we're very wanted to get fired. I don't understand exactly what's going going on DC right now, snipers, Opposition though, because do fired a head coach, azure in the process of selling a team and then you're stuck where you have to like, maybe making new higher ass somebody's bidding on your franchise. It seems like a bad time just like in terms of logistics and financial stuff two to axe coach him. In my way off on that.
No you're not weigh up implicit you if you ask them pay and european in your hire another one he's going to get paid and the new ownership might not want them. That's what happened in Denver yeah. You know, Nate Hackett was hired before the new ownership took over so they're more apt to fire him now. Their new ownership has a ton of money. So it's easy to just say: hey get rid of them, will pay him see and that's the trend nowadays, these guys. These owners now have so much money that they can fire guys and not really worry about the implications of it and that's the way it is it's. He's going to be paying a coach for four more years getting paid to coaches for four years medicare they had the cash to do it. What about what about stefanski in cleveland hm? I doubt it I make a body for the whole year without started quarterback, who they made that trade to go get in a play.
So now I don't think so. I think I might. He know they might force him to change the way plays on operates and make a play more a little bit more up tempo and throw the ball around a little more, but I don't think the gunfire okay poker. What about mccarthy. What does he have to do tat a ground, as it seems like this time of year thing? heat up around might regard. These is the expectation from jerry jones is to win which Have I it because they haven't really one since nineteen. What ninety five ninety six, but I guess expectation, he says: that's the expectation is he wants a superbowl mccarthy feels like he could be a guy that could make to play off. If he loses first round still get fired tat. It would be wrong, but it is possible, but MIKE Mike some better posed to people give credit for donors that guy winds, eleven games that with this every year and he had her rogers- I get it, but still is a better coat to people, give credit for its that's one of those ones that has taken on a life of its own in the twitter com.
world that your daddy's are. One guy says it to save more sad, eight minutes whereby the right line we all agree is no great on twitter. That's about it! That's exactly that, but then I got a poacher people get, but I do think he's a good coach, but I think that he's got blind spots where every time he's in a big game. There is a moment where he either takes too long to make a decision, or he makes just one completely baffling decision per game that ultimately ends up being a pretty big and why they end up losing. So I think I could tell you they all do when he don't want you and he does ease fatter. He looks bad jokes really fat is by doing I mean I know I'm, but takes one, no one, but though I been think about it, you guys know too, but I know it is a better. Could you get the credit for they all make major mistakes can be. They all do what isabel jacket bought for what happened and against the raiders couple weeks now,
responsibility is the couch either it is bob. This method for issues are not. I do agree with that because it it's the bell, checks, You do your coaching it earlier, allowing it and like that. Well, that's a great saying, yeah yeah. Why didn't he take a knee, take a knee and go to overtime if you're not going to railway hail mary because you said he could you felt he could reach the adult? Why did you take any because you're not going to rip a sixty yard route? The five yard run take the knee all he did was subject his team to more province like at the end of the half, when a team gets the ball back with thirty seconds, left they're not going to try and go get points because they're nuts on what they're gonna do, but they handed off anyway, when he handed it off for what's the point of that, all you can do is watch the hand off and somebody fumbles and they get the ball they're stupid.
They all make. They all make major mistake. Everyone except you, just make your checks. That's all you got to know. I would make him too, because in the heat of the moment, you're gonna do it. You would actually links ailing. It don't make your care if it don't stop the upright and in your good. If it turns out the up right now I wish I would I'd have by. I would be just ready to grab I'd always data juggernaut chalk up. Alright. So what did we didn't talk about and I think we're gonna pro we are not talking about the bills and bengals, because there's just a lot in limbo right now, but the ravens. What's going on with Lamar jackson, is if anything, that's going on, it's like, maybe he, if he had a contract, would be back. I it's all very confusing, because I think the ravens Lamar jackson is healthy. They are another team that you put in the category of teams that do
I want to play them because their defense is salty and having le mars game changer. Obviously there is nothing in terms. I. I wouldn't believe that the kids, a competitor he loves the compete. I don't think he would do that. I just you know. Judging by people, I know dokdo know I would say no I'd agree, though he's hurt, he's hurt, so him not being in a lineup changes the whole dynamic of that team, I hope he gets back soon. It's on the watch, but you know what even play that well either before he got her, that he was their passing. Game is limited and when your prayers and game is limited, you have problems in. This is a passing weak and I think they have it exactly built a great group of people around them and I think that hurt him. But again you have to be able to throw the ball and you have to be able to help him. pocket and he's a good pocket. Passer, but he doesn't have a lot of weapons at the ball yeah and I don't think he ever will in baltimore. They are they're so committed to not having good wide receiver. Zay
We have always wanted to. Spain wants the Sean watson, contra gandhi nobody's nobody's, given out those guarantee fully guarantee feels like that they can't we. I wouldn't do it. You think right now, if you ask the browser they happy with the fully guaranteed contract and all the pics they traded to get this on watch it after watching him. The last four weeks, are you happy with that? I don't think they are. Are they gonna, wait and see yeah, I yeah what you gotta judges our last year when we know that we know the problems are unhappy. You are the other cardinals happy with with neither mega deal now. Probably not Well, that's fair or they're happy. They gave kliff kingsbury a megadeal. No, no! I mean yeah, everybody rushes see like a giant or the situation. What do you do with Daniel Jones? I've been yeah, oh you think tag. Exhausted, say you. I think Daniel Jones probably realises that dabble as resin It is career and there might be a conversation there like hey. We like you, we want.
your quarterback, we're not going to give you a tonic, guaranteed money give you a fair deal, but this is the place that you have the best chance of succeeding and maybe, Jones realises that words mutually beneficial for both sides to figure out a deal that makes sense. I wouldn't do I wouldn't do that if I were to go, get your money now I mean I'd like to stay here, but your pain I mean you're not going to obviously is not going to get one of those. Your two hundred and fifty million dollar deals, but he's got to get a deal. That's fair to him. I mean twenty million a year at twenty million a year. Can you say that that if it works both ways in that situation, where Daniel Jones is best suited playing for the giants and that he's more valuable to the giants and he would be to another team on the open market. What team is gonna reality one another one of another team painted eighty five million more eager. Did you really that to my liking hours and align opportunities that are you with that you'll never gonna get their back now I would know I would not do that
What about what about Lamar on the open market, then like it that that the matter is like he is an envy p that could hit the open market which, like at the quarterback position, never happens. There will be teams that get into a bidding war with each other. It might not be beneficial to give like yeah, I think you're right about deshawn and about kyler and some of the contracts. You immediately have buyers or more sometimes, and I wouldn't be surprised if a team had buyer's remorse right after they got Lamar. If it comes to that, but at the same time, there's going to be a bidding war between multiple friends sizes, so it's probably going to get to a point where it is a lot of guaranteed money just like those other contracts, now you're not going to fully
you can give him a lot of good they've offered him a lot of guarantee, but they've offered a basically the Russell Wilson deal. He could get that feel he wants it. He wants the deshawn watson deal from what I heard and that they're not going to fully guarantee the odors in this league don't want to fully guarantee contract. They were all mad that they did that the first place. So I look at he hasn't finished the season right I mean he got that's a concern with him. Health is a concern when you're a quarterback. I love the kid he should take the deal in baltimore. It's a good deal, it's a fair deal and and you're not going to get fully guaranteed contract. The problem is he's negotiating a deal is always an issue. That's a tough one, I could go work this. What we think your word that have you negotiate again, so you tell your star quarterback you trying to sign him but yea, but you have a little bit of law here, a little bit of law. There you'll leave the pocket you soon, you haven't been help me enough. Are you so that we can negotiate gets them? you're trying to sign up to a long journey into top negotiate that'll. I think, ultimately, they can tag on two years and robots like that. That would be a lot of cabin.
They could do it. Does it that's a good point. I have heard a lot of people say that, but it is true that if you're the one that's doing the negotiation with your boss, there are going to have to tell you all the things they dont like about. You is justification for. at meeting your asking price and then naturally that's going to that's going to piss you off, like you, don't that is going to be. Working relationship, a little bit worse, hearing that, of course, and it's like you know, the agent could come tell you, and but it's not the same as you hearing him. Look at your face said a lamar we'd love to pay you two hundred and fifty million dollars, but this is why we're only going to pay two hundred and forty five, because let's go back we'll pop on the tape, your yard, leaving six clean pockets when you should have stayed in there and hit the shot down the middle of the field. Nobody wants to hear that it's a bad negotiation and the ravens are in a tough spot because of dayton. If the advantage of them they look like the bad guy in the deal, so it it really is a complex negotiation. All right so last question for me: pete, are you sticking with your super bowl prediction? Are you going to bills over packers?
you. You have a mulligan if you'd like me night, yet not omit to take the bills in the forty niners. Ok, ok, you coward your so coward. I mean they're going to have to go on the road three straight weeks and think about it. They'll have to win, I mean I ok they play if they play the vikings in week, one at minnesota, rebecca the packers okay. So then they would win that game and they'd go play the one seed, the the eagles eagles, lose. That's not know, they'd probably lose, but that's not saying they can't win it. The way, I think the one the forty niners are, the team. They don't want to play the fact that MIKE agreed, yet seen at a back mack truck run over the policies that we have talked about the rights of. If we get the packers at the forty, nine is weak. One lives it lets drag.
We went to the hatred that vikings twitter has for us right now, yeah. I want you involved in that giants. At the vikings opening round of the playoffs convinced me that the giants win that game they should have been up two weeks ago. I mean that was a game. They should win. There were dropped, passes he dropped passes in that game. For the giants. Daniel Jones was outstanding that day they should have won that game and here's the other thing about the giants. Those young pass. Rushers are starting to grow up Deborah, who I thought was going to be the best pass rusher in that class he's starting to show up now and that's a prob whole season, passers pass rushers. It's always been that it always will be. You know twenty five years ago run it play good. Rugby events, now it's passers and knocked that guy down and you gotta go through herbalist, who has a game wrecker on deep at you have to have a game record to succeed. You know last year the everybody says, while the bengals, how they get to Hendrickson, was a game
her last year he had almost twenty sacks after the game of the women. The season I like it came records scheme records. So you think the vikings are frauds. Can we get you on record? I've said that word before I heard it got back to him and our real advocate of it yeah. Look. I I've been a you guys say a big, critical, Russell wilson I'd be just as critical of kirk gossips. I bet there's a glazed look that comes over his face. You know when in moments and when it does, you know what's happening, and you know rick Spielman, the former vikings gm works with us every every sundays, where the games together and stark or like this. I go there's a lot of rhetoric there. It is, it could say it gives an eye like twelve, times the season they won. All those gave out a wider will last. a day
they do. You know what I'll say go ahead say, asked before game I'll say: hey rick! This is a big game and we know what kirk cousins record is a big game with rick the game started the game and I go it's a big game and there was certainly been the you guys, trust him. No, no! No! We get killed for it because I mean twelve and four is twelve and four. You can't you can't knock the fact that they've had a knack for winning these close games and that does the toughness and justin jefferson is the best receiver in the nfl, but I yeah I mean we. It's been our take all year like we know, we know, hooker causes he's he's either a better than average quarterback, but he's not going to go win you a game like my home's allen, burrow brady rodgers. All these guys. It's a it's a way, there's always the win with in the wind because of quarterbacks and east a win win
got a win because yeah, okay, alright so you're on your own record. By the way the is loaded with wind, because back yet true, they haven't you anthro justin herbert in there. The way he's been playing herbert lawrence will be there he's getting there. You know Alan ma homes burrow when wet. Can you pick it with because I'm not when wet yeah I, like panty picking petty tickets, got that he's got a little joe burrow swagger to him. You know little competent, cocky guy. That believes it. self. I, like any big facts, facts we love Kenny pigott, I will pete. Thank you is always net So you see us, you won't even bill able nice us we're we're named taxol superbowl weak, because that's how good of shape will be I don't know, I'm unaware neighbours, certainly so conceivable way in forty days that either what do you want?
is that the michelin man when I see it that you want to make a bet that you can see abs on us at the superbowl eh? I really don't want to see your abs will be I if there's no way forty days, it's forty days, you're going to have abs and forty days, because, right now I don't see anything close to adds. Nor do you see anything close to amazon for me, oh, I just lost my head. That's my stomach. Please you're built the I'll bet: you're gonna go watch games, he's gonna doughnuts on sunday, you're gonna go saturday, you're gonna go what's beads and have wings in wrong and peer whatever it's just I hate
isn't beer grog, you're, so wrong p, what the fuck is going in there, though I'd probably still me to admit it. I had pizza twice this week. I mean alabama. It was. I started my diet today to where you're telling me my blood types are marinara you're, you're gonna have your I guarantee, because you have doughnuts on saturday, oh yeah, there's a box for cheat a cheater you're not going to cheat a problem with cheat days. Cheat a runs into cheat week. Achieve weak runs on the cheap, but the youtube I could have at the super so wrong. I'm going to have abs. You still owe me a push up contest. You've been you've, been sing on that when, for about seven years, you wanna get bombed, You do know how to drink a little mad dog and your computer. Not as much as is still on the table. By the way, I'm pretty sure I could draken entire mad dog and probably do twice as many pushups as you pete right now, you might be able to hey, listen, we know your tell you in your horny man, just by nature, don't try to
just when you see how good a shape I'm in I off limits. I might send you a box of doughnuts every tuesday game cause. You know, you know the drill guys if it's in front of you you're going to put your then that box and eat it nope yeah! That's that's a horny! What what is your diet today? Let's hear it what it would eat today I guarantee of the to sport for breakfast guaranteed. No add I had two eggs in You know carp I'd I'd, one piece of turkey jerky, so where are your own? No carved? I yeah? Ok, so you aren't, you can eat bacon. angry the guides? Are you coming? Maybe we're out of arabs and you'll have arteries at a clog like a rock yeah, alright, ass man, we appreciate it You are always an evil. Some see the satellites in another, something completely different, I one question with a court
time we welcome on recurring, guess friend of the programme, and so to be playing in the national championship on Monday night. It is tissue, quarterback, max dugan, max, congratulations and credible game or turn were we're moving on to the next game, but we're going to first do one question with you off from everyone here my questions very simple and one to ten: how much does the hypno toad help you guys out on the field? Ten absolutely yeah and will, if we didn't have it, I don't know we, or rather the season our avenue. I now honestly man here our as you know the things that they talk about, I mean contrary. Let the other works. Yeah I mean it's every time. I see them like. Well, that's that there goes. I came tissues gotta, if you weren't a believer before your damn sure believer now. Yes, yes, I have agreed that yeah, you gotta beyond the train, our europe.
Ok. My question is at this point: you reaching the national shaped game in college football. You, the quarterback of one of the teams. Are you the best red headed college football player of all time? Oh there are, doll in my mind. I don t see you and he wasn't legend, so I mean I dunno the other redheads that are on college football, but you know that that might be a goal to kind of reach. You know like those guys, though, eighty is still kind of the legacy of tissue that I'm still trying to like so right. He walked so that you could run, but I was to the lesser earlier, and it's like you can maybe consider Carson, or to be a red headed guy somebody, It's more like a strawberry blonde type deal. I think I think if you win this game there can be no more debate. You are him yeah yeah. Now it
I'll be there be some special, nay munoz target more redheads. Now, plan, quarterback and california fell representation. Radwan outward were dying slowly, which has not yet what's actually, you know what who's actually sneaky. Read it spencer, rattler yeah, that's true yeah! Yes, yes, so there you go, you got couple out there. I billy glad, what's up max reports on Tik tok say that your licking your fingers to get the frogs horny here. You know, as the report says, that in its help another when I'm all about trying to get us to win. So if that's what it is man, I'm will keep going reports confirm reports, you'd, frail billy's, but drop some fire when it starts with imports from tik, tok, say hip, go to know, it's like? God knows barely absolutely our jake a mac stake march. Parliament take podcast, congratulate
on reaching the national championship. Game are similar similar to big cats question how much of a hot see does your current mass got? The super frog feel that he could be eventually replaced with the hypnotic moving for Well, you know, I, I don't think super frogs on the hot on the hot seat. I think it's more like a a brother, you know with the hypno toad. I think it's an array of a very fun entertaining cousin that you have yeah. That's always come into the the barbie. Yes, I think that's kind of where we're at no hot seat. You know their their supervisors, not going anywhere. Yeah Dave did mentioned because he was at the game that he just got. Hypno told her to death in the in the teeth, U. I actually have experienced from it from the two thousand. Eleven rose ball. controversies. You Andy Dalton, you guys just fucking do doing the hypno, the the frogs in my face the whole time as I get this fucking out of my face. I can't do regarding yeah the the frogs like the best answer,
and or whatever you want. I can. It really is a guy like to go wide with it. I like to make it to the toad, showed and give it a little bit of the earth, and I well that colleagues, like tour yeah, I be careful, I our max. Max year, you kind of which could have played in the arizona born son of the college football players. I mean I was watching it. It looked like a pretty fun time like you'd. Have you no dancing in national anthem? the broadcast you know day dan, you know J you guys were given also the other asylum interviews with care. We now seem pretty funding to be a part of tat. It was, I think, you, I think I think actually will say that ohio is the true national champions, because that was
it was a crazy ending. It was crazy, ending greatest catch in college football history. Some are saying some are saying. Yes, some are saying memes. Do you have a question? What's your hand, size, good question I have no idea, I added I yet, let's see, how can you hold a pen in it or geyser quiet I've, a mouse you have put a map pronounced, oh yeah, pretty good hand? I dont think I don't think they're like giant or of later at smaller yeah I am not going to ask a question very use my question, but if I were to ask another question, it would just be: are you able to hold onto a football in bad weather, easily and didn't ask that didn't ask that did not ask that without asking me just thinking about. ran away, I think so obviously fighting and I let you get a little bit a cold weather. The true true, through its been alright, though,
you know I haven't had to use any gloves. So far, so I mean that's will see it. You know if I have to get to that point, but maybe just maybe just try out a picture of you like eating lunch, hold the hotdog and will Imagine that I is there okay, alright and then max. Do you have a question for us? Okay, yeah, for you guys skate right. What is the dream like championship, sporting event that you guys get it? I could go to and be at live like whether it's masters national championships, stanley cup finals, world series, dream championship event that you guys go to yeah. That's a good question. I think, I think it would be bears winning a super balk at sea. You ever see a losing game would be rolled out a number one slime mold.
The great I was thinking like if it was a stanley cup, someplace really fun like maybe in las vegas gas, and then you go out new party with the team you drink from the cop. That seems like the best possible scenarios that could have happened to me. Oh my god, I would be so happy masters, ruby, precept too. I yeah it's coming now. Eighteen green masters. I augusta ro last stanley cup, like overtime, three three games said, and I actually I'm thinkin about like what would be the best games to be at. That vila nova, buzzer reader would probably be up there just cause a buzzer. Beater is like a boy oh peter, to win a national championship or buzz. your win. An mba tat like that. I'm just be all time a true buzzer reader yo would be great, like a buzzer beater at the olympics, in basketball, where the usa wins. That would be pretty coworkers and you get the whole actually like
if the usa ever everyone world cup, that would be an incredible game to be, it has never happened, or I did a ride because then right after it's over he just he just boop all the boys or gerard Joe Carter, walk off home run to win the world series yeah. That's pretty good b there. The only thing: that's the finale yeah, like the the the way to end the game, overtime goal to win a stanley cup that yeah okay, good question. Yeah. Really! Really you answer, I would say partly stanley cup I was on the glass overtime I dunno, there's there's there's! There are a lot, though, like I dunno, I think that that'd be kind of like the most like whatever address.
When rush ever I leave my stadium, maybe for the national championship and maybe not to name names but like such a say, hypothetically sunny dykes is like hey, my quarterback actually can run and we have like overtime. You know forth and go let's use him and not use a running back here. Likes like that. I think it would be the best possible position would be like under centre as dirty. is winning a national championship and your you're putting one knee on the ground on the field. That would be a pretty good, feel angry or masons decimation and for all the other. Ok, we'll max best. lock rooting for you. I am very so the dream season continues Monday night tissue, verse, georgia, appreciate it. Man and I yet good luck on Monday night were all we watching. Obviously, shall have none and we forget about that pizza party. Hopefully we get a win
Oh that's right now, I'm gonna call really got another laurentius pm, like you got your back to have to give a big breeds. Yeah, that's gonna, be That's a lot of them, probably like ten thousand dollars worth of pizza that we then I will absolutely I am. I listen. I'm a man of my word welcomes. This is what happens all the time on this show. Is we just get really into things for awhile? We just suspended people left and right until it got out of hand now we're just obsessed with pizza parties. so this would be a fitting ending to this new kick ass. Also, I mean look, we, you know we'll see what happens the game, but there is a way for the pizza party to pay for itself. True, we're gonna. Try makes on the work for your me. I I can deliver them and make sure they get. No he's is not allowed a company would appear just be looking all across the camp is to find a toad fuck where these tasks need. These two, I take you max and hopefully will see you for the pizza party. Yes, our ratio,
ok word for max. We do have to do. We have to figure out how much pizza we're we're think it's going to. something like four thousand dollars will go to the site because I thought it was We listened back. I believe it was a hundred and fifty it's a lot of damage. Reverences some like that. However, we said we're gonna handle ever We didn't say that okay, so we got a double try, but yeah yeah we'll get around the number I'm bored for teach you. I will be ready hank, so everyone has been listening. The show for a long time we I a blog. We we had a period of time started, started one to okay. So Ass has been exactly a year when a period time we're we're banking each other got out of hand. We decided that hank is going to just create a bunk last year where he keeps track of all the box, and now it has been a full year. he's ready to give it to us, so you going do this every year now yeah, I think this year
I do a better job keeping the notes, because I mean I dunno people are either going to be disappointed. I think it's funny. I think some of them are funny, but some of them are there's no context, no context. Bunk yeah, I like it. yeah casinos in the middle of the show pft. When I was talking about doing this, the other day pft was like. I didn't think you actually kept the list yeah it was. I stopped seeing you write stuff down after, like I've seen him do it. I assume he gave up yeah. I I know, though, if anyone else read the list, it would make no sense. I don't think it makes sense to hank right right. Okay, right, I just look. I just take a look: no, no! No! It's fine! I'm going to read here read exactly whatever, and it's not like, there's a lot of again, no context how many bunks total A lot of these are officially the horny its moments of p m t twenty two and there's always a message that people will get. I think people probably be more upset whatever real bonks with the punks didn't know. I have one. One go. You mock me one too The two p of tea brings up Obi J,
casting a guy out of the closet. It was actually a highlight where he tried to punch a guy in the bottle here. So I figured it was it was sports worthy. You talk about we should try to defend our noted. I didn't notice that when I will defend now began to use in the context of a sport show this sports broadcasts. After all, I wish to say that we should use enjoy. The box and he loves. You loves poop one for twenty. Two big cat brings up trust and thompson sex tape. Yup! That's a good one! He's gonna get shrill cape, on one seven, twenty two someone say what what what order we goin, we would. You say one maybe I'll run away from outside. It sounds like a pretty already on wherever I guess they get a lesson. The us, Canada are commonly used up one seven, twenty two, someone said it's gonna, be a soft opening and Phd said. That's the best kind of opening. Ok, I get through with you
Do you like a a metal gate on one ten again contacts? I don't I just wrote turning my covert diagnosis into a love story with a of sea and its without a phd tweet. ok here it. As I said, I have covered one ten twenty to pay. If you said so to say: oh see: oh ok! one. Eighteen, twenty two big had braxton burials he's a good looking dude yeah. Ok, I stand by that he's he's hot dude he's a hotline, Also on one eighteen, twenty two p of timber. Both say they want to fuck case so yeah yeah yeah, that's stands, and these are good ones, maybe in the context of an f k, but yeah I'd foot regardless owed have sexual case. I now see that I would put it
bonkers from the other. Through you know, I'm I'm standing by all my own fault. Caesarean ought to nine twenty two p of tea lakes, and indeed is tweet. That was just a bunch of tits area. Remember that as a good to eat favourites to twenty two p m t followed every per name brandy and instagram. Just in case one of them was Koko's wife, through its investigative research, seven, No one's made up. I know and why would I write this down? I you might have done that. You would have said you were going to do that. You definitely so we're going. Do that? That's how I got on I'd. Never did that. Do you. Not I'm gonna! Do you say I got you got to twenty five p of tea. Calls brittany runner a personal here of his with coach prime. That sounds right three eight p asked all women today in him.
are upset about aaron rodgers, stealing their shine on international women's day through thirteen big head John rosty in his wife is hot to his face and take her out on a date. Wife's lot is out of the house was put. Generosity deserves to be its full core press who want you back while terms John corporate apis. Three, twenty two p m t calls meet ranch a usin isn't for come. three twenty seven big catcalls coach case wife sexy in quotes, when Nicky cosette rose up, look at all hot, Three, twenty seven p m t brings up a nip slip during the oscars slap conversation. The cat says he will skull fucked him dylan. I think that was a tweet. I have scoff, ok for him. I will skull fuck for him. I did link the tweet.
Neither school. You know he said I will skull fucked him. Dylan just say the word. Oh, that's: a fuck man situation. Ok, as our skull skull, fucked him down, I'm not a type. I don't think three, thirty one p of teeth want to get slapped by a girl in new orleans yup nah check for two. This is where my reporting may be not the best. It doesn't have a name just as for two. Says he doesn't think coach caught case wafers underwear, I might be I think that was neither goes b. I remember that yeah she's, a good look, lady. Those very hot Imagine how much he's tearing that up guys, retired what I think it was. Would she like a verbally or not physically abused her grandkid, and I was like damn? He had choked me away, she's doing
for seven purity says the new and they'll, be bases are really getting go. Not gonna. Take is l for twenty four, because LUCA has a wagon of an ass. Does that's. Why he's good fivefold? If it is sometimes you randomly, google search is coaches wives. You wanna know one point you want to know by seven piety says he was all moms. On mother's day, five twelve became bones. When we talked about bones moving again context can tell you yep, ah five fifteen says the sun's needed asia. Today's at half time he's dead he's been here. That age. Tidies button, five, twenty seven! fifty says he hates teeth. Oh ok, I think most people do we do with them five, thirty one, I'm in by thirty one. Fifty he wishes. There was a boom in top gun,
Perhaps we should have been one nipple, that's all I wanted everything else in their six twenty big says he can't wait for batty south to come out. O that. Show you guys Jamie so hard member, so that preview, there's like ribby, others hair out of their rapid and just goin, absolutely crazy? I'm sure there are never actually wash later. without on the block this year, I'm to call back again theme here: six, twenty two: it gets as LUCA daunted is a super attractive. Do I like is ever live out on? It's gotta be dropped. Sixty the yeah he's troubles. I will ass he's got the cool tattoos accent after drinking a beer before the game he's a fucking cool dude. I think he's a cool dude I'd like to spend some time with I know a little better six twenty nine they kept says the fur
Is wild thing impiety tries to back him but big. He says it's actually a bunk on him. What was the wild them again? and you are thinking wild things, the movie yeah yeah, so that is a box and all they keep track this year with contexts yeah. I like I, like most of you know. I got our joint contacts, so we can endorse gregson, but we don't have anything out right now and I know we have not, while you could put me on for future, batty south will also will, while trying to better what time samson mega video of yes, the ETA July, fit big, had talks about siphoning gas. that was all I wrong. I don't. I want siphon gas in college and I ended up drinking a lot of the gas for my moped yeah. You gotta suck it out oh, but I think that is a hot tears about faster. That's we're. Gonna hang for thinking that was sexual. You, like big
it's trying to save money. I was talking about a story. How I try to siphon gas when I needed needed some gas from my moped and it comes out really fast and I swallowed a lot of gasoline you just like the image of a hose wrapped around my It's a lesson, and I thought: hey Jake Jake put that on the bunk for next year. Hank imagined big cats giving head to a host of hankses seven fourteen. p of dimensions, cam girls, while going through a list of canned go there. Of cams when discussing camp smith and came young in the open sea servants are forbidden. Jake is seven twenty one pair of tea says he wants a breakfast contracted choke amount with a dog lease and then thrown into an active volcano. Peg me with a frozen hops, cool made of baja blast and then parentheses. I rode co sign. Yes, They need our self. That's how good the contractors pit inventory
three pages as he wishes the statue of liberty with lower cut and had more taken her cheeks up some thirty one paeonies is jane. Jetson was an absolute fox. Ok, it's facts. Fact: seven thirty, one quote: I love when jerry jones insert himself in any way they can fall by bank by piety and then said. That's it! You box that another December Eurasia, pet pit pointy, attaining a seminal thirty mile in hong kong. Sometimes it's like a smelting dealt it. So in that case, I was probably not being horny, yet you denied yeah you just which I think are we finding out that you might be the highest in the park.
It's been a pretty good times back and forth. Big cat says now we just do hand jobs, get more people coming when talking about how we don't say suck our dicks anymore: oh okay, yep yep, I ate nine big cat, says he'll, let billy pee in his mouth. In order to complete the food challenge. Okay, between parties, Zack, wasn't gonna bolivar alliance, casinos aid and hundreds of milk mamma, the independent nine one big says he kind of like the people who jerk off on trains. I did. I mean I think, they're just living their best life by the way when making disgusted phase that everything and why this is a good online, fun. Billy megan his first appearance analysed. Ninety eight: says he wants to be put in solitary confinement with just a dildo makes sense.
Nine eleven means post pillar of our recitals, huge ass, eleven year after school sudan? I forget he does love that picture. He loves that picture. I only see that picture from our know. It's a you, don't know it's Jeff Driscoll huge ass and he's it's kind of wet, so you can kind of see through it's such a weird pic Why are you posted on nine eleven that eighteen, He says his throat is wide open to shove it into robert sallow and talking about jets, when you really through see there, we have a circle back on them, actually tensed up a bunch of receipts. This was why this is again. Ten. Sixteen pecan pie have to say their mouths are wide open for robert solow, okay, ten, sixteen again miss miss bad labeling. Here I don't have the name thought so choose your own adventure for who
that my satirical healy, bieber selena Gomez, was horny when it was just regular satire, also not mad at you got called out for mrs paulsen me yeah sure I wasn't mad, you right You got that when I hear that ports ray I'm still not mad pieties, as he would suck a dick to play and billy macfarlane festival, ten twenty four ok eleven two big it mentions. Pods and billy thought he was tat. Well yeah! Oh sorry, you bought the fucking little game. We played in like the late nineties with the what were they just milk caps yeah and the slammers? It really was all horned tactile. Pogs eleven. Seventeen Pft said Joe borrowers way, hotter than can pick it when they both have girl filters on okay, I yup and then twelve twenty eight big heads if he's ready to dong it up for the arizona bowl broadcast with the tele straighter. Oh yeah final part of the year yeah, and he got one in yeah,
I did it at all, I saw was a file tally. I think if he ran away with that ran away with that I'd say we felt like it was three to one. I think we've got a good eye, blooded american male park. Zero got testosterone, sorry for being mask. We all apologise for being guys. You in the bank. I bought you have this. What you think I got from amazon yeah, I've bugger off the job object. I think that's a great way of doing it so will be better detailed, the bone, me I mean august, just give jake my notes and he can whatever you what
potentially of time out when you liked search for research? We wait. Did you just drop of bibliotech like the spanish attacker? Bibliotech lie relatively attack. Senor don t start breaking put our albano bibliotech, ok time for numbers. So have you splash the pop now. I thought were doing sundays now, only twenty bucks hours, and yet we must also start with I will just over twenty bucks right now because it would have been Sunday I always thought it was our disgust already eyes flashed upon for friday, but we all know this council persuasion We have this counts, it's only sunday for you operating in here, not your son.
We're doing sunday. Why not today would ever wonder we didn't do not know its once a week? Ok, ok twain this year. I thought it was every time I've hanks, like our splash, the partly egg splash apart, but I am I going to pass by parts in a hundred twenty dollars. Ever nos twenty dollars, the plus a hundred hours, if they win its two forty has hake left to match. And you still are never going to get it. I'm going to splash and I hope he gets it right now. So bad seventeen- sixty nine, twenty three, fifty seven twenty eighteen in these firms Sebastian it's over. Yet actually I'd like to change mine to fifty four yeah alright, so what was your where's? Your number hank? Fifty four? Twenty three have you ever gotten this note shut out parking tickets worth gave me a jersey, arizona bowl star. This is the first time I'm actually rooting frank. Rather it is completely flipped on fifty seven
it's sentimental to me, my friend of mine, has renewed babies in his family's birthdays of both twenty seven new new of now is a race against time. Revolvers egg made before we had twenty six twenty nine seven, how residence at weights of six twenty six twenty nine is it So now it is out of the hundred numbers and wait. What's the thing again, if all hundred, if one hundred get picked before heck, I think hatred over money. I think we should. I think, if all hundred get picked before sorry was a deal deal yeah. Let's do it was if you did all hundred and everyone besides, his number was last you'd like No, I think what we should do is if a lottery ball machine picks every single number and hank still hasn't got it right. We have to build a human size, lottery ball machine and put hank in it. But if you just pick
one of the numbers that I've had. So many of you may ask me twenty seven within the thing they are I actually think it actually. Get a theory is no longer and you shall have to get a tattoo of the number that beats you. If this law, you should aid, should be like a lottery ball that you get tat to anybody, somewhere, so thick twenty six, twenty nine in the numbers remaining, you should have to get a tattoo, but you can't guess the number twenty nine ball you just have to get an orange. Don't ping pong ball that says twenty nine on it? Ok, so you're going to get a tattoo yeah I mean I'm sure. If I don't guess well I mean I guess it also comes other people who guess the number first sure hm hm hm hm. Let's see what more does it does? It does account hey, go ahead, guess just because account
yeah fifty. Why should I tweet? Something has never happened before the south with a lottery ball good movie, so bad, alright, we'll see everyone friday love! You guys shout Evan lasseter, it's his birthday too, and he's currently battling the hospital for teammate went up and the porn frogs are actually not frock diluted the. The do you I don't know what to say
days amounting divided anyway. Another day becoming dream will become available to the I,
life, is ok avails exhibits, a barrier to save its place of origin. The.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-08.