« Pardon My Take

Julian Edelman In Studio, NFL Week 16 Picks And Preview Plus Fyre Fest Of The Week

2023-12-22 | 🔗

Weve had our fill on watching the Saints play football and Dennis Allen is the WORST. We talk about a nightmare playoff scenario for the Lions as the Rams are officially a dangerous team (00:00:00-00:18:26). Week 16 Picks and Preview for every game in the weekend as well as touching on subjects like internet brain vs real life, epstein's list and more (00:18:26-01:43:46). Fantasy Fuccbois (01:43:46-01:49:54). Julian Edelman joins us in studio to talk about the NFL this season, are drops contagious? His media career and tons more (01:49:54-02:58:21). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (02:58:21-03:09:32).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcasts, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon music time out. This episode is brought to you by pepperoni, the original beef flavor dog treats made for your most valuable pup, and while your dog can experience the thrill of hitting a twelve leg parlay, you can inject that same excitement into their life by feeding them irresistible pepperoni, treats so bring more to the table than belly rubs and be your best friend's best friend alternate lot to learn more about pepperoni original beef, flavor snacks, good, a pepperoni dot com that p. U p, p e r, o n I dot com on today's pardon. My take. We have our good friend Julian edelman, back on the show in studio came to visit us just visit us. It's great time were due week, sixteen picks and preview. The race to see who has to do in our set in vegas is getting tighter. We had three picks for everyone: fantasy, holidays, yeah and it's holidays and fire fest of the week. It's all brought to you by our friends at morgan and morgan. Thirty, five percent of all fatal accidents occur between six pm and midnight. Did you know that pft? I did yeah shocking people aged twenty five to thirty. Four have the highest amount of drivers involved in car crashes?
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less well known, yeah, it's a pardon. My take. This involves sports.
Welcome to the party might take today is Friday december, twenty second and pft. I do not want to watch Derek carr play football, any more. No! No! I don't! They were fun last week against the giants I dunno. If that was just the giant factor of it, I was just them finding something that they'll never regain again, but yeah they're, bipolar, they're, they're depressing and then they're fun for a little bit and they're back to being depressing again get the saints off my tv. On the other side, though, I think we can say that the rams are legit like dirt. There are good they're, a good team. I told you, I believe, was right before they played the cardinals they had. I think three wins at the time. Take the over on the rams season, total seven and a half biggest better
for me, paid off tonight very happy about that. They are going to say this. The rams, I think, they're, officially dangerous. That's what they're their dangerous matt stafford playing great ball! I'm I'm getting closer and closer pierre teach you also Ah just going down like all the receipts of the mats effort hall of fame, because remember we we discuss in twenty eighteen, I think, and I've been long saying, like Matt stafford's going to have all the stats he's been in the league for so long has been really good for so long he's got the super bowl. Matt Safford is a hall of famer and watching him play football is fun like his the the throws he makes and it it's. It doesn't feel like it's a gratuitous. It's like he's making some of these throws because he has to make these rows in the poo poo poo is awesome, rams defense playing well, they are I'm putting it Tagum. Maybe graphic forming names, rams officially dangerous like dated outside of maybe the forty niners like I is
any other team, the energy you would you'd, be shocked if the rams beaten the playoffs. Not really I got an idea would obviously be upset. for some of these eating account if they beat the cowboys, I might be shocked just because what happened earlier this season, where there were down like thirty three, the three after it seemed like the first quarter, but besides besides cowboys and the niners, no, I could definitely be team in the blast. Can I say something: that's that I think there is probably a certain sector of our fan base. That is listening right now that has played this out in their head. That's stafford going to detroit mine's, first home play off game made out a brutal. We now That is how I would now these, and I don't want that- that's not fund for anybody, but yea. Now he is making crazy throws on a weekly basis like he threw one out to the number. From like a standstill, it probably went through
yards in the air and just whipped it out he's got like a whip attached to his shoulder, he's fun to watch, and I I dunno like I felt like Matt stafford, scotch around him, was that he was getting old. when he was like telling off his his last two seasons with the with the lions and no he's, I think, he's always just had it's the same arm. That arm never goes away. It's just a matter of putting pieces around him in the in the rams have to I'd, say you know what I think. Both teams won that trade, well, the the the discourse on that's ever do like when he was the last two after the simple was fair because a back injury like Fuck knows you know, that's was now what he had to back and arm his arm got fact right. You can get exactly. I thought he had a here. He he did. He did have a back at one point yes We had a bad about appreciate or maybe even to arms, yeah he's spinal contusion.
That's all we have to carry thing. The discourse was: will matt stafford retire, right and always gonna walk away, and he looks like he's having fun his fallen. Rams are dangerous. I would like to hear from lions fans- and you can just tweet us and just maybe say like yeah I've thought about it. That's all you have to say we don't have to actually address it, but I'm looking at it right now and it's not an unreasonable, like the rams sneaking into the six spot. They're tied right now, with the vikings they'll technically be in the six spot after this game goes final and the lions in the threesome what that's going to be a very weird spot for matt stafford to going back to detroit and playing against them in a playoff game? Is going to be? It's gonna, be weird for everybody, I'm going to feel just oncoming Watch it and I think that would be the meanest minas thing tap into alliance. Like of all the things,
now would be the meanest thing. I don't want that to happen. We ve talked about the lions and how, in the past, they ve invented new ways to lose, whether that be like making a catch indians on that, somehow not a catch or fumbling of all through the in zones or having the nfl record long feel go kicked against you that bounces off the cross boring goes in and it felt like this. They ve checked all the boxes for the most heartbreaking ways to lose. This would be the final stone in the affinity gauntlet if it was mad stafford coming to detroit bidding them. So that being said, it does fuel something that's probably going to happen yeah, and we also need to talk about the fact that Dennis Allen might be the worst coach of all time and that's not being facetious, that's not being like hyperbolic. That is, if you look at this, It's I think he is somewhere around the seventh to tenth worst coach record wise, that end of half when he decided to go for it on the forty two with a minute left and they're down ten or no they're down three, there
Three, like I, I know that yeah, you know analytics For more often you point that ball and you start like the rams doing like a drop. Where screenplay the rams, mostly they just going to have time. He just gave them seven points and it was just any punted on, I knows like forth and thirteen but reported on this Ramstein, seven your line to start the whole game, like this guy said, eggs he's diseases. Bands deserve better his officials. weird shithead. In my book there are very few coaches that reached out that level. He is weird shithead. I have no idea what he was saying. He was fourth and five. I think if I were to put myself in his shithead brain, I would say that on the third downplay, they should have converted. They had a good play drawn up and I believe it was a drop on that and it should have been easy, easy conversion and so in his head he thought. Oh, it's going to be easy again and then Derek carr
Is a throne. The ball like ten yards further to the sidelines in his receivers that that's what I take that wasn't a drop that was a car did Derek, Derek car has a thing that he does where criminal lobby was it was he I out of the back here and he's running like a slant. He was wide open and dare car cited hey I'm going throw this three thousand miles an hour at his back. Shoulder like yes, a lobby could have made it, but that was a bad. Throw actually was wondering this phd because of arguing with people on X, dot com, which is a very fine thing to do during for ok, so you when there's one football game were all watching it. How many burner accounts you think the car brothers have because, like I thought I was convinced, I was talking to a car brother
with the way he was blaming alavi for a pass. That was no like. It was not a good pat, it was an easy pass and derek Carr fucked it up all over. Yes could have maybe caught it, but if you watch it a million times you're like that's on the quarterback, not on the wide receiver, the problem with that plays love had a couple other drops, and I too so yeah it when you take darwin was aren't you It wasn't all on him. But what I'm saying, though, the point still stands, which is that Dennis sound, saw that he's like we had the right play drawn up, I'm confident that we can get five yards if we needed or seven or ten yards, and he thought he had a place. We drew it up and then you give the ball to the rams and they've got like twenty yards to go until they can kick a field goal or they can just take the ball down the field score. That was a steal
good decision, especially when you put to count the yard that was from the thirty seven yard line, where they punted in the first quarter, those on top of each other make zero sense whatsoever. But to the point about the carr brothers: if you're not blocked by David carr on twitter, you're, not using X, dot, com, correctly, karate sure, I'm pretty sure he does the name search for his brother and he I this was the part I don't understand. When David Carr, it's one thing to be like yeah fuck, you understand it from a brother, it's another thing to like search people with these takes and then proactively block people that are being critical of your brother without even replying to them or addressing them or just a guess, in his mind, I think he's wiping the internet clean of any dirt car slander, yeah yeah. I think I saw no car brother. I really don't do and now, by the way block
and block their car. A great garbage, I'm dr there to make his numbers look a lot better than they were so just the saints all the way down the field. He's gonna end up with like over three hundred yards passing and you're gonna, say: oh he's but the problem, the whole saints or the problem. That thing is just it's tough watch. It's a really tough watch you know what I don't like a new, a new feature that they're doing right now, which is in the amazon advanced stats. I dunno. If this is sam, Schwartz steen, that's pushing this or not sammy for listening just so you know I don't like this their showing you play off percentages based on each play. Why so like when our she'd read? Well, I don't know get because somewhere there's a falcons fan. This can be watching a game and the the
percentage of them getting the playoffs is going to spike, and then it's going to crash and they're going to be like what the fuck does. All these percentages feel like they're geared towards us getting bad beats, but when she he caught that touchdown to make it was at seven ten at the time. yup very european of you yeah its bite, it spike their play off possibilities by like seven percent, just based off that one play that to me feels like we're going too far. Numbers numbers are to foreign this beautiful game that we love football yeah. I was watching the prime broadcast while the prime vision sam, great job. It's fun to watch feels like you're, smarter cause. You you just watch it and you're like oh, that guy's going to blitz cause he's like all lit up. You not doing anything. they're telling me, but it is cool to to just say. Oh yeah, I see that I'd I'd go hot route here, no prob! I like I like those ports where they'd make me think that I'm playing a video game when watching football. It's like I'm doing two things
One thing we need to write down and remember for future sean mcveigh on the opposite of a bi on a short week is great Yeah, I think he's sixty one. This would make him. Maybe seventy and one all time so he's like the opposite of Andy reid in every in every way possible, but in the offer, a short weak stat. We gotta remember to hamrick mc phase teams. Yes, I agree, I agree and okay, ok other thing we are really talked what is the pistons lost? Again it s not notable because they ve now lost twenty seven. No twenty five in a row, twenty five driving the record is twenty six they were. They started the season two and one ah, but its notable because they're playing the jazz at home after only two and a half.
Dog lorry marketing was out. It was one of the more winnable games. They'll have left and yeah we're on like. Could the peasants finish with like five wins territory? I think I think the record is the bob cats that one year is yeah yeah, and that was I think that was a shortened season, so I think they want seven games which wasn't as well as bad and they look for right. Now we are the peasants, it might be the worst thing of all time, their deep, deep shit right now, so I ve got some games against the nets and then, after that, I think, they're going either play against the raptors and then at the celtics an end at the at the rockets new year's day. There's a good, possibly they could dig, might be able to win that game on new year's day. If the rockets get drunk enough on new year's eve, a miracle and I won t
so the yeah, the the record, is seven and fifty nine. So not a full season. They're they're going to, I think, they're going to beat it. I would fuck bennett. I wonder if you can, the rockets aren't terrible, and that was rmb. preview, yeah well we'll do our real mb preview in like two months after the superbowl reseller will get them. I have a much more pressing question to ask pick at yes, how many eggs do you think you could eat in a day Oh I saw this. This is so I dont this, because I was raised correctly and my father made me watch cool hand, look at a very young age, so I've always for the four. My entire life thought I could eat fifty hard boiled eggs, no problem and then lie there like cheeses, so yeah my answers. Fifty yeah, I if the devil dogs, the answers unlimited for me, I could, I can eat infinity, devil tags. I've never gone for
deviled eggs. If I'm at a wedding, they bring out the hors d'oeuvres deviled eggs come out, and I just I hawk that person that's going around with the eggs and I easily put like ten of those which I guess is five full legs. Ten of those, and I don't break a sweat at all. I think I could I could eat one hundred deviled eggs, which would actually be the deviled eggs, yeah yeah. It would it'd be no problem, so yeah. That was a fantasy punishment that this girl was like. This guy is so gross, and I was just What am I watched? The videos? Dudes rock- that's was listen. She she said that was like the final straw that made her want to break up with her boyfriend. Listen, your your body produces eggs, okay, which risks that's facts and everyone should go see cool hand luke. If you haven't seen it it's one of the best movies of all time, wipe him abroad. Boss, shut shake it off here, boss, Pft, one last thing before we kick it to ourselves and studio about your christmas.
Present. Did you hear we don't usually by presence you'd get? This is a dick move because all gay I get each other christmas present. We John and I sprang on made it ok can I tell you why, though I was I got it I gotta have targeted at about a shoe, and then I went and try to buy. you and I saw there was a couple other shoes look at these: their reebok pumps and commanders colorway. Oh, I thought you d by jacques delors was looking for a present for you, I literally, myself and a different color pair same shit. But when I saw him I I have to buy these. I appreciate that thank you for that. That's very nice gift! When I was a kid in first great asked, my parents were a pair pumps and they said no, and I asked them again. They said, okay, we'll get your pair of pumps and they came home and I had a pair of voigt pumps that they got at kinney shoes for like nineteen dollars, and I was like I, I can't these aren't pumps, so it's always been
dreams, have real pair of reebok pumps, rivalry guy. I actually did get your present yeah yeah the chicago bears. Guy fury, klaus right, what yeah yeah, yeah so yeah. Have these sick reebok pumps, commanders colorway, size, eight perfect size, but which, as we know, That was just me like what like, if you get your boys, a present like it's, it's kind of lame so, like you have to like, like I didn't really want to get your present I'll make fun of your shoe size. Now I gotta tenant have to worry ok. Thank you yeah! That's that's very true, though. If you get you get your friend a present it. It has to be like merry christmas, but also fuck. You gonna fuck, you bitch, yeah, like I felt, really lame. Just saying I got your present, so I had to thrown a death our guys talk, guess what we look all right, Let's kick it to ourselves. We can preview and like an hour with our good friend, jewels in studio ok. We preview time brought you by our friends at over eats get delivered with uber eats for
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here and we'd succeed, because its rise with sixteen game schedule that we had forever and feels like the seasons over. These have to remind ourselves you're still january still parts of February. I ever take I'm ready for class Whilst I am I'm not there's enough, there's enough games. Now that are like. Who cares reply. Be really does not like saying I'm an amiss, like I wanna speed, pass the regular season anders ready for play our full part ready. to figure out whose winning the soup, all the sheer I'd, be ready for the play if it was like in my mind, which teams I personally feel are ready for the playoffs right now, I'm I bear If the plan there's one there's one game in particular this we can, we have a loser, leaves town game for sure. We fraud, we have a fraud ball and we god. Maybe a loser moves the suburbs bull yeah, but, I'm ready for the playoffs, I'm ready ready to get it on, want to see the fucking teams or see some playoff football but yeah week. Sixteen,
quick note. We obviously won't be streaming on sunday or the following sunday is it's christmas eve and then new year's eve. We will be back back, though streaming the college football players in january, first As a reminder, the show schedule this We will be they'll, be new on tuesday, recasting the whole weekend. The new show friday, getting you ready for the weekend and also a really very famous guest, big guest, very massive get. Strongest guess we ever had very soon There is strong, swatted ada, ah so get accent. And then we will have another episode. The next, will be the tuesday after a college football playoff and week. Seventy so two shows a week for the next two weeks. Yes, tuesday and friday for the next two weeks cause this fucking whole christmas new years on a Monday blow says they should change that it fucking sucks next year will be good next year beyond a win.
Beautiful, aren't, let's get into it, skinning due to the weak sixteen schedule, every ever team obviously play a powerful slate, we've got two saturday games will start with the bengals and steelers on Saturday afternoon. By the way we are doing three picks this week right through picks. Actually, we were going to do for our two picks, depending on how much I beat hank buying golf today and I beat 'em so the original plan, it reduced it to two games. But then you know what I said: let's do three is the holidays? That's not true, but that's it's! The holidays is up three's up one two, three three picks: ok, bengals does one of them have to be a christmas back like we did for thanksgiving. I think one should be I think one should be a as it is the hollow ogata right: okay, solider three, I bangles stealer mason, rode off time. I don't you I saw, but our colleague jurors juries been on the beat george pickens.
Has slowly on every quarterback this year, so we unfold Kenny young, followed Mitch here, in the falls. Mason rudolph well again, just to defend george pickets for a second. He didn't unfollow them because he doesn't like being their teammate yeah. He said he was just cleaning up his timeline. Their content wasn't good enough for him to follow on twitter or on yeah, and also for media thing on also media, but this feels like to me, and also no Jamar chase for the bengals and dj reader, which will be very important in my opinion. Ah, this feels like the mike Tomlin steelers era is on the line. One might be, for the culture is for the culture two thousand under our game at home. One thinks the steelers or good they're very banged up. Ah, and I think you're win So if we look at this from the eyes of the inner fell, scriptwriters mason rude off starting christmas weekend, that seems like an easy one for the sitting up. My right just you can picture self watching the fastest three minutes with boomer and he's just gonna go fuck and horror
on the route off jokes. Yes, I feel like this is MIKE Tomlin. Do you have any culture dame? and, if they lose big, been was right. If they win, the culture exists for at least one more week. It is in theory. It should be a batch of to decent teams because you ve got if you just look at college careers, the mason rude off browning both awesome right around the same time, hovered ballgame great. This. We re born neither one of these things make the playoffs I want to see them play each other actual wash? You know, goal must state if you put that on thursday, I beg done yet and would you on how we rank the river reason the f c north, because I think they ve shifted in the last year to year. He'll think raven steelers number one, that's all don't be bengals. Ravens might be just because they're, both at the top the recently gonna take at least another year, the steelers being depressing to watch for me too.
Imagine it's a game! You it's like a sunday night, raven steelers, you know the home crammed pittsburgh would just go hard. Came to, but of the sailors have another bad year after this year, yeah they start to lose a little bit of the we, these robberies matter, yeah, browns, bangles, probably up there von the bangles Lamar verse, diarrhoea, Yup ravens browns. I think I think historically, that's an important will Joe flagpoles editor allure to that some, some allure to it, also the stealing of the franchise yup that whole thing yeah. But I still, I think we have at least one more season left the end of this year and then I will reevaluate my nfc north rivalry. That's fair! I mentioned DJ reader because the bengals defense is not good and they have not been great against the run. So I wouldn't look back dear reader. Obviously there there big, tackle, who is very good at against IRAN and he's out for the
in the bengals six losses. This year they ve given up a hundred and seventy five yards rushing in their eight wins. If you dont ninety two yards rushing so when they can stop the run They have allowed team success in these areas are not being. There means its can be very hard to stop there on and on top of all that, the steelers like, what's what's the key to making mason rudolph palatable just running the football jail, worn letting him do as little as possible. Yeah said the play action used, the tide end and in war, I'm betting on I'm betting on the mai, tom and culture game, heavy dew! If Jalen worn this week, please did you see the graphic of what would happen if every team in the nfl lost all the games, we're one one score gilani, one guy. I love these so games yeah the flip games in terms of one score games. Do you know which team would be in last place by far the steel if the steelers they'd be two and twelve they'd they'd have the biggest swing in terms of one score games but again
You look at that stage. You think, ok, are they lucky or do they do a lot like very small well right, enable them to overcome being a miserable football team is still culture still lie that might be silly culture, yeah the difference between being lucky right, consumers were for the first part of the season. It was actually enjoy watching him, because every day, when exactly the same where they were within score and then they had a special teams, are defence and play in was on their winning in the fourth knowledge of sad to watch. Yeah is, is the nfl impacting steelers culture? By suspending the safety for entire year or for the rest of the reason I should say and make a fitzpatrick is also out yeah. Do they get that guy kz back if they make the playoffs? Let's just hope that doesn't happen yeah the best for I don't want to see the steelers play any more football, I'm I'm I'm good with them. I think they're gonna win this game, though ah mason's got to spar eligible for playoffs eligible for playoffs rudolph's got that little, that little
bargains knows it can't be not that you be worse yes, we're we're we're saying like we're baking on masonry, love not being as bad as we remember, mason, rudolf being its Really I don't. I don't think there's another team in the nfl, where, if you went from starter, two seconds shrink, third string, the line wouldn't move more than like a half. A point. Kind of our can't be kind of like every other team? Has it would be a significant switch everyone to. First, second and then even you're still a switch if we went from second a third, so save kitty pick. It would start in this game. It might be a pick em Maybe cereal serial library steelers are ever by one they'd one at one point yeah, I dunno just as serious offences really dynamic, no matter what yeah, I feel more confident distillers winning if Kenny pig was playing a. Maybe the jets might have that same thing where it's like SAM donald tim boil trevor semi.
exact wilson, whereas a seminar, yeah yeah, Zack, wilson, well. No, I think, there's a cliff there if from where, from which it was the cliff. I think, there's a cliff from boil to simeon. I should I say there might be cliff between Wilson and and boil the others. There's devils, as a good wilson rise average right right. That's it! It's a really depressing conversation. It is ok, nerd nugget for this game. First off raven, sealer's merwin they put on the one side of sick. You ever was The bengals have won. Nine consecutive played games played in the month of december, dating back to week, fifteen of the twenty twenty one season, marking the longest such active streak in the nfl Joe burrow nine time, Joe burrow Joe burrow, hell, yeah, that's job eurostat. He's plays well in december here, so he does. other saturday game pills chargers, so big big points red. Ah I did.
Some research on gifts. Smith to make sure the listeners knew so gifts. Myth is the interim head coach for the chargers, read an article about give Psmith. He drinks six cups coffee. Today I heard it was more than the well that it was. It was us and embedded journalists. There was we was counting. It was with the other chargers. Yeah so six resolve. He got to think they stopped around seven p m. Other knox. wish she was a little fatter, but that's all He actually said he was he had lost some weight if he knew that using the internet code also coached roman rains. George attack, oh that's interest in cool What I had circles give smith was at his name was gifts smith, yes, which is, if we're just going based off name, it's a ten out of ten interim coach. it is it feels made up- and I like that part about him and also would have- Learn to love about gift this week. is there's not a lot of facts after about gift card
If the same thing you do yeah, I went to I read that article, but there's not a lot of lore around gift smith. There's not quotes from his former players being like. Oh shit, here's the thing about gift, which I actually kind of liked that there's not a lot of stuff floating around about gifts, so serious chance. The gif math- and I listen- this is just this just a guess so give smith you're. Really nice guy could be a rat cause. He survived three had coaches getting fired and chargers now, and they did not ask Helen more to be interim coach. So he is. Is you enough peace? Forgive smith was their under MIKE mccoy under their thereunder, Anthony Lynn and now he was therefore for stealing getting fired. So I feel like cultures. You gotta be like we what's goin on here. Is this: like he's the tom warms ganz yeah, los angeles charger yeah, the rat, you know iraqi people.
cheese. Oh she people forget that gifted say. They flush the raiders game. I hoped that means they actually put the film onto like a usb drive and then through in the toilet. Goldfish. Ideally he would. If I was interim coach and I wanted to flush game, would I would hu, I would get a porter potty brought in. I would throw the taken there, then everybody in team go and take a shudder piss on employee. and then on for my own part, yet that, ideally that's what flush means in this scenario, but yeah I mean you bring up a good point. If he's been there through three regimes, it feels like he's deeply embedded with the span ownership yeah spear. He spanish, this guy. They ve also got an interim general manager. Joe Joe ok it's giffen jojo right so, which is a disney channel, show yeah. It's a disney channel show or like a dual band from like the fifties. Oh yeah, slap you for, like oh just standing on a street corner snapping their fingers yeah but yeah. I I can't think
better job in the world than an interim general manager is you're. Not you not do shit just telling the scouts like hey, keep scouting yeah. No employees scottish keep sending keep sending me your weekly email, yeah, besides that you're not cutting anybody. You have how to do that? You're, not signing you. I think if somebody gets hurt, can be like ok, we're gonna, we're gonna move this guy up from the practice, squat, what the hell, the incredible interim gm just went, rogue by us. But he had to verbal, not just in herbert right now, however, bowser mac, he caught her all we can. If we had changed altered, yes answered the bills. This does feel like a dangerous, let down spot in the fact that the the chargers I haven't seen a team quit the way they quit against raiders in a long time and is likely to score points. The pills or come off of three big wins. I think the bills are win, but make me nervous. I want to take the bills. Mice twelve feels like a lock could get.
Just have a little bit of asleep walk in and all of a sudden you look up and you're like wait. The pills are only up like five year. What's going on yeah, I I have that fear too, but a little bit as put aside because I feel like the bills are in like do or die it's eastern Acta is east and stake in the bills, the bills of zero margin for error. You know it's an interesting trade that doesn't get talked about enough. I think he gets talked about in the two cities that the the trade in the trader ah, but result douglas, has been incredible and the packers, could really use them in the stretch and the bills, their defence so I went back and I looked aired. Shots had numbers. It was a week once or five there dixon dv away weeks, through ten. There are thirty. Second in de vigo eggs. They got all those injuries that piled up result Douglas having shut up week, ten and then week eleven, fifteen, so the last month there back to fifth and dvd They got him as like a stop gap and he's become,
very, very important to everything they're doing on defense, and I don't bring this up just because it probably paints packers fans, because I think packers might be in the playoffs right now if they still had a good cornerback but there's another team where he was this came from that can also use him now be deferred, avi I'll be out ass, crazy, but it's got it does. It will become. There is so little trades at the trade deadline in the nfl. It doesn't it. I talked about a lot, but he has been a huge difference maker for the bills. I have a confession: make paquette, I dont know If you are a means, I know. I know that it's a stat which put all the numbers together. I know it's a stat that makes sense and that smart people always use yeah, and I know that if you're first in it that's good, lastly, that I know that in theory, it's a good start to use for any argument, but I have no idea. I think, with a difference, reveal ay and then just dumb stats that we read like points per game yards per play is dvd. I,
since you can't be- puts context him of this- that today a garbage time, you know how you're good at high leverage situations with the just like quarterback winning percentage. I don't think They should and they are- and I think, also repeatable like metrics so an eighty are touched on is not the same as being able to go on like if, if you're, really good at getting eight yards every first out yeah, I got something that can be repeated. Time and time again, yeah. I know it's a good stat. I know that smart people use it. So I just I look at it and I follow it, but yeah I just realized in this moment. I have no idea what goes into The bills were first stretch their the worst events in the nfl, and now they have climbed all the way back up to one of the top
it is I'm guessing. Matt Milano is out for the playoffs too. If they make the playoffs, I thought he was maybe going to come back, but because he makes a big difference to yeah yeah. Well, that was where the dip started the term. It provides injury update. Why don't you give us your nerd nugget? Why us not expect to return okay in mind that this is the first ever peacock exclusive game and they announced today commercial free. Fourth quarter! Oh oh! I cannot wait now. Is it commercial free or is it going to be? There That's great should approach half the screens a commercial. Now I think they're gonna like send it to a studio other and keep it up in the booth. Sometimes that's commercial, yeah. What's in the study of that commercial. Yeah. I want them just what I want to stay the actually likely pass, but when they do like that harvard time for if anyone's, can a streak yeah? Fourth quarter this game, at the time the cake cut away from it. Yeah yeah, there's, there's a game or two that I wish was like extra commercials in the fourth quarter, this,
during one of the two break up like a golf broadcast during one of the two breaks the announce team will delve into more of the other storylines. The other will go into the football night in america, studio sunlight commercials. Artisan then reads words got to watch jason garret. yeah, they're, gonna violence, that's way worse than a commercial, bring back bring the usa commercials. what I would rather watch sixty minutes of flow from progressive my tv than one second of jason care, just let florio do like three minutes on Y know. Making the the python jokes is problematic, or just initiating a congressional investigation into injury reports. We yeah like to see that look forward to that. No I'm! Not for two heads up jason, gara, gaza, thou, not looking formulas, energies and gear and tony dungeon, it should be just carry underwood yeah. I will when there's no commercial and for authority can thank us, for they give us a worse option You can zone out cheese, garrett and tony being, in my face on christmas,
if not saturday night, I don't want that. No one wants anyways bills. Running back. James cook is the first buffalo running back with fourteen hunter, Scrimmage yards in a season senseless, la Mccoy, had fifteen eighty six and twenty seventeen yeah just run the ball. Just keep running the ball. One centre on the hills are good when they run the ball and they kind of found that game plan by by accident. That wasn't plan your Joe Brady said that Joe Brady was like it was working, so I wasn't going to stop it, which is that perfect yeah, just gonna, keep doing it for works, alright next game We ve got to sunday. We're going to sunday the browns texans suggest stroud, most likely here's a fun fact. So couple quick fund, Israel, since two thousand the the Actually, this season, their defence, Is the number one of defensive success rate, which is pretty crazy? That's pretty crazy. They have. They have had fifty percent of the time they have forced the opponents go three. Now
pretty good, that's insane! Here's the other weird fact the browns at home haven't giving up. points game. The brown on the road thirty points again. Pretty and say yes, bullets now This case is going to be the case came in be case, keen and better that's a big. It's a big difference gets a huge, huge difference. It's crazy after that good, giving thirty point a game on the road up and there still we're one success rate in the last twenty three would case came: it's it's interesting, because he was a guy that was a back up, sometimes some said. Maybe he should just be the starting quarterback. Now yemen, try to make risotto and the like. No he's just a backup, anyone underground for awhile and now he's still pretty get back up. I feel like that that back and forth swing and happened them. I was out if you told me that he retired oh, I would win the yes, of course, yet think
case keenum of the world and like all the mats, seemed to retire at the exact same time. Yes, ah, I am probably gonna, take the bronze in this game, but that that defense thing makes me nervous. It does. But again it's it's kids case keenum yeah he'll be a big new job game case. Keenum never lost a game when he started for the texans. That's true tire we're three now this will be a big swing game for playoffs. This is the loser, moves to the suburbs game, yeah, so you're not out if you lose, but if the texans lose they would they're pretty close to being there in trouble. It's not leave town, Its download truly a download red fan, download zilla just spend all day looking on, I think browns if they lose their knock at a move to the suburbs they they might just be like. Ah, the school districts are like that. Maybe we should take Yeah they're not even do exist there. Just like earlier our friends, you know what browsers game. They're gonna go visit our friends in the suburbs and, like others, canada,
or maybe go on a vacation over the brake, and I stood like a nicer whether climate and then you like, we should move here, and then you, when you are, downtown area of your vacation time. You walk past realtor and just look at the pictures on the wall. The attic dollar could go pretty far what if the texans lose they're going to be in trouble? Yes, yeah, okay, what are the oh, I had yes. While I gave a joke you I can be. We pick this game is gonna, be tough watch for the for the texans orphans without injuries and we'll Anderson might be out as well. Tough, tough, nor does it brown sideposts Kevin's the fancy with the aid of the south, is ninety no against a division. Cleaving looks to suit dave's. He sought the second summit club history on sunday, which was lost on in twenty twenty o f c south killer. That's interesting! I liked it. That's a good statue, nine and against the south, ok
They can fumed browns this week. Yeah. This is one of those games. I think there are no matter which want to bet a loose. Maybe you know I'll, make or I'll make a disease right for kick off, and it will be the wrong decision. Yeah the games that you stay away from, where you have to stay away game for me. You end up getting them anyways with less right, just based on vibes, and usually the vibe is oh yeah case. Keenum start next year could have been done the others, a shitload stairway games. They will all be back I'm rather. I would rather do like a last minute pick on flax than I wouldn't case. I agree with you there differently in the brown sport again, whatever sata pick em an illusion. Alright, next game, lions, vikings, very good game, very fun game. If Kirk cousins was starting for the vikings for the whole season, if he can get injured, the vikings be like. Maybe supporting a matter of dubious survival failure, panky yeah they would be. There would be heavy in the play off race for
for lady them. It would be them in the lines we I kind of still is with packer sprinkled and there a little bit, but they be in contention for the top spawn that division yeah? I do think it is very important gave reliance. Is you want to build up the momentum of last week, and now you have to go against o brien floors? The hence programme blitz lot the one thing I was looking at and trying to figure out the vikings defence murmured, the vikings. What are these our own, for? I believe. Wanted one in three. Maybe they were bad, as I know that I know there were only three rather bad, so the season, so the court of actually faced in the last two months, whether deepens has been very very good. Just in fields can cost brok purty Jordan love. Taylor Heineken James winston Russell Wilson, just in fields again, aid, no conall, jeep browning, not exactly the best quarterbacks, so maybe a little regression. What their own three
shop and you know I want the lions to continued success. I am gone with the lines in this game based on the fact is being played. Indoor yes indoors is gonna, be big. Jeered at struggled well document struggle, sometimes with the cold as we all do, but he really doesn't like plan the great really fucked shared golf up. We have many when he wakes up and it's like thirty degrees outside his days, just on how this things to suck, but yet the viking dizzy, the vikings are changing their entire playing surface next year. Oh wound, put grass order. They might be getting away from split grass splinters turf, so there are concerned at the injuries, because they've had a couple of those fair and so they're blaming that on on the turf that they have so they're moving away from it next year. I think there are like three teams. In the end. They use the same type of surface that the odd that the vikings do it's the shoot. Who is its arm, the bangles, the vikings in them
one other team and two of the teams are moving away the bangles. It could be the last hymnals to have that playing surface next year, cake skull grass were grasp, I stress guys, ah nerd nugget here the lions can cook clench their first division title since winning the see central in nineteen. Ninety three with heroin or tie on sunday only four players on the lions. Fifty three men roster were alive than I had. A coach dan Campbell was a seventeen year old, high school student. Well YAP, who could be first home play off, came in Detroit nineteen Three, that's pretty cool! I'm that's really cool! That's what I'm looking for. I saw a story that the lines are increasing their their season ticket prices next year by a significant amount, like fifty percent got too they have who is it stinks, though, for the fans how it is going to rooms and watching just outgun shit shoved in their face for the last thirty years, yeah and then when they have one wondered season there like ok, now you have to pay up If I were an owner, I would do dynamic pricing in.
basically say: here's like you buyers, season tickets will put, it will put a hold on your credit card, it could let glitches say season. Tickets cost two thousand Ours is basically be like if we win the division, it's three thousand dollars. If we don't go to the placid, a thousand dollars, I like that I'll be sick is who wouldn't sign up for that yeah we're gonna gave were really good. I have no problem paying more money yet give games we fund to go to or I would do a thing kind of like the military where, if you, if you don't want to pay full price, that's fine, but your children have to work for the organization for two years after calling and then the debt is then repaid. If you don't want to pay the increase for the dishes, do the dish yet do anything around the city the I now that I'm thinking about it, though the only negative impact would be if he did the dynamic pricing at the end of the season. If you're having a bad season, I feel like your fans, would root against your own team like if, if it was, if the stadium was packed
and you're like we get one hundred dollars off our season tickets. If we lose this game that might but actually that's kind of funny. It's kind of funny also you're, really good. At the end of the season with dynamic pricing, you would just make your fanbase, like super poor, I guess it as the team did really well then we're all income and to support again like we will pay for happiness. You work we will pay for for a winning season, some owner do that an image pricing, ok, next game, packers, panthers,. Did you guys see devonshire campbell this week quite something he went on twitter and he said had not gone out of my way anymore and I'm not playing through injuries anymore cause. When ship goes wrong, they always use it against you. I'm treating everyone occur. only in giving them the same energy. They giving me focus on self in your mental. Fifty nine. You owe it to yourself, whatever find it always upset is planter injuries, socks, but the we're part was the next day.
When the media was allowed in the locker room reporter asked him about it and he responded answering no questions about nothing happening on the internet. We all want to talk about the panthers we can, but I ain't you're, no questions about nothin on no internet, the internet just protect quota. Nowhere, that is some he's. Greece do great job of separating his brain here from the internet, whereas I get I quote, there was on the internet. Then I typed out I'm here Talk about that that's on the internet. I like how he's he's using his own brain as his burner can write That was a meteorite. That was my brain my eyes and my fingers talking about the internet. That's on me the foot of things I say on the internet. Talking about that. We saw as I was. I had some three ci the other weekend and I started thinking about the let it will blow your mind if you really just think about the internet for home every day for hours we down at a computer or honour phones, and then we. go to a different place: visually yeah, and we just imagine ourselves being somewhere else, and then we come back to real life. Like
this. Isn't it gives the internet? Let me see what's going on on the internet right pop it on the internet on a wild vondra, campbell private is popping on the internet for sure yeah? I have a prediction for this for this week, I think bryce young is going to get offensive player of the week, oh because the last two quarterbacks that the packers have played against yeah off its player, the weak baker mayfield and then the week before that tommy to veto yeah. So with our us, maybe yeah yeah yeah price young next up player the way yeah I mean it's not yours, differences surprised game for them because they ve been so bad yeah, so bad if you're, if you're a coordinated it's under much fires berries been under theirs. the way that you can just like pretend that's not going on like being. Oh, I don't. I don't read the internet, I don't read or listen to the local sports talk radio at some point. There's people that come into your office and say like hey. Did you hear what they said? huge, obviously Joe bearish, just like china trade result douglas yeah. He was the He was everything that
regional divested unlocked my my defence. You took him away from Joe bury it should I stood on the table to keep her soul. Doug yeah you The wrong cornerback gyre alexander's been out. You know basis the entire season with an injury, and yet you tricked you fucked me if that's what you gotta do, it depends on the poem someone else. If anything goes wrong, blame someone else, ok, nerd nugget for this game. Third time's, the charm green bay, has won both of the last two meetings against carolina by the same score. Twenty four, sixteen in both twenty nineteen and twenty twenty covering did not commit a turnover neither of those games, and you can hover in the spread exact score at plus, seven thousand twenty four twenty four. Sixteen packers, okay, not bad panthers. I can't win this game, be If and when the scheme did you see the report, the fake report there was put online by a fake items after yes about death tapir was we ve said a lot of things about david temper, but we have not said that he's on Epstein list that
So anyone that saying that stop saying well we're here there's van. We haven't seen it you gotta, use any means necessary. You I've, if you're the panthers You know you're in the charlotte area, you're, probably hoping that around that list. There's our seamer like how terrible of a christmas would be to be someone who knows they're on the list and the list is coming out. I actually think they should just keep teasing the list coming because that's way more tortuous, then being unless than having. You know some pete, your pr firm. But why we just knew him as a you know financier, and it was nothing like that. It went to charity event just having just having the the anvil over your head constantly and is is a great punishment. I know notice that, since that report came out, hank spend more on edge than usual us through I'm excited for it the list.
you're excited, you have to prove your innocence once and for all, then see who else is on there clear your name, yeah, look forward to my day in court yeah I mean you have a lot to bond over being like a disgrace on an airplane with somebody yeah sure I hope you don't have that list. Yeah me too. I think it's redacted What have you randomly just were done with good press? It is obviously not be good PA next episode pop off. it the be forty of just random name was somewhat different. Henry Lockwood yeah him yeah gathered. There might be some of those out their same name. Oh you know, will be that'd, be the best notes, app apology of all time. I wrote, I sincerely regret going on Jeffrey Epstein's, plane yeah, whatever fellows on the horse. were let us be. The first is that we have no information, so he's not back
up claims that I have heard been made now turn reveals on no he's not on it. I'm just saying what, if that would be quite a day on the internet element you, the thought is definitely cross reveals mind that he should maybe get some sort of memorabilia from Epstein court This is this is a swing set. Someone private playin like receipt, yeah yeah yeah. They will clear the receipt bill gates. You here's bill Clinton's stamp pass boarding, pass for St James, quick break from the weekend preview to talk to you about our friends at game time. Game time is the exclusive ticketing partner, barstool sports. You shouldn't have to worry when you're buying tickets, your next big event, game time is fast and easy way. to buy tickets for all sports music, comedy and theatre events near you, I've done it for everything, baseball college football. I once saw nape our got see at the ash cargo
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terms apply again, create account redeem code, p m t for twenty dollars off download game time today. Last minute, tickets, lowest price guaranteed with the game time app. Ok, next up, colts falcons. Who boy falcons they have to win the scale this is loser leaves town, I think the artillery hi arena development. and make plants anyway, but this has, to, like Caesar's, become a disaster for the falcons taylor. How to keep can hope. We save them I do think the courts as great as they ve been this year in terms of exceeding expectations, saints lichens been incredible coach. You feel, like the culture, Those teams might be right in a little bit on luck, and so they can we have here a little bit on luck. It there's been some fluke he plays for sure. If we also that's about injuries, yeah and- and I don't think there are bad team, I think the falcons right now or a bad team.
Right but taylor hike is a move that that's. This is like one or two weeks too late to make that move. It's like your backs, been against the wall was just. Why did you wait hurt I dont is smith's, been weird about saying like why he's going back and forth switch back and forth its enthusiasm at worst, until the hierarchy, or even when ritter, initially kind of got, hurt and they're like well. We went with heineken for this reason he's been like playing a little bit coy. I think he did get hurt and then it was just they never updated us yeah. I think I think he wanted to give desmond one more shot to be like okay, let's see if you've, actually he probably went into coach. Miss officer was like just give me one more shot: coach credit credit to the op Cincinnati bearcats football account tweeting vote for dead in return for her pro bowl. It's nice just jumping in front of that one guy support him by their loss. Yeah. I support your guys share
this is actually we talked about earlier this year. It's the second time the colts have played in a matchup. I think the second time in nfl history, where the two quarterbacks have had names that are also occupations, yes, got gardner and baker. First, now it's gardener and taylor yeah son of a fun fact. that's my fun factor, the well very full bird nugget, other weak, chirped temperature. Yes, ass when they sleep together in a group on the owl. side of the perimeter of the sleeping group of ducks those ducks keep. When I open woe Just all time, rather die stand guard guys. I liked ass yeah protecting the flock. Ok, tax structure. Cool dogs are off awkwardness, drugs are, but I think they're, my favorite birds are also the most delicious bird yeah. That's that's like goods vondra, campbell internet, real life, yeah my ducks cute cool! Do you see our food is solid they're all out of nowhere. That comes from
yeah exactly yeah. That's not the cute bird. No, no they're also very problematic ducks. What in terms of how they, how they get together? Oh yeah, how they produce baby ducks yeah, they're, they're, aggressive duck, hodges tweeted, hey the steelers. if he other than miss yeah or nerd nugget. Ah, no team in the nfc has more interceptions than the colts who have five indianapolis also has three pick sixes, which is second in the conference right behind mine Did you see and we will get the eagles game, but I understand why the courts were ok, letting shack leonard go. I did not. I make a point to go back and watch isosceles ape and he is not moving. fluidly, I would say he's moving like jerry theirs He has about injury movingly, yet have really catastrophic back and he was so fucking good. So it was like the best in the entire nfl for a little bit, but I never did
dodgy of getting a guy who was once goods like, maybe I'm all would be all I would do as a gm, so that want that part is not the problem. just once. You see that oh yeah. This is why he was available. You can't keep doing The only thing they should change is how they let him go. He became a surprising without we're, they did Ok, next, sub seahawks, titans sir, off the big when they have gino smith back and now we get the question looks like will loves, will not play and we'll be right in our will be more equal us give ten he'll one word I've read improve right. You can have a job somewhere or re antenna hill. The book still out on right- and we don't know whether or not he is good enough to be starting in a full quarterback I want to bet on the titans of right in her place yeah do not want to bet on tides of equal us yeah. I've got some fun stature about the seahawks big, You think about the seahawks going on the road and denby
different team when they're on the road yeah virtually played a way harder scheduled on the road than they. At home. So on the road they ve played against the ravens forty niners cowboys, lions and bengal. on the road, they played the rams on the road, and then the giants on the road? Those are the only to kind of the weakest links in the rams. Aren't that bad now of a team? So really it's just the giants as the only break they have had on the road, so this is really there. So I guess is our second game against a team that they really should be right being played away from seattle. So I was thinking this whole season, like I'll bet against seattle on the road every time, no matter what not necessarily the case are also fun. Stat the seahawks are foreigner when PETE carroll wears a hat o on the sidelines, The reporters brought that optimum early went backwards. Are you about our who had no problem coward flip the fuck out. pick. You know he did that after the game after you knobstick coward, I think was finally
he was okay with an area which is really fucked up. I he's gone soft yeah real soft, soft, but I don't know he said that he would factor that into decision making on what he wore for the game. But I still, despite those last who stats, I just told you. I still think if its tana I'm gonna take the titans. This will be an interesting spark. Is I'm looking at a right now? I think this might be the earliest did a mite fable. Titans team is eliminate. I think it is like they ve, always been in it towards the end. How are they gonna respond? Can you get a classic titans win words ignoring expressing to win Out of these guys, really the only move to go for here is to start tannehill yeah, but I think they might do willis just because we got to see what we got. Even though we know it's not good yeah, just hoping, maybe it'll be different, this time
derrick Henry I do like I. I am also in favor of the it's kind of similar to the gm getting the the name that was once good just living your life. Just maybe it'll be different. This time, knowing it won't, but there's always some fun. We're not going to second guess herself here, yet maybe this! Maybe this will go differently. Then it's gone every single time, yeah to start tannehill. Yes to that, for america, odd, you do. He got me. Oh what I know cop. Oh no! No! I saw it. I should have to make up the guy nice pfc. I gotta see letter Jake, see a nerd, ah critters jets. The game of football and is being play is weak at his head in the interval Is it it's a game of football? I went back didn't in all twenty to break down on the end of sequencing by run over. It was worse than I had originally remember.
it was so he let the play clock go down to one second, every single time he didn't. Get a play off intent, before the two minute warning he is doing. His very best take, and I respect that he doesn't care for it. So, looking at this game on paper, I think the wrong team's favorite. I think the commander should be favoured, but that doesn't account for the fact that RON Rivera is actively trying to lose games. Yeah maybe earn raj play, though yeah he's not gonna play has he been cleared? I think he was going to be medically cleared and he was targeting this day to come back, but for some reason he's not to play. That's weird, it's very weird, I this is no. I don't want to do this I just want. I want to bet this game. I will somehow to knock it entered the tomato, should win this game. I think I don't know that's there. Certainly true. If you had Eric be enemy, is the head coach? I think they this game, but I think I think wrong is active and thank you to run over for doing this. I think he's actually trying to get us a better draft pick and
change for getting to say he's dead, so there's no gaps on his regiment. I dont know. If I mean the jets. Stevens is still good and if there are, if their deepens line is you'd think would still be pushing hard to get stats incentives and all that stuff means zoo must win now, there's a muslim yeah yeah. We would swap picks this. This game will fact. This may be the most meaningful game actually of the weekend, because it's going to impact both franchises moving forward yam call it the Joe bull he's the top line in the draft. Okay, oh okay. I liked the notre dame guy right yeah. I thought the pen steak, I was I'm seeing Joe all higher, but slightly higher stephen signal a faggot on available for shown, it means providing debate about this about words, let alone was veteran. Hence it is of the essence that same job also variant yeah, I know. But what webs is your play?.
Things offered to tackle so this might be the zeal of tackle it might be the jewel ball, but in terms of old, look. I wish we hadn't gone Joe. All I wish we got the guy and stay instead gap that most likely what's gonna happen to either team. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, whichever team ends up losing this game and getting the better traffic. If we're goin based on history, here we go to be the team that you look back on? You say we really blew that draft oh yeah so you're now now almost want to win I think the jetty was a left tackle so yeah you can take both, but the position is a valuable yeah, but based on jets history, they win this game yeah I was at either it was like Tuesday was the anniversary of the travel allowance. Fuck up, we got zack Wilson unsteady beat ramps. In november the AP wrote an article saying Notre. Dame o t joel is a once in a generation talent.
for the number twenty. Are we to stop that you read that phrased. Only once in geneva wants and engender asian pod k wasn't grinned nelson, my eyes yea was here and you luck since generation trophy mantra forever. Lawrence brine, bosworth, what's inert another, for this gave just punter Thomas more said, ranks first in the nfl, the season and punts inside the tent, with fifteen of them and tied for second upon, since I did twenty twenty eight points can huge huge punting game, as we can trust waivers more. that's what we keep our eyes on. We did cut the cheese man, so yeah she's been are long. Snapper got cut, He should have been cut in training camps this year. and for some reason we use of it doesn't get talk. Talk about enough, The commanders used a draft pick. along snapper that socks that's about as bad as it can get stuff- snuck great, no sucker. Ok, next sub jaguars at box, maybe no trevor lawrence concussion, ah
maybe nosey jones hamstring. Also, the box are playing good football right now. zero, devin white. I think they're going to bench him again, so the three know when they have Kj Britt play instead of Devon white, and I, like the bucks in this game I do to. I think the bucks are just good. Now, I I think they stunk earlier this season. I don't think they're good. I think they are above it played bad teams. I think they are above average right now, where they're playing cause they played the they beat up on the nfc south yup, which is that that can win you, the she certainly took care of business and took care of business. They also like to blitz trevor lawrence, not great against the blitz I trevor lawrence, like if the jaguars lose this game, the jaguars not going to make it, maybe not make the playoffs possibility crazy. It is you we thought that when they beat the texans a couple of weeks ago that, like sealed the congratulations, the jaguars, but I would have you read about trevor lawrence because I haven't. I haven't heard one where the other about I just concussion protocol. We gotta figure it out ya
with the bucks? Three wins. So that's why I pushed back a little on their good. Now they beat the panthers by three. They beat the falcons by four, then they did beat the packers soundly, but yeah not murderers, row on the road yeah, but the panthers and the falcons are not nuggets negatives and nerd nugget for this game. I'm looking up the jaguars rest of their schedule through week, fifteen twelve year, veteran levante David, is the only player in the nfl, with one hundred plus tackles and fifteen plus tackles for loss. Since thousand David's ten seasons with one hundred plus tackles are the third most trailing only london, fletcher and Bobby Wagner. So many very good for a long time. So many to imagine tackling somebody a hundred times or so the jags should be good because they play the panthers and titans after this ok yeah, but that would be very jacksonville to lose so like more equal us and weak eighteen yeah. What are you looking at max means?
of a draft we grew dark. You know, maybe, is wrong about whose that who the top tackles measles, he he said according to his his eyes. All now. Look we we look something up on an everyday looked at ten of them in a row. That also depends on Gaza. What does anybody means are, you are you thinking of because he he fits, is he's running cell of a better yet and and the history of notre dame limit and easier name to say, that's the bigger the better, the biggest. Ah okay, I mean for gas from long island. It probably does factor into the equation. Yes, yes, ah nerd nugget for jags owner, he did at Levante, David cardinals bears. I hate that this game is in the afternoon. I keep I kept on. Thinking was in arizona yeah you you like to be able to like just kind of lose it shuffle right it it's one of three games in the afternoon.
So am. I don't, I think, bears my loses game cardinals. The owl gain the forty nine us last week. I wish you down the bears right now, but I think I don't think the barrister as bad as No, I think you're letting your personal emotions knowing the gateway game, I'm not down down on the bed. I m very excited, but verse future did the rest of the season. It's it's back to like losing is better than when it that's a fact like, especially game like this cause no sir. You your neck and neck with for a pic, so I'm as high as they could be on the bears going forward the rest of the season. There is no benefit in winning these games anymore. This might be the Joe audible, the sea. It is yeah arizona. Yes, if this could be huge swank, as if the bears when this game they go from the fifth pick to like the eleventh peck, it's funny because this weekend-
Big cats can be rooting for the commanders and I'm going to be rooting for the bears now the jets skin. If the jets win, it's fine to yeah, I guess so cause you're, both five hundred, right. Yet you you are gonna, be room for the bears. Go bears, Also I, like that everyone came out. It's cool that everyone on the bears came out and let it be mistakes, trade just in fields and Unfortunately, that means nothing dj more said, very Eden equivocate. He was like it should be conversation be accorded right in unfortunately, like I, like that, I like governors back, but you can't make a decision based on who the players like right. Unfortunately, my guess is the facts like you, It came like oh we're, gonna drop, someone else. Hope they're gonna still want to play football they're, not the gm, yet they're gonna still play football, but I it is cool to see everyone rally behind him, and I yeah I really want the scheme is whatever
It does mean a lot gonna lose. It does mean a lot losers, just loops, ok, The big AL we nugget do. Did you do May I learn, as you know, the weak for this scheme. It's crazy. In the cardinals first, one hundred and one seasons as an anti fell franchise from nineteen twenty two twenty twenty there were six made feel goals of fifty six plus yards. Fifty six vehicles that these six plus a hundred seasons map You're fifty eight yard fuelled oversees the forerunners last week, gave him seven feel goes a fifty six plus yards in just forty four games in arizona operators. Very very. strong bodies or james. He is so strong. Seven longfield goals, sure is more than the first hundred years of the franchise. praetor sowed the law, his fifty a year they kick last week. I think that would have been good from like seventy three is crazy. Either they didn't kicks. Longfield goes back in the day. that's a good software glass twenty years as it ill
I wonder what was a lucky. You find that force and like the nineteen hundred yellow like what was what was the record, for the longest feel go on. What was broken sometime in the nineties obvious is dempsey is and see the kicker that had the at the club foot yeah near the special shoe that he wore that was just like it was half of a foot, so the front of it was just How long was I he kicked? His sixty oh reorder longer than expected. What day they made it a rule that you're not allowed to have a kicker. That has a front flat right right. We need kick the two feet here that forest jake I'm interested in that it was I think it was sixty three and then I was tied and then I think he got broken to sixty four. cause kicker until she did exactly one of those visions that you can note like where it became very different. Became specialised, we're we're guys, are really good at it and they don't miss and yeah. Feel dimensions have been the same since nineteen twenty. Well, that's it that gets truth. Is
one of our priorities should be at the front of the ins. Are there just counted differently? Yeah count it exactly? The same as yardage when he got from silicon Ah, added on to the next nerd nugget. we all know none of the week the traffic, whichever what other ones All the peak heroin should either no cap yet know can be done at the same time without ones. I said that when you should emitted another guy got out. Was there another the weak did it. nor nugget of the weak. If, if I'd defeat you tuner dug it jake, I said that we should get a locker, and I should like to put to you locker walkers, we have dunno if of their big enough jake locker, yeah, ok, yeah on our do not last came on sunday, but last came the afternoon best game fraud, bull cowboys, dolphin, who baby?
Who baby? Ah, let's start with the fact that we know why Tyreek hill has been scoring all those touchdowns he's on his third baby this year with three different women yeah he's that Jake was like. What's going on with with Tyreek hill, I was like he's just been doing a baby bump. All year long yeah he's been scoring every single week, yeah literally yes on and off the field. Yes and yes, I think congrats, I think he got married like last month, good for him, yeah good for him Levelling down yeah, I guess, having three kids in the same calendar year would will make you reevaluate some stuff. I don't know if any of them are with his wife, I've there's gotta be one right. I hope I dunno good luck to the couple he has a type yeah he's got a type. I saw the graphic that they tweeted out and it was like alright. I know I know what you're into tyreke yeah yeah, good job, yeah terry's, having a great season on and off the field he's getting a head start on his post, nfl career, being a pornstar correct incorrect, although, Oh yeah, I mean, I guess it's pride, you pay more for cream. Pies no come
do it. Do you know aid more or less? I like ice cream, cassettes, like not everything is greenpeace. It's like a specialised, like a doubt, if that's an add on for the guy, I think the girl gets paid more for that for the guy. It's just like me. I would rather do that. Oh hey said, maybe not no yeah. I agree. You know how the budgets work on a that'd be funny if it actually was a line on a tier system yeah. Alright, we got craft services for the food. This was going to be cream, pies, we're going to next thousand, yet tf and beforehand to alright we're watching Tom dempsey. Sixty three yarder on nineteen. Seventy yeah he's see that the front of his foot is just flat. That's cool cause he's born with half of a foot: okay, okay, that's not a sixty three yarder, though that's like a sixty two and seven eighths yarder. You really shouldn't be counting inches like that. I should do alright, so that was a good nerd nugget. Then Jake would stay incorrect
my penis or my height parlours, talking about height. But if you are thinking penis now I was thinking height originally, then I was like maybe he's talking about my penis I'd, never talk about another man's penis back to Tyreek hill cream pie. Ah, ok, so I'm excited for this game. I've been thinking about it a lot. It is the fraud bull, it's the unstoppable force. Firstly, move object. The cowboys on the road verse, the dolphins playing a team over five hundred hey. How are you feeling cowboy land? I feel I feel like this is the get right amos is the game we prove to the world where for real and attention. this autumn and we need going into the class still trying to turn a when the division whenever we win the division. Re max. Is that correct? Let's let max run the numbers, real, quick? No, it's not correct, not correct hague. Is that not correct? it's max, but we want to win. The division seemed like a really set max up to say: yeah, you would win the division, then you are wrong. No, I actually didn't know I. I ok
right now. The cowboys are listed ahead of the eagles at the lots, because the eagles haven't played the giants yet because so they have better divisional record got it at the time because we have giants, got it yeah. This is gone, but the cowboys only have one loss in the division as well. I don't think they have as many divisional wins, though no they actually have more do they yeah, but we've we still put the cardinals as well. Conference yalta conference now, yet we use a division division, the eagles cowboys when their final three games, the division would be decided by strength, strengthen victory typewriter, which can be determined the strength of your edward dowd. it might stretch. So what you're saying max, I think it starts it goes head to head. Then it goes division. Then it goes conference and conferences. What you're talking about I feel the weight no, but the cowboys have three losses, and The council and the eagles was a lot of. Alas, I think I've seen people say that
narrative right now is that of the eagles went out. They still get the two like the percentage. I think like the purse. an age islets la come into the simulator. What's all someone looking at that is, like I'm sure you guys know this, but I'm sure some listeners there, like than final tie breakers a coin foot, yeah, but you should be telling example ever happen that happens for traffic sometimes but like Looking back at somebody send out The cowboys and the eagle send out for that coin. Toss head coach, each stammered Oh no! No. I pick some anybody from your franchises hist. Were they do it? I can the office right now. I think those office yeah, it said I just did it on the playoff simulator- does have the eagles winning the division, but I think you have to take into count, every other gain that you fill out ah, could figure out what the strength of victory is right. Oh, let's do like we are achieved. They they The saints rams. We are doing here. Is the the feds build out every yeah? That's victory is the fifth goes down to twelve twelve. As the coin toss
I needed gets get through. There's net touchdowns net points like this will never max losing a coin toss being yeah they should actually have the president to it. it'll never get sleepy Joe try to flip a coin is that one of the tests that you ever see yeah yeah huh? Are you okay? I kind of like the cowboys in this game. And here's. Why I'll make my argument, then you make your okay, so the cowboys ah have given up two hundred and sixty four points. A season fifth best in the league half of those games. They gave up seventy point, so the other half is a majority of the points he gave up. Oh seven gave her the only give up. Seventy points have all been against bottom tier, often of lines, so commanders giants panthers giants Panthers, patriots jets rams even are in the bottom half their there more like in the middle. The dolphins about good offices
play, but now they have a shitload of injuries, so they lost their. They got their tackle back with them. lost arson jackson, who might play with an oblique injury. I think cowboys might be able to to get home and I think they might be a little pressure to win this game, and my counterpoint is that Tyreek hill is going to be like one hundred ten per cent. Yeah he's ready to go baby bump and the baby bump, which is just his entire season. in a baby bump, but I feel like in this case they held him out last week for no real reason other than to just make sure you didn't get hurt again the obvious, ready, go and pre game warm ups, there's no defence for Tiree kill you there's no protection that you can put on. Tiree kill that stop him he'll cream pie, no matter what we've learned that he is going to feast on the dallas cowboys defense, I think, and also Part of this might be because I've been watching the in season hard knocks with dolphins. So I've got that like attachment
them that you get every every preseason the up when you watch it might be Daniel stood up in front of the team after they lost the titans, and the speech that he gave to the team was just him going through. Every single mistake that he made as a coach and how he personally cost them the game I love and how he needs to do these things differently, because he was counting. He was begging. His players to like have to make superhuman plays in order to keep them in. That game ought to win that game and he put them in bad positions and they almost overcame how shitty his coaching was at love them. I love it. I love I! This is my mike mcdaniel game. I think that the team's going to line up and be ready to go, and I I loved harry killing this game. This game no matter? Whoever wins is gained? The loser, I'm going to think is just forget about it biggest fraud ever yeah no chance, and I will change my perception on the loser this to this game. so severely.
Donor winterbourne, yet another winter? Does she wore container my mom this? This is the most important game of the season in the entire and fell yeah. They might as well as measures to eliminate the loser from the playoffs and put the winner into their comfort ship, which these have to win. The coach should have to wear a patch on his jacket lake. The watergate manner is fraud on it. So now that you've listened all this and if you're smart, you should wait to see who the loser is and then put a future on him, because we are going to be wrong yet and we're gonna completely eliminate the loose and you should fade. Fuck out there, the winners. Yes, yes, are We will be doing. I just thought it all worked very ill stay clear with our overreaction. This game matters more than every other game on the count I'm going to have it in the back of my head that I'm wrong about it, but I'm still going to follow my heart correct, send the cowboys home yeah we will lead, we will leave tuesdays episode with and the dolphins are the cowards and eliminate promise. I just thought of an impromptu nerd nugget.
Oh no. This is, I think, there's no you're going jake. You really really straggling you're, not more but are we? Are you a free style, a nerd nugget yeah holy shit? Do I think this is the first ever and it fell game where the two had coaches are mike mix. Now I can't Mccarthy he's bribed coach against mcdaniel Scott Josh mcdaniel before MIKE mightinesses, o mike mix. MIKE Mccoy. Wasn't he, though hokosa chargers yeah like mic MIKE mike, we might mccoy, was. Or is it with you that no use the target is chargers yeah yeah, you know. Who else is there give mike Mc Shanahan my pay, my pay,
shanahan great name. I would hire the second, the confirmed our nugget via the nfl on CBS. The stat does backup the fraud ball. Allegations cowboys, vs dolphins will be the first game in nfl history, between teams with twenty combined wins, but one or fewer wins. Vs teams above five hundred cowboys, won three against teams above five hundred ninety one against teams, five hundred or below dolphins. Oh and three above five hundred and in one versus five hundred people. Not only will I call the losing team fraud I'll call them mickey mouse. Yeah chargers play the hackers weak six in twenty fifteen flowers. Mike Mccoy is my our thirty up. It's probably second game ever so maybe fucking granada mumbai signal tighter unless you ve, given him a purpose. Now it's cool. If the municipal mike mic bore. Ok, name, might big ball. It's actually pretty good name here. Are you oddballs shows up next year after he's been fired for interviews I cake. Let me please go to my name's, like macbeth
Am I loading up on the cowboys? Yes, oh you are so load up. Im going to take him in in our weekly picture, find out where he said. Loading up on them- I am you been pretty good at gambling- is sure to write no, but now jasmine bad, There's nobody! I'm do. I was a big bottom. Do yeah. Oh boy I'll, give you, but but has actually been pretty probably the best gambler on the show until this year yeah? we're we're looking at. Is that so you know he one hundred are on a bonus day. Last year put out the holidays the facts are. Facts were looking at hank stats and leave into this year. He was actually up money over his entire career gambling on the basel sports book. Well, and I Nowhere near that, for me, I know, is nowhere near that for big, I know, but this year has been so bad that
it only has lost all his money this year, but he lost all his gains for his previous seasons. No, I got up. I have a small island countries, gdp picket, small islands, three ok last game on sunday, patriots broncos christmas eve why primetime flax, because we're the patriots in the patriots are America's teamwork. Fuckin dynasty I think you guys are going to win this game now. Y'all can win this guy they're going to cover this, Did you see the news this week that in official now, we're looking at more game ball deflate allegations. Oh yes, when the chiefs patriots game, they found that a bunch of the kicking balls, like all the kicking balls, had been deflated down to eleven pounds per square inch. Instead of up to the standard thirteen pounds per square inch and now the nfl is just saying: oh yeah, the ideal gas law got. It naturally deflated down to the teeth. Think of any other important gaps where the pay, whether the balls were too,
It is down to eleven pounds per square and the unifil did not accept the orange and of it being the ideal gas law. I can think of one hmm this they should they should personally apologize to Tom Brady. Yes, after the the findings of last week's game, are great. You think they're going to cover. The figures are gonna run very well. Maybe on the other of reminders. Blasi, I'm not sure dear boy on the broncos did say players football from here on out: ok, eleven that happens yeah you may off susie There were eighty percent chance to make the placid they went alder the remaining. They might set a record for the most play off losses in a single sees yeah
that's true possibility. Ah, ok, nerd nugget. Also, I don't think this game can be flexible because it's technically not sunday, night football, it's an nfl network game. Ah so that might have to do with it. Mix on saturdays to NBC games got it that always fucks with my brain. When they're, like thursday night football on Saturday monday night, football and thursday yeah yeah broncos quarterback Russell Wilson needs one passing touchdown to become the second bronco quarterback peyton manning in two thousand
twelve, and thirteen to pass for at least one touchdown in each of the first fifteen games of a single season. Wow. That really just shows you how bad broncos quarterbacks have been besides a man, John Elway. Never did it because there wasn't a passing league now also fifteen games of the season. How many regular season games was still sixteen who's fourteen and sixteen but who's? Sixteen for us cause really. As long as I can remember, watching football. Six fourteen was like what yeah no forty was way long. I think it was yeah. Okay, monday monday, we have three games Chris so much for poor love. It raiders the chiefs. I don't know- maybe the raiders now I wrote down not think, is the chiefs. Ok, you know it's crazy son. I think I think rises. Dialed, you're, crazy, because I think we all emit Travis kelsey hall famer incredible tightened has. Maybe
ass? A little step assured also you girls could make the argument. It's maybe not his lost step is the fact that the receiver sock anyone can just focus on him. trump skills he still living legally in yards for tighter, yes, crazy. I didn't I do. I went to look it up. I was shocked, were you? The same crabs calls you put up hundred fifty your games. All it puts into perspective just how good he is the fact that ever like eyes lost he's still leading legal in receiving our disease, Travis kelsey, bessys and skiff knots, yeah, that's where you get talked about now is it's it's. What exactly listener like fancy progress He might not be t want any more. Ok he's still fucking really good. I think that the chief sir they're switch flipping is inept. Inevitable. Its digitally art here it get started, and I think that the chiefs, I think, we're
I end up looking at the season and saying the chiefs are the number one seed? The only thing is I patrick homes, historically as a big one, our favorite, like they don't cover a lot bright because they just don't have to, low teams out. They can have the game in hand run the ball. Second. Half second have underlined the chiefs of think. Like thirteen, to this year. Yet we talk to join gentlemen. A lot about the chiefs and receivers turns out drops our contagious. They are so hopefully I have sought the YAP. Ok nerd, nugget, nfc west titles. At the conclusion of the two thousand and fifteen season, broncos fifteen chargers: fifteen raiders, fifteen chiefs, eight nfc west titles, as it stands today, fifteen fifteen fifteen fifteen with a win against the raiders, the chiefs love the most. I have see west titles completely flipping the script and eighty
it'll, be a pete sweeney, god beside think, that's the nerd nugget of the week. Maybe so I had it and then I switched to nah. You made a mistake: that's good nerd, nugget it'd, be so itchy finn got dancers. Tacoma were not allowed in Kc, we are now. Oh. I think I think the poll ended up. Fifty two percent were lock. Yes, so yeah I might buy house there. I went back so you know I got some more like a tweet. From weeks ago what did on that threaten? I went back and I just started laughing again about that. Guy was just like. Don't even try. Come it's on site in case of great? Ah, ok giants eagles max you goin up against the italian wonder, the house divided autos, nyborg, saying where we must the agent he sells agent. yeah yeah, that's not all feel. Right, yeah hired, a marketing age in which, I'm pretty sure happens all the time class
and they did the right move. He went out to the pizza place. I think he did the apparent stand of gaia stand of guy max max a hoop. Now. He began over sixers. There was a big night hoops last night for me Neither hoops I went over to say hi to max last night at the bar I sat down next to him at the table was just like. Hey max. Just looked at me goes how the fuck are we loaded the soccer game? that's almost exactly verbatim. What you said Guy came up to me at the bar was like as max a real like her. You guys like to see you got making that on purpose, when you guys get them mad, ers outlet planned. As you know, we propose That makes me the grace actor in the world is a good thing. If I go damn right now get a mad canals like just go. Ask about j right in the middle. The villain over game what would you say max now he will. He immediately was like hanged omit asset. but you did snare.
You got to snap eagles offences broken max garrick game. Ok, this third, it spread is. Alarmingly, I yeah yet is this: they scored, eagle, scored twenty points or more in the first half ten times last year. They ve never done this year until until sunday, airport on a monday, ah been so. I wrote a deep dive article on the eagles orphans being broken, whose good red, especially like shane, steichen, had at least some type of offense that you know flowed in an gian hurts injury which we ve been. The first to report is actually a big detriment. they run, they don't run under centre, suffer the pushed us tush bush, and they run it like he is a they run their off like he is, a scramble are, and he hasn't really been a scramble. The sheer designed runs yes
but, like scrambling, runs, no. They also like the play. Calling is just very vanilla. Yes, like the same Six boycott is essentially smashing the age brown man coverage, but yet over. They said they were at the end of the game. It gives the seahawks that goal that play was to get passenger ferry. I hated that call What was I was just say why I hated, but I want to what you hated, because you never go into a play with the result, hoping kennedy and Joe wacko. I don't care about your wacko hooker the whole minute just go to the middle. The field get the yards. What I don't need a mad about that again. I grew max actually made Joe flag. can do it because he's really gets the one guy. You should do that but jail and hurts to ask him to do that.
You're, almost saying, like hey, go out there, throw an incomplete pass pass on purpose. Yes, that's like that's what they were asking to do, and I don't like that at the end of the game, when all you needed to get was, it was also yards in. Middlefield has also topped the christian mccaffrey one of the men in casting like new the perfectly predicted the play, and that's not good is this- must win there has the powers it has to thirteen and avoid favorites. Have what I mean you lost must win yeah so you're must wins, mean nothing to me. They always meant enough for us to also take back lip and put on a sound, ok.
Lasky owner nuggets zoo at Jalen hurts rank second in the nfl. With thirty three total touchdowns trailing only Josh Allen, who has thirty seven hurts, needs two total touchdowns to tie his franchise record of thirty five set last year, which he shares with randall cunningham and nineteen. Ninety sounds like he's: the guy hm, maybe great stat jake, maybe He did say he was the thermostat this week. I liked that quote on the thermostat. I set the temperature of every room, I'm in that's a good mentality to yeah. Good mindset is ah okay, best game ravens have forty niners ooh boys is a tree. I can't wait. It is christmas present for america isn't yeah. There is also, I think the latest two teams have the best record in each conference have played since, like ninety ninety three, who, who I love the niners- I love the ravens. Okay. I liked that we yeah, I love the I love the ninth. I just think I don't think
the niners can be beat when they have their team together. If you're missing, trent williams, debo samuel, then that's there obviously much much weaker while we're talkin spread too. I'm not spread or jargon sprout grievances spread. Ok, I like the niners I've I've. to determine whether or not I liked him, but I think that I like them against the spread. Ok couple things for the ravens case, shouted, as a sports info solutions. The ravens are second best. In the leg at are sorry there, first in a league, ah in stopping ka yards after catch, which is what the forty niners feast Think about all the times when it's like you know, debo over the middle ten yard boom. It takes it to the house and caffrey out of the backfield little you know screen boom. He takes the house ravens gang tackle, they do a good job getting to the ball. I that's part of why, like this, I like the ravens, for that reason
also, I like the ravens, because more jackson, the ravens or nineteen in five against spreads an underdog since twenty fifteen Lamar remember Phd nineteen in one straight up against the intimacy. I don't look at them. Has been the enough see. The the niners are two different there. Just the niners, here's another one is this truly one air? Yes What will be on the cost? Seven straight upsets outright yeah money. Football How do we know what the word with kyle hamilton is? I do not think the ravens going to keep. I think they're gonna stay in this game called Hamilton feels disrespected. I don't like that. Oh no he's just back to go into this game by. Is this respected that their underdogs niners? This is as you told us, you should be underdogs niners, like you, maybe not five points but tom and gets all the credit for being the underdog guy harbours just as much an underdog guy e date. They crush as underdogs. yeah I still like to minors. I just don't think that the niners with
healthy team. I don't think that can be beat brock. Purdy is just good just plain good and with all the talent that they have. I I love the niners to to win every single game that therein, if they're healthy, and if the runners win this game, I think it's pretty much set that they're going to be it'd, be tough for them. once it yeah yeah, because they beaten the cowboys in the eagles had head is oh and in their last two games are commanders. I'm sorry test can be bad in the camps, I would say that maybe there and take them for the gas. If they ve got two once he locked up or they can't get it locked up this. Kyle Shanahan is gonna, put his foot to the ground against the commanders. He still fuckin hates the common as no matter? Even though Snyder's gone, he is going to want to score fifty on us. I guess it could get it this week. If the no. The lions, cowboys and eagles at all have to lose. Rams could be
for a play spot that last week lacking could be interesting, o chargers, openness now, im just saying we'll know, but if the niners win this week and it gets commanders, the niners will have the one seed while they they could lose, as we too could lose this week against the lions could still get it. I wonder what Africa is there? Is there a line that you can bet right now and a f Sievers nfc in the super bowl? I think so cause I I feel so so strongly about the niners that I almost want to bet them cause. I'm sure they'll be plus money right now. Oh you mean they'll, be the niners to win as a future, but I'm also curious about what the a f c nfc super bowl odds are right on it. I'm sure there is and but then you're obviously injuries that would suck yeah that would suck yup ah read: what's the nerd nugget here in running back christian, mccaffrey and water, see redeem samuel, the forty niners or the?
seamen on a full history, have multiple players with five or more rushing touchdowns and five more receiving touchdowns in the same season. The up those guys can do they can do it all. Also how many people are being tackled. How many people and media- if this is a good game, I'm expecting like ten or twenty journalists being like sammy up around to las vegas in February are you when you say that? Are you saying you're going to yeah and I agree you are going to tweet the only thing, a lot of others will yeah and all the popular Yeah give you all the popcorn or what not another one. What about another one between these two yeah in February definitely happen. Yeah, I'm ok, I'm trying to find if there's that line, trying to find. If we picked, I'm sure someone found it. What is it fc conference plus one fifty okay. Yes, that would be a good bet, maybe what minus one like oh, yet, five one turn some like you and you would have to imagine if the niners
role to the superbowl they're gonna be more than a feeble favour. Yeah. I think I might do that. Okay go nfc, see just take when SU will, line. I was looking out without forty, but it's probably better than it would be if they win this game on Monday, yeah yeah yeah they win. This game, though there might be like two hundred was crazy. I'm ready for some pick, yeah, I'm ready standings I wish that the bigger doing works we can't or locked in a three yup? A more of a must be on Monday, okay, so for the fifteen minute opening act, I'm at nineteen and a half max is at fifteen and a half memes is at fifteen, so I'm close to safety, but not there. Yet
Now, they're half the game separating maxim, memes, one, our big cat, nineteen and a half pft eighteen hank fourteen and a half, so three and a half with seven nigga, not six, and because you are five up on hank. Was seventy go okay? Who goes first? max max. I will be taking the ravens plus five and a half a minute. I like you like it. Forty nine we have to pick a christmas game right yeah I, though, a christmas day here right right, I see five five. Can we not take the same perks? Know even now has three games on Chris? You wanted the holiday pick. How do you pick is hungry max hank, one of the ravens- I am still find, over here to ok, that's fair means.
I'm gonna go lions minus three k, hank against the bike. Article, forty nine hours, manassa minus five and I'll go the over in the ravens forty niners game, forty six and a half I'm going to take the over in the giants eagles game. Forty two an hour and a half K jake at two picks, I'm going to take patriots broncos under thirty four and a half st thirty. Four same as you thirty four and a half, I just refreshed se, thirty four and a half and I'm going to take.
She smiled stand against the raiders k. Does my phd I'm going to go with the miami dolphins minus one gets cowboys kay I'm going to take hold your nose renewal, patriots plus seven could pick against. I'll, be taken. The cowboys rocker I was thinking about in colors like nag, leave that for eg papers of tea, you are a boy on the line for up here to link up now huge eg miami has a dolphin in the greatest football team. Iran bar from god, like no one's ever seen our means, and we take the jaguars box over forty one and forty one and a half. I see forty one
Forty one it is, I am going to take while just change the cardinals plus four against the bears. As four and a half four and a half love it. A lot of movements and I m going to take the packers panthers over thirty you grow the flair. The week bryce young rose K, memes a holiday pic. I I'm going to go over forty three giants eagles and that was already paid. I took it yeah picked up fuck lava over fourteen have raiders chiefs use can go to them, suffer hank pig pick huge, I'm going to take the patriot progress over thirty four loo and a half
before AL. Let's see what it is right, lots of under thirty four and a half I'm taken under thirty for over thirty four overtime before has never been the license. Does that work? I think so right now I just refreshed it. Over thirty four and a half guess using over thirty four and a half Japan ginger pick cutcherry due to over thirty four by half. I'll, let you buy an extra minute I'll. Let you buy a half point: hey I'm not going to be twenty to forty, but if you lose, you have to add ten minutes onto I'll. Do thirty! Four! Now, okay, you know what pft you talked me into it. I'm gonna take the browns minus two and a half. Okay could pick pick you I'm going to take falcons colts over forty four and a half. I liked that. Now sheen steichen, overs vignettes, its money at puzzle, hiding honey. I get through from a guy jonathan taylor and Michael pertinent in both plant, oh
huge, but I definitely knew those huge pebbles plan yay for participants and practices, wow built different, just making sure everyone took the christmas break. I think we all did shake finish us off. I'm going to take Box, milestone africans, jaguars, boxer, feeling good right, good picks up of hake went through you know and pay. If you went on three, what would it be too ha ha half half with If the play, if he goes two and one and pft goes one to four and a half with four that would be it. We he'd be up four and a half all if Pft tank this week, it's over right now, but if I go one went into and hank goes out with you and half for not that which will not dead. So I need the sweep sweep is everything you garboils dolphins is pretty much everything that is that for all the marbles,
yeah, ok, sure you fancy fuck boys gets jewels. Let's do it yo yo, yo, yo, yo, yo yo, always opt out It's for Brazil. Guatemala reason I last autumn is the holidays. I love the fuckin holidays, the fork in season. You got food, you, god, family got everything. You got football, the three es in life. Father son and the holy spirit. while the holidays shouted to the holidays. Tis the season triple f as I sit on the coastal carolina, Ok yeah, since one can of course go to the beach with some of the data on the team. What is this? What what is it you didn't? Korea has had some Hamas is here for the ball game that go on in the beaches. The holidays laid up. My sidham reduction
are my sleepers redacted yeah, you, you definitely watch your neighbor. I think we're going to see a lot of redacted this week. Unops say a fifty percent plus redacted Henry Henry Lockwood was not on that list back. So not one of the redacted names old list. Okay, what's up dick adds its anthony giuliani. Tony G began yo what up of my starting is my uncle rudy rudy? He can't pay he's got no more money, easier flat broke right now, so just move on to the next one leeches on sucking off this team anymore right that all went to a security guards haircut a day of great haircut. That guy that's above and knows the time of day I'll. Tell you what I'll tell you what for my my sit in his cameron diaz,
saying that you've got a normalized couple of seven separate bedrooms, will tell you this much. If Cameron Diaz and me tried to give me a second bedroom, I'd say: you've got another think coming girl. Will sleep in the same bed I'll take a second bedroom called the fart box spot box, then my sleep this weekend is Tommy tommy for the present that he just trade he just trademarked the passing python love it. I liked that I liked that nickname, tommy trademark, tommy, cutlets, past and present tommy is going to go to Philly and that crowd's going to be booed so hard. My guy say: hey this he's a good guy he's one of us. We can get our guys, the passing that's what I love about the city go back. What's up. workers, tony bologna and bologna, my stardom cheese and crackers policies holiday season, salami hall boy.
I go hard in the pay roll all for the pursuit. You got, the seven fishes you gotta save room, don't even give me a dinner I'll, just say I'll. Just sit by those cheese and crackers all fucking day cut jewelry yet cut jewelry myself, Zion williamson Recipes contract does not fully guaranteed to bat yeah you set out a bunch of games last year is a guess what you think again this money he had to be under two ninety five. He wasn't on the two. Ninety five we're fucked up say this to my before christmas will they actually wait? A minute you hardly clause, be unusual contract also states to solve is waiting pounds in his body. That percentage must be less than two nine bought. That's on fourchan unfortunate as discrimination. It is my sleep rivalries. Bartley city refer afghanistan over alabama. That's fair, That's where, as a real live, had the same literacy rate gas fork here,
yeah, that's I'll doesnt, insulting, that's talked like how. How did the n b, a media not get their hands on a contract before to say he has to stay under two month, but there would have been like a two. Ninety five watch twitter account yep like when Carla murray's contract yeah was lakers like you have to watch x number of hours of film a week. So it's the way. It reads is, I don't think he's two hundred and ninety five pounds, but so it's some of his weight in pounds and his body fat percentage. So you can be like two. Seventy five ne is like thirty percent body fat yeah that would rock yeah. If yeah that's what I would do, I would just lose all my muscle weight get down to fifty forty per cent yeah. That's unfortunate for zion yeah, that sucks he sucks over that girl. That was like a zion I have. I want to have your baby yeah that whole thing, yeah yeah, could have lost some weight, a little more sex yeah. He had where he had. He had like pepsi
in coconuts bathroom yeah. That's what I hill's in such good shape This is not an ounce of fat on yeah, ok, skits, who are good for enjoying men in studio, for we do that fifty year, a quick word from our friends at better help. It did ya wanna talk to us about better help. Pardoned It's sponsored by better help whether or not your family gives gifts during the holidays. You get to define how to give to yourself and the holidays are a great time to do that, so, whether it's by starting therapy going easy on yourself during the tough moments or treating yourself to a day of complete rest. Remember to give yourself some love this holiday season. I've personally benefited from therapy in the past when I've gone through, some loss talked to a therapist. Helped me feel better about myself. Helped me feel better about my day
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when you retired, because a year retirement get hijacked by people being like Adam schaffner was like possible future famer yeah, and then we had to discuss like whether or not you are all famer in the moment That was supposed to be about saying goodbye to the game. But the question. The question is: are you a few gr your whole famer and. follow up, question will, be a certain amount of time that you don't get in the hall of fame that you'll be like. Actually I don't want it like devoted like nine years after we ve like. I was kind of a pity vote at all vote out. Ok, we'll say it's a pity vote. The thing is, I think you I think you've got hall of fame moments like I can imagine the dvd. This is so mean that we're just know it's good. I'm saying like this is good for your case I closed my eyes and I think about Julia gentlemen and after I get past the thirst traps in the shirt was pictures on fathers day in the pyrenees, and the people know yet.
Bring spite. I invasion in june item in making that catching the superbowl against the falcons. Yeah kid the story of football. Allow Juno man, that's a fact fact. Who would give uses where you can hang out. I haven't even thought about it. Is it weird when you see that debate happening in your like this kind of weird than ever, Desire morning it's mad about right, I I'm saying say something about it: I'm like what right like they talking, people are getting like a legitimately arguing. Yeah, you haven't said anything you like. I just played ball. Yeah just play ball, yeah! Alright! So do you so we have seen a while now won't talk about just current nfl. Ah I love you see, but there's been reports that a coach might get fired
I've seen him. I've talked about them, so do you think ron Rivera will get fired, yeah idea? Okay, I think he probably well actually disagree. Then I think he is going to be out able to go out on his own terms, after the end of the season it can be a mutual parting of ways. that is in no way a firing are presented as a firing, but I think would be kept, might have been alluding to correct me from wrong. I don't want to interpret what you're saying and misinterpreted, but yet there's another coach one, a few super bowls with you in new england and there's a lot of people talking about the possibility that he goes to the wash and commander too it's a discussion. That's happening across the league. Could you see bilbil check coaching for any team, but the doing when patriots next year I mean, I think it's a reality. Let's go. That's gonna come I won't believe until it's done, but when the idiot, starts getting on this and started talking about whether smoke. There's fire and I just hope, is handled correctly in a light
professionals, because you know bills a huge part of the success that we had him and he laid the template, MR craft, as a huge part of the success that we had. Tom Brady was eat like it's a team sport and he was, I think, he's the best coach, but I ever had I always felt prepared, always felt like we had nuggets son on teams and that we had we had in a competitive event. Because of how we prepared in the time that the coaching staff always put into the game. So Could I see him for another team, it's gonna be weird, but yeah, I'm innocent ash. Everyone gets fired. He used to say that old Bill would only say that everyone gets fired is busy, I remember him talking about the media once and like He had one of the things where how we were supposed to handle the media. This that he goes look. You know they're just looking for a story like this day, where they throw me in the fucking face, and
It looks like it as its starting to china as our hanks gotta go in a second. Do live stream? What What would you tell him to give him cause he's coming down Literally, all he has left is this lighthouse? That's all he's got the lighthouse, a lighthouse, always the lighthouse olbinett fake is fuck. It's not the leaves awesome yeah, but he is like beaten down he's here. Doesn't know what this is like he's living the other half end of an era, yeah yeah, it's What do I say to hank I mean so so good I mean there's the bruins are due in pretty good. Aren't there they doing good Yonah is here had so yeah be tough fry for a little while this is this? Is your own empire falls the attic to to rebuild its color of a somber transition beget is he's been such a big part of that entire air inches apart of football
so long. It's gonna be weird I'll wager. Sorry worries I wish I were hank piteously it may, but that was a big part like gronk, told us what a big impact tank on had on winning the super bowl amongst the guys you played with. There have been a couple name, there have been may be linked to being the next head coach of the patriots. We don't talk about another man's job, so we're not going to say that belichick has been fired or anything I'm seeing hypothetically in a scenario where you had a new head coach next year, between- let's just say I say, mail and lets say rapes. Who would you want taking over for belgium? Who tough, I'm a fan of both, I think rebels, an unbelievable coach. I mean it seems like His team always squeaks away with winds they're not supposed to have I mean they ve been number one seeds of
they ve built something in tennessee. That's been pretty competitive for last were eight years. how long's it been their six seven years, awhile ears, Gerard he's one of the smallest football players I played with in. He was and it was helped me get lined up when I was playing db, I'd looking at him, just fucking five get over there. You know so you draw knows football skip, but you know he hasn't. Coached ahead coat? He has not had coaching role yet so if, if it was, if I were to go down that route of of hiring a coach. You know with with the pit that. Their programme I would want to pry, have an office of minor guy here. yeah. That's kind of wood. The leagues going to map, patricia bring it back maybe maybe you think, play a hypothetical up.
Kraft walks into belichick's office after the season he's like look at times, com we're going to part ways, belichick says what if I bring back ernie Adams and Dante carneglia you crafts like shit the boys back, we gotta do this Does he have that card in his in his back pocket? I don't think so. I think they're out, dantes over in a word. to go. He somewhere in rhode, island narragansett, Swims lapse right now, with the whales I'm not joking he's like eighty five years old, the guy would swim. Morning. He is a bad ass. I don't think he's come out. Retirement in an ernie I have no clue where he does. Rallies really is probably saw the grid, off the grid tag is jason bourne. He probably still keeping notes, though, when you think definitely here, like you not mention,
whoops. I will. I honestly wonder if, if bill ever calls those guys and asks asks, or is he just in the what the the program of and with the guys I'm in yeah yeah, I remember Dante when we didn't have a wee wee, googe goodyear, the often sublime coach I remember when I would see Dante he would come in and he would consult, I think, do some of those kind of roles or work a guy out or go look at a guy and you know for bill. So I don't think that card is going to be able to be pulled. Yeah
The fact that the Dante's just out swimming with whales- he just needs to be around his big dudes all the time he really just like being around big things. He does dude he's, probably yelling at those whales are dead formation at low leverage, your fucking hand like he would yell and that that that's why he was such a good coach, because you would see in film, you know in the film room Sometimes a cultural dislike yell at you, like we gotta, get better like, like Dante, would break down. fundamental. What you have to do it be really mean how he would say it like you fat. put your right foot over your job. Harass put it on your end. I give the act the old technique and that's what a good coach is yeah? I know what I mean and it I love the the guys behind the guy too, four part because, like the Georgia strengthen judicial co, Scots sinclair, he was with saving. burma for all those wins.
And then he goes to george and they went to national championships, and I'm like this guy he's got the secret like he's the guy behind the guy he's the one who's with the players? All through the off season like the strengthened in coach is the most important coach. I believe in college football like each programme as he's with them all the time he's making. You know little skinny kids. Eighteen year old in men, s guy behind the guy that doesn't get all the shine. Times those guys we're like what makes a baltic will without a doubt I mean it's. it's funny to see the dynamic of of the head coach, the strength coach, because a strength, coaches, a kind of like he's years. Right is the ears, but he's also, you know they had coach go to the strength coach and we, like you, know how we run into day, how you he's like check the cars, and you know, he's a mechanic yeah. I you know, got a couple of hamstrings coach, but we'll get him right in the you know: weight room like shit like that, and it is
I think the strength coaches is more important in college, because you're you're influencing the younger kids, I know and when you get to the pros. Ah, you would think that you'd have that relationship with the strength coach, but it it. you don't, because you guys aren't lifting heavy and stuff right. You do in the off season, but if you don't want to get hurt in the weight room, you know in the it's more specialised to your position by the time you get to the national football agree. You may even hire third party. You know trainer to work on speed or you work on change direction. You know, there's all these guys with those their techniques and stuff, there's always an l, a guy or a fuckin florida. Houston guy were ill. The bomber readers of the world, where you going run with him and he makes you ve in also is different when she get when it becomes a job what I want to talk about the holy great now, maybe you know get all your task.
you're on tv? All time also gives names back, that's great podcast. We both been on it awesome like you're, goin viral. I feel like everyone, week right now with the m J story telling ourselves. So I m J told you use gonna he's gonna bet on you before suitable He's a gala money, geyser fuck it up at the palace and out of anything at all intimated, but I loved me the more after yeah like he'd. He put his our phoned me. Did you think during that suit. All like any point. My now I'd rake in an outbreak of the game like shit and I only on lately forgot about it but the blinders on, but that was I was pretty cool yeah. So so one of the big stories right now is kin city, wider, seaver room, sir, I hope what do you think's going on in that wide receiver? I'm like, if I were in that wide receiver room, I just basically just be keep keep telling the homesick I'll catch the next one. Don't worry just keep throwing it to me, but, like the sure that those guys have on them? You have ever moment like that, where your room is
doing everything that maybe there's a bunch of drop balls in a game you're sitting there in here like tom, was given us like the throws we just worth, making the poor is yeah. I've been in rooms like that, and you know where, where, where You're not holding your end of the bargain up, you know, as as you know, as the team goes ah, and that comes down strictly to confidence, and it is hard for young guys like in in Kansas city right now. These guys are young guys, the young group, and, in that the beast of Kansas city I mean they're like the new period. It's like the new pats. You know what I mean. You have the the four hero quarterback, you got a great codes. You guys have a system that simply she got a tight in that you know demands all the eyes. So everyone's look at the receiver Will that you can rely on you, so it's tough, I'm sure there
they're here in some of the noise about it, it's it's it's easy to now days with with the social and and everything, but they ultimately comes down to just press. Practice and preparation like whenever I would go into like a. I had a a couple of drops or something I would always just I'd hit. You know you'd go back to the fundamentals. You have to do extra ball, drills, you have you know he he he take practice like the rimini games. You know just because the more pressure You put yourself it through in practice, makes the game easier when that pressure comes on the game, so in others I have to be some leadership that comes out of that room. You know the rishi rice kid, yeah some production these last few weeks and I guarantee You know Patrick mahomet type, a guy, that's gone up to him and watson, saying a guys like
well there's been a couple of drops, but let's build off of the the successes, those little successes that you had you know and and that's what they have to do- just try to stack good gait days together in practice and it'll translating the games are drops contagious, they are they are. How spoke of her people say it in and always sounds funny. When someone on tv set traps are contagious, you know, but is like a mental thing were one wide receiver. He drops a couple of easy catches and then that just adds the pressure on the other guys with like fuck has drop it. I really better make sure that I catch mine and then added pressure eggs them more likely trouble yeah, I would say, probably, but the good leaders in the great quarterbacks data that they don't yell at you for drops they. Let you for stupid yet, like you know not known a formation or pre snap penalty, or you know in a technique, technical error.
like that's when they get mad, they they understand, drops you're gonna happen in as a quarter, you're you're on that level of where you have to play yo and figure out each guy in your rooms, what kind of coach What kind of love do they need? Do they need tough love? Do they need in support of love? they have you know you how you gonna, how you gonna make these guys the best at himself. So I still think they're figure in that out. kansas city, but when you have you know that even that they have right now and Patrick mom. You're still gonna have a shot. I don't think there, the favourite uniting baltimores real tougher, now with what they have gone over there, but I wouldn't be so. Rise. If they go, I mean they're Pagano in their last three games, yeah in that's just going to get them all
confident you know, and that's what it's really about these next three weeks are going to be. You know a pivotal part of the season because you know you're starting to get your your go, and I may remember back in two thousand eighteen when we lost the steelers We had to losses in a row in like closed december late november, in like that's, where we were hit. Panic button bright like we gotta get this shit go in right now as a you know, you gotta give them those runs and natural. Your confidence builds and you get excited for work because there's there's a there's a light at the into the tunnel, the seasons right there. You know what I mean that those weeks when you're like six to probably twelve youtube He doesn't feel good. The lust of the season startings, not there, are no more guy, your banged up more, whether whether starting to get a little colder guitar becomes the grind this time of the years. When you start, you start getting those
ring teams, yeah, have you ever have you ever had to react from losing a must win game? Yet at that? That's that steelers game. We felt like that was a must win game because we dropped one. and then we lost that one and then we went on our role, but it does the sense of urgency in the building new after those kind of losses, you know when, with the teams that I were, I was on the urgency when to the schedule might actually work out well for the chiefs, where it's like they get three easier opponents. Maybe they use those weeks to get right and then in the playoffs like we'll have drops anymore. Reactors are fine. I mean could mean good comes out of making the place. I tell you right now. We get to the play off. There is always the same code. You say we ain't saving, nothing! So that's when you get the plays in that the scheme comes out even more magnified something you been working all year, so I have trusted they're going to
what a figure out ways to get those guys. The balls you know the way they need to get it yeah. How can the forerunners b b. yeah, but it's gonna be tough. What how do you beat them night? They looked so much better than everyone else. I mean you gotta, you gotta run the ball against. You have to run the ball against whom the number of carries and it has to be, can't lose on first down You do not want to get on a whole against that defence of line that only has to rush for, and then you can get all that crazy scheme with deepens buying and they fly their physical. They all swarmed the ball. They play hard. It's it's tough, but you had like whenever we play against the best defence aligns the bond miller de lines and shit like that. Always had to run the ball. those guys don't like guys, come an atom right. They want the past, set so they you know they want to. They want to go and do all their fucking moves that they practice in the hallways when they're in you know,
with the cafeteria. You always see the defensive ends, doing a fuckin shake shake this or it's weird, like mickiewicz and Chan jones used to do that. Oh and but yeah I just got the also thought yeah the way. Alright, with the niners it's interact, I was going to say the way to beat them just injure the quarterback and then the backup quarterback. To it's tough, I mean you got you gotta play tough. You gotta you gotta play. Ah, you gotta keep that events off the field yeah. You know that and that's what the running game does as well, and you have to execute in the red area and on third down which that's where they're good. So we we had Jeff saturday on last week and some of the very issue me looking like the nfl right now, specifically in december. There's teams. Have had good seasons, but they have a glaring weakness. You like the eagles defence or the lions defence, and we asked them like.
Can you correct this? Do you remember a time when it was like we're? Not that good put some the scheme wise or how we practise was able to fix that because it does feel like every year team that we cannot write off and they can make a deep braun because they fix something that you know. Whether b Events were often that they look totally different Come january. I I honestly think it's not just one thing that you fix it. It it comes down to you know, guys working together to execute a play and when you get guys that don't worry the big holes at year, ye have, or whatever and git to like that, what we have to do to win You can get everyone to buy into that and you guys can have good weeks of preparation and when practice looks, there's not a ball on the ground. There's not a fuckin split double team, like when all those little things start getting corrected
that's when you goin your runs. You know that's when the confidences role in Iraq, it's it's stupid, sounds stupid, but every being from the success that I had or our teams had, You always saw it in that week of practice right have you ever had like a great week of practice and you're feeling really good, and then you go to the game, get get your teeth kicked in. Yeah like what happened there, yeah, what, when you're against ah baltimore I had like in that it was when we just traded for like deion branch and I and we we traded randy. So I I was sitting there like man, I'm gonna get hella more reps, hell, yea had a great week of practice, and I ended up having like I got knocked out of the game by ray
and ass. I fuck like the only one time but other than that anytime. I, like a really solid. We could practice translated. It always translated. So you think the ravens out of the f c. You think that the best team withdrew another team at your team. Nobody wants to play right. You know that that famous with here I think it's the bills yeah. I think nobody would want to play the bills I gotta see this week from the bills yeah, because that was something that never done they ve, never a light on the run game and that something that I have always said that they ve should incorporate Josh Allen under center. You know in I gotta see this week with the bills, because that you know the offense other their defense, when playing from behind it is doesn't play the same from how, if they're playing from ahead yeah, you know that's when they can start using their schemes and mcdermott can do all his stuff on D,
You know that if they ve kind of struggled on the defence align position not including last week, last week, Oliver in you know VON was effective. I think bonds. Can they continue to give better with his knee he's an older guy and he still recovering with that injury which I've had. You know. Get better as the year goes on, because you need that load. I expect him to better knees, a veteran nino pray, sir kicking it up. The that's. A tough team deploy but I gotta see this week how they're gonna are they just gonna, try to go back to what they were because. That the sudden jolt of a really good game, like they haven't, been like that oh yeah, they they ve been so inconsistent, I we owe to yelling the chiefs and and the cowboys ina, so legates I want to see some consistency is its use of the things that are consistent, consistently doing well in big games are the teams are gone, runs the one
I loved Joe Brady had a press conference. I was today where he was like our plan. Wasn't to run the ball like that, it's just worked, and them Why would we go away from that area which redo teen are adieu overtime? That's what countries yeah, but that's that's like the best those the best orphans It is our assume that, like yeah, they might have a plan for sums working. Why would you you ought to win pretty now. You feel that the flow of the game right, Have you know we were never a scripted team that, like a lot of the west coast teams, they have a fifteen place, script and they'll go through that fifteen place script and then they'll do adjustments off that script. You know we had we had. Kind of o, a hybrid of that where we had a script and plays that we wanted to get in the first quarter that had plans to see, what how they were playing it too, to be able to counter it. Like a closer well, if then, yes, lay words exactly as blurs ryan, that I mean they have the category in it? That's
The play sheet is one of the most incredible things to see from an often courtier how they design their play. She'd they're gonna have it plays their fuckin third down windows that are broken up and thirty, two to five short yard they have it all broken down. When you look at those things is pretty cool, so I think yeah you, you gotta, feel the flow of the game of sums. Workin. Yeah, because I go you spam it that that chiefs championship came. The urine like you, spam that play the view over the middle, as I felt like five dads in a row, and you know a couple of those run gap plays that we were running yeah. We felt we had. You know good, a good matchups on a lot of those plays, and you know when it's cut in time, and it's you know the playoffs, you gotta go to the place at you. You executed the best throughout the yes, when you're spamming play like that. Did you ever does a deepens ever say, like your. We know is coming year and but they still can
Stop it some time, that's gonna feel like a superpower. It doesn't feel like a super power, but. It was pretty cool here, so I was thinking about it. You know, like I used to run a lot of those crossers and I would run over to the thief or robber, which is the other safety that comes down, so they funnel you into him. So it's a form of Bullying remain lower. This guy will knock it beat on the outside, and this guy will look catch. You on the inside, so that's a way of using someone and like when you get on a great page with the quarterback there's one thing that can never be covered: the perfect throw yap. You could have a guy in the past, position, you can have everything, but if there is a perfect throw and you make the catch, I mean that its uncomfortable as the dim Oh, is that it was not his quote. Was it there's no defence for the perfect pass, maybe
as what about in the nfc there's a team, I'm concerned about I've got rising levels of concernment with this organization, the philadelphia eagles. Would you be concerned? I am if you're in you're you're concerned, I would be concerned I'm hitting up on pressing urgency and we need to. We need to press that. Ah, you know they've been struggling with an identity all year on offense or the defense. You know they're designed to get after the quarterback because that's where a lot of their money, that in the draft capital and they really haven't begin after the quarterback and they have been able stopped the run in vienna. We ve all seen what what here. The secondary has been doing so. You getting to the point where you you have to be concerned. Ellie you're gonna start play. the best teams in the league like when you go to play offs. It turns like a flit like a switch. They get everyone's plainly fifteen.
When he percent harder. There is nothing else that ye keep in the gas tank. Did your belcher voice there liked it that I yeah flipped the switch emeralds by all fifteen twenty percent, ardors out good. You so didn't play off more just wait in your brain no, it's I would definitely be concerned. I mean there too, and the ball of you. Don't that you don't want. That's you. Don't wanna play bad football industry, would you be concerned, or would you say season's over I say seasons over at smart. You have a losing a must win, so we'll see how they they could still be. What fourteen three or what are they are? for losses more than thirteen and fourteen afore, I mean that big they very, very, very easily could be fearful, speaker turnovers. How much is it sock when you turn the ball over going back to his side, alma, I think what what would would you be like your head down, hoping that no one says anything knowing that someone's gonna come ream you out. If you fumbled. When I was on the patriots, you are
They had a term you're in the doghouse yeah we're not dog ass My receiver coach, Chad O'Shea, he would always say yeah you're you're. In the you know, I remember a fumble on a punt return against the giants in like eleven or something, and he goes yeah you're in the doghouse, the big guy yeah, I'm sitting there and I'm like oh fuck, yeah, you'd, better stacks and good practices had there on our gotta solo. That's a couple! Good practice! Go you not! Unlike in an go checking with oshea, unlike you must do in madagascar does. Yet, apart coming up you're, still pieces angel, so the receivers go to be like almost a good cop. Like listen, we're trot, I'm trying everything with the big guy but that I can do your dog ass would be a good in a good position. coaches, a guy- that he's kind of I got a psychologist yeah. You know they have to be able to
to read the room and get the points that the head cook- she's drilling into him to you know of a group of a guys in also in every guys different. So he asked to put that colleges. Cap on and in you, gotta play in poor certain strings with certain guys and I was that guide. I like to tough love, and I was too fight of bone. He knew that. And so he would play that game with me. You know, or he would say to other receivers like yo, you, mother, fuckers, big guy. You guys need to start doing some shit or you know we're going to. I remember he used to say well you're gonna, get that that call window or I'll give you your playbook. So that's what you responded to was like that. You're. Getting cut when I would, when I was younger and then once it changes, everyone has different stresses in the lock hey. You know when I was a yes,
special team guy and a guy trying to make a rule and learn the position I had to make myself. You know versatile and I had to make I'd be good at a lot of little things. I wasn't great at one thing yet do you know so? Ah, by the time you get to you know I establish a role. Then you have a different kind of stress where you don't want to you know you don't wanna, let your team down, you know ye see another guy work in his ass off right. Next to you blocking you see the quarterback making the right reads. Getting the right play. Call in everyone's doing their job, you didn't want to be the guy that didn't do his job, and so you, you feel disappointed. So like any time you came off the field after you know, you're fumbled or he had a drop or some yoghurt. You know you get sad yeah you you made the you, let the boys down what's whose FC team now have figured out the baltimore I like baltimore, because the only reason I like that I like them, their defence is, you know
Their defences fast silencer sideline they always seem to get better and better each year doesn't matter what ravens team in december, their defense is always getting dialed up. Ah on offense, zay flowers, I think he's a really good little football player. Man he's easy he's had some really good production Isaiah likely. I liked him two years ago in the preseason- and I am a huge mark Andrews fan. I think that dude's, a man child in that that was a thing that concerned me with them, but in a Lamar jackson's play when he plays in control. in and decisive and doesn't take the crazy risks. You know, he's unstoppable and he gives the best match up against any any any and team. You know if you think about that's what I think, who who could challenge the forty niners, because when you have and expect like Lamar jackson is just a game plan killer right, you know he can go, take a game over you know, and especially, if he's you know odell,
when, when the, when the lights are bright, you know dell is going to come out and he's going to start bawling and he he already started to see it churn with mean he's getting better and better. I mean he's coming off a knee he's, an older guy, so he I expect him to get better. I I There is scary football team is spent on special teams, John horrible, like they got all day. They take important in all three phases of their. game yeah and that's scary. You know, because you can win a game on special teams just like they did two weeks ago. On the you know the punt return yeah. You know I mean that that a win you games and you have that I mean, I think it's scary in their plane. Their plan consists in football right now it is crazy, special teams, you like ignore it, and then it's always feels like play off. That's one shows up like teams that have spotty special teams, even if it's like, in other point yards or just like, where they're letting you'll be to start and then all of a sudden you get junior like? Oh, that's, actually really important variant
If you look at like all the superbowl winners, you could see their top categories yeah, it will it's! It's you'll, you'll notice. The special teams are always in the top eight. You know that, like that's, a big part of the game you know it's getting dwindled out with a lot of the rulemaking right now, but I remember in my career we would win like two games a year on special teams. Yeah. You know who it is whether we when we came here to chicago, go in c p fuckin took where we can get anything established. It was a green game. They had a pretty good defense. We weren't guinea thing going on offence ato and we busted our defence played well. You know, and we won the game because of that. You know that that that can win. You games yeah. What about your old nemesis Joe flag and the brown I know I like to watch enjoy you. I do. I mean we came in the same year. So yeah you, you know was an old nam, nemesis bird
I am excited for him and how he's doing you know cause it. It didn't look great when he was in new york. You know he he he I and I talked to Chad, he's over there, Chad O'Shea with them the browns and they're saying this. He said him and he could still throw it yeah ism. He gives an opportunity in in its really truly interesting. That team reminds you of the baltimore team that he won super bowl on ya out of Arcos gotta, do is really take care. The ball it a couple. Those deep balls she loves throwing, you know he's had some mistakes, but he he expect that for a guy who just came off the couch, you know and and he's played really good football, even with those mistakes? If he can do what he did when he won a superbowl, not have any interceptions at all in the playoffs they, I could see cleveland winning a super bowl if he doesn't throw a single interception or anything. It's going to be a tough road, it'll be a tough road, but they're gonna, be there be a strong team.
Yeah yeah has as urban we asked grant. This has re sex. You had all been like I'm thinking about coming back now he would tax you right, Think so we'll think so, I'm doing or out again you're in the media to monetary. Far out. I think about tat. Has anyone got marry you for? Take you bad in the media the used to play with her. jones got mad at me. Oh really, what he say yeah I dunno. He texts me. He was like what the fuck dude he gets nice. He texts me like What's the hurry, you borrow as perforates. You knew you said some It was literally like right after the thing I said, I'm good at may have taken. My
I go to school right now. How are you? Oh yeah, daughter, she'll, bother humanize yourself from my family right, yeah yeah, you gotta, get to take off accies out great man, weather's great in l, a right now more of a crazy law know that was a couple of years ago, but now I I haven't you know Brady will call. He calls me a little media media darling now or something I like that drunk also said that occasionally Brady would text images highlights of the two. Blind to see every that, like hey, remember, awesomeness was, he hasn't takes me highlights beheld he'll text like certain plays that we had if he saw aim, because now, that you're retired we ve never watched the games on tee. I he does. This could be us, but you plan. remember that, I remember when we used to do that together is more of a remember that yeah now not at this kid, so how's everything going. You are media darling.
Name's back whose dream guest on that we already had you to sell those results could handle I like to do wait. Is this the first time you've been on since you weren't on the mount rushmore was not Well, she might know we voted for. Yes, we voted here. We voted for you, Hank did not hank did not hurtful fucking. but whose dream guest It's an awesome pie, gas like, gee. I I'd love to get Jordan on the air will you I think, build. I owe you and bill in like a big game. I think bill would be. I would just love to see him. I know the fucking smile he gives when he does. Certainly, I would love this I've never done the impression in front of a sour out. I would italy, hey billy, you don't want to see our iraqi Brady
I think he would want to do like the twenty eight to three game, or do you think that bill would want to dive like way back to some like week, seven cleveland, browns game where he remembers, like the cool shit that he might go back to like a baltimore, colt it is a special teen coordinator like that, did if it's the further in the weeds, he loves you. or the was a game where here he like make made time disappear, was that the jets yeah, he was on the sidelines for a while, then back to him, but without that was a different one. There were two times so yeah. Wasn't he at first and then rabia came to us in the playoffs yeah, but the first time you did it, I think, was against the jaguars and a penalty in this yeah. You guys took two consecutive penalties and they showed bill on the sidelines and he just had this shit eating grin. That was just like going across his face and I think Adam Gase was coach, who was just like trapped in a vortex like what the fuck is happening to me right now. That was awesome. That was it now. I don't know if he would do that. He he loves the giants games. He would love talking about a giants, game or an old. I don't know,
I would say, whatever gain you'd want we're. Where do you think you rank in Bilbao checks? Favorites some who are in n. Is there a clear favorite? Oh yeah, lt Multi maltese number one of dirty yeah. He loved defence, guys tat. We used to call Devon devon, Bela, czech girl, he loved mayo. He was like a little bit like make gerard Bela check, love, defence, I don't know I don't know Keziah. Should you should he's gotta get poker face? Brow leaves you do you know a lot of people, don't know what he's really think if you ever got among gives. Maybe you should ask like Amir top ten, because I like you should beyond their just like your story scrappy and like you're, the perfect pella check page it is like guy that no one wanted to draft like switching positions, utility them
is an incredible wide receiver. I I think he respects my game. I think he respects me, which is ultimate. You know cause he's seen a lot of players. You know- and I I dunno I dunno exactly what he said, but he he released a statement when I retired, which If the ship brought tears to me, you know you know. Coach was like dad yeah tad saying I love you yeah. It was like the first time. You said I love First I've been working hard, our minds career just to you that made it all worthwhile I mean that's awful any time he gave you a compliment. Yeah swill speaking of has frank dune pranks frank, is still our: can the the body shop motive repair by yeah yeah, he's still described in everyday reigned in he's, he's all worked up about this bill shit to really get he caught his? He call into tom grant. does he hymning Tom talk,
it's always like what the fuck is going on here and my dad still watches like we had so we sell directive get my parents out until he has all the boston channels and he still watches like the boston media stuff. Just to see. If this is your name nah just to see like he still loves the team like he loves, belichick, yeah yeah, he loves Brady. You know he he you know he so he's he's been all worked up over this whole thing like I can't fucking. Do this Have you tried to get him to take some time off? My dad you yeah bro, like So I had my parents down for thanksgiving and as a pop me, can you can you come near tuesday? Will you know now gotta come windsor got a closed shop in ordinary ear man and again into the year, is tough, so he's got a close. Our books eat we'll get him on a vacation here soon openly. Where would you want to go on a vacation? I think
He said he wanted you ve never been out of the country has never been a europe. Ok, he would. He wants to go to greece Okay, yeah, he wants to see like he wants to see the island stuff, but he also wants to see like the old history you know of athens and shit the on I don't know yet there I got get family trip. There was a big stick The news this week made some waves where's retard men, many AL rashid men, mendenhall, yeah, doing the hypothetical all black first, all white probable, I drafted you onto the all white team as a defensive back. Because our ranks were so thin right, there are few receivers, receivers, cooper and feeling the out and maybe braxton. We abstained tight ends, since he leaned over me. I know a recurrent return of aid are ranks were so thin db that I was like. I think we have to call a jew in elements. If had combating be struggling. Could you gotta
to kill absolutely no, how many yards, if you're, if you're matched up against them for four quarters, let's say was a close game. How many arts you think he put on it? He put a lot but I I tell you right now: I'd hold them every goddamn play yeah, I told them at yeah, I'd use five yards and I'm holding that's it. I would do the worker and I cover of in practice it so fuckin mad, hold them is hold them make it so they can throw jones. I actually think that deepens back might be the hardest position to play on the way you doing everything backwards. Yeah. in everything and backpedal, every rule changes but then put them these areas van art is in the office Dana where they're going, but you don't know where they are. What's your take on this or the the kid who got suspended was ruined for the hit? Oh, the colts, I I think it's bullshit. I it indefinitely on that play. Looked like
anything in slow motion looks bad gathered. There's not a lot. We see with hockey, I think more than we talk about football where you you slow down the reply like look, how malicious it was. It was the shoulder to the head and if things are happening at like warp speed in real time, you can adjust your body that quickly. In that case, he was diving forward almost into the pariah. Defensive back was going to the deficit back now cause you're allowed to hit a guy high, so you're your target as a defence employer is gonna, be right around that MID section area and that's where his head was going towards. I think it is way easier to say, with the benefit of all ammo like that's a dirty plate. It's also like week we ate for some reason, offense. You know there are times when clear, the defensive players targeting but often suppliers don't get any criticism in terms of like that. The reckless play on his side too. You know, like both sides. It's unfortunate hit, but I just think indefinitely. I think it should have been a penalty in the moment, but
spending is grace. Is you have a record? I must, He might have some priors yeah, the guy from Denver deftly does, and so was. I had such a bang bang play where such talk eyes or in the air going for the same spot amazement. back makes a better throw. We don't have it right right with ngos in the whole were Brady was saying you know like ie. If, if you were like rewarding offence for lack of execution of right. right or it's like even like you'll see a running back, lower their head into a defence that never gets called there. He had or how many times I ve been doing it more lately I mean you can clearly see the point of embassy going on right now, the other one you like line on aside so did did you ever get called for lining up? Did you lie up officer in pittsburgh? So I was in the slot a lot and I like to hug that line, so I can get into my route quicker,
and so I would always go, and I would look at my guy and I'm telling them I'm back, and I and I did it on film and you know, sometimes you get lazy and you just you- do it without making eye contact them love. I call me- and I was clearly I mean I was close to the scrimmage about wasn't on it and I, on my gave him I'm off, you know, I have been called for something like that. But it goes into like the most fundamental thing that you practice in every walk through every fuckin practice play every. lebanon, seven right, look over to the imaginary wrath and you make eye contact them. Then it cycle we were taught. You know what I mean so united. Sloppy yeah. That was the the mo homes rant about the raf's at the idol, get mad at him or homes, even though it was renovated right after the game, and I also like watched it being like What is really mad about here is that they are not executed.
Are not making the little things that you have to do to win football games. You know it it it's like when you make when you make hardwood floors. I heard this. I heard belichick said this to us once: okay, he goes, you know like psych, making floors. You know like you, gotta go when you gotta hammer down each nail and you check double check, all those nails because he may miss one, and you may not see it, but three months down the road when you stub your fucking to on it you'll realize he should have checked again. It's like that just getting to be executed and these, If the things that you're not doing in practice, these little things that are coming up, you know that that's probably because they haven't been practicing. It right yeah, no true every your sneaking out of make sure there's not a ring. Doorbell camera tat, my catch, a shortlist you know. How do you
he'll, live in another way too far, though you know dominate how relevant to ask him about it, the bridge I'm gonna go up there and I'm ominous hey, hey coach. You know that deep breath that he took to gather yourself it's what I used to do every time I had to step in your office yeah, I thought he looked good in the video yeah thought he looked strong and powerful. As is Moses got him, go and right. That's the string. Cocoa is still on the bar speaking, which there's some people fuckin haven't seen a lot, a shortlist picks view recently you getting soft, I'm not soft. I'm still cut prove it I'm not doing it out of the room. I got some. prove it. Gronke said didn't have liked anymore. Go to football girl like that fathers day. Will stand in front of you or sit behind you.
was fathers day, shirtless shortlist of society he still from the goddamn shoot. Should thing listen. I just people are saying like hey where's the thirst traps bear It also has taken over your crown. You know I got a kid now, it's tougher when you're around or more you know when I was playing. I only have her for a week at a time. So then You know like when you have her in your schedule time. I can just be can't be just thirsty: yeah gotta be working hours. that's what I heard. I heard that you were really going to jump yeah I got fired, you ve gone soft, you sure he has kept his like can happen in any podcast who call new julian settlement because you're eating so much that old man I do like to eat, though the winter we can allow ourselves, we can say without beef hell, yes, for you yeah, I'd stores. He you get soft, like I said like podcasting, can get you soft, a little harsh like were
We basically there are the intellect evolution, chart man walking upright. podcasters go in reverse. We're just eventually you're beyond all force. so here you see the juniors all day down because they re Why did you one member gonna throw my hat posture of yours came overhauls laying down for evolution, man upright operate operate and then the one at the end is just a guy like, with cod count microphone just been like women should have more sexy yeah, it's no art, the obvious stop having sex with women bear them, earn it. Why are you as a man having sex with a woman? The gay thing do is have sex with girlfriend. Would you agree Our girls gloves the come out every now and then like what is this? What is happening here? Why are you as mad racing yourself and acting
eminent along with a woman in order to get a females approval disrespecting yourself? I don't see that content really algorithm unless you gotta get content yeah. Good algorithm to see. I guess I see deaths every day on twitter. Now I see I see a lot of like fights yeah. I always get trend in. Like I get sad when I see a bad fight, I know it's like. Oh no well the city watch out. It's coming out even though like what, if you're, that guy and you're fighting someone he hits. You then like it flips a switch where you can't stop and you have to beat 'em up yeah, you know, do silva switch to saw that dog Let me know when you're born with it don't go away, boys sure. How do you? How do you release the dog I bought to have an outlet box rough and rowdy, not like that? no, but would you know how you would be interested yours, wealthier? U verse max No rufford rowdy, I don't mean, hits the head. I just do you know what I like to train it go to church on santa Monica. It's pretty dope spot, ok,
shrouded max says. One thing by massey says that beach I mean Is he a box in now knows is big? Do big media clinkers to now be bad news from it will be very bout me yes, within the ten seconds here He'll, be fact I gotta get in and out here saw super opec his ravens niners. Think it's rabid niners! Are you going to sue both whole week? He can hang out yeah. We get it. We're doing games names there at the when and who you guys got on. I dunno, who do we have, I think, maybe mark wahlberg, oh that'll, be good your nine eleven! If there's one thing that is aimed at what would it be, I would have been the case. The hymns part of upper gone, the boy I've been on a flight. He had tat quote what is that things would have been different if you do take care of things over
different. You play that situation. What would you do? I I don't know. I don't want to say, yeah. I think I'll just try to trip someone running down the aisle and then, if that doesn't work like, while I tried, I think, I'd, probably just cry: yeah yeah, probably a lot of tears. Now about to shun mcdermott thing we're all pearly in in the precision he motivates gay. I heard about his like football coach is talk about just crazy shit. All the time unlock room to kick ass motivated. What's was the craziest thing that a coach has ever tried to use, as I can innovation tool for you nothin along that line. I probably.
I don't know they always used to. Sometimes they do it like nothing like that. We used to get these tip sheets on. You know, saturdays from from Chad, O'Shea where it have the place called the call sheet of our plays we'd have, like you know, all our run run game block assignments like printouts of how it looks on film. You know what I mean to say: you can go over it and study before and unlike the last page and you'd have like some kind of sane or some old like history now the job of the team we were playing or or a brave heart quote, or some nothing crazy ravenous. I don't remember anything that big, It's happened where you like worthy go near here, at the mature restore. He was like that's bad, but also football guys, just the kind of take it too far. Sometimes he usually football guys are pro military yeah. I make that like when, when we talk about the navy seals it together, yeah. I can we do that via
zero dark thirty zero. There would have been perfect zero dark. Thirty, that's so true, in those guys- are bad asses. He's got lost your loss a little bit. He tried again your idea leave. You represent real eighty, try, rape, the logic I waited pistol yeah, I what the fuck is till wait hold on a second? Those are the pad gift ass. I am sure that it's definitely a story where I I mean it's clearly out one of the players. Some one said it, but that's when you know you go to the locker room after team mean you're like what the fuck was. He talk. It's okay or something you just you just did mark wahlberg for that. For that hype up speech, you were like. If I were there, I would have spoken up yeah. I would that would have ended differently. No, I I said I would have probably in the locker room would have been targeted like
mccourty or nica, which, like what the fuck you're talking about. There was a will compton. That told us a coach that he had, that was like talked about and like being in the military he served in afghanistan or iraq, and he was like you, gotta shoot. Whatever is in front of you over there safeties off safety off. If it's a child, if it's a woman, superman dog, a dog doesn't matter, you gotta kill it, and that was that was pump up speech and will come to equate what Yeah we were killing dozing off its resolve. Some could definitely go Where the line here I got one last question: row backward in our eco basic data. Come from a code take twenty percent off first purchase queues of polos, hoodies, joggers shorts. Everything row backed outcome, the most important question: how do we talk about property? Is he the envy p? I mean I pray, probably is that's it I mean then? Be peace, always quarterback, right, ovens, players years, always someone else, but but its very. If she's brok party
It feels like there's a lot of people online who, like I a more say nerds put, maybe nerds, I like all it's just the system and all this stuff, and then you see a lot of guys who played the game were like no he's balling like The ways throng within dissipation like this. Isn't yes of course, if you put pat rooms in the niners, he would look great but, like you have to give credit to what brockport. Actually you have to know that this whole game manager thing people, don't realize it's more like a game operator, you know being able to go in and and communicate personnel group play call checkout play give like, and you know been on the same page with each guy in the huddle been able to do that and it's acute at the level he's doing is very impressive. Yeah I mean he's, got too many situational throws where he's drawn, or you know. Third and eight, you know third and thirteen and in cut anticipation, there's too many of those throws
he's not good in it. We ve seen this system with Jimmy. We ve seen this system with tray lance. It look nothing like it right, the same players so near we, some the eta start talking and put in some respect behind his name cause he's playing of appointing a looks like he's always in, intro yeah. He doesn't ever look flustered and you know I'm really impressed of of how he's playing and I hope to see him continue to succeed. You could it's a it's a great story and and he's continuing making this you know a bigger and bigger narrative on it in the more we talk about it the better you he's doing ass, is it's not unlike the start of timber industry? That's all. say not say he is Tom Brady. But if we're the flash I cannot be more productive, yea,
in the flashback, two thousand and one two thousand and two, and we look at what we're saying about Tom Brady then and how he was playing compared to brock, pretty right now, yeah late draft pick late draft pick comes in no expect to get a great defense he's relying on that right off the bat. It's the start. I dunno what the finish is going to be, but it's it's a start, he's a he's having a phenomenal start to his career, and you hope you know you hope he stays healthy and you hope that he continues to to keep the mindset that he has right now because he's ever eat I've met him. We went and did a known event. The super superbowl last year and he's he he could just tell he's- got a good head on his shoulders and you in you have to win when you're the face the team. Okay, we'll will I love christian Mccaffrey is a dog everyone on that team is a dog, but the face of that team is the quarterback yeah k a you know. We we saw what it was when they didn't have the quarterback position going. and you see
it is, what it is when they have brought pretty plain. So you know that that's that's! The league we play in in is is balling out and I'm excited to see what he does in these playoffs yeah the trick question. The answer was trent Williams, actually, John Williams, trembling and sugar monster monster will be just cool. They gave the Mvp If it's alarming, when you're yeah, I would would you have to do as an office alignment, I don't know, I love antiques you'd, probably have to catch a couple of touchdown passes like maybe three or four the tackle eligible yeah yeah. I I don't. You know health it's too vein of a world the the year, the jj whiting of a war. I agree society the year the jj watt had like all those like he had touchdowns and you know a like a pick six and Twenty sacks thou was like the last time is like. Oh someone, not name the cord. Could private l ticket envy p? I think you did the aims.
Wide receivers. Never one of you! Never! Never! I mean terry kills. right. If he gets, I mean he's having a hell of a year, a J browns Heaven. Last non quarterback I think, was adrian Petersen and twenty twelve. I want to say, I think, what its yeah I don't it's it'd, be cool to see the running backs, get it, though, if they gave it to christian just because of the whole. You know before the season stuff that was going on. That'd be cool yeah, I'm looking, but it also could be. One of those things really gives it to the running back. Just just to kinda set them up. What I think we might reach a point where we have brock and christian splitting each other's votes. Somebody that wants to vote for the best player on the forty niners they're, not all going to focus their attention on the same guy, so those guys might get split up and then knows what happens after that. You have our seven a goddamn good ear too. Yes, the nineties huddle had a lot more running backs
yeah, lord stiller one. Ninety six m vp you're right. Yet the natural davis, Marshall, falk and smith berry was really good. I love watching him play and then yeah it hasn't been since Adrian peterson. They were shaun alexander and in the danny tomlinson in two thousand and six that year was august. Sander got paid after that and he was on the cover. Madden, play the hidden dan thomas, and I had him on my fantasy team in two thousand and six I was the last time I was good at fantasy. It was awesome lt. He would He would literally score every twenty five touchdowns and he would throw him too. It was just every week. Could just be like? Oh that's. Forty points, that'll be interesting: san, diego yeah, l, a harbaugh. Maybe I want him in chicago, but I feel like harbaugh that might be. Maybe milicic were a militia, whereas where would you where would you prefer to see below?
I would love him on the chargers. Yeah cause. You could go to practice, go to practice, haha yeah. Would you ever coach hell? No really dude? I put when I was playing yo ano put thirteen hours. in your leave and work. It's dark and you're watching the coaches see their family in the parking lot for fuckin forty five minutes before they have to go to a thug night meeting. Hell, no yeah, you know it's, it's those guys, love football and soft. How many? How many minutes var p m t d Tom Brady's heard through you at social clips count, maybe yeah sure parlay fifteen Ok that works networks, that's fund by fifteen, I mean you like to play griffin. These are the guys that, like we know, you know you got smaller guys into it, which we appreciate was huge for our son. He got together. We have
and with a law we didn't know would have would have bill said like jewels. I need you, like us either I bought at your age. I dive children. Need you bad fever, suck. If sock. If our jog we need to learn, I need you to be chief dog and you in the locker yeah still. I need idea dogged tricks, plant in the locker against june at a man and not answer milan there, we need we'd, sir silo. He needs it easier put dog and every one of these guys coach needed me, maybe
yeah, especially if it was hell, not I'm not going off the top secret dog mission. No, but until I told her I told Brady, you know if, if if, if, if and when or when he becomes the the coach, the raid or the owner of the raiders or whatever a piece of it until me, could pay me know a couple million bucks and I'd work out the talent in l, a three days? You know three four five times a year, it's a good gig. You know yeah in london on some outlet for us,
I don't know, let me let me see. Let me get my baby. We just interview like potential guys, we'll we'll do the dog testing. The dog test is just to look in the eye. Okay, do we haven't? I can't see your eyes, so maybe don't don't don't don't take them off you're, afraid of some dog. You got puppy, okay, that's fine or the puppies grow into dogs yeah. I got dog how Could you teach us how to run routes in like? Have us look like an hour ago? Either? It's not teachable! It's fine! My inside my blocking a mortal blocking my notes like speed, yet teach it. I got some great slow to which muscles. How does it work is whenever you teach me I to it's slower than ever expected which is almost as effective as being know. What smooth, though, cause I was watching you out there
I mean that's what I remember when I was doing. I was young and I had a coach. He goes, you know I'll be trying to go to the bags too fast and I clipped a couple of thing or some heel. Slowly smooth And slew this fast yeah, that's up! Mr me oghee. Now What I would say that you look like sure you don't have any wiggle wiggle, so import out, you had so much wiggle, not away I love you. I love be able to decide for that. When you see like a slot, whites receiving has no wiggling you're like now came a kid it doesn't have the wiggle. I gotta have wiggle gotta the wiggle HO my favorite they used to run would be. When you go, you do like to the inside. I should think you set up like half stuff faked the outside to step fatal inside and then go back out to the outside along the same line. Did you ever think about doing like adding one more fagin there doing like three facts and then coming back to the inside? You try it in practice, but
I know exactly you're talking walker used to do thou a lot you're playing with people's like leverages and in and you try. You get an outside technique, sometimes I bring it out and go in because their thinking inca, if you give a jab release and you go out in- go and then slap mountain get out you're trying to gain leverage. So you do anything you can to gain that leverage, so it it's! It's because if you don't get em you're stuck in you're, not getting the ball but one do you know you get the feel of it. That's when you see a really good route. Runner- and you see you know like west what wes welker was really good at getting guys to flip their hips in such a short span of time. You know in the slot young
so you try to mess with those standard, wiggle or last last question. Who is the best route runner in the game right now, yeah best route runner in the game, stuff question: it is cooper, kupp coop cooper- is very good and any I I was when I went and interviewed him. I was watching all his. You know. He watched the game, but when you watch Oliver this film, you can run a lot aroused. the guys that run more like the bigger route trees, not a guy that can just run a go or come back. The guys that can run go come come back in cut, you know out. Fast. The bigger your tree is the better. You are silly them. you more chase has really good around us endeavours. Just in jefferson has just jobs, and so the eggs has really good roots yeah
and I feel like those guys who show skilled. They don't get the credit now being route runners because it usually when you're like all, is great route. Runner, it's like! Oh well. Maybe he doesn't have everything else now, but those like justin jefferson, changes direction without ever breaking speed or strider like any like If you go to the tops of routes, when you see how the the cut out of the top of a row and when they come flat, downhill and stuff like guys at you know the breaking and cutting of drift up field, I had a terrible row. That's why you get undercut picks. You know you got to eat, you're, basically come and flat down When you see that in in a route runner like, then you know that he knows yeah. So there's a lot. I mean rout runs, It's not it's very good right now is because there's so much film yeah learning quicker at a younger age. Their practice- like their releases in their thereby putting these tools on their bell at such a younger.
It's like I, I didn't really, it did releases instinctively. They have like five different releases and you know know how to you use them. You know, and and so there's a lot of good stuff rhino yeah while jewels you're, the best guess, you're welcome back any time the same. We have pod castro use you ever give you a games names in chicago. I need to love the highly comebacks as she cut. Maybe I get Jordan yeah that'd be good here. Yeah I'd say that would be a good podcast air that we'd get so cocked I would be so maharan came in your office. I build another podcast be furious. I would be happy for you as a friend. I would Slash retires here, had sought retires, while you're at it do it in his new yo actually, etc. I think you could do it in the studio, but you just have to release apart cast on the parma. Take feed deal mail and get back to you it'll, be a commotion. Gotta come back cause, we love having you around. We've missed you, it's been too long. It has. I you know I
We have to see each other when I lived in new york. I know- and I know it, but now you're not new york. Either no you're, not either we gotta make a trip to We ve been talking about abu, yet we a couple times. You can talk, and maybe like some time after march madness to like a week in l, a big bunch interviews, and they will do that it was round ticker shirts off runs rouse mean entered. Yes. If five and sunny right now standard is the standard c habit that earthquakes common it always is it always taxes, so all I can say yeah, none of those in Chicago yeah. I was in chicago tax, No state income tax, not the same as the california state income tax, just for california's, like eight percent, walk outta, you I forget like five five: yes California's. What like thirteen eight yeah, she thirteen, eight and yeah you gotta, wear mass still, fuck that I mean it's. It is weird out there I beg you jewels agnes,
who has brought you buy chevy, there's new family with unstoppable grit and they are the official partners of the pardon my take family. That is the study silverado your to family. the first ever silverado heavy duty easier to join the franchise to make shove, easier to the only truck brand, with full lineup of trucks ready for wherever you offer ventures, might take you, I'm a shabby owner. Went to shovel dealership. I purchased a brand new chevy with my own money. I spent my money on shabby because I know that there are great brand. They make a great car. I love chevy. You can lead to with this? First ever silverado heavy duties, you're too, automatic dss, be dampers rugged mud, terrain, tyres and up to fourteen available cameras the shabby silverado Z or two and silver otto, each deasey, or to a family with commanding an unstoppable had to show me that calm check out chevy silverado in the family of shares, your two's, the official truck of pardon, my take ok. Fire first was too
henry. This is kind of like it's a mystery firefox on an over to firefox, yet or not mystery fire a worker decide now it it's it's to be determined. We had the event lassiter river north town show and then we went out afterwards. Shane me max Evan. Bunch of guys played some pool at corselets had a good got little wasted and then I went home impact, Oh, no, you know what's in your bag, nobody live on the you gotta. Keep that briefcase shut yeah. Did you packed like a genius winston type thing Our immediate needs pact, but I it. Where are you going to new I'm going to massachusetts in new orleans? so you got to double climate pack yeah why you should wait until you get home and like an unboxing of your own, close at you packed. yeah. So I don't I I don't know I really don't you knew nears neural.
I'm going I'm coming back new year's eve night. God is. We have to work out the nurse eve new year's day. Neo now well, yeah, it's new years eve I'll, be here new year's eve. I will be in new orleans, though. I'm excited, billy strings concert. Friends, golf hell yeah that sounds great I've. Never I've been to new orleans for work and never really spend for files, though, when we had a lot of fun, northern strewed. The now is to be not only that, but the island or coach k not even that that one yes, the fucking national championship was also the national charity. But now literally, I would like job interviews parting. It yeah. It was the best night ever and one of those interviews. We were blind, drunk come on we're blind dragon, I've had a lot of fun, nor also when you do her like going to new orleans for work when we were there for the final for our
we suggest, go, watch basketball games and then come back, be like that game was ass. Any chicken fingers yeah anita, that was it grinding grinding senior vice yeah are you ah yeah? I did. I did do a part of his bit last night for him last time, pft kind of spoiled it tweeted out my routine should be I never could do that. He didn't you can never burn them. I just I tweeted out the just the very first part of it. I sent hank and then I entire clip, so he can watch it back, then I the only point I tweeted I was- was hanks pfc, commenters here, given over up counter. He donates three million dollars to charity. That's the part that I tweet out. Oh that's! Good joke! Yeah! It's a great joke! I loved it yeah! What's the funny part about that. I'm not going to get into it cause I know trying to save it. I don't have a lot of material. I didn't. I didn't tweet out the punchline and your reason for saying that I tweeted to apologize. Not the years years was appropriate
I cut it off after my name is hundred Lockwood yeah and I'm going to be doing this and will now. I just didn't, realize I'd pass out those little cases for your phone yeah yeah. We gotta do that, but I did six minutes was kind of a train wreck. So it's going to be along January. also very well as it does on good. Unless you beat me, its jake saying is or is not good, I am a big procrastinator. I can't even consider we'll see after this weekend. I guess, but I can't consider beating you cause. I just won't work on anything, so I have to just pretend like it's over at smart yeah. It is smart, that's really smart! okay, pft, my foreign first of the week and I'm shaving my mustache no shaving. It boring because my my mom's just going to look at it. I owe my mom just going to be like what wouldn't even notice. What are you doing we're doing. Pft I raised about in this now.
Note no commentators heartily coming at. I agree. I think it looks awesome right now. I've got so many compliments on it. What about god? Max? I wasn't was anything, but I was looking at what cyber decided tat. I ve learned. Oh what max's there I've had signed up pointed out unless it or not, that bad sideburns for fifteen years, but you specifically shaved to look like sideburns. I know I'm going to shave them into even finer of a point just cause. You know that there's nothing worse than a new insecurity unlocked I'm I'm impervious to your sideburns slander. That doesn't phase me at all. But the mustache leavings- can be the end of an era. Sadly, so you call me feeble needs and we do the gall suzette in my head. Do you guys have those moments where you're like new new insecurity unlocked? I remember in college once a girl was like your eyebrows are too big and I was like okay, I never thought of it and now I'll think about
every day. For the rest, my life, I've had a couple of those. I there was a personal usages, like tease me for having red hair, allow and I was like my here's not read. New insecurity of not. She was, like. You know, work you're, a ginger then, for a while I thought I was a ginger beer yes onto jackson, media crackers. That's not insecurity, and I see as a security analysis. That's a fact Paul security, baby companies. ah yeah, so end of an era shave inside the mustache off sideburns will stay blue as they always. Maybe you know what I'll put up to pull yeah corruptible I'll. Let the people decide also my vote carrington okay deal, my other fire fest was that megan making money eat my lunch yesterday, yeah and I was very much looking forward to my lunch. I'd been podcasting for like four and a half hours doing a long episode of microdosing. Oh, I thought it was when she crossed you up on the court. No, no! She she could never put the put the clamps
she ordered a greek launch literally eight, your lunch. I ordered a greek law and I was very much looking forward to it again. It had been sitting there for about hour and a half, and I was hungry by the time we're done podcasting and I got out and the lunch was gone, megan came found me. She said pft I'm so sorry, I accidently your lunch. and you know what I was like Guess that's, ok, cause. She also ordered greek law. yeah feels like I got mixed up. I I saw what you ordered. I thought it was my lunch, so I ate that. I'm very sorry I was like. Oh that's, fine I'll just eat your lunch. Then, she is well. I also add my own lunch. she did she double dipped on much wow, like that circumstance. You, you offer your lunch to the person, And then, if they don't take that, then you order them should have made her baby bird her launched. While I heard I heard she was she was like passing around. She was like all the sandwich I got is really good. I won't take a bite. Oh no, sir everybody everywhere I got my lunch eaten by everyone. Tat is for the team that stinks.
so much. My terms are clear. I just need to have with her husband raoul for night and then we're back. Even yeah. So I give her I get one night with Raoul and then its water as a bridge, progressive, shut them Yes, this, MR making money is the best, as does it doesn't eat on Alice you game days. I like that notice. You said nothing about drinking as a dozen e europe. I've been around and look up while she game days and you can tell a guy who was not eating that day. He was the absolute bastard darts at darts day. He was the dark father. Oh yeah he's the best mr making money, I my fire presses. I lost my voice again this week, policies to everyone. I feel very bad fuck. You too, the couple people dude. No one wants to listen as like yeah I dont want less than myself socks sound. You sound, mature. I was, I went to sleep very early, every single might the problem is our job is to talk so like
Actually, almost all the way back on tuesday and Wednesday have like five shows in a row: yeah I I do actually care, china lose my voice. Happens once a year thought we get through this football season without it, but here we are so. I apologise again we're gonna gonna arrest up. Does the brake comes at a perfect time? Yes, certain throat exercises. I do not have these drops of india, everything chugging like robot tells him at night, raw milk romilly ever honey. Everything I've been gargling salt water literally everything, so I apologise again. Jake I was a time going ox throwing last week. I waited in line for twenty minutes. It was three four throws perfect. In dollars and I missed the thing all three times are not strong yeah strong is one of those I've done it it's ours. Well, it was one of those perfect schemes
it looks great on instagram yeah and then you get there like three through. I went alone bugs I wonder who decided that acts throne was gonna, be where it seems like it? Just happened is like google. It is the now glossing over the world, that's what the axe throwing people about Axtra, but I feel like theirs probably like some big venture capital. yeah. I got together with other rich people. Like you know what america's gonna have in every single town, Fuckin acts throwing range. It is like that's a great at its. It sounds like the thoughts of a group of really cooked up guys. Yeah got together, you know, even if I had a virus like ok, you know that when you look at instagram people doing it on your acts, drawing it looks fun all france together, I didn't. I literally did it with all my friends once and it was just like: ok they're, all everyone's trying to find the next bowling bowling can just be bold. Owing is the best thing. Is the natural Earl gardeners
I would like. I was running back the bowling challenge for rush for next year. I would love to live inside acid rain. We just Everything reminds you of a company that you should sponsor yeah shudder data we all by the way who used our boiling challenge for punishment. No smart, awesome, yeah! now. Look like good time. I think that our best punish rising people, five forbear entire hot dogs, hours without definite fund. What sort of romance next summer. A wheel levis did not practice today. I think it might be more equal us, which would be a bummer give us toenail this will, as someone might be, I don't you gave her the years anymore, but nuclear missile numbers forty eighteen, an issue for the holidays. Wanting seventy
three is the holidays. No, but we will take the next to right after this seventy one, twenty eight pug- the logical circuit, pugs puzzle, weapon on the pool table the seventy four or the seventy four. guys I choose to promptly level
about seven diseases.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.