« Pardon My Take

Dana White

2017-10-16 | 🔗

Fastest 2 Minutes in Football for Week 6 ( 2:24 - 7:16). We have recency bias on which teams are good in the NFL and playoff baseball talk (7:16 - 22:59). Who's Back of the Week (22:59 - 38:40). Football Guy of the Week featuring Will Muschamp putting his face in fire (28:30 - 36:46). UFC President Dana White joins the show to talk about Mayweather/McGregor, what it's like to promote a fight, why he has a girl's name, and upcoming UFC 217 (36:46 - 64:30). Segments include Trouble in Paradise for the Browns, Grumors with Jon Gruden in Knoxville, Talking Soccer, and Mike Greenberg's Dumb Rules for the Patriots/Jets ending.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On today's part of my take. We have the president of UFC Dana White, really phone interview with him in person. We have the fastest two minutes from weeks, six who's back and football guy the week before we get started. I want to talk to you guys about word press every day. Millions of people go online to search for local businesses. Does your boss, small business, show up when you create a website on wordpress dot com? You make it easier for customers to find you to connect with you to hear how you can help them. Your business needs an online home. It needs a wordpress dot com website. You don't need experience. Setting up a website. Word press guide you through the process from start to finish their customer support team is made up of Wordpress experts eager to help you get the most from your site, they're available to help twenty four hours a day Monday through Friday and weekends plan, starts to just four dollars a month and all word. Press plans include a custom, don't name name for the life of the plan we use Wordpress. We live by word, press a blogger. It's a cool thing to do so get started today with fifteen percent off any new plan, purchase, go to wordpress dot com, slash, be empty to create your website and find the plan. That's right for you. That's wordpress, dot com, Slash p m t for fifteen percent off your brand new website, wordpress dot com, slash p empty. Do it right now we're press dot com? Let's go! Oh! I do my taxes. We had two attacks by tomorrow. Yeah
welcome to part of my take. It is Monday October 16th week. Six
we take you to the land of ten thousand lakes. A little place called Minnesota where they have to be on Guard Aaron Rodgers and made him tap out in the first quarter. As Michael Sorrentino Floyd in the Vikings were poppin collars all afternoon, Cavs T shirt to do Japan. Laundry they've got a situation in Green Bay, or do they stop me if you've heard this before, but I will be under center for the Packers in the frozen tundra. We're talking about on the folks. Thank you. Twenty three J r J, more left quite an impression. As he was Christopher, Walken hey, I got a fever and the only prescription is not get your kids vaccinated. Where was wheeling and dealing throwing for over a hundred and fifty yard he's for one. Fifty one blue to a dolphins victory. The falcons were heavy favorites, touching tribute to their former offense of line. Coach Miami had a nose for the goal line. All afternoon. We go down to the New Orleans where there were in turnovers, actually cold gaze down their bone. The scoreboard was lit up like a coed on bourbon street and a big part mark troop reserves, reminding everyone why they call it. The big drew Brees. No because of that boom bust cycle March. Fifty two red
in our nation's capital. The liberal from San Francisco were unable to bring down the statuesque Vernon Jefferson Davis all afternoon and the only words held off a late. How straight ahead rally to go three to the forty Niners have now lost five straight games by three point: oh points or less, or as they call in the Bay area, all incidents press can try. Folks, the checks were edging for victory, as Josh Mccown took the patriots around all afternoon. What just put it quite finish? Let me be the first to congratulate Tom Brady on his record, setting one hundred eighty seven, when it was not too long ago that I was at the famous Candlestick Park watching White Clark and the catch and a young fan in the same and sold by the name of Tom Brady fell in love with Chris and the game of football. What a moment for the small patriots, twenty four, seventeen, what Baltimore we go where Jordan, Howard Cosell was unbelievable all day and just look at that little your available.
Michelle Wilshire, Misty and the Chicago bears are as frisky as the swarm. After a few days, you know the canadian aspirin with a nice, we got the first twenty seven, the ravens, wonderful, well, fuller house in the Texans got it do as Houston fans, look at their franchise, quarterback and say hello, Murphy, Brown's friend stay when this enough, their franchise to put it out. Texans disenfranchise the browns like they're nocturnal voter id law. Thirty, three, seventy german! But what does burger keeps acting more like a child, the older he gets. The lady on saved by the Bell showed more focused and Jesse spent. All caps- and you read, is so excited so excited so scared about this and are popping their champagne corks blowholes down in Miami. The swedish tradition in sports boom congrats to Mercury Morris looks like Andy. Reid is drowning his sorrows in a Mars bar
standing on the corner Jim. This was in Tampa Florida such a fine sight to see it's a horrible batman. My lord trying to come back again, CZ come on a do you you're running easy because those switch from my cat is for your pay looks like cam. Newton was wrong and Gurley's do know for Paul Todd Gurley, that is Sean Connery Mcveigh. How did the whole rock all afternoon and the jaguars were forgetful about how to win a football game? They're not jacket off tonight in Jacksonville Rams twenty seven, seventeen, the soldiers when late with the game winning field goal, that's pretty cool! No, I think it's kicking it too hard to give. You know back back back back back back to what I know right now the charges are moving up and the writers are moving out of Oakland seventeen. Sixteen all right week, six in the
books. We just realized too, that we have your taxes. That's a kind of a bummer really throws a whole damper on on this whole week. Coming up, I I said on Friday, like it dawned on me that we have three days to put together a television show me, and I still haven't done my taxes from two thousand. Sixteen, the best is the every just little peek behind the curtain. How part might take works? Basically, the only thing the grounds us in reality anymore is the once every two: other day saying: hey, what's the date guys and then someone throws it out there and they were like. Oh ok. Well, oh wow! it's okay, it's August, okay! Well, that's cool! I should probably you know, find some pants to wear soon because give me a cool. I will talk to act over I'm so dumb that Texas, I'm just yeah I've, been thinking about like how much time I have left to get my taxes done for the last two months and it didn't occur
to me until like two days ago, even though we save the date three times a week and I think to myself every time. Ok, I've got three weeks to do my taxes, so you've got two weeks two weeks. It just occur to me that I now have less than twenty four hours to do my taxes. Yes, so I'ma back against the wall, game yeah, exactly that's the name of the game here alright week six, I this is my favorite part about the NFL, my throw this out there. I love when we get to like week, six seven eight- and good team loses and then you automatically like that team sucks. So the chiefs they suck the terror of all kinds. They stick the patriots they kinda suck for half the giants, yeah they're, all right, it's Michael soon. There really are yeah, as I've been saying since the beginning of the year. Finally prove rush. We just embraced a bit right now. I I one of the giants better without Odell Beckham
probably here's a list at four in the play tonight in Denver, Yeah Denver, Sabermetric Lee is the farthest away city in the NFL from sea level. Yep we're boats exist and so have they have they, cracked, the curse of the boat. Put it up, put put two and two together then equals four. I I a lot of people always really cool. That's just recency bias. I love recency bias yeah, it's my favorite thing. It's how it GE everything. J color is the greatest quarterback in the NFL is so what have you done for me? Lately, league yeah people forget that and actually there's nothing wrong with recency bias. This stuff that you experience more recently, is the truest. Yes, exactly saints awesome, really good. The lions stink browns no there's. No, they still say that little thing that we simply they stick to, but yeah he's just like there's a they historically stink. Looking through the multi verses. There's every single multiverse has the brown sucking it they max out at six. No there's that one time when they put the Broncos like every year in lost in heartbreaking fashion, okay yeah. That was what it was like a nightmare: okay, eighties, whatever sounds good
when they use actual paint on the field, so the players would come off the field after game and have like paint all over their bodies. I love that should about when they used to use actual like life with the lines. Yes and they would just burn through years your skin during Games VON Miller. Will it large that now that VON Miller could probably play on live, but he can't play on grass all right, so the big story, though Aaron Rodgers, hurt and injured? possibly injured. Yes, collarbone broken Yours are now in dire need of some help. They look, I think they're going to just go with Brett Hundley, because everyone goes the whole like well Brett Hundley is your quarterback of the future. You might as listen June. They did not. After it hardly being like. That's our quarterback future. They drafted him because they needed some warm body to be behind Aaron Rodgers and now it's going to suck for. I think they just drafted Brett Hundley, just to have somebody that in theory could challenge Aaron Rodgers, just because Aaron Rodgers, I'm just
my boss, here he seems like he got a can get complacent. Yes, that's just my with my working theory. So if you have someone who is taking like the first four rounds behind and then he leaves yes the show up on time now I don't like Karen Rogers, I actually hate him. I do think the NFL is much worse without him, because we already have a league with very few good quarterbacks and Aaron Rodgers R, little Democrats and one in in the NFL. But there is no, better quarterback to get injured purely from the rumors standpoint when it comes to who the packers can bring in you have capper. You have Tony Romo from Wisconsin and breath. Yeah. I was just. I was going to say that there is a quarterback out there that has experience with packers wins in the playoffs. Not far, but it's Romo Romo did not deny it. Yeah so actually address it, but he did yeah here's a little trick. Ok, I didn't hear denial from
so he's, been very quiet a little too quiet about that, Wisconsin guy, he grew up. Idolizing Brett Farve. I don't know if that's true, but I'm sure he probably did so. I think it would be great to see him ditch gymnast and have Jay Cutler retire right now and then joined that boo I'll. Take that I would bet tomorrow morning, Tony Romo is going to wake up in his palatial estate in India, us area and he's hop on I think he just lives in Jerry Jones. How he's going to hop on the treadmill and he's going to he's going to maybe run like two miles see if he still got it be out of shape, but, like you know what?
Maybe maybe I I need Romo just. I need the rumors to be baltasar. Need like a. I need one of those. My fear rumor is the the private work out. Hey the closed door work out for Roma, maybe someone from the packer. Maybe they could fly right out of the owner down to Dallas. I don't know so. She's had a lot more. I don't know of bus cook is involved at all with Tony Romo, but he should be for these for this purpose. Yeah right here, bus cook just needs to like take him to high school working out or if you are the Packers
could bring in, I just wanna see them bring in Matt Flynn as it as a line specialists men's only when they play against alliance. Matt Flynn gets by him but yeah. I think you're you're, I think you're on the right track. Romo, if the if the packers are looking for a quarterback with the sturdy collarbone. Yes, you can do no worse. The only role, yeah him behind that offense of line would be it's real. Real will come on back just to get one more crippling injury and have us all what have the camera, the the the camera that goes over head on the wire just like slowly go over Tony Romo's lifeless book crumpled up body on the ground. I know that shot shot every year I thought you're gonna say RON was like just have the spider camp go over men just fall yeah and land on his back injury with a Ford process. Again, yes, all right now we have more football coming up with breaking news. Yeah, Edward or Ask Brett Farr was going to come back and what he said, but first it absolutely not so much. But I don't know it's not enough is not enough. Yeah, that's not an absolutely, not actually hang on what I'm gonna refer read between the lines Edward asked
farm if you would come back and Brett Farb said absolutely: no, no, not but yeah you're right right. Both right then yeah he did Brett Farb said he would absolutely come back. Yes, I just Brett Farr little out out there him psalm, so I'm throwing around pigskin around with some with some underage boys down in Mississippi he's at the local high school he's just he's coaching but oh whoops, He did that just happen around seven on seven, the other day, weird, I thought I want to see and take the field and all is copper. Fit I just wanted him to be like a copper fit robot out there. Just wheeling and dealing, can we start a gofundme e to get Brett Farve back like if we could get if Jj Watt can raise thirty million dollars for hurricane relief? I guarantee that if the all the football fans in America come together and were like hey, we want to watch Brett far.
Just throw the ball around the yard just a couple more times and like get the kicked out of home and then get up and throw it really hard again to like your triple coverage, I guarantee we could raise like a hundred really don't know what I don't think. The press five needs the money, but I think I know but he does need. He everything in the world, except he's always going to have people making fun of him for having a small dick. If we do allegedly it well, I mean I saw yeah. I know I saw a book allegedly because some of us have small dicks so by which in position it might have been big, were such was right right. But what we can that's, that's something that if you have all the money in the world, you still want to get rid of that as reputation. I'm going to create a moveon dot org. Is that what it is ourchange dot, Org surechange DOT, Org going to create a petition saying Brett. We hereby pledge to never make a small dick choke
your expense. If you come back and by the way, this is also a great way for the NFL to increase ratings, because you can't tell me that you wouldn't tune in to watch Brett Farve put on the pads one more time right there right, hey Brett, if you're listening to this- and we know you are we stand by our word when we say we will not make fun of your smaller penises anymore, because look at us just two weeks ago, we said we wouldn't make fun of Rick Pitino jizzing down his leg in fifteen seconds. Just had a little too much calamari and white wine, and here we are, we have not made one single joke about Rick Pitino jizzing down his leg in fifteen. Second, we have not so please come back not on your leg. Yeah exactly right have quickly baseball talk. Yankees are down to the Cubs, are down to Joe Maddon
Ah, okay, I don't know. What's going on, he got a little bit a little bit of dusty and so either happen. So either way Davis is hurt which then it makes sense which then you have to say, he's hurt or Joe Maddon has lost his King, my writings. He brought in John Lackey the first time John Locke Lackey John he's, been pitching in baseball for like twenty five years and seems like that and it's the first time he's ever picked back to back games, and you brought him in in the ninth in a tie game. With a runner on second, and what would you see that John Lackey you give up a game winning home run. So I don't know what the going on, but I'm worried. I'm scared. I mean, I think, that you nailed it. There's really only two options: one like Wade is maybe just a die real, exact Britain all over from last year. Again, yes, Sir, hey maybe were just saving them, so that old, actually, that might be it. Maybe it's because
card games. No well, maybe Joe realizes the bull pen so bad. They need to save weight Davis so that one game he can pitch five innings of relief- or maybe maybe our Joe Maddon, just bet on the dodgers. True, have you got a little also in the henhouse? Let's say as much as I I really hate Joe mad at this very moment is, were like twenty, minutes after this happened. I also think the office probably need some blame when you score three runs in two game that's tough right. So what what's? What's manning going to do to get hit? Ladies, go plus wacky start on the plane ride home, for maybe like a mime magic tricks. Yeah I mean I made the Cubs World Series hopes disappear. I you know what's funny is that I I know that there's a whole like did, everyone, think, show Madden so great, I don't
grading game. I think he's pretty good at that and rallying a team and getting a team together and like getting a young, the most out of a young team, but I would say in game, he's got he leaves a little to our desire. I don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say that we are an anti nerd podcast, we're pretty clear on that, but he does he's Joe Man's actually been going against the nerve. Well, no, that's what I'm saying so. I I think in baseball there's room for a nerd on the managing staff yeah. He needed clubhouse guy, like your dusty
if you're mad and during the regular season and then in the playoffs you just bring in like the biggest a kid that you can find Nate Silver yeah. Can you bring Nate's already some on the bench? He said. Don't talk to anybody Nate, I'm gonna put I'm a computer for any with three buttons and you get to use the three of us make your decisions just based purely on the numbers Joe's going Joe's going with with is like the the deepest part of his got he's going with, like, though his balls this this series, because he went to college, were Brigands Clayton Kershaw whenever, like I, that's, probably really bad idea, and then you just didn't have because we're right back at all in game two, so we just he's thinking in that game. You don't know. Yes, we even these all over the road. Well, that's! Okay! We'll see, let's get a panic button update from them. Are you precedent? No, I'm not what's the window like the cubs site. When I was a little, I think if the Cubs can is long as they win two games at Wrigley, which I guess that would have to keep the writers alive. So that's just a little math for you right. There knows good as long as they win two games at Wrigley. I still think that the there's, if you push him a little they'll start to fold
they're they're, a little soft. Are you saying that, because they're from the state of California, I would that would be correct? Okay, although they showed, after every game, they've been showing these little kids who are just like screaming for the Dodgers, and I want I'm get triggered yeah, you say yeah as Callie. Teens are big. Kick my listen, I'm a guy with long hair, but I get very intimidated when I see like a nine year old, with the shirt off with his shirt off long hair flexing. You might think, and and he's got a he's got his cap on with this perfectly straight across it he's got his boxers up in his like jeans, sagging and he's nine he's listening? Music? I don't even know about yet Saturday night Saturday Night Game, one. They showed a fucking dodgers fan, who was probably fifty five and he was doing the hang ten surfs up like bra, and I, like
most cried in my living room. I was just like get this fungi outta here, like he's just he's just flexing right, my friend, it's a nine year old, like sipping, on a milkshake from in and out and like hand rolling a joint. In his other hand, he's like hey bro, hey Bro had to go back to go. Bang one out with the milk in the plucking parking lot will come the kids just like he like Greece. If I walked up to him, I was like Sup said he like you got yeah yeah, you just fucking punch me in the nose I'd cry. Alright, let's get to our who's back before we do that wanted to talk to you guys about Mugsy Jeans this. Actually this is a friend of mine who started this company in Chicago mug. Jeans are stylish jeans that are comfortable as sweatpants I've been wearing for years. They are super super soft, you, I know everyone out there. They don't want to wear jeans because maybe they're a little too rigid. These literally do feel like you're wearing sweatpants, and they look good. So you get both. I an all Mugsy. Jeans come in a stylish cut so, like I said you look good, you feel good you play. Good Dion Sanders taught us that
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team who's back Tiger woods he's now he's like inching up slowly. Is that your who's back? No, ok, so he's inching up slowly. He did, though he had a pot had a wedge. He had a driver he's also wearing shorts, he's also wearing shorts. That's a big step, I think well in golf, no shorts, who's back, no short short short short short, never backing golf, because it's illegal yeah, that's true Edie to cover up your cab so tiger he. I love this. It's just all the tiger fan boys are getting them. Because all these resort, where in that read today, yeah wow? Let's let go and it was Sunday Sunday, the one I'm thinking boys he's back all right, hey what starts off buddy you go. You mean that
Actually, no, my who's back of the week is animals running on the field. An announcer is commentating it their every move and thinking it's. The funniest thing that ever had funniest thing ever happened in the Oregon Stanford Game, and then they went away. How do you? How do you pronounce that? So don't do that Oregon, Oregon Rewind? How do you say it Oregon I say whatever I say: Oregon City or Oregon Trail, Nevada, Nevada, what Model Organ Oregon donor sheen him anyway, talking stage in no state income tax. Is there in Oregon no Oregon, has Oregon does does have one Oregon. Does ok, 'cause. I think it's, it's not really got it. That's. Why he's back the week there was a squirrel running on the field. He announced it for like a full minute and a half and then a player on the org, the team's sideline The squirrel is bare hands, there's also Jackrabbit. Do you see that too? That's I mean it was a job right now, yeah, it's it's okay, I think,
I saw when that happened. They had like one of their trainers, carry the rabbit off in the it was really sweet deal like rap the rap it up in a towel. Yes, sir, and that's how the breezy for the stew? Well, I'm just saying when they when they were walking off with it. The guy was looking down at the rabbit and I think he kissed a couple just like human nature, for caring, so yeah. Thank you so much he was shot and and he's won like give a little back, and then you look drugs like what what what what the wild animal it's funny. Alright, who do you got? You got four years back my whose back is the word aberration. So it's apparatus well because what it means yeah, it means so those who don't know yeah like some of our award winning the search. I might not know what that means. I don't explain it. No, I I'd be happy to explain it. Aberration means when something happens, that doesn't usually happen. So, for example, the Giants
Is that who they are or is it an aberration? That's our yeah! So people like the only time the word aberrations ever uses in football, because if your football, You get a dictionary when you become a coach. And you only are allowed to use three big words. Yeah like stick to witness, which I don't even think is what sort of work out lacks a days ago which is in a word, is like it is going down. This laxity is cool and then Thurs, aberration and see here at this time, your you have six or seven teams in the top, five. I think yeah college, that loss of the weekend- and so I heard a load of people saying is this an aberration or is- is who we thought they were yeah. I like it. I like it a lot Clemson Clemson. Well, that's concerning! So that's not a number. I love the company's back. Download is not like that. Do you see demo pull the coach gave.
So I could get fired up yet he went no. He went and congratulated the other team in their locker room. Oh yeah. I would think that it would of course, you'd hate it so fucking. It is the most like look at me, move ever so that someone will tweet it and be like dabo. What a fucking good I like dabba, I actually like dabble, I think, he's a fucking good coach Anna Kids, like videos, were you doing weird dances with the players, but that's a that's. A coach k movie that I do not like it that you pull when you don't know what to do. When you lose, you haven't lost a long time like I guess I'm supposed to convert. This is like their Superbowl so I guess about you. Coach K would go one step further and be like hey you guys, yeah, you missed how to cover upon us a let me show you go. Let me draw this up for you guys, real, quick. No, it coach k we go in there, be like hey you guys, one that was a great game. But several of your students were on the field. They were crossing yeah after the game like, and so I was safety for you know this is it's a kid's game. You know their families here. I think you guys need to do something about that. Napoli. Alright, my who's been.
Get to real quick. Her feet are back Steph. Curry has been outed as Foot Fetish guy by his wife, I don't Understand I feel like that's something you got to keep maybe and house, well now that I'm talking about it may be there there's, probably a Steph curry, Rex Ryan Esque tape out there and so they're getting ahead of the here. If you're real foot guy, because, like I cloud leak, their big thing? So if this ever happens- and it's just like a ton of pictures of Aisha Curry's feet now, we can't laugh at it's it snow in you know what curry's I'm going to tip my hat, That was a good pr one hundred and one for you, hey, Stef, why you know what you do within the confines of your bedroom? That's your business, don't be rubbing in my face yeah! I don't that's not what this is about. You keep that you keep that stuff to your christian bedroom and you don't make me listen, listen about it also, like you said so when he says to send nudes. He gets a picture of my bare feet. There's no way this stuff curry says, send nudes! No,
he probably like? Hey honey, send that up high you're working up on your instagram story. Looking back on it he's got some balls: releasing White sneakers yeah, it's always doing his fucking feet and you got that you can't dress up like a virgin. You can't make your feet. Look like virgins. If you got your dick all over true, true facts. Only all right, my second who's back Airbnb, so BB is back in a big way because you hear this, do you did you, did you hear bout, this yeah? They are going to start making apartments that are only for Airbnb. Wait, I'm going to hang So then they invented hotels, right yeah, pretty pretty part of the whole, what that's a real eyes! I see my legs in the yeah. This is like the one you just take idea, but is very well known and everyone uses and be like hey were invented. Airbnb, but it's all apartments all the whole apartment buildings. Airbnb and you can stay
paid for one night, two nights, three nights, whatever you can say in a queen bed, Akingbade too, but there might be a pool there. It'll come change your towels shortly and when you come in you can order porn at CVS. Is fucking genius actually knows what they're doing it's like. You saw a couple years ago, like uber made. A giant over that everybody could use and it followed the same route every day. It was a bus, exactly that's it like uber pool yeah proposed to support it. Just what all it says is smaller, it's smart! We need to get on that. We start inventing ship that already exists. Okay, I'm on and think about right, audio recordings, decal on your phone every Monday, Wednesday Friday? How about this? It's kind of like it's a rental service like it's like a Netflix, except as for books soon, and but it's free, I don't know yeah, so you can. You can go check, books out now and No! No, no, no and they have a
all the kids and adults I'm out I'm out and they give you a card that you can put your wallet I'm out see if like your member of a club how bout this, how bout show soccer b o okay? Are you guys like chips right? Would we put him in a? Can the cylinder? That's pretty good. So then you stack up yeah NEWS Act. That's while folks, yes well baby. Alright, we gotta get a football guy. The week for do that, seek everyone out there, I'm going to give you some free money right. This second will take this down, see key put in the promo code. Take it is the the key it's free to download put in that promo code. Take that's ten dollars off. Seatgeek saves you time and money by searching multiple ticket sites to compare prices. Find amazing deals and to get you the most bang for your buck Siki grades every ticket based on value to help you immediately identify the best seats that fit your budget plus every purchase. Guaranteed make siki your go to app for finding the best deals on every type of ticket from sports and concerts, the comedy in theater. I you see
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you know his only friend so here is wife is like sitting there like wait. What so his thought I was your best friend his best friend is proving that he's better than other people. Yes, okay, exactly and then he went on a little rant about the rule where, if a player loses their helmet, they can have to stop playing and they have to sit out of play. Yeah, so he said that he doesn't like that, because if it were up to him and if he losses helmet, he would jump, he go, stick his face into the fire over and over right and it should be the place choice. It actually feels better yeah, my body, my choice. I agree that a hundred percent, I think you're actually statistically less likely to get a concussion when you're not wearing a helmet. I agree because you protect your head more that, yes, basically that's a basic fact of human reaction to things I just like the fact, the city to stick his head in the fire over and over will Muschamp it like definitely walks up to he walks up in the he goes in the kitchen. Every single morning, any touches all the burners just in case, and it's like I burned myself again, you know what I'd do it again? Yeah I love will, must
I love how at any given moment doesn't matter if it's degrees outside or sixty. He is always like full sweat. Yeah he's he's rapping is what his hair is just always wet. So before him he probably does need a helmet, his head to flex off somebody and he hits it yeah, it's like when, when you give a guy but you're vastly before gets into bars yeah exactly. We also said that he blamed his, although like leg, injuries or him, because his his players were drinking enough milk, fax, so he he learned that from Harbaugh yeah, so every now and again must chip. I think I feel like I should almost call him fake football guy because steal things from other football guys yeah, but I don't think that he knows that he still. I think he just like he hears things yeah a dozen attribute them to anybody just like absorbs them into his own. My yeah and then repeats them like without thinking about it yeah. So the the milk thing I'll give that to you! Must him. Next up, we have MIKE Gundy Oklahoma State, head coach, he whipped off his shirt and he I actually
I'm going to throw a red flag on this football guy, MIKE Gundy's, in really good shape. I don't like that. I think he's two good of shape. Nothing counteracts a mullet like having a six pack right. It says that you're fake Molokai, yes without it out, unless you have, unless you have like a bunch of like snake tattoos or something yeah, I gotta be bad. Ask then years then you're back to being a real. Well, there's also difference between like a jail six pack yeah. They have some like eating canned tuna and just doing sit ups on a board all day or like a motorcycle. Sixty six pack like when you sit on more of those physio balls and you're sitting on your bike. All day and you get that fucking ripped as six pack right MIKE Gundy, six pack is like fifty year old man Sixpack, who has an ab roller yeah. He definitely cares about his looks and I don't yeah I'm throwing the red flag. I think my god he's getting his football guy Card Man Card revoked and uh. This is fuckedup, I'm going to do it. The mullet has gone to his head, yet Cliff Kingsberry's another one like that. I mean I was watching. Obviously our guy Arco shadow to our best Hanks best friend, Dana Holgorsen, big
in huge for West Virginia. Usually, let's go ears. Yes, huge huge comeback. I love how bleacher report those fucking nerds called it a huge upset when it was West Virginia's favorite by four, but either way but Kliff Kingsbury's, another one where he looks too nice. You can't look that nice and that pretty and be a football game right, you fake as football. Yes, I agree. One hundred percent, it looks like you've, never stuck your face in a fire before right. Ok, so MIKE Gundy, wow, first time ever offer value life, you know, there's no vote is see if you get the least amount. I would, I would just say, he's on probation, okay, all right. Well, then, now except we had Todd Haley who shut up Todd, Haley I realized it had the best running back in the NFL. That was that was an interesting move to be like. Oh maybe I should just run the ball a load. Maybe the way to win is to not have big bend, throw the ball. I love
I love what an Todd Haley is and the fact that his name gets brought up like every offseason as it as it. Another head. Coaching is a liar and then he doesn't get any interviews because everyone across the lake yeah, just like you, are a huge dick you're insane. You and your wife like trash how's. It you run through the k, allegedly allegedly out, like trash the house for two years, that you're renting or something yeah, and because five hundred thousand dollars well, let average to a two hundred thousand dollars house. I'm sure I'm getting some of these numbers wrong, allegedly allegedly, but the fact remains, like he's very much he's a guy that you want to keep like an arms length, but I think him and Ben have like a special chemistry where, like there are two assholes, but they like respect each other right. Barely your dick I'm, a dick let's just be dicks to different people, yeah right so yeah you do you take care of that side of team I'll. Take care of this nineteen bus like when you're in a fight fighting back to back? Exactly that's. Why do Todd Haley? He had a good game playing at chiefs and then he celebrated by headbutting and
are brown with Antonio Brown still wearing his helmet. So that is that's old school football guy, just being like fuck it I'm just going full head, but here in every high school team in America has one guy that does that before the game he's usually the backup linebacker doesn't really play only plays like the hype up guy and so he'll greet everybody right after they run through the banner that the cheerleaders holding before the game and I'll greet them with a I had, but in Sir bleeding from his face yeah, and nobody really cares, they don't so the trainer Overton constructed jacket, and then he tells everyone now now like to you know. Fifteen years later he's like yeah, I I got like six or seven cautions in high school, but I'm not going to see he. He only played like four place: yeah they're, often just alright. Last up, we had less miles. Who were your miles through returned to Ellis you two and ate some grass again also gave a little tip that the root of the grass is the perfect snack that's actually true yeah. So when you see a farmer in an old timing, cartoon snacking on like piece of grass or anything or wheat they're always going
in first, so he does. Do you think lesson coach? Do you think that stare down? I don't. I don't know feel, like less knows, that Cochos, like the big dog on the block now. Well, I think if, if let's just hung around long enough, I think coach, I would just like Miley assistant again and just gotta go back to like being the you know, you know less less, as I type guy or whatever I go. Family coach, oh by the way, is very back. Yes. Well, I was going to say Kocho back of the week but like he was back last week, yes, but but but then, but then he left before halftime then. He came back in the second half gonna suck when it loses like forty to Alabama he's not he's not man, We are physical football team? Will we ready to run the ball at anybody? The best part about that game was in the first half. I don't know if you, if you watched on that offense go to work, but they were doing absolutely nothing with the ball and then they called one jet sweep and they receive
and for like twenty yards and coach shows that we will, we will hold the jets without fits in with the faster. We will run the jets. We did it, stop it yeah, and so they ran about eight jet sweeps and they only gained yardage, unlike their next two, but they kept running his at the only thing that coach, oh new woodwork, Mark, just need to do that. He should feel like let's get alshon involved by making a running back and also special shout to each row who said that if he doesn't know what to do after baseball, you just might just die yeah. So that's kind of sad. Isn't it. He might he's gonna walk into that forced in Japan, yeah and everybody goes into today, ma'am that right! Yes, I do, I don't glad we don't have one of those in America the death force. That sounds like a bad thing to have. We have a cool to visit. Let's did Dana White. Do you got for us? Pfti want to talk to you guys about something very, very near and dear to my heart. That's right! It's buffalo! wild wings. I love it think about your First Jersey, okay, the button up t ball, t that you had the glossy numbers of basketball, uniform or the awesomeness of a football jersey over pads. It didn't make you
athlete it didn't guarantee wins, but it did make you part of a team. That's why Buffalo Wild wings, Wild teamed up with the boys and girls Club of America to establish team up for kids dedicated to improving the lives of our nation's youth. This provides jerseys equipment and the chance to play two kids in need. Remember that First Jersey donate today visit beat up in October, our Buffalo Wild wings dot com, slash giving for more details as Buffalo Wild wings dot com, slash giving for more details check out all right. Let's get to go out there are. This is the address you want, I'm thinking about taking you do now. I love them too. All right! We, let's get your president of another atty. No wasn't just beauty talking to just Ok, this is my favorite thing I know it wasn't that because you're pissing in the sink well yeah I did not. I did not go to piss in yet president of the UFC Dana White all right. We now welcome, I'm on a very, very special guest, it is Dana White. Is of the UFC. What's up very, very
very happy to actually finally meet. You we've been chasing you for awhile. Now I don't know if you know that I didn't know this. Guy, you know when when like someone like, I said she's in years, I just never get to your loan all at the at the the you know. It doesn't get to me unless I Bob India, somewhere right have been I've been trying to get you on the show I do happens yeah. I feel like every interview that you do. We have to start with. Are you telling That's where you've been in the last, like five days usually come in Rio. I went to Moscow and London. Germany, where have you, Germany here and then in and then after I do this I'm going to Toronto, and then I'm going to Montreal honk then usually go like oh yeah, then I'm picking up a bag in Vegas and then I gotta go down to you know this is this is after this one I'm home for awhile. So, while there's like, after going all these places,
to go back to Vegas to lay low for awhile. I love it just chill out. That's where I love to lay low. Yes, really easy to do so. I should just driving through the traffic here in New York. Now is ready, jump out of the car and kill mice yeah, it's already set in the world. Yes, you see, rattles. Did you make friends than the rats? No rats? No, no right! So New York. Let's talk about that. We also have Robbie with us who is our mma expert, so you I see two, seventeen, you ask question: are you a c two? Seventy, let's go a promo, so let me thank you and where is more animosity in the main event between Michael Bisping and George, St Pierre, who didn't really know each other. Before this fight go or the former teammates turned enemies. Homemade oven commented that one hundred percent whey more animosity there, then, and and like hardcore deep in real. You think they like actually wanna, kill each other yeah the they are yeah. I think it's more on Cody's side than it is on done on that it is on T J side, but yes, and you think Cody is justified in calling dj snake that's person. I don't know man that that's
You know there's two sides to every story and then there's the truth somewhere between so good question yeah. That was good touch time right and yet so. So what is a good like fight promotion? Look like to you do you is there sometimes ring like? I don't do anything here, these guys and just the hate each other, or sometimes you have to really get it like worked up and get them to a lab at night, though we we, it's always real. I don't try to fabricator make anybody say or do anything is anybody ever told you you look like anchorman I get a lot of different things. Yeah. I get a lot of different mustaches, very prominent yeah yeah
I get a lot of like Pablo Escobar narcos like yeah. That's a good one! Yeah, it's a good one, so I couldn't help but notice. You change the subject there, though that was very interesting on your part. Should I change this up so you've never ever made fabricated already know: yeah, no I've, never fabricated, a fight and you're. Looking up into the line now you're scratching your chin, yeah yeah, I've, never fabricated with no. I never have been like signals, or I think, a lot of people thought Mcgregor and Mayweather didn't really hate each other. Let me tell you this: well, it's I'll, tell you what happened with Mayweather Mcgregor, so Showtime. Showtime event. You know they were the co promoter of this thing and uh. He felt like Showtime. Did him dirty the first day 'cause? They didn't really tell us. What we were doing, how it was all going lay out was all sort of Loosey, Goosey right and then Mayweather came out and just started attacking Connor, then Connor went to say
talk to him about hitting women in the MIKE's got killed and then where was game on right now. He came right out after Espinoza the the the you know, the the guy who run show time the next day Floyd and it got real yeah well at first it was two guys that were gonna fight. They had said some stuff back and forth and then once they did that stuff too, on the first day in la Connor went Connor and there were some reports that the guys took a flight together at one point, and you know that that wasn't true, I'm a big flightaware guy flight tracker guy because we get really into coaching searches in the offseason. So there was, flight! That was Tail F, sixty nine thousand four hundred and twenty. That was, I track personally, that to be like it was the flight. No comment so got a plane that brought him from where
Videoblog video, where are planes land the same time at LX and we bump into each other. As like. It was really convenient that you were able to be in the same frame. At the same time, it would say that it would feel that way, but I swear to God on my daughters, life. We landed at the same time in LL. Just chill out. You don't have to bring your daughter and employees played. Was there to know you guys are like total conspiracy yeah? No, no. We gotta lot. No, they never flew together. Ok, It isn't like that. Here's an easier question why it isn't a jump on my plane kind of guy. I would imagine you need some elbow room on that thing. Yeah, do you still want to beat up during Ravel Paravel he's a douche
I played him. Wanna wanna basketball. Be, however, nothing did you yeah. Well enough! That doesn't surprise me domination. The guy tries to act all whatever he looked like he doesn't have a coordinated bone in his body he's a nerd who is a whole nother time there? Yes, so you are you? Do you still like if you see down rebel in like Alley, you, like I don't know it's not showing me you give a swirly or so it would be like the alley too. We are you allowed to pick on girls when you were in school. That's the same thing. It's like picking on girls, yeah, Darren Valleys. I mean he's. Something else ask follow up yeah. I down a feller, Ariel Helwani, a rebel more than Hawaii. To be honest with you, Helwani is just I mean. That's just that's whole Well, he's a he's, a goof yeah. What about our friend? We have a were personal friends with stitch. Duran yeah love me the station. I came up together, yeah in
so we came up together and he got a little. A little nutty and Austin's, mind but hey I'm sure, he's doing fine yeah. He is he actually, as we saw him before the Mayweather Mcgregor fight. You talked about Mcgregor kind of going off in like the press, conferences and stuff. Do you ever get nervous that he's going? like go totally rogue, and he kind of has told me that, saying that Myers through the I don't ever worry about retirement never ever worry like never going to walk away. Anybody who wants to walk away should walk away right, including Connor everybody every says I want to retire should retire in the sport. You don't stick around the sport if the r word, even pops into your head, but yeah there's times, Connor through the monster cans at the DS fight and then another time at the Eddie Alvarez fight. We thought Eddie Alvarez through the cherry picked chair was going to throw the chair back at Eddie Alvarez yeah. We've got a couple of Connor
was saying we, sir. We are kind of connect, the dots guys. We thought the macho thing was just like a viral advertising for monster injectors right. I believe that you believe yeah yeah, the only all the u of C got her home banking monsters, a collector cars get sued for that who really yeah he's getting sued, but then what one of the money you got is more than the loss. So now Hopefully do you is it ever hard, being the president of like such a rough and tough fighting league and having a girl's name. All No, it hasn't. It hasn't effect me so far. I've been thinking about it, so it effects me. No, I don't I don't. I would appreciate if you were like a Tony or
I think you, I think you'll see, would be better. That way. I actually did you might be right, yeah, it's like every now and then I'm like a not right. I guess we could do this. You I've always been interested in know like when. Did you decide that you would rather make money off of other people fighting than fighting this myself, yeah you'd, be great defense contract figured that out pretty young yeah. I when I was younger, I wanted to be a professional boxer. It's all. I used to think about dream about care about and one day you realize, you're, not it. You just got part of the face too many times it wasn't that it was just that you know you're, not talented enough to get there like it down thanks right, you get much worse, and so then you start making best friends with like the general mills, people and yeah. We go to take their press release right. Yeah follow question today rebel. Can I have some money. He saw the
see for bunch was a four billion dollars, yeah four point: two billion the how much we got a pocket. What do you need? A couple couple grand take the edge off yeah a couple grand is, if you have to leave it behind no problem, we'll figure that out after trucks came as many as you like of a rogue monster, I'll, throw a throw monster energy off you, and then you can give me money and will be like. Oh my god, how much is Reebok Pain where that jacket you yeah this is this is a UFC Jack yeah. I think I don't know if that's a UFC contract and I think women's Tennis Jesse, I actually notice that you don't wear any. You never put on any logos that aren't your own. Now like, I got: okay, oh no,
spanish jacket. No, it's not a women's tennis shoes and even if it was we're trying to do is Dana yeah, we're Serena guys so stranger greatest athlete in the last five hundred years turn the table here. Alright, are you real question? Are you mad at Jon Jon Jones, yeah yeah, I'm mad at Jon Jones. So have you talked to him like at length since we haven't talked at all? Ok, are you disappoint very that's even worse, like when your parents are just disappointed. If there is, he is there any if you ever have any chance to come back and do another fighters, this kind of I think that you know he's gotta gotta go through Usada in the California State Athletic Commission, but I think he's going to think he's going to be a big truck yeah! It's I mean any. He was. He would have been you know the probably the greatest of all time yeah. I think he is the greatest of all time. I think if he had done everything,
the way, he should have he'd be a huge superstar. He might even be the heavyweight champion of the world. Well, alright! So I have so Robbie told me that there's actually one slot open for UFC two hundred and seventeen right. Is it tt? Ok, yeah! So I wrote down a couple of matchups that maybe we could do. Let's see you tell me yes or no, ok, we'll start with this one Jon Jones, Brock, Lesnar steroids are legal, They will want to see that Jon Jones Brock Lesnar steroids illegal. They were fighting like a ship or something right like you know, like international waters, yeah. Maybe ok, it's not a bad. I all right. What about? U verse aired Revell Revell get like a low grade. Taser Thanks not not only will knock it out. It's a little stone you little, I'm going to build up a little bit of a you know. Still that would still not fair. Okay, all right high grade taser yeah. All right! Do you have any yeah. I was just gonna say like what, if you
have an opportunity make world peace you're like what if it was Trump and Kim Jong Il Trump in it. I would be good trump in camera. Yeah, maybe like a chess match, an actual chess match, I like it. That would be fun. What about the butter bean versus anyone? Literally anyone? We just want butter bean back. Where is butter bean, I thought you would have no idea. You don't have to be rubber. What the hell you gotta take care of your guys, yeah, he's water being isn't my guy? Well, yeah he's not telling your guy, but he's like all of our guys, like Puerto rican, national. Kind of thing. You know I mean what about a lot of we have to watch out for, but what, if you just had like Brock Lesnar against the head of? U Sada gives this just some nerdy open lab code and just let Brock Lesnar just going to town on it yeah, but you saw the guy has like all his picks on him, so he can like throw like deadly pits on the other. Okay. I think these are some good idea. The last one last one Steven Seagal verse like like fifteen,
real paid. A male liberal, like you know, like limp dick guys were like no. We don't want to play the George Foreman just called now. Did he yeah even think all make it happen? That's a big one, one, your country I you're, arriving. I would love to make that one. Okay, have you ever do in DMT to Joe Rogan ever done what DMT, with Joe Rogan I don't even know what that is now you've never done drugs, Joe Joe Rogan. No, I've never done drugs third man card wow yeah, I'm well or this or two yeah, the guy at all, not a drug guy v e R.
George Saint Pierre who's, fighting UFC, two hundred and seventeen, which will be in Madison Square Garden. He once said three things that excite me or women, dinosaurs in the violence of the octagon, do a merry fuc kill for that right. Who said that George Saint Pierre George, Saint PETE, say that again, so you give us a quote Robbie, so he said there are three things that excite me in this world: a woman dinosaurs and the violence of the UFC Octagon, so Mary fat kill those three dinosaurs, pretty cool. Probably we probably aren't sitting here without dinosaurs, very Phuc kill those yeah So with the, if you George, St Pierre, no, no, you usually in a white Would you marry a dinosaur? No
it probably. Would you like a dinosaur, or do you like more violence in the octagon? Let me get on my game here in fantastic. You guys set up it's going to important question yeah. I guess you would marry the dinosaur. Well, you killed it. No, no, don't tell him how to answer so. Yeah fuck the girl, yeah and kill them balance of the octagon you, so you would ruin your own sport. You wouldn't have a job. This is the weirdest fuckin' question. I've ever been answered. You answered it very poorly, that's very important! You failed that yeah. What is yours? I'd probably killed the dinosaurs. I probably murder have sex with the violence and then marry the woman. That's the correct answer. Yeah! That's alpha answer! You give us the beta answer. Violence can't get it. The barbaric human cockfighting. Yes, give us Robbie, give us another UFC. Two. Seventeen question Jana Young J check for his rose namik units for the Strawweight championship of the right. To do that, it was made out
No, I did not is that a promoter's dream for you 'cause either way it's going to be an exciting fight and both are such likeable like great personality absolutely it's a great way in their post gangsters when it comes to fighting, and I expect it to be a very, very good fight and I think a lot of people underestimate the ground game of rose in that fight. We saw it against Paige Vanzant. She really bent her into the ball. Yes, she did all right walked back into like the like you're actually doing press mode. Are you back in the weird seeing you want? Chocolate kills answer. I saw I saw on tv this morning. Somebody made you go through your text messages because they were like drilling in on you to see if you're going to let what Mcgregor fight Wrestlemania, and so you had text with Vince Mcmahon. Would you let Mcgregor fight in Wrestlemania if he wanted to? Yes? Ok!
Okay! But as of now, that's not your text say that that's not on the table. Yes, so the Lori was out there that that he was, you know, going to be in the you know, Wrestlemania, it's not true that you know we have the New York Post. Writing, that's not true. In the LA times and and things like that, it's a little irritating yeah on both sides. I would imagine, are you? Would you let Vince write you into a like a plot line? Now I wouldn't do that really. Now that's a good answer, because then, when you do we're like it's real, it's not everything. We want It's really up the ultimate fighter. Our reality shows is very real, all right, so so actually a question kind of along those lines. The big fights that you guys have had recently so yeah I'd lino CM punk, which is felt like kind of a side show when you watch it and son get you know, be up pretty quickly. The Mayweather Mcgregor Fight was huge, huge numbers, Brock, Lesnar John Jones were
would have happened. If you know if Jon Jones didn't have this. Are you worried at all about the UFC Ufc's draw, has always been that the best guy can get up there and win, and it's just kind of like it's a process. Elimination like this guy. If he just stays the course and keeps fighting he'll win this division. Now the mega fights are there and the big pay days are there? So do you think that kind of you know Mine's a little. What you guys have been now. I mean the the way that we've always done. It is the best always fight the best. You know from the when you come into the UFC? If we think you're, a guy who has the potential
to get some more normally in boxing. The way they would do it is they would feed guys to that guy. We do the exact opposite. We pushing against the best in the world and if you really are the best you rise to the top, but when the lights come better big money fights like how can I deny Conor Mcgregor right that opportunity to make that kind of money? Are you worried at all that he's kind of shifted the balance now, where he gets, you know, fighters probably gonna be demanding more and more money as as they get bigger and bigger. That's always going to happen that that's happened since the day we bought the company, you know will happen to the Ok, I'm gone it's human nature to want more money. Yeah everybody wants more money. What do you think would have been the impact on UFC had Mcgregor won that fight huge? I mean it's massive. If Mcgregor won, that fight would be so huge. I think we got
for a victory any chance before I I record. Would he have well over. There were people saying like MAX, Kellerman and and and a lot of other other boxing experts that he would hit Floyd Mayweather once yeah he would win one punch right. What do you think they'll ever be a number to Mayweather. Mcgregor number two, I never say never, but I doubt it. Okay. You actually owe us money because we were at the fight and we walked in, and the guy selling beer outside was like a last call. Last call at like eight. There Again, we freaked out were like no, oh. She got like five years. We've ordered way too many drinks got way too drunk and so that's your fault and then I lost money had seen a laid out as I was you allies been over serve yeah. That's basically out your correct yeah. That's it was yeah. Well I mean it is go to Vegas and think. There's actually last call in Vegas yeah right. We we like, we ordered all the drinks and we stopped in like we were in Vegas. This is the dominant.
And we've ever done. Would you like to apologize will take? Are just about that but yeah I hear you yeah. It was good fun. Sorry, ok, yeah, that's fine! So with with a steady New York, the UFC Kind of has an interesting history kind of getting they kind of legalized in the state what a process like to take longer than you thought it would no, I would have to say it actually went, went faster. Thought. I would you know the whole this whole process with the? U of c getting it sanctioned New York obviously took a long time, but everybody else was was, but as soon as we expected it to take the op on. What I'm really blown away. Is it with his How fast everybody learned the ground game. You know when you think about our society. We grew up with John Wayne Movies, where you don't hit a man when he's down, he had a guy and stand him up and hit him again. The ground game is
very. Unless, if you don't do it it's hard to figure out, you know the different Jiu Jitsu moves, but people picked it up, quick, that's what surprised me the most is how much how many people fell in love with the sport and we're able to understand it as quickly as they did were you are you hurt when that guy called a human cock, fighting? Really like hey it's? Actually, that was or my time yeah yeah does but present John Mccain yeah yeah well, does Mccain that said that yeah yeah it's gonna messed up. It is an arm. Do you when we look back Ronda, Rousey, underwriter, overrated, no underrated, look which she did look at what you build on a lot of like I, it's kind of like if Babe Ruth had to face like Pedro Martinez, like if those errors like somehow combined very quickly, because she started it right, but she started at all. You had such a dominant female fighter and
it was so bad Assen. She spoke well and she was pretty that whole combination of what she was is what built the women's mixed. Martial arts the economic on? If people, if she didn't build it, there would have been no one who could have been better than her to Peter? Well, you could say the same thing about you know. Some of the early Anderson Silva worry that you know you can say that about a lot of people. She was just. She was the right person at the right time to do it. Okay, that's that's! I I make sense. Robbie got another one yep, so Johnny Hendricks is fighting at UFC two, seventeen right. He went from in the span of a few years, unofficially beating GSP two missing with a bunch of times pulling last minute from a title fight and he one for his last fights word. Is the UFC stand with John Hendricks? Well, you know he's he's fighting on the is the co main event of the Fox Prelims that night and
you know he one of the last flights. Obviously this is a big fight for him. Yep big fight, in my view, if he loses, is it time to start thinking about retirement for him? I think so I I think I think you would have to start looking at retirement fun, fun fact about Johnny Hendricks. He is career peaked when I did a commercial with them. Reebok commercial road, yeah and then he hasn't won. Since I don't think what did you guys do? It was. It was for internet only. So whatever not a big deal like didn't go on tv, but you could see it if you want on Youtube he's like it was pretty cool. I had a cameo like a three second cameo. What was the promise he was. I stole some shoes from a woman kick me in the in the chest. Big cat actually didn't know that he was in a video. He just stole shoes who stole a jacket. Yeah there you go is actually just a commercial for like worlds wildest police, chases yeah. It was just big cat attack about Johnny Hendricks. I alluded to this before we started. Why don't you have John Annick be the face of the UFC,
number one thing should: actually you should retire. You should resign and let John be the president I'll think about it: ok, etc you mean he a good like everyone loves John yeah. Everyone loves John yeah, he's a nice guy. He actually paid us to say that he's a nice guy on both ends. Oh here's a good question: did Jesus tap? Barely you didn't, he ok, alright, that's all that's needed on the back of so many trucks, and I didn't know whether or not it is true. If you have any other questions, I think we're good yeah. Do you have any questions? I have one more ok, you said the best are always fighting the best, but it looks like Conor. Mcgregor's. Next fight will be against Nate Diaz to finish up the trilogy. No, that's not true, a positive about that Rob yeah. Well, you know I would. I would bet you that is next fight would be against need, yes, and would you consider doing Croke Park for that fight because you've been teasing Croke Park for so long years? Now it's it's a huge stadium like soccer Stadium and and Ireland,
on Saint Patrick's day. God, who I yeah apple pie that all sounds great. But there's only one problem is probably going to be Tony Ferguson in LAS Vegas, but but we do want to do Brookpark. The reason we haven't done Croke Park, yet with Connor. It's because we can't get it done over there. You know they have a curfew at what time you know you gotta be out there. They have noise ordinances, an Irish have a curfew, yeah yes have be home having sex with your wife at seven hundred pm every night to make another baby weight. You sit so not true, no d. As Refer Gregor's, not natural. I can confirm that it will be Mcgregor versus yes, this many Revell right. It is literally not even been talked about wow yeah. Well now, has he winked at me there? to that area. If he's right now, it's literally not been talking, but now it's on your head about talking about with literally it's been left out. I guess
You talked about it. A lot away program is your mind right now. Dsts Mcgregor is happening. Diaz Mcgregor actually said this question. Who is the most famous person in your cell phone, the most famous person in my cell phone hi? I don't know Trump need vents, pretty famous the rock is pretty Bronco the to rock yes, no! No, he knows us will call Vince will write you in the storyline Wrestlemania now calm. I don't wanna call sure Bridget producer last chance, I'm good! Ok, alright, alright, Dana White! Thank you so much! This is a lot of fun. We, it was worth the chase. So, What's your middle name,
try it for a year, see if paper views go up and then come back and talk to them. I will do it for any white Red White Red White, guys like that That is the microphone are yes, that is perfect. Yeah you're, like one of the bad assets, Freddie White, start it yeah. I like that Freddy White Deal. Alright. Thank you, Freddie, that interview is brought to you by Betty SI dot com. Betty aside, I com has been in business for over twenty years, paying winners their a plus rated on most ports book review sites. You can use your sports knowledge to make some extra cash. It's super easy to use. It's got a mobile mobile playing interface that you can use to play, win and get paid. They offer odds on everything. Football, including live betting and props processes. Games are in action. They also offer odds on pretty much everything else, including all major sports politics. Reality television, pretty much everything use promo code, take twenty five and get a twenty five dollars freeway just for registering. If you decide
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Van talk, though it is debuting one there's been a little confusion. I think we have little time zone confusion. This is like the bodybuilder form we're trying to figure out the days of the week, I'm very confused by it. Ok, so Tuesday, so we say Tuesday night, as in when you're up you wake up on Tuesday morning. Okay, the Van Talk will be on when you wake up yet, hopefully wake up boy will prognosis. Let's start from you, do your taxes on Monday and then watch Monday night football. You go to bed, you wake up you wake up on Tuesday. Before you go to sleep again, barstool Van Talk will be on so it's Wednesday morning.
Technically pm. I don't use a night one if you're, if you're in you're in mountain time or the West Coast, it's actually, it is two days Tuesday nights like one thousand pm or eleven Tuesday night or something like that. That makes it better. Let's, let's get this right, it's midnight on Tuesday night, ok, so in Chicago it's midnight, Tuesday night. Yes, just one thousand one hundred and twelve and one yes, yes, so that two two, so they could just made this more confusing, either way. Ok, so you know it so don't go to sleep. Don't when you wake up on Tuesday say to yourself: you know what, when you wake up on Tuesday, you tweet us and you say, check your God. I will not go to sleep until I watch barstool Van talk. You watch partial van talk before your waiver wire submissions are accepted in fanciful know, gives don't give a ship man come on alright. So We have Scott Van Pelt. We saw the cut of the interview and it's funky
that's pretty good, really funny, don't say it's so funny, because okay was okay, feel like well, it's not as funny as became its it. Okay, good, it's good, it's good interview, Scott is a great guy, is afraid of the show he was as comfortable as anybody can be in the back of any would head to New Jersey. He won't noted spoilers sweet use, okay he was constantly might have turned it off yet sure you have to watch to find out what happens, but it's going to be fun. We are very excited about it? We're very excited about episode, one we everyone watch is tweet. Us, let's be interactive about it and bonus. Are we going to do we do a late night like maybe Instagram live after the show will answer all your questions so follow barstool Van talk on Instagram, it's a new account and we're going to the Instagram live from there. An will chop it up with people at one hundred and thirty in the morning,
Wednesday morning, Tuesday, night Tuesday, night Tuesday night Wednesday morning. Ok, let's get this sub segments first up we have trouble in Paradise, is for the browns. Their entire organization got the old classic finger point. Finger everyone's finger, pointing you got when you point your finger, you've got three fingers pointing right back at you with J Simpson. I was going to say in less you JP, oh true point your finger at me right now. Do it with you, Your thumb doesn't count because all I have you down so you're, giving a thumbs up to Jesus. No I'm doing of the there you go yeah. Three point red radio cell radio counter pointing finger right now there is trouble in that Paradise, that is the Cleveland Browns for hey, live, look at the Cleveland Browns Facility,
of course, there's a dumpster fire. It still burning because remember that little one that was a dumpster fire. I see it a couple weeks ago, yeah Hue Jackson, I guess is complaining that he is not getting enough control over the Cleveland Browns. Do you really want full control over the browns? Oh that's like saying you want to drive a car that doesn't have breaks. Yeah, that's going to be trouble, that's going to be trouble if you have full control runs, but this is my favorite part about sports is when you know the front office and the coach are on the outs with brother and they're, trying to figure out who's going to survive here, because only one could survive is very rare. The owner is going to let everyone go right. They always go back to the draft. I wanted this guy, They wait till one guys good who I'll get the Sean Watson he's good. I wanted to Sean Watson, so or unusually in that scenario, it's the front office guy that sticks around the general manager just because, like here's, a little tip for anybody out there in corporate America, if you have an office job, if you speak more time with your boss, then
then the other guy, that's going for the same job. Your boss is going to keep you around just by like if you're around people you like. Okay. I think I like that guy more yeah, because our our girl- because I haven't seen them, do anything like completely up so by in my head, they're, a good person, so I think he's going. I think, Hughes going to lose that power struggle plus any time you can get. Somebody that set the New York Mets up for success. The way that these men have been set up in your organization? That's a guy! You want to hold onto, and Hue Jackson has one like two games in the last two years. Maybe quarterback whisperer yeah he's got he's whispering to him right now: Kevin Hogan thrown interception throw another one, so I can put in shock Kaiser right now I actually wouldn't put it past the browns to have wanted to select Deshaun Watson and then they throw down to Shawn yeah on the card and the guy that gets up there is like oh shoot. I don't know which one yeah Notre Dame they're close yeah will take him all right.
Except we have groomers. Groomers are back. Jon Gruden was in Knoxville this weekend. There is a Monday night Football game in National, but John grew was grad assistant, a Tennessee like forty years ago, but wait Knoxville, that's not national, but and weak. Hey couple hours away, then says he's fine, the live a coach! You know they got a really good coach yeah, they love them. His name's Butch Jones about playing for a coach that put you know they don't love them, yeah every other team in the SEC, love jazz. So I love rumors all right with. I don't think John Gruden's going to to a to a college team. Even still, that's going to be the worst feeling in the world when you're, not only on the hot seat, your Butch Jones, your team, sucks you suck as a coach, everyone hates you. People are at the other, posing he's wearing life, family generally air. So if you have your yeah, your wife I had shown to you and for for months you smelled socks, your faces always read and you still stink and then
not Gruden comes to town and he's just like John Greens at the bar John Grunseth restaurant John Greens, in the stands chunky just fit in hooters for three days. That's gotta be the worst feeling you're just looking around, and it's just like he's like those twins in breaking bad. Just like walk around killing people, guys Jon Gruden jobs without Jon Gruden, just shows up with, like a playbook in one hand and a giant axen. The other just hangs out, and let's people know that he's there I'll say this Jon Gruden would look excellent in that Tennessee or she would that that and that he's got with his friend is freckles would pop in that only into Fuckin' there, nice visor, the visor and the hair matching up with that. I could see it and then Hooters in Knoxville. Do you think so see how many hooters they have in Knoxville all right? We have a king soccer. This is
No we're not to talk with the US men's team because it meant the world cop and we also they don't exist or, like you know, where's, the only the! U S, soccer team is the women's team yeah. I'm a woman supporter, hello, yeah soccer and football, but talking soccer the the doctor from what is it with a movie called doctor the island of Doctor Moreau no omalu will Smith. Teddy truth, yeah He has come out and said the soccer Russian yeah. He said the soccer industry should stop denying the truth and basically saying yeah
Pacey said: head injuries in soccer are a serious serious deal. Are you saying that FIFA's trying to cover up some on toward activity, this guy's pretty smart, yeah hi? I had my doubts about a hollow, but if he's yeah he's a he's, a wise guy, so here's the thing some whistle blower here. Why don't they? Just if you so concerned about whistle or some concern about concussions in soccer, just like give the players helmets noon, maybe give them some other pad. There are the the arm, carry the ball. There are the rare take we handle use who wear those stupid helmets. They look like helmets at like, like Princeton WAR. Who playing actual football, not this fake, ass football soccer tackle football like one thousand five hundred and twenty the Rugby helmet yeah looks from caps so yeah the goal. Why did the goal is with us because occasionally you get need in the head if your goal-
did you get a head cut and you you you get a little okay concussion, because not yeah, I got the cop. Yes, you get nicked up. Yeah right gets nicked right, exactly pool smelling salts in your favor, someone slapping the side heading your block up aggressor, maybe maybe odd their brains are just flopping. Maybe that's the problem. I should call either way I I'm I'm here for the soccer fruit for c t. Coming for soccer, cuz! Guess what you know you hear that sound you here it hear Bob he just catching another page. Do they combine those two favorite things in the world? Fifa, corruption and gushes bodies about Bob Lee saw this story was like he got. She got the world's tiniest boner he's like honey. Put put another wing on the house. Soccer is about to have a see, t scandal what he got. There's there's
to hooters and not to get what a let down. That is a lot of a less okay. You got the good one and yet the bad when you get there, so you got to wonder what is the weekend or the one after a loss and then the one after when treat yourself to this to the good place through all right finishing up, we have This just occurred to me when it comes to like CTE and concussions, and all that okay, so yeah now we're going after soccer. Why don't we? So after, like math when we go after learning, because when you think about it all learning it is a bunch of electrons running into each other. A lot of many collisions inside your head probably makes you dumber in the long term basis they playing the offensive line. Everyone who's ever been to school has died, that's a fact, So the facts: only maybe we should stop learning Jesus Christ. You drop that on a Sunday night is now. Jesus never went to school, but he died But then he came back to life. Yeah right, ok, check, post it again all right! Last up we have MIKE Greenberg's dumb rules MIKE Greenberg.
He's big jets fan, there's a lot of controversy, because the jets got were on the wrong end of a pretty shity rule. Well, I think we all can admit that He said he treated I've written in deleted quite a few tweets, since that call as any of them might get account suspended what did disgrace. I would love to see what my green thinks would get his twitter account suspended. I would gosh darn it flag, My wife told me to stop swearing so much I said shoot. Sometimes I watch paw. Nope just kidding just kidding just no I'm not going to yeah like oh man. The jets just had a terrible loss. I'm going to I'm going to pull up browser it real, quick nope? That's now will get you banned either way. I have a MIKE Greenberg Thumb rule because I think what you're getting right? This is kind of a theme we had it with the the nationals with the the total popping off the plate. They are the first base. We had it with this jets thing. I think we should actually get rid of its reply. Just
altogether, just give give it all the power back to the rest in the arms we would just be living in a bit like what happens These these. These things happen. Where will instant replays, I feel like I watch instant replays more than I watch sports now. Well, that's actually true! When you watch an NFL game right, you watch about eleven minutes, a live action that rest and I'm going to do. If you don't get rid of replays replays are awesome, but don't give him to the refs. Given that, because a no because then we'll get mail yeah exactly is there any better feeling in the world than being mad at somebody about sports? Maybe they give out like, maybe give us like replace, but from really far away. I don't all. I know that every play now gets dissected a million different ways and basically, if you, if you like, you, have the your finger off the ball for a second or your toe off a bag for like
a centimeter is just everything's. Ruined I just to get rid of all report does get less. Is me? Let's just make a note, you were the line to go back to that. Let's get rid of all sports yeah! No! I am not saying that what that's it sounds like that's what you know, I'm saying by the courts and let's let the refs decide you did something. What you made me that back? No, I'm, okay, I'm with you! Let's get rid of some the replay. Let's flashed act like the year. Nineteen. Ninety eight in terms of that's when it reached
Pinnacle yeah. We had the puck track system, one fox which all hockey fans were line, came about amazing technology able to see a hockey puck. That's when technology reached its peak, yes, ok, listen, he will chat rooms. Bring back a I am all I know is that MIKE Greenberg is like a split second away from getting banned on Twitter and that's not a world. I want to live it. I think MIKE Greenberg thought of why he was going to get banned was tweeting out, like I just typed, so many things that would have got me banned in his mind, he's like I'm admitting to a major rules in fractional train service. My mind has some dirty thoughts. All right! That's our show. We'll see everyone Wednesday night will we'll see everyone. Tuesday, when no with a lock nice all right morning, so watch barstool Van talk, it's ESPN two were really proud of it. It's going to be fun to stay up until you see our faces on television and don't go to sleep and here's what the real! Here's really why you have to watch it. Scott Van Pelt is going to be
on the podcast on Wednesday and he's on barstools talk Van talk on Tuesday you're going to want to watch boat, watch and listen to it, both through a double dip. Let's have some fun and like I said we'll see you in. We actually see a barstool Van Talk, ESPN twenty one am eastern Wednesday morning, Tuesday night, whatever you can figure it out and then also right after on the Instagram live and then right after that on the podcast love you guys. The The To to so needless to say,
odds and ends with that's me. I'm some little way slowly learning that life is okay in San Tomane, it's no better to be safe than sorry and not a god entertain, it's pardon my take presented by barstool sports.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-16.