« Pardon My Take

Captain Sig Hansen From Deadliest Catch, Hornswoggle & Fyre Fest of The Week

2021-04-22 | 🔗
Friday show with a few topics touched on. The Draft taking forever to get here (3:04 - 6:29), NBA MVP, fake football guys, and are we in the golden age of fans eating shit in the stands at baseball games (6:29 - 28:06). Captain Sig Hansen joins the show to talk about the new season of Deadliest Catch, the gnarliest stories from the sea and surviving 2 heart attacks (28:06 - 59:02). WWE superstar Hornswoggle joins the show before his Friday night fight at Rough and Rowdy in Morgantown West Virginia (59:02 - 76:02). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week and Hank has never heard the word Pint pronounced.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's part of my take? We have captain SIG Hansen from deadliest catch awesome interview, something a little different. On a Friday. We usually tried your little different interviews on Friday. He is one of the bad astute out there. I want the coolest guys why has had to heart attacks and just worked right room? We also have W w e superstar horn, swaddle, who is fighting in Robin rowdy tonight. Roughen rowdy go to by or in our dot com awesome card ready to roll. We have Firefox the week will do some different sports topics. It popped up in the last couple of days. Mark Davis is marked Davis and were brought to you by our friends, light boxer. So what is light boxer light boxer is an intelligent tech sink light boxing machine. It is really cool thing What is it? What was the fuckin really bad.
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every Thursday for the past month have woken up. Thinking that it's the day, the NFL Draft- and it's not it's not, I think, NFL Pr Guy who, by the way has maybe the best twitter handle out there. I don't even know if he's a real person yup just at NFL Pr guy, he tells you exactly what he is from the gecko. I think, like two weeks, go, he said that tonight is draft night in its ignore. You still have three more weeks left. I want to give credit go to the NFL draft analysts and talking heads, because you would say yes of what we ve picked these guys apart. So much and we what about him so much, but I think whoever running the near. The big narrative machine in the sky has done a pretty good job of spacing it out in the fact that, like just in fields, epilepsy was not something I thought we'd get too, but we had enough time to get to that through. Yet no good job, if it wasn't put at the draft, was pushed back this where we might not have found out about it right. They saved me like a week before, let's, let's dropped epilepsy organ stash that went away because people can be stored for some news, but
It is weird seeing like MAC Jones, climbing Macrones following the cork obey trick or treat lights out trail and in I just. I think that there's going to be after MAC goes. I think that it's just going to be like two quarterbacks immediately after yes, Zanuck same challenger, might as well, you might creeping in the first round to right it's. It's like playing fancy football ten years ago, when you would take Carson Palmer, unlike the second round, because all the other good quarterbacks went right away. You're like shit, shit, shit, our cars Mama, so big shot out next year, Jani he's a cop the Eagles! Yes, you have forgotten that I could understand. He leaked the news himself. He put the news out there that he was evaluating draft prospects by asking them to play rock paper scissors get as much like our sweetheart he promised all the idea from hanky, probably sawhorse rooms and took agenda next. So I think I would have liked this story if some else had reported. Like a prospect had said somebody will the Eagles
You said that you, he won't play rapid procedures to see how competitive I was wrong with the fact that he put it out there he's. I look at this cool smart. Awesome football guy thing that I did he's trying to get us to be like hey football guy the week. Next curiosity he deserves to be there were too smart for that were more focus on the Portland, Basketball coach who drive around in a car with no air conditioner, yet dank gamble would not put it the guarantee dank able has played rock purposes with someone. he's very wet and guess what it just like, which one of these things would you most like me to kill? You will know yet cable place, it was actually a rock a paper and said yes, in rock, always wins ages. Throw rocks each yes, Iraq from Indians, mind it's like how the fuck could paper being Iraq out demonstrate right now, Oh, how Iraq needs paper niches throws it's the scene and brave heart when the big guy throws a huge burden and little guy just throws a fuckin rocket. Is yes? That's that's the end Campbell figure out you're competitor.
Yeah, but the fact that next year, Jani himself put it out there like. Ok, I ma am officially skeptical of Nick seriously. At this point, yes, I agree on. Can we put the Portland state coaches sound bite in there? is that I was just about to bring this guy out its it see. This is what the aid it really does work. Next year, because next year on, he wants to be the sky. Even this guy reported himself. You could tell he he said I dont was by the club. The other thing is I'm hungry and passionate. I don't eat breakfast in the morning, so I can come to work hungry. So when I get to lunch. I'm hungry and that's just the kind of person I am. I know my two thousand three. sabotage. Who's got a lot of play this week so far, but, like it doesn't have a sea and it doesnt have heat and the reason I do that is so. I can practice my mental toughness during the winter when it's cold and I can practice my mental toughness during the summer when it's hot, that's
type of person. I am the I don't eat breakfast so that I'm always hungry. That's I mean, I believe any just driving around in a hot ass car dying of earth dying of hunger being like war, people voted no one, tough on the coach of Portland. They for football guys- and I know he's a basque workers, but he's a football guy. We ve heard that before biggest thing with them, as they just they take metaphors literally like Amelia Vidalia there, like you're, probably and probably millions out a b we, when they read animal farm there, but that's a fucking, crazy story about pigs talk yet why the hell we're all the pig why the pigs Fuckin run that farm. But this whole thing is like. I want to be uncomfortable all the time so that I'm never comfortable, because when you get comfortable you get complacent So that's why I won't install heat or air conditioning in monk on the best part about it is its Portland state. I would he give their horses breaths converts. He was announced the Lakers head coach like TAT
and whenever he was doing work- and he could be- you know- he's probably climbing the career ladder but Jake. You know this guy. These get higher important state. Now he was, he was an assistant worked his way up the ring he's been there for a while now but you're violence day it still, author bull. Yes, it seems varying his eye. I remove the rear view mirrors in my car industry because it because I can't look back with other, actually reacts way. That's right! Yes, he day, but did that it is very dangerous. There's the ingredients dislike not being counter yeah
will you say I actually was thinking of the other video that went viral this week De Montana Tech Football collected all video without saying, spyware revival. Without once it exactly it's a great one, that's great one can keep the wind. Was it you're niggers took control early colleague when you get back that first day your wife takes control early and that's what the order Eggers did. Our football team was like to hear the place second, french Horn and the school band we gotta play, but you know that's outlets or in a guy, like you watch your brother more go off a cliff guy. Like you know, you got mixed feelings. First of all, I got after hard, I'm telling you all born a ham sandwich. They will go on hard all away like that. Black on the first day affairs, not in season it with parliament to change or current like a woodpecker, an approach of fog forest it I'll just keep busy and look for opportunities. I want to raise my kids using the death job. Can you imagine that I want to death,
green vetoed that idea. I got a short memory just like, whereas in the third right, through the best years of my life, I don't like that water, Butte water, you get a drink. At the same time, Amassed back for Gladwin. Really right apply couple other aspects little. We just got off willing, Nelson's tour bus, there's attitudes, positive, he didn't see it. take on Hale was Escort Gun, Karla, guarantee both stagnant and with all the trimmings. They played a complete gang Jacksonville. What more can help Jacksonville so bad? They sentence prisoners to attain the game. Irish version, where no more I couldn't go to church of me on Sunday and thereby. So where is just as you don't go out with losers? I have six. I see tee in nineteen sixty seven I wonder, and I know my grandma meet me for change at all costs, my fourth down all those years. You know my favorite forth. Their goal was plant. It was the most successful play. We fight other things. Other thoughts, I wrote down
Mark, Davis's and smart. You think it's I saw it. We taped, earlier on Tuesdays, we missed the raiders tweet. It was the situation where I think it was a bad We put it also was the internet just of the pile on, but I love the idea that Mark Davis ah credit to him for just owning. All of it sort of, but so be like I'm, not very smart. Like Hamas work, I don't really understand. I actually think every unifil owners should be the only people that tweet from the main account yeah. Every tweet should be like. There should not be communication staff, it should be directly. the brain of that owner. The cowboys twitter account would be incorrect. It would be. Actually retweeting porn stars all the time. I would one hundred percent pay for an only phantom archives, I'm not. I don't want energy. I just want him eating, appear, hangs him saying battery it loud him just looking like a fuckin weirdo. Just all of that I would pay to watch. Mark David, I mark Davis could like
save a reality- television station that that's the strongest MTV stopping ridiculous. Just follow marked Avis Round have lawyer remark tv. I like the idea that line and we don't need nudity, but I wouldn't turn away like a lot a camel tell I otherwise the White Chirac suit that Iraq's I would be shocked, views Kendall. Just nothing! You might be eighty unsullied I wasn't even peer poop, so there's there's gonna be here because body so efficient, upright ages uses all the energy that thinking of marked Avis taking his white genes, his skintight. Why genes, often it's just candle during your problem? not far off. I don't like to think about his generals, but I do like I like the tight track suit. Delawares is very funny because he's oblivion.
Everything you just rocks runs totally oblivious. I think that every professional sports Irish one take a quiz before they buy the team to make sure that their fan of the team. We learned that this week from the Super League, you have to be a fan first and then second, you have to run the twitter by yourself, Amazon and we are coming up on like an event horizon issue with raiders, because Marks mom, it's probably not going to do. around for that long she's getting. I were anxious, leavings, getting anger, she's, getting older, ok and then, when more gets the team here that can have the money to pay the inheritance, tax, harassed and so he'll have to say. Alliance aim inherited yeah I mean it's been around from childhood. I would also bind- and here I think that we should maybe consider putting together, go, find me to save marble, Lord David, so that he can, you can purchase the team. Outgoing appear checks, yeah, that's yeah, I mean I, we need marked Davis, stick around the NFL and that he would get offered so much money for the raiders
It would be insane yet we gotta figure out a way to keep Mark Davis Hang you now or imagine. If someone bought it I'll, if the person who bought it would be like so callous that they would put out turn off. When I was about to say they might turn him into the quasi moto. The team were his job, is just take care of the flight attend to the friend of the fleet. Until we have in the initial aim tower. Yes, he's probably immune to its own flesh and blood, and there he s got some share one beef that aegis grilling lame of his father. S got kebab going it's I, whatever it takes to keep marked Avis involved, raiders I'm on board. I agree the other story. I want to draw a dress, the back to the draft, I think, you need to start stumping for Dante Smith, because people are gone after his eight any six feet he's right there, or more going after his weight, but also its height through their skin, shape so long there, both
after both are saying, he's not able to play at the big boy level yeah, which is crazy, because I think that guy's gonna be able to play its big oil. I think you will too. I am, I am a fan of Denmark, devoutly Psmith, more fair, I'm a cop pits guy in the first round. I help us Calpers incredible, I dont know if I can let him into the the short kings club. Sixty six feet is like that I can't put long gets matched with any girly wants on tenor because he six we talk but here's the problem. This is like a very important moment in height, shaming, where, if six feet becomes the new height tat, you can shame everyone Anders very fact: she'd like defend the wall dear, although, if creeps I there are a lot of people who are exactly six feet that I would like to see taken down a peg job because they they reached the level of six feet like mama of made it I'm a man now
then they hold that order, your tiny little head mighty. Listen I make like fifty thousand dollars more exactly because your six feet instead of five eleven I'd like to see those guys just brought down to earth, but I just love picking bid through the picking a part of every prospect fake, it is, the draft should have been should happen two weeks ago. Yes, it should a hundred per cent. There's also, I think, maybe the best place in the history of sports happened. Last night, my homer guy I've done my jewel and bead. Oh but I'm a home run the redoubt rebound off the foul shot. Yes, throws the ball. What like seventy feet with point? Eight seconds left, yes, and it goes off. The back board hits off the rim twice and and bricks, I fear that you go, and I think that is the best job participation drove me. That's why I know that's the best shot in India, history. Every corner was born here words, the best shot in college and Syria is one of only was in homes, touchdown, throw that didn't, think yeah you're the best the bus throw I've ever seen. above Aaron Rodgers as a bunch of those now take his
name, isn't trust them results, its trust, the process and the process of that shot. I'm not gonna these, whether I was a good shot off. If it wasn't missed, is a giant. It was also watching and put the most incredible thing. I've ever seen a basket. Aren't you this year's impressive, that he got it out of his hands and pointed seconds the someone quite so wonderful. I'd with they. Whenever you like, take the actual quotes from the show you I have a moment every now and then we're unlike holy FUCK were stupid. So was like you I sought by John beat. All you said was he's really big. His hands are big. This. ball, bollocks, small, and when he falls, I think he's gonna get injured yet, and that is MBA corner with regard to my to act like that's, not what you think when you watch your be blamed asked about the law. It's a highlight centre, also shouted stuff. Curried verges completely, shooting all over our envy p take off in school, which is worse. Game of the acts are, there are still one, but It was a joke.
It is our envy p. I was reminded we're nuggets podcast. We forgot we ve, but our true we're nuggets Pike here, some big Haryana your your brain is just so gambling logic. there should be some hundreds yonder. I should rob. I should get some type. Of course I should get some, reward or like bonus for picking joke it. Just my bp last year. some type of care over now? I was on a year you're. The one complain about participation trophies early. I don T know, but it's all you know you get a little warranty shall ensure and take as our fine, fair, fair. But it's I've been trying to. Where am, I regret to say, congratulations. Thank you very well know it just like an outburst sports, there's something scobie some next level. You know that we could offer like
I envy p insurance or like warranty if Hank predicts and envy P a year before it happens, Hank gets his money back no like it. I, like you, know your predict any other like her Lakers gonna want another title at some point ever know: fine by all those out. Just out is thrown out just out of testing the waters was in saying I wasn't saying it's a conquering the view I was in presenting it. I will just merely asking you, I think, ok did something we consider. Ok, I think it's a signal review I will give you seven percent credit. Seven percent credit feels ok, seven percent credit. you got something yet, though, that's appeals are appropriate to get the envy p, Dear before he was envy p seven percent crap. I think that arch manning will be. Great quarterback when they travel more and when that happened, travellers who goes a plus too long Harris I actually everybody got another person with the next year.
Jacob Address lords. I've been squatting on a little, but I think that his artistic brother is doing all his interviews form if one is what brother, his artistic other here, his brother, who is an artist he's on the artist spectrum. Yes, he's guitarist probably pay painter Qatar paints wizzes, you may are Williamsburg hat maker The kind of guy is yes, that sustainable line of pants yeah, Does he also long hair machine and our aid? Us they look? It's it's very actually interesting. I would like to see how they how their lives urge. So much feel really see right, usually see if a brother goes in a gag, the NFL and his brother, like oh yeah, he was just a really good division to college Mass, while our football player like to see it completely different job. And be successful it. Let's talk to, I think he smoked marijuana and trembled in
even the red pillar, Bluecoat yeah, exactly than himself the roads diverged at that point, a gateway drug to becoming hipster I have another take as well. I think so, she's going to home, run guy who shot out the goat Hank slandered him on Monday show he said I will. I will rectify this. I will catch a home run Not only did it, he put his money. Where's mouth is There is no money, involve pretty fuckin caught a home run right your feet, saying yes, sometimes you're gonna motivate the players I put on my heart, see now, as in the courtroom night, I think what he did is more impressive than Babe Ruth heading to home. Run her amnesia easily easily he's back. Ok, he's out, he never left that's your problem. War did you forget. Island is fake, so he went balls the wall you and they go into space yacht guy who's. Who jumps fer. You know like a loose ball in basketball. You think, like all many thought, his face, no he's fucking
great determination, Hanks, why kids don't play defence anymore, khazar, afraid, you're, afraid of all worry. He snatched a chain rank, getting one leg had. Sometimes, if you want to be great, you have to feel a degree of wrong time player and a prime time moment slipped without anyone touching I'm just slipped on the floor and lost the game. People would be like that person's out of there. Crime. Will James Winsome in the rose, walk tat? Actually, Ambrady didn't catch up on the Superbowl? Ah, What people say you issue what happened afterwards, people chirped on any fucking took the church and want to more superboss. I chirped thou ball guy and he worried you the next night caught a hundred you're welcome, kazoo, homerun, Bogart exactly but either way might take, was I also the hobby buyers. Italy Hence Lamb and I went for the ball in like slid down. The target. Was awesome, it was basically just went for it was a fuckin full sin. I want this ball and just each and then right voice. Our taping. There was a guy
it, the Red Stadium, who was holding nachos and went for a home, run ball and just spilled the nachos all over himself. I think we are in a golden age that we have to appreciate right this. Second, with spaced out seeding to Jesse awesome videos of people, eating shit, Just think about it. You see their fans you're, not gonna, go for a ball right. That's for rose in front of you would not now many there's not not capacity, it's just America's homes, funniest videos in this in stands every night. I like that, you need to appreciate you can keep an eye out for more wipeout and stands in. There is like a small voice in the accurate. Any grown adult goes to baseball game. If you make an athletic enough play on the ball and catch it, you think. Maybe maybe I'll get like a spring training offer. yeah. Maybe they want to see what I've got round of applause run replies but like when you see that ball usual You do have those people around you that prevent you from
but they also prevent you from falling down right. These are so close right now, just selling out and but flip side too, that you don't get as many people thrown pizza on people's faces like what happened. Bossed appears that so we just need to just just remember that room that you will like there will be a day when the fans are back and I'll be excited for a full crowd is the best, but just chill What we have right now in that people are eating shit on a nightly basis, trying to get balls would not chosen their hands, are jumping down tarps or home on board. Captured a ball? No big deal, it's great, we also have to shut out the the Texas Tech. they announced. I was sick. He caught it was absolute screaming foul ball had a hand in one package, caught it with one hand and even flinch, son staggering process such a snap to pigs. I suppose that's a mixed bag. what are you gonna? Take snack pigs bags pigs that River Tom does having trouble, was chalkboard platform Jackson motion boards? Seven
I had one other note. I can just say we can move on. I think we forgot about sick, one Barkley Oh. I have heard his name lot Yoritomo, there. With that there are two way we will call them very Sanders before even played in the NFL but he was really good. As rookie year, you hot as well, he was worth who says he tell me: what's his yards, poorer, I know it's behind a really bad, often of one so not bad. Would he also had a couple nice long touchdown? Can he hasn't not a couple? Nice touchstone catches. I agree. I know he's got yours once of any arts for healthcare. That sort of very I need some reason. I want to make a grand point or another. This I'm just saying that I feel like as a nation we ve forgotten about ever, do and random things out this past year cause he only played two games and he had nineteen, Russia's for thirty four yards, that's arouse! Thank you. but he was also behind, like the worse off its whatever so you're right. I must make one guy. I just think that the hype was was insane to start
Ah, I also I'm ready to start respecting Chris Paul more oil. There thing I don't know if I can get on board as a basketball player, only that's a double crossing Blake as a basque ballplayer player. It's a big out as it's it's a big. How does it may not? As a team One month later time has hampered to what to go hand in hand. Not always I don't on the respect Chris Paul Ban. Well, maybe it's a double cross because our friendly Griffin had anew. Few out- and I just dm demonic Square mesh size, twelve and he said maybe Brooks Kepler- can get it for you. Play that way. Maybe I'm a Chris Paul fan this is about. Maybe it's about you not getting a parachute. Who knows we can be vindictive and we should start wearing discourse. Ball have a signature. What does it look like relics like shape it so bad? I against Georgia too, though Let me see Chris Paul signature. Shoe We in Britain is via bowling, shoe
All designs actually are sick. By the way I act like us can't do so, my God, research of what these are terrible alba. Well now, almost everywhere- and I was a kid to who was It's you. Our interview, we have to go our view is sick Hansen. Captain cigarettes from deadliest catch, one of the cruellest guy as we ve ever interviewed. Ah yourself, total fucking bad ass. and then we are going to have when smuggle on. Who is beating in roughen rowdy tonight so go to bed, They are in our dot com. If you want to watch me a great great card tons of fights all she can play, far still play bars to operate. Hang up play bars to argue when some money you can get something down on the fights so go check it out, as can be awesome. I have a question about. How are you gonna be singing the national? I am always yes, so get Reddy's can be great night before we get you captain sick Hansen, our friends from re com, I'm nobody
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Such new season is preparing Tuesday April twentieth at eight p m eastern on the discovery channel. Everyone knows the show everyone, his watch, the show it's fantastic, show so really excited. Have you on, and you just said it right before we started you're on land right now. How long does it take for you to be like I'm ready to get back on the boat or would you rat? Are you at the point your career, where you'd prefer to be on land where light when you're so happy to be back? as long as the autumnal over scarier, be it the border Vienna land with this covers have gone wrong, but that being said, it doesn't take very long. I would say I meet as I get all. I want to be on the beach more right, justice I feel like I've earned, but is weird like my wife, like we say to three weeks before we had a deal at all after you don't like it. I like last week
we had. Was it three weeks off into them? and then we ended up at the end of December and like a week or two before your heads, not even at home, you're has not in your head. Is thinking about fishing? Have this really great joy? Just never leave you happen to you, for captain or skipper. You know all captain thing I mean. Usually people into in dutch harbour was able whose run in the boat They didn't really here, guys being all captain all the time. I think the shore cannot brought that on more than anything, and so I get honestly to this day one I see me on street or something rather, what a captain is flattering, but at the same time I feel like regional, its title in its in its ought it still. For me, the earth! That's why I like saying skip Skip is like a little informal, so you might be a baseball.
Manager who knows it. Gonna goes both ways. I've always wondered what skipper actually men and where that term came from. hu. As a good question, you know, I'm gonna find out, doesn't dang that question greek question. Thank you think it's great question is take as long as I'm not Gilligan I'll be the skip there. You go so some people don't want to show you should watch the show. It is alaskan crab fishing and it is the deadliest catch so they're out in freezing cold temperature on these boats. For how long do you guys? What's the longest time you ve been out fishing for gosh, I think the longest Helios II, I've done worse, we started January. We got finished up in August, I think sometime or July August, so might that that season ran along. When I was younger, we go out gosh, we have different seasons, we'd be out,
eight months, nine months at a black hole, you also sway. We you you'd, come back for fuelled ours, that come back here were you'd or you can sneak off home for a trip or whatever. But you really like these nine month, increments but longest out to sea for a little credible, they were used and I would say a little over a month which is a long time on low, both yeah yeah did you can get fuel at sea and you can deliver it see. You know back, then your delivering out there so different forget him. You don't want to see after like it, if you're out there, like twelve fourteen days, start getting tired of you really do because you're sick about everything, else on the boat you wanna, you want to go in and offloading regroup yeah. You guys are tight quarters to amend its, not it's not like you're on a cruise ship. In its you know what your youth, you guys, aren't
I called so there's how many guys you're on a boat at a time like maximum and minimum that you'd go out with well, I typically will go over the five or six main crew. You know sixty what happened with the captain. You delay the wizard Keith he's got a much larger boats. They'll go twenty four hours, you're twenty four, seven, typically so they'll, probably wrong, I'm guessing seventy eight something like that, but you always have a guy in the rack and then you're just rotating you know this is so it depends on what ballgame your plan back in the day, those boats were built for form and xo. Four guys would do the job forty five guys insistence show started. I've been watching Everson. Today beautiful was like two thousand for two thousand and five. I remember what that first season and I was completely enthralled and at the time I had a bunch friends like man? I wanted. I want to go, move up to Alaska and try to be efficient, and just so you can make it
a lot of money, a small amount of time in and then come back and gone vacation for. Why did you go see? can uptake and new people that would move up to Alaska. That thought that could be on these boats because the show o absolutely I mean that's great. You know why not you know, but now that we ve got a quota system and enable the indices rationalize. We went from two hundred twenty forty boats down. You know sixty seventy that are participating those harder, but I encourage- and I love to hear that- and I remember Vienna at the airport, you know in called they were trying to get a dutch harbour. Copper guys, gonna, tell me I'm a surely you know the guy on the guy. That's what we're gonna do. Alaska gonna get us a johannsen figure, guys you're late. You know these guys hang onto their jobs in your preparing. You know, weeks or months ahead,
but they went up there and look for work. There was such an influx of. There was actually guys sleep, an intense on the beach you're looking for work when that show, but first started and was just this phenomenon, it is an ideal rate. I love the fact that you know we're sure work, ethic and different lifestyle and that people dig it. I love that I think I can tell the story, whereas the outlines shipyard do not us were or reforming and while the boats were built so the skiff comes down, there is looking for a job as a look, I don't got room do this and then see what happens to get a job at a cannery. So he gets a job at one of the sea food canneries and then I said you'll go. You got room and board you'll, be in dutch harbor and then you know just keep beating the dogs and then eventually you'll find something trust me. So it does this. Like a year later,
I'm in the same shipyard and he's in there, but now he is on his book and the guys in tears in his eyes, It's my life and I made it was. You remember me, isn't know his eye and he pointed egos ass, the boat than alone. Now any. I did exactly what So I do- and I got a new hope and this guy I mean he could he couldn't get a job anywhere. I just thought so good. Do you know that that the one guy had that opportunity and in many made it so you know its greatest inspired? That's awesome. That's asked me, I knew you, you mention, you know, work ethic and in how tough these guys are its its doubts. I think the most as part of the show how tough, ah all you guys are being out there at sea in guenaud freezing cold temperature, so we are big football fans. We
do a or injured so like you can play we if your little hurt, if your injured your injured. Here I mean legs actual Andrey. So what's the threshold on a boat like what are things real? Like, hey, listen, you can see you can still Do this you can still, you know catch crab or what? What is the injury rely? Car you got to sit out. You got to you got to maybe get off the boat for a while. guys were organised or uranium, and am I was wrong. Man or slow down? This is ridiculous. What's his name basis, It was one of my arrows and he comes up and he he Keaton it takes us a ringer down, reposes sweats down right, and I'm workin out of it. I swear to you. It was purple from his hip passed. His knee was just this giant purple scar and even working with it for a couple of days, because he'd been hit by one of our craft
Applause, mature, eight hundred seventy five pounds each hit him against the rail pinched him. You know Look at it. You would think. Are you out of your mind? You hit the bank, we gonna, take you to the beach. You know this is bad. You didn't break it, but he damage it. So bad it was just a giant Bruce anyway. We leave it up to them. You know now because we re there's no age? Are you know and ended up better and yes, the cap and does not have the last word, but at the end of the day, a lot of times it's about your ego and a lot of peer pressure that the crews going to they're relying on each other. You only got so many guys, not like you're, going to go down the street and hire some dude. I saw you gotta go away, you're losing time and time is money right and so don't do it too.
ere I mean they're literally putting themselves of arms risk and you don't gotta, be the biggest guy. Does not what it's about its about? What you got your heart in your head? That's what makes it you know. I've seen the smallest guys be the most tremendous people and the biggest guy spell it just depends on it You got here and right here, but sit. So as the captain are you allowed, are the boat runner? Whatever way you want to you want to phrase it? Are you allowed to arrest somebody on your boat? Do you have that authority Buddy revision westward, prefer deepwater brown cravat, and this kid was going crazy. Couldn't handle it for whatever reason and he was threatening, and He was sleeping with a knife, regional aid of a knife and his pillow and the guy we're just get freaked out. And
he made a remark. I will say what was within my buddy courteous: that's it you're done and they grab him. They duct tape. Him threw him back in his bunk locked the door to the town, and that was there is like you can you know I mean it was probably safety, but you just don't know if a guy slips what're you gonna do so yet there is that why you are the law and you just gotta to end these, though about four hundred years. Should I mean that's the way it? What's the scariest storm you ve been in or what's the closest you been like our disease like? What's your threshold like I've been through some shit, I've seen him shit I can handle this, but I'm sure there's been a few times you're like I'm, pretty nervous about all of us right now we had we had. I mean I don't know which one cuz they're all freaking hair.
everyone here knows how to pick one cause I've I've seen my life lasted for my so many times, but you know like once one time I have told the forests we rise up and I was young and hungry greedy. We weren't sharpening ice and saw it builds on the boat so tremendously for fun. If we take our out ass, she was literally sink beneath our feet. Waves hit us, we got kind of broadsides laid their interviews, I would say- sixteen to eighteen hours to get the ice enough to where she started right herself, who yet its alone redoubtable, yes, that we are the boat on the beach one time that was just harry. Ah, we ve had her on the side so far that,
Ah, we shut power to the engine overturn get fuel to the engine shutdown of that black Sunday. Africa me postman down, for it just seemed like there was media mania. baby and on an people that you knew that work that has gone down gently. Miles away from here. You know so others and I. looking back. You know it like guys dramatize this and I don't know, maybe they build it up in their mind, such a you know thing won't you younger age was my words part deal and in its nuts but boy. At the same time, we try to be as safe as became. We just sometimes you're wrong. Please don't got. Do you ever less just how this year, in times like dad you everything
yourself, like maybe I'll just go captain about off the coast of Florida. Let go of fishing in the Gulf like run a charter and go take people out. Did you go deep sea fishing, catch Marlins and aided agree whether instead of being apparent last all the time? Now we ve- got the salmon border or a pleasure by sound. I got a ski both for my kids. You know one leg and all that, but I mean I like the pleasure fish, but at the same time it's an addiction right and so and yeah how many, how many like a cat? How many lives do I get? But that being said, I think you know if you're good, at what you do and the guys that are up there or the best of they do. I believe the fleet is just top notch. Kinda bad things happen, but we do take every precaution. We can't
I really do wonder. I think you know you're, not really. The same word do in that. When you ve done both right- and this is like an addiction thing- this is like you do you know this is your fix? Yeah you get up there and if you succeed, and especially when you do well, is my email, I got my thinks. I'm good yeah, no risk! No biscuit! That's! What's the what's the best type, a crab. What's the while argument, What's the tastiest type a crab and then what's the crab will gain the most money where it all for me, I like and grab and then there's a baron. I retain grab those were sweeter and that's kind of a species close to the appeal or snow, proud that we call it. So we got a lot more or snow, brought about their you'll, see that in water restaurants. But for me I just like you just be it's a lot more meat and scattered the flavour to giant legs. Yeah yeah! Is that
at the time the brings in the most money here. Only we re dollar two pair. We get a lot more depends on the core rights or the guy's typically make more money. Efficient, snow grammar failure, because you gotta be quote yeah, then now, but I mean, if you had a big on king grab, you know it's a ten bucks, a pound or wherever again, oh a hundred dollars Download is a million dollars that adds a fast I pretty good yeah yeah, I will say out our I worked as a busboy crab shack in the outer thanks for a while. If there was a poke and we We used to serve the king crab legs and every day I come home and probably take me about. It would be at least two showers to get the smell of crab off my body for you after you get you off a boat after being out there for a couple months. How long does
Take you to no longer smell like crab there. It I'm a captive right, so I'm not smell of asthma like coffee and cigarettes. That's my problem as far as the boat it, so it s pretty logic. Us do not their built for four pack and parts, not Comfor, so we are very, very tight living orders. That's pretty future! When you get in there for you that we try to say clean, you know all that, the showers, all pretty nasty, gets pretty bad every with all along here. Take your rapporteur, washed out Gama yeah. I was sure I looked like I looked like forest scumbag enamel crew caught, but still it get under your fingernails. You know, like your hands, would smell a crab and I love crab. I love eating grass, but at some point no halfway through the summer gig I was like you know. What am I want to look for a different place just because it did take me a couple showers to finally get that get that stink off me in and when you make
that part of your job. You start to resent going into work, occasionally. No, that's the type of cologne. I don't know. well. What's? U we just get used to it mandate, it is pretty if they don't have smell of vision. I think the smell of fishermen without reviewers Leah. What's the weirdest thing you ve got Your parts before that when you pull it up either animal or like trash not be work out by believer so he was a trusted than Telstra Jonathan RO the time when it is your forever. They do, and I love these guys- are like family right under the polar plots and they put their got alligator crocodile school in their whole. My guys, like we lose the story girl. We vote a software program or something like that right and because I do believe
eleven first far beyond their just regular. Now they thought the date they there. This historic jackpot come to find out. It was elsewhere, Frank and said that it was declared that is good at. Would you gotta give or get like what? What did like you get? You obviously give- should there if we ever got anything else like the like that socks. Ninety, the gear is meant specifically to cast what we're after so we ve got escape mechanism, and you know, if you're not getting a lot of bycatch, we call it you'll, see a little bit different species here and there, but for the most part, it's a real, clean fishery right. That's what we're after and so. That's that's why we have the stainable industry, you no more by cats,
the worst you're doing for the environment. So it's all about that. Do not is that's good yeah like we're going a wolf feeling and almost like this most terrible, looking fish in a couple of things at all will feel discovery. Looking stuff I've super deep. You know four brown, drought and aerial catch a lot of weird stuff, you're, just a different kind of species, a crowd that I didn't even know existed right. We're lookin spidery things, but I can't even in its political deep Are you getting somewhere staff? Have you ever seen a normal? Let a norwalk nor will know I'm seeing
you don't know Wales is over there yet nor wall is that it's the whale that has the unicorn horn. I'm convinced that it's not your eyes, because those things there so freaky looking nobody's weird is like sometimes Europe there is, you know you don't see the beauty. I guess what I'm saying us. It's your job put at times, you'll see My party, like killer whales, wasn't just four miles. You know you just see the another. the work another blow or just it looks like a storm out there, but it's it's whales, it's really cool at times and the because you get you get desensitize. Do it because you get your hundred job, but then, when you sometimes you know, you'll get like beautiful sunsets and things that need sure that you will never see again and you think a man. This is really something because you're you're in the middle of nowhere. You now yeah pretty bring me earlier. You talk about an about your boat.
who kept referring to it. Is she in her at its very coolly here? That is, I think, a lot people forget that all boats are females. Is there a history behind like why it's always a she or her cause? My theory is just a bunch of do shot at sea. They haven't seen a woman in a while, so they get they just get so horny that they're gonna say that the boats, a girl, this their elders and at worst you like the day they always have like we're on the bar. You know but you always at the the lady that, like mermaid her some upon the body, I was at a gal there on the Tipp of the bull. Maybe that's where the she came from cause. I know. I know I've been asset for research that, but I think there were comes from you know and for some reason they did that they'd, always ever How do you figure upon upon the nose? Yes year ended by was then she I don't know, there's just
Who knows, maybe maybe they'll be an appropriate sunday. Maybe I'm supposed to be generous specific to my boat say It would, however, be I'll. Never do it all up let's go towards a better, so I was wondering the we need when you got to do in the season. How much do they do the cameras gettin away, The cameras are in the beginning. There were in the way, because we have to learn how to coexist with Egypt right, but but you know now it's to the point where everybody understands their jobs and and my rule number one when we first started doing it was three helps fishing first, camera second
I think that recipe is probably one of the reasons why we we ve been on so long, because you know we only get one shot. The fish and if you're worried about the guy asking you questions and trying to get in your head, you ain't going to get nothing done and you're going to fail. So you know our priority is fishing. How many? How many cameramen are on the boat at a given time? We got. We got two guys. We have a producer in a wheelhouse he's on me. Twenty four slash seven and then, and then you got a guy on deck and they work together. There's two guys with our crew and saw it gets pretty tight in awe and if you get a guy that you're not get along with, I mean it's a disaster, but there are just trying to do their job piano, hazard as urban, like instance, where things are? don't sideways. You need an extra ceta hands and you ve asked like the camera guire the producer, hey man, I know you a job to do. But this is bigger than the tv show. Can you Linda
internal. You don't pull this crowd pod offer guy hypothetically. Yet if I was to do that because of liability and legal issues that would be inappropriate writin, but hypothetically there may or may not have been cameramen. That probably would have participated because of certain circumstances and hypothetically. If they did that my hat off to him, because I think the friggin awesome yeah about a Ghana wink, we should we should they should do a behind they. Should you, like a deadliest camera like cameraman, show of just the behind the scenes of the camera men, the deadliest catch. Those guys are all day were man took a while took for us to get to sink and learn each other, but the guys that there really are amazing right because they do put them
jobs in harm's way as well right and then get beat up all the time, so why are you know you in my hands after modestly and is getting smoother theoretical, our biggest smoother smoother, because they understand what you're getting into andor, and that makes it easier for everybody gathered there go get to discuss. Well, even this last. I am assuming that the job of Unilever spokesmen shoot at the real next thing. You know he's lying on the stern head first in the cameras Bureau middle of the air, because he got hit by way it happens all the time and innocent. We can do about it right,
They have to be on guard just as much as the crew is on guard and have to work together and the first thing I tell a gambler guy when it gets on the borders. Look, I know you that your job, but right now you're a part of this t. You either started think like a crew member or get the hell off. That's your choice and they learn really quickly that there are part of our crew. If you smell something funny see something funny feel something funny. You know say it don't expect us to save your ass. You are a part of this deal, you know if you smell oil or anything say somethin be a part of the book because it could save your life someday. You know we have fires, we have floods, there's all kinds of things that can happen and you're part of it, and once they understand that, then it becomes a team effort and network. That's that's the winning wrestle
be right. There yeah I mean that the fate of the boat is going to include them. Whatever happens to the team there like it or not, you know you're miles off the coast, so you do have some skin in the game and if you get like a greenhorns new guy out there, whose maybe maybe hasn't tried this before things that are cut out for how quickly into the journey you typically fine now whether or not this guy has what it takes to be on a boat and have this job or like a green, aren't, remember the guy's I'll, kill him out pretty quick, you know you can tell you, can tell right away at the dock. If he's gonna make it or not. You notice about their spirit in their heart and their attitude. You know they got the right step. They're gonna, make it and put about by think about a new guy, or this last season never been gravitation agenda, but he was hungry right and he was. He was amazing because he had that attitude. You get greenhorn cameraman watch out
They want to be the next Spielberg and as I do, you know, it's just survive, I'm not that we are working on my back to shore up. I saw one last question, so you ve had to heart attacks. You ve been through many many seasons. Fishing is their retiring as a fisherman like, I feel, like you alluded to it, you know the addiction to fishing in being out their weight. What what does it look like in terms of hay in ten years? I'm a wrap it up or five years out assume after the second heart attack is usually when people like you, oughta do this anymore. You powered through that. So what what is the rest of your fishing career look like when it for me, I'm just glad I'm here and you know I've got my daughter on board, so your captain and training saw it all eventually, hopefully shall take the reins and announce that and that's always been urging gray. That being said, for me, I feel it is my responsibility always has been, and so even if I set it out, I think I, like John.
but the new time eight he could sit out. We received we're going to do it and then I don't know, maybe until they drag your ass off the field. Europe instead about Russia is one of the things you know here. I am ready for that. Permit method that I didn't mean to like make you have to face it, but it is essentially because I think you know watching the show it such a great show, and you guys are so tough and you're doing something that so tough, but again the day. I think you will genuinely love it to a level that a lot of people don't love their jobs, all absolutely without question and even like it, I've been home, mister, transparent, arrogant, you're, always thinking about the boat and the people on it or the weather, or what's going on so it's in your head, no matter what they had all been in it, but then again against the three young guy. But I feel like you're thinking more about your mortality Alla time an end.
you think and Jesus may. I, like I've, had some costs calls why reduced this stuff, but I don't know it's like I don't want it didn't, get no real runaway s right and it really rican sucks. Dont really. Does it does what weight on that note heart attack. Does I just feel? Like too bad heartburn. For me, it was like massive heartburn in the middle of my chest, went down my arm and it's kind of been my back and I will listen to admitting it and then we got in
this is an absurd statement to say, like I was having a heart attack and I just refused to admit it, but I didn't and then the guys like you need to get to the clinic and actually, when we got to the beach one of the assistance for the discovery of production company was there and I get in the car. You know I mean so everybody on board but be in it. We are just started here, these things and in very common. I guess a lot of people saw it sucks. Does it lives in your head and everyday you're like thank. You got him alive and you know you live in my day today, Just really sucks YAP Winston some is a mental. My yeah says the best thing for you to continue to do what you love and that that is insanely tough. That you're, just like you, have to turn a walk off a heart attack. Is that or do you have a couple of drinks and late, better
I don't know what the right the urgency nightcap, maybe a nice red wine, will take the edge off I've I've. One last question: I will let you go, this might be done the question but I'll, ask anyways, have you guys got into the whole? See shanty game because see? Shanties are really really popular amongst youngsters. These days, if you want to appeal to other high school in college, crowd to start tapers jobs do see shanty one time, I'm sure you'll get another new influx of of young greenhorns come up there to Alaska eyes, and I got it. You do this. She's checks see you share. The aim is to sit yeah just in on board to sing a song about crabs. I think that that would do they go viral instantly Okay, that's a good idea. I'll put my scottish kilt on or something like that and starts champion around. Is that you cannot do the kids love it these days
play me like we're always in Norway, that we try to go. Was the earth and there's always the stuff like that going around in the pubs. You do intend for some reason, but they don't see a lot of it here. If you guys are standing here now, that's cool! I left you so much. Everyone check out deadliest catch it premieres. The new season is out April 20th at eight p, DOT M Eastern to check it out on discovery channel, and if you haven't watched it, you got to watch the show. I assume most but it is one of the best shows out there. So thank you so much. We appreciate it and be safe out there and at all they got that discovery plus or guys that want to catch all the episodes could see it there, which I now have learned. So I signed up as well. I guess no real mildly. Pass these guys, I bring me a thousand young regret even taken so much,
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talk about it by the second vaccine might be under the weather, begets only pounce revitalize great idea. That's what are we doing? You guys should try this weakened as well check him out, revitalize tagamet drink, revitalize and now here's one swallow another, something completely different. Okay. We now welcome on a very special guest he's fighting tonight, we're gonna say we're. Gonna run this on Friday, you're, not fighting tonight. Horizontal sorry, doubt your eyes were likely shit, I'm fighting tonight home, but he is fighting tonight right. from rowdy in Morgantown, West Virginia can buy, are in our dot com. He is going up against Jeremy Dynamite Smith, you're gonna kick his ass. You know him from W W e superstar fame horn swaddle. Ah so how we feel and going into the fight. Are we you're gonna? Kick his ass right on the show up, I'm going to box going to fight I'm going to make
now who the fuck German Smith is for once Europe and I'm going to make some money. Okay, so reading between the lines, ass, our ya, No I'm not going to Jose can Seiko it. I'm not going you show up, take a far go home, put more stare right in my arm. Go to sleep at night, ok, but I mean just just from hearing you. You talk about the fight for the first time. Do are you confident in yourself I've never find my life Jimmy Smithy spot ones in his life people calling him a fighter, as I said in a previous interview, I mean? If I go to the park, hit a couple tennis balls, I could be fuckin. Andrea legacy, no checks, so I'm not a fighter, but neither is he sure he won a title with his first fight you up again. If I
compete in Islam? Don't contest and somehow Beach Shack doesn't mean, I'm a slammed on champion. No, it shouldn't in reality, for you would be kind of see you this all you tweeted during roughen rowdy, like I want next right I do I do what next That doesn't mean I I know I'm going to win. Listen I may professional ressler, I'm entertainer. This is going to be my first foray into this world. Who knows what's gonna happen? have you ever been in like an actual fight like a bar fight? I've caused a lot of them I like that, for me. If I cannot, I drop out bombs, you're right gas. Absolutely I didn't know.
What what shows I can't. I can't I never know, and I don't like you a lot because on Fiji Ressler, but with your guys his audience, I feel I can be a little more piggy, thirteen and a little more myself. But the thing is, you have caused a good about life. I have definitely been over served and then very tired, as I say and caused a few have I had people had my back yeah sure any dummy Jerry. fellow doubles. Every superstars have your back in any of these I mean yeah. Give us I my guy here that I cannot leave this. There was a nightmare. Looked gallows was really having my back nor nay, almost hourly, gallows now dark out here. You definitely have a back one. So part of you been wrestling dvd for a very long time. People know you do you.
You wanted. The story lies you had four. While was that you were Vincent Man's Bastard son, You think maybe you're like there's a one percent chance you're in his will. Zero now come on That's why you're sitting Russia is in real need now is. It was revealed that I'm actually thinly site if you were kept watching the product- and you didn't read my Wikipedia like you probably did you do it as it was a real those actually Finlayson, not mince aside all, which means I would not be in his will put you think, there's a time that maybe you were in his will like you should have actually negotiate that like hey, I wanna go at the story line Vince, but I want a little. I want a little taste wasn't. He was pay me well well, therefore the will at the time of the year. I also note the fact that you are indeed acts because degeneration x, I loved, export use me I thought I always I was that I was the Ex park like we would How do I get how show's over these are in the country does not televised
would be in the middle of them to doing the pyro with amazing, I'm fucking ASP greatest moment of my life, Will it would exports? Have you back in of our fight? Hypothetically, I feel like export, would dump would have anyone back in a back. Let's just want some action, yeah yeah see, as was the fine work. So long as you spent at a time hiding underneath a ring during a wrestling match too to then be revealed and have everyone go crazy, seven hours and I mean. Did you know? I do not know. I do not share their peers. That's necessitates always a follow up question here. The number one follow where'd. You shit, we're GPS. Here you could. Here you can hold over seventy eight hours to give your phone at least I yeah. That our rheumatic appears p under their sleep out little you sleep under there was life. You just be hanging on to read.
feeling rather low this allowed, but I'm not a tall human. If it wasn't that uncomfortable for me, given the whole area is thing that, like you'd, be watching a wrestling match and worn swallow just plain: fucking php, underneath it yeah cycle. We are, we are. We are on tour overseas in Europe and I fell asleep under the ring from the night. Before being again a little tired and from the night before whole, show Phillies match was last last. Last of the night. I fell asleep. The whole show so much so that when my time Findley rolled out of the ring lifted apron for me to come out, I wasn't there and I'm just face down like just sleep in a way he thought when the beam Tell me not me now I just passed out you're just tired. He had paid up with that. Man has received
Oh no. He had to taught me into the ring for herself with the undertaker of all people. So I did not realise what I did. Oh, my God, I walk. I literally just whispering, Myself- and I am so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry- I've just yeah. He knows where worry us, our sleeping, where, for you, as I sleep where there are certain certain parts of of being underneath the ring we're like you knew you had to avoid this corner at this time is somebody was about to get slammed and the rapid action ok. I know a few days into these. It is too weak on tours. I would be able to hear in the picture what's happening above me from the crowd reactions and just what they're doing it was a really really neat thing like I picked up on four sort matches and certain guys, but yeah I mean I try to new and that when the finnish recovery, not just by the by
the audio. So what should we be on the lookout for Friday? What is your? What's your deadliest punch, any of them all very good I mean I I I don't, I don't know, I'm guys. I've been training for seven weeks since we, since we really locked, is fighting. I I've. I've never fought. My life like, I said a higher boxing coached twice we too, weeks and am just goin out, I'm taken this more seriously than I've taken anything in my life, anything in my life and expand the hardest training. On top of that, I just ran a rustling event on Saturday that eleven hundred people I put that and promoted that and rustled on that it's been crazy, suspending crazier two months of my life there with us, which your mentality onto the. are you in war mode. I mean I'm, I'm in the mood
get more eyes on on my brand. The doing passed, a brand, which is really just me. If we're being honest,. I've been told and asked. Why are you doing this or this, and you can't do this and that's all my life? I was four years old. I was paralyzed from a from a major back surgery and the first thing I said was: I want to be a professional wrestler, the doctor, the first thing out of the surgery when he fixed my back, was no contacts. No trampolines. Obviously I didn't listen to him. Some whenever someone tells me kind of know or you can't do that or that's just not going to work fuck. You kind of thing Really. I watched the last rough and ready for the four this time. In my life, I've never watched a rough rowdy shots. I was instantly hot ITALY entertained If I weren't on this one, I been purchasing this one. Yes, I'm gonna be purchasing everyone in a future, because there that event, an issue like lie-
like no other, I watched the other once my buddy of mine only over watch last one- and I brought my son over with me to it to his house and the first might happen. I was too postscript. Yes, when I read the first ring girl came out, I looked at by eleven year old Son. I go. It become a man tonight landed, there was just one because you know what I did I describe. I describe roughen rowdy, as just fine overall has described the whole about it. But I did so true, no ouch, seven. I love rough and ready. I you know, I call the fights it's it's fun in its fun to watch people- p and I always have so much respect for anyone who gets the ring, because it's not easy and it's fuckin like you could get knocked out, but you're right. It's just wall to Wall, fun, laughs, some cool knockouts. I need you to get a knockout on on Friday night. I need you to to knock you.
Aramis without and because I love you, you don't Germans both know. I like you. I, like you and I also think that it would be an electric moment if you got a knock out in your first fight, ever see but that's the way of the electorate and the internet would be going the room watching home would be while I used to fighting in front of people are like Jerry Sniff, I'm used to fighting in front of solar arenas, but ass a my first interview, masses were garden staple centre. All of this jam packed with tens of thousands dozens of people. I wasn't a year and inevitably we and I was that Romania from eighty four thousand how Europe is as important front of one You have the moment advantage over because the moment might be to be an all round. The norm is likely to be real, or does he because he's used to fight for them now and I'm used to feeding off alive rule. There is no life crowd so who does have that they'll? Be some people still be some people there? I think it's extended family Seville.
But will have at least you know, they'll be they'll, be some buys you can for creating. I M Jeremy Smith is bring his family yes, exactly exactly wish, I would add on that yeah. Well, you know it's not amount for his entire family. I mean I've at either way, like I say, either way Europe puts more zeros behind his name. Once I fight on making famous it's true, the owners, someone that's true up, just its I'm not afforded this man. This is its crunch time. I lily just got done train today. This morning I packed my bags and I'm always lay packer, and I always forget something at its highest. It's just I live my life and I was my life- was travelling for the last fifteen twenty years but, as I said, my bad just before I came on the scene of yours in my bag up, I put my carnival well. I can't turn back now, no matter but there's no turning back. Must my dad's picking me up taking an airport the morning we're doin you gotta! This is it's fucking, go time, unity around
I'm so glad is. Finally here. I think one advantage that you do have over him is that you ve brought you ve taken more hits than he has so you.
Experience and in being on the receiving end of some serious blows. What's the hardest you ve been hit in the Dublin II, progress made twenty three on top of that twenty four ladder take Islam off type, that toy for ladder and that's it doesn't get bigger the lad, but I've taken brutal blows had but there, but it's nothing like this. Nothing like boxing and and punch after punch I've never been punished in the face. My life, I've never happened. This will be the first time if he is able to help me. I had one last question, so I will be on the call on Friday night what you ever a bunch of awesome nicknames that you ve had in the past to you. Is there one specifically that you want me, but his eyes were well, I swaddle would be great constabulary. We owns the horn, of course, okay, so we can talk a Dell impossible or just,
model. Many gator again stop listening to my Wikipedia pages short Stag by Mr Professional Vulcan interview. You measures must be professional journalists now facing us, where your downright aren't you gonna gods, yet no way I've I've listened mustachioed ship Europe in your pocket. If we really want to go there, but I got Could you not a part of that? I hear your powder. So you re you're not the values. I know, I'm a bears, Vance why you ve taught you re such a piece of shit. I repeat here what I will call you you'd better call me out next, if a lion, the wind or for you. I won't, now I will get married Jesus Christ you're a bears you're admitting that
international Broadcast Europe, meaning that yeah? No, you listen. I am. I just realized that I don't want to go there, but I think now Knocker roof real. That's that's great just like everyone else who is telling me this isn't going to happen. Join the bandwagon, now I want to get rid of your next week. Will be a temporary buccaneers van like everyone else to bypass fight all be Jeremy Fan after not you out, that's why that's fine, I'm not a fighter just like him. Anything can happen in this fight, but just no, no matter what we're going to make history with this event with more eyes on it than any other roughen round. I love that fucking love that This Friday today were arrogance enable recording two days ago. It's happening today that tonight
I'm afraid, I'm back on your side on back on this deal. I've got inside. I don't want. You know you can't you would now. I really want to be on your side. You can't tell me what to do. I better get to do on Madeira. Hostile, swaddle FED on Friday night, a son of a bitch you can buy, are an hour dotcom yet do it now go it now on your cell phone on your computer or I don't know, I've done role cool, but going your role, coup or say Alexa. Order, rough and ready. Now, yes, pay click done order. It now love it loved swaddle, Dylan possible. Thank you. So much man will see Friday night and day. I'm excited we'll see you Friday, import swallows brought by Zapruder. If your business owner, whose hiring you probably face a lotta challenges when it comes to finding the right person for your roar, that's where Harrington feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack,
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off your order. Hank out gonna say you know you could interview nice guy, but after here We talk about the fight when looking at them. The marshal you have to pick between hammered dynamite, aren't swallowed. Irma yeah. You gotta pick data Yeah I've been asking thing like the fight happen that- and you heard him afterwards kind of say basically the same things that porn swallow saying it's. It's hard to pick them in your not agree at a great right, but On the other hand, his horn swaddle Right- and I used to watch him on tv. True, so there's that and maybe use under selling it because he's like fought undertaker, true, but he's asleep beforehand. True yeah, I will be great by by our in order- come Hank Firefox the week you wanna get going. Yes, on twenty seven years old
and I M glad I hold suitably afghani oak, unwelcome issue. Now we're not sure thing. In June there, twenty drive out. We twenty eight had. I still have two months when you can die and be remembered as a legend, exactly when you turn thirty, I'm it to be so depressed, yeah. Because I knew you when you're nineteen the army. I saw it I'd severally, I'm starting again. They were like. I saw like Isaiah Thomas Celtics memory and was like six years ago, and I was a whole week for gas down. That's that's a call. I would then in two years that crazy, we yeah. If you ethical railway at right angles, college than five years
but I want twenty seven years. No, never tell me how to pronounce what you put a thing of ice cream in order tat beer, I thought you were either you're fucking. Yes, you were dead, that's why they replied anybody, because we had probably like dozens of people that so many people they dont british people say it has like looked up at the pub you always called it pains We all worked up into the fire. I honestly believe you know that it's colleagues we didn't talk about this, but that's it, back in the same way like we got tat, and so my tweets else like dude, you didn't know, hey Joking, like I didn't say that, but the in my head, I, like, of course he was look who's. Talking with you guys, because a browser. Shit a boy eating go to college like because I want a relay metal. I thought that it was you trying to do a bad british access, unlike our way on purpose, may also be very important. British people do say pen, I know they are they say if you want to delete this part sales Jovi ever seen snatch, I yeah the dock stuff You'd never said the word pint No, I didn't you
by we'd in the quantity of pi, though he had no reason to use at units of measurement and like why you oughta, pronounced out I'm not a huge, I'm not eat ice cream. Hey! I lay eighth eighth but now I did, Obviously, like a trip that much I get defensive, no you're wrong. I went on. I went on the tangled baby in a corner out to speed like point. No, the other one though the other one. I have a docks, and I thought that was I would have been up until I had myself. I dash Dash Hound. I would have a hundred miles out of a hundred. That's never forgive. It wasn't pint yeah pent, if you ve, never like Pronounced ice cream. All a part of that someone, I would have said pent. You see that's important, I'd yours and you never got just me too,
It says you know enough ice cream. I am not a huge yeah. I screamed guys like I was a kid, but not I would like my them would have the big one dodged the get myself a cup of it gives a mile. I never go and call the pint in my house, like, oh, like I'm, going to the story needy things like gap, pirates awry, scream, rice, and we don't say, like we're. Gonna be nonsense. Commit a pint, was here too, in a beer but I feel I can tv shows, which are the only and you watch tv show they talk about getting a pin its british, but I feel it is at present no impact. Recycling, blinders yeah, you probably what pinky blinders on mute with close captioning. Yet it also that's my five our appeal to you ass. I can relate after the mortgage and cynicism ex ago right the mortgage. Well off on what are you hungry? You went to college warehouse. Firstly, I don't think I've never paid a mortgage he's also supposed to be someone that could speak yet a router hanks greatest hits. There's Thailand there's option pent post mostly postmarks lose.
Super relatives supervision is my most my personal life personal opinion. The worse one was was island guerrilla. Why? Why, oh and guerrilla girl from the boy I owe away local, whereas a secret I would be if there were just while guerrillas without this house, was hanging off the windmills if I require forsake this really Wi Fi Roses B, I D fire Billy, not just getting If the my fire first is that I am once again being made a fool of by the Pittsburgh pirates. Oh yeah late hours stop winning. I was actually I'm not abandoning ship. I was out that's what those ones that I didn't want to bring up to cause. I was like the pirates have been winning in Europe,
yes and happy that you brought it up. So I didn't have to eyes. You got off I've been losing money hand over fist responsibly on Pittsburgh pirate job: it's such a sad thing to say that the Pittsburgh Pie, I'm talking about the maid. We basically ran his eyes. The Pittsburgh pirates or making me look like a fool repeated. can't stop winning. You could say that maybe save the Pittsburgh pirates, my bidding against them. One could say that I do know that when I stop betting on them, start losing again, and I can't let that happen I get because then they beat me twice. Yes, so I think If you see me on a thirty four thirty broke, it's gonna be because the Pittsburgh pirates with nobody on the roster that I can name off. The top my head have taken on all my money from yours and you get a job you to walk the plank, I gotta do something to turn around two again apparent: they got a sock yet know the Pittsburgh. Pirates are pretty good day.
They are there not their relatively, do not good but their better than bad. I think there but I think you're better than that. I think are good there, that's better than bad as is right before good, but ok, so they don't think you yeah they're, better, the bat like they're, not bad, but there are good they're just in between that way. sense raised very fresh. That's good, though, for the pirates yeah Now it is always a bad team that has a good April. is there anyone who having rather just that's my point, that's why they're that's why it might just be that there are now but it will not be there. The other over under was pretty neither have, I think, they're right around five hundred like they might behind and then you'll get outta there it could be like us: seventy to win team, which would lose you a lot of money, but that's all so a bad t lay the second worse run differential me and all right now, There are some very us I might so. I just got away. They ve got their babbage studio. Worse behind your natsir work,
That is one of your. Not bad. Luck has to turn around a little bit. I my fire fast as to what is, I got a college football debate today and I just miss College Football so much because it's the best sports debate, because it is so fans from everywhere? I write truly love. I know that, every time you I tried to be anything online people, we'll just say: oh your triggered, I truly of debating college football online. I miss it. Can we put me back and then my other fire first is I so everyone thanked us and we should be thanked for killing the Super League in saving Sakharov superbly kind of events we I think the Super League would be a great edition. I know what I mean I was thinking about it yesterday, us like magic. If there is just a Wednesday like every Wednesday afternoon, the best teams in the world player Jurassic Park, Man Spirit, Cottonwood Windsor. I don't want it consequence for the poor,
where the people were for the people, but if you like, I think I actually think that, if you asked everyone solo like listen. I want your opinion. It will never get out. We know the bad parts a Super league, but would you watch cause? It's gonna be sweet baby yeah. I'd watch will, of course, what I've got news for you, though it's gonna happen, relax, you're gonna happen. This was a trial balloon. That is another matter. Are the people mad people's out of town? I think there's. change like we talked about on Sunday, they're gonna this was a bargaining chip, poorly played one, but a bargaining chips to basically change Champions League a little bit so that the teams, the top the cops running teams always get it. Why doesn't Vienna less just rebranding superbly showed the north That's really what you're kind of missing out on yeah. The idea of a superbly, yet there roaming free, I just like hit me I am glad that we did what we did. We Dave Soccer. I dont have any work
that's perceiving the most popular sport. Technically in the world around I keep thinking us YO, but it wouldn't sweet, it would have been for the match up would be nice if one of your fucking sweet, but then it also would have destroyed the? U S a chance of winning World CUP. I don't even know we're gonna make to the World CUP registry step at a time? But that's it. That's that's. Not even our national team to women's national team international to correct amends team is, we will not acknowledge them until they qualify her acts for World CUP Papa. Do you have a far fast a copy on the spot? mighty. Cars is weak, nod and again, that's only yellows applause Fox. I thought I did have want Jake offers Jake Offer. Ah my phone in my hearty pocket the other day and I was walking and I unknowingly tat, pressing the password and the disabled
You watch yourself, you often myself, I've always wondered what happens if you actually press the emergency call button, and you don't know it like who, like sick police officers, just run, run you and ask you if you're right swarm, you gotta, know jig. What did you feel like a cybercriminals do, you feel like you might want to turn yourself in no, but when the time around now I was very careful typing. Yeah, I think you're gonna be out or not, and if I did it wrong by act like on purpose. What's your password, the bottom line. I won't allow ever say. That is why my as some of you would have to have money right. What we will do that still your phone we're gonna change. It now gives you actually have access to my twitter account trivial, but solid, south, again their now, I don't trust the Jake's compromising integrity. This entire pod leap that our belief that our belief in attica- I don't
the sidelines Giles phone, not answer so you're you're. Now a target you're weak tone. Let's go for you, I like Jake is just a completely oblivious to the fact that it would be bad for other people to have your yeah we're password your weak target. Now arts of leave it out. For this don't change you change. Your change about matters is like six great look. As you all know. We also sifted you also out without the number you also showed on the screen. You did like the manual typing in the past now they know they order that use or the reverse you know I agree with you- steal his phone- see if he's been taxing with other other podcast interesting. I have nothing to hide. Yes, look! My phone, I know you, don't probably probably be like actually would sock to look at your phones. You make me feel like a worse purse. Words like someone
is like a our those guys like all yet the best guys ever. I love them so much like we too nice about us too, to strangers. You're so open about letting me use your cell phone makes me not want yourself when you go Lothar, Another day is the world's top. Terrorists survived in credit, Jake, I don't know how you doing thinkers and smaller chance the Jake is FED, is sleep herself. I've always thought he's asleep or some he's something yeah sleep herself said from Bristol or something to watch us Leon remember. I am. I thought I lost my debit card and I report it lost on the up and ordered new one, and it was him about the whole time. I realized I two days after the bondage, Everything so. I have a new one like in the mail, but I had the thing the whole time. Your help. Forest fires are actually kind of the good things, sometimes if their contained in certain areas. Because the kind of replenish the forest over the long term. That's how I look.
losing my debit card, sometimes because you get the monthly charges for things that you forget that you're subscribe to and so then those charges stop and then at the recent o Brien again, it's actually cut. You can look at this in a positive light bulbs. the other. You will be more summer there. While they are thank you, it will be a few things will fall off. You didn't even need a couple. Only fans accounts at you. No longer use a couple like First Persia Shooter Games on your phone, though, are you just by all the sick guns? I've done that a form of that whole few times Perkins. The battle he had yes, gonna kill, Presley's brother Special Andrews Ouch As regards my fact about another way. We may that will mean that judges are doing that regards go big. Ups, ok,
good, I know I sound like the biggest loser ever know cry will make everyone laugh. I will do it now. You said Adam. Instead, it let's go, throw people are so much a matter or it ok, I learned an interesting fact above this last weekend were so was saying. I was somebody on Friday night and there like Baba whenever were hanging out. He sits down on my couch slams beers and puts on Youtube and immediately, searches, long, Tom Runs and then makes him watch seven minute long, compilations of just monster Jack's, oh hell, that's like their due to move. It became like inside jokes, and I just go over the top of her like have to do it and which favour one. Others one that's like forty five minutes long. There will surely be able to hold back the they mobility, the money I got out and hill. Now the berry bonds, Yankee Stadium just grows until the troubled steroids do so
there's, no one Allendale one. If you watch alone were hit, see breaks a window across from Wrigley now the egg and watch some like any hidden like a shoe lay still or for some reason all the homelands are hit in the old dusk. I know they look like they go away for every home run, there's five hundred thirty four! Yes, that's us, yeah, you got the second deck. I can't like tat but it's kind of a cool guy, our movie! That's it I'm just a guy like that sets the tone of like hey, which has begun. We we shall meet again only Maastricht Grass doing rock the major loser. You don't like it, but you get chicks, just walk. It has been like you, you that's watching what someone balls here. Take the wye accord. Us do numbers. Ninety nine gimme, eight. Thirty eight gimme. Forty four raw forty outcome, hysteria without a common around one off two days in Rome? Fifty four
ah, command. Fifty four: First, timer, Ok, that's going ve had a huge haven't you, how many members who have left I can do the math, but I should like to start out there's gotta like twenty or thirty. out there, oh by the way Jake was a score Gambia. Such acts and state one by forfeit last week, in so as to nothing Ball game is that score. Gummy became started its work at it. I feel sure they have to be forgotten. Format is no that's that's what the score knows. They do nothing I always bring we're. U nothing's happened while the Akron prose over the Buffalo, all Americans than Scarborough, bears over the Dreamer backers in nineteen. Thirty. Eight. Either. Also remember there were six. I will be Penn State six. Two four five has been fives our aid radiology. I will be Penn State, sixty four I can't remember what year was burning without would like some. I recently re. Obviously, ten years ago, yeah off,
That's an awesome score one. Very last thing. If she s play off start this weekend. Oh we affable check it out was back. Watch it go. Dukes loving s, body
come on
by its pardon, my take presented by bar stool sports.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-02.