« Pardon My Take

Bruce Arians In Studio, NFL Cut Day And Mt Rushmore Of Living Legends

2022-08-31 | 🔗

Hard Knocks Episode 4 is here and we recap what probably happened (00:02:54-00:05:45). The preseason is officially over and cut day has come and gone (00:05:45-00:18:02). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Hillary Duff's diarrhea, Bill Clinton's exchange with Dr Ruth, and talking tennis (00:18:02-00:37:03). Bruce Arians joins us in studio to talk about his retirement from coaching, what it's like to be the "Hand of the King" for an NFL Franchise, and his relationship with Tom Brady (00:37:03-01:17:07). We finish with the Mt Rushmore of living legends (01:17:09-01:34:43).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary can listen ad free on amazon, music, see the beekeepers, starry jason state them state them stars is a highly trained acts. Operative of her secret programme called the beekeepers when he discovers that a powerful organization is exploiting society's most vulnerable and hard working people state them season unrelenting vengeance to end the corruption when his identity is discovered, the stakes become higher than ever from David air director of suicide squad. In fury, see the beekeeper only in theatres, friday tickets, at the beekeeper dot movie on today's pardon my take. We have coach, bruce area insuperable, winning coach, Bruce arians, recurrent guess, mercer recurring, guess bruce arians in studio. We also, keeping the rest of the show Stu fighters house
so we're gonna tape. Nfl, we are back previous preview find that will air next week, but because we're and stew finders house rain is basement, going to do the mount rushmore of living legends. So Get excited for that cut day lock on the nfl we have hot cool, thrown great common up forget about the noise and pressure around fitness at new year's. I use a palatine bike, I'm getting back and my bike in the new year gonna get back in shape, but guess what you should feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks to process to get I join the process. The best way to do that is with palatine. This new year, tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months free membership shop. Tons new year's offer at one palatine dot com, slash deals, that's one! baton, dot com, slash deals, terms, apply
the we're going to part of my take presented by game time. Go to the game time app right now go to the account tab and create a login and redeem code. P m t for twelve hours off first purchase terms. Apply today is Wednesday august thirty burst, and we
having this live from stew, finery basement. We actually look like the meme if you're watching on youtube the Kids trying to discuss something like they were on this very small table, all five of us. Yet hey guys. How do you think you're going gorbachev? China's death affected little politics is a perfect setting, I'm still cool there we go so it is cut day. We taking this before hard knocks. We pull the plug on hard knocks. But we can you guess what hath will I'm hard knocks is on life support, but I'm like it's been in a coma for last week or we can have so I'm going home and get some rest. I more I tell you what's going to be in hard light and I'm gonna watch it, I'm not saying I'm not saying he's dead, I'm just saying that we're not going to stay up till midnight to talk about Dan Campbell, crying to TIM Kennedy and Tom Kennedy. We get cut. No, that's! What's going to happen, Dan Campbell's gonna turn on the waterworks he's going to be very sad like actually sad, yet he's going to kind of hate himself, for players that he really likes, then too
Kennedy is going to be cut and then he's gonna be signed by the new england patriots, yet so not only to see fit the bill for new england patriot, just in terms of iron ore like what they really like wide receive around on that day just really light. They yet fits the bill. It's more like bilbil check. He opened his eyes. He looks at Tom kennedys, like that. extra has walker. That's my nick you'll harry you ass, a kind of guy, the bilbao together. Also I looked up Tom Kennedy. He played lacrosse yeah. It was drafted in professional across so the end He was signed as non draft free by map, patricia when Patricia was the coach, the lions. You know where Matt Patricia is now he's being a fake orphans, of course, for the new england, patriot and and and tim cat. thomas vanities, brother is here right now and I was like hey: what's gonna your brother uneasy, I got to know
so, there's that's that's breaking it like think. He says. Breaking news I talked to Tom. Carries brothers, I think is bright arrow, I type so that we could have before you got here. We brought. I didn't know that that was tim kennedys brother, and so we just talked about TIM Kennedy, because that's what we do ensues backyard and tim these brother weight and he goes up daily paper. there. You go some acne sources close to the source index, to me that he will be a new orleans. There is some bears talk to they. I think they're, just trying to figure out. Where he's I think, Stu Feiner is actually going to decide where TIM Kennedy ends up because he's just going to be like We talked in the backyard we the council of duty, which is pretty much the name pursues house and the council a dude and are you're going to the bears. Patriots are maybe the lions
maybe get recited the practice, will who knows yeah, but one line is he'll find a good home and we also have. I can also tell you that I know that the camels can be very upset with the lions effort against the steelers on Sunday. I think it's worth three points and lost so losing that's great for him, he's going have said about that. That was our about. Let's, yes, let's guess: what's the men count tonight men? Are man count coming out of dank ambles mouth? I think I'm gonna go and visit the over under at twenty eight. who tony as I was as does right, whereas guessing yarly, we ever get it right. That's a good point. Shit over over twenty twenty seven and a half is what a maximum say over as well So that was your hard knocks previous bomber recap so cut day, Josh rose and our cut. I care about you. Just Johnson got cut he's heard on fourteen teams. Now he'll probably
if we're at least two more this year yeah, I I. I love the fact that he just he's the guy that you call when you don't have another guy yeah when you need a guy in your locker room. It's like okay, Josh Johnson, he's person have for weak, but I also feel bad form. At this point, it's like he can't or home where he probably start buying homes. After the fifth lowly aussies he was caught by yeah me that one will I get ever. He never settles in dry city, he's glass in case of emergency quarterback and it seems like a good guy. Otherwise, you will have all these jobs I just want him to find forever home. I think he's a very good boy, and he needs have for ever home, their loves him and cares for forever. I do think that he's probably got rid of this. What is it like? You just put you get them to this kind of getting the last good year of their life. All eyes make em out. If you really think I want you had fourteen year, and I, like that's kind of I Don'T- By years you have a boy, yours, they did do age faster, so I will just give em all the saw the belly, scratches
and just make sure that he's happy. I do think, though, he's probably like corner to market now, because you know the gems or like who the guy that we can bring in the qb room that can live out of a hotel yeah. draw shots or he's done it many times, but you know that he's not gonna be calling you are being like If I want to move again like no, he wants to move again. He keeps moving. Imagine his marriott points by now. Right, dude must own a marriott hotel and he's just getting fat off that buffet console. it's continental breakfast as in danish, is and if you show a yogurt and if you show up late, there's no bacon and then you look around and there's just fucking fat people eating the bacon you're, like you, motherfucker I'll, give you guys something to look forward to when you turn thirty five, because we've been saying a lot of bad stuff recently about how old we are now washed up, we feel the grid. The part about turning thirty five, as you start to finally enjoy the continental breakfast, because you can because you're finally up yet before ten thirty in the morning. Yes, because that's so demoralizing walking downstairs to take the elevator and you smell, you can still smell the fuckin waffles and the bacon, and then all you have left is like that.
A box of total yeah or like The worst is when they do those big shoots of cereal and its frosted flakes in its stale. Yes, like frosted flakes, I believe replacing ok cereal, but it has never. Is there any ones like anyone get excited about? Is nothing special? It's pretty much tat told of the tiger. Does it legally good I said that for our right and things are only although it so maybe were good, yeah I heard them. Are they know more than those were totally? They aggregate s good, they're good. Perfectly average, unless they're still to continental breath brass? You know what else is bad coming. Other sealed tubes is raising bran because the raisins always go to the very bottom seattle, but they get their early, get all the reasons now you have frosted flakes without the frost, yet you just get and you get the brand yeah cornflakes. My had loved So I'm trying to think what else We are washed, we did. We did go. children get excited tight tie
and one episode one. Of the part of my take disk grand slam we went and played four rounds of discourse of four one round, equalling nine holes it's how we play where that's just how we we grew up playing the game. I mean the first. The first one was in treacherous treacherous treacherous yeah, so we did a couple in in colorado and then we finished, today, so we were out just bang in chains with the brows all day, and we point eighteen. So I was yet another was blown one of four, this gulf war. Twenty one holes, yeah yeah! That's! U savings ages had to do that, just to be like we're better than gall make at its very more holes yeah we walked too. We walk the course, no carts euros. My arm is about to fall off re out. So that's coming up tonight june in tonight. I think the first subscribe The part might take youtube. So it's going to be the three o'clock clock three, oh after they write on prime time the
the oh. It's going to be like champions league. That's perfect world were basically the new champions league of discord, so the vote episode is gonna, be team, Two The second episode is, is splitting half so teams of three and the final two So does every man for themselves to find out? Who is the part might take Yes, golf grants lamp champion brianna by we have shared vike. So this is it does everything. Do the sports world, but I know- branded as the poop guy, you asked episode, I seriously like half the poop like really more should really bad right. Now right, I had coffee I'd like three things: pepsi stew fed us, a giant spread Are you really don't have to put right now, because you're gonna have to prove when we all want to leave? I really am when you have to go back and they are very bad here. Well, you have to You have to hold it in. This is what this
This is why we win podcasting awards. We hold in only actually don't win any package as it rightly mother, or that rely on whether you haven't been. If we did show a peep, I won't be unstayed to accept it as I be shooting my brains out after now. We have we want awards in in our oh and we've won techies yeah we gave each other take. Is that's right? That's true! Thanks hill! Actually hasn't won not a course that has won anything up. He was in a good mood. we gotta keep the good mood go. You know he's really mad when he breaks out the silent bubble, bobo boadicea, when you don't just as the mouth to the bubble level, there are other things Bela chicken berman was incredible yeah that was published. Berman? I mean that it was basically made for this podcast when born Bela saw Chris Berman walking to the press room and you started clapping and was like to look at you
for all the super bowls. That belichick is one. I don't think I've ever seen him light up like that, genuinely, as I did when he just saw boomers face. It was incredible. It was incredible that was an awesome moment, I'm thinking of other cuts. Oh the arm, raiders cut alex leatherwood, who is their first round pick two years ago, so essentially like putting a book in the group in may on rare raiders is being just objectively the end, is very funny because it's always like the coolio mac trade. When everyone grades, it it's like well the rate It just drafted no one zander only what you know that trade, not waiting when that trick. Symmetry of gloom we all lost, but it is funny. Whenever you give a poor an organization picks and you're. Like all look, EL, the pigs, I think their heads. First round picks in the last three years and in three of them were gone and then to include coup and fairer, was not very good and who's the who's. A salmon guy
Oh some of that wasn't a federal. No, that was no safety. Eyebrow sabre jogging, as very great josh aims has been good yeah, but in and they ve got two of them and then obviously rocks. I have always said that it will, even when you're doing a trade with a team like too, like the raiders, if you're taking their pics They still have some of us think of the raiders on the right. Give you pick since I got. Do I really want to raiders first round back and then, if you're sending the raiders picks they devalued because giving them more pics is like giving Jpp more fire right right. It's just always funny to watch an orcish, be like oh there's, the bucket, like those guys, are gone and that's subject like stamp it all. The first from pigs are basic. I also feel like John bruton drafted leather would, because he saw last name is leather. Would you agree with me? That is a football now, of course, Alex leather would from Alabama yeah have to take em. I also listen. Shaming alex leather word because he is under my first round theory. The bare should go, get it
because he's still a great player once he gets to another franchise, then he's a stock immediately. We should trade him immediately. Actually correct, like an a team, should sign him and be like we got a former first rounder and then flip him. He has the reader stink. Often yes, like six slipping What's his laugh about your cheese and I'd scots a month, I some tricks. Obviously from irish more and I rose from studios out, he was absolutely so. Hague went off one mount rushmore without a timid, he he's been saying all summer that he doesn't want you t melt rushmore. He did monday's He finished last and then he's like. I wanted to yeah now he's trying to create a super team. Now he's becoming everything that he once hated, yes to stupid, team yeah, so nec next tuesday is going to be the finale of mount rushmore. We decided so there's. This is the the. What is the third penalty? can I also move models. We want an ultimate trial, but but wait what's the pen penultimate trial to admit that trust? I just sites
No jake made it up. Jake wanted a cursive, Hank Jake made that yeah good job hey. He was the one who first I first heard him say: cursive hank I'll, give him credit. ideally creditor jake the arrogance to hang for that will have to debate the double cross, the democratic. What are some of the ones that are? You know, they're dead? No, no, no, don't say any other cuts stuff any other. I don't think there was anything else. The traveler got caught. Yeah memes you've got something. Oh I did see. which is just like the pettiness thing ever, but a bear. The writer was like A new era in chicago ryan. Poles submitted his fifty two men rock fifty three men roster at three o two rhine paste. submit his fifty three men ross or till after six o clock every year. Good job. Wow good job changed it's it's go are better at paperwork. better setting a fax league office that
I mean it's a little things that fucked up to deliver bronco this a little thing, rumour that, with the numerous s facts it is so funny. I feel like the only people that use fax machines are the innocent. And then landlords. Oh. I guess I also like over seven year old doctors yeah Digg is a user access? Yeah, they don't use e mails. They just back. The abbot were any time, you're feeling at least it's like facts this over facts- that over it's like bitch. I was born in nineteen. Eighty doc, you sign existing, that's a real thing. Now. You can also just take a picture of a of of assigned peace papers. Ex. Sometimes I do that when you- and I are they say even when they tell me specifically facts it. I m the picture like I, dare you to add two facts. Facts. We also means any lucas. I was really do traded traded to the eagle step. I think that's a good deal for the birds yeah. I have a future I liked the birds this year. I got a lot of money on I'm larry bird yeah. It's gonna be bird gang. Shall mac? Oh, what are you doing three? What's three,
What's the threat was gangs using a gateway Jesus Christ, max? What are you doing for articles? three laura yet I had so should we get too hot sequel thrown out that we have anything else we have proposed so so close to being no, it's back. I can smell yet slow huge. Actually, we have talked about this already but john made a football shape, pizza? Of course it it It is also trying to cross the speed saluted them use. Someone tried to make across, I don't know. All I saw was adam shifter he'd. He did like a spargo radio and he was like look at this, its football pizza. In that place, yeah and there's for everyone. Everyone no exit chocolate bubble. No, but then then florio tried to clap back. I can get that rivalry going with schefter and floor. was like. I heard that they made a a basketball shaped pizza, but it was just shaped like a pizza yeah, it was very fun great by the way florio. I know people have been like hey. Are you guys going to bring flour this year? I actually think that what we've done this year is even better, because
tax to me, he was like he was in new york. Did he for something he had a meeting any time, to me the morning often was like I'm fifty percent like expecting this meeting. Just be you guys behind, like you should pop out of a window or door, and I it that's exactly what we want cause. I don't. I feel like pranking him he's in a living hell right now. Yeah, like the the flesh, is constantly flinching showbiz house in west virginia give them to the. He absolutely wants us to prank him he's waking every day being like. I hope this is a prank me to think about anymore. It's not and now is that you're not getting pranked this year and that's how yeah that's the prank yeah, but be careful yeah be very careful because you might you very much might also speaking to fantasy football, jerry O'Connell friday. I know everyone's been asking. It is happening friday right to jerry, is actually tonight. he's doing we doing our fantasy draft in seed the columns fancy league and so he is doing that on its own, not for content, but then
bring him on and have him give us the results the draft and will have him grade his own draft and then also give us like tips for which teams he's just writing off this year. So it'll be great half the league yeah very excited for that. Alright, It's called thrown brought you by friends, it helix sleep. Helix, sleep is a print. mattress branded provides taylor, mattress tailored mattresses based. Your unique sleep preferences. Everybody is unique and everyone sleeves differ, That's why he looks has several different mattress models to choose from designed for specific, we positions what he s doing eschews, just How can I just wonder how many he sent over ok, Every single helix mattress has several different mattress models to choose from each designed for specific sleep positions and feel preferences. models with memory phone layers to provide what pressure relief. If you sleep under side, my with a more responsive foam to cradle your body for essential support in stomach.
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hank think my hot seat, as is my girl, probably my biggest crush. I was a kid pillar: duff yeah. She's right, I die she's a poor girl. She got diarrhoea, she told me: where you see catastrophe, she told her her young kid and then our young kid went to soccer practice and said to the coach who then obviously told everyone, then now it's just a nationally publication yeah it was. It was very whereby just scrolling twitter this morning in page six, was like hilary doves daughter is that she has diarrhea? So I saw Hillary duff has diarrhea know how to click into it. Yeah he'll, like figure that out cause that was the clickbait. They got you. You were like Hillary death as diarrhea smash that click. Yes, you really do still still got it. Well, the parent not she's, actuated, all the content near its there's. Nothing left those guts are gone, not are, but that's true, but off my less this morning when I saw that.
Not that sexy stuff What someone we someone's you're going as a kid. It's tough take em off the word. This decides how retires diarrhoea it it doesn't do it for me, flax lie for our ok, ah pale and will never have diarrhoea. I think constantly has. Rather she has to got hepatitis c b, so habsi, that's fine diarrhoea. Afterwards, yeah got it on them. Good, earnest, tennis absorbing he's watching you're right, you're right now, marching through other forces in the. U S, doesn't that shaka, that's kramskoy areas and ate up. You guided me to come watch. I couldn't come today, but I said if you one round one didn't how it answers that all of us that he's not ate up then because he should have, but you should know not my actual. I will wait. That's what you want is their lives. They retiring after this turnover in decent here we would you mean he's retiring like from the sport. How old is thirty? Four,
So he invited us a waiter eyes that six sabotage vote- guys not vote. I'm tired of this supports you guys are not supporting him, who I mean he's retiring What do you want to do? I would love to support them. If we just Captain falcon playing he's a loyal, a wl I'll, tell you what I will go to his match if it's, if he makes the finals yeah I'll, be there and I'll get I'll get a tattoo of him across my me too. Oh, yes, I'll keep you posted, but it's not looking good for so you jenks them what yeah? we ve never watched the same. What's his name, query query Yeah I've also never seen Jake do multi screen huh? U e r, r e watch, he watches tv all the time, just kind of korea right now way. Billy are you ratting out on jake If I was co author teenager, according things it out hot. What about fighting at its core, It was very ok, so we're rooting for you, SAM,
until you quit and retire, Where are you gonna tell you doubles daughter, so is you gotta be continuing to also you, could be the dominant knees by both the devil's such vague like champion. he's, probably not in retired from doubles, god singles viable. Pickled have asked as one game a lifeline mass, so I could write biederman, tennis I'll, never retire from tennis. That's both are know. How did it a nice? the opening round. Yeah. When to hanks point I was thrown, I saw that it's beautiful, of course, I said yeah. Ah, okay pft your article trump. My heart c, is kid mcnamara and J J, mccarthy, gas, the two quarterbacks for michigan, because Jim harbour has decided to go with kid mcnamara However, he justified it using a biblical justification. I said with quarterbacks will see time in both games and possibly longer and they said. How did you come to that decision and he said well it
based on some kind of local model solomon, he was known, you're pretty wise person split the baby and yes or so. If you know what solidarity riddle wiser than the judgment of solomon solomon, I was asked to decide a baby. Whether does it belonged to one woman are different woman. I said, the baby in half and then a person who is saying: no, that's you would not want to see that baby couldn't have give it away. then solomon was like well guess what plot twist wrecked greater you're, the real owner congratulation owner. He had learned the court order that I'll wait so and aids. I, though so Harbaugh saying he's gonna have to quarter by he's, gonna cut his quarterbacks and how I don't know how that math, we ve said along a long time ago, and they show, if you have to court, you don't have one, but he's like. If you have he's got a half, quarterback boy, I see very little, he's cutting them and have I actually like this? I saw the press conference and in Jim, Harbaugh, essentially being like amr. Let god figure this out like one
when you have a hard decision that you cannot you like both guys, you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Let's just hope you know he's probably like me. One of them gets injure prey on on it. For a while see what happens. I like the idea of starting to quarterbacks just based on a week. we're just mixing it in there yeah and then they won't know who to prepare for. Like socks, don't know depth, chart yeah, but then Harbaugh's is being, like god told me to do yes, which I mean, I would not argue, and I think if god speaks to anybody, he would probably speak margo, absolutely sunny dykes, a tissue is gone with three quarterbacks. That's it. That's too, is like they're all gonna that's nice. Why the fuck? Not that's a pretty good as like I feel like. None of them are very strong if all three are probably not three you don't have to, but I do like the Jim Harbaugh like this is very relatable, like a tufted like no one likes to make hard decisions. Let's just fucking see how a player. Does that mean why not both yeah? Why not both? Let's just roll,
The dice- and hopefully God tells us which one should start up work government. I tale when you what's your day, god told them to my cool throne. Is bill Clinton cleanse back, he's back and also call thrown, because he was the tennis shaking her head. Hang strasbourg. Ah, I can sam canary moistened either superior point career you, I know only very the only podcast, it is life or same queries. Career point. I hope I can. Where were you? Where were you when his career- and I saw we're in stew finders base. So anyway, when it was at the? U s open too, and he was best her for he was canoe. Dealing with doktor Bruce the arrogant, very close a bill cleanse definitely back billy games. look like whose doktor ruth doktor ruth maybe the most famous sexting
more time, please against, and she says I probably eighty five, maybe ninety maybe older they are so a bill. Clinton also is age tremendously, again, last couple years, traveling in that jet setting that he's been doing the sun on certain islands have been beating down his face. So Clinton was get real horny with doktor Ruth and I think you fucked almost I'm he fucker yeah. I mean it's like the old saying, like you can't even old dog new tricks. That's not true. there's is an old dog he's learned a new trend. Well, I don't. I dunno, I think bill Clinton's teaching, DR ruth yeah. I think that's what's happening like if you, if you're doctor Ruth you've, seen everything and bill Clin that sound next year and she's like tell me about the sagoths yeah very eager eyes, never use a cigar my heart, Aids is america, because I love you saw this, but Putin has decide. To bring back a system where he wore any woman who has ten kids, in russia.
One million roubles, Ok, that sounds like a lot, but how much is that a mere sixteen thousand dollars? so that's now, when near ten child turns one I'm gonna, go out on a limb and say this. This policy will not be appealing to women, yeah ten kid and kids and you'll get it till the ten terms. What you're like a premium on on on males. I don't know two thousand. I would there be hanged I'd I mean I feel it that's a putin, yeah. He probably is. He wants men probably trying to play the lottery here. Yeah he's he's planning a big invasion. Eighteen years, actually, probably one billion rubles someone on the front lines. It's like fuck, we need we gotta get. We need more guys strong enough. We need more dudes, so he's the opposite of every. Like college party he's like someone call up all the dudes from over yeah.
it is russia suffering from a lack of do dried. I think so. I know that there are suffering from a lack of due at the end of world war. Two efforts stalingrad here, there's a lost all their know. How many do yeah was comes to voters back. The ratio in russia has historically bit of assets like it. I will admit, depending on how you look at, but amazing, amazing, a party of its a clam jam nice, a sick agitated. ok sense. My calls what I actually dont want to step on jake, I think he's gonna go. you gotta go at your wilds that do oh you don't have that while I had it but not as local. Do you want to see the wilds data hang actually gave? Its immediately deserves credit for the horizontal granted to jake you're cool thrown jake, because we had on all time, wild stat last night. This is why this is why yet it actually is why ok without hearings are wild, this one's, while this one august, twenty nine, two thousand and one Serena Williams, wines that you are soap through horse. It's a home run wild guerrero, senior, correct bijou. I don't give a shit
recording and bin Laden determined to attack within the united states right around then on toys are not as when the memo came across, probably. obviously nights twenty twenty to surrender soon names when that, u s open, our approval sits at home, not but here's the twist. What Why grow junior? Why? What the sun, cabin visual. So how do we know that their sons last asking their swings yea exactly we set our record, It would allow the wild z, one years to the day, serene and pools of so doing their thing The signs are all recording ahead on the same day and and and shout out our pools forty two years old july. He was hitting one eighty nine and now since then, he leads league in batting average has like eleven homers that
the normal way. So I pick out we using is our moral you're, saying you guys get hot, really right, it's right before they retire. What you're saying inquiry do fucking drugs before we retire with strong but what you are saying is right for the home run, derby yeah, you got good all this. I am writing for that's wild ha ha I know he just got historically hot, leading the league in average at age. For me too It's also not his real age. He's like forty five yeah and yeah. That's just interesting. Can you imagine if, like a football player, got really really good after they turned forty and then came the looking completely different things that we would say about. What would it be? Would it be something that everybody wants to have our forces? Seven hundred home runs, oral questions and I'm asking to the world ok, the military, my heart's
Are the browns baker mayfield after the panthers beat the bills? Twenty one zero precision was cordon, saying I'm going to. fuck them up and regards the brown swore guys, my hearty baker. Yes, I found out quickly. The bill is a big pretty a guy like one the priest and counts adding the words count for billy visas fits fund, nobody of all his eyes like yeah member. That's that they threw. It means said that their own sixteen lines when foreign own precision, yeah It's like when the like. It's like fun football, like nothing council, everything yeah. I still it's a fun, divergence, fancy I I can't quit bigger. I still believe in baker. I don't know what it is. I think I think he's still good. I definitely the cept, arnold, no yeah and my other hot seat is jack seat football. Our friend reoccur, guest, I fancy. Will they have? No, you know why
they have no water. Yeah. I know why doesn't add situation of jackson mississippi right, yet they have no water water, so no like waters are Billy very important in football. I billy. I think that you should work with Chris long. In boy water waters around in life to purchase for why waters very important, just admit medieval there. I need water, yeah yeah. We should it is their bodies, dean, bonnier, Dana, doesn't really hit. You see the beers with the water in jackson mississippi slap that shit out of his hand he does in taking for someone who needs. I actually think like there's nobody less likely to mix in a water, the known a beer right. He better. Should go on water strike. He knew well. Yeah has been for the last twenty six years as lies he's like forty. yeah so hot, see their mother cool throne is adapt prescott. All the other quarterbacks on the cowboys got cut. So the opposite. Has ottomans yams wisdom, it's his job. Yeah there it is
Those are probably going to bring back cooper rush right, regular handshake deal we're gonna. Actually, right now it's numbers game. The economy. I have the sounds like it's. Yours was fun for a day. Do not remain only see dac making that part of the contract. nobody would on the roster, I've Tyler Toronto yeah, absolutely ok, Joe ah my heart's, he is a man and watch it s. So my he's a man by the name of mark for Milwaukee yeah, So on the brewers jumbotron someone wrote of one of those personalized messages. Mark your friendship means the world to me: let's not it yeah I did. I actually woe and work on this evening is fair gave us the others, no giants, not even here's the thing it actually is a rare. It was a random dude in the stands treated at me. Ok, and I reach we need it, and then it likes everyone. You think that I have brought just did that as Joe yeah. I think so I think maybe the person that is Joe, but I think, like the brewers, didn't do it, I don't
think it's a real situation. I dont think that there's a guy named mark, that's irish warrants our meetings that are really I agree about that they're like it could also be something works like the kid putting up. The scoreboard is an extra Imagine just me, but I just one of those ones that like when the guy tweeted me last night was like I'm just going to believe it, because I want to believe it. This is the next iteration of the kiss cam, where they zoom in on somebody and then the chick goes for the kids or the guy goes for the kiss, and then the girl takes out her phone are just transferring it to a different part of the jumbo. This is the world is a fun place when we just believe. What's on the jumbotron, don't want to just you know, it's kind of sucks to be like ads, not real, turns into a feel good story, yeah, because the brewers were down five three. When that message appeared in the a thing christian yelich says down to in the eighth inning the dugout look I saw this and said, let's ones From our final score, seven I guy so shut up mark so that chatting with such a funny message? Likewise, reckless friends on mark yeah, so good luck to that guy. My called our own titus is
taylor, swift, but you knew album in october and everyone's going crazy. I'm handling styles, but I am not ashamed to. Marriage is bad bitch october, twenty first either more anyway me and I look forward to all the girls making taylor swift new, album their entire personality. Well, I do the normal with my life and make the winds losses of my football team. My personality, all of arkansas was taylor. Swift further rides the four or five the whole state of arts. That's it we're having she does. She have jack on gender stairs you put on the ten men aversion of all too well crime and come and at the same time improving now. That's a recent devoted. Do you know a regional development, those do without the poop until you seem fifty.
triple crowns, the gym volvo. If you can come cry and poop at the same time, you that's an awesome song, art, good job jake, let's get to our interview, great interview with bruce arians in studio, be Total legend has brought to our friends at cores. Light summers official events like weddings, graduations and annual fourth of July barbecues pot. Everyone knows, part of summer, are the unofficial. What's this summer course lies official beer of everything on official celebrating those moments, truly make some ritual is, alas, we can a summer salon. it's week in summer, so makes that. You have an ice cold course light and yours burning all those unofficial moments that makes some great and chill like the b there's only one beer out there, this little. We made a child's course light mounds and the bottles and cans even turn blue, when your beer is called Are we always know when it's time to chill some are children? of course, like make the mostly or summer, with a chance to win exceed. Of chill march fund local exe,
it is even a trip to new york cargo allay adjutant. because, like our concepts take nobody is necessary. Sweepstakes ends nine eighteen, twenty twenty game and nine six. Twenty point: two fifty states see twenty one plus void. Prohibited rules his course light summer. Dot com celebrate responsibly course brink golden colorado- and now here is war champion bruce area k. We now welcome on recurring guests, and now superbowl champion Bruce arians, head coach brazilians no longer head coach is now. Am I don't? We ve got to tell your exact job title. Like I just said say behind the scenes: special counsel, to analyse to the gentlemen. Ok, I'm like they like hand of the king in a game of their own diana, but he joins us. We're very excited: have you on you do in a campaign today about novartis, coaching cholesterol, which a kind of one and all
not that, because I feel like I should probably start at some point in my life looking at neutral. So what what are we going to do to to make sure we could corrupt cholesterol? I tell you that my story was: we play the vikings we get beat bad call pissed off the whole night. You never want to wake you up at three in the morning right I think we need to go the hospital Just pays all thing. and about lucky. just found out. I had known heart these by was early just bad cholesterol right, you put back austrian stress together the society Yes, backside team teamed up with a virus with coaching cholesterol, dot com to try to get you'll. Get people like yourself go get test, the scorecard yeah once a year. Just get your blood tests, keep an eye on it, easy mine was diet extra as in medication,
in oh and now I'm looking at some new stuff. It's really good! That's great, because I mean we definitely obviously our audience a bunch of guys who you know in their twenties. Now, thirty, some getting up there. It's like hey, you gotta start actually looking after this definitely is if you're, if you're thirty five to forty get your psh at the same time- ok, so I'm not do that. So last time we had you on this, is it crazy, because we have like a whole new chapter of your entire career that we can discuss. We bruce arians on in his house? beautiful lake house, two thousand eighteen summer, two thousand and eighteen you told us Clearly you are lying to us, so I would like an apology that you are retired. You are done flash forward six months later, you're you're cochin, the tipp a box, flash war. couple years pass that your winning the superbowl I mean. That's crazy. I was not looking to get back in the coachman In all- and you know My son is a must happen. Thing interesting, jason's running the show you
Her tight, got a good young team that you give him a car gave him a car. I say Jason's is really wanna, go get gas, but the kicker was Todd both available by leopards, ability, eighteen, photos were available right, it says was. I noticed this supposed to happen, ryan, so yeah, let's go! Do it and yeah I look at my wife's. I think we're going to get back angeles. As you already know, eighteen wise and close to the grandkids, so you're good I was like alright, let's do it yeah sorry, I read your book, the quarterback whisperer. I actually think that was the last book that I read like twenty one: twenty seventeen I'm a voracious reader. Everybody knows that about me, but I read the book and there's like a The theme. Every time you leave one job, your wife's, if you're, not really retired and you're like yes, I am retired and then sure enough, like a day after you have that conversation, the phone rings again. So I think we knew that you weren't going to stay with your football coach, so Now that you're not actually know you are, as you said, what special assistant to
to the general managers out. Is that were analysed or some analysed? Ok are? Are you? Are you actually actually done? Coaching foot that's the beauty of my job. I go to practice every day, stand behind dodgers. I've always stood behind the quarterback to practice and and throw my two cents in there and watch film with the coaches and more involved with personnel now Jason's by taking a guys and pro pro football. soon, what a blast. So you stand behind the quarterbacks Tom Brady like goddamn it. I thought I got rid of this guy yeah I mean I say: yo do what the hell you look at the whole point. I came backwards. You gotta leave. That was a big rumor. Oh, it was a big one. That's it! Nothing could be further from the truth. We have a great relationship, you know, and I mean yes, Tamim he's asking more questions, and I diamond a golf cart and he's old enough that I can drive him off the field. Yeah yeah. I think what are your best attributes that I've heard at least for players that have play with you, that is, that you're you're really good at mother fucking somebody while still getting them to love you yeah? What's the what's the key to that, because I get the mother fucking park down pretty good and it's like the last thing:
It was bright. Told me when I left alabama to go to temple was coach him hard and hug him later and has been It has been my mantra, you know so I mean you're going to get your ass rip. Brother, it a perfect grip, that's called coach and don't take shit personal you're a hell of a guy you football sucks, yeah yeah and is is? Is it one of those situations where you know right away that a player can understand that and like or you'll see a guy and you're like this guy's going to have a problem here? Because he takes things personally and it's going to be hard to to figure out a way for copyright is each guys different. You know, guys who grew up windows The figure in a month victor ass. All the time is different when a man tells me so I get it makes You find a guy in a locker room after priscilla you're good, we'll get looking right. Just don't be a moron so today were were taken this. This is actually right when cut day his happening pretty much around the league.
what was your speech or what would you tell guys because I feel like you would do it in a person? When did you ever cry? Would you cry with the guys? If I mean that's tough man yeah, especially if you know it's their last one writing inertia rain. dream is over and sight by some it's adelphia? Do you want to start coaching right yeah? He had to some guys. You know, hit the scabby a hell of a coach and Try to get him in the cotton and a bunch of guys in that way. How many, how many guys would you cut like in a day? Would you would you or would you spread it out, be like hey? Let's, let's not personally, I would just be like. Can we just do a couple like on saturday or something so I don't do them all today. Yeah normally in the old days you cut him all the same day and now let's hold onto some till the last second right. Nobody else get em. and so it's yeah hard. I didn't with all of them individually, those to dust way to emotional writing. It was a veteran amen, none,
We gotta go early this year, so he can they be catch on with another team right now. What about when you cut Antonia around sidelines I was. There was a very, very high pitched thousand interested in you. Ve been around for a long time, I bet, probably haven't seen a play like take off his gloves in his shirt and go running across the field like kissing, goodbye to the fans on their way out of it. That's a unique individual and you know he helped us win a super bowl, but yeah, so yeah babies and his great player. They worked any harder than ever. Did you When that happens, when you're walking off the field after the game, are you like? Maybe it was that big of a deal or did you know like? Oh, this is going to be a shit. Show you do it right because, like I would delude myself and be like there's other games going on someone's who's going to be a story for a while yeah and it was and we I remember we were watching it. I think we missed, it would happen initially, and then we sought we're like this pre game legacy.
Pre game, that is women to the fans, and I know this is actually happening right this second, and then you have to You- have to be ready after the game's over to to answer jackasses like us who are going to ask you questions and you have to be like okay now, how do I answer this in a legal way where I going get in trouble as a head coach. So did you have any way that that, like advised you like hey here's, what you have to say to the press right afterwards? Now they they knew. I wouldn't do it anyway. Yeah either way happens, and it was good that it happened to you like a grizzled guy who has been in the league for a long time cause if it was like a new head coach would probably be a very, very long gaia young, We were watching you last year. We one thing that we like about your look on the sidelines. Obviously the candles iconic we ve always love that the transition lenses, those are great to destroy that you had across her chest. We would always- figure out what the hell was in that strap
Because they look kind of like yet a bomb, that's what we're doing when we're watching from here, the only coach said we saw where that particular get up. So can you walk us through what that, with that pack, yet. It is the communication pack producer word, run your waste, but had a bad thing. tight, was in his nerve gone down my leg by hafta, my leg was gone. Numb burning said well something new soon, as I take it off and go away, so I say can be a shoulder strain plus it was so much easier. Man could look at your house I consider, and now, as I thought this is like, thereby went over their shoulders. You write, it looks like hulu and coaches like me, are pushing something other chesney communicate. You look like you had your you know, especially when the referees come over and it does bombs right, yeah. Oh yeah, you also had the look on the web. Everyone you know again. This is what we we watch for on sundays, but during the the pandemic, when coaches decided they're different mass. you had one. There was
Looked like. It was just like the one you get like you can get like one hundred for ten bucks at lowes. You are just wearing like an old school painters mask I liked and you also add one. I think that we are faced just getting ready the whole time like this allocating from the mass good and get thirty from products to keep your glasses from far gonna. Like nothing works May you get hot day fog up. drove me absolutely crazy idea. We could tell went around the rest to most of the blunt. Yeah. That was the worst yeah we we can tell if you were getting redder over the course of the season, because you you're not a sunscreen guy or because you you were just getting madder at the refs, and young at a more by up you, you actually look really good right. I've, you lost, wait all ass before yeah I'll, so it is, at the exact, go hand in hand with cholesterol. Riley dummy died, exercise, kelly were not
ninety percent last year running, and what do you mean? Ninety per cent each I got about ten percent strand left, so I'm not doing any, not done kind of surgery that, as long as I can play golf, I'm good you also, you didn't get any surgery, no gi, you walked it off. You walked off a torn achilles and last year on a cylon had to wear this boot. Yeah high heels yay, so I screwed up all the muscles everywhere, I got a dish. That's why I so miserable last year, that's a football guy to be like. Oh, I got ten percent, I'm good yeah cause that's better than nothing yeah, so a weight you lost forty pounds help us, because we're try loose away some weight. Like twenty five pounds, I mean I was dying. Exercise may mean carbs sugar beet the stated that they have to speak me pretzels and bread. I mean it I tried the vegan thing, but all you eat is carbs, so I didn't lose. I was a vegan for eight weeks lost three pounds that if, if, if a vegan told me to go, vegan and you'll lose weight, I did it for eight weeks. and I lost three pounds- I was slap,
I found out. I was so harsh above we get, scam. Don't get on a scale for while we were at during the season at horny can so that is like you would like the rest for the poor wraps. You have those areas with ten percent achilles mask, but also that doesn't really fit eddies vague at another vision was arizona, ok earlier, but know it too. For me, it was just a matter: hey get with a dot, get a good plan and I had a coach as I can get a coach I don't follow up all listen to your coach, so it worked so about paint or restricted paint. Nah. You know once in a while your stomach pump, just as it's not a thing anymore, swish and spit like a fine wine, especially the green paint goods. I, when I look at green paint, I actually think that tastes like pistachio pudding. Oh exactly we're going to get back to bruce arians in a second, but he is brought to you by cross country. Mortgage are great friends over at cross country mortgage. They listened, they understand and they communicate throughout the entire world.
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w w w that in m l, ass, consumer access, dot, org Now, here's more bruce arians I'd so tat, Brady? Obviously we all he's been probably the most covered athlete in the last two decades. Everyone knows a crazy like competitive He lives football. But what is it when you like got with him and coached him that you're like this is why he's different then everyone else that I coached, toy different, and then near the same animal I mean they're their need for mason. I may I wanna know everyone everywhere. can turn before this game starch. What are we gonna do in a scenario we're going to do in a scenario and tell me about the de bes ex biotech they would meet in other debates have a book on the They had have information and they decipher them just got out where I end about eight loosen they hate losing the hay plain bad. It also says I. Times are more demonstrative.
On the sideline and I am is great to watch him great work where they mentioned just now, What do I mean yet? Were you even shocked at times when you're like how this guy's forty three forty four, when you know he's winning the super bowl like? How is he how's? He because I think we ve all heard that thought like the houses doing is thrown better now, crazy. What is that? What like? What is he changes, motion or anything or no? No, some great mechanics and he's one of four what a he not using all disarm, but the matter as his amazing human beings forest taken care of himself that way but no he's throwing the ball better than I've ever seen him throw the suitcase, but was there any kind of feeling out period or getting used to period when when he first started playing for you, because you know you have to be yourself when you coachman tom, p, Billy hasn't somebody. Let hasn't had somebody like you coachman, given that tough lovely talk. Him utterly was Kind of a period where he was Is this guy yonah me all the time? And yet
figure it out, or did you have to change them and stuff that you did because you're like you know what it is Tom Brady, you change, you? Don't you? Don't you don't in the same way you culture, rocky and always have no tree in the same way, tat soldier, Now it was a low fill in our paribus aim. all. We want those when we wish who's. Gonna take the windlass, get it done, what he ever get frustrated with you or the coaching staff. If they work coach everyone else like they might a coachman it gives. I you know the patriots. Obviously everyone knows belgic runs a systematic you're, maybe but more of a players coach was he ever like. Hey you, gotta get harder on the guys on. Have you ever seen me a practice? You can't get any harder right right right, like I said coach him hard hug him later, but now barbies every problem in dumb. If such a dear that Europe's pandemic right going in the stadiums are empty, and no energy policy the giant state impious sunday night, forborne, there's missin in a car and popular right. How do you get fired at the play? Re own damagon raspy, but
it's gotta be nice for the often so, like oh yeah, weirdo here and yeah, I mean that that part of it was now I'm a trash talker. So I beheld at the teams. Other teens players if you say so, the other Tom Brady question I had was game against the rams. These guys almost came back Was there mom and like there's something about Tom Brady? That just like makes these two teams like screw up around because there was there behold the who just like houses, happening again, you're watching like the twenty, eight three or the malcolm butler, like How is this happening again? Obviously guys pill little short, but like it felt like, it was happening again where it's like this team, falling apart and timber he's doing enough to be there at the right moment where Lois Tom's on your silence and there's time, the clock you go in right and I think everybody on defence believes that the entire organization believes it so deep this make some happened, so we got turnover touchdown got turn. Does it we're back in oh and tired up and down then at last
two seconds, but the effort that has to feel for on the sidelines, something different in may is probably the similar to the patent stuff, but like well being on a team words like everyone believes in this one guy and that everything can work out. If this one guys here he opened he's at practice, it's a different level. How so he's very demanding and everybody's going force, be doing everything right. You know and like coach in a young receiver, a puppy, your arms come out your break. Your slowing down the boss can be out front of your same thing. He does so tat, those in the bar, hey man, you gotta pump your arms, I'm throwing the ball out in five years. Next and kids bummed, as I say, can you go? Tell us gotta do this because he can listen to you in a listen, make rang he'll, listen to you right and so that's the beauty of having, but now when he's, There is a whole, never loved! You think time be probably pretty good head coach. Then, if you want y'all know no really be two way too demanding real as I workin for Paden me, there, their work on holiday and their work. Colleagues
so which of your players that they've had recently would be a great nfl. You you said that you know. Sometimes if there was a veteran, then why stick around getting the coaching? You tell I'm like I'll help you out where's plain right now. Do you think, would make good coaches. And they blame gabert, bigger coach tell you ve been through it knows it in an out and out. offensively levanter David, beheld overcoat. Of guys play and we ve got a bunch of players on our staff for players. Understand that I think will be hit. Coaches iron. Should they head coach, leisure, rare. It'll be a head coach someday saw so it with byron. It's interesting, because I think it's a bucs play well this year. Pirates should get a head coaching job right, although I feel like I've said that for the last couple of years exactly, but he should be one of the next guy in line to get a job. So buyer gets job todd bulls. comes back with the box and he calls you says, says coach. I need you need to call place for me next year. What are you saying? Oh brother, I'll help I'll help. Wherever you got
yeah I'll you got yeah being a special adviser seems like a pretty cool job, is the best I mean you work twenty nine years and leg to get this job right right. I think that an I got. You don't get any the blame at things. I've never lose another guy, yeah yeah, that's true! I think about it. That way, it is great how you set up todd ball, because if we go in the different You know narrative the it wasn't because Tom Brady asks you to leave the definition of these todd balls. I I like. You always have done that for your guys. What is that Is that more rewarding, sometimes, and even just You went in games because I told you it feels like you have set up all your guys to be in a position where they get coaching jobs or they get like tat balls. Walking into a team that is, I don't know. Probably the second her best team precision. That's that's increase that doesn't happen. Yeah the secession was huge for me, happen in arizona. And I want to make sure it happened here. And oh yeah me a site.
Father, and you see your kid got. He had sent home run, It makes that play an you Oh proud. You know, for me, It's like watching my guys, I mean, like I said, eighteen, twenty nine coaches. We have on the. It I played with coaster for with india, so yeah it's it's a it's very important to me. We should just remake success. Do you walks watch succession on h, b, o I'll have to start yeah? It would be so boring with you. Cause you'd just be like first episode like r, a kendall, you get the company jaw and then kindle fantastic job, yeah right right like we got kindle. I love that so might actually be nothing like the actress exception, but yeah todd bowles. I've I've been a long time believer in todd bowles when he was the coach of the jets. I think I said on the show one time he's a top ten head coach in the nfl It didn't work out form in new york, but Can you? Can you just sell me and seller listeners on why Both this is gonna, be good. Goshen was a good choice. Well, first of all
few, you anybody in entire bucks organization, oh yeah, he's help a coach. I mean, but he didn't superbowl without game plan and but everyone trust him and he's a great human being, but he knows again we can teach the gay lotta guys you can if upon world, you can't teach it what the hell? You doing right now, and I bet he's a great teacher, players have such respect for. And the entire organization the coating staffs saw set you know everything was set any cell, the leader, play it. He was one my first captains at temple, beckoned, eighty five and so yeah. as I said, is like a second son yeah. Did you have any inkling back when used was for you temple that This is a guy that I'm going to see again. He loves telling the story cause. You know he graduated as a man you might want to get into coaching. I don't think the nfl sport is to blame. He played ten years will show you how little I know you motivated what I m so when you
you're thinking about your entire career and spin incredible career What are the moments that you think like? Were you got a lucky bouts cause? I'm always curious. I think a lot of people get to appoint success in the kind of forget about the lucky bounces. What was lucky bounce ruin when maybe why was it like? The bears hiring. Mark trust me. I said to you, and I was a good one. I think This goes back to college. I was gonna come back month here I was drunk. Junior high coating job got turned out and when back for a fifth year with a new coach and had been captain the team and BP and he started me a coach and while and jimmy sharp one of the great coaches I've seen. Those are. Those are crazy moments because you just think about like whoa yeah what if he had just gotten at junior high coach, he could have been like a gym teacher, so I'd been gone right, I'd have taken it and so yeah there's like your life, will but for me every day, we got fired. We had better job and we all got fired in new Orleans alabama, get fired first year,
thank god coach and paint mending the next year things they got here getting at the right time is actually it's a very underrated skill and great greatly, and sometimes you gotta know when to not fight like fight getting fired to exactly and you just kind of roll that won't. Let me roll out of here please, and I think, because you've had you've had a few breaks go your way. You've had some people that believed in you. You find your guys and you try to give other people these breaks that comes to my mind, terror matthew, whose a great book and you know coming out of college. He was almost untouchable by a lot of teams. They took him off their draft board because he had, in retrospect some character issues that weren't really in dick it. of whom he was ass, a person So what was it about about meeting within that? You thought yourself like. I can trust us, I see some myself in the sky, whatever the case may be, and in order to bring on dammit meeting him personally the blame to anybody else. I blame himself the someone to fix it. And he has that persona about him.
the always lovable guy under but. pity blamed somebody else, maybe thought twice about it, but just what I did. I did it fixing it we're, take a shot and favour draft choice about really Ghana Why did you know instantly when he got the building like first practice is different? and everybody saw it. We love veterans on attain patrick peters, learn this gas special does it obviously works in the other way where you draft some one and then they come up counter pressure like whoops. that happens, but that was a mistake that have not yet I'm always cures for the draft process, because it is, it does feel like talking to guys in league they know almost within like the first two practices like disguise can be a dude or this guy doesn't have it Is there a way to fix that in the draft room were like no especially quarterbacks report backs is like the most unknown science, because you can't measure the two brains I played to muscles they play with the bright in her heart.
Seek throwing jumping around, but has he got grit kenny, lead and so that you can find it and get him yeah yo and is sometimes great, sometimes too late, and would you say like the quarterback position do do they have to be the leader of the team or have you been in unlock rooms where it's like? Maybe they aren't the number one leader of the team yet especially young ones, yeah. You know, I think back superbowl forty. Ben came in here to play quarterback man. We got this for you yeah jerome. You get all the guy defence elephant, I you to play quarterback we got. Does you again got? He played great quarterback for yeah. Would you ever get exasperated then, because he would after a tough law, sir, game where maybe get hit a couple times and he wanted to put on the can boon, walk around the locker room bill again, I'm superbowl about here. You know like doesn't even stop by the training table on the way back. Just goes right out to the press, he's like The doktor got pretty much like a spur Agatha sprained sprained arm spread
Why would you ever like sit him down? Be like Ben you're? Not hurt it's, okay, no, no cause! He always was. Was he really hair? The two took hes was those are ever could stand up, no heavy. If he talked about it was real, I'm he played a picture of his It was on his hip. Last year and beginning the season was a how the hell you implant right and I got to play yeah where we're at do you talk to him at all? Any more. Did he tell you when he decided that he was gonna retire? We we think he could do one more year. I thought so The document I myself represent our big geography event should do one more year, but now he's done he's happy had dinner tonight right before I went back to training cause he's at the lake with abs. dude. I'm not missing it as it s great yeah. I I can't believe going to your house at that lake house. I can't believe you went back to coach, it certainly houses incredible. I remember walking into being like well, this is
what retirement should look like yeah it's hard to get my wife to ever come out. Yeah, you were like oh yeah. I got a helicopter this going to take me for CBS. It's like I would if I don't work out yeah it didn't work out here. Did you do you know? I felt me up date. They did fed me a good lie that time yeah and so you didn't get the helicopter. I'm driving a three o'clock in the morning. Every every weekday at two d recruit you to go to campus and you get there you're, not special that you had it all set up. You'll want to just take a helicopter there. What did you like doing media or was it yeah? It was fun at the travel. Travel was bad yeah. That was hard because I live so far away from the airport right now and that's really knows a lot of work. I am when Given tom, they man, you know,
I worked hard worked at his visa. Tell me about what I gotta do. Of course, am I so busy few group replying private yeah right right? You think Tom's going to do a good job in the booth when he retires Tom will do great whatever cause he he's. A perfectionist he's going to find out talked to the right people he'll be great. it does. Does it ever get exhausting hanging tom because he is such a perfectionists or there's some people that you can't do without level of intensity overtime. Now spun playing golf with him may, as I do the to ITALY fun playing off. What are you wearing the watch? You bought you? Yes, oh that okay, so there it is. That was I liked that you were like Tom and I are friends he bought me a watch that was like case closed. So if you're wearing yeah that account, if you weren't wearing it, I would have been like your suspect, yeah. That's not a real friendship yeah so that all right so case closed. He questioned whose better patented or tom Brady who know
I'm not gonna. Haven't we break it down? You said what either those are the heart right with you. throw your heart. You throw your your mind, your grit, arm. So of those four attributes, As far as grit, whose greedier patent or tom very equal, say that everything is larger heart I mean: equally two lions arm at forty five versus patent forty tom, but it twenty father bolton, okay and then brain, oh yeah, they're, both that's they're both ought to charge you and your luck number one. really best quarterback ever coachman. We, we had him as a rookie, but he was on board
we're trying to get him on this- show he's like kind of a new white whale of ours cause he doesn't do any media yeah. I think we're now at a point so happy man know a summer chucks chuck it's hard to believe chuck's cancer things ten years ago, and we went to the to the fundraiser and saw Andrew at paglen is b. I describe it's crazy to that like when you think about him retiring. It felt like it with feels like ten years ago is three years ago three years ago and he's you know, he's hasn't look back and I think there's That time, with a happens, were a guy retires early like bury sanders o me he'll come back, there's no chance Great none! No I kind of in my room for for being able to walk away from some that he was the best in the world at an end to hear you say that he's the best quarterback that you ve ever coach that too, has as well as working to walk to walk away from all that in potentially a limitless nfl career because don't actually love it. That takes balls, do. That is, I think, a lot of guys. They keep playing football. Either because they get addicted to the money or because
think that some other than that they're supposed to do and the something they ve done all their lives and they don't have that like in her way, to be able to say you know what I'm actually not happy. I'm worried go to something that makes me happy! so, have a lot of respect for andrew luck. For for doing that, I mean for straight years of rebuilt it? Where wear you out mentally yeah? Oh no, he was taken a beaten and again tough His nails I mean The off his only lab I enjoyed quarterback the throws interception as far as the linebacker yeah, because he's pissed off yeah yeah. That definitely did happen them all. Like all the time with andrew luck, I have a very important question for you: it's going to come change my mood today. Do you mean Stephen che the guy. Who did box fantasy camp? He came down spy take him like run around. He didn't, this year, he did it a couple years ago. Two, do you remember him at all? They try to give you some plays at the bar. He gal
okay. Did you ever use the plight now couldn't get through his tours? If you had said yes- and you had remembered him, I want him back as I am in no, no, no so when he gave you that play where you like this, like to just throw the trash like this guy, thanks, buddy yeah, smart good. He actually was supposed to be here today. He just he's he's he's with covered in his family, so he can't be here, but I was very nervous that you can be like oh yeah, that guy he's an up and coming genius, and I was going to be like alright. This interview is over we're gonna. Do this the only only person I ever, let call place where we are the young guy, a temple was an wheelchair candy and he has a definite so he'd.
bring your practice and, and he would drop a play for me and we've run the first play where he'd have crazy reverses and in one we've got Paul palmer, leading the nation in rushing. So I finally said: hey, let's just give it to pull up the middle yeah, I'm with you on learning, yeah, that's great. I we had nathaniel hackett on the show a couple of weeks ago and he was asking me for some advice, because I have done some consulting with some nfl coaches about kind of implementing rugby strategies into the inner fell. I told him I don't want to tell you, because we're bruce areas come on like your often better than nathaniel Hackett, so access some their share with you exclusively The latter are regards change, a game designed danfield lateral. Arguably, the next evolution in football when you have you know not just the looking ladder play, but a guy that's gain tackled and being able to like wrapped around and offload to apply that they know that to be on their hip pocket works really well in rugby, and I'm convinced that if a coach,
practices enough in the coach ass our job security, because here as if there's an turnovers yoke, turnovers will kill you. But if you practice it correctly and need which smartly and pick your spots truly believe: that's gonna, be the next big wave and offers a football in the inner fell. If you won't take that I'll, be special adviser to the special adviser. You got it and I I I would. I would be honored to teach you more about the strategy I'm going to bring in some guys from fiji to help we're going to nationwide and do a camp teaching fell and college had coaches, how to implement this down, lateral that austria jobless spacing so big and our passing, and when I have two guys next, each other it's very hard to get that guy knows it's like a hook and lateral stuff. you're running towards a guy. You can probably you could probably implement something, but it be high risk high reward,
yeah, but the reward is super bowls yeah. So I'm here to offer you another soda, yeah, okay, yeah, that's something! There's another game, so yeah! So since you're out of coaching, I have a coaching hypothetical for you that maybe you can speak on, what say championship sunday, ok, fourth and eight and you're on the goal line, so its fourth fourth and goal from the eight Your down eight points. Do you kicked the feel goal or do you four also Tom Brady is on the other sidelined no silent salad times. Ah, there's like two and some change I gotta go To do ok, eight minutes let them kicked filiation had put. It is to look at who minutes you gotta go for. They got three time ass. So when we met before did that? Will you like what ails you don't know? I thought I was right and now lead to many warning a three time out right, when you're at Tom Brady Tom Brady, he had to believe he was getting the ball back right, but you are ready
but nobody empty could go for it and if he doesn't get it, he could still believe he's getting the ball back and go for it again yeah, We think he was trying to kick three feel goals to beat you guys. I think just one I get the ball back and let aaron do it. Yeah he's got aaron rodgers right, but you have to operate. Yeah yeah, okay, yeah yeah, you guys did win. Is there any other quarterback in the game? Right now that you that you want to? or that you out. I won't say that you want to go but that you watch plane. You like, I would love the coach, the sky for sure when we're in arizona we're pattered moms really, as at draft, was fallen as he's hours. The images on air but tat was raised right. There considerably see disney quarterback, they take you back what they got alex I just want the pro bowls and we thought he would we and we loved him yeah. So you are, you actually had him higher than most on your draft board. You probably were like. I can't have one yet
first overall, which we know about the loving and worked him personally and. Skill wise is chart, but men He was right there with patent and andrew and tom amazing shark, I may just really sharp, but so he starts falling it and are you thinking to yourself like what are these other team? Seeing that that I'm not saying like no, I mean because there is love on the way the often come on out of things like that, but just afore in front of us. No one needed a quarter, but yeah so did you Much when you are looking at quarterbacks, did you take into account the car they drove was important part of the process, and you gotta talk about swagger yeah yeah a little bit or lack of yeah yeah or like if they drove like an old car. Kate had been drives the carved wires, the reason ok, I will know the reason why you're nicole, if it's good reason, then I guess you gotta draft the guy yeah yeah, okay, alright! So that's why he took that bitch had to be drafted. He had a car, he an old car that he drove around yeah. That makes sense that's homes, bust
whiskey data draft. That's exactly right! All right! So I had one last question for you, coach has been awesome. the robot question r h, o b com use could take when himself first purchase cues its he's polos everything. So Tom Barry, How long do you think he actually walkie play? I know he said I think, he's always said forty five. So this is forty five, but from your estimation, like just watching him data day. Do you think you play three former years is worth the point now, where were just nothing surprises with time. nothing surprised because he's in such unbelievers and, like I said, he's thrown about better than he did when he too right and so much of it personal life. You know either decisions under, but this far able to play. He can yeah. It would really be a weird situation if he just kept getting kept saying the same and kept expecting. After every year like I'm one of your back this isn't my will retire, but then he just
it's going. I I could honestly timber see Tom Brady play for another five years. They are about five and a couple for sure he looks young great, doesn't area as secret tb. Twelve yeah, that's not drink it all that water. He drinks man how does he walked around so I sort can discern. I feel, like a freak out twice outlines in How many times you feel that per day at least two she dresses body weight and then what? was he went when he came to work. You know there is obviously stories written that maybe the tv twelve stuff, with his trainer had little tension in doing them. When he came to table was like you get to do in every want. Oh hell, yeah yeah, Alex open arms. Helped me brother, yeah right help me yeah. That's it It obviously worked so wool champion. It is crazy to have you back Like I said when we were in your basement: you're, like I'm retired, I'm talking about helicopters, taking a cbs and just like art any one of the. Only guy got me beach, barf yeah
yeah I've been retired three times yeah. I think he had three I am still waiting for another one to its farm. Yeah, definitely yeah yeah. He he definitely gets out there and like every every spring, like the old cannons feeling. Is there specific sliding doors moment where you use thought retired, actually, actually retired, and very close to staying retire, but finally got to see somebody convince you to come back again, Have to imagine that when you left pittsburgh used that you were those actually it for you right now. So what in their thou because I remember, when I read about The first time it seemed like you were completely checked out of football. This is at times the golf course have you cocktails, fainted, say what you still had. The golf course instilled rent drink cocktails, but it was chuck chuckled and you're. The idea of. Getting a young quarterback again got me, fired up and
but it was John Biagi, three or or andrew agenda, so yeah this started it and then the health things in phoenix, bigger, scary the cancer thing was because not enough and then jail J jake. Culling jason. Is a industries? Do this in tap right on that? Sorry for your officially! Officially, I'm a visual a bit I dont only at all and more you're gonna, initially them the less like on my last flag two weeks ago, yet no foot off, but we're we're we're price against the titans, of course, not the rim its flag on me, so you re dead, go onto the press blocks yeah! No! I fully expect in five years for you to come back in this. She on this show you're gonna, be retired again with another superbowl and you'll like Tom Brady still young as every one is like an insuperable so but coach. We really appreciate your time here. Your great recurring guest ever go to coaching cholesterol, dot com for more. Formation. Super important smashing,
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We feel good right pass around mount rushmore as two dubs two seconds you guys are hot. A lot of people are saying it's almost our pool halls like yeah I'll drug dust, and we know well. We were so Jake's at first hand how they won't out of everybody that a man of my life, if I ever need clean piss, I'm gonna store passive billy came at Billy. Came you with for clean press. Would you do it ray question, very good: there's no dna and piss So, like racing matters of if it, if he fails, we get disqualified. Now I know is I have relatively gaily arms up like you is I go back hats make me take a drug testify, fail it I'm fired by the waiter pests knock as I fired collar. Ok, what about what about this would have billy comes in he's out of breath and there, sir What's going on and he's like pit the he's a jake, I'm energy, am I need your come real? What do you do. He's a good life or death
I'm going to jail library. I guess I'm going to jail for a very long time. Unless I get some your come I'll go, remember the slavic. What if you like, I just know my face: the belief that jake and billy saturday night alright you guys decide order living legends? Is them our rushmore and honours? Do finer and hank is teamed up with due finer, so we'll see how that could we take first, the hell. You think we're gonna win through that one one dissension and will not rank you'd rather, look what I got a bit of success. Does us they'll go third? No first! Ok! Tom was a certain ice pick, your wife one and still has been texting. Hague nonstop this entire episode. So I'm sure that he's got a lot to choose from her. One one has bulla okay,
gone heavy on the internet. he's a living legend. Interesting pick. Stu under team. He won't fight of do or jaguar. Oh jack mac armies was blue idea. Hijacked backing up when it is when I was very art will congrats to me. I just freedom good job I make another nother tobin mocking fuckin book here, a free that guy, because I like em, aren't I that's not one. One answer one one Is that you are you deaf, you're on one or one and what did you like that? Fifty I mean. I think that we have some other good. Ok. So what are you you go with me? Will you go it's worth what you're feeling one one, because we do have a grogan, ok, yeah, I'm shocked at the hank, went with Hezbollah instead of the goat. Michael George, yeah. That's what I've been living less! That's why we're about time, maybe the most important athletics.
your besides secretariat and tach and sold the car. Also long time also has gotten cooler with age. His brand still sells millions of sneakers yeah he's a living legend. He he swagger jack. The hitler stache from hitler yeah, but what kind of like? I think I can do no wrong he's. There was all unsuccessful as honour, no none, and yet that is daddy. I not correct way had to say he's an owner of a vast about aimed you're right. He is already made that money take cycling, so good at valiant adam Orson. He thought was going to be good, although I don't deserve was aspect yeah. Thank you, and kwame brown ours as he is all the tools. Listen I got your water room. It stops the room Karen He is the room. He has numerous that's what wearable time. goes for as well as well. The greater its vast white basque conflict have no water room. Edwin stops I don't really, if you're on the other side of the room, husband walks and you stop,
because I don't like you hear all the son, it's like a hush in that I was how many rooms you ve been with hezbollah. Unfortunately, none cause, I'm not as much of a living. Let you go to any country in the world and their like, Michael Jordan. Has boy he's got. international, Michael, yielding michael drones, being China does other indus, china. Okay, as long as he about you think, Michael Jordan is a giant mash mash, not our biggest issue. I disagree. Ok, that was an easy one, one. We're gonna go on a similar category to you, guys, change sports and take Tom Brady. Ok, ok and then I think my arrival. I think what me max. I like we're Ok, so I think we should go for different category. I just dont army. We got the best at louis stunt on. I think I think it's You guys have your unless you want what the other is a good thing, by us. Billy doesn't who want to go with what the impacts of ok?
so it must have a pretty good. I'm It's a sad, and I say it say it out. or is it saying he doesn't like this per se, though I like it, the rock rock? Alright, alright, that's good pick. Yeah, everyone loves their off the rocks cook it are we now do I let them go everywhere and, like I think, we're we mix up little about what I think. Maybe we owe you know. We should go to want to do this. The one I say you no one's gonna have to let's go with. The guy's got like a hundred percent like ability rating puts out in credit movies for the last forty years, Adam sandler living legend. every also viral every other day for dropping dimes in a pick em whose game is not as it also. He goes viral for being a good friend all the time you like that. When I see I'm sailor, trending it's usually because he did
I think, awesome to help out some loser. Like rob schneider yeah, not necessarily because you put out a new movie, correct, no offense rob schneider yeah, we'll love them back on I want a mine. What am I gonna? Stews as part of italy was I, which one choice. bartley? Ok, that's a good pick. A major and dominate the decade. He mentally dominated him in the finals yeah. But who, who are you tuning into every week, to hear about their basketball technical two to host that show? He could, I don't think so, yeah he couldn't fire show. Now it's not easy. Just turn around and make him being entertaining. You guys know that yeah you're right any asshole can it Now there is an argument you guys are treated me. No, I we make that argument everyday by us exists. We are truly ass, my confront and do a leper, ok That's your pick. Yeah do we leave loans, do illegal. She's only go to seize
Ok, we got a lot by the way, so means has been helping us out means has sent us a couple alive or dead people. Yes, very through a semi about thirty five meme citys walter peyton, you died next either to harvard ali. Like you have to go, I what? What? What do we do it? We do wrong, I'm act. What are we didn't per year? Help us build hobby, terawatt erelong done worse. Ok, I think you know what let's let's do this, because this one they can't did we can save the first one you just sent me. I think we can get this one and unjust rock we won t mean that is an objective or right. Jack, too yeah jack to unobjectionable objective, unimpeachable buzz, aldrin, poles The man was on the moon and I mean like yeah. Oh yeah,
yeah, he cried at. First, I see the last remaining man on the moon too. I think he is yeah, so I was puzzled around and also he punched that dude in the face like cuba, should be the waterfront and living legend buzz. Aldrin is still please vote yet it was gonna happen like half the people we never gonna, die ethnic, real, soon, yeah, we're doing definitely jigsaw, we damn. Ok, Sister, Jean Heaven forbid, I first pick is gonna, be wayne Gretzky we let's living legend, yes. And then what Go with mark is the trout. My fellow troop yeah living legit. I thought I forgot Ok, we'll wait backs are you and all the right page
No, we we, he said studies go something yeah, I just said I just said I was throwing that name also out there I was in. We were good, but I was just I started that in their ok largest, well. I lethargic I hear you're holding that might like, like your cameron. So out of that I would. I wait I'll, never gonna arguments the troop billy, but, like you there's a lot of people had probably see that name and don't even know what that's for will those close to the people that don't matter you don't have to make like your predators, Can I go. so are you the troops and Michael Jordan? We went Adam sandler, we went, all so we ve done it all. Finish with the true living legend LISA and
I mean at least a true living legend. She turned so many boys into men and she also like every now and then comes out of retirement and it's like an event as you've come to the office and the office and living life and she's a very nice person, a very nice purse. I shook her hand once wow, that's impressive so I wash and smelling of this waste going the mike up to his very so close it so finishes off. There's some living legends. Sure I got one a minor one still want to watch it. Tell us and then we'll figure out who is a yeah mike that's a good spirit. I could pick two, that's a good picks do I was. I was very good and extra job. So ok, I got the? U s open with less. When is I guess so? I saw other ones, and I will finish with this useless but the nero or albert gino, both living legends, absolute living legends.
I got political though, that that, when you're living legend that like that, that can that can affect here are you saying legends mean muhammad Ali was political, his entire life and also you're kind of proving the point that Michael Jordan was the greatest pick there's rebecca we are we grow like has lower objective way, is way better. We opera, our role as the one I want to bring good. How do I save an umbrella check? Dolly part, More importantly, is truly living label anderson, alexis taxes. Couple that I knew work and gear pact, but I just had to say in the groups: agincourt vandam and stephen skull.
you, are not skilled suit. Yet we had arnold is ray. I want the stew duly per thousand per women women sing. I wouldn't know three ana the answer, your europe. I almost got the bow stevie next year, guy tat john allows a giant ass would have been a great peck, jackleg, Klaus and jack nickel, Jack Nicholson, guy fury living legend palm according to the sudden leave erwin. He dies. You got sung by owning railways. Are you serious review? Is a car you seriously ill? We require a worse eve, labour. We talked about steeper when for about thirty minutes. Yes, yes, on macro so day, world is only then that he's a legit dozy, legit yeah, that's not the housing lily. Legislating honours do father, who is very much alive and a living legend, your source, paler yup, paley, when in doubt Rinaldo,
messy bessie meme suggested, who you have now also very dead, very buried years them as well, while bread heart the best. There is the best there was. The best ever will be mean that since the best tagline rick flair willie mays lily nelse emily willie mays, not as yet alive burgage took their picture and I too, I should treat our right now. Actually, how much loser. The ones whose. postcode everyone, valuable herschels who passed away optically billy may build you missed at you. you, MR willie mays billing. I see had already while less goose should I say, river, willie, mays or just just treat the picture. That's all temperature He looks a lot like real yeah. They re o berman oh yeah, nurse berman. We have that right.
You're still less do finery living legends list, Some people come up twice. I don't know the reason for it, but the area this isn't a succession of like ten text messages. Broccoli bill Clinton, braun Tom seaver, Billy, Psmith, Keith, Hernandez, Dua, lipa, Joe Montana, lawrence taylor, taylor, swift, John Elway, sugar, sugary leonard MIKE tyson Rinaldo bill wash grom John men can stabler bow jackson. Dionne Sanders chair, rice, pete rose, einstein freud, Jesus Bruce brings rain, fell collins, neil diamond mark spits michael, Africa It was Derek jeter, Joe torrey. You have their pacino Daniel Daniel they louis entities in tom cruise bono mike pr, ready, jackson, gold, mitch, albom, I grew bigger has got to be eighty like modalities galleries, so excited hearing his name on our flock.
What it was, but a great lists. I great show everyone whereabouts tape was still. and I futures which will come out next wednesday before the kick off on de. I still think we got it yeah. I think he has got it, for she has great peck. I really will play on the internet. That's you! things like everywhere No Michael Jordan is blocking the room now what is worrying way taller. Exactly so they're looking down. No, no. They see Michael Jordan from across the room because you're like holy shit, that guy that's Michael Jordan, shack, shocks are gonna. Give you I couldn't get jack is doubly living legend, ok, good, I won't numbers random numbers. My sex sixty two, forty three rain. Number generator hank. We have said if you get one of these will be mickey mouse ago. With
twenty seven, three, fifty six area I still got. We got a ping pong ball machine sold. I think that's going to be my my key to victory. Oh hell. Yes, number zero to one hundred thirty one that was quick. Oh that's your birthday, yeah yeah birthday, Bruce! Ok, Jackie Robinson, the guy on tiktok tik tok out o here we Aragon, ready eighty, or some guy added. He ate falk islam,
see everyone on friday for jerry, o connell love. Yes, while humans aren't the fastest animals out the resource and show that humans are the best thing to do.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.