« Pardon My Take

Brian Baumgartner (Kevin Malone), Bill & Melinda Gates Break Up, Lebron Will Never Be The Same and FAQ’s

2021-05-04 | 🔗
Love is dead again. Bill and Melinda Gates have broken up and there’s no reason to live anymore (2:42 - 9:29). Tom Wilson is back in the news and some people want him arrested and banned for life (9:29 - 19:01). Update on the Aaron Rodgers situation and Lebron will never be the same (19:01 - 31:15). Hot Seat/Cool Throne (31:15 - 43:27). Brian Baumgartner joins the show aka Kevin Malone from the Office to talk sports, Hollywood, The Office and more (43:27 - 86:52). We finish with some great listener submitted FAQ’s
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On today's pardon my take. We have an awesome interview with Brian bomb gardener, You know him has kept him alone from the office. One of those interviews where we came across me like damage guys cool and we really want to have back on so must listen. We're gonna talk a little hockey suspensions with Tom so we have a little Aaron Rodgers up date, we have hot, see cool thrown. We have Effie queues, You have a ton of stuff for you. It is brought you buy a friends at movement, envy M T in a tiny. urban in southern California, to college dropouts teamed up to create a watch company. They broke all the rules with fair prices, unexpected colours and clean original designs. Movement grew into one of the fastest growing watch brands. Shipping too, over a hundred sixty countries across the globe, and now movement has expanded into blue light glasses that protect your eyes from your screens. Minimal jewellery and more style essentials. It don't break the bank. All designed
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jewellery, all of it at movement, dot, com, Slash pardon, day is Wednesday, May Beth manifestly within three with you Why is this playing? It's gonna be mad here Filmore indicator no more true, love has had a rough month land. They both did a thing really really time, although bill gates, gonna kick ass bachelor parties, they they do need to have a divorce party and in eating, the whole gang from the windows. Ninety five debut back together, Epstein bomber upon sage clambered up for his boy gases, grow up steam bombers. Definitely the dude on a bachelor party who'd like over plans, every detail, guy we're going to go fuck in play some some golf. You know it's eight, a m! We're gonna, go Nice awesome lunch spot that I found that I rented a both and we got a dinner. It's like dude. We just want a fucking, get drunk, stop planning everything
there's got to be spent in a day like enough in a cavern goober, because you, Steve July? You know what, though, it's good to have one person, that's like that, just that you can break some of the plans because it's good to have like one. activities you, but then you get the boys to be like. I do. Yeah you're here, Cloning is our way too much, we gotta know the rules so that you can break of yes very smart person to ruin raker wishes. As you said, someone Creasy and John into a safe house. Couple rapport, yadda, yadda Melinda gates to take any more that eyes. I'd like do not officially moved on Miley Cyrus, I'm totally on the Mackenzie Baisers, Slash, Melinda, Gates, whichever ones issued. Don't fucking the like warship that people do of rich people online is so fucking funny when they're like Mackenzie basis in Melinda Gates, are gonna team up and their end Hank.
girl, boss, energy are going to solve climate change. Yes, I was gonna happen. Southern there's still gonna be weighed up there. Their United Europe last like those of biology, and one show thing I think now, not our guy was going to put to bed until you just told you where to Boeing. I know I asked no robot energy telling us has I said. Can we stop ok, I'll, stop it big? It gets one show and then we'll see how I feel on We are it. Does it sad men, God seeing all these billionaires break up like what are they we should build their own fathers hurry and when, when you cut them, do they not bleed, just like us, sank to their hearts, not break and have been losing true love. Does bill gates not get depressed when he logs onto Microsoft, word in clipping pops up saying hey? looks like you're trying to write a prenuptial agreement and greatly delegate's depressingly realise. As you know, it does have a premium yeah you does it.
now a hundred thirty billion dollars. Is nice happened when, as you always were, losing efficient half of it, I'm ready to risk it off Melinda gates? I for one am shocked when I read a story about how, before they got married, bill gates, wrote out on a whiteboard pros and cons of marrying Melinda gates. That's true love had his true love. I can't believe that didn't last pro we, We enjoy similar recreational sports. Yet I think she's just marry me for my money pro much like Henry Lockwood girl, boss, energy figure of vast energy, So what does this mean about the people? Who are not There were digging a lotta wells and solving malaria. They just saying like fuck. It now You said they were gonna. There were still combined their powers to solve all the world's problem I was thinking that maybe pays Europe Centre, maybe like the bridge too far, was known that bill had microchips and planting and everybody across the world issues like listen bill. I was fond of you killing millions of people a year
now that you're harvesting source of babies and putting your chips- and everyone said we're done here. I would just love like it would be such great he'll turn if bill Gates just became a huge duly, and I started. Mining like smoke show the days for his rebound haliae. Why talk I that Dude Europe working out, their brow means have I'm fine, we saint as as the king and you our closest says. The boys were singing this summer. What has happened in new words like finalize a divorce where there's that much money involved, because I, like, I think, she's like forty billion thirty, billion. I think whatever's the lawyer gets their day just hit the jackpot yak, as they are basically are going to spend the next like two years riding up all this shit and get paid millions million dollars like what would you your lawyer, in you charge already say ten k and our for fur high priced divorces, woody above that up to is its search I pricing like uber, we're like up actually a lot while you saw bees us getting divorced too?
Bill YO. Unfortunately, it's gonna be a hundred thousand dollars. Like to think that these hen k an hour an actual thing. Yet you compare them certain rules and high prices. Lower super hider prominently on on retainer probably have like a guy that just stick around in case. They need to get a divorce view that rich, you just have like you're Break Lassen case infidelity guy, he just sovereign around at all times be like you guys seem like without fight a little too serious, certainly try to break up all the time I saw the bill didn't beat all put to sea. Back down Should I get the papers going, Couldn't help unnoticed said that Mr Gates hasn't reciprocated oral. Why Sometimes I dont bill gates, deposit eater I liked think? Where that Jeff Baisers got his divorce and then pressure bill into getting his because, if you're sure razors and you become the richest single guy and world. You don't go back to in our view, the Bachelor party, if you are the only person in your bachelor party, that has a good job, you feel
like your imposing on them. If you like, you guys want to go to Kabul yeah you wanna go somewhere cool. If your Jeff based goes, and you have our no fifty billion dollars more than the second richest guy in the world, like you can't plan a good vacation, you can't plan your singular. round that he'd ever friend, that's at least half as rich as you do also Also you lawns next, I don't know he seems like he's, got pretty lad, able energy easier, you're right, he did extremely happy, is always got us now we're Ashikaga right. Some. Some mock sketches for him on fraud if before US unknowns on Saturday as well, you are right, is they decided is? Actually I just pause as like you up its they have sounded it's actually Sunday morning, true for
the most bar you're a Newfoundland. Two thirds of the show is a lawyer Newfoundland the whole should be an essential halifax. Ass. An m live is what they should call artless socks and sports the biggest sports lorry we sport. I was born out of the biggest sport store we have today is: twitter getting very upset, because Tom Wilson did a thing again and by thing I mean punching people, my head is saucy talk, yeah and Hockey twitter is you are right when you tweet out that there's no grey area when it comes to spend. Or in a chess player safety talk with why I didn't even watch the hit last night. I everyone send it to me and I was like a madman, a watch it doing a digital cleanse, I want to comment on it until this work is really at that point, the only Their commenting on is your saying like what can I say that will make the fewest amount of people upset at me right and when it comes to Tom. Wilson is a player that is like he plays on that edge on that day,
weird line between being extremely violent and extremely useful to have energy across his little Betty Cross a little bit, sight and body crossed it. Well, here's a quote from a prominent journalism, I'm going to read for your real quick. Tom Wilson is a psychopath time is the last time been him for life arrest him hashtag capitals, hashtags you don't get it do. You live like a hundred tweets opportunities. Ormond advocate for him to be arrested. Young Europe Post Advocate room to be kicked out of the game for life and possibly arrested and they're allowed people just that. We're just saying like lock him up. There are lacking chance going on about time wasn't and the one thing that people loved and on on hockey suspension twitter. Is they always at the Department of pleasure safety? Yes, please make sure intact and very helpfully between the videos and is impossible to go back and look at the videos that are taken framed by frame. It's like disapproval, film and you watch and parents head go back into the left.
as you like pulling on things happen in real time and there's people forget they play hockey on ice is very slippery. The time clumsy guy but yeah obvious. he's a he's pretty shit. so I think you should have been banned or arrested for life or anything like that. It's there's gotta be a middle ground. We gotta find it a new word that even Tom, Wilson and capitals fans can call time Wilson cause yeah. He is but he's our piece of shit. No, that's fine! I never listen capitals! France, like anyone who gets capitals. Fans were defending their guy. They just aren't sports fans, because this is what you do as a sportsman. You defend your guy, even if all the evidences, hey Yoga, piece of shit. My my like middle ground is that Doberman. Wants him arrested and then the n a gives were five thousand dollar. Fine. Daphne,
like to very white severe ends of the spectrum it felt like. I do not think that that was some egregious arrest. Him he's a psychopath. I think, like you said he plays the and everyone off on a tangent, real, quick, its kind in a weird way: the ETA. The any fault for getting fired, in goons out of hockey, because Tom Wilson is kind of the apex predator, now yeah big. If there were still goons a Google Tom Wilson up and it would be care of any wouldn't be doing that he's a hybrid goon he's right, like half goon, who still have you the tall man left kind of thing we either. If, if it were fifty, years ago. There, could be someone who had four came up and he wouldn't be doing this ship. But now he knows no real repercussions, and so somewhere around, like maybe a couple games just to show? Why k? I think more than anything, it's very hard to make the argument we care about player safety in a knot and then only give me five thousand hours without
that was the max amount that they could find him under the severest five thousand dollars beyond that they would have to see him for and they show us Edam forgave, then maybe I don't know can associate. I forget why not? I was I would say that, like parents gonna be out for the rest, the season, so he should be fully celebrate parents out because the ranges and could make to play off now because I'm sorry games injured, em but like if you do not replace it could have been pretty ugly. He using definitely look at that and say like there was there's a chance at there could have been a severe head injury or neck injury on the body slant yeah, but also like Debts Tom will. and when he is like trying to fuck you up, he doesn't stop to think like in my slamming this person the ground to vile upwards. If Tom Wilson was a rhinoceros and protected game reserve, they would have to have put him down just because he naturally too rest at things. I guess you're gonna, leaning on the key Goldman Bantam around. No, no, I don't have a murder. Has we keep the cat? We can't let to cure be worse than the disease.
Tom Wilson is out of the league. Then who's going to police the game from players like Tom Wills right right, it's Tom Wilson, the eye it you're so like to usually, is right around play off time when we get just the absolute like chaos that happens from debating these type of things, and it's not I honestly don't they could even touches like targeting in football like big it. So far, the debate on hockey suspensions whether he should be suspended hits all these things is by far are the most heated polarizing debate in all sports, because fighting is allowed. Rightly know I mean they give their worth. Every guy was thrown punches in the NBA you're, like ok, that guy suspended. We know that we're here. It's like! Ok, obviously is a grey area of guys can fight so violently during punches not immediately like that's a worse than ever. I think so I tweeted out. Did he
someone. Sorry, tony Tony Nargis. W acts said that we should have funnier penalty for Tom Wilson, like the fat like he should have to. fight three guys centre ice before the next game, gladiator style guy. I thought that was a good idea and I to ruin it before you, Thomas I had to play in entire game in sneakers. I think it's her somebody else does what it would have only just how to play, but he is the only player that doesn't get where home it. I like TAT. I think it's like a punishment fits the crime type situations where like put him out there and let him be subject to other apex predators for what yeah and then someone the last one I light was always got sick flow. A hug see does Alexandra Dago Alexandria seems like a french dude Dago said the cap. Should it keeps on Wilson, but he s play one game on Align with Owen Wilson and Luke was ok watch him get it shipped out. I, like
yeah that be fought? Listen deadly funnier penalties, virtually the end of the season like wishes, the last came the season. Let's just what's funny I knew him. I don't want to see anybody get hurt or injured. I dont want to see. I can't I don't know you love Tom Wilson. I love having Tom Wilson. Ah my team. I think they like ninety neighbours in time when he plays he plays like you wanna hardly hear complaints, exude, old, somewhat guide, be pilot class actual ass. I went back over the last eighteen months. He's only been suspended once in the last eighteen months of play. I'm just suggest a far more Amadeo for you. If government decides that he wants to take legal action in some will say you will be liable. I I'm telling Tom Wilson in because people do seem to think that I speak for Tom Wilson. Tom listen very closely. If you, and your somebody because we're reckless hit are negligent hit. I disavow I'm telling you not to do that right now, very clearly, I want
you two had people hard within the rules and injure them in the course of a normal, clean hockey player I dont know if planners severely, I dont know pioneering like leg. You certainly industry, games laughed, so they probably sitting him if they were fighting for the plan. Still maybe he plays, but it does feel like an easy way to fix. This in hockey is just your suspended for as long as guys yeah, I guess so easy. Yet I make sense, but then you also have to look at what happens on the other and, if, like a team, sees that Davis forests are like a great pleasure for one team interest. scrub, one another during a play officers, if, on the I know your milking that lorry I mean finish: the other teams dot, the teams doctors gets to review the plant, they so urgent, the teams. Yet I try to switch semi send keeps everyone on here. I like that, it's not a hip, a violation, you know not an office, you make him switch. I do want give a shattered the washing capitals. Twitter account
Oh, that was bad or posting the most ridiculous tweed ever with me it has made no sense about Tom Wilson like right after the game was over. There was drawing I thought after I know, I'm preachers during business hours after he got the internet or at the inn, and they posted this, and it's a mean that makes no sense a part of it is Tom Wilson and shows from the neck up. There's the troll face going. Rent free and then from the neck down. It said something how should I know she? A lot of shoes and then in the treaty itself, it said Tom Wilson woke up and selected violence with a check. It was like I thought I was having a stroke watch. You no doubt as I thought it was a great job by the capitals social needs carbon, to get everyone online matter them. Mad. It actually tat was true, but that's dubious fuck. It was too the chose violence caption is to his children. I spotted it
now that we know what you he is it's like when you buy a car than you see your car everywhere everywhere yeah, I can spot you liked it right. That's all I'm with dodges right now. I've seen three Shiva units of the gas matrix, that's the major s, mate except but yeah. I listen. I I agree that Tom Wilson, if anything, Tom Wilson, should be suspended, for his own protection against all the online harassment he's doing. True today sees the real victim. I news we have Aaron Rodgers seems like it's getting worse seems like its damage troll, going on by the packers. I don't love you Garbutt Rapport or maybe shifter edged combined them at this point is doing damage control for the GM of the Packers. They basically were like people forget, Did the packers tried to trade up to get a wide receiver last year, but a wider? She was taken right before them. We had to end up taking a quarter back. Of course, everyone forgets that
so it's clear, they're trying to spin that also Terry Bradshaw, called Aaron Rodgers dumber than a boxer rocks, which coming from Terry Bradshaw, that is one of the funniest quotes ever again. What's old, saying budgetary could spell rocks if you spotted him the are, though, in the acts There is not a smart arbitrary owns it. That is what we expect you to become for bread. Far, Terry Bradshaw might be usurping Brett five, you might be five cooking, yeah yeah, I know you're actually ray, I think far, probably just sitting there like in my back yard, as it is my turn to now. The We also demand the atoms sent out a cryptic tweet said I appreciate what you got while you got it. Heartbreak again, our heroes or break all already Roger Britain and right now I just want to be happy. I think it's as a song get up. They ve been they basically side is Aaron Rodgers too sensitive, I need to I'm actually concerned about our friend dinner landscape. Yes, is he ok? No! Is he
mentally. Well, where are you Mama show a vice some the other day and he was crying on television because Aaron Rodgers, doesn't have enough help. He was like he was honestly like his eyes were red, their watering, huge staring at the Cameron, couldn't believe the people were discussed acting Aaron Rodgers by saying that the voluntary items is good. I kind of like this Toby we know we climbed on Dan when he denotes any notes apt? All of us right nor fucking, face after the weak, seventeen Eagles Washington Football team, game and we count on him, but maybe, This is what we need. We need a guy, Just where's is hard on his sleeve and has like you know he's quarterback or quarterbacks screw a poor want to trade it gets emotional. I like that, because you know what it is not good. What get up is doing so is Aaron Rodgers too sensitive. That is the hyper masculinity. I will not stand as toxic
talk like masculine anything, they they should be encouraging errand to follow his heart. His dreams, get it really rock thousand to move Griffin Enterprises stats. If I answered whatever either or other were either or but yeah? It's it's like Mark, Pinelli member. When he cried about the New England, patriots deflating footfalls, that was honestly great. That's it! as we made clear. We means we need people who care about stuff that much on our television. I just I just one. Should the danced doing. Ok, because I was I was taken aback as to how emotional he was getting about the treatment of bread, our bilateral manage. We will get a model vengefully. We also had em So I have an idea tat. This might be so that we can say, as I guess, as a collective we'd or owners of the Green Bay Packers our fish Larry was there. I purchase a secondary share of the market, but I think that as a pike, s were owners of the Green Bay Packers and in time back into where you're talkin bout with billion airs, owning soccer teams and how like
you can protest against the american billion air, but another billinger that cares about their money. Is gonna come over and do exactly what billionaires do? What about this idea? Back in ancient Greece, there was a car, so called sore Titian. So they have elections, they didn't have democracy, as we know it didn't have mares what they would do it once every like you're too. They would pick a name out of a hat from all the citizens that lived in the town and that person was their president. Yet for the next two years. Yes- and it sounds crazy, because it is but also a kind of encourages people. I encourage you to make sure that all the kids are gonna be Oh educated, yes, because any one of these should heads could end up being your boss, wonder yet no, we should absolutely it would be cool if the if cities owned the teams, yes and we voted on coaches, gee and all that stuff and then imagine having like a recall like urging a coach fucking up in
ten and then you're like emergency election, everyone vote. should we fires astronaut? It would make sport so much more fond, because that's what we do expands. We love to just yell about five, guys in and get this guy out here having the really to actually do it, so, let's fucking guy, so the problem without would be like coaches would get fired after every single loss. Guess what I'm cool you everything? I don't know what what's the problem? Every teams could finally problem these guys have families Beginners reenrolled them in schools. Now they are. That sounds like a good. Would I like what I think is we should do that except you should be able. Vote the owners out, but the owners kittens awed by the city. Just Random know their own. You just select a random person to run the team. Yad from the pool of citizens is in any given city, yes and then dad owner makes coaching decisions. They can fire the owner prematurely few need to amend for olive because, like
I do think that having on fire patent, we like right of having somebody tied in to the local communities what we need. I want mandate fired and our rehiring than fire again, that's actually would be incredible to get the satisfaction of keep hearing the guy that you hate with. That's what people are saying to do: a Tom Wilson people. will heed. No, no! No! No! No! Not going back to our right and our people are like Cyrus, half arrest, him kill him. Back to life. Resuscitated, kill, em, again arrest him arrest is ass. Fuckin do it. I other thing: we We missed this story on Sunday, but it needs to be mentioned. Leubronn, J, is laying the groundwork for one of the greatest underdog stories of all time, even though he is widely. Acclaimed is the second best basketball player of all time and still the best basketball player in the NBA Lebron James came back for his ankle injury Brown, James Hedda. He would want
first came back. He said his equals a little tight and he said that he is a series of getting back to one hundred percent is impossible. I dont think I'll ever be back to one percent in my career and then also said he still thinks he at the point where he feels like he can help. The two went combat player the year poor little Lebron James is just out there, and you know what If you didn't say you can help Lakers when anymore He'D- probably bench himself, but he thinks he can probably chip in a little and help. These as we even though know, he'll never ever be a hundred percent again, also. I think he is coming off the heels of the news where he was like they should fire. Whoever came up with the play off so that's all you started out and also getting vaccinate as well he's pretty he's trying to get some sympathy for being like listen, I'm injured and probably taking like heavy doses of tylenol. Who knows
brains, work run up to the edge of say, I'm not getting back, say no, but I can assure wrote it in La Brown and Williamson had been backside, haven't Gandhi as your be so funny. If the playoffs happening, he asked to like warranty if he gets like, What do you know how to be a real shame now be wild I'd, be organ while real shame, nebulous, can say kind of like today, and here I am sooner guy. At the same time we wild. He said, however, made the rules should be fired, but if you go back to more twenty twenty, he said you, Portland, you got Memphis New Orleans, Sacramento tinkering around their self there's five or ten games left. Why not have those guys, play in battle. It out once employed each other, all five game. So quick question, I'm just curious. What's the difference so this year there is no different. there's always the Lakers, where that they must be first, so doesn't matter there five right now, but seven Portland, there's two team that are one game. How so their close to the playing an interesting point on their heads
last and lastly, that independent up the example you might arise last season when the standard, NBA policies and through June right now after that govern the ok perhaps the broadband like I'll never be rescinded kid that, I think, that's better than the pretty. broken. You always say like the one thing I will happily that's kind of on that kind of reliable he's got a long, narrow, financially recurrent these no he's I actually I mean, there's moments of my life that I'll never be one hundred percent again right. that I actually like kind of laughter back. That's kind of related boards, like I'm, never You know I've. Never behind our planning- and it's like when you really was announced and Lucy. I didn't really hung over on a Sunday and you have to work and say I am never I'm never going to be a member. Feel normal again. You have you, have you ever sprain angle, it's worse. They Eric! Yet us my uncle Phaeton uncontested lab once piles yeah, I spray Michael, like every other day, have you been a hundred percent centre,
yeah, I'm different your message out there I would say I'll go, but I would say right now, I am Sixty seven percent of my hundred percent and I'm goin down. Ok never be higher than sixty. Seven percent are one up evil. Bron I will ever be higher than like it. Four hundred percent is you feel incredible. Great shape, like good, wait. All these things mentally, you know, rested all that I'm sixty seven percent of a hundred percent. I think I'm. Seventy five percent of a hundred ten percent. When I was out my max yeah, you know what I were also a little bit younger than Lebron James. I like a month by one month I exactly one month so yeah he's in his old age, is harder to recover from those nagging little injuries, thoughts impersonal to him I'll, never be a hundred percent. Again I just love the fact that he said. I still think I can help the team one
You, ok, thanks Oberon, it's it's! The will be the greatest come back of all tat. Will you can't have an ankle transplant? The catches Alabama would disagree. They would You need to go visit next. Eight, I hope Emma ailing was they transplant every angle on that team when they show up its fresh, they do pre emptive ankle serve it. It's like a circumcision down there ever more comments on the Tipp of your own. We're just gonna put weren't gonna fuckin wrap this wire around your ankle, real quick. When you show up, I love it I it advisable to do, but definite makes it get drafted are absolutely I mean Achilles the ankle brought down the great worry of all time. That's terrific bent absolutely and so his nose, yes, and in every other, for it on his shoulder. His hair. His own brain is his penis pornography addiction up all that stuff let's get to huts, he called throne, and then we got Brian Bomb, Gunnar
on. You know, Mousqueton alone. By the way we interviewed him before all the Aaron Rodgers stuff. Unfortunately, so was just general he's. A big Aaron Rodgers fan wish we had been able to. really stick to their, but before we do that sport clips stylus are experts in men. The boys haircuts with special eyes, training and techniques. Cutting guys here can be harder than women's hair. When you go to sport clips verse, a place that cuts women, ere, you are getting stylus or specifically trained cut, guys. Hair sport clips are experts in understanding, facial shape and hair texture and cutting two guys best advantage sport clips signature service is the envy p hair cut experience. It is so much more than a hair cut the legendary steam tower on your face, mess monsieur, charging shampoos messaging, but I'm assuming its been massaging massaging shampoo. That makes you melt into your see its ultimate and relaxation. Don't go to
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the youth of the nation are, we are. There was released today that the New York City, public schools, will have remote learning instead of snow days next to you, that's all that that might be the new. Now they ve kind of bill, then the online learning curriculum they can kind of, who's that and instead of snow days just do online learning, which is just too I feel that the youth was about it again. We need an Alex Jones for children to get the kids really pissed off about this sort of fuckin revolution, because there is actual inherent value in what you do. on snow days when you're by yourself as a kid and the ship but you get into the mischief like all the not that you do on those days actually translates into like real life learning and you're not going to get up in front of a computer idle zag on this. I actually I'm ok with this for two reasons. Why on the snow days. That obviously means that summer starts earlier, which is awesome,
because that's how they always bilbil, they rely. Building won t have it, but they could. We, you won't have any. There won't have been any right so you're somewhere or start earlier, and there's no fucking way when you're on zoom learning you're actually doing anything, that's better than a fuckin like some teacher. Now you think kids are learning Zoo morning. I can guarantee. Oh no. I'm saying that they're like day would learn more not being on zoom learning and going on to the wild and having a day by day, can still do that, whether when their arms and where they have to be informed of the computer, the entire time and socks it, but they can still do that, but the data they do. couple classes at home. They go out and have fun in this they insist on ourselves only I click. Yes, you Linda, like two yeah yeah started, seven, yeah. So what are just was no day there can wake up this. Is you check the tv? You see it s eyes, girls on the line, I think sooner than you are alongside a hit all about it, and I think if you wanna do headed it'll save you asked the kid. If, if you ass, a kid like zoo morning is a complete
joke. They grow. We are we not you met and I were saying I know you agree that an incomplete joe. I would rather get some early set you of summer, I love summer, you some, but I also love you know it's a future meeting, so it is ten years that we still know like not cause I'm going to want to able to their that we at school passionate, acknowledges a fog at the end of the year anyway, right but having to go in to school, still feels like different do once one Let go rays of announced. What you for getting is actors, there's something magical about, be cared not being prepared, for whatever sire, I was due to request that you are not ready for and then getting like a finger of God coming down a new town and bill. I guess what I'm gonna help you out of this when you have to go in instead, I can go day drink at your neighbor's house, whose parents both work. We need this, though we yet when you're like seventeen years old, now, you're seventeenth totally until about like other Europe
about imagination is like a twelve year old year long about everyone. You can t drink while you're on zoom, I'm seventeen years old, you that's! No doubt we tried to and zoom happy hours back in March that lasted, like you, I just I know summer like some are started early would be fuckin sick. The community is already an awesome insane. Also it's like you d like this is its duty. no no way doesn't mean snow in New York, you needs no days gales and even sick kids need this notice. I think once you once you get back to having to go to school, everyday assume day will feel like a snow day. That's I point out next. Thank my cool throne is: are our very own Pfc commentator? Do became MECCA for Sir just gonna. Take Michael Thrones. That's why why I myself no extra we are going to show how my holy nowhere you had me. Do you want first I can go. I mean. What are you doing a good job in clearly you wanna go. I don't know why. I can't. I can't be picking my
think what about your boss? Let's make it go? I can't be taken my how difficult anti malware you're picking out a tunnel. The transfer my cool thrown in I figured that she did. I think that selfish conceded time by yourself here I was actually say something I was honest. Clearly, decay MECCA who appear to be in a race hundred yards ass things forty hour dash and our office, he has been training. It is past you can be raising this. We're gonna go the Olympics, so definitely olympics. You can say your faster than an olympic Razor tat. Therefore, your Coltrane Olympic Olympian, vital Oscar Pistorius right in certain circumstances. Chowder paralympic. Yes, ah, thank you echoes what those lovely my heart and I welcome the ash Good Yank Y yeah you're? Not welcome why, because you you contested not just by One thing I it said one thing there
thing said: are go head I've seen is the White House CAT, so the bite and got a cat for the White House, and I mean be they forgot that major Biden still exists and there they gotta died. Socialized Major Biden who has been by? getting everything that it sees. I think you have to say the dog just so people know because one of our kids names Hunter ok, so major, definitely like there. They would definitely major their kids major, they would mean did your binding. The dog, Germany, Shepherd dog being socialized back into my house with the help of a cat and had kept his fucking diarrhea, that dog is gonna eat to share that IRAN? To be honest with you, I kind of I have grown to love major by just because he's such a shithead, What is also very reliable- and you wouldn't want to be in a house where there's a shitload of people coming and going all the time it's our biting everyone as well, is very funny to have like the highest most honourable House in America. In theory, just popular by
a major dog this ring round attacking everybody, that actually dogs, micro throne, is, of course, a lane lines on sprinting tracks because decay, my calf, is competing to try to call after the olympics- God, as I wasn't gonna make about me, I can make about DK blood. You're gonna, be like whose fast yeah, but I don't know, but I see that's the thing I might go. There must be a few counter So how do you know what I'm talking about No because then you start talking about decay errors, but it's different courtrooms. It is totally different, closer to speculate is that of decay runs under like ten point two then he'll qualify for the olympic trials, but that, in order to do that, he would have to run ass fast ass. He was running at his peak when he was chasing down Buddha Bay hurdles and feel like filmmakers sprinters. Yes, yes, I would We have as much much muscle. Where are you going to see a lot of is track and field stands on Twitter being like this. Guy has no business in our sport and saying you don't understand truly
fast sprinters are you know what the right honourable runners sprinters trained to do, One thing and one thing only in their very good at it, dude you got. No one knows how fast marathon runners are. When you see a marathon run run like a tomb to our marathon. They are sprinting is fast, as you can possibly sprint for two hours. That said, I do hope that he gets. I hope that it qualifies it me. Fuckin, hilarious, LCD came back, half go to the Olympics, yeah, I don't think he's going to, but yeah it would be very funny. It would be very funny seem go there, which are the Olympics happening. Yeah for sure Tokyo, preserve, azure, I'd, want say for sure for sure new additives anyone's closer. I can't guarantee that's true. I offer happened there. Still twenty twenty on us right. That's I my not see desire because a dude perfect they released a sick ass, music, video called pet peeves, one of the pet peace, in missing like pots, which is not a pet beef ashes.
This is not a pipeline was when you drive passed a car and the door. A dog is barking really loud. Why yeah. That's apparently pretty related, because for that, like one second, you have to your dog yeah That was what the dog looked like Leroy, I was I'd, give anything to drive pass that car? Yes, so we're fucked their common tar block? I didn't made drink paint in the other song talk. There were gal. I knew that. I forgive you. I guess at sixty seven percent capacity we might have underestimated. Dude perfect. They truly can do it all value play every speech. Warsaw RAP that it was an insult to music and You know my pet: can you oughta tune? This might help. My pet peeve was that entire music video veto beard came pet, my pet peevish, when bearded trust rap can sing it
peace is when their trash raft. At me, my pet Vive was when I thought beard I wasn't gonna make it all about himself. Put the start of the video is all about himself at the arts of Aragon. Put them out. There are my children, Russell Westbrook, because he's incredible and eat, I said that I was going to a respect uptake every now and then like here someone we should respect more Russia for it doesn't get enough respect. This is now the fourth season that he will average a triple double for the entire season he could records you. Point zero. Rebalancing. Zero assists in all the rest of the games a season anyway still have a triple double and I know ball Hog like makes bad decision at the end of the games. Russell Wes Brick, because the three points I don't care the duties fucking crazy is really really good and he somehow
still, really really good, even though everyone has written a mob, so I'm respecting him orca and his fourth time ever trouble. Double is crazy. An odd Monday night? He dropped twenty four assessed. Twenty one? I rounds twenty forces. Fourteen point: that's insane I've never heard Russell Westbrook. Before that's good, that's zone she didn't she wealthy member jazz up a cheap shots, yup achieved through our good ones, Hustle Westbrook, without where I come with with numbers like those twenty forces twenty forces, twenty one rebounds fourteen point, since crazy, that's fucking, stupid, the sole, less respect more, our Jake you're out, I'm growing concern that our list of people that we have to respect might begin to its literally just stuff korean, where resource, as you mentioned, Chris Paul, the other we know, but I didn't I was a fucking. We all knew that that was a prank as Democrats, democratic too there's two people, I gotta respect more hot seats, the Houston,
stress their attorney Yankee Stadium tonight, for the first time all infinitist, ensuring it I'm glad you think I was governor trashcan. Probably things will get up I'll, be wild. Oh my gonna gauger creatures later create you guys know that that dude on Twitter got Billy. Oh no, don't mention on that. on Twitter and Billy Ashraf revenge tore down. It basically was like we're, gonna be shaming, the ash rose everywhere and then after last year he just changes, hey Random Bay lost nineties himself, like a baseball page animals. Are you fucking, Syria every brand lab? At that time? You can't leaves you ordered all those gal involve orders. I really hope that at some point a knight errant judge gets on second I really do ask. That's all I care about when it comes to this gave here. Are your ultra Michael the throne. Is mightily baseball, its opening day we're off some years. Somebody else
so loud. I little guys like their whole seething our council last year, so large Simon, two years, love it always at their plan. Only I list, get to our great great interview with Chemical and Brian Baumgartner, Talkin everything sports office. Everything. Ok, we now welcome on a very special guests. You might know him as can learn from the office or you might norm as the cameo king, but is also diehard sports fan. It is Brian Baumgardner hi how you I knew asthma screw that up your last name. You know, use ears stuttered as though you were going to screw it. How can I think you did, but I think one gardener because of the pitcher. So then it gets in my head like you're, the name is so close to another name. Then it just fucked me up.
You're talking about missing a missing t yeah right, that's what I call on MR game. Isn't he saw a Europe cousin or what? What is it not discuss it? Now, I'm not his cousin we want, you say what what what would you rather be introduced? Ask the accurately come alone or cameo king? If I'm, given that choice I'll go accountable? Ok, because you are the cameo king, that's what they say. Yes, but its awesome have you all of us. We seen you on a few different shows and when you were pitched Estralla, galley doubling want him on. So thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. I don't know where to start. You are a true sports fan, which is rare when we are at the actor. Guess are true sports fans I'll do I'll start here. Actually, are you like bright condition by what you're fuckin problem. Well, here's the thing he went to as emu and I went to assume you zone
there is that very connection who said I like Bryson them. This vote, I found on the internet again yeah. I must have Minsk I must have it everything you read on the internet. Is everything all right? Well, let's I might have been scrambling to give an answer I mean I do we do have that bond. We have that that kinship yeah right we're were noted. Haters of hair, like we can clarify, though, like skill one to ten. How much would you say that, price in December. Ah, how much do I I I dont actively rude against him. So it says a lot about an hour. I see that's wrong answer. It is now. Let me ask you this: is this a new hate, or is this an old age or it really comes out we're just
incredibly loyal guys so were of friends with Brooks Captcha an accurate, I didn't think Brooks ate some. We just decided that we like we were at the way people roofer golf. We never understood like how you can just car room for everyone, guys more fun when you just pick like one or two guys in that's your guy and a sports team in when every one else like where we really, if you actually book down- and I think we like actually think presentations, both a bad guy, but we hate other golfers like there are rivals. I got I actually Respecter artist I like that, So here is my here's my golf take I don't. I don't really understand it or why it is are met, and maybe you can help me so I feel like it unless you have a vested interest in something right like dynasties, you dont route for tackling
like, unless you're in New England guy you, you kind of hate the Patriots right like you, you're, not you're, not rooting for them same Yankees, same Laker, Saint, whatever right I, and so I think I feel that way. I know I feel that way in general, about other sports without mentioning team specifically, but for me the crazy thing is tiger. Woods mean that when I was watching Tiger woods or when I watch Tiger woods, I want him to dominate. Like I just add, and I I don't know what that is an you know. It's like. Oh here disguise the new tiger. This is speed. This is so, and so and I don't I don't- I don't ever- have that feeling any more. So my question is what was it bout him. They made him so transcended that I feel, like a lot of people, feel the same way I'd. I think it was just ass. He was so different from everybody else that was engulf at that time. When he came along like
nobody should emotion, you might get a fist pump occasionally out of a guy if you made a big part, but he was just eat treated being out on the golf course like you see, yellow of a popular if they like quarterback throws a touchdown. They pumped up, like Brett Farmer, go jump into his team, its arms things like that, like Tiger looked like, I don't wanna say he was having fun out on the courts but like he displayed all the emotions like he was, he was getting pumped up. He would you let himself be come onwards in Customs Alpha out. If he had a drive into the woods, you just so different exciting that it got a lot of people in the Gulf. That would normally be gall fans, and so then that's your guy. They got their cigarette gonna stick around for a while gas yeah here that I'd also throughout the idea. The tiger was so good that it became
aim like it became something bigger than golf like he almost broke off when he's winning like a: U S, open by ten strokes that you are now no longer being like, there's no one else to root for against hydrogen tiger against the game of golf. Almost he transcendent. At that point words like hot. Can someone master the sport? That is impossible. Master and he got the closest ever and probably no one will ever get as close as he did. You do the tiger slam and just beating people like it's unheard of to beat people buy that many strokes in those type of tournaments that I think it because
everyone wants reform cause. You in the moment are saying where witnessing something we may never see again right now. I think that's a good day. I mean, I think, both of those things are part of it for sure. And yes, I, like that idea, like you, are rooting to see things that you never had seen before and an hadn't seen before and may never see again, it's like stuff curry, right now, like stuff curry, you know people obviously had warriors fatigue, but when South Korea gets going any hits, you know ten eleven threes in a game you're like holy shit. This is where witnessing something that's totally different. Then everything else and no one's even close to the good of the shooter as he is gone, that's that's interesting because I never I never really got. Maybe I was missing something I never really got the warriors hate and that's actually
good call because I don't know I felt like their basketball at its pure when they were rolling was just such pure fundamental, great basketball, coupled with an amazing shooter that maybe we ve never seen before yet who temptation Peters, with clay that our company right here we get someone coming to read through the team. Then I think people were like. Ok, we like this team when it was a splash brothers. When I was reminded they were kind like a homegrown team. Kevin drank goes out there and then at that point it was like now now this just unfair like there. No other team really has a chance, whereas you might run it, you might catch the lightning in a bottle and and clay and staff would go in other shoot, like twenty five percent on on a single night, and you might be able to be their shots actually know who had a better shot in them with you at the end of that one episode, the basketball episode will
we're not, then you were wet your fuckin. What are you like? Your good basque poplar assume you're, probably the best basque poplar on the set? Ah I mean, I would say yes, John presenting he might argue with me on that, but that's really how that started was. Will we which we were children, you give a chill a child, a ball and what they do they bounce it and they shoot it. So we're like on a professional television set like trying to get work done and it was I cut, and he and I would just start bouncing. Nepal shooting the ball, and it was really that that that moment was not scripted that everybody should realise that I could shoot at what sort of like. Oh hey. This would be funny at the end, when everybody's walking off they decided to turn the camera on man and by the way you gotta check. The tape on dvd was thirteen and arose from free for a line extended on low him in a suit jacket and work shoes that such that's very impressive. That's very, very impressive. I soap
let's let simply talk a little office. I want to go back to the sports after because it is they who said a little rare that we have actor who comes on whose a huge sports fan the office. Everyone loves it. It's I mean one of the fatal funniest shows ever. Was there a moment? I'm always curious about the moment that everyone collectively says holy shit. We got like this is something like with the the genius moment, the lifeboat moment for a bunch of very funny people to be like, oh yeah, this is going to be incredible. You know I'll give you. Ah I so that in two ways one is that the second for people who are fans of the show their Lego like holy shit, like that was the second episode, but the second episode of the show that we shot was diverse.
which maybe was one of our best, and you know when we were onset. I remember like I remember so specifically thinking. While I dont know people going to watch, the shells were so different. There was no laugh track at the time. We all didn't. Look like the cast, a friends. You know there was all this happening, but also met. People give the show a chance. We have a chance because we're talking about like real things in a funny
four way, that's not done on television period, so that was for me. Like creatively, I was like ok. This is like this could be really good, but the moment I would say was the young, the very first Christmas episode that we did in season. Two was the Yankees. Why and I pod and all the staff and there it was a big ensemble apis, like every single character, had something to do and that at the sewed you know we woke up the next day and ten million people had watched it at that time. On that night it was the first time we gone over and it was like oh yeah. This is like oh ok and we were struggling so much and ratings up to that point. That was sort of like oh. I hope we can fit
the season out. At that point we work that was not guaranteed and then suddenly it was like we're we're gonna be around for a while yak decade. You Brahma an interesting point in one. That's can always fascinates me, which is the laugh track the laughed track in american television. So it's one. These things were. We just have agreed to not talk about it enough because just in the background of every comedy, show every sitcom and when as for making the office. There's no laughed racket shot handheld, it looks different, it sounds different, where there was there any are pushed back from people.
I speak to you heard about our Swiss Gazette NBC that you heard about that were saying like hey. How are people get to know when they should laugh how people can know what's funny if they don't have over two hundred people laughing along with m o a hundred percent? And you know it's- it's really interesting that for this August, cast on during the office did dive. One of the conversations I have, which is sort of like I was worried, like is anyone going to care about this guy like why? Why do they want to hear from him? They want to hear from steel crown all that which we talked about Kevin Riley? Who was the head of an BC at the time and was kind of the person who champion the show and and made sure at state on the air when a lot of people can be seen in one and on the air it tested? He said, like you know they do this testing that should the pilot they show it to people on their election. We do the shop and it got like a zero. Like
all of the rooms, like everyone, said like no, no, no, he was like. Ok. Thank you. Ok, thank you and then there was one Ricky told the story. I had not heard the story before there was one room at the end, pretty large room up of people larger than the other and which were the assistance, the like the assistance of other executives, the interns like all of the young people and he walked in and said, What what? What did you guys think and their response? This is almost a direct quote for him was not only is this the best thing that you have shown today? It kind of the only thing- that's even currently on the network that we would even watch and we love it and he shut. The door was like that, very much walked out. He was like we're doing we're doing. This shall be,
it has such a different. I always call it kind of subversive sensibility that that kind of applies to a younger audience, yet any its itching to think about the office in the time and place because you, the office, is a show that if we were today with the streaming platforms, it'll be an instant hit. I feel like as people like all you have to watch as you guys were. You know it's crazy, it even say, but there was a time and place you wash and oversee dvr existed, but I remember sitting down watching it being like all the office zone tonight was Thursday night, I think, rose in early, they knights, and it was like alright we're gonna watch the office tonight. So it is funny to think about, like you guys, surviving that transition in tv like where there's you know TB used to be that appointment television sit down it in you had to make a conscious decision. Now, it's a lot more passive. You just watch funny shit.
time right and you know I think I think that's how a lot of hits or made now to ride like social media means all of that like when a show starts getting talked about and a lot of the streaming stop at least for a long time was kind of a secret like whose watching, but the sort of became anecdotal, and I think one of the things that we will again we talk about is that you know it. Was this whole antiquated the Olsson ratings, after which nobody really understand, but Nielson, and they say, like ten million people are watching right. What that means is a certain percentage of people who were given boxes that they put on top of their tv that they record what their watch we're watching it and I always said, even back in the day again just from work. Looking around being around colleges are like whatever is like a colleague college kids are not given. It deals a box right right like what was let's have putting at your hearing like all, yet we watch it and our dorms, we blah blah blah. Like none of that was be record.
And I feel like well, I know what happened- was the that same Christmas that that Christmas episode came out there? We were referred to an it featured a video ipod thing about that. That was the very first video I I mean that was the first time you could want something and put it in your pocket and pull it out and they they made a deal to put the office on that and it was immediately the number one shall yet there and that was again. That was another. Where was I woe like? Ok, yeah people are watching this that are not necessarily bigger. Courted you're. Actually right am I what were both thirty six? I remember watching it with all my roommates in college, like finding out about the office in college melancholy shit. This show is totally different in hilarious right. I think also like a big illegally stream bordello like lime wire
we may lie. Is lime wire, family Guy Heather Brook those were like the big three of anybody that had a dorm room, and so there was a lot of stuff that didn't get think it track, like you said by the by the Nielsen boxes, I'm really glad unstuck round for walkers. Obviously, it's probably zoom out my favorite commie debts that I've ever seen on television. It was you know what we should do so milk hyper. The draft analysed here. He watches his old shows Yasmine DVD, who much like Dallas on Friday nights at eight, when it you stare, we should, just as a nation, say Thursday night what eight o clock Thursday night. The glad we're gonna love, not a black rossen. Now watching the office together, yeah I'd say that waiting, we don't do stuff together as a country. More think that would not be helpful. I I think that is a very good idea to things
I don't want you just that. One, that's a phenomenal idea and to you owe me some money, because you downloaded legally on Y Y yeah, yeah yeah yeah we want to throw legally. You mention the means. There's one of all time. Most incredible gifts is Kevin, spilling the chilly. Yes, when he spilled the chilly. I've always wondered how long it actually took to clean up the mess and if they just read the carpet after that, as you can You can't get chillier carpet so by the way. First, first I'm. Anyone is ever thought or considered that so very Well done you don't we did a lot of praise for this scene obviously was I was gonna, be messy I got kind of pulled aside again. I remember really specifically from the set decorator. The prompt department
but sometimes likened like during a sporting about, like a certain they'll, be a little huddle where the head coach may not be listening or whatever, and they came to me in there like hey, so we have three gigantic pieces of carp and when I say gigantic peace, a carpet I mean from the front
in every way, around the reception desk all the way like a humongous piece of carbon there like we could only get three, so you gotta help us out like when we have to do this in three tags or word would like we're dead like there's nothing to be done at as I'd. I got it in one. Thankfully one one take, but I don't want they didn't really consider was cleaning me like I dont wasn't have three eight. I really don't think I could have. I could have gone again. That's what that's what you said. I I I don't think I mean it was. It was a huge mass. It was minutes. It isn't iconic seen in one that, like a few short anyone, they will laugh. Anyone watch that scene. They will lapse. That's gonna feel pretty good to be, like you know, you're, not the main care.
sure, but I know you have one of the best scenes of all time in the office. You you, you should get like actually how's that not enough t you need to make millions offer that I don't know who knows maybe we'll die every day we haven't ready to go Amiot Willie, I I don't know. I think that I need and that obviously Amelia amid all of you know, shooting ten years, and it was one moment it was such a different kind of a thing. Just me played mostly unlike voiceover style, like style, was even a little monkey indifferent, and certainly I knew it was fine. I was kind of a fund challenge. I never imagined that it would be what it is become now Yan. It's it's one of my favorites. Well, who's, the guy who's, a person May
or female, who made everyone laugh the most like onset. Ah, when the cameras or not Roy, oh, when the cameras were not rolling, I tell you I think. Well I mean look. It's that's a great question. Well one I would say that pounds per pound, Oscar Nunez, might be the funniest person on the planet or at least to me personally like he is because him in his introduction for the package.
It's like a chameleon, and what I mean is this like it like. Most people should have a style there like Farley or their deadpan or their whatever he dyke. Does it all in, like a gesture, knows exactly which direction to go he's hilarious, but I'm an end. Steep corral, I believe, is the greatest improvised. Maybe in the history of entertainment I mean he just he any tiny, improvised. It's always on topic. It's always super smart in character. Up to the point, it'll, never veers, unaware direction at by you brought a family guy right like family Guy family guy could be really really funny right. So much of their funny is like well. That reminds me of the time that this happened, which is totally off store
gray and they go into a weird like flashback thing and come back, that's way easier than like staying right in keep telling this right story in doing that. But it's funny steel like when the cameras weren't rolling. He was very not that way really and I always felt like it was. I described him again or in one of the interviews for the past, almost like not intentionally- and I dont mean this up in a derogatory where the kind of like absent minded professor airy, like you know, like you, know like red, going through rehearsal. Any kind of God is tapers in it's like you know, reading through and nothing nothing is air and I always took it. The thought that it was about. He didn't want to reveal anything that he was doing, because when the cameras
I believed he was trying in every moment to make somebody else laugh. I like I, was trying to keep it right on this line where he didn't want. You to laughter, ruin a take, but he wanted you to laugh and he didn't want to reveal anything that he was gonna do before the camels were wrong. That's great, but that's a genius, because that also mean that that right there sums up his entire character, where he's always on the line of like what is like its he's really dumb, but he's also genius in it all. Just worked right well, I mean, like the biggest must become the most famous example, which seems like totally crazy, not to know how big a fancy to show, but to those of you are the gay witch Hunt episode where he finds out that that Oscars character is gay and, and he decides he's gonna be as woke as we possibly can be, and what he decides to do is to kiss Oscar. In this moment that was totally improvised. That wasn't script damage their all
sitting were all sitting there, as he like is like trying to get up the courage to kiss her method, that was all and will do so. And that moment we really were like characters in the office going like. Is he about to do that? Is that way to set? It was like an that's. That's just one example of many, but probably the biggest yeah. I'm gonna get back brine his second before we do. When talking about our great friends over course light we love cores. We love core seltzer will, of course, light few ever feel like you're always on, and you need a moment chill best way to do that. Hit the reset button. Graven ice, cold cores lay graven ice cold course, Seltzer core soldiers, the coldest boosting seltzer in the world. It sounds the coldest when you open it up same thing with the course light. The mountains turning blue is the highlight of
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course. Lank were such a delivered straight to your door with drizzly or with instead cart, celebrate responsibly course, broom company going call up Colorado in Fort worth texts, more bread, There is always the rumours about about a reunion of sorts. Now it's on peacock. Obviously, people are talking about a little bit more it's. Actually. This is a great timing with show, because Gregg Daniels just an interview just twitter. They said that you guys do have something planned and that you guys are gonna, be getting together and its can be something to watch. So what are your thoughts on that? Are you? Are you excited get back into this? What ways This is your this feels like this. Like do I pick up my phone and checked winner right now, that is on the moroccan interview, Great Daniels, just I just came out on twitter carriers, you can, if you want to long term Brady is going to the reds again
I'm sorry to Washington for body was never going to give you you you can look, you don't believe us, I'm kidding Well I'll answer. How would have answered without you giving me that information I ice. I believe that that we will get back together again. I think that I think the problem is- and I was sort of talk this through with you- is that I think
people expect or want when they say they want the office comeback. Is they want more episodes of what the show was, as I always say, to people at its very that's, a very confusing, complicated idea right because, like if you recall at the end of the office Stanley in Florida, Kevin was fired and is now running. A bar german PAM Live in Austin Dwight Angela married in a steep Cora Michael's. God is in Colorado like a kind of wasn't the same by the end, and so how? How do you go back to that? You know and night. So I think that's the confusing thing, although when I also say, as they brought back Roseanne and John diamonds character was literally dead in the first incarnations. So if anything is possible,
but you know I think that there I can envision a situation where, where, where yes we're we're reunited in some way, it seems like a bee you're right people are they wanted. They want old episodes in office to just continue to be made, and that's hard for a lot of reasons like you said, with the characters also the production staff, the people who were writers, alot of those people are off doing other things were their veto in charge of certain projects and self. So it's not gonna, be the eggs the same group and as much as I would like to see, it is they're gonna, be people that are gonna, be mad about it, just because it's not it's season three of the office
which is more about where they were in life at the time that they watched it, that they hold that, like that certain memory about it, so I do want to see come back, but I also understand why why might be toughened why some people might not want to do it? Will you it's interesting that what what Gregg Daniels always said, right like the in this to me is, is the is the beauty of how the show ended that we decided to end it wasn't like cancelled and that that, from the very beginning, his idea was were shooting a documentary, righted documentary crew, a shooting, a paper company, and that at some point, that documentary ass to be revealed that, like that, has to go around the world. But when that does much like reality, television right that changes, the people who are subjects of that document or all of the characters half at once Kevin sees himself on television and how he has been added. He then has to be.
behave differently than he does before that time, and so his idea always was. He wants to do it, but once that happens, then the shell, as we know it before no longer exists Jack that, but that was what he just an idea can take our leave it. A documentary that follows you, creed and any Buckley David walls around and you get started band together. Those other up both of those are fantastic guys and great, now, would be a lot a lot of fun that would provide any bucklers along he'd like one of our like this.
Guess maybe like six years ago, so, oh god he's the best. Not I got a lot. Oral psycho totals total site good, so I don't they have this take, but people in our office to at least one person says that they made your character to DOM at the end of the office. I disagree, but was that a conscious decision just happen? Naturally, you know. I think that I think that there are certainly was a progression of care of cabin at and what happened, I think a part of that is from the beginning of the show
where the writers kind of wanting to take it, where I took it based on what the writers were giving given me, you know that certainly happen. I I had this very nerdy. I mean this is way too nursery a topic for for your shell, but my sort of weird actor justification for some of that was that when the camera crew showed up at the office, Heaven was very, very uncomfortable and so was way more reserved and then, as he became more comfortable with them being around more of his true self, came out. That's real actor deep nerd shall like a basket, but that was
That was what I did for myself in order to sort of go where they went. I think to answer that specific comment by the co worker. I know that once I mean this is not exclusively true right but like in order of dumb stupid, comedy of physical comedy, it kind of wet, Michael Scott and Dwight, true and cabin, and so I know that consciously once Michael laughed day, they leaned on cabin to do a lot more or extend the physical comedy they was doing because Michael was no longer there. If that makes it makes perfect sense. Yet I again, I was
one who had to take breath and walk again, none at all, but that bad bad. But that was that that was a that was that with that was discussed here and at times I would go to the writers room. I would get a scene or something and be like guys. I know some of you have written for the Simpsons, but I'm not actually homer There are physical limitations to my body that a cartoon you don't have to worry about so like With that in mind, when we add I'm falling on your head yeah right. Yes, my back to sports per second. If I said to you, I assume you are huge football fan. Yes, if I said you, your team had the what's your team agreement backer. Ok, so hypothetically, let's say the Green Bay Packers head. What some would say is the best quarterback in the NFL for a decade, plus three envy peas. How many supervise you think they would have
was their culture of those ten years. It doesnt matter it's about quarterback right! I was our voters the question: how many superboss would they have? They would have made the best quarterback. A lot of people are saying who might retired do jeopardy full time if they had that guy right, I pathetic I they should certainly when more than one Superbowl right. I think that a lot of things go in I mean this is like the dumbest sports take of all time, but you know you have to be great and you also have to catch some breaks. J color hurting his knee break your right. So we Socrates layer labour, but where are you saying that IRAN should we not have a suitable not for Jake you're getting a yeah right, exactly see did kept separate. errors made by the way. So I just hate you, ah
ah I like there's, that is all I have left. I know how desperate I sound. I know how stupid I sound is very just incredibly desperate, but I'd still, I have to I had to put on a brave face, okay, who's. Gonna be your quarterback this year, but ah eighty fourteen ever heard of him He's a nice is a super nice guy. He's, a great, is a great great guy. Yeah me, I don't know I mean yeah. I certainly I wish I thought last year there are great and they did that a great chance, yeah, that's what when are we going hear this dino next week? Next week the draft already happened, a great Green Bay, Packers draft,
Did you guys you guys picked another quarter back in the first round? How you now smart, don't get me. So I was not. we don't know, don't go agree! You there there I will go with the island question. It is actually the row back question use code pfc on row backed our com for twenty percent off your first purchase are h, o b s. Uk Dotcom Code Pfc. They make the best performance polos and the only performance pause. We, where an for our guest today, we'd like to give you a row back performance cues. If on us, I feel it every time we talk to someone in Hollywood there. They just don't have enough time to watch sports like hot you. You are a big sportsmen clear like keep up with all of it, we is, is that of wrong assessment. On my part, if you like every time we to the doctor- and you asked like all- do you like this- will have
some very surface level, understanding of a sport and give you a line and doing. But you can clear you can clearly tell they don't watch NFL on Sundays, like they don't clear their schedule for an NFL Sunday Oh, I want to go, and I know how do I know you did know so here. The here is airs, my dear I don't. I didn't come up with this. I think I heard at one time, but I'm gonna taken it over his mind. Now you guys don't necessarily count now, because now your business is sports. box for someone whose business is not one of these three things that that theory goes like this. Your brain only has the ability for one of two to two not comprehend, but to retain one of three things: sports information, music, information or useless
So not if you're, if your cause you're, you do this, so you might have another hobby, which might be the other thing, but basically a person's brain can only do one of those three things: trivia forget it like a music. I can also I can sing tunes on which I get about three words out of twenty correct, couldn't tell you who sang it or what the song is. I mean you know unless it's like a standard that I haven't, love, I'm terrible at that, but sports, that's my interest. So, like that's, that's my distraction and wonders playing golf or watching sports. That's my distraction of my heart. I think that's actually like could be more spot on. We have a trivial tournament coming up here at the bar suavity
and the two best players- probably are a guy named cavy in a guy named Kirk, and I think the reason why they are the best players is they dont really watch sports, so they just have sought mean they watch it, but they don't like its thought, an obsession, so they just have time to fill their brains with actual knowledge in like things that matter, whereas we have it, I mean, like. I always think I probably could occurred cancer. If I didn't while watch rustling as a kid, like you heard me like mine, so much of my brain power was kept up with just like one who is stone. Cold gonna stun tonight that I wasted so so many brain cells on that that always gonna be and right and like I know not exaggerate and like I can goes, I can't tell you they songs than I should totally no, but I can basically tell you excluding hockey
it foggy there, but, like all the other sport like, I could tell you, does divisions and all the teams that are in the divisions and kind of where they said, maybe not exactly right now, baseball started, but yeah, that's just a budget that is, That's where my distraction was so began mentioned that you're in Hollywood. Are you actually in Hollywood. I just always assume that if I've ever seen anybody on a tv show or on a big screen that they currently live in Hollywood, how does it work I do not anymore. I moved away a little bit, so I'm I'm down in southern California, but I'm not in Lhasa, let's Hollywood southern Calvin.
it is, I think, you're right I'll, give you and showbiz, and it your below San Francisco, yeah Hollywood, you you'd, live what an hour away from Molly would allow us couple hours how we live in Mexico. What's goin on no more down toward Santiago case. Cindy goes Hollywood still its. While you know your credit. That is now that's crazy, you're right that a nasal! Now, that's like saying, West gestures, New York, city or Connecticut is New York, so you could get if someone like hey. If your agent calls a k, we need you to read for this you could you don't want to book a flight you're in Hollywood, gotcha sewage, where you take the moral fight within north with his animosity? He strikes me as it makes you wonder. Oh ok, I'm not exactly! I promise you have any other swore tat takes forest wanna get off for just as wilt will, Graham
for you you'll your grade, my heart tat. We have the dumbest takes all by all time on this show basing the show is built on being idiots. I love sport. Trade we mean, will will steal them yassum off as our own. I don't know like what I mean the draft is coming up. I think all this stuff with San Francisco is really interesting and also depending on where you sit on the conspiracy theory lines, all very bizarre, go on yeah. I know what you mean by conspiracy to well reptilian. No, I San Francisco, since the new regime came in you kind of like everything they ve done, has been very secretive. It's also have come out of it then a surprise, and now I did I dont know if there really gonna take
a third pick that Jones, you think you're gonna take fields a tray lance. I dont know if they're gonna draft court about oh, let's go sound, so damned is run run this next week, but I know that is a copy I dont know. I only know if you end up doing right. We're gonna cut this by the way, so that we can. We can't ever guess why. The way I'm not saying I just the whole thing is very odd today and I think that people I think there is a very interesting, very weird situation because they haven't lost a time from two years ago and they were really really her last year there just not that far away. So I don't I don't know, the edifice is the one leg where
there are there. Clearly people were nervous about their secrets being stolen in an all that stuff, but there also is a lot of franchises that put on a front who were like doing things to try to like dupe people and as like weak. It's not that hard. I you know you granting quarterback, probably you're gonna take quarterback, they like it, but they live this smoke screen and, like you know how? everyone think one thing, and then they do another again. Would it be very feeling an outdated if the just like straight up took MAC Jones Number, to overall. After I note screening, Zack we'll just besides, I shall be a big time. Jets move around smarting everyone, like oh shit. What this at the nice Council and see something we he's girls rather nervous. Does it that's right behind and everything we have come in and just screwed up took a running back with a third or, if you put it, if you took magnesia heritage number gaily. Overall, anything is possible, I don't think that's gonna happen, but anything is possible,
possible working time. Will you air this? Nothing? Nothing? everything we say what constitutes yes, Brian. This been awesome, though we really appreciate it anytime. You are come on talk sports. We got to have you and yet we can't wait for the office reunion. Are you gambling? I occasionally occasionally like to place a few bad casually weaken O. Actually your ear. It was pointed out to me it's not the same, but your twitter. What does it say in your twitter life's too short to be unhappy? Is I write? It sounds right, and I am the Mai Sayings Life's too short to bet the under so similar similar is. I am unhappy whenever I bet the under. No experience it submits miserable right yeah? I called who I call the movie wonders if I really love and under I'll go see a movie about the under I'll, go see a movie, because I don't wanna watch again, that's right. I know I know especially in
Basketball, yet no c, I like you, like especially basketball in football and also baseball and hockey soccer, the under socks, but you know what the people, but under always win so Fuckin ADA, Etrurians, smart people in me. Yes, ah well, thank you so much real appreciate and has been also mender scarcely any time come back. I would love to have you thanks? You guys. I appreciate it Brian Baumgardner is brought to you by bird dogs, a Moroccan Bernard's right now, a matter of fact. It short season I'm, always wearing my bird dog shorts when it's time for short season to hit and guess what that start few weeks ago ago, macro stop until late August myths September will be wearing shorts all some along. If we weren't you which you have to be bird dogs there, the best short that I on it's just a fact- love where my bird dogs, there, the greatest Jim Short that you can everywhere grace greatest running Shorty
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just like crocs, but for legal reasons they can't com, crocs, that's bird dogs, dot com, promo code take and boom get your book. Dogs, rubber, ventilated shoes with your pair of bird dogs can rocket sport mood. He can recommend all terrain mode, four we! DR, how do you want to you? Can rocky shoes and you can write your burdock Schwartz? hey, let's wrap up the show was so I'll, listen or ethnic use. I love these epic use. I like to change up, have enjoyed talking to the thing Who always who owns wifi, is it just out there to anybody, and anybody can have it if they can find it does the government on it? I want to get too God now, after the after the divorce does I means it. Is God the price or go because building some cash? Yes, third, the only explanation behind wifi is that just like, it. Doesn't it's the only thing on earth? It can't be owned. These are not meant to be tamed. It is worse things like thinking about the boat, wifi and the internet,
truly blows my mind, so I just dont. Do it? Is Is there an off switch? I don't think there's not which for the internet, in house of cards or was memory. gee out it all yeah yeah, I mean magnets, always work electromagnetic pulses. Tonight everything we took out all the satellites in Spain that's. Not all wanna take down wifi, know you're talking about vital teepees. They were I'm talking about like the cables and shit that going any Theo's, but those argive wrought beamed up his walk got Zilla, probably take em out. gnarly earthquake feels like it would have some problems with Wifi Satellite pdf. It you see as its place. The gas can. We do tell messages to the on an average day. Does it spoken there actually doesn't smell is pretty messy dealing? mass. Only time it smells is win if somebody spills water right underneath the bench press, because that's where a pumpkin squash explore
the last year and so on. Water gets in their inserts who evaporate it brings a smell out with it. I still have no idea how that squash, I would say that right now is prickly, unlike in areas that are clean on whether or not if someone was visiting like want to show them the room if out, they have second hand embarrassing like this? Is our studio right now I'll be the access of the room, Clean thresholds are corner a chaos that can I move my chair six inches. Yes right now, it's you. So if I can move my share any direction in six inches, that is in red obliquely, I would bring my my dad in here, not my mom they are actually only comfort heart. He started gave a little is given little embarrassed, but a prior yeah. I mean, I know it's tough, tough, because it's much elsewhere, namely silent for charity, we always self majority a marathon, yes charity,
charity draw charity right, your fuckin face is gross, just looks bad and pictures Psych all boogie hanging in small business, so people gonna, do you know what kids with cancer. Why did you all die all cuz Hankton, like pictures there, this kind of gas on checks, but they put in Africa, EU tax lines or in a red it. My friends girlfriend broke up with them for two days and they got back together. The problem is that during those two days girlfriend try, fuck. The boyfriends roommate, who is the boyfriends best friend, I might add, friends, not say anything to the boyfriend because he did not want to make it weird and ruin their friendship, even though the friend and girlfriend not actually do anything double privacy for all. We know, But now I wonder friend, group noses girlfriend tried to fuck his best friend such remained needs text. Messages is evident, Do we say anything to our friend or just let it go on this
he'll store out loved here, which goes out to say. Chemicals in tomorrow's pod sounds like you guys, are definite keeping it wrap up under tight lipped known to talk about this. Yes, have like a mountain of evidence, you you refer to it as evidence already, so I assume that that means that at some point, someone just like waiting for the right time to drop the bomb. Maybe just don't tell the person and then in a group tax with them be like y'all. Did you listen to today's pm? I think, with John. There are some interesting stuff there at the end days of breaking up is just enough time to be like well, she just kind of lost your mind for a couple days like that. Was you on that? European LAW is in the air, was totally the. It was just a prey. kind of thing like they had been broken up for two weeks and she said sincerely pursued it. Maybe she was getting drunk for today's straight and she just didn't have her wits about her, but I would not say a word ever I think, the under any circumstance. Only other option is you just got: haven't orgy just get em,
but involves that's without work. How did the boys pull themselves gambling slump near. Usually I just I just do it Hank as that of the house, because I forget him had a moneylender dog yak actually does an invitation to hit it yeah. Why don't you had a plus number? You go, one hundred gambler view again brown, but to be totally honest, if you again some taking a day or two off to clear head is, will do wonder. Because essentially it's like you just gotta, stop losing so that you don't push you dont, press and you're. Not thinking like are gonna win. My next bet give yourself a day or two a mental day and then maybe dip your toe backing one cause they want. You win one. You feel good about yourself in response. We of course Well that was most responsible thing. I've ever seen in my life for real, never child speaking of child big, had I need you
this the other morning, our waking, my eight year old Son preschool my backing the door, and I'm talking to my kid I bent over to pick something up. My back is turned away: and then out of nowhere. My husband comes in with a super nerve gun fully loaded and should be right in the actual point blank before I ignore of Paul. Not little ones are not joking. I get past and search screaming at him because he shot me and he did it in front of our kid. Of course, my son source laughing, because he thinks its awesome and my husband can't sub laughing My husband goes a work and tells all the guys- and it comes I'm saying they all said you have to take the shot. We are still I agree with this? What are your thoughts? Do you take the shot from a girl, perfect, I just don't understand why please help you have to take the shop. Then you have to get back, but you have to buy the biggest nerve gone. You can find like one of those magic ones and has that shoots, like fifty nerve bullets
five seconds and just load on him like in the shower or when he's a compromise is position mainly signal on the couch watching like golf, you need to get him back and have your son watch and have it be recorded, guess, and then this is very important. You got him in writing. yeah and the asshole, not the nut shot will be way. Funnier ill hurt him more and he won't have a leg to stand on. One comes to about one of the greatest skills you can grow. or have in life it it's its. I still struggle with it. I think everyone struggles with it is that the press some mind when like up it goes against you to be like act, cool because now I have carte blanche to get revenge. If you freak out than ever like I'll meet you big of a deal of it. If you can figure the way in the more it's very hard to do, but when you can be like. I call you just fuckin blasphemy, my ass. seven in the morning in front of our son.
Now, it's all mother fucker, because and if you are cool, and then you respond, in kind and he doesn't not cool year- the cool parent forever, hey Baba, you're so mysterious. What do you do all show in what Do you like to do in your free time, sites order a ton of food and pass out before it gets there and sleep through your alarms, hashtag get Bubba. Unlike what a map quest rate, I do have a microphone when people say that I cut cameras lived during the show, ends: dont really I need to talk to most of the time, so I don T other can only right now. Now there is not enough There's no camera rehashed away. A came. Every six months gets like wait. You lit Baba good hangs out. That's actually not true. I dont like twenty two true. when I found out forget what I found in the sun after super allows a battle. Bob I want the member states has reflexes right. If we want to leave the universal values that sugar salt, it wasn't on, because
I think that a timer so's on for the first two hours he Bavaria extra right. Go ahead. Beget the UN RO partake of the show I want to show you how we're reaction times like he puts up the Youtube. He does clubs is an integral part. We was jail with Youtube Channel. You should subscribe to it yet only got like two hundred twenty five thousand follows that we just haven't talked about. Let's talk about it, you too I'm so do more stuff on you, too, that we have what does all that stuff, so he is he's, definitely more important in some people who can't be named that aren't here this month, but he is a very small part of art our operation, we can't he fell asleep and Santa once after this war, but that's not a big deal, we're coming very closely over the course of this year. We are hey, big cat pay of tea. Jake almost set it Liam and Liam its Marcello. you can set are doing another twenty four hour stream for a week in the future gas only great moments from the last one
yeah, but we have to do it differently. I'd only limit myself, like twenty one beers instead before. I would actually love to do it again. I think it was fun. I mean it was obviously a lot, but maybe we could do it. Nice, if we could do it with sports on the outgoing say, because we had a nine hundred thousand subscribers by tomorrow to know what signal let's give actually real, let's give a real number so fine looking around what we want. We give I would add that I was not a moral will do it and I know when you listen when you're less yet we know that people real and you really want. So what are we for real? Where who somethin to twenty seven sure? So, let's get up so let's go up to five hundred thousand, but if my every
up to now? I think if we get up to five hundred thousand subscribers by the time the NFL season kicks off, we will do a twenty four hour grit stream during the annual season. That's seems there. Maybe now what's do it? Let's do it like August fifteenth will do it more than a thousand, we don't want to do it during an offensive, I mean when we do, we do it like Sunday morning through Monday no, no you're tired in the summer, and I we start the season and its policies is crazy. I songs fifteenth and they will do it, tact and the summer kick off and offences got it. Ok, we'll do it for I will do it for more than four or whether it the first and a focus, yeah, how it will do its starting like Wednesday night will stay up all night and then we'll watch Sierra fell game. Ok, yeah aren't so August fifteenth we need five hundred thousand, for I don't think we'll get. There are now. I'm scared say it like all straight up. Say you
aren't gonna. Do it's free to subscribe? People want a radius of all. You do is hit the subscribe button, but we will do is true, and during the term throw this. In there we will fly Joe Joe with Charles to come to our studio and paint a shitload of during the streams are bought by before us for a lotteries and last week hey hey the other. Did he have tea? I meet Jack I'll, get window, plan on covering the division. Three intuitively something championship: wars, Typically, one group leaning over the audio see conference I'd be happy to come on. The show, explain the dynamics of the conference, sounds like you get in the water and then you need go fast, and then are we to everyone knew player covering the Anti blade division to reach some, which never is what we really need? A new rival, because handbills, a bunch of fucking lay most animals like that. We remove thirsty, we made them relent like they. Don T even doing saw just sits. Well, it's not real sport handle
well it's coming up, we can get it. I know it is not a real needs is a one time. It's a really good hobby. They, if you do it really fast, like that's in another thing, microbes and oppressive I'm saying swimming on sport. I want something was imperative when they invented and like the zero, zero and even from shards library and are not religious, a means of staying alive right that you can be more efficient at Blair. I just really its former. All they do is just not drown for prolonged period to her, so not export, maybe I'd sharks and will be caught. I wasn't how is actually saying that they should die the pool, different colors. I hope you're cool, I get like have a collar rush pool like a bright orange neon, pink food. As these debates, but here as of right now we read zone in the pool where can tell we're getting close swimming Sport, and I note with responsibility you guys couldn't even swim to fork Jack. course, Puya I could and too I'm not saying that like I could do it under saying now. Sport, I'm insane. It's kind of fraud,
when we say like the best olympic Olympian of all time, is Michael Phelps right. That you'd hits the bomb on the right You just does lapse and poor. That's what my grandmother you see disdain shape right is jazz or sizes. For next in the period time yeah? When you go like on a vacation, you sweat exactly that but I do as relaxing activity that's. Why do to get less sore from applying real sports yeah. Well, I'm on my off day, I'm like. I need a low impact exercise this right no you're right, you're, right you're right while jointly to do in heavy lifting and olympic lifting I dont have on days- and I said I swim homework of no you're right. I've got the rankings for the DE three women's and men's swimming with our community, as we all know that Mcgowan's men's and women's men's wheaten men's the number one team at a central region, is Denison fake, Read the West Midwest South region. All one is Emory, harrowing, ok, number on seat in the northeast, north is MIT. Ok,
It's how you gonna lose to MIT has areas. The number one in North South region is Carnegie Melon, then the city, that's the F course noise, pits only Madame bonds, but it's not our agenda and its work. So, according to the card for you, I don't know why. I know that why do I know that is pretty sick. Others carnegie, no earning money, they glow, because Carnegie was the steel guy. That's right! That's why so it's like Vanderbilt Railroads, Tennessee team, car use the runway, our gates, eighty or ninety Seventy one, seventy and given ample,
during its aim is the only eight that inhabiting, let's just becoming familiar with what you said,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-16.