« Pardon My Take

Best of 2022, Aaron Rodgers, Chris Berman, Dungeons & Dragons And More

2022-12-27 | 🔗

(00:00-03:07) Intro (03:07-15:23) Aaron Rodgers (15:23-34:38) Life With Ryen Russillo & Mark Titus (34:38-53:19) Chris Berman (53:19-01:12:45) Dungeons & Dragons With Timm Woods (01:12:45-01:19:31) One Question With A Quarterback (01:19:31-02:00:35) Best Podcast Moments (02:00:35-02:53:17) Best Moments With Guests

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary can listen ad free on amazon, music, ready to Unlock more in two thousand and four adding gold standard, one hundred percent whey protein by optimum nutrition to your workout gives you twenty four grams of high quality protein to support, muscle, building and recovery and rich delicious flavors, an essential piece for building a routine that can support your workouts available at your favorite stores, like walmart, amazon and at optimum nutrition. Dot com helps support. Muscle building when used overtime in combination with regular resistance exercise as part of my take best of twenty twenty two. We have everything that happened this past year, best interviews best moments, all of it
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ok, let's go, let's not motivated by post, Welcome to part of my take today is wednesday december twenty a and let's go. to the best of shall we pay of tea and pumped. We had a very good year a great year. Some where best of his actually ironically, I think some of the worst,
yup away. Looking at the list of some stuff, but that's the magic is podcast sums. is it so bad that its great yes, sir, Oh! Let's died right in best of twenty twond. Two and we'll be back live with a new show, friday live from the arizona bull which you can watch on. so that tv for thirty pm eastern ohio, why homing check us out. We will be there a big idea of any new year's resolutions. Yeah telling you: okay, smart and smart cars anymore to him. Yeah get in shape. I'm going to eat here's a good one, here's one that you can use for free. I use this every year, I'm going to start drinking more water yeah! No, I did one year I did more apple juice. So add one cup of apple juice, think I wanna drink, more water and finally gonna the boys again hydrated and twenty twenty three par body
yeah. I read it. I like to be a great year: superbowl labs, getting yeah. So, let's hop in best of twenty twenty two is one one superbowl which we can get into cause. I had the theory that if you win once you Roy, you actually have none. for time and vp of the league He has an eleven in ten policies and record one in foreign policy championship games, I'm just introducing you one of the best quarterbacks ever air, rogers welcome the shell. Thank you! Ok, I don't. I don't really know where large than like airily. So bulgaria the governor was you any questions that aren't threading so I'll started, because we we ask everybody they originally forgot about that. I got my line. What does what does grit mean to you? Are you recording us? I know you like to you. Don't trust the media, yeah yeah,
Yet what is greatly rio major from pittsburgh? Who that's, actually an answer. We have an idea as a great answered. It's true. That's what's been ingrained in me since I was a second Glaringly I've been surrounded by pittsburgh people, everybody from like mccoy, they too time clemence, been mackadoo, dom capers daring, parry. Frank, signatory lotta pittsburgh, people might only talk about, is just toughness It is a true pittsburgh grit putting fries on sandwiches wait. So, are you saying that you miss MIKE Mccarthy, I love mike Mccarthy yeah yeah, so why don't? Why don't you marry him listen! Guy, legislatures cuts were put our cards on the table. If you had to go to jail or prison, which one would you pick wants, will jails probably a little later it is written on it. You live said. I see. Listen
A lot of the manhattan correct finally facility would like real jacked up former cop as your summit for from what I've read, I think if anybody in this room and not on those on the other people in here and tom, the sketchy past, but I think you would. Probably be most likely to go to jail between all of us and really, I have committed crimes, that's fine, but I also admit to the crimes I commit where you don't and you trying to skirt around it, but listen, I'm! very realist. About you as a player, I've always said you're very good, quarterback, very good quarterback, even legal BP, four times right. I do think that who are you should be in jail or prison and unfair to say you get to pick. I think jails bet. Then prison. So You can have that now. Me Jeff Y know. Ok la work on it? Let's do it. Let's try different angle, how close real
retiring. Be honest. Money funny how close I was thinking about it, you're, so jeopardy that would have been cool. here we go have been want that job. I did. I feel like it's a thankless job, though, because that's become one of those shows where no matter who sing it it's almost like that pretty community, loves to like nit picking at the horse and got you're not alex. Well yeah that's the case and I would say for many of the shows that I grew up watching. That is definitely the case. You know price is right, nobody can ever be bob Barker best show ever, but I will say one guy who's transcended. All of that, and even surpassed Louie Anderson, who nobody thought ever could is steve army family good, he's is hoax and reviewed. You know what I mean that show went through so many different people, and I know they didn't made me to have one iconic host other than louis. You know I think, or the steve, definitely
so. I was actually like. I you know, like I said, I'm actually fair with you. You might think I'm not fair, but when you were, you know saying that you want on fence, but I don't want your stuff where my wife We don't think about europe. Unesco retire you're, never gonna retire, Well, I just got one follow up. Are you really sensitive about what I said last year after I scored a touchdown? Okay, let's get into it. So you say why only you fucking on you to the city Chicago this chicago. As thirty eight point: seven billion dollars a debt. So, Are you gonna pay that that's a good one? Well, you all us. Now I was I don't think I was saying in our city now, maybe soldier field. Every fanny was put me off Other negativity, I was gonna, come on my website, pretty substantial fcc, fine, they came foxes. Where do you know what gets stuck on tv? to be a dense delay. So
It gets out of my hands yeah. Well, I actually own you because I'm a packers owner factor. So I own you, you own, you own, a piece of paper that I know it's the actual value. It's the I actually stole it from her. Goldfish saw a goldfish owned. You then he died. Then, I inherited the share. Now I own you, you and big cat, so I can't I get it. I then I heard that debt. Do you feel bad? for what you ve done to my friend the cat. Now I know I don't like that at all, because they like, I don't have conflicted. You know conflicted it's kind of like darth vader in luke. Skywalker, remember, you know he's like I can feel the conflict within you and he says his fake statement. Like oh there's, no conflict I'd move on inside he went there wisconsin yeah yeah. I have You know I hate these seen some of my all time best moments on the field, not only a soldier field, but also at thornfield
so I was alliance van for twenty four hours, but did I am? I went to go, help support the lions fans to try to beat packers and then you through the hill. Every right in my face directly in my face like us? It you ve torture me they had me on the way over here they are What's the worst moment, Aaron rodgers verse? there's an I just started listing like a laundry and it goes on forever. Do you extra like you do actually relish in the fact that you beat bears the way you do. every single year. Yes, I know I made I knew the answer to that because it's a great sports town, you know for beating up on it touted as a great sports history. It's like other win, the chicago is chicago yet isabel football. Almost right, the chicago bulls. I grumbles fan your backup. Tv were like seven dials, you know and had to like hit it just right with the antenna doing what double jean, so wicked watch cops, Harry Carey.
You know that was like icon, again, balls, basketball. Grab watching the chicago sports. So I what's yours remember I was gonna. Do this is everyone's gonna wanna hear it? What's your favorite memory of beating the bears? What's your favorite? bears all time, because there are a lot. I actually like we're. The I'll tell you mind. First cousin, you know, randal Cobb was terrible legacy. Championship game was terrible when you ve, you had an injury with clear mac that first half you came back weirdly, though the one that just kills me the most because actually hank and Dave were. Arizona, fur some college football thing, We watched sunday night football. It was a game that you put up like and he has a forty to nothing had half and they just laughed at me for an entire half and they're like how do you watch this? That one hurts, I think, weirdly the most. So what's your favorite go ahead? without one hurts, because it was for to whatever have time- and I turned sick
sounds yeah and the record of seven mike was MIKE was going to sit me and about one were possession Because, ok, one more till we get ninety airline and threw it three times during completion. So then don't break and we went up forty five nothin. So what's your favorite, Bobby twenty thirteen. Ok only As I came back from my Bon randal came back from his knee injury and then some hours for the division. So many things happened enough for us to be to be in it and I believe that the troika was the last week before then, they had a bad, Lhasa, somebody's and came down to like our game and they are. Neither team was great that year, but we're stuck for a home playoff game and I start off.
take the chris county on a roll out like shit, If gonna go like this, you know it's a night and then not do it. I picked jennings and I think this in the third quarter, and then we had that weird fluky pap, you know cause a fumble and boykin picks it up and nobody's doing anything, and he runs in the endzone and and unless drive we converted three four downs, unlike inches on a dive play a fourth and three and thrown a jury, but that one was was pretty. and so what this is this terrible? I do I actually hatred I'm doing this is actually my least favoured thing. I've ever done coming here right now, but you all know a good. I hate you and sometimes norman, I know that we have all struggle with our own issues and I know waits Ben Gunn up and down for you, but I, like you, lloyd, you don't want anything. I do now
I just heard: oh okay, okay, alright I'll be as I like you. I don't like what you've done to my friend, because you probably aged, like thirty rear washington fan, so you don't care yeah, but you don't watch anything that would yeah I'm a nihilist. Okay, like I'm convincing myself to root for carson wentz this year. That's how bad things have gotten. I'm I'm! Actually commanders fan, don't forget about that name change, but I do like you. I notice that you had almost like a cigar can change in perspective over the last few years you become, it seems like you're having more fun from what I've seen you're enjoying your teammates, enjoying the processor enjoying what you get to do while you're. Are still able to do, which I think is very cool and you have a good perspective on like where football fits into your life. I think a lot of people don't have that, especially from the outside, So I guess my question is: when did you first try? I was gonna fears strayed from the source What source ecuador?
is it me I don't think that'll be the source amazon, amazon, yeah Where the tattoo looks better in person like you another thing I admire about year. Here, europe too, go ahead. You like listen, if you put a needle and my arm, and whatever you want in their I'm totally on board that I can never do, and peoples are all immunization vaccination. I did as yeah a lot yeah. You did yeah, but how many people do you think you killed. What's your car having grandmother seattle is due. Graham, I mean. I know you guys if argument about. I'm fine. I therefore funding. I really know shit Johnson. It yeah. Can I ask you a non condescending in a non anyway, a question It is a question of territories and quantified. Intro question was alluded condescend, it was rhetorical or cash is. Truly. Is it hard. For you as a bears fan
some of your greatest moments are cheering against me. When the bears aren't plain. Ok, good question, very good question: No it's it's actually great, because what I've told everyone is I'm very realistic about the bears, not a great franchise. Just don't do the right things. For the most part, here. I look forward to the playoffs and the game that you're gonna lose and I've told this story on air, but, like when you guys are san francisco this year we are watching the game in new jersey and I drew drove back to brooklyn brag and I listened to tausig s wisconsin three hours I sat my car at my I'd arrive. Tom. It's a twenty minute drive. I ride home. I'd sat for three hours listening to collars bill. I play a lambeau twelve out a year. We need the dawn. This team is built for the outside and it was That was the highlight of my nfl season.
problem saying that cause normal loser, that's the best part of come to grips with back that? I'm a loser so yeah, Watching you loose in the past is my that's where superbowl and I've what I've a lot of symbols. If you do it right that way, more more than you we're at reiner souls house is right or so marked Titus phd myself life episode, huh yeah, there's, definitely there's a lot of times where I'm like you know, especially like on the weekend when I'm, you know doing a lot of parenting and I'm like I miss the dude who can just go and get drunk at a bar at like noon. But then you don't really miss him will you do what what is the biggest difference between the two kids? Not not emotionally, because, like I mean your answer, is gonna be like that you know I'll love more. What I love about, who took that. true that one those ones that like if you dont, have kids and I dont- get not shaming anyone but like when you do kid you lay out fuck. This is completely different.
Anything I haven't. I have a dog I get it to the level, can understand what? What? What is it that what is the biggest difference day to day life or like the thing you ve had to cut out that you didn't interests, be having to cut out it's in having kid it's like. There's, no there's like very little time where I can just do nothing. Yeah yeah, I mean like varied there's, like maybe like friday night and then like maybe like an hour or two on like a weeknight, where I can literally just do absolutely nothing that support like where you can't like. I can't just like sleep till eleven and be like I'm going to do nothing on Saturday. Yeah, that's I'd, say that's the biggest time thing, but it's you know it is what right you don't have kids. I should think you should let who me or all of us everybody knows as yes. Why do I get to know? I had I remember the first time I thought I was going to have a kid. I was twenty one, ooh yeah I held back you ve ever my senior year and this
older woman, fitness instructor I, like I'm pregnant, and I was like this- is gonna fuck up my Are you saying that you had not would tat was deeply time? I wasn't yes and it would turn back on anytime. Soon. then I guess what jake a science, I think uses partner. We may see Iraq, pretty nice, that's actually a funny. It wasn't funny for me at the time, but I remember being like well fuck, like I guess. How am I going to do this? They are going to act like this. Isn't going to this It's like, can I go on thursdays, yeah cut off wednesdays will be a custody thing because I'll definitely like not have fifty fifty and twenty one in school and like we have a dog and there's six of us. So the kid can't probably say anyway. You know, look didn't happen. Interior we do have hank, so
This is going to air right before he died to give the speech but he's giving his first best man speech ever next weekend. It is, his wedding, so he asked for some advice and I think I think we ve all done at least once a couple times. So like what? What? What is it? What does expectation? I do think there is like expectation of report on show that we, like the outgoing one. Always gone, trouble and stuff. I feel, like I've, been there will be some expectation somewhere. Do you know my family's expecting expecting show so what we can get the show,
shall I shall there there s like they're, like all? I will matter like this. This speech is common, like some scandal that the right of which I am the reverse, is my Bromar brothers very shy like a little more guarded. If it was reversed, I don't think there because acting create speedier. No hague, you you lately, you do. You have a job, you have a lifestyle that you, like you in front of a camera sometimes and talking to migrants is, does I think people go to go to town awaiting? Did you see people get up there, they're nervous anytime? It's a situation where you know someone might not be nervous to publicly speak. You like all thank god. This is going to be the fucking speech of er yeah. So then it kind of sets the expectation as people are expecting it yeah, no you're you're, absolutely right. I so I have a couple of high level thoughts and you guys can go off it, but I already told hank. I think I think you have to keep it like that's your last! Yet again I want who goes longer than that is
but don't mean every woman yeah. Well, I didn't say that EU data ass. I did say that I think I was like. I look look alliance. The signs backs it. Well, that's right. Just said you gotta, remember that you're, not the sort of show. You gotta remember that the arms of the show are actually the the brides dad and then her maid of honor they're gonna go super long, yeah your problem, gonna, go on after the maid of honor. Your job is like people at that point are looking around like the ones and I go back to the boy. Yes, three to four minutes. I the biggest thing now. You can't have notes. Yeah. You can. I speak from. I don't make it. You read out the guy who goes up with I've. I've seen some really bad ones. the government of burundi as well. They do not have the right of citizens is using one for this was the way now, there's no exactly I'm talking about his wedding, but he brought like q carts and it was. He forgot to mention the bride, which can you have to mention the bride.
Have to, but I think no notes is the way to go. I think you have to prepare notes and don't use Europe is a kiss. The worst thing we could possibly do is be the wing a going anyway, and that is that is an absolute disaster, so put, I hear the speech but the door. If you're up there reading notes yeah, you lose already cause everyone's like where you need notes for this like you've gotta be it's gotta be because people will be like. Oh wow, you really spoke from the heart it's like well, I did practice it, but yeah you're right. It's. I think it's a pretty simple formula for the most part: yeah hank. What is there a formula like you know all the Often we are kid. Yes, they are taught me yeah, yes, bride. he's a better person than me. That's a good one. If you like on you know lawyer without whom yes and that arise boats gary's out of it? So don't do the job, that's don't do the brok, though the one thing you can screw up in a lot of people do it as they do like that.
I'd, add on at the end there, like everything I said about you like, and it's your your wife too, like yeah, you gotta, have a story about the bra yeah, the the way to get around. That is you you talk. You find the things about your brother that you appreciate about him, that you don't have, and then you can say like this is what I've always looked up to him for and at the end will then also include one story about time again to trouble, and then buddy laugh at that and that not too For example, you have the usual edited out of it I feel like I remember that time that he got busted with a hooker in acapulco. No, you gotta be like you. Remember that time where we, you know, we we were on a road trip together, something like dad. You made the best play like around a little bit about stuff, but don't make it too serious and then, at the end, say something about how she's so much better than here, because that gets a laugh. Two words like I We thought that you very well, but I had no idea that you out kicker covered by this, far like something: nice, ajax yeah.
That I'm just saying like this is. This is how you gotta end. It say that she's better than them a little bit see, I think, you've got to think you have to add a story about her that doesn't like you can't. The mistake you can make is, like you say, a pole speech, you do four and a half minutes and then the last ten seconds, you're like oh and also goes for her they have a story about her rays. Iraq did he ever tell you a story about meeting her? Is their right maybe something in there about that, a matter that has to be a momentary shared with you about how he can for her. Just make it up. That's what I did for my brother. I also have a total zag, because you said you wanted to give them a show and that your brothers quiet, who I like this, it's a dying art, ventriloquist you bring, went out and use your brother, and you talk to him and asking questions until worries and cause. He shy. You didn't have to be good. Cause you don't wanna talk is in front of all these people and that's how you played off. You give your speech through eventually
dummy that you aren't even using a sock puppet. I got another one for you, think that could could bring the house down, because your close personal friend Tom Brady has some time on his hands. Get him to give him a message play them. I do those were free by the way you do on Brazil will do it for yeah. That's probably get a bumpy below when you're younger a lot of the stuff that you go through when you're younger is kind of like your own insecurity, and I always try to remind this to like people just like you to just remember, like the other person you're talking to and all the insecurities you have about yourself bring a chance. They have just as many so just you know, go up and talk to the hot girl right. You know there's a moment where she doubts herself and maybe that night you know who knows but I think it's like a good rule. The kind operate with we're, like you know, just remember like the stuff, you second guess, you're, so you're, not the only one. I mean literally everybody else in even though they're trying as hard as they can to project that they're not having any of those things just like you do just admit that, like alright, this guy's probably get some weak spots Let's go it's absolutely all right
right, you're right, but I also love that the statement boils down to like you, fuck, a really hot check. If you try, don't give up on your status with the rest of you no relationship there. Nobody here say links into what he has said and what I'm saying about carrying like a lot of times you you're younger you're, like I don't care about this, this is it who do not want to open yourself up tat. Some of you like. Oh you like that, yeah. It's the same thing to was where I went to school yields, vermont small, for whatever reason you know, there's a ton of boston, guys and ton of fairfield county guys and then we'd always be like. Why are you here when you from arizona, but all we did was make fun of each other? That's all we did so like the only way you can keep up, not that this isn't like oh wow, that was College were college guys made fun of each other old time, but they remember carrying it into our twenties, and I would just be like ripping on everybody
at the time of the year like we know it was probably not a great time to hang out with the guy who makes fun of everybody for everything and it wasn't. I dunno it was. It was just what I was used to writing. I remember talking to my buddies, be like hey: do you have like weird moments at work and a couple of guys? Oh my god, like I had to stop doing couple years ago, like I was caught fire and what I Is that there are these moments you know like when you're in your twenties, you think you have like this is a bigger thing well used to hang over three around this one when your hung over your big night with the boys in it goes away like on tuesday it fucking goes away right, it goes away, it doesn't feel like it's going to go away and you'll actually take a foreign language. You know, maybe maybe I finally learned an instrument this year I'll get back on the dating apps. You know I need to change things up by tuesday or like what a fucking You know I was for thirty six right away. What was that right with a steady? Would you wrote a poem or something you fuckin here? Yet So it goes away. I'd say that you
expand life out that way, because all of these little moments all these little things- and I think this is you- know, we're all kind of around the age and obviously I'm older than you guys, but you start to learn like almost none of it ever fucking mattered. None of that That kind of goes way, and that's the one thing that I still try to now that I know that when I'm dealing with in the moment you like you know. This is going to mean almost nothing when I hear he's, gonna be completely insignificant and even though you consume by it to day you oh that later on this will have meant fucking dick and it's hard to learn and you go through it enough. We, I would just keep hammer. Over and over again, like as your aging and you're getting older, it's a great feeling which are real hey, don't want to be an asshole everybody, but I also am like not going to worry about this stuff as much because it's not as significant on the path of of the bigger stone yeah the world keeps on. When you realize the world keeps on moving, it's a freeing thought and you're like
this is not yet not everybody is thinking about me. Nobody really cares. Do I do any any little life at all like that? Less on yeah starts off fifty km Oh yeah. We actually just talked about this briefly on the right over here sort certain less like three four years to two: my clothes away at hotel rooms when I know I'm gonna be stand, there are like four days skirt three or four, is: I don't live out a suitcase. I set up the kitchen sink the story, the bathroom sake. We, like all the TAT I need out there never got it. never really ever unpack all who you call the hotel home like let's go back home it does. It feels really good as you wake up and in the morning you go to your drawer and you pull it out and you're, like I know where everything is, is like a little mini home. Hang up your shit, although I got I got hung up stuff. I had a one for bachelor parties: we do.
get up early one morning clean whole place, you're the king for the whole weekend there's that one guy, like you gonna house, if you'd make the effort There's it's always that leg who clean in ever nausea, asshole doesn't do anything if yours One morning like I am getting up and like everyone's going to get up and they're going to see the whole place is clean. You now have like basically checked off your eye. I've done something the crew here to expand on that. I think just the the every so often grand gesture in general is a great play right. The the like selective picking up the tab for someone who doesn't have a lot of money in, and you know that that you can't you can't not pick up the tab every single time. One time when you're at like it may be a mid tier restaurant you're, not out the really fancy place with all the friends like you know what guys I got the one and then I'll remember it forever. The one over I, though those a trick. I pulled with my my rich friends once they get them ba and come back. I would try like
when once every like two years, I would pick up the tab and they would all like me like what the fuck do not, and then I feel like in my mind, I've position myself. Unlike all those other messages over here, like I'm trying to do my best, I don't know you don't know. It also is like if you are in a spot where you ve made. You know some and you have people who are working with you haven't like doing the little things like yup launch doing shit that like actually, if it matters I mean in like people I also have a big believer in like if you do, if you're in us, where you're, whatever job urine, and you have people that you will really like good job. Helping you be better. You have to make sure that you take care of them. Like I, I heard a story once that, like saving just like he has everyone over his house. everyone literally like yeah ball boys, like everyone who has ended with the program and like everyone, gets like a huge christmas bonus in its like from
every person down the line, and it's like that type of thing. We give you have if you're, in a spot, where you have the ability to do that, it means a lot to people and you dont want to be the guy. Who doesn't do that Nor was it there were targeted at head like Matlin floor over Italy is going to a party, but I am Keller yeah yeah. But how does that guy's yeah yeah yeah you're guy right kelly news users silence guys just now. I see the cooler go. That's why hasn't god? I can't believe it's true we kelly invited sala. We over and they thought they were going to the christmas party and instead they stayed outside of their cars. For me, but like little shit like that, it's like, I don't even know, that's so bad. This is true, but there is like you know. I have to take care of people that are now. There's that there's a bigger thing that what you're saying in your right, you're totally right in you know you got, you, may not learn it's a little bit later.
you know, you also have to be the person. It's a position like look early on van pelt paid for every dinner record. He just knew he was going to pay for everybody and take care buddy that I get to a certain point where it's like hey. Let me grab a check here like I know what you're the upper. Let me grab one you like tat. You ve talked about like it's almost like. If I may like dating somebody was younger and she didn't have any money. I don't have any money and I paid in like once a month should be like. I got it the words and its good bright and revert. I've had other but I've hung out with where they had money and they they wouldn't fuckin cross the street for ten bucks than they ask me ford. Instead, you dislike, look. I just little, but I think what you are saying is like I'll get all these life advice emails about. Well. We had the bill. Was this and then after the vacation and repeating all these different things, and you can see like where you guys are now order, and you ve made some money. You're more dismissive and I'm like. Look. We just spent all this time talk about how hard it was to make friends and meet friends when you're, older and stuff, and some of you
I can guys want to argue over seventy five dollars for I had actually party weekend where you're ready to twenty get like hey. There is a guy in the group It always thinks he's winning by not taking money right. It fucking sucks and the only thing you can do is just keep hammering on it when he keeps doing it all the time and then his role in the friend group, but be so like rats. way to go on some of the money stuff where it's like? You realize that some of the stuff you guys are going to lose lifelong friends or fifty or seventy five now look if somebody keeps Like I said I didn't being an issue, but I can't believe how many emails we get and using arguments are cutting guys off because a happy hour after fucking at twenty six years old, go ahead, but you're going to read it I would. I would encourage people look call for more meetings now. Without delay for couple years, people love alchemy,
I could meet with his eyes at a meeting. I would say you should take that back to like the mid west midwest sensibilities, maybe maybe northeast pacific northwest miracle, south less yasser goin hey. I know turquoises, if you're at the office in your twenty three asking people to meet you every until you do feel import when you gotta measly going at a meeting, are still there. If we get this one in turn, like E mailed greeny, this guy was out of control, the most aggressive in turn, I've ever seen in my entire life, you just start emailing guys and the corporate email you like would like to set aside some time with you. thirty minutes greenie with Do I know our any would like leave the voice? Why do I have a lunch at ten thirty. Five with the right I agree to this. What anyways so confused and have an event pelt vampa one time was like who the fuck it
this guy s answer which is run around sbs blockages. Looking me any would actually like he would free in a way that was vague rise always like do you want a meek and I know be like was hoping to follow through on the top. I might set aside your let the fuck is going on so gears that guy went a little too hard with it and then once everybody kind of figured them out. If you get a talking to cause, it was like hey, I don't think Chris Ballard, to meet with any time soon. Crossfire would meet with me, but don't be afraid to me. you know he'd like to follow up on something you said here and take that away sensibility Why, then, you other play. I like that, offer that to you, my favorite thing to do, and I think most people notice, but like maybe like the first week in december, is the perfect time to be like let's touch base after new year's and just one with everything you can start
like the day after things like one hours earlier this afternoon, hollywood doesn't eradication is shut down like seasonal. it'd be like hey it'd, be like hey. Can you get this in I'm like? Why do I have to be like wow? You? People are gonna pick it back around February. Twelfth what the meaning is good, It really does make you feel a boar relay some meaning stock about this. To me ok, we now welcome on a very, very, very special guests, long time coming it is the schwab boomer chris Berman. You know that the natural that you would say if somebody was doing squealed big play without, would be a warped situation. Well yeah. No, no know they were rumbling. Bumbling stumbling and fumbling would be part of the warp came from Barry sanders, ooh, okay, so that it came as Whoa there is no other way to describe
berries. I think his ankles, whereby tom you and I both things because heat there's no way you could swivel as a human being like this speed, and so that was the whoop whoop. That was more berries. Moves that come from Barry sanders. He's he's the the impetus for that. now, which any body that kind of does that. Yet now with it, because the sound I get stop all to beat the fifteen twenty one may say it worked will not put it's so now. I've moved to the squeal picked it, but it was started with Barry sanders and, of course, a Lamar jackson type of player. You would do it with, but that's where it came from out of respect for Barry. So what is the secret to a good book. I've heard you I've heard he had somewhere was worn out while our waters badgered mc kisser. Yes, It was like down at the right somewhere
erosion. It was against. The falcons is like early like the early october. Submit you let out this. With that, I swear oh yeah you're in it bounced off while the student get back. I heard a twice, and I was Inspired by his leap like he took a five year, it was like a. someone trying to do the pull vault. You know in the election It's run on a long way to take this leap. It wasn't just a little because the tackler went low levels. what that low he's a little guy. When I was like the four at half time right since the first real war, but the season that I could crank out on a half time play figured out ever known early in the year- let's put more ingredients in it a little bit more about the pipes right that you gotta warm it up. First, first, you gotta, do you? Do you like open up your chest? Is it from the diaphragm
Is it just like my kid. I took a running leap. It is I mean even you doing those little whoops fur bury sanders like we do it, but when you and it's like we're doing you like it. I average negative. We almost on that. In the public domain like it's not the same time? It's only you. We also love the the raiders. I try to do the raiders when we run the scores back. I do as much as I as I can't do, a good job. I've heard thank you so much. That means the world but when I do it, I feel like it takes my my entire body about two minutes to recover family. I don't know, if that's how he does it hurt yeah. Well, A really use its again at second on a life of its own, but everybody loves scott, of course, grandpa, I mean he has my best couple. Any has it on a button even playing a donkey pressures. They, it was really an odour,
Al Davis yeah who really liked us out as his AL's voice in the eighties. When I met him first couple of times, you know why I root for e s: p n, because you're the underdog, it's like that: ok, yeah, the rage and never winning all the time. Then, of course you heard him all. So that's really it the owl. So a lot of these are owed to hurry. Oh, but the raiders. Now everybody loves the law. That again that's great. That's a louis tea on wind up the aid answer. Yeah aid is not easy, but I'm right, yeah, you're, batting practice. I haven't had to ship a water and a half an hour yeah, I'm going to so I'll. Be ready the next time, So I saw the warp the raiders we had you circled wagons because that's a mean death, sure, two of you holding the big bills jurors well.
work. Weren't were honorary members of bills, mafia, we lead audio buffalo, we love Josh Alan, but they're, just some but no one circles- the wagons like the buffalo bill, suggest well That team, at a late, eightys and ninetys, were but they never won a super bowl, but they only wanted to go to forest rates of, say no more and it's hall of famers and obviously Jim Kelly and Andre Reed, and certainly thomas and bruce smith, and you know what they may have. Others in cornelius bennett, great player. We go on mars, marv levy's in the hall of famer bill Polian, one of the great executives of all times in all the fame Ralph Wilson, the owners all of that made it and its buffalo right. You know which, other than green bay. It's about the smallest I'm in it. It's the bills, and this is the city in western new york. They asked for nothing. I started, picking them in eighty eight. They were horrible for the whole decade. Thought I was out of my mind: they stop if the foreign, oh and I got to the championship, game loss of the bengals, I actually thought these bengals except they've, now gone to the.
Super reminded me of the eighty eight bills. I got one sure that we're gonna get past kansas but they have already announced we're here for why, like we're really good, you know I actually said that so I forget game. It was, and I just cried out on prime. no one looking right in the camera, one circles the workers like the buffalo bills and it became a workshop even the years. There were terrible, I mean up until joshua coach mcdermott, not a lot of great right, but it just became so much fun. And I don't want to do this, but I guess I will tell the story since you brought it up only what so we're a rock and roll share. Your la shape, cause I saw Billy Joel, is in fenway and earlier you're singing piano man at everybody knows the words writing plated wrigley play. We played all these places any arena.
then you get halfway through and then you lay out- and you hear if you're billy Joel like hear them saying every word. That is my. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my god like this, I just saw when Thurman thomas had his number retired only about four years ago, on a monday night, they asked me thurmond it would I come up in the pills, it's a quick, I'm going to speak real, quick. Someone else could say something for minute terms, going to speak to halftime, and I got up for twenty seconds again. The place is packed they're playing the patriots when the patriots have to beat them a lot. This the they played well that night buffalo they weren't ready. Yet you know Josh was rookie So I think he was- and I said, ok buffalo You know where we're going here, we're doing around three and like this in the seventy thousand, when no one and then I stopped- and I heard shock the buffalo bills, wow
as billy joel singing piano man out of it. I was really my relations, forty three years. The relief should ship it. I've ended up by accident because I'm on e paean and the bills and its buffalo and the peat, the players- Jim the organization, the players and the city. Thirty years later, it's the most rewarding relationship. I've gotten through a job. The great people here with their great people, leave experience ass, not nothing. Yet we every time we go. It's like this place. One thing I wrote down that I have to bring up we're fan of yours all round big fan of your golf game as love the wide brim hats. has, as anybody ever told you like. Maybe don't worry,
the gray shirt when you're going to be out in the five degree angle or yeah sweating, I sweater to twelve okay. So it's a a sweater a long time ago before I was well I'm better. I you know, I lost a lot of weight now button. I mean again it's the it's the titanic losing a few decades. So neither floating right out there he was great and everywhere great know. It's always colorful, but I mean if it lets you get a carnation shirt aura or a nice sharp Couple shirt. look, I would If you ve ever come to my studio, which now I mean I'm only, but back in the day three hours you know countdown. Even in september the camera people had the word jacket. You could hang meeting their yeah
because I sweated igloo or I run pretty hot to do with laughter. I do yeah why insurance for hiring a lobbyist? Yes, they do that it gets it's like a magic eye poster you can whack and that would be a blow off all. But I wear black shirt, but not on a golf course. Eighty eight! Yes, can we tell you something funny that you probably have no idea about. That's a very weird you're going to think we're stalkers. Wore a cleaner in connecticut. Now add a signed poster of red father. We have that nor studio he gave it to us actually as many as you want. We have that one from your dry cleaner knows his son is a huge fan of artery. He said I've add this. My dad's done the swamp suits for thirty years. I want you. to have at its sitting in our studio. It's funny every single time you you know, come in it's right there I have. I have plenty They supposed to four hundred tonnes,
years ago, and I therefore thousands so I haven't gotten rid of all the ok they're having that, guy you're, I mean you're dry cleaners got a grid. Five made a liquid for a knuckle ring. Has every pacino issue yeah no, but your dry, cleaner, he's, probably had to do some work with the sweat. and some of them was like just sorry. I tried my back I'd so Lisbon incredible. We are wrapped lou men we wouldn't want take. You know your entire life here, but we got it I do your best nicknames. What are your best nicknames were the ones that you you know at the end of the day. It's like that one, because we have some of yours that we all I wanna hear those but show we go what everyone the to alaska, whose that's kind of you I mean so
baseball. A lot of them now will predate. Having so much you guys cause I'm going to the ones that cause the eighties. I did ten sports hunters a week. We all did Bob Lee did Tommy MES did chancellor says John's birthday. We lost him what five years ago, six years ago, great era, we could go on at all all the guys we we did ten shows a week. make us hear us with a were where network had work, but we have one fourth of the staff, so located with an actual daedalus. We get another one guy had so to baseball the time so the best of all right to that bert by eleven be home but I love the other, because you don't have to see the lot of these nicknames. Are you don't have to know asia pitcher be pitches for the twins or the
pirates or whoever she. He has a curveball condiment and all things you are kid and you heard from your parents be home by eleven. It is apparent. You ve told your kid, beyond by eleven. You don't have to be a genius to figure this out right so that problem the best Emily early ones baseball Jose. Can you she crews, who? the award you let me take you wanna. She crews lot of a more firm rock and roll vaughan, bull haze couple stock and I just saw him last month, crime dog magritte hate that stock with him doggie like he, every player calls him god he loves. Is such a good guy shirley borderline. While a famer didn't touch a thing any. He had almost five hundred home brunch by the way, now blocks one when you John, not block the he'd like to even when you didn't make the throne
Oh no, I'm speight right brutal. Remember the alomar that history, the out on that one. I mean food. movie blaming, dared, not food, but the george tackle brow I got where ya like food, their rulers, Michael Bela's, hereafter newly play For tomorrow. That's the that's the best part of em and its did. I really you're that, and even if I get a truck lot of illegality even more. So what would you are based on one of my favorite baseball ones? Is macao tata very good, see, and I don't forget, yeah. There's no gum to how to do I mean if we already, that should be clear. met, so I'm going too far back, I'm trying to think when you go football to fall on yeah and on so football. The best ones are
those you can deliver under the highlights. You can With them we ve resurrected, leto shepherdess year with Debo. You know which it boz, gags, doable, whoo leto, shuffle one of the great why up, songs of all time they we you're for leader shepherd differential back philadelphia, the GM gm other niners John lynch touch me like a month ago. debo war war war war like I've known when she should relate, of course, but so when Steve Bono would go back to passion completed, you could go to you do do. Do I got you babe on completion right? You could go so Elvis girl back again. These are all over the plenty right now, if Elvis went back and was could be shack,
Caught in a trap, you really mean it: ok, mom Bold. You remember him with the roma. Well, that's the scarecrow revolve you're right so we go back to bed at dinner. If I could only find a receiver, you know, and then the kicker had a lot of them, including game green acres and edit the vat they used to play the theme from the tv separatism. Also now vanity It should be a head coaches, Eric sleeping with began you, the euro should be in, and that was really Curtis. My favorite martin martian was a tv, show obscure good british audience dilemma steelers, primarily fullback, Chris. Ah my follow,
former to my follow. Yes, we call them crush former too bad mafia. Army would german, because I can a shaft was with it. You know Did you change your mouth? We had all those into the we will throw in like to teach going backwards and you have only right last norms. So now, ok I have yeah we're missing a couple of my absolute favorite teacher who's in the super bowl who's in the superbowl. So I'm gonna cricket your mix and match okay sack rate. It's okay. The tickets should the bengals I can give you one for the bangles will have pleased. So Joe borough throws a pass to two march ace, burrow in chase hide and seek a word in her hiding.
Hide and seek, or he could go What do we do for Joe for job or do we do like january? All systems, Joe yeah,. Which is what it is think about it. years ago we want a national title, and now we can win the superbowl up to you. Go he shot in the box with us at the at the superbowl yeah now he's playing it, he might win it's crazy. Isn't it good good for him But why am I I mean we have our warm the two, a missile crisis. Yeah, you know, there's the wall. I mean your jerome pancakes alone is one of my all time: favorite sale, I come and you gotta tell all the candidates, It's in a junkie knows my other favorite that you well yeah. He said well worth kit
add kitten, caboodle yeah, I hadn't thought of him in awhile yeah. I know, but I love those get a lot of them. A lot of the kickers do I think we would just vehicles Jeff Philadelphia feels like we know it so easy, but it's just so funny to say because he's playing for the giants I Jeff, but when they work when their from where they're like like right, Clayton was ashore sub, with the joys, race or rony wait a minute tree. You know like, but Jeff not feels shaped we who tv now so I would do the whole for that one along ones. See me.
I feel he you like to sing, write your song, anthem or something yeah. When we do our boxing yeah, that's a hard song, it is bob sugary, louis and then there's the other stephen stills like they. They it really cooled it and what you I should. Finally, yes, you have your hard courtiers did sports and all, but you meet people from all over america. Canada, shatterer, white, black old young who, like reform of the average and sports has allowed me and asked if we allowed me to meet you guys for brightly, you like football, cooper. I like what we like four powerful alike because settlers serve. This, have a meal that what we want is a word then did you want to turn for some spread from a commercial have are very fever.
Probably one of our top three favorite guys that is in the part might take universe, is tim woods on the show. for a special edition. Of dungeon and dragons, where we are going to have this whole episode will be an entire adventure and we have added the biggest nerd in the office in nick turanian as fairly the air hot seat jake. Yes, so it's going to be an incredible experience. We're gonna start fresh because we know we ve done a bunch of dutch and dragons episodes where, like the first hour, or of the episode was us rule recasting what happened in the last one so like fuck it, let's just start fresh, leads to an extent. did version All in one episode, I am excited tim? Take it
absolutely so good to be here great to be back? It's been awhile and I'm so excited for us to dive back into D and d. I think it's also going to be great that we're starting fresh. The adventure that I have planned for us today is a classic. It is known as lost minds, a fan delver. It is one of the most well known d and d adventures, and it is in fact the one We started playing, but only did a little bit of before we turned upon each other and killed each other's and now I think we're acts, and those are you three years out long ago. Are you going to drink those beers they just for show? I should they're gonna heavy on half of his or her drink of crack about a light enough that encumbrance yeah. Ok, back in the beers. Let's do it obviously, and in fact our story begins with a little bit of drinking as young dinner and drinks are being sir, because of course they
always are being served added, dwarfing merchants, how sphere in the home of one gun during a rock seeker he's a dwarf and merchant one of the three rock seeker brothers- and the first thing is they serve in his house- are always the drinks first food second renewing and priority crackhead zeal, causeway gagged and of I'll just say that wayne at the barred, just a reminder as to who are characters are weighing the bar. You are also a dwarf, something to say: that's, probably how you know: gunderson rock seeker, already s work in the city of never winter? You are part of that dwarves, communed ripened like door that it's not because short right no, it's not just because your category dwarves tend to congregate together their item so that you have an early on land and they are always hanging out together. Allotted dwarves and never winter know each other and are part of this thrive in community boys are back in town always are back in town have slowly,
norm the bar bury at me. You are a human and theory in the thriving city of never winter, you're, even rarer than adored me as most of the barbarians live out in never winter woods, which is full of like aware, wolves and which is in all kinds of monsters your king, maybe one of your rare visits to the city of never winter.
mainly because gunjan rock seeker has offered you money around like that. I'm like the kid that bleacher report posts like this, the seventh grader who's, seven feet and just don't get on a bunch of like five foot kit: okay, yeah! That's me right now. Absolutely though you're younger than entering you are significantly larger than him as of our buried or muscled, and strong and very much stand a good twice, the height of gundry, when you're standing this kid's going to be a problem. Twenty thirty absolutely never is always like nope. He was just taller than everyone got a natural talent, but you gotta level it of course, and then learn how to play center in seventh grade and then you're never going to grow and you're going to be like six three
no skills whatsoever, fuck, yeah, okay, as a good analogy for a barbarian, because, whereas you don't focus on the strategy of fighting, you just rush right in and have all that natural rate that is carrying you through. You know, you'd said something about drugs and he forgot about that. He is just focused. He spilled all the beans and I asked him if he knows where to get some drugs or just for tonight he says I mean I do any poles and out of one of his bag, his pouch not permitted by the way I've I've got. I've got some pipe belief, hear him. If that's what you need, we can break this out anyway. I'm just listen. I just asked you keep it away from gun. Dron because he starts blazing this tonight, he's never gonna leave he just going to hang out, and the next thing I know I'll, be the one tying him on to his pony to get him out the city gate law mess right, got it
I smelled the weed. I called the guards if you wish to smell what there is in the power of this would be a d twenty role for years. Younger is mid, leave designed them long bottom leaf, right, rear and wash with persuasion of plus, six and nineteen I mean to say you dont know where it's coming from this house, but you are catching a with, and I don't like it of some dank pine radio. Later it happened and as a valid and protection. You certainly like test it. It's like this. Is this I'm here and against the law. Wow, I'm a pussy laws of never winter, strictly state that pike pipe leave. It is, is regulated, but did you know that Law enforcement is really cracking down on it that much anymore. It's not that big deal. I just
through this out here I think we should smoke. Kick out, I think we should make. It hide his example so that they may do dip Oh gosh, that bad okay doesn't have the long cut. Yeah do take my shirt off at a hockey game. Then wear fake boobs okay, add ice, th step. One then step two of a political process on the skin mm. Hieroglyphs you take one hit, kick Certainly we would have the opportunity gun dream is ready to break out just tobacco pipe belief, and if somebody were to do a little switcher room might with like jeffery do before somebody realise that they have not in fact smoking tobacco pipe leaf, the absolutely You ve got the sticky ikey right now what he I gave him some before. We were absolutely in real life,
look at her ago, absolutely I'll, say weighing right now you ve just been given some by sealed are the other characters I'll say of all the other characters. It would be norm and ehrlich, who would be the most likely to just be starting play with a little bit of their own pipe weed, and you certainly have a large pouch of some that sealed our has just given you hoping that you won't say more about what you know at this point to guns I won't say thing, but I do want him to smoke it absolutely. When you get back, I'm gonna say dinners done. Gunderson is power. king pipes wooden pipes for everybody of some of the finest tobacco. This gallic cigars and his mind that he is passing around to everybody. Do you
I do anything as cake is about to receive his a wooden pipe of tobacco, I'd like to put on some cool music who absolutely now putting ou. Actually, you can literally do what you're saying, because you can either break out an instrument to play it or you could create an illusion of your favorite music. I want to do a hologram to walk through really an actual incubus yeah. Wharves are historically not very friendly to people who have killed their brothers and they are very hungry. So here is here, so we do not yet we didn't get. It was not yet. Certainly we should kill em. We should take his penis. bring it with us, defend on em go to withdraw the larvae like words again in look, look, look what we got your brothers did and then would kill him. What's
off the head. So they say it's the dick is tat you could call, I would be prepared to say they may not recognise that body. Parliament, thereby, or rather had already like, recognise these to take practically in everyone's coffin here no problem. My flaws come into play. Your flaws, our yours to decide. There are some eight vies flaws here and now it treats, but you get to decide whether those are true or not. Those are just recommended choice Ivan insatiable desire for colonel pleasure. This is not a human. How betty arousal with this carnal pleasure, apparently I'm so afraid of death. I need to get one more lay loosely. I'm gonna try to fuck cake. Similarly, you are feeling overcome by your Carl desire, I'm going to ask when you say you are trying to fucking. Do you mean you are just trying to
approach him right now and do this or you're trying to convince him. This is a good. I convince him riding consent for fucking. I would like to know number one. What you're saying but number two, what your persuasion skill is all while you're, very persuasive you have a plastic, was a handsome man turned to turn into a cartoon wolf in my tongue rolled mouth. Have you got it back in the family of your kind of seeing like that? It had a view. Cake is getting spells at the ready he is, he looks hot is ass. Is doing in that role? You know there is doing absolutely her. What are you gonna say? A cake combat he's just broken out, you're, fucking crazy, I'm gonna bite my bottom weapon to say: wow, that's actually very, that's all you say represent. Make up persuasion check
seven the one with a plus six that it not as bad as it could have been? A one would have been very good right now on italy, but at thirteen I'm going to say, with a thirteen, I will not force cake to make a wisdom, saving drove it's not seductive enough that he is that position but cake? I will ask you: how are you responding to this sort of advance Maybe he wants to have sex with me. It's what he's doing is biting his bottom lip, and it's enough that you can tell it's directed at you uses. It was provocative enough. You looked back and you saw the look on his face. Loomed can be had don't be approved yeah. I can't lie about. What's going on something's going on downstairs so now I will ask. Are you trying to hide this and play hard to get ornery yeah?
if I had the balls to do that, summers go straight up. Tell him it's. Also true! Charisma is not your strong suit and it'll be hard for you to hide the feelings that you're always telling the truth straight up. Absi. What do you tell him? I tell him that I know I'm going to roll for the goblins real quick. The guy was like what the fuck is going on immediately. There's some arousal going on here and they are like whoa whoa and they are so thrown off their game immediately. You hear, I think someone here does speak goblin. I think it would be the barbarian you can tell that the goblins are saying. Wait to eat,
we tell them, we still fight them and the other games. I guess I don't know what they are doing right now and the goblins are like getting disadvantage any attack rules they do because there are so thrown off their game like little knew there were attacking the wrong route. Geyser gentler in love norm. I'm sorry to say you just got caught radical yet by what you think he's a. who all and this ghoul is hitting you its claws. So I'm going to need. You remain long, HANS institution saving throw as the good laws, but he doesn't whenever warring arm. Because six, I believe you happy he's your quite good at this war. Sorry to think of what are now going to be enough to destroy norm so sorry to say that since you are not, you are unable to rage because there were no enemies around rage against at the moment
and I am sorry to say that you just gotta twenty two hours. I ain t. damage, roman law, the ghoul they leap up to you. He starts throttling you in digging your clauses, and that was the bad part. Here's the worse! As the clause dig into your neck, you start to feel your muscles oh no, that wise in power alive because of the negative deployed around in your fat is part. That means that as you're getting paralyzed goes around your turn to brand the year of anyhow, it has one more attack. I wanted to do that bite attack against somebody else till I try to take another ally, except when you get paralyzed the ghouls in thinks kick in loves when people get paralyzed because then it can feast slow law now and it's gonna buy you because it has an anti
tat are all now to your parents, my death. That's going to be a twenty one day. You I'm sorry to say that means he gets critical hit. Damage for the bite attack his well but he's rolling back on this so far. Ok, he stopped that nine. So far, ten plus to another twelve points of damage so norm, you ve taken thirty damaging all from a canvas school, in again: cable It is certainly the days of past, and so in theory, your healing is back up to full now gregg, so you could get healed again and then the last bit of bad news after the goal does work, but under the first pillar. Clean. This isn't quite is bad news because nobody is attacking you right now, at least but the two.
Or laws look up from the bones that they are chomping on and they just turn in that scary way, insert rushing over the beds leaping from bed to bed towards norm in the other, where my bro ehrlich, you hear all of this and All of you can now role into initiative against these google arose out ripley, I, sir otherwise I know you have major farmer is one of your snatch eels. How I do have a shilling invasion old smell that get every two hours is campaigns bond. I was too, but I wanted to ask him for a yak. Can we pay in or bottles I'm totally fine? I just went out for that reason. The herald early, I remain that I have my I'm gonna use as well. Absolutely yes, leon blur out my penis, shake you're, taking up the position against the ghouls, I'm going role against you first, while their here's the first claw attack,
and you, I'm so sorry to say the clause of the girls you step forward like bring it on it lunch forward and gets a twenty against now. I am sorry to say that your armor class, with them major farmer is sick. steen bar if you really lose she'll. That would bring it up to twenty one. It only last for one turn, but she'll do protect you from this. Are you using a mortal distracted, did you feel it huh? I gotta pinch off white place to eat a little of the holy shit hydrated. That's for that in the constitution say right there at a pinch off. I absolutely
I be a little on shield. You'll be safe from the arabic for overflow yeah. It doesn't hold as much just you guys have exact same color, piss yeah incredible, is not eyes being do as they would have repeated a game with before know. This will be love firm. I, which the strategy or gas I can I can heal norm. Ok, so I tried to draw I tried draw the ghouls to me as I make a break for the door and try to put them onto hank. I don't know you would be able to do that with either deception or another euralia. What else I can do right now. I've got spells, I've got thunder, wave thunder It can hit all three I do have unseen servant to so I can get invisible I've. I've got a visible for my own heck, yes, has that sound
Can I use my unseen servant? Yes, you cut open. To go open up the door and unleash these beasts onto Erlich. The answer to that is, of course, ab so lute that that's exactly what he unseen servant can do. So if you spend your actions so many your unseen servant, it immediately conjures this invisible air elemental into the air. You whisper to it, go open that door. It flies over now. The only problem is the unseen servant is very weak. I need your all of the twenty just to make sure he will get this door open. It's stuck like the door was when we first got it. It is wrong to hear, I am sorry to say, is not quite enough: but especially with oil and away they deserve. It, has shut the fuck up prize for hacking law. There is something you can do here. I've learned during your own mother with with,
Your bonus action, though you're literally almost dead, know you're dead. He could at least I can wait, wait honus homeless somebody get a bonus. Yeah. I get a bonus action bitch. You can use your bonus action taken to help you get to to inspire one. Person here? and I will allow that person to be your anew in servant If you give your unseen servant, inspiration, you get to add a d eight to that too. Ok I haven't you go ahead and roared the eight march hors d, oeuvres votaries looks, though you pyramids, stun guns five five is it not merely get that don't mean it? I should keep that same energy hank when the door. What do you say to inspire your unseen servant? I do I do my class against the dream on talking to Kevin doran. I get up. That is your on what you got this you got salute. Lay you tell em to believe in himself. I think through our throw the,
the guy's head with dick on it and try I did get that tight around his dick ear. I will allow again during the as one hundred percent, but we ll ales tied together a king, dick as it were a dick king. I get up, go ahead and role of de twenty gonna dig here you can. If we hear is coming here, we go seventeen seventeen with your attack bonus. That is enough that it hits him. the ear, and I will let you roll dexterity saving through to avoid your ear getting tangle than that
I got one yeah, it's a dick year with a natural one. It's not just tangled on your ear in your ear and if you're talking yeah, not it's the new hotness, every podcast is decided. They need a quarterback on once a week make sure that there are, I don't know what I actually dont know the reasoning behind. It I think I know the reason behind it is because aaron rodgers did it right. Oh, when we called gjerde, oh yeah, we call jarrett or kakaako. Yes, he had shared on the phone. I've got so many chairs I'll be back here. We go okay, jared. What's up, Were I dunno, if noticed, but like every podcast, is having a quarterback on every week
Oh, we want to have we going to have blake on for one question every week, but we call median pickup so you're just going to beyond this week for one question as I cool alright, so IRAN right now and our woes are one question or the question. Who is going to be? Do you think queen Elizabeth's in Heaven, oh dear, the queen Elizabeth is in Heaven, I hope so are just my one question. Are you him think, there's too many ims right now, yeah. It's like church a lot of there's a lot, going around. I think thinker enough, everybody's great. Nobody is great, so we, there's gotta, be a new word, you know gardener. I know that you use. your tough guy we ve had you on the show. You talked about having a break, hand me when I was crazy story. If the doctors two x ray your heart. How many dogs do you think would be in their ads ago, question
but you know I don't. I don't know if it's about the number of the dogs but the size of the heart and the dogs and my dogs have big hearts. If progress, you dogs, very big guy, it's ok! I, like tat of your life, yeah? It's like the size of the dog in the fight that small dogs, but if you x ray them you Dogs have dogs in yeah. One question the quarterback wake portals ma question: is We had a little bit of a discussion, possibly be reach out to to you to see. If you could get a train, come in, maybe be back How are you are you in good shape? Are you ready to be signed by a team, maybe if the patriots hank is trying to trying to hog all the blakes, I did. I heard hank mentioned that day, and I appreciate that hank. I have not touched the football since january. I know I quietly I quit didn't. Anybody, I retired
yeah, the deliberately didn't tell anyone, I guess you guys are kind of the first to hear it publicly. Maybe it's one question with a quarterback kirk. We each get one question yourself included. My one questions vary. one question I saw when you were in london after the game, you did the gritty off the field. Do you think he killed the grid? because I don't think it's I don't it's not cool anymore after you did it, I haven't seen the tape? So I got to see the tape and then I could give you a better answer, but I know that there is room for improvement. There is always room for improvement. We can all be better bay cat butter I gotta watch that certainly and- and I would agree to anything that I do. is no longer cool so like when I wear the plaid, but down a week why? You know lucy, I gotta from coals
just jefferson where's that same plaid bogged down said next week's press conference. everybody Minnesota's buying apply, but now saw fully aware of that, and I don't want to do anything to tarnish the gritty. It's got a lot of momentum right now, so it's probably best. If I just stay away from, I hate that you have the self awareness there, because that makes me okay, hi good answer. I could answer my one question to him and I don't think minnesota needs any help buying button down flint, that's true. If sure you're doing, okay right in the library right in yeah, we have to be very efficient with these questions because we only get one so I'll. Just tell people check out the Joe burrow foundation I'll give you that plug right off the back as I'm a nice guy mine. Question, for you is if you could get one guy, the month of december and the play was too young for the players to join the bangles between Odell back home lebron james at tight end,
were corroborate, is live again and he's fine deep set out is due to three men rotation with train sam Herbert who are you taking yeah, take her and they re yeah. The strength way ratios just way higher than humans. You gotta get after the quarterback the play ass. You have to to hate him up like you got it, you gotta take Josh our normal homes. I think the only person s taking joshua down is probably silver back guerrilla yeah. That's I mean that's it. easy? Seven, sacks again, I'm sure table jake moorish part of my take podcast, regulations on the when this week, but what's the As you have gone without, haven't you hear about twenty two three o I'll give like the ncs to answer it once a week, because its every stadium I go into some unoriginal clown comes up in goes with the twenty eight to thirty
it's one it's every week every weekend in season, but during the austrian just depends, I'm back in new england or not if, if I'm up in new england, where I went to school, where my wife's from then we'll hear plenty about it, but and now you have to reset the counter cause. Jake just brought it up. So today, caress now at this very year, swag big fan how many quarterbacks in the inner fell right now. Do you think that you could start over fifty oh, I would use a higher, but that you're modest guy what kenny quick question. What happens when you throw a football without a global on oath you know I do that the walk through and everybody on the office is just amazed at how I'm able to do it. So it's not do different, but I managed during the walk through without the gloves, quick break from the best of brought to you by friends apart, my cheesesteak pardon my cheesesteak as villa delivery. Scuse me and pick up only restaurant brand, bringing you craveable, cheese, steaks and loaded fries. Pardon me
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I know what this drink is going to have a stroke. Although I know jack, Nicklaus, okay, jack was say that jack Nicholas, who said it like, like me like two seconds to realise that's who he was talking. My reaction was delay on what planet Did you lack nuclei? Were you? Where are you we find you. Billy rejected a hundred dollars through really not to gulf league shock,
yeah you take it all that money, because it is morals, so cool thrown him. Wait were jack nicolaus when jack and Klaus was offered millions, a hundred million dollars to gall fees already resigned. I know I know to be the commissioner also didn't pull good for Klaus touch. Fucking spelt go I'm with you bill. pick out one of while you see those miracle is why will you go says. Is grandfathers, grandfather, grand father, that's spelled arduous stragglers. We're not angry size of his reign thousand. Joe picture. Remind you, John bellinger, nay more american. That's that's for the first time now is definitely the first time is like the jack Nicholas's experienced racist attitudes to save a holy shit check. The clouds.
Were you our daily or yours. I lie down every chance, don't read another book as a ship that makes like It's like a hop gin. by land? That's That was my security that we could wish. Your mouth rush I won't get to nazi struggling thailand is is equally as bad because it's like you should recognise the native same away. When you see Jack Nicholas, like you know, put things I've only last lady nicholas, I ve read his name. The abbot option is maybe even better casually. Also like not understanding of china, it, I wouldn't warrior. Who knows what now dyke? Who knows what that is our noses, atlanta. Why would people like probably because your significant others, like I had to go like I was? I was single at the time- jack Nicklaus, unbelievable, pretty sure she acted either also all capital letters is like what last time you like played, but
it's time you ve heard his name said billy. He he tease off at a gust, I'm pretty sure he's like the first person that hits every single right and they say to take got this year's masters tournament here is jack Neither but like when did you start playing I think there is some way, the matter too late, nineties, probably yeah. I was born in the early nineties but he still like. I think you the all time record for major tournaments he's the guy that I don't think that's how you should always need is for the last twenty years. Everyone's been like win tiger gonna get jack, nicolaus shaggy goes giant, sounds better. The judge. Eighty years old, nag nicholas sounds like every other dude, it's two years old jack nicklaus. It is confusing when you got like jack nicklaus and you got Phil mickelson. You want to call him Jack Nicholson, yeah
I almost thought this article was about Phil Mickelson. I turned down the money returned. I did know filled I don't know why you still try you still taking the bait than putting it added to chapter this like like when Tom Brady was, was suspended. It was dom Grady that was starting for the patriots jack klaus should take two hundred million yeah jack nicholas, should say now that would be smart for him actually collapse on believe what a moment suggested. Just to recap, everyone Billy, wants us to send him to nashville to party. it tight and you- and We base we were like if you are on good behaviour, leading up to it yeah we could about this. This might be fun and then for some reason last night he got so drunk that you didn't show to work. That doesn't feel like well, do
enough to get sent to tighten nuclear rate accepts war is really. After all, the lies about greatness. Look. Kid is because it was I'm entourage was film. You want unpacked at work will not address. I beg you. Fill vessel, yellow it. I said I I do I'm here take my lashings did. Why did you know when it was, I was cool realise. What did you do? Specifically? You did entourage sets. As far as I know, you are in entourage last night play entourage, it was awesome. So who did you go out with? I all lacrosse players from my childhood. Anybody else that works on the show was anyone in particular, Jake went home Ok. So no sir Jake went out with you, though Ryan. Anyone and then he went home and then he came to work now.
Jake went home very rightly afterpart, it's one of them. Talking you're there Jake it's a one hour. When I look at why? Yes, that's that's always willing, so this is also. These are my favorite moments to because Billy thinks it you're barston started when he showed up and he'll sometimes be like because you don't understand how hard I have it like you don't understand like this is like out there. I really still hold on hold on hold on hold on. So I remember vividly if you just share story when the black box, one the static everything in two thousand and thirteen, I was lucky enough while the team I was till I want to say four or five in the morning, I remember I vividly remember hearing the birds chirp when I got home and then I wrote fourteen blogs next day, because I know, if I didn't dave would of reamed my ass out and made a fool of me in that just kind of shows you, the easiness, that you have because really the only punished
you're getting is we're just doing this five minute segment were like. Do you couldn't come to work. on a thursday on a thursday it owed Two p m: I thought we'd unit. You began. I owe you ever said. We tell you usually come to learn pm. What are you talking about? What was too, I mean: ok I have no excuses, verde, hey you're, not getting the image I go is already on it. Take all the image easily. Let me ask you an honest question: I'm sorry! Do you think that you are at a place in your life? Where you can handle the freedom. Of going to nashville next weekend be honest. yes come on issues that no there I want to give you an emerging for honesty of you said no I do not know because
is past couple days been anything like clients and we record here nobody else now what those containing? What is Why, whose client meaningless the clients, because there was it s on the outer love to hear it. One client game time, it is our area in areas of cloth game time. No, because they give you a free take, it doesn't mean that you're entertain, you're actually are, and how that we're there actually entertaining you yeah and I know that you are with you- just went to a game. I figure with no, he you know he wasn't. He went to a gale rather than adopting a game time. It may seem like when you really think that when he drinks fifty course light on friday. Night he's like warm entertaining course, lie again. A big partner dinner tonight, billiard literally sitting in drinking beer on your couch work. eyes. Its contents it's fine, I've actually not mad.
I'm just more? Is it like? I said, I'm happy that it happens so that it can be an illustration to our audience, who sometimes thinks phd. Hank, and I are too hard on you. It's like actually were very easy on you when it all comes down to it is I'm not you not trouble it's just dumb. Its very funny they couldn't show up work. I like this, like I took a shower Larry, ok, now area progress while I got a lake thirty eleven like being like. Ok, our gently, worse than it was like. Oh shit, don't worry it's well now like Ok, so you got up and everything any even a shower. before you even supposed to be it works and technically your early-
it's plenty of a w also can relate to waking up for work at ten, thirty yeah and eleven. This is now. This is cool. Also also just want to throw that out there that Pft, you know usually how this podcast works and as much as we think we eat people think we don't have our shit together. We'll share on the chat text chain like hey. What's the schedule tomorrow, let's just fill each other in pft of five forty two pm last night. So that's that's fairly early. That's not like late breaking news texted. The group so noon tomorrow for firefox for staff. In present three started the show be resumed after the game later allow trees are all thy soul, teaser gather yeah. That is, but that was all laid out. and ever was like yup. That's perfect: let's do it minus Billy, yet the big billy false and billy whiskey, and so I'm so excited this book. You guys are gonna, hear it like well, but
Will we know what it is? Yes, ok, that's good start, corn, god, corn is a fruit. we owe that to our billy say what I now say now that extraordinary graph is, if the ethics of it's horn and is a freeze, its language will, if you look it up, corn is a fruit. It has fruit qualities. We doesn't mean it's fruit. no, it has qualities of route. Is fruit, curious? No, it has so. The colonels corn are fruit, Is it a grain why the first question going gotta be a grain, so the first question on Google is why course not a fruit and Of course, not technically a fruit; instead, each colonel is a fruit exactly, but that's not so you're taking one carnal one single kernel of
this morning with a similar role at all, making one strawberry one yeah that'll party s, nor is it a strawberry? All of you have to tell you tat. I remember remember you're taking. I could only eat her. Of course none of the core know if we did. If we, if we put this all out in the mission- and we said here's everything you get one cantaloupe, you get one blueberry, you get one strawberry, you get one nectarine and you get one kernel of corridors, colonels corn that are bigger than one blueberry That's why we still voice blueberry. Has a lotta. Tasted corn does not hear a word is very sweet. Their great band to utter I love corn, course I love you. I love you gonna holding horn arts because vetoed it, so we're going without guy kernel of lower. I know you might be out there and you might be like me now really like fruit, but love corn and you're gonna vote for team jelly because of corn?
in those of you who might just love corn in general, who are you to talk corn lovers of amerika zile? Those triggers trinity got your vote, bring team julie to our first w this season had worn. we have lost everything. Oh, but cord will bring us their trust, trusting cord. Ok, so, who are single kernel of corn is going on the mirage of corn noticed corn? Yes, no legal horn is what did you say? You're scared, of course you are scared of core horn is actually a vegetable. That's what it says: and then a single colonel, worn out. As I was saying, the stock of of strawberries and support No, actually you get the strawberry. No, but when No, the the current is a vegetable. No colonel is a fruit. Cordially great pick, coal
in respect of which, I think is a good bit graphic for letters over an alarm and care o backwards are in yeah, if you put corn the ban on their, you might actually get more votes yet, and I doubt that corn. If every one of you ass someone like. Can you pick up some fruits the diverse treating getting because our porn Billy's defense, we corn, is really good core. I nobody voice. I you're certainly go unwarranted, my fruits of all time not cleared my or not. I know it's the flowering or you're scared of corn on their behalf, corn. My worms on shake him bill, murray, giff. Ok, why. Why did we have that big knockdown drag out earlier about tomatoes? If you can I even pick em. While I was and you re out his horn instead take what's in that bag. Work for why we shall all its parts
oh wow. What a part you my at this hour there but why or on the off? Ok great, so anyone, I suppose, I think billy lost bet to whites. dave tonight- oh you know what I we gotta get. The hot Oh, where is it I think on account of their schooling. The modulation I just have a bite to eat some light on this amplify as we wait for how to get back. So billion white socks save had a contest and billy was on the side of the banners. What's good piled on the site of the bears, and would you have regarded as it is the first, whichever teams First, the other guy had to eat a part of my steak with Sean evans, hot one, hot sauce, that's good I think, as the ten out of ten spiciness so short is actually is a friend of ours, and he said because he's very to watch you eat this. Billy loves you if it It's a good sandwich. Then can maybe do a secret menu. A shot evans with
b- I mean that's good business operating for you, so I hope that you are able to eat this. could be a lot of money billy by the way, I dont, like the orange helmets. maybe if they want, I would like him. That's gonna yeah ok, ok, we're home choice. I give you a choice, second time out of voicing othello until you fool Oh sorry, what's here a minute, you got a minute, I'm out we're supposed to be for the street. Yes, is a stream of sort of like socks data to subscribe. If white socks dave would have lost, he would have had to do. You have went home. How do you know how you gonna knows everything you know noise. I am telling you right now. If we go back in time and change it of the commander scored first, I would make white succeed. Do it billy the authors of the third quarter. We were just holding it for after we would have done it to them on the stream. I know you're trying to come up with a show show show me pictures. She showed me her shoes, yeah sure, fuckers billy, or are you just a fucking punk
are. You, like, you guys think I'm an eighty, as I say, did beat you in wonderland, yet ten, ok, but we will not. Is we That is why replaced china that there's no quarter ten thirty, it's the third quarter to eleven forty five right now hate getting punked by Billy all the time. The fuck yeah, What the hell is really, what gives you ever do something with a every working day like what the fuck you don't have to eat the entire sandwich it just like. Just really give out, is putting tunnel advertise for the fucking cheese day, because I would not like it with all that of putting this, but together we do how you its peculiar, but little. Franchises. Now I want to see to it just gimme through bites. You don't have to eat the entire thing, just three bites,
billy I'll, take a bite to how much heart cells we putting on it employed. Put em on a dyke is call me that with all of you are probably not be they sleep tonight, I it's fuckin hops are utterly like fuckin, it's annoying. how big is gonna, be like you're, giving me a mental illness from having to meeting the fucking hottest sauce. Ever I just told you I'd take a bite. Why You just do something outside malady. Do every year. Ah I am actually hungary too. Yes, we did so either. I will enable like how does take take three. I'll. Take one bite: ok, now I'm going to eat it, but take a point I'll take it, but am I supposed to put hot sauce on it? Yes, billy? What are you talking? Don't know hot sauce on it. Germany eat it There's one us right now! Are you? What are we doing in serious? What are we doing here are easy to say goodbye, no because there's all hot sauce on this up, I will always take a bite.
Gimme the high enough. We also. Sometimes it You don't speak english, but no you struggle by no hot saw it. Ok, I said I'll take a bite insanely about lots. Us I will take a bite. that's a liking lost boom. Here comes the boy and he took the by weight when we originally talked about this, there is going Dancing in hot sauce, he feels good really looks good, he feels good. So that's how much I can put on That's not what I did. You replied. Now? How do I know I'm goin unreasonable by the way I'm here this is way over, so I just took a bite who sold anything? No,
will you stop right? I'm we I'm talking and give me your saying about the dashing hot sauce. Eleven we stop talking about, have really started talking. Here. You talk ever again. We thought billy got over his fear of food and then conquered by food in colorado, but can't do it there. You go yeah little botsey. That will happen. That's three bites worth. Fifty eight identity, I'm actually gonna, take another by with more hot sauce or guy. Oh wow, he's doing this for sport now he's shown you are stupid. Okay, just putting more. thus on doing this, because I'm a man wow he's shown you up
oh my god. How are you be careful review every year will stop talking This is your strong tottering! Yes, my ideas you to eat the sandwich, not talk to me about either the sandwich. You be careful watch ethical by you're. All you re using live lovingly. There's also invited sandwiches without hot sauce. It not me. I just eight three light her face, take a bite, pages, jacobite wow. What a b! with eggs a bees me. I was a boy billy, I'm really you're have. How are you are you? Are you? U merrily volunteered me for something to put turns our hearts on? Why are you so mad? Why are you so mad? Because I'm about I do it's about you killed without doing build? Ought to do it. You
god. Get your sandwich to eat it because you won't shut the fuck up all right. Let's cook it to ourselves, we get preview cause he's not going to eat it. Doesn't matter, there's not going to eat it through a baseball quickly. Work whilst baseball games, Jake gives baseball vanish worries on average. Very good, really good monster walk, often game one hundred on game, since there will be launched or the pod raise seal one and allay the out one one, oh yeah, well by the using that now in the field, or even in the battle of the anneliese between atlanta and philadelphia, and the yankees got rained out so by the time. You're. Listening to this it'll be game two of the afternoon and he's looking to go up to la over cliff. That's to love! Alright! Thank you! Jake. It billy. That was the wrong side of the sandwiches used to combine that brunch.
Okay, not that hot, we'll kick it ourselves! Watch p m t v can watch the result as long as I'm sure it will keep going on for a few minutes. Anything else from game. For that we miss that we need to talk about what what like? What does What do you need to see star gotta grammatical lesson, oh really about where I hate that I I tweeted. Fucking a man. Oh, the indians are com, so yeah it was like I want I want. I want to talk about. Twitter like I was, does not live tweed like during the marshal of sunday about a man and even that even look at it till after the game than I was looking. You know it's like replies, twenty replied, hey replies, then fucking a man had like the hurry hundred you such a good ally lovers. Love is pregnant. I do think the celtics plus three and a half is a good one. Me too, I, like my look stupid, so I'm if the celtics have no, they haven't lost its policies and following the lost several after straight, that would mean they will win the championship currents in seven,
All numbers ever live, I they have. They have won tuna row, they could win two in Yes and you are gonna be sitting on the wood for game six, which actually makes Monday night like them pressure pack game of your life because you can then go and sit on the word for possibly a championship yeah and they don't like you'd, be in you'd, be in like the trophy presentation. But she's, not even talk about design tonight now will focus on the clearly you ve thought about you, ve thought about looking up and seeing emphatic you're gonna get on the court, you can have a net draped around your neck. On concerned with how much have thought about it. Yes, do you think they'll get where you give a speech Maybe not now acknowledge your speech. I was cause, I'm not gonna talk the publicly I have thought about it. I draw a five hour drive onto the year. I see you are thinking like are. What am I going to say here?
not today, because like yeah, no I'm not talk about it. Go back to the fucking, a man tweet. Did you capitalize the letter? A no worse, so you really weren't fucking a man yeah yeah. According to my diode, that was my update. That was my twitter update in like the third quarter or fourth quarter, probably after stuff, like kind of stuff did something after my first stuff whoa. This might sound like I should know. I should know the answer this question already, but what fucking a mean I'm looking up right now is it? Is it just from reddish people behind talking now? What is it I just got worse: fucking car, come on really? What does fucking Amy's? Ok, where they come from. I think, we're reddish people would always be like falkiner. Oh it's! U s! Slang vulgar and expression of triumph or joy using response to an unexpected good news comes from the military saying affirmative, which was
by soldiers in the heat of battle as fucking per affirmative, which to fucking a, it would, however, be using a man. The meaning of this raises been changes now used to stress something is good, a double double negative, dynamic is correctly twelve, I think you can also use it to be like shit, it'd be like shit. I think that's what I was going for yeah. You can get a listen. Language evolves over the years. Fucking a man fucking a man yeah. So it's like that or bunker fucking affirmative I'd miss it. I was fucking a man that kind of thing I was sitting minding my own business at home. On Monday night. I was actually put my my kids to sleep and I get a text message and your father father, too bothered by you hank with it tax. My desire to your one kid that's too, throwing Levin. Why
it's three eggs the alley and you too, because now I have to worry about what you're gonna tax everyone so for this is hank lashing out bigtime about content, just gonna like oh, no, I jane nervous. Ah so there The text message thread that caleb our guard, our greek colleague caleb started, six years ago, the sioux boy was me: Caleb Dave, gas and hank we're at the superbowl. I think it was probably after a late night drinking. It was three twenty three in the morning he exit everyone good night Pham. I tested one love because I love you guys. And I m the group name, the group pham splash now text messages on that group jet jane. for six years, flash for two last night and hake sense a picture of a sweaty face staring down into our sole his sweaty face, and it says a forty five day, one check mark and we're all like. Ah
and I wish you didn't even I looked it up. I got this weird and then I just kept on doing what I was doing then an hour later, hank was like what I met since my family and since then, yeah, it's pretty much, the worse people. You could everson text messages he gave in gas. The internet has means you and I'm on comfort, with you in the room I buy submitted an hr complaint big you snatch, others elicited that's hazard energy because you're my boss. Now I'm an you work on the third floor and the powers are not at all these things for your power structures. So off that you send me a whole power are usually very is tat. You get on top of us yeah you sent us, you sent me a picture, they may be uncomfortable, and then you tried to silence me by calling me a snitch. That's fucked up
it is, it is to be dead because you tournament them into hr that on the street. What when, when I tournament hr, I actually just went upstairs like where's hr and they, like just pointed in the corner and there's out loud I'd like to file a complaint against hagen and walked back out. They expect us in the corner office upstairs the I said if I sit with age are so I took the complainant spoken seed structure for all the power structures is corruption all the way down so hank, I'm uncomfortable being. Do, but I guess at the power through credit to me, I feel you be supporting the outer. Now, like again, no, I don't want that extra taylor by I blame I'd, say forty. Eight, the blame is on Caleb. Forty, eight percent of the blame is on loud sean for speaking, my phone, which force me to get a new one which, when turn it on all the messages like repopulated, but only from Saturday night like it, was like that that was the last time my cloud updated, which was no one who cares like it was a days worth of meaningless text messages, but this group text
empty grew text. My friends from home, in my face, your text like ten shop and I was like whatever new new phone new phone blues. I taxes this group glitter just to make sure, like things were going through and then yeah. I worked out again phone saw. I was sweating and I didn't think the flash like I'm not used to my flash and myself is shocking picture. So I typed in fact, because that's what my family group, Texas called and I dunno know again. I wasn't factory this fuck insuperable crew from six years ago, why you say that, like that's your fan, All my fellows out that that's Pham was the first time. I ever hung out with the company as a whole. I met you at those probably posts. Second life is a thousand primary, a house surprised europe and you doubt that's a family while my Emily and you just
I mean I just I don't know I did the best. Was the hague texts me after on either I when I went back and the accident and when I realized tat it was those through like pretty much a parallel centers but yeah he sets. I realized that was gaz as I said earlier like if it was with me, Kalen big colleague, you probably would oppose it, and maybe one over like I could have it would have to be out in the fifty gas, probably deafening what of day probably wouldn't have just cause. He wouldn't have known what was going on in, like Caleb wouldn't have like, but the fact is, All three of you are on there on was, as I knew no shakes sent me. It's accessories like I haven't like this in a really long time, and it just made me so happy because, like this guy he's been promote to vice president of barstool sports he's utterly: are boss executive any still and it, but it's nice to redo like a throwback, two thousand fourteen hake embarrasses himself, you just when you
that the suit have gotten. You know, you'd graduated. I don't think he was anything to be embarrassed. I thought you look good. You look You were in the shape of just such a weird scare. It wasn't like. I will. I wasn't thinking like when you take a cell feed. Sometimes you take a picture in our no again, I dunno what I was thinking. I know what I was doing, thought of sending it to my flesh and blood, so they had actually turning setting it too. Would they had another out as well as my being out of an ongoing john. I understand how it is used me playing paddle tennis. I understand a word ursula. It's like just me. It's not like! I don't! I don't really drop in that. Much like it's probably the least active. Never do it again and the like. You know why, don't you ever update us on what really have much update among our worked out, like you dearly beloved? Your gathered here today so today April second eleven when he p m. In the city of new orleans and code Might she safety is dead? Are ip goats dead,
yeah held IRAN. No one can take that away from here what you're dead through not listening this right now. I want to take the high road if I could shake hands, unlike coach, kids, his grandson drunk road. Oh you want an award, though that wasn't rigged, so I will Take the highroad four brief! Second! and just say that tonight's basketball game was an incredible I wish we were lucky to see it in person, it wasn't class. It was an all time game. We're going to see it probably forever ever. I would actually imagine this will be the most replayed game of coach MIKE krzyzewski his career. It might bring back years being classic, as as a tv station just to play this. It was a great game. It was, it was fantastic, it was you know, It was too heavy waits their separate by less than ten miles north carolina tobacco road we met before they ve never played in the instability. Germany, it was So beget! I don't remember this, but
few weeks ago coach spinal night. I gave an indoor stadium blade against you and see yeah, I remember and they they slacked adieu. Remember that was banned then, and then tonight you in The duke again screamed the kids. He screamed at the kids, it was was, it was again came to watch Do you and see they were all over the opposite boards all night long, this to one a little bit more coach. Kate tried to work is magic with rafts. Didn't work the better to one Then we can also say: thou yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna miss we're gonna. skirts guy. He is here dead he's deceased. His legacy is tarnished forever. It can't get worse than what happened well and you right right. It's over. It's it's hard. Work pays off in dreams, come true Everyone who works there ass off to make this possible most probably the u n, c basketball team, but everyone else who hates do
and we gave them a voice. It happened. We don't do it he's dead, ding dong, the, which is that I want to give you personally big cat, a gold medal vanish in the hater olympics. I you are. You: are the goat hater right now tonight celebrate aisles You think, though, that Roy Williams like to celebrate oh yeah, walking away at the right time. Naming a worthy successor instead of taking a year where he had. everybody go around and deep throat is cock up and make love to him. every single night. He did. I do that. I he picked a good coach to take over, for guess what I actually think that tonight's victory over duke is the final and the cap for why Williams being a better head coach in the state of north carolina then make sure, a few words in the last. the air- is the Roy Williams final cause it's kansas for wednesday, so I had two thoughts and we have. The I hear we're get someone a second. I had two thoughts that
crazy thoughts put both like. I actually gave some like all this could happen. Was this morning when I woke up I've been living in so much duke and coach K hate, spin consuming me for basically entire month, and I thought to myself do think if I started a serial type podcast, and I didn't investigative journalism I could make. I could get coach k in prison for life, and I was like that could act it happened, and then my second thought was theirs. They got two percent chance that you and see puts a statue up of me in chapel here I'm not gonna rule it out. I am not going to be a total nurses and say it's like doubling and it happened, but let's just if I got a phone call in the next year and there like hey thing, for your service cause like I did like stores in the last week. And yes I'd other good handing out. I was.
getting in a fight with a duke fan on the way out he was, he was gone. He was gone you ve been here show some class and I was just doing the crying face to ominously who was whose it was the childish. Oh hey way way, we'll get a second hake we'll get you say I can get it. Can I just say. My guy Henry Lockwood and I've been with him for many many years many ups and downs, this guy hank, He knows ball, because in the first in the world south each early mainly said I love, love he's. Also ok, communism nice about how you all you noble cause? I don't you know, I don't think he gets enough credit. If you go back, you look at it from twenty fifteen, it was wisconsin duke Yeah egg.
kind of swallowed, his duke pride, and he law is a different time. Different defeated you graciously in that little man. I just want to give him credit for doing that for doing the right thing. but at the same time I also do want to laugh in every duke fans face. There was there is one duke fan that was sitting the role in front of us tonight and he flipped out after lots, loss was over and he tried to flee are you and see that that was a row behind us? It was the satisfied that I've ever seen heap. He like half way the guy in the stomach, not even like a full punch and then like half way like kind of hidden like in the leg and they gotta spaces like. I will fight you if you want why I will support you and he was trying to fight him, but he knew because it's probably a lawyer that he could not the first real pledge that could be construed as battery. It was to see the duke fans loose night. Although I do want to say, like it was
An all time game really it was I mean it was an all time gave. We can all agree that sports great and it made it even better. The coach K went out, it is because he's completely ruined in do players. Didn't They can't and This is good I'll. Remember about your listen! Every he's done in his entire career has been wiped away. Now it is there's nothing left. You eat my side that the all time chokes I think tonight was an all time show. Can I tell you something else that I might care to allow get gave didn't say. A word is quite something else you in a minute great plot twist. If we're like going into this. I might in time. What I might root for. I might root for John shire to become a better coach than coach K and my group are judged to have like so I wouldn't root for him to have six titles into you, u n in the tournament and like every to be like John shires tent in, like never has moments like the peak god- never has like these
terrible moments of coach gauges being a fucking asshole it great, I think, there's always sorry. Wake on north carolina as one. His job was, he just walked in that was a capital. Then he put some spend an eternity to the phone, we're just playing videos, my bad. I think that there's a good chance, though, that I, we you're saying because they will be nice to have shower take over and take the programmes the level I won't rigorously I want. I want duke and duke fans achieve the greatest that they deserve, and I think that John charge guy they can get them to that point, but I also think that there is a good chance that if they falter stretch. You might not have seen the classical escape he might combine. I will use my I've. Gotta do can save the programme that so let's hear from hague. Let me just at this stage. on the walk out. Hague was just
kept on. Mumbling do himself couldn't be worse. This could have gone worse. You would like literally, he would start wandering away from me and I'd get I close to him- and I just hear him being like that- couldn't have gone worse and I couldn't have gone worse and now we ve been sitting here, getting ready to record and hay. Gave me a look. and I know you ve seen this look pfc where he like he looked rejects the eyes and it was just I'm going to say some mean shit to you like some shit that will like hurt your soul, he's going to start playing cat's cradle in my face again, but what's don't do that yeah you're gonna. Do that? No I mean, like you, could take a lesson from coach k. You know the hair that can grow a lot of pictures, not just say I was reviewing some of the taping tonight as I was by the way I coach. We did have the conversation before this game. What would it be to my legacy if coach k
What are you national championship good and we don't have to answer that? My legacy has never been hire. People This will be the first line in my obituary I killed coach gay. I did all of that. war hero I killed for summer when ye so yeah. I know, but this a later time when the haters are the correct side of history. Yes, this is like a ross perot president, but this is like there's there's, there's losses that are bad and there's losses that the ripple effect- and it's like- I trust me- I fucking- know bake at oh yeah, give us in that it goes every organise their he's. Gotta have this over my forever and then, as you would say, that another? U n c fan would come up and be like. Can we get a picture and it'd be like we did it like? We did it so Hank Magee.
You know ball dude. You said you're like bias or unkillable available that I bet heavily on him against used to play caleb pressley, one of our good friends, one of my good friends. I was texting him a lot about caleb love during the cla game. I was like I love love. I bet on rebelling against baylor love, love great player. As you know, and and It was casual in the first half we like just talking to go back and forth as I pay above, your brain and where I put in the back of my head, only watch hake is probably one of the smartest basketball minds have ever been around and he was I watch out for killed love. This guy's got big shot. Potential What does he has? No, he doesn't give a fuck, that's the respective items. He doesn't the moment, wasn't too big for him because he doesn't care. He just wants to fucking shoot, no matter what what the circumstances are It marked williams, there was some. There was an end. I think, has adieu anxiety about the racism is questionable, baffled gauze hardware and where I live, I will say those in question vehicles, but the real reason why mark Williams, shooting missing those the throws
to turn the game rose like they were gone from A one possession game like a four point game where it's like you've got to play through the game. Do you make those two free throws caleb love. Seventy five, seven different, walls on him to hit that shot at big with playing on like half awake? do the guys guys on this guy I be surprised about, was once again our work and get rid of. If you, if you have a vulcan injury time now, we're like they call wheelchair an ambulance on the court, you should have to stay for more than five seconds policy will not act in the game. They call they called ambulance than any want back in the game. One minute later had set up what was it? What what went every day for people don't know, there's just one of stupid internet rumours that John Siena died from covered. That's gotta piss you off a little bit. No, no, it doesn't honestly, if anything it just once. I wouldn't say it's that you can take a piece of information like that. It's a stupid internet. I wish I wish.
More people would have a perspective to cross check. In fact, check and dive be preferred, truthful information, because this so many things out there that might fall into the classification is stupid and rumours. But when something is silly is, is that we know is. True now, because I speaking to you in real time on this show I think it's a nice exercise into to don't believe everything right. Wizard Part of that wanted to just can go along with it for a day just to get some of the tributes out there. just so, you can see all the nice things. People might say there, a small part of me that wanted to end my existence. That is a resounding no. I love life and I want it. I want to have the gift as long as I possibly can not to end your existence, but to just kind of not say the thing about the rumour being fake ferdy? What an and where's the good
getting more just. Would you like me? I love giant he's such a game of that time. People sure anecdotes like I would have treated member that time John seem to want to fuck my belly button, a man I miss that guy I know I know you guys are trying to have some fun. I just I just lost a really close friend two days ago shaped no, no, that's cool. So when I say something like that and you take the smile off your face, this is a really tough thing and trust me out joke about a lot of stuff, especially if you watch peacemaker I'll joke about tat stuff, but if you're trying to get headline grabs. I dont think especially at this point in at any point the fragile may. Of human life is, is a headline grab. So I know to try and do I can't fault you for trial, but in taken a moment to reflect on the passing we can close friend of mine
man. I just I see things from a completely different perspective bodies. Don't think that sir, that's right out of me to go down, I'm John Siena just fucking through us through the roof, there, they went. Let's ask marcello all the questions that we get asked, but we'll just redirect them towards a who's. The personal interview, overhead right You know it's actually by share this on the podcast, but the bill, Russell interview that I did in the first year I was ever on. The air was on the cool things. because I was nervous as shit. I couldn't believe we. We only got him promoting some other thing that his of his handler was doing. So it was really never did anything right and so really nervous, I'm doing a morning show with a couple of the guys in her twenties. We barely have any hours under our belts. Doing this radio show and somehow we end up with him in the interview which was crazy to begin with, is the host introduced him? He stopped us and interrupted us and we're like fuck. This is going to suck he's going to be like who are these idiots,
cause it'll, be korea and he goes if you're going to introduce me instead of paul a favor and eleven time champion. I would appreciate it if you introduced me and were like. Oh no as captain, boston celtics uso and I was like oh hell- yes, yeah, so that one's always because it was so early and it was a big deal and I thought you were, Brandon Marshall well the other one I probably most proud of that brandon and martial interview for those that don't know we were pitched Brandon Marshall, marshall, receiver. It was confirmed by everybody. We were going to go. I open up the zoom like that's, not random are and what it was about. and I'm immediately like double checking an email and I'm gone. What the fuck are you gonna do right now, who is this an might what's up man any like hey, how's it. It was like I cool and, unlike going to zoom chat and I'm trying to like message rudy be like or kyle. I think we're just call at that point as it were, and so
question you'd go back. Instead, we left it up because I was like fuck it. I was like what May I would even go home hoping to find some sort of economic ground with his answer. What he's been do except try like? Why would I have a different bread and martial that he would think he's? like I am do in one of these ports podcast tomorrow or why does he think this is ok right if this isn't like something's going on and then I actually remember like, I think, he's that Denver guy gonna like their ear, what line- and I like they're lying back at you, but I still I mean you guys know how this is like. If you let your head get fucked with in the process, you can make it way worse, oh yeah! So now I'm like you may think it's the broncos linebacker, but now you're so screwed up, because you can't believe that somebody confirm this and then he was answering, I'm checking the email and I also know it's actually the receiver confirmed on the email from the person so by the third question I finally like peace, it together and then like what are you gonna do with that interview and I go leave it up and then we'll tell
what would happen yeah. I was actually proud. Yes, yeah yeah, so let me give you a hypothetical situation for the playoffs okay ready for this. I'm ready you're down eight, it's fourth and goal from the eighth There's two minutes left and you have all three time out. you're gonna need to stop. Either way, do you go for it or de kick feel, go make a two possession game, a two possession game. tell you what you would go there by. Why that's a hypothetical there? I don't do that but you don't know. Maybe I mean. Here's another brain buster for you three times three, the less or more than eight scares me, three times re less or more than eight, so that you. Try to you, try to kick three goals and last two minutes to the game although smart now I got gave okay, they got man,
I never killed is now I have to get it the we can. You goals hidden, the last one I had here, hypothetically fourth down, the eight yard line. There's two minutes. Nine seconds left you're down. Eight the uk, a field goal there to six points. Yeah just take the points take to possess. what was the line three, I can help us very upset about it. It s no points the idea. So, every time we talk your coach, the floor, we give our time about that and he is all that on you, he's like aaron want now. Kika feel really want he wanted. He didn't trust his arm. He was in a situation. He is late for a flight to go, hang around miles. Teller in the jungle yeah. So it was he wanted to get out of. There were like alright, fine, credit to him. He's never sent a publicly. I think maybe was thinking. If I get three now, though we stop,
I get three again get onside kick and then another three yeah, thirty one yeah yeah championship. We ask every head coach that gets their first head, coaching job, the same question just to kind of like gauge, whether at if they're, an aggressive guy or conservative guy, when the case may be so if it's hypothetical eg. Fourth quarter. Fourth quarter, playoff, play off came in your down by eight point, eight points, anyhow, the ball, on the on the eight years we're going to go forth and golden what happened humorous last. Second, eight and thirty, eight and forty eight in isolation move the ball down field, though, to be a yard. Long potentially could be the quarterback one of the best course guy who, through three interception city, hypothetical best quarterback. Yet I'm so. Do you kick a field go and then you give you would give the other ball, give the ball away to the best quarterback. Ok, so to there
Kelly, I'm glad I haven't been in that situation. I wouldn't I mean you know I wouldn't want to have to make that because we were we talked to him before last week and he was like that was all hackett, Now he said that you're, the one who said kick to feel ball will kick three feel goals and when this guy I'll, let you know I blacked out, I don't even know what was happening in I'm pretty sure I fainted during the process I freaked out and I have no clue what was going on and You know. I are you talking about. the medical hyper hypothetical I'm just trying to get this right? Yeah? You know, I I think I'd have to run it through the computers cause. I'm a nerd I'd want to go through the statistics on everything and make sure that you made the appropriate decision. I can distill it down real, quick, okay, what's more three or eight three take your time, your failed doctor
a points pointing out? Ok, so your granted by mark out accurate may point is good. Yes, I hear that the steelers, we're friends with kenny, admit so low. steelers canny image can suck my dick involves, but they're they're right in the middle right, I'm right, yeah patty emits, I think, we'll just give you a song we'd, like quality start six yard run. I think if you gotta take them both at the same time, in this situation, it'd be like it's kenny and mehg double team, any image double teaming. Okay.
Between them they could satisfy one woman yeah. I can see that each other and yeah I'm going to bitch as the pussy wide open. He just throws it to the left side that I'm not going to laugh at that one she's got her mouth open waiting for the godchild. It just goes behind, know you're, going to hit me right in the tonsils that slipped out of my cock. What can I say? Yeah that saves the north yeah tua, doesn't know how to fly their bottom of the barrel. As far as I'm concerned, he just got married to his. I think his college sweetheart, which is weirdly risks, are outside of college, like that. This tells me that he's taking like yea
the college was the best time that it was also your fucking. I want to play the miami he went to miami and then he's like you know what this girl I met in alabama, sick, fuck, wise, that's, the that's! The nail on the coffee is done, it'll be two years because if he married her right after it'd be like, oh that makes sense to wait divorce coming year and then the micro deals he does seem to me like he would like the would basically just be sitting on a couch, so high and the girl would be like hey you want to do so. He was like no I'm watching netflix right, yeah pong and you're, like alright he's like audition mentioning stuff going on about nine eleven yeah yeah, I'm taking out the vibrator I'm getting dumbed out, though, like he's wearing a mask and just like chained up against a wall just going with not ever fucking, which is the guy that have you ever seen.
The videos of the deuce. It just gaelic need in the balls for europe s kind of like what I picture him just gets stepped on. I could, but I think, he's more go with the flow, though you know like you, I could, I think, there's other subs in the nfl or garlic, more even more specifics object. You know I m c south so I love Davis, males, we're Davis, males guys his long asked neck long is a good sign, yeah, a lot of people sharing their stereotypes, yeah yeah, it's I don't think something's wrong. Something's off there Doug peterson, he fucks with the visor on yes, yeah, sure yeah he's he's got doug's peter It is probably the top of my list for swingers
yeah. It definitely seems like absolutely leave the garage over to towns. The whole, like my wife's, actually looked at my wife's tickets, yeah give them a squeeze. Squeeze has committed without question without question like seven different blenders. Here's my entire themed fuck rooms for sure, because those guys that, like you, see them at like do whatever, like the hedonism, guys the guys that go on these resorts, where they're not in like great shape, but they were at one, they were yup and you could kind of tell they got that confidence like. I want a superbowl I'll fuck. All these
in front of my wife hundred percent I'll. Have her get fucked too, and they will smile on me happy yeah. That's probably why he started nick foles yeah big. He was like this dude fuck yeah reward them my wife, his wife's pick it up. The kids from soccer practice was just full of nick foles juicer that we're never going to get an interview that Matt ryan Matt ryan. Is that right, Matt ryan's, like he's, he's really good at missionary yup yup likes. You know he's the guy I lose. Actually you talk about with salo or, like he fucks his wife yeah. That's what we say about Mary,
he sees another. He sees a color nipple that he's not familiar with her freak or hot pagan, she's a dark brown. He doesn't know to use the web m d yeah same thing for a long time. Does it any solid? Next question too? This is crazy. This is correct. Next question: blake driven complete the lyric jealous see turning saints into the sea, swimming through sick lullabies. choking on your alibis. But it's just the christ. I it is so surprised that a yes yeah, oh my yes nailed it. Alright blake bortles, blake bortles your chance to respond complete this drake lyric. You gotta, be now:
for what to these yeah would be like the old version, the weird Oh, you know it wasn't joke that wasn't a will make you say that when we're tired, due to still three to know no doubt blake's the whole thing with those that are really getting laid eyes on three three yathrib three, three: three. I'm gonna give you know what we're gonna give blake bottles credit for correct answer. Does you could see He knew. How do you know you don't want to? I like you know, but you know, because I guess it raises no one on all three three, so go to a typewriter her while blake borders. Now every team that blake griffin has played for in the nba Can I get a total
Yeah give us all three fellow member yeah yeah story. Every three clippers nets up. He's trying to forget. This is well so it's fine. This was a one year, stand the one I'm missing out about multiple. Your answer is, I don't know. No, I don't yeah. And you got it, I wouldn't know yes literally forever. We did the pink oddballs balls last year so under pace.
I'm sure glad I know I'm guessing say the sounds good gas oil you give off sons, energy, its is the then disappear at what I'm sorry. I knew that rapists and cyber away. Now, blake might be on the sunday might be further katy trade pack again want yeah, that's churn out of. I think we should give him a point for each one, five to three blake one hears it, here's what will do, because that is what I say is that blake bulldoze career he's play for twice as many times as you have blake griffin, so we can do. We can just reduced Fractions say that you can tie blake on this answer. If you yet four of the sixteenth that blake blackboard has played for get all them or five out of six year, the winner six hour when he had shown the jet I've camps, would you say
it seems that he's only played for five teams. Oh yeah, you play for one of them twice: okay, alright, so focused teams, I know thou and positively Jacksonville the up got the rams twice we got the green packers. This was right around the time we were doing like the last year, yup and, while the envy of teeth, I gave us away saints yup. I believe we have to stand, and I'll give you a hint he If everyone you did all those it, he gave everyone cove it denver. Can you elaborate on why canadians prefer missionary well, americans gravitate towards doggie is true yeah, I dunno I all the way around so both watch hockey. Why
I like missionary just because I like kissing, I like doing the french erin, my smarter barium. I foresee deep inside you smarter. The tnt show goes usually no. We don't talk about. Sometimes you throw in a few dick jokes I like to to make out and kiss while I'm doing it yeah, I don't mind doggy, I just go. I switch it around your passionate mendoza. Those are my to go to the eye contact you like you. I got a leo n rose on the titanic. Yeah, just like the stereo make it out and staring into their eyes yet ensure that everything's gonna be good work to have you are you happy can feel anything down there? No ok are. Let me use my finger. Began no I'm, but who gave you that paul
maybe that might be made up thing. I mean now that some of your own equity in america, like it's been probably decades since I haven't done it doggie style inside these borders. I usually like the guy. You sit on your passport. That means we're flipping over. I liked the dog is tat when you got your foot on there If you category walking joke big beat on their face, hey guys, I all summer beach question. Tat we re not. Let's talk that jake about about what he likes better Are you? Are you here? Let's pass them going, are you are you two guards pretty close to Canada? Are you that jake? Are you and anal guy? I'm not. Have you ever have you ever? Have you ever lecter girls asshole sought the far out of a girl. You ve never looked cornel
no other cheerios, I'm not a bit, I'm not a big anal guy. You know J J, panthers van you It's my hometown team. I could have been better this season, but I'm gonna be better these next year, I would argue, lad. I wish these guys can better prepared. What did you make of the kodak black incident in the box? He was just in his hawk and yeah. I think he's an angel guy, yeah yeah. I know that things happen at bad teams games, but the panthers they're good It takes a while for them too, like they're good, but you're, not why there are a good franchise right good. They right, like the reds thing, we talked you, they have a few seasons in the consciousness to be like that's good franchise, Jake you like, and what, if you met the girl, your dreams? and she want to do a stand up- sixty nine, but she was holding you and you're like you are off of that. I dunno Yes, yes, I answer for Jake. Yes, yes,
the question of business was kodak black actually having sex with that girl, and I think he was getting over. The pan rob were yeah just. Why not grind so super gremlin, so yeah, so when you're in the american hockey league you're not making that show do and we used to sometimes go to the show cause. I would not do this, but I would have. Inmates who were they would go to the bathroom at the they would take their underwear off, put their dress pants back on and then they would get lap dances cause getting that rob. They would be able to come just a joke. It is unlikely that out with this for these old hockey, and then they will go about it and home pants that they would have come in there, but they would go back and they would put their boxers on and then they were dead They wouldn't be feeling, though, the witness of the com on their dress per year, but then this guy's saddened will knock. You drink, told us average ass. What what what one of which ended up? I guess we won't gonads because we had to take it off. The pod cask is a little bit of trouble. We said ferber,
They will buy more expensive gifts every year and will until we get to a million dollars- then utterly, but I'm like I'm looking at my time at tom's. Forty two and forty nine I got a guy can speed this up. You know it starts with a key bike. I got a movie I would like it what we read as europeans and it was like. While this is awesome, he was like you give way better give them my wife, my wife, gimme, a fuckin wallet he's the who the fuck what they got really thanks? You gotta get nice while he's was shitty gas, so we do get birthdays. So we do. Are we caused by the best presence ever right. So one europe, bought me like a three thousand dollar electric back to those forty miles. Oh those things are sick, they're, awesome, yes and they're. Even the motorcycle they're, even better at two, am when you're drunk and no one's outright. I got in this e bike and then he's like I'm going to stay, but up a may, get you something. That's more space it will top each other and so has been topping. It was like jet skis or I buy in the next period, moved Austin. I bought him. A fifth
thousand dollar wave run of the ghost seventy miles an hour right, she's like now. so then, this year they use it. Every There comes a speed free okay, so he gets on glass and just Use it so much about a second one. I got em charter flights in an out of austin He recalled me up, I'm stress we get the movie coming out or where it were in a movie I'm doing screenings, unlike sugar land los angeles I'm doing shows on tour, and stressed out Tom those and I'm doing to bears and austin, and you know some stressed out and calls for me- was happy birthday. Don't worry about next week. My business week, what don't worry about it. I got you after you show minneapolis, I private jet. It's gonna pick. You up we'll take it often austin to do. who to bears and five deaths, contiguous chauvelin and it's gonna drop you off to to the screening any movie, then it's gonna. Take you back to allay see the girls and do your voice over and then the private jet. in five back out on the road, and I was like real, whose
and he goes and is not one of the tiny ones is the fucking g five. It's like the fuckin big one success, a thousand dollars, all I thought was mother fucker. I could have spent a hundred thousand dollars on this guy next year. He got me a second race car with a trailer raise. You can't drive it on the street and yeah, and so now it's it's about, and that was a substantial purchase, yeah yeah. So I said to him: he really into cars and racing, and I said, let's start two bears racing I'll, buy you a race car for your birthday and he's like. Are you being serious and I said yanni goes? No, you don't mess around with me. This is like my dream and I was like so I bought a fifty six thousand all race car we're doing endured races, Bmw, endurance, re, hell, yeah. So how are you to step up to him? I have the plan. I cannot give away now
the expectation on your part for him to come back at you next year. What's the what's the ground floor for the price level, I'm assuming we're just going to double up or something and two hundred thousand dollars yeah. I dunno I kind of want like a a ranch house in montana, but I have I have a pretty substantial gift: yeah yeah. I saw this sounds like something that we do on the show, a lot which is we get really into things yeah and our our own, like weird ideas and traditions and customs that we have here until goes to a place too far and we all I have to agree that we have to stop doing it entirely. I think we're we're about there with the gift giving whoa. I was going to say what year. Do you think one of you's going to the moon get get us the dates for next year? I want what will be an entire grit weak around it. We don't care a love. It's me, oh yeah, yeah we'll do it all we want to do it also. It didn't work out last year, but yet, where it weren't. So let's get ahead on it and then we'll just block off the whole week like fuck it we're in a company, Asheville Maria fucked up. I don't believe you listen to that part billy's alan,
drink on the road network. Nah, but men for tight, and you I'm sorry one and I am running you like to sponsor yeah, I'm going to give him an emoji. I'm I'm giving them an emerging. He fucked up the man in question yeah, but I'm giving remotely just because he's down on himself for that and that showing like it Can you use download of gauze late? He thinks I like you gonna, be wrong here. Billy! You sent a further all areas. What does it matter if anymore? You know that illicit what it really could do to seventy five right right now, one time in front of you guys, he'll get an emerging, dawn. Okay, that's easy, easy says: that's easy! one? Let me see his body. is that part front of the camera? Show your body doesnt john, his pants, your shirt, Thank you, your shirt off for this. He wants to see, or should they want to see your body, you did your shirt I want wanna make. I want to make a bet, but I gotta take a look at what he looks like he he's these done it before. This is a little more pressure. Do you guys are watching
I'm sorry lower down the take assured, I think you should of georgia. It's shirt off. I owe you. They said there you're didn't it. If you want to shut shirt off, What good take your shirt on how much weight as you just that my mouth? How much weight is on their to seventy five? What kind of work What are those way? It's one of those plates norman where you're really not going to take your shirt off your rookie point yet where they are saying that you're not invite? If you don't take your shirt off and they take your shirt off, he's George safeguards gotta. Take your thank you there. I look I'm sure I want a. Can you ask why to sacrifice ripley everything over it's like a fucking chaos earthquake.
I'm starting my notes app right. Now the ability he EU most you're you gonna use. I think what we use. I think, maybe they just the armed strangling yeah are, I think it's gotta be the bicep. This incredible library he's got a wide bread, Well, got it go arm guy doing believe gets you can. I'm here! I'm look. I just gave a one hour: billy fifteen emojis on me and pft phone individually, yeah hot. We want you to earn it yeah. We want you to know how much more you're going to enjoy this. If you earn it a cat yeah, he asked him if he just popped. His pack does use popular pack. Now he's fine he's crying about it. He's got like a little sore shoulder. This happens like every day, yeah he'll be fine, he's got ability he's like big Ben. He just like he every every injury like this. I don't like the way he's holding his shoulder. He's fine
I have seen this a million times be so funny, if you guys have so many plates on for two seventy five. What what a play to the us these are. These are bumpers. Forty, five, twenty five, thirty, five tens, that's the most Did you must wait to get seventy five I've ever forget. We don't have announced foreign finds all the waste that we have so so we were due to his days, but then we ran on awaits and so it's kind of like, I guess we just max- I guess we benched all the weight in the world yeah. You can't get a you. Don't have more of this guy's packard shred on how he's hurt he's already fine right now he's hurt yeah I can see in his eyes he's hurt. He said he had no warm up so he's hurt. I have seen guys get hurt before he. His face looks hurt guys laid off, but yeah, I think he's her he's got resting. Having research I'm an actual. It are so why? Because he's heard, I'm gonna give him the hospital Mogi too so got to milan minds, do jotted ellie! So before you into this room, we were actually haven't discussion. We wanted
you feel comfortable in the studio you're, just turning pike ass, we want you to be cool, we want you to be yourself. Would you be? we're comfortable if we were all shitless as well or would you like to be the only shirt was that then this is the group this way? I've ever started upon pass in the history of fuckin, podcast Not only would it make me more comfortable, but it makes you guys more primal right because most bloodborne definitely doesn't make me more comfortable. It makes you more primal, though I don't even think that's true either it just makes me be like I call everyone's going to be like hey look, how fat this guy is, and I'm just like. Alright Like you know, you don't want me. Be me. Shelby me, or should I be you what you don't stand as you being pro Is your truth, most often self. Before Dr weir imo me has assured it listen before we started wearing shorts right at the top expression of who we are bare chested, is welcome. How were you born with shorter without The guy had assured on yeah lively. If you the way that you weren't they
how you said rocket over at all times I d chain on. I was wearing a necklace yeah him out. What about? I thought I would assume the primal part in building a lot of questions, so the primal part off with a sure to take in a fog, yes, billy possum, thereby yeah yeah taking off I've got just we walking any or their short sovereign reared we're making history. Recent history taken our shirts off many times about the first podcast ever densher was by guys you and guarantee that the viewer ship going through the roof write them. Definitely not so the primal thing is that no deodorant hell. No deodorant I'd I'd. I noticed the mosque. The mosque is strong. it's a strong market. This is how a man is supposed to fuckin smell that everybody, stubborn deodorant and perfumes, the new normal would be this. Can musk right would be. Guitar pheromones right leads. You talk about france,
I don't know if we want to be france, pretty ok, sir no note, nor do I agree on the france thing right, but, like those people are detox in right, the way the fuck him ass american lives right youtube. You fucking shop. Would you go too hard for can work with multiple? I called today the way that we eat the way we sleep the way that we are fucking attitude. There is a different smell to that. There was a devil. in pheromones- is exactly what I'm talking about. If everybody is worth living I like this, you get a an attractive woman in here right if you've ever tried to fuck us, you, you glow she's, going to close your eyes just going to pick that fucking american, because he smells like this. That actually people will probably accuse you are paying us to call on. This I guess we for the record wanted you on, but yeah there's a handful of kashmir, yeah, there's a whole industry of like people paying to to appear on other people's pockets. This is ridiculous. All all these ridiculous accusations- people say I take pe days, people
abby implants. U way way way way way way beyond. Like you ve you definitely take peace. you know what fuck it I'm gonna be out for the ah. Here we go, I take babies, yeah our ties execute every everything every falconer anymore, but these I pray every day, so we both can take. We regard the whole world's these I'm on which role, I know a lot about that. Put what people say the same thing I gotta have implants right or abject I got here. You can get added plants. This deadly one eggs I haven't got a strategy is to express our paper. Aid, certainly are other producer, was not here. Right now is now a suit and aids is his life he's actually the true beta. Like, when you say the ninety five guy goes. It hates his life. That's what you're talking about hague he's convinced he can get a six pack. I think I'm gonna pay for is added. I'm looking at ab implants right now they look, they look pretty good. I might have to wait,
The third image result on ab implants. As you I love you. I love it right and then, after that it was hey. He has aeroplanes right, because I'll see you there, because when I first went on social media, I would also urge happening right now and then and then sometimes I don't we're happy like hey, you know, ball because you're taken pds and then you got her. So all the accusations war was cut out to set the record straight in two thousand and eighteen. I went to Singapore and I Jeanne editing done a modified, but my miles standing right and in this
is actually the truth I was approached. Human ever do always been where we really dollar. You seem in rats that this is. This is how these funny accusations are. You serious are now I'm completely fucking, more careful what you did. There's you made a joke, but we don't know what you're talking about accept. Billy like when you said that I was like what does that mean. Billy was cited. This is crisper rightly and an end. So again, the ancestral tenor right now have a little fucking for yeah right. Take let let these accusations fly. You know what you gave me a hundred k. I get you a hundred katy right, you did you know, and then hopefully you normally pay for the arab implants right, that's right when they got his six practically liver king did at the song on the detrimental and where people, the people first and their paper people tat, is adjourned. Have you thought about taking me? the accusations have stack. A new phase. Is the black break? from them saying that causing in pay they come
was man lives in the way and the cre ca and the kelly for your business paper needs call that to me for people There were bilbao, yeah. I think they have you ever like considered just changing the words to it, not being about fictional, for company and just making into a that, I think, is good enough. Well, if you go to the agreement, one of just keep it like it is Yeah, I guess this is me: try leg like Organize a hole like people want the office to reunite because they want to go back in time to feel the way that they felt about. At the same time, they first watched it. That's what I'm doing with a song right now. I want to go back and listen to it again. For the first time till you have your here. I do have a guitar down here as it is costing acoustic go. But allow me you all So why would you want to sing Ah, you in rates like expert mode there
when you want to do all one of the best songs from the best artist of all time, real, quick I dunno, one, other point it out of there. Who would you say your favorite hours about on a stable Michael Jackson. Yeah jackson births during world war ii. Grant Canada. That's pretty good luck is less this. Research and how to play now. What can you on player a scope before be flat, I have in my report. I have a long time ago. The lyrics. It is
the It calls you in a row. I never meant to cause you pain. All I want. I want to see you laughing holy, see the brain oh hooray, Already far will only see baby, Poor,
yeah. Maybe that was off the top. That's for concern was expressed. Does my life skills there I heard a little fuck you europe, you picked it in b flat, which is tough to do and make it sound, nice and open, or you know, complaining of course, on there was a little high for me too. Over that was fucking awesome. You do have a smooth voice- you have a gift yeah persia, from a month. Do you have something for our good are good boy, william football yeah I do. I just you know who dominate very well. We established that and dumb. I just thought I'd like to jot. No down about billy throughout the year and when I come on, I liked just stock. Well, I just don't
what about you? Yes, I would love to hear the pounding from Billy billy billy. This is a duty for the man who seems to have it all made Billy billy Billy, even though he didn't grow hair and his cuba's until the eleventh greed billy, billy billy, we. and for your knowledge and how wide it does span. Billy billy billy like Wednesday, when you referred to the country of russia as one giant jack, billy billy billy, yes, some of your Makes or shall we say strange, but billy billy billy, at least unlike hank. You seem to believe in Billy Billy billy. Sometimes when you
beak? We all turn to our radios and we shout billy billy billy. We can't hear you your internet going out billy billy billy. Who are you exactly? We only have a few hints billy billy Billy, we know you have a hedgehog and live with a man. Billy billy billy, as a man. You are mere perfect. Nothing would. You is broken: billy, billy billy, but god do we wish we had video you getting dumped on him. billy, billy billy. We all need your wisdom, so give him a raise for god's sake, but billy billy billy. We all know you're just going to get a coupon to pardon my mistake.
Merely billy billy. We love you billy and we love you with this crew and Billy billy billy never ever lose that dog. He knew the palm for hake Henry Henry Henry to them and behind the men who seems to have no fear. Henry Henry Henry, no matter You do or say the patriots are strictly middle tier every hundred henry shut up the coach Bela check who, like you, It's pretty tightly wound. Henry Henry Henry. Maybe he should stop hiring his children and running that franchise into the ground. Henry Henry Henry: the baton. Gel split must be hard, for. You'd have to cover Henry Henry Henry: maybe they still beat together Your boy was more attentive lover.
Henry Henry Henry? We love you and your comebacks that are sick. Henry Henry Henry, like mother, fucker, never smell the poppy, every good shit but fleet every hurry, We look for your dedication to the team. You always seem so stable. Henry Henry Henry. In no way did you ever ever puke black jack It happened. Henry Henry Henry bringing wisdom and never sounding dumb, Henry Henry Henry, even if you can't the word interim say it inter ethnic can turn sorry in turn. In terms of ensuring that the interim interim in toronto. Rum report,
harry Harry Harry. You get to the point, your concise and you are always frank, and Henry Henry Henry ford that we will always be to make. Wow, Joe, you didn't say you didn't say anything about him, not getting the lottery ball machine. I thought I was waiting for. I'm not gonna lie. I thought I was just going to be about that. Is it weird now you know talking about pulp fiction, one flew over the cuckoo's nest twins. all these movies, that are classics and now Probably just yell rum hammer you when you're walking yesterday street from am yeah have yet another like this is what on earth it isn't. What I am I become well, it's like rack cool. You known mean like with the whole the whole thing we go people as for eleven louie, when I did taxi you know the next day. he was like every anyway. You went was louis lonely.
A louie and they play the song when I come in and all think LU lu, why you know the whole thing, and now, with the with the it's always sunny frank has become like you know it wrong and the hamlet in classic YA. You people have tattoos yeah, so here's how crucial it is that weird for you lucy, like your your dad, you know obviously all grown up, he's an actor and then he gets his part that becomes like world were the same age in life. It's are demo just loves a show, now loves your dad totally different way. Now I mean it I hit athos. Am I think it's really. Oh, you know that he is able to leg. I dont know I have friends who see a sunny is one of those shows that, like I've see, I see it. I've seen em, but I don't know the episodes back and forward like some people do, and I I love it that people, you know, no, my dad in that way. You know you're really funny in an awesome, and you know I think it's I don't
I think, it's cool. It's a totally different. Second act of your entire career and its always Sonny's. I think if you pay everyone in this office, its it top five show for everyone. What have we done enough of them? right we gotta, do hoary we're here. We're gonna go in the other, guys great to work with. when they they do, they actually have a pod case. Now yeah they ve been doing. I haven't been on it yet, but the whole ideas as it we're gonna go back. I think in january, for season Sixteens? Yes, like that man, but we have, time doing it Did you say like look and I do almost anything basically, you know it's written that we talk about it. Nevertheless, like to make gonna come advocates, naked or mine
I going to jump flat fall out a window, lose my mind. Am I going to be what's going to happen and I'm I'm game. You know I did way. Detainees naked in that were happening, half naked in a couple of shows, whereas and on the ground. Earlier was not slide, geiss worms I'll wash. It was yet again like an oak or what you mean with charlie yeah yeah crawleys crawl round on your stomach the night I may I should in the bed one you know it's a man little knots. Those guys, I think, is the great part about that show. Is that you, keep getting away with a lot of stuff. All the characters can do basically, whatever they want, because the unspoken tat. The audiences in on is that These characters are detestable thereafter in there all ass, all euro area, so you you can say things on that, show that you would be able say if you are not operating under that premise. so I guess my question would be like is has ever been a moment where they tried to write something.
that was so out or that relying little, I don't think we can make this funny. Well know they did one thing: we we try everything we try war caused, but they did. One thing I was I remember it was early morning, I'm gonna go to work. I was about to go to a real true of the first script for that season, carrie, remember which season and somebody hand me scripted the house and said look to the guy You change your mind, they're, going to do this script that is the one you were gonna reed and I said well a girl, ok, he's nation what they want you to read it right away so and they're all the office, and I'm the one I'm here we have to say is there change up- and this is gonna- be the first show of the seas cool so I start reading it, and his show normal showed grinned bar did do some practice. Do something they're trying to get over somebody, and they need a hooker
so they sent me out to get a hooker, so I go in a car. I gotta get a hook, ragged abreast it immediately for I get arrested, right, thrown in jail. I'm in a shower gettin bang by I'm gonna get away about so, and I read and many go back to the bar and you do so many worrying antics in everything they rota entire script. where I get bang like six five white supremacy by cops by everybody until the very last moment. I'm frank is like it. You know, setting up a me lay him on a hot outcome: depleted them. By everybody and and and the the cops copses somebody. made your bail. I gotta think I like up, you know, and it says you walk and he can't walk in and finally to the cop. This big guy says he's got a billy Clemens harry's as well frank you're, not gonna, leave before you say,
rose red death and well, what tops come in here, and in the land very last moment of the script that cop leans into me and says April. Fool Fucker, and I knew immediately that it was April. First sons of bitches wrote a whole script. I called them up. They were all sitting around with the speakerphone laughing their asses off. I was like an inch away from calling my lawyer yeah at the same time like it's a fucked up script, but I could actually see that work. I'm sure it was a good script and visualize all things like that for the guys today and yeah that that that year was big. Ninety eight was huge. We saved that
team from being the l, a cardinals them yeah, they were elect they'll cardinals, if not for ninety eight yeah go to the playoffs, so you the lat, the that was your first time being a backup the next time. Your backup was your last game right and I, the story, it's very funny, so it's great store average read on sports illustrated, but jake essentially tells a story that he's the back, but first he was upset. That was a backup, but then he realized like hey. Why don't I enjoy this? Like I'm gonna go out or the fans eating hot dogs at half time, so you get it The last game- and you are just like fuck it up now throw deep and see what happens. No, not at all. I was wrong. My left in search of our walk and taken a break, go deep inside. Let it let it go. I mean, I think it ball travelled fifty yards in the air right ryan is coming down, he got tripped and the guy came flying and picked him off.
So that was my last throw in the nfl yeah, which I'm fine with yeah like I came to the league to try to make a play, and that's what I told them I walked by Shanahan he's looking at me like what am I trying to make a play coach that got on the bench. My coach, qb coach fabric fearsome comes over and starts to pull something I was like yeah, you could get you going get out get out didn't anymore study. I didn't tell you what I was doing. I was trying to play the game. Jesus musically. We win that game. We go to the play off, just no fixed a J either. It's just that was my tea. When I came back out that energy Will there I felt that fell good kind, like my last current cause maybe rely on a beggar play. That's what I've got. One hundred sixty one tedious and the unifil
the one hundred and sixty one intercept. That is the definition to try to make a play about even a bad one. You are the ultimate hands off the wheel, guy like that so perfect that the universe ended your well career on that plays the same amount of touchdowns intercept. Yeah yeah, I mean you know it's kind of funny. There were about ten of those maybe been a little more were hale Mary at the end of the first half of the cardinal rise in mind. I didn't throw it out of the enzo like a lot of cuba's word for their radiant. I was like come on. Let's go, make burial cloudmaker play, I put it into the zone and there being defensive pick it also least ten of those even a brown. My back up as I do throw those out of bounds, and I we kidding me we get a touchdown gone and we come out. We get another touchdown, we're only down by fourteen twenty eight because that reality never gave up was over. So that's awesome. That's what my teammates loved that I just never let them be complacent.
everybody, loves you, you got a bad ass, you break from football, they show
Transcript generated on 2024-01-08.