« No Such Thing As A Fish

388: No Such Thing As A Danquito

2021-08-27 | 🔗
Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss melodious bridges, murderous dragonflies, made-up politicians and magnificent wigs.    Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi everybody Andy here just before we start this week, show we have an announcement to make its a bit of a serious one. It's that for a while we are not going to be able to record our pockets from aspiration Homer, Covent Garden Office anymore. The simple reason for that and reason is that we are going on better. That's right! Tricked you all wasn't bad news. It's good news! You felt somewhat died. Quite the reverse, we're gonna be onto live and amplify across integrity of the UK and Ireland we're gonna be going all over the shop? Are we going to Baltimore? You bet your, but we're going to bonds double. Are we going to pool as a rule? We had a pool and too the five other places across the UK and, of course, not to forget Dublin. I know what you're thinking,
I gotta involve one I'll, tell you it's gonna be alive. New fresh podcast rightly raised in the second off every single night. All debates directly to funny to put out in the editor version of the show on the first. if he's gonna be an extraordinary cavalcade of different things, so different stuff is gonna happen into first of elephants, don girls, dancing, boys, fireworks timescale, this Avogadro trick and a number of other things that I really probably should actually be promising to you. But the and the anti, how do we get tickets? It's very simple everybody! All you have to do: go. Do no such thing as a fish dot com find there is one. I click book. That's it no such thing as a fish dot com, it's gotta be so much fun. We cannot wait to see that if you're not there to talk about behind your back or
that's it I'm with you how low and welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish. A weekly podcast coming to you from the cure offices in covers garden money Dan Schreiber. I am sitting at a joint, enormous distance from Andrew Hunted, Marie James Hearken and an addition, ski and once again we have gathered round the microphones with our four favorite facts from the last seven days and then open regular order. Here we go starting with number one, and that is James. Ok, my fat this week is that night Mercer, oh, who produced the most recent album of crummy winning are based on Leon. Britches has now started, collaborating with actual bridges
when you're onto winner right, yes, stick with it. How many elements of your fats have you heard of before discovery James. Beyond I had heard of bridges remedies, we must have a gradual rallies, yeah laws. I was reading the article in the guardian about the Golden Gate Bridge which started making this weird stuff. Being the noise local musician some singles where he does a Jew acts with the bridge and when I say local musician, I mean extremely famous mecca for Chiefs mates master out, but I'd behind events. I google them on. It turned out that he's wet with people, I Jake Z, and with less of who I am heard of, and also a guy.
Probably a bridges whom I had heard of, but he has got the wet bridge. Cities name galleys. One puts forward so he's obviously very famous- and I think that's my problem, not as they call it bridges over troubled water. This new collaboration with the bridge train out color that now I think he went from all that. artistic than the pony. I things I'm on Garfunkel, a quiet. I must acquire litigious. I wouldn't want to get up in their face with that sort of Garfunkel still alive yeah, both over the both still alive. You have you seen him before one stage you wouldn't know bought out one finger, pull Newman, no pull Simon nor is it a livelier. Newman Garfunkel is a very interesting. So this golden gate, bridge collaboration in the others. is really good his. So you see the bridge in the background and it's just making this weird noise and then name.
A stroke shambles on after a minute where the bridges, frankly holding the stage very well, then he stopped, but he starts adding some guitar sound over the top of it to kind of match it, and and move around, and it sounds really area great yeah and it spooky. He likened to Tibet and singing bowls didn't know which states things. There is not one of those seen nicety by one of those starving I have, but I went to that all the guy in the shop results are to be set as either from Tibet. Orders from Wales confirm either way world throw down. So we too are witchcraft, shocked by great. I bought mine answered that Lhasa, the capsules about from a guy called Alan Jones into things they don't have anything to do with Tibet, so that Tibetans just ripping you off. Why? Why do they get the Tibet name? And I think, there's just one of those western. Let's make it sound cool and spiritual and bits from somewhere over there, but yeah
India on, but apparently I was reading the dangers of singing goes, and I wonder if the bridge has this dangers. can get a headache from them. So be careful, you yeah and if you're pregnant, what I done. If you are, then they dont know if it will effects it, but they advised not to risk it What is the website listing the risks that pregnant women convalescent Tibetans balls just don't risk if we don't know that we do any damage. That's could we virtually say we don't know anything that will risk pregnancy. If we have tested. It will. Probably no doctors gone Ogden order, focus on this week, seeing how this affects pragmatism, to balancing? Yet that's correct that starting this website is leading heavily on the safe side and yet don't don't mess moving listening to anything. But let us try some very strange so This it was quite hard to get the recording of the Golden Gate Bridge because, basically, the reason it's humming is that the wind is going through. It
they put some new slat, summon the bridges railings, which is supposed to stop it from getting in trouble in high winds and by all its done is means that when the wind goes through, makes this kind of behaviour resell into, but also is that when you try recalled it necessarily, it's gonna be a windy day, and so is really hard to get. The sound of the bridge is as wireless I'm kind of get rid of the sound of the wind but good night messrs manage that yeah he found the cove didn't he. He had to go down this cove, which was partially blocked by the wind and then in order to get the equipment working, they had to bring a car battery down to power at all, and so we have a proper process. The wind. Supposedly plays in the note of a so if you want to go and collaborate with it. That's your note to go with which is either arrange, does not world. Is they want myths, four hundred forty hurts hum and so yeah, probably isolates- but I will, moreover they are then yeah. So one person said you could Junior oboe too, because that's about her difficult and point as well,
over that live in San Francisco you're, a noble and I've been window. Shaming is nice because Strauss who's, the guy who built the branch engineer the bridge said no image Strauss nourishes trials. No Josef Strauss draw development of Oboe Peters. I'm just saying as hops for the winds of Heaven. My web, like cables, are spun, so he imagined as bridges a hop that could be played by the really well London Bridge makers that those very poor it's an amount bridge. I'd never really read about it before and everything about it, I'm not in San Francisco, but is one point seven miles long and costly old and gate straight, obviously not a golden bridge. It is red the written, those orange sorry International Orange International Orange as its own painkiller yeah. But it could so nearly have been no such thing as a free,
the bridge he has given us, the? U S, Navy wanted to paint and blackened yellow stripes and honour as I say as a fish, is of all Electra arrived in the in the color that it is now close to the orange and when they saw that they went actually, that aesthetically would work for incoming ships as well, and it looks much better than this weird chain. Worn you have said today, although I am sceptical about that so yeah, they said. I think the Navy want it that in the M, on the actual, wanted a red and white collar schemes as visible from the air and yet every says always saw the base lair, which was this orange color, and we thought that's perfect, but I think will they thought was gonna fuckin massive Brigitte? Do we really want to bother painting the whole thing again into colors Niver? There's a girl,
story so had to openings in the bridge. It had a pedestrian anodyne, isn't so yeah that those four openings in Toto in and out and then when they actually opened its, they did one day for pedestrians and then they did another day for the actual automobiles going across and on the day, that opened to pedestrians. Eighteen thousand people crossed it and my The eighteen thousand wanted to set a record of being the first to do something on it. So the first person to get across It was a sprinter called Donald Bryant, so he was the first man lying across it. There were Esther and an blurred who were the first recorded twins Carmen and many parents were the first skaters Florentine category was the first on stilts there was a study which was the first dog,
police rushed to aid. One woman who is staggering along with her tongue out and it turns out she was just trying to become the first moment across it with her tongue out very heavy papers. It's a long walk on a log bridge. Has anyone gonna cross it while doing a pot cast? oh great, shout not an not in nineteen, thirty, seven and anyway. The first rope to be taken across which was taken across by boyscout true number, four of son I'll sell my little about the slim The last stage
guess, somebody's got to the end. With a tough guy, that's animals. God knows I was already done that and they ve Luxembourg pocketed that I will have got their rope. Harry directed at his brilliant book called building the Golden Gate Bridge at work is oral history by Schwartz Harvey where he spoke to all the different people who worked on it. I think we said before that when they built it, they put a massive net underneath the bridge zone that if anyone fell down, they fell in so that giant that but people who actually fell in there survived, joined a supposed club called the halfway to Hell Club are those someone there who worked on it. He said it was a cold. This place they ever worked. He had to put on all the clothes you owned and you had to carry on working. Otherwise you would just freeze
Are you doing that while and there was no women working on the bridge, but there was a woman called the Wheeze Bowen who was working as enough for all the men who were working on the bridge, and she said that what will happen is that their wives would come and visit them and they would always bring them like some bread or salami or some wine, and then the men would always good. so the nurses, and so they all would always sites than thus make show you where a cape Tamara among whom there is they would take the cape and they would hide all the goodies under the cape and then like a like snuck listening was really really dangerous, but the people who worked on it really needed the work, and so there were also work men who would routinely line the sites of the Golden Gate Bridge and they were waiting for someone to quit or fall off the bridge, but it was actually safer than other construction projects, because Josef Strauss ahead of his time in health and safety terms, was really two things like hot hot, so the first I'm haunt us for compulsory. He put this big ness under it
had had a low death rate than most construction projects, although some people still died obviously, but is still does terrifying, I think I was reading in the same book account by a guy who was describing how he was employed to work on it, and you took an elevator up through. The time is right up to the top. So seven hundred and ten feet you go up in the elevator and he members going up there as time with two painters employed to paint it and the elevator open to the top they opened onto a too for wind wooden plank, which you had to walk. For us to get onto the scandals and the two painted said to the elevator operator. We'll worry supposed to do now and they operate said well, you will cost that, so they immediately quit and ass. We say combined
now, and then there's this guy went for us. I stress what, especially if you ve got a row of people shouting at you hope in the hope that you will follow besides, I must have it might farther and farther out on the plank, I think still like, if your maintenance worker on that you have to do this thing on the second day they make you walk on a cable which is thirty six inches in diameter, but with only a twelve and stripped down the middle that you have to say because the rest it's really slipping. Allow is something that as your task to get both Pretty sure she is a guy called Gregg Monterrey know Annie said if you count what the cable there's no day three caught so into the process are you go ahead and how are you not falling off bridge this hum by the way is as a result of them trying to make the bridge safer as well, so they spent a just trying to work out what was causing this hum because it came.
Nowhere and they worked out that it was these new centres slats that put were put on the bridge that were meant to help it withstand wind, because the wind is so great in that area, and the bridge at the moment can stand something in the vicinity of sixty nine point three four miles per hour. That sort of what has been something they brought in and see. If they can it three sixty nine play three five miles an hour, something in the vicinity admit, but not that that's too high point o one around sixty nine miles per hour and it has gone beyond that has gone up to seventy five miles per hour in its managed to stay up, but they are worried that if it were higher than that, the whole bridge could collapse. So these new slant, so designed to allow it to withstand hundred mile per hour wins. But that's what goes the homes in the end and they're gonna try fix it now. So this might be the only collaboration that the bridge does, unfortunately We're just do tend to make noise is anyway, I was written by a musician cool Jody rose, who really obsessed with the sound of bridges and she's released
Albums of bridge noises cooled, I think bungled singing bridges. I was listening to on a kind of nice Listen if you're pregnant singing bridge honest about it now. Listen to me, I am actually is a myth. Bridges are which to vessel is great she's she's, recorded bridges like the millennium bridge, the Batman Bridge and Tasmania. Finland, Rotterdam Vietnam she's travelled all over the world on the profits that she makes from selling have bridge by sound yes near to people on the bridge, or is it these privileges say: I've worked across the millennium bridge or many many occasions and never notice the sound. She puts a microphone on the actual cables say you catch the creaking and- and I guess when you will cross it, maybe your ears hint to the cables themselves is cause I'm trying to be the first person to cross. It was my idea,
There are mysterious hums around the world around the universe. In fact, voyage one spacecraft has just managed to this heck the background hum of interstellar space. For the first time I leave the universe hums, so The universe is again ginning. Skeptical yeah, not just show, is proving that there is a constant hum of interstellar plasma, partly on its caused when a star such as a sun sends out a coronal. My suggestion, which is something we discussed here today with residence than it will fire into this plasma and kind of make the electrons solve vibrator little band. you can and you can measure that can be whole Grammy category. For this one day. Elaborations, you know What is sometimes hum? yeah, that's right,
this covenant, you guys you so their likely to convince yourself looking up another thing: can this be true, but yeah and ninety ninety five? That's new market were doing some surgery. MRS Lynne, and they noticed that is air with a missing sound, a bit like the sounding here. When you got a bit of tinnitus leaping sound They didn't know why. But I went on horse and hound forum and other people have had this problem. I think humans have at some time. Yes, humans do get it objective, Tinnitus
stream, they re launched its most more rather than subjective tenanted making a ringing. Not your makes a ring exactly why? Oh, so you don't, you have tonnages, goes the anti surgeon, just in case they have a listening. Yeah you're right knows not is not in your head, while it in your head could have United nightmares are as follows: you around her large sargassum. Ok, it's time for back number two back is Anna. My fight this week is the dragon flies is to be the same size as modern day pigeon Ah terrifying, yeah, we're frightening cracks serve milk as drug implies a beautiful.
cool, it has repeatedly not you're right. I value this unitary. If you're right you James, if you could replace every pigeon in the world with the dragonfly equivalent size, would you a hundred percent, and then I really under everyone would actually I would that we found the real for light and fish after seven years of Dragonfly will join employs prior to reading this, I would even find with having now read what I like to think that terrifying creatures, so what they like, they were, not bad. Ok, say they were larger than your average. Dragon fly They were, in fact the largest insects ever properly is about three hundred million years ago. In the paleozoic era and back mega Noora. Sometimes I refer to his Griffin flies and they had a seventy centimeter wingspan about forty centimetres long and the grandparents, the modern dragonfly they would be able to HANS law. Two things and they can hunt today. I guess, but yet the biggest fine things. Basically until reptile started flying over the biggest things you have seen, the sky losing so go. The brilliant,
two things and they were allowed to get this big because the oxygen abalone I was so high. The title: forty percent oxygen the twenty one now so they just had a lot more potential power in the air on them and how they would we have been, though, if we around that huge. I always say this. I think this is ridiculous. You all Finally, the bustle of light giant dragon flies giant millipedes like giant reptile, yeah, where the giant humans, when I last shit, wide open and stalinist turning in describing the answer is, we would not necessarily be a much bigger because they were large because they breathe in a different way to us, so they don't have any lungs insects they centrally briefly, two whole spiritual is exactly in their skin and she saw I don't really know how to get enough oxygen to themselves at all, because I learned this fact, amazing, researching this each oxygen molecule if it was made through empty could move about half a kilometer per second who bought because it
she's into other molecules. So often It goes one centimeter, a second, so every second it has ten billion collisions, so that's based you like imagine you and insects, and you ve got these holes which are waiting for an ox demolished, killed adrift in and there's a Nazi molecule in a ten centimetres way is making Billy. Some billions and billions of collisions is never gonna get to. This is why, in the olden days, when oxygen was more concentrated, they could get more. and inside a bigger bodies, but now they can only to get them on the surface of their bodies. So soon That's who thought they com, with anymore? They ve got too much in me in their body, the extremely Congo, whereas we socks and we in diaphragm question, because I e a lot- and I e a lot quite quick clean. So if, let's I imagine we worthy the thing they were eating. How much oxygen is inside us
at this moment we are talking about. The big track implies from the past that the moment will shrink me down to a modern day. I have you been shut down, some kind of weird honey. I spent the kid YAP movie to size, but dragonfly. No, I'm on the socialist dragonfly pray, pray, exile, Muskie, like I'm a donkey right these are, does the dying visa right now. Do I have oxygen inside my body yeah? So here's the question if it's that big money, and its eating. All these things can you eat oxygen? Are you eat if he is the Dragonfly eating my oxygen as well as the food that brings in the opposite. I think the annual utilise your oxygen relatively quickly, I think and also there wouldn't be much oxygen in you compared to the amount of your body no I mean you know like a balloon: Amadeo, completely full of oxygen yeah. You got many donkey till lungs, which have got a bit of oxygen in them.
Thus, my look. That's not a terrible question. I have to say I have a part of. It was quite right. I thought that I think is why, because they don't have long, so they can't breathe it in so what're you gonna, do you gonna easy saving EPA? Do you eat you? We other things that breathing other don't have much oxygen them. It's a bit is also. The question is whether your stomach can dissolve the oxygen as well as your lungs or speckles. Come here, I don't really understand the premise of tears, crush just got it out as a mosque eater my head now my error, tasted other media listen during voice, not though they stem is named. I would say there not dragons offline exactly and they don't spend most. There live flying, they spend years is of their life as lovey living in water moving around
eating away breathing through their bottoms? That's the majority of their life breathing through the bottoms he say yeah day can, if they were to shove, something up on which had oxygen in it. What they do What's it look like damn manzanita level, Italia me up with other think this rebooted financially. Why not amazing the so many animals live in eternal youth and then does the very adulthood. How come the unlucky buggers. has begun teenager for ever and then at the very end, you got this crazy. You know the teenage you'll be a child forever. Ok, you're right! There have terrifying childhoods as well the terrifying for everything around them, because their amazing hunters battles, but also in the water. So we have this extendable, George. Could a libyan and it looks like the thing and alien, the alien, sort of four folded up? It's got his arm on spring under its jaw,
and when it sees pray passing by that joy, shoots out and grabs at some species have pincers some don't bother. It's all terrifying, their amazing hunters, Vienna can the way that the comes out of the mouth is its hydraulic, his net, and they see in water through the rain us, and they use that water, hydraulic fleets of fire out the arm from them on cooling prerogatives. Amazing, genuinely is do we have any system like that of us know that you could have got this far life and then suddenly somewhat title see that by the way, no one hundred itself, but if you so glad to three above dialects tigers, are just let my ears can hub like that information and time you're, the boss than just give it a go. Trying grabbed the so parliament across all of our purpose. We, You might say my inner circle around us and see if it shows, but that is really what could they that yet, as James says, they they blasted out and they can use that it's crazy.
of pressure wave inside and this water that they ve sucked in and then there is a pound of pressure, which is quite a lot for a tiny dragonfly I'd, but they can also use it another way they can use as an escape mechanism because they can unclenched blood. the water out of jet themselves, away at the data and the fact that with their neighbours, if they did, they ve also got an amazing. This is when their adult billowy to hunt food is pretty Spectre killer, so they ve been put in the bar, Reason and scientists have watched the sort of rights of catch against the pray that they going for, and it's a ninety five percent of the time they can catch. What that aiming to catch. The just absence, mega predecessors. This is one of those experiments. The way they looked at how they do. This is one of those experiments where I think how does scientists manage it? so they made a backpack for them and they struck on, but then they
in order to look at what is happening in the neurons when their hunting to find out how the brain is doing this they connects. Why is to the equivalent of the spinal cord? anyway, the articles society say this costly someone doing that. Will they ve got down in the lab mosquito Don gauge of their eyes anyway, they discovered that they don't just react really quickly. They can predict when sex go, so they more than Europeans like firing and they watch an inch extraditing. They can see, wished surrounding clever audible. Although, like this morning, I opened a cupboard in my house and some sugar fellow and without even thinking? I call tat so you, the dragonfly of this poker nice enough that the mosquito I'm not I'm into anything. This means I get to hang out with Timothy see wine guard authored the mosquito. A human history of ITALY is another. Thank you to give us, no one,
and get another time, and all this talk about Jack. I'm flies us the damsel flows, Damsel fine, but I guess I was surprised that we are on the same page, I'm, so glad you agree that basically Jack implies Babet, smaller and people, don't know as much about them so the way till the difference when a damsel and a dragon is that dumper flies hold their wings back against that body, whereas dragonfly. I can't do that and also dragonfly as have the two eyes kind of like merge together at the front and her face was dams applies, have them on either side damn suffice can climb underwater, even when the adults which struggle vice can't so Johnny Vice, like everybody, knew what well good question they climb backwoods down a plant like getting into certain rule with the letter here, it's exactly like the southern dams applies. They have to lay their eggs underwater, usually inside plant matter, and they, like you, climb down the ladder of poor, climb, backwoods down the stem of a plan, and they can be underwater for about half an hour and
turn, their wings and an hour yeah. So what's their oxygen, are we going to hang at any time. You can't do it down. Just kidding. Tell you now that they turn their wings into a kind of snorkel data. You all right, above just trying to be a double lively. If you without trap and air bubbles between your wings and then used not to breathe, hung about cool yeah. That's a human thing that I think we should nail trapping there but while we have a loser equipment, we do a cap that so they forget my bubble. I wanted to learn this massive massive dragonfly. The first one was discovered by Geico Front Carpenter, whose in America and he got into fossilized,
insects at the age of fourteen, and he was really really into them. Like you know, wasn't inside girls in football and stuff he was just all I want to do is look at fossilized insects ice, but he was like, in the little town in Oklahoma, and, what's he gonna do, while luckily they'll local neighbourhood postmen called Waldo does it was also an amateur and Somalia Jest and he'd noticed that this young kid was getting loads of books about fossilized insects sets his house and he said, may I can help you and he got am invited to the Cambridge and technological club, thereby wall, and then eventually he became a Harvard professor of Entomology at ninety nice to just after his ninetieth birthday, he published his classification fossil insight. Ass story isn't it starts in fourteen and knowing what you gonna do. You live all the way, so ninety its ass, really nice to have job satisfaction like that.
of it when he got the big dragonfly in the first place, It was kind of a hunting trip where he and my colleagues in ten weeks monies to collect more than five thousand fossil and sites and allow nice, while was that five hundred a week says about how many a day, let's say face, atm yeah, pretty girl, that's pretty to awaken for waking hours, sixty thousand five an hour they Reich's year. Europe, is more than twenty and Arafat lunch break from maybe a little evening break to talk about all the fossilize incisive. I where's this gold mine, looking for all their fertilized eggs are thus incredibly gets. No one's looking there must have been a big pile. Somebody took the rest of the week or for some other I love that post was they Waldo dog China, like so much hard to find one day when he capacities, I have sideline where I collect the names of people wish Dublin short sentences and bolder dodges going on the last America arouses on the list.
Nancy drew rhinos, victual character, but wisely snipes Cheryl straight. It is an offer. Even hunting, Waldo dodges, like an imperative that is less. I have created within my brain, lest you put a calmer after Waldo, and an exclamation mark have to dodge it. Works is an imperative Absolutely, additives are lower category, I agree. So punctuation is loud and clear and not a proper sentence. I mean you know, member political disease, Randy's, literally, brought the list up on his own Rosa Parks, Jeremy, Ions, Erika Pickles, you know they're just shown Combs
No, you can lose is some cool is her, but then it could be an imperative puff, daddy, pay, daddy, okay, it is time for fact number three, and that is my fact. My fact this week is that Germany's parliament has seven hundred and nine real politicians and one fictional one. exerted every outside us just closed. As I was saying, they're always like they're. All fake now is Angela Merkel. She made up there's no Anglo Mercosur this. This is the story of Yoke of Maria Mere shied. He is a father for he's a widower. He trained as a tailor he's an expert on
lumber, Columbus, which is a species of pigeon. He's someone who tried to make it so that the official transcripts of every final sentence from members speech were banned from the record, since they always ended in the exact same thing, and thus I conclude, and most notably though he is not real, he's completely made up and he has been recognised by all the members of their parliament over forty years now and he is a person that was on the official website. He had his own profile. He has his own twitter account, but he doesn't exist What's going on so huge that fictional compensate member to replace a guy who was called Carlos Schmid? Who is a founding father of Germany's constitution and the name came from one form, a member of parliament and the date of birth from another, and they just created him? Is this this character to be a part of this little time?
just a joke right desert, typical german gag, no particular reason lay like eyelash meant, but everyone seem to just like him as a character, and so he gets mentioned occasionally in the actual parliament. Does he have a swing avowed? Not the Bundestag eggs websites as a description of mesh eyed- and it says I am now through an invention nor a patents. I am a solution, so he's denying it. He says A constitutional Loya Friedrich, Nagel Man, unprofessional diplomats, Edmund F, drachma, my colleague, eggs in the judiciary and the executive with whom I enjoy working? I belong to the pillars of our state, these two people- Friedrich, Naumann and Edmund after are also fictional is very weight, and this seems to be german thing. These kind of injured, excite there's that town in Germany could Bielefeld we're just sort of the opposite. Its scope population of three hundred, fifty thousand people, all real there's a running joke that it doesn't exist
We have the o Germans Nova is no existing, the eighteenth largest city in Germany, but even angler Marco last time she went there may display sand and the next day she went somewhere else and said you know, I've just been to be the felt or have I isn't even real. Really, who knows that, if you say will advocate, I've actually been severely fell, so I know is that they go oh yeah, the conspiracy, eyes yeah the aliens are in your brain so funny, I prefer not to place that is in Germany. Is it's not fictional, but egg. It existed as a wid. cause a real entity just after the end of the Second World WAR, within already bizarre as a town called shop, book is near the border with what was Czechoslovakia and during the end of the war, both the Soviets the american forces stopped outside, which is really strange because they had
simply miscommunication about wherever and was going to stop their votes. So it seems to be the last independent bit of german territory that wasn't occupied by the allied powers and they still do not suffice than the man had been Anthea S. Remember the participation new stuff new train schedules and they they imagine. They began to be a kind of Hong Kong inherit tree by independent from the rest of from them from the mainland, if you like, for Man and Germany and then after seven weeks, the Soviets heard that were uranium deposits, their debate. But it is a brief dream, a high days they stopped on either side is that, like they couldn't degree who is gonna come to meet? Who are you? My friend, is that you come with me now you come to me. It is really weird. I think they both agreed. They gotta stop at a certain river as a weird shape, so we or maybe the river bed over the river by sects Donna. Exact all the fuss about. I'm sorry have a gun, some miscommunication uranium. I fancy
The fake people non, this german Walter plunge. Another one of your barbie. They support is the verb to plunge selling as more plunge tons of light. Does it's the one Multiple energy is basically we know the term Alan Smithy for movies, where you would put urine who put that name down. If you didn't wanna be credited, could something has gone wrong? Walter planes, kindness, military tree in that he can be used as that for british theatre. In that case, but also its when apart hasn't been cast, it will be said to be played by Walter. Plunge. Orphan act is plain two roles in the theater. One will be Bennydeck combats the other. Walter plan, I don't know he's done, but he s done exited Frankenstein they accept. There was when playing the role, which was strongly Miller yeah, but they sought rosy
yeah that was never Charles replenished to get in there. I get a powerful industry. Lily Miller had been ill better. That companies had to play both Frankenstein and the monster. That would have been a good chance, have pledged to enjoy them. In writing. There was a member of the J pop banned, a k, be forty, eight called a gucci. I e me, but she was completely fictitious. She was computer generated, so they took bits from all of the members of a K. Be forty acres is forty, eight other use be faulty members of them. They took all different bits and put them all together to make this new member, and it turned out that she was a publicity stump folk, like oh ice, know me which how great flavoured ice balls ring flavoured eyes full. They need all the publicity that can get that lay so good to me great flavoured ice balls, you're lovely cause, if you like any any glass of water, can become a glass of wine. If you just ass, if a mouth That's not why nice bulls groups,
but like lakes, yeah yeah, but there's no doubt fermented reached. If you can make grape juice and say is basically the same as wine. Lamb can be placed on the verge of Europe and a K. Forty seven and your excellency go acre be forty, eight be so as a real mixed up with the others. I can't eat grapes to go mighty anyway, really so they warn them up We would be a nightmare? We? U have to cut. an open and tangible and the mob Europe really hard and also ways tat is the most pathetic I've ever heard of consensus. We found out of wages For us, it is my kryptonite great tonight Has anyone heard of afro levy who this building?
question is less completely fake person doesn't exist, joking because I know he LEO bridges as liberators. She recalled it son called dolphin safe. You go on these websites which give you lyrics to music. They give you the lyrics to the song dolphin The lyrics go, dolphins, live in the ocean, dolphins live in the sea, dolphins live in nice, clear, blue sea. They are a cut. Indeed by lots of sea animals. We loved them, you loved them. I love them who doesn't like them. So this is the amazing lyrics to offer. Levine's dolphins turns out, doesn't exist is a completely made a song, but someone put into one of these lyrics websites and all the other lyrics websites, kind of total amount as well. The highs- and this was in article four fusion online magazine- is really really good pilot. When you re here and there to cover versions. On line of this,
No, no, no music for some people have had to guess what the melody is. So is it to expose these lyric websites. Copy. Catherine. I genuinely think someone just did it for a laugh elephant, is anything behind their married to expose our lobbying for her. Quite basic lyric excuse me, I would say complicated love. Ok, you can't just nameless uncomplicated What can we do about? The massive simplicity of the lyrics could complex and wasted? Two people think that she'd actually released it. Yeah yeah definitely lots of people that, because, if you go to its website, you search all of our Levine sums. You see it unless you ve got every single, recalled the upper Levine's ever release like I. Do you not? think will. This is one I've never heard of brute propriety whereby you Levine Discography, I dont, know me, go along exercise the search for an artist and military while they ve got what I normally do. As I type in big blue shoe, Lyric Miss
heard about letter. Rather, it is annoying when the lurid websites copy each other. I do grant you that is really annoying. I like it when website is handcrafted by one person to us all having a party to the lyrics anything Jimmy I've just been believing them in saying that wrong lyrics to die balmy love which dumb Miller. Dunbar me love. I thought that was Ryan. I asked Mummy LAW may marrying, while ok, it is time for a final fact that show that is Andy. My factors that before it was some way to go to party or knows a powder room was a room where you stuck your head through the wall to get your wig powdered Ok, so is there a whole for you to put your head in the other after
monsieur le currently think being closely establishments. The whole is pre provided for you and you just poppy had three. So there are many these places around, obviously, because no one was the big gray. Wigand. where's that lawyers, I guess few bars to stow em, but that there are few places left historic buildings where they survive. South site house is a mammoth house in Wimbledon in South London and it's got a lot of beautiful historic features, and one of them is this, which company room which has a hole in the wall, and you would stick you had through the wall at a servant in the wood powder, the wait for you I want you out. How is this seven, which I think was a young boy? Usually do they live there the whole I can learn. Well, I don't be? It devotes, maybe there's a regular weak powder, in time or policies quickly, get you agree, but why does it have to be a separate ran out the whig, whereas pretending it's like magic,
your head. In I mean why do they need to be looking themselves? Nor have you read the process about how much powder goes into like the collateral powder of parliamentary immunity is raising an extraordinary. I mean opposite version of that as they used to have rooms. They found this in one case where you would, inside and a barbarous chair, basically and through the hole in the wall would be your powder effectively your hairdresser, in a different room, employing the powder just through the whole, just smashing your face with it, and in order to not get it all over your clothes or alive your face, you would wear gowns, like you would, in a cell on men, you would wear a weird cone over your face, the artist I add a hound again yeah exactly, which makes you look like a ready, terrifying, medieval doktor. Doesn't look. I lay like my plan there. Restrained, but presumably the poor sovereign in the cupboard is actually covered. He's choking on power by the end of the day, you guess the Peruke powder page, yes
while they were called for re old name for a wig kind of interesting, actually like the what Peruke meant awake by the fifteen sixties, but in the fifteen forties it mentioned tool head of her, so in twenty is unchanged, and that word came the italian word Peruke, which means wake, but the whigs were made of real had to her because people selling their hair, but also with standard in much of society. Not just high society in lots of society for men to be wearing these bigwigs so long, just a while that nice, medium size, wig meant began. Human, having sold for wigs was big business throughout this
time and I was reading an account and eighty foresee written by british writer, and this is when we growing and really gonna fashion in most places bought. Thereupon, the France are still quite fashionables at his british right. It went to Brittany, and was like the most extraordinary thing about being in France. Is the peasant hair auctions unloaded happen is you'd market place in the middle of a town or a village. That be whole queue of girls wanting to sell their hair, and the young girls would mount in turn mount this platform in the middle who would sound bids and of the highest bidder. The girl is shown on the spot parenting sheep when I get to see how much with her go for as in would it be more affordable for you to shave, you had sell your hair and then is, that money to buy a wig know, there's something about taking money that there's a middle man yeah. Who does what? Which is what you don't wanna business, but if the? If this, if the amount that you yourselves for greatly is out numbers the amount you buy awake, for I mean, if that's possible, the noble
rising, they can always is going to be a way of making money from nowhere willing. These actions of emu doesn't look economically unless you had much better because he had the whig you wanted to buy exactly. You can sell your good hair and by some shitty her and you make money. why, for what you are proposing is the way of a perpetual motion. It was partly expensive because it was hard to harvest. So it's not like a crop which grows ready fast. You can cut down every year for hats where's, that The lengthy you solve need two to four years growth, depending on how much you want, and so people would offer women advance payments because you gonna make Will you get that had of hair in four years time when a lush? So pay in advance and say in four years I'll be back to chop off. Thought you'd have to keep an eye on your investment, the whole time right to make sure that does not anything. I guess my head, multiple different people take over them payments and then scoffer, and that be my fraud.
On the whole thing is: if he shed you had. No, the Romans used to get get half from peasants didn't I was a the blonde hair in roman times, and they went to the conquered, solve Germanic, tribes and people even further nothin that they would take the blonde hair from there and then they than men, but be made from the media and in the sixteenth century. In ITALY, blonde hair was really popular, but it was very hard to get hold of blonde weggs, so what women would do as they would sit on the top of buildings in huge hats, they called salon is so there was a massive Bryn, but there was no top of the hot. Some sun could bleach there. Why did they the massive ha to stop you from getting tons
Also. You can laugh if you got long how you laid out across the bridge yeah you timing, aren't we have at the same time the idea when something is well. Might they multiply? I've tried something you don't need a massive hat. You nice need a hat. There's got a brim massive, I'm picturing, sort of an umbrella Yes, I like counties theory barely made of metal in the metal, legs to figure it yeah wid right, some of em long strands of ten or steel. I think not many, but it wasn't a big fashion, but there are out there. If I am wigs yes, I am wigs and would Worldly Montague was an author traveller. He hadn't nine wig and never dies a who said it could withstand rain, wind and Hale, and all without causing discomfort to the wearer, which feels like a bit of a stretch, the practical wake, the butt and then they went out of fashion, didn't die for various reasons why there was a week tax we powder tax Ethan. Or does it mean yeah? I was
the younger, wasn't it yeah and there licensing like tv live pet, was about older. He wouldn't bother about wig, so much. It's all right for those young people to say no one should have with us, but it was roughly the cost of modern tv license. I think right was one guinea a year which I have already been licences. About a modern money I mean there are different ways of calculating it may yet as roughly it, when the hope was that they were gonna sort of use that money to fight. Polly. Oh yeah, he's crazy. This works The man in money I told people just stopped doing as a result. In the first year raised two hundred thousand pounds, which was I love, but then by eighteen, sixty two It was an amazing one thousand pounds a year as as Wiggys had gone out and you were exam. Have you a royal or if you were clergyman in less than a hundred pounds a year, the various exemptions and now the world's need the help that those guys and also allowed them to create a fund nickname guinea pigs because picture,
the world rage menus by them and it costs a guinea for the Whig tax revenues, professor, was that the origin of guinea pigs in terms of animal no now- the animal has in terms of that phrase was- I could only nine several days. No, what way what you meant, as it is difficult to describe someone being like elaborately, that came with a kind of these experiments. Don't guinea pigs Well, maybe it was preventing on guinea pigs guys. Where do you think thought meaning of guinea? Pay would have come from the people who paid a wig tax, as ever there was a heretic, especially when they got eggs. They would fastening the tax on them. Those human. Now it's when people testing jogs on guinea pigs done, I can't leave us. Yes, but I'm with you, I'm not saying I'm with me- I was asking whether or not so that not only is the base with myself does about chosen. The early Nobel prizes that were won by experiments on guinea pigs specifically right echoed this phrases from the work we have done
know what it meant. The writing sorry views the question: where does a pig's coming into your phrase of guinea pigtails civil them pigtails right even world with yourself to aligning rise, long, one hundred percent, sure of and maybe we should go back and check. The sources is that in all of those early twentyth century medical sources, when they refer to testing on guinea pigs, maybe they actually, were testing on these over privilege. Wig wearing tops, I check of all I'm saying Is- was a phrase that evolved and evolve to a new meaning behind the like the whig, but turns out is not so Andy wrong with you alone, on this dance built when jobs, but they went on fashion. We know that by about it twenties, but these weird little hold, as happened in their across society, so Coachman kept going until there in twenties bishops stopped in eighteen. Thirty, two by Royal Permission
so we don't aware these ethical cool people who live in hackneyed today, for instance, like myself, were always wearing Perry. Legs right was you guys. Embarrassed is jobs because service does embarrassed, is very We must recognise that from the mid team for his own words had a resurgence in court and you in court technically invisible. Unless you are wearing a wig. Who knows maybe tat thinks he's? Will you would be enclosed? Not seen or heard, the judge would not recognize you so as a way of being invisible. Basically, oh I don't know where is Laughlin Jacob, basically the eyes and he's going objection. Objectionable obviously got somebody still works today and I regret peace in the legal magazine called Council, which is a great magazine. I recommend you order order. This is really a.
Just I'm remembering the thing about the seller failed magazine a few weeks ago, and I think this could be at these magazine called a hundred percent cellophane magazine, suddenly sounds like an agricultural auction. I got another huge, ok, forty seven before I just want to appeal to you to love you right now the soviets are covered Put it with the unwanted gun in your voluntary anyway, council magazine wrote all about how wigs were nearly got rid of in court right. So in nineteen forties, parliament debated this clause, which was gonna ban, wigs and counting courts. Had this is ridiculous. It I went to a hundred years. the rest of society, and it prompted this huge backlash and lots of Mps are already very traditionalist as well objective. One impey asked whether the clause would also deprive admirals of their three cornered hats or deprived generals of their epaulettes or club.
Women of their distinctive attire. He said nothing about nurses. The person who it proposes close, he said Nothing about nurses, although I think we all agree that they look very pretty and their distinctive attire has a common status sees us, but there is a fear that judges would not look majestic if they took their legs all here and that, if it was seen in his wig. He was embodying the law very powerful, but a sea without when he might look like a wizard up, gargoyle really rough on judges. Wig sell their role in the civil rights Movement in America, that is cause during disaggregation segregation in the sixties. There are a lot of jobs where they kind of banned african american hairstyles and they kind of setting
how to comply with certain hostile, and so not people had to wear wigs to kind of cover that up, but then the white fish, such as mock, Scobie, who said look this is ridiculous. We can't be doing this one. We need to stop people discriminating against Pastiles, but too we need some kind of reclaim hast, island and kind to be proud of it and he said DOT removed the kings from your hair, remove them from your brain and then in the nineteen seventeen it was kind of resurgence of people reclaiming there. The african American has style and then all the waste. The present day in twenty nineteen New York became the second states to ban discrimination on the hair styles so in California, and New York right now, you're not allowed to discriminate on anyone due to their hairstyle style that nice going back to this, rights movement. I didn't know we are allowed to do that before, you would think nobody taking the pick up with pigtails left. center different about the Whig club, no more
It was founded in sometimes only five an umbrella and those already cool investigation into it by an David Stevenson, and it was a gentleman sex club. I've been no. I haven't heard when it was a good tests and wealth on your past was named after a wink that they had to that kind of relic club rhetoric that was made from the pubic have Charles Seconds mistresses. had apparently been borne by Charles the second round You join the Whig Club is poverty initiation. You had to provide locks of pubic care, suitably harvested to be added to the whig as proof having triumphs actually so you had to after trying things. Actually, I guess say to the woman, saw a snip off I'll go pubic, hoping to join a sex club I do that afterwards and yet they just met and talked about how sex that are having and join COL,
May I some great so no actual sex happened at the Whig club. It was just a bunch, virgin actually getting together ringing locks dogs shocked whole blows. I want it was really cool cloud to be number of hours of applied, who not gonna lie. Some weeks were made of ducks tail feathers, weeks will specifically for persons and vicars had because it was fight of the wet because of the water of adults. Back pretty headed dogs ass at the front of their heads, so stupid raising is quite clever, though, isn't it yeah? Well, most. How would you have a wig if you can have any peacock and just let it go yeah for countless gonna. That was it to become tale that you ve got no
two small. You just want generically vintage pray, that's cool with every one of you clench your teeth funds out of it hence your head. So as I would have thought, you'd come in from the cold. Take your heart. Often it kind of his jacket evokes because Neuron Newton go Lovely Orange, nor in train I always wanted to be a ginger very weary or anytime. I learnt looks why we ve a distant is: got pubic consciously about it. We could bring into whig just thinking yak, just because it so long, Lovely and wise,
This isn't just lies, are most ok, that's it! That's all of our facts. Thank you. So much for listening if you'd like to get in contact with any of us about the things that we have set over the course of this punk ass, we can be found on our twitter accounts. I'm on Ireland, Andy two hundred James James Hearken and Anna. You can email program that outcome or you could go to aurgroup account, which is at no such thing or website. No such thing as a fish calm. All of our previous episodes are up there, so do check them out also go to the link that gives you the tour dates for our upcoming two thousand and twenty one tour starts in October, see if we're coming to a town or city near you, we will see some EU that guy, that's it we'll be back again next week with another episode, will see then good
Transcript generated on 2022-03-05.