« No Such Thing As A Fish

302: No Such Thing As A Hedgehog Circus

2020-01-03 | 🔗
Happy New Year! Enjoy a  bumper compilation of deleted bits from 2019 - all the facts, flubs and terrible terrible puns that somehow didn't make the edit. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everyone James had now before we start this week- show Merry Christmas. I hope you ve had a great Christmas. When I ETA every single week, the sometimes bits the adjust dont quite fit in with the rest of the show, but me did I just really interesting, maybe then really funny and they don't fits in. Maybe it's just one incredible joke about hedgehogs That was just so good. I thought it would detract from the entire rest of the show. If I left it in, and so I took it out, I take all those bits I snuff a little late like a hedgehog does with not so whatever it is, that hedgehogs, eight and then at the end of the I put them all together for the best option at this one is a real bumper special. It's over an hour. I really, I hope you enjoy it. It's us just messing around I'm going to see you in the new year with one of our noble shows in the meantime, enjoy this one happy new year.
Uh huh Welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish, a weekly podcast cover. What I do I don't know. What do you do is try to put you? Ok go no, sometimes because I think you're right. It's the volume things like Pusher charges story, and I was just bearded that go what China and the original siamese twins, as in the first. he's going to be written about in the west, they really interesting, so they had a system where they were both married and they would spend three nights each with each wife and they that great great granddaughter was. The first was the youngest ever recipients of a pull. It supports the music. How weird is that twenty thirteen
and you know her name by UNESCO. Caroline sure dinner, narrative she's, don't want with Kenya Wist ass. She did not know about it. But the thing that tool a upon is that China developed drinking problem quite late in life and Suddenly I got a few develop a drink. You problem: surely you siamese twin, also developed a drinking problem. They were only they were going to the chest sorting. They had different livers. Annoying at the consummate hats to Drunk offering, for there is one thing that Sunday is good for what This lows when I swim sunbathe, but mostly asking someone out so it's been two thousand and one a day, and this is a french study. Obviously, on this front study found one attractive man and they
sent him round to ask. How do they buy one of those they had to recruit? One from Scotland? Sorry look you're always lapithae. Vex me about about mean that so yeah they were created this attractive, Frenchman and made him ask out lots of strangers on the street and they found a huge difference. So when it was sunny twenty two point, four percent gave him a positive response and when it was cloudy so not rainy just cloudy than thirteen point nine percent it. Ties clippings, but they did warn. That is not necessarily the arena. We feel more prone to say yes on Sundays and might be that your flooding skills improve in sunshine, could be also that he was very bad had I am when it rains that kind of law. She's ever was like. Don't let go out with you, you just got inculcated place, it's not real name
Maybe I don't know about this. Guy is maybe you and it's cloudy. He insists that worries Donald Duck. Shaven raincoat is wrong with the Gods Donald Duck. It's very sexy cash you show is that guy for this Maybe picture of love in France. There's been robots. That has been designed to help out with any kind of fights that might happen between lets a football teams who happen to be watching the match in the same area. So in this case it was going on. Tween Russia in England, and there was a robot put in place, called Alan's him or lent him and his job? The robots job was to basically stop the fight. But not only that they can see by using data whether or not it thinks a fight is about to break out. So I can alert the police if it thinks that something
is gonna, go wrong, unfortunately, before it to do any of that stuff. At this match, someone beat it With a baseball bat revive. It said I was lanterns career because the Atlantic has had a rough time is not the same instant, there's a video of unused shape, which is where people are drivers in Russia and in Moscow and fight and theirs, video people driving in that car, nor people got video, and they see someone drive out in front of them in a side caught with aside car. So in a biased icon in the cycle is a robot socialism chuckling and the call that wherein, as the view is that like what the fuck is, that robot doing and then They see that mobile get caught up by another car and then both disappeared round the corner, and then you, as the viewer these guys in the car, with a video, follow it round the corner that point the bike would decide. Car has disappeared, An alarm TIM, Slash, island, him, we'll, never know he's dead,
now. Spoiler is standing by the side of the road and the growing whose cut him up gets out of his car pulled a baseball bat from his passengers. It goes up, timid, Knox's had not seen before such as this could be able to monitor, but I should quickly say this was in Moscow. I said it was in France, billions in Moscow and it was during the twenty sixteen matches, the World CUP What happened to a lantern is being set up. The first ever robot cemetery to bury him in yeah, it was seen as like. Don't do this to robots? Have you seen it not not seen anything apparent? Let's have a look at these patterns. I click on. I closed my eyes and hope for the best this knowledge is a position
It is made to give us a proper burial is, as it was spied by the murder of a lantern, and it's called a cemetery. If you look up its Accomplish box, full of parts of robot is in the lobby area of some kind of random conference building, and she said to the president and Upset is create the summit she's been really popular, but already getting lots of requests from people to bring in their own dead tech like a red toy car and some batteries. Plastic bag? If your em, a hedgehog, who's running a circus, don't say roll up, roll up, nobody's gonna. Come How can I stop really boring, as there was another Elizabeth Taylor, as well as the famous one who Kingsley Miss said was one of the best english novelists born in this century in the twentieth century, and she was the problem with her. Besides. She had the same name as this extremely famous Elizabeth Taylor and when
her book. Mrs Lippman coat came out in nineteen forty five. It was almost the same time as national velvet came out for Elizabeth sailor. The actress interviewed hurts was the end of her life, and she said I've had a rather uneventful life, thank God but sums The more eventful world intrudes into my life. I get fan letters. The other Elizabeth Taylor, men, to me and asked for a picture of me and my bikini, my home. Then things I should send one to shake them, but I have not got a bikini foundation. It is seldom Rios Montt ozanna how you can really repel. These is so far so good, a fact about about people who are interested in nazi memorabilia. So there is one guy who he did. He does not seem to be an obsessive collects over the guardian profile them a few years ago called Kevin Wheat Craft and he grew up
a multi million aids the attribute halted and he has the world's largest collection of nazi memorabilia. He sleeps in headless old bed, which he says he has changed. The monetarist fancy use at least mattress, but the last I may ask us he owes eighty eight tanks. which is more than the danish and belgian armies, and by and while yeah so that quaking and Bates the idea he might invade it's more than that historical pieces. Obviously- and I wouldn't be much good today, providing anywhere is weird, isn't collecting nazi memorabilia. You gotta customs questions. I think the way they did ask him alone
question about doing the right thing, but they concluded he was just you know he was a collective rather than a lines. You know. If you also requires the people I M not asking. If I understand you ve got to ask the question or lots of things you could collect. Well, why did we choose that? Did they ask that question I come from? member, what his answer was, but I'm sure it was a good I reckon I can now and which, like we're back, I was reading that sells looking into just general shrimp, like eating shrimp, particularly kazoo. Reading on the space station. Did you know that there are shrimp recipes available from the wrapper Coolio? I I I did not know the guy. He he released a cookbook a few years back called how to become a kitchen. Pimp ends
God I mean it's. This was great chapters appetizers for that ass salivating, bitches vegetarians question mark, ok, whatever that, and then he has a whole chapter for shrimps, which is called its heart out here for ashore, which is someone that was a famous along its heart out here for a pimp, yeah so and these videos people trying out his recipes and he doesn't come across great with his choices of what to do their bit. Anyone needs a Coolio trim recipe. Yet there is what a lot of people who came forth so, chugs. There's a Hedgehog Olympic Games Room. I've got a prickly affair is bright eyes, radiant hedgehogs, but he was talking. I think, they're therein America's somewhere and he was then one of the combustion is a guy called Zog Standing bear. Who was one of them?
Ford's bodyguards Andy's now a champion, and he now has a champion hold called buttercup which he can peace at the Olympic Games and T reported of another one hears a woman called DAWN Rouble who says that she communicates telecom that clay with had she has got to be changed, so does not and cannot do is. Is it a meal but human olympic rules that you can communicate telepathic going to let the vizier, because what would you say as well through the Javelin Reddy Fox Ass, their username, you can't she in the Olympics pretty well. Actually we have learned over. The is definitely Have you clumsy, by whispering in someone there the Olympics, but she did. She does say that her hedgehogs call themselves star children become so
They refer to them than about the grey area. It will be ready for the hundreds of a bit go. I think that of racing and chopping and jumping I actually done so. I didn't read in this ass Clayton detail what the events were might actually graces, because they were quite fast. You yet not fast ass humans. We, you could be achieved, yeah, that's why they into human, at the edge of the Olympics of note I can actually want people don't know, is that hedgehogs are allowed to take part in the human things, but it is never qualified. Employees like every qualified tiger. I felt just a couple of animal smiles. So male silkworm moth. They can sense a single molecule of female sex hormones from a mile away, I'd. Never in the
on what they may. I know I don't know they say about, because presumably you need the molecule to get into your nose for you sense and yeah. So how can it be a mile away? I've just never understood that is the same with EM sharks, shocks and blood. Yeah, just don't get it yeah. I know it s a thing all the things I read about animals smelling like albatross can smell fish from the air, Sunday is not some of them is the scent molecules. The problems that have been molecules are coming off the fish, that's fine! Then it goes through the air and then up to the albatross his nose. But if you're money a molecule, that's the thing that cause you just now has a mile away. I think it's a distance, those with the albatross his. What is amazing scientists, because the molecules break up with whatever direction the wind blowing incredible. That leads me, I'm sorry I was passed. I guess Rugg S must be that the molecule is entering the was it a moth. Did he say yeah? It must be that they can see that when a molecule, least by female a mile away gets in their knows, they can tell the direction has come from or retains its potency or they could still detect
Even those travelled a mile, muscular and enthusiasm thing like that. You caused a molecule from a mile away from them, but then something is late when you're in the sea- and you put your finger right and there's a tiny little blood goes in the sea, then supposedly Jaws is able to Well, it's more like her mother had I that's the whole point of that yeah, but surely has to wait for the blood to get to it. Yeah take ages right if its travelling through water on current low currents happen, everything is like that is like me, looking at that wall on the other side of the Romans saying, I can feel that from here, just as an old to feel it has Do you have a similar to what exactly we have to me mean Anna? That was a stunningly vivid example of that war on the other side of the room. Where do you get these ideas? I didn't. Did you know the ices battery powered? I didn't know the ale AAA there. Actually
We know, as at all, that the size of fridges, the batteries authors, but sometimes they have to change the batteries how'd. You do so Take these fridges out, he wrote them if you put them back in again, so there forty eight batteries of its four when the stations in shadow, because there are big soda sales, whereas in sunlight about these, a nickel hydrogen batteries and their slowly being swept over new kinds of batteries which around lithium I'm so they all have to be changed and its new get to astronauts out there who have to take a ridge. of position carried like carry it back to the right place itself and then put the new one end within the EU.
That really is and they have to strapped into a pellet. They re about two hundred kilos, but obviously in space. They don't even feel that, however, that distressful, and also, if you'd, slightly down the back of it, the connection bed it won't fitted, and then you absolutely stuffed and that they are trained, obviously and talk about it, but they a lot of them change the batteries without having practiced it practice. That kind of thing go more can amplify for weaken, infringes. I remember reading earlier the share that there are massive batteries all around the british countryside, which we use when electricity goes off to remember. There was a massive power cup. Two things go ahead. The same time allowed to peep went off partly what happens then? Is these batteries kickin This kind of hanging around this, like about fifty of them absolutely must have batteries, so go call. I didn't really read any more about them, so I M here to tell you anything like this
your painting. I am now sought her mother going a row awoken funding, a giant jaruzelski, standing out in a field as lie. A button is less that. I always said this is not a factor is just a thought had today, which is what happens to reign when it rains on a cloud you'll see that higher clouds and lower clouds does it get collected by the lower cloud like a sponge, or does it go through the clock? like the darts through internal passes, through than some of it, might become the clouded some of it might go down through the glass will be subject to get clouds in the leg sponges. I should say no, I guess it's what I just a knife had just sort of collected like upon like like sky puddles. Hypocritically dependence depends how big the droplets sounds very small droplets by the time it's big enough to follow the raindrop. They asked us ready, beggars, gotten quite happy, so actually yeah, that's right, so it will be too big is big enough to be falling,
too big to be staying as a cloud and it was a year and it would never Raina Macleod anyway, what it would any of his snow and clouds or isn't faintly uranium doesn't always start out with snow. it's always if it's raining outside its all snow, which happens to have melted on the way down, you're kidding, not always knowing. If you look at it that way, yeah that's very cold, another just one more actual effect of climate change, as is happening, is that some clouds may go extinct last yeah. This is how big the effect we're having Oh Strata cumulative cloud tax that very low clouds, which reflect a lot of solar radiation back into space and if either, if levels, a cup notes, I go up much more. This might suppress the actual formation of these I'll, see you won't get them anymore. We can no longer make hilarious animal shapes and our imaginations out of How will we will still have clouds is just this one particular Ogilvy a thirty day, I'd ethical tack, but not this one
particular tat is the only one who have made their shapes Rosalie right. It could be the animal shape cloud heritage. Obscurity bring home the eco, prices of the welcome extinction, rebellion, say loud and say it cloud. I will add to the tv A website see it ends most secretive jobs. They had the usual things like spies and restaurant reviewers. Another one is award, show auditor early, you have to be very secretive. Will that's what I'm is far result? So you don't tell you know you don't screw up and give LAO along the right lines envelope. So what you need is a bachelor degree and an accounting or related field and experience in accounting or odd. think that's all it says you need him. I've got both those things as yeah off for that area. So damn it was also I haven't made up,
which supposed to rack. So all languages are made up we gotta, get conspiracy theories on point are a recently made up language language here. So obviously, so many people have heard it being spoken because it begins France in a being big big this year. So tens of millions of people been hearing is more than wealth. Irish data can Scots Gannet combined, but I did not know the language is full of little Easter eggs. So nobly people speak, it actually speak at one of them is the inventor David Peters and he's really hit the sort of makes languages for Hollywood as his job, while yell and obviously there are not many the well with their enemy jobs, that industry, because it such a rare thing to be commission to make a full language, so he has a little fun with it. So when the directive for Eagle is Culver and that is based on Stephen Colbert
for reasons of autumn of year under was based on his wife? Not his the workforce area try, so David wife is called Erin, so in the Erin means Kind or Aronnax means kind One's life. not fucking bit fisheries rarely renting out, and I think I read and I am so hopeless right, but I believe as well, that is a multi python fan, and so this points when there's armies coming towards some like a scene and in Ghana thrones, where their yelling at people coming towards him. He takes the words that we
used in Monty Python in the Holy GRAIL when they yelling you, our french colleagues, in whatever, whatever those words icon them, what they are but yeah. It's Monty Python dialogue translated into Doth Rocky used here, so I could in fact about modern trains which is about the queen, who, as we know, has the royal train so when she's travelling other all train of when she's been traveling overnight as a special instruction that gets given out, and that is that the queen has a bath at seven. Thirty in the morning said the train is going, then the drive resorted to its drive resorted to avoid any bumpy bits of track about, doesn't slush around about a bumpy trucks. First of all that we have bumpy tracks, are they get bumpy bits? Thirty hot corners and Sicily,
That's right. You Dave Corner round that. Secondly, how'd you avoid the boat people she caught swerve get lifted off onto a boat again to the fact that the queen's freedom of movement to severely limited to where she can go. She can only guess the floodgates, Mcqueen going all directions. Your point, that's weird. Knowing when the queen has a boss, I think you'd be freight towers. The train driver ever every morning, at seven thirty you'd think these bothering magnanimous daisies naked ten yards from up it's a big driver obligatory. Like the cab in the tub people about life, so then I call a moloch. Oh mother gave over one more thing about Neuro, which is more just around the new facts. Colored Neuro dissipate of face there
right so in still by council by it in two thousand and four, it was thirty percent of rural. The result will now it's under ten percent, and this was really in asking the telegraph about why this has happened, but how angry people are about it, because people used to buy their rural to match their day call right and now they did. That was a thing there was someone erodes the telegraph sang em. Why is it impossible now to buy blue laboratory roles? unless we find some soon I'll, be forced to redecorate my ball through those another one correspondent in Blushingly who described a priest friend who used to change the hue of his Lou roles to match the Lieutenant seasons, courtesy purple, prevent and advent and pink for Saint stays. Where there's a lot of sites days, isn't there it was doing a lot of neurons. aging dies. I suppose the thing is like you, don't really get colored sinks and stuff
that d like in the seventies stuff you get avocado a cargo, zinc if that was the first time I knew the word avocado you didn't have a car. Those. When I was growing up, you didn't really get them in the seventies, Nigeria. We use the word to describe the color of people, silence yeah some people started eating them. I was so confused break your teeth. I have one more drink that William of Orange drinking, so I'm talking to William of origin. Who was married to marry the so he was a king of England is a few other ones, but this is that one he drank benediction Posset, which was a mixture of warm milk, eggs, cream and ale, with nutmeg encrusted on top.
an. He drank miss on his wedding day cause it was what everyone who was rich and poor she's to drink my wedding day on the priest would come along. He with bless them and then they would give them. This benediction posits an people wouldn't leave until they drunk Charles a second waited until the bride and bridegroom had finished off the bowl of possible. And then drew the bed curtains himself on the day of the wedding day. So I read that he stated the room shouting encourage girls of stories. Energy was shouting cherubic observation, but we ve. Thus it I've evolve. Conservation doesn't mean they're. After having sex polly, I mean the bribes Eddie fifteen at the time, but yeah that's the story such as we think Charles might have been negatively drawn. The Cotonou gazetted state on the outside shouting encouraged me. I didn't know that you know when you a younger, and what are we going to have? You got what you fifty kg of someone shows the girl, but they still give you
drugs and that when you get the Lou when you're kidding, I'm just learning to do in your own and your mom stands on the other side of the door and she's like I have you want do. Boston Navy is also right that you pull the curtain that used to that size You know put it there that's the nostril, What is another old scottish one, which is if your fishing and you catch a boot that can go either way. Fear if it's a left boot. That's bad luck here in serious trouble. Fish are not going to come to you. If you get a right boot, your and much luck and you have to nail it too. mass to say, look at my right boot fish and that's it both innocent.
This year in a cartoon on another instance, have you caught a fish, but your boots businessman soul? quickly. Just on rudeness was reading Danny Wallace's book about rudeness, which is called fuck. You very much the same in truth about why people are so rude, he did some of his own research and he asked what people have done because, like those same people, if people a route to you, you automatically our route. But that is the way it kind of contagion thing. He was asking people what they had done when someone had been roots them and answers include. Did I rubbed fries on the windshield? I turn older possessions upside down. I let a dog liquors since I was serving them and I slept with their part.
Ass route, the same person in a very bad days not about I was looking to flaws some flaws, so the world's flattest flaw is owned by NASA it's in Huntsville Alabama and is made of this kind of residents and its a bit like you know these. He tables yes, there's a cushion the vat on it and whenever what they do, is they kind of get like a sofa on or any bill can do with anything, but the funniest one is a sofa and they have little coming out: the sofa bed they push along with extremely flat floor and it just kind of glides along really areas in the way that and what its forests to see what it's like in space. So because it's like there's no friction so things just keep moving. If you push him in one direction, they just keep moving I think we might set before the NASA around. There also has the world's biggest door.
They also have the world's most perfect balls What if he's a pair of mathematically, perfect spherical balls if they want when they are really really small, that just three point eight one centimetres across and if you scale them up to the size of the earth than the highest headlong, there will be one point five metres high wow. That's how perfect these bills and is not because there are such perfect spheres in this in space, imitating the sun, the boy. they are using them for possible future gyroscope motors, I don't know what I thought: someone thought of the phrase, the most perfect balls in the work of Ngos, you're saying bear before wine. You feel fine, oh, I thought it was wonderful. Bear feeling when I always go
well it turns out that neither of them work- and this is thanks to scientists who got ninety students drunk and found that none of them fell, find. Not only was there no matter what a combination he got. Ninety volunteers and they have it is their only seventy people. It is class, they all had tuna point because those firstly about two and a half months of logger for big losses of white wine. Second group had the same drinks in reverse, so you ve obey the vine and wine and beer, and then there was another group who had only beer wine up to the same level and they all felt terrible the next day, one in ten of them through up and though they also lightweight niggers, can I just say while or on trains. This is so apropos of nothing but an when ice in Japan. I notice that the train,
drivers, they always points and shout stuff it themselves, while their driving the train wherever they go. If you need a friend, you always see this, could you can see the driver and just every like three or four minutes, they'll just points at something that doesn't appear too everything that all Measures- Yell- something I don't understand- under the yelling to the passengers or to know the yelling to themselves, and I read this today of what they were doing. I looked it up. They have a thing where every certain amount of time they points out like that, just a thing around the tracks doesn't matter what it is and they shout where they are and what they're doing and the reason they do so they can concentrate the whole way because, if you're not doing that, all the time you'll just kind of my daydream or something like that. But if every five minutes or so you have two points and child something you never gonna kind of not think about our wonderful is not growing area. I think it's stupid. Today. We have heard the story of Cry Wolf what happens when this surely you know a huge bomb in the middle of the track and their pointing in shouting there's bomb. Everyone get up there
and I wonder if the train and if ones I always just the standard- five minutely shouts, infested dvd cells of, but maybe doesn't always shop Bob on the track, maybe he's normally shouting. I am concentrating, but life and can is, if you're driving on the motorway, then every time you go past a junction, if you its appointed at an shout the names of the places that junction goes too far and it would help you concentrate and you get less sleepy at the whale, I think, is a really good, Sepp Blatter, Your job of the UK would come true that we noticing all these events is. That's true. Have you guys have hook swinging now, now. This is another indian ritual practiced in eighteen. Ninety is not very much in the twentieth century, but basically to in order to make it right if his drought farmers find a willing volunteer and then they would so large hooks into his back and they had left him fifty feet into the air site. What you would be lifted up into the air on massive hooks is very
very very painful as a main ranked make it right. I causes you lasting damage, obviously extremely powerful. However, you were allowed to keep a hoax after its Venus, but only for three months. Allow why should you keep them? Well, you are allowed to keep the hooks and the court and the knife for three months afterwards and beg with them and show people through this policy area, to show your bravery, but for three months. So when you said you had to find a willing voluntary she just here, the hardest part of it with a these enthusiastically, and also, I would probably just trust so that was the guy who was held fifty feet in the air with hooks, even if you didn't have them out of his back. I met and he's a local celebrity. Imagine no one's like I did that happen not invade about that.
A lot of people thought that chess wasn't want their allow. People thought the chess wasn't optically intellectual game compact, something like west for its support, and that was because the act be argument was chess has a finite number of moves is only set number moves you can make is quite a high number, but by thy Wist you're playing with your wits and stuff like that, and it was kind of like if you're doing, something which is really regimented. Maybe that doesn't help the creative part of Europe, That's what they used to say like, for instance, there was not even in scientific American in eighteen, fifty nine that Napoleon the great love playing chess, but he was often beaten by a rough grocer in Saint Helena. What went wrong in what way They didn't specify asterisk shave much. Why? Ok! I don't really know what rough, but in those days he says neither Shakespeare Milton Newton or any of the great ones above the quiet proficient.
In chess playing, it seems to help people with an intuitive faculty for making the right moves, but at the same time, these people of often possess very ordinary faculties for other purposes, so that guy was only a very specific kind of person who be good at chess they wouldn't authority, we gotta understand, whereas Wist players of those we venture with keen Western, only vacillate origin. Imagine their response to angry bodes well. You do, though, pup I'll go. I've read about it another old rule that used to be in place, which is that you could use a baseball bat which had a flat side to it. Like a ring, it ok it was, it was just a help with accuracy. I think I am, but they yeah that was kicked out, so that was between eighteen, eighty, five and eighty ninety three
I think I was the power. Wasn't it wasn't get what they get a bigger hair on. If you ve got a big fat serves area than they did it straight away a common, but why maybe just maybe game too easy? I think it s a thing. It was the cousin cricket, for instance, a full tosses, a very easy bolt ahead. Yeah. Why? Why voting cricket? Do they have the other side of about in a triangle? Formation? Well, good question! I don't know the answer, but I would guess that it so that you're, sweet spot is a thicker parts of the, but so You want your age to be very small, because you don't want to edge the ball, so they can catch it. Will you do need its? We fix the if it hits it right in the middle. It goes miles, so you wanted to be thick in the middle and sit on the outside. I don't know for sure, and I think it's because if you flip round the bath
ass minute? Then you get a mental angle on your bags. Hands are not recognized. I used to use when they lose their right. I don't know whether it is just this is just a branch of industry will resign just hedges and we would like the other day- and someone told us in the audience that if you gotTa Liverpool there's a hedge of all the Beatles there sitting outside the station
ringle is really hated there. So people can trimmings had all the way a just for windows had to read, write and then someone immediately on March. So there's the disorder way. You eat Soil Oda, school paper. I thing why don't? We will eat much parts in southern parts of the Eu S eating mud is traditional thing that somebody already enjoy, and I didn't know the still happened, but it does so as in southern states like Mississippi and Georgia, real deep South states and people eat kind of clay and is a very specific thing called like White, Mont or White Clay and its clay rich dirt, and they love it. As part of the diet is often poor, families is black and white families and there are various there is that where it came from, but I was reading and ask the New York Times from nineteen eighty four saying this is so tragic. The tradition of moderating will disappear in the next generation. and then an article from a couple of years ago hasn't disappeared. Guys, it's
because it's like higher minerals and stuff. We don't really know. I think it's not. Maybe this is the traditional thing, but they like the taste of the realities that also recipes well sort of recipes. If you count the fight that, for instance, people who, like it will people in jobs and sprinkled, salt and vinegar, pose a risk that the recipe for oil or user delight the taste of why they pull insulting James, I'm the taste of chips, but that doesn't mean I don't and hans it you're so right, and sometimes they substituted for baking soda or for starch, because they can't get to the right kind of soil right kind of mud, but apparently is not quite the same, and there was an interview with some good Missus glass who said: she's been off the dirt for a full year, even though she still gets really strong cravings, but she's been orthodox husband said it makes them
I've tastes like mud. It does make sense. It is what those pregnancy cravings hereabouts. It is yeah yeah. Remember that modern Cole. I think a call Women do not decide the craving, but eventually with the charcoal. My cousin gap is a charcoal and you can chew on it, but not not large lumber call you, and now you can go Denham Fine, I'm not gonna work every day and she was of black face of the coal basket, result eagerly. If you're having cravings, you know, gherkins, you don't eat Billy gherkins swallowed I'll, get your craven sorted. Yez tree, it just is funny idea of light replacing minors with pregnant women who they know where the colors, because they have the
sport cradle to agree the rock face. None comes back just on big shoes, but just used to be a big thing and I couldn't crack offs so crack of swerve shoes that were really popular about thirteen century to the fifteen sixteen centuries and their code, that, after the sea in place of origin crack off in Poland, and they also called Poland, which is polish, Purler shoes pershings. And they, though it which is fashionable to have these incredibly long shoes and they were gone forth of eight nine inches and Eventually, the various edicts passive said. You have to limit your toe linked to two inches Brazil quite long, and it was partly because it was seen as showy like that we took what sumptuary long before and partly because it was quite difficult to pray. Apparently clouds kneel down when you ve got tenants toe poking, but you can always say of somebody's in a toilet stall.
can. You say tell that just come then gave poking your head under that little gather together. Now you might be to use them to wipe, was well up. You ve gotta be flexible so that the latter having no using. But here it is a crime now that's a cop. Shall I want to say no. They are easy to solve crimes, because we all have this fingerprint, which is our huge cloud of bacteria that we're walking around me and they all individual, and so please have started thinking. Maybe we can take the bacteria that left in a room, that's been burgled and then match it to a database of other peoples by Syria and if there's a match they did the robbery. But it's going to cost. Is it's very good plan as neighbours experimented with it by staging a load of mock, burglaries just sounded like the funniest science experiment to be passive, so there were four hundred saudi participants somehow homeowners in summer to pretend to
bugger there her and they have a properly acted out, so they did stuff what they rifle through that draws, and they like carried away that tv they opened. The fridge and kind of have a sip of the code in the fridge is something the bugs do. Parenting sometimes difficult coke in the fridge share. Bug has always too. That is a signal to move the washing. The med was due to a law. Is poem houses delay? So it's bring about to pay? I think they might ask them to do that as well. Maybe I didn't like it into the study right up apparently about this happened because you're so stressed your body just wants to deprecate. I've thought if someone's left appear in a housekeeper we don't need. This one for the microbes, we're looking for a calm cobbler. I've done. Yet
You can ask your question anyway. That was how so that, if the four of us in this room, we will have our are bacteria. What did you call it? A cloud where the buyer below be so different? So no sleep, diffrent yeah. Well, the thing is the more you hang out with people. You'll love them all your biomes similar to that end, up sharing bacteria yeah saying there is a thing were basically all the same. Microbial now, probably well not really send money, but they really individual people develop really differently in developing and like the first three or four years of your life. I think specifically this that you're about to reopen a one. Clearly, fingers you can get a hotel room and I think it's within something like two or three hours, that room will be indistinguishable from your actual house, from the microbes in the
a guy and also playlist, like all my furniture to the hotel, was to appear with like to feel like I've heard ass crazy that using for crime from this crazy, though we really what if you could see so if you spend all your time, for example, the dancing partner like on strictly in your microphone came closer to your dad's upon us Then it was the real life partner, a home, I'd like to see that headline in expressing showed world micro by will have to move on from attacks. Second, I got one lasting alike, which is in nineteen. Fifty six. There was an english composer who is quite well known at the time I called Malcolm Arnold and he actually wrote a overture for vacuums. So you, when you sorry it was vacuums on stage three
games. There was one floor polisher for rifles, bizarrely and then an actual orchestra, and it was a peace that he put on hold a grand grand and that- and it was dedicated to you as President Herbert Hoover, so that was quite nicely There is no them loses you d, saying: ok, then, let's do this backstage just another rain make ceremonies because that they ve always existed in our countries. I guess because people need rain and they are quite big thing in various parts of Africa and South Africa. The lava do people have arraign queen and the rain queen is basically the ruler. They we have had traditionally loudly she rain long She rang indeed, and she doesn't complex issues of urinating on her up as a replacement for rain. What she doesnt votes
I'll, buy well pod. Fasting images say this it is women who isn't not to marry herself, but she can have female wives, inverted commas, and so she also has to bear at least one child at least one doffs it because you inherited from your mother. So she has to buy one daughter by a royal relative, interesting rule, and then age state when she had sixty is assumed the powers of making the rain come all, sometimes stopping the rain powers. A perceived of waned and she is expected to commit suicide by poison and so to do this, and those is really controversial. Scandal in nineteen fifty nine, when the reigning rain Queen refused to bloody comments
beside shoes that she was a sea and people kept going, come on. You ve lost your past and onto the thanks. I endorse can take over and she understandably was like I won't, and so this so over ruin their tradition for a while, but is being brought back. So the next rain queen when she comes of eight rynch translating and a couple of years, is being back into the fold. Have they fix the succession procedure? I think they might tinkered with loathing more optional, these days, rain dances, quite big in North America, Roswell historically, that probably the ones we know of most are we,
of most the happy snake. An antelope ceremony is quite common, and people wrote about this a whole lot because it was performed in August. It was to ensure abundant rainfall, but it used life snakes and they did loads of different ceremonies all the time for loads of different things, but this was the only one that use life snakes, and so this was the one that became really famous and that's why the north american rain doubts became one of the most famous kind of ceremonies that they all hot than is because it had snakes in it, and this snakes excited phosphoric. Do you know what they did and you would dance around in a circle of United? Let me say that makes his out like. I just did a throw I covered, so what you there. There was very important, yet basically was dancing around in a circle with life snakes with his neck. In the middle of the circle we hold in the snake, I think you are handling the snake effect. I know your handling the snake I otherwise this, namely the cycle
got a thought, probably doesn't believe in this city. It might have been ahead of us scientifically. There was a cypriot rain ritual ancient times where you had to do a rain dance and then, after the dogs you had to spit on the back of a turtle, because reading it said that henceforth it became popular as a spit turtle rubber. not like a school. If somebody spit Saudi, once you get noticed, spit out of the earth was allowed to keep this alive running Kansas, it's a very small museum by its it pays homage to all the losers all presidential campaign, so it's got a picture that a bit of a biography ominous run behind this lady. When I was reading the article, she was very excited
last election that you guys had because she really wanted Hillary Clinton to lose, and I dont know if it's, because she didn't want vice presidents, it was more than she was excited. First woman ever in her museum. I should really proud of that. Finally, a woman will be in the losing We have to find a silver linings where we can do. You know how you can wait, awhile, no well. Otherwise, about as I used to be that way. While you have to get one, that's been beached or ones dad somethin like that, plays really hearted way them in the wild, but they ve got this new system of drones, while ensuring equal to estimate the weight of Wales from this from the sky. They no longer have to show us that of Wang scales underneath well, mostly it's just that joke does work anymore
another jerk ruined by the scientists. Bastards actually also have a French. What's it. This is very tangential habit. Is a french and fast food fact about in twenty sixteen, there was a Mcdonald's in France which was subject to an armed robbery. and two guys bursting with guns. They rounders off the very terrifying for the customers and they wanted all the money and tell which about fifteen hundred quota thing, but unfortunately, for the two robbers, also dining in the restaurant eleven of duty members the french essay s french paramilitary special forces and that really really good and they kept the cool they didn't do anything. During the hold up and then, when one of the robbers was leaving, he trip Tibet and immediately they passed on him, and then I shall the other one in the aftermath, but still
is what will they took? The house would like, I don't think he died, I mean he was but then sent to prison for appropriate. So it it's a funny story with one quite bad sounding injury, a part of it Why did the wait for him to trip? He wouldn't be? They didn't trip? They didn't immediately wanted, stop firing their guns in the restaurant because they thought with our customers here and we want to yes monsieur enjoying then he'll joint and blind count the own, but rather Mcdonald stood there with his massive cloud shoes and he kind of trips. I gotta what would have happened if the guy hadn't trip I'm sure they would have thought of some other way of resolving this situation, and I am sure that, not in the strategy of all of us. I ask do not make a move to one of them. Trips DNS, either chest pieces the points they used to have jobs with each of them.
What did they work? Also in the middle ages? Monks try to represent them as citizens. That was the idea, and so you heads and agricultural worker, you had a farrier, you had a weaver. The fourth was a businessman, it wasn't doktor an innkeeper, a policeman and the last one was a gambler. and yet the placement of right now is that what it may blindfolds s lot harder? Wouldn't it if he ought to remember all every individual area, also, you think they would have Palmer. Current policies are sure to be devoted to the middle ages. Pawnbroker pawnbrokers had and will the queen didn't used to be a peace either? Seven and the queen wasn't a piece about six hundred, I d, and then she was really rubbish ages because you know queen so quite a sort of quantum theory. Mail should be the leader and at this any change in the fifteen,
century when the queen came along, who was actually decent and people's I'd, say: hey, Greece will be powerful, and this was Queen Isabella of Castile, so's, Isabella and Ferdinand, and basically their relationship mirrors the one of the king. On the board. When could only walk one step in that direction? She was legged everyone who is always running in hiding behind the buttons, the Baker in the candlestick maker. Whatever was it, but no behind, because a steel. How do you know she said when they got married? She forced them into this ready, humiliating marriage where she got much more authority than him. She used ride out to command troops on her own leaving behind. She was made queen of a particular country or state, and you didn't even bother to tell her Bangladesh, but then they change the green and made him more powerful and one argument to say this is why the happened is that in Russia, the queen remained impotent until the eighteenth century, when cuffing greatly
and then she will upon them. Just this is not to go out really, but I just found out that I found the paper called reservoir dogs and the implications for disease control, because obviously reservoir is the animal. The disease lives it. Ah, this is from the early eighties witches before reservoir docks came out and no one knows where the name reservoir dogs couldn't cables kidding. Yes, oh my theory is that turn scene. I was reading a very obscure and ethical paper about rabies. Is it bad way have not wake up? The data from the films name comes from now heat when he was selling it. He claimed that it was a text to turn for a rat, but actually that's not true, and some people think he might of Miss heard. The name of the title of movie are of la less on full. I wish friends movie. It is it's not very similar reservoir dogs? Is it here?
and also doesn't sound, very much like reservoir dogs? No, I believe, you're there. It I'd just just one thing about someone who dealt with syphilis, and this is an early eighteenth century- is a guy called Daniel Turner and he was the first person ever to use the term syphilis to reverse the illness. So it came from actually epic poem written about a hundred years earlier about a guy who got it in short, and so he was called the go. The poem was called civil service. A shepherd yes sort of that case or the perverse
had called syphilis, and so then this this doctors at ok. Well, let's call this syphilis like a boy moved through, but worse sues, pauses and solely, and he also about the use of another new words that he coined the condom. So it's about you end, but I think that the same thing and he's are those most affected thing to prevent its transmissions was seventeen. Seventy. I was reading the thing the report you wrote on it and he said the condom is the best, if not the only preservative, that we have from syphilis bought by reason of its blunting sensation. I have heard people say they ve chosen to risk The clap rosalind engage, come hast is sick, coy pm tests, which no one person gaba, we're. Sorry, sorry that you ve got
that's it. I asked you really want to know. If you did you get that than anyone get the latin for that, though. Well, I really enjoy the idea of putting really weird stuff in Latin to make it more appropriate, but it means with spears. Thus sheathed would you have achieved for a spear to have achieved for a sword at somebody along chief or or it's a tiny she's just for the head of the spare, but both of them feel impractical with Croatia, which either they added voted through YO completely right.
feelings. I spoke about the latin translation, but because I heard about James Harrison, James Harrison he's an eighty one. You're older sorry, this is four years ago now, but he you at the time he retired from being a donor blood donor. Eighty one years old and he'd been donating blood for every week, virtually every week for sixty years of his life, and he was known as the and the golden arm and in Australia he had a very rare type of blood which they
and there was only a sort of like fifty people are so that had it and was very important, because mothers who are pregnant, they would have rhesus positive blood, but with the baby had rhesus negative blood, which would be inherited from the father that would go against the baby and it would start killing the baby inside the whim. So they used his blood specifically to save all these babies and the Australian Red Cross believe that over the years he saved the lives of two point: four million australian babies from sixty years of giving blood. Seventeen percent of women are at risk of this in Australia and every single batch of anti D as it's cold, is from this guy. Why? Yes, it is an absolute hero
and he's just retired mean to retire. To be honest, I stick out now. I've done a long time, saving children and now I gotta stop. While I'm right, I was reading a tiny bit about dog research. Does dogs have been research on an historic medicine for so long as they just east thing? That was always around quite tame, and so you know Pavlov of dough claim young. He had some breakthrough dog research, although is most most of his breakthroughs, want what we now think them as doing so oversee. We think that the pavlovian dog responses, behavioral thing, but really he was interested in dog digestion. I think it is that kind of eager eyes, Nobel Prize for a ninety nine for and not the experiment that people know, but one of the things that heat it was. He looks, it was really ancient dogs, liver
how talks generate when dogs generated saliva and that he did this thing where he created fisheries in the selfishness of dogs and so a little hole with a chub attached, which meant that when dogs ate it would just come straight out again of his neck and not go into it stomach to find out what would happen if they were getting the hung, the you know if they weren't filling the stomach as they Asia, as we had all these dogs with food. Just how frustrating without me you your food in its full strength, view of what is going on because, like but that you begin by the gods in the afterlife is forever hungry her hair. He also used to sell pile of ducks life. I think he made a lot of money out of it, yet he had a dog gastric juice factory,
Just a dog does make himself very evil. I think he wasn't a nice guy anyway, lot people say this one particular he just had these dogs working to produce those is liable for bottled up and what was the purpose of settling the idea was that helped out with things like dyspepsia stuff, so you drink it yeah really before you say that you would kiss a dog. I know you like, though I said the umbrella aside.
A word about familiar, I just have a couple of things about saliva great humans. Obviously, when the plague was around so the fourteen hundreds and fitting hundreds, that was a massive thing where kissing almost became taboo because they thought that that's what was spreading it so so they stopped. But why didn't realize was the alternatives to not kissing to make sure you still had great sort of sexual contact with your partner in the face. An alternative alternatives were licking sniffing. Nibbling of eyebrows, say, wait a minute lick, so you couldn't case because you did once again any tax areas guide over Biagi. Licks was, I think,
lake their forehead their ear. You know: go for tests, yeah general away from the mouth lakes, but saving I roundly nibbling of eyebrows was a year was a safe alternative. Supposedly at the time was so. Would you like someone on the cheek? didn't really know them. I think of the metal in the face of the real arab France. You'd have to like them on a sector. Can I just tell you, buy a new story from twenty twelve, which was quite get so. This was about a leak in a statue of Jesus and it was in the catholic church in Mumbai and the tone of Jesus started leaking answer. America was immediately decline,
it was of the holy water. This toll was crying and not simply. Evil gave her visitors that wave or even laws we visited this sobbing toe and the church promoted. It is a sign of pilgrimage, and you know, is quite good for tourism in the in this relatively back over German by and then is Geico son I'll Adam a route to who a rationalist Abbas kill up, went to investigate, and I found I was most overman overflowing drained- was being fed by a pipe issued from a nearby toilets and he was investigated for blasphemy by various police stations than has fled to Finland, where he's been in itself, but was almost seven, is yeah so that seven years when Jesus Christ don't say it's a toilet, they called right. It's weird, though, isn't it like if you have water coming from your? If I have one comment from one of my toes, I would say it was probably sweat.
Yes, like holy water or tears. Now I have I mean I've embellished with the tears because it was wholly waters. Hurley Toyota, ten only what a terrible that can, I just they will mark? We think about young leaks numb. So his family thing, which isn't really is not legal, think, but I read it the other day. I think it's kind of in many evil, Scandinavia. They would have civil wars and families with often put brothers on opposite sides of the battles so to hedge that that so that one of them would say five, the war. Why will listen dark, it's dark, but it makes some sectors so that you to contain genetic line, and certainly you want to make sure that the sum or some one to look after and old age or to look up the farmer I ever saw. with per year one running side, but the thing is with war is not like. The winning side in a war, every single person survived
the losing side. Everyone died. You can very easily put them on either side and that both killed, many that undertone while the Lord often happen afterwards is like the losing group would be less care. But if you put to the same side it gives that side a tiny extra voltage it. Those was then the neighbours of got three kids. put them on the air. So always a problem. Isn't it it not have war and any kids so there five countries, as well as to which countries wholly inside other countries, so less to South Africa literally in South Africa, actually is one of them. I wanted the summary? No is tiny country inside ITALY with like settle the ITALY has to smaller entities within the Vatican. In summary, no and in night I this is kind of of the beaten track about, but in London ninety nine, some Rina was really worried about his mail citizens being ensnared by
actually foreign women and it banned them, banned all women legally ledges legislative band, any female domestic servants younger than fifty cents, Where is this using ninety? Ninety nine under the EU, because there was support there was this sort of panic, I'm worried about. Foreign women coming as carers and domestic servants marrying the elderly men. They were looking after a maybe not with their best interests at heart. Maybe there was some financial motives, something so it literally just band any female domestic servants under the age of fifty, assuming that, once you get the age of fifty four we find. Nineteen nineteen I I know I don't know this, We feel this violation by anyone. the fine now Lenny one under the age of fifty pounds, is a trip desire. Marine imprisoned, found, someone who was the arch enemy of gravity.
So he was a man called Roger Batson and He was an american businessman. He was a Newton fanatic. He made a lot of his money using newtons principles. A business in over every action does an equal and opposite reaction and he had a sad life. He lost a couple of close relatives drowning and he, instead of blaming the water conditions, he decided gravity was the culprit because it a bit put them down, so he described old man gravity as our enemy number one. He wrote this essay he's a broken, had some other broken bones, as well as numerous circulatory intestinal and other internal troubles directly due to the people's inability to counteract gravity at a critical moment. Anything did a gravity, research foundation to basically destroy gravity. How is that going? It's ongoing. They now have slightly pivoted away from that. They just to the research read about that guy
he's pretty amazing. He believed that there was a metal ally which had anti gravity properties and if they would be able to find it to be able to like he said they be able to co terror planes at it to make it possible for them to crush. But he didn't say how they be able to loved, but he actually this institute that he put a lot of money and it was both head of cattle birds. I put the money in who are gonna be happening in America, actually, cups of birds. I bought he's like a frozen goodbye, but he was real and he made a lot of money for waste. But that's who feels to be like headline, captain buzz- I am not here, I just, are you guys know anyone who is now listening to this part? Can back in England has just gone? What do you guys know? Captain birds? I guess you don't want your message. Reform. You cells, you fish bankers, any sort of powers around on both with children. They got chemical vanished, like on Captain Grant, checked, encroaches different.
didn't see, is no qualification for this. There is probably a secret club where Captain content Captain birds. I hang out together bitching about privacy. Though he was an anti gravity yeah. He was when he first put money into this human rights in Burma. they paid for three people to sit in the? U S patrons office just looking for any patrons that were anti gravity inventions and then, as soon as one came, and they would go and find that person and go found it. Have you found that they never did? He does this grant spent the pews company gives, What's the universities and one of the rules of receiving the grants is that they have to get the monument where he has words about his personal. It's quite coded is sort of says I don't think gravity is a thing will conquer it, so they have that sort of planted at these universities, but a few the-
diversity from what I read. The students like to push it. If I try to find a site could trust fund. If there was a? U tuba like with it with an EIA, then what's ivy tuba people live there isn't. Sadly I love this nation as a nation, and then I tried to find you tuba, like four potatoes. Ire is no worse than might be, but to be is so hot says you tuba, within a yard with potatoes in mind, and I yes, but minus quiet are things yes, but minus pewter pie mine exactly as a well earned all of us. I did find a guy who made a self driving potato two years ago did now here, but this is hardly know of course I saw that argue. Chewbacca I've been looking at the chest record, say sorry, not just records the record company, the Wikipedia either chest was recorded,
nor was it yeah. We don't hang on the music record label. I think it was a wreck of ethical just as an extremely esoteric joke. I beg yeah. It was you meant on confuses need actually can be done about it. I was looking at the Wikipedia paid for the records in competitive chatty. I wasn't musical Colchis. Yes, I think that was a record label will show. There was a minor accepts. Seventy record levels over anyway. This I was eating an apple and I dont, maybe there's a company called love honey that makes sex toys and stuff whether they recently revealed the weirdest search terms. They ve ever had not included pepperoni loop. A few others pies for women to get holiday gold, onion condoms, no
only now we're not as time Gregory issued a special decree saying that Satan half cat. Why not old popes have been funds of cuts, because I was only pulled the second too, and he was a fifteenth century Pope who had his cat treated by his own personal dogs and then Pope pool these sick had his cot dressed up in many cardinals robes. Apparently I've never seen a drawing, and I know we have evidence of these tiny cat cardinal robes, but it's called the Vatican, not category now come on. Now is good, not back. I was reading it. so Spartacus. The movie spartacus, storing Kurt Douglas Secure Douglas has Michael Douglas as a son. Then he also has Eric Douglas and Eric.
This is a lesser known. You know him really heard of him right. So here he was in the industry, as well as a very famous story of him going to London to do stand up comedy and he did it in a London club and he started telling jokes and he was getting nothing from anyone and he got really angry on stage for the fact that he was getting nothing. He suddenly turned on the crowd and he was furious with them and you saying to them, do you know who I am I'm Kirk Douglas s son and someone in the audience stood up and went. No, I'm card
Douglas aside plastic. I was looking at very, very loud things we mentioned cricketer awhile ago. We said it was the outer noise. Ever I looked into a bit more how loud it is so that was the volcano. The went off in their yes. In eighty reason, such sixteen thing was a tumbler of eighteen. Eighty, three eighteen, eighty three happened, but the crackdown is the equivalent of hearing a noise in New York that happened in Ireland, and it will take more take four hours to get to you and it was so. There was a ship forty miles away from Krakatoa when it went off forty miles away. The ship was blasted so much that half the crews aerodromes was shattered.
And the captain had no idea what was going on. He wrote in his diary. I'm convinced the day of judgment has come just because this noise was so loud russian army, the wherewithal to write, update, adjourn adjustment. You ve got like ten minutes left, What are you gonna do while I better report there is to be a thing where the vacuum cleaner was only in one place in your home and you would attach huge tubes to it, so the vacuum cleaner,
spot in the house, not least in one place in Miami suddenly. Have you didn't move around? You didn't move it or are you just have a little great long tube to the bit you needed to suck tat or cleans alarmed, but then that Hubert Sessile Booth was a huge figure in the vacuum cleaner invention process, he created a giant vacuum cleaner for cinema, which was hidden basically inside the walls of the cinema. So much is this: the it's in the building and their pipes going through the walls to all sorts of different, like powerpoints vacuum sockets in the cinema and when you want to clean you find the vacuum point in the floor and he opened that up and it's just constantly sucking away cool in any just attached the hosts to that and get hovering. So with ever accidents where it was opened The wrong moment in a whole audience got stuck into thousands it that's why they stopped to many deaths and food out. You know how I can get balloon syndrome. Why have you said not like
something we all know that I've seen it. I have heard of it. Just as many is right to balloons interim, it's like they flew in other guy balloons, I'm so sorry, Berlin Syndrome, his condition that hedgehogs can get that and it basically is because they have lots of space under their skin and if this is to allow them to roll up our sleeves rolled up. But if I get trapped on their skin and it keeps getting in, they can just blow up and up and up and up, and then they can be the size of a beetle. So and then the best thing to do is genuinely to Papa Needle into it and drain there you're kidding can you take of their own needles. I'd probably audibly does us deals with. Isn't it is like being a balloon made of needles. Yeah also sat thought. If they learned cooperate, then they'd be able to puncture each other's balloons and join. So that's the lessons learnt right if they join forces and they block any love each other. That's a good point.
draw strings around them. What's hedgehogs, they kind of they haven't money. Pass has also think of money passes again at another. Have this muscle called an orbit colorists and it's a ridge of muscle which goes all the way around like a skirt basically and is what allows them to roll up, so they just tightened the orbit. Killers in the drawer string discloses and they can Stella got four hours, but but when they run, they hitched up their skirt basically and have these widely legs. So if you look up footage of a hedgehog running, it's got much longer legs. The new youth lifted up the bizarre guys heard of the game campaign for North Africa. Yes Incredible. Can pay? I don't if we didn't think we spoken about it afore campaign for North Africa, the desert, ward, nineteen, forty, two, nineteen, forty three it takes roughly they ve worked out. Fifty eyes without breaks to complete the game and you need players it comes
sixteen hundred cardboard tokens there isn't and it's. So it's so detailed. It strange that the map that you play on it stretches out ten feet how big big table. Basically, so it's it's mostly sums the game. The campaign to North Africa is made by going called richer Burg, who you know just wanted to develop the most complicated and realistic unpleasant. If it's ten feet long and it's the campaign for North Africa is that it Snow Desert yeah yeah is we held a guy came when I use it. What do you think? I just think you can make it smaller. Cut out. The desert doesn't want you, Canada. Does he I'm gonna game of you, but so far Example, there is a thing in the game which you have to do you. You just get a sheet of paper and is mostly some, so every game turn three percent of your view of operator. Unless you
the british before a certain date because they used rather inefficient means of storing. I feel that these jobs instead of Jerry cans. So if your British, before thirty seven percent of operates every turn, If you're tellin you have to have you have to distribute an extra water russian to your troops so that they can boil the pastor otherwise Otherwise there is a great risk that they will become disorganized and deserted. It's incredible. They worked out that if you play this game as a hobby. The game which is a desert war? Nineteen, forty, two, nineteen, forty three. If was done as a hobby, you could make it last longer than the war itself buying it and it was most romantic, show
we finished shawl mmmmm. You know how you were saying about how you would give lumps blood to some one to make them more limelight. Yes, yet another thing they kind of thought was a good idea was if you had fallen out with your husband or wife. Your discard might be settled by giving each other your blood. So I might swap with my wife and then it would kind of bring her to my point of view, while the other way round- and would you would, you may be sneakily inject the other personally, I I think I am right well, I do believe here with no. It would be like if you been, if you'd had problems that you might for love,
period of time than it might kind of salt, things will see us as a last resort as a last resort, a fork in democracies. Loving you try did you have to swap when you say what do you mean? I can just give you a little cup of blood and you give me one or do you have to put it probably was improper transfusion if I did the, but by this thing, with my best I'm gonna was younger yard is basically many transfusions net is a very very small transfusion was quite small yeah. The idea behind this of, like they, the blood giving you whatever came from that began,
with Samuel Peeps who at the Ross society was tolerate, was telling about a guy who only lived a women's milk as in breast milk, and apparently he used to be angry and fretful. But by taking this women's milk, he became a good natured patients and found himself so well and they thought he'd somehow got the characteristics of a woman in breast milk. But if that was the case than every baby, a hypocrite right. Well, you don't see many babies with moustaches. The very good point like like all when men have one more thing, those a guy called Petra Day about in the thirteenth century, and he said that he who drinks menstrual blood or that of the leper will be seen to be distracted, lunatic, evil minded them forget full and his cure is to drink of daisies powder to mix with water of honey and debate and tap water and copulate with girls sound
The idea of building up to an escape awareness day I'll have a potential blood was thought to be quite a negative thing. Quite alone was an end or, though Pliny also a lot of fun stuff, but thought that one of the things you could do was collect the men supply of someone went, and I go about doing that, and then you sprinkle of your crops, because it kills or the bugs his clothes and everything around the north crops doesn't kill the crops, cups, love it bugs hey, set up and also in Papua New Guinea does so in an island called Woe Gale, which is a tyrant line of Papua New Guinea. Then mental blood is thought to be cleansing and its thoughts be kind of a good thing too much weight and-
and want to do it. I mean he's really discussing sorry guys, but they will suffer their Willie's another to mimic the immense duration of women. I heard they just I've got some of their work with crab clause under come off. Sorry, they Those are the words of right wing. Nobody here which, as has been said with developing oil, will be the plans to patent rights. They didn't layer, You can only do that one's really. The very willing impatient crab. Do you hear TAT what yeah imagines that Africa is cruel? If you cut off the crabs clause to copy reassure Mr Aigner Evident ITALY's control the clue? Maybe the crab ones to emulate menstruation, as well as their subsequent grateful probably not a kick out of it. So you write he did kind of move his face. A lot. Didn't he correct. That was one of his main things. When acting there was a guy.
In one thousand seven hundred and fifty six, who said that his realistic style went too far is all the fun this Rick's traffic and that's choose frequently affected, stop convulsive twitching, checking of the body, sprawling of the fingers and slapping of the breast. Oh no good and he was a really good friends with Hogarth the artist and, so he was probably the most painted man in England at the time, because Hogarth fees to paint him all the time but Hogarth used to complain because he moved his face. So much they couldn't Paynton programme. Does one portrait of him, which is in the british Museum. I think it's called a mechanical portrayed and it's it's a picture of him being painted by Hogarth, but in the space where his vases there's one of those spinning wheels pine the picture and you can have thirty different, expression around here is very interesting. He ran Drury Lane, which was one of the themes.
is that he had for thirty years and no place that, when new plays at the time have survived so very I think there are a lot of plays in that time and he was someone who he was doing a lot of the scheduling and despite his ass, We love for Shakespeare. He also had to do things that he absolutely detested pantomime. He absolutely detested he hated clowns, but but I didn't he didn't no, oh my, every ease behind you. This is always to deal with. That's that's just a. Upper insight into how bad I feel about facts all the time, but you didn't random. Guy you're right must be checked by fax you're deftly right,
he yeah, so he he made the star the evening be the thing that that would be the clown and key so well like. So it would like pantomime, land stuff. What we do to that. Slump so, What I'm saying is I will get to the fuel to what's probably but so before. A play started an evening. They would have an appetizer which would be a harlequin style, Clown Grimaldi, who wouldn't come on and do a bit. He absolutely hated that he at one time he was at a puppet show any had to leave because he thought the applause from Mr Punch was so repulsive. He was, as I I've gotta get out of here, he had to keep it in because people loved it particularly King George, the third love he'd, never laughed so apparently than when using a clown, swallow a whole carrot, onstage, and that was
reason for keeping it everywhere. And there's audiences thanking God. I wish that was what was onto their families role. a lot of parents- it wasn't just the one as well amazing, but open we make Let us move on before you find your brain you have to swallow another carers also you a brooding.
Transcript generated on 2022-03-11.