« My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

MFM Minisode 240 - Do We Have Time For A Hometown?

2021-08-16 | 🔗

This week's minisode is a compilation of hometown stories told at live shows.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is exactly right. Exciting everybody. We employ time for murder before you know boiling no warning. I say that this area some stuff- this is important in these rules. These are for you and us and small Leslie. Ok,
You know the ones like you can't Rita and you can't beat so drunk. You can't tell it and it needs to be local. We don't want to hear about shit that happened in Tennessee. Ohio would be great right, yeah, state statewide and everyone hates you. Ok, you have to remember that if you get picked everyone else in the room hates used about it, that's not the time to shout out all your cousins and stuff like just get up here and telling a story like you are on a clock, because you are ready, go again thinking, I'm thinking she likes matter whether our the whatever that jacket is yes, Swain events are I myself am a wizard
time my name's Lauren Komori airline, fancy tat. Can I say that I bought this vote. I specifically for this. Can I tell you a secret or it's nice, it's an open secret, but this is the pattern on the back of my album cover high five. Everybody knows about me: where are you from from Cincinnati, born in Cincinnati living here? Informers? Ok, yes, Lily little, for everyone what's your hometown. Ok saw this is the story of my biological. Father are being the prime suspect in the murder of his best friend and colleague, in just defer a little bit
side note. This was like two years after I was born, so life shit, one right after the okay, so this was leg. Ninety six ninety seven happened that cap, but all university accused yeah, my bio dad. His best friend was Tony, who was the only other man and art therapy department at the time, so obviously they're gonna have to bind together. There are only two men in that department: Ok, here's person to see him alive and so, like he's dropping of offered his apartment like one in the morning cause you do weird shit and like one morning, I think you said they were getting haircuts or whatever you now late night, super guy who the fuck no right anyway, so he dropped them off and then his best friend is proceeding
carjacked, unlike for empty out his entire atm by a group three minors by the way, who apparent each under wraps. She like a whole page long, each anyway. So then they like shoe execution style in the back of the head and then find his car. Three days later, I online Cleveland Avenue honestly, is no surprise that when it gets sketchy, you guys Cleveland anywhere near capital Universe also, but like so all their investigating this. My bio dad is put through all this bullshit salt lake. When they come to question him, they take him out of his ceramics class and if you work with ceramics, you know that you're gonna, where the words clothing, so they put him in handcuffs and put him in the back of the squad car and taken to like the G8 like to interview,
whatever, and so when you log in L a guilty are all there are working with red clay, arts but silly they don't let him wash its hands like drop em back up at class and so like his teeth, like business class, the teacher asks him to hand out all the greatest test, so each one has like I'm just a little thing thumbprint. Unlike so now these look in health and lake at one point he's like rounding, a corner in few here's, the link principle, like the college or whatever talking shit about like it's bad, because, like he's also like the Son of a Lutheran minister in this, is the Jesuit College who perfect preventing exactly like he clearly don't do. It is what I'm saying leg he clearly. This is how you think what you just said, but, like
I'm pretty sure like kid that did it are now out of prison because they were minors at the time that they did, and you know how young, I don't know, teenagers Verger had they get caught. I think They just followed the evidence and not a joke. Intervene early, quicklime words. Ok, this is the kind of an awful joe you can feel slightly battery
So why do they not till jokes about the Reverend Jim Jones? Why? Because the punchline is too long. You earn my that's how you doing back at home, down Manders and within just a touch of light, humor beautiful job that we would get hate mail board. If we don't know what you're doing, though, I appreciate that good. I want nothing more than a joke up every day of my life, I don't trip
drove all doubt high into the waves, careful very waste. I don't even like this. Now you might have the cutest staying the first thing. I thought before this danger here here we're like the ones or we ve been to the own resources system. The one place we ve been hired, you going so many others, member Becker Rebecca. Where are you from everyone ulterior owning the air Valley? I write home town, ok, sir. I have a few but honesty when it's really good humour orphans really bad idea go. I worry, use exact names because I still have next autumn my mom
We are because they anyone out there lesser creepy, no matter. I look up into the lake these days. so. Basically, my mom and dad move to an to codes. Dream I don't Coldstream now among them are into highway, say based very high traffic area- and they said building this house and there's an old little Bonn out the back a little bit crazy and basically, where the gonna build a house there's a big tree at the front, big cherry boss, massive, Jerry Blossom. My dad's like. I really think I need to cut this down, where the hell is going to be a thicket, the albino when yet so the neighbour com diverse haze, these big massive guy big bid, my dad's, like a skinny kind of
without a dandy treated this big night. I imagine this other guy, that's Massey, reminders kind of skinny under control problem, tells him don't cut down the tray, no matter what you do do not cut demonstrations held in similar terms, and I dont like watch me the next day it comes in with tobacco, but the tradesmen cut down and as How right around the true now this is really saw studs like what the hell's going on. Sorry anyway, pulls out straight. Also, the guy next door doesn't know anything. Apparently as you do and then so we build a house. the top of the tree was straightway
which ends up in my bedroom. Now now fans are being horrific. Hauntings sir starts off with my brother, so he's first in the rain, so this ten years between my brother, So my brother, Adam wakes up this is horrible. Hariri noises in the room. Basically, this relax musical instruments. Don't have your blame? guys for anyone sure? Does it matter my rebelliously around the guitar? You learn the recorder at primary school nationally and you got to say by great sick. he's like Mass this Qatar every night, only likes the Qatar Strong, oh yeah, I another ten years on, I'm I'm Osborne basically and my dad likes to geek. Lately,
coming as it does not have strengthened. So basically, work is happening. Is these horrible things came happening in in the inner family? Things keeping the sharing champion bottles would come down on me like one yeah like Creevy as far legs anyway. So eventually these do these things cape happening and I'm about four or five and I say to my mom- I feel but the something wrong: the neighbours, there's something really strange by she said it s, shoes and nightgown, and our y know. What's so? Basically the next
where all sitting now for dinner and actually sent you in this email is well out of any read it. We love, they are basically the next, They were all sitting down for tuna play. some writing to our house. I'm sure I had so basically like You have somewhere saved for the kids, put the kids, my brother's eye Oda. We all went in. ah Threem stay, then a fire tat gets out he's not literally alive you go about, and I am basically the place right: greater three, our house to the next door, neighbours that going through the back paddocks, we call them paddocks an empty the runner J J and by nobody is found in their backyard. This It is here that guy's by yea, big other Frankie Guy YAP and there's other,
points that are found on the premises as well. They believed that will bear There was trade routes through it when I hear that company Ah said the fathers being put away at this point, his daughter, is about nineteen, twenty and a body is found a coach shamed, cheap. She'S- almost decapitated she's been injector audio video battery ass in a sleeping bag bound up with a fine court. When we sexually a Franco, its yeah yeah. They can't moves body because this the door which they do not the time enact Karen. Sheriff share The thing where she always comes back to the body and every time they ve, MR, so there
If the body- and we sat chance of her coming back and trying to bury it- don't get rid of Lebanon's civil we gotta leave the boy said everything that the tone of the mother and they lack the communes Abbadie, I'm so sorry, It's called a motion on the whole town is like this girl. Like waiter the bodies being found. We don't know anything about its autonomy, I haven't heard, of a mannequin with a fucking time on its the was anyway. So basically, Karen comes back with dynamite. the body, and this is really way- you're, not a compulsive liar matter. This is like later once again without much is a thing with dynamite. Ok, sir, these girl, vain. It was a drug dealer gone wrong. Caramels car dealer, show us alive.
The way this is dollar zone Abraham, yet we say was a really bad guy that hit the body on an eighth where he was and I had a body in the back yard and then currents the daughter he's in almost. nineteen, twenty one. So basically drug dealers gone wrong. She was living lily, thou she may backing were they died after this girl was killed. Because the dynamite comes back to block this body So when you go comes back, Basically the cops jump on so she's downfall, she's arrested. From was waiting in the car. Now and she does her statement. So basically, she rats had a boyfriend. Do you got less time because she was making sandwiches and the kitchen while thou, torturing this girl for forty eight hours repulsive laddies? Yes, she got less time. That's the disgusting.
yeah, I know your eyes and that this is happening next door, while you're growing one. I say this is said the daughter she was mostly living it Lily out. Some suing lays drugged, isn't sunlight not whereas Ain and moved out. So just his wife was still there So basically, Karen, get out of jail fees later her boyfriend still in jail. She gets dynamite to blow up, her boyfriend, outages. Other thing in the world rise more like what you did the dishes use. I got the perfect Dinah. My genes are going back into jail. We sleigh hate us more time possible would about. I think this map- three or four years ago, she ends up moving backing next autumn, my mom, but
this our guy she's a born again Christian, given Jesus forgets like all that shit, where the very thing that really works, Jesus does love dynamo was that so in the end I get my money.
Next to guard the member for Christmas lights. For you I lie here gave us the story of the jewels Rebecca you guys. I mean
our way. Ninety percent in MRS Andreasen come over here on the magic rug. Here we go, from nice. So this one is about my mom's best friend when she was like twenty, twenty one she went over to her best friend Catherine's house, because they were planning her wedding. She was engaged Catherine she's engaged to this guy named Keith and when they went over their Catherine was missing perceived like us to go on, get Heroditus something, but she never came back she's cops com and they have found her body in the trunk the car she's been beaten, stabbed
and it turns out of a mega. Pretty short, it turns out that her her fiance Katharine's fiance Keith's best friend DNA actually really hated however, in the end, was in love with key. This is a new one, yeah yeah and it gets even better will not better forwards backwards here, definitely worth doubly worse. Will it turns out I used to like make our dear used to make money. Catherine all the time, because apparently we find out what happens here. why she also used to call her the lazy peg, like you, Eve, Collar lazy, Peg, Alla time, that's not upon. They found her car behind
and a restaurant called. The lazy pity is that here in Orlando or any longer, but it was at risk. I wasn't gonna barbecue extend its best adoption something, but I mean is that on purpose likes his hand and always the total stand they actually did not find out. It was him until oh really long time after we're just Ashton, He was part of the Casey Anthony. He started a whole cold case thing in Orlando in she was actually the very first whole case that they saw well until long time after by like whammy years, but I want to say how do you get fifteen, because this happened in their early seven, these air dated financially more towards ladies?
why action this whole time this, your friends, I keeps like fuckin crying and his friends helping Emma. Then it turned out that the amendments we are right to you. I, like you, said he was consoling.
Everything in Crete yeah, it wasn't like. Definitely like passion, murder like and what was her name. Catherine Catherine timing, which is what really matters back, but about was the horrifying believing lazy pig is the Fuckin worthy man. You would have love that jewellery boxes about like what we give it to someone. Never gonna want the Sheer Colombia with us again George. I think it only right. My fuckin are also Doyle. Don't ruin us who has a hometown, nobody, I think that,
the girl sitting. Next to your friends that helped us yeah, yeah, I'm the toxic miniscule entities word means go places there. Whatever to him, there's been got us a lovely shark literacy and she's spread backstage dances. Our tour manager he's Georgia's husband, really does it all he does it, which means we don't have to pay him. Labour is the union's aren't labour from the rate is higher. In my heart I was his hard starkly we're all right. That's your name! If that's too you're centre at the centre of the measure, would be my stage picture A greater you tell me your name, sorry ether, ISA, awesome
hey that everybody where you come from carrying here from carry carries on hearing you guys know what did she say right, I'm sorry! It's hurry! He's! Ok, what's your hometown! So my moments room was meat and she's. This tiny village like there is not even as many people as there is here. It's called cool and our family from Dublin moved out there you are the girl and the father. Where England, so he'd be back and forth. then they just stop seeing him, and then they moved away and they haven't really got involved with the community's those fine nobody cared, but then they went the utter, went to the guarantee,
we support a messenger c and told them that they had killed him years back and bury them buried him in the garden. he ordered them, and then they took him up and burned him somewhere else. The famine, and then she decided to go to the guarantee because she found out her mother was having an affair with her boyfriend. Ok, wait whose name tat we! So when big The father was it the mothers idea, yes, and another that we boyfriend may trick the kids. they treat the daughter there.
No you're, not here right now, maybe going on it's like cousin, and then I was like oh shit, and then I saw her face and she doesn't like angry somewhere God, it's gonna be a. She was. This is the great fear that really packed up over this duty as the again with a new came near sharing from microphones bouquet secure who, as you know on stage, please we were going to a man in anti but we'd
I did not do so. I came on stage it's not an anti that we talk to you guys. What do we know? She has a book a book wrote about. I'm out you don't get it do you know who you are? We were we really down. Forests is really quick. We see we don't
We talk about out no DC, everyone, including parents, you ass to parents, and they waited. We don't talk about. We can't, I won't tell you anything. There was a bonfire of those hours a under patio, and they decided that wasn't enough about twenty eight, without even just as I didn't get the pigs details are paying very fits left in the pig. That's how they prove that yeah. What I was the motor whose two daughters, husband so dear daughter, went to
Ideally the gordian knot of occupation was adds to something shitty. Yonah woman scorn man. So she brought out above that hey fuck, you oh, my god, like a diary Amber Associated Jail, she's gone out and she's. Like word twice So for murder, daughters, husband was done for manslaughter her. I will find out an amicable
I agree, and I will read out to you by raising seven part: serious diseases rise. While you guys later been talking, and it was then- and I am so grateful for that
sweating, a little extra they came up. I may have less information, then yeah, that's what it's all about it. That's what we're gonna, like thirty people on this ages, mailing around of libel. I've heard this story. I would like to say this in that you forgot the part of the pig but against immigrants the chickens long days and fund summer activities can mean that you have less time to cook and focus on eating. Well, so this summer switch up your game with Daily Harvest daily. Miss, delivers delicious harvest balls flat, bread, smooth, even more all built on our guy. Like fruits and vegetables right to your door. Daily Hervis takes literally minutes to prepare an never uses, preservatives added sugar or anything artificial leave. our daily harvest? Scoops a plant based gluten free and dairy free ice cream daily harvest is all about leaving the earth in a better place and they found it, which is why they focus on investing in organic farming practices, reducing food waste and pay.
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Did you like certain people this? What you know? No! This is what I will do. Sir Hugger opposition hikers. So here over here that Mr Stone, you didn't come out here: you're fabulous pants, So where are you from I'm from fisheries yeah downtown, nothing more than that? just run Europe. That servants always point saying down there
everyone knows you are here, you are here: ok, what's your hometown, so this is a family murder, while I'm ok. So it's. two murders over two years were several matters whatever the case or cells, as our own is seven, so it starts with one year my cousin on his birthday, he's an amazing artist whenever he celebrating its amazing and then my cousin, whose upper police officer gets a car like oh there's, a body in the river and she goes investigate it. Pour the body out. It's my cousin weights of that. So the police officer is my cousin and then had All that has it is our soul. What sorry in your police officer cousin is a woman. Sets awesome
just ass, exciting, that's exciting! That is it, but also this is horrible, the poem out they don't know. If I can happen and he's dead, it's awful, is room, was with him he's living like Haven't you like? We were engaging and then he's like I'm going to hang up on this off. So you leave if a man he's dead, so relying seen sketching whatever the case my uncle his dad is. Like you know, what is I don't wanna fuck with it S. Let's move on to the next year, my cousin, his brother of the deaf person he's going to college, is getting his masters degree using land. He comes back. He's like this is weird whatever the case he does. What are you need to do? He gets Us Cecy w for
random reason? What's conceal weapons lice ochre sooner which, when you say that he says this is weird like keep his life was weird for him. Now he wanted my uncle to investigate. What happened with his brother, ok, but my uncle was like unsaid, my son, He just wants ignore as one and move on it's over. I dont want investigating more sell my cousins, like whatever so years later, I met this pardner years later, a year later. I met a party randomly for some. I don't know as the heroic, There was a time there was a surprise party for somebody I didn't know so here. Prior notice. Can my friends I already having a party, but only for people here? Can you know it was free drinks and
yeah. Ok, it was fine, we had drinks and I'm leaving Emma on cars and she's like hey. What are you doing? Gonna, like I'm driving to a date is what can you pull over and what do you mean she's like notoriously pull over, so pull over turns out my other cousin, the brother of the person who died the year before that morning. It's a Sunday It's three days after Thanksgiving he goes to the neighbor's house. He's I knock on the door. The neighbour wife answer she's like what's going on his eye: hey turn that music down she's like we're, not planning any music he's like. Yes, you are so she's like. No I'm not. She goes to get her husband. Her husband comes back my cousin shoots, the husband down on the front porch o myself. Then he goes back into their house
and he shoots my uncle the uncle. He didn't want to investigate Odin one investment just about his father and mother them. Yet so the wife, obviously parts a police. My cousin goes into the basement. Stand up, the police our hours and then my cousin, cousin spoken offer so My answer me this on the phone line on the way to a date with this do They council notes that I wasn't really literary married and guide it summer, Stevens, nothing
I did it and all tat, even a married to a young and then the third, even that I was gonna, do with I found out that night was bucking mere bad. I was it Friday, the thirteenth all my life was things yet mean. Is our investigation into the first cousin or is it just I never really figured out what happened. T just sorry, I always say yeah well you're familiar with that. Even worse, so I mean that was very healthy.
I commend you further Sayer lining this guy right now, my god, I mean right feel that you don't get to keep that. Does your prize for having a good hometown murder crystal honour. Apologise for the fact that I clearly I've appointing issue not just this is how I point and one percent- and I apologise to the wonderful Ladys. I point I clearly pointed out knows a great tat. I think we know sorry. I do think we know because there's someone I sent it wait a tweet, a twitter and it's someone shit. I memorized the name and then I got all caught up in my rock n roll lifestyle. Upstairs is the person who sent a tweet whose dad text to them about again and there there's a series of tax and they treated. In said we ve got your. We ve got your hometown tonight. If, as you know, you were, I would like to home in some other diseases hands a secret. So if you are here- and you know what I'm talking about- we usually green by name- that's honour system, so that they don't try to lie your way through a once you get up here. I think I think your name is music. Tracy, yellow is this era.
I think our car broke walking. Are you just sitting in a chair no willing at me? I don't think she's here, man, the government. Well, is. She knows her name is SARA. I bet she's looking up a twitter right now. I don't know When this in Ireland she's a nightmare table wait before she gets back before she gets back.
We have to do a trick on her before she gets cant. Think of what it is, you go sit nursey, ok, don't touch you care and cheese is held me very real. Oh my god, I thought you guys are making genocide in that. I am not going now. My button from space go this way that there are no, my dear, how sorry I forgot to tell you a tight I've always liked you shit. I was gonna. Do a trick on your social worker, polar sea we're still during the Czech Georgia. You can never leave this day having a nightmare. Freebie. Surely deserve get over here right now are you are in serious trouble how she's getting your phone she's getting your phone you having, therefore re opened,
my head demands assisted. How do we get up there passed? I can tell you about. Business was more. I don't care if you had a piece. Sarah erect a bureau to professional show you stay in your seat. The time doesn't matter, mugging chances that the one person we called yes, one bugging person is one in twenty. Four hundred, I don't know man, it's like one simple beer less than she would not go through all of this, and neither would I have very sparing going here and I have it. Ok is she's in the mere really are you are you using such ill about, although I am very scared, scared, let's talk about anything but you're shaking my its gdp is like that again
any video is an advance, but where are you from from a walking from Malta? Yes, where do you live? Gonna say they don't want to get my right. That was a test. Young men tell this story. Through my own dad's words beautiful. I can't find any better. Ok, so My father, where is he is going to hear you? Are we gonna? Nobody does for living he's a psychology, so level disperse name, Steve, Steve. Ok, there is a psychologist frame and as a college student before he married my mother, wage earners,
sandy seasons sand even seen Sandia married in Milwaukee right out of college radical aid at a colony in Madison, nor have I or the volunteer at men Dodo Mental health. Working with you guys go there to save on Thursdays twice a week, nurses brought in hollowing costumes and we take the kids. trick or treating to the other units, now hold get him on the phone right. Are you serious? You get him on the phone, so you know the background yeah you wanna tell me. Ok, because that's ok, I will ask you are right in saying that it was a
we are dear because someone poisoned Tylenol in Chicago. Yes, two people were scared and kids were not trigger, treating also from their mental hospital. We nerves and then the other union tat, candy and patients would give our kid streets eyes on unit was too dangerous and they would set the candy through a security slot. In the doorway like we were on the gerontology side unit old people who gets scared straight kind, Thou is safe and all people gain the kids races cups. We are waiting for all the old people who wanted to come giveaways and candy and the nurse ass Eddie. Do you want
the kids, some candy turner hurry and there he was. He did not want to hand out anything. We set a quick try to each other, if we would be gone soon, eyes yeah, the kids all over the country couldn't check your tree because it wasn't safe, but my kids trigger treated to a cannibalistic necrophilia and where savings can be strong powers. Can we get him on the phone Roper, because that was a gorgeous see written series of texts? then sell it says
yeah. He better answer. Inventor. It's on you say, put events bigger. Yes, you should Steve see then he's in the bathroom, yeah, we're accordingly, my boyfriend, one two hundred miles: Steve? This is every
but he had the Riverside theatre who were here. You got your daughter, you haven't a great old time by Elvis. Do you wanna cookie?
Transcript generated on 2021-08-16.