« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/3/21

2021-08-03 | 🔗

Seventy percent of American adults have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, officials said Monday, reaching a goal President Joe Biden had hoped to reach a month ago.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
morning and welcome to morning Joe, is Tuesday August third, Joe. we ve got a lot going on today, including breaking news from Tokyo. We really do and willing. I speaking of Tokyo back last night on the red eye. We we we were waiting. Timers thing ass. You think swimmers that were gold medalists in the late eighties. well hurry. We see job, which is very impressive, that little what they call a nowadays, but small now if we don't get, are still sweet US www. I mean crowd favorites ways we did and nineteen eighty eight games. I think it was so I don't know it's our blood the summer of love and all that, but really,
We have breaking news items lining up by now. I know we wanted to stay for another day that the fund and festivities, but had to come back because big breaking news, of course, wrongly convicted deeply understood former governor of Illinois Ride to enjoy a village. Yes, yes, the man who considers himself the Mandela our time is actually suing, so he can run for facing and Willie it's just like it's the end of me here, just a little sound coming out from from the distance of of hope. Maybe somebody like blue I got was there to save american politics from itself, there's a name, a blast from the past. You haven't heard in awhile yeah. He said on our set. I don't know what the year was ten years ago and said on the Abraham Lincoln of our time. He said
FR on me in jail for training, health care, too little kids and if that's a crime are happily march my own way into prison. So blatantly previous time we would laugh, but maybe our current political climate blogger will wear his head once again we have some actual breaking news of our bureau- can see at the bottom of the bottom of the screen, their Simone Byles, who returned and participate in the balance being one. A bronze metal says she metals after sitting out the game, everyone knows the story by now the fourth time olympic gold Let us consider the greatest gymnast in the world. Twenty four years old, drew from the team. Competition then withdrew from the individual all round at all the events up till today when she announced participate, despite still having the problem with what is known in the world and genetics has twisted where you can't tell up from downs, and she still suffering from that, despite that here routine pretty well a couple, a wobbles by goes home with
bronze metal from these Tokyo games. Where she has been the focus, despite not participating until today, well, ok, where we are following several developments surrounding the corona virus. This morning that Biden Administration reached its goal of getting seventy percent of american adults at least one dose of a covert vaccine, but covered cases run. The country are still on the rise and hospitals in many areas are once again over wound. Nbc news. Correspondent Miguel, like air, has more as the crisis deepens at hospitals in hot spots. The numbers are staggering and sobering, surpassing last summer's average for New Kay
is our nation has again recorded over a hundred thousand infections in a single day, the delta variant filling icy use, killing more Americans from week to week. If you get sick, what the delta variant, we estimate that you could in fact about five other on vaccinated. no more than twice as many as they regional strain, though it comes nearly a month after the president's fourth of July goal: seventy percent of adults, or at least partially vaccinate, but every day more breakthrough infections are being reported, Senator Lindsey Gram now in corn, teen after announcing his infection, says being full vaccinated kept his coded symptoms from being far worse, even with a high vaccine effectiveness Most of these infections are going to be asymptomatic or mild, with daily infections predicted to die. By fall. Some hospitals are already seen a surge worse than before. A federal disaster
You miss arriving in Louisiana. I see you beds are short on supply and a new face. Mask mandate indoors is back in place lines for testing stretching four hours today in Florida after the state just set its pandemic record or new cases and patients hospital They are asking for the vaccine now, just give it to me. We wanna get in which now they have to wait unfortunate Anthea. They get buried better, get out of the hospital hoping to boost inoculations in New Jersey. The governor says healthcare workers like those it nursing homes, must be vaccinated or face weekly Testy New York's governor, encouraging businesses to require proof of vaccination from patrons, but stopped short of mandating, masks endorse the push to inoculate and to save lives as hospitals lose more Americans Ray Day or more now, what's happening in floor, that state has become a new epicenter for the virus.
Florida as cities. the data shows that new case numbers there make up nearly a fifth of all new, U S cases thus bringing, the President and the CEO of Jackson, the health system in Miami Dade, Carla's, Nagoya and Sir start by asking how many Kate cases, how many patients you have in the Jackson, healthcare system, compared to say two weeks ago and how bad is the donation in Florida. Overall. Why is it this bad. While we are on my objection, we are too. Under thirty, patients ruled that the war were four weeks ago were fifty page of the we almost by mobile number, that we were The only good news is worst of forty five percent from the peak from last year by my day county, is most passionate, the county in all this data for the seven percent of our population factually they still about freely your point about the war on vaccinated
later thirty mile away, all but seven our own production and the set of measures that are now direction, it are a transplant, the renewed, my those are really were a hundred per cent on vaccinate, the differently we in the younger, unless you flora, one quickly last year it was suffered. A surge they brought upon me job creation, while the rest of the state without them that much now what's happening the rest of the state budget. those who are running a higher than later presented another. So much here, that's why We are certainly very state. Definitely correlation between. I had a translation. I love Accenture roads in any individual counted sought. So if you, if you take, The people you say with underlying conditions on vaccinated make up a hundred percent of the people, the that's in your hospital right now, can you can you help us?
because we ve been reading everyday headlines. Florida makes up twenty percent of the cover cases in America around those numbers. That still seems to be the case, Can you do do you know? Why have you heard any good operating theories on? Why, situation in Florida is so bad right now. Yes, they were right and before I mean, if you look in places like Jack, signalled the Wall County and Clay County They were under the eddies dollar. Forty three and forty eight percent backing it their suffering from it. The another roll counties up with another part of the state they have less vaccination their high. Having the eyes of my report, and much my try. Their last summer down Laura we're z, low milder, although numbers are you, whereas there now because they were last summer because we have a much higher vegetation rate so miserable.
why there has been talk about whether or not there should be mask mandates and flora, that conversations happy in cities and states across the country governor does and this in your assayed saying he's not going to mandate mask inside of schools. What's your view kids in school. Should they have to wear mass this far? I would say we ve been at the matter. Break eight months there are not a lot of people are aggressively against mass. Yes, asking does help I received some important to be able to wear mapping wherever possible, but the number one answer that we're gonna fuck is added signal message is about vaccination. Hopefully will have regulating yourself or be very kids are at work, and I hope will happen is that we will backfire bake. It is possible and again, and even though, where seventy eight percent- we need to give them a brave and higher than that that there had to be able to continue to reduce that we're we're nanny though there were finding new variant down here that coming from other parts of the World
your words are very high. The only answer is vaccination or presidency of Jackson, health system in Miami Day, Carlos Nagoya, thank you so much for being where that site. I wanted, really wanted to ask you also Mika by new and I really will be sending kids back to sending kids back to school. Pretty soon, I think I'm, but maybe in the list different position than you only because in Jack This help easy, as has up respiratory issues at time. I'm so mom and dad can meet Vienna Tellingham, where a mask until a lot of this clears, even though these vaccinated, just because as we weird from the doktor people complete, healthy that have the vaccine usually have have any any significance symptoms. What what are your thoughts
mask mandates and kids getting back in school and whether whether they should be met screw, not I'm I'm still up in the air or that I've always said now: the safety first, it it seems, since, at least in the beginning, part of the fall Damascus up if this dealt area is still whipping around all over the planet, and it really depends on your school and what age kids are in there because, as Carl has just said, the kindergarten or through the. What's. What would it be fit their sixth grade under of yours old. In other words, there not vaccinated severe in a school. That's k through five or k through aid or k through twelve than that sort of a different calculus, because even had a path of the school that has not been vaccinated, but for older kids. Hopefully they can get there in school? But it really is the back in school without mass, but it really is the story of the country where we had the serfs
liberation almost in June, or we said. Ok, I think we ve done that we can get back to school. We get back to life in the fall boom here. I'm the delta variant and all of a sudden that changes the dynamic to where a lot of schools or sale, We announced in June early July that school is back fully. Normal no mass, no distant saying we did it where kids are vaccinated, come on back together, pumping the breaks a little bit. I think and saying This dealt a variant scares is a little bit. Let's take a look, and maybe have kids where as you say at least in the early stages of the fall neuron teacher meanwhile Joe in New York already are pushing back, though, against a possible vaccine mandate by the governor. Governor Andrew Cuomo, suggested on Monday, teachers should be mandated to get the vaccine of cases continued rise, the teachers in fired vat writing, this stated quote we have advocated since the getting of the year that any educator who wants a vaccine should have easy act,
ass to what we would support local efforts to encourage more vaccinations such as through programmes that require that those who are not bad they d get tested on a regular basis, but it is critical that districts come up with plans to make testing of or on site and at no cost. What we have not supported the vaccine mandate. So that's in New York eight United Teachers Union Joe saying we, scenario, the vaccine mandate may vaccine if you want it, testing, should be mandatory there. That's the position of the union, the act, position every bit as ridiculous as if a pilot or if a flight attendants, I'm not going to take a vaccine or health care workers so that healthcare workers, that take care of senior citizens deciding they're not going to get vaccines. It's ridiculous. You're gonna have a teacher that again teachers, unions have been whining for the past six months and months, we're not going to go back in to class until you get vaccines and then they get have the choice.
Some getting vaccines and now they're saying away we don't want, we want the vaccines we don't want. The mandate set, they rule wrote this. It's got through a couple. Seventy ruler of the teachers, unions, fought against in person learning last year because of health risks. Now they don't support the one thing that will Currently many lies hell for stranded Ross work and teachers whose entire professional mission is to educate and keep kid save while require you're the vaccine among themselves this for the union, did what teachers and the class for nearly a year. Let that sank. It Mika I've been saying it over the past month or two, and I said he could see this coming. You just just cite my law, professor appear since eighty should be able to see this coming, like a freight train out the mess its common add to that team. Who can play, the news is excuse an excuse, I will say you can They now because they ve
on their handed excuse. We can't go back and declare your kids are going to have to stay at home. I do distance learning new, they say how all these I'd say just what is to be their babysitters for their kids. They can't get. We can't go back in the class so the vaccine and now they're saying don't make us get vaccines. You can't make its kit vaccines, it's ridiculous. what I'll be really honest. My kids will ease kids year. if they were still in school. ok it'd be too for socially but academically. We have the means to take care of our children and in fact they did at last with two ordering: an extra help on the outside does so little harder to learn. But it's true they disadvantaged in sick kids from from TAT, we disadvantaged backgrounds from working class backgrounds who are the ones who fell
Others behind last year and they're gonna fall further buying this next year and there are kids that, with that have met Health challenges that may be classrooms and needs socialize, I'm not even talk in teachers, unions right. I'm talking to the leaders, but people that better like to delete they made to have the mandate, if you're a teacher and you teenage in front of class of kids. You need to get vaccinated and, if you doubt vaccinated. You need to leave school now, maybe you want to do your distance learning somewhere else. I ever did you do whatever, but kids need to be back in school and and have to be safety precautions for those set are too young to get vaccines right now and each school can The visually decide the best way to do that, but but unless a teacher
as a medical king. It a condition that prevents him or her from getting that tax it they all need to get vaccines. Are they dont me? here's the things that we ve learned. There is science that has played out here so such as science being given to you by the scientists who actually know the facts against the conspiracy theory that float around on social media and Facebook, and all that the facts have played out, the numbers show that, if your vaccinated, your chest of dying from covered, go way down to practically zero. If you are, on vaccinated and you get covered. You could end up in a hospital all was in the hospital. Ninety nine percent of them are people who are on vaccinated. Now, if you are in a state like Florida which is number one right now in covered cases, and is experiencing a surge, and you have a gun, who sang wait. I'll need mask mandates in school. When you have Adele
a variant that is ripping through the population in the south and hitting younger people, even children, either babies and killing them with the delta there. Aunt and you're. Saying that you don't need mask mandates in your school. You are completely out of step with what is right and what should be done to protect your population. Now, if you go to your neighbouring states in the south, you have governors pleading with people to get vaccinated, saying what needs to be said. I can teach you common sense. You need to get vaccinated, begging people. get their vaccine and yet in Florida, it's a party Now we really need a mask if you're a kid. I don't think so. Well, I'd put a mask on kid, if I were sending them to a Florida school, you have had run times if saying several times a people to maybe he's gotten that word out there
It is too early, though, for any governor make a blanket statement on on masks what like, for instance again, it's really said that children that I think most of it should be concerned about those who are too young to get the vaccine those who, right now, I believe under twelve those hence it need to be taken care of their down again and then I guess, Willie there's a thing that the drive me crazy about this discussion. It always has we ve always said here. The same thing follow the science followed. The science will sometimes changes because a virus changes because a virus at the next the virus has a variant things move and its effects, moving game and when its fast moving game you gotta be actual, you gotta be able to adapt to it so so two months ago it looked like this. I said no masks a lot of people didn't get vaccinated the delta very flew through the United States, where naming do it there there are now
there can be no hard fast rules for all fifty states can some states have been backs do they have much higher vaccination rates than other states. But again this whole idea that I'm I'm always going to be against a mask mandate, are always going to be for a mask mandate without looking at the science seems a little bit, they tell us right now: yeah and wearing a mask and school is a pain in its uncomfortable and it's not fun. But what's worse, as you say, is learning from home. another year or so many kids fall through the cracks. So many kids millions by the way, not thousands, millions of kids have lost contact with their school. They are not even going to school and participating in any way. So, whatever it takes to get kids back into classrooms, I think most educate Here's. What a green teachers would agree is best and also we should point out that there are very, very low numbers. We ve learned this over the last year. You talk about learning and growing interfering. This out, there's no way to
Should that schools were big vectors of transmission, other words these schools and they went back and they didn't become super spread, or so we a lot more than we did a year ago that schools don't spread alot of disease and we got the thing through them. Michael of Science and doctors, scientists and the government and pharmaceutical companies. We got this go vaccine that should allow our kids to be back in schools and allow our teachers to be safe and seed like to think the teachers would want that are themselves, but also for all the kids in this country. There's a new report from the eyes or family foundation that shows breakthrough cases hospitalizations and deaths extremely rare among those who are fully vaccinated against nineteen point of this report. Those fully vaccinated show an infection rate that is well below one percent in all reporting states than raids of death, among fully back, say and people were effectively zero.
During a White House briefing yesterday CDC Director, we're show, will linsky looked to drive home. That message to doubt there, and is highly contentious. To put this in perspective. If you get sick, what the alpha variant, you could, in fact about two other on vaccinated people. If you get sick what the delta variant, we estimate that you could, in fact about five or on vaccinated people more than twice as many as the original strain. In all of this, there is El Good needs, our vaccines are working to prison, prevent severe illness hospitalizations and does so that's what we're underlining here is that we hear these screaming headlines about breakthrough cases and, of course there are people been vaccinated, trance getting covered nineteen again, but as doctoral Linsky way out there and others have made very clear if you get it and even vaccinated, sometimes
your asymptomatic most of the time, we're asymptomatic, but you certainly in almost all cases, don't get sick enough to be in the hospital or die. We were talking earlier about centred Lindsey Gram of South Carolina who announced yesterday he did get covert nineteen, despite the fact that he's been, acts. Navy says its symptoms are mild he's going to isolate for ten days, but he thanked and made very clear. He thank those who developed the vaccine. He said he was grateful he had it. He encourage everyone else to get it because because of that Maxine, although he asked Nineteen now he doesn't actually feel second will not be put in a hospital one. We always. You now have run New York Yankees they share has decided that they were going to get covered the Gatt and cover they through it. I exaggerate slightly garret call breaking news. Garrick call. It here's has tested positive recovery will be following that news is one of this. What Lindsey wrote yesterday again? Just to underline what will he said it was
port for Lindsey, to write this, and we are grateful that he did. I like other scientists, infection and present time. I've mild symptoms, Obi quarantining for ten days very tat I was vaccinated, because without vaccination, I'm certain I would not fail as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse again, a very important message: is also very important that the date I have before that states also very important message that what you were just talking about a minute ago and what we saw the packaging, and that is the odds of of, we're getting sick, really sick after a nation are so love their extra ordinarily LAO? I think you have more of a chance of dying of bees, staying or a lightning, right, I think I read in the Washington Post and then you do of of dying after getting about
getting a vaccine and end its that's important. To remember it. Also important make it remember that how many people have got the vaccines we ve hit the seventy percent threshold. Joe Guide was looking for. So I dont know what is hundred and seventy five million. Maybe a hundred eighty million Americans and and we all know most of us now But what we are we ve heard this story, somebody you know somebody, you know somebody also at a reaction to a vaccine. which again the more people that take it. The closer we get to eighty percent. Ninety percent, the more stories we're gonna hear, but again, the odds are so extraordinarily low that you would hope that the FDA would move towards approval very quickly. They have they been move they ve been moving toward approval. The Wall Street Journal editorial pigs. This morning says they need to move faster. I
it does seem like they are focusing their resources more on moving towards final fully final approval of vaccine, they have so much information from so many people. I expect that they come come soon and hopefully that'll move, even more Americans, ticketing, vaccinated Still I had on morning Joe the eviction moratorium has expired, and now the White House is scrambling, to find a solution for millions of Americans affected by it plus with mid term since drawing closer President Biden offers a possible preview of how Democrats will take on Republicans. Special aid when it comes to voting rights and, though White House staff or ugly sparked former president trumps first impeachment, is telling a story for retired lieutenant colonel
Alexander Lindeman joins us. I had on morning. Job will be right back. Our world seeing some big challenges, Chuck Dodd breaks them down. a deep dive into a new topic, instead of covering all the big stories of one single subject, impacting american politics exploring and explaining the critical issues that affect our future made the press reports. all the pursuit of season two are now available on demand on be gone,
This does not mean, as this simple question meetings in the women asked, what matters to them and why? Let us be clear: it is about work. The angle Sir Knight errant MSNBC with special coming question afforded specifically, are you going taught me three year process care about would you fund, if not now, when and if not us. Repress, then, who what you discovered doesn't match. Your expectations can in fact Jack this forest. Keep asking yourself hard questions, confident not be tough on the answers. It's just not true fever facts over conspiracy. What should american citizens know relying on experts not influence? They are now going to debate it again and vote again entrust standards over here said. at MSNBC, This is what we do in this yeah.
two more Washington DC police officers who responded to the insurrection at the capital have died by suicide since the January sixth attack for officers who defended the site that day, in their own lives wash ten DC police officer, Gunther Sheeta was founded his home on Thursday. He was an Eighteen near a veteran of the Force office shit. I was assigned to the emergency response team with these special operations division that help protect the capital that day We also learned that officer Kyle Defray Tag, who is also I D say: Metro Police force died until I tenth he was try a twenty six years old and had been with the department since November of twenty sixteen, just after the January sixth attack too Other officers died by suicide
Families family said their deaths were the result of the capital riot. more than one hundred officers from DC and capital police were injured, defending the capital, that William morning when you look at what they officers of dawn, but they ve been through the hell. Did they ve been through beaten up and brutalized by Americans people? I d, love this, contrary getting beat and brutalized with an american flag. You looked at the testimony last week could see that that the trauma that was evident in their face from what they want through an and still being marked and ridiculed by a small percentage of people, but people who my guide,
disheart was claiming that they were actors. I mean it's, it's heartbreaking, Nobody, nobody was acting here and these suicides. This continues for a force that that was deeply traumatized. The events of the day is anybody would- and I guess, partially now after these two additional suicide says is something that I am sure the capital. the DC police were already worry about before, but we really going to have to put focus on the mental health care of those who who endure We first have to believe what happened, what everybody livelihoods. Everybody knows what happened the day, people that are claiming they r r, have their heads buried in Facebook all day. Are our website it's from from chinese cults. Religious cults are, are there just again there they're just
king, there defending Donald Trump buy back a bit by defending insurrection. In these he's rioters, these mobsters, these terrorists of police officers and selves, called them terrorists. But really we we we now what and would see what happened. We ve seen these cops being beaten and brood lies with an american flag. Seen there adds crashed see them lying on the ground, begging for their lives. They have children and, and they need our help everybody's help. They need Mental Health Council just like we do for men and women who come back from war zones. yeah. When they will. These officers signed up to become police officers, whether capital, police or Deasey Metro, I hesitate to think that they can even can see
of something like the pictures, were seeing right now they knew there. We have to defend the capital, perhaps from a terrorist act or some shooter, but some like this, an insurrection, a crowd of american citizen storming through and be then with american flags and calling on the horrendous names that we heard in testimony before Congress last week, it's it's beyond heartbreaking, its hideous that you're officers to suicide because of what they endured on that day in its even worse, but there are many people in positions of great power in this country who continue to prepare, wait. The lies, the drove the people, the capital and allow some Americans a large percentage. Unfortunately, according to a lot of pulling in this country, to believe that what happened there It was just a regular tourist visit or it was there right tend to be there or that they actually did. The right thing of those people have chosen the defence of one man, Donald Trump over the defence. Of our democracy and over the defence.
Of police officers, who were there that day a sad affair question at an unwilling they ve with american terrorists over police officers. It's that simple. Let's bring right now what Rapporteur for the Associated Press, China through a mere Pulitzer prize, winning colonists and says she better, the Washington, Post and Emerson he political analysts, Eugene Robinson Jean, such such tragic news, these capital, your police answers to more taking their own lives. We ve been talking for some time about the number of suicides. Further, the men and women in uniform that came back from Iraq and Afghanistan where we are already now, we ve, had four before office state their lives from that day year. We, and where the tragedy of the dramatic events leave scars they really scars of the kind that can't be seen and- and I just hope that Metropole
item, policing, capital police and and all the books binding law enforcement agency Sees that day, the ring We do what is necessary to to assess and to take care of the mental health of the office. From a brutal war. I say about me: there is no other way to say the word. brutalized, traumatized and shocked and and injured, and, in the end, with lasting scars. It's just too it's for officers and me, let's just that's just a tragic loss, Jonathan or mere wait, went from from your reporting. How widespread is that this information on the hill and the republican side on the hillside, especially we ve heard Mitch, becomes come out a couple of times, even though he killed the one six commission, we ve heard him come out being there nuclear about about the debt, to the debt of gratitude that we offer to the capital cops in DC, Metro, police
but we have inherited from many other Republicans have what I mean what how widespread as this conspiracy theory that was just another day at the capital or you know, Johnson course tells a different lie: everyday, whipped up another conspiracy, theory, everyday. I'm curious, so. How are more open guns, coming out being supportive, these capital held Copses police officers. All see this news of these two suicides, truly heartbreaking and tragic- just came out late yesterday, so we'll see if others in Congress react to at the house is home for recess the Senate. Still here in session let's not who shouted scorcher things. As you said, it was much recall, another habit of senators who killed by Parson January six commission. We also know that it took until the eleventh hour for Congress to put together funding to keep the. U S cabin, please going that they were out of money, and it took it
emergency deal to keep that money going, so they could keep protecting the capital even after, of course, what happened six and a half months ago on that tragic? day did the conspiracy theories and those attempts to downplay what happened on January six, so little more prevalent, how side than the Senate RON Johnson. You named him he's the guilty as defender. Certainly on the set aside saying, as we'd have captive cut talks about your on the show. Previously, There have been far more afraid had they been black lives matter approach you're supposed to a mob right, nurse carrying trump flags and others. You know, certainly senator tag. Crews and others have voiced some support and must remember still two decertify that you cannot sort of Joe Biden, selection, Holly, crews, they're the ones with that day still acted in allegiance. those who support the capital, but they ve been quite or in terms of support
Since its on the house, we ve heard from a number of republican congressmen who have downplayed that day. Suggestion was just like tourists gathering saying that has been overblown suggesting these were. erotic Americans are using their first, the right to express themselves and their saying that totally out of line with the facts, and the tragic facts that we're seeing that frankly as the death but huge rise as the station is gonna, be ground with the aftermath of that day for months and years to come, and look at those strong signs everywhere and Donald Trump. To deny that this wasn't his riot that this in his insurrection, when in fact he was cheering it on from the White House, according to republican senators and, of course, called up, you haven't Mccarthy and Mccarthy ass begged him to shut it down and and Mccarthy, it wasn't his people, while he even while he was cheering them on Mccarthy, shouted at and swore adding call him a liar, and our said
said how stupid do you think we are? Everybody knows, look at all the trump signs these were all Donald supporters and there and right now meagre be clear about it. Republicans they have a choice. To make and is a very simple choice. You can either we on the side of american terrorists, and so the cops call them we're getting brutalize with american flags in guinea, we on the side of american terrorists. you can be on the side of law enforcement officers of police officers. It's that simple terrorists are cops. Pick aside and if you decide that you do want to support law enforcement officers, if you do want to protect those who are protected, who, every day inside the United States Cappel, if your Republican, could you please please offer your support publicly
for law enforcement officers a day in the capital in the Deep Sea metro force. Please let them know how much you appreciate what they do for you every day and specifically what they did save your life January? The six has right now they obviously art, feeling that their hearing a lot of Republicans under in them and attack them and claim that their actors and claim that this is just another day on the hill, and so when will pass can come out and say that or when, when carnival barkers come out and say And you say nothing as a republican member of Congress. sort of endorsing bat yeah right. I You don't hear me saying silences violence or whatever saying was last year. But in this case they need you as a republic into a farm, your support for them. These are good people
They risk their lives for you and and and and they risk their lives for you on channel. The sex just write a quite tweet thank and publicly. Let them know how much they mean to you, you mean the world at them, and it will mean a world of their families- really wrong with you. If you were to laugh at them and invalidate what happened and call them actors, there's something really wrong with you coming he was a key player in Donald Trump, first impeachment trial and now Alex Durban, men as that was a new memoir, recalling the fateful phone call between Trump. The president of Ukraine and the unexpected consequences Hey joins us next morning. Tell the house, because this investigation of the jail, my sixth insurrection, although perhaps most interesting exchange took place out of here.
You must congressmen, Jim Jordan, struggle towards a pretty basic question. Yes or no did you speak with President Trump on January next year? I spoke with the president last week. I speak at the present time. I spoke on January six mean I talked with President Trump. the time on January. Six did you speak with him before, during or after the capital was attacked? I have to go. I I I spoke with him that day after I think after I spoke with him in the morning and I I just dont know I had to go back and I mean I don't I don't I don't know don't that would win when those conversation happen, but but all I know is I spoke about time. Oh ok, then, that's unreasonable. The main point both involve us energy and deeply suspicious denials normally was a full Woody Allen. Why wouldn't I not reassuring.
Hey. Everyone is mainly MSNBC, corresponded and hosted the pie into America. Eighteen, sixty eight gold medal is why size protested at the Mexico City Olympic Games. But few noticed about a care about what women said. What we thought as half out about this we gonna buy gas. We take a look at one of the greatest olympians you ve, probably never heard of whose quiet protests spoke volumes and continues to echo today at the twenty one Olympic Games in Tokyo. Search for into America. Where were you listening now and follow to get new episodes every Thursday morning. dad sitting here today in the: U S, Kapital and talking to our elected officials, is proof that you made the right decision forty years ago to leave this
union come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our family. Do not worry I'll, be fine for telling and why do you have confidence that you can do that and tell your dad not to worry, because this is America? Is the cost I have served and defended that my brothers have served, and here right matters. Thank you, Sir you remember nineteenth two thousand nineteen, the day most of the country learn the name Alexander Vincent DE now retired. Lieutenant colonel was the one who sounded the alarm about what he heard and then present July? Twenty fifth, two thousand nineteen phone call with ukrainian present Lansky, which eventually led to president trumps first impeachment trial, and retired. U S. Army lieutenant colonel Bondman joins us. Now he is the author of the new book out today called here right now,
matters and american story, Colonel Lindeman Good Morning, it's great to have you here. I want to talk about that testimony. I wanna talk about what you heard on the phone call, but we were too discussing what you said in that testimony, which is your immigrant story that family came here. I think you, your three years old came to Brooklyn. That testimony. You touched on something that was so important, which is that you could speak out in this country, something that your father felt you couldn't do because of it. My own experience in the Soviet Union. Why, I think Immigrant story so important to so many Americans very few, can claim that their their native and that's a common thread that ties us all together. I thought that was critical too. Thus, this, especially in this moment where immigrants are being attacked then. It also affected me deeply, because I saw who had some experience with what other side look like we're. Right. Doesn't matter in the United States, does it need. We need to continue to make it matter,
I think that's part of the reason I wrote this book seen some pictures of you and your team. rather also work the National Security Council. He figures into the story of July two thousand nineteen as there's a scene in the book dirt. This is all going on and you are preparing to testify or your father and based on his experience in the Soviet Union, tells you straight up support the present, go out there and support president Trump. How did you take that? And what did you say back to? wow. I respect my dad. He always had Awesome advice, precision, advice, oftentimes, but in this case I knew exactly what the right thing to do was: his hair was apart. Channeling is experiences and a deep sea that I would potentially end up. So many of the Soviet Union or in other authoritarian regimes and up which is opera pursue prosecuted and maybe even killed, and that's
was channeling when we provide advice. Will. Ironically, there was a grain of wisdom to what he was saying because eventually did lead. The United States Army based on your decision to testifies, let's go back to the call Thursday, clock in the morning July, twenty fifth two thousand nineteen president from calls President's linsky, ostensibly to congratulate him on his election. What did you hear specifically on that call that raise the alarms for you or even go the cause I was as apprehensive aid. I shouldn't have been put together other talking points I knew finally how it should have done and under almost the other circumstances, except for that present. because you never really fog any anything, spanish, any scripted or policy oriented- is almost of serving, but I knew that there was a risk that it would go the way we had seen it going with the Giuliani of creeping in with its demise for investigation, knowers preceding meaning. Until I can't we also, I express my concerns two senior Whitehouse officials and
perhaps because I thought that there was a chance. we're going to go down this line, but the other side there was a professional military officer that review to believe that the present it was going to be complicit in this corrupt enterprise undermine the very foundation of our election, which is free and fair election, and that's Ty walked into the call, and as soon as that join line, to tell I was gonna, go badly. President trumpet permits the colony, perfect phone call was the statement. What were the words you heard that told you I need to go, tell somebody about this sure airing. They culminated in the most famous words. I need you to do us a favour, though, play little bit of drama to a little bit of a kind of he also italian accent it comes. It comes crystal clear, but the threat the phone call you could years primitive president building towards something he was talking, everything that the United States has done nobody's done more in their Eu Ukraine or Ukraine. Sorry,
This is not appreciative and in response to present Dylan Skis suggestion, they were gonna, buy more weapons that they needed critically to and against more russian aggression the present response. I need you to do us a favour now and then all sorts of other crazy stuff about crowd, strike servers and, more recently, in all these things- and I knew right- I had to do something to get us back on track. The present, Flip lapped on many issues and with the right people counselling M things had done properly. He could have been back about brought back on onto unto target. So you walk in here between brothers office, there's part of that immigrant story, making it all the way to the White House Twin Brothers office afterward. He also works for the National Security Council and you say This is what I just heard now you know by having that conversation or entertaining the eye that we're gonna push this up the chain of command, you're, probably happen into something because of who this president is and who is surrounds himself with what was that conversation likely to
other, so it was for the amazing thing about this whole thing is: I had closest ally? Could in the White House, within my guy delicate brother, will we maids So I'd spoke. I speak to me regular basis your multiple times data was proof pretty much only break. I took so soon dinner. He could probably sense that there is something off. I closed the door. There's a little dramatic pause Tom Eugene What I'm about to tell you ever becomes public. The president will be appeased, and that was it disconnect from the reality that somehow this would become public because normally it doesn't. This is government everything's classified, but it did in history and folded with depressing pitched together, because this is Donald Trump and because he surrounds himself with people like real issue that Rudy Juliana. You know when you go out that you're gonna be smear. They're gonna! Try to this. Credit you they might even strip you of all the things they obviously denied your promotion to colonel. What was the culture
in your mind, and that moment of should I, that- should I open a pandora's box, so there is. There is no hesitation on the fact I needed to report. This is my duty torrent on multiple occasions to support and defend the constitution against. His foreign and domestic- and there was no Occasionally, I recognise I almost certainly out of the White House in them to my mind, I died. There was a risk due to my career, but as hopeful and to be optimistic. I think one of the hardest. aspects of this whole affair was at the military, did wasn't supportive and in your your last night, when you talked about the suicide of the police officers, I think having similar. It's simple, someway similar experiences. The hardest part might be Yes, the attacks on that day, but the best sucks attacks the demonization, the character assassination from folks that they defend regular basis in Congress, the folks at supposedly support a law enforcement that that is
I ve got thing to bear next, it's hard should not hold a grudge. I do not have feelings against pollution and institution I served and loved for for decades, but it's not easy, sometimes so had its press that colonel dead men, when the kind of people you ve served with for your entire life and the United States Army people in the night its military when you went to them, assuming that they would take this seriously and and push up through the China comes. themselves when you met a brick wall and they said we don't want any part of this fact we're gonna push you away what that feel. Like It was is pretty watching your unfold. It was is hard to describe. With no outrage. She knew typically in the military you have your you're sear leadership is always be eager to win correct you if you do something wrong, encourage if you doing something right? That's just the way the system works. That's that's leadership, but those those
Then it was better. I had one conversation with the chief of staff for the army. He said right thing in the right way. I looked at him, very puzzled. What is the right way and the new writing was, but what is the right way mean in this context? Lieutenant colonel challenging Commander. In chief based on when the press it's a violation of his obligations. The constitution. Can you give me a little bit more and nothing? What do you say to people I heard your story, are your testimony will read this book and say you know what these are supporters of Donald Trump what he said was harmless. It was just Donald Trump kind of spouting off being Donald Trump. What do you say to that? I think that we should be dismissive. If we want right to matter, we have to make it matter. I think that the Congress, The Senate, in particular Senate Republicans, abrogated the responsibilities under the constitution and, under this specific we face wore during the trial that there's a logic link to the six hundred thousand dead. If the press
without the council removed, we would have thought forty thousand more Americans walk the streets today if they had done they censured him. The president would be on his heels and he would probably have been more cautious going into covered? We wouldn't have economic disaster, if we things tat matter, we have to make it matter, and that means each one of us making our voices heard an inn, You can make a difference. It's just that simple for anything I'm an example that whether that was willingly or not, I think we should better mind and try to make things better. Limit. a mere with the Associated Press is here with a question for you, John Carter Morning, thanks, for being here, I was hoping you could walk is through during that time when you re in the spotlight and impatient trials going out. What was it like for you in terms of we fearful for your own safety, which are of security measures were taken. We receiving France, and a second part of that is that still continuing paint a picture for us is what your life is like after this moment Are you re entering the stage with this book are used
fearful that some supporters of Donald Trump may make your life very difficult, or even You are your family had done so I think I was very, very focused on what I needed to do for testimony its. What we call a kind of mission oriented laser folks, two on on the task at hand which was Tipp to come across. professional impartial and direct with regard said addressed the questions of the congressmen and so forth. So I was some training, in my background time in Moscow, under pretty parts of conditions where you have a secure services are constantly monitor actions beleaguered that was in the back of my mind, by really focused on the mission. My way Another hand was extremely extremely concerned she's, as my daughter says, responsible for safety, I'm responsible for fun, and she she was very concerned, about the letters
coming to the home. The witch on the internet was going to come around in arena railway and affect our lives and at what point we they considered moving on translation, too checked ourselves. We didn't go to that level, but we were, there was close now apprehensive by speaking out but, like I said, if we want to matter? We have to make it matter. I wrote this book and or to address all of those our this wonderful there's of support I received from Americans talking about my background talking about? these key elements of my upbringing. Military service. That allowed me to navigate things. Do the right thing actually in the railway I'll leave that up to you to judge damn. I thought it was worth expressing these these thoughts, Jean Colonel Colonel
When this dream Robinson have any of the Republicans who defamed you wear who created you so badly apologized, No, definitely not! I don't think it's I don't it's in their dna at the moment to to do that. I had hoped that one point that the Republicans, who are who taught themselves as vendors of the military defenders of law enforcement. Would I see the merits of what I'm saying. No, really unfolded. The way did there were a couple of republican leaders that reach out and more supportive was Cheney reached down spoke to my wife. I thought Mitt Romney Rami took our principled stand by really those by far the exception, rather than the rule. so, Colonel let me just ask you about your father's faith and Contrary and your faith in this country is
A lot of reasons. You father, as all other reasons, does still believe the dream of America curious where you are right now. On that I remember I had a friend from Turkey and during the Iraq war every day he would lecture me about how bad America, wise and after about the fortieth, can secular watch your eyes. I do you can always go back to Turk. Yes, we make mistakes in make mistakes, it mean, if you think, America's such a horrible place Why are you here and he said something I'll never forget, he said said because America, it's like a Hollywood movie, you do things better many times, but in the end, the good guy, always win, and he said I ve seen it since I've been over here the good guys always win in the end.
curious, if that's where you are now, if you believe that the good guy These are willing, if you believe that accountability still can in this country. If you believe, that. Actually you know that here right still matters where did Joe, I think your your friend was challenged. Channeling is Churchill. Where he said day week after we try to anything else, will do the right thing, but I do leave in this country. I think having my family's exe it's my first experience with words and combat zones on the border between them. in South Korea, in Ukraine, in Russia I see where challenges really are in stark contrast that this country poses took to some of those hardships that eight people face in other countries in these countries is unique. It's it's a wonderful place, at times. I can't deny that some of my It was shaken
vibrated. I figure shaken is a little too strong but I was a back on the fact that this country is we move forward striving to, that more perfect union many many missteps alive, the way, but we are slowly slowly progressing. It's hard to see that This moment where we are sold, I did, and the rhetoric is so acute by. I do do have a great in this country, most worm wearing this Wagner make at this last bit is for, you colonel, then many were telling me. The commercial breaks out he's working on his phd and he s got the thesis proved, I believe, and how does it begin so its thoughts where there are called your father in which he says that cannot be stressed enough, that Ukraine, that Russia without Ukraine ceases to become an empire, but we crane, subordinating suborned automatically becomes an empire and that in a cab slates, frankly, the input of Ukraine to U S National security, that Russia,
comes even more potent adversary. You and your father for for offering about Taoism to me time honoured that you had my father's crowed into this- and I I wonder a little bits- r d Jos question, but after all you ve been through and where we're going now? Are you still hopeful America as a democracy, I've got a wonderful life beautiful ten year old daughter, super happy I am able to really especially people recognize me straight off might be harder up to these appearances, have a conversation with anybody, even if their I consider off a moderate on the left and the right, I can have a conference and with anybody in probably come to some common understandings, we all kinds care about some very core issues where, worse still kind of this in people fundamentally at it's the right that's being driven by
petitions self serving politicians- that is really two fearing with us and driving us apart. So I think that something that we can overcome and again this this, but I think it is a hopeful story about lit being to live with the decisions you make navigator, difficult affairs and coming. another side, prepared to rebuild and I looked back better. Said many times. We want right to matter. We have to make it matter. Nothing is inevitable. We have to work at it think even reminding us. What right is the book is here right matters, an american story that Colonel Alexander Vinland. Thank you so much for being here today. Congratulations on the book and thank you for doing the right thing, if you travel meagre, whether the politics, climate change, the effect Dave, marijuana laws or the challenges of racial injustice did your day a dose of enlightening articles at MSNBC, daily, ridden perspective by people. You know and trust like police, human endeavour.
the issue of immigration. Many hostage, weighing on voters, suppression and frank, big Lucy writing about national security, along with Michael Steel, is take on. The republican Party lists plank on gender issues and others, plus a fresh take Every morning from me, he's brown start your day with MSNBC Daily MSNBC dot com.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-03.