« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/13/21

2021-08-13 | 🔗

The Taliban captured two major Afghan cities on Friday, according to the militant group and local officials, as vital hubs across the country collapsed and the United States rushed to evacuate its citizens.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And look at where we are: is this magical? What welcome to the field of dreams now viola
exciting AIDS is amazing: the New York Yankees cargo wide socks is surrounded by Hollywood movie stars just a movie set the brings, and they get to do that yesterday. Of course, my boss and red Sox we're just play the seas and by the hand game? Yesterday, you now, there were three grounds: crew keepers there now the straight preacher an old hand dog that was about it- is we lost yet another game and miserable fashion, but really game that last night actually was this a special I still remember back in seventy six watching mark the bird its page on Monday night baseball and it was just And those moments in the middle of a long baseball season where everybody stopped and- and
it's what was going on and that it was a magical night last night, even didn't end up exactly how Yankees and would have wanted to end up another. logical- might for Major League baseball. It really was. I was thinking the same thing watching it. There are so few events are more the punch through in our crowded world of media and with so many other places to go, but this did really feel special and we're looking at Kevin, Costner readier. He did a great job last night. They big load on him where he was walking through the corn and he was narrating the open and then step and did a little bit of Emmy worthy acting their waited for the guys to come out of the corn, just like they did in the movie. Hats off two major league small hats off to the people. Iowa, who put this together into the two teams, who played a really fun game. Last night turned out there corn field and I was a launching pad. The ball was jump in their home runs going out into the corn, but they did. It was
special night. There really was, and now in the ninth ending last night down seven for air and judge it too, to run home run in the night, pulls the agency within seven six couple battery later John Carlo standards to run home run the eighties come back their up eight to seven. We think we got one think we're Poland within one game of the Red, Sox, understandings and then in the bottom of the night. SK kaluza Alabama native TIM. Nurse and Jack's? What can they do? The corn, in writing. El, the ivory walk off, or on nine, a white socks? They win the game on a truly special night in Iowa. It really was a special might Jonathan Mere, and this is something that we heard about company years ago in my Boise and I we were sent a letter. calendar. Of course we couldn't get out there, but it was Is it really was a special might and by the way, just justice,
beside you Are we looking at where the Chicago I'd socks, probably looking at a team Oprah we play like the Yankees fur. The American League Championship Series. These are you now. These are too great teams in the scarf one under the radar critically the show with court, whose I don't play numerically east but low last night, was, was really special evening. It was mainly baseball, pulled it off. This was Indeed, a Hollywood sat game had the theatrical to match. It was really fun. It did. Draw people live my twin, How much was nothing but this game? My boys and I watched the your big baseball. Fancy certainly were drawn to this. It was really fundamentally. Baseball has already said that this was such success. They want to do it again. Perhaps an annual tradition at the very end do it again next year, this field of dreams game
in Iowa. Look. We all know that field of dreams. The movie is one reduces grown men to tears and certainly went to matters that walk off home run to hand the Yankees a heartbreaking loss, I was sobbing with joy, gay of course, You are also sobbing a couple hours earlier when the red Sox fortune sit there lowest of laws. Even the hound dog that was watching in this stance had to and walk away. The ninth ending ugly, but anyway WWW special special game last night get alot of news this morning and boy. I guess it was predictable, but moving so quickly in Afghanistan. It's it's it's hard to keep up with. the cities at that have fallen this morning right before we came on, the air, Kandahar was added to the list of all
Afghanistan towns falling into the Talibans control you a lot of people ah this coming may be, but I don't think anyone site happening so quickly. The Taliban continues to gain. Can all of Afghanistan quickly. Just this morning, the Associated Press reports, the group captured another provincial capitals in the southern part of the country, the Taliban overtook the city of Kandahar yesterday. That is the second largest city in the country, as well as the third largest city of her at the New York Times reports Afghan soldiers are deserving the cities in the final days of battle, some of them even Changing sides to fight with the Taliban residents are fleeing now Kabul, one of the last sitting spare from violence, but so do you as officials say, even the afghan capital soon may be threatened and fear. The afghan government made completely collapse within
many days. The bite administration now was rushing three thousand troops to the cobble airport to help with a partial evacuation of the. U S embassy the move, as described by the eight p the sign of waning confidence in the afghan government's ability to hold off the Taliban surge. This as three american officials tell the New York Times. American negotiators are trying to extract assurances from the Taliban. They will not attacked U S embassy in Kabul! If the extremist group takes over the country's government and ever ones to receive foreign aid, not a cent personnel had already been withdrawn from the embassy back in April, despite the Excel Exit state department spokesmen NED Pray insisted. Yesterday, the United States has not given up on the afghan people. Well, the message we are sending to the people of Afghanistan is our one of enduring partnership. This is not abandonment. This is not enough.
Population. This is not the wholesale withdraw. What this is is a reduction in the size of our civilian for footprint let's brain former NATO Supreme, Allied Commander retired forced our Navy, Admiral James De Vries, sees a chief international security and policy analyse for NBC News and MSNBC also with this junk senior fellow at the council on foreign relations, see my lemon she's, the best selling author, who has reported extensively on Afghanistan and Chief White House correspondent for the New York Times Peter Baker Good Morning to you all let me start with you. We said that this perhaps was not surprising, except for the pay So what do you make of what's happening as we speak in Afghanistan? so good summary, especially on Friday, the thirteenth. It is a bad day for the government in Kabul. You don't say,
The baseball theme and kind of feels, like the ninth, any think, Kandahar. That's like lost actual is falling out in Harare that cargo. A few days ago, conduce that's Philadelphia. These are big cities, big population centres, so I think it category what about right, Willie, which is to say many of us, were predicting that this would happen, but the speed of it is quite remarkable, and you have to ask yourself: Why why this collapse? Considering we had train the Afghans, we had supplied them with. Superb equipment. They really had the tools to defend, and they might. you'll be able to put a hardened perimeter around cobble, but boy. Even that looks doubtful. I think, to deployment. The U S, troops is a good move. What we want are at this point is complete
collapse in Saigon moment. I think we can still avoid that moving the troops. It makes sense to me This administration appears quite clear. They're gonna cut the cord and get out so we gotta be thinking about a follow on steps in an event. that ensures american citizens are allies? Those who were alongside us. The interpreters, for example, can get out as well very dark moment now. The merit and people admiral. I support this move, and- and yet I am still surprise, at our rapid. Move boy ned price at the State Department said this: wasn't The meant this wasn't evacuation, that's exactly what it is. I do, I just wonder admiral how the United States of America maintain security, not just for everyone. Else's interests both for our
selfish self interest. If we can't even keep twenty five hundred three thousand four thousand troops in a country like F understand in a country like Syria and in other hot spots, where we ve now figured out over twenty years, and I presume talking about what have we learned over the past twenty years well figured out how to have a really small footprint in places Syria, SIRI and Afghanistan and at the same time, stop the Russians, stop the Syrians, stop the Arabians stop ices up the Turk. Stop everybody from advancing. What do you think about it? I'm sure you anything politicians that are willing to actually put three in thirty, five hundred four thousand troops and hot spots. Windmills So those troops want to be there and are, set when their withdrawn the way to think about? Joe is leverage. In other words, what can you gain wit
relatively small footprint, relatively low cost in a very strategic place. I mean look at a map Afghans it is parked in the middle of Russia, China, Pakistan, India, it sitting on top a trillion dollars in rare earths and lithium, which goes in every car battery ever made. There's a lot a reason to want to keep stability in Afghanistan by the way, starting with the fact that when it's on governed it becomes a launch pad for things like nine eleven. So doing with a hundred fifty thousand troops when I commanded that mission it had a hundred and fifty thousand troops- that's not cost effective, but doing it with three thousand five hundred and two five thousand troops makes a lot of sense to me. So I agree with your premise: we are failing in keeping the leverage here, at this point. There is really no way back that I can see where the administration,
Gale were already hearing horror stories of what the Taliban is doing to women and girls, who had, in some respects, been protected, been allowed to step out society over the last twenty years, or so I worry hearing on the ground and that angle. The story, as the United States of America now pleads with the Taliban to not attack its embassy in Kabul. The Taliban is not just at the door there in the house and the quick here's. How do you have enough space and time to prevent misuse material catastrophe play up before Cameras in the world have a situation now. My fell on my wife's out. My email yesterday was with young women who, in a month before words high school students streaming of becoming doctors and teachers, and now a very real fears of becoming tall one brides, and so I think the question is how do we avoid worst case scenarios and create
space so that some of the worst case scenarios that have not yet paid out can happen The two years went by ninety ninety four to nineteen six. When Kandahar fell and tall one took cobble, there were two years: I don't they anyone expects that now I was into a young woman yesterday who was trying to figure out what she does with her things. She said activists you spoken out for women and girls participation in the political process and she does not know what her mom and dad we're gonna do other young person regime to me and said you know, I thought I saw coding, I'm ready, Seti Robotics, I'm ready to study engineering, but I had to flee. I was getting tell him I'm threats, but my mom my dad who stood near. Can you help me I'm in special operations? Bearing who wrote me inside. I got my interpreter out wife, their or his family is here, because you can answer
years earlier earlier. All of this is paying out in very real time, and the stakes are high. One young woman, I taught you she studied at their basically as he Chea Poch Centre that was bombed by most likely by ices and she went on to be the top score for the college entrance exams out of one hundred and seventy thousand students. Yes, you do the becoming exerting now she's trying to figure out how she gets through tomorrow and I think, do the very real estate, Peter Baker Weed. Now. This is going to happen, and we also know when we withdrew our troops, that it. is going to be young girls. It was going to be and the very young girls are very women, the very The very people over the past twenty years. We, sure them that they can go to school.
can get a job, they could start their own businesses and we would protect them. Ned price of the State Department talked about how the It states was not abandoning Afghanistan. Well, we are wit, this isn't an abandonment. This a ban on the abandoned meant that the sack deaf opposed and told the president. Then you should do it. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs did the same and, as you know, We and I know when animals from Edison anybody who follows it most of Washington's policy establishment knew this was a bad move in I was going to happen and that we were going to see these stories every day for possibly years. Joe Biden decided to move forward with us again wanting to do what Donald I wanted to do over the past several years that question Here's. What what was in
Joe Biden background? I know going back to two thousand and nine. He had contempt for Afghanistan leadership, but but what what was in his background that him Ford, damn all the torpedoes, despite what he I didn't know what was going to happen. Yeah two remarks situation. You know our. I was there on the ground. Will twenty years ago, this fall within just days of nine eleven before the CIA showed up before the special forces showed up as a reporter. Covering Afghanistan, and I saw it was like when it One was in charge of the idea that we will be here. Twenty years later, I was twenty years today. Eleven seeing the country, really turn right back to where it was in some ways anyway, is remarkably dark moment to use that Mr Venuses praise and you're right. I think the present Biden certain
new, certainly had every reason. No, this is what was going to happen. Nobody should surprise by any of this striking, but not surprising, because you know everybody said this issue that we will have the Pentagon told the White House it's what was going to happen we ve seen this movie before, and what you hear when you talk in private with the by an administration box is a very cold calculation which is yeah. Ah, this is gonna happen, but we have given a twenty years. It's up to the Afghans now take care of it. Tree or die where washing our hands over the fact is. They're saying, and we will make the best of it in the next few months in terms of making sure our own people are safe and there some commitment anyway to helping some Afghans who helped us over the years by its pretty coal calculation that you don't hear a lot of empathy right now from either Joe Biden nor the administration for the people of Africa
I stand, who are going to suffer as a result as, as is the people a gale get in touch with last year? aids and others. You know you're already hearing stories of atrocities in and then the king and things that we saw that in the nineties, when the Taliban did have briefly control the country and its is, the year, the pictures and their stories it will emanate in the weeks and months to come, you know what will be a humanitarian crisis in the making, but but the calculate It is what you said Joe it's with America. People are tired of it Be there anymore, you don't think we have to be there anymore. It's not our country up the Afghans take care of themselves, we did what we could and there was time to get out, but you, admiral again talking about the United States, of Amerika and and and our place in the world, what we're we're, not Aruba our Luxembourg, we wash our hands
situation, because we we grow tired or board of it. Even if stupid people are right in articles in newspapers are talking about the forever war, as if we had a hundred fifty thousand troops. there. You know who this is For some reason. I dont know why we, this was never framed like it. We we framed troops to Germany after World WAR, two were sending troops to South Korea after three and a war. This was a very small footprint about a small of is a footprint. She could possibly have the United States, I'm sorry, can you explain why the United States can't just so you know we're tired of this we're going to leave Iraq. We're tired of this work It's gonna leave Afghanistan, we ve done enough and well they lose. Well. Tough luck, K. Please explain if people haven't been paying attention over the past two decades, what happens when the United States just says we're bore.
we're going now, yet, let's start with the hide potential, in my view that Taliban Cumbria and go back to being irrational pariahs in Permit Al Qaeda to come back in the play. The lied about every single thing they agreed to in the run up to this, so why we ought to think there's gotta be a sudden new Taliban to point no who not only provide human rights, not gonna happen, but also push out Al Qaeda Islamic. It's not gonna happen, so we ve got a risk to the home. And into our allies second Jody your point. What does this look like globally, when people see as a step away from a problem, as you say in, by the way we ve seen almost this exact movie in Iraq, where we step away from the problem got frustrated. What happened? The islamic state
came back and got within fifty miles of Baghdad, and we went back in and we put together a good mission about three thousand five hundred troops which have stiffened the Iraq er me that could have been the case here. In any event, good deal, bad all this is a done deal. I don't think the administration is going to come back and you're going to see both risk to the home, and in my view, and, secondly, a Terry Duration, in how our allies think about us and whose the upside you upside is for I shall in China who will point to this is consolidate gains globally. Precisely Rowan feared, which is that Afghanistan returns to what it was in September, tenth too and one so Jonathan Le Mirrors, Peter Baker, says the argument from the White House: pretty straightforward: twenty is enough. It's time become home, we're not gonna risk anymore american lives there. Let's leave will now three thousand.
troops are going in temporarily anyway to help the evacuation of the embassy Do you see any opening for a pivot from this administration, as watches, what's happening very quickly in Afghanistan, on its decision on its policy Is there any chance for a change that troops may in fact returned to Afghanistan, know it he's not yet or any time soon we heard from the president, just a few days ago, when he was ass, if he had any regrets about assertion, he was in fact that we did not. This is something he's believed in a long time that there is a precious that I've talked emissions trading over the defence farm and say that there isn't a plan right now for any sort? Of course, correction: they are taken aback by how fast this is happening. We all suspected they all suspected that the Taliban would make advances, but that not that the afghan military would collapse in such rapid fashion and assembly by the hour. Another territorial city falls to them. I think
her from President Biden, has been consistent for years more than a decade now about the? U S, mission in He says in some ways that the? U S set out what it wanted to do was to stop Afghanistan for being a safe harbour for terrorist anymore, but to the utmost point. That is what keeps part the NASH occurred. Establishing up at night is the idea that it could once again be that safe harbour that it could be a place from which tax relaunched, and indeed, if one is, the United States were our allies. That would cast a whole new light on this decision and potentially even more second guessing of this troop withdrawal. where only accelerate by the day, with the security situation in Kabul deteriorate, including at the U S embassy, but at least for now, and we weeks because the store lies but dominates administration for the days ahead. There is no change your no change in the works to send more troops there too pivot on this mission, but it's obviously one that the official,
retorted late last night, say they're watching carefully. Gale, you spoke oh, so movingly about all this so. Where's is that you receive yesterday from young women. young women in Afghanistan. What's your biggest fear right now, Why do it? What will happen in the coming weeks and months do you have any reason to hope that, These women may find a way there's always hope. I think your point. This is the United States and we diplomatic muscle and leverage. We actually can. exercise. It's not the same as it was six months, twelve months or eighteen months ago, and those of us have been watching in living Afghanistan's instead of two thousand and one two thousand and three, two thousand and five can in some ways judge our age by the number of Afghanistan policy reviews we have been. partner or Jason to my home.
As always in two things. One is the people who are the first go ahead, Privilege of writing was about a teenager whose business supported her family under the toolbar. All As for us, we will breadwinner stirring years they couldn't be out on their own streets, so I have I doubt that women will go through an incredible period but we'll find a way because that's just what they do at their superpower in terms of diplomacy watch what happens all these powers are in Doha. Right now that all these discussions going to address reduces point China, my role, Pakistan's playing a role, Russia's main role, whether overtly quietly can the Eu S bedroom where some of the worst case scenarios are avoided. Where you do some advice in space and time in Kabul to evacuate the people You have been America's in NATO's allies and then by some time to figure out a little bit of how you avoid some of the worst
images paying out on tv you in country. Setting a business people who write how people who want to get on the Eu S, easy can't be the paperwork and countries, and they can smuggled out to neighbouring countries, because the borders are closed. Some help, Andrew situation that deeper than the United States, diplomatically I will exercise muscle and avoid some of the worst case moments. The Taliban is not interested in diplomacy, clearly at its Mark across Afghanistan. As we speak this morning, gales and mock Lama of the council on foreign relations and retired forced maybe Admiral James, the breeders. Thank you both very much Peter Baker of the New York Times. Thank you as well. For. Reporting on the story. Let's turn now to the extreme he'd across much of the country this week and the tropical system making its way towards Florida meter I'll just bill currents joins us now build the morning
Nigger morning, Willie we're almost done with this. He way, but we have one more dangerous day out there and its really the quarters were in the northwest and where the northeast. Yesterday we had a hundred degrees again in Portland it was actually a hundred and three we're gonna hit. A hundred and today not to be the six day this summer, hitting a hundred plus in Portland Oregon of all places we did a hundred dollars. Tat was the first time since twenty thousand and nineteen, so Washington DC was close to Reagan was these six dollars was a hundred New York City was ninety I've yesterday say we're gonna. Do it again: seventy six million people under heat warnings or heat advisory relief will be on the way, but not for today, and I feel like a hundred and four in DC hundred and for New York. Nashville Birmingham. I all through the southeast include in this, but the relief today and Minneapolis in Chicago. This is the gorgeous. Are that will eventually this weekend make its way towards the east coast? It's just going to take a couple days to get their Sunday is going to be a fantastic day from DC to
the New York aborted highs and the upper seventy is a low eighties and will be much much lower as far as bread goes. This is expected to become a tropical storm in the next twenty four hours. We have we storm warnings for the Florida keys. The Florida keys, metropolis storm watch, perform mire Naples. Eventually, this system will get a little stronger, but right now it is very weak, as we go through the weekend. We'll be till Sunday A little bit stronger. This will have very little windy impact, but it will bring a lotta heavy into the South EAST and eventually a chance for some flooding as we go through Sunday night into my Dave. We get a land followed this system. It looks to be Sunday evening. Right along the Panama City to Apalachicola Florida area, so willing, not a here impacting storm, but was still watch and will take that Gordon ere you say is come our way up here in the northeast. Visited has paid up gross right now, Bill Karen's thanks. So much still ahead on morning, Joe, what former acting attorney general
Free rose in reportedly told senators about former president trams, persistent attempts to discredit the twenty twenty election. Conservative attorney, George Conway will be our gets plus. With the school year does getting under way. Hundreds of students and one for the county have been forced to quarantine. Already over covert concerns- and that's just one spot in the country where that's Happening- philosophies Supreme Court declines or request by college students to block a corona virus vaccine mandate, hey. What's justice made that decision, whether willing means for similar lawsuits across the country also morning, one of the most decorated female swimmers of all time, Katy Le Jackie of Team USA, will be our gas very excited about that. In Tokyo. She added a pair of gold medals and two silver stupor, already impressive collection, Katy Le Becky and much more
when one joke etons ready for this will simply safe home securities phone Prs chat and Eleanor Laurens design their first security system in their kitchen. They did it for a very personal reason. Their friends had just had their home broken into. They were struggling to find it security system that was simple to set up and what makes them feel safe again. Making people feel safe is what Syn safe has been doing ever since moment. Fifteen years ago, a passion to protect people I'm only drives every engineering detail on its products, but it motivates every interaction with its customers. Simply safe has highly trained security experts ready whenever you need them, whether the stern of fire, a burglar,
a medical emergency, or even just when you setting up the system theirs way, someone there who has your back to keep you safe and make sure you feel safe. as my listener, you can save twenty percent on your simply safe security system and get your first month free when you sign up for interactive monitoring service, just visit, simply safe dot com slash morning Joe to customize your system and stop protecting your home and family today. Again that simply say that, slash mornings, the president was looking for a green light from an attorney general Bill BAR reached where he couldn't do it anymore and Listen stepped in, he was that were delivered in the president said, will find another one think about that. For a second is looking for the right person, s attorney general who, given the answer, is yes, down, he was dead and the attorney general he would solve this set a judiciary committee chairmen
Durban last Sunday discussing the search by former President Donald Trump for anyone in the Justice Department who would to subvert the results of the twenty twenty election. The Washington post is reporting what other people tromp was county. and was for acting attorney, General Jeffrey rose. It do you heard Senator Durban refer to their the post reports, Rosen The Senate Judiciary Committee, the former president, was pulled persistent and trying to pressure the Justice Department to discredit the election results. Rosen's testimony filed the release of hand, written notes from his deputy Richard Donoghue, which describe tromp, is telling the department to quote just say: the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me. Yesterday politico reported pressure on D, O J officials included trumps, insist they investigative viral video from Georgia that purported to show workers putting ballots into suitcases. Needless to say, a video showed nothing of the sort. Meanwhile, former? U S attorney young pact,
congressional investigators. Earlier this week he resigned because D, O J, F she told him. Tromp was about to fire him for refusing say evidence of widespread. Voter fraud had been found in Georgia, Joe. join us now. It's when you know your term supported MSNBC National Security, analyse Michael Schmidt, also attorney general Urge Conway, Michael, let's start with you, you ve been reporting on this story. Talk give us, give us outlines of it. How were just how bad it? It's gotten will look this story of joy of Tron trying to play with his justice Department and get his chestnut of our. Do what he wanted him to do is old, almost as old as the trouble administration itself, he tried every turn throughout his presidency and what we We hear sort of piling up in the Senate investigation, and you know also there
the parallel investigation, going on by the inspector general at the Justice Department or confirmations of of a sense in some of what we knew. What was going on at the time somber in January earlier here. You know a little more than six months ago, where the president was trying at any way possible, to overturn this election and what I found tickler, interesting about the knees recent sort stories is, is trunk showing like how important in how much he appreciated the fact that, if the just form it simply just said that there were problems with the investigation. Just simply just said something we're not talking out using its criminal or civil power simply using the born that it had, as the country's top law enforcement agency to discredit this election. he believed that may have been enough to get him to convince these folks at this
level to do more of what he wanted and throwing out these results so war see here is this investigations, and particularly on the Senate side, moving forward getting Getting these witnesses in front of them so people that were that to be to be top of the Justice Department to giving insight? sense of white tromp was was pressuring them in pushing them to do Oh George Conway, you know we ve grown knob. Do the scandals to the attacks on our constitutional norms, the attacks american democracy from Donald Trump in those around him and when this story first broke several weeks ago, it seemed that some people's eyes kindly glazed over and kept moving on. Could you could you provide focus for us on adjust dangerous. This moment was in american history. While this was ab, only one of the most dangerous moments in american history, the most dangerous moment ever caused by a president of the United States and
Think, one of the reasons why some people's eyes glazed over is the point that might just may, which is we ve, seen the movie before in some way that he put the president Trump would try to co. Worse. draw agencies into doing things that are questionable that benefit him personally know even even tried to come. Or some foreign country to doing something in a benefit in person, but this was the only the most extreme possibility that he would actually, try to use the arm. The mechanisms of government, in particular the Department of Justice, to perpetuate him. often office unlawfully into basically self coup or nautical, as it's called, and this was None of this is this was the height of a potential here. This is a potential, a probable criminal conspiracy There are a number of provisions that could apply to this conduct of theirs. conspiracy to defraud the United States. Eighteen, U S C section three. Seventy one, which is what
council lowered used to charge the russian Internet Research agency, there's also eighteen USC, six ten, which is kind of my personal favorite in situation because I just seem so easy to apply, which is the criminal provisions I checked, and what that statue provides is that the it shall be unlawful for any body and that would include the President of the United States to coerce or attempt to coerce a federal, employee into engaging in political activity, and what that would mean is that if Donald Trump had directed or tried to coerce, acting attorney General Rosen's, walking down Pennsylvania Avenue with a Trump twenty twenty flag that would have been criminal here. This was much worse? He was attempting to coerce the Department of Justice. Coercion arose in into engaging in what was a set. What was a purely political act precisely because they had told the president that there was no answer
of the United States in this that there was no illegality. There was no law enforcement function to be performed by the Justice Department and then he D Donald Trump on two basic say just said. just say it make this statement. That was all, as you point out just for political purposes. To that there's a point of it was for political purposes to influence the political political branches, the bullet of the Congress to to overturn the election to try to influence the. What the states we're doing and that again a purely political act, coerced by presently I'd say too, by the way, as these reports made clear was basically threatening rose in with room with removal and substitution by Jeffrey Clock, the guy who was actually trying to who is basically conspired with the president to overturn the election and at night. That's that's coercion and evade fits this statute, life,
up in the justice Department. If it has an already, I know, there's and Invest inspector general investigation should be should begin a criminal investigation because there is sufficient predication for such an investigation with simple safe home securities founders, chat and Eleanor Laurens Design, their first security system in their kitchen. They did it for a very personal reason. Their friends had just had their home broken into. They were struggling to find security system that was simple to set up and what makes them feel safe again. Making people feel safe is what syn We say it has been doing ever since moment fifteen years ago a passion to protect people, on only drives every engineering detail on its products, but it motivates every interaction with its customers. Simply safe has highly trained security experts ready whenever you need them, whether the stern of fire, a burger, a medical emergency, or even just when you setting up the system theirs?
way someone there who has your back to keep you safe and make sure you feel safe, As my listener, you can save twenty percent on your simply safe security system and get your first month free when you sign up for interactive monitoring service. Just visit simply say that calm slash morning, Joe to customize your system and stop protecting your home and family today. Again, that simply sake, dotcom flash mornings like trade. It does name that, despite the fact that we all have is discuss grown numbed these stories, it seems like nearly every week. Revelation is to just another way Donald Trump tried to use the levers of government to keep his hold on power and certainly deserve stunning ones. We ve learned about recent days walkers through. What's next, who else could we be hearing from
What other steps the investigation may continue where who? What other earth, whether it's the committee or their idea report the Georgia said what walk as to where this could go in the weeks ahead? What else can we learn. What simply more fairly early on in this investigation, they're taking depositions taking interviews, Witnesses of this would go on for many. Six months months here, calm before before. We would ever see sort of a final report, a file product of what is going to come out of this. I think we we have to remember These days are not criminal investigations that are going on. These are investigations that will result in a document They come out or reports. They come out and say: look here. He resigned standing of what happened. These types of investigations can make they can say, hey. We think we found something criminal, but there will be no.
argues that come directly out of any of this, and I think that sort of the most important thing is is we were just talking about? Is that is it Is there a larger sort of criminal problem here or is it? sort of a resuscitation of story that we sort of no the broad outlines of that we're just going to sort of get more details on, that really remains to be seen. The biggest You said most interested in hearing from seeing whether whether this witness talks in what in what way is the former attorney general bill Bore billboard last a bit more than a month. less than a month before the end of the administration. I think the war had a pretty good political sense. Innocent of Donald Trump, and he knew that this was going in a bad direction at the same time, He was dealing directly with tromp on a lot of these issues between the election and the end of December, and he
he's the powers and adjustment of arms to run down in tune. To get a lot of these claims and he realized Then there were the trump was going to be unconvinced. No matter what the evidence was at the same I'd go bar with someone that really you know you know he may take issue with his characterisation were really enable the president and was a tool of the president's over his time as it should a general way dating back to the Mulder Report and how He, basically man, in the end The Mahler investigation in and around bars to here was really the attorney general. The Trump had been for on a lot of issues, and until basically, he wasn't until the summer of twenty twenty, That relationship really starts to fry, so will we here bill bar now. How will we hear from billboard what and what is still bar has to say Bill bar famously saying claims of the election being read were quote BS, Michael.
Thank you very much Joanna get you take on this count from Michael Girths and he's got a new peace in the Washington Post titled. Why traditional Services should route for Biden. Success garrison, as you may know, was a top aid to President George W Bush any rights. This many of us not naturally inclined where did democratic president, have developed a rooting interest in Joe Biden political success. This is not mainly due to bind Sky our vision is because he is fighting a rearguard action to save political rationality. Biden treats vote, as fundamentally rational beings who calculate what is best for their families and communities. His strategy areas. The assumption of Sanity Biden might have employed dynamite. saw the jigsaw puzzle blowing up american politics in hoping that political pieces would come down in their proper places. Instead, it is Republicans who have taken that approach. Donald Trump did not carefully organise his troops for battle. He lit the month
higher and hope they would run into enemy lines. The collateral damage to our society, norms and institutions means nothing to him so oh. This is not at the broad support of Joe Biden policy positions. This is so or by Michael Garrison anyway, have sort of a resetting of political, arms in the Arab Joe Biden righted, since and he was talking about sanity and and temperament for the most part George Conway. As having a conversation with a fellow concern: but if lifelong Republicans, who have left the party since Donald Trump and we were bemoaning the fact that our choice now is between a party that that right now is policies that we have obviously problems with whether you talk about the speedy, withdraw from Afghanistan or Bernie Sanders three point: five trillion dollar budget failed, it's going to be a reconciliation bill. That's on one side.
But on the other side? For me, it's not niceties. Political niceties is actually on the other side, Party. That's against western democracy, if you're, if you're talking about Donald Trump Sporty that elevates people like Orban, elevates people that actually praise the end of a liberal democracy in brag brag about being ill liberal and so that's not really choice at all. Is it we're left right now really with with no choice but to actually be against the party that continues to elevate people like Donald Trump, Yeah, absolutely I agree with that. I mean you know. The choice is between what I think is excessive despot deficit spending or a Supreme Court justice nominee that I dont, like and survival of american democracy. There's just no question which which side you have to come out on and what we're
today is a continuing threat to democracy, and we the whole point of the way there, Locris survives, is that people vote and I accept that they accept the results and then they work here like the devil, to persuade their fellow citizens that they may vote a wrong. Last time come with me this time. I've got some arguments for you about why the policy act should be this policy. Why should be that? That's normal democracy! That's the rationality! The colonists is referring to hear that you, Joe, I think he's trying to restore and right now, you ve got some signals can percentage of the population who are now completely taken in by this big lie: that the day was stolen from them. If you believe that, while they knew in, one January, six makes a lot of sense, and natural is is, is praise Ashley Babbitt in than lionize in her it's a terribly terribly scary thing.
We're just Donald Trump. If it were a couple of political action, She can t see that were blocked. The following him for cynical reasons. That would be one thing, but what we found at the alive in their seventy five million Americans who think that way and that our former party has been infected. We're we're republican congressmen, Dan Crenshaw, for instance, of taxes, no Weighing are pretty our conservative guy who is actually heckled ETA. raising event in Illinois, Wednesday night for saying Twenty twenty election wasn't rigged watch this. Don't give up into believing that why, last year, you're wrong yes, you are Lenny approve, I approve of it. My home area into the market and guess what it's gonna turn out and it's gonna flip large. We're gonna
you're, gonna, see worse than allowing any that all states to make it on other stealing the election George, I am France that very much aided friends with it degrees lawyers, people who live, I would have Ossified is dollar republicans before Donald Trump. That will say. Emails every day that will soon Look at this and, of course, as I said on the show before that will be from chinese religious call websites and all of these other crazy sources and every day a different conspiracy theory. You knock that one down they go get well. What about that one and its it's just
how this is happened to our party, how this has happened or people. It is just remarkable to me at least yeah and that's the worst thing about it. Now I mean you know, I would have thought that after Donald Trump left office in disgrace to this would be over, but it isn't and that's the scary part. Even scariest part is that you'll Donald Trump Keel over tomorrow. He could go into exile. He could decide to retire from public life and play golf and never utter another public word again, disease is still out there I mean he basis. He set loose these I would call them termites of of of the big lie term high that are basically eroding the foundations or american democracy and narrow to get that infestation infestation, our houses, it's a tall order and I am frankly, I'm not quite sure how we're going to do it. George Conway
with great too heavy on the show us thanks for me. There hasn't wanting we're happy reinstatement day for all we celebrate always is that today. I've lost track there, yet I guy says knows it ok, I didn't know there was another one today will keep an eye on that thanks. So much George covered up one morning Jeff the governor Rhonda Santas Back petals a bit on his school board. Threads now saying education, officials should cut their own pay for defying massive mandates will explain that one plus by the administration is expanding. A federal vaccine mandate to include thousands of health and Human services employs a J J Secretaries Javier, but Sarah will join us on the heels of that announcement. On that topic and more money: job right back in the
of the nine eleven attacks, hundreds of people, recorded their stories twenty years later, the same voice, return memory, box, echoes nine, eleven wednesdays eight and ten p M Eastern Anonymous NBC streaming exclusively on peacock
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.