« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/3/21

2021-03-03 | 🔗

FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday about domestic terrorism and Capitol riot intelligence failures. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We know that there are many challenges that your business is faced over the past year, overcoming these Obstacles together has been our strength. One challenge that businesses should never face alone is dealing with the impact of foreign competition in Pennsylvania. We support your business and employs through benefits and resources, learn more but how we can help you at De L, I dont be a dot gov, Slash, rapid response paid for with pensive taxpayer dollars it now time to open Texas, one hundred percent, anybody who wants to work should Have that opportunity, every business that one I'd, be open should be open. Accidents have mastered the daily habits to avoid getting covered. I Texas
haven't Gregg abbot- rushing to reopen despite a deadly threat. I've heard this before somewhere weren't later this. Before the plot line, Phil so familiarly here I'm pleased and to repeat the news. We have in fact cod. By large predator, that's oppose it. And yet some bathing disparities. Today. The beaches are open and people a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means friendship. There. You guys joys, jaw, says yeah really this. Is there so many Zat Republicans do that make them the party of gestures. This could be a way of course, deadly gesture bike Greg Abbot understands. I hope that We understand that he's doing theirs and putting people's lives in danger, because
he's trying to move past a crisis of his making. Where people died, they froze to death, they didn't have dreams. Water for weeks, so he's trying to change the subject when he knows that just wait a month. The way vaccines are rolling out, he would able to make that announcements, ITALY, but now the cheese all we learn see back that the people that are the most recklessly are the ones that are the most rewarded yeah. That's the frustration! You just put your finger on it that public health experts say way. Were this close to the finish line. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer every day, Why? Now, in fact, two days ago the CDC Express public concern about states. This moment rolling back things like mass mandates and capacities in restaurants, minimum capacities in restaurants? Just because
We are getting the vaccine out to people now. Johnson and Johnson does added as a third weapon in this fight again, corona virus, and so you heard the exam operation from CDC officials and from public health experts. Yesterday thing why now Texas give yourself even a month, and it would be the now than to just throw the doors open state wide open and to put it on the people individually, which gets is the point of this, as they said to restore Freedom? If you want to wear mask, if you think that's best for you and your family, where one but we're not going to mandate, it says the governor of Texas Lobby, again you you look at sea back, the people that got the biggest cheers not people that are gonna, win elections, mind you whether we will get the biggest cheers there were people that were most reckless and irresponsible rind Satis, which he's used his stupidity on addressing covered, as actually,
calling card for running for president in twenty twenty four he's a lot of those straw. Poles see pack Christie now Blue was stupid. Enough thought she was being cool. Fourth of July they say we're having this big vat and no you don't to wear masks and no there's not going to be social distancing. This was back in July, of course, when we are, in our view, sleep right now, we're we're in the middle of it, but I think I think Herman Kane passed away or hedges got it, but it was spent. It was especially reckless time for her to be cavalier about it and, of course, rates in her state have been spiking, but she just doesn't care. She doesn't care at all because it's all, at the end of the day about
owning the labs, and if they did these last, I don't even know no well. You describe. These demagogues actually owning the lives now means owning science right, owning, Madison, owning reason. Only. The rationality. It is a dead in street for Donald Trump Republican Party and get off that something that the Wall Street in a laboratory or page wrote about yesterday, but it certainly not a memo. They Gregg Abbot, gather, I'd, say trump wannabes, but here's why governor Abbot could have waited a month or two before making the move that he just made President Joe Biden announced yesterday that the? U S have enough covered vaccines for every adult, by the end of May. To me sir, earlier than expected renew
interact, have enough vaccines supply for every adult in America by the end of may the prior administration had contracted for now nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America. We rectify that three weeks ago were able to say that we have enough vaccines supply for adults by the end of June this country will have enough vaccine supply I'll, say it again for every adult in America by the end of may wow wow. The White House also officially announced the news that broke at the end of our show yesterday that the administration is using its powers under the Defense Production ACT. Help drug maker, Merk Produce rival, Johnson and Johnson's newly approved one shot vaccine Joe it's night and day this administration comparison last, but certainly is in terms of logistics yeah you look at the last administration and the trumpet
illustration did implement operation warp speed with we move towards a vaccine and move towards a vaccine with it store narrowly spit extraordinary speed by the time by an administration finally got in there. They they understood they had the possibility. I'm getting these vaccinations out to everybody but Obviously the president was heard president trumpets horrific when it in the logistics his team was just terror when it came to logistics, they under that and immediately started working quickly and Clare. Mechanical cause of operation warp speed in the last administration and because of Joe Biden teams, acts actually being filled with professionals, people who understand logistics and were more interested in performance than just gestures. They're going they're going to get
these vaccines out to every single American by the end of may that that's Roma. Couple remain credible. You know what we just may have something approaching a normal summer, yeah it very exciting. They have done a great job of ramping up the amount of vaccine available. There are still problems, though Joe in terms of guinea these into the arms of people? My states, a good example when we The governor who open mass vaccination site everywhere, except the densely poppy it'd urban areas we situations where there is hundreds of a going. Stood in rural communities, whereas in if you're in Kansas City or Saint Louis, you feel like in a game show trying to figure out how you can get the shot. So there are still wrinkles to work out
have to be mindful, like I get really nervous when people forget that we still have fifty thousand people a day that are contracting this disease and over a thousand deaths today. So I think there is a lot, a reason to be optimistic, but there are still problems. This covered relief bill is not just window dressing. It contains the money to help open schools and also get these vaccines in people's arms by the end of May, so we can have a fourth of July did much different than last work in July They vaccines will be ready for all adults, divine administration announced by the end of May, but as clear points out, then you have to get them into the arms of all those people so again move time line up by two months is great news that deal between Mark and Johnson Johnson is great news. You just gotta get people it get that vaccine right now, and the situation in Texas certainly doesn't when a few minutes we're gonna bring, and doctors Zeke a manual for more on these, Developments on covert will also show you the great Dolly part, and she put it
Don't worry I'll go out of her own medicine. She gave a million dollar Vanderbilt University Medical Centre for the development of the matter the vaccine, and yesterday she got the shot that she helped to pay for, will tell you more about that just a minute, Let's turn now to yesterday's testimony from FBI directed Christopher RE speaking for the first time since the Thirdly, ride on the: U S: capital: on January six, director re appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and defended the bureau's handling of intelligence prior to the attack that indicated there could be violence. He called the sea, domestic terrorism untold lawmakers. The bureau is deploying hence resources to pursue the perpetrators of the attack. That siege was criminal behaviour plain and simple and behaviour that we, the F B, I view as domestic terrors. It's got no place in our democracy, and tolerating it. Would make a mockery of our nations rule of law? Generous sixth, was now.
An isolated event. The problem of message, terrorism has been metastasized across the country for a long time now, and it's not going away anytime soon at the FBI been sounding the alarm on it for a number of years now, so, whenever we ve had the chance right to emphasise that this is a top concern and remain so for the FBI, infant was wrong. It was unverified in a perfect world. We would have taken longer be able to figure out what There was reliable. I didn't see the report myself even until after the six, but the way in which he has handled, at least as I understand it, strikes me as consistent with our normal profit that raw unverified information was passed within I think, forty minutes to an hour to our partners include capital police, including metro, pity, and not one not to but three different ways: one email, one verbal and one through the law enforcement portal.
As to why the information didn't flow to all the, but within the various departments that that they would prefer I don't have a good answer for that: the evidence that the capital attack was organised by quote fake trump protesters, we seen evidence so that at this stage, certainly, we have now today sees any evidence of of anarchist extremists or or people subscribing to Antigua and connect. With the sixth has there so far been any evidence, the January sixth riot. Here the insurrection was organised by people simply posing as supporters of present we have not seen any evidence of that. Certainly is there any evidence at all that it was organized were planned, are carried out by groups like Antigua or black lives matter? We not seen evidence of any evidence to that effect so Joe, despite
some fishing by republican senators in that hearing director rate laid waste to the conspiracy theories over several hours yesterday about it being an teeth on January six, about it being fake, trumped supporters on Jane Six. These are ideas have been floated not just in dark corners of the inner, but by sitting United States Senators- and he put them all to rest yesterday when in there Clear Mc Gaskell, as you so politely said, RON Johnson Man, who am I I feel I probably should apologise to four calling the dumbest man and the United States Senate. Not because it's not true, but it is not nice. She said that bye, bye, bye, you say in the case of RON Johnson that run in They may be the one case in the United States Senate where he doesn't know better
Actually, does it know better? So why don't we as a public service to with nonsense, struggling senator. Why don't we just take off the list really quickly, Clare of all all the conspiracy theories and all of the bogus mitigating factors that IRAN and others keep trying to bring up to try to distract from the real culprit here, which was Donald Trump, promptly forests, sedition IST Josh, Holly and sedition. Instead, crews we had re saying now, but wasn't Antigua we examined evidence it was anti vague? It wasn't anarchists, no evidence there. Now, wasn't people dressing up to look like tromp supporters. Yes, twice was people wearing disguises He laughed it, though. Senators based on all
FBI's evidence with the inescapable conclusion that those words tromp supporters turned tribe. Arrest, who committed an insurrection against the United States of America. This is gonna, stop RON Johnson from repeating the lie. I mean you're too, about a Republican said that has embraced the big lie of all that the election but somehow stolen. So you know it: doesn't it followed, on kind of comfortably for them too. You know Try to get around the notion that this somehow wasn't trump supporters that we're done the terrorists inside our nations capital in IRAN then you don't Brian way Coiner a name for him, the other night driving a great which is run and on Johnson yeah Maybe it's getting here
Continue to do that. I also thought it was interesting yesterday that TED Crews and Josh Holly try this, somehow imply that the We, I shouldn't be employing subpoena gathering metadata in order to and down these domestic terrorists, can you imagine and being upset if they were doing the same thing. If this had been a group of muslim terrorist in the car or people, their orb, Al Qaeda. You know this, is really unbelievable. That Holly and crews spent their questioning time, like they dont understand prosecutions. Work means prosecution, one or one that you start. We tried idea Finally, the suspects are and then use subpoena, information to find their motive in their plans in order to support possible criminal, barges and they were
like this was with somebody violation of people, civil rights- I mean they weren't focused on the terrace. Their words The hunt down and hang the vice president, I stage they were sent mail, focus that the appeal I was doing a bad job. It was really just a it. It just is good ten years to be a heads gradual, that everybody is not all an understanding that this is a But we need to unite around the rule of law on em. Worse Josh Ali was worried about the method I data and using it. Just like well, if you're the head of a test, so when you add inciting people to blow up the Pentagon run a plain into a Pentagon or run applying into the. Trade centres- and you are actually sitting on a committee. You wouldn't want the FBI to use The tools in their tool box to figure out
who is responsible. In this case we got it on camera. We ve got all these speeches at his speeches before the insurrection. We get. The first is that little fist of his going up in the air with bone structure of a little bird gone up in the air gather the way I'm tired, So we go and we get got him actually voting to allow no, in some votes later and then we have him on the floor, giving continuing to give aid and comfort to traders, exhibitionists and insurrectionists, with a speech, even after the gap there was always vandalized and attack even after the terrorist attack, even after this addition, of course, he's sitting there and Josh Ali doesn't want the the ideal, use all the tools and the true box to figure out who the trump
Arrests were to draw lines between the trunk terrorists and what John Hall, This addition has said draw a line between, they cut the people beating cops american flags and what Josh? Molly said the people raise through the capital screaming hang my pants racing those people down. They figure out that they too inspired by John, hallways seditious act, you the euro, we can get. We will get further and further away from this event we'll, never change that fact Josh Holly was responsible for these debts that occurred on Capitol Hill. For this, the insurrection, the worst insurrection by domestic terror
in. U S, history into our government and and and the EU is taking. You can sit there with a straight face. Ask these questions when you look at people make a who actually less supported him. Senator John Danforth considered himself a mentor. Josh Ali went around the state of Missouri asking people to vote for Josh Ali for. His attorney general than is United States Senator and after this he said, I said I have no doubt this was Josh Ali. Fault, but for Josh Ali. This would I've never happen here. The Kansas These are saying Holly must resign or be expelled, because this was Josh Holly's fall. He was response so before this you have the Saint Louis Dispatch, see other large paper and the same say, The same thing people know Joe Holly the best now, but he was responsible. For these terrorist acts. He
the ringleader, along with Donald Trump and crew. So yes, so yes, he's not going to watch the f B. I do aggressively investigate His crime say that's what they're gonna do and they are doing tat. Let's bring in former secretary of Homeland Security under President Obama, J Johnson former FBI, special agent and MSNBC contributor Clint LOTS, Mr Secretary of J, what is what did you find yesterday, as the most significant parts of Chris raise testimony makes me good I regard Chris RE, essentially as a as a straight shooter who's, trying to do his best in a difficult job. President Biden visible only decided to keep him on as FBI director one of the interesting moments to me during yesterday's testimony was asked in
in so many words what are the underlying causes of this rise? right, wing, extremism, brown, extremism, many a politely ducked the question. I don't think we conduct the question there exist in this country, and there has existed in this country for my entire lifetime esteem. And of America, that is racist, intolerant problems, too spirited, berries and prone to violence, You can see it on journey Six we saw were now schoolchildren and Little Rock Arkansas tried to integrate school system there, and they were add on and shouted at by an angry mob. But what is different now over the last four years. Is this this it'll virus, if you will has been injecting with a right in, Stairway was our former president, who said your special people.
He's got on both sides and encourage them to come out from the rocks, they receive encouragement from the president. The United States. At the time we saw that Charlottesville and far too many politicians refused to denounce the same behaviour and so we are in a new mode here, a new and dangerous. I insecurity about without a doubt, your kids to secretaries point re open surmise yesterday when he said the F B, I currently has about two thousand cases open on demand. Terrorism? And he said it's a problem: that's metastasized around the country. Whenever we had the chance, to emphasise that this is a top concern. Atop concern talking about domestic terrorism, so where's your big take away as you watched with your eyes yesterday. From your point of view you ve worked on cases like this. What did you see and hear yesterday? I thought is commanded? A threat landscape really willing
was excellent, like he came in very prepare it it's hard to get your hands around all of those different resin different numbers, one was talking about. There was a very diverse domestic terrorism landscape with it. If you re wine ten years twenty years we're talking about international terrorism, it was two things it was Al Qaeda. It was easy, next day. If you look at this, magic terrorism scene. We have a lot going on white supremacist being the most dangerous. Numerous these number about the triple were cases The time he's been director is staggering. We we finally never seen rough like that at any one period in american history think this, in part as these militia groups, while yet these militia, Those posts is free speech. Our free, protecting segmented arise, theirs seditious that showed up there on January sex, and this has been a trend that we ve seen going too. We re maliciously rhythm Michigan, which was essentially trying to kidnap gum November. I think that speaks secretary Johnson Point about when present trust.
Squawking is member start walk into the Tories any designates, and that's where that social media phenomena together. I think that's the last point that I think we can that's enough, which is how spear seas and these online sort of extremists come together over time we ve seen a lot of white Supremacist ACT two years ago. I would bet on here talking you about old Paso. Dylan roof. Somebody shootings like this combined that now the cure. Nine space where we see the FBI and other locations round country say, look We got a lotta conspiracies out here that are promoting violence. That is an almost him possible landscape to police you're, really talking about three or were large variance and domestic terrorism. A much tougher challenge when you don't the same rules and you don't have the same capabilities, The senator White Josh follow having I've been Missouri to hear a senator, a GNP senator from my home state,
trying to undermine the lawful investigation into an insurrection that he held inside job is one of the more staggering things I could see them almost four thracian it must have been in directories head as he's trying to march on this investigation and giving these since a really undermining trust income in its ability to do their work. The other senators. Even a lot of republican senators had to be disgusted by the fact that the guy who is responsible for for the they kill the killings on that day, for police officers being brutalized, with an american flag for a police officer being held down and beaten almost DAS and and and believing that he was never going to get home and see his children again for a police, so having his head bashed repeatedly in the door. By Holly mobs by tromp mobs by crews, mobs
these insurrectionists need to be thrown in jail and they need to be kept in jail for the maximum sentence. For sedation, I mean they need to spend twenty years in jail, and so how? How I'm sure? Mitch Ricardo was was embarrassed, I and I'm sure wrongly, was embarrassed. Unsure. Other Republicans were embarrassed that they actually had somebody their own Kok is is trying to undermine the FBI investigation of an insurrection job Holly was responsible for and again its closest political allies that are saying that not me, though I am saying it yes, but they were the ones who said it first, Mr Secretary, So how do we? What what? What what kinda by Ministration due to make sure that those committed insurrection against the United States, these additions are actually held held to the fullest extent punished to the full.
Instead of the law we saw early on in some of these trade some of these terrorist. Some of these sedition is were actually let out on bail and proved to be a big mistake and they they got pulled back into jail, but but what? What what can administration due to make sure that federal judges are given guidance to again punish these people to the fullest extent of the law, because there we'd be deterrence that would spread around these communities and actually help prevent the next attack joy edge don't do. This is a matter for the Bite administration, do this as a matter of basic federal criminal justice title Turning to the United States code among the most serious offences that one can commit are the terrorism acts of violence insurrection
go to the very existence of our democracy. So this come down to a very basic choice by the If the I tunes tourism the toolbox is to go after these guys and the basic charge decisions that our Department of Justice will make. Charge somebody with violent acts of terrorism, the federal Sentencing guidelines go through the roof and judges I understand that and in if someone's charge properly, violent insurrection on the capital that led to the death of federal law horsemen officers, they're gonna spent spend decades and imprisoned and all the rest of them, need to see that you can run, but you can't I let us help I'm or secretary of Homeland Security, J, Johnson and former FBI special agent Clint Watts. Thank you both for being on this morning.
And we have breaking news this morning out of Iraq, ten rockets were fired at an iraqi military base, hosting. U S led coalition troops. The latest in a series of attacks in the country and comes just days before the Pope is scheduled to visit there the attack on an air base North west of Baghdad occurred its seven, twenty a local time iraqi security forces are leading the response and Investigation, let's bring in busy news foreign correspondent, Matt Bradley what more do we know, make it. We really don't know March. This happened, as you mentioned. Just a couple of hours ago, we heard from the rocky military that these were ten grand style rockets that were launched at I know outside Airbus, which is a huge air base that used to house a lot of the? U S, troops back in the day back when, of course, there was the: U S Army, I'm force there and then again when they start
begin on: U S, troops or the fight against the islamic state. Now ever since those numbers were drawn down, there are many many fewer. U S a coalition troops at that base, a lot of them a move north to or Beale, but there are. There, though, are alive. Of drones that can be used to monitor ISIS action as well as IRAN backed should groups who are operating very freely in Iraq and that's it suspicion is going to be focusing on in the next couple of days now we, don't know any casualties. We have no firm numbers on that, but if P news agency outruns prawns press their reporting that at least one civilian contracts. There has been killed now, it's not clear nationality that contract there is, but you know this attack was. Most likely retaliation for a previous. U S attack on February twenty six! That's when the binding administration in their first real effort to real military engagement Overseas Biden, straight and decided to
positions along that Syria, Iraq, border and killed, a number of killed a number of militia fighters who were there. So now we are hearing about this. The Pope here come out this morning and said that he will be proceeding with that trip, starting on Friday, Previous concerned, of course, had been covered now its security issues guys so other elements met. When is this is in IRAN you said there some suspicion, thereby does it saying that IRAN has its finger prints all over these attacks? just looks that way, because I mean there's really nobody else to focus claim on this has been going on for a while. This really does look like tit for tat attacks, because remember those that February twenty The attack of the binding administration did along the border between Iraq and Syria. There itself was retaliation for a previous attack by rockets that went against a U S back to base.
In iraqi Kurdistan in the capital of iraqi Kurdistan. In urban near the international airport there. So this really does just look like yet another tit for tat attack and so, that's why this is going to be another talking about the pope. This is also to be really complicated for the binding straighten stated desire to reinstate that nuclear with a wrong J, C p away the one that the Obama administration signed in twenty fifteen and, of course, Joe Biden himself, had a lot to do with that. That's the trouble administration then walked away from in twenty eighteen. If these tit for tat attacks going on the Bite administration retaliates, we could see any to try to return to that nuclear deal become really really complicated. All right a museum at Bradley. Thank you. So much greatly appreciate it. You know well. As long as the Iranians are trying to kill Americans and try they kill american contractors and their killing american contractors. We need to respond,
my opinion, not yours, but also the last thing I'd be worried about, is going back in sitting and though with the Iranians and doing anything, because this country is banned, the epicenter of terrorism, since nineteen, seventy nine and they keep trying to. He'll american troops and they keep trying to kill american contractors. I think it's ok for us to take that purse. We and say we're not going to sit down with terrorists. While this continue. The question is how and where does it end? Member was last January, twenty twenty that the United States killed. General Sola, money of IRAN after a tit for tat, is my brother describe it like this and they can you the lab missiles into our basis in Iraq? So it's possible, as you say, to have a conversation with people about an IRAN nuclear deal while they continue to attack our troops in Iraq and other places still ahead on morning, Joe we'll talk much more about the state of Texas and some other states lifting corona virus.
Actions right on the heels of a warning from this. Did you see director about opening too soon doctors economy, Who was a member of the Biden? Transition covert advisory board joins our conversation with his take when morning Joe comes right back, It is now time to open Texas one hundred percent. I remain deeply concerned about potential safe to Anna trajectory they make everybody who wants to work should
that opportunity. Every business that wants to be open should be open. Freeze, hear me clearly at this cases with various spreading, we stand completely lose the hard earned. Kraut we have gained. Texans have mastered the daily habits. To avoid getting covert. Now is not the time to relax the critical safeguards that we now can stop the spread of cover nineteen and our communities. Not when we are so close. We now have the vaccines vaccines to protect Texans from covered a guy's Willie guys here this week on the Sunday sit down podcast I get together with the great Michael J Fox, to discuss his new book. No time like the future about his thirty year, fight against Parkinson's
disease. You can get our conversation now for free wherever you download your pot casts. If me, by gonna, get my back see I'm so excited I've been waiting long enough to get it. And smart enough to get it so I am very happy that I'm gonna give me. Madonna shot today- and I want to tell everybody- think you should get out there and due to having changed or my songs to fit the occasion, it goes vaccine vaccine. Maxine Maxine, I'm begging you, please don't hesitate. Maxine Maxine, seeing the sea because once you needed, then that's a bit too trying to be funny now get serious about the vaccine. Think we all want to get back to what everybody is, and that would be a great shame If we can get back to that
I just wanted to encourage everybody calls the sooner we get to feel better I gotta get back to be normal, I just want to say to all of you cowards, elinor, don't be such a chicken squad get shot. Yes MA am, that is the legend Dolly part in getting the carbon Seeing yesterday, Dolly you'll remember donated one million dollars to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which help to fund the early critical stages of research that got us to the modern of x. In February long after the Madonna vaccine was approved. Pardon said would join others, millions of others and getting vaccinated but said she was going away her turn she did just that yesterday she went back to Vanderbilt and got her shot so make it back story on this is the gentlemen. There, the doktor, a boom rod was a friend of Dolly she got into a car accident in two thousand thirteen. She went to Vanderbilt Medical Center too
cover, struck up a friendship with doktor boom rod and when she heard about the developing the vaccine when this crisis hit us a year ago. She said: how can I help and she wrote a chair, for one million dollars to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to help fund the Madonna vaccine She put it yesterday. She got a dose of her Medicine love it and if you want all video she's so funny because he's sort of shut, lying around, where I wrapped the shot and she's like now, Calot area there, like I'm gonna, get this shy. You're taken so long, and that brings with it an adorable video within an incredibly important message once again: dollar isn. T really is voting. Lists endure listener, we're talking in the back and forty sounds like half for women, my mom, my mouth, no adverse bad discharge come on get the shop is the fastest.
As our colleague, Barbara Mccoy. That's our bread tell that spot Barbara joining us now, doktor zeal and annual. He served on President Biden Covet nineteen Advisory board during the transition, and was President Obama's Whitehouse Advisor for health policy he's also vice provost for global initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania and NBC News and Emerson BC medical contributor thanks so much for real, where the z got a lot of good loose talk about, but let's talk about concerning news coming out of taxes, Gregg Abbot, obviously trying to detract from the fact that and the taxes legislature responsible for the deaths of so many people in taxes, because they don't even know how to run an energy grid. Decides it the subject and does he's gonna reopen everything, one hundred percent. What what are your concerns? is a terrible idea. First of all, you were not
anywhere near there in terms of the number of cases were it about. Sixty thousand cases per day were still at about eleven hundred deaths per day. We don't have enough vaccine out there to reduce the numbers enough, and we should be rushing into indoor dining to indoor retail orbit. Exact, I governor Rapid said, should be a hundred percent. It is very irresponsible and I think the CDC director Doktor will lets me was exactly right. This is way premature. We did this in this when in all cases, went up and then they began coming down in just open everything up instead of waiting, we need to wait two or three more months in this very very cautious mode, respecting all the public health measures. In order to get the numbers really love and get vaccines out there so
It is a really great news announced by president yesterday comes while you know America obviously still suffering from this in the throes of it. Well, over five hundred thousand people dead at one point, do you think we will see the vaccine start impacting the death rate and the hospitalization rate Ah, looking it's hard to know and modeling is very different by probably when we have twenty five percent of the population and I'm concentrating get nursing homes where we have a lot of average people and people. Sixty five aware about eighty percent of the Dutch are that is going. Make a big difference and we have seen the deaths in homes and assisted living Saudis come way down, and that's very gratifying. I think for the population, it's gonna take a little longer comes. We have to get up there, they can. You speak
the significance of that deal yesterday, announced by the Bush administration between Johnson and Johnson and Mark, obviously, two major- I was in the pharmaceutical industry getting together and Mark saying you can use a couple of our facilities. We will help make this product to get it out. Yes, it's your product. We did to the vaccine, but we want to get this out to as many people as we can. How big a deal is that. So, first of all its very gratifying that market stepping up when you have that I can see the size of the pandemic. All hands on deck and mark is doing that. On the other hand, we should be a little cautious. It takes about two months to ferment to get the vaccine and that you have to fill in Finnish. That is put it in a glass files, make sure the glanced files are contaminated, with anything, stop them up and that
another five weeks, and so, if Mark started tomorrow, it would still be about three three and a half months before we see of Mark produced vaccine out there and distribute I think everyone is a little disappointed by the Johnson and Johnson production time line. Then we spoke they have. Seven million doses deliver to the government by the end of March, but the lonely have about half that twenty million doses and so they're doing everything they can. But we should expect a mark a product out there for vaccination for call in MID June Zeke. We also that word yesterday that we're gonna here tomorrow from the CDC about some new guidance about people, had vaccines, and that will be. Your indoors say at home or our restaurant with people that you know have been vaccinated. It's ok to sit there with your mask on,
Does that sound right to you and what should people take from that guidance? We expect to hear it. I'm right, commissioner, but I think it's a little baby step. I mean the most common question. That is why I cannot hide my grandchildren and I'm getting this all over the email, lots of people. I know this is what I'm doing it. Then they want to know. Is that all right? I do think that getting action, aided and by the way you're getting the vaccine. Yet the wait two weeks afterwards for the immune system to respond and then going with people who are also emit vaccinated. That is probably pretty safe, no risk area and take take all the risk off the table, but I think that is good. You can probably also fly with a mask on: don't eat the food, don't take the mask off and keep your mask and a fly and be relatively safe. Again, it's a relative, safe this
I think we have to remember where the mass, if you can do things outdoors comfortably, do them outdoors comfortably, make sure you're in a well ventilated room if you are going indoors and I don't think we should again rush to endure die me because you don't know about it. What else in a restaurant or a bar or a hair salon, and so we need to be prudent about what we do and take it in small steps. But I do think that you know sings other people indoors. Everyone who has been vaccinated and waited two weeks after a vaccine is probably ok, right doctors, Zeke Emmanuel. Thank you very, very much once again for being with us he's the author of the book, which country has the world's best healthcare and so I had a cabinet level defeat for President Biden, the White House Poles
near attendance nomination for oh I'm be director amid by partisan opposition in the Senate Russia is vowing, retaliation after being hit with new sanctions by the Biden administration, we'll get it. Latest reporting morning job will be right back She planned for the end of the world, TAT followed in her wake and children went missing, Mommy Tuesday, but Dateline podcast. It has to be her to be believed. All episodes available now fifty one path they our days. But the investigation into allegations levelled against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to be wide, ranging the New York Times reports, they independent team hired by the States attorney general that James will have far
reaching subpoena powers to request documents and compel witnesses, including the governor, to testify undergrowth. Pro but may also scrutinise, not just the dew sexual harassment. Claims made by former female employees by any other tangible allegations as well the governor, has acknowledged that some of the things he said I have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation and apologized, but eyes ever inappropriately touching anyone and me or democratic law makers are coming out in support of the independent investigation into these growing. Of allegation made against Governor Cuomo. These allegations are very serious against Governor Cuomo made by serious individuals and deserve a serious and independent investigation. I think
I know the attorney general will conduct a thorough investigation that will be totally totally independent without any interference outside interference polluted. Or otherwise. I can certainly speak on behalf of the president and the vice president, and so let me reiterate that they both believe that every woman coming forward should be heard, should be treated with dignity and treated with respect and a statement. New York senator accused Angela Brand Set impart quote the behaviour described in these allegations against Gunnar Cuomo, is completely unacceptable and every allegation of sexual harassment must be taken seriously and be reviewed. Meanwhile, six New York State Legislature, legislators said yesterday that call or should resign following a third woman's allegation of unwanted advances. Formulas office has not come
entered on the latest accusation protestors So held a rally outside the Governors Manhattan Office, as pressure mounds for him, results. Requirements asshole very interesting. Are bad virus showed Dahlberg in the New York Times this morning, saying that she suspects that, Andrew Cuomo will survive this in part, because Democrats are still angry, that Al Frighten got pushed out and they ve taken the attitude that we don't need, I can Cuomo saying why is it? The Democrats always react this way, oh yeah, Donald Trump and the White House with twenty one claim.
Sexual harassment, against temporary one of rape and and and Republicans never once demanded investigations into Donald Trump Babies, Jeanette seen take and an talked about, but we had christian Jello, Browns name their showgirl Gilbert talks about anger towards Angelo Brat actually for taking the lead in pushing l, Frank and out of the United States Senate will first of all the prosecutor. Ending wants to point out that the facts and circumstances around both cases are much deeper. Just say some obvious truth here: businesses, governor of New York, who had a young woman young enough to be his daughter in his off The two of them alone any ask her if she knew what had sex with older men, and then he had the nerve to say he was upset,
rising if his comments had been misinterpreted as flirtation. Well, I got news for you If you have a position of power a young woman and a very young woman compared your age, and you ask courage. She had sex with older men, you, gotta, be man enough to say you did something terribly wrong: I'm sorry, if it was misinterpreted, he should said Harry. My wife is my per maybe my per. I dont know if his personal life is a mess having been a modest and just said, I did things I shouldn't have done and it is terrible. I did them and I will do better and I asked her for giving us from the women that I have abused by sexually harassing them with the things I talk to them about in my actions, but instead I've been using everybody and hazards unwanted thirty. Eight years infuriating
an apology that was around translation. So you know just to everybody out. Or if you are old enough to be a woman's daughter and you're her boss, don't ask her if she likes to have sex, bolder women, it's not complicated. Nor is it did so I think you nailed it what's what's upsetting here. Not just the alleged story of what happened, but the apology and the apology appears to have actually caused a fire storm and then a second and the third allegation, so problems continue. I think, because of the rash zation or even show the behaviour to be something that it isn't sometimes, just really messed up, sometimes you're. Paviers just inappropriate- and you just made to say it- it's pretty easy and it banned
to see how bad the reaction would be. If he actually said this is what I did and it was really bad, and I'm really sorry wait to see how the investigation bears out. These are allegations at this point, but for certainly are now starting with one to now three backed up by a picture. So it's a tough situation coming up. President Biden doesn't just have to tackle a pandemic. He also has to manage Americans expectations for when run. A virus crisis will end the api than the mere joins us for this latest reporting morning, Joe we'll be right back
Transcript generated on 2021-03-27.