« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/12/21

2021-03-12 | 🔗

President Biden announced Thursday that he will direct states to make all adults eligible for coronavirus vaccinations no later than May 1, a move that he said could help the United States return to some sense of normalcy by Independence Day.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A group of former presidents teamed up to make appear say to encourage vaccinate it's weird, we kind of fun to see them all together. This makes a means for you will protect you, those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease. I am really looking forward to is Goin opening day in Texas. Rangers stadium would have rules dating back to work and, as you know, we just came out with a fragrance its success by draft budget so that we get rid of it and important for our fellow citizens to gain maximum I'd like to say that if you put it on anything you want will come true. I am, it almost seems roots riding close today,
please drove when it would have to resign drug issues all stay. It should have done then said about drugs and glory good, and you know the whole It is everything Willie, vows guy. I had God, no information on the we talked about George W Bush with the guns yesterday. Their source, close to the present says there has been some work done there. So I just want to get rid of rolling thanks. I got me put down is put is paid brushes and even the jail level, both kitten gettin buff. Ok, I welcome the morning. I don't mean the stairwell, I always say speak for myself, but I know I speak for will myself and America. We miss W yeah. We missed a cat
Allow me to remind the way along with Joe well I and may we have you play the tapes Whitehouse Rapporteur for the Associated Press, Jonathan Le Maire, Pulitzer Prize Winning, missed and associated editor of the Washington Post and MSNBC political analysts. Eugene Robinson is with us and former chief of staff to that date. we'll see Adrian our odd to recently work for the Biden campaign and the inaugural Committee and she's back here on morning, Joe with US seas. I love it back on the team and it is one we really clear Willie when I say we miss W. I don't. I don't want people to get a Jew in Twitter. You that's what they do me. I'm talking about like those moments when he goes to China and he tries to open. Door the splendid locked, the door. I says that somebody like deterrent studies, all money guys we're their anxiety on ok,
So once again, we have a lot to get too. In addition to binds addressed to the nation last night, New York State LAW, makers, open and impeachment inquiry into Governor Andrew Cuomo. What's next for the governor, now that more members of his own party are turning against him, plus new fall, The deadly riot on the on Capitol Hill, the former acting secretary of defence under President, trot Chris Miller now saying he believes trumps speech this morning, January Sixth was responsible. inciting the mob that attack the capital. It or that the Euro a big news on on both of those but what Jean Robinson I have been thinking, because it's what we ve learned that Chief executive. The charges can come Donald Trump at twenty one, twenty two charges sexual so we come in adding you, no other other pollen
decisions have and if you're in public, as usually you you whether that storm again women, about all the details later, but boy that breaking news yesterday that somebody accused him of of tool assault but witten go to the police and the office had to actually for it to Albany police. That's that's coming. Hard to see how we survived that yeah, that's a tough one, I mean I'd, be in our thinking. Huge red response was gonna, be you never did anything right tat without going into a sort of specific sword, specific interactions it could have been met its it makes it difficult for him. Still. You know one of position basically
in southern grandma make members. I am still not convinced that that anyone can do that to pry him out. I think one likely step me an announcement that he is not going to run for real action to try to lower the temperature I just don't they can but money designing at this point because he seems to be really dug it. Would more reporting from Albany coming up in just a moment. But let's start with the first primetime address last night by President Biden, where he identified. Two key it's in the battle against corona virus. He directed states to make all adults eligible for the vaccine by May first and if goes well, he says it is possible. Small groups could begin to gather again on the fourth of July, like in office. You may recall I sit a go,
that many you said, was a kind of way over the top said I intended to get a hundred million shots and people's arms in my first hundred days in office tonight. I can say we're not going to meet tat goal. We're gonna beat that call because you ve actually on track to reach this goal of a hundred million shots and arms, and my sixty day in office no other kind, in the world has done this none. I promise do everything in my power. I not relent until we beaches fires. but I need you, the american people. I need you I need every American to do their part. That's not hyperbole. I need you. I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity and to help your family, Your friends, your neighbors, get Vax
as well, because here's the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, we do this either by July. The fourth there's a good change. You families and friends will be able to get together in Europe. Yard or new neighbourhood and have a cook out in a barbecue celebrate independence day That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small group will be able to get to. after this long hard year. That will make this. Independence day something true. special. Were we not only mark our independence as a nation, but would begin to mark Independence from this virus residents the administration will develop new tools to make it easier to get the vaccine into fine, where you can get it with a new website? He also said new guy.
it is on the way to clarify what exactly fully vaccinated people can and cannot do, but Mika. Those two dates put the calendar by the president or the headline that by May first directing all states to make all adults eligible for the vaccine, and that perhaps if we do everything right and we work together, the fourth of July could begin to look like something more normal, that its man at least for the last year, and also the centralized website where people can get information on how to get there vaccine, but really here so pointed out some caveats with the different strains of the virus. It's really important. Everybody gets back stated as quickly as possible, and this is also a global issue. It could become complicated and we could backtrack, but during ale rod. He is looking to independence day a day in a for freedom from this virus. Hopefully how do you think the president did
extraordinary began. I might just saying that, because I worked on his campaign, I truly believe that there's not anyone better, in the White House right now for this monumental moment. You know you contrast, while we heard him say last night with his predecessor how its predecessor and his administration handle. The virus is night and day and comparison and in a sense, Joe Biden has taken the helm of the White House team has gotten together and they have really created it. This is planned to try to get more people vaccinated and, frankly, its working more seeing. You know tens of thousands of people every single day being back now. That was certainly not the case under Trump. Even the other. We have a date and competence in Donald Trump to actually get that done. So you know I give the team, I'm all the accolades for the ambitious plan and actually thing it through implementing it- and you know I don't know about you may go, but I certainly would love to be gathered with
the only ones like war. You know, eighty it in any of the outside or wherever it may be, and I think that's a goal that we can look toward it, and I like the way he framed it last night too, because he really trying to put this in terms We can all understand wanting to get together with our family and friends, but he also tat the on the american people. He said I need you to step up and get back needed. I need you to tell you. family and your friends. Unless all do our part, so you know ownership is implementing this plan, but he also I sure that the american people knew that they have something to give to this, to make sure but they're doing their partners while- and I know it all but there's a lot Joe as it pertains to Joe Biden, but it was the first time in a long time in the presidential election. That we saw at the beginning a great deal of empathy for every life that loss and every family that has lost someone
ideal of empathy. There were two or two parts of the speech that that was wondering about. I thought he delivered it very well. You write he d. The empathy shone with something that really help set up the speech and sell this. For the most part, the first thing that he will do so vaccinations where'd. You find him. I think it's just pdf, day from the health dot com or whatever right now the sort of thing. What I'm going to do- and I was just saying to myself Here- does not up webs set of websites. Don't say that works. Any goes. I'm going to set up a website. Now, though, is down for web is at work anyway, they're good The thing is, I'm curious really want to get Jonathan Mere, but William. This curious what you thought. So I respect the president and
I just to doctors and healthcare officials being conservative with a small say: less is more effort, effort over five hundred thousand people dying. I totally get I am not so sure, though, that most Americans are going to buy the July. The fourth date for small groups getting together like that Texas Rangers are selling one hundred per and of their seats. Baseball season starts in an well of course, globally people. look to the date where the Red Sox, first God and the failed Fenway that's April the first. We hope that day wasn't selected Ferny any specific purpose April fool's day but what I'm saying is man as Well, you see what I always say when, when we're grassland cattle that horse is out of the barn, by July the fourth,
Wars on your eyes are, without doubt, as aboard, unless, of course, there's a resurgence, so I did think that was to conserve and above an estimate considering that lotta people are going to be like and sees vaccines are fine off the shelf Americans are gonna, be getting out and not just gonna be cook in a hot dog where the cousin Jeff and Judy yeah. I think one of the questions a lot of people have is: if I got the vaccine Why does that mean? I can't just go out and live my life and then by then, if everybody's got the vaccine, why can't we all just go out and live our lives, so I think you're right, have to be some explanation by that, and I don't even know how you contain people at that point. Say everybody's been vaccinated, the vast majority have been and you can go small gathering. What does that mean? Is that ten peoples at me we're not having our town fireworks? Why not battle? The question is one point I would make is that this administration can silently has you know underpants?
less than over delivered, and so maybe that's what they're doing again here member he said well, hopefully, by July it will have enough. Doesn T get everybody vaccinated. Then he made the speech last week where he move that up two months. So may he's sitting that small group marker and will blow paths. That too will see. Jonathan Le Mere, are you ready house all day yesterday covering this speech. Let's talk about the approach that the president took yesterday. I think a lot of people as Meeker pointed out just at first the contrasts from what we ve seen for the last four years anymore nation in a reliance on science, on the empathy and on the delivery of the speech making it about a group effort for the country, the man delivering the speech willing
sure about that. I was in the east her last night when the present spoke near tricky, balancing act here. Any pull it off well is the sense. He first wanted to indeed convey through a somber note that it has been a year since this nation has been in various states of locked down. There's no there's no public figure in american political life who heads down the other idea of grief as well as he does born from his own personal tragedy. They did that again. Last night, you make sure to mark out what we ve all been through, but it was indeed to inject notes of hope to, as you said it or to under promising over deliver. That's been their guiding ethos since coming into office. I, for one will enjoy, will afford spending for the dry with you and your cousin JANET. This come in the months ahead, but what we have here is for present, though, who did he hit? He hit cautious notes about There is still these Dore sillies variants. There is still a chance for certain. We can't celebrate just yet, but they feel very good about worthy our terms
taxing distribution. The trick now will be, of course, to convince more Americans to take it that the idea there still have real vaccine hesitancy among swathes of the population so that Steel is a challenge on the horizon, but they also now believe, will hear more from today about this too, because with the covert eight relief build now sign in the law, they have the tools to really make this happening, help Americans, who need it and of course, you you could mean the front yard eating your hot dog Willie can be in the back with a cousin of him are you guys can communicate by Mr Microphone socially distance very safe, everything's gonna, be fine. Robinson. It seems that too, Challenges are one getting people that enough people too vague vaccines, their scepticism and their scepticism, not only in communities, people of color there's. Obviously, a lot of scepticism among former Donald try Supporters people that voted for Donald Trump at seventy five million people
the facts are any facts or movement. I mean it's the demographic, a pretty dramatic here on people who are sceptical, so it is. Is interesting, he's so right over last year the biggest problems been getting the government to step forward and do the job that's expected of it now. The real challenge is going to be our Americans gonna get, vaccination that's going to help us reopen it. A hundred percent prevent resurgence and or are we going to be smart enough to behave in a lady. They don't think we're that cause the resurgence. That's that's a big question The appalling that I looked at the numbers that jumped out at me. Really are the bar the numbers of self identified Republicans
say they don't wanna, take the backing and would it would help if we help the nation, I think it is a prominent republican officials would join in and add their voices to the old saying its import to take vaccines, are safe and effective, and do you know the more people take the Maxine quicker we're all gonna get back to normal. That said, I guess I'm more optimistic than men might be. I think you saw you see, the numbers of people were held, African American, for example, in other words using those numbers calmed down over time, and I think that as more people get back and aided and as they stand
inevitably moving back into something more like a normal. Why not go and harm while, but being able to do things or feeling able to do things that they were unable to work, and I think that encourage will encourage the others might be. Has it been too just sort of joint actions and aching? Do those things too? I think I think the president was sort of radically. I hope, and I hope it will radically under promising when he talked about small groups on July. Fourth, because I agree with you, I think people are ready for a much more public. Do I, where there will be ready for much more public, do with them he has consistently under promise. Then Eddie
That seems to be that technically watched it wants to stick with the guy. You know where their peace is, so I use obtained enough back the eager vaccinate behind its aid. Everybody up what I thought so I'm pretty up, but yeah. I mean it's a big difference from the former guy who used to overplay waiting and come up completely short in the negative direction, actually Joe Biden, the president, is making sure that he's setting benchmarks and then exceeding them ahead of the president's primetime addressed address last night he signed The one point: nine trillion dollar corona virus released bill into law. historic legislation, is about rebuild the backbone this country and give people
This nation worker people middle class books legal built, the country a fighting chance. That's what the essence of news I've made ministration says some Americans will see the latest round of stimulus checks as early as this weekend later today, the president mark the passage of the relief bill with Roma works, the rose garden so team members of Congress have been invited to the event. All Democrats, since no Republicans voted in support of the measure. Why why ok well What's wrong, I'm only how's the only seventy six percent of American supported the right so definitely vote against it and make sure you're on that side of history forever. Just add to your war chest. There are things that you ve done that are on the wrong side of history, and next Vice President Biden will hit the road to tell the Krona virus leaf bill and tore across the country. so if you see how many people like the bill
Adrian explained the strategy. To travel the country and sell the bill so to speak. Yeah horse about me, I have to say, is just of all when you look at those number. Seventy five percent of the american people support this bill, but yet one Republican denied sign onto the bills passages is really quite extraordinary back. That being said, the bottom administration is not taking anything for me. Had they are going out. There is going down the road, the vice president's, going on the road either deploying cabinet secretaries. Why? How senior staff, of course, using surrogate SAM? You know influencers on social media to really sell them. Workers have distilling how this is going to deliver to the american people. You know this white has made it very clear that some of the senior members at this time
We're in the Obama administration, when there were a couple of peat, is a landmark legislation that didn't. Why, then, did the? What did TAT White House didn't quite so effectively to the american people? So, even though this bill, is extremely popular among both democratic Republicans and independence, they are taking nothing for granted there. going out there and they are going to explain and very simple terminology how this legislation is going to affect the american people. The Americans, we weren't to see this in the form of stimulus checks which are going to write them, which still have Joe Buttons name on them, unlike its predecessor, but they they also want to make it clear that this legislation is made with a lot more than that so they got a story. That's how they got you don't like to talk about today I want to make sure that the american people truly understand what this is going to do for them and why this is so significant work
Jonathan Amir in, of course, joyous knows as well. and a sign that many are moving past the pan Make already after the boss, Red Sox last year brought up again I gotta say a lot: a pitcher zoo, we're probably there ass. Jamie pictures on Catholic Pensacola Catholic High schools, team Some guys were able to throw seventy four miles an hour fast balls across the plate like letter high We have you ride back out. And yes, veins completely dominant, and he of course, of course, at heart. Problems after I getting getting covered last spring.
Joe. I was concerned, as you were last August, when we turn to MIKE particle to pitch a complex aims at the time Europe's so the fact that we have a seemingly and improve coordination. This time around is a good sign here. I did look yet we have long. His LA health long term will be monitored. He did indeed scare scary heart situation, what sort of one of them lesser known side effects from the crowd of ours, but he looked strong yesterday, which was good to see and hear they do have some young kids and pictures that their hopeful for to get something from they hope to get Chris sale. In July probability from big to get her again by August that, in that way, Joe, that puts us in a similar, both rotation of of the Yankees who, after Garret cool it's a bit of its historic staff, put together by duct tape and and say you ve, seen pictures who, if weapon, In any sense, twenty eleven or word were known to perhaps hi upside, but extraordinarily move
floor. Louis surgery have Korea hampered others, many of whom have already reserve their space on the disabled lists the desirableness. If we get Chris L bag the fourth of July. Let's aiming at get him back by the fourth of July. We can expect it Why to good outings before his arm complete, falls off again. Willie talking talk about my barnacle last August, pitching against the TIGERS, as one of those moments. I really surprised offence when back down the halfway through first and he took out a smug started smokin like they did All day, barnacles like that fell negro at the end of his career deal right he's, throwing the forty one mile, our knuckle ball. Somehow still getting people out, he'll go IRAN Barnacle out for a couple ending so gets amounts by the way. Jonathan. We will be happy to another Garrett coal at great yesterday against the Phillies Three strong innings, five strike out Jonathan.
whatever you say We learn how the aims you got. You guys just when throwing money at the problem at the boss, the Red Sox, though it'll engine that guy, I think we can. We think we can Adrian So I know you want to talk baseball bed, I'm just curious. What. things maxed for the buying White House. What do you think's next? Where the Democratic Party is the next battle hr? One yeah, I think the next matter. Age, our wine. They want to get infrastructure pass. You know they want to make sure that they are doing everything they can to combat from these efforts by republican state legislators. To you know, it's disenfranchise voters back that lucky. You know that this is a very monumental piece of legislation that was just signed in civilised and now they gotta get to work to pass the things that you know. We ve been wanting to get past for four years later.
for such a structure. Platinum, sir, are you all certainly remember when we had put in port infrastructure weak for four years under Donald Trump every every year there would be a week where they responsibilities on infrastructure and then trumpet do something in the rail bath the bad administration wants to make sure that they are getting two things down that the American. That's him. The deal and part of that does include rebuilding our roads an highways and giving people back to work by reading those types of jobs, so they got a lot of work in front of them were sure that I dont think that we should not detract from the back into a huge leaking administration on passing. That's alien, marked bills he's done much aware more bill with seventy five percent support. It really is something Adrian I'll ride Thank you very much for being on the show. This morning. We will see you soon and still I had on morning, Joe Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Sumer will be our guest and speaking of info,
truck servile talk to transportation, secretary paint, Buddha Judge here urging morning Joe we'll be right back hi- it's Emerson, embassies, haze brown- you know these days is just so much news to wrap your head around is challenging to get it. deeper understanding of things so every morning go beyond the headlines, Amazon BC daily. If features Britain per SE, just from people. You know and trust enlightening artist,
bite for mainly many Hassan List Plank and frank, big Lucy, plus we'll get a fresh take every morning from me, start your day with MSNBC daily at innocent BC, dot com. Not one? It's not too it's not. Three is now forts. Not five or six women who have come forward is deeply Knowing the specific allegation, the governor called an employee of his someone who he had power over call them to a private place, and then sexually assaulted. Her is absolute, the unacceptable. It is disgusting to me He can no longer serve as governor. New York City mayor, build a blog yo, joining the growing list of Democrats urging Cuomo to step down near, Sixteen New York, democratic law makers are calling on Governor Cuomo to resign and statement relations.
Threads lawmakers set Impart promo has quote lost the confidence of the public and the state legislature, rendering him ineffective in this time of most We need this comes as they Albany Police Department said they had been notified of an alleged incident at the executive mansion involving Governor Andrew Chrome, and a female employees, a spokesperson the Albany Police Department, told the New York Times that the incident may have risen to the level of a crime, but that no mental investigation has been opened a gun has denied the latest allegation and called it quote, got wrenching spokesperson or the police said yesterday. The department has not received a formal complaint from the named woman. The department contacted her lawyer too. for its services to the alleged victim,
acting council to the governor, explained that the office alerted the police department themselves as a matter of choice of state policy quote when Council confirmed the client did not want to make a report. So it goes on. Well I this is. This is going to be very tough for the governor to get through, because these these claims Ganz Term, our matching up in many different ways, even in a sort of pattern in the list, longer by the day and now New York, state law makers have open and impeachment inquiry into Governor Andrew Cuomo. The majority Democrat, State Assembly announced yesterday, it would give its judiciary committee broad section to investigate allegations of misconduct against the governor. That includes several sexual harassment, accusations and his administrations. Handling of corona virus said nursing homes, com denied harassing women and said he was sorry for how his behaviour made them feel
the attorney General Latisha James, confirm the independent investigation her office is conducting into allegations of sexual Rasmussen will continue separately. The attorney overseeing the probe have set up a website with a voice, mail, email and texts number for potential victims to contact them they now associated Press report covering New York State government in politics, Marie avail nerve and NBC News correspondent for investigations. Tom winter good morning both Marine I'll start with you, how much peril. Governor Cuomo in here he doesn't strike. Most people is someone who would resign. He said he's not going to resign, but the positions Mount and the pressure mouse and it's coming from Democrat and the state assembly re leaving making to dozens of law makers in every time that there is a new allegation. A lot of them are really concerns. You know,
There were no worry that these allegations are painting. You know. Perhaps a picture of abuse of power. You know, winner is denied the many of the allegations. Studies also acknowledge that there is some sort of you know, inappropriate behaviour that made others and comfortable He said he you know didn't intends make anyone uncomfortable but to alive lawmakers their sort of concerns that that's an acknowledgment of sir. The underlying there and they are feeling you no pressure from consumers, wants to act. it is also a lot of you. Another also see isn't pressure to you let her mother said Tom
Tom winter, I I also think that what we are seeing here in these allegations are different patterns. In their line of discussion. Tat the governor is alleged to have made or even checking the phone. How much do you think those patterns plan to trying to put the case today I think when you look at this meagre, you saw what was that image in the New York Times. Earlier this week of somebody who didn't work for Governor Cuomo, who is approached Add a wedding, any has his hands around her face and she looks completely horrified so rare How do we get an image of a moment when we talk about these types, sexual harassment or worse cases in so when we see that type of image, and it really talk about speaking a thousand war, and so, when you look it up a pattern of that and you have people
for that aren't just in his office, there's no presumed no political cudgel there. When that person came, Gordon spoke about. It send somebody who was upset promotion in an office. This is somebody who just said this was the governors behaviour. So if you're looking at this is as Independent investigators are in Clark in June, came to highly. Spected attorneys. I had an opportunity to get to know June Kimberly was acting. U S attorney be straightforward. He follows the rules that he's very thorough. Yesterday they came out with a website for people to contact them by text by email. By voicemail. So this is a real professional investigation and, to your point, the patterns of this don't look particularly good for the governor. At this point Jean Jumpin come. What is the product of this investigation?
looking to produce a report at the end to lay out the truth or towards us an investigation. That's that's design! Potentially the look. to see whether that charges should be filed or web, but what any rights we're definite gonna get a final report. It will be made public in it will be made public according to somebody familiar with the matter, whether or not Governor is still in office, so I think that's important, so we're going to find out what the truth here and what these attorneys and the people in General's office were able to find in the course of their investigation. That's number one number, two with respect criminal charges. I think the the issue for the governors office at this point extends beyond just the allegations of sexual harassment. In at least one instance. It extends to whether or not proper state law was filed when somebody sexual harassment complaint, and there may be some indications that that didn't happen. Time will tell a but is is you as an employer? New York state here
negation of sexual harassment is supposed to be looked into immediately. Its support, there's a whole host of laws. procedures that are supposed to be followed that may not have had here somebody may have just been transferred to another part of New York State government. That's a problem! So those two things to be looked at, and obviously, if there's any sort of criminal violations in some, since, as the attorney general's office can go after that themselves, in some cases they have to for that to the local district attorney of wherever its applicable wherever they have section in the crime occurred, so I think that Little far down the road just because of what we know and what we don't know at this point, but obviously it certainly PA marine? Obviously, there are parallel scandals here for the governor. We ve been talking about the sexual harassment claims, but also the sing home deaths. The original almost a year ago, directive to take people out nursing, home Susan out of hospitals and put them back into nursing homes and then the second part of it, reporting. The number of deaths by this administered
in nursing home. So how much trouble is the governor in on that count separate and apart from sexual harassment, claims There is definitely a lot of concern about how would the administration, and has had four months to decline? Reveal how many nursing home residents had died of co, bed and That has been a big pressure point for a lotta republicans, but also a lot of Democrats and I think that is something that the impeachment probe in the legislature is gonna. Look I as well and the governor is facing some federal scrutiny into how into the data issue on into the withholding of data issue when it comes to the March twenty fifth order, be his. minister has really tried to quash criticism levelled by pointing out that its perhaps someone
plea that most people most hospital patients would still have been contagious by the time they returned to the nursing on but there's a lot of questions in a lot of anger out there in You wanna know. Well, did it worse than any outbreaks. They peace Marina Vilnius? Thank you so much for your reporting this morning. We appreciated and sticking with New York politics, but with wider national implications joining us now. She wash their correspondent for the new Yorker Jane mayor with some breaking news about, hadn t a site advanced junior Jane. What do you have a? He told me that he's not seeking re election and his term ends on December three first, so the person who is leading the most major one of two cases, but the biggest case investigating
Donald Trump is going to not likely preside over any trial if there is one it also comes at a time. When the investigation teams to really be heating up in his house, but it means that whoever it's gonna take over is not yet known. Join them. page jostle mirrors whether some as a question Jonathan will Jane talk to us. If you, if you will about the denudation level that mean I mean, there's a lot of course: national interest in them these investigations into the for president tromp into his business Trump organization. It will change. leadership of the top one is at which the trickle down effect will this list. Think slow things down with a team of actual investigators who were in the doing the work each and every day will they be impact it about. This just walk, Mr. What the next steps might be Well, I mean, in fact it seems that advance has brought in people who will help with continuity. He's now
brought in a very highly respected, where in New York Mark Palmer Ass to be, as he said, he's been made an especial assist. dear! the army, someone whose head experience prosecuting mark cases in other cases and is also a very highly skilled white collar defence lawyer, with law firm in New York, and so he will probably stay on people. Think I'm here. dances also brought in and in extreme Lee accomplished forensic accounting firm, that's capable of crunching vast amounts of financial information, like the tax returns that have now been given over to the answers office they recently were received. The Supreme Court upheld their subpoena
they could have all these records. It must have been hiding all these years, so their personnel is kind of in place for continuity. I think it puts on some pressure to wrap up the investigation. Maybe it is because it can, I think, take that France will be the one who will decide whether they will be charges brought against Trump, which means that they expect that to happen, certainly by the disease. Tom Winter. There's so much swirling around president trot. We hard remember what exactly we're talking about here. This started for the Manhattan DA's office in two thousand eighteen, with the alleged hush money payment the stormy Daniels through Michael Cohen and the rest of it, but obviously has expanded to something much bigger than that. And so what are the exactly they looking into at? This point was best. We can figure and what we ve done is trying to be able to follow the subpoenas in this case to your point really hit. It has expanded,
on those hush money payments it is expanded beyond Manhattan, and it's looking at the broader parts of the Trump Empire code the coast, and so this is a in negation. That's looking at his properties. Return about his seven springs. Properties is something patients there looking do real estate deals in Chicago, so it here expanded and really the core. This investigation and end in view can talk about different properties, different tentacles of it, but really the core. Investigation is whether or not there was in and fraud, tax fraud or bank fraud. Here, what would the representation but the Trump Organization in the president made to banks at the same time he was I- his taxes do those match up where their described these, if so, was an intentional, was at an end your way to mislead banks to lend him money or to a skirt paying too. So those are the issues that are being looked at here in those concerns and we
whenever somebody's appointed like a more comrades. I don't just pay attention to what their background was as a prosecutor, I look at what they did is a defence attorney in when you look at his background in financial crime secure. any fraud you have somebody they can look at evidence, not just as a prosecutor of ok. How can I build my case? What are the building blocks? I look at that person's experience of how can the attack that evidence in he's gonna know how this will be looked at by the residence attorneys. If there are charges he's gonna, know how other people might look at those particular pieces. Evidence or witness testimony so more prominences hiring here. I think is a real coup in in speaks of the non political nature of this investigation Tom. What are the other threats Donald Trump faces legally outside of science. We know we know sigh vowed, got New York stated Ernie general. Are there any other jurisdictions that he's gotta be worried about men? I think lunch
are there any particular concerns and in Florida with any properties there will that gets, swept up Manhattan disregard his office and the attorney General Latisha James, as you suggested Joe, she is looking at this her investigate. We know from court filings and trying to get Eric trumped up to to fire or sit for deposition rather than dead that that location also goes coastal coasts. Right now, that's believed, civil in nature, she might have to refer out any criminal elements to local, district attorney's and, of course, we're talking about Manhattan, district attorney's events with his own case, anyway, so we'll have to see where those so go? He faces obviously some civil litigation concerns with respect to allegations made by made by women in his past. So that's a separate matter. from the standpoint of ongoing investigations. His as concerns, and the big iceberg in front of him is Definitely this investigation by Manhattan, district, Turnus events. All right now
Thank you so much and the New Yorkers Jane Mayor, thank you as well. The new peace posted moments ago on the New Yorker website warming up alive more ahead, senators, chuck Shimmering Chris Coon's plus Cabinet secretary paint, but John America's crumbling infrastructure. Congress willing to tackle it we'll be right back after a year of heartbreak and hardships cove at night team? Vaccinations are now available, but you might find yourself asking a lot of questions like where can you get the vaccine? How much does
cost him. Do you need insurance and are you even eligible One sure way to get your questions answered is to go to playing your vaccine Thou Tom, an interactive too, powered by NBC News and Comcast NBC Universal. There you'll find a state by state breakdown of where when and how to get your covert. Ninety vaccination make a plan. you'll be ready. When it's your turn go to plan Vaccines are calm today I do want to say one thing, though day I thought this was my building and I feel terrible it. I'm gettin stops accosted asking for Ass is that everybody is Bevin, should know who I am and against, I can't move around is building they hours. I. What day is it masses whereby the com is the down in his ideas is by no means rafters or what
That is the great captured EU in Pay coach Georgetown. They pulled the big upset at Madison Square Garden, beating the top down and the biggest hermit Vila Nova yesterday, Patrick you and, of course, the New York Knicks Legend, the number one can the knights and eighty five dropped his wrath. His jersey is in fact up in the rafters and retired wrote in New York City, icon alleging, but I get some of this here. The guards around the building didn't recognize as Mr Ewing? Maybe it was the mask job, but my gosh hears about seven one, tower your presence in the man that square garden? That is, his house? rob zero? Like six words, you never say you man was saying words and consecutive order are down. You know who I am never say it's terrible except Excel. your parent reviewing and your work get in Madison Square Garden because is his house, and so then the question becomes
now they know who he is and if they don't, why are they were get them as J B right guy, but no one should ever be hired to work at Venice in regard to desert now Lu Lu February has been through get over last question on application to be a picture, in our view, is destroyed it also and also you're, going to check the past like how many seven foot, one guys, You see you now hangar just on the street. Pang hang around him in a kind of rare. You might assume that he has something to do.
You don't know who used, but it should be made of something to do with the basketball contests. That's just it weighs are about to take whatever the video evidence. Just it's ridiculous redbird viewing is the ledger. Videos, the mayor of Arab, come on. Come on man, I'll, listen! I'm Patrick's number one fan my son. We went skiing last weekend. He was speaking in a vintage, Patrick you in Jersey. So I rest my case very my eye mitigated security guards. Little slack. It's a big EAST basketball term at Lahti, tall guys walkin around we get masks. Maybe they just didn't know among the mask, I'm sure they're doing it maybe maybe- and certainly we are not always sided about Marge Madness. I'm really excited this year, Alabama Naxa years, good they that but their put nineteen on the floor that, like is competitive for the first time I don't think Alabama basket. Has been of the sweet. Sixteen, since I was in college- and that was of course, team ninety seven
you guys like this year, Jean who'd, you I'll wear, are going to suit Michigan because that you know They were likely to be number one seed. Although there were being obeyed, they didn't Mohammed ended the season on the best, not but there clearly one One in my opinion, one of the four this teams in the country so certainly ought to be a number one and back to the bare my guys I gotta are gonna, go with the job. Dying. We yesterday for the combat oars when they fell to Florida and, as you see, tournaments, ending their seas and so on, with the align I Eleanor, really really good this year, I'm totally biased. My parents went there. They met there have been in Illinois friend my whole life, but they are really really good work. for them. Ginsburg is gonna. Go into the undefeated. The question always means when they play in that conference against that schedule does not measure up to they. Finally get over that when win win at All- and this could be the year for I'm- both Illinois Dante
it has been such a strange year for college basketball. Jonathan of no Duke no Kentucky you ve got the top five jammed with big ten teams a really boy, a real shake up in the age of cover for college basketball,. yes, certainly and joe- no one, of course, ever cheers for a cobra diagnosis. We hope all involved. It's ok, but there certainly was play commentary about Duke missing out the tournament they had to withdraw from the ACC torment, because they headache about positive case we their first time missing, the incidental Ays do contain the most people, love to regain, and more than two decades, it is going to be a very different run. I too Willis Blanket Zaga goes in probably as the favorites, but here we have seen come so close before and not be able to. At the end, you mash persevere, the end of March into that final into that final forbidden. It should be fought- and I think also
moment now, where the nation here mamore we're we're symptoms open the air and haven't let it to me nothing to watch into cheer. The NCAA tournament, I think, will be a lot of fun of being a good distraction for people here in these, but we hope is The final stages pandemic, with opening day around a corner all right by the way, Robinson haven't rate weekend. Thank you for being on this morning and still. I had former president Frankly we can it can we can we go back to Jean, because I've been stuff is enough. This is really so get our last sentence. Curtain, eleven goods by God, I've seen Robinson per second- I am Jean still. There is, in my view, silly nutrients tell us about tell us about the artwork bind. You boots assert this piece of paper. Girt minorities. Avis problems having meetings in earnest it's really good news:
She has great, and I know that she had some shows set up before them and the maiden rescheduled there go. They're gonna be around A figure in New York were granted for european when New Yorkers coming back buttered upper gallery. Ilsa is now working on scheduling it. I think it good pollution to early twenty two, so about keep you posted still when that has to do it. it's gonna be out of it all Avis robinsons, incredible artists, soccer out on Google go to a website. really remarkable artwork. We I shall return on morning Joe talking about a lot of important stuff.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-26.