« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/1/21

2021-03-01 | 🔗

The Morning Joe panel recaps this weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference event in Orlando, Florida, which featured former President Trump's first public remarks since leaving office.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I gotta say or and, though is awesome it's not as nice as King Coon, the radical left, their corporate ally the liberal media have tried to camp Please censor me expel me shut me down. Stop me from representing the people of Missouri. Stop me from representing you and guess what I'm here today, I'm not going anywhere and I'm not backing down for the first time ever. Cpac is not in our nation's capital, That's because they won't let us anywhere near innovations. Cap, maybe see pack and promised to burn down buildings, and statues they were too let us up there. We won the election twice, now think about the task. A party is to stand up to this destructive agenda with confidence and with results, as we
stand together and defend liberty, but then the constitution to fan the bill of rights of every. Again in the immortal words of William Wallace my god. What was that- I've seen hack, so you don't have you know they obviously didn't have acting school Harvard are prince, our land. We use so itself it so funny there these, entire latest, as I like to call themselves so, just opening collapse which were chosen really for nor the fact that you had to people that we're sedition lists. there is one person that was talking about tearing down yeah choose when, of course, his party
straw, to try to destroy the United States constitution and try to disrupt the peaceful transition about so you have. First, let's see you had TED crews, Mr Anti Elitist who, with the prince, did and Harvard and then you had in charge Holly, Mr Mr Antonio latest, who went to Princeton our who would the Yale and then Stanford, and then you had cod is how poor guy can't close to Washington because they're not tearing things, aren't you didn't, dare things up in fact, three hundred years of borders, already jail now three hundred from supporters are, jail now, Tom Cotton, a Harvard boy and then you have Donald Trump again, Mr Populist, who who not only went to an Ivy league school, but our lives in a country club, and you have TAT crew saying that we're we're we're not that
three club republicans now you are in fact guy that you worship that you kowtow town to insult sure why that insults, your father's memory and even accused of other being a murderer. You still worship him Worship and even though he says your father kill J F K, any attacks, your wife, You say that it's the Democrats are like country club types. your guy lives, not only at a country club at his own country, clad in a town that doesn't want him there and other just you know, heard, and I don't know this because I was a universe of Alabama Rolt. I haven't you ever seen. Florida go, get it I don't know there's, but I've heard did Ivy league People can really be a leader lists.
Down their noses at the end of working class people middle class people like me, I don't know they didn't go. though I will say that you now for a young, each Ivy league people and many they ve worked farm. Pretty good workers will die, but make at that spent the weekend attacking country club types, hello, Donald Trump, and attacking Ivy League people, and this one guy comes out and either he says we don't Somebody told me you want to Princeton and a Harvard Did you want to buy the moderate and I'm gonna get one or several speakers right, so they're all I really boys, like they're, all they're, all these, these ivy league types they there, such a leaders take at Amazon up. I get it
There is such a witnessed that they face supporters are really really stupid and I I stand. Ideally, you get an ivy league. I guess I don't understand because I'm with Alabama rural type, but I guess- God I really you start thinking you're smarter than everybody else in that everybody else's dumb. I guess that's what you think TED crews. I guess that's why giving Josh Ali. I guess that's what you think Tom cotton. I know that's what you think, Donald. And you think everybody stupid spend all weekend attacking country club types and ideally you're all Ivy League leaders, you, past tax cuts for the just people on the planet. You tack paying tack, but you has tags gods. Bed Actually, a well Amazon and to pay zero in taxes, Wall Working Class, Americans, a middle class Americans in years of Busby protecting? Actually,
more I'm taxes with Amazon when it comes income taxes. it is such: aren't you lie so shame Wesley, you're, all You mean league brats and you lie so shamelessly bobbing man and the people tat grows really Princeton boy, really arbored boy manner. The people. You're gets contrary clubs of re. Are you ok with Donald Trump lives in country clubs? How many how many days out of his presidency was Staying at his own country club. judge, Holly Man and the people from the who at the Yell and Stanford, is now talking about since bore me, I'm just an outsider. They want may talk they won't. Let me please please. This answer
a leaders. Stuff is so shameful. And you really do- I guess- maybe that's my take away from this weekend. they really do? They really are Ivy League, elitist, who think Their followers are too stupid to actually we up about them on Wikipedia are too stupid to realise the tax cuts passed under Donald Trump made everyone. Bag tag, monopolised oligarchs or ensure my god Bozos because of the time, ex goods, because everything is mainly why six billion dollars on why, in one day last year and his company paid zero dollars and income tax as last year, because Donald Trump
Ivy League boy, TAT, Chrome, I believe boy Josh. Only Ivy League boy, and and and whom I mention all of em will in due course Eddie Kennedy who, by their down Doug Dog, oh yeah, yeah yeah, we Algeria, we don't want to write that down one eye and then you go. Tape and like from two thousand forties, I will. Of course I went to Oxford and I'm a dogs heard university, and I am you know, I'm a gimmick, and I will be voting for John Kerry. We have wind cell together around Nantucket attend. I must say matter kid he's a bit better, As far as the wind coming in the east, the eastward Emmy come on guys families take a couple of acting class as if you're going like it's
as MS point you're so shameless your answer actual be, as is so shameless. Just humiliate yourself? That's what I took out of it. It kind of sums up every day and aren't you glad you didn't, have the wide eyes, weariness and very sick, loud wedding and they're all grounds? We have Whitehouse Rapporteur for the Associated Press, Charenton Le Maire, founder of the serve active website the bulwark and author of how the right lost its mind, Charlie Sites, hey Jarley jar of em, but before we introduce everybody else, I'm gonna go out to me, Charlie. I hope I mean. Maybe you I don't know, maybe went to an Ivy league school to either. Now I went Alabama proud of it steak. Ivy League schools because you're not like I said before. I bet bored ivy league schools are pretty good workers in work and farmers since as twenty three twenty four. So I like Ivy League, but these
go up These latest talking about our Antonio leaders attacking Ivy League schools and they would do Princeton and a Harvard. They went to Yale and and stand for its really TED crews? rose marking being a disorder leaving his the decision is to end a deserter leaving his state where people are freezing to death and that's a punch line of a joke. It see back these people, I mean I gotta say how I just I don't know how how we were ever members of that party. I just don't know why I don't recognize it at all. Ok, you left out one thing member to take cruising The king could whistling at these Freaking Rich Carlton, some men of the people I was talking about it. We are not the country club when the guy look, I'm in how many times can you point this out Donald Trump lives in his own country club? I mean
This is ridiculous. You could get, but you know, the girl like playing their there, all the going through the rule that it did not look. This is no one really struck me about sleep at was this all culture war, all the time at all trump all the time. It's all demagoguery, all the time. There are no ideas, there's no policy, they were unrepented, They are unreflective, no cure having the sea pack a ban, and we are but a couple of months out from the the attack on the cap, will we have five hundred thousand dead American and you would not know any of that happened. So it's all like I'm the man of the people who are the people you should present you're the people. You should blame and so you really got kind of building up the mask up of what conservatism has become ripped off. and by the way job you get your point. Over the weekend I kept myself. I was ever in the rule of these people Herrick for hardly ever
was ever aligned with him. Why did I ever think that our shared values with these people, because you see them upon the stage just driving around in playing, and there is no principle. There is no consistency. There is no policy and living in an alternative universe, and you would think that there would be a Mamma would say hey. Maybe we are red. Thank my gave a little bit of introspection about the sedition about the white supremacy about the fact that we will fail to protect half a million Americans from dying. None of that oh, we sat no looking in them error, except that, yes, ten crews, man of the people, frigging rats, Chrome, we are not another kind, Club Party and then, of course they bring in the word of God, king with their with orange idle who lives in a country club. I mean I mean it's. It's beyond parity By the way I see back described that described as the insurrection after party. It wasn't me, but I
I thought that was a pretty good, that it was a pretty good description that down Then here your gear, you have the people who herself invest. denial and delusion that they have that event couple of months after the attack on the capital, I'm sorry you're gonna get you got me what do you want here? Neither I read and make it is here we are less than two months after an insurrection against the United States of America, giving standing ovation and and worship. A guy again lead that insurrection, who was bagged by Kevin Mccarthy to call off his terrorist and he replied. to do it in fact get very angry at Kevin Mccarthy and said. Well, I I guess there more upset mean losing the election than you are. What we also have thus member of the New York Times Editorial Board, Mara, gay and national political correspondent for the watch and imposed Dave Waigel joins us
good to hear today, Dave actually did go to sea back and Dave. I saw I saw some of your report's some interesting, these about. Who really is president right now and something about the Pope and help how big was the coup in our presence this weekend, it was that was fairly limited right that this is this is the degrees we're talking about. Are that q and on conspiracy theories were definitely kept out of there. I saw one activists pretty well now the guy who people think, as you have a junior assign inside one day, and then I saw people, people boarding that he was not allowed in the next day? The conference itself was pretty good at policing, real free stuff there a big rally outside mature coverage. I got a big while, while the motorcade this coming? There were the rally of a hundred fifty or so people, and I suddenly The problem is that was there. I saw you on signs are conspiracy theories. There is more
standardization, I guess in the building, but you you sought in the clips. The premise of the conference was still. The election was probably stolen, whatever happened on January six, it wasn't our fault. Those were two themes and There is really baby to people who kind of challenge a challenge. That premise is either not discuss or were shared onstage. Despite the fact this is a theme at the weekend, what you were watching the streaming they were concerned streaming, Is that a cut away at various points? From interview from panels, because in the real world where lawyers are watching for people who spread misery. Information about election, companies or say the election was stolen. There are consequences for lying about if you're the president former president, I should say
PETE Italy saying that you won the election that that year and when a third time and twenty twenty four, I guess the consequences are even been been needed out on him. But it was really about the overall tone of the conference of the pro. The premise- and you heard this reflecting the audience- was that well something happened down troubles, not president him any more, but he surely didn't lose the election Well, well, here we go, it was really hard to believe. This is what we had for four years: here's some former president trumps our plus speech yesterday at sea back. Complete with an enemy lie on cloning and if attacking me and more importantly, the voters are mobile, top establishment, Republicans in Washington should be so you're energy and opposing Biden policy humor and the Democrats. The Democrats
stone, have grand standards like Mitt Romney little Bam says Richard of Chastity Susan Collins least Macao, speed pad to me the warmonger, a person that loves seeing groups fighting changing the Good NEWS is in our state: she's been censured and in her state purple numbers have dropped, sir than any human being I've ever so? Hopefully, they'll get rid of her with the next election get rid of a law for the next four years. The brave Republicans in this room will be at the heart of the effort to oppose the right, Democrats, the fake news, media, their toxic cancel culture. What you Now that I am going to continue to fight right by your side,
We will do what we've done right from the beginning to win in other kept saying he's going to start a brand new party. We have the republican It's going to unite and be stronger than ever before. I am not starting a new party that was fake news. We all knew that the Biden administration was going to be bad, but none of us even imagine how bad they would be and how far left they would go oh Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history. That's true Ngos. One short months we have gone from Eliza turning off. I can't I've been series a bad, bad, bad bad. It's again, I can listen to it. you're not really is hard Margo, you, those values, Paypal, that was a thousand for years, but you know
interesting mark is AIDS. Arguing about we ve got the Republican Party, we don't need whatever well. This was the most hard core of the most. Hard core wing of the region, Working Party so So, like did trappers, who knew he was going to speak any I get fifty five percent of the straw about and somebody as it happens, I said. Well, you know, Brok, Obama is run another term and they have a straw pole, add a pack brok, Obama would get about percent baby. Ninety five percent we forgot- drawn to be sitting at fifty five percent. I will so sure. In fact, I know that's those numbers are much lower than I'm sure he and everybody else. There was expecting that's true, but at the same time it's hard to miss the fact that Trump ISM has one
and it's it's amazing, as a woman watching that footage, because it really is just like a festival of toxic masculinity and you're watching this and then up after everything that Donald Trump get up there and starts talking about your gleefully talking about bread, about how he owns the Republican Party, and so all those man I got up there before him. I assume I assume he was whether their keynote speakers, we're essentially bragging about how they got owned by Donald Trump and on top of everything, have to wonder I mean these people call themselves leaders. It is really the most cowardly form. A glitter leadership we have ever seen, they can't stand up to him. he has stamped his movement and I can't even bother to tell his supporters the truth. Now. You know if you look also at all the attacks that were were being launched
hence Joe Biden wish the poles last week. This is the hill. And their Harris Pole that actually has Joe Biden at fifty nine percent in and the brutal only forty one percent of Eu Research, Paul that was taken, right after the insurrection, Donald Trump since or action had him it. Twenty nine percent disapproval at sixty. Eight percent he's problem. up in the thirties. Now I thirties, MID. Thirty's authorities want might even have low. Forties Rasmussen has met. Ninety eight percent so will have look a little more closely into that by, but again it it seemed such an extraordinarily irrelevant irrelevant occurrence, but obviously, when you have a guy that tried to
commit insurrection against the United States of America and he speaks for the first time since at insurrection that actually is Are you saying why are you play because NED Cycling dig Darnel TAT had been invited to see back after he switched size. We probably would probably be running Benedict Arnold to our own Swell Jonathan all mayor, so you covered Donald Trump for years in the White House and only campaign trail. What did you What were are now coming out to sea back in his speech. What what did you take from it? A personal joe first stretch. It was actually rightly low energy and Republicans that I was here from suggests, or were breeding somewhat size of relief that maybe he wasn't going to go all scorched earth that, of course, twenty unfurled, the enemies list, but you may be the point about this is the most trump crowd you can imagine, and yet the only pulled a little more than half of that straw, pole, but still right now,
he is still shaping the present and future of the republican Party. Made no mention whatsoever of the events of January six, but repeated time and again the big lie. The idea, of course, that he would fall we claiming that he won that election. He's going to make things difficult for Republicans to ever. Try to turn the page, a subset of other members, the GNP who want to pass Trump he's clearly trying to send the message that he's not going anywhere and also jonathan- we talk about the by the White House, their reaction to this speech and how they can. respond sharp. Will they have wars have been studiously trying to ignore all things. Donald Trump in a few weeks effect of current President Joe Biden is not even uttering down terms, namely can help us in the referring to it, as has him as the former guy. They paid no attention to the impeachment trial. Us.
releasing a statement. What I was over by nine percent detergents Saki on Friday indicated a villa will be watching the events of sea pack over the weekend. They weren't concerned about what he was going to. Joe Biden themselves at the weekend in Delaware about, but of course they are mindful simply of where Trump could take the Republican Party, and could this efforts their efforts at bi partisanship? What should this point have stalled? It doesn't look like cloverleaf does go pick up. Any republican centres is they're, gonna, be that much harder if prizes stepped back onto the stage in more visible way as much as they won't try to engage the and finally, how are they going to? What are they gonna be doing this week? What are you expecting their message to be over the next week? Will they don't want to talk about what they do want to talk about. Our two key things. First of all that covered relief build that march. Fourteenth is the deadline they ve set,
get this done. That's when a lot of these unemployment benefits start to expire, that's not two weeks away. The clock is very much ticking there. It of course, is passed the house talk about I'm sure the minimum wage being toss out of the Senate bill by the parliamentarian. There still work here said a majority Humor says he's convincing, get this bill on by his desk in two weeks and, of course, the vaccines with the Good NEWS, The Johnson jobs approval on Friday, that's gonna, be the White House messaging today is that they feel like they feel confident, quietly confident that within the next six weeks, two months but they're gonna surplus of vaccines will be more actual doses of the of the vaccine than people we're ready to take them. What still distribution issue to be sure, but they feel like this is a key moment and they can start link actually turned the corner on the pandemic then TAT Day, waigel talking about C pack convention other than
Admiration for a guy who try to overthrow the United States government or at least committed or action against the United States government there seem to be a few policies that were breaking through some of the speeches over the weekend are yet the attack on high which Donald Trump slammed home last night, what Josh Hall and others and tugging at all weekend, going after big tack and section to thirty, are you had of course attacks? on China, much less ambiguous and Donald Trump, who one second, would bragging about what a wonderful they serve present. She and the next talking about how he was Vienna. bad guy in the next talking about how they would. Great job, cooperating with the United States, but it is a real anti China attacked taken by most of the speakers and see back and then. Finally, of course, a lot of talk about
posing Joe Biden, immigration policies or the open border approach to that does or three policy I picked up all very tromp like what did you pick up there? I add to what you were saying, criticism of of expansive transgender right, so there is, if there was a panel about the way that this budget vanhecke most recent for four years ago was a burning. Dr drive people from four. seeing bathrooms of the of the gender that the gender identify with, issue. Now is whether trans athletes be allowed and sports with age and bread, and if I with and the present the former president brought that up in his speech, which is fairly new for him, but you're the immigration issue will wither we're all that these immigration with something that was very much thought about at the concern women at sea pack for a long time on the premise that there is a real
we're humbug and not winning the Lahti, no vote there. There are their voters who make very good for us if we don't have. If we don't have such into chromium policy, should we change that end trump? I think, as hard wired, the conservative moving their public and party of the moment. To be very the bee restriction of standard there, you didn't hear any that talk. You would have heard pre trump, but but you haven't heard that All year mean generally, the Republican responds to a lot of democratic legislation has been introduced, in saying this money can be used for undocumented immigrants. There is a messaging that Brick Scott used if that kept Mccarthy use, which it, which is Democrat, opening the borders and closing schools things like that's right, running immigration and sort of nationalism through everything every issue is something that tromp change in there Can party unknown was contesting that it see back in mention the appalling there. I would add to that part of the poll was: do you want the relevant part of our down trumps agenda? Ninety five percent of of attending said yes, and do you are indeed
prove what Joe interrupted novice that actually rose from ninety five percent last year to ninety seven percent and think of down trumps last year. In what way beyond losing their residency managing the pandemic. This was now a final year of other presents you that that was babe, I think, is going to be looked on as a 6s. What it did do was it was. It was a involved in cracking down immigration policy, halting green cards. Halting refugees, things things things that nature that is stuff. Where are you going to see back six years ago? I think half the crowd. What were have speakers would have had different position and no longer and longer the wash imposed a waigel. Thank you for your reporting, and still I had on morning to one of the Republicans that got name checked during former president trumps, see pack speech last night congressmen. Adam kins again will be our guest clauses Le Maire mentioned the race.
acts. Native Americans against the corona virus got a new boost over the weekend, thanks to John and Johnson your two morning jail, we'll be right back she planned for the end of the world tat followed in her wake and children went missing, Mommy Tuesday, but Dateline podcast. It has to be heard to be believed all episodes available now. First, See pack is not the entirety of the Republican Party. That's normal. One number two political organisations and campaigns or about winning over the For years we lost the house representatives, the Senate and the presidency No problem that has not happened in a single for years under a president's Herbert Hoover. Now we
plan to win and twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. We have to listen to the voters. We have economic, policies that were working? So if ass the case and we can speak to those policies of those families, then will win. If we idolize one person, we will lose and that's cool clear from the last election. I don't think you'll be our nominee for the reasons I said over the for years we ve lost a house, the Senate and the presidency, political campaigns or are about winning gender does not move forward. Unless we when we need it, who can not only win him himself or herself, but we also to have someone who lives all boats arrived. So that's repelled Senator Bill Caskey of Lou, cs, the Charlie's He was sounding rational agenda.
Sal very disconcerting, but it does remind you that there were seven republican senators. I think that actually voted to convict, which again that doesn't sound like allied unless you ve actually serve, in the Senate. Are I did in the house and understand that Usually nobody breaks away. So the question is there's there and the Republican Party and where people like Bill, Cassie, invents House and Mitt Romney going to end up well. First of all, it's good to their speaking out. It is great that Bill Cassidy has not not held under that he's not walked all that back in item teasing. Her no continues to push ahead, but I hear that the bad news is the Republican Party has completely once again surrender to Donald Trump, and it is really amazing when you think about it that that it was just a few weeks ago,
United States Senate held a trial about whether you should be disqualified from any position of honour and seven republican senators voted to convict Donald Trump and yet do you see yesterday the Republican Party about the grass roots much of the establishment rallying round him. Look. The republican civil war lasted what you know, maybe two weeks three weeks from the moment that then Mcconnell simply said yes, absolutely even oh here is is it I was morally responsible for an attack on the capital. Somebody, you add the lied about the election support. any crew sedition, but absolutely I will vote for him. It is the nominee in twenty twenty four. You realise that the republican civil war may go on, but it's it's it's over Maybe it's it's been lost. This party is completely from four five and the poor is whether now trunk runs or not. party has those guns. He held, is is held hostage by Donald Trump, but they ve done it voluntarily
I mean I, you probably saw Nicky earlier comments afterwards, ronicky illicit dying. We need to begin make us mistake again and she's out there, between immediately what a great speech, Donald Trump, Nicky Healy isn't another one of these Republicans. You just cannot choose a lane. They can't stick with it, so good on bill, Cassidy continuing to press this but the reality is that in Mitt Romney invents ass, Madame Kinsey or a small minority and republican Party right now we know it sounds saying that gaily and TIM Albertus peace actually criticized drop tat. It was time to move on mine criticism and then ass if she could meet with Donald Trump, just like Heaven, Mccarthy did after he criticised Donald Trump and said he was responsible for the insurrection, and tromp, would not meet with Peggy Hayley, so now she's trying to get back into his good graces, which, more ago it is it is. It is bizarre
I mean the whole thing has been bizarre. I I stand, even though I was repelled by it. People that kowtowing to him of the Republican Party when he was president of the United States. I thought it was grow task. At the same time. say: ok well, they're, just they want suffer there, strict and they want to be close to power and buddy. A guy who lost the house lost the Senate. Why The White House, I've been impeach twice. Led. An insurrection against the United States of America refuse to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power a botched the pandemic. five hundred thousand people dead. Historians will certainly Blame him for a good percentage that number there's still this guy with no power. They are still all bad. and scraping them. It is just I must say I don't get it.
Its remarkable. It's really lazy. Politics too. I mean, I think, we're bent for years plus at this point the tea, leaves watching every move that some of these Republicans made, hoping If we lower than bar I nearly to the to the floor, the day might meet that stand. To stand up for democracy over tromp interim bosom and they have still failed, and so it really does make me wonder if maybe those who want democracy love this country, Democrats and Republicans, if maybe the battle is best past one at this point, just in taking it american people directly talk to voters in these district. Explain to them were understand what they want beyond Trump ISM, he probably care about a minimum wage. That's the irony here I mean this nonsense
unfolding folding. At a time when Americans are out of work there sick their dying and they're out of work. So I actually think that there are parts of noxious bedevil Eric agenda, but certainly a more moderate republican agenda that would appeal to learn numbers of Americans, even within Donald Trump space. But how do you mean those voters directly, because it's time to make the case to the american people directly, I've completely lost faith in them. we're going to be saved as a society where a country by the courage of these individuals look at them there without shame. So I think that road, it is really over at this point, with Ivy League degree without shame, for those Republicans around the stages Ebay. I love, I just said actually it echoes what I was. I was sorry,
into somebody use we very involved in republican politics and run I'll run presidential campaigns and work for Republicans and I said to me something along the lines. What mortgages said, they're, so lazy, nobody wants to do the work? Nobody wants to go to their districts and explain to their districts. why their voting the way they are, why their opposing Donald Trump Insurrection against the United States of America, why they might support minimum wage high kids, it That's really that's really the best way. To put it there just found it and nobody has the courage of their conviction that do what's right. And then the girl, whole town, all meetings and keep telling their constituents why they did what they did.
why it was the right thing to do that that actually works, but about, I think, Maura's right right now, they're, just there, they are engaging in lazy politics, lowest common denominator politics and for them right now that means Boeing and scraping Donald Trump and little else. Our gay and Charlie Sykes. Thank you both for being on this morning. We turn now to they continued investigation into the January sixth attack other capital. The justice apartment has announced on Friday that it has charged more than three hundred people with crimes related the attack at least two hundred and eighty of whom have been arrested, acting deputy attorney. General John Carlin, said the investigation into those responsible is move at a speed and scale that is,
for us, it ended, and rightly so, those responsible must be held to account and they will be Karl Heinz comments came just one day after acting capital police chief. Yoga Nanda, Pitman, told law makers. There are indications, Trump supporters want to attack the capital again during President Joe Biden. First, dress to Congress, which is expected later this month. And we see news reports, Justice Department officials say they ve expanded, or of lawyers investigators devoted to the case of domestic terrorism. We will continue to follow this. and now the latest surrounding New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Yesterday he admitted that some of his behaviour with women quote may have been insensitive after a second former aid spoke out against him in the state. The governor governor said impart quote. I now understand that my interactions.
I have been insensitive ever to personal and that some of my comments given position, made up fail in way as I never intended college. Some of the things that I I have said, have been misinterpreted as unwanted flirtation to the extent anyone in that way. I am truly sorry about that said he would cooperate with a sexual harassment probe led by the state attorney General Latisha James. This comes after receiving Criticism for his initial decision to have a federal judge. He appointed handle the investigation former Twenty five year old, Charlotte Bennet, told the New York Times. I understood that the governor wanted to sleep with me and felt horribly unkind. Trouble and scared Governor Cuomo has to the claims and tells the paper he believed he had been acting as a mentor and had
were made advances towards Miss Bennet. Nor did I ever intend to act in any way that was inappropriate, bennets accusations Come just days after former special adviser to the governor Lindsey Boil detailed her alleged harassment, including a forced kiss Cuomo, has also denied her claims. The white is backing. The investigation here is press Secretary General Saki. Yesterday, President Biden has been consistent that he believes that every woman should be heard should be treated with respect and with dignity. Charlotte should be treated with respect and dignity, Social Lindsey, and there should be an independent review looking into these allegations and that certainly something he supports and we believe should move forward both of New York City, where senators majority leader, chucks humor and Senator Kirsten Jensen Brand, along with White House judiciary
Jerry NAD, Lauren, congresswoman at Alexandria, O Cassio Cortez, all signalled this weekend. They would like see the matter referred to Latisha chains, It's all comes as Cuomo continues to grapple with the political fall out over his handling of the state's nursing home during the pandemic, which is facing a federal investigation coming up the Wes officially points the finger at Crown Prince Mohammed, been salmon for the killing of journalists. Jamal showed GI. So why does White House refused to punish the saudi leader, plus pro democracy protesters met with deadly force demonstrating against the military coup in Myanmar. The president of the cap, on foreign relations. Richard House joins us neck. on morning, job type, its embassy embassies, haste, brown These days is just so much news to wrap your head around is challenging to get
deeper understanding of things. So, every morning go beyond that lines with MSNBC Daily? If features Britain person just from people you know and trust, enlightening art Fight for mainly many Hassan List Plank and Frank, the Gipsy plus we'll get a fresh take every morning from me. start your day with innocent BC, daily innocent BC, dotcom historically and even in recent history, democratic and republican administrations there have not been sanctions. Put in place for the leaders of foreign governments where we have diplomatic friends and even where we don't have diplomatic relations and we believe there is more effective ways to make sure this doesn't happen again and to also be able to leave room to work with this
these are areas where there is mutual agreement where there is interest national interest for the United States. That is what diplomacy looks like. That is what the complicated global engaging looks like, and we have made no secret and been clear. We are going to hold them accountable and on the global stage. The White House is defending its decision to not punish saudi crime Prince Mohammed been salmon after the release of the. U S, intelligence report that link the crown prince to the murder of less democracy Georgie, according to the New York Times official sad, a consensus developed inside the White House at the cost of that breach in sounding copper and on counter terrorism and in confronting IRAN was simply to high. As far as the report goes, the new declassified document describes the prince of having absolute
control over their kingdoms, intelligence organizations and set. It would have been highly unlikely for operation like the killing of Kosovo to be had carried out without his approval. As a candid Biden pledged, make Saudi Arabia a pariah over than killing the Washington Post public and CEO Fred Ryan Release? Does meant reading in part quote, the report has brought the facts to light Now the man who also rise this brutal murder must be held fully accountable for it more two years have gone by since Jamal's unthinkable death sign, the United States and freedom loving nations around the world in shore, there is justice for tomorrow. Let's, where you, the president, a girl foreign relations. Richard has Richard, So let's talk about competing interests here. First, the United States obviously is always
in Saudi Arabia, is a key ally, not just militarily, but also economically, probably more military Harold militarily now. Then even economically, so tempting genes to make obviously we're going to continue dealing with China. Despite Hong Kong, despite reports, concentration camps in China, just like bread scowcroft, engaged with China and Bush state engage with China after Tiananmen Square. In this case, though, You have a killing that Israel of Virginia resident a wash composed colonists and something I do so agreed is that it is its our internal heads away from talk about the balancing act to it by the administration is a Trump administration. Before it went through,
Exactly right from the way you set it up and if it applies to China apply sate uprooting, we just signed a nuclear deal with them right after he, he tried to poison to death his principal medical arrival after he did what he has done in Ukraine this, balancing act at its actually split the farm policy establishment some. Instead, we should have nothing to do with more within some on. The problem is, is likely to be king of Saudi Arabia for decades, he's quite popular at home, Saudi Arabia still matters in the energy space. It matters in terms Counter terrorism. It matters, Obviously, in terms of pressing IRAN, we want to get them out. Yemen and we I want to bring about a normalization of relations with Israel, so the question how do you express your your moral learn, every other form of God, distaste harbour. This clearly happened,
because this guy approved it at the same time we ve got a farm policy to get down to. My guess is the way by the administration will come out, is the President more meet with him. He's not gonna get bite to the United States, much less the oval office, but the states will find ways to continue to work with somebody This is real politics. as other trot administration, obviously maintain close ties with Hammer Jared Cushion or especially bay. It's a big changes, spied administration move away from the Tropic Administration, and do you think they struck the right balance with land something's want me seeing, which is german. The holding of the major arms sales United States is no longer going to facilitate Saudi up. Nations in Yemen. That's that's a big deal. You won't have the kind of person I'll interaction that you had between the president on one hand and jarred Kirshner and Mohammed and so on. So I think the tone
the relationship will change the distancing selectively You will change, but on other issues, as I mentioned honor ran on it. So getting the Saudis to normalize with Israel may be created. Doing some things that we hold open the possibility, Of a two state solution with the Palestinians, I think illustration will continue to work with us, so there I think they ve essentially got it right. The bite administration. Look, it's awkward. I suggest that this in social media and gotten hammered fort people. I respect like Nick Crystal often Jake Tapir have taken the others the conversation, but I do think This is the only sustainable policy we can tell against us. United States should refuse to have anything to do with Mohammed that some are, but we cannot prevent him from sending to the crown he is likely to write his country for decades, and I just think- The real question is an over that time. Can we move the Saudis and some desirable directions, maybe using this as leverage- and I would say
We should try. Jonathan mayors, where this and has a question for you? Jonathan actually have to let skip elsewhere on the globe and maybe hit you. You can hit briefly on two different other countries too. The President Biden is meeting virtually in Mexico immigration is gonna, be top line on that Discussion. Maybe they give us your son. What you anticipate could come from that and also Myanmar. We saw a course more violence in recent days. The? U S, of course, has strongly condemned what has happened there, these demonstrators being killed you. What more? Could the? U s doing there. How? How does this by restoration navigate. What is an obsolete, tricky situation in Asia with me or more Stop we ve already issued limited sanctions, asset freezes and the like against the military leaders of this military co, but we don't have Spencer relationships with is not a lot we can take away. Countries like China are willing to step in. So I really think this has been a work out locally.
right now that the military forces that are behaving abominably their bowing down peaceful protesters. The real question is what that dynamic changes when honestly does not a whole lot, we can do with Mexico. You ve got this nationalist populist. President Lopez over the door, he is, I think, showing us by allowing people to come to the border. The real question is, Have we establish a foundation on this relationship? One possibility It is through vaccines, whether as you I did State- reaches appoint route rather quickly, we're we're going to have potentially the ability to access vaccines, which we can export. Whether we can reach some sort of a deal that we Mexico stabilize its society and economy in return. We get results cooperation on the border, Richard House. Thank you so much for coming on this morning. and I wanted Richard I'm sorry I meekest can say what did you continue, this segment
Alex, you can say we had to go to break, but you brought Something really quickly that I think is so important. Americans need to start recognising, and our leaders in Congress needs our recognising you talk about China, that if we, whatever we do. China can counteracting that takes me back to discussion, talking about Saudi Arabia, whether you're talking about you, I e whether you're talking about a lot of art. additional allies in the Middle EAST is like with you a month or so ago. If we hadn't sold them weapons. What a bottom from China have the same thing now with Saudi Arabia. Yes, weaken weakens down Saudi Arabia. We can, we can be as I suppose we want to and and feel good about that, and maybe that's right. Thing for us to do, but we are in a position, We haven't been an since the cold war, where, if in turn, our back on
ally? Who becomes a former ally they don't just? in the quarter and wait for the United States to come back? They immediately turned to China that the dynamic we really have an experienced since the cold war ended. Isn't no your ears, your spot on Charles crowd. Hammers peace. Thirty years ago called the unipolar moment that the United States stood astride the world after the end of the cold war. Will that might have been a moment so long since gone, and even though our absolute power. Our strength has gotten larger. Our relative position in the world, Joe, has deteriorated, not because we ve fallen because the Public of the rise of China and others to our ability to Diana dominate our ability to ensue is increasingly diminished and others can step up. This is a world of increasingly distributed power I did states has to adjust its farm policy to take this into account. I returned-
Thank you very. Very much
Transcript generated on 2021-03-27.