« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/29/20


The Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed a bill Monday evening to increase direct coronavirus relief payments to some people to $2,000, although the measure faces an uphill battle in the Republican-run Senate despite support from President Trump.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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four way too early on this Tuesday morning, but we're gonna keep going. I'm an attorney my way to early hat and put on my morning Joe? I dont know if I have a federal and here in this house, but if I did, maybe that would be appropriate. I'm here now with White House Rapporteur for the Associated Press, Jonathan LINEAR, and we are in for Joe Mika and Willie again this morning, Jonathan Great, to see you and also with us. We have former aid to the George, W Bush White House and state departments, Elise, Jordan, politics, editor for the daily beast, SAM Stein, an professor at Princeton University, Eddie, glowered, Junior, so John. Let's start off here, I'm top stories roulette. We have whether this It is even going to take up the house past incur four corona virus stimulus checks to two thousand dollars. There is this reporting behind what caused trump to finally sign that relief bill in the first place it seemed his pivot was helped by. M davits thanks Alex for that line. Meanwhile, we are one week away from the Georgia
run off elections and now there is yet another far fetched lawsuit to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election. this time a republican congressmen is suing of all people MIKE Pence, and finally, President Elect Joe Biden is accusing the Trump administration of hampering that condition so many directions that we could go. This morning. I think I'm focused quite a bit on just what a tough spot. Republicans are in here with this stimulus check sure. But I know you have obviously been covering the Biden transition. Very fully. So what? What do you think on this Tuesday morning is the story? That's gonna be driving the next week. ok see. We have lots of options. I spend the wheel Start with reluctant got the play. To change his mind, and I should pull back the curtain here for a morning, you're viewers, that line that you read about pivots inhibits Alex
that was the best he'd written in weeks. What we do here is that is an intense lobbying. Eight hundred has scales, including some of the president's close allies to get him to change his mind, to sign that corner virus relief bill to not withhold If it's any further from people who, them during this time of crisis during surging pandemic, and in fact it was Lindsey. Gram presents frequent, but Gulf Partner reply, Christmas Day round in West Palm Beach with the president just across Water there from the moral logger the Presence Palm Beach estate. he basically said that they play a home and then he work on it. Lobby and more here for the present full would ring, and it would be another concerned alarm Republican, telling him you need to sign this bill your in our life, so definitely harder by not doing so. Kevin Mccarthy who just had elbow surgery whose recovery would just the ass these maybe maybe not worn off. Also.
The president over the phone, repeatedly to say we need this, and we ve been talking for a few days now Casey, but the chaos, said the Trump administration seems to be ending very familiar. The chaos which it began, but the difference here worse. This president is gonna, be leaving office; there are problems are still trying to hold onto the Senate and that's. Why particular are those lobbying the president to say you need to sign this David produce, trying to keep his son seating georgia- and I know you are keenly looking at that right- and David produce in particular, he actually does have a pretty strong relationship of trump, and this, of course, All I'm in Britain we have, we have been covering ok, wider republicans, try to stay inside. Why did they try to stay close to the president? It's because there are so many scenarios like this one right where he does something either potentially gonna blow everything up, and there are some people that they can actually get him on the phone and potentially try and make an impact, and I think that's what what we saw here-
we also know and an Jonathan. I know you reported extensively on this, but president trumped can be pretty vindictive. He won't talk to people who don't do thing that he wants them to do, which is of course serves to try and force them into his good graces one other thing: Jonathan, that's interesting too, and I and I think it's we gonna drive the next several days, but potentially, I think, impacts, perhaps the whole first the Biden administration as well, and that Bernie Sanders, who came out and tweeted last night and said he's actually hold up the vote on the defence bill. Remember the Senate is voting planning to vote to override trumps veto The defence authorization act, he's gonna, hold it up to try and forces to hold a vote on those two thousand dollar checks and the Senate ass here is pretty complicated, but any single senator basically has the ability to do this and right now. The question before the Senate is now
whether those checks would would pass. We may get there the question whether they're going to take it up and actually vote on it in that way actually puts a lot of those Republicans in a tough spot, especially David Purdue and Kelly Leffler, but so no, that that I think, is going to be something really to keep an eye on over the course of the day. John now, the dynamic that the Bush administration is going to face from the progressives within the party is going to be, while to watch right not just this transition period. Of course, as the private, as the Joe Biden still mind, you building out, his administration still doesn't have an attorney general rhetoric into that a little, later on, and we heard from the President Elect yesterday afternoon down for couple age, the Christmas holiday which he accused the trouble illustration of continuing to obstruct the transition process, particularly on matters of national security. for some agencies are too received. Exemplary cooperation from the core
staff in those agencies from others, most notably, the Department of Defense Wing countered obstruction from the political leadership in that The truth is many. The agencies that are critical. Our security have incurred enormous damage many members hollowed out in personnel fast. the morale in she processes, atrophied or happens guideline in despair, bar alliances, the disrepair of those alliances. in our absence from case detentions that matter to the welfare of the american people in an old disengagement from the world and although it makes it harder for our government to protect the american people, to defend our vital interest. Acting secretary,
Christopher Miller, responded the remarks by denying any still long toward the Bonteen writing in a statement quote our deal depot and career officials have been working with the utmost professionalism to supporters, activities in a compressed time schedule- and they will carry to do so in a transparent and collegial manner that upholds the its traditions of the department, Miller goes on to say quote: the american people expect nothing less, and that is what I remain committed to hear more of what Biden Headset right, now, as our nation is in a period of transition, we need make sure that nothing is lost in the hand up we'd administrations. Why team needs a clear picture. force posture around the world operations deter enemies. We full visibility to the budget planning under way at the Defence Department, other agencies in order avoid any window of confusion or catch up that are adversaries. May try to exploit
from the beginning, we have encountered roadblocks on the political leadership at the Department of Defense and the Office of Management of budget right now we just aren't getting all the information that we need I'm goin out going from the outgoing administration, key national security areas In short, in my view, irresponsibility the least Jordan. You have a lot of experience in this field. Can you walk us through why this matter, This is why it is so dangerous and why the Biden administrate incoming by demonstrations, twenty, days out is sounding the alarms about what they're saying is obstruction from the trumpet just for context, Jonathan the tree,
this in time during the Bush administration, to they'll bomb administration, with something that President Bush shook very seriously and it was it was handled by top AIDS, and I remember I was at the end I see at the time- and there was just a lot of legwork and attention that went into it, starting certainly the Bush administration, no, that there would be a transition, no matter what but starting you know in the summer time in late summer, and so it really is out standing. There You know politics does not end at the water s edge with this administration, in that they are being so obstructionist floored President Elect Joe Biden to come out and publicly say that his team was not getting the assistance that that they needed to prepare for a smooth transition shows that it probably is pretty grave. the situation if they feel
they are being stifled to that extent, and is it surprising that this is the there, the trumpet restoration is taken at this final, our not really it's it's more par for the course, and so you look at the formation dead. The trends Don T need Sir plan for what there, wages that their come into, and it really is troubling that you do it's gone. The point where the President Elect is publicly complaining about the job that they're doing. What an enormous that such a great point- and I soon sign- let's just pick up their because The reality is that job. I an even more than than many. I think public officials is here been so careful to not ass stone
the fires. Really, he has been deferential republican senators. He has been true. to send this message of calm of a return to normal sea, and so for him to go out publicly Anne and level I mean this is a very serious accusation and how many major national security crazy. are we facing here the most recent of which that major hat the solar wins hack that has affected, govern agencies across the board. I mean: what does this tell you about just how serious this is. look couple things one is on. You know. the issues at the ideal with respect to transition are on a different level. I would argue than any other agency, and so will you not getting cooperation from the current ministration with your beach team? Then that's a big problem for that's an obvious problem here.
The second thing is, you know Joe Biden. Obviously decades of experience in Washington has always kind of been foreign policy guy right, heavy trades and foreign relations Committee are even as well as vice president, although we did along domestic work. His head enough in his focus was on overseas work too, and I think he is acutely aware of things in the foreign policy through him and takes a particular interests when things are not going well and understands the severity of a bad transition and three just to sort of pudding, tax. The push back from the current trunk team is near. There is not a complaint about any real other agency. There has been some complaints by what's happening at USC are about visibility. Their order was early complaints about getting all suspects and information about covered relief in vaccine distribution. That also dovetail with the idea. But those have stopped so if their complaining about one agency, but not all others that suggests
but this is really opportunistic by the violent team, but that they are in fact counter real problems here with the o. So I'm not sure that the term push back actually he's on the level here now, let's see what happens is has been what a week in a house and say to existing last complained if it has an improved over that period, Confidence everyone's gonna improve going sport, and I could be real problem remembered last point here is when The postern eleven commission looked at the attack and what led up to it and why american intelligence units were not in we're not ready for one of the things they cited was delayed transition process because the Bush Bp Gore LEO fights happening. We overflowed now That would result in over some time. But at this point I think well past the timeframe for for what they did for resolution. So this could be a potentially railway problematic and he got great
you this morning, I wanted to pick up a thread which SAM just pulled upon, and now this is part of a larger pattern. Let's remember, of course, that Donald Trump lost this election by more than seven million votes in his yet too can see that he has without fail nearly every day since November. Third undermine the legitimacy of Joe Biden, victory and we know that there have been roadblocks put up throughout this transition to slow down, binds team coming to power to make it as difficult as possible whether it be gee. I say ascertainment talk of a special council for Hunter Biden and, of course, The very important complaints, from the Biden team that the on a virus. Vaccine development and distribution plan was not shared with them What can be done here Eddie with three plus weeks left of this, Administration going to be more roadblocks thrown here. How should the Biden team approach this? What should be there
answer not just for the specific deal de problem, which, of course of grave matter of national security, but the idea of legitimacy. The idea of try to push back against those potentially tens of millions of from voters who are listening, the president following his queues and don't think line should be sitting in the oval office on January twenty first, This is great to see you and Casey this morning, of course, and at least inside SAM as well. I think what Biden. Transitioning did what Biden, president but alike did yesterday, is absolutely necessary and must do it. Moving forward to shine a light on the process as best as as best they can reveal the way in which the trial administration is engaging obstructionism to tell the american public the potential its accounts and effect of that obstruction. It, in other words, bring to bear on what is what there surely doing. I think that's really important, and I also
is important for us, as as the press, to do not give the Trump administration in this instance the benefit of the doubt just a few press, because of we were. We were talking about the DE sang in the bag and transition team had agreed to a moment of of red straight? I forget they actual language we use and the binding to come out and say no, we didn't write and so on, This is really important that they continue to shed light on the process two in some ways: bring the american public in too. I think up to date. Rather, let's put it that way. Do the challenges they face as they move from as we move from a Trump administration to revive Administration, Jonathan, made sense, always well worse either in the chaos that we have seen from the Trump Administration mature. Anyone is surprised by what's happening, but of course, we are all concerned
Let's go now about to Georgia, because voters are turning out in incredibly high numbers with one week to go until these high stakes Senate run us according to the ES elections project more than two point: one million Georgians have already voted ahead of the January fifth election. That is roughly twenties one percent of registered voters and its on par with twenty twenty presidential election numbers, while large Pro democratic run counties are leading the early vote count while rural republican strongholds, including the district where trumpet campaign next week are lagging so far, and despite what in a combined total of more than two hundred million dollars in the final stretch of their respective races. Democrats, John Ass, often Raphael Warnock are warning of dwindling grass roots funds and we see neutral, What's that Senate minority leader trucks, humor, is quote pessimistic about the two Democrats, chances to win and doesn't want to ruin donor relationships by asking for more money. His office is denying this report.
SAM sign. Let's there's a lot. There's a lot here. Chuck humor frankly is under fire because he raised expectations extremely high for how he was going to do in the general. Action in the Senate. He did not deliver, but on the with side republics have also been a complete, divided mess. Frankly, with the President Pudding UNICEF supporters are out there saying, don't even vote at all all at once. Her sense of where this race stands. I feel like my wooden Hoboken sources are pretty confident. My democratic sources are worried, but I'm curious your reporting and you take First of all, let's not overlooked something important just happen on the show any went through the people. He was glad to see, and I was last I will now. Forget that any reaction
First on your list of people, you like to say a guy going porch we had an order age you're, always the youngest one. On the screen saying that this is for Alex, I can't believe you're with pivoted debit, as opposed to flip with a chip which would have been the easier golf analogy. Finally, on Georgia, I think you know look obviously, we went through the twenty twenty campaign. Were expectations were exceptionally, I broadly draw the Democrats and frankly there a lot of these points was despite historic man sum of money being raised. What's interesting here is that the Democrats are again raising historic amounts of money well over a hundred million dollars in the post election period for each of them and me conventional wisdom is that they will not win it. Just in historical precedent shows that Republicans and come out much more for these types of off elections. You know Georgie, maybe changing demographically and politically, but
really hasn't gotten basta. The margin for binding was what, ten thousand or so so I would say if you look, It was soon of history. Of course, he would Ok, the Republicans are undernourished, a good spot here. The only thing that would give you pause is two things. One is clearly Democrats have good
game in Georgia. That's a largely due to Stacy Abrams, about restoration efforts that she's put in place there. So you know they have. The mechanics too maybe make this rate where they can win. The second thing is certain: the contractual stuff that you anything I Casey, which is now there's a lot of chaos going on that centred on Georgia, that its based in DC, but also those been we're, talks a boy coming election from fringy figures like Linwood and stuff. You know from his son an immense amount of distrust in Georgia Republican Party in specifically how elections are administered there. Could that manifests itself in a lot of trompe voter saying you know what I'm not only do I dislike the Republican Party, but I dont trust this. You know this. The seriousness of the election of a structure- I don't know it just seems like got some big hurdle to overcome for the Democrats SAM, if here
on a tie, you have gone up higher and eddies rankings this morning, at least to at least Jordan. I wanna get git to get you in on this. Of course, My life, my reporting lines up with what hearing that both sides expect this to be a tight race, but it does seem, like Republicans, are little more confident. The Democrats at this moment some Democrats are saying in this last week or so that they would would like more visits from vice president and particularly from former pressed, Obama, and maybe even First Lady, Michelle Obama, the former president what was in Georgia few times before the election? The first lady did subvert appearances, but did not do any on the ground campaigning. Of course, republic inside we know that their big ticket is coming. The president Trump is returning to Georgia in a, for another rallied his first one was, shall we say, a scatter shot effort in which did support the two candidates, but also, much of his time on attacking the republican governor and Secretary of State but it does seem at least for now. At least I want to get your take on this that Republicans
even those who feel those who live in that stay, who feel that they are sympathetic to the President feel that perhaps even this election was stolen, their angry, but there still come out to vote their understanding. What's at stake, the control, the Senate I would tend to agree Jonathan. I just give Republicans teensy edge in this run off, because how many of their voters are also going to shy away because this surge on top of the surge of corona virus right now, and you see the early voting numbers, look very strong for Donald Trump. But what really going to happen at the end of the day when Donald Trump, is not actually on the ballot. Are we to have more of a twenty eighteen match up or going to be a continuation of what we saw happen in November and so everyone's on the edge of their seats for this race, just resigned
that there hasn't been that much polling dine and no one really wants to venture to far forward after there have been so many wild cards in the aftermath of an action that didn't match up exactly with the poles and then Donald Trump behaving in the shooting, free, singly erratic way and waiting, his own strongest supporters from coming now in full force. Any really just can't believe that down try, but is it giving everything he has into securing their over pub instead it here, but it is surprising that it ended the dates again. Always about Donald Trump, and he really doesn't care that much about scene. If republicans prevail in Georgia, given that he lost the state himself for sure
are still ahead on morning, Joe despite surging corona virus cases in hospital innovations. The test, I just reported the busiest date for U S, airports since MID March, when we get the very latest on the pandemic. Plus it's been eight ex since the twenty twenty election, but resident trump is No posting videos that look a lot like campaign adds Urartu morning, Joe we'll be right back we get support from net sweet. If your business owner, you don't need me to tell you that running a business is tough, but you might be me it harder and yourself the necessary stop paying for Malta, we'll systems that dont give you the information you need when you need it. Did this bread? sheets and all the old software you outgrown now is the time to upgrade to net sweet. By work on the world's number one cloud business system nets. We gives visibility and control over your financials h are inventory E commerce,
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George, you send. It see texting control of the Senate on malign, if Republicans, when one of those or both of those they stand charge in the USA, Rachel battled Ryan Williams and Steve Cornet aid will break down the results county by counting. The challenge for democratic is to try to get up Biden levels of turned out in support with analysis from joy, red and the coal dollars short. You run off fight for the Senate next Tuesday, at seven, a M acid BC, vice press Elect Kamel a Harris and her husband will receive the covert nineteen vaccine later this morning in Washington Dc President Elect Joe Biden perceived the first dose of the vaccine on live television last week and some good news, the covert nineteen vaccine started being distributed to residents and staff members at Seattle Area, nursing home the place that reported the first day. out outbreak in the United States, the first
Ass associated with the life CARE Center in Kirkland, Washington was reported in February, and more than forty people can it's the facility later died. Yesterday was first day long term care facilities can receive vaccines under the federal partnership with Sea and Walgreens, which is handling shots for the majority of the state's long term care facilities jungle. this past Sunday was the busiest airport travel days since started. The pandemic is current pandemic. Is cases search and concerns are heightened that holiday travel may contribute to the spread of the virus they are times ts agents screen. Nearly one point: three million people on Sunday as them in a day since March, fifteenth over the t, say- has been facing staffing shortages due to the number of employees get infected with covert. As of now, seventy two and forty three which workers had quote active cases of the corona powers? Many of the affair, We're not were contracted. Not only who's on the job, but when they were off the clock
twenty years now physician and fellow at Brookings institution Doktor Chiquita, Patel she's, a former Obama. Why has health policy director and where are we to say an MSNBC medical contributor doctor, Tell let me just start right there. How alarmed should we be about those sort of t say numbers the infections of employees, of course, and we Stan well, but this surge in travel that the warnings from health experts like yourself from God, officials from governors who were saying look, this is we know it's the holidays. We know it's Christmas. We know you want to be with your family, but this is the one year just sit this out like at least a lot of money. Didn't listen to that advice. Should we now anticipate in a few weeks from now at a surge of infections and potentially hospitalizations yeah, John Good Morning to be with you and you're absolutely right. I think doktor could even called this a surge of pain, a search because we're all
dealing with overwhelming numbers of cases and deaths. Unfortunately, and then you add to it, this had a potentially friends admissible variant, that's under negation and the UK under concern in the United States and those travel numbers along with all the very concerning pictures, I've seen on social media people who had these. Pretty large indoor gatherings this without me, Stephen. Despite all of this have me incredibly concerned- and I think especially in hot but like Southern California, Tennessee parts country, where, literally, as you know, and have reported on zero percent to hospital capacity. Essentially, this does bowed very poorly further the regions as well as part of the United States that are just recovery and having numbers? decrease where we expect to see it as you and two to three. We Those numbers, reverse coarse and increase doctrines
is casing good morning, it's nice to see you to talk for a minute about vaccine distribution because operation warp speed, it had suggested that they could get as many as twenty million doses into arms by the end of the year, but we're seeing numbers that are much lower than that. Why is that the case, and what does that mean in terms of the timeline for us ultimately being able to get back to normal life. Casey Thumb. I am intimately aware of this. Our clinic is one of the site, but part of the vaccine, sure distribution, the strategy for the district of columbia- and- let me just but in the context, in October we had heard from operation warp speed. We would have a hundred million doses by the end of the year. We kind of all thought that was unreasonable that drop, the expectation around forty million and then, as you point out, twenty million by the end of December. We get. This point have distributed approximately one too
million approximately one point. Seventy two point: two million doses of vaccine, far short of that twenty million. I can tell you crazy. This start from a policy point of view total abdication of federal strategy and then unfortunately got state who are in probably high stress public health department that had been seriously under funded don't even realize. I think that in many counties easy there is no local like health department. There is nobody so or asking entities that are under funded, scratched and already tax with ten month endemic management to handle explanation roll out the information Systems Hospital not having coordinated with those entities, have all kind of salted. What we are seeing where we ve got lists last night we get back, nation quack. We had less that didn't correlate. Did the people showing up try to get back things and then the district, for example, had borrowed dose
from Virginia in Maryland, and I bet laying out all over the country, though what it tells me is that really need to get our proverbial act together. I'm hoping that the binding administration there they can't take back the control at this point, the state but made their plight but we need to really rapidly boy help warehouse Those needed, and particularly in rural areas where we have seen higher cases, higher death rates and the logistics of vaccine distribution, make those areas almost incredibly hard to reach, and so this feels like it down in so many ways, but Casey, I'm not the prize. Sadly, given how testing has gone, Tracy has not existent at all and how we're caught off guard by this new variant because of our lack of genomics surveillance to the doctors, point at it has been an extraordinary amount of obstacles that had been placed in
front of the ability to put this vaccine in the hands or arms of the Americans who needed. This seems to be another moment where administration's foreign things out to the States- States that we're not perhaps ready to handle this local jurisdictions. That couldn't do it, of course, that need much like we saw in March when the federal government again abdicated responsibility to the states. We know been real challenges here in terms of vat promotion and awareness, the President States has still not taken the vaccine himself on camera Eddie they're, just a lot of challenges here to first will Americans to take this vaccine, but also just two It will give the opportunity to do so. You know I mean look incompetence, gross negligence. We have. We have seen it all in this in this regard, and I want to ask Doktor Patel, I wanna go back to the search upon a surge conversation. I may we just had this. We know this horrifying data come at tat matter about what nineteen Americans have been infected with
The virus, one in a thousand of died, still see the surgeon numbers of folks travelling over the holidays. You see these tik Tok videos of folk surprising, their parents are, there are their loved ones by showing up I know this is a terrible question to ask you, but I have to ask you: what do we need to do in terms of public messaging, bring right the deadly effects this virus that the vaccine is this? is the sun at the end of the tunnel, but the light at the end of the tunnel, but we still have to go through this really really dark times. What would you say just to our leaders to the Bible administration that we need to be saying to the american public about what we ve. What we're about to face in this moment dad questioned by the way. The personal haunted me for the last ten months, because feel like we're. Failing I, as a doctor, we as public health professionals or failing people do
listen anymore and, despite thinking about how the death should be enough to scare people, it's not working. and Eddy reminds me of past kind of public health campaigns. You know in the Reagan era Dino telling people to just say no, obviously that didn't work. So what we really need to do is try to appeal Americans. We surely do not like to feel like that freedom is inhibited despite this being open. Health emergency were freedom. as a necessarily mean that you can be healthy, though I think it is the most important thing. The binding Harrison duration, and do is realised that Americans want choices, but their choice needs to be made. that if they make certain choices like those backpack videos that are we to somebody dying because a thousand people that your high school graduation class, that's your church and ended, and that that not incredibly crystal in the local context, then people are just going to continue to go on about their merry ways and believe a lot of the myth and
information? the Trump administration has been propagating aright Doktor Kavimba Patel. Thank you. I very much fear incites this morning. We really appreciate you being with us and coming up here amid overlapping economic and health crises. President Trump is celebrating his presidency with a campaign style video. It looks a lot like decades old advertisements. The question is why we're back in just a moment hey, it's crusades got my podcast ass, wise ass happening all be talking with Josh gesture about absolutely mine. Blowing story of trumps Wisconsin Fox gone deal the company. Did not really have a plan for what to do and was gone.
then you know employees. I spoke to talk about being told to figure out something for five continents in Wisconsin. The big push towards the end of twenty eighteen is just hiring the two hundred and sixty people. They need to get subsidies, knowing that these people are supposed to do and by the end of the year there just sitting around in this nineteen sixties office, building foxgloves bought, has its headquarters in Milwaukee, watching Netflix, week. Unwise is happening. Search for wise is happening wherever your listing right now and subscribe.
To understand that you don't have all day the dinner, but that doesn't mean you can't remember meal. The like you have all for dinner. No, you didn't travel back in time during that commercial break. That was the same Ninety ninety three add campaign with the well known tagline beef. It's what for dinner yesterday. This is what Donald Trump released
So, setting aside the fact that that add makes it look, Donald Trump One, perhaps multiple Nobel Peace Prize is SAM Stein. We of course know that We should be grateful. I suppose that the pay, and didn't use the tagline the other white meat. With that add and I suppose it's also fit in that a political odyssey that began with the fraudulent trump stakes ends, perhaps with that and its own erroneous claim, sandstone you're on the show this morning. For this reason, this reason alone right down what we just saw right. There. This is why, on this I am glad I can export express off. How nasty did that sloppy Jos pizza, looking at once put it looks so grows, I don't remember, being mangroves locking. I just need to get that away. Shaggily not fond of their incorporeal engine. Do you care
that's not just called the beef imports for dinner song. Their terms just landless start right, like he just wants to make online videos go by role and do these guys composition, videos- and this is what he wants to do. He likes being figurative president, I'm not a literal president, and so you know when I look at the stuff. It's like colonel ridiculous, sincerely and interesting. But I also wonder and insist, is a serious point like this is the thing that he's going to be doing is post presidency too right he's gonna be producing these by these adds that are meant to keep his base engage, but also to just poker Joe Biden, and I just I can only imagine how many more Aaron Copeland Letter Bernstein whatever combat american composer songs, will be on the backdrop for them and say nothing to do with beef. The jungle of Sesar is on standby to provide the soundtrack to his next. I beg your rights and their oil missing more of this between our general laugh and afterwards, the president, with ads with rallies still acting president he's got the money to do it any your turn. Tita go
judges find it ridiculous, I mean I appreciate sans effort, was it was Valiant SAM, but we're trying to about a big bigger at the end of the United States when about the President of the United States posting that video in this moment Three hundred and thirty plus thousand Americans are dead. the President of the United States posting that video. At a moment when Americans around the country are lining up for food who are worried because he delayed signing a bill that would extend their unemployment benefits, I mean this is. This is more than just playing fiddle while Rome burns this is madness, so, on the one hand its absurd, other hand. It's it's. It's proof fondly profoundly decadent
and and reveals the depth of of of how careless the President of the United States actually is. It seems to me. There are so many american lives it right now that do not line up with the gods units in this video Eddie. Thank you for for making that point and still had here congressmen. We guard and other Republicans launch another last ditch legal effort to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election. This time suing vice President MIKE Pence warnings that will be right. Back hi, it's MSNBC alley! Belching! You know these days, there's just so much news to wrap your head around its hard to know. What's most important, that's why we're updating msnbc dot com with a special fee
you're on our homepage called MSNBC Daily, it's a place where you'll find the same type of expert analysis, you're used to getting on tv, but now with the new written press, active section all neatly organised in one place, so you can go beyond the headlines and get a deeper understanding the stories that matter most you'll find perspectives written by people uniquely qualified to write them. People you're familiar with from our network, Barbara Mcglade writing about legal matters, doktor covered up EL wing and on public health. This plant, giving her take on women's rights and gender issues. and I'm excited to share that I'll. Be writing some pieces of my own, so this MSNBC dotcom today and look for our new feature, MSNBC Daily.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-29.