« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/10/20


For the first time, more than 3,000 Covid-related deaths were recorded across the country Wednesday, according to an NBC News tally, and more than a third of Americans live in areas where hospitals are running out of room to treat critically ill patients.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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see bowling branched icon for details. good morning and welcome to morning Joe, is Thursday December tenth Joe has the morning off. But, along with William me, we have White House, quarter for the Associated Press, Jonathan Le Maire. Washington Anchor for BBC World NEWS, America Caddy K, press Europe has gone from promoting false and baseless allegations of voter fraud to flat out calling for the election of Joe Biden to be overturned and its not just a tweet, he is asking to join it Texas LAW suit, that seeks to returned, the results in four states that President Joe Biden? One is Rafe was signed by the same man who first pushed the birth or conspiracy theory against Campbell Harris.
current generals of seventeen states Trump, one, our backing the text law suit in the words of Senator Mitt. Romney quote it simply. It's just simply madness, its madness. We'll get to all. that in just a moment it's big news, but first we ve got to talk about the numbers He? U S has suffered its deadliest day yet from the corona virus. More than three thousand deaths linked to the virus. Yesterday, topping the previous record, set just six days prior, waiting to NBC News Data, California, Illinois and Pennsylvania all recorded, More than two hundred deaths yesterday, while Colorado, Idaho, North Dakota West Virginia, broke records The? U S also reported its highest number of new infections. Yesterday near two hundred and twenty three thousand new infections with Texas, California and Ohio, leading
way Willie. These are horrendous numbers, three thousand, when we hit that number a little under what we saw yesterday on nine eleven, it completely change the way we live. Let's see, if that happens here, according to new analysis from the New York Times more than a third of a man, can live in areas where hospitals are running out of room for critical eel. Patients using data from the Department of Health and human resources. The times found hospital serving more than one hundred million Americans report having fewer than fifteen percent of their. I see you beds available last week. The data also show that one in ten Americans, across much of the mid south and South West live in areas where I see you beds are either completely full or ninety five percent capacity, but we could have Vaccine approved here in the United States as early as this afternoon and FDA Advisory Committee made up of nearly two dozen doctors, including vaccine and in just disease exports, will
later this morning to begin the authorization for approval of the Pfizer vaccine top health officials. It's, not a question of whether the I've seen, will be approved, but how Equally, it will begin to be distributed. We could have an e way within days and be admitted bring doses of vaccine to our most vulnerable next week, as we discussed based on current production schedules, we expect Have enough doses to vaccinate twenty million Americans by the end of this year. Fifty million total by end of January and at least One hundred million total by the end, for the first quarter, the biggest issue now might be getting people actually to get the vaccine twice, which could prove more different than developing history, making vaccine that is Flynn. Ninety five percent effective Mika joining
now physician and fellow at the Brookings institution, Doktor Cathedral Patel she's, a former Obama Whitehouse Health policy. Director and and MSNBC medical contributor, and- and- and I wonder if the question is this- it's one thing to get the approval through and to get them. Seen approve at every level, but I wonder what Trump administration- is actually going to be able to hand over to the incoming Biden administration in terms of planning to distribute the vaccine, which, is not an easy task here, that's right meagre and they need to widen the luck team today actually two months ago, really needed information on how the contract manufacturing says the numbers quantities. What the plans work Distribution to the states of states have submitted their plans to the sheds multiple times with numbers revised just as recently as last week, but on the other
other way around. That information Mika has not been going to the buying team and you saw present tromp even held the summit earlier this week, with not a single member of the transition to Even invited furthermore, hiding just as you said, the most important He said this is having a clear message about safety. And how Americans can access this vaccine, the most com question: I'm getting, is ok back I know I'm not the first in line, but when will my turn in line b and where do I go and make it a lot of us? Don't have those answers, and how much will it cost if anything, caddy K? Obviously you, where you come from, they have all started administering the vaccine you take. The next question is to me that in some way is there so much hope on the horizon for the United States But if you look at these numbers as we inch toward three huh, Red thousand dead, and we looked toward weeks, perhaps MA
more of a pretty high death rate here in the? U S. The worst is not over. yeah I mean it has been a fairly hopeful weak globally. I guess because of the roll out of the vaccine in the UK, but you're right me, the numbers here. But a? U S has the highest number of deaths. It has the highest number of infections, but a doctor, tell when you look at the number of vaccines that have been secured by the: U S: administration by the White House. I think Erica ranks. Thirty second, in the world, behind the UK, behind Australia behind the European Union, countries in the number of vat since its actually procured per capita for its citizens there. Just learn to be enough of these vaccines, quick enough all to change life in any real material way for months to come in America. That's right,
What operation Warp speed did was to try to re purchase or make arrangements for buying. scenes from nine manufacturers and also try to support. their research and development, with the exception of Pfizer, for example. But what that translated to I thinking even my own mind was that we would have enough for all Americans what were seen unfold now and already have revealed from reporting, even it and b C was that the United States passed on an option to just go and have the option to buy more axing doses from Pfizer and as we are seeing, visor being the first with Madonna being the second likely back, seems to be approved. There are just not going to be enough, and I have to make an editorial comment here about one of those patients at one of the Three thousand patient died was a former patient of mine and a nursing home, and I can't help it think, honestly caddy. I can't help but think that if we could have even had its vaccine just a couple of days,
his earlier that could I have been a life that had been spared and I realize sometimes that not the right way to think about, but I gotta tell you three thousand deaths today. Every our is, is counting that quantity matters coming war stories like that, one that you just told our they're out there right now, Doktor Patel its It's me that he not insignificant part of this story will be marketing will be getting. Front and telling people if it is in fact safe if the FDA approves it, that it's ok to get vaccine. The numbers are big jarring. There is a great percentage in this country of people who say: I'm not gonna get the vaccine. I don't trust it. I dont trust it because of something I read on Facebook, or I just dont trust this early dose of it. I want to see how it goes, as you know, is is to have a vaccine, but if people don't get the vaccine, it doesn't matter. So how important is messaging here? yet messaging is critical, and I think part of that messaging really needs to be transparency and honesty. When I read through the FDA packet of Data
there are reactions. There are mostly localised injection reactions at the sight of the injection, and a lot of you will be familiar with some of that feeling that you got after the flu shot where you had an ache in that arm you may leave and gotten some low, great fevers and shells. I think we need to be clear about the fact that there might be side effects, but that does not mean that you should not think about the benefits of this vaccine, make sure mention. Ninety five percent efficacy Willie that translates to everybody who gets vaccinated, has a nice. the five percent relative risk reduction of mild, moderate and severe co that truly translate the saving lives but even asked. well, are getting the vaccine to your point. We are I'm going to see people getting corona virus and getting an unfair dying and get going to the hospital, so we even and I get back sedated Willie, I'm going to wear a mask. I'm still wear my case shield and going to need a plan on washing my
and keeping my distance. So again giants in the mere actual go to you and you can take it to Doktor Patel Buddy. It's this transition that I think, could cause problems and cause more deaths as it already has in its poor preparation in response to this virus overall, but I'm hearing from my sources, that that transition is difficult dad what their finding is, that this president is checked out and is not focused at all. virus he's focused on his fake turn. Virgil, overturn or whatever. It is in that The information that the income administration is trying to get her is getting. Is that their message there? There isn't done. In terms of pairing for masters distribution of this accede and when it comes- and As you know, this operation warp speed that the president's takes credit for it.
A way to combat at least on the outside of the White House, that hasn't taken any funds from operation warp speed who have come up with this vaccine. There is no question a meagre that the president has largely stop doing his day job. Yes, we saw him at that vaccines them at the other day, which was of course, then overshadowed by his comments that he indeed believes he will still when this election at the result will be turn, but the Chrome taskforce is the meeting behind closed doors in painting a very alarming picture of the state of the nation right now. The pandemic surging across all fifty states, the present National leadership here he's not gonna head he's, not gotten from the cameras in urging Americans to stay safe interim, really blocking them through doctor? What the role that be for this vaccine. He is largely left this up to this I want to pick up in my question to you on weakest point about the transition there seems to be. The binding teams acknowledge that the term group has
this first way for their ready for this first wave to go out, then largely there's no plan after that that that the that, after these four responders, perhaps by the end of the year. Yet the vaccine there is Much done I was struck yesterday, was covering Joe Biden, and he named his new secretary of defence. How much the military would have to be part of this role to internal distribution. Talk just what you ve, seen this dangerous gap that some people close to bind team believe may exist once they take the helm in January twentieth. There may be a real delay in getting some these vaccines out because from team has fully cooperate with this transition lot of it has to do with the fact that, as you have already heard, we're not going to have enough vaccines to vaccinate that entire country from one or even to manufacturers Jonathan. So this needs to be thinking this roll out. That's coming out with a Pfizer approval as the first in a series kind of planned roll out that have to occur, not just with one manufacturer. That's enough logistical
rules in and of itself because of those cold storage requirements, freezers, etc, but think of it as having to be done on a monthly basis with new manner. Actual errors, and just imagine the average person trying to make sense out of this little card. They're gonna get when they get there first vaccine with what they need to do when and how to get their second vaccine wilder's. chaos about manufacturer number. Three manufacturer number for coming online. All on the manufacturers are ready. They given. The number is large distribution plans to the federal government operation Warp speed from the Biden team, going to inherit on January twenty. It could still be hundreds of thousands of kids of bright, a virus death to go along with it and then action plan that doesnt have enough loves plan for distribution. Doesnt have enough of a staffing plan for the different requirements there, not all the same, not the same doses
and then, as were learning from the UK. There are some important warnings about people who might have had an allergic reaction or a history of animal axis type of shock and, all of that is going to have to be packaged label not just by the FDA, CDC, but by the federal government action Point the military for distribution states, especially so but have been under resourced and do not have a public health infrastructure are absent we're going to need the federal government to step in this should the time when we are thinking about the strength of the federal government. And not looking at all of our weaknesses, which is exactly where we're out right now is the time The impact of the incompetence of this presidency as it pertains to the corona Virus Doktor CAFE Patel. Thank you very. for being on this morning, they're, big story, we're following yesterday, we told you of the Supreme Court's blunt rejection of one of of one.
From paralyze attempt to overturn the election result in one state will now present in Tromp is asking the court to let him joined a lawsuit too returned the results in four states that enough throw the election to him, quote be intervening in the Texas case. The president tweeted calling the case The big line, the suit brought by taxes Gee can Paxton seeks to invalidate the sixty two electoral votes belonging to Miss sugar, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania based on areas, false claims of unconstitutional handling of absentee ballots. The brief was I, by John Eastman, who is perhaps the best known for dubiously, arguing that vice president I'd come Harris might not be a native born you as citizen. Have you heard that before the court
as the defendants to respond today. The President asked senator crows attack, says two percent oral arguments. If it gets that for us when, for the senator confirms, he's agreed to also the suit the attorneys general of seventeen states. Trump one backed the action yet today filing dynamic as brief with the court Lana Journal Constitution, reports that, before the brief was filed, president, had a fifteen minute phone call with Georgia's attorney general warning him not the rally republican officials against the case, let's bring. An NBC News and MSNBC law analysed in the editor in chief of law. Fair, been witness. Ben Where do you wanna began and why, quite frankly the president ignited states allowed to do this, how can this be constitute no or legal- am I be,
naive. Well, I mean anybody can sue. Anybody, for anything, is the answer to that question, but look where to begin. this is not war. Talking about as a piece of litigation, it is the same recycled claims based on the same garbage facts that lots of courts have rejected. The only novelty here is that, because it is brought by a state against other states, are the original venue, for it is the Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court has it's called original jurisdiction over dispute between the states and therefore you know the gets here. The state of Texas doesn't have to go to a district. port somewhere and then go through appeals court. So this the justices can if they want. Here this immediately,
You know, member to the state of Texas, there is zero chance that the Supreme Court is gonna, hear this case. I know that Paul, you know, are suspicious of the Supreme Court because of the number of of conservative justices on it, but this is a completely frivolous matter on an election that the Supreme Court is not looking to get involved in There is no legal case for what access is asking for here and therefore the Supreme Court will bad it back and tomorrow or the next day we beyond having the same conversation that you guys had about Pennsylvania, then are just this corresponding PETE Williams, notes five big problems with that Texas lawsuit to overturn by only one Supreme court, realistic through couple of, and that writes about rights, as this calls on the
or to delay the electoral vote in the four targeted states. George in Michigan Pennsylvania was content to allow investigations of voting issues to continue that would be Unconstitutional, PETE, also notes. Texas has no legal right to claim that officials elsewhere did follow the rules set by their own legislatures. The United States does not have a national election for president. It is a series of state elections and ones Date has no legal standing to challenge how another state conducts its elections and pink continues while its true, the Supreme Court, is the place to go in one state wants to sue another. It has to get permission from the court. Pherson has to show. There is no other place to resolve the issues. The Texas loss, Pete rights is a compilation of legal claims that have all even chewed over in lower courts, because on two points, The court filings also appear to have been prepared in haste. For example, the lawsuit says the four states that text wants to sue, have a total
Seventy two electoral votes, the actual total, is sixty two, so bad Texas is not alone, its attorney general seventeen states have signed on to this. It appears to be political it or to signal their support for President Trump in this effort in its largely that that went for Donald Trump, Are there any legal consequences to continue to participate in things like this? In other words, to bring frivolous lawsuits again and again and again? Is there any? that is an attorney general lot to answer for in this it's a very interesting question. I so, let's put aside the states for a minute I do think eventually Corps so are likely to get very impatient with the price that lawyers who keep bringing frivolous lawsuits- and I be wholly surprised. If, after this whole thing is over,
you had a motion for sanctions in one court or another. I it's a little bit hard to sanction us state. and so I think the likelihood that this mean Court is going to single out taxes, for that is I would suspect not- but What you might see is summary: rejection of it quickly. And what the Supreme Court did. Is it docketed the case it for responses, and I think you can expect it to act very swiftly, There are two justices on the court who believe or may believe as a matter of principle, that the court is obligated to hear cases tween, the states, and so you may have justices who actually want to hear this for other reasons. But those are not a majority of the court and I expect the court to dismiss this very fast. I just like we have
raging pandemic and just seems I don't know like it. How can I give you a negative, so I dont like you're out the word. Yes, please, I actually think that the critical point here you guys started this show with a report on the numbers and how for our situation is right now and how inadequate the manufacturing associated with the Maxine is going to be to contain this in the short term, then, because of this action, we had to pay that today, Scots a perfectly redeem you'll S, marriage was piece of litigation. Why people are dying, and you know that seventeen eighteen states, plus the president of the United States, are on board with vat, the real story here, not anything about how the Supreme Court is gonna handle this, but that there
is a continuous effort to do to act, lies. From the fact that Sweden, thousand Americans a day are dying of, disease, and so I would just urge you Mika. Don't don't lose that thread. You know, as we pivot to this. Just please do what you just did and keep reminding people how absurd this is. That's the story. Well they. That- and I pointed what the doctor said earlier previously in this block- where she said that she has a patient who died and wondered if The vaccine had been available. Is that would be alive. We're going to have more people who are going to I have the corona virus, None of these at this point should be dying. Most of them.
Shouldn't be dying at this point. If you look at how other countries have fared under proper leadership, the our trumps deaths. This is true: virus. It's not trumps residency anymore. It continues to try and grab onto it in some pitiful self centered effort to create a media empire beyond his departure and exactly does that departure going to look like is going to hold to the curtains and be dragged out of their while people, Dying, I don't even know described this behavior, it wouldn't be allowed. In a three year old child. And we do have one senator who has a problem with this, but most of them are failing stupidity or they truly. Are that stupid while in Texas, Senator agreed to present oral arguments on this case their senator, does given its merits.
Extraordinary proceeding, because you know Giotto ordinary reckless united States, I haven't really time was very the but states. the wrong. watching laws, and you could make claims of constitutionality evil in that state losses. But I've never seen something like this Senator corn and also to told CNN quote, I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory of bet he could also say. This is ridiculous and stupid and malpractice, and we need to worry about the corona virus instead of make up for lost its former when a governor JEB Boot Bush, tweeted, quote thanks. senator corn and there is no legal theory
conservative majority Supreme Court, will rejected out of hand in hand, and here is the reaction from Murder, Mitt Romney, who is more clear This is a matter which is the idea of supplanting other people with a partisan legislators. So completely national character is simply man. Just mere what're you hearing from the White House and from Capitol Hill in its pretty simple to say that this is madness and to hold on to what Ben witnesses advice its Agnes on top of malpractice and and death and destruction that is happening in our country, because the present and has his eye off the ball, and, quite frankly, when he had his eye on the ball, he was doing damage telling people to inject a bleak into their system,
and holding withholding information about the severe If this pandemic, the other, to all of this, of course, is a virus is claiming more american lives, a than we lost on September eleventh, but the president and most of the Republican Party here in Washington are not gonna be dissuaded. They are still forging for, and behind the scenes. Are we ve been over this? You know it is a broken record in a very sad, broken record behind the scenes. Most republicans acknowledge these. Challenges are fruitless stay. They will acknowledge that Joe Biden is depressed I'll act and will become president on January twenty. If at noon, when he raises his right hand to take the oath, somehow have conveyed privately their congratulations to the President elect you know. They won't use that phrase. President elect in public they are still so fearful of president. And the hold he has on the looking party, there are some notable exceptions: Mitt Romney one John Corn, is another who has been
at times to break with this report, a group think, but most most haven't mission, percent majority leader was seen by many in the party is the one who could to push trumpet and all this sort of report the various pushed a party to ignore all this. He won't. He said that he won't do anything he's following the process waiting for you. for college to meet and then even Congress to certify lecturers. Will that comes in the first week of January? That is still nearly a month away, because my calls for Of course those two Senate run off races in Georgia, and he thinks that having the President volcano and the Republican based fired up will help him. Keep those seats, incident him in his power? No question, that's it. Mcconnell cares about. Where the most people close to him, keeping a majority in the Senate and they are ignoring the damage that has been done, not just because this pen, the president, is take his eye off the ball with a pandemic, but also so in seeds of doubt about
the legitimacy of Joe binds election, undermining the new administrations ability to come in and do job in a time of national crisis in at least for now the president is showing no signs of abandoning. In fact he had another one of this pact mask list holiday parties at the White House last night, this before Hanukkah, in which he said again. He expects the election ought to be overturned. He expects to Mr President, for more years there were fears for more years chance breaking out at that political party at the White House last night you know caddy. It is amazing again. We said this many times in the last five weeks. How low the bar is for courage in the bar is low enough that John Corn, get some measure of credit for saying obvious that this law suit in his own state, brought by the attorney general. There is beyond frivolous its absurd. On the other hand, the other senator in that State TED crews has agreed to argue that case before the Supreme Court. Now that's a Nicole play by him, because he knows it's not going to go to the Supreme Court and gets credit for standing by by President Trumpet TED
went to Harvard LAW, schools and editor of the law review clerk for the Supreme Court, Justice, Renquist Not only is the approval tacit from Republicans for what's happening right now in this attempted lane cool from president from its explicit in many case, this they are going along for the ride and willing to help. However, they can. yeah I interviewed Mo Brooks who's, also bringing a certain says, he's going to challenge the election result on behalf the president. He kind of speech far and brimstone about how this had all been stolen. I mean the word for word saying what the president wants to hear: maybe he also really believes that the whole election was illegitimate because who voted by mail- and that is somehow on constitution according to him, but it makes the people who are standing out. The people like genes, darling down in Georgia,
Denver wriggles men, who I also interviewed, who one of the twenty five who the Washington Post named speaking out against Trump. It puts a lot of the spotlight on them in it and in a way, as they say themselves, it shouldn't do both of those men. wriggled men and studying why interviewed said I shouldn't Getting this much attention for saying something that is just patently true for stating the obvious, which is Joe Biden won the election, fair and square, and yet it makes it exceptional that they speak out, and I think that points to just how few members there are, particularly in Washington, we think more of them around the country right. Some of the state represent gives in states around the country, the Republicans they are speaking up in defence of their States, electoral processes, but the silence in Washington is still staggering nets staggering, then, let us wanna, thank you, and I thank you for your encouragement this morning.
you hang on today the Federal Trade Commission and forty eight states and territories sued Facebook yesterday using the social media giant of illegally, crushing competition by buying up rival companies lawsuits focus on Facebooks purchase of Instagram and, what's up federal state regulator, say eliminating competition and helped establish Facebook quote monopoly on social media, the FDA he's lawsuit seeks to force Facebook to sell off, Instagram and what's at which would ultimately break up the company. Forty eight stay and territories filed a separate law suit with New York City, the attorney General Latisha James leading coalition innocent James said: import quotas set of competing on the merits, Facebook used power to suppress competition, so it could take it edge of users and make billions by converting person? data into a cash cow. In response
facebooks General Council noted that the effort to see had given its prior approval for the company to acquire What's up and Instagram will following that, and still I had on morning, Joe as President Trump continues to promote baseless claims of election fraud. It appears having a real impact will dig in new pulling on whether Americans trust they. Action results plus. binding should investigate from our next asked says there are three areas where Biden should focus as determined what to do about his prey Sesar, your morning, job will be right. Back We get support from grab Are you know about grub? They d? delicious food right to your door. If you like me, just a mention
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President Elect Joe Biden, Son Hunter disclose yesterday that federal officials the state of Delaware are investigating his taxes in a statement. providing said in part, I take this matter very seriously, but I am confident that a professional object, review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisers during the presidential campaign Tromp and his allies allege without evidence that Hunter used his father's influence to make international business deals, Hunter by has denied any wrong doing there. Yesterday, president, like binds transition team released its own statement on Hunter, which reads present: Biden, is deeply proud of his son, whose fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger. End quote the: U S attorney for Delawares office declined to comment, NBC News the ongoing investigation, Jonathan Le Maire, you're down a wilmington covering the transition right now. So this is set
it from the alleged laptop gate that we heard so much about. In the weeks leading up to election, a story that disappeared is right after the election. So what are we can about exactly here. That's right! Well, I never supposed to be clear as a lot about this. We don't know yet, and we learned about yesterday, as Hunter Biden put out that statement Avaya the transition acknowledgement. He was under a tax investigation associated Press, colleagues, I reporting that some of that is a look into some of his dealings. Business dealings with China, but it's not clear what entities or transactions are being scrutinised right now by investigators, but we have also learned by people close to that familiar with the matter. That, indeed, is it is this is not believed linked to that laptop President Trump and his allies say you know, was contained all this damaging information about Hunter by. That does not appear to be part of this, and it does not appear to be part of some of the attack The Trump and his allies were dealing day
day during the campaign, it is, of course, no distraction and why? This transition doesn't want that. This is your president, Elect Biden has had an aggressive scheduled. We can Wilmington rolling out new cabinet members. Yesterday, he introduces news her of defence for tar, General Lloyd, Austin, more personnel announcements are expected later this week. We do anticipate. Also issues for trade general will be named in the car. Days, and that is indeed what some republicans have seized upon here. This idea of how can President elect Biden in eight, an attorney general who will be the ass of these vital prosecutors, who are investigating Biden, Son fact, a couple of Republican Congress was it also said. He in already said yesterday that the current it turns out we impartial point some sort of special prosecutor, a special council to look into the matters were preserved. That independence is not Any of that will happen. It's not clear, but it's really any there they're just yet
but this is something certainly some Biden. Advisers have long been nervous about that. Hunter Biden of course had struggles in his life. He spoken openly and powerfully about them and there's been concerns that something like this could happen, but your binds make clear. He is fiercely proud of his son. Offences of his son he said that his people on his team has suggested this. Try not to be distractions. He goes forward with the business of putting together his government right. You know I'm getting ready to interview James, fellows and just thrown by something? I just saw on twitter and a couple of the stories that we have been following this morning: Jeff Bandit tweeting video that he retreated from inside, White House Christmas Party were Donald Trump. talking about winning this election and there is it. room of mask less people on Sars Hanukkah Party screen
in former years and whatever else not worrying, masks and I'll. Just report I found it wrote better than what I can say spare a thought for the I'd house, residents, staff and secret service agents whose lives are endangered by the want and recklessness and flouting of covert precautions and We should let our viewers know that really Giuliani was released from the hospital and there is a near PETE New York Times piece out this morning. Taking a look at the special attention and even potentially medication- that people like President Tromp and the people, and him may receive, because they access to it and others don't we'll get to that, just a moment, but joining us now as staff writer at the Atlantic. fellows, whose latest pieces entitled how and should investigate, tromp and James. You write in part, quote the mist its and destructive acts are
each and the new president should focus on these three. The mismanagement of the corona virus pandemic, who is tat. continues to rise more policies under which, U S, officials intentionally separated children from their parents and purposeful, or negligent destruction of the norms of government, the most important being the electoral process Investigations should be conducted into three: could ass, trophies during the Trump years that undermined. Our health is individuals, our moral de as people and our character as democracy, James Scots are these because you are correct: we could get distracted by the masses, numb massive numbers of broken norms or even laws broken and corruption. two The White House, even in other men of the Trump family abuse power for their own financial gain. But let's start
the corona virus and where it is think the investigation should lead so So much. I think that the backstory just to say a word. The set up is there are things that have to be reckoned with, and the argument is what should Joe Biden himself come on hers herself? What should they spend their precious time on may argue that for four years, I will start garden variety. Corruption, crimes at something to lead to a state prosecutor's into have now been exemplary attorney general when inspector general that the corrosion hollowing out of the government is something best address just by appointing new people and doing a quickly. But then I contend that there are these three big areas worry a commission of the kind that nine eleven commission, the space shuttle exploding commission there ve been these episodes in
and life of that's the way to deal with a big disaster. The pandemic, which you been to discuss here with your day, is the most obvious one, because it is the biggest failure of national governments in american history. In my view, the toll is going on many. These deaths were preventable so having some way to investigate what can be learned where blame should be apportioned for the past year and especially what can be done for the pandemics that are going to come next because they will. I think that is the first subject where a a commission, the President sort of blesses, but that does not wrong, maybe even hasn't, run outside the governed by a university or think tank. That is the first big object of of scrutiny. That shit should happen. morning, Joe, is supported by Norton Life. Lock, this holiday season will all be trying to stay connected with family and friends through our devices. But you, but I've already started my blizzard of online shopping, but all
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to move on from the Trump era, and I guess there is a concern that launching investigations could just keep trying alive and everything that President Trump did and an distract from a new illustration you make the distinction between launching these investigations, but not running or controlling them. Do you think that would be enough to allow President Elect by to investigate some of these things, but not become dragged down by them, will certainly people who are the most loyal the trump supporters? Anything that is not just a known another re election campaign for him we'll be disrespectful, but I think that the argument I was trying to make after talking a lot of veterans of passing the stringent is there is this balancing act? A new administration needs to carry out an especially in these. These are unique circumstances following Donald Trump. On the one hand, you can't jet just let go what's happened.
for years to norms to people to the performance of government. On the other hand, a new administration is just be set with urgency if there is a pandemic emergency, the economic emergency dealing with the rest of the world, etc so becomes question of how to apportion those duties and leave. The argument I ended up being convinced was convinced. Tat was pretty prosecution. Yes, you read that two other people staffing the government you do directly, but then some of these large invested, Commission's that each time honoured way in the? U S to deal with difficult matter this story, so James over the last four years that in many ways it appeared that the Justice Department is serve at the pleasure of the present the United States. I think President Elect Biden is taking pains. To show that the justice when will be independent, he's not directing it to investing. anyone or anything, but if it does that's their business,
How do you see these play? In other words, who are on these commissions? How did they proceed with these investigations so these commissions, I M just the other or completeness the other two areas where I say there should be one- is that the second is what happened at the border when the United States was I in the name, the wall separating children from their families. What happened, how can they be brought back together and third is essentially the the mechanics of governance? What's happened. two, while the right abode and there's there's president again to american history formations doing this is often the case that you have some outside I'd body in parallel to the government body, but not directly within it. Think further of all older of that the viewers during the nineteen eighties and our own. I cannot use it as a hearing of the space Shuttle Commission after the disastrous explosion. The famous physicists Richard Feynman was asking questions a number of others more and it was sanctioned by the government. But you had
figures who were not ports and in their background, the nine Eleven Commission also had a was seen as having a relatively even handed approach to what went wrong and what what could be learned from it. So I thank you use the thought. government. You find somebody you some eminent figures: you set them loose and then you in a year or so you hear what they have to say. James Fellows. Thank you very much for coming on this morning. We appreciated and coming up Why are we read some of Peat Williams piece about the five big problems with the Texas bid to overturned. Joe Biden win joins us ahead with more of his analysis plus story. I just mentioned the new times is looking at the kind of care that trumps friends its corona virus received while others go without
President trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was released from Georgetown Hospital yesterday after being diagnosed with covert nineteen on Sunday, giving a sums up as he drove away Giuliani, says it received some of the same medications as President Trump when he was true for the virus. In October, Giuliani has reported a small cough, but no fever and plans to court for an additional three days A report in the New York Times highlights how those in and around the Trump administration who contracted the on a virus, were able to receive treatment not widely available. supposing how covered nineteen has become a disease of the haves and the have nots According to the times the treatment given to Mr Troms allies is raising, alarms among medical ethicists and as status
data officials and health system administrators grapple with, wrenching decisions about which patients Anna bodies and a system that can only be scribes as Rationing, the treatments and antibodies relevant by Eli Lily and a cocktail, of two antibodies developed by two regeneration. Why emergency use authorization from the FDA last month for outpaced, with mild to moderate disease, who were at home, risk for progressing too severe disease or even being hospitalized, even some officials at the FDA, both career employees and political employees have privately express concern in recent months that people with next to the White House, appear too big access to the antibodies ments. According to three, your administration officials, the antibodies events are so scarce.
visuals in Utah have developed a ranking system too term and who is most likely to benefit from the drugs while Morocco is using. a lottery system will lay. This is disgusting It is an in that piece that you cited the New York Times piece they've, they raised a quote from Rudy Giuliani, was on the radio here in New York and just came out and said: I'm a celebrity, I'm a celebrity and friends with Donald Trump. So they put me in the hospital and they gave me this premium care item, a mere it calls to mind, then Carson another loyalists and president Tromp, who was called himself expertly ill was the way he put it with covered nineteen, thankfully he recovered, but he also cited in said. President Trump cleared me for this anybody treatment. He believed. That saved his life, which on Firstly, is not available to a lot of american sitting, and I see you right now. He adds an extraordinary disparity
Willie Mays. Certainly we know the president himself when he came down with covered nineteen. I was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington that he received the the others. This experimental cocktail, though the most powerful medicines and drugs and that have been developed so far. I think it's hard to argue that he is the president of the United States, the gray question, though, is indeed this: that allies of his people, and also in Jersey, Governor Chris Christie, who the of old notes, received experimental treatments not available to all that they are also benefiting from their connections here. Amidst this pen again. We have been correctly underscoring all Armani long about the toll this has taken on the american public every day, three thousand lives lost. Many then I'm sure did not have says anywhere near the access to this sort of external ill treatment, and it raises again just broader questions about the pandemic, but also the ethos of
administration as a whole, where the present has always been seen, is taken care of his four of wealthy friends and loyal advisers. Rather than showing any sort of empathy. Passion for other Americans, whether previous crises, economic shipping, and particularly now during pandemic, where he is leaving office, it appears having changed his tone, not at all, despite the mounting devastation by the day, because this virus still ahead The death toll, skyrocketing and FDA Advisory Committee meeting today could lead to the approval of fires. This vaccine for emergency use. In the U S, wheel, to a member of President Elect Joe Biden Corona Virus Advisory Board about that morning. Joe is
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.