« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 1/19/22

2022-01-19 | 🔗

NY AG says investigation into Trump and his business found ‘significant evidence’ suggesting fraud

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The mob was fed lies there were provoked by the president and other powerful people and they try to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like, but we pressed on we together and shudder. Angry mob would not good veto power. the rule of law in our nation, not even for one night Another flash back to exactly one year ago today, as Mitch, Mcconnell took the Senate floor ahead of Donald trumps. Second impeachment trial, just a before Joe Biden would be sworn in as the forty six it's. My job It was high drama hard to believe God. How much has happened over the past year I will say Willie bed we will show
the Mccarthy and other people, Lindsey Gram who changed their positions and Miss Mcconnell has as stay the same He's still condemns it, are you we ve seen my grounds Centre of South Dakota come out over the past, we say come on folks come on. he's lying this fair election, Joe Biden, president foe, several other people have done that its impact underlines that that ninety three senators call them Donald Trump and his lies more and more people doing at every day. I understand there is this crazy under world in the on online, as well as leading the House of Representatives of the republican side, but it isn't, Remember that that tromp see them it's a day that I think it any longer the Rhine dissatisfied.
other things commented Donald Trump right now, and I'm not so sure that he's going to be able to run again with five republican Party will you down as of two days ago was still attacking Mitch, Mcconnell and public election. How he feels about Mcconnell stance on January, X and about the claims of the twenty twenty election was stolen, but thou such a moment in time that was January nineteenth one year ago, Today we are on the eve of this inauguration with a city shut down, because two weeks prior there'd been an attack on the United States, capital was ring. The national guardsmen it increases the United States down. Trumped did not show up, of course, at the inauguration. stored Mary circumstances, and you are right there I've, been some and we do say some a handful of Republicans who made clear from that day that what but on the third time insurrection, and the six was wrong that Donald Trump continues day to say that the election was stolen is wrong, but the
for wellbeing: majority a Congress, a media online. Stand by that lie and go along with the ride with Donald Trump There are so many in the media who actually were horrified by what happened on January. The six who knows he's lying There's still go along for the ride, just because a viewer same thing with people online light up. castors, who will say offline, they know he's lying, will just Vel speed those lies to their audience member. So, of course it creates. situation where thirty five forty percent of Republicans. Eighty percent of the country still believes the lie make event. It is and I just want to keep underlining this because we need. We need to focus where the focus needs to be that you the United States Senate. Among Republicans, you have most Republicans who call out this lie. You had the insurrection, this caucus, a couple of people, I'm surprised Avenue actually been in Forget it afore there there spots, ability and stirring up the insurrection
and you have RON Johnson who at times, think doesn't even know what area code he's, and so I am not sure that there is any way and attach them, but but the biggest problem really does lie in the house, among household publicans and and among a lot really horrible people online and in the media, who know they're lying about the big still, I just keep doing anyway. Here I agree with but there's no doubt Donald Trump has put this country in a bad position, as we please, through all these different questions remaining from his presidency, along with Joe willing and may we have White House correspondent for political and co, author of the Playbook Eugene Daniels, this with us senior political correspondent for the Washington examiner David Drucker, joins us this morning, congressional correspondent for the Washington Post, Jackie Alimony, is here and the host of way too early and White House Bureau chief at politico, Joe
then Le Maire joins us, so the New York State Attorney General's office is seeking to take legal action to force, Donald Trump and two of his children to comply with the civil investigation into the financial dealings of the former presidents company in a series of tweets posted late last night, turning general Latisha James wrote, no one in this country can pick and choose if and how. The law applies to them. We have uncovered significant evidence indicating that the Trump organization used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations on multiple properties to obtain economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage and tax deduction for years, Donald Trump, Donald, Trump, junior and vodka trump have all closely involved in the transactions in question.
We won't tolerate their attempts to evade testifying indian in this investigation, the Ages office saying it's focusing on the monetary values of six trumpet properties in particular, and the from brand as a whole total. The organization is accused of inflating its assets on those proper is by more than a billion nurse her office. That is why it has not yet two final decision regarding whether this evidence merits legal action attorneys. For that, organization, and the trunks did not immediately respond to requests for comments overnight. Last month, James issued subpoenas for the three trumps after another the present sons, Eric testified for the pro back and twenty twenty. After that subpoenas were issued. Trump family lawyers filed a federal law suit to halt the civil,
best irrigation, claiming it was politically motivated. This investigation is separate, but it is wrong. In parallel to a criminal investigation into the tromp organization being led by the Manhattan did de Tournay Office in case, the company and its long time cheat financial officer Alan. We Solberg were charged last year in attacks scheme to which they plaid not guilty. show a lot seeming to close in on some potential members of the trunk family and, of course, Donald Trump himself, I'm an jobs on a mere, but this is no surprise at all. Anybody, that's ever known. Donald Trump has spent more than five minutes with him, though, if you're golfing with a meal yet I'll, give you a cup of water, says you they double water. You know my pictures on. It is worth ten thousand dollar Emily exaggerates. Every he's constantly inflating
over inflating the value of things getting it fights with Forbes on how I should be on the list and end its it's really. It's actually just finish. Stick is yet another thing to Donald Trump does in the light of day. Question is now worthy. any general. Will the Manhattan day be able to apply any any charges, any penalties for Donald Trump doing what he's been doing now for fifty years, and this is what he is always dying, certainly as a political candidate had gone away. one of his rallies and he'd say: not only was there crowd there, but there be twenty thousand people outside in the camera. Pummelled report will be outside you have now another, isn't he agitates through other things, the biggest the best, the most expensive, the most valuable. That is what he does this part of the stick. It is part of why you're his branding is so poor He tried to make the cell s such a successful businessmen, which was his original pitch back in the twenty fifteen. Twenty sixteen
pain, but this predates politics, and that's it we're getting at here In my view, one of the more noteworthy trump exaggerations is trunk tower on Fifth avenue, where he lived for a long time. Saturated its height by ten stories. It's a fifty eight store building, maybe sixty just because he sounded more impressive areas, because just because any attorney general notes in this switching to a more league, amours, perhaps serious matter that his apartment, his trip Lex Apartment penthouse in Trump Tower, he claimed its thirty thousand square feet, It's actually about eleven thousand square feet, so he tripled exaggerated by a factor of three, but those Similarly are harmless enough except they're, not in this case, when you in flight valuations of property of your businesses, to whether it's too for investors work too for tax purposes? that's a serious matter and it hasn't come to criminal. Is it just yet, but certainly that's? Why attorney to Sir James is Johnny Does this moment to force
slowly from not just for present, but two of history adulthood one really, we ve heard from legal scholars course, Donald Trump exaggerating? The value of things actually times can be harmless, but there are legal ramifications also, obviously you're doing it to get clowns or if your ear you're doing it and they the undervaluing your assets to the IRS. So obviously, a lot of implicate it's here and is we're talking about him again. in writing the size of this building. It takes us back to nine eleven, whereas the buildings were falling, the rest of new. work in the world was morning the it was Donald Trump they get on the telephone. Is it now. I have the law, this pillar that building the tallest building down down at work? trade centre, of course, that wasn't even trail yeah. I think he called into Larry King to make that declaration on September eleven by the way,
kidding about the water with his face on at any one has been fine. Arnold, nobody already a woman rank in central Martin. Each kindergartners gave it a bottle of Trump ICE with Donald Trump face on it. So that's a nice take home for the kids, but he it's better than what he says is his brand into the value of these copies of it real is only a twenty million dollar property says because it's his is a hundred million dollars and all that, so that's part of what Latisha James is coming through. here. So that's one piece of the civil trouble for Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the January six Select Committee yesterday issued subpoenas for former tromp attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Power, JANET thus Boris Epstein, all of whom repeatedly family The challenge is to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election. According to the letter sent to the Hermes, a committee, six documents and testimony on their claims of election fraud. At ten delay certification of the election results. The committee believes, Giuliani and Epstein were in contact
then present tromp on January sex. delaying the certification of president binds alive Giuliani also was report. Let these so called war room at the Willard hotel in Washington the day before that panel also seeking information from Sidney Power on efforts, have then President Trump direct the seizure of voting machines to find evidence of hacking by foreign adversaries. It also adds testimony from Alice on memos, she reportedly prepared circulated that claimed the vice president. The authority to reject electoral votes in a statement attorney or Giuliani. Robert Castello called the subpoenas, a quote grandson. And political play since attorney client privilege prevents the four from providing information. He says each is required to submit die. imitation too. The committee by February. First, to be deposed by February, the eighth
Jackie alimony. This subpoenas keep coming. The select committee continues to do its work. We seen so many bull, face names, but obviously these Turkey, led by worthy Giuliani, were the ones making arguments in court not very well and backing away from them by the way when a judge would confront them in Pennsylvania, for example, they were making me it means that there was fraud in this election and Donald Trump should have one. That's exactly. Well, these for lawyers will perhaps the biggest proposed and disseminators these conspiracy theory, and these lawsuits that propagated this. claims of election fraud and they worked very from MID November, up until January, six and even after January, six to implement these various plans to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election.
Everything sort of seems to be coming back full circle to the Willard Hotel, where there is a command centre that trams, outside legal team was working out of the block down from the White House, and now you see lawmaker who are on this committee, piecing together all of the information that they know and trying to connect it back to former president from you saw in some of the subpoenas that were that some of the letter that transmitted. The subpoenas to these lawyers yesterday that lawmakers more information on the evidence that these lawyers were using to make. These claims are specifically in the letter to They Powell, one of the lawyers who advocated that president trumped, sees voting machines and you also. They also asked for more information on various calls and meetings that Giuliani Epstein and John had with the former president directly. You know it's can be so interesting jack, because Trump world
see, blames Giuliani for every thing, maybe not Donald Trump himself, but those are Donald Trump say this week ever happened, but did you really Ani Donald Trump yet Donald Trump should actually is Is far away from Giuliani is possible that send it should have a bust of Giuliani up because he's the only man in american history responsible for two page Metz first. Of course, Ukraine and there these lies around leading up to January six. Of course, the burden falls Donald Trump shoulders Solly here, but was Giuliani the enable or who kept feeding him. These crackpot, Mister, hello conspiracy theories that that did we Push him along yeah.
it is true Joe, but have ended the day. You know there were so many other people in from world that enabled and executed a lot of this behaviour that people like chief of staff, Mark meadows, who allowed Sidney Powell and Rude easily Army and Michael Index and Patrick burn all of these fringe figures to come into the oval office and meet with the President repeatedly after the November elections, the Trump campaign that ultimately paid the fees for these people who were working out of the Willard Hotel. Paid. Hundreds of thousands of dollars months, long stays at the. So it was definitely a joint collaboration, although Verde Giuliani is a very cheap part of this investigation that this committee is now only at on refers fascinating in we first name see Oh Jeanne Daniels, these people that we name are all facing their own challenges. Now, one of the things that I'm sure you here I here all the time is people can just lie. They just go out there. Everybody trump world gets away.
was a Scot free, not not taken. Is actually here. If you look in Giuliani in power and these others their facing a flurry of law suit, some pretty mass of law suits it from dominion there there there there's been a disbursement. There been other charges, talked about against- and I mean this is a group of people under siege for the lies that they spread no for short, there's been for months and months before, even before the election. These lies that restarting about what's going to happen and that election as we got hey of the election, you have already Giuliani basically saying to present Trump in his aid, just go out and say we won right so that started then that continued, and so what a lot of people are doing, not just this committee, but also people like those companies that dominion and other organizations trying to make there be some accountability for lying about something as big as an election in this country, because one
we know, as the doesn't seem like, and the Republican Party there's going to be any political blow back right now. So folks are looking for ways for there to be some kind of legal ramifications for lying about the election, spreading things that are in or dangerous to democracy. You Even look at someone like Sidney Power who even the trump organise the folks around Trump. His allies started back away from her record it we'd, Rooney Giuliani, was that you know you know what she is. She may be onto something out, swishes talk about something that we aren't wishes but those foreign actors, some of whom were dead. in the window, in talking about those things, and so that is a huge part of this. I will say when you talked folks, is now a lot of hope that
going to be in. On the end of this, some kind of legal, real legal ramifications for some these folks. I think that might be just because people are gonna, have low expectations, hoping that something else might happen, but that's where we're. But then there is the impact, and the Republican Party mean yesterday on the show it played a sound bite of Donald Trump when he was asked in oh, what are the if midterms, one of the big issues. What's the platform me had no answer and David Trucker, this plays into your latest peace for the Washington examiner, which is in run a entitled its entitled Kristen New, explains going from pretty close to know on this New Hampshire Senate Bed and you write in part. This new Hampshire, Governor Chris anew was on the verge of running for Senate and delivering the Republican Party its biggest recruiting coup of twenty twenty two. Then he too
did over with republican senators. They were all for the most part content with the speed at which they weren't doing anything. It was very clear that we just have to all the line for two years. Okay, so just going to be a roadblock for two years that that's what I do so new New said more than that new was bothered by republican seeming inability to answer this question. I said: ok, so for going to get stuff done, we win the White House back. Why didn't you do it and twenty seventeen and twenty eighty? How did the Republicans synonymous but with answer his challenge. Crickets yeah crickets. The governors, they had Joe no answer, and that is that's a big problem for the party. What areas and in the first part of that describes once been wrong with Washington for the past twenty years for
entirely this century people waiting for the other party dig out in the White House and just acting like a roadblock about a bet What I find so damning, especially damning here David, is what there are some who sat in the second part of that and he asked the question. Then, of course I will Republicans to answer every day, because were in power in seventeen and eighteen owned, Washington D C, but you go back and look at the core republican senators made when they were asked about building a wall, they only talked about a wall when they are out of power, they get empower and then Lindsey, grandma, saying building a wall makes absolutely no sense. John corn the edge crazier republican senators. They didn't want to do many of its staff. They didn't want to build a wall. They had complete power and didn't want to do it, waited until Emigrants gettin charge and then suddenly they start parity
Donald Trump began on these insane ideas that none of them wanted to do. And soon only really lasers on that they don't want to anything when they're out of power and they're afraid to do thing when they are in power I think this is most clear gel when you're looking at the issue of debts and deficits in spending right and and the only party in Washington that cares about spending The expanding national debt is the party that doesn't have the power to spend any money, and Republicans are no different, is low different for them because they really make this one of their issues. They talk about the need to get federal spending under control, reduce debts and deficits because of the impact that they have. Economy and when there power to do so. They have a really hard time doing so. I like in some sense what Republicans were telling governor Vanunu was smart in this regard, one of the things that has gotten Republicans into so much trouble with their base,
over promising and under delivering, as I wash Republicans campaign, twenty ten and twenty fourteen, even twenty. Sixteen, they made a lot promises about what they would do once they were in power a particularly when Democrats still control the White House and in between two thousand and ten and two thousand and fourteen control the Senate, publicans ran up against a brick wall, because Democrats in in the Senate had no interest in helping Republicans accomplish anything on their agenda. They obviously disagreed with President Obama key items and nothing got done and instead of republican voters saying well, but to give you a pass, you didn't have enough control in Washington to do which wanted they got mad at them for over promising. In under delivering so if their message in this mid term election and twenty twenty two is look we're just gonna hold the line and stop president buying from doing anything. You don't like, at least from a political standpoint there, guarding against a backlash from their own base, then
though this issue of exactly what do? Voters want from politicians on Capitol Hill, do they want them to work with the other side, when the other side has more power than them and help them accomplice something Will they be ok with them? Holding a lie I feel are Joe and when you started Congress and in the nineties I think the idea of getting nothing done, worse from a voter perspective and from a politician perspective than than hell, in the other side accomplish something, even even if you didn't totally like it, and I feel like this group has bits It has been flip. The worst thing you can do is cooperate with the other side, often, your own voters will not give you credit for even incremental progress to say you look at how Democrats have handled their majorities in twenty twenty one they have a partisan infrastructure package and they held it up because they were true To get more and more
that wasn't available because Republicans weren't going to help them and that one thing they hand when republican input they weren't you didn't doing right away, and so I think this is a problem that afflict both sides of the eye of the clearly we see here at particular, with Republicans, well Democrats, they very they only to figure out the data. Fifty fifty split in the senator they're gonna keep getting frustrated. They can go for six trillion dollar bills if they you don't never pass, they can get eighty seven things into a one point: seven five trillion dollar bill, it'll never pass, but if they go universal precarious stand alone, bill I'll, probably bass, they're, not going all the sweeping reforms if they want to get done. It's a fifty fifty split if they want to get more done, they need when more seats it that simple lot of a lot of people haven't figured that out and the Democratic Party in Washington DC they dont figured out over the next year. The next year maybe even tougher than this year, it simple its math Bismarck
said politics is the art of the possible? Is the art of the possible. That's what they need to start. Focusing on. You know. Well, It's a wondering. Listening David talking about the deficit, that we obviously kept kept banging that draw one Republicans warm power. Thank you can't I worry about deficits in that way. Democrats or in the White House. You gotta about it all the time and they never did nobody. We talk about the deficit. Nobody would ever talk about the debt they pass massive tax cuts for the richest Americans. Do they they weren't paid, for there is no way they can generate enough revenue put his deeper and deeper and deeper net that's what it now when I hear Republicans, even turning to open their mouth? About deficits and debt after what they did during the Bush years and the tromp years, you just have to There is no consistency there at all there. No small government conservatives left in the Republican Party, at least in Washington DC nine year. Those deficit
seem to go in hiding when the Republicans are in power, for example, would Donald Trump got through that tax cuts and then they come back? out when a democratic president comes in David as such fascinating peace, because it says so much not just about the Republican Party but about Washington. I'm curious! governor who, how much of this for him- and we ve, heard this from other governors who been recruited by them ready to come to watching do say, wait a minute the sea job in my state, where I get things done, I do things in my state I don't want to go, become one of one hundred in a body stated objective. It seems these days is to not get anything done, look at me. I hear this from governors all the time there you're worried about going to Washington and, if especially in the Senate, because they have six year terms, the pace is slower, even
in the days of deal making things just moved at a slower pace, a more delivered, a phase that that is the whole point of the chamber, but it also shows the chamber losing some of its lustre as as at least in this current era, as governors look at them, lucky to have an impact in the United States Senate, I think the other thing to Joe and at an end what, when I talked to governors who knew about twenty twenty four and weather, we consider running for president. He said it would be on the table. This isn't about whether or not there should be an appetite for him in the republican base, but it is about Governors who think themselves. If I want to create an end, your profile for myself. I dont necessarily need Washington to do it. The media is has proliferated enough, that there are ways for me to create a profile for myself. You can fund is nationally online. I don't need the instrument or Vienna senator I'd. Only the platform being senator to create apply, four for myself to go national, and so I think that the options are different. I do
though, that when politicians, right or left feel like they're going to be impact for feel like they're going to be sequential in Washington going to Washington, becomes more attractive, unless you fashion yourself and activists, and if you fashion yourself an activist these Congress is the perfect place, the girl, because whether we are in the majority and minority, not changes, you're still able to do what you want to do, get on television, talk about your issues and just say: stop to everything That's why we have a bunch of people in the house, especially you aspire to. Youtube stars and envy social media stars and not legislators. Now not even close David Drucker. Thank you so much for your reporting in your insight this morning, and still I had a morning Joe, the White House Issues and new warning about a possible russian
Invasion of Ukraine will have the very latest on those escalating tensions. As Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin prepares to meet with Russia's Foreign Minister, plus amid a fight voting rights. Senator Joe Mansion is shrugging off primary threats with the message bring it on and remembering a long time friend of the show, vote legend. Andre Leon tally passed away yesterday as the, our times put it he went from Jim Crow south to the front rows of Paris. Couture more on the life of our friend and ground, breaking fashion, icon, Andre Leon Tally just ahead. Also ahead, will be joined by White House communications. Director Kate Betting failed, as President Biden prepares to mark one year in office you're watching morning, Joe we'll be right back
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looks in yours is directly related to this liberation movement that he sat into motion went into marker. I talk with two four makers: Gore shining light, one Brooklyn passed in a new documentary and a former member of the east. There was about revolution. It was about bringing african culture perspective, thinking in ideas to our young people, in total contrast to what we have been Why, in the regular eurocentric school system, listen now in power to make sure you never miss, never so we have news this morning that hit us all hard here at morning, Joe Fashion Icon, Andre Leon Tally passed away.
Yesterday, the six foot, six style, trailblazer and writer joined folk and nineteen. Eighty three working his way up the ranks to become its first black creative director, an editor at large. He advice designers, dressed so breeze and described himself ass, a godfather to some of the world's top super models from NEO, meek and Baltic. Eight MOSS tally also advocated for diversity in the fashion industry, encouraging top designers to include more black models in their shows raised by his godmother in the Jim Crow South tell. I said he immersed himself in books and magazines at a young age. Writing his twenty is twenty. Twenty memoir quote my world became the glossy pages of vulgar heels, cited the glamour of Jackie Kennedy at her husband's presidential inauguration as a defining moment in his youth,
Tell I arrived in New York City in nineteen. Seventy four in less than a decade later found himself on the front row fashion world, and he was a guest on this show. Numerous time that began a friend to Joe in me, Harry is back and twenty fourteen discussing who catches I in the world of fashion
with this money in his southward catalogue selling system works because we is whatever you wear must reflect. We let me have you ever take, kills say that's why I love me. Can I work out yesterday, and I noticed three or four women coming. We were sitting, we were sitting waiting for a friend and I saw people coming in and out people watching, and I noticed all these people were in all these different things that the ones it seemed the most put together. A simple black dress, yes flats, and maybe, if not pearl, something very physical, necklace wiring one simple exists. We should now always said you know. Less is more, you know fake with the wheel. You know, I think, is one of the best swimming in the entire world view with the second. Let me she is the extracts moment, because she's dressed appropriate who she is right, she's dress, because that is where you before it's always been tradition. It looks great on her, for she is, I think, she's incredibly well to steer meagre you is. It was a great friend of the show we loved
when they come on, came on with Moraine Dowd also love, love, love. Having them on use? Also we was, it was a very good friend and was always so supportive. It was wonderful. Hued can do events, and you know the thing I loved about him is he made, he just made. You feel better. He made you feel like anything, was possible and- and he just had this extraordinary energy about and that that made everybody around him. And that energy was love and he just found the picture there. He came to all of our events, but it was your music or know your value or are books at Willie's, but he loved to support. Paul and he was the party is. We were a party and he showed up. He became the party and it was all genuine, all authentic and all based unjust, loving support
people I was just showing Jackie and Eugene like thousands of emails, he sent me over the year, commenting on my outfits or just sending love Willie yeah. He was la, wasn't he and he was some people just have a presence and Andrzej hand that, when he walked into any room the out your eyes went to the gravity of the room shifted. Toward him, and his story is extraordinary. Eugene Daniels, I mean he grew up in the segregated south, a gay? black man in Durham North Carolina Livin. With his gun and mother, and you can imagine what that was like for him and in the segregated South back then, and he had a vision and escape any would read the pages of vote magazine. He said I want to get too wherever that is some day and I'll be there if you didn't do it. I
the things growing up as a black gay person who wanted to be a reporter. You see a lot of people that looked like you that love like you on in any kind of industry right when I may put political reporting her fashion, so Andrea now entirely for many of us black Gay reporters would look. We always look to him ass, someone who reminded us, you can be or south and do the reporting you can. You know, be the life body, it only makes only reached success. You can become a huge success. Six three. He sick, signalling, idea, bigger huge black. Do the where's whatever he wants. I can still be taken seriously by bad. You know there was a huge effects over the passing of him, so it's a huge lot. We were still taking it in actually can't believe that cause of his death has not been released. Andrei Leon tell I was seven eight three years miss them so much coming up
The binding administration working on a scale down version of the president's build back better plan. What the White House is saying about the new reporting on that plus several airlines and now cancelling flights. The? U S amid concern that five g wireless service could interfere with planes more on the scramble and the same, concerns and Microsoft thanks a major deal in the race to dominate the meadow verse. We'll talk to Sandy sees Andrews Sorkin about that and the other stuff. Is dominating the business world. Jim morning Joe we'll be right back. I know that some projects need so many parts. It feels like you need a whole storage and it just a store them. That's what Ebay Motors One in twenty two million parts of four think of it. As your virtual parts. Garage
I've always got the right treatment at the right prices, use Ebay, Motors, EP or visit Ebay Motors that come. Let's ride. Ass, her sanction mean ask a simple question: We admire the one, might ask what matters to them and why? Let us be clear: it is about fraud work angle, Sir Knight MSNBC with special coming question afford and specifically, are you going taught me three or process care about you fun if no now, when and if not us, repress them, and if what you did covered, doesn't match your expectations can in fact Jack this forest. Keep asking yourself hard questions, confident not be tough on the answers. It's just not true fever facts over conspiracy. What should american citizens know relying on experts not influence? They are now going to debate it again and vote again. Interest standards over here said at MSNBC?
this is what we do in this area. sir, because not safe to use electronic devices yet yellow acres. I met that was the substance and almost a quarter century ago course predicting the future again, but wasn't using five g technology. Still The nation cell providers have heeded warnings from the airline industry. Delaying the roll out of their new faster, Gee Cell service, around airports, about that new new, faster five g cell service complains that you don't work. so it's a balancing act there. What do you want? Well, their concerns at the signals could interfere with critical cockpit technology. the pilots kind of need to fly, those
birds and the sky, five g services gonna still go live for the rest of the country today and where the latest from NBC News, corresponded Tom Castelo with the clock down to the nation wide five g roll out a last minute deal to avoid an airline crisis. Eighteen, eighty and a rise in both say they will temporarily limit or delay. Turning on five sell towers that are close to certain airports. The announcement comes after it an airline scenarios or at the White House to intervene warning of catastrophic disruptions affecting hundreds of thousands of airline passengers. If they two mile buffer zone isn't created around airport five g sites. President Biden applauded the agreement coming after you, A political infighting involving I see a the airlines, the top and bind administrations and competing agendas that concern the new
generation of self Service called five g operates on a radio spectrum that could bleed over and interfere where the planes radar, altimeter those old, cimeters bouts. A signal off the ground, too, pilots, their precise distance to the ground critical for landing import, disability warning, a potential interference? The FDA had told pilots day, not be able to use alternative at more than eighty airports near five g sites, including large. Airport Hobbs in Houston, Dallas allay New York Chicago in Seattle. The airlines warned that would two mash of delays, diversions and cancellations there for us to go airport by airport runaway by runaway and do an analysis to clear these runaways at airports so that we can safely fly, but the cellphone industry which already delayed the roll out twice and since five g is save eighty anti took aim at the ever. A saying we are frustrated by the effort is
ability to do what nearly forty countries have done, which is true, safely, deploy five g technology, thou disrupting aviation services. The bottom line is we ve gotta, get this done safely and right now, every indication is, it's not been tested and it is not safe for a full Allow me I really don't. I don't wanna, hear tat companies that want to make Billy buildings are more dollars. Comparing the United States to other countries out there doing this and other concentrate. Will you get our safety record, When it comes to commercial air airliners, there is comparison. So I dont your stand. What the balancing act is its safety first say: de last. First, all the way to the end, so they're going the figure out a safer way to do this thing right now? You Oda means of former attorney for eighteen, tee and founder of vertical consent, in which represents corporations. You mean municipalities and other
the owners who lease the rights for cellular sites to be built in their properties. Also with his foot treasury official in mourning GEO Economic analysed and will also say aviation experts, Steve Ratner of course, has been experience. Pilot been around planes for for decades now So so, what let let? Let's start with this? You, let's see what once the biggest concern right now is for us is for us commendation of of five June. and you think is some of the concerns are overstated. Why think? With with the water? history, is pushing back and saying. Look at you, This is growing out in forty countries and no issue. I think your concern for for the Is it the The aviation industry is hadn't knows this for over two years and they're trying to figure out if
aviation is to say this is the definitive problem out. There were having a going to have with the alternative, as mentioned earlier. Work on these aeroplanes. Then the Barros industry can calibrate to some free with regard to locations of cell size, around airports, also the power being from these cells eyes to make it safe. I don't the wine industry is trying to do Asia is for your password fly in any kind of male situation, I just think both sides have delayed this delay this and they need to find first what the exact problem is and then work on a solution, see what your take pretty similar look. The spectrum is like is like water the Colorado River without fade. Dunaway movie Chinatown is averted precious commodity. The toughness
Phone companies bought this spectrum about a year and change ago. Four eighty billion dollars in their very eager deploy it and affair and the airlines have this problem, which is a genuine problem. The question you, would rightly ask is why do they? Let us sit around for the song and at, and that is a valid question, but basically you ve these two government agencies the affair and the FCC going back and forth when the two each sort of advancing own position there been joint working committees that have been, commissioner, has been all kinds of stuff done in the past to try to resolve it and it just never got resolved, but and the data, as is you alluded to when they, fair says it's a safety issue. It is very hard for anybody to counter that ends? and when the airlines say we're just not going to fly it's very for anyone to counter that so at the end, the day, the cell phone companies in effect, There are solutions to this they're, not that complicated. They should have been
would rightly ask: why aren't they implemented? They should have been implemented a while ago, but they weren't, because I think I think, the US phone companies thought they had bought this. They were just going to use it, but you can change the our ancestors of the cell phone antennas. You can change locations, you can share the rate at the red are also, matters can be adjusted and you can This can be made to work. It just takes some time at a bit. This is a classic case of two government agencies, kind of both going towards the brink and then almost going over the edge and now having to regroup, do you let me go. The heart of the matter as a pilot? Does Gee interfere with the communication between you and the towers between you and and ground control, and do self in general even interfere with, and we ve been turning them off now for what twenty twenty five years, putting them on an airplane mode, but specifically this five g: how how dangerous do you think it could be
I think it is a legitimate is illegitimate issue. There is no question about that and then only involves us Tom Costello said one particular piece of work. And called a radar altimeter which tells you, as you get below about twenty five hundred feet, how close to them you are it feels that information and all kinds of other instruments in the cockpit to help you land to help you land safely That is, that is a legitimate concern. Are planes gonna start crashing all over the place now, but We're living as Joe suggests that in a world of zero tolerance for aeroplane crashes or even airplane mishaps of other sorts, it is simple. These things to work. Well, aviation industry has already started the process of checking and the way. This not one model of right, our altimeter, just like there's, not one model a car, and so you have to go our ultimate or by red or altimeter, make adjustments to see if it'll work and then clerks service, if it does it
These are not that complicated things to fix this problem is not that complicated to fix it. said it was left for the last possible moment in this game of british ship between two the streets and tools. got. Some government agencies- Let me just say a regular travel. yes, we do want to continue living in his ear. Tolerance world for airline mishaps, you do you agree with Steve that this is a problem that can be fixed it just both sides going after up their sleeves and get to work on it. I do I think that it is essential for the delays and excuse think that it doesn't benefit eaters, The aviation industry has a safety issue. The world side, more tick, the eighteen, tee and rising are saying, look we're being pushed behind because we can't role at five to one hundred percent.
I asked mentioned the big issue. I think, and maybe we've just for a little bit, is that the aviation industry has an older fleet with differing as Mitchell for differing altimeters different filters in the altimeter, and I think again this needs to be resolved quicker than a slower. I think that if they can come together if you have really will work with the aviation industry to resolve this issue, but we are looking at two big things: the safety issue ones out, but not rolling out foggy only of forty, I? U S? Nationwide coffee? U S, economy, that for one or forty million dollars per day in economic growth. So this is something that needs to be done, and this is a precursor for future. Issues were off for five g, as mentioned the bandwidth it is fine. I so we're gonna have other issues down the road. So we need to use this as a lot tool. To address that possible scenarios.
For other roll out and a great for five going forward here, Odin and Steve Ratner thanks both very much for coming on this morning to talk about this, still had the federal government's websites where you can order free covert. Nineteen tests is up and running and those already a high demand, plus the administrations. New effort to get masks to millions of Americans mornings coming right, back
and ass in recent films, presents a story about a man, an emission some of our members started to say trumps, not worth it. The question is whether the constitution is worth a story democracy and the republic. I know one really well, which is about the car the tradition and the rule of law and american democracy. The story of how Wes Representative, Jamie Rascal, navigate doing tragedies in his life and sudden. after the sun and the violence on our capital leading Impeachment team in the trial of Donald Trump Mourn, his loss, a person who loved me. Love democracy. If of democracy, nah him by doing the work that he be proud of, love and the constitution. A new document from MSNBC Sunday February. Six, that ten p m Eastern on MSNBC.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-19.