« Monday Morning Podcast

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-25-21

2021-11-25 | 🔗

Bill rambles about Fanny, running away from home, and F is for Family with drummer Alice De Buhr.

Music Interlude: Fanny - Blind Alley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE3uwtegPEY

Thursday Afternoon Podcast: 0- 42:55

NFL Week 12 Preview: 42:56 - 1:08:40

Throwback MMP 11-25-13:  1:08:39 - end

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on his bill burn is time for the Eu Thursday afternoon, just before Friday, Monday morning, podcast and I'm just check in with you Just an absolute absolute absolute legend some that I discovered late night on Youtube and ended up getting around the efforts for family from ban, the underrated van that influence. All of these all female bans. Vanni is the name of the ban and we have the great for Roma of the Ban Alister birth. Thank you so much for common on. I can't even tell you like how blown away I was by your band and that the ridiculous news that you can I have not forgotten your. Do. You guys came on the scene, late, sixties and early seventies. absolutely crushed it. I was watching the video and I was seeing Dad June milling ten.
playing sly guitar, killing actors, so Jane on based and then I Nicky Barclay Keys, and then you want drums total ledge. it just watching like you guys, absolutely fuckin rocked why Can you explain to me and everybody else how the hell you guys were that good and you don't get your recognition other than the obvious, but, like you know, people still no, the runaways they or do we were ten years early, twirling, ok, we didn't write, songs that were pop songs. We, who played on Fm. Radio a radio family back then, was where all the pop stuff was that's where the money went. Ok from parliament's budget, went to get on a radio.
What was it like where there any other all female groups around back, then that didn't put the yeah Bertha was another band formulae they were around. I think they started right after us or know that they signed a record deal a year or two after we had and they played. An eye. Heavier rock and roll arson you, listen to our size today and you could call qualify. Adam S, kind of pop rock right now. are not heavy metal. Like you like to play. Sorry, that's when I grow up, but hey we found out, might pierce your twitter We had the Christian from Get behind fanny by like price here, my prize, like my price, not yours, he
told her that, where the first real people. To be on apis for family. Always far as like being actually playing the people that you're playing, I absolutely why. I don't want to give away too much, but, like you know this People were ended, the band and stop so they go to a concert, and we have. You guys plan you guys are in the episode and what I'm hoping we and do as a small part is to get people to be like hey who's, that band area. guys to. I get the recognition that that That alluded you for so long, but anyway its if this autumn, we just sort of start from the beginning like where hide it all. You guys. at together and as a female drama back then in rock music and everything
And your set now you're just to make it in show business in general, is like yes taken a one in a million chance, and then you have all of this in all its sexism and all that crap you have to deal with Let me know, what's up what was a time where the people like, I think, only until like recently, they would like to know chicks, don't know how to play drums. a girl I started out in school and second great, and I had an all girl trio and I are which is where I was born and raised, and I packed my caused inside by drums before I turned eighteen was still seventeen and I moved California because I knew nothing was They happen and I'll show you. Move to Sacramento and June? I gave you that what gave you the inner strength at eighteen to leave Iowa.
Eighteen and just say I know this- is why don't you just know you want to do now? it has nothing to do with inner strength it had to do with escaping desire. Just come out as a lesbian Small town, I couldn't stay that way when you could do what you, your parents, or you just said the whole town you got out of the gazebo. in the town of small town, Iowa all forty view, It gets kind of assorted story. There were no one. we want to bring the Friday boy? You wanna tell her. I would love to hear it. I think you know these people go on. that still to this day, so maybe it'll help somebody well. I was seventeen. I had never had a sexual experience by first sexual experiences. With the woman, an older woman, and she left behind her family and went.
Cousins in Sacramento I was the day out of the psychopathic war, the state hospital where my mother and put me cars. Are you said you were gay she didn't know how to help me. I didn't know that at the time, because it was really painful, but anyway long story short. They settled Psych Ward like a man, it was, it was like creepy It was you locked in the nose. deal. Screams on the windows, and the doctors all they wanted to talk about what sex don't talk about sex at all Thank you very much doubt anyway, the woman came back from California and got me and The doctors had said. Let her go so attacked everything I on that. I thought I'd need
inside my drums, parliament The car and we sweated it were escaping literally you like I'd, want to stick around here. Maybe they'll changed their minds. Stick me back in that place exactly yeah. It was horrible. Shit yeah That's why I'm a little war that plus a female drummer. In an all female ban. and how we work in the late sixties and early seventies warped yeah just Are you able to pay? things up with a small town. I orders as people, I guess learned Hope- were. a couple years ago, one of the sort. His daughters was killed and many courage it
Oh yeah she's, the one, the one that ran away with your girl back in the day, and so now with my family. Yes, absolutely no problems with my family right. that was all healed problems are less that's good, family Jessica, the hell with the townspeople size it's a small small minded slowdown So did you get the car? You do the families think right now you're escaping Psych Ward is a great beginning of a movie by the way escaping Psych Ward fills a grindhouse Tarantino movie, Then you are putting, unfortunately, Europe in Sacramento yeah. Well, fortunately Student Jean lived in Sacramento, I I put it
I saw a sign, a music store. That said looking for a female drummer, so I called their little. MR took the message: didn't give it to them. They went the canadian tour, I think they went through five different drummers, mostly guys, but when I came back, they contacted me, I audition and we started playing as this felts. well adding an I the Guitars we got tired, the June and Jean Show, and so we split away from them into wild life. We realize about four months later, that that was not done. work. So we mended fences got back together Their as wild money, how they were able to do that because you, walked away from them. I imagine the feeling how much time had gone by when you guys left and were able to come back months, bats. So how did you approached them to get back together? Like came man, we made a mistake.
And they made a mistake to they realized it too. It was all we all realise that what was the glue was the four of us. Right, and then by that point the woman that I had come for lie with was involved with added, guitar player and When we fired her after we got allay and got the recording contract, then legal tar player quit and thats? One June had to learn how to play lead and she did it. so fast. If you listen to the first, Album June's leads are fantastic at all: She and she took that weight on an idle did she ever really let herself breathe because after four albums, ensuring and stuffs couldn't take it in word she just down and she quit and after she quite inadequate, but
but the four hours before original members? That's the group that created that really you naked magical, Fanny sound right in viewed with putting out an album like every like eighteen months, or was it every year during that time, with the torturing and all of that the first one came out and seventy Brian performed, now in seventy three, so we were touring, we were cursing. We were recorded in that are we get seven days a week? Oh my god, I'm surprised you lasted for years. Why do they do that? I've never stood the music world why they didn't like the Burmese, because every ban that I watched it was like how they had that first came out and then the world. When, like three four years and a couple more,
albums with world tours and then somebody would leave someone just verily just be like they do. This isn't funny anymore, like I wanted to a music because yeah funding, and I was always find that, like a fascinating thing like you know, That you went after a dream in a grave after dream. You never gonna work again in this just like until becomes this thing that other people are also making money off of. you know- and don't you just keep like then he got that weird thing: words like how do I get off this afraid to say. No, because you think if you say no you're gonna go back to your small town. Iowa like the second. I pump the brakes, everybody. Behind he is gonna below by me tonight. I think like that or that second maturity move in this business when you ve finally realised like now, hey I can work at my own pace on coffin my talent that,
gonna, be able to keep going. But I just file bands because it's it's, I think it's easy for comedian being an individual, because whenever I decide its percent agreement within myself. for you guys have to have like her the dynamic and were difficult from the minute we got Nicky Nicky. He didn't want to be in another girl, bad. She, to be the lead artist all the spotlight on her job keyboard piano player, I was an yeah. She wrote the real rockers, June rob more the ballots if Nicky in June had been able to get along songs together, you know I can't imagine they. They wrote a couple sons. One of them was, I just realized, which I learned That's all it's got a great beat a great lyrics but they were always at loggerheads and I think that
You know where the wrecking record company to put us in skimpy outfits and the land tour. So what Why can't I wore a t, shirt genes? That's I'm comfortable and you shouldn't jean right now at this low top. That's made out of forty five dollars worth of America in looked together, their pinching. My nipples asked the girl. and I think that was the straw that broke June's back and she just said I can. do this anymore ah and when she left, then you left and then the whole band was was was Nick he still into it at that point, even though they want to do again, Jean played on the fifth element. It up. Ok, but it doesn't sound anything like a Fanny album at all it's! My knowledge is a credit to both you Japan, because some of my face bans you don't
turn for a long time and No, I just the. Just changing the drummer. If you have a really good drama a ban, never sounds the same by Tom. Petty, never sounded the same. One stand Lynch left I recently got into early iron maiden. And I was listening to Clive Bur and I was just like, and then you listen like tat moment when nickel comic. brain comes in its just like it is. Funny and he did a lot of the same sort of like things, but I feel I still love made with with with nickel, but it just its two different bands. It really is guns and roses were Stephen Adler, not in it here yeah I mean you can't amounts, for example, was so smart like we can Continue on the way we were, this is just it's not gonna, knock
work, and I always felt like why their catalogue, maybe is held in high esteem, that it is because the didn't go on with all of these different. variations, but I understand the bans that want to keep. Don't you want to keep making the Mortier a job at a hardware store. You know you wanna you're gonna, get money. we made no money, they pay Moved out of fairy hill they paid. My ranch leave made my beard, my car payment. If I add a doctor, certainly, would pay the bill, but the latter sure I think we might have made twenty five bucks a night, and that was and it was so. How did you eat? Well, Jus used to make candles and so I'm the swap meat and I'm Thinkin reprieve paid for
the house was four hundred dollars a month up there Mama Lane, you're famous House, where you guys were right. Next to the chateau I actually drove by unfounded yeah. You did yeah I thought that was so cool, I'm so like that those so much history there. in the end, the Hollywood hills, but anyway, so contends that she would sell candles. The candles for awhile and, quite frankly, I dont know if we had some kind. No. They are food budget, I don't remember that I know them might be certain. Like that, but it wasn't much go down to the central market and by enough food for a week or two, and then we took it and he So how often would you guys sit around like him? I weren't, like a third or fourth record, would we're making twenty five bucks a week? What the fuck yeah, I think they are
fourth album is when we start to say what the FUCK did the wreck Labels string you, along with each hour, going like this next one. You know it's gonna, be tour buses and plenty of money. Just you just gotta pay off it advance, no Roy silver. Who was our manager he had to fight for every penny to get. praise and there's a funny story, the Christian tells us that here venture reprieve to have a major try and get fifty thousand dollars to promote their mothers pride. The last album Smith said. You know I'm sorry, I can't do it. Sir, I got home and he gets a call from Joe Smith and he said: come back come back over the hill. So I went back over to repress unjustness said I'll, give you that
fifty thousand for the tour, but you gotta promise me: you won't put any more get behind fatty stickers and the executive bathroom. oh we granted we did the last year, or so What's amazing to me, though, is you guys had all this ridiculous? Like credibility like day, Bali was a huge barrier of few huge, a ban, I think dated one of the band members of my room. yeah. It was just like he was champion you he Champion Stevie Raven so Is this just straight up? Sexism, like you know we champion Stevie Ray and Stevie Ray after its framework, although you know you have some hard core musician. out there. That still cannot believe that a woman can play base or return. Her or drums keyboard is kind of more accept it, but you know, since
other good for girls, you know guys are still saying that today, well you nowhere. Where is secure the biggest don't worry, Well, you know what it is. The biggest thing is, if you lose to a girl, then you're, just like your whole manner. It is just out the window which is stupid, but that's the rules that we also live by you can change the rules anytime. You want. Yeah I mean are about Ford. Yeah listen I grew I looks I grew up and it was even like the eighties. It was all, I'm pretty much. You know all male bands and everything, but then, like you know that to go goes no bangles a fuckin rocked solar sounds yeah, the girl goes was
Our lives are sealed fucking. I cracked at any time that comes out I love then sought the picture in the corner. The ices shot well, that is the two angles. Ass. The girl goes the Gaza, because I aunt em records after I quit playing Matt. I had to to go those they were an irish records. they told us told me every engines. Are you guys? We never thought about putting picking up inch let's just amazing throughout Europe, but there ro hooks every single one of their top forty size had a hook. You didn't write up zones. I feel like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame should give you guys you do. They really should there's something who gives us just about the rock wall of faith. It's always asked it Kind of stupid right,
since male oriented, I mean the fact that day inductive some women this year, oh golly, look at us out, educated and open, and, and you know what they probably only doing it cuz they getting shit for not doing it. I'd like to give a little berkshire for it I repeat, there is clearly no build. How are you going No, you don't you can say whatever you. I want people to see. Why would you just a real deal and you'd like such a character? I actually you know when we first met I met your face to face. Firstly, I called you up there, you just our love, nor had I hell did you find me out? I held you guys here about my band and all that you immediately were hilarious and then I met you. I forget where the somewhere and allay- and you know they had breakfasted,
silly boy, that's what it was all right. What do you know? I know you ve been very busy here. Recently. I was busy white man Imposing a white man. That's right! Then I will the respect it now? I was the last plus seventy eight weeks, seven or eight weeks have I do my shit jokes out on the road so well. I hope You know the fact that we got you on the show will rise. new people's understanding that this ban, that David Bali was blown away by. I just I you know whether frustrations that I I've had in you know being in this business. Is I just this. They would just picked the best. and everyone they try to be progressive. They even turn that into a formula. So though speed like what we haven't been hiring. Anybody from this group
like I will ya, you gotta give them they do right, but they won't The time to find they just kind of their have a one showcase night. How many we need for I, let's get for Asian, stood out for Afghan America that it's like do the fuckin work and get us or that fuckin deserve it, yeah, it's as opposed to I dont know why they day because its work giving carrying his work, I think, is what it is so that they are more like being county. I think what it is just that a lot of research earth have got the lazy. They go to Wikipedia and they think they know the whole story you know if they go, you know fanny rockstar com or they listen to get by Fanny Part, or are they here some of our music? You have you
do the whole spectrum of the family can love it's the is very different it's their rockers. There are ballots. There are sad stories. Are happy songs you know, but many people really are gonna. Do that research, not very many by being on average for family, you're, playing one or two songs or parts of one or two sides. I know that they had talked about a couple, but anyway, if I mean what a gift daddy is that you're giving to us because Somebody seized the name fanny on stage on access for family and they said guys I want to know more. They do the same deep dive you get there. They should, because I actually saw you guys, come in and played live. I got to you guys, a couple of months back down Taos Gray. What are you talking about? You
I too, will you tell me you never like you, don't you don't pay just roms? You don't like to even like the way they sound unless you playing with other people. I never practised day of my life. Until I got my electronic kitten, two thousand seven and even then I couldn't ever plan more labour. How great a those electronic kits. Well, no, headphones doesn't servant. I put the head, bones on and I had an ipod and somehow I had got. the Fanny music oh. Maybe it was from the rhino set them aid anyway, I have the phantom music on my ipod, so the ipod is plugged into the brain, the pudding It sounds on my who's never sounded that good and I'm playing with it recorded what forty five years ago, I was amazingly fine. I was holding an hollering in- and I will and disturbing the neighbourhood yeah.
I first some I sat down. I mean you sound, like you, ve done, bottom in Madison Square Garden. On some of them, do you do yeah down the kick drunk dan- and I was just sitting- I think- like. Oh, my god, these are unbelievable, and then I I we thought I was getting good. and then I sat down on a real kit, raised them like us, being being being being just get all was close up, incomplete also where the technology was was Those things in the two thousands electronic drums were so forgiving. Where you you did a rim and still get the snare sound so anywhere near it. You'd get it so like your your precision, really yeah supper. I I get on on on a real, real kit. First first drums had they would gigantic and I actually I quickly learned right it simply safe everybody. You know if you
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Damn how would hag in a bunch. We will come up to me saying you a smile and you looked all relaxed and all outside by. Finally, honey. You know. Because I didn't over her sit and I knew I was gonna fuck up and The song, I was a guns and roses saw Mister Brownstone and it s it has like three different parts to it, but they never. Happen in the same sequence. It seems so you really have to pay attention and, like I kept I ain't along to it and I every I could get a take where I just did it clean Ives dislike? Well, I'm that time, because I've been on the road and like I wanna fuck, this up Who cares and then I ended up like I don't think I ended up screw it up. I was are we playing the song in sections like? I have no idea what happens next, but I was just like, but I know what's happening now so fuck it right this year we have achieved, is very easy to
Highly mistake and you're too, if you got your Longer then the drums drop out in an people. Your mistake, but if you realize that that your engine a different part of the song, and you catch it. No one he's gonna, know they're good. Why am I learned by watching people like you? What's the worse, you ever messed up in an did did June, or anybody have a look that would give you that you knew you are on that night or they give you. You know, bottom sand like an old. He would try some over the top Phil, any new mess. It up. He'd say that, like I gotta get the look from the lads and it was this know Joe. oh benched, about my drum spent too loud alive, but because I played really hard, but I didn't mess up. I didn't drop debate.
Honey. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to to suggest that Jesus I was, They go there, you go. Hey Zoe, talked a lot about you know all the basically the assholes that you met out there who, as you know when you will come up first, nineteen, seventy, who was open, minded cool people tat you got to play with everybody that we open for everybody that we open for you gunning many bad names or anything I'll have to go. My computer and call. eighteen, seventy one year. Oh my god, look at that. Return, restless, yeah, This is more. Seventy one was more recording that Publishing it all.
Also it's pretty savvy nowadays, yeah, pretty sadly, but Ma Am little sea always a drama. Richie Heyward, oh my god. He play. The kind of drumming that I thought all that circle here. That states that really think we're stuck here all used to get on him and say can't you just keep the beat like ours does I just want checkbook chicken unfiltered. You know what I mean you don't to be real busy drums. Arts was led instruments, but Richie was but as they set their noodle and all around and their guitars. you're tar doesn't need to be, though they want you to shut up, so they could do all the talk at the Kansas Was waiting and reject, I think yeah, yeah yeah, you keep the beat and you have a point-
Sir two or three or four or five or ten in the saw where you know that I it is gonna work. one time I was fuckin punch, somebody when I was planned We will run in the sun and get it they know the guy consider himself the Paul shape for the head of the band. You know we would just coming enough as a one off, any ban saw was still, can a plan and he was talk to somebody reach over. I was riding on the symbol or whatever whenever he just good new. Did it with his hand, and I was gonna be owing boat. I'm gonna, fuckin stab you in the year with the stick. Don't ever do that again, just tell me to stop playing he just came walking about. He just went like that anyway, look at me when he did ass? He was such a pass of aggressive power. Moved if I was actually making my living playing drums debt that whatever a big thing, and I wish this kind of I dismember like I just looked down and then I go
Chuck alot of like how mad I was getting at my hobby like. Why do I give a shit I'm not gonna go on the road with this guy's gonna play once stupid. Song with them and also the other thing is that you have missiles in your hand toward him, Oh, I didn't. Did I get you in the back a bed with that? Stick, I'm so sorry Fuck your own plan drums ear. What kind of kit did you play? Campo, Campo now? Did you keep that that Brown one right? That's a good idea. do you really. I still have storage. Finally, all the drums are in cases as well, test plastic bags, and I taken? Their termites were gonna eat a bureau natural. Would someone at last about six months ago and pulled the the
our tungsten their cases. Especially the eighteen edge, didn't have a case and. The newspaper that it was wrapped in was nineteen ninety three while and they were perfect, absolutely and I just plain them up a little bit put him back. storage. We got it cases yeah how good deal, not the young. You know not the big bring cases right. this the round hard case, It's you back up and I D W bought them when we can't go out of business. I bought my second set in seventy two. I think then there is eighteen and four times the sixteen it for them. One out of business and then do dummy bottom and the bottom just for the connector.
With attention robs on the drums they bought him for that engineering, and now also the firms have that round. Yeah, whatever hardware, whatever you call it. I didn't know that people always talk about you. You spend all these monies and drums everybody's like it's all, This comes from the same place in its just like our right. We're gonna have square you. You Have the round ones you gotta have that, but it's all kind of the same the same water whatever well. I gotta tell you is I have such a respect for the ban. That that you were in and getting to know you the greatest thing ever like you just such like the second. I may I feel, like I've known you forever, you just such a cool person to talk to I'd love to have your again just for whatever reason, if you ever just want to come on again and in talk about like you know them
succeed back then I, whatever you're up to and you gotta, come out to one of my shows whenever em, where are you out again this on. I'm in Arizona next month, for the new year somewhere in Phoenix, Talking heads or something big venue- I don't know that's about it up like a driver hooker, but are you killed Are you? What are love I'm doing a bit about a lesbian that deliberately bumped into me see you might not like me by the end of the show Her brow was lesbian, jokes. I really know no night, but I don't. I don't. Do it stupid way? will this effort for family out here from the great
Fanny get bind Fanny check out their music get a wizard available on Itunes of a given you, a half percent forty thousand downloads. She got their wonderful deal over there or you can go to Fanny Iraq's debt, come by and for me the actual drummer, a bad day ago, you had forgotten, see he player instead of I just you. My phone, I don't have a computer, I don't do anything. You says everything on the palm on its texting, its destiny. You gonna have key player, I wanted. And until you and you know how catalogue, but now. Well, I have to follow the heard over the cliff, I do have an external I want my wife has a boombox around here somewhere, a dvd player on your tv, or do you just my tv, won't recognize that old technology? Why can't you have somebody? You know in the neighborhood turn it into an mp3 and send it to me. I got a problem.
We have buyer and do that but go I don't know if I could sit. They know better and the two sides. I don't have your address and let sentence Ryan got a set up. Because here Isn T, I will give you one address to send it to you, just to send them to Ryan calls me, and he said- and this is two days for Christmas last year and he said Gerda and saw the papers it yeah. He says: oh get right to stone so I wrote a generation. Ok looks like a number. What is he said? It's a phone number call it I said, and why am I will make all users in its bill earth fond. Nobody wants to talk to you that I would like to draw the cause. I told him if he could find out from you why Fanny I'd, send him all the cds and he did and I sent them he's, got em all.
That's amazing! I just I am. We had to wear the efforts for family where the final RAP Party, which was. so awesome, but also you know sad cause. I just I love everybody on the show He was actually telling me like go because I'm trying to sell this movie script and he was saying to me. Yeah, I guess I was gonna. Bring him on forty, and I just saw me, looks so happy Irma Gluyas, you look great. You dropped! Wait now that go J goes I'm kind of EC, semi retired. How long can return Like our shit, I was going to see if you want to do this thing with me and he's like. Maybe I don't know I was like dude Look too happy hunger, sit this one out. He just look like you know those people just get the rat race, they start surfeit of they take some mushroom somethin The EU had that, like he arm step out of the matrix, I'm american it over here so which is
Doktor believe it or not that I'm trying to do you know I took some mushrooms earlier this year, and I ve been stone sober ever since cause a what discovered on my little many trip, all. I need to deal with that and I need to be sober to do this livening email. I was California sober as they say, smoking weed or even that are both or whatever, but I wasn't gonna do anything else spend like just sort of straight ever since then, and I've been thinking about maybe do doing one of those those therapies Things because I heard it's good for PTSD and stuff. I think I got a little bit of that for some bullshit. That happened to me and maybe could be a little easier to live with, and shit maybe look so uncomfortable behind the drums. Right What do you want on you, but that island yeah? That's where you gotta go,
I'll be there yeah all we have all without the name of that place. I forget we stayed Quincy on the subtle who plays out there man it was. It was awesome so yeah I gotta do that more often. I also knows when I start to really get like upset and angry or whatever is that just means? I need to stop working. So much You want me to say that out loud that so obvious, but I'm just gonna like a kind of like I don't know how, the shutdown, and so you re marks right. Don't take care of it. I saw well we'll levies, family just ended. So I have a bunch of free time so Alla time to hang with you down in Phoenix. So the grab some lunch with the or something like that, and then Mayor area maybe bring the city's up. Maybe Maybe I bring you something whatever you. I don't know what you're looking at up. We do a little surf and turf see what see. What's going to happen,
I wish you the best man you're the best Thank you so much for letting us use your music. Thank you. a great music thank you for the band Fanny that then gave us the runaways the go go the bangles and everybody after that, you guys absolute legends and you're, a total rockstar, I you guess- not that I don't give a fuck, you silly send who gives a shit about the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, and we write your punk rock before punk rock hey. Thanks, thanks for giving us the leg up on F is profoundly. I can't tell you how much it means to me. I understand the whole audience: growth. Potential, poets, all right I'll, be knocking on your sort of some residuals. Yeah, ok, a good record company ever gives it to you. They still say we owe money. You know there has been non profit yet we took. Two billion dollars. We spent three billion in advertising.
you still always civilian out. It's called Hollywood, math you're right You're everybody from Fanny. Thank you so much for common on you, the best love you the great thanks giving and I will see you next month in Phoenix guided. by everybody. Ok. Well, that's the podcast everybody! But before we go, we Paul versus Bet, M Gm, segment here when we talk about our picks and all that. Our little, good thing there made after that will have a bonus episode Half hour episode of the Thursday afternoon. Just before Friday, Monday morning, podcast from our greatest sits one from of Thursday about a year ago, a couple years ago have Andrew. Does it all right? Thank you, guys, in a joint, the bedroom, GM what's up every body and we are back for another NFL weak, twelve preview, ok,
sponsored by Bed M Gm. Here we go guys. We are back for weak, twelve of anything better. An affair a preview with bedroom GM season. We ve been using bedroom GM. They have the best most reliable lines out. There ought to make all your picks and we have special offers far listeners every week. If you have signed up to bed M Gm yet use. Colbert, that's be! U r, r couldn't be more easy, you'll get a hundred dollars free after placing your first one dollar bet: here's how it works you go to bed hungry, I'm you download the app you sign up using bonus called bird. Let's be U R, r ok place. Your first one dollar money. Why bet NFL game? That's it you'll receive a hundred dollars and free bets immediately after placing your bed,
Regardless of the outcome just make sure you use bone is called Berwin. You sign up they're, going to give you that free bet, they're gonna, give me that free money could not be more easy. People are having a great time with us, and what can I say about week? Eleven bill Bur does I don't even know what we're gonna call this. The guy goes unimaginable, unforgivable and gets it all back with another unimaginable, and he goes over and over again, and I got one in three cause: the Fucking giants stink, I'm fucking done we'll get internet, congratulations! Brilliant now you got a space in their family over here. Paul SAM and Army, the crushing it I'll. Just hang in my head, gettin pelted with snowballs, so they know. So a lot of time left paw. Yeah me I left in the season: that's why I don't give a shit about directing Europe taking one while we get a time
were left, but you ve turned. So I went to the right to their aid is game and I die had Joe borrow, buy up up up up up up up by Alice. You great item they will lie in one. You know is there in disarray, Don T the shouts of the whole raiders organization they treated me amazing. drew me raising about the other day palm trying to beat you hear gambling. I had to go through what I thought so, but I'll tell what I'm excited polymers as excited about my knowingly patriots, as you were destroyed about your pact, we'll talk about that DE on the the anything better progress. What we're here to do Paul is we're here to talk about gambling I have to say- and it was a little bit of a controversy with that on monday- that spares Shop but whoop boo, but some money for you. Yes. Well, I want to. I want to address that a couple of people on Twitter, some people saying that
I dont know what it was, but we that what we said- and if you listen- was Tom Brady throwing to Daniel Jones running for one and some people. I think there was some confusion apologize if anybody was confused, but if you listen to what we listen back, That's what it was and we had to take the under over down, because it was stated it wasn't registering right, Andrews out what happened yet. the most by itself, anyway, will be clear with all of the moving forward, but we said rushing and it will say when you look at the Monday night special when we do talk about a quarterbacks throwing her when we it will save, throw touchdown you'll, see the word throw and if it says Like another quarter back one too start it means rushing it'll, save, throw them too to be clear, but dude. I didn't care of us over their bedroom GM, their money.
especially we ve been hit not more times lately and bigger everyday. I'm a close, and we become close when we didn't. When we do miss we come close, then we got the money. I didn't sleep bill. We get it right. We want. I'm gonna write what we want em out I want to say I'm gonna just say this. I'm just going to say this to two. I just have to say this to vent bill I called bill. Last night I have watched my New York Football Giants. You could see the sign on top of my door. Ok, I have on my New York Football Giants. I've been a fancy. Some eight years old are right. I have never. I have never seen a team. Allow an offensive line. Ok, they ruin the last three years of Eli their ruin in this fuckin kid, their ruin and fucking, say Kwan Barkley and at and on top of that we don't fuckin Bliss how am I a comedian? I tell bit jokes for living in Fuckin Strip mall. How am I watching a game go? Why aren't they blessing why
they blessing. Why are they rush in four? Why is Tom Brady look. Look he's in a back yard on sucking Thank Stephen. What is family, throwing the fuckin ball and I got a fucking announcer saying it. Everybody say in it. That's all you be Tom Brady! That's you! Tom Brady. Everybody knows that China, Jolly what you're being the only way you PETE Tom Brady in this book and gave me a lot of them on his ass and you got a fucking, make him think. That's when he gets a bar, that's when he makes mistakes he sitting back there. We want democratic, those put a fuckin put put fuckin tanning. space and am therefore contain could have set their so popular. It was one of the most frustrating things I'm fucking dog. They got a burnt down fire everybody, I'm fuckin done. Do it was Nicholas watching him sit in a pocket. That law are often lie instincts. We have no defence, I don't even know what to say it's a fucking embarrassment, that's an embarrassing! It's an embarrassing one of the best franchises in the history of football and we are fucking digressing, took to the Fucking Cleveland Browns right now
on the operational you're, a plus organization you're crazy! No such disrespect the cowboys the Steelers the forty Niners in my New England, Patriots. I will we're top. Seven organisations have a is lucky Take it down a little bit its not do that. New York thing where you guys fuck, you guys always get a little bump hit, not the Ladys tease cause you get more buildings and other people as a day pop now
I want to do in Europe. I'm just saying we're a team. Now you Karl Anna, fell titles. You are so just fuckin with no, I know, but like we used to be a team, especially Eli on. There are ways to be a team that if we lose we're in the fight we're in the game we're in the fourth quarter, we have a shot. Now it's like it's a foot last night was a fucking joke man. It was. It was one of the most frustrating things. My wife was gaunt point. Does that beyond the tv I mean I fuckin yeah, I heard if you want me to play your voice message to me. You're gonna play an issue is pretty much that I was fuckin laugh and my ass, though not at you would just cause. I been there a fuckers. I found downright haven't drank in two weeks and I start drink. Alas, they darted shit, already we go ball. Virzi put you speaker away.
Hang on a second and starts with. Do you watching this shit? If we can hear this, but I am a pack and worse through you watching the shit we're done with it.
A bright red meat, it you fucking make on one for his life and you put him on the grounds that how the fuck about how the pot of Washington talking for forty billion last week, we are rushing looking for. You don't want to lose. You got off fucking pig meat under my back to my fuckin kid convert a fucking giants. Jewish fire everybody spring was also wasn't in your that's what he wants a place like this, I'm I'm watching the game and these mother fucker. What are we doing? I'm sitting, I can't believe, I'm watching you got off can gain a pocket. You. From my pocket from your talk about the thing, I'm just a much better than I do, I apologise for anybody fire overly cursed. I was a little, but it really upset last nights.
I can annoys me that Russia, Wilson, wants to go to New York, legs from what I heard he's got a little beef which snaky peat is not happy would sneaky peat and he was in the Yankees organization. So I thank him doing that and me people may always want to go to New York and ally We were all the media is fuckin annoying you may bad fuckin moves. You should have to pay for now. Do you? NL, I look at a fuckin, Lakers goddamn fuck, Expendable Zol came in there every fuckin I should hear or from the two thousand aged all star game- isn't just right near like the Fuckin cavalry to knowing. I love that does not work in an hour later. I love that that fuckin, five all hall, a famers, are like five hundred right now. I love it I never did men are trying to do that. So this, what it always abso go. I don't take the Rothe report compared with Bob labelling.
Paces himself. He knows what the FUCK Keystone in need. the team on Twitter and then they get Goin and they're gonna make a fuckin run. They always do they always do What other people's fuckin guy stars? It's annoying! You! Thompson comes back nobody's be now warriors team. Do the warriors are fuck where they lose three games their great. Do there well coached everybody's healthy? That makes me happy yet again. the good thing about the Lakers. Unless the Lakers draft a fuckin team and to add a couple people, I don't mind that ship your whole fuckin starting roster Jesus fucking Christ,. From the yields to Iraq ants and from the falcon all go thunder. We got. I'm come out of retirement. All right I'll yours, you're still looking at you bet, Sis is why I'm catching up. What do you now on our planet? My bets on trying to finance drew's I'm trying to find Andrews lines, so we can make our weak twelve ticks here, a sort of saying I got mine ready to go or will you go first again because we miss one, so you go first,
I'm gonna. Take I'm gonna. Take Paul. I hate to tell you that some taken Philadelphia, eagles minus three and a half after football giants. you know I mean who watches and more than you and after that, fuckin. screamin anyhow and leave. I ve been playing days, they ve been scorn focal points and all that type of stuff there. On the are they gonna, like as its division rival, but that spread his close enough? Somebody go at the Eagles Paul had taken the eagles to first time this year. there. On the up. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna go, back to the well here and and and I'm gonna go to San Francisco forty Niners minus three at home against the Minnesota Vikings San Francisco clicking right now Jimmy Jimmy he is the best for quarterback and football. The last three weeks. Play a great
I love the line being three. I think that that's a game that worst case scenario, I get a push, I'm gone with the Niners that are click and right now I think they're gonna take a little little I too glory right now. I think they're gonna go on a big run here. Some taken forty nine China, like the vikings in that camp, just pay the Packers. I don't know the forty nine is of stuff just cause you play all of a sudden three games now was to believe there are a good team matter now I don't know all right. My next one Jesus Christ, I'm gonna, the Packers minus one at home versus the rams. I think it's gonna be called out in a slow those fuckers down get out because floss last week, Prob. Staying any now air rod. is going to come out put a show on for those people up therein green backslash, Appleton Wisconsin.
I'm gonna. Take the Pittsburgh Steelers getting old mother fucker. I'm gonna take the Pittsburgh Steelers gettin four and a half Bastard I wanted to do there. I wanted the Packers action. I wanted the backers. All you did me. I take one from you here. I just think that the Steelers, however, the way that A game went last week and they really can't lose another one right now. I think that their backs against the wall, I'm gonna, take them. Division rival, gettin foreign ass, gets to ban all taken my division rival, but took you're a good to income at home on the road after a loss. Ok, now now and I we separate the men from the boys here Jesus. What am I gonna do here Well, I hate. I wanna take the patriots so bad. I just don't like six and a half
six and a half. I know Travis ten reason, and there are no. It tightens just lost to the Fuckin Texans are the wheels common off the wheels common. I fucking, I may take the patriots minus six and have a point. Ah ha ten, it's a lot of points bar a butterfly and right now dude. I want to take the cowboys on time. Giving I like that who they are, but I am I like that one they moved the line, though the line was seven and then they just fuckin like assholes, made seven and a half which is just enough. It's enough to bump you off the damn bet, but I have as well because if there are going to go into the fuck and prevent throughout bite, Scores and ideally be by ten points eleven and walked down the failed. I bet That is my thing. I dont want less. I bet the Patriots, I don't watch the games. I bet on it's great for your raw. You know you sense, Well, being my god, how right.
So busy look at you you're the peculiar, listen, whereas on I heard I always say: oh my god, you don't like watching you, your bats and stuff. I just go back and forth and look he's gonna, throw it out, it's actually Derek Henry. I use and Travis ever adversaries easy all busy all running back the edges so say Eric blackness as ever marry the comments. Or maybe you know the voting eroded. got. Two kids under forth, like I've gotta get one of the fuckin names right, I'm happy! oh, my god. It's between the bills and the cowboys dude bill wants action on the holiday. Yes, yes,. I'm gonna take the cowboys dude, I'm a take the cowboy seven and a half the raiders aren't that good cowboys or at home there come off of a loss. That's my! theory. I think that dog they gotta put on his shoulder. I know they have to have a point bite me a bite me.
The cowboys tags given to win that game writers. a good front for, but I don't think they got enough. They got enough the whole game right. This is what I got left to. I e GO falcons minus one at the jagged or courts two and a half at home against the box, My thing is this time a year. I do not like to do. I'd like to bet against Tom Brady, but Fuckin Carson whence is a poor. its scoring son of a which that guy puts up points both yeah so a box defence- I don't fucking God dammit and a Jags? I don't know what their deal is, and I know what the falcons you know what. but the falcons in the jaguars at it to psycho checks, and I never know what mood therein saw. You know what.
I must say to hell with it. I want to go with the colts, get two and a half at home against the box and are now I don't know about that. Poor, feels like a two hundred too weak for me at best I think you're gonna make up some games this week. My deal as I feel good about that Steelers like I could do, take the little risk there with the courts. Listen, the first half to my comfort zone, Paul! You got me out of the pocket here, the rambler, the the first half of the season was mine, but you ve turned the ship around dude, so we're gonna have a nice fund little run here at the end, but on fallen off the I of a week this week. While you ever think maybe we're over, I don't remember what it was yours. I had a couple of bad things. You you knew told me. I was ready to start high step and it wouldn't like fuckin weeks five, you the Leon lead of gamblers. You start Ball out. You dont be become running behind the bar up. What am I M up three games on games? You you're going to have games yeah
I've been thinking about high step, and I make one bad week he's right back in it. That's what happened last week, paw. Do I go bills. Are the bills gonna fuck and beat the saint by six points on thanksgiving after they had adopted? I accept that it was four and a half its five and I have now moved up. I'm gonna. Take the bills are their way it. I got go by what Andrews Centres. There's the same, it's the same length is just a better GM like Soviet checked at last. When did you check out this morning? today it chain and must change in between there. While I'm I'm ok, I have Patriot six and have eagles three and a half and culture is called still two and a half plus two, yes Castula happier, I said there's nothing else. I still India Paul taken in a deep breath,
I'm gonna, take. Oh, my god. This is tough dude. I want to take the it's. The ravens, the bills and I dont know which want to do, but ravens got the Ravens at the browns. and they're mine is, for all the bills. Bills have the saints year. Am I do day I'd? They I mean unless the first half of the season was bullshit, I mean they do for some broke breakin out here love Josh Alan. I just those somebody heard up. There is some going on in a locker room. I just don't understand, as I don't ever seen, any major injury. It was, do they would double digit Favorites the whole season enable able cows ride them every week they were covered, I'm going to do a curveball right now. Are you ready for this one? I'm gonna do other curveball, I'm done take the Detroit Lions tone, when their Superbowl Thanksgiving Day gettin.
the points against the Chicago bears. They all always play well thanks, given the lot they're getting three way. This who say this is their Superbowl. They always play they always like they only. we're gonna lose every year. I want to talk about nodded I don't think they lose my like the pig, but I'm your site fuckin rewrite history, poverty, while always seventy sixty one year yet are there I mean there are nine and one I mean it's as bad as it gets, but I'm taken their first, I'm getting them. Three points give it to me, and I don't know they have once again this year good. I liked it that's good common. Let's get somebody to. I love Detroit, this one of my favorite cities. Let's get them away. While paparazzi gets a win, Oh that's an early game, that's one thousand! Two hundred and thirty, that's one thousand. Two hundred and thirty in two days I want to enjoy my holiday. I stayed away from both of those Enone dad
general dad screaming at the tv, the lions or been below five hundred over all our own circles remind double check gotta that goes back to Bobby Lane with twenty three hours area. Thirty, seven, forty two into a tutor this came three or span from sixty three sixty five from fifty percent to sixty three. They played the packers every thanks, giving override have anybody if anybody's listen to this from Detroit? What is the furthest Detroit as ever gotten in the playoffs ever in their history I want to know that like Hardrada. As far as Superbowl era, remember Eddie Murray hit no field? All gets a forty Niners or something anything baseball player. I also kicker. Ok, I believe Really that was his name. Let me look, it up are probably fuck that went up to it you seem within Orioles had kicked. Now he's right, any Mary band You are a why,
go. Look at that euro. Everybody was already get all sore at me. All right, Everybody wants to pigs, that's the pigs, Ferrara Weak, twelve, a preview bill as of three and a half game lead we want everybody to have. I have de saw you gotta have a foreign owing you. Seventy weeks, you gotta get a foreign up. God are you doing? You gotta get the golden ghosts. It's gotta be Ike. I gotta think its common. I latterly punishes region. Once I've got a bunch of three once I've, never gotten it. The rights may never a bride Paul, it's gotta get. It will get it this year, hopefully instead of the money in a special. Do you want to do this Sunday night special that'll be the Cleveland Browns Verse, the Ravens division rivalry or its Monday scheme is Seattle, Washington, so the two years.
I like it even ravens. I like that division. That's a little more fond of a game. Yeah yeah, it's a Sunday night scandal and I don't get it conceals. Does it's Sunday night special? Let the sun I expect show our trilogy we'll do the Sunday night special we'll be mine is for ravens at home against a brown you guys want to do. Lamar Jackson, rushing fifty yards I needed for in that poor. I'm fancy forty five forty five years, Forty five yards, ok, Lamar Jackson, Russia's for forty five yards. God bill. What do you want it? What do you got near Baker, Mayfield, was a pic. I love it. Love that I D scrambles, he tries to make things happen. I wasted Do I just feel like they need a Winnie, my email, for one in there, but I'm a big baker may feel fear But I just feel like there's gonna be one of those,
one of those. So that means what else we need one more thing here I like the ravens at all. I think there are better football team. I like time is minus four. She gonna go in there and break their hearts pause now. You know think so Baker, Mayfield, doesn't commoner, ruin their thanksgiving weekend. Wicked I don't think so. Yeah. ravens always have a defence. The outlets Let us good reference. Good kicker, good coach great see food get off. Great yeah. I'm alright. So just so, people are clear and nobody's confused Lamar. action rushing for over forty five yards of forty five yards or more, but the money lying were taken. The ravens Minus four: that is not under United special funding. Special is done. We took
of Preview is done. If you guys are in Connecticut Thanksgiving, we gonna be be distress factory in poor Connecticut November twenty six two shows November. Twenty seven two shows com I'm doing a new our, and it is my last week end of the year are right. Here we go I don't even have to read it. I know it guys go to the best, damn as there is in all of gaming. It's the bet M Gm at use, bonus code, Bur, be U r r and they will match your first bet. Dollar bet a hundred bucks right Andrew said it, yes, so is very simple: just go for the better and you download the bedroom. Gm out use bonus, Colbert, be U R, r and your dollar bed. They will give a hundred dollars on your feet. Tibet come enjoy? It have a good time, it's the best from reliable law. gambling app out there and all that is it everybody use bonus could be. You are come join us we'll see you guys. Next week
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Offers not available in Nevada and now enjoy the bonus episode of the greatest sets throwback just with Thursday afternoon, just before Friday, Monday morning, Podcast, what's going on it's bill bar and it's the Monday morning, podcast from Monday November, twenty fifth tooth: I wasn't in thirteen how you doin, How are you happy thanks? giving each some. Turkey, add substance and gray. We saw
I love Thanksgiving area. But you know I'm actually, I'm leaving the country of Gonna be an expatriate I'm leaving the country the Wednesday before thanks not anymore realised that this will be the first thanksgiving I ever spend. You know outside of the country a matching to be over in ITALY. like like like one of the sum of the army, guys back in the day in world war, to sit over there And the more it here I like. supply shoot him in the face. I get for my big european tour over there. Everybody You know I didn't realize one when we went to book this thing, how fucking called it was gonna, be in scandinavian December, and I just did some some interviews there for the year wage and journal or the Fuckin sweet,
issue, periodical whatever the fuck up, let's talk to over there and they told me they were laughing. But I was coming over there like. Why are you coming over here now, which is never a good site when the people You know of the nation or not up like, are not welcoming you with open arms. There immediately going like Yeah, you sure you want to do this I guess the sun goes down at three in the afternoon. I can't live like. Is it that far Fuckin north. and I'm starting to think about. Unlike wait a minute, if you go straight across. From Massachusetts, where I grew up witty and up Mediterranean Sea this?
health of Spain. I again are you fucking know, nothin, like wait. A minute, wait a minute. Their way, the fuck up there d, like Yukon territories, did that high up? Ok, you look at a fuckin map is flat. You spend a glow became seated sits around the corner, whereas, whereas you know my first take a string, I didn't fuck. You know but only its good of the sons, gonna go down at three there's gotta be called as hell. I don't give a shit still gonna, be it the time Brigham. My party you're, funny oversight. I talked to this person in Iceland.
radio Show- and they said- okay before we start this, I got to do the I got it. You know they were recording it for the radio and he goes all right before I ask you the questions I just have to do. A quick intro, so I might dismiss, is always cool cuz, they speaking their native tongue and then they go right back to you and I never heard the ice Dick language and it's fuckin cool is hell. You don't sounds like member one. But play lyrics backwards. Dare devil shit on on metal, Kurtz, that's what it sounded like he's like. Ok, I'm gonna do that trouble, but can't turn came to the exit than he goes Rossi. If obstacles about gift bill births, its gas off. stand of comedy rob, see smouch there are so you're coming to our country, knapsack, oh my god. I hope these. Can people gotta be bilingual cause, there's no way I could ever make active?
You know this certain languages that I feel like I could make like Spanish. I know if I could just fine some beautiful spanish woman to teach me Mexican latina, whatever the fuck I'm supposed to say if you just come over, With the Brown tidies hang out of your fucking beautiful white blouse, you know I could learn the damn language all right. If I get some french woman dress up like one of those horror, I would have it down. The problem is, as I said it with this razetta stone and I'm talking to a fuckin computer. Where is the motivation. The second I walk away from the computer. I can immediately speak English and do anything I want. I get food.
I gotTa Africa good Asia to ever what I just think that weird girl breakfast club. I note that was due to the proper quote, anyways back to what the fuck I was I can, but so that the motivation isn't there so going. I think I'm gonna do this. Next time I try Rosetta stone to learn spanish, French, whatever the fuck, I'm trying is obvious. Gonna have beautiful women like pictures of them on the wall. Even then, what second do you know what they should have? They should just start like you know they have like those those late at night talk to some Body- and they just show these ridiculously hot women like here- hey for some reason, nobody's buying me a bunch of stuff tonight, I'm just sitting here with my panties on. Why don't you call me up and talk to me? You visited back fat fuck right. Any of you know what is in true, but you want
believe it? So this might be a good business and I don't want to start a fuckin business right. I have no so feel free to steal this idea. What you do is you hire a bunch of parties to Skype, with people to teach in the language of their nation. That would work because he Mona Times that they would click to talk to somebody Molly would see is just some dick gettin fuckin stroked. It would just be really traumatic for those beautiful women. Would you want to do that? You know if they were nice enough if they were nice enough to like take time from being hot, to teach somebody at different language, There- probably a good person, so they should be subjected to that all those other horses just walk around in hot for hot sake, for the sake of being hot, get a free, Jello shot. You know I wouldn't have a problem with them. Have some video ditch like shook in their faces set makes sense? I'm unbelievably fuckin jet lag everybody's.
Making of smart people like I did it a college gig at this theater in and I literally flew out and came right back. So I don't even know the name of it. I have no idea. It's the second time I've been there and I want to shoot a special there. The crowd was fuckingawesome there. Okay, I showed you my respect, but I went there. Cuz me and Rosie went to the Harvard Yale Game at the Yale the original ball in the United States of America. This is the one that started all of it. The reason why there is the rose bowl that I go to every fucking year is because of the Yale Bowl We went there and I gotta tell you. We saw what sports look like without the use of any sort of steroids.
Version was fuckin hilarious. He was going built, I'm not even joke it. I feel that if I went to the school and I played for Yale like, I could not only make the football team I could like dominate like, I could stand out and I understood why he felt that way. I'm not saying he's right, but to sit in the stands and for the first time in my life be watching college football is people that a kind of the same size as you. I know their way, fuck and faster and Allah type of thing, but it was unbelievable. Yale verse Harvard harm.
Kick the shit out of him and I get tee like it was. It was really cool. Just been around that many smart people, the section twenty year old fat, kid walk into the crowd wherein, like a bow tie like not like a clip on like a tight yourself like he knows how to do it. It's just immediately. It's like how fuckin smart is that guy like who knows how who fuckin knows how to do that I take a smart people in plantation owners are the only ones who I do that fuckin bow tie right and then there was some really good, lookin women there they were. They were you, no doubt justice, Billy turn on to seek women, that good, looking and are actually going to Harvard then is not walk around me in hot, get free shit there actually doing something with your life. That's really eternal! Kinematics! Bang! In a girl like that, Despite our Taffir like coffee, so smart, She has all the answers that I wish to predict.
so the Yale Bull everybody vacation wandering the Yale Ball is a football stadium in Gun, Wavin, Newhaven, Connecticut on the Board of Westhaven yeah, the yadda yadda yadda. It was constructed in broke round in nineteen. Thirteen. Alright custom, seven out of fifty Grand seventeen point, five million in today's dollars. That was the hundred thirtieth meeting between Yale and Harbour and I was just sitting there thinking like George Bush George W used to get fuckin shit faced back when he was still a good shit drinkin. You know they used to get hammered here. Hilary Fuckin Blue Bill Clinton under the bleachers right at least those two families that are the worst. I don't mind, is dead, but fuckin, Georgie, Junior and the Clinton said just a fuckin worst but anyways. Basically, ground was broken and nineteen thirteen
It was the first ball shape stadium in the country and provide an inspiration for the design of the design of such stadiums. As the LOS Angeles Memorial Colosseum, the Rose bull in Michigan Stadium. This is the one that started at all. This is the daddy to the grand daddy of em all right. This is Zeus tall, the Athenians in Mercury's knowledge, shit that I jumped between Greek and roman gods. I don't give a fuck right, you goddamn egghead, when she got tie your boat. I again today nobody gives a fuck, so we went there and to version was so fuckin fought for soy killed on the show, and then we will stand at this hotel and before the show. Ah, we were hanging and in my hotel room we will watch and Alice. You plan the Aggies and I was great to see how she went in often of a disappointing losses. This year and ah you when you looked out the window, you could see ales campus and I was joking with Paul. I was gonna look at Paul. I go it's so close and then I pointed to my brain- and I might yet so far away and I'm laugh and aunt em.
She's such a fucking, competitive psycho, he says going to fuck that to fuck these fuckin people sick, you, you think we could get into school, I'm like yeah yeah. I don't think we didn't Paul. You know you gotta go in a fantasy land. What happened. Is we both went to high school and we tried. It didn't get it so! Yeah. This is an evil like a debate. At this point we didn't and now a common back here like a couple of fuckin debts and monkeys to entertain these people are right: And here, wouldn't you wouldn't even alone he just kept going like to fuck that if I had a better upbringing, you know if I like people who, like mainly focus on academics, and if I get Paul. Yet, if you're, not the result of of morons fucking right, that's too harsh. I feel the same way.
Prestigious attacked his parents. That's that you know that's the last thing I want to do in this part. Yes, but as he said that he, what was not joking saying that he could be he could make it. pig. He couldn't want to Yale and that's why I love that guy is I just sit there look at go, there's no fuck away he's here. We could do it, it there's no fuckin Farsi. If you listen, it is. There is no fuckin way. If your parents made you re books every goddamn like this? No fucker, we ve said enough dumb shit to me, the foundation of you. It's just not there the same as maple. Ok, it's built on its built on sand now Had either one of our parents gone there and that we will
part of a legacy whatever the fuck, they call it we go, I could go there. I can go to Yale the way George W went there, you know get there. Have that fuckin. Look at my face. Just gettin shit faced everybody loved me. Is a complete fucker. Peace has no business failure, but he got the bought a keg right. I'd be that guy I'll fuck no either way we went to the game, It was great, it was really like. I was sort of pure. There was nothing riding on the game. There's no reason to play football at Yale and Harvard other than you'll love play football and then also the fact that you know they're all really smart. That was something really fascinating about it like that guy, looking at guy up there, he gets geometry and he just went over the middle and took that hit. That's just fucking amazing to me just multi, talented, so.
I got all kinds of respect. I gotta tell you, I think Harvard was on the juice so because they have some sort of, I don't know lock on draft text. Because they see there seem to be a definite, a sizeable difference between the athletes on Harvard side versus Zaire and I didn't know the route for I like you. Else collar spot Harvard for Mouth a chill out this shit, I back to the fucking podcast, Oh, I have an announcement to make everybody after threatening forever that there would be put. Can t shirts. Ladies and gentlemen, boys. earls of all sizes, the port T shirts are here to shorten fault. They are available, as of right now, Monday morning they come and. A white size.
Small medium extra and double extra large t shirts, a box in the United States, twenty five for foreigners Dvds are also twenty bucks. Twenty five for international you can buy together and save t shirt indeed the car, always thirty bucks, you S. Thirty five international and I gotta- tell That makes a great gift, as I say every year, to great fucking gift. Just for some.
He let you don't give a shit about, but you gotta get him a you. Gotta get himself right, get him a dvd ego, go fuck yourself, laughin up fuck off right who doesn't like a teacher. These are those in amp. Now what is it not Abercrombie and Fitch who's? The guy who takes the creepy pictures of teenagers begins with an a euro in other deal. You know the fact they are fuck, whatever the nice and soft. This is really bad. Safety. Safety takes pictures a teenage years, thus creepy It's not Calvin Klein he's like the new Calvin client. You don't say they fucking great tee. Shirts are right, and this is also a good thing to you. No brother, father, anything for guys a goddamned t, shirt and a dvd My moron comedy they're gonna love it it's a perfect thing, the lovely everybody coming into the room.
You got a good sign what here Jesus comes in here with the goddamn blank cheque and tells me I just have to sign it. Do you understand the faith and putting in you right now, you know be hilarious is if you just cleaned me out right now. I never saw you again. I would never do you, you sound, like you sound, like sharing stone right now in that basic instinct, at as progressive ratification, some some fucking have a nice day with my money, I'm Trump Fuckin with commission. Let's make always make taken the joke want one: Fuckin step too far, why did you have to say that now people are gonna, think that you're fuckin saint for being with me all right, so they go to should inform you got it. It's up policies are common. If you order now right, this
fuck away- you're, not gonna, get it before Christmas. I guarantee it if you don't get it before Chris, I will show up at your Christmas Party in twenty eighteen, doing a tap dance with the fuckin two hundred and to one that's a guarantee. I really betting that you're not going to remember that that that's going to fucking get. There was all I'm saying, and no I'm not doing your Christmas party right, don't be so goddamn selfish. I got to humiliate myself Don't I do that every week when I read the advertising, speaking of which I think it's time for little, but I ever timing, everybody here we go. In danger right now, if not making the cut on the tour here. Alright. Now, let's try to make me make it easier will say that par for the course is three slash four cups in these reeds. Alright, all I want to do is make part I want to be one under. I want to come into the clubhouse with a smile on my face all right here we go dollarshaveclub everyone for a couple of bucks a month.
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Talk about our no hey. Let's talk about sports, any They watch any sports this weekend. Where you were you when you watch, things that involves sports? Was their sports watching our first things I have to address the up, they know call passenger Prince thing last week in the Panthers game, that was obviously a Monday night games waiting I met on it. I didn't have a problem with it. I thought it was a No call I didn't like that they threw the flag and then picked it up, but how's Gronk going to make it fucking play on a pass. It's not even going to get it's not like the guy who interfered with them or held him. At the ball. Was another guy under cut the rope, and I just feel like the rules in the NFL right now
tip so heavily in favour of the office. It's nice every once in a while to see the difference get a break, even if it goes against my faculty. Ok, classic examples! If you watch the giants the voice came early in that game. I think the cowboys seven enough in at that point, they forced a fumble. They recovered it and away from the play. There was a flag with a quarterback, barely grazed this wide receiver and in the gated, the cowboys you know turnover the defense made a play cost to turn over once again made a play caused a fuckin turn over its in this. This new, the new rules I mean, I can't complain they are the rules, negates that and in stops and from happening. But feel that possibly going to fourteen enough there are twenty one nothin. I can't remember what so did not have a problem with it good for them,
there's an I actually tweeted, they didn't have a problem with it, and I got all these fuckin condescending. Yeah, like responses to but like it's good, to see a level headed patriots. And it's good to see an impartial patriots fan it's good to see a smart patriots fit what cause I fuckin agree with you and your team you sell. asshole, you know there. That's when you know like you, don't have a true friend is when they just like you, because you agree with them, and I would I am. I would be willing to bet a most of my fuckin whenever my shillings here that those people who compliment to me are not impartial and had the cargo if the exact same fucking thing happened to their their receiver and they lost the game, they would be bitch moaning complainant and saying how Tom Brady runs.
Believe in all that, fucking shit, all right so before you sit there and try to tap me on the head and say that I am impartial and I'm a smart patriots fan. That's not a fucking compliment, alright, you're, a cont! Alright. As long as I agree with you and your team- and I don't agree with my team and it causes you to have a victory. Then then I'm smart go fuc yourself.
and with that we get to were yesterday yesterday's games, the New York Football Giants lost, and I dont lot of people think that I hate the giants because they beat the Patriots two times in a row insuperable. I dont know I do I not hate the giants. I love the giants. I love that organization. I've like them for fucking over all the way back to Harry Cason, Brad Van Pelt, Beazley, Reese I've been watching them forever. I've always liked the giants. I like the uniforms. I like the their defences. I just liked him there's nothing better than haven't like do when they had Lawrence Taylor and Harry Carson, and you know I was like Wilbur Marshall. I was always a big linebacker like like the bears, I like the fences and that type of thing, so I don't hate the giants. What I hate is listening to Paul Virzi talking about how he called something, because he doesn't just say it for that weekend. He'll say it for the neck
seven years. So the reason why I want to see the giants lose is be. Because I don't want to listen to oversee talking to me, like he's Nostradamus, if that's how you pronounce that guy's name. So that's all What kills me too is that division is so bad that there still there still not out of it there. Only two games are the first place, me from going all the way up front which Could be insurmountable after ten fuckin games, but with that division it isn't it isn't right. I don't know, shot arose that way and what are the four they four and seven also to Levin Games. I other pretty much fucked, but I was getting the back of my head. I was kind of hope and that they were going to make it back into the players because plants,
because I have a feeling just away the giants. Are they they would be Seattle in Seattle and other much people would prefer We think that I hate the Seattle Seahawks, because I did that whole you know that we are the loudest song and I always make fun of peril don't hate. I don't give a fuck about to see hawks. One way or the other. I think the loudest, I'll thing is silly and it's something that Focus on when you don't have any championship, banners to look at, and I stand by that, that doesn't mean, I want you to lose, but peak Carol, Just funny watching that guy lose, you know watching a guy goes with some good app that is totally programme itself as a co she's. A great fuckin coach is great college coach. He knows how to build up. the programme a legally and right before that all this shit hits the fan to walk away from it, and I know for doing
because that's how the games played the same way in all programmes, Lance for for doing what the fuck He did whenever one else was Doin programme Jenny that everybody gets the patriot shit for the spy gate. Thing is living in this fantasy fuckin land. That's your teams. Do not cheat on bringing this great book right now, and I don't have the title of it of us. Get a fiend next week lie had gave me the book some at the last head bangers is something like that. It's like, basically back when you just played with concussions in that type of shit, the level of cheating that was going to force while there a test for steroids? I think until like one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight and football, and if you read about the Oakland Raiders, who still to this day bitching about the fucking tuck rule the shit, they would do one in the 70s like they used to have like that.
At these two, so common water, because it would make him hard. It was almost like having like a cast on and they would just club people in the head and other teams knew that they were doing it. So during the pre games A warm up, they would wear the soft once and they have their hard once under the bench and there wasn't nine zillion fuckin tv cameras in people in the crowd. All haven't tv cameras. With their smartphones. So when the game started, they would put the other pads on. They would just clock people in fucking head. These guys were claiming they were taking horse tranquilizers and they were doing the dosage for a fucking one thousand. Five hundred and twelve in a pound can horse. They were out of our minds. Hopped up on everything. The plants are people of cheated all day long and adopted it is thing about cheating is watching people who don't she discovered that there's cheating and to just watch them as adults once
then discovered that there's no Santa Claus and seen their bottom lip quiver. I just for the life of me. The recent whites funny is not cause. I condone cheating, it's just that I just don't. I don't fucking get. I think how many times you gotta get fucked over to realise that how human beings are. You know I'm a piece of shit right. Why wouldn't football team with a zillion dollars at stake. and in your legacy, and yet your your spot in the all time list, everybody's gonna cheek, but I just get this fuckin shot. Look off your face like when OJ got acquitted, oh my god that millionaire, The guy at the money enough to be innocent, gets declared in this. Yes, I am I fuckin like preaching right now. I should shut the fuck up, oh and then also. What was I going to say how unreal was. I bet that Patriots Broncos game. I guess it's unreal. If you
the fucker winning side or if you don't give a shit who one or not unreal. I watch that game. For I was on Virgin airlines. Who, by the way they have this five minute music video for his great is that airline is when you get on that plane, rather than have them announced like this. Is I put on a seat belt in the mask which usually takes live human beings like a minute they made like a five minute, video that tries to have all the like people dancing and singing and then auto tune voices, and I gotta tell you: it is one of the most horrific things
I've ever heard and its played such a volume. I had my fingers in my ears and I was humming and I could still hear it heard it on the way out in the way on the way back I just gave into it, and I just watched it, and I don't know you don't really noise. The shit out of me is people who dance with an attitude. Look on their face like they think that they fuckin amazing. I am not saying I don't respect the art of dancing, but what is with that? Look on your face. You know like your fuckin Grunt Caskey, any just dragged fuckin the entire secondary over the,
line what are you doing work as you did a little shit sham cause, you shaking your left, shoulder when you're right toes doing something else like now. You have this look on your face, like your line up across in your reading, a defence. What is this? What is with that fucking look? People have on their faces when they danced now did Fred Astaire that look on his face when you dancing there's only one looked, he should have on your face and it should convey roughly I stop looking at me. Like you, gonna, take my wallet. I I just don't fuckin under such fun, the minutes of that combined with like auto tune and that's fucking, robot dancing that I I I just don't want this Look of attitude and wrapping they got some little girl fucking wrapping.
excited like dice when he makes for women. About how to put a seat belt on it. It goes on for like five minutes as you sit underneath these aquarium Jes lights,. The same ones that they have a w hotel other than that its great cause. You get just sit. There won t be so anyways what I got through the whole fuckin put on your rock n roll. Whatever the They were second just wouldn't fuck it, and so I ashes
was watching the Patria watch. All the giants gave and then I, what went into the went into the patriots came right before we were about to make a twenty four twenty one got off the plane and somehow it was already twenty four twenty one and ice went by the barn. I Scott saw score to make a twenty eight twenty four, that's our twenty four twenty one and twenty eight twenty four and it was stated in the whole way back from the airport virtue was texted me the updates and writers I got home. I saw the replay of the of the punt with a guy inadvertently touch sick, as he did here. Welcome tell him to get out of the way, but what a fucking game and yet another reason why you don't leave early, but I don't think that that was a definitive example of what Brady a man can do cause. I thought the elements played such a fuckin role in the game, but I will say this: Brady is ten in four and fourteen match up against Peyton Manning. So I am done with that argument. Right. If you want Manning go ahead, you can you can have em. I will take Brady any day. All day in Brady does even have that look on his face. Neither this Peyton Manning that these fuckin dancers
Is it trying to tell me how to put on a fucking seatbelt to people who, like dance to they, just get sick of getting beat up so now they feel like they have to take it on, and now they have to have a game face. I was just watching it like. When did Kevin Garnett start dancing? I don't understand all that's, not Kevin Garnett. That's just somebody dancing so exhausted from watching the whole fucking game and travelling around. I I don't know what to say. I can try to rub his nose in anything. It was at the end of the day, an unbelievable win and just a regular season, fuckin victory, and but it was it. Definitely if you watch that game and you still leave games earlier. You're, not a sport
if the game early and not a fuckin sports, I just was watching people clearer. I understood as it was fuckin freezing and get down twenty four nothin. I understand down twenty four, nothing at the half and it's fucking like absolutely freezing disgusting, and you with your little boy, your girl, in their cold, they want to go back to the car. I get that right, but if Europe. and you stand there in the fuckin stands for the love of God are right. The offensive liming can be they are in short, sleeve shorts. You know you can't talk, You mighty MAC with your fuckin mittens and they leave. They watch one of those stork comebacks in New England Sports, title town,
It's just an unbelievable run. Every time you think you ve seen the last great thing, that's gonna happen, and that is going to go back to the way. It was another great thing happen, so I feel very blessed as a sports fan. So far they ago they go great fucking game, and this is a thing too. I don't think as much as that was a big when that doesn't mean shit when the playoffs come because we're gonna have to go into Denver and at the end Day to use that overly used expression, Denver could come back in business.
In January, and then, who gives a fuck that we beat him in individual despite the fact that it was a believable victory? I made shit that have what the jets we actually rape the jets in December than a month later we lost to him at home, so who gives a fuck they're, both great quarterbacks and both great teams and who gives a fuck. It was an amazing goddamn game. I can't believe it came back and when it and I'm done, arguing the Brady Manning thing, I think the numbers speak for themselves as far as the way I look at the numbers and I think they both played each other enough times with all different kinds of teams. Loaded teams patched together teams like fuckin defence last night. I'm so fuckin sick of them to talking about how many injuries we have on defence and then they go like they absolutely just just ran right through the guts that patriots defence. It's like! Oh, yes,
the one word yet with a guts were already ripped out. There's no guts left in it will there are because we won the game. But say that people out there that we started for rookies yesterday, you gonna have a guy's gonna fuckin, no running the ball. Yeah he's gonna rack up some fuckin yards, although over two hundred is inexcusable. So, whatever our let's, get onto the other questions this week see. I think I handle that really well help you. I don't rubbia fuckin noses and enlisted jets fits. All right response to last podcast or Yankee Fence response less Parkhurst this in response to the item mentioned on your last podcast, the brother that, add the sixteen year old sister who was dating a twenty two year old. Ok, all cap. but a letters. This guy rights. The brother needs to stay out of it.
So for those of you who didn't listen? Last week there was a guy who's. Then you're old sister was staying with twenty two year old dude and he was questioning. Do I knock this guy? The fuck out? Do I say something to my sister: do I somehow get my parents to wake the fuck up? What do I do? I gave my advice in the sky. Is saying the ski seems like you speaking from experience or this woman who wrote this. The brother needs to stay out of it. I met my lady. I met my now husband when I was Spain and he was twenty. While you little fast tramp, you could even drive a car. How did you even made a twenty year old
Oh, you stand on the street corner. Why bad Baghdad, where buddy, I'm sure you a nice person? Sorry, you were fifteen and he was twenty. Did your plane crash was stuck on an island and it was like TAT, blue. under some shit. He said we started dating just after I turned sixty and we got married when I was twenty, and he was twenty five we have now Happily married almost twenty I've years are that's a nice story. It may not work out this way for this guy sister, but at all might work out to an end up.
A strong relationship than any relationship. This guy might have it's none of the brothers business stay out of it. Ok, miss! I respect your point of view and what happened? To you are right, but let me ask you this: if you have a daughter and she turned sixteen in some twenty two year old guy starts sniffing around the house, are you We just sit there be like well, my husband was twenty eight I was fifteen. You know I gotta be honest with you. The difference between twenty and fifteen a fifteen year old is a fucking, I can't quite say a child, but there is a massive age difference forget about the legality of it in most states other than Mississippi. Sorry, I forgot what he goes. Twenty two to sixteen.
Talking about somebody who's in the middle of high school day somebody who's graduated college. that I don't know? I don't know about the right eye. Look can you at least understand why guys at upset and have you ever why, to catch a predator army that did not like does not like. Evidently, a zillion fuckin creeps out there I mean seasons of to catch a predator. They did they do. You would think like these people out there that are going on line trying to meet under age women. You wouldn't think that I mean I would like to think that there may be forty people doing that, but there is it there's a bunch. Hundreds of thousands of fucking creeps out there doing that shit, so this guy's,
stay out of it and roll the dice that maybe this guy is a good guy. Like your husband I can say is I hope that right you had four. Surely you ve had more experiences then I have because I would not want to have experience in any shape or form in this, and I don't think my family would stay out of it. They would be major fuckin problems, very major fuckin problems. There would be its activity, twenty two. What the fuck is wrong with you. How did you meet my sister? You know: how are you, how are you meeting? sixteen year old, you fuckin creep. Are you what maybe I'm ignorant here? Why don't you right? Back again, I wanna hear the story. How you guys met. You know Was he teaching you how to add and subtract sorry the job, just to easy, aright thanksgiving. Day special Billy Crocker there's no one Betty
Billy Crocker. I liked it and I'd like to cook That's a good one love intensity when it comes to bringing something to the table on Thanksgiving, absolutely no pun intended its it's really a no brainer get good at making something it get to a point well your automatic always talking about yeah like I was talking about a few weeks ago, when Thanksgiving comes around you gotta have their dish that you just fuckin, can make an you throw down and you take it to another level all right. Everybody else, you'd be doing the same thing and then the end. That's the Thanksgiving mail so. This guy garage, you get a dished out where you automatic. How hard can it be young you'll? Never banks, you'll, never been you ve never been in. directed to step out of your skill set. If you're begging, breads, no one will ever expect you. Bring the cranberry sauce. What go to this year. What's knee specialty. What's my
go to this year. How about the hope? You do not tell you right now. You guys think I'm a fucking one trick party. I can make you a Turkey dinner was stuffing mashed potatoes. My gravy game is getting better. I gotta work on my gravy game and I know that's crucial, but my fuckin, my mashed potatoes, not a fucking lump. all right enough body to make you slide off the chair. As they say in the world's that's, been woollens our accent. I admit it. My stuffing go. Fuck yourself are right. Do you know you don't understand the recipes that I have access to all of my recipe start with melt a stick of butter in a third, a cup of Chris go in a pan, Ok, so you know it's delicious yeah, my stuffing
I dont my mashed potatoes are the shit but needs african American. So she likes me sweet potato? So I don't. I don't think they that side respects mashed potatoes the way they should ok. I feel, like my potato, my my my united colors of Benetton, whatever the fuck, it is respect for four sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. I think I'm a little more mature. Then the lovely near, what's near specialty, NEO fascist, graded, everything she's one of those people that are beyond the kitchen like this not be. What other age comes out there and if you don't get a couple things in her arms- and I don't know I mean spaghetti or I what the fuck I mean. She somehow just throws it altogether or make some ridiculous omelette.
she's, actually, a true coke, I'm a little more robotic, I'm I think I'm going to become a great cook or a better cook. The way I became a better. Many at first I was a joke right aren't I was trapped in my act and then I learned how to improve and she's gonna just watch her. She conic as she cook she's, tasting it doing all that type of stuff. Where I just. They said to leave it at fifty minutes. It spent fifty minutes and I take it out pies, I kind of got the whole thing
start to finish my my appetizer game is terrible fact. I don't even know if I know how to make one. I have no idea, but do I can make a pie from fucking scratch? Okay, I can look at you and tell you what all your fucking problems are as I'm making the pie crust and not even look down once I can just feel the texture. You don't say that so many fucking pie Zack make all right and I'll take that pie, someday and I'll bring it to you. Fucking house, alright and I'll take a whole hunk of it. Just and I'll just shove. It right down your throat and there's nothing that you're going to be able to say other than. Thank you for that experience. All right. That's a shaken up a can of whipped cream. To give you a facial. That's funny about this. My attitude like cooking is the same as like those dancers. With this stupid fucking looks on their faces. Take that fucking look off of your goddamn Phyllis you just dunked on
unless you have a loaded, Fuckin pistol pointed at my face. You take that fuckin look offer your goddamn grill. Is your fucking Fuckin moon walk across the stage like I'm in I view? I must say that I am not a great skill to have, but what you are doing, versus the look. The look on your face is so far down the Fuckin street compared to what the fuck you doing. What is that All the way back to those Jeddah, Jackson, videos I wish This is and shoot up fucken looking at faces, she's putting fingers in and she's hopping around and it was amazing visually- was amazing to look at. But why do you have that fucking? Look on your face. Why are you all dressed in these army uniforms like you? fighting a war are right.
get back to the way. It was all right. Everybody, five February, six hundred. You I just realized that show meal shamardal, lower yiddish words I never knew what it was. I thought it was jewish guys that ran the beer company that they worked for. I know I'm not pronouncing encourage a show meal is a kind of guy. I guess spills a drink and issue She was, I can't say unless I sing the song Shemeah Shamardal a shambles. Shamardal is the guy. Spills are not a funny, as that Let me tell you guys how much I love yiddish words. I see just looked up a bunch because I wanted to learn some work as a fucking, hilarious, no fun to say. And I really like jewish humour but I actually looked up in those like, I knew already knew ninety percent of them. There were so many that I was using and I didn't even realize diarrhea about this, or did I start to talk up? I don't give a fuck the holiday. You guys got a short we caught sight to you a fucking greatest. This is too
week that we were supposed to have. Members number the jet, since maybe. God these three, they work weeks, a murder. I write the Yiddish handbook. Forty words, you should know. that is so many that I use shots but nerve extreme arrogance. I've been using that Russia, rather than men, had like now hotspots to get up and go shots, but is ours finally shut the fuck up major arrogance? A glitch is a british word, kid It's a klutz kosher, obviously, NASH is to nibble schlep, I'm in which there is Sheila meal is a clumsy inept person, so so similar to a klutz. The kind of person
who always spills is so his soup. I know, unfortunately, sorry jewish people. Sheila Muzzle is someone who, with constant bad luck. when the show me Sheila meal spills, his soup, he problem spills. Amish Sheila muzzle fuck him. I'm sorry, I know I fucking Schmahl. They should most schmuck. We all use these words. Stick. I had no idea. I had no fucking idea that these were all these little while yiddish words you it's a fucking great Yiddish were too for your dick shackle. They're fucking perfect. It just sounds like what it is. You can just hear that.
Will you gonna get into with it? What happened at my fuckin schmidl? Did it again, God damn it all right here we got. Let's, let's move on here. Are you not? I gotta do some more advertisers when I read these too late in the park. Yes, a little fucking, bitch mode. Complaints are right here we go here, we go off, is only one more for this week. Look at this short weak short list of raw. advertisers all right, a voice, everybody. The other holidays, are coming MA today sees in Scooby, Dolby do and business and as a business owner. You know what that means. Crickets right. Who's coming India, businesses, they hang it up all the holiday cheer face it. The next amongst other com before the storm now's the time it. Something that would radically dramatically help you two thousand fourteen Eu Voice, jeez what they eat,
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bill bar or billboard com and click on the Eu Voice banner. They again now, we take charge your business and prepare for a productive. Two thousand forty right. I gave you It's a voice, dot com, slush bill, borough, billboard dot com and click on the invoice banner for your free thirty day trial. They go. That's the deal! That's the advertising for this week and now we're back to back to the letters. Holiday friend Billy? Oh, I've been seeing this girl for about a month and a half handful of dinner. In some sex, very nice you like to eat you, like the fuck outta, my daughter this guy's alviella! When you want from me she super cool, but emotionally unavailable you son of a get a bad father bed: parents! What happened? You get thrown a burlap second beaten with a red like fuckin doktor evil. What happened?
Is it I got too much stuff going on with work to be thinking about? Our relationship, however, are enjoying this cat. It was situation she seems to be here it is well Jesus. Do you gonna break her heart men? Women? Don't look at this this shit. The way we do she seems happy is well. Could she probably thinking it's going somewhere is what guessing that one day we like you know, I'm not feel in it and then she's gonna start crying and if you like, but the fact that we would just fuck and that you were as I you Every day, votes. we got eyes. You know what it's like just picture: Seinfeld crying! That's You gonna hear. however, I would join the casual situation. She seems to be happy as well. So what away? What do I get it for Christmas that doesn't make it look like I've made room for her
Toothbrush brush, you shouldn't, get our anything for Christmas. Don't get our fuckin thing for Christmas, dont fucker until after Christmas, why you filling up her heart with hope. Don't do this. I've done this. You gonna hurt egos. Thinking about some small things, a book and maybe it- what shirt from this place on the beach that she likes? Ah well, isn't that thoughtful together, a pack of figures It's like share a package of those. Let her know where you stand. He said PS. The last give I bought a girl was a few years back. We ve been dating for three years and she cheated on me. Are we had been dating for three? isn't she cheated on me. I found out over Thanksgiving and when it came time to give Christmas presents I handed her a frame with the poem, the first part of the problem, with super sweet. She getting emotional, then she.
at the last lie which read. After these words, your hearts should feel heated, but instead I'm gonna peace clause. Bitch you cheat Holy shit wait a minute. Is that a true story? Have you made it up? You have to write back I want to hear what happened, what the fuck did she say, Jesus Christ, do that's like I'd expect like. Oh, that's like that's, really deeper, and this really clever this really intelligent. That's the kind of thing What do you know where you suggest needs an elbow say what you noticed that screamin sing? You know you're in a full Nelson by some other fuckin jerk off. Dragon you away and you're in the right. That's really! That's really amazing I would say I would say I
say this like this. Is my podcast person texting me right now, trying to call me right now and he's getting on a plane so that that's why this podcast is like alright and also I had to do this radio took a fuckyourself in right. It's the holiday week, I'm sitting here in my slippers, What are your thoughts? My thoughts? Are you you're really gonna hurt this woman, because feel, like you haven't, had a conversation with their. You said you however, a join this casual situation and you
then she seems to be happy as well. So that indicates to me that you guys haven't, talked, sat down and talk this out and I can guarantee you if this woman is any that thing like the women that I've dated it's already too late hour right, she might be happy thinking like all while he's taking its slow he's really getting to know me. You know he got me a sweater from this place on the beach that I like he's paying attention to me, he is noticing things about me. In order, do you are actually are actually a relationship guy, but this, the woman ruined you and you gotta, get that hey your your heart or defensiveness defensiveness audio heart before you should be messed around:
or something like that like right now, what you should be doing is just going out, and just I don't I'm workin on yourself well fuck and everything that most are an or maybe not You shouldn't be gone, like don't hurt this, like I don't know, what's going on, as this is still very vague, but don't hurt this woman because at last, when are you I've made that mistake? It's a bad, it's bad do an iron, and I know I'm not judging you for me in that situation, because you're, a guy and you shouldn't understand them, but now that I and and a little bit more. You know I'm up to get headed for a fuckin fired. I guess you're headed for a rough Christmas or shortly after Chris, You know when she goes, you want to be my parents, I get where the sweat shirt that you got me for the place on the beach say you like you know and should bring that up right after she just Blue you in your Saturn
like China of Gonna, watch the holiday holiday bowl. Instead, some bodies am, I gonna, watch the the Outback Steakhouse Steakhouse Fucking Fuckin bull, and then she like well wait like why. I don't understand any Blake and then you're gonna be starting to sense like well. What would it mean yours? Do I just invited you to meet my parents, any like you don't want to meet them. Is this? I am a little friend. It means this is my parents, ass ask: has just artagnan down came and still she sat at her and you, like. Maybe she starts Then, if you like most guys, you get mad because you're on, while Europe cried out here Did you say something.
I urge you fuckin roles into a snowdrift telling you don't you you, don't you know what this route I got a bad feeling got a about this one man just ensure that she's enjoying this the same way you are who would like to be with the soup cool girl that you don't have to fuckin be emotionally involved with whose common over and bang in you- and let me take some, This is not a hundred percent on use and I feel guilty because she also has sat down and had the conversation. Maybe she as our baggage. Maybe she sat down said that to some other guided scared or away she said. Okay now to staff. Did I may add, TAT is if guy said, has happened. How the hell have you can copy? shop girl, dear illiterate, cunt,. I'm not illiterate. I just a good reading out loud
Take me illiterate. I can still read the words. that did not just sound like somebody, illiteracy, I'm Swat Fredo, all right- I'm a young guy- oh my god, some twenty one year old kid just called meal in illiterate cunt, and you know what I've got. Take that on the chin, you're my locker at the end of the reading gave take full responsibility for that loss. I got no one to blame myself I'm a young guy. Twenty one if kinder, and I can't I have a thing for a chick who works at my local coffee Please tell me she's, not sixteen. I want to read another one of these. The eye. Of chatting Europe while she's working always seems weird to me, mainly because I know she has the listen just gimme. Some quick tips, I know come off as a weirdo loved the podcast and thanks dote. Are you fucking kidding me. This is the perfect situation right. Oh, she works at the local coffee shop.
Oh, I thought you worked with her fuck. That's the perfect! That's the perfect situation! If you work with somebody that you're into is far as you know, being able to talk to him, it's not weird at all and die, you make him laugh and their type thing than they get into, but then the bad thing is it. Then you start fuckin somebody who work with and he got a pretty good chance that you're not gonna, make the play us without when you know, and you can have to rebuild its gonna, be ugly. They need an illusion. Fan base in the fan base will be other chicks work that you probably should have a fucking, sir, that horror but anyways. I see you walk into this coffee shop and is a girl there working there that you like, and you don't wanna start causes gonna see weird are well what's weird about that is to try to do it in line is you're really dealing with they a short periods. I could find you try to hit honour in the span that it takes two to watch a find it like that. You, like that reference China be hip to the dubstep. Fuckin generation is Dubstep already over and we moved on to something else or the extra shopper.
That fuckin look on your guard them face right. I could break you would have like a pencil. You start looking at me like you, can kick the shit out of me while you're dancing, maybe that's what it is. Maybe it's just a funny something something funny about it attitude dancing kidding. I send me some clips to some of the funniest attitude. Dare say you can find so maybe put some together they go you don't love is when you guys take clubs from my podcast and then you play the audio underneath, like some of these. the the animation that people have done is it's fuckin, so creative. That one one that guy did the one for saying that song do you know what it means to miss New Orleans? That's where am I baby goes and the guy did the whole animation. No son was somebody throwing up and when the word throw up came in its it looked like it was launched out of somebody's mouth like an Arctic TWAIN.
really creative so about as I'm talking about these people dancing just have just put come on you guys, eke. Are you fucking youngsters, United use computers spot the audio anything just have that kind of dancing over the top, like that's the video at our how to say technically anyways. So, let's get back to the sexy are its first thing you gotta do. Is I would you gotta drink coffee there does she come around. This is so how I give you advice. I gave you, I can't tell you what to say, because I know,
know what to say until I'm there in the moment insulted pops it unless she's, really good looking and then at that age. I would just get fuckin intimidated, be like a physical security. He'd make brand muffin. What would you do? I don't have to get something coming up that chick invited to this. What I would do overcome their frequently enough that she starts to recognize. You are right and then each away into a kind of no wonder. I guess I would do that and then you have something if you got a fucking whatever you kids do nowadays, you know if there's a big ecstasy shipment coming to town and you're gonna meet the truck there with the glow sticks and he got an extra pair glow sticks. It you get hand to her. Maybe could do that, something where I'm just flailing. Here, though, don't fuck and asked me coffee shadow word that I never pick up any girl who worked at a fuckin coffee shop. I was good on the subway in New York, but that was because there will always be some weirdo doing something weird and then you could just lie.
Can with the other person you know like look at his fucking maniac and then any kids make some say something funny about that. You'd make a laugh and then you are it that the gym coffee shop sets out of my wheel house. So I would just say: go there enough for she starts to recognize. You try to extend the conversation each time you order that blah blah blah. But but the thing is you can't keep common in their cause. You really gonna look like a creep, so I would say, within three visits. Give yourself three visits on the third visit. You just gotta fuck and ask you to have you seen anybody and Something to invite her to that's gonna, be a fun thing, don't just be willing to take a short time, and maybe I could pull it out. You could just look at it. You know have to touch it. Don't do it like that, have something that to an event, Ladys likely event.
And I dont know what they're into at your age, but the first time is too weird You gotta have unreal game that I don't have. So I can't forgive you vice second time she's getting to know in the third time you go for right swing for the fucking fence to say: look you reply. I don't work here right, so I know this is what one of my supposed to do. I'm attracted to write fuck sex, put down the goddamn coffee and come to me took to the to the burning man think I got plenty a sun screen in ecstasy and you know it s, not a sexting. I mean I would hope, would eventually turn into it, but more like a lovingly. Think like the kind of thing where I wouldn't tell my friends what we did, because I carefully a kind of thing you know maybe lay in the dirt roller out. Next. To that thing, that's on far right.
I have no coffee shop game, anybody out there of coffee shop game, I don't drink coffee, that's the thing it's fuckin gross. It tastes like dirty water and burn my mouth, so I don't fuck with it in that. Just takes all that coffee shop, pussy right out. The fuckin window there we should seem like the coffee shop People do me always seem like hipsters like they just where over everything you know. So, if you're over everything you're over everything, the Fuckin, Grand Canyon, you're old,. That my dumb ass is common in there with the Vienna can be over that lack of pigment. Alright, the mall Billy Holiday, very nice I have gone on all day, I'm going to ITALY, I'm gonna Miss Thanksgiving. What's your plan of attack when you enter a mall? Are your honor
action, or are you a window sharper? Do you have a favorite give you ve ever been given and what should go to more food They express Taco Bell spiral, pizza spiral, pizza, socks and always looks good at eight, but it really feels Europe. Asia go with the chicken farmers Jonah that were little scary. Then I get on the plane. They start farting into that fuckin flotation device beneath me or perhaps a fancy sandwich from Obama Paul. They know, there's nothing, fancy about that other than the fuckin name, all bond pan, if you're still living in the nineties, always making fun of the place thanks and gobble gobble. Go fuck yourself right. My plan of attack when I enter a mall I'll go to a more when I need something. That's it.
and I know what I want- and I know where it is- and I go in there and when it's not there make out what the fuck and then I leave. I do not window shop at malls. I hate MOSS this. Just all those fuckin people in it. It just makes me they just depressing when I was younger was great. You walked around those all these fuckin. I was like what you did. He go to them all, and then you ran it to go. That you in your great, maybe like high bill, I like her, walk away. My face all red like worldwide, I say thought that I hate myself when they, where would I sit down and eat? I dont, like pant, Express. Taco Bell now fast food mexican food. Why don't you just? a russian roulette. That's talk about
Is russian roulette for your ass the spiral pizza same fuckin thing. Where would I? Where would I go. provided you small as I go to see, I've got a spiral. Did you see some barbecue think I don't know you know I hate is when they had laid have their little sweeten sour chicken on the toothpicks and then that overly smiling Asian Winwood couldn't come over and ask if you wanted. One is yes, I didn't you like poison the toys. I'd want to eat that right. How Archie Bunker was that I just don't. Lay just fuckin creek me out that you're walking around with food like where, where was that, where did you get that you don't you're on this side of the COIN
like on that side already know. There's enough health code violations, it Sparrow Pizza, Taco, Belen, Panda express enough rat turns in that shit that you know. I should run out here right now, but now you're on this side, where people are sneezing you're on this side of the sneeze glass walk around that shit. You know you have covered start with a low fuckin toothpick. Then you got other thing over there were people, stick their use, toothpicks where you get that fuckin guy, is chicken out of my face. This smiley be yeah
call to eat at those places. When I was younger, I ate at Mickey D's Mcdonald's. I was a Mcdonald's guy, Kentucky Fried Chicken cold. I can never eat it hot that grease, when it's hot makes me sick to my stomach when it's cold, it's fucking, ecstasy and I would melt into the run into the rug like I was on in Trainspotting. I'd like Friendly's back in the day, get myself a nice burger melt in a fucking, Jim Dandy, nice, three thousand calories to the fucking hot, and then I walk out of there and go play frisbee football cuz! That's what you did back there with my fucking white Sox Yankee, and an underneath. My Patel can Patel all right that supply cast for this week. People. I don't know what to tell you are right. I hope let's have a wonderful thanksgiving. My european tour is about to start I'm going over to ITALY in speaking of going to like the first ball. Ever I'm going to go to the Colosseum
fewer in ITALY and you're gonna be all right. There look for me in the Colosseum. It has even hit me than up, I'm gonna, be I actually we landed Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, and then we we fly over to ITALY and its an unbelievable is something to give thanks, forts an unbelievable privilege that I can do what I do for a living and enough people come out to see me that I can take the lovely NEA with me over to are to ITALY and so
to everybody. Who's come out to my shows this year and all the years passed and I'm really looking forward to giving everybody their money's worth over in Europe, because I plan on doing this for the rest of my career, doing stand up and traveling over to Europe and I'm going to tour Australia next year and Canada, Canada ones going down in March and we're working on those dates. Right now and I just plan to keep on expanding it. I'm hoping also do New Zealand and I know there's a gig in India me why the fuck when I go, I want to go over there and see what that's like right, Tokyo and all those places I plan on. You know you only go around fucking once and I really believe that when you're dead, you don't go anywhere. I think you just go in the fucking ground and you make
so a rich for other living things. So if you got a comedy club, I'm fuckin going to try to hit it before I die. Something I want to see the great wall of China want to see all of that shit. Why the fuck were you You know something somebody came up to me from Saudi Arabia and gave me some currency was really fuckin cool said fifty autumn. Like do you give me fifty boxes, I am like worth fifty in over here and I could see fifty bucks so it all that stuff, so I open. The word see as much as I can and I couldn't do without you guys come out to my show. So there you go, there's a warm fuzzy, ending me giving thanks on the week of Thanksgiving. That's a pocket for this wig go far. Yourselves people, in LOS Angeles, if you haven't heard up doing on New year's Eve, gig at the wheel turned theatre with the IMF, I rose ball tailgate syndicate myself.
Joe Bartnick Jason, Loughead Nando's family's we're all going to be wrong and be telling jokes that night and it's going to be phenomenal and there's not a lot of tickets. Left is going to be a great fucking show come on down bring in the new year with us, and that's ok now this is the official and go fuck yourself have a great thanksgiving and I'll talk to you next week from ITALY. I think
maybe I'll be in London at that point I don't know alright, that's it fuck. You.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-25.