« Monday Morning Podcast

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 1-31-19

Bill rambles about aging, art, and the Super Bowl.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
hey man what's goin on oh i'm fuckin freckled current it's a thursday afternoon just before friday monday morning podcast just checking it on you all belize barnett at fuckin boltons doo doo doo doo doo doo doo you know i woke up this morning by doable bob and i went to the jam bad debts of that pull down it i had to do with a grin because i got it out of the way i was gone back and forth somebody this morning in east coast friend of mine ought to unaware i enjoy being dead blah blah blah blah it's me up with the whole hey upturn in fifty this year i am not happy about us again turn fifty last year she goes how is turn of fifty for you
she goes you're a guy you probably don't care it's much harder for a woman especially with our careers did i have fun with that you know i just back juice fucking christ you made why women complaining is one of the funniest fates that you're gonna fuck it house in a beautiful family what is the fuckin for it so much ardor phoebe you're gonna live me by sixty years so maternal fifties like me turn like fifty six fifty seven fifty eight we complain and you know you never hear me complaints this podcast this is doctor but positivity rainbows and fuckin euro courts yeah i love that shit it's hot through its harder for women to go to the job it's hard to first to lose weight within fuckin we're carter you know
everybody's different i was outward tardy you know was yours harder for me i'm trying to get some woman to pay the covered charged by me drinks you'll it's hard for me to divorce court living you i mean they did it balances out ladies getting child support your that's hard for me i'll be the one payment then all articles nine and a great a month to raise a fuckin too you're all right i just don't understand the constant complaining by white women ok you're you live in america shut up ok to the other problems are solved and then get to you you're the meat counter your number risen up yet wage it turn right you're tired abigail to know which hard it's so much easier if you got it it's not easier men's lives are hard because we have to live with you guys
man i would become friends with a lesbian couple and i wanna like be friends with like those that chick in the relationship that's gonna handle more the dude shit no cause you know opposites attract and i would think even like in the lesbian community it is gonna be somebody get always out this swing and the axe gettin the fuckin firewood while the other ones in their making the muffin stats the lesbian i want to talk to write it my podcast please you know i want to know if those lesbians on average die sooner than than that that the dainty lesbian you know lesbian who's gonna go out on the fuckin roof and adjust the fuckin directv satellite fuckin thing in the middle the fact that red that's all i want to tell you i want to hear from that's the study i would be doing anyway jeez i'm coming in hot come on in hardware in my old man sweater that i
got when i was over there in ireland you know adulterated with so much harder for women to find sweaters you know be judged speaking of which i'm in the middle of an acting gig right now and i am having the time of my life i'm having so much fun in this acting gig it's actually scaring me because most time comedians the entire time you're in the act and gig you'll be like you know i could a fuckin made it out so much money in one hour that i have been i'm gonna on this entire fuckin shoot you know why am i still here that's what you usually think it but i've i've i've cracked the code i know how to do it now what i do is is when i go on to set i don't bring my phone and i don't bring a watch like i walked into a casino i don't know if it's day i don't open night i just fucking do my shit i try to do it you know
as well as i can listen to the direct or whatever and then in between takes i sit down and just could serve my fuckin energy and that's all i do not look anything i just sit there like fuckin private pile we sit down their commode informal jacket and then all of a sudden after feeling about two hours offsets ok breakin for lunch i might go and then i go outside to the sun it out i get a salad with the protein ladys salad with protein heavy on the salad protein no bigger than the size of my pasty palm what i do and then i just block and go back in and i just do it all over again and i have no fucking idea what time it is and then i was suddenly just say a rap and i just act like a silly jackass in trying to make jokes all day long and i've been having the fucking
time in my life haven't a great time so anyways what am i acting on i'm not allowed to tell it's a secret i'm acting on general hospital everybody ok i've come back from the dead i want people don't knows i had a role on that back in the eighties when i had a giant orange fuckin afro at my character died cancer but now he's come back from it his hair didn't grow back yet but his beard did and that's the jump off point to the character and i am going to go out on a limb and say this is going to be the most interesting character since heath ledger as the joker okay i am the heath ledger joker character of general hospital ok it's an eighty seven episode arc that we shoot with the course of one week i don't wanna talk about it
you know what you utter what i'm talking about i'm talking about two or three shows after this acting dick is over to get myself ready to shoot my next special i'm gonna be in santa barbara santa barbara we're all the rich white people in opera moved after they better they made money in hollywood right then i'm going to pass a data are right all the racist right wing lunatics build the fuckin war of allay live but not realise a lot of people think everybody out here is a liberal larry that's not true all you got to do is just go to burbank okay they're walking around they got fucking two by fours and pitchforks i believe the kid say shit gets real in burma and then about riverside ok rivers that part of america you know that part she's still bring up you know the family
don't bring up on their attacking stand comedians acts they forget what about all the poor people in riverside you know recital just sounds like a place we can dump a body and you know what that's exactly what happens the ever kill anybody los angeles you have to know the next move ok than getting rid of your cell phone is you i have the body to riverside ok i know there is no river there ok i don't know what i don't know what it is but i know this is enough gullies and this just enough dead well they're already that you can get lost in the herd with dragging you're dead body ok i will be performing their santa barbara on february fifteenth day after the most bull shit fuck and holiday there is that you never hear a fuckin euro
body a wife bitch easy here my fuck your wife's ask this six years for this fuckin stupid designer goddamn bag i swear to god it looked like somebody dump toothpaste all over you know like you know like when some fuckin jack s partners with some high and label to do a version of the bag you know every fuckin board fuck it douche bag has to go get the fuckin thing you know that's not my wife what i love i just i just i looked at the back i'm like you'd look at that fuck it think that it did not get it what are you gonna do with that thing like it i think it's interesting its bold it's fuckin ugly is shit i wish i could see this bag remember this stupid fuckin toothpaste it came out that was like with pace mouthwash deodorant all at the same time it look like a fuckin rainbow just imagine if you did that but it is
but it was also like cloudy like milk and you dump that on beautiful gorgeous handmade fuckin bag that was perfectly fuckin fine you know what it's aren't you can judge are taken that sticks fuck instincts you know that's dead begs for people who like you know like john michael basquiat like the happy artists that everybody knows you don't people like to say this guy's name just so they can make it sound like they fuckin unless they can speak french sean michael basque yet this fuckin stick figures i mean i fuckin drew like that the first great i i can't believe how much all those pictures i put on my parents refrigerator how much they be worth nowadays
fuck with the i dont this one thing i don't know anything about it if you don't believe me just watch my act but i really don't no why i don't get andy warhol just painted tomato soup can represent our guys commented commercialism mag great common how much is how much for a fuckin can soup and that canvas that you fuck and put it on i'll give you that amount of money for it anyways by the way you know that guy got shot by a woman i didn't know that and then she did like fuckin three weeks in jail and then got out for the rest of his fuckin life he's got to deal with this crazy so it so runnin around out there and then twenty years later he kind of data complications from getting shot bugger but it's so much harm woman kate
anyways i dont understand i'm the one guy i actually like like did that i kind of understood it's not as a kind of look like the bald version of em i didn't mind van gogh oh really bill you didn't mind him did you allow him in your artistic world i mean it like that the guy you use the lines in other political lines any painted shit like that like that shit i when somebody paint somebody how they look you don't know when they stick their ear and their forehead and say well man like why do you think he did that in all sectors it feels like nobody can hear his thoughts is it layers to this now i just think you fuckin knows how to draw near and stuck it on her forehead spoken open acid i dont know or even of those canvasses words just it's it's nothing it's just that looks like some toddlers spoken smeared it all over the place in every society the odds
why can't i just look at em like why did he put that color over their likewise so lars one time in some metallica he muttered you selling this fucking these fuckin paintings get all this money for you just going i'd like that over there is this why did he put there i don't know lars i'm gonna go out on a limb i think you could have done that save yourself a bunch of money but he turned around any sold it any made even more fuckin money you combine that with the fact that he gets his drum kits for free and what you have is a very rich young man then it was so much time is twelve minutes farc got another fuckin seventeen and i have to go to use his fucking christ you know some days this part cursed you know it just goes by quick and other times it does that watch bar stool sports it the fuckin superbowl man how fuckin fund was that they
the the the fucking press conference important i was asking gee i don't away the names to the rams running back why took indeed in our custom like four grand on a bet and then what the eta bells gonna fuckin kick him out it's like they are all about gambling they have sports gambling now it's just like you know it's their dirty little secret you minors just let fans ass those questions right i thought it fuckin hilarious and the you think funnier than that was afterwards when port nor did his interview or what i was interviewed thing eddie was all fuckin wrapped up say like what were they gonna do romania goes put the casa talk like his pockets snake pushkin what then a car saw me i don't know it was like the stevenson girl dave port knoweth i'm tellin you man you put him in a prison evidently they're going to take over
but anyways i thought that was really funding and then he went on fuckin the new show there with them how can we are now looking guy that guy he always goes on that guy's show that guy looks like you know that guy who killed his girlfriend accidentally cause they were having rough sex doesn't look like one of those guys he was still wearing the costume that europe god those guys it fuckin bar stuff mademoiselle how boring is the weak between the aim of sea and end of sea championship game and the superbowl yet but the fuck ups on me but the motion of the pocket oh by the way another rough and ready is coming up order that that gotta be in atlanta and you know i heard i didn't realize they said porthos was banned from all eta fell events are now how many years ago but he still allowed to buy a ticket to the super bowl and go right
it is allowed to do that are they gonna be sitting there this security i this one day looks like without a fake mustache hagen his face this is what he looks like now with it on i want that works i wonder these are the things that i think about what are we up to fifteen minutes just like that fifteen may it's just like that so when he went over to the gym this morning right as a woman was texting me tell me how hard it was for her to turn fifty you know i mean so difficult i just can't imagine being a white woman having to blow out all those candles in your beautiful house i ain't got you maybe we ought to think about the children that put those candles together in a sweatshop deprives the do that with their one arm after they dug up some diamonds for you i want that why
anyways able yemeni superbowl predictions yes i'm gonna age a hundred fucking years once again i am having a small select group of people come over i'm going to simple by the way anybody's hosting a super bowl party all right don't anybody talk you went to getting this all this fucking food right nobody throws an event like my lovely wife the thing about it is is afterwards you left with a bunch of stuff and then you have to eat it because you don't want to go bad and then like you know whatever you enjoyed by the emmy last time we had a thing so my daughter's birthday she turned to so we had a two and under party right set at twenty one and over you not to another so at all the kids there and then like whatever cbs
kids it's gonna be twenty parents right provided it's not a broken arm so we had to have all fucking bangles sant like locks all this shit do i was eaten fuckin salmon for like a fuckin days just after was just like you know because of that strikes and i'll have my superbowl party in here goes how do you get a caterer effort i say cuz i don't want to be in fucking hot dogs for like the next twelve days so i just i figured out the most anybody's get edith to burgers each the biggest when i make the burghers probably quarter pounds that's nothing you make the homo berries don't make i'm fuckin gigantic right you can't make em gigantic insist it becomes too much i e make em like the same way miller high life makes their beers somehow it's twelve ounces but it feels like fuckin for and it just goes down easy that's what you
it took us then i'll come back and then i'll get the second one you know me yeah built it simple your theories very simple so i'm trying like have the least amount you know into some chips and spirits of fuckin cigars and a great fuckin thing is that this is a very very sexist superbowl party and that its men only right so they're not gonna give a fuck is it dogs therein little bit of chips they bring the booze and i get the cigars and then i'm good about fuck it out worse thing i gotta do is get a wash fuckin euro five to ten plates and they did i used my flat top drawer who gives a fuck and then about when i'm hoping it is in the end that shared piglet patriots have won their sixth superbowl championship so i have six
football championships zero afl titles zero afl nfl championships and no nfl championships maybe it's because maybe this is what i hear the theory have about why they don't count nfl championships maybe because the area fell at first was this upstart league everybody laughed at the league and then they got better and better and better to the point the nfl actually had to have a championship game with them to show that they were the superior league which they did for the for two years and then the third year they lost because they earl moral instead of fuckin johnny unitas some people say so they actually proved that they were on par or at least enough to win one out of every three championship games and at that
why do you like what are we doing here why don't we just merge and will start over again but having said all that it was called the nfl so maybe that's why they do it but i think it's unbelievably disrespectful to say i'm half bobby lay fray gifford all of these jim brown all of these amazing hall of favours to act this though like you know to not bring up the championships within those franchises that they played for that attack on their bodies that shorten their lives that you don't even bring it up i just think it's fucked up bill we get it jesus christ you made the point about you read some advertising so we can laugh at you ability to read out loud fine fine i'll do it you don't think fuck you fuck it built with so much shit about fucking valentine's day like i'm not getting you shit
this year is your ear what you gonna do for me she goes what do you want for valentine's day i go i want you to shut up i don't i'm an asshole she laughed she knows my dick i mean what she married she knows what she married shade she married and ass i butcher box butcher butcher box delivers one hundred percent grasped and grass british beef ouses great through suitable party free range organic chicken and that they did the de pinnacle of all murdered animals heritage bread pork and bread be our edi br ideas breed heritage breed pork is evident i've been saying that wrong the entire fuckin time don't you love when you look up how to pronounce something and then it's like it's not it's like that white robot guy
try and figure out how to say the name of this person and then i get us there about back there pronunciation it is breed i've been let me turn outs lady it's about time all these robot ladys have been suffering for so long but say that again freed breed freed breed breed so what is breed i thought it was be already now i'm look stupid i'm the speller ever the incredible quality of butcher box meets starts the commitment to raising animals humanely and free of antibiotics and hormones before their assassinated you know if i was actually if i was working at a slaughterhouse i would like i would build like a fuckin clock tower and i'd have liked the guns dope what they had turned around backwards i would just do that i'd go
oswald on cook with the peace peace of mind knowing you are eating healthy in the cows run around we gotta should run for cover quality meat each but comes with at least eight to eleven pounds of beet which is enough for twenty four individual size meal but you're a woman you're not allowed to eat that you can choose from five different box types all beef beef and chicken if and pork mix box for the liberals custom bought for the conservatives just give me whatever get out by all make this is america you are my may come and get it i think come and get it mother fucker it too to the fucking neck my favorite butcher block cut is heritage breed pork i think it sounds better now because i like toast
announce announcing our brand new brand of protein wild uk bluebells gonna say dead feminist foot yes run over at a rally so announcing our new bread brandt brand of protein wild alaskan sabbath savants zammit butcher box sources appears sustainably harvested salmon from bristol bay alaska unlike any salmon you'll find in your local store literally it's real color means that this salmon is it fresh an nutrient rich as it gets and rather than you haven't to take a trip up there to get it some other person is going to catch it for you and deliver it right to your goddamned or the same person who caught it is going to show up and is all yellow fuckin raincoat with that in his face use abode almost capsize during the storm you know
and you want it to be of look him in the act as you not even nearly the man he is for twenty dollars off your first box and two pounds of free salmon put your box dot com slash bird enter be u r r that's butcher box dotcom slash per and enter bur b you are our look who's left everybody my goodness michael install a shave club dollars shape club has everything you need to look feel and smell your best and you never have to go to the store again you it's funny i'm a lotta one white charlie's and up to it to order more this guy shit is bright that's because they deliver everything you need write to you do and they keep you fully stalked on what you use so you don't run out hairs how it works by the way one white charlie is not accurate ok you don't just do one wipe what it is used toilet paper first than the one white charlie gets rid of any evidence that anything went down ok it's like the poor man's per day ok you heard here first
you probably gonna hear it here last just make sure i get some sort of credit dollars club has everything you need to get ready no matter what you're getting ready for they have you covered head to toe for your hair hey skin your face you name it they have it and they have this new programme where they automatically keep you stocked up on the products you use your determine what you want a when you wanted and it shows up right at your door while cheese christ i hope you get out an exercise of its that easy did they ever got white for your underneath your mandate for once for one from once a month to once every six months plus with their handsome disk out high fellows the more you by the more you save and right now dolly shave club as a bunch of started sets you can try for just five dollars like they're all care kit after that
restart box ships regular size products at reg price gets status set for just five dollars right now at dollar shape club dot com slash bird be u r r that's dollar shape club dot com slash bird be you are right and with that talk superbowl further final three and a half map i don't know what what's going to happen i have this kind of feel like it's gonna be families can be like a lot of these and it fell games where you get too high powered offences and they're gonna be like this is gonna be i scored gate and i think it's going to be low scoring for the first have and that is just gonna be a fucking shit shell the second half it's gonna be one of those things whereas the ball last words you know
or it could be like last superbowl words defences are a complete non factor to the point all this has to happen is yours if whatever defence makes a play you just need to make one fucking play and then and then bomb then you win the game that's what i think that's what i think i think last year super bowl rather than be one of the ugliest fucking games i've ever watched in my life i live it felt like i was watching a third grade pop warner game with the complete lack of defence in their game i i i am now realise that that was not an anomaly it is now the way the game is played and that's the way it has to be played because if you don't than these poor people let a play in the fucking gave our good you know have this city shit so i have accepted it that's the way it is and europe
let's just so that that it that is my feeling i am i'm not believing on any level that todd girly isn't gonna play in is not gonna u no fuckin get a bunch of yards and i also feel like their quarterback whatever is fuckin name is i forget me doesn't the fact that it's a super bowl he's gonna come out their cool is a cucumber i will say this about all these new fuckin quarterbacks they don't give a shit that their win the superbowl nick falls last jerry too he's like he was playing catch in the back you're the first ball he threw us like this guy doesn't give a fuck this is gonna be a long day love that false i'm trying to say the last time i saw quarterback it look nervous they just come i am a rookie i threw fifty touchdowns patrick my home say you want fifty more yea who wants to score next it fuck it thrown its side arm and yet they don't give a fuck they're all companies like clint eastwood in the spaghetti western europe still
three guys with a little fuckin cigarettes you'd have cigar rallo whatever the fuck he used to smoke why we're just company they just bucket they just like em up so i think the alps have no prediction i just hope my teams gonna win i have watched enough football to even remotely trying to break the game down all i can do is breakdown when i'm gonna be doing which is in bergen dogs and not sitting down and pacing the entire fuckin time but i think it's cool that the rams back in la and i got the blue and yellow helmets i like that shit out of the blue and white i guess they went back to this one they had in the 60s but i like that shit and i think the raiders should stay in oakland even though moving to vegas is going to be a great thing the great thing can you imagine how many people like their lasting they're gonna do after they kill your wife in vegas is to go to
your game before their let out costs at half time made is gonna be like it's gonna happen a lot or choker hooker whatever the fuck that guy and see the little town the i could never the nfl to throw out day fortnight for asking that gambling like s because he didn't have a year you didn't have a parking pass it what the fuck you need to get into that think anyway but i just think it so funny how much they fuckin annoy in eritrea the eta felt this directive like they're a decent organizational dish i'll fuckin crap that they ve done i love a lover so god god bless the fellows over bar stools ports are so what is it here it's there's you half hour but the fuck me sports website but keeps me i'll take over the prison i would really
act opposite please don't put em on me i'm sorry all right that is the podcast please enjoy the music care than the greatest hits and all that shit come another power of fuckin stuff here and then of thursday at another half hour of a former chef that i tabled thursday afternoon purkis and everybody i will get ready o billy's get ready he can read the word bread or breed he's get ready to do with special so what you doing your special i should you take my special at a woman's college
i'm doing santa barbara pasadena riverside tickets on sale now on family fifty sixty seventy santa barbara passive data riverside we europa eggs jason law head he's gonna bees in santa barbara joe bargaining passive data may craig and riverside that's it it's a white male toward grown old school you aren't gonna fuck yourselves the joy the weekend you can't and i'll talk to you up and super ball you being a great mood oratory subdued mood one or the other but i'll see on monday a lot of people set me this week it was about these sad he's fucking bank a cock such as their visitor de lacey
hsbc poses restrictions on large cash withdrawals right and so on hsbc customers have been prevented some customers have been prevented from withdrawing large amounts of cash because they could not provide evidence of why they wanted it to be she has worked isn't it learned as alert anyways listeners have told radios fours money box not to begin he's with natures box they were stopped from withdrawing amounts ranging from five grand of five thousand pounds to ten thousand pounds each pc admitted it is not inform customers of the change in policy policy which was implemented in november the it says it has now changed guidance to staff so basically
guy what down they said can i have my five thousand pounds that i urge and i put this bank for safety they said no they can i have four thousand pounds they said now and then one out this will allow withdraws the for three thousand pounds and they said ok we'll give you that the bible but what do we got a bunch of bad press now allegedly they're changing so a bunch of people said you know what's up with these banker comes you know it it's our money yadda yadda yadda knowledge shit i got news for you not your money it's their money they presented its there's ok and your job is to take the money that they give you work in your ass off all week and your job is to then take that money and give it back to him or get your ass into debt with it think about
workers second week what do i do even hold money and you fuckin hand anymore they give it to you on this fucking piece of paper people role in their eyes right now ok but i got a point at the end of this shit ok take it out of these fuckers and you just give it to them now this is the thing the reason why it's not like the reason why they didn't give that person the ten thousand pounds juno why they didn't give it to its they don't have it i'm not saying that they don't physically have ten thousand pounds in the back yes they do but they don't ten thousand pounds available to give just some random jackass who goes oh by the way i want to take five thousand pounds outright fuck enough they don't have it why dont know about how in england but as far as in the united states they don't have it for the simple fact that when if you want
how do you deposit some regular fuckin tom dick harrier louise and you d it ten grand into a bag back the old days when there was some sort of rules and regulations governing these control counts when you ran a bank you on your books like you can only load out certain percentage of the money the bank was in violation like like say what you say to make it easy there are men in dollars was deposited into your bag you could only during that time you could only loan out i don't know what the percentage was but it was like three hundred grand of its four hundred grand i forget what the percentage was but sheet you could you could you could will pass to certain tipping point because god forbid if there was a run on money everybody started withdrawing the bank would fail
any bank if everybody shows up and tries to take the money out is gonna fail because you know that they they loan out a certain percentage of it all right but while the years they kept pushing that percentage up more and more and more and more to the point that they got up to not only can they alone out a hundred per cent of the deposits from the hard work and the people that deposit money in there they can actually then create another two million dollars off that million somethin like that like so deposit ten grand they can take your full ten grand loan it out another ten grand off their ten grand plus another ten grand off that ten grand so they basically just invented slow counterfeited twice grand that didn't even fuckin exist after ten grand bigger thirty grand loaned out so they
make the money off that fuckin twenty percent interest offer that chicken you half a percent in your fuckin account and they just sit there knowing full well at some point whatever bubble their creating is gonna burst shit is getting hit the fan you're maybe ass out in their too big to fail worst case scenario that you go and after a corporation and what are they they just there just their faceless cooperation is faceless they take the bonuses they're waiting for john cougar melon kept right you're fuckin song fuckin jackass aid and there are thereby to new fuckin yeah that makes sense and i know you guys go we'll go you're full of shit but blah blah blah you don't know what the fuck you talk about you sound like a moron take all of that but i will tell you this for like two fuckin hundredth time and my stand of career when i was an hour turkey i had a banker come up to me
was laughin gonna know you hate us and i said listen am i a more on the pockets and they always say now no you're not you know this of some factual errors a little bit here they are basically what you're saying is a hangover central item conspiracy theory one time in my own back as i was trying to set something up new one account i was talking to a banker about conspiracy theory he was talking about backing it would talk about how scary and fucked up it was any was asking me what i plan to do what about gold and silver coins waiting growing zucchini and i wish i was most tadeusz whispering in shit i'm telling you and i have no solution so i am really being right now is a fuckin fearmongering but this is this is it did the great about backing is that you know i would say a good night percent of people walking around with a fucking god tutsi pop in their mouth pulling their fucking
hawaiian shortsighted ass crack believe in it all right and as long as they continue to believe in it you can they exist in the game drafting behind them uninformed the fucking worried some sort of too stupid to do this but you just basically like i am of the belief that if you can get a fuckin house by but you can afford and then pay their fucker down as soon as you can and all that shit that people say where they go oh it's not invest me because you got a bit don't fuck that pay off your fuckin house and then if the bank fails you still have a house who gives a fuck if you seven on a grand fort now it's only worth a hundred grand live a house is much that's socks at least you still have it like the falcon
stock market right you work you hogarth like you stick it in that stick it in this over there and you think you're being conservative the things it's the bed in the end you can be left with nothing i am in two tinge tangible shit can you tell i screamed whenever i do i guess the day after i went to a game right a lot of shows i said i can't go through puberty again i apologise but i believe in investing in tangible shit don't let your wife or your husband bilingual we got kids we go we could save up to their college education you know what's your college education a right take out alone fuckin what you're paying interest on your house now the amount of money that you're gonna save knocking down you're principle will pay for most if not all of their college education are right now they just go to some unbelievably expensive school in europe
living in some little house on the prairie michael landed smoking a pipe so there you go so that's why that's why when they go down there because they do not give ten grand a ten pounds to the average jack ass walking in their because that starts fuckin with their game which is pretending that all the money is there and that its it's safe there's nothing to worry about and nothing to see here so what they do is polish czech and they bullied people individually over in the corner behind that bulletproof glass like no you have to get a note of blah blah blah blah blah and most people like they have parent child relationship there entire life they come as a child their parents tell them what to do what they can it
do when they can eat when they have to go to bed and they go off into the world you know you go to school go to lunch now you have a question raise your hand you stay in their mentality so to the point you have a fucking adults who earn the money will go into a bag god bless his personal actually fuckin was like now this is my money and complained brought this out to light but this is the only person they did that too the money is not there like if you like to three hundred grand in an you decide that you just want to fuck and take it out like if you physically want the money if you transfer like fucking numbers had entered the fucking do that all day i am no worries but you actually wanted the paper like you can just walk in their bill i guess i'd like my three hundred grand
maybe that's ok it's about big sack somebody you gotta call them days if not a week in advance and then what they i do it's friday we call around it find an armored car with enough this paper that isn't worth shit than the fact that the guy with the underwear and is ass still believes in it they get a drink that there so they can physically keep the like going right there so that's the end of my mind fuckin a ballroom making one or one right i don't give a fuck about your opinions either because i'm not enlightened as a human being to feed all agree with what i said then you know just laugh at me in continual but you're fucking day because you're actually helping me up you keep fucking believe in it but i think the day
wave hidden the beaches is coming soon because you're not least in this country the government shut down for three days and i know if a great stand up material but that is absolutely fucking terrifying every in august comes around and we hit the debt ceiling and just keep raising it we just keep pushing more of shit under the bed like us actually it's not all of us probably wrong oh gee i don't know what the fuck with doing but eventually the shit is gonna hit the fan so i'm not saying i'm going to survive it whatever the fuck happened but i do have a game played my game wait to pay off my house as quickly as i can so when the first wave of people are being brought to the euphemism they're gonna be using for detention camps i figured it'll be ok you can't pay off your house for reprocessing the house now we're gonna move you two alternative raw
axing living whatever the fuck that gonna call it at least i will be in the first wave of people i will have my house paid off and i will stand there dressed like a court gesture with my fancy kid going but get off my property they look at me be like elegance of slow can't think any s power i will actually will backfire like above the salt let's just get the year let's get i'll pay this first let's get the easy people level weed out the red chance and then at all be ours somebody else about thyssen try to make robots more human like all right this is the kind of shit this story right here let's seems like a victory the common man it what it really is is this just moving the ball ford on them men of robots so they eventually phases out
make it can just have robot people that will never never complained that of course you watch science fiction movies they somehow take over the humans which they're not gonna they're not gonna do we made you are right unplug you we want fix you i've got some water on you you know this the deal every fuckin web designer when you build your website rebuild you secure site always built in a fucking backdoor right said that making the robots are going to do the same forget think there's no way the illuminati is gonna have a robots that are stronger than them don't need leap and all that type of shit and like they watch science fiction movies these fuckers are science fiction a crazy i found this week i'm actually join every fuckin second of this they can have a backdoor somewhere up there
robots ass this gotta be something that they can fucking do some but they have to push all right so they got was at weird enough for you i'm sorry what do you want from me europa fucking weird
hey what's goin on his bill bar and it is the monday morning podcast from monday january thirty first two thousand and two and how are you how are you doing really that's good do here you know i was worried about you you know something you see it just goes to show you doesn't it it just i want to show you that if you sit around and you think positive thoughts you'll have a happy monday are you haven't unhappy monday happy man day to you ah i'm not avenue happy monday i fuck it flew back from dallas texas which is why the podcast little bit late among other fuck intact knowledge goddamn reasons because i bought a new fuckin microphone and i brought it out to texas with me it just picked up the entire room and i did a whole fuckin podcast now it's gonna upload it like a good boy midnight so we
in my friends over there a jolly old england way back over erin swing enable those couple constant listen in mongolia would have something on a monday morning wherever the fuck thereat what happened i went back and i listened to it and it sounds like gas and i was like i'm not subjecting my listeners to this how do you like that like that is not a great excuse for being late i'm late because i was thinking about you i was thinking about your needs i think i care too much gonna feel like shit i forgot to bring my vitamins with me right and such a fucking old man didn't mother fucker just hit the floor down there i think now just here and things
fuck that old guy and his balls gatt or i forgot to bring my vitamins speaking of old i have to bring vitamins with me when i'm on the road now you know i can't fucking do it anymore after years of breathing in that airline food listen listen to my voice regner right by the ladys probably thinks it's yet sounds a little bit sexy it isn't this is where i sound like one of beginning to get sick and i forgot all my shit you know all my pills on legal man oh my pills that if i could take when i'm on the roads why don't get sick you know you fly automotive fly back falcon east you know so then i got it up at six in the morning which is really like four in the morning for me thy do radio that i try to come back go to sleep at fuck it sends out a can't do it then i do my shows and then i'm fuckin shaken everybody's hands afterwards and i forgive you know rub my face
yet our next thing you know i got road aids you know but it's curable curable by can three shitty days sitting in your own fuckin apartment it's my big announcement for the weak people i have rotates first known case of two thousand eleven early this year you know it's my fault i protect myself so i am a little under the whether this week so but i'm gonna fuck and bring it like jerry louis you know who sat down in a tuxedo pants storm laid down right now so i want to try to bring the fucking funny let me tell you about my weekend people i went out to dallas takes a dallas texas i went out that way i performed at the new improv in arlington texas despite the fact that kept saying i was an addison on last week's part
like ass i was in arlington didn't you guys accidently go to edison you would have been different why did you saw earthquake a fuckin good friend of someone i highly recommend you go see live how can you are you're one of fucking great off the top of his head at the top of your fuckin head line that i saw him do one time would have fuck worthy we were some fuckin room in the bronx or some shit i can't remember was one those four and clubs where like two days after we did it got shut down to somebody shot off a pistol in there was one of those fuckin thinks you back when i was like i'm gonna do the cyclist rooms ever you now and then i won't be nervous when i'm doing letterman while you know what it doesn't work that way you just get used to doing shitty rubs but then when you gotta do letterman you like our ways this this is this is a different kind of pressure that kind of pressure
well no one paid attention not a fucking i get these people to listen but then it's kind of easy because it's like well that's you know it's supposed to suck so if you do ok the dead people like while i was amazing but if you do letterman you spoke do well everybody's and attention they get the air conditioner on everybody's face and forward right whatever some in this fuckin rum trying to figure out what the fuck i'm gonna say to try to get a try to get the crowd going before they realize how disgustingly white i am quite sure gonna see before you get to the fuckin might stand what's his face earthquake was on stage when it was isn't it lana i came fucker remember anymore so what am i was to have some fuckin rob right and he was up there killing and he looked over the crowd and there was a woman sitting in their this large woman who was not good looking ok i'm not try to be mean but her face was a mess
ok i'm talking like a rottweiler with a dress and she had one of those big you know those african hats catalogues like the pole pat but it's more looks sort of like a vase and it just goes straight up you're out in one of those early wrappers with the giants gold changed and she wear one of those you when i d why it's a unity did she wear one of those that that's so many ways the girl sitting in the crowd and he's in the middle of killing and secondly caesar he's in the middle a joke you just says he called the erika but don't it was one of the funniest and meanest fucking things i said was fuckin brilliant it was right at the top was here but it was so fuckin made because she didn't say anything she related deserve but it was just what i like to buy
it was he didn't point out our he just looked at our adjust to himself when the erika but dont and you know the people in that section new and they just spoken tat without was what i like about it was you just said it is if i don't give a fuck that only peoples because you are the worst across the sea or what so whatever i fucked up if you want to watch the edison improv you saw earthquake so they go there you go but i was out darlings in texas this week to go up there too the yeah the texas oklahoma area with those girls with the huge faces in the big heads i saw a lot of solar big headed texas girls i saw a lot acuity place too one way or the other out there there either fuckin drop dead gorgeous height daily i out u s and grit gorgeous
they just have these fuckin mount rushmore heads hair teased up causes dallas everything's big douse just giant fred flintstone fuckin heads that doesn't stop him from tease enough they hear they look like those taxes girls with the big heads when they done with the eye shadow teasing up there they look like fuckin nicky six do you realize the fucking balls i have to attack how anybody looks you understand that a balding fuckin redhead do you understand the level of fucking balls that that takes so when it was the first night i fly and will the club owner out there is a little fella you know stands before for eleven he's adorable you know least address wolflike and shiny shirts yourself just just the little fellow you know sketches seat right up to the sky
and will you sketches see ilo is is is far up as you could possibly scope to see in his arms are still straight when he told none of the fucking steering wheel there's been a different cases listen if so he was he picked me up right and we went right to the fucking dallas mavericks used to rockets game sat right behind the falcon this our group may weaken was sat right behind the houston rockets bench ok what you there's a bench the fuck you guys you handle the water bottles than there was a fuckin court little alley and then there was us it was fuckin ridiculous aright upset now get to see all this shit you don't get to see you watch a game on tv like up towards the end of the fucking game i saw you know deals what they needed to scores get out don't shoot it
free just get a quick to within trying file do that shit so the fucking point guy goes you know what i don't see any other teammates i guess it's all to me the summary we decided to do this and one bull shit right flock in one or more spectacular missed lay up you ve ever seen in your fucking life if you did a percentage of the odds of the fucking thing going in was probably even with a good and be a player like a forty percent shot that's what the fuck he took when they needed they needed a bigger all right didn't even look just brought it up the court did it himself right in fuckin missed it i immediately see because i'm sitting there i saw the coaching staffs reaction they just you know you have one fuckin slater that ball insuperable fuckin thirteen and roger dog back when ah just fucking that's what they did all three of them in unison like backup dancers did the eggs actually i think i just looked over their left fuckin shoulder
and then they all went over and they sat down on the bench like while this fuckin game's over okay so the rockets quickly file someone on the mavericks they go up to the line i think the fucking point god did it gives you stand up thereby have court and i see him call and over the coaches he's gonna coach you got shit i file you want me to file in the coach won't even look at him and then i see the player in the coat on the floor just rolled his eyes like ash yet fuckin here about this one right that's how close i was i'm shit now i'm absolutely giddy till the left that's all right i mean i'm sorry where three ladys right they weren't even hot they were like sword a hot ghetto they did the shit that hard girls do they had fancy close they had on the eyeliner they teased up their hair but they take just work you know you don't you shhh american light idle in some can almost sing
like the way i sing picture the this amount their listen row row row you about gently down the stray here i just said stray right that's the kind of good lookin mayor you are right was it wasn't bad right up to stray that's what but the ashes in bed those teddy's our debate you then you look at their face straight you like falk really had a fuck you sit in a close so not only were they sitting that they weren't fuckin paid attention this is why i am fucking off the word is racist i don't know if it's a racist good looking woman is it's not it's interracial think at all from sexist now cause it's not a woman thick its specific kind of fuckin i just i thought
being beautiful women are right you don't you know when you go to the golf course you know a guy's t off in my foot good mental whirlpool versus where the women t off in my world mentally beautiful women they they got a t f way back there they gotta go that extra fuckin thirty goddamn yards because i just italy has shown that you're gonna be exactly like these fuckin consumers sit next to me they sat there they had their fuckin stupid noise makers right which is always a sign of a bad franchised by the way i've said this fucking years for some reason some are you are you not hearing me ok if you work
bans sucks so bad that they have to give them noise makers so they can sound like a fuckin enthusiastic crowd ok noise makers like it's fuckin new year's eve assumption right so they sit in there i took a picture of it it's gonna be up on the unemployed cast by the way the girl next to me is holding her too little thunder sticks in her left hand and sorry my voices fucked in the left hand and then she's texting honour blackberry with her thumb and the black various wrapped in this little hot pink fuckin average the north the shit out of me and at one point someday throws an alley you for this monster fuckin dunk the crowd goes crazy she missed the whole fucking thing she said stouter blackberry that starts clapping the thunder sticks together just cause he hears the crowd and she just goes put it right back to what the fuck she was doing
yeah sure not annoyed me but it did in annoyed me and then at one point heard two other whore friends kept yellin overt somebody who work from the mavericks they were gone match may it may yet you don't do that those who take a one syllable word they make you make it too like i'm going to bed yet they go may hedge and i look over mitch turns out to be one of these jackasses you come running out like sort of skipping and running at the same time with one of those guns and he shoots far can t shirts up into the upper deck yet ass you know those fuckin guide you ever wanted just punch summoned the face more when you see them with their eyebrows up and there pointing up the upper deck like hot you want a free t shirt do they do that stupid little skip step you know across the court and then they stop
our feet parallel to each other than they just stick one hand up in the air and the girls do this and then they sorted jump in a circle waving it is it's you not for somewhat embarrassing to watch people freak out that much about a fuckin free teacher you know it so what is it fuck and ten bucks go by one people up their hang enough i'm telling you someone's gonna fall out of that fuckin upper deck indignant is gonna be the dumbest death ever and i'm gonna laugh and i want to watch it on youtube and no sympathy for the procedure if it's a t shirt so i wait he turns out he's one of these guys are he wasn't really a good looking guy you there but it works for the maverick so he has three sort of parties you know a fortune guys it's not are you look it's it's it's the position you ran in life he just as i realise that he could have got three better look and women but you know he's too busy looking at his imperfections when he brushed his sister
that's what i think too that story go off the rails i think it did may yet then i did my fuckin shit i was at the at the improbable a great chosen and sunday of certain around doing not adopt the oklahoma city thunder had a game against the fuckin miami heat i am likewise live in los angeles if i wanted to sit down close to see the miami heat at a fuckin lakers game i mean i'm gonna have to fuckin shell out two grand and i'll blow you half an hour so fuck it i'm gonna go do you not face value for the tickets were face value or sit behind the goal where chris bar should forget durrant got each other's faces i was sitting by that goal about fucking around fifteen rose up the yellow loudly i could hear what the fuck they were saying you at face value
tickets was fifty five bucks underrated going to a sporting event fuckin oklahoma all right don't sleep on those in the middle of nowhere fuckin cities it's great the cost of living is so much lower ticket prices a fuckin lower and you can sit down low like you're fuckin ben stiller assumption of twenty rosebud where he would be said and then i'm also on the side i couldn't see part of it because the fuckin guy was in the way but other than that it was great and i got it underrated also is the fuckin oklahoma thunderer fuckin fat man he had great fans and arab phenomenal fuckin stadium it was bare by it was like reverse staple centre so and the tickets were cheap and people you know could afford to go there
big upper deck and only had one row of luxury boxes so it was loud is hell was way louder than the fuckin staple sir you know when i she liked it better than the fuckin goddamn back north fleet garden whatever the fuck they called it back and boasted that awful arena those two fuckin legendary franchises the ruins of the celtics and that's the fucking arena that you build up you go down a home deep all your vice sixty thousand cinder blocks and you just make a big fuckin square that's what that's what we get you know we had this unbelievable how might home court advantage back in the day and i feel like i'm in a full court when i'm gonna fuckin place so so anyway you absent right there when they were talking shit and evidently kevin direct went off on him afterwards said he was one of those fake tough guys and it was all the big fuckin
i support the idea that i was there was pocket site there i don't you guys like a fucking nuts for doing that shit what else was i going to do sit my hotel room till the future act to pick me up and go take me to get some faggot barbecue i can't do it anymore you know when up there you it's great about that that drive from dallas to two of the home a city is its inward when the two cities when you're in the middle of nowhere right any go you go over the red river magellan allows gonna go red river rivalry game last year i i you know what the fuck and read never was at an order was work as they kick the shit out of each other and is a river of blood afterwards i had no fucking idea evidently that's that river that runs on the south the state that gives its its shape bride c4 can go over that
and then that's one all the signs about james s they all start come out i took one creepy fuckin photo this was outside of a gas station where the fuck is my phone they did their best to take the shit you don't you you're driving down the street right and you know i saw one point there were like four crosses on the side of the road for we're like i guess for people died in a goddamn accident like fuckin side swiped an ox or some shit i mean was like in the middle like the middle of fuckin nowhere and when i was an atomic did their podcast was shown you that that guy i know when you drive from fuckin cincinnati down nashville somewhere in kentucky could somebody semi a picture this somebody has the ten commandments written out in signage on this the outskirts of his of his of his is farm shrilly fuckin frightening me see if i can find this here
i'm scrolling you're you get out that their debts all shit about jesus or its arctic it's a farm or it's a casino awareness here it is we pulled over for gas what is assigned say his blood paid all you know it's like it i enjoy my fuckin day can i just drive up and go see a basketball game without you bringing up the fact that somebody got tortured to death so why somehow make it the fuckin la la land which i'm not going to i'm not gonna make it right you ve heard the podcast you think god doesn't have itunes i'm fucked there's no way i'm making it i don't even by it that shit you know somebody last week you know cause i went off i'll fuckin j star there last week right fuckin bosses son i'll fuckin twinkle toes himself
the originator of the bargain stock fuckin look that guy you know later went on play basin nirvana right is now oh jesus did that's very easy artie came back you guys mystic what the fuck was talking about i was on such a great little pocket change there now to bring up nirvana with the fact that i do therefore i feel you ever do the shit we came and we talk and when he got back it up and you had a right his blood for you all yeah yeah i somebody last week sent me this fucking email see if i can find the ship was hilarious because he had in the subject in all capital what is it just said answer me right and i didn't offer was somebody fucking around or what but it was some dude who was annoyed by me taking the lord's name in vain
there it is answer me bill here we go from a guy i know i don't say names but what what are the odds that some jesus freak whatever first named travis i wish you would stop using jesus christ name in vain no tree what do you have against religion anyway i think you are confused about the whole thing attend a good bible believing church did the pastor and actually listened to how are you assumes that i talked to a pastor i didn't listen you see to catch a little passiveaggressive touch it so once you fucking listen this type i would appreciate it if you would be open about jesus and christianity it will change your life exclamation point guarantee explanation point yet spelled wrong he spelt guarantee gee you are i can t get he's just names travis god take taylor you get gauges girl change your life what do you have a gauge whether we likely red back this enemy
but the most stereotypical horrific fuck and action i can't i wish you'd stop using gauges name in vain what he ever gets religion anyway i find it oppressive that's what i like about it i don't like other use fear they try to scare the shit out of me since the day i'm fuckin born it don't you fuckin sit there neck like they don't they do it's fuckin annoying they don't know what happened to you when you die so stop scared the shit out of me i think you go right did a fuckin ground as what you do and you have can you make the soil richer right and the next thing you know there's a mosquito flying out of it thanks to you it works for all of us the united way right that's what i think i don't have a problem what religion ok i shudder at the way should on everything else why are you just fuckin
show me emails when i when i talk about o j star there tend to good bible believing church i did i did it my whole flock life and you know what turned out they were fuckin kids you know do you understand that travis you understand what i did to society the amount of fucking just people who came forward and now that's gonna effect the person that they they marry and the way they raise their fuckin kids and hang ups are they gonna have that shit is gonna last for fuckin centuries ok forget about the fuckin spanish inquisition all these fucking wars what do what is right like why we understand these fuckin people who can't see though that the ridiculous level of death that has been caused because
because everybody just trying to fucking i'm really preacher right now i gotta shut up i just just how ip fuckin asked me all right i just you know i i believe in the b a good person even though i'm not you know what i can't even say i'm trying to be i've i've quit i've quit trying to be a good person i've been living in accordance to the church of satan i have a right and i know right now you think i'm in here and i'm fuckin sacrificing a fuckin lamb or some shit talking to fuckin l diablo there i'm not that's not what the churches satan is about that's what the fuck you guys told me it was about and then one day in the day i had a radio show with young joad rosa teenage sensation from the european anthony programme and we was holloway was comin up we say why don't we have some of these satanist people come in here let's see if they could freak us out
so we would now ask you know more about the devil and all that and they go we know we don't believe in their shit that's organise religion came up but that we don't believe we now believe that there's a heaven or a hell we don't believe in the devil don't believe in any had stopped sounds like i'd so what guys believe it s just like basically the one what feels good to you europe which means you know fucking bang it about your hobbes you wanna hide fudged there you go on your fuckin eat it you want peace and quiet you don't have kids you just you'll live for yourself that's basic what that's that's their version of it so that's what i'm saying i been living for myself it's ridiculous i play hockey i played drums i tell jokes i got a fucking basketball games i'm not pass in any knowledge and anybody who half looks like me and have looks like my beautiful girl for an employer
very selfish vulcan life so but i don't need jesus do i travis is that what you're going right now now that's why i've against the item in our i gotta make somebody's funny right i don't have a problem with your and organise religion i don't but i i i don't understand and why i dare not people just don't see how that everything can assess the same shit and then you just have a different guy that you're you're saying it too and then for some reason if the other guys don't believe in your guy a venture lee you end up killing them either one on one face to face or you let some blockhead tell you what those other people alike and how they're gonna get you when they going to do all this fucking evil shit right
and then you go over there and you fuckin kill them why those fuckin rich constitute area you know plaint footsie with each other you no rest in their feed on bars of gold roll it that's what they do they roll around and cash as they do you think you think that's what bankers do just citys like change they just dive into it like a jacuzzi just coins urged creepy i would welcome types that's why travis right that's why i do it because i don't fucking believe in it i don't believe in it now believe a fuckin word of it i believe in a higher power i don't know what the fuck it is i don't know what happens when you die but i'm not listening you are ready the fucking idiot who you now wants to rub went out to his teacher because you do right stop fighting thought you do just take it out rub it out have a good fuckin time your goddamned dick stop having some other fuckin person tell you what you can jerk off to the right guy that was cathartic that fell got there feel good for you guys
how about you manage travis dakota all right what are we talking about now what i got here to move on to work i gotta region this shit hell everyone over there in england i know i keep saying this torres coming together it is it is coming together when ireland scotland this fucking things gonna come together i'm trying to attack on a scandinavian tour as well there may be some australia the eu in the far right soap by all means i love hearing from other countries are right and i don't give a shit if trash in amerika i don't give a fuck i just wanna hear what you think i mean i'm not going to agree with you a lot of it but let me
what's going on over your way so i can try to make this thing that some specific to jesus freaks and taxes are right from england this is some sort of sport is a kind about sports controversies this week another was a controversy between chris passion guy having to read only knows it was it was great it out i thought it was or some other gonna get each other's face they start fuckin screaming yelled and they play the game is fuckin awesome game and die think i became a thunder fan due by the way their mass god is the shit i don't know what the fuck is i get i get by that one does it make sense you don't owe me like the phoenix sons why they have a gorilla i have no fucking idea i guess a gorilla like all living things needs the sun but other than that that see only connection i make with it
really in the fuckin son so get out whatever santiago at san diego chicken that made no fuckin sense for the pod raised but the dew was hilarious so anyway this fuckin do for the was like his name is rumble that his name and i believe that our care for remember he looks like with a wild things are those things this fucking dude came out had is at half court had his back to the fuckin rim to end it threw it over his head without looking with the mass got shit on and nothing but net are right and they walked off the court like it was nothing i know he doesn't hid it every fucking game but was pretty goddammit and then later on he comes out on a fuckin drawn kid in the goddamn costume and starts jam and what these fuckers those many drum like children it and ass he spoke and killing it on the drug kid the dry kid i don't know how it's going around the fuckin the
any drum line people there like stana basically with it were sent a court is where the bass while as an indistinct starts revolving around it like a goddamn planet around the sun like very fast you know to the point that you know almost to the point where he could fuckin fall off still keeping be still with the shit so anyway how the fuck did it get into that all i know we're talkin sports controversies here so this guy me too i think from england solaris these two guys who were basically as far as i can tell them they come and take for the premier league which is the year of the english socrates over there for my money it's the best one out there you know my little bit of knowledge is fuckin you know a hundred fifty years tunnel twenty fifty years of tradition with some of these these teams and fanciful fucking nuts people get trampled death its everything that you love about sports right so evidently these commentators first of all they got busted they didn't know there might foreign
and they were shit non this lady who was working on the sidelines basically not even say like that i'd love the fuckin banger basically saying she didn't know what the fuck she was doing they just did know that there might foreign so why now course one of them ass to step down the other ones castro like apologize profusely is basically what happened you guys got i've the youtube so you can you got it you gotta watch these things are hilarious a bill here in england there is currently a very funny shitstorm surrounding to sky sports premier league broadcasters i'm guessing spot sky sports is like their their sports general european or something so i was there rather trouble for sexes comments they made about a female official see i mean i was too once but i didn't hear them say like i'll get her tits honor they just but that she stuck at a job you know is it come to that if you just criticise a woman for doing a job
that guy usually does it automatically become sexes remember them say anything like that granted i'm a fucking moron but only when these guys know who would know better than these guys these guys the guy's rights when it was he says a new footage keeps up hearing on youtube as people seem to be up shit on these guys it is well funny as they are pair of cosy smug cuts who have such great jobs you got a fucking love english people cosy smug cuts can you please send me audio of you saying that in your fucking accident so i can play for my listens next week cosy smug counts have such great joy zone cosy smug countries what a fuckin tremendous description of some do she didn't earnest vulcan positioned sits in a corner
office hang on a second i gotta go talk to their cosy smug cut down the fuckin anyways it has been one has been sacked damage fired conspiracy theory is that its link to fact that he's suing sister company newspaper for phone tapping yeah i don't know what happened there some a tap his phone i have no idea but anyway she goes and the other one eating his own balls on the radio today apologizing like mad trying to save his career i thought this story might appeal to you as i know you love a good broadcaster balls up and a bit of a bit of woman trashing thrown in full measure here is some clips from the story okay so he gives me the clips of them making sexist comments i played for but you really is an american gotta listen to it a couple of times to pick up everything they say it because a talking really
asked but the best thing is you sent me this other clip and it's the same two broadcasters and they're doing their basically speaking over highlights of women soccer which as far as i can tell the quality level is the equivalent of the w nba during the first two weeks that it came out right so they start doing they start doing the highlights and these fuckin broad's are so bad at playing football that they just start laughing all right there you understand that not in a mean way it's what made them laugh was the level of of or lack of level of quality of these fuckin brides the way they were playing the game they shot you should this one fuck you gotta watch this video up on the import gas dot com this girl right the fuckin
only falls down i don't know what happened she stepped on a string of reflected tat bond sorry that was made she fuckin falls down whatever she's horrifically opposition the other girl she is basically three quarters of the net to shoot this little falcon all in none of those you don't know shit about soccer a goal in soccer you could drive three of those double decker fuckin red london buses throw it so she three you could drive to fuckin buses short she could the ball somehow she gets underneath it this thing fuckin shoots up in the air hits underneath the crossbar comes back under the feel of play and then because of the route that is spent on the ball its how by the grace of god trickles into the fuckin net was one of the ugliest gulls ever and then the girl starts celebrate like she's fuckin paleo something so i think that that was a
i care about because only watched it wants these two fuckin cosy smug counts is this guy says they start fuckin let one of em laughs and then the other one has to continue talking and then he starts giggling eight i'll fuckin immature guys are next thing you know they allow their balls off and you know what to save their job if one of these fuckin broad actually play soccer it wouldn't would stop doing hilarious horrific shed on the fuckin field or the pitcher whatever the fuck you call it you know so these guys trouble for that shit too which is hilarious to me animals thinking why that's why girls socket soccer of football whatever the fuck you call it if you suck is a guy and guys laugh at you you have two choices either get goods stop laughing at you or quit the fuckin sport you don't have the option of you to me that's faxes stop it
and then everybody has to sit around and pretend like you don't shock it what you do for a living fuckin nerve those broad get mad the fact that that debt that debt shit is on tv the level of play that that actually makes it on tv and some guys twenty times is good who can't make it into the premier league is never gonna get on television these fuckin broad's get on their right and that the level of fraud play that they put that on when does that air over there does it come on right after benny hill is it like a comedy thursday night i mean the like say literally should apply in that way we may be able to get their fuckin kazoo saw so anyway you gotta check it out in its it's fuckin tremendous and i'm not saying that women are bad athletes but these women were they are horrific i must say leyla ali could not beat the living their enemy she could all right and you know what i would expect you guys to do
laugh your ass off during the highlight of beginning my ass kicked because i socket boxing i'm terrible at it you know i got a good temper i'll fuckin spaz out fuckin thrown on the ground if i can you know start punching you through tears you know it's better that type of shares i do when i was a kid i tried taken boxing just i'm i'm not quick i just i don't have that quick twitch muscle fibre at all and i have a huge fuckin head so it's not a good common slow and having a big head you don't wanna get no boxing ring their way thank you very much for certain that end like i said you have your in any those those countries over there the right that i go to which is basically london london more in england forget now ireland scotland please send me some australia come on your way in any scandinavian country right stars rusty
yeah shame it you got a fucking comedy own over there eventually i'm gonna go there and it's not because i give a fuck bought you it's because i see what the banks are doing their growing global they're going global and i'm not gonna get caught flatfish that's that's my that's my exit strategy for when the ship goes down right i'm gonna go out the van nice and hopefully have a fucking private jet by then and i'm gonna as is the ship starts burning over here i'm gonna jump at a goddamned played at flying to another country and i'm gonna be booking gigs ever make good i might come down for a couple of weeks
you know but me and the old fuckin fosters logger fuckin comedy tore a goddamn bullshit the depth charge level beareth evidently none of them drink it over there oh by the way thanks for rupert murdoch right thank you thank you very much jesus christ i thought you guys we're cool over there ah you know rupert murdoch is such a do she almost negates ac deasey ok there's a fuckin state before all right let's let i want to the next topic here i have a splitting fuckin headache you ve got a headache you can feel your heart beat your ears eric oh here we go up his new topic this topic really took off this past week the new topic is this racist racist racist racist last week we had some people i ask some questions and i get fucker remember what the hell they were
i'm about to say what i drive down the street somebody cut me off i play i'm out here in los angeles a game called all duration and the person i'm writing with we both have to guess one person picks all the other person pics asian it out and then you pull up alongside you take a look and i swear to god nine times out of ten it's one of the other you know and if it's all then asian that's like it in the green double zero in fuckin roulette nobody went unless you picked it lets you said old asian our rights be like is that fuckin racist right never deadly somebody china last week he said it's actually racist and aid just to say that so yeah so i guess i have a racist age escape but let me this what about the factor that it's just me and my car
aren't you allowed to say fucked up sharing your car doesn't everybody sort of become like michael douglas and falling down when you get in your car don't you say fucked up shit and when i say don't you i mean everybody not just white people come on black people you know what you say about us you know what you say mexicans ah you know what you say everybody knows what they everybody says there's stuff some always come on no what you say when you're out their fuckin tat when a tree and turn it into a fuckin surfboard right now what you guys do are those that top is fuckin people on the planet my whole knowledge of small ones is basically professional wrestling usc football and other dude on the steelers just never seen a fuckin pussy who's the somali
just take it out those who like the actual the real three hundred people get up shaped monotonous now you know they bunch of salaries they wanted to do was the moment fuckin biggest loser that would be the shit so fat fuck in somalia you bring him in that you get him in the woods shape over at the other the show rather than winning like one thousand they just get drafted under the eta felt they become millionaires look at that see that people that's why moved out alike because i could just i can create a show what enough to get around the falcon air but i can create one yes i am delighted that is cryptic talk and i'm not ready to talk about that failure in my career i right let's plough ahead
i say we go is this racist is the question i have is it raises for me to root for a white running back at this point you now considering the last good one was like jim kick and larry zaka john reagan's right who's the last that's a book in or i don't know the edges who was the last white dude to win the rushing title right let me think here it's definitely nobody and i mean nobody before walter peyton there is no fuckin way it was walter paint was in the league earl campbell then came billy since then came into the fuckin league there was always guys and those guys who were wages they weren't led the lead but there was still killing it likes
cribs you have him who else john rigorous was around them but i dont think maybe this strike season did he wanted less came after that george rogers o o j understood tony blair said other factor for franco errors rick up church now he was angry wasn't right back wilbur montgomery i've gone right through all the falcon tv they all had chuck muncie and you ll find jeff roger craig there there's no way but they had that psycho why do those fuckin awesome on their team i forget his name but he wasn't led the league whose sky i go pre that anyone who floyd little gale sayers would get back to then jesus christ has a white running back ever done it gonna fuck it
so that's what i'm saying you know it's like like a black people rueful like a black quarterback like all other canadian people freak out when a deck he met so we came to tell you know it all they give a shit about the yankees gazeta they got it one of the guys on their because does that there's not a lot asian guys and they make major league baseball i did look i'm like they were racist so can i be excited about that fuckin white due to run for the cleaver browns where's that face mass it looks like the front of a dutch rammed truck let me now answer that question mash up fuckin i'm gonna work out all my bullshit this podcast rights evidently all duration is ages and racist that doesn't mean let us stop doing it there's no hate my heart when i do it you know that can be justified
as i said on a fuckin bed with white sheets on it for comfort ok there's none with her and i'm not put it on my head rights or relax our right here we go this is coming from japan but these are actually our troops we have troops based over their cause we're making sure that no one takes the japanese people's freedom as what we do we just we were so concerned about everybody's freedom around the world that we must have our way and we put a base there that's like our starbucks for the world put a base there we just make sure that everybody's all hunky dory look it up for you best interests ah fuck him against ok i built your isn't racist segment segment was the source of much comedy and paying yesterday for out here stationed in japan race
there is always a source of a headache and particularly in the military where great lengths are taken to ensure that it's not tolerated at all i have great that's a good thing for the most part they do a great job course is always gonna be idiots everywhere but here's a funny thing that happened involve involving your previous podcast somehow i'm fucking implicated halfway across the world oh here we got so i'm listening to your podcast admittedly inappropriately at work i might coworker whose also but all right let's stop let's look at this that this is a black guy is hanging out with another black guy nobody get nervous am i call work was also black and i are laughing at your crazy ass this guy's definitely black is that how white did that sound coming out of my voice out of my mouth me out of my voice people laughing at your crazy ass yo you did the dope it up at dover thing
about the indian reading from one of your fans letters so my guys like yeah that shit is racist and always gonna get an email from some idiot asking is one click click click ray this bill i don't know i don't what the fuck that is if some sort of africa accent he goes i me up i keep fuckin that thing up i did this package the other day messed up let me just read his entire quota going to read it is white is possible so my friend whose african american said yeah that's it is racist you know it's gonna get an email some idiot asking is bullet bullet click click click racist bill i mean i know i'm not races so i don't know i just don't know these workers i like a woman passing by in the hallway was evidently offended by my workers in sensitive impression of african dialect that is african alright
some like that doc zulu right so she with its co workers just walk advises due to talk about my podcast and she gets offended by the black eyes impression of an african right it's gently it's a white lady who gets offended he tried to expire under that he was using it as an example and even offered to play back the portion of the podcast that it applied too it seemed a bit like she was determined to take advantage of this situation to make some sort of point so picture this visual bill a white woman is sitting there preparing a statement about a black making racist comments about black people in front of another black guy myself and all of this being presented to this section commander who happens to be japanese american get
i've sitting there as a witness biting my lips trying not to laugh because i swear i could see on the commanders face he was like dear baby jesus what the fuck is going on like he was trying to blame himself out of the room and this entire situation so we'll see where this goes in the upcoming weeks he sent me another email and the the commander there the japanese american commander told the african american to handle it within his just handled himself with the caucasian american there was a politically correct enough you hit and run ahead in your last part gas as far as what's in your heart most times in regards to whether or not something is races people now fuck all there oh i was not aware shit if you say something or do something and then you wonder if its racists are not judges are a problem we is slash was if the first thing that comes out of your mouth
i'm not a racist or anything but i i already know i'm in for some bullshit this the saying that anything you say or with that saying anything you say before the word but is automatic lee racist that is true at least ninety eight percent of the time and now it is the internet has just given people mostly idiots and cowards of voice of anonymity for shit like that that's something i really is really depressing is the fucking level of racist comments are fucking youtube i get pussy shit where no one can see you now i can get you in your talk at all that fuckin shit in their arab that's depressing that is very depressing anyways the flip side there is the shit some black people say or any other race airship sorry i was only while being allowed to swiftly blow to the last paragraph i swear to god and all in the torture
on the flip side is the shit some black say about any other race offensive all that's not my fault he wrote it about any other race offensive and racist of course any it says no is being an idiot i'm a realist it's why not tolerate any extra hip i grew up around black eyes and i have an end doubly way cassette tape white guys saying the edward around me it's also why you never hear me say cracker or any other ethnic similar even in just so anyway she's gotta go he said is a racist when you hear a story about an athlete shooting someone in a strip club and he was do you know what color he was maybe two sub is it when i hear about a polar bear slapping the shit out of someone's kid or a video a guy shitting in a girl's mouth and i'm pretty sure i no what color all of those people are not
pretty sure i know what color all of those people are not just my two two sets well thank you for chiming it that's funny that you bring up that whole new story because someone else rode into asked me if they thought that this is if this was like a racist game they said bill i like to play a little game similar to your asian or old person driving game except my game involves in the evening news it's called being our black guy or crazy ass cracker just to clarify i am hispanic parentheses latino makes it and whatever other dumb ass term someone has come up with so saying bina is ok saying that this is why i wanted to do this segment which is the exact fucking reason katy says beater black guy in cracker are right and he goes i could say vainer because i'm next well then why can you say cracker ass cracker right is cause on white and no one gives a fuck about that one she would say
this is something that i learned from doing stand up in front of all different kinds of people that's what i learned i learned that everybody basically is that that their selfish stage they just they look out of there had you can't help but do that so you just say shit from your own perspective like one night i was doing this get right now the old boston comic club in new york city and one of the acts that was going up was this was this i think i told the story before was that it was a comedy team as his asian guy and girl and they went up there and they did this fuckin rap ok and they went up there and they stuck their teeth out like they had buck teeth and then they put you know glasses it you can put on those joke ones that make your eyes look asian it there though there asian and yet they still put those on and then the other guy had on a girl of fake gold chain with a fucking fortune cookie hang it off the thick
so i said i look out before going up gone all this isn't gonna fly this isn't gonna fly with this fuckin crowd this is based we would call that shit what it was that shit back in the day in old time holly it was almost like asian black face like what they were doing was fuckin was ridiculous i was thinking that black people watching it we're gonna be like just other shit that tape and throw it look at me like what they want these foggy why they sell out their own fuckin raise this is terrific this is fucking horrific and they didn't that act when there they fucking destroyed and everybody laughed the balls off they thought the fortune cookies thing was spoken hilarious and i was just like people i don't know maybe it's because their shit on their own race what the fuck you supposed to do i don't know i found that shit fascinating so what is it pertained to what the fuck i just set out an off his coat medicines kick in it finished so anyway this is basically what this guy does he
says job just to clarify the deputy ok now this gamester because i hate watching the news in the matter what i'm watching sports and are usually my wife will want to change it so naturally being the ass all that i am i had to figure out a way to ruin it for so what i do is turn away from the news whenever they bigger beginning explaining the crimes or events of the day based on a description of the crime or event and how it was committed or performed i yell either beater black guy or crazy ass cracker do then she south of one fucking game i would say craziest crack i would just say fuck and waited example news report says what i say beater no i wouldn't that's one of the worst once ever being her it's got no wring its got no flow that must have been a bad day with white people usually were lot more creative
you know maybe after fuckin vegetable vegetables fruit what the fuck is enough anyway to plough had example news report says a man was stabbed and i yellow vainer i know it's been a because we mexicans careful guns and still pay for our legal extended family members we have living with us and our two bedroom house if the newspaper says a dry by shooting i yell black guy come i do i really have to playing the razor buying that one and of course if i here the suspect had body parts of his victims in the refrigerator fuckin crazy ass cracker it's because of this game that my wife is stop watch news altogether i now have peace and quiet to enjoy my top plays the day fix on sport centre for good for you good for you not see that something i do not think that that's right because what you'd you don't have any hatred towards any those groups what you're doing
is your actually you do want to watch the knows it's fucking depressing you wanna watch sports and then she puts on its bump buncher depressing shit and what are you gonna do sit there and get the pressed where you gonna fuckin entertain yourself so you turn it into a fucking game it's actually a you know i'm not offend a bite i think that's fucking funny and there's a lot of truth to it much as aid to admit somebody shut yet where fuckin body parts those scat videos i don't think i've never seen a black eye and escape video not that i fuckin you know watch those things but i have done the job anthony show and occasionally a weird video will come up
jesus i have scar tissue in my brain from that show a couple of times they had they brought up one very one time i am only describe it i just refused to watch it and it's still haunts me and i never even fuckin sought and i'm not talking about two girls one cup because i did see that one but they are another one where a guy had a jar and he did something what that jar that you didn't think was natural he somehow did it and then the yeah i'm gonna use an engineering term here the these structure failed restructure failed the outside pressure was too much for the structure and
point it reach breaking point and it failed the job broken the duke s i think and i refuse to look at the video and all her was everybody also the video screaming and horror is this guy to avoid a trip and embarrassing trip to the emergency room and clear up this issue asian himself all right i'm sorry as what was discussed things ever described in the park as let's blow i had always a guy respond so they did a double ways that racist anyway so yet indians are big white people fans because the british control their country for hundreds of years see that once again we all can make ignorant statements
so then you should hate the english why do you hate all white people see that we're all justice dub goddammit is this is this is enjoyable or its plough ahead here you know some english guy said to me the other day i was out dallas escaped from manchester was fuckin hilarious he said to me i was talking about the fuckin revolutionary war and i was even trash in england and when i brought the revolutionary war he goes oh yeah egos egos how's that tax free country work it out for you that was such a fucking good one i had nothing to say as a gay absolutely fuckin right the rich people fuckin stirred up the morons they kicked the fuckin british out and then the rich people just picked up where the bridge left off our eye ploughed ahead indians racist already ways bill so yeah indians are big white people fans because the british controlled their country for hundreds of years even more
i gave you should i understand that serve you see me get off the boat with my fucking god damn red hair right you're just gonna wanna goddamn person coming over there to fuck of your country i get he says that the worst part is that it was a company that ruled them the british east india in india trading company pretty much controlled the country using british soldiers to keep the indians in line there was at least one really bad massacre wherein a british general had his troops opened fire on a group of and how to say this but i'm not good disrespect these people s eye k h as that seeks i have no idea just ok so open up a fire these a group of these people just for being in a group something like two thousand people died including many women and children then gandhi came and peacefully do of the brits out just thought i'd let you know dude you are just like me
you overheard that shit you read about twenty years there was the most vague description of a horrific events i think i've ever read there was at least one really bad massacre where a british general had troops opened fire on a group a group and like two thousand people died and we ask you guys other guys question here the other people s missus purkis when you think of a group of people at what number do you stop calling it a group before it becomes a crowd you know before just becomes mass fuckin murder i mean for me a group of people's about seven or eight you get up to rub fifteen that's a crowd two thousand fuckin people are you referring to that actually read a little bit about that about this book on our winston churchill de gondi because i want to read about somebody history other than the same fuckin stories that they gave me like church
you know i heard all about jesus they read jesus diary to me for the first seventeen years of my life again get tired of it i want to read something also already there was i pose a lot worse than that something i i remember reading about this i want to give you a vague description of what i remember this was classic for my part cask as nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about see this is how we're all coming together here the british were fuckin over the indian people and indian people did something they finally fuckin snapped and they and off and they did something really violent to some of the british people who were over there including women the children i believe ass they went say yet i will say one to ten evil they went about five
and then england said oh yeah well fuck and show you what eagle evil is and then they came back and they went fifteen they were like fuckin burning people alive they just went around just just shooting everybody which is what you have to do when you fuckin occupy a country you have to commit fuckin genocide that's the only way which is why you shouldn't do it yourself why shouldn't fuckin invade another country because they fuckin leaving laid for could leave and so i cannot this is like that's part of a whole another big description discussion i should even a fuckin brought it up but the only occupation ever seen that ever fuckin workers in this country and the reason why workers because we weren't leaving an we fuckin committed genocide that sorry i'm not for that on any fuckin level which is why when i look around the world and i see certain people
in certain areas i'm not surprised with what the fuck's going down cassettes what always goes down what always fuckin goes down it's ok i don't know it's fucking its evil the pure fuck you twenty wayside youtube videos of this week the innocent of other stuff deserve a lot of justice are bought more justice now for a little on the weather here two videos of the weak kid dunks himself yellows douche bag you come out on the court after the black eyes of all fuckin dunk from the file line than than white guys come out with trampoline to try to roughly duplicate what you just saw what this fuckin kid he jumps to high any goes through the fuckin hoop i gotta give it up to the kid though many fuckin he didn't go right through the hoop he was part of the way through the hope when he realised that there was someone coming behind them so rather than for
try to go out again he just eat just went right through the hope was a very heads up fuckin play funny video others once great funny video making fun of la braun commercial with bread far off this fuckin guy in this video doing bread farm he not only does he look like i'm not only does this sound like i'm heaving even gets the facial expressions down of bread farm it's fucking great and i made funded dj last week so this guy sent me a dj video to watch its culture from kid koala skanky panky i get it it takes a lot of skill but i don't ever want to listen to it again on this but a few are about a month ago i talked about drop de tuning how that was that's how you make the devil you bitch you write a song and dropped tuning and i've never heard a song that did that that sounded bad and drop determining so he sent me another video of a great song and drop d which is never a negative creep
i guess it's in that i didn't i didn't fuck it look let's get to overrated underrated right is fuckin podcast what the hell's goin on here and what are we to hear our six minutes jesus it's wrap this up skull real quick here underrated local banks there always way more talented then actually and actually right and play their own music that should be heard said of all the popular lady gaga beyond say bullshit go out your bar enjoy the live music i agree overrated horoscopes whore scalps why do people think that some so interprets the planet's starts in stars position is a good flow influence on their lives you could literally say whatever you want as a justification for your actions i'm not a slot scorpio evaders is aligned with the milky way now you're a slut because you fuck a lot of people are right stop blaming they haven't you can't
all the people who freaked out because they thought there horoscope was different due to the new thirteenth sign can shut the fuck up if you read further than one paragraph you discover your sign is different if you were born when they announced it how do you know what the fuck that means i know recently that they saw me try to say that every sign was wrong and i guess people freak the fuck out always another racist want got the amounts to read this next week everybody chimed in on that topic do you guys have timed listen we give somebody somewhere my bad advice should do if you doubt just shut the fuck up thing off and that all the hostage let's see here bill all this guy's says build the pot casualties answering questions giving out relations
advice about you know between men and women so i figured i'd switch it up here and actually asked for your advice about a ban situation i'm pretty drunk so i apologise in advance if my punctuation is incorrect i joined in established ban on base about three months ago and spent the first couple of weeks busting my hump learning tunes to open for a semi well known nation net national touring banned since then i ve heard about three dozen so i've heard about three doesn't songs and gig once or twice a week some of them were high profile shows opening for us for some semi famous bans in theatres seeding a thousand twelve hundred people spend a good answer we work but i should have known that there was a catch after the fifth gig folly said do what the fuck's up with the money
asked the ban leader and he said that all the money goes into a band fund to pay for a recording of his c d i never agree to that when i joined the bans always like what the fuck i asked what happens if acquit the ban before record the cd and he said all the money goes to recording whether on whether or not i'm in on it or not naturally i got past yet what the fuck after a big balls are fighting finally offered to pay me thirty five bucks per gig nobody has a heart the musicians other than fuckin strippers or horse prostitutes sweatshop labour are whatever still fuckin rocket are we using get paid between four hundred to six hundred bucks so i said now i should get paid and equal one fifth of what if the ban makes us you guys get forty six to six out of bucks a night yes you should get like a hundred bucks that's all right he's gonna give you thirty five i like this guy stand in his but the shepherds
since i haven't been banned as long i don't deserve an equal share basically they want to treat me like a hired gun but don't pay me fairly plus i come to find out the old based player quit and a half with gigs on the books because they were fuckin of all fuck em all over on money too i've been a professional reliable i learned all the fuckin songs they showed up a ban on time and our top all that their ass we did nine posters stickers oppressed kit and go out and book more gigs i feel like i'm being taken vanity of all we what what do i give a fuck if we record seedy none of these songs or mine all i have invested in it is my time it's good steady work and play pays sorry it's good to get steady work and play big gigs but we're not playing to fag each chick music so it's not
come even get laid out on the gigs is always a shortage of base players in the world so i have a couple of bans i got a couple of the bans nipping at my heels but none of them are as high profile you dont dump your girlfriend take another broad bang on the side so i feel like i should keep playing with these two wants to gain a reputation and quit as soon as something better comes along so what do you think i think you're absolutely right are two things one never going to another situation unless you ve hammered out how the fuck you're getting paid don't just be like i'll do it good your hired you gotta meet only talk about pay because then after four five gigs you're already and committed you got time invested and now they got you by the balls so don't do that again and is far is advice with the band i would just do exactly what they're doing there doing what's best for them and fuck you so do its best for you and fuck them right if staying
a ban is gonna help you in the future by being on those high profile gigs that i'd stay in the ban and would something better comes along seer right but if get the fuck out in it some of these bans that one a fuckin play with you actually see me they're gonna go somewhere you know you might want to do that instead but it's up to you but like i said choose go go churches satan there do it for you don't be a martyr like dead like tat long haired do their right at support just for this week thanks every time and i apologise this was a little bit scatterbrain diarrhoea i'm really feel in this falcons goddamn had called come in on so well that set up a good week and that's it
would you like in the shape of all wait a minute is always helps me i got a rapid up we like in the superbowl you want a prediction i swear i say take the steelers and the over right because i think in general people a people who think the packers are gonna win you know i've been watching espn for some reason i think the pact people think the packers are gonna want whatever the fuck they say it's gonna win bet on the other team and betty over because did they think that you know because of that the defences if it's gonna be this in all school smash mouth what bar diet girl like those guys like football ethic dynamic is gonna everybody thinks it's gonna be that and it always goes the other fuckin way so that's it that's a podcast for this week good luck to pull teams in the super
you know they then i was in dallas and actually said some guy went on tv in so that they were ten thousand stripper short you know what a sad state of affairs ten thousand strippers should keep deeply people still go to titty bars unless you gonna one we can actually get one rubbed out what is the focal point you don't owe me then what did you do go to an ice cream parlour and haven't fuckin put ice cream on a spoon you open your mouth they put it in your mouth and raise you go to clamp down they pull it back out again is that what the fuck you do overrated teddy bars is no fuckin reason to go to it you just get frustrated then he get drunk and in the end this some sort of fight and then that guy from the titans comes in somebody get shot and then he just says i didn't do it and then he placed for like the falcons right is that i went down i don't fuck it now
you don't wanna go fuck myself like this one
Transcript generated on 2019-12-13.