« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 5-18-20


Bill rambles about psychic abilities, small businesses, and the other hits.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's going on is bill burn in time for the Monday morning, podcast from Monday May, eighteen, two thousand and twenty what's goin on I don't want you, though, and I yet though, guys believe in like ghosts. Believe, unlike paranormal shit, do you believe Jesus now doable Even now everyone's. While you know I remember one time I gotta while still live in backing. Fuckin Massachusetts almost said Beantown so funny should ever to meet. Beantown I lived looked for twenty seven fucking years I never found them. Where they made Boston, Big Baines. I they were. I never saw it on a menu yellow, Bain Tap. I add a fuckin bade
all over the place never sought anyway. Back in the day when I was young, I was living back there. I was coming back from college so long time ago. Ok As I was walking, I got off train the commuter rail and I was walking you know over to the parking lot and for some reason I envisioned. Smashing the window on my truck so that vision, and then I get walk like another fuckin five minutes finally got to my truck and my window was smashed in the fucking Radio was gone and all that shit right now is a goal that was Other do I have like some sort of aid. I hate that my radios gone
I have some sort of paranormal, not Pernod derive some sort of fuckin. He s, p m. I like that little chicken, fucking poltergeist, you know what did she say. I have exercised demons or whatever I started. Thinking like why the fuck did. I just think that right so this morning I'm lying in bed. I live out here LOS Angeles which, for the most part, is a desert and I'm lying in bed and I wake up in this I have this song in my head. After work can get up there. Work in hand in hand with the word. I love and am I What in the flock is making me figure that song, so I started laugh at before even opened my eyes. Why is that fucking song in my head. Lo and behold, I wake up Spock, outside,
it never rains out here. Arrange its southern California but poor man at port. You know what is it? was that, because I was sleeping, I fuckin subconsciously, heard the rain Is it one of those things where they say? You know you only use like fuckin, twelve percent in your brain, and I somehow broke through glass ceiling of my own stupidity and. I can sense after shit is happening. Before. I know. With my regular senses that something's gonna but everyone. So I set my what does what is that fuckin called you you look at the phone and then it rings night you taking up what is that thing spoken, its may. It never reigns in. May we have you bloom, but arrange dino. Even somewhere between
November, in February out here it will reign like every day for likes. It feels like for a month and then it there's no rain for the rest. The year than everything gets Green, it looks Oregon out here. It's fucking incredible, and gradually it just keeps. You know that on every day, just rise. Everything out in around August September, catches on fire and we start over. Guy get everybody backing. Looks at these fuckin fires. I go there. Is you in that bag? It's like! That's like can thirty miles away from me. Thank you for checking. What is it calls? Maybe I should look. Up. Gaining some thing, and then it happens What is that, a self fulfilling prophecy, all its neighbour. I go that far. What is it called
I think this means liking. I'm gonna make the NBA and then it happens. I don't mean that five things you do every day that actually mean your psychic this'll feed. My ego is a white check with TAT whose work and with no with their sandals in our hands. Okay, this is about psychics We all have a sixth sense it something with and you that tells you when danger is lurking specifically there's something or someone around you. You know you shouldn't trust your this is going with. You got whether it new type of feeling or a general sense of knowing something that seems to come out of the blue people are directed all the time to trust you got to follow. Intuition and might sound weird to say to somebody treacherous trust, your psychic power, oh boy, right. Now, I'm starting to be get my, senses right now. My sixth sense is telling me that they gonna try me to buy something right now- there's some sort of book about psychic power at the end of this article,
but when you tell someone to follow their intuition, that's exactly what you're doing. Your personal intuition is the guiding factor when it comes to your abilities, these five things you do every day, my actually mean. The second is that, like that thing, like you ever see what I mean, it might be the way to cut the nature. Videos ripe, they'll be some little fuckin road and you know meandering around and all of a sudden, eagle or a bird of prey will lock in on it from fuckin. You know idea. Bravo, airspace right, the fuckin thing sensitive like and I got a bad feeling and that something watching me fail and you get when you do think. There's somethin watching you are it's easy for Thanks and there are conscious Efforts you can make to help her harness your power and get in touch. With the universe, garrison I'll hippy, dippy figuring out an understanding. Your psychic mobility is not cut, shut up and just get to it. Our number one If someone right before they text, you.
Thinking of someone right before they text she was actually a form of pre cognition, ability to see a perceive events right before they happen through extra sensory perception or clairvoyance Valerie Mesa Clairvoyant S Roger and writer, for elite Daily explains at first. I had trouble really noticing a differential differentiating it from everything, every other thought, but but the time I realized it was part of my clairvoyants. I simply have a thing about someone and keep going up my business. They will either call me text me, it never fails. I could do that about my wife. In course, she's gonna call me a text me she's, my wife. This is this is vague. Is that part of Clairvoyance man say it's like right there, but if you reach out to touch it moves away man, but if you do Let it deals sit there with. You but do you always look at the clock? At the same time, I'm skipping
when I don't do that, you get bad vibes some people and get chills yeah that's being able to re people. You see random into images in your head right. What's this about? This is like the fuckin ring one psychic skill that far in. This category is called wait. You get bad vibes some people and get shells this a fine line from clairvoyance unjust straight up racial profiling. Doesn't it Why divide you gets people? What about your own, good, a person- you are how open you are whatever. I would think. If you're fucking, you know pessimistic, that bad vibes more so that someone who is a little more open minded You see random images in your head once kick skill that falls in this category is called Psycho, mercury or taken object. Reading and its one.
The easiest psychic skills to practice, though it may only come through sometimes dame them You pay attention to it. The more often happens, say or ordering your morning coffee from Starbucks there. It is. There. It is there. Is there the money? Everybody say that was clairvoyant. I knew it was coming. Why couldn't I like just be sitting in my breakfast nook drinking a cup of Joe. Say you're ordering morning, coffee stop sitting on your eye key a chair. I'm since psychic senses are heightened. When we, most relaxed, but what does that have to do? A Starbucks has plenty of people make coffee you fuckin comes and the mom you passed your coffee. You get an image of a little girl throwing a temper tantrum as you walking away. You hear the the barrister who major cuts
we complain about the temper tantrum her daughter through that morning, when she left for now. I don't I don't. This does not happen to me. If I started you shit like that. I'd go to Vegas, you know like a wizard shirt which be stupid could be like this, but a fog is counting cards. He's trying to throw herself with the wizard shirt right the form of psychic skilled comes into play without holding an object. Doktor practice explained There is clairvoyance, which means clearly sing images or pictures of me. I don't see that shit. I just walking in the rain, and it was raining up you dream about someone and find out. They wanted to talk now. Maybe I'm not clairvoyant. Thirty six instigated the queue lesbian couple at the bottom.
They adorable all right. What am I doing here? by the way I'm gonna let daily. If you want to see the adorable couple I'll look, chiropractors baffled. Thirty second stretch relieves years of back pain watch. They finally have a dude. You know kept having these checks. The fucking bent over with their fuckin ass, is in the air and shorts going up there, s sake. What are you try to help my back you get me to jerk off is just jerking off fuckin cure, blower back paid, aright right, everybody, This is the Monday morning podcast, and it's really really here we're gonna fuck it I'm out here in the garage and get a bunch of people in my house already moving around some shit, get ready for the bambino. Here in a couple of fuckin weeks,
I was Hoping to you know I have a few drum things down before I get no sleep for the next three months, I'm so far excited to become a dad again and am also nervousness health. I'm to be honest with you, because I know him work one is on microcredit. Now is gonna, be to whatever is acknowledged, wants to get past assert point they can play with each other, but I gotta my daughter, is russian the table, shit and she gets upset when she doesn't like you. Temperature, but are showing its like a grumble she's dead. I wanna hit far. And it's the one thing that I've ever found like wears her out as I get her up there taken some cuts And she had me die and laugh, and could she I'm telling you she's got that it's got that athlete thing, saying, she's gonna make the fuck em. Be I'm just saying: she's gonna be a gamer, so she gets up to bat right and she's just crush on these things and
their own and she runs overshoot picks up. The ball sticks it back on the table. Stand right, so I got. Nor could she was kind of crowding the plate. She's gettin up they like bury bonds, but she wasn't able to turn quick enough right. So I told you and further within the plates, and one time she came back, you stand too far away and she took like this fuckin I swung out of her cleats swing. It was right and left level with the the ball but She was too far away and she missed it and she laughed and as I'm trying to tell them moving closer, she took like six more cuts swung just as hard and was die and laughing and I moved her up and then she crushed one and then she went over said she's dead. I tired and she laid down and the grass First my ever saw get tired. So it's like the greatest thing ever because I've,
ever been able to wear her out. She just like battery life. Four days- and I would do this thing where we play this game called raw like, like I've jump out now Fuckin scare, so I've been playing it since she was a toddler sicker yet got so. She just still calls it raw. Dad I won't play run I used to chase around so I gotta go people say like now. You don't want to do that before they go to, cause you're gonna get their adrenalin going, they gonna be up longer and I was like I'm trying to wear out and I could never wear up so I finally found something, but she hit one it when I went up to the roof of the house and it gets stuck up there. So I had to go and we have a flat roofer, my house, so I had to go up there, but the latter up to get it. So I threw the ball down to her and I got
As I was coming down the ladder, I heard her head a clean want, and then I heard it hit my car bounced off the top my car and then hit the fence on the other side, which was a significant shot for her she cleared the shrubs and all of that type of stuff, and it was just the greatest The greatest feeling ever so I got a son, come in now so we have a little bit of a driveway and I'm thinking you know they all get big enough. You know we got to play with street hockey, though get the rollerblades out there play Lazarus going to be it's going to be, fuckin insane and once once my daughter is a little bit older cause, she's batten, lefty who gets the muscle memory down. She has a great fucking swinging everything I'm going to have her like if somewhere around, when she's for four and one slash, two take a couple of cuts from the right side, and I
did you ever go play soccer? I ever you know she was soccer. She kicks with their rightful, but I also have a kick a bunch. What they left foot gonna, get the Emmy dexterous thing going I just see where it leads. You know. See if that makes a better athlete or whatever It's a fun thing. It's shit that I do cause. I actually go up and I take cuts on a table thing. You know, I think Oh man cuts in I swing, lefty, enamel right handed batter and I don't know I think it's a fun thing I so I would guess is a good thing for somebody old, like myself, to be engaging a different part of my fuckin brain I still want to buy their dad was a day. The boy The late great New York Nick wrote a book called the memory book he had an absolutely incredible incredible incredible memory, one, ass. It was literally memorizing the phone book. You know what, by way of ivory, watch Michael RAP reports when the
Odin was eaten. It's it's such a great, great, great documentary and. About the seventy and seventy three next, I believe I was forget where I was thirty one one. They want two and three years, but I think it was. There was a three year gap anyway, I was watching that I thought that's what really stuck out this time when I watched it is the first time all I saw was Willis Red beat up the entire Lakers bench broke, two guys jaws and shares dislike as I've never seen that footage. So that's what stuck out and then also course, young pictures of Phil Jackson Gonna get that guy. Who is this like a guy coming off the bed? like a six man and he goes on to become arguably the greatest NBA coach of all time, I would say, is the greatest. No disrespect to read our back even me, being assault, expand, there's something about doing it. In the modern era, with all
information and everybody has access and all of that type of stuff seems like it gets harder and harder and harder which is sort of my. My babe Ruth argument that I always get into specifically with Yankee And then I just say to him: I go aren't let's just look at the state of heading four hundred. The last person do was TED Williams in nineteen. Forty one, ok Jackie Robinson breaks the color area in nineteen forty seven nobody's ever in sense, but of before nineteen, forty one from the beginning up until nineteen forty one like twenty seven people. Did it and there's a couple Years, we're like five guys, did it in the same year, five guys for guys three guys all hit and if you look. Happens every year in the beginning, in the late eighteen, hundreds and then all of a sudden it happens every two to three years. Then every five five years and it just gradually.
It down and down and down and down, because people make that Babe Ruth argument go while there was less teams, so the talent, was higher. I went on a per cent disagree with that idea, with that you or you only had white people, so the upper echelons of white people in that league, I think the hollow famers to tie Cobb's, Babe Ruth who played any error, but a guy like me, there was a You guys are not like me, but you know to me: there was a bunch of guys they never would have made it passed. Doubling aaa that were then absorbed up into the M l b for the simple fact that you know all these are no direct G2 ornamental Pedro Martinez, Josh, Gibson, Willie, Mays, all those guys warrant there. So I always look at it like once they opened We think up. You got the babe Ruth of every race showed up. And that's why baseball, I think, got stuck in the past.
Until they let everybody Guph every had to do fucking that modern day athlete had to do fuckin steroids and they had to use up the ball to break the wreck. Of what a hundred and fifty pound guys did. You know. So I dont mean any disrespect to the stars from back. Then I'm not questioning whether they could play now I'm saying they could I'm just saying those other two thirds of white guys. You know a lot of whom were pitching fuckin took too Babe Ruth and tie carbon all these guys hidden. Four hundred and seven I did some fuckin home- runs I always look like that's the step that I look at where it's like these people hit for numerous peep numerous years more than one person hit four hundred a year and then all the sun after nineteen forty one no can ever do it again. Closest guy, I think, was George Brett You think if somebody hit is George bread. Roy Peru
rose, Wade, bogs, Tony Gwynn, just mast each euro since Gimme that those we think those guys what a fuckin hit. Ok, I'm not saying that they would come back with this go back in time in in in like if they went in time which is born back then. So it's all the same. Nutrition, all the same knowledge and all that they would hit fuckin four hundred they would have they all would have that's what I'm saying I was trying to start a sports argument. I now, let's talk some old NFL the right of trying to avoid all the bullshit, the Fucking news old NFL shit that I learned this week are right. So. They don't count. Nfl title says: if you knew the podcast all right, if you ve lost your sense of taste and smell, and now you're quarantining by yourself? And you listen to this Marcus welcome.
So here's some NFL stats that I got. I don't even have an infernal machine showed. Should I bring em up some turnips and accurate trying to do the deed. The Bush things in fact remember what here we go and air fell, started with ETA El Kubi history and then it came to this our rights hey. We, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to talk about the kicking game in the NFL, now, if you like me back in the day. When you used to watch you watch the old black and white footage of some of our feel go kicking back in. Day people used to kick straight on, they didn't kicked the soccer. Which came about like the late sixties, early seventies. I don't quite remember when Sir, Oh, come on. You fucking cunt,.
Every I try to open a window and be smooth as I'm talking it. Never fucking works out. I just gotta get some of this guy stats so anyway. I when I would watch that shit. I thought that you know because they were kicking straight on because it always like the? U, they had like some fuckin giant off of alignment, kicking the ball That they were not kicking the ball that far that was sort of true because I feel like coming straight on like that, like how much weight could you get behind it? How far could you kick it? I just seemed like a enough: it was more inefficient movement with your leg as a pole, the common in soccer style. It seem like could bring your leg back further with common soccer style than you could straight on. I believe, dollar that shit.
I think, is essentially true, because everybody kicks, Augustine now so must be a more efficient way of doing it, but I as far as our people, not taking it that far, I thought that that was true until I read about Lou grows, an original Cleveland, browned Play with them from nineteen forty six, I believe two nineteen sixty seven now I have is his Wikipedia page up here. So I will be able to tell the sky was six three two hundred and fifty pounds aright he put a played off pensive tackle any was there feel, go kicker. So that was what you know. When I looked at the highlights, I didn't respect that's the way I should have deeply ninety. Six hundred and nineteen six thousand and seventy two one thousand nine hundred and sixty because he had a back injury and then came from sixty one to sixty seven. He was just the place kicker at that point, and what's amazing, is that he's one thousand nine hundred and sixty he took off? I can only imagine the rehab back then,
back our limits wanted. There was the touch, a thousand stand up as quick, as you can hear, pick up this refrigerator You can imagine what the rehab was, so he then played from after its backing Sixty one sixty seven. Now, here's the thing about this guy he was the first sky that could accurately hit from beyond forty yards and could hit a fifty yards. Up until Leubronn it came along like the kicking aim, was really overlooked. By everybody in the NFL, it was all about. You know, for the most part run in the ball in our throat the boy. Scoring touchdown kick in. The extra point was like what but nobody really took into consideration that you know feel good miss, feel goals and all that can really like they just didn't. Have the stats
The sudden and also people couldn't kick it as far as Lou grocer salute grows. It comes in and could kicked up a country mile, as they say- and this is kate- that he was basically the first Adam Monetary. Ok, because the Cleveland Browns. We're in the all American Football Conference before the entire for years that that league existed forty six forty seven, forty eight forty nine The Cleveland Browns one all for those league championships, and then you might say to yourself well Bell: it wasn't the NFL, so those championships don't count fine, whatever I get it. One thousand nine hundred and fifty. The brown join the NFL and guess what they did. They won the NFL title, Into the NFL title Games, six straight fucking years when Three of them and what people did what they like, what
fuck the brown stay. When you got Paul Brown, you got auto Graham, what else is going on? They started crunching numbers and they realise that the Cleveland Browns during time one fifteen percent of their games because of their kicking game. And they understand and understand that, did you know the fact that they could I've down to, like I mean back down. If we could do that, the feel goal posts were right on the goal line so You got down to the forty yard line ten yards into the other teams. Or mid field right now. Forty forty forty two yard line right. Wherein logged in lieu grocers range He would Kommeni would kick in fact in nineteen fifty when they play the fell title game was and left on the clock. He went out there and kicked it right through the uprights
when it and they asked him afterwards. They said Louis, you nervous. He said now I know was going. I knew I knew I was gonna make it sky had the championship Jane right, so. He ended up. Let's see what I mean points this guy had he ended up school like this is a tight anti, so these will all like feel guilty. I like eleven well hundred points. At the end, this career. His career point total was one thousand six hundred and three part of those one thousand three: in forty nine were in the NFL counting a FC years, his career point total is one thousand six hundred and three they action. We had something called the Lou grocer Rule United, the male blunt rule, I'm kind of into that shit like rules named after football players. Lou grocer rule. He had this thing where he would come in and he would put up. The tape right behind the ball like it just like us,.
Dramas like a piece of duct tape or such like that, which is so to help them line, is foot up when I went through a song didn't think to the ball or anything like that and he was just crushing so much. They said. Okay, you can't do that anymore. And then you know what he did. He continued to kick. Another thousand fuckin feel goals, but he the original Adam Vent, Vegetarian Lou, the tow grocer, you should know this guy. He played for the great Cleaver round teams, he one three and four titles, one thousand titles. Nineteen fifty back to back in five thousand four fifty five and then they want to nineteen. Sixty four and then he also one for all American Football Conference. Titles. That's eight titles by the great Lou grocer. He is the me as the reason that, the kicking game is so important. Today is not cool fear football nerd, our right foot, all rules named after play.
That's a lairs. It said named Lou like my computer, is not Listening to me, the Bill Bela Check rule the I'm grew ski rule that can stabler rule. That's the fuckin. You can't fumble the ball for the image. Smite rule the Gregg Prove rule. The Heinz Ward rule the Lester Haze rule that stick em filled Dawson Eleven rules named after named after people here we go. This is what a great fuckin topic. This is, the bill. Bela check rules since ninety. Ninety four and ninety four nfl quarterbacks have been to where speakers in their helmets, enabling coaches on the sidelines communicate place to them. Without the Of hands signals beginning two thousand seven lime green stickers- were used to mark. These are the FUCK budgets sergeant language these were used to mark these radio equipment helmets during the toothache,
in eight off season. The NFL pass to rule that allowed one defensive player on the field to wear a speaker in his helmet. The season before Call check in the the patriots we're fine for videotaping a game against them. New York jets from an Authorize location in order to learn their defensive here that spike a defensive hand. Signals if you didn't have any hand signals. It wouldn't have happened. Former Dallas cowboys head coach Wait Philip said of the spike, I'm just happy to get something past the way you don't it that way wary about, people were putting towels up in front of people. Enough to play football. That way, patriots. Voted in favour of the proposal are basically everybody with. This is what they ESPN didn't say. Everybody was fuckin there when it and then into thousand seven. They pass a rule that you cannot fuckin do it. Tat was the first year, couldn't do it and then a patriots continued to do it and we got busted.
Although the way this is written there making it seem like nobody did, which was bullshit, so I turn off there A hundred percent accurate, because I did the research on that cuz equal common after my fuckin team and by the way I know all you guys who fuckin hate the patriots who knows bullshit nobody data. Only the page stated while you watch all of these college football Games and is when they are holding up signs. They get a picture of a slice of pizza, Erskyll, the sign for pie and there's some guy Rick dance and pop lock and is like. Why do you think they're doing that? Because people, stealing signs, I've always maintain that if you think stealing signs is cheating, then what you to do is: have America forfeit World WAR, two aright Bronco Neglect grew ski rule. Oh by the way I got a great one on the New York Football Giants. Listen to this shit more should contain.
With. This are continue with this out. I got a great one on the giants. Who are one of my favorite franchises of all time? The way I hate the colts, I love the giants, I love the giants. They come out the hitching the fuckin mouth they when the fucking game. If those they go home, the cults they come out. You hit him in the mouth, they cry, they make a tape, they change rules. It is really the difference between the two big guy, you have one is run by men and the other is not, number two Bronco, no grew ski rule. The Broncho Degrasse role was enacted after a controversial finish in the nineteen thirty two and I felt championship game between the groups Geese Chicago bears in the ports spit Spartans your Portsmouth Spartans. At the time. Ford Pass was only legal if it was thrown from at least five yards behind the line. Scrimmage act, groovy was stuff twice on runs up. The Middle and
hi game. He took a few steps back and through a pastor, Reggie Grange for touchdown Portsmouth coach argued that gruesome, wasn't five yards behind. The line is scrimmage when he threw the pass, but the call stood, in the bears went on to win nine did nothing, the following see the happy. I took a couple of steps. Yeah he would have been if you'd you think he'd be within depends on where the fuck he was man, That why wasn't legal say everybody got old, said the following season. The lead declared that afford past could be made from anywhere behind the liner scrimmage the can table rule. Ninety seven. Ninety eight fell and acted A rule in response to play during the nineteen seventy eight season it became known as the holy roller the rate, is the added gonna lose the game? Can stable was gettin sacked and he is he down. He just rolled the ball towards the end zone, and then I forget who was like Dave Casper. He was Tryin is best
to pick it up and he just kept accidentally kicking it further and further. Until it was across the goal line and then he fell on it with five seconds left at the serious remaining the remaining the Oakland raiders trailing the San Diego charges by six point Oakland Corps, back can stay with brought back to pass from the San Diego twenty three outlined for an apparent lastest effort into the end zone. Stable was pressured, however, in an effort to avoid is sure say intentionally fumbled the ball forward. The ball rolled took MA. I'm sorry, raiders Fallback PETE, Ban Zack, who kicked the ball forward too tight and Dave Casper Day Casper but the ball into the enzyme before falling on it for the winning touchdown there is halting rule which is formerly known as the can stable rule, a rate of or raider rule prohibits an offensive player. Other than the the player who fumbled the ball from recovering, are advancing a fumble on fourth down or any other enter any down in the final vote, in its and a half
in another offensive player. If another offensive play recovers, the ball is placed back at the spot. The fumble by the way go back to that Bela check should it's like so, if you film people, it's not like they're just mining passing in handing in after you would then go and half time and you would have somebody look at all the videotape and then watch the plays and you'll be looking at the signals, and you would try to figure out something in me. Maybe it will give you an advantage on one or two fuckin place. Ok, I'm just bring. Get back down to earth. It was cheating they were guilty of it. They did break a fuckin rule, but that is not why they won all those fuckin titles. If it makes you feel better. You can say that, but you ok, but if you can do that, then you kind of have to do that with everybody, and at that point
the Steelers immediately go down to two super balls and who the fuck what to do in you, because the two other teenage plan was also. Can do in some bullshit, which is why you have referees and then what then you, then you gonna rewarded to the lesser team that was also cheating but didn't when I dont get it Emmett Smith. Rule In nineteen ninety seven, the NFL enacted player conduct rule twelve section three article, one which prohibits a player from a removing his helmet, while on the field the rule: was informally named after Smith, the Hall of Fame Money back, who had a habit of removing his helmet to celebrate touchdowns, including the tv scored on his first carry eighteen. Ninety five season quote I just come off a serious injury and all I read about was how I suppose we had lost a step that I was the downside of my career, Psmith told them dead. Dallas morning news I went sixty yards, my first carry and my hands string didn't pull, I was excited, so the
that was like wait. A minute. Emmett Psmith is having too much fun. It was flag for moving his helmet during the first season that the rule was in force. Is it about edge of honor smite, told the Austin American statesmen. No, it's not. Rules aimed at from such a classic. You gotta love em Psmith, when the toughest guys to play to that game. You play that when needed to win a camera was applied. Cambodia, the separated shoulder as a running back in India, who nfl running back taking NFL hits on a separate shoulder on real number. Five. The Gregg proved wrong Clean embrowns running back Gregg through it was one of the set of several NFL players who wore tear away jerseys during the Eighteen, seventy our man, that's like who is like I used to play for the fuckin buffaloes neighbours. He was one fighters. It was funniest sherry like tear away, fuckin, pads and shirt, and he would go here
fight, tied Domey at all of his fucking clothes would just tired, grab em an issue we're just come off and then the other do would be fucking hanging onto ties fuck in Jersey, and what's here was to hang onto his fuckin chest here. I gotta look this guy, you see this is how we go down the rabbit hole Buffalo enforcer, tear away Jersey who the fuck is this it all comes up to buffer Sabres Jersey, come on in all senses, crude buffalo see in a nutshell,. All right. I got you put, tie Domey why the fuck is it rob Ray Rob rave Rob Ray had like you know, it was
he was a male stripper aegis look at his Jersey and his jersey in his pads we come up with any would be shortly. She had nothing to hold onto and then he which is good be Jersey and beat the shit. This is great. Clipperton dummy in the penalty bogs yell Rob re like making these gestures talking about a stairway, jersey and robbery, just goes like all in three saying tied, Domey was Owen. Three against him is. Fortunately I love the HIV back to its. Let's back to the rules. Here I appalling as to Non Americans and non fuck and sports fancier I'd so Gregg Proof waterway jerseys during the seventies, as is Nicky means of shaking off would be tactless right but he never wanted championship. So he's not gonna get trash like Belgic proved right. For a thousand yards for three consecutive seasons from seventy five, seventy six, seventy seven
Five: seventy seven four to be effective. You couldn't where anything under it proved. Play the magazine. It got pretty cold Playing on the lake front, the League Banter Caraway Jerseys in seventy nine prove, was named to five proposals and want us. Trouble with the raiders in nineteen, eighty, three, the hives rule in two thousand nine, the NFL enacted, a rule that prohibits blind side blocks that come from the blockers Helmut for on my shoulder, and I was just agree big game. The rule. No, no! No, that was Green Bay, was playing a game, and I remember Warren Sap, way behind the play and he nailed some offensive. Lyman with you know that could have been, shit? The offensive Lyman was doing him during the day. The game or a previous game, you never know you never know, but then, when somebody gets hurt, they just look at the incidence of who knows, I'm not saying anything bad about warrant sap, the rule. Is
formerly known as the Heinz Ward rule after that, spoke steel. Why receiver, who established reputation of four levelling unsuspecting defenders and broke Keith? where's jar, with a vicious blocking, thousand eight I gotta see this fuckin head, Means Ward, who did he had? Let go my fucking bad memory already Heinz ward, Keith Rivers Keith Rivers, you guys tell me right now: you're not looking up this fuckin head right. We go playing the Cincinnati. Bangles. No love lost here care but use solar fuckin cigar later, that's not a thing! Everybody before you go to look for you! Why can't I hear I guess so, I guess he's ruthless paragraph play Action, fake shakes offered Kyler.
I was a great fuckin block. Heinz ward, getting pay, but oh my god that was a linebacker. Dude. I dunno Heinz Ward played like that. What the fuck. While he hit em right in the jar with the crown of his helmet. Ok What that's a really good rule. That's it good rule and also respect the ward that guys that we're fuck em up over the middle. He had a chance to fuckin hit one of em back and he did. While there was a linebacker too, that was no joke. Stay haze, rule Lester nineteen eighty one, the NFL banned the use of stick em, a sticking substance used to improve grip that was popularized by the Oakland Raiders, the Try in the Oakland Raiders cornerback Lester Haze during eighteen. Eighty season, including the playoffs
substance, help Haze Hall in nineteen interceptions. I write right. Let's lets it didn't help on that. Much Jesus, Fucking Christ or nineteen receptions is pretty fuck em ridiculous, but I mean he was also an incredible fuckin corner anyways. He said, you're practically had deprived the ball loose from him whenever he got his hands on it. Raiders line could TED Hendrick set of Hazan. Two thousand setter an interview with he has been well, maybe to help the little bit I would say, got an extra two to five he'll Dawson rule doing it thousand, give it seven game in Baltimore, Dawsons unusual. Fifty one yard feel gold led to the adoption of a new rule. Dozens kick what, I, the game was initially ruled: no go, no good, as the ball deflected after left, upright in down off this stance and support behind the crossfire before bouncing back over the crossbar.
And into the endzone. All that's like a hawk eagle, departmental way over came back out the goal, but the NFL. And had that rule that point while replaying rules did not allow for We all feel goals at the time. Official reverse the car. After a brief discussion on the floor the field ass, a rule enacted the following season allowed for feel goals and extra points that hit the crossbar, operates to be reviewed, So that's all it is so it was question of whether a crust and then bounce back out, wait how the fuck did you do that. Wait. A second, the ball deflect off the upright down off this stance: support post behind the crossbar before bouncing off Stanchest support post the thing that comes down to the ground, not the crossbar, it hit that and then speck out as Fuckin wild aright Ricky Williams, roof, ok,
You have to take your helmet after an interview. You can't make the sign of smoking to join. The camera there's a lot of rules here. Williams rule, which was an actor Two thousand three declared that a players hair was in stanchion of his uniform and therefore fair game for tackling. The rule was initially name for. After Williams, the Miami Dolphins dread locked running back It's probably not a coincidence that most NFL players with long hair play defence, but defenders aren't entirely safe from the dangers of hair, pulling two thousand Ex Kansas City Chiefs, running back Harry Johnson drag Pittsburgh, Steelers safety, Troy Paula Malo down by his hair after an interception. The dude had hair Johnson set of his tackle. What do you want me to do? Paula Milo has since insured his hair for one million dollars.
So what if somebody pulls it, though he fucking gets a million dollars. I don't get it alright, Roy Williams rule pollen. I'll way, one of the greatest for complaints of all tat. I love when he would time the snapping just jump over the line of fuckin tackle the quarterback He was trying to hand the ball off. The fucking only gave a sort of can consistently do that, or did it enough times that when I think of him, that's what I think of Roy Williams rule the rule banning horse collar tackles, in which defender whip supplier to the ground by grabbing the back of his shoulder pads its behind the neck. Isn't it let me we can get your hands it. Is informally named after Dallas Cowboys safety. Roy Williams was enacted before the two thousand five season night get rid of that way back in the Eightys and Ninetys Williams, broke, Terrell, Owens Ankle and also ended that ended. The season of music Smith and Tyrone Kaliko up that's a season it with.
Scholar tackles in two thousand for. I play by Whatever rules the NFL lays down William said. After the rule was enacted, if there's a type, a tackle its legal I'll use it if its, not legal. I won't it's as simple as that wasn't illegal. Nowadays, I won't do it. An answer which was suspended for one game and two thousand seven after being flag for his third horse collar tackle of the season you didn't really back up to talk, but you know it's just What was in the right? It's a bang, Bang play we're, Levin Tom Dempsey, rest his soul, New Orleans Saints Kicker Tom Dempsey, was born without toes on his right foot and wore a model I'd shoe with a flattened and enlarge toe surface. Rosa also had a straight toll on his kicking foot.
Damn booted and NFL record. Sixty three yard feel goal to beat the Detroit lines and nineteen seventy. Ninety seventy seven, the NFL enacted a rule that required an issue that is worn by a player with an artificial limb on his kicking leg, must also have a kicking surface that conforms to that of a normal kicking shoe so you can have like the front. Your shoe look like. When those tackling sleds, Nineteen, fifty six, the Lou Groza Rule banned the use of artificial aids for kickers Grocer Hall of Fame for Cleveland used a strip. Taped to line up is kicks and a special, tea to help guide the ball off his foot. Well, I mean they didn't, have tease back down and indeed went out and made his own. I mean what the fuck you gonna do That still does it make kick a fifty yards. You still have two fuckin. Do it, because I can kick that offer that t all the fuckin time. All too
forever and I still wouldn't get one so when he was let's get back to the giant sing them in a merciless mercifully end. This sports talk Jesus Christ. I've done up almost fifty minutes of talk and sports here So I guess it's a pandemic. I mean I'm fuckin quarantining here. What am I supposed to do? So? Let me ask as a question when you guys think of a franchise that lost the big one, all right Consistently lost the big one and it is a part of their franchise like DNA. His team gets there and then loses there's a lot people on Lake Erie right now, hang in their heads and I'm not talking about Cleveland Brown Fence, I'm talking about the Buffalo bills. The Buffalo bills
viewed and when you talk when you need a reference, Chris Rock made a reference to them you won't get any pussy until the bills win. The Superbowl, I believe, was the joke. So they are the modern error because they lost four. Super balls in around ninety ninety one. Ninety two, ninety three: they lost the giants, the Redskins and then back to back tat right so there Who did they take the monkey? They took the monkey off the back of what tee. The nineteen eighties Denver Broncos Hulu in eighty six. Eighty eight in eighty nine. Blown out an eighty nine right so still remain considered lose but not as bad as the Buffalo bills, and then also the fact that. The Broncos away
Terrific Davis? Those great teams went back to back And I believe it was at ninety seven. Ninety eight seasons right, but still everybody, to Buffalo cause they lost foreign arose. The brunt those lost three and four years in the Broncos kind. It took the spotlight off of the Minnesota Vikings In a sort of Vikings Lust for Super balls, I'm doing this for members the Superbowl for they lost to the chiefs. Then they lost one of them to the Vikings. It wasn't a perfect seas, and that was the Redskins lost Gary a premium, almost fuck that up with whatever the fuck he was trying to do so. I think they lost football for Superbowl six. Maybe and then they law will cause one five. Seventy seventy one cowboys every tool is the perfect season. Seventy three soap.
We seventy three and then seventy four they lost to this. Yours see green one. Had the gold high tops. And then they lost it at radius and still on the seventy six season. Super bowl XI suit from super bowl for two super bowl. Eleven they lost four they were considered, they couldn't win the big game. The Dallas Cowboys was considered. They couldn't when the big game just cause, they went. They lost at back to back to NFL title Games, one in that, bull and one of the land both field, the ice bull? That was these six sixty seven, but the biggest Like disaster, if you were a fan, believe it or not, was if you were a New York football Giant fan in the fifties and sixties right Your giants, The New York Giants won the NFL title and nineteen fifty six. Ok,
and they lost the NFL title. The title game championship Game, the original suitable they lost a game in fifty eight, fifty nine sixty one sixty two and sixty three ok By the way, the that is That is one two three four five. They lost five super calls in six fucking years. Then I feel bad for why a total cause he came over from the forty nine hours which were restored. We are losing franchise. At that point he joined The giants who'd want- fifty six, sixty ones fifty to sixty three. He loses all of those games. I just feel bad because his last name was tittle and knowing the New York posts, they probably call them after sixty three Y know, title tittle loses again concept bout it, but they were so they went up against the fuckin. You know Bart STAR
Evinced lombardy back to back years is no shame in losing that and then they D lost a gale Sears and did Dick Bacchus Bears and sixty three they go Then this is the last football thing, this adjustment of been a football podcast. Here's one for you One forty six, the New York Football Giants got two players get busted, taking a bribe to throw the championship game. It was at the polo grounds airplane the the Chicago bears. Now why They got bribed. I dont understand, because the bears with a team of the decade, having won the title in nineteen forty, forty one, forty two in forty six foot. Three there's an asterisk, because I believed that that's a world war, two, it started anyway, we can overcome by the Pittsburgh Steelers combined with like the fucking eagles, able steals
I want to say they also combined with the Chicago cardinals at some point, or I don't know what was fucking nuts, but anyway, some gangster or somebody working with a gangster bribed to the dared to both the defensive backs and somehow word got out before Or the before the game, and actually the mayor of New York, summoned the two corner backs Gracie Mansion on the EAST River, where they were the the mayor lives release. Did I member Giuliani lived over there on and off? He brought Gracie Mansion backwards, pretty fuckin cool broader. Over there and in Adam Common separately, just like when you were at school and you and your buddy get busted and then the prince, It would bring in one at a time cause he be out their sweat and what your friend was gonna fuckin. You know bitch up and admit to whatever the fuck it as you did. So they brought the first defensive back in
and he. It was just like. I don't know what you're talking about it's. You know it's bullshit. You talk about my right seal your honor, your mayor, Hood, Leaves and then the other guy caved he. He admitted that he did not know what the fuck happened. It seem like they found it. Before the game yeah all. I know the end of the day as they still fuckin lost twenty four fourteen. I don't know what the fuck it spread was. But I want to take money from a gangster man. I don't give a fuck if you're talking to the mayor of the President, yet you're not gonna fuckin be covered as tight. As you would have said, so there you go but for some reason fellows and talk about those. So we, I still have to listen about the nineteen nineteen white socks, which Some reason they called the black socks. It was the Chicago White Socks. I got listen them how they ruin the fuckin em. B and they needed Babe Ruth and to build a custom stated
four babe Ruth to bring the fucking game back and all of that shit, these guys here, where the NFL was in a very precarious situation coming out of world war to the college for all game was still bigger. I believe horse racing in boxing was still bigger than pro football at the time and these two fuckin cocksucker the God, their money, two lacking collar cocksucker centre, no payment. We get fucked over and pay who the fuck no sir. I am I take that back. Strict definition of these two players for the giants agreed that how the fuck and game- and you never hear anything about it. So they got there's a little bit of Fuckin NFL history free people a little bit bill a little bit fifty five minutes into this podcast- that's, let's do a couple, a reach here: for the week when the fuck is it buff. Lou grows taxes opening. That was something I wanted to talk about: an empire gas content right. Ok
and to wear a mask when I read the advertising first right. Maybe I'm wrong here. Do. I have no life reads. I have no libraries Harry That's easy, I well! You know what I'm doing two phenomena. Do the reeds, Roquat guy right! Here's a guy here, giving me the reeds for the weak, the questions the week I went away master. This person is this: Official CDC info is below thousands of our research all right. So I don't he's telling me this shit. This is a lot of stuff. I already fuck a new, but if you ok Billy, no, eating ass during a pandemic bur. Now, if you are yourself or anywhere. You are not within six feet of someone in your clean car or house yard, or on a by yourself, etc, and you don't touch public services and your feet.
And you wash your hands regularly amass. Does nothing for you and is unnecessary. I mean that's pretty much common sense. Maybe the hard surfaces of public services is in. Common sense anyway, the virus is only spread through droplets, breath so Iver sneeze cough so at or any human fluid that exit the infected person including a symptomatic and recently infected people and make eventually in Get eventually video transmission into your body. Eyes mouth knows: ears bloodstream covert night, even so that realities of cities you have amassed going to semi sneezed interior you'd, be fucked, nineteen in many viruses and bacteria are less on. I, Sir Mise from then information, so don't take. Those is as a rule, but it seems that we are.
Of nineteen in many viruses bacteria, can live for a long time on had surfaces, twenty four seventy two hours or its that's one to three days, that have been that have not been disinfected. So if you're doing anything around people. Less than six feet, especially your job requires human interaction, arrive If you are shopping and you will touch any public services, a mask might stop you from touching your mouth or knows our help. Someone or help some. If some, cops by you yeah, but he could still go in your eye or into your fuckin ear, CDC, does not recommend wearing a mass. A night Five mascara mascot at all, unless you will be in a public space with people within six feet. View. There is zero scientific evidence to support the virus spreads outside of these criteria. Few
being fussing with a mask counts is tat. Sing your face where a cloth mask when you should. Do not wear one when you dont needed and yes, I work in the industry of stopping infectious viruses, bacteria and pathogens. I have thousands of our research and dozens of the latest sign for studies to support this information so down at me. Fuck with me. I don't wash your hands, don't touch your face and shut your of then go Fuck yourself efficient. CDC information below loved the park. Yes and keep up the great work. Are data sets coming from someone within the goddamned basis, so everybody should also his on everybody showing on people and allay like driving while wearing mass. Like I said Those people? I would think our goober drivers- if someone had just got the car they just got out. You don't, taking it on and putting it off and touching your face. You just would fucking leave it on
more you run in a bunch of orange. You get near yet now to your car, you weren't, you know you ve touch surfaces. You know you're using your anti bacteria only touch your face, you fucking, leaving on people. He's gonna, get it for the motor I've come to Colombia. Dear, William writing from Coat Kelly Colombia. Writing you from Kelly Colombia, the capital of Celso in beautiful women, I've been a fan since my undergrad years in Boston. Some fifteen years ago. You have made me laugh. In some of my darkest moments, to thank you for that. Now that I've been bad, in Colombia for a year. I would love to go to Colombia. I'd love to go to South America. Me it's arguably some of the most beautiful people, the topography, it's it's incredible
It's just story so deceiving how far away is because not only is it fuck and. You got a fly so far south you actually have to go out the West Coast of South America lines up with the east coast of Amerika, and I live on the West Coast here. So too, That's crazy flight! Ok! Now they ve been to call back in Colombia for a year. I realize you have quite a fan group here, get the fuck out of here. Have you ever considered toying Latin America? Yes, you know who's. Gonna do is Tom Signora item. Cigarette by Lingual Tom the Gore is gonna, do a monster fuckin towards Ghana, or are they gonna put out way? I'm just shut the fuck up up here? Cause I'm gonna fuckin. I do want to fuck and let the cat at the back at dammit, I'm in a text him and make sure on before I oppose this. So if you listening to it, you know it's was common knowledge before the ship.
I would do. I would fuckin loved- might bring my wife down there, but the Bhopal, but This might that's my white guy understanding that you guys all this still the girl from happening at which I know you're done so go fuck yourself from just given a shitty in Bogota our capital. I said that right. You would easily sell out of four to five hundred seat venue. And taking a loss on this trip. Jesus Christ, I gonna fly fourteen hours to plead for the four hundred people. I'd still do it just to go down there, because the what I would make the gig would pay for the Flight I gotta bring my wife and all fuckin bags. Here then take a bath on this one. A lot of people watch your stuff. Please do not believe the portrayal of Colombia in narcos and all that mafia, shit. You and your family would love it here. Delicious food, some of the warmest people you me and one, natural, wonder,
following the other. Let me take some you. People are so goddamn good looking down there and I give a shit if that narcos shit was true. I would still go down there smoke a fuck in cuban cigars. God knows there probably Most of them are fake down there to. Let me tell you something Senor, whatever Mr, what I'm so to say, I will fuckin come down there when this shit is fuckin over absent. Fuckin lulli. I will do that and I just need somebody down there to tell me. I can get a real cuban cigars I don't want to go all the way down there, and just I don't do that should not mean and smoke a fake one around because I told you the last two real ones I smoke was in fact in TEL Aviv kind of fuckin life and my living that I get to travel Meet all of these beautiful Tina, fuck and beautiful people is rallies. I'm telling you tell you beautiful people tell us
ok, and not to start some shit here. The Palestinian. Checks were beautiful to a bunch of beautiful Can people over there there we go? Look at me why I would to do that. Besides, you would be the ginger in Colombia, Since the english pirates tried to Our land and rape are women some five years ago. I want to show up, and I got back. I am an hour ago. I don't, I never wanted, but I dont understand raping. I just don't understand rape me there. That's like fishing in a stock pond me where's dissatisfaction, and you know when you talk some shit. Saving in fact make it happen. The foot Gotta do after you do that somebody workable slab of organised crime on some little kids had
they put rapists in jail. They should just fuckin, kill em anyway? So you know California is open to. So you know California is open to pay you ginger coastal fuck, listen to Thursday rant may fourteenth almost constant opening up and wanted to. Let you know the boy. Boy allay ass no, that we also have fat. Ass is already sitting in bars and restaurants and a great state of California, yeah. I realise that, but not allay most people California, is more than just San Francisco and allay, but up in gold. Country. We are open for business now. I understand that funny that to deny or did not all the oasis. There was one up there, though they said we are an oasis of cove id, there's, no, over here. Listen you fuckin, touchy cunt
I didn't mean to trigger you. I am rooting for Wisconsin. I said I was written form, but this is a comedy podcast. I just did fuck and fifty five minutes NFL stats. Somebody has to take a here I know you enjoyed your Sacramento areas, shows why don't you drive your ass up here? I don't know because a murder mountain choking I tried to do, is show and Eureka and then somehow it went away. Cove zero covert debts. One hundred percent small businesses beautiful this time a year and you wouldn't have to leave your state my fellow red, headed german Irish, can't you know what Look into that. Who the fuck am. I got a kid common and like two weeks, my wife. Second, let me do that. You don't go away. Do you know all about your work
sounds like Jerry Seinfeld. When she gets upset with me, she be right and then what am I I'm just gonna drive up there and stop at all these fuckin gas stations where all these dirty did had been punch in their fuckin zip code for their fuckin, I could still do it right. Has come up like I don't need to wear a mask at a gas station. Pump as long as there's nobody else. There But all I know somebody just left there and sneeze or some kind pull up on the other side of the thing you know just where am I where there were- and I were the gloves- you don't let's it And they want I'm done with my gas, I take off the rubber gloves and then I fuckin I open my door handle and I may show you know my fingers their way in the gloves, so they don't do that. I open it up with fuckin two fingers than my way sprays me what the disinfectant did it did it today and I get back in the current. I've got that I've been doin it and you know what I've been symptom free right, tough times.
Dear bill of sale. I own a small to mid sized business in Baltimore, employ twelve part time, employees I deserve to heartbreaking to read this. We opened up our shop last week and have maintained a safe environment for patrons, while also increasing that answers of not having to shut down for good, which, sadly, become a reality, while I'm rooting for everybody in your situation, my wife and told her on the phone last night that we were selfish he's fine. As long as my kids have food, and I can pay my monthly health insurance bill, you can call me what you want. I think there are a lot of you. But judging unfairly doesn't seem like anyone in charge. Orange A vision cares now because they have money. I'll if, when you hammered Wisconsin last week, because it was funny thanks for the laughs throughout PS black, and if I fail that's one less
lack business owner? So if all these work shavers want to talk about socio economic injustice, look at the fact that we can all work from home yet true likes. Things got it. I think the big thing now is that first email, if that was correct, that information in this person actually does work from the cities. You know that, we're coming, I don't know they just said that they did so. I didn't get any. If everybody really knew what the fuck they needed to do to prevent the spread of it. I think that they That's what needs to happen and then all these geniuses we're gonna come up. Hopefully we They are a cure. You know, I think that's what we're gonna gradually work towards. Everybody needs to be educated, so I would suggest going on in the city website, podcast like myself. In that I would be definitely would not be looking at like that's a hundred percent. Accurate information costs. Just read something from someone who declared that they do all.
Shit and for I don't fucking know so. Would listen to what they say, educate yourself go to their website and all of that and then hopeful. We can slow this thing down in them when they gradually open everything up me. That seems like right. Every basis, patient, you stand, nay, you! You will be that six feet rule you go, when you can go in and then I also suggest Juno as much as you can see can afford to buy stairs a toy store. You know, there's a toy store in mammoth. California, that's been if, like do something years that we got to know just from going here we had some friends out there and all that and there's a nice strip of up of stores in mammoth. California, Dad I would like to order some stuff from just because I heard that you know there really hurting. This is like the thing that
Don't want to see go away because it's bad enough, that is so many Fuckin Walmart, sneeze giant fuckin places that have knocked out because it such If you google earth it in you, just go down that street. You just see it's. I it's like it's. What down? once used to look like and it's what the Martin, all those things destroyed But something new always does come along and then destroys the old thing, but I don't know it's. And there was always just something cool I dont mind either one I dont mind superstore and I don't mind a mom and pop. I think, there's a world for both in it, which I just know that the soup doors can ride. This shit outweigh longer than the other one. So I would hate to see that happen because MIKE's, I have not had good experiences doing business with corporations they just they are so fuckin broken That they consider stealing from you, this is how business is done.
And they sit down. They say with a straight face and then, when you ought at them, are you call them out and what they're doing they actually have the nerve to say that their insulted by the quick, but I'm insulted by these questions. Well, of course, you would, did because you can answer the questions, because this can expose you for what the fuck you doing you piece of shit, sorry, anytime, Besides I've gotten in business with any sort of fucking cooperation. I stolen from me. I've then had to audit them I've the ivory time about it. We always catch them. Stealing, it's fucking unbelief and it's just like us. Our business is done, we're just the steel from you. We know you're gonna audit, us, then we're going to debate. The audit will end up. You know giving. You were aiming for sixty to eighty percent of what we really you so we'll still be plus forty twenty percent on the stealing side They come up. Do you smell that we still grey grid reform and through the just soulless fuckin people.
Did. I problem fucking. I don't give a shit. Just what is so that's why anyone? You know not saying everybody that owns a small businesses, a saint either, I'm just saying anyway. I food bill could walk and any restaurant right now in any city in order any meal in casually coffin to your sleeve on the way or without anyone losing their shit, what would it be.
Oh, let me see here: oh that's a good one. My first thought was to go back to Boston and get some fucking chinese food. I go there with my lovely wife. I get some crab rangoon. We get the whole fucking poo poo platter, the chicken fingers that duck sauce. All of that you know just delicious heart attack no nutrition in it. You're hungry twenty minutes later cuz your body's sifted through all of it and thought found no nutrition.
I think I would do that. That's if I was on the EAST Coast out here. In a way I will take my wife to one of my favorite burger stands out here: bills burgers. Maybe I will go there. I have a couple of spots for burritos, This is something I used to love to do and then hated myself in the morning. Back when I was drinking there's a couple of food trucks out here and I would be fucking shit faced and I would come home and I would stop at the food truck right and you know
which is always tricky with the uber guy right you would like. I can I buy you something you have to like. Try to time it you don't cuz, you don't want your fucking food to get cold or whatever, but I'll. So you know I'm not going to drink and drive, so I would always go up and I would get a fucking chicken burrito order. That's my shitt and then what I started to do was. I was just like Just this fuckin wait. Do that knows nothing about mexican cuisine and all I ever order is the Fuckin chicken burrito, so that when I started to do as I will order the chicken burrito and then I would pick something by the picture that I had never tried before and after drink and all the booze the beer and then shots booze. Our then eat that stuff and then go right to fuck in bed, and I would just have my big deal. We white stomach the next day, you know, and then I wouldn't notice. I will just be do
that shit and then all of a sudden you know they be some sort of something where I had to wear a suit, some sort of event and all my suits I do the sun purpose are tailored for in shape me, So I try I'm on and then I can't bottom like mother, fuckin and it just makes it makes me lose weight. The worst thing you can do to yourself and the length of your life is too Let out your pants in your suit is to go and buy bigger. Fucking close is to start just wearing sway. Pants interact suits everywhere. You go even though I love wearing that shit. You have to be careful because you will not. What is it? You won't notice that you're putting on wait until somebody says something and usually that's about fifteen pounds in and who the fuck once they have to lose fifteen pounds. Alright, alright others songs
bill. Last week you talked about more there on the Thursday throwback song on. The third state, the throwback song was whole hearted by extreme. I added that song in twenty years. Maybe I've had it stuck in my head all week, I am sure that song in twenty years maybe and I've had that song stuck in my we go stuck in my head. Weeks, our gas Jesus extra bad today, me thinking about band. That were known for one song but had another great hid that was forgotten- maybe this can be a segment. Can you think of any often Opera, your head: yes, I can the first when they popped into my head. Funny. I dont know their hit we say is night Ranger ranger songs. Let's see here
Everybody knows. Sister christian system created bad mood, right, And I always liked, don't tell me you love me, I always do that that was a better son. And if you looked at LA her boy, everybody. Everybody is working for the we get away like that song. I liked lucky ones, back baby gay Bait, Bob Bob Bob wow I like that song. C d c nobody listens to use shook me all night long right. And if you listen, that album have a drink on me, honey. What do for money. I just fucking. I don't tell their way better songs, they just haven't been played to fucking death everybody Laplace Highway to Hell.
And I always like I like getting hot or if you want blood the Power rage. Album is gold what's that song in the second say always play drums too. I was us into drum soil evolution lyric long, I'm looking for a finger, pray, China via mystery is that our Boolooroo it's about! What lesson was next to the moon, love that song. And then everybody Judas priests everywhere you got another thing common, I always desert planes. What by the way I was gonna, do a benefit for them before all bullshit all this bullshit happen. I was gonna, do a benefit for raw Glenn tipped and I believe it is enough.
Some health issues going on and he started a charity and it's just like. I love doing shit like that for people that gave me like the amount of happiness in my teenage years, because there was a ban called Judas priest that was making music. You know so now, I'm in a position where I can do my little shit, jokes and maybe bout, someone in the band every just really seem like a great thing to do. Something that I want to do and always bullshit is over. So. The number things are going to do. I gotta do that. I gotta go get some Chinese. HU, the Boston and I gotta go. Do a show in Colombia. Look at this hour outlets back. Yes, you guys tell me that's a great question. Everybody I want to know like you tell me what like, The best songs, however, is I got my god everybody like, because you, you can be like a radio fan, and then you like the deep caught fancy. Basically, what you're asking for is is a deep cut, hey, Arrowsmith, Aerosmith, there's a good one.
Everybody knows everybody knows the hits. Let's just go, favorite album. Alright, I like, I is tough there if their first for albums So I would say they everybody. There came the first everybody listen to dream on. I like that. Now we are only a boner edged tat. Now, where we our Leah vein of soul around I like that one and then on get your wings. What's the Lord of the thighs and I'm going from memory here, I just know all the drum beats, I'm singing the drum beats in store so ass is a good song and what is the one
She's a woman of the world, the guard. She knows a bad bad bad about order. I just want the breakdown. I love Joy Kramer's drumming in that I love is drumming and job, but I just love that that it It's weird hits in any always comes based a fuck me up trying to play at this weird acts. And said he would always come back. I always get off. I put the kick on who instead on one I did, I would always end up fuck it up. And then I would say on on toys in the attic. Oh that their great triplet family began but had again uncle salty I always loved the the drum filled Went into that, and then I also love the chorus on the bell and then on the Tom's. I just I love Joyce drums
on that oh yeah, just on toys in the attic dad when it s just a crash symbol, on the end of one in the end of three. I think any still hits the back beat on the snare to keep it going Moreover, Phil Red thing before feel rod. Came on the scene right around the times. Fuckin set such great drama and then on rocks. Is that what is that song. Said the on Gucci sailor Raw, barely stay on cause, I'm so goddamn gar, whatever their pockets of first and second side, must you ve gotta digitally around the fuck? Am I gonna do that for every favoured by
of might iron made now there s a great great topic load, I wanna hear from you guys. Let me know about those ones. Are eighties videos a bill? I thought you might get a kick out of these videos. I like watch. I like watching old, say, promotional videos for some reason: inheres one called shake hands with danger its eighteen. Eighty, it's about working safely around every machinery, but the Its narrating scored is really funny phenomena. Postal Louise Acts as a music video called pump iron, the sun about a guy who hates his job and gets bored in Teddy easily say goes to the gym constantly to work out his stress As a part in the song, worry basically says my family is pissing me off, and I have too much worse to do around the house so fuck it I'm going to the gym, I'm not doing it just but I think you'll like it are. You fucking kidding me that some of the greatest lyrics ever written just a couple of things,
you to fill your time while you're and locked down. If you want, thank you for the podcast everything you do. You keep me out of my own. Had it work enough, for few hours a week, and that makes a big difference. Our right now are we saying I gotta get out women? I need the postman. So this is what I need to do all right. That is the odd cast. I gotta check with cigar. Don't forget to do that. I could write. Thank you, everyone for listening. I hope some of the old and I fell in Covin information was helpful. Semi, you songs, Gimme, some deep cuts, your favorite bands. I know. Have we more than that, because I would almost I would listen to the radio. Unlike the bamboo come on, why the fuck are they always play in this song by an anti play. This give this other wanna fuck it chance right. That's go fuck yourself and I'll check it on your on Thursday.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-30.