« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 2-18-19

Bill rambles with director Jason Reitman.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
hey what's goin on its bill bar and it's time for another monday morning podcast for monday but would that be sixteen set monday the aid seeds february eighteenth we don't have guessed on here too often more lately more is i've gotten they're here starting to lose my mind and i get self conscious about you guys listening to me go on and on and on i do a special guest someone that's no last year or maybe a little bit more than two years ago we did a movie called the front runner please welcome director extraordinary jason right now i have to admit is jason as affair if your podcast that i am disappointed by myself in being here because i hate when you are why is my favorite episodes of the ones are just you and here and you're talking yourself and your your best guest a really built yeah and usually go back and forth so i am frustrated with myself being here on your ok but don't wear this thing like
listen is fortunately enjoy mute movies music and that type of thing so when i do have people on i don't i try not to have just some sort of random person and i'm avenue on not only i love the movie you made i'm also in it for a minute so this is a minute so this is also like self serving here you're great in the movie generally great in the movie and have done a lot of feedback on that and you're not only in it for a minute let you play you have you can run down allowing a couple i you have one of the best and the foam and one of the first things that people ever talk about is the is the beat where you dropsy than notepad nature talking about you're seeing your character in another fantastic i know everybody has that was the one thing that people said like was just let him know what it's about case guanacos guy knows is a million things to watch jason directive where we live your call d the front runner which was the gary heart story
which i didn't know that till when he ran for president that may stream media meaning like the new york times yellow time chicago tribune whatever like the newspapers that you give your paper boy delivered never delved into a political candidate personal life as far as their their affairs or or whatever was going on even if they knew even if they knew it was considered beneath them right scumbags no is unlike national inquirer level for i had no idea i guess something i never really thought about like whether they causing growing up i felt like the only new ever did it was j f k is that's what you you always heard about hair and about him marilyn monroe yeah but never heard about anybody else so i just sort of assumed that he screwed around
a couple of legendary guys that screwed around that screw around so much everybody kind of new so i thought that so i guess i kind of thought that screwing around what sort of a new thing rail whatever so is not how we feel about sex in general i mean you know ass we get older we realise that oh that's right more people are properly oeuvres than we thought and moliere cheat than we thought and you go back in history value parliament doing these things the data may i'm a worn out when i was really young i was taken drum lessons for this guy and he was he was seventy then and i was like eighteen or nineteen and i was taken drums is all big ban drummer and he would started telling me stories one he's like our yeah i guess i used to have egos this i knew this this woman she a green eyes man she was crazy is the eastern banger and in the park up against a tree and i was like listed
it is about a drama said well we got to know each other the while we hang out stuff so the seed and give a shit he told me because i was fascinated this life because i wanted to pass on some levels why does this is what i knew i wanted a fund job and i knew i love drums but i didn't have it i was like more like dad rock band sort of talent level but i didn't know that at that point and i was fastened acres he had lived that life here and he went through the whole big bang era and all of that and watch go away and how he dealt with it all that stuff but he's to tell me the stores and i remember i looked like you did that that monopolies are mounting a terrier nineteen parities nineteen forty and like you did that because only take some kid egos every generation thinks they are the first generation fact and i was and i never got out of the wording on that too that's perfect yeah about then of course you go back and you you know if you the romans greeks and all that stuff you real it seems like it was like it we'd like now
thing happened like nobody had sex between the romans and the greeks right up until the woodstock right is kind of how so anyway so what's his face scary heart get has fair with donna rice and the miami harold decides to cross that line and ever since then we now have what we have now where they just stages delve into everybody's life and sports now like socially i just thought it was just such it the way you did it was just such a great story considering everything that's happening now get out like almost like every things out there now to go back and kind to be like this was sort of like the first like i came say leak died this was just the thing that kind of blue at old man i know i'm and by the way i did notice stuff either i'm not exactly student history i must do new movies i like rise and i didn't know the story and i frankly didn't really know who gary our was i was probably ten when this happened
and there was a radio live not plug indifferent podcast soaring that's our rights and radio lab deals in a radio lab everybody did a peace on this story met by had written a book about gary not really was my introduction to the story and considering everything that we're going to right now considering the way tat we ve kind of thing the line between what is a private life and what is a public life might not the story is fascinating that there was a moment where as you just said his his private life was out of bounds it was considered not only uncouth but it just wasn't our business is a guy who was actually a great candidate and every other respect to term senator and was kind of not only to presume nominee but presume to win you know he was a ten point ahead of george bush going into the campaign must we just had eight years a republican soon enough that's what happens in areas like oh it's it's the red ties fault rare
in any go eight years this way than eight years that way so yeah and and this story canebrake social basically a yankee ripe other that you know we're gonna knew about very hard to think there was gonna presumptions that perhaps he was womanizer that perhaps he dated around you know he'd been separated from his wife a couple times and so he had he had kind of just dated traditionally in dc and and the miami harold what david traditionally means he separated i mean you want just eighty wasn't there was a momentary wasn't mary names just kind of going on dates and royal people get a feel for what these guys like as a bachelor skype crashes it at work is it outside of use a handsome guy i'm not bathrooms wannabe i mean you know last year they ago so the miami harold gets wounded this and the
they followed up and when a lot of other newspapers say you know we're not gonna we're not going to cover this the miami harold did and american public said yes give me more of that and in a common sides with just a lot of things happening simultaneously you know it was just a few years before that cnn even like went on the air they started crossfire this did this satellite van was invented a current affair the first gossip television show you know goes on goes on the air said so did you know what we think of is you know national carving a print medium like made it to television and now we're filling a twenty four hour new cycle and the american public said yeah that that matters to us we want and we want to hear that i was also to back then before the twenty four hour news channel you had time to write shit was common out you at least you know those eight more like this one could stories breakin eleven hours we gotta we gotta go wherever ten hours we gotta do something here and now you have like forget about that
for i was so you have social media and now also the way people post news there's no allegedly it's like somebody gets few something and then regular people because they're not in journalism and and i guess is there's no libel or anything on the internet it just be so and so accused of this and then it's like the next reno generation piece of shit blah blah blah blah blah did this and also that's me shit this is literally this is the part the progress that you enjoy when i fucking go into my phone here in completely abandoned one hundred seventy five pounds will say
is it your way in no i'm doing santa barbara tonight and i'm flying the helicopter up with my instructor and i thought we were only going to get the two seater now the four seater became available so i'm asking if my my buddy can go along so he just needs to know how many is there going to be and how much he weighs cuz it wait and bow to single out any time you rent a helicopter take a helicopter you have to admit your weight does it with paypal yeah you know what it's funny because especially in this business with entertainers year because i had a body mine egos and he was sort of fat at the time fatter than he wanted any goes dude i'll be like one i d by the time we fly i think he was over to bills and he didn't want to admit it and i just said i just said do this is not a time to like cave baggies two or six but i want to be in the one man he's got it tommy flights a great just don't you know your game anymore weight or whatever and what they do is i just i just like five pounds up or something like that i would think
down there moving wait around the helicopter to balance it left for a cop bottom in and then how much feel you can have like there was there was some kid was inexperienced or whatever he filled up the thing that i was gonna fly the our forty force what for passenger we ever for passenger me unless you have kids you know i'd even slow missing much under repeating what people told me you never feel both tanks up full could you just have too much weight and you won't be able to get list and i don't need this guy even got into a harbor but somehow we did and he took off and then this becomes this thing where you do you just poland too much power in your ear you start descending and then your brain tells you pull more which you try to level out what she probably should have done was some called a running landing which is sort of sliding into second base which he did not do unfortunately it didn't then well that day self that's why we're asking he's asking
how many more it's only one while we want is not a big deal also he's in these like a bug seventy five so won't be a problem but it will definitely need i would think he wouldn't top off both at this point but but if it is not that long of like my dp as a pilot environs pilot lot my camera currer pilots ran on up in the air which we did is american airlines they took the whole camera team down a dallas at the end of the shoot and they have i guess this warehouse where they have a cockpit simulator for every plane they have a lively why can't you see i'm holding them in planes unease cockpits are real coming they are completely outfit that kind of millions of dollars and there's so good that if you if you get certified on the simulator you are ready to take passengers up in the air like there is no in between
assuming you're certified on the same though what i don't understand about that is the outer they duplicate the feel of whatever you're flying and how today duple kate like violence and i'm not been not only that you know no matter what you're not going to die in that thing right oh you never had the mentally try to keep your shit together i speak i would do you have to go up with somebody you gotta not they the guy right buddy so easily space invaders certificate eric says my cinnabar eric he he said he's never sweat mourners life he said you forget that it is fake moment it is happening it's all while it the whole thing is shaking the whole time the whole thing can rotate move and shake they got screens all around all you see is what you would be normally seeing outside the window i go do that and what they did is they were just fucking within the whole time so with each one of the guys are my camera team they would just throw every
then i'd like birds yea and left in hangs out you how about just run through your other nato coming they give everyone the sully route to see if they could it no one no one could ever was just crashing in the river and god that's in dallas a year and then when we were shooting front runner we were over a delta deltas in atlanta and by member on a lunch break the guys did the same is there an hundred stout i did notice was going out they came back from luncheon and eric was shake hands were shaking his head it's just it's so real you forget that you're in a simulator is that right will hopefully somebody listen citizen let's be trying to do something that has always every reticence like nine eleven with those of the terrorists taken over plans you rather stephen seagal fantasy they would take them all out in my fantasy the pilots are also taken out in an that's where it ends it's like i'm like a pipeline now now
i don't and there's a lot of stuff that is involved with it that i don't understand that does fascinates me as far as their flaps and that type of stuff is how far like you know cause the weird thing about aviation is you kind of learn through people fucking up and most time those fuck ups lead to death and is not something that you wanna its eye its outcome it's like writing a motorcycle where if you know it's outlined you don't really want to talk to about riding a motorcycle somebody else who rides motorcycle causal talk about the fun of it where to go anybody else not a matter we know in matters i underwent saying things like aviation which is not a fair comparison because of how safe it is i mean there's is obviously an element of danger every time you do but like the digestive share amount of people that are up their verses down here there's nobody up their texting right and also the level of training and the level of just communication
that goes on when you're up there they mean that that's what i was both myna after every please when i've been go down the highway and out here upwards of six lanes of breast and it's just like i'm literally flying in formation right now on a grand temple i dont know what their flight plan here i know what they gonna do people are just ignoring the rules like those people who pass you on the right do unlike ninety from around our and you're trying to get off and i can't tell you how many times i've landed got in car and then got on the highway seen an accident that's happened like four times i saw the craziest acts and that it has on the ten and two cars try to merge into the same lame they both notice each other at the same time and they don't touch their cars never make contact but they both freak out by how close there do over other acta and one over corrects left goes
the media and the other one over corrects right rules their car ros up into a sign up under the dirt and i'm just behind them three quarters between both of them and just go right between them is episode of the fog it was transforming using so crazy and they never hushed each other's the freaky is thing it was like the hand of god it was it spooked me for a while after going to do so yeah and i'm up early my career i did a road gig with the comic who had broken his hip and a car accident any like an old lady like i was like what the fuck and then i started driving and i could just feel him nervous he was and that was a first and i clicked in my head the physics of what i was doing like i this cars going eighty so am i i'm going eighty miles and you just don't think it you just sit near crews and along and all your gauging is what's in front of you and it was clear so it i feel like you're going eighty miles and like i'm i'm going my body
travelling at a rate that if i was to hit something and stop abruptly my brains gonna slang against the inside of my skull and i'm gonna be dead like that's just not something that i find i think this happens in aviation to ongoing guys get higher and higher hours if you get that false sense of safety like the the i heard in ground schools the most dangerous pilots where the people with very few hours and then people with a ton of ours right because then they would get lazy with there reflagging ok you know they never had an engine failure in every eye ass fine ass fine ass fine let's go back and loaded you find what are you a fucking buck sixty seventy get in the fuckin thing and you know just just do a dumping you know there more it's funny when i think about it there's plenty of stories horror stories about musicians
the road so many musicians have died plane crashes car crash of use kind of youths in your mind i say they kind of instantly list like twenty of them i dont know their stories about comic book comics are on the road just as much because we fly commercial most of them also those guys i think that died a lot of those they were they were chartering planes like the data music die like that was all thing let's get that and all that was because i'm about i played there from the surf ballroom and i flew in reality airport the whole thing of extremadura flying and airport you'll get like they think it's the airport asked yes i know what happened was as far as what i read was just a technology for the icing just was not there so he had the added weight on his wings of the ice and then also the ice just the of it changes the shape bribe of the wing which affects your level of lifting at those to devastate
combinations and then in the end result that equation was they all died so the ep about europe that this i think the letters skinner was another i think aerosmith had just charter that plane i was gonna charge that was a shit plain use they found aerosmith original tour van now apparently they they found a way to aerospace ellie original like tiny tour van would like spray painted on the site or something like how does that exist for that long for so someone just doesn't apply what do you think that the amazon allotted had no i do who aerosmith was right it says it on the side of the van yeah just headed in the back like that was a bread crumbs company you're what i think is that fuckin that's that's that that should be the rock and roll all of rain or something this sets from two thousand one sat in a field forever in england like always
spaceships in spacecraft and and things that they build miniatures but reject enormous meters apparently we're sitting in a field for years in england that's what i find fascinating about when i was talking to you when we had the time when we do front runner was talking to you about wake up in this business right and when i listen to you talking about movies and movie sets i was fascinated as you sound like me the way i talked about sports and in football cards and guys who played an old stadiums and never ever stuff and did your parents try to discourage you from getting into this business i would say that a lot because i dont think i would do to my daughter cuz i just look at it like this is an incredibly fun business it's is really hard and it's very competitive but so i think if you're going to try to get to the top of any business you're going to deal with that saying
thing it's itself trying to become the greatest oil man or politics or the best laws i would think that all of that becomes cut throat the higher up you go up the mountain so it may if you're really ended this this business i'm an artist plus i also don't think it's as bad as it used these far as now with like all of this the power that the individual as on certain media that if somebody is a creep cosette was the big thing specially gotta daughter liking i get nervous busier casting couch all of those horror stories of that shit now i think it's it's i've too i've just declared on my part guests at its own
oh i didn't know that judges united that's how i do i mean honestly i think the the rejection of the potential for rejection is more dangerous than i guess parting and all that stuff i think if you know of my daughter was thinking of going into business tabby my biggest sphere is just going to a business where unit deck at bay decade you're being told your worthless you re told that you're you less on a daily basis that's no way to live but my parents actually how do you think that's literally said it's just something that gets in your head by not booking auditions year and unlike any other business where you can kind of see you know judge your own where's by how you're doing these abuses you go to additional after audition you write something one and you don't really have a sense of why you're not being pact or wire works not being made and so you start to second guess and look in the mirror and go always it this is it that you now is it because i wore this is because
i'm too heavy is it you know maybe i need to look more like this person or sound more like this person i went to follow that i bet i think that's the fork in the road where you can really quickly to a deep depression what did or you can grow from wages go like you know what fuck this this is what i do this is what i look like and that's how once ike i went to that mindset that's what i do this what look like if you want to book me awesome if you don't i understand this all kinds of beautiful reluctantly beer always i mean one thing i've learned from this in your part gas though is that you and i'm not sure if this developed earlier later be you have a strong sense of self reflection and and and and you permanently be saying this binding you're you're credibly thoughtful when it comes to that and and really health are easier to compliments and allowed the i know i know i know sorry i know and i might millennium i do i'm too
you're not telling me i have to get better at doing that so how do i appreciate but there was i went through in the case of one started the look was it was just the post eightys but that look was still around sport cope with the miami vice colored t shirt sleeves pulled up a little bit and i remember my mother got me a sport coat to wear on stage and i knew it would look good but i didn't think i was enough to wear it sounds that's a catholic tat would have it so i never wore gave it a great i didn't i didn't smoking allows i didn't think i was good enough to dress like a happy fuckin road comic because at that point it was ninety three and ninety four so that look was way out and like is that jacket like still your folks our story i'm trying to think where that either i think i might add that one might that might be at my parents house or was it was given aware or something but then the two guys
came in everybody had to have their shirts on tucked and then late nineties was a real most era there was a lot of most in the hair of ghana and i remember or you know that was back in the days of the black and white photos right so i booked a little bit acting work early in my career and if your young and you book anything i booked a commercial something like that all of a sudden there just like our jesus all you know this must be the next four young horse we can write so they started i had a little buzz you know new guy in new york when i was i will hand that you know they handed out my photos and is back when i had hair and with the most and the hare my hair look brow so on some lower budget shit they would bring me in four like the leaders something and it was sort of an unwritten rule that red headed males are just you're not the lead you're the friend so i would walk in you know prepared like that ray scenes or whatever they'd come walkin in their face a drop below ok we're just going to do the first saying
they haven't a million times but i put i prepared through nobody is maybe if you read for his friend being an eye it was funny because i never quite got because i knew what was going on i figured it out after a couple times that happening i get it i look like fuckin ron howard and they think you know i'm not this guy and i just sat in my head eventually i'm gonna get that part but my goals were all stand up related anyways i knew that my stand up was going to lead to me meeting someone like you and hopefully get partners in a movie so that's what i end up doing i just focused on stand up and stand up and stand up and stand up and eventually i pushed through and i think i would say vince gilligan was the fur i've breakin bad i finally get to play that asshole thou gazing gets play it s all and i liked what i liked about plain that asshole was i had huge so i didn't have to act tough right is like i got this
so i just had to be the reason why the commission and this guy's gonna get upset just thought had signed as you say tat i remember actually onset because there's a dynamic there was in my head ain't it often happens is direct racing in their head but their knock em you communicating in enough to the there are however and i had this dynamic and my head of what you and steve's this is worth to each other i remember the moment where'd you suddenly got what i would why i thought the two of you would be great together like why i thought this was an interesting comic pairing as to people at a newspaper work together rhino one guy your character who had under actually done a lot of undercover work and was kind of more tough as nails but but also may be talking a little too much and then the other guy i've never been undercover had never done at any type of investigation and and what that work would be like together when i was a fun guy to be that guy like
saying that he did more than he did go the other way i underplay and that's and i'm telling you that comes from where i was born in the world growing up just outside of boston massachusetts you know look in the way i did with fuckin orange chairmanship the move was under playing self publication really funny yourself before was on you make the bigger kids you can the shit out of you laugh so they like you in that moment when they're gonna beat somebody up they look at you and then move on to the next kid that's what it was all about was just getting it off of me it was like what there came the wonder ball you know when you kid the wonderful goes round and round just making sure when that song ended you weren't hole when all net yeah you weren't all the ball so usefully in my school the redhead guy in my class was the tough guy work his name was paris cronan he was the son of the law
singer fur are your speed wagon here is the tough guy he was easily the the toughest student cause he's planning sweetheart now but he was a bully back then and so that was my association with red through elementary school that's why low about kiss grow up like hollywood ella out here like the people you want to fuck ask is why i love being out here it's not meeting the guy its meeting relatives or somebody over what i would do a super bowl party i met this guy his grandfather played the guy who is in the bed with the horse in the god that's amazing you gotta be kidding me like whenever people like shit on illegal goods euphoria blah blah yet take everything as it there's a phone venus to every in st especially when there's money involved but when you get out here is extremely talented people and creative people and then you get like great
like moments like that like i dont comic i started off with in in boston tony we remember this remember that those old luggage commercials that that was it the tourist or commercials or whatever and there was the gorilla throw in the towel judge around inside vague member yet he played the gorilla that's what that was one of my like all stories you told me i was on the road with them that was you and so it is clear that we may get the fuck out of here i'm with the fucking the guerrillas suit guy throw me the luggage around so i was doing a scoring session for a movie and there was a stand a base guy additives to stand a pace guys actually one was younger with global older and and they were doing this one solo peace for me we're in the mixing stage the younger ngos given no this other guy is now upside down and the ira goes to show them show him the other guy and he starts going
down at noon and ended and ended any had played the opening baseline for nancy sinatra's these boots may the lock at the fog alien crowd of her heart that was over capital thousand competitions onto a different but we are alarmed at the time and as our holy shit where did it come from you i guess i was just trying to find things out we tried that and worked so that's one of the most iconic based yes we need you shook his head you shook the hand that i just did for me it was great yeah and every time you hear it as always i go on agents on here so getting back to remove waken people see this because that was a thing it cannot inside what we came out november here's the thing though it's not like no one saw it just it hasn't been where people are gonna see it and i feel like what i'm sayin to realize it as i know about this whole movie game is that people
nowadays like to get him to go out to theatres and has to be like a big romance marvel thing it seems or like a tiger check flick like that star is born it has to be an event of some kind yeah there to get you to get you out what's its expensive i mean look it's going to cost fortune go to the movies and and we have a real reason you want i want to go with people and and now the size of these friggin flat screen tvs it's like you really do have like your own movie scream no one's gonna be talk and you can hit pause so this movie the front runner is a great one to sit down and watch without you know the distractions go into the movie theater i think an end what i love what i fucking loved about this movie finally saw it was how you don't do that fucking thing i hated movies where you lead people around the net like you have a point not trying to make and you know
and i'm gonna in you know if even have half a brain you know what the point is as them starting and then you're gonna hit me over the head with it for a hat round to have two hours you're thing is just sort of i hate this happened in and you know you kindness it's not you know this people that would have done that had been like and if he got yeah i know what walker went out and i ran in all of america works out and it's just kind of like now this fucking happened ever since then this other stuff is happening and is is this you know one of the questions that i was left with that is does this type a shit make qualified probably better candidates not run because they have them i already straight like my family's more important than putting them through this shit and does it does it more a track just a singularly focused almost
when you sociopath gazettes always over use but like more of a psycho selfish fuckin person where they're going to be like yes i don't know what i've been thinking about my kids will you i want this if you look at the unrestrained even the gary heart and bill clinton gary heart was a guy said just now going to dignify these questions in an answer and bill clinton was a fighter and that's how nice z became presents busies ago just fought back that's a good or bad quality but look i'm not a guy who believes good or evil that's not why i make movies saw that's interesting to me so what is your because i often think that you know word like with religion that i grew up in its like if you do this you do this in the debate you're going to hell unless you confess it above a bond and yet to be sincere affection but i sit there and i like my religion i always think i'm going to help but then i look at my friends right then we ve all roughly friends of bread
living the same life you do i look at them and i we i think all of them are going to have what we're all flawed and and and look i love star wars as much as the next quietly i love star wars and i look forward to every star wars zones and those moves are all about good and evil and i appreciate superhero film by dinner so far the kinds of movies that i've been making have not been about good neighbours have been about nuance haven about where i live in the middle and and and frankly i think that life is more complex than that you can judge purse any person by one moment but we are doing right now at a time when everyone is judged by one moment there judge by millisecond and you know you say one wrong thing and the rest of your life is kind of thrown down the drain and we lose qualified people because of that and then i also people who then hi alone and use that person's fuck up
it is a way to show how awesome they aren't we ate like any amount of people that abuse these though the victims of sexual assault the amount of people who have used that is a platform to show how i hate this word woke lay are in like look i'm on the right side of this ally and all those del that that that that jargon that has come out of that thing and you said something earlier about how very hard i'm not going to dignify that and in the knob somebody's personal life is none of their business neo i've felt that my whole life and i still feel that and there's been times do you know someone wanted to show me somethin suspected that's that's none of my fuckin basis especially you know like texting between two people in somebody like somehow gets that i always think like the story here is who got that in what a legal way they got that like a lot to do that or anytime you want a shitty for and they are and what why does anybody like anytime anywhere
gets arrested and that the dmz somehow gets the mug shy it's like wizened there an investigation to find out who's the cop that fuckin let thing out and with among round so its object among already yet if that's where we have like i'm three thousand dollars much i was so nobody had no that's one of those things that that is public but but you write data there's plenty that is that is nuanced and more complicated and cunning gets thrown under the rug and what s interesting about the heart story and why we made the front runner is it brings up ten different conversations it is talking about not only the relationship between journalists and politicians and why we vote for certain people its bring up all kinds of gender politics questions have changed since that moment and will it with the idea of a whistle blowers because donna rice wasn't a whistle blower now like it's easy to forget that that there have been whistleblowers who are women who are bravely coming forward in talking about what be a kind of dirt bags they dealt with donna rice was a private human being its religion gary heartened honour i swear to very religion
people and very private people who wound up in a very public moment because we all thought it was our business when neither of them to this day i have spoken about it here i don't even know that that's amazing yeah donor i never sold her story frescoes units that right there then she's all right she's like she's like a monster told on the other mobsters and just what the jails at a bad analogy thrive on them now and round oh no not at all i mean she's complex him and she's attention because i think there is probably a lot of liberals that went to see if they saw front runner they want a kind of take up the torch madonna rice and then they find out that she these issues on the right wing and she's actually you now for a light geez i love it when that happens so so many do not like the new north blew my mind the other day i was there a story about a guy in new york who killed this pregnant woman and she was early on pregnant and you know i forget because if so
some new abortion law they couldn't get big get em on two murders it was the whole thing was fucking weird but the whole grey area in there i know i know i only have like half the fucking details here something about it she was pregnant this guy killed her and people were upset that that because of some new eyewash mostly we all the double homicide you'd be saying that that is life and the woman if its life in the womb then you cannot have an abortion because that would be murder then it becomes this whole thing like okay so what if she wants to have an abortion that is not a life so it's basically life if the woman decides like i was sitting there like the amount of like mental flip flop and our don't go like so what go or not like there was such a really you know me oversees a horrible thing that happened but it was it was interesting
religiously legally and like social media way politicizing we're gonna make me how the bar how the fuck do you navigate that minefield if your pro choice ok and saturated that's just a feed is less than a lifeboat if a guy comes in a kill somebody then now because she wanted to keep it then it is a life then it is the taking life then it because i will wait a minute so what are we fuck and saying you saved on god i don't have to fear that kind of thing gara living like you imagine having to be the person who s to decide that now because i'll be honest with you like my i have my opinions on abortion but like i always preface them with like i have what can i do with the right answer is here because i look at it one way it's like well if if it's not the taking of the life that but if you didn't have that procedure that would have been another life you know buying a miscarriage or something like that so something was there but then on the other side you look like you look at what the population control and like the way were polluting the planet and that's it
acting all these other babies that are alive at the latest this a million fuck in ways that you can look at so i just sort of resign to like whatever somebody feels is is the right thing to do if they call with that the uno then i'm fine with the approach or sent i mean that's choice than is you're talking about its choice was i dont know i wouldn't do it right to kind of idea what you're talking about someone's right to choose themselves which i agree with you about people need personal freedom i also like people tell me what the four but i might add some some that i don't mind like you know i like this is lost at sea i don't take it at that level murder vellum sire i wanna kill somebody it's not me i mean who might say that that i didn't deserve no are taken little break here it's time for me
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back to the interview here with the wonderful jason right but anyway how will we ever mentioned where can people see this fuckin amazing movie that you share with you jack when it therefore make the to them i was watching the ship or they're gonna get they're gonna get nominated for some it that's it it's a fucking just weird time in in this building where a movie like yours it can can slip through the crowd acts in cinema but the great thing though is the king now beyond like netflix yapping like that like any can explode so it's not even like so the jury still out there is where itself is viable it's on itunes and acting as a worrying it the dvd it's a love letter to nineteen seventy cinema serve you happen to be you know a sinner file i mean you dear staff and he did guys like robert schuman and michael richie i mean this is a love letter to their movies is lots of these crazy long wonders and i love those shots began i feel especially with the poor way people at it now where they make everything looked like the fuckin born i
and it ignores which works for the born identity i have this theory that when you add it really quick like that it's like you flip and through animals and it makes your brain reset recent reset and where the long holding shots rose you win like i kind of learn that when i was first started doing stand up specials i would look the old ones it be like why does this look so fuckin real and everything from today looks fake now part of it was hd because it hd can get like clearer than real life like you guys are really was a soap opera yeah like your blue sweater although son i'm i'm not even listening to you my cavaco bluish letter ass you know but then the other thing was the placing of it which is banned band especially in the two thousands it was a really bad time for stanhope specials where there was just a lot of like great comics where i heard the hour i felt that
editing hurt the material where you just have directors just like just shoot near fuckin load of every camera i watch this she'll literally like a guy walking out to the microphone the guy showed every camera he had read where in front of a more behind him up at the top of the theatre i'm swooping in the jibs my favorite thing ever ever in a stand of special why am i swooping in to my shit choke rain nothing else up attics matthew less like i'm in the audience then i'm flying over the audience i hate that while we talk about the idea that you brought idea to me was could we shoot comedy special on film shootin like rock doc i mean i made a short a short humanitarian rose battle that they do up in the doha the agenda that is crazy and now finally shot a black and white made it all grainy and made it look punk rock and i was there was a lot of fun you wake on people
the report that you now i you know i've kept that one secret i've i we brought it to sunday antenna played there and if i know someone to send them a lynx they can watch it does i think it's really cool but yeah and alive kept out one i've kept alan tight but that's something you get you can use i don't know i guess i just i just why loved the rosebud i love they do up there i love that it's one of the few rooms that is just honest anymore when i go and watch that needs is tight room is only hold dear no less than two hundred people and it is also it's tuesday and bidding to the only reason your there's if you really need to be there and and it's the least prejudice room and most prejudice room i've ever been in my life i actually actually was their tuesday night
don't run my our example gonna be doing is taken a special and is just one of the great comedy things where i forget her name the woman who is running the show but she was great but it did the crowd was very progressive neither should in that's in quotes because progress it just means think what we think we're going to attack not progressive so i went up there and i was doing my shit and oh my god i was fuckin bombing so bad for like the first ten minutes before i can it you know got out of me i was making fun of michelle obama duly rina tour which has just fucking hilarious to me and i knew that that they were all gonna be got you the inspiration so i just had it so i was trashing or even harder but it was just one of those things that makes the comedy store great and makes and a comedy great words just like like i was up there bombing and i was having the best fuck it
i was annoying the crowd so bad that there was a woman in the crowd pretending to be sleep on her friend shoulder that was gonna i was gonna do scan i yard and i loved it and i just kept i i kept talking tour to the point she had pretend to wake up and then i was critiquing her soap opera acting now let's take let's do it this way and what's funny is i've been there the ship for twenty seven years it's like do you think that's the first fuckin time summits i remember i remember the first time that the enemy the old boston calmly club and there was these two big black where in the front row and one of them just like put her head the other one but is the thing i was bombing dirt that said too but i was bombing in a bad way i was gonna like i'm not funny with the other night i was bombing like you will you not receptive to my material and i know that so then i'm just gonna go like even harder ice
are you do it before you and i met and in a more we should talk about our first conversation when you got set they don't you know was it you with somebody else out and i was constantly is ours you oh berries unlacing whereas it made me so happy of noirtier so i thought you were going to be like why did i hire this guy what a fuckin more i now respect accurate so so you do remember tick natasha how to show at largo and you did that show and it was very similar emily was takes crowding too brilliant and her crowd noises while i say it's yeah her audiences obviously it would be very left wing and and i watched you do this kind of set where you realized owed the honor he's just so uncomfortable with anything other than leftwing material because of that they dont know if there are the laugh they just came
right at the audience with fearlessly and with confidence and knows it what's takes us and not really violent so there was nothing i didn't have to be too federalist view it was i was open it for a couple of comics think of ever more aggressive i got i wouldn't be fearless in front of a geo rogan crackers i would figures a lot of them now that you will see stuff and i would be afraid to piss some pay off in the crowd because those guys are no joke with executors gonna get a stern letter well maybe they might end your career if they might started hashtag if you say the wrong thing they do i make it put on the sidelines i don't know it's a really weird thing in this definitely there's deafened e places i go to now where it's just like good lord and one of them is new york city i swear to god i mean real if i go in on just a guess spot night
they do is show its people who know me they know it i get in and then you know it's it's actually easy but if i go in and just pop in induced like like i will never ever get over having a joke being groaned in new york city it's like i'm just think like what the fuck happened in this play that that's all fuckin places like it giant bed bath and beyond now it's so nice it's so much fuckin cleaner i don't know where they put all those people because all that all of the social ills that created that they haven't solved there's still drug addicts there's still prostitution i just don't know what run they swept them underneath cause i know it this but now everybody's walking around and like the fuckin truman show any lulli stand not stage in what fuckin blows my mind is like i always samson i'm fifty years old like you should be shocking me you guys are all you're acting like a bunch of people on a fuckin cruise ship like
ah you but what i love about that is only a fit it fucks with their politics because since the beginning of career you can say that a redneck has sex with his own sister and you will get an applause break and be carried out the fuckin when right there suggests some sort of incest going on there at some sort there is right but that's totally fine because its those boy you can say whatever the fuck you want about them but then everybody over here is is cool
ages and narrow warrior and fuckin i don't know what else they are what we're missing nuance right now we're missing conversation and it's absolutely good and evil now it's absolutely it's your your side or my side and there's no real conversation not enough patrice o neill because i gotta be honest with you like if that guy was still around he was like like sort of the comedy bouncer or policemen and to the point there was like people who wouldn't work clubs that he was that because in they would say because he's a bullies a fuckin asshole he was actually maybe she's trying to make you better and like the whole like i mean i mistake i you know at least once except something will happen i'm your god i wish i could he would patrice what is said about that and i can't i can't fucking imagine what he would be thinking today with some of this
that in some of the people that say it like the level of like me i hope i'm not coming off his preacher because i would never tell another comic or anybody what they should it shouldn't be saying you know if you asked my advice i be like listen this and i always this is how i did it and it worked out for me because with basis there is no you start in the mail room right and then you get promoted here it's i always patients a giant field and every he's running in every different direction in some cases you see somebody punch through every like all that's the direction we want in this fuckin direction you know so we actually citizen that i tell the young filmmakers all the time writers and directors and i find that when i meet young writers directors and i have to mention samper comics the when you're young you imitate the people that you advise you to my first short films all you'd say is one that i really wants to be quentin tarantino i get it you
of turn tina and then and there and after you imitate a bunch of the people that you like you you you realize that you ve been scared of something a writing saying your directing something in this way that the back your head is telling you to do it the up and you're embarrassing a voice and then and then everyone's while you or to lean into that voice and that's your voice and if you get some if you can stop being scared of it and stop imitating the people you like and actually start to grow little but a confidence with the weather you just now we wanted to say things that is the only way in which the only authentic way genetic adding a kind of it it's not only for any art form its can any walk of life there is the moment you stop being scared of who you actually were born you thought i was so that that every comic on an open mike walks in with their voice and then they get into introduced and in that walk they proceed to lose their voice
try to find it could you go up there right and it's like before got on stage when people ask you questions and you just answer or least amongst you friend here and you're totally yourself but that as such a body experience on a god taken them i gotta make stand then you just totally self conscious and then it disappears and then you usual when the next seven eight fuckin twenty years trying to find it again how undertake you i would say i would say i don't get it i don't have somewhere in the two thousands i started to get it and then i've but i feel like since like two thousand levin two thousand twelve i've really ben me or maybe it's just but you also changed so a lot of times you look becky self ten years ago and you can't relate to you so maybe i was beaten me but that's just why wasn't i don't really know but it was how many years
i say i you looking you something's wrong i know who i am pretending to be well might i started a ninety two my thing was a brain in the deva tell was a huge one dave louis but i that's funny i didn't really like there wasn't anything about louie were like he blew didn't have like this cadence that got into my head it was more his is presence when he came on this dilemma want i would tell the story went on at the boston and it was like fuckin like the show is just over was like two in the morning fuckin over nobody had even gonna laugh and like forty five minutes everybody's is going up there bombing and he just walked on stage is a booming voice did this saturated wave use when hello how we did it but it was so ridiculous and exaggerated and silly that each a sort of broken when they start like laughing and then he just went into it
shit then immediately started murdering and killings hard you would have thought we all did a good job keeping the show going right and i remember seeing endured chapelle do a david tell do a greer barnes all of these guys and that was the big thing is a comics being i was scared of the village in the mid nineties where was giuliani just taken over just part that police struck down in the fuckin washington square parkways economically but like you know deal drugs out for those like the shit that people saw on the way to the shop that's why the grounds in new york blows my mike is easily like what the fuck am i do to wait these people up after what they just saw on not just just getting to this club but i still watch those guys it just in watch them kill after be bombed for like an hour and just two in the morning start killing like they were nine o clock at night in a perfect spot i remember just stand about thing on how the fuck did you do that
like how to how do you get to that level anyway we sit here talking about myself as you have now your next movie you don't gotta be directing the next ghostbusters nea right so now you go on on this this new wants thing that now you i do this disfranchised move by the way congratulations and me that's that's a huge one well i mean and it's not just the last movie it's the last twenty years and my life i like any son of any father i do said how can it be you and i went out and became a son it's filmmaker you know you know i established myself at samantha played that festival many times a short films is doubtless myself as an independent filmmaker and that's who i really still see myself and if you would ask run any time in the last twenty years are you gonna do
act ghostbusters movie my intuitive been no though i'm an artist the annexes now i am riots my dad you must have me confused all that garbage and and i an idea of how did i d actually for a while it was just a cool way who directed the first one my father your father did from the worst it like all i know is sports so your dad directed first one for i knew we start talking sport and also very ignorant but as i said in my answer i injunctions on the superbowl i know that thank you gotta have a job watching the whole year when my ring to show up i am i to address my dad directed the first and second ghostbusters so wait a minute did you wait did they recently made another this is the fourth what you're my father produced the one that came out a couple years but when the perfect direct ok so has there a ban in the history of hollywood a dad who directed at the beginning of a franchise
and then his son comes along later in an indirect another one now and is good question that price the answer to this and there's only so many kind of fathers are so basically right now ok you got lawrence cast in is the guy who rode empire strikes back read the last stark and and was actually neighbour growing up aeneas two sons both of directors john and jake jake most famously directed jumanji john co wrote the han solo movie with his so you have that is you guys i saw them now i saw them are plain i like i wonder now and then and then lawrence and his son rights policy you have that father something of that await unfair not just going to drugs is a driver oh adam driver drivers in me is in the country it is in this edition of the sky james you wanna rivers in force awakens out
i was in last year out i got you crawl reiner and rob reiner but i don't think rob reiner ever directed anything that is father established i don't know maybe flick sophia cobler does a godfather movie i know but she was in one shoes and the third one now ok so but where do you know when do you when you're doing something that fucking big blake i just can't em like how far out do you have to start with to keep that fuckin giant pizza though in the air is far that is to say the crazy thing is we have no time as we so i wrote the film in secret with my writing partner gill cannon we writer of the last year while we're finishing up front runner and we turn it in december and i have to admit my prayers
option was it was gonna be like any studio film that i had heard about where they do years of rewrites and they grind it into the ground and never happens and i was kind of fully prepared for this year to be a year of maybe taking a little time often dino doing rewrites on ghostbusters at instead this studio read the first draft and said yet go make it while so work we i mean with with a very short runway we're gonna be shooting you know this summer or hanging out the following summer how i will take you to shoot sunlight the now i'm ill to just a few months and then will be imposed and for the first time all set pieces with visual facts and not be working with visual effects supervisor you now official facts houses they'll be creating go some things have you ever when you got into early on in your career as a director did you
again into the eta roman realize you didn't have a shot you needed and then like what the fuck do i do now like oh i realise that on every single movie i'm u go into every single movie thinking you know how to do this job and you get to the edit and it is humiliating and depressing and you you watch that first cut your movie and and i've had you know i've had movies that went on to be nominated for best picture and the first time i saw them i thought i will never get hired again no one will ever let me direct and movie again when the law this year the guy i mean look at the great hope as i was saying as i can act or when i sit there and you know when you first start especially as a community near you exist in real time to twenty minutes in your down in twenty minutes to then see how long it takes to get twenty minutes a film is something i had to let i gotta get into a completely different mindset when i saw like all of the shots
necessarily on your move because i thought i'd like the pace he worked at their there's been a couple ones that i've i've worked in where their shooting so much stuff i've finally why would they do and then and then i finally just put myself in to the directors brain and i was i i bet every one of them early in their career and went into the edit room didn't have the shot and that like fuckin hans them so i feel like they get in there they everything that they want and then there like then they start going ok all right what where how could this fuck me you know let's that's none of now let's do like a tracking thing in all that type of stuff so and ever since i i i did that i kind of now it's like i understand the madness of it because i was doing what most people do initially was i was in my own head looking my own head like wisely
is going the way i would do it happy even though i don't understand what's going on like i just recently did enacting gig and for the first time ever finally it i don't know what happened it all came together like i got it like ok the shooting the master other doing this over another gone for two shod and i could kind of in and then i started me like an actor going like that they are going to be on me i mean they're on me but they're not going to use this year so as to make sure this one that this is one that they're gonna go to account so make sure this in there i never had that our salaries out there you know paging mr ahmed theirs maybe you have no right now i would be i would be doing my clothes by acting on the fucking wide throughout the whole fuckin thing
and i will be working with these actors go like this get as equals like he's fucking tryin than others and that they be over me and all of a sudden like home is that guy arises lap and i was like what is going on in the skies like a fucking these against skits our southern this land one that i i just did it all it all came together and an eye and i in the i got it i got i finally understood what i was supposed to be doing and how i could help the your and everybody else and an eye having the best fuckin time even though i bitched about it a little bit a cup not even a lotus every night like jesus christ wow i plug days i'm a comedian
i work one hour one hour days i found that actors generally break down into two groups and there's actors who are a hundred percent aware everything that's happening around them and then there's actors who have no idea what's happening around them and their boat valuable actors who are kind of puppeteer in themselves and nowhere the cameras and note the lending is going to do and in a clue knees a clooney you know it was a director himself will literally we actually wanted me to bring my right shoulder phenomena look this way and when i look all you know that one look and you can't wetlands are you want your fifty ok gray all look thou he knows all thing then if have actors who are equally talented but they have had an actress exceptional actress who mid seen at cotton i said you can't stand there and wise you stand
right in front of the camera i had no idea lillian's was just blocking legit just stopped but there's a burly so that causes so lost in what they're doing so then you have to adjust it for i can if i can capture the best scenes when you have one of each i find you have one actor who knows everything that's going on and you get the other whose wild and it's like it's a u have one dance partner whose keeping time keeping the footwork and the other one is just pushing them and it was just a theory and is going on stuff you d never thought of that i puppy dont want to know any more of this cousin i'll be in my head the next time i do it but at some point i want to hang out with you got explain that lends think as i've i've heard a few actors or fifty they re right late they know that the whole thing and like i don't it's it's oddly so simple i mean it really is just one shows a lot and one shows less and one has more and focus on one has lessened focus and they make you feel different things and then and there
is it so when you talk about all the things they derive there's an hour to all other we're your ear either someone who's sensitive or not you re the summit and the same goes for a common euro there's someone who's sense enough to know when i say this it makes the room feel like this it makes them laugh in this way verses that way and want to use this word it makes them laugh in this way versus that way and over time you get too you know very rarely be you get so many talented yourself who has an open i'll see you later for their idea had they're going to start with but from there on your figure in your way out in your reading room and your sensitive to it in the same way a director is sensitive to arise if i like this why don't make daddy's feel this way if i cut it this way are used as musical uses shot all the day down to the kind of my new details and year your ability to grow as a filmmaker is your sensitivity matched with kind of growing technique right we'll last question alaska
thank you so much for common on this has been a fascinating listening to all how old is likely to be so with the ghostbuster movie nea i would imagine that this whole thing where you have to be loyal to the look the vibe and the fans of the previous and then you also have to want to put like yours stamp on it so is this like a happy fuckin junket question lies no no not at all and this is knocking i'm not making the juno of ghostbusters movies wants and i dont know that reference was made to perform at my eyes that i as a day that's their doubt was that's fine my most famous movie like mile bitch worry we'll say jason right men son of ivan right men director of ghostbusters also directed juno that will be my that's my obituary starts was that your biggest movie here and it is this kind of movie that we made for nothing was a move that we made for x seven million dollars engrossed like two hundred million
almost like thirty grand on that i wanted to know what i mean nothing as you say always gets your studio made a fortune on a more resilient really well and it was the launching of alan page the other coty eroded and and release the rest why have a career but anyhow you can be a love letter to ghostbusters i love this franchise i grew up watching and i consider myself the first ghostbusters fan i was seven years old when that movie came out and and i love it i want to make a movie for my fellow ghostbusters friend so it is sometimes say finance yeah and we're doing it in this style if we just did this teaser for it that we launched when we announced it and even in that we went back to the work files for the sound of the proton pack and we went back to the stems of elmer bernstein score for just where it says at the end of the teachers
like summer two thousand twenty we went back and found the original like physical vinyl letters that they used create the ghostbusters poster in nineteen eighty four riskin them then our titles guys reprinted them and we filmed the titles not looking to computer we shot physical titles with a light and smoke effect because that's how they would have done it back in the day so we are in every way trying to go back to the original technique and make a hand the movie back to the fence that's us well out thou i'm looking forward to seeing that in everybody can see the front runner on itunes were also to say was available i mean anywhere you normally go go go by blue i go i try tunes and tickly if you someone who doesn't like being told what think here is kind of a rare movie of new ones
i love it alright jason ripened everybody thank you so much for being on the park at any rate i buy
Transcript generated on 2019-12-13.