« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 10-14-13

Bill rambles about Christopher Columbus, Steroids and hitting on your male boss.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on its billboard, it's the Monday morning, podcast from Monday October, fourteenth to fail thirteen has a girl our. U is everything Ok, you got the words about you take a right off the bat Jesus built. This podcast is even later. Then it usually is well. I will I would counter ok our counter that verbal assault by saying. Well didn't you have the fuckin day after day, we'll deja, we'll great cause. I did two. I dont know why. Oh it's Columbus day right, Columbus day. It's Columbus day came over here. There was already people we cut off the Falcon hands because they couldn't find gold we celebrate him because he was kind of white, even though. Think he was for Spain and if he came to buy to try to get a job. He be real We fought with most of the people,
media view with what sought yesterday's club estate Christopher Christopher Columbus. So I went to the browser out a couple of beers right to deal with me, Christopher Fuckin, cake, crazy, get on the fucking part. Do the job we pay you for. Christopher Columbus right, discovered. America fall you while you people who have never picked up way, history book he sale and fourteen ninety two? He sailed the ocean blue. He thought we go into the West Indies. This is like they once was a man from Nantucket. There once was a man from Spain. It is balls of paying you couldn't get leg. He tried every day. So he said fuck it. I'm gonna sales thrives on the talk about
guys. This is funny to me a buzzing pretty fuckin good and I really don't give a shit. I don't give a shit, I care I care about you and Did you enjoy Joy Columbus steak? Did you do? Did you put on like a fuckin George Washington wig. Instead on the neck of the tennis person that you now in celebration of all the great things he did, I've always had difficulty once again. Passed a certain age with the fact that that guy they said he discovered he discovered like he discovered it for Europe. They didn't discovered. There was already people here in parliament. Just showing here living off the land. You know little mud lap over their junk using up every bit of the animal they did nothing wrong. That's the over correction of native Americans, where they have now become like these God, like people where none of them were bad. You know, none of whom would have fucked you out of your forum. One came money,
had. They understood what I for one k was: could tie a tie. You Norman you, people are people, that's what's that lets. Let's get down to brass tacks! Your people just cause. You sit in their philosophy with a fucking bicentennial. Does it mean that you know. If you had a car, you wouldn't get a little grabbing on a first date. I write again. If you get do the math on their that again, yes, Christopher Columbus Day, Mary go this beauty, the role that fuckin off what history stuff you sit, there would have a fuckin erection looking subject next year, listen guy in a goddamn tweed coat talking about. Vinnie Del Negro worthy of all, was the other guy the other world explore. It was a merry go Vespucci. It was correct
four Columbus, and that there was a guy like a very dull negro name, but it wasn't any down. They grow, but they'll nets. In my head, sauna, real thinking what the fuck was it was. It marks the laughter yet was at him. It wasn't the trader the Revolutionary WAR that was Benedict Arnold Markets, the laughing We start market university. He did something they wasn't with Lewis and Clark Battlefield you know it was funny, is just all this shit that was done to create this country in the kind of boy with down like fourteen people this guy sailed up a river. This guy founded this guy said. I can't tell a lie The other guy said he wanted to lay off the black people. Four minute. You know that's pretty much, the first two hundred years of history in this country. As far as I can tell you now for all Europeans. Listening a that doesn't mean you countries better right, so fuck you and your fish
Senor veggie might sandwiches because nobody gives a shit right. You justice, these we are, which brings me to a wonderful fuckin converse. They should that I had with poverty. Poverty rights Neither one of us has watch baseball and, while I stopped in two thousand ten were now poppy tested for some sub. Since they never said what it was, and at that point pretty much everybody from the old forced series, like five guys on both teams and tested positive, whatever some kind of fair SK. I rode up guys, be your regular guys, but I was just get annoyed. I might say: Poppy was doing any ship. That was just one of those things was like. Listen. I've watched enough fuckin, train Rex, When a watch this one either get it the game or do What you know you ve got to do with the long haul, which is you gotta? the shit legal, all right, I love our football player.
Who is running around tackling people at the ETA fell level, which is basically like get into a fuckin car accident? Not a major world but a pretty significant one, exchange euro insurance cards. Like every other fucking play, he can't do royds, but a fuckin. Some singer. Can't get onstage bailiwick law about contributor, nobody to rework war. They can't flock and do that then it's ok for them to give rights to get some rights right there, I'll fuck, voice box. Look up at this. Killing their flocks? Vladimir? Whatever the fuck your name is fatty with the beard. What does that guy's day? guy, was part of the three tatters Europe? look like Franco Harris. If he was white, the fuck is that guy's name any was bold Jesus Christ.
Like the everybody knows, like New York, everybody knows one opera singer, and this is the guy right whenever that fuckin guy I you know, I got all that shit. The fuck was that item aversion. So we have, as you have not watched us on steroids before I was above rosy steroids, their fuckin shit Jack shit that you watch late at night. Will they show some old guy with his got? Hang out right he's got tat you a rosy, the river right above, whereas fuckin spleen, use debate that has just done he's got creases in his towards, so that it does not make sense, not even like fat creases. It means, like organs have been removed, and this is face there now they could only be filled up with the flesh on the outside of your torso one of those kinds of screeches. Ok, By the end of the commercial that guy standing there look like fuckin grown county.
Then he sang it out with some fucking thirty five year old checker wasn't raised right clearly are dead, took off, So now she has the big strong father figure that she always wanted. It. I've sit there, Oh Jesus Christ. I thought, pin idea was impressive. That was getting people their twenty thirty and forty in shape. What the fuck is, this shit, and I went up or I went on the internet, the all inner web. Is they call it? my favorite Fuckin Chauvelin tv fast aloud but when all the other web I looked it up. There, What the ship was? it's it's h, g h! That's what they're doing Instead, they go like with our system where's. My research goes before I get in trouble as far as my research to my research, which was basically I looked up The logistics scam question mark.
First thing came up was what did they were given these people's human growth hormone? Will obviously human growth homework and any gave him a fuckin handful of lagging they go out. They hit the clubs right Go over the fucking jukebox they put out a little fucking, Glenn Miller, glad men, a moonlight serenade next thing you know some fuckin, broad this generation with a blow sticks in too many tattoos, a giant fucking ear, lobes that you could stick a pool q through next thing. You know she's up to her fucking dubstep knees and she's what a veteran of the korean WAR that's all goes down. Ok at that I dare people is the upside of steroids Euro. Look at all these fuckin when you watch the real housewives. Those are real housewives.
Those are a a higher breed of housewife. Ok, I just love, although women, right now, just while I got up if you say that I'll tell you why, because this is the deal, they still had their children and their still, despite the limits, of modern day sides. Is there still trying to look like a hot piece, ass thou wilt not doing it, but I'm telling you right Just like that. Guy that you'll love. It goes into the core right that guided little fucker returned punched, the fuckin wedge the guy was all fuckin heart. That's the female version of the wedge. Breaker breaker right there is those profits are the fact in real housewives. Look at flexible, Lydia fifties: God bless you making people do double taxation. Is that twenty? I wait a minute now now she's fifty five growth, but there is that moment. You know me.
You gotta give adopted up to don't even know what talking about I'm a couple. A loggers in I went to the broad today I had no fucking intentions of going to stay on stay on target or gets. The brutes gave it a fuckin second so firstly, last night, you know of the biggest you couldn't be. More of a bad wagon red Sox, fanned the sheer. Unless you started after game three of the Temple basis. The first two Games Red Sox Games. I watched the sheer was game one in game too, of the Temple Bay players and that I miss them. Most of the series I travel, the Arabic by I, I've been to Lego com tables. I have a schedule. Is there such a thing? Anyways, I've watched you you're the first two games, this tiger city, see this eager series, and it is an instant fucking classic if you
like me, and you went away from the game for a couple of years. This is a great one. Great want to come back to the first one was an absolute jam. One nothing game as well as deals with the tigers, one one, nothing I felt like we lost like ain't nothin Emmy. They would just fuckin moment a stout aright huge loss huge last another, they got the falcon apprehended cities that are serious, wanna keep Saint City- I don't know- probably, you a drink. It bought hard doublet They automatically have the upper hand in the in the series right now we have to win gain to look at the fact they did so got to southern psycho. I don't owe anybody's names. I got other COBRA, because he was a triple crowd and I gotta tell you such a right. Now. The athletic gives that that man was given that he could be in the future.
King horrific shape that he's in still with the trouble grow. He is in Georgia Rosa shape. Ok, when I look at Jodo Rosa what I'd bite into a Europe peppermint Patty When I look at Jonah Rosa, I look at a map who is never done a push up in his life. Other then, after he's been drunk, fell down, did a phased plan and even that it's a girl push up right with, Fucking corduroy knees in the grass and, if he's out of pocket he'll that favours him. These face up the hill. He could actually get his horrific fucking, example of a torso up for that grass. Why am I travel shall we start here to defend himself. Our Jesus Joe did somebody Falcon
said this to you, because their miserable yet that Correira Guy Jesus, what a fuckin awful horrible He looks like you should be salad, like concessions and is eaten up to you just a posse face he's of flabby neck like he's, not fat, he's In shape just sort of fog it all roads around. But what is done easy, like a fuckin ball amid chocolate chip? gee, you don't advise you, like Ward Sap, whenever used to watch ward sap. Lay I've disused. Remember like what would happen if this guy actually fuck it worked out. What are we actually worked out? Wards was in were shaped and most of the people in this that will watch just you know to look at it. I used always thick ice. I thought I was
towards the end of his career. One of these years, he's gonna, say: fuck it and he's gonna come in with a flat stomach and he's gotta reach, like Reggie white level, the fence event, and he never did need evidence so anyway, so version I tax them of in Boston right and I'm watching the Falcon Red Sox game. And he puts them on and you you have to understand Red Sox, Yankee hatred Paul, has even watch the gave a lantern a couple years right, the second, I don't think he was watching. Game for more than three seconds and he just start sending me tweed after Fuckin tweet about how off all the fuckin red Sox beards? Are he just It was beside himself, he thought it was a disgrace to the gate. The reality is interest, he hates the Falcon rights. I mean I don't like their beards either, but like listen, We read some of the ship.
Where the fuck is shit. This thought loaded messages. Do we were texting so much to the game. I had to go all the way. You, don't have the success to take the slot. What the fuck is this, where the hell is it we get to the top up here. I'm sorry guys in the worst cases be talking about Poland, the mob you get for running emails with a fucking ass is leaving only worth at this point. Jesus Christ built load earlier messages. Here we go right where the fuck am. I. Ok, here's what version rights pieces. I just turned it on because I said Poppy Grand Slam tie Game, oh by the way, like not a bunch of tiger friends, but about a half dozen of we're just trash in me.
Just say the series over better to better. Next year, red Sox, where they were up five, nothing game too, about Euro seven evenings in it all I just kept getting? My head is like due to have you ever watched a baseball game before like. They are running out of time. As long as is no out since it goes on forever, like that George Carload Bet, there's plenty of fuckin type. What he weighs long story short: they fuckin load him up. It poppy hits grand slam the tie the game, so I write poppy grants. Lamp tat game for she writes. I just turned it on exclamation point and I was thinking like, while he's gonna be like aright awesome game immediately. His first sentence do the socks Words are so fucking stupid. They the whole area. A yankee facial hair is so do she they look ridiculous, grow up. Babies Ella! Well,
Now we just a code back and forth. He said you guys, look like love. Jack boards, your baseball players, the worst just keep going like all euro, where Derek gene watch the game tonight. It of course he's like fuckin miss you versus pussy, like isn't it Thirty eight at this point is starting to get creepy. Isn't he really like some zillion, their guide, still gonna fuckin hooters. That's just jealous you, my part anyway, so we just don't fuckin when each other shut. The fuck was my point to this dude half your team looks like they were the Falcon Holloway following costume: it's embarrassing back not as embarrassing is missing the playoffs. What would you do it? carbon club had no facial hair policy, back to shave, but we don't look like assholes I'd be working still work instead of the fact is
Take it into this goes I started say what comedians would actually be would play for the Yankees verse, the one for the Red Sox just to give you hit the Red Sox had same Kennison and all the bad asked what the Yankee said. Although fucking clean cut you not the deal I got. The package is one of the fucking minutes. Gimme a break, ok, I've ever had deep? Ok, what do you do, but I take some that whole Yankee Fuckin thing about no facial hair, I'm old enough to remember the seventies when they all looked like they were gonna, go shoot a fuckin porno, and then I don't know where they started taken on this. Aachen, holier than Thou like Notre Dame horse, shit yellow We weren't clean shaved where we vertices go, and yet they look like gentlemen, it's like Paul A bunch of Roy did up codes just like everybody else, just because they look like that deliver a fuckin newspaper tee, all the that makes a better gimme a fucking break out. That the Red Sox look like the mood dogs, you don't for you old fashioned
would feds. I don't give a shit lies as long as they were. It's gotta be great series. I think it's got which seven an actually a big fan of via the tigris no type of stuff. I had fairly that group and Michigan somewhere. I, like the tigers, I alone I get no before those guys what the fuck was gonna bring up here. All the time to read a fuckin, yet is sound. We do a little lower cheesy with a fuck. Is it ok? Here we got here, we got dollar shape, club everybody, you others. Somebody things in this world that irritate me, poverties, misguided anger about the Red Sox beards when he said this really say. I really sad that my team is it in the play off and you guys have a really good shot at one in the world Series, but instead he turns into like rivers like his other red carpet, Euro doorstep Drawing on what are you wearing
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what fucking hilarious to me, I gotta do a poverty here and say dude. I called it because I did call it right where the hell's, my fucking God, damn that's the worst. I am the absolute wars there is weeks ago when I first started making fun of Seattle, the Seattle Seahawks going for the loudest record. Just to give you recap, I basically several egg. When you haven't wanna Jim Egypt, you have to hang, you had a sober, and if you get this record, are you gonna start singing? We are the loudest. My friends are Wilkie by lose screaming until we that bullshit. I said you can go back its documented on my podcast, I said that Seattle, Seahawks fields were not that loud that it was the building, I'm not saying that the not good fence but they're, not his fucking loud, is everyone's making about to be. You go to the game so fucking loud you'll, good around and you look at it people while their cheering- and you like
face, does not add up to this. Loud they piping noise, it it turns Their order had built a stadium, Specifically designed to contain the noise, so it's like a crowd on fuck it. H g h, whereby Judge beverage stingy, Arby's of crowds from day Fuckin, one what I broke balls about it. I said I want you, a Kansas City Chiefs gave at those cars were louder than the Seattle at bay this weekend broke the record for the loudest crowd, which is the dumbest fuckin record ever. Loud is crowd and they did it in a stadium that was built where we still thought the Vietnam WAR was winnable aright it's not even like they just beat Seattle. They destroy them. Ok, So now I have a new song, for the Seattle, Seahawks feds are respect for them
their one week of holding the title they held. It for one week kind of like when the heavyweight champion gets arrested or refuse to go to war, they just strip of his title and they give it to some fuckin polluter. Any is it for one week until he gets knocked out? That's what happened to them so here a new sub we were. The latter is for what we do about your Red May I just say: Bubu screen louder. I e those forty around him, It's off what you don't fucking Larry's is cared a city at least has won the Superbowl everybody. What did they don't come? they were still me. I fell Bubu. Bauble Superbowl for many dos sixty We talk power trap. Whatever the fucker was eggs,
without rolled up, they get the fuck outta. Here peace walking up and down chewing gum. That was where the Vikings, the ridge A buffalo bills lost their first of before Superboss. Inexplicably their friend targeted, they are the. Purple people leaders they had Paul crowd, stay at fucking Chuck forward their Freddy Cox kick in the goddamn ball and nothing happened. You know I mentioned earlier that sociologist breaking your fucking balls right. So you know, though, cried the rain and blow you, I could brains out like that. Guy did ok, where that is stripper. Wife read his fuckin suicide note to anyone who what a lesson which was arguably the great
example of stealing somebody else's thunder. I've ever see Europe. How do you blow your own head off and not get top belike racist fucking and set out some becomes any reader suicide note in is a moaning about how devastated there you know it's like it wasn't your day, lady. It was what
To that guy up there in the fanatic, let's see really sensitive, but I have a fear of all of the people. Merchant was sometimes I hurt feelings on this podcast, but what I'm going for is I'm trying to streamline what it is that I say, and sometimes I don't have time for names it sometimes. I don't have time for Felix, ok, but that doesn't mean that I am not a fan of where's. Your worries, you do ok, if you can't do the math on that, then I really can't help you I mentioned earlier that I am a big fan of our fast and loud. That's, like my favorite Fuckin tv show another breakin bad is over. I absolutely fucking love that show. I love cars. I love watching people who know how to fix him up at the funniest fuckin thing ever is watching the dude Richard Richard rollicked. Watch
him pass these people down old cars. Is the funniest fuckin shit Emmy? Do he beat the shit out of them? I don't think I I don't remember laughing as much as I laugh when I watch that show he fell, It destroys he'll go out there right. It's always the same shit, some he's gonna Thunderbird. They got a core that they got some no part they go whatever because walk out these always complementary. The car when he wants it gets people excited like they're gonna make it They just don't realize how low, much lower. It's gotta be so we always jobs in That is why I look at this. Sixty sixty eight year was bought, sits right, body, strayed, everything's, cool blah, blah blah blah blah that he always looks at every just goes to show what were you thinking?
The orders always like. I mean I don't know I was thinking I was thinking like thirty Richard Fuck what they say he always just goes. I remember America get thirty. I get again Can I drove all the way out here? I got to get a toll it back. I I can't I get do thirty rights, though the purse roads car always says the same shit. Well, what? What? What are you doing. Come my way a little bit were. What do you think it is always to his hands in his pockets and he acts like he's thinking about what you know yes, you know what the fuck was offer. The second he walked into the bar areas. Like I was thinkin like like twelve new. They go from thirty he takes about twelve. So these guys, like arm evacuate, do twelve come on man. I can't do that. I can't do that and if they did, they always come out quick.
Go about like twenty four. Can you do twenty four ever because like mad. I do like thirteen, it he's just Shut up the drop in like a fuckin elevated to get its cables cut. My fur every one I ever saw was what did a blot like this? Sixty two corvette off these? These people write. It was sitting in this fuckin damp warehouse, spooky, looking fuckin saw kind of place and they buy the falcon, the guy. What have thirty grand Fort any busted of doubt, the eighteen five so brings the fog, it think back musical vets. He can't see any its fiberglass body, but when they look at the it's just rusted out to the point of light, why why do we pick this car up, but luck would have it. The guy who sold of the car there was
it was actually his grandfather car in those people, part of his family tree. There were like you should the sole their car the car was supposed to be for us, so they go down to the gas monkey grudged by this fuckin car back right Sir Richard Psyche hasn't. Do had never do anything for you pay. Eighty five for it. You know busted the guy down from third. So the guys on family members, these nephew, what his brother come into by the car back. They tell him Oh fuck and storing enriches, I get cold any goodbye back and they were like so what we think it in a goose they could, like thirty, after passing, the guy from thirty thousand eighty five egos right back to that guy's price so that the cousin in the fuckin uncle there like a stupid, you bought the car from my brother.
We know what you paid, for it is the only time I've ever seen him get bears using arms are manages. What we do here is like twenty two it here, I'm sorry for Falcon twenty grand- I don't know, probably just butchered all up fast allowed. You gotta check it I like it, because they built cars that I feel like. I, for they dont have like that, becomes shit. Where everything six figures I mean they, they build like a bad ass car for, like twenty five, thirty grand after they paid like in all ten grand. Wooden redid everything I really like that show so were shut up. Anybody who listens or that show that MRS Pack has a fuckin long anyways. What are we to hear? What am I talking about? What am I look at any? I am thirty one minutes it was there anything else. I wanted to talk about the patriots.
I watch that game on the flight. There was only the last two touchdowns that game word. You couldn't find a better example of worse defence. I've ever seen in my fucking life patriots had double coverage that the safety but over the top, our quarterbacks imposition to swap down the ball. Any swings at it like a fuckin change up in it goes right by I'm the guy scores for fuckin touchdown, brutal What are the reception went down the field in the falcons saints turn around the exact same thing in single coverage was like neither team wanted to win the game, but I A chastise call all those fucking patriots fears that left their fucking left like half the stadium It left. I know a people like girl, boss, Patriots, France, Sockets, like fuck, you, your fancy, talk to half a year, suck! That's what you have to understand:
about any any really you go to the only reason why it is this, it is the size that it is is its because someday you gotta make a run at the title. They get it. It all those extra seats, but the reality is is with it. You start shit, the bed half the people leave. So though, stadiums only need like patriots, It really only needs to hold thirty thousand people, if you decide to agree with that. I don't give a fuck if their fourteen into what you would fourteen I'm coming to the games. You know, I think it needs to be done. Thousand. So while I love that all those fuckers after they have to go to work tomorrow, lie and say that they were there. Red Sox were great, most people stayed but two or three people I saw leave so a couple empty seats, but everybody stay was just a great fucker. We get in there. I went to the brutes gave today I was actually walking over today The gardener was just gonna, buy a hat and now
hi guys would each decades all these tickets. I know they play the at least I thought it was in Detroit and I say fuck it. I'm gonna get the game. I go into the game like not gonna, drink trick. Little water come back to the fucking podcast to what happens here between the. FUCK, it first and second tier a second and third period. I wanted to an old drink. Buddy of mine for back in the day the high school days pick up. Right, where we left off I'll have one fucking. Three years later here we have so my apologies for being here late and congratulations redwings was it the greatest fuck games? Matinee games usually suck. There is usually an extra solar. Like her
basket, presence causes so many kids there, they usually don't fight, which makes sense right. I would ask you guys was last. I began to fear fight it like two o clock in the afternoon. Doesn't happen. Fistfight happened at night. I don't know why they just do. It feels right. Is that it is not only have to talk about before I to the letters Chief Seattle fast allow red Sox patriots, broods. All the half marathon make little note here, yet the talk about outspoken, walking through were the Boston carbons working through the pack and they will have his half marathon at all. It was was fog it. Let s, find women look phenomenon. There were crushing right down the street, Fuck it body fat, but still had booties autumn. I was loved every four consecutive right objectify,
as they try to have a nice day of exercise. Those I get closer to the finish line some woman on the bike in its around like she was this being so overly positive. It was annoying the shit out of me. She was now, every woman they crossed the finish line. I get announcing like the fuckin top ten fifteen twenty, but the attack me like twenty minutes. To walk through the park. For one side to the other side up by the state House in all I hear the whole time you know. But really clever, fro battle, yelling everybody's day Abigail twits lives all from Marblehead. Today is your associates. At about one of today's day, and I want to be like spoken, cable, like Seventieth latter day,
not merely a day she's, fuck and gold? It look at sub, gave Phil don't fuck a day. Not a day by a long shot. She's a coach is fired. The first thirty that race break an interim runner. Today's you Fuckin day, it's I had just one it ridiculous I get it guys were the world were should dicks, we don't give you your fuckin do so, but I got There is a way of over correcting to the point where all you do is make it everybody their soft, but I gotta tell you: those women, one of the races, I tell you they probably like tat. You re probably like any that ITALY there are fucking athletes. Are you an athlete if you're runner looking put up with a lot of shit tell you what I like about my girl, bad she's got darts. I came all been pitched about my job for four hours last night. She never complete.
I was just one of those moments. Was you sit there? Listen to this fuckin woman scream, it always weapons Dave's. You know better forget whoever gradual leisure. I don't understand you would think that all of what Sub regional Fuckin running figure now they were showing piping the rights they were gotta run rather than that person. She just mention came in forty seventh bill No, what the holidays are covered up. Why did you put a fuckin red nose opted for, can take the cut down a little bit. You might be right, ok, What he weighs Kansas City is officially the loud the crowd it at the end of the day. But I think it's funny because I was trash Seattle, but nobody gives a fuck. Ok.
Kansas City, was what Seattle was. What's what the patriots words words? What everybody wants? You want the Superbowl title, that's what you will be the loudest. That's stupid. The Seattle feeds a fuckin worsen. The way you you guys so quickly came back to that order. That fact you over so bad are the tall boy beers that would just as big as the small ones what shape and he buys you back as he fucking cause you twelve better ways of fuckin flag. You know Somethin Seattle. I thought you were better than their did it hurt we say that I guess I was wrong about people and urge you to take that seriously. Ok follow up Bali, I guess this is what I mean it's hell. I've come would go down, come about a little bit of a cold here, that's what happens when you drink, like twelve nature of Europe, is already the alcohol. It's the battle for the morning. Without a head on
follow up to Bali, Billy red face. This is a follow up to the email I set about getting picked on all this? Was the big do right, the big doated school? Who could do something here the dough, Joe and all that type of shit, but didn't want to do so because you don't want a desert disappoint his senses, if I'm using the right, karate lingo. If I'm not, I mean I my apologies, anyways. He said it when a lot better than expected to give you The this guy was like a big guy. There was some fuckin short of facts. There was always covered up slap item in the head at school, and this guy seems like you darling at least to if not three different martial arts disciplines and if he wanted to o, could euro. You know that shit that they do not know what they don't actually, rather that you feel the heat of their for next year. Ear. Now that you, you know you wake up there
computer watching a Youtube video, whatever the fuck. This happy he could basically do that, but he didn't, as it were, discipline disappoint. His martial arts teach teachers cases the Erika he said I want a lot better than expected. I told one of my martial arts teachers any basically gave me. A green light to what this kid, but not too bad, no broken bones, except maybe the nose. Ah, I love this guy. This guy's old school. He said I walked into the lock robe any greeted me with hey faggots, fuck. I replied with. I hear your birthdays coming up. What's your capsize, he got Bad and said what you fucking say, I said your cup: size you fat, fuck. What is it I love it? Did you see the fucking it should come out. He said he was it may and swung a homemaker. I took it all Sure Jesus Christ, you didn't slip, he said I
beat the shit out of his kid all its go, because you took a swing first, very nice, those neither in the belly twice once to their head. I kicked him either all that's what he's gonna feel tomorrow that we could have dealt with. What's gonna Bruce It goes anywhere doubt I finish with a future, just to their head. I got suspend for two days after they heard he was picking on me. I think it's I have to say, will be picking on any one else. Anymore have a great day. Please say: FUCK Kyle, that's an inside joke with one of my friends, I do good for you, yeah. You know something good for your teacher. You know we can always be high. The people at the third based everyone, so I got a waiver of calves that throughout the plague right good for you I guess I wish I could watch the video of it, but you'd get in trouble for itself and by the way I reckon water that annoying sound his eyes were still drink. It honestly, all right, isn't it
I think that it is as come up which I wish you would come up more often less we love dear doktor, sir. I have a bit girl dilemma here of a twin six year old, dude living in Connecticut, fuck, Hartford, okay, so living anywhere, but hard for or you're in Hartford you hate it. He said I met a girl away. If this is covered from a guy, all I see is threesome horizon. Please let this go. The way I wanted to go said about a girl, threw a friend of a friend and we became great friends. She lives out estate, but we still keep in touch you communicate with each other. Whenever we can't you pay with a broad brush here. That could be. You text every once in a while or you haven't fuck your sexting or fuckin euro pressing. You dig up against your computer her while skyping me there's a lot. If there's a lot of room for interpretation there, sir,
but he says she's independent pad, not materialistic like this. Should I do always and shake whatever we get together, person to person basically perfect for me and not to sound corny. At some point, I fell in love with her daughter Never apologize for fallen in love with the war, but that just some guy shit we care for TED, like you, wanna, be happy too good for you. He said, but she's a lesbian, gay rights, all Jijii. What do did you? Oh that go into it the voice cracking did you know that go into it protect you fuck it? Will you do with the Czech vaguely think he can. Major. Are you says it's a bit of an emotional struggle? I would think so. I've already shared my feelings and obviously they went nowhere set out. You know, can now, would you said she likes the same shit you like yeah, I guess see what you guys would be on the same page check.
Out the ladys someone's gotta. Should I got a bottle that shit up inside it's bad like that, almost a year. Part of me still wants to be friends with her, but the other parts of me tells me to forget about her cut all communications off tabby or are you just keep looking at her? Gallagher, maybe she'll blow me today appetite I said: I'd feel like a douche fuck. You guys are really creating odd, like vulgarity is here. Don't fuck up here to do what, if I cut all tat, and yet I know it's gotta suck for me emotional, as long as our friends with her, because I'll never be with her over this, we go away eventually. My friends can tell me forget about her, but I will always be losing it us, but I would also be losing it also Fred to what are you Val. Should I listen to my heart, my cock. Thanks go fuck yourself! Truly let's see I would say: listen to you
hardly a cot lateral, which wants to do what your heart love You also want to fuck her. Will you have to do? Is you need to do were carbo like you have to have a sit down with both your heart. You dig it just be like look, you dare cast and all the score at this point. It happen Ok, you Dick, probably already has its fuck and held it off its take. It is take off at all that shit, but your heart, you no matter what you falkiner solicitude for absorbing Bosnia. What I think you should do ya think you should just walk away. You gonna, walk away any gotta be into some other check first and then, maybe you can start to be friends get but yeah? It sounds like you better sad puppy dog with blue balls for a year and I'd say you ve, had they give that your parents.
You know why don't you go into the the openly? What did you do that I just Open the register, could I gotta, have ex customer please go to that. Fuckin like manage sucks. I feel bad for you. Do What are you gonna do? You know? I saw the other day of the cover EU spending European magazine. They have one of those you have seen checks like totally naked board, their fuckin goddamn heads wrapped. I got tat such a man like those those women are hot, LEO fuck it hot and I think, would make you a better person If you could day, if you went out with a woman, could beat the shit out of you just because it would far it wouldn't it would or should it be smarter? why women are smarter than us is because, basically speaking, we can fuckin stuff about a happier if we want to
left out. Smart is just one day what they use their fuckin braids, where wages sit a good shot up Euro using force, there's not we're all fuckin needs and elbows. So what would happen? Is it would gain the wisdom of a female by kind of being the bitch in their relationship. In that you know she could fuckin slap Europe, then you could learn to use tricks like guilt the Euro, who knows maybe, should go I'll, get you a pair of shoes. That. I put you Gabor domain what's that, you see show where they are the women at the house. It's hard to watch could beat the shit out of each other. There's like no way that they can hit em pen each other that it's fuckin pleasant to see. Punched him with a pretty faces or even worse, where they take that fuckin straight right to the left. It is just What are you doing
other people saw genetic hereby just gets like for a baby. Why punch you knew what what are you fucking baby compartments are really More on, I admit it. Whatever Just how we look at it or at least of honest least of all, That's when you know he sets of accurate shit and half the parties. Walking away from you. I I I say what's all by. Might I say: what's up with you Sometimes you shouldn't worry here. We go back. I work in Hell with no escape hey Billy Red Beard, but the pirate, I have a police officer in a town in New Jersey, where I am at eleven year ventured. I'd hunger there do you're over the hop. Would you be twenty years? I shall keep that both you that, for those ideas, the department for abuses, those of us who have too much sulphurous
back to kiss ass dogma. The addicts, but you ve already painted yourself as the hero here, but I've gotta believe you, ok, I would have believed that you actually do a good job and the reason why they don't like you is not cause you're fucking being cut its because You don't care steady ass. I wanna go with that, it's got so bad that they suspect and even tries fire guys who don't bowed down, it kiss the rig, it's the very definite definition of a hostile work environment. Terribly stressed out about the situation. Now you baby, Ask yourself: is it so bad? Why don't you move on to another police department? Thank you, sorry for giving me the credit for being that intelligent, have that thought. Unfortunately, I didn't I wasn't Billy thinking that you should get together with some other friends, Become the shore propose out there. You know maybe disappeared. If I could die sepia, whatever the fuck as neighbours,
you know, start haze. It had ever little beauty, I always he says. Well, I've tried, but the greatest the great fucked up. State of New Jersey has a role that says. If I transferred to another police department, both of the department I work for the department I wanna go to have to approve. The site off on the transfer. I was this, to getting hired by another department was denied the transfer of all my card police chief or, as I called him Satan. Apparently To do that, I hate stress, but I have bad dreams about the place that it affects my mood when I think about evil. Off my question to you is, if I stuck in the worst work, barber imaginable, Holloway shake the bullshit. It not worry thanks, alas, I
estimated your ticket selling ability in New Jersey. I was little. They try to get a ticket to read my guy you're, not that big a play serve. But I appreciate the compliment. Aright lawyers to deal you can't ever let somebody could affect your happiness, happiness, happiness. All right. It's all gonna come down to how you choose to react to what it has ceased. Doing. That's the first step right. Maybe I knows is a completely different today. Oh, but I remember I live above this fuckin angry old man used always yell at me. Every fuckin thing I did my old apartment, you don't. I drop a cell phone
keep it up door again, all that shit, he yelled at me and all that shit. So I am. I just started with positively here. We need to start acting like him. Attractive now. Just walked by play what he said. A good luck, it she'd whistle. Like it was sexy in a kind of brought up around in some weird way. I don't know if you can do that. Can you do that? Can you fuck with your your superior officer like that when it comes in because you were just big guy sergeant, even lose weight. You really feel about that uniform quite nicely. Just keep doing that. Uncomfortable chateau I don't know if he's truly as bad as you say, you can't tell me some of the other guys you work with, don't feel the same. Fucking thing I know you have the code
of silence the Blu code, whatever the fuck, it is Europe, but somebody's be that much. But Dick its partner state, a rat the guy out? But maybe you know Can you organize salted lorries? Everybody too nervous that they will get another stripe or their fuckin costume is out what it is. Fucking, know sort, you know what is I just tell you I feel for you. I don't know what to do you talk about cops here. He's got a goddamn gun We just start settled flowers and chocolates it like this positive, way. Just annoy the shit out of euro I'd leave little love letters. But his car, you don't you decided, I would just start fuckin with just to give. You self something that is easily the you. You know that he's gotta out there and read?
You know his secret male admirer love letter, just something something the fuck with the guy. What else could you do and, as usual shit laxative I would do I'll do what I would do. Why would sing like them? every Tyler morsel until every time he was a dick to be ok, the world with his smile well edge. Sergeant you should now. Where were we can't do Wow you show. Where were you your dick. It was for this Great thing about Huber: if it's funny it's fight, you just get, make sure you get a laugh and other than that I work dub. You know you got another nine years. You can't let somebody take a decade from here, so I would. I would do. Whatever it is. I had to do you know
grab some beers with some of the other guys you propagate trust them. There's always some kiss. That's gonna fuckin rat you out, I don't know, What would your career here just dude. I dont know what to tell you. I would just that means other than the can sing songs to yoke Vanities? Tell you some shit. You don't wanna, do just look right item dead, serious views regarding a beautiful eyes sought like that. Just keep With a cassettes away whether you can still carry out whatever country order, who told you to do, but you still down to a pc yourself? That's the best I have for you. Other than that? I would explore some sort of organised way. Ok, too, can t this guy over his squad car I'll buy jobs are, because that I get miserable reading that right now. Ok, where the fuck up fifty five minutes it have. I done it is time for some more advertising here everybody,
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Raw. Allow, those lazy, crazy, hazy, focus blow jobs Bobby I bought a bead taboo, but up but I'll be bad bill. Last night I got laid while breaking Add was playing in the background for my computer. Ok! Well, thanks! It's gonna get married now I had a little trouble keeping the guy up during the act, even though. She had the ass. I would kill for to see again so well, was given we had, which was also by the way. I look up one. I see the tv Billy the freckled face, called shows up with a truck this. The true story. By the way. I remember that that's when we shot that whatever Santa FE we they want to Santa FE, where we rob the rub. The trade about saving ask as everybody, but just the fairies Somerset could decide between keep watching the sea, because
I had to see you acting before or join the blow job. Well, don't have you ever heard hidden pause in the sky like fuck, it easy loves. I thought I'd love break about this guy loves. It says situation was really awkward, because I was imagining you saying stuff like Why you watching tv we're getting a blow job? egg. Goes. I actually started laughing, not thinking about how uncomfortable that would make her the poor girl. Oh no, I was struggling to keep it up while hearing you at my head going guys a vague, that's my job making for our people will help performed by the way, just to clarify it before I have to apologise to an overweight blogger on television The remote control was not at my reach, so I had to watch the camera alternating between two red, headed codes. Heisenberg, in all Billy red face,
consumers are already a shaved it. He took my Jesse plugins. Is there anyway states ruining a great blow job? You can't I'll see you in Sweden in December. My apologies, sir, but are you guys? You know? that you're on your way over there in Sweden. But I would think that you that that you guys have remotely. I know you ever more controls any have pause buttons. I've been there. That's really weird, sir, that made me uncomfortable with myself a blow job in Sweden, Jesus Christ. It was probably some chick there'd, be a How can a Levin over here? What do you guys is just another raw just another check from Fuckin Stockholm right? I would mention that whenever I go over there when you're in Stockholm, the city of stock, always it's fuckin ridiculous. Let's say their rights and regular looking people, but just the percentage of really good looking people is our Europe
I'm a little. I felt like a mongoloid when it was over there like I really need like. I should like a hub leaping down the Fuckin street. So do I stood shake it off. I open, girl did hear you laugh and while she was blowing, because that would take a really affect her confidence, so make sure you He knows why you left right. When you say I watch tv this time, then it should go to blow you again and then just the sheer quietness in the room is gonna. Make you start thinking about my dump face again. You can laugh again. We have an issue. Sir, are right: the Upper Decker. Say bill I'll, get to the point, a sap, my boss book me a hotel without a fridge. When I go to go to the house,
They told me there computer showed up show that the fridge fridges rubs had not been cleaned. I ask: could you just bought me up to one with the French? Then they responded with the polite. Now they then set a guy to check if any other those robs were cleaned. The fridges, fridges, rooms, they told me. One of them was which I figure means it had been cleaned. I took the room I had for strong beers dogfish head ninety minute, I've here what that means. I do. I p S, have more alcohol but I don't want native enemies. He said they re when he says that I want to take a shower. I notice that there was no soap which leaves no one fixed. The room that due to check must have just made the bed, the top it off the toilet is not working ship would not flush. So I took an opera decker.
Inside the top part of the toilet. My question is air by an asshole PS, this happened. The minutes ago, still drunk lovey work. Are you asshole, absolutely absolutely essential, because. The person who manages that hotel is not. The person has to clean out the toilet die. I gotta do is just fuck over the pursues gotta clean aviation, Velvet Chickamauga, color; But your thing to do is you pick up the phone and you say yes said that Israel was ready. It's not right! There's no soap in here. This has it that basically, the baddies were made, the toilets networking! That's what you do. You know you don't take a ship tat part of the fuckin toilet there. I shall you disappointed in you,
no better! That I'll give you a little bit of a slight stoop, forbears, Inn yard. He did that they got. You did have eight programmes, shit in the hall, wrap up; ok, that's their people that support cast here. Ok, that's said she I did all right. Then I got myself this. I will fight the disunity decent is Parkhurst, always adorable, though podcast less analysis shows over. Don't forget to cite a few free trial of Hulu plus Plus. Let your badge since, if it shows anytime anywhere you tv, pc, smartphone, are tablet supporters, podcast get it The free trial of Hulu plus when you go to the park, has page a billboard, Jakob Collective Hulu plus better or go to Hulu plus darker such bill. That's Hulu, plus Dark Cubs lash bill real, quick the next big gigs covered up is what does it November? Seventh, eighth and ninth three of the biggest gigs
I've had up until this day I'm gonna be a constitution, haul it washing do. You see gotta be the Beacon Theatre in New York City and that I've gotta be in Upper Darby Pennsylvania. Those dates are November. Seventh, eighth, life is always I've. Gotta have the lovely poverty opening. For me, that's a third, Dave Friday and Saturday. Most of those. The first show is sold out a fictitious one, show it DC, but To a New York into it fairly, so the first shows, I believe,
about sold out and the second one is going fast. I once again thank you to everybody who LA has bought up the tickets and cover with the best our that I've written. That's what I like to think at the weekend. After that Albion, Deadwood South Dakota, the Billy Red State, make updates the last three Deadwood South Dakota on the fifteenth Tulsa, Oklahoma, Brady Theatre, Tom, ready November, sixteenth air, the Orpheum Theatre, Wichita Kansas November, seventeenth all really quickly by the way, the young Broncos one again I got Eyes, oh I've seen a flawed. That team is greatest, they look Bronco fades away from European Dick, but there Look like that classic regular season team, scores a zillion points, but let's up half a zillion and I found that those teams tend to lose the playoffs boy ass, the city of the air, coral chargers, the dead Marino, dolphins,.
The fuck and greatest show on turf rams Here we beat of the year, the giants beat the Falcon undefeated patriots that shit catches up with you, because when you go to the play off, she gonna be plain teams with great defence and when they slicer offered some half, but you D friends cared step up. So you got a close gave Next thing, you know you lose twenty two, seventeen! You like what the fuck happened. We scored nine million points. The seas are right, but there is a fair. What do you think we're taken filed calls right now, that's it I support calls for this. We go fuck yourself, I'll talk to you next week.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-07.