« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 1-2-12

Posted in PodcastPlay AudioBill rants about New Years and the yearly tradition of going to the Grand Daddy of them All!!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's going on, it's bill burn it's the Monday morning, podcast for Monday January. Second, two thousand and twelve how's it going. Oh, are you I know I know I know I'm a daylight, I understand and you know I appreciate all the emails I got where people genuine. Certainly you genuinely, can you say the word you don't I couldn't say genuinely and then I tried to play off by going. Many german of disorder motor through their word? I can't pronounced the people genuinely showed concern. Where are you build? Did you fall down the stairs? I had a yeah. I had a crazy weekend where I was working up in San Francisco. You know. Working new years for the first time in life for years, because I go to the rosebud every year on New year's day
I'm dislike fuck this I'm not work, but are there Ozma works. Is if the rose ball of January. First falls on a Sunday. They they bumped to Monday Cosette owing to compete with. Then I felt football so that opened the door For me to work New year's Maguire, I glad fly too far away of life again Go work in San Francisco sounds like a good deal to me. A fly at a Burbank airports is little Q, mom and pop airport. You show up. There's like three people there. Some old lady gives you fuckin homemade cookie. It's one of those airports in the time forgot- and I was gonna fly right up. Fifty minutes is gonna lie. Me and my girl we're going to hang up the night before the night before right,
Walk around the city have a good time get one of the delicious burritos and I was gonna bang up the show next morning. Wake up jump on the first one. Smokin come right back to fuck and allay, and it would have been done and the story. So here's what happened that would drive, and over my like, I am, I gonna, be gone for less than twenty four hours I'll need the car at the airport. Everything's gonna be fine, as I'm DR and over to the fucking airport. A computer calls me not a person, not a representative, that somebody with a heart in some sort of life force pumping through girl puppet through the body fuckin computer costs. I pick up the phone Michaela and it's like Allow William bar your flight has been cancelled. You are now living? They say airport twenty four hours later go fuck yourself now is it is it
what the fuck and then they would try leave at six. Thirty p m. I fuckin shows it ate it. Can't leave that late, so I call up the cut down there, trying to figure out what Folks go not so what do they do? They immediately Willie? Here we go near, we enjoy fly Journey, Burbank weakened Take you down in our hearts. What happened United Airlines because we tried it change our seats and all fuckin thing was full. Ok, since when do you cancel of full play, what happened was the pilot drunk? So what happened? Did he knocked up one of those stewardesses zau? What happened did they fought right up in the first class cabin? There wasn't time to two fucking thing to clean up
I don't know what happened suddenly. Stick me on his fuckin flight out to allay accent. I wanna go out. I lay eggs, no fucking reason of you're, not a barbaric. As I want go out. I Ella Ex Ellie sucks the fuckin worst. This fuckin nine million goddamned people down there. They all stand their role in their eyes and how long the security line is, and they want. They turn their up to bed shit. Then they start on doing everything that they should have been done in the fuckin lie. You know like when you in a traffic jam it's like when you? Yes, it is like death, take when you're a fucking traffic jam and everybody I went down and slowing the fuck down slowly, fuck down you like, what's goin on, what's going on and the traffic so bad, you like I've, been see a fuckin headline in the road. The level of this traffic would have more time to get up there. Did you somebody's changing the fuck entire? Ok, it is this the deuce in funny you who you ve, seen
but look at the back of the head. You see the justice frustrated issue. What are they do they slow down and look at it? I always bearing in mind the who the fuck is wrong. How did you not learn anything in this process? I do that shit to the cops Estonia directed traffic after they mopped up. All the blood is really nothing to see other than some twisted wreckage right Jesus Christ, you can go home and watch the footage of it on you to buy time. You get home someone's gonna uploaded and you got a good chance that the person who died was videotaping. There's a couple of those anew to people videotaping racing with other people. They lose control the fuckin car. So wanted tipped over this in their drive and like assholes and it's weird it's kind of creepy, but there's also a justice to it.
So anyway, the next morning I wake up, and I'm like you know, I'll off some girls up on doctors. We will spend the night up in San Francisco. You know holding hands walkin around to rule of law and now that's out the window, so coarse, she's pouting cassettes what women do arrogant, king, don't we Why do you have any act like I'm? For then, all of sudden, you feel yourself going in like like. Appeasing or whatever I entertaining that energy that she's putting out like you're the one who cancel the flight, see you're trying to keep cool. Why, on the back your head, you get an fuckin mad at her like did you fuck, then, on the fucking guys gonna. Do the goddamn showed what the fuck are you talking about stuff your bone becomes. That's. She can't be that guy
he's gotta golly. I know. What's some other chick shit that we can do you wanna go see the broad with the dragon TAT two above her I'd love to, that movie right. Let's go. So we got down the we can see that the check with the dragon tat to a barbarous right, those fuckin slut. And I watched the movie that's one of my thanks. I like action movies that have a female, a bad ass woman is the lead. You know, I think they just done the guy too many. Fuckin times, I'm a child. In the eighties I saw a zillion times. I saw every Schwarzenegger every Stallone We chuck Norris envy junk VON die every
who's, the guy. There seems to be an actor now he's a cop and because everybody cause where's the girl incurs. He speaks in like good Times JIVE. In twenty twelve Stephen Cigar, I saw his fuckin movies You know what I saw all like collectively. Those too movies, believe it or not. I started to notice a pattern and things became a little cliched So now they got you know of any kind of backed off the bed. Ass. Guy movie for awhile right. Sorted became more about what, bad as guy was saying more, that dialogue kind of bad ass, ship terror, Tino Shit came in the reservoir dogs pop fictions. Then I got on board with that. But I still miss just the regular old ass kickin, fucking superstar. So one day
they go. You know what have we made the exact same movie except the lead was a fact get away. You know what I was right on board if it became new again it's when they they taken old white movie, and then they just make it black euro. It To say movie, except now its black people fuck it right. There. Soon come under their this time, Now, it's a white guy What could sit there watch it. I mean there's only so many storylines. What is Hollywood supposed? Do you realize how fucking bad mood these are gonna, be in the year. Fuck in what the hell are. We twenty twelve
in the year twenty one hundred, the only thing that's really gonna change is the technology, the Pixar, the perfect storm wave. You know it. Point. Two probably have somebody thrown a bucket of water and your faces you watching it. You know them. So good one of my friends, drought right, that's the only thing but in the at the end of the day, it's gonna, be the save fuckin movie. So I go down there, The little movie house down the cinema here I come walk in and I go. Let me get two tickets to the young, the check with the tramp stamp right above or asshole, and they go sir. He was a kind of language, but the fucking mean is shown greater movies, geothermal ethical point. It didn't happen, but I wish it did and ass we got two tickets. I go in there getting big fuckin kid cat we set out. We start watching the sick and watch this movie. Twenty minutes in I fall asleep occurs is boring just cause,
mould, but that love you gimme a just a half way comfortable fuckin chair and you turn the light. Damn you that's it son. My head gets hey heavy. You know like a fuckin toddler, can't hold us god damn head up, maybe an infant arriving. Kids. You know, you know their head feels like a nerve basket, their age you ve been all hold them up? The fucking little baby esophagus starts curve and, like a question mark right that age, that's what I feel like so does anything make your girl matter than if you fall asleep in a movie. I used leaving now not just really thinking about the plot it's so deep man's movie, so heavy so why I thought he was all right. It was all right chick was bad ass and done. No if they were actually fucking if they weren't actually fucking, that girl should get it
Academy award for the best mining of inner. Where's that I've seen. I mean, I don't know that two people actually fucking could move better than the way this chick was moving. It's ridiculous Lisbon, a couple, a movies to wear like people. Just now sticking your faces between checks, ass cheeks- and I don't know if it's because we ve all watched so much porn, ok, that's fucking inside you stood there. Looking too, unlike our right, maybe she's got some sort of special effects on these on I dont know why put his nose is up against there's no way as it is the way it is so many ways we watch the Movie Here we come out of their my girls all happy. Gotta, go! Look! You know we're gonna take place
tomorrow morning, out of work- and I lay eggs will be up there and not the flat. You know I paid for the hotel room. For to night. Instead of one that way when we landed eleven in the morning, I could just fuckin walk in there were ten in the morning. I can just walk right in check and we don't have to wait sure in here. You can't checking killed Genie afternoon. Then you have to check your bags and wander the city like a homeless person You know all about trying to put a rush on it, but go fuck yourself. You know so when it was wake up. We wake up the next morning, and oh by the way, the United Airlines, Lady, had a fuckin attitude with me. Can you guess you're all confirmed our Ella exit? Go wait a minute! Wait a minute! What about that? We had burned.
To disturb. You just confirm that, as I said, a sweetheart easy. What the attitude you just gave me three different flight, one of whom I was going to Phoenix forced her right, you're playing flight, three card money over the goddamn phone- you I don't need the attitude and she sent him. Sorry, sir. I got happy new year when I look at you know, and then I thought I hung up the phone, but I didn't know I gotta go to my girl days is Christ what a fucking cocksucker, then it's her poor people pay per like pushing buttons if she was stolen, what whatever back to the store to wake up the next morning? Ok, what have we been delayed? Twelve hours, let's go down a fuckin outlay acts stand in eight hundred deep line to go through to go in a fuckin, fifty minutes flight right. We go on.
A flight hour. Flight is delayed an hour and we still don't have any seeding assignment and I was like you know what fuck this fuck this were driven up. I will find rattle give a shit that its five and a half hours were driven up and then instantly all the stress. The day went away, because now my destiny was back in my own hands. Ok, I didn't have to go down there and plead with them. To get me a fucking seeding assignment.
You know like I was in fact in Vietnam trying to catch that loud at such a happy reference. At this point, like I was in louse trying to get a fish talk of honor fuckin dictator date them's, I you know, I gotta read more, that's what it is like I've read. You know what if Charley Sheen made a movie about fucking allows than I would have had that fuckin reference for your wife. This park has just died. The mummy train resuscitated here so anyways. So we end up with a fuckin drive up there We have a great goddamn time, I'm driving up and afford, or forget ram fifteen hundred pickup truck that I rented for the fucking Gran MA you no fucking cruised up in that thing, crew, stop would like fuckin. Ninety the whole way
time you see one of those signs that says you near them. Nowhere in it says warning your speed can beat is being tracked by aircraft. It isn't right when you think that somebody up there in a by plane with fucking scar, flap and in the wind from tree to tree was five points which carry the went fuck yourself. If anybody ever gotten a ticket to get some guidance air, I figured out tat. They were going to seventy in a fifty five. Her did you we'll send me an email about a cause, I'm not read it! That's why just Ninety the whole fuckin way up headed up get up there. It like, I think, like twelve noon, so only take me took me as far as like time goes, and only two like an extra sixty minutes, because you know you gotta get down there an hour and a half fuckin early.
Lights an hour and a half, that's three fuckin hours, then you get deal with another hour. Get back from the thing. That's that's right. Debt is four and a half hours was. It was that for whatever took me another two hours can't you know, but I had a nice big see. I did have some fat fuck sit next to me and if I wanted to pull over and take a piss the dairy queen. I could- and you know what I got to see as I drove I got to see America Europe. I got to read these sides stop. The Congress created does Paul and I was like what the fuck is, that there are some Do it they're not given him enough water up there and, as I got, is something else that I can read. That's gonna scare, the shit out of me: why are they fucking with the food supply, so anyways Jesus Christ? What the fuck am I so we hope we do the goddamn show and then I drive back and everything was fucking great and then what then? What is I get the whole day off and I just start preparing
for the Rosebud fuck Grandaddy of him off with doing it right. This year we had the Ford pickup truck. We had two grill, we had marinated stakes die. We had like thirty six fuckin bud wisest to big things, a crown royal in some Jamieson Ketchup right, ready to tailgate. We pick everybody up. It's going down like fucking, Those Chuck Norris movies when he's pick it up all his special forces right, fuckin, three deep driving over the Falcon Joe Borg, Nics Joe barred next, the heart and soul of our fuckin tailgate are right. We pull up by column. Tells me throughout his fuckin back I'd like ours is barred. Nick he's, gonna be fine, becomes walking out of sight. It was building. I swear to God. You would have thought that it was workin on broken glass. It we see him
all right. Our enforcer hobble in up the goddamn street in it just took the wind out of all of our sales. You don't owe me, like your on the Celtics and Larry can't play, and it got the Lakers set day. You know comes walk, up we're all legitimately concerned about because we could tell these and a ton of pay and he opened the door ever so gingerly before any of us can speak. He goes. You know a boys. You play her today and you know why in any screams, does it still grander daddy of about baby and then fuckin makes a first in such punching everybody instead adored Facebook, peace punching your fists and that we know reside in opposition many took away Christmas and then all of a sudden they got just fuckin with the end. They flip the lights back on, and I gotta tell you so
every year. I tell you guys all these hilarious fuckin stories the rosebud, but this year we drank so much. I really can't remember anything. I can remember a fucking thing. I remember was: pulled up. They put his aren't you gonna golf course, one this grassy, no I had to tell me I want to fuck and pull up a little bit more. We like not, and I will put the will to do the tailgating further truck right. Everything was great. We set up shop. Everything was ice down and I opened their first Budweiser her. The king bears that the grand daddy ever more- and I drank it like it- was enough and also while they went down really smoothly, and then I saw the Crown Royal sit there. I just said Eric I go, who wants the heater
That's really the last thing that I vividly remember. I had no nourishment in my stomach. I had a beer and I poured basically a quadruple was probably be trouble because those alot ice in there and that I had both of those before I had my fuckin omelette and it's weird like I dont, not remembered the tailgate, but I don't? U dont room, really remember it. We were there at eight thirty, the game didn't start till two and I felt like I was tailgating for like twenty minutes. So I remember I'm a bar click at one point: we were unloading and also teaches yells at the top of his lungs. He goes, use a jot about? Well god through that? Above all it! Basically
scared the shit out of ninety percent of the people around tailgate, which was greatly basically it basically pissed off our whole territory and nobody fucked with us for the rest of the time. When I was happen, I'm of this fuckin hutches came over. This was constant. I now right hot check from Wisconsin who would have thought it off the usually look pretty bang the fucking banged up out there. You know they're going to school and their work and on the farm just taken all four Fuckin seasons, rights of the face. You know the side order. Cheeseman, that's hard liven up. There look at those people there. Know any better look at a Green Bay packers. Is there any fuckin logical reason why there that so the arctic Circle and they still play the game outside I mean I feel it should. Blade outside apps a fuckin locally, you know, but the level of
What is there in this country? Now? I can't believe they haven't. You know we need security. Retractable dome laid up, they sit outside shown up an ear moves in a fuckin fedora. Just like Vince Lombardy, they don't know any better stock, is the tough they don't fuckin know any better. That's why they eat the way they eat up there. They don't know any fuckin better. Safari is fuckin thing is bringing up any sort of healthy eating to somebody from Wisconsin. They immediately just fuckin wrinkle up the goddamn noses. You know it's not even like us, gay, I'm not that way like the literally eating and a healthy way discuss them. They were, they react. The vegetables. The way most people react to like sardines
spoken already shows up right. She's got that you know they got the badger red and white fuckin overalls she's wearing. Are those with nothing, but it's like a fuckin tube top underneath you know little raven, hair cutie the brown eyes Skin off Alcatel sexy tattoo wanna fuck inside and she comes walk over, Those are you guys want to do a dirty Sanchez thick and what the fuck is a dirty Sammy night. I I've heard this tv, the sex one. What are you talking about. But she had some tequila and she had. She had this big jar pickles, so they fuckin. Don't shots at tequila and right after you drink, pickled juice. I know that Sounds disgusting I can tell you is greatest pocketing ever Zadok Yahoo
Hard core, you are, there's no way to treat tequila without making that I just drank some tequila face, and I took a shudder. The cure it like an asshole I was so drunk. I didn't get how she explained to me. I was trying to reach in and take out a pickle he's. Gonna eat it. She's got no, do you drink during the June will make all that's either. I let me try to get then another shot, and then I drank the pickle juice, and I gotta tell you he's fucking tremendous Europe a shot at two kilos in you feel like somebody punch in the throat and then you drink, that room temperature, pickle juice, and it's like someone gives you a hug like outside, but that I know that was your larynx. That probably hurt you know, so I learned that so they got. That was the problem.
I was drinking Budweiser I was I was I don't you. I don't even know what the fuck happened. I remember standing of wine at one point go. This is the line in the bathroom. I know it's the line to the gift shop and there was this giant building with this. Huge sign that said rob his book. That guy, the guy has had that. Please, though, punch my way or scare. My children look on his face and I was like, while I think, I'm really fucked up. I don't know, and then I went to the game was completely fuckin wasted by remember the entire game. Enemy, the old like San, Diego charger Miami Dolphins match ups back in the day when there was just like no fuckin defence, the fuck was the final scores. Like four five thirty, eight hours so bombed out when that do despite the ball in time, you know cause
like here, Galway Weena. These got one shot go down. You know, the ads on one shot, the Amazon for the grand daddy of Amal, let's see if we can get it and tat it were. Sidney like you, gotta, be fuckin kid me and then they gotta doer your way of thinking and my fuckin head. There's no goddamn way. They gonna let this fucking great game and on that fuckin play right they come out, they go yeah it's over. They shoot off. Confetti is like what the fuck fuck off So there we wonder out to the truck back out the parking lot we fired up. The grill people started drink it again. I tapped our cause. I had to drive
and that was basically the rosebud, the sure I'm sorry. I usually have a bunch of forty stories by honestly. I can't remember I was self fuck and excited that we had all this food next, here. I'm gonna eat a little something first and I want to start with beers, okay and I'm on when I not go to the whisky for the first couple hours. I think that that was the big mistake. We were bay, it was like a one round, knock out, that's what our tailgate, but first we were like out on our feet for the final Fuckin Eleven rochlitz. I remember one point talking to somebody's wife, saying you know cause you're, the wife, of course, in warm to go. You know I can't tell us cause for because she was smart. Then I just remember
Talking to her telling her what a great man her husband was saying eyes over there right now, sitting down just enjoying the sunshine in any way, you wasn't remotely doing anything like that. Sorry, sorry, smoker, fuckin cigar! Yesterday too, there was another thing you know and I was so drunk I kept forgetting it was in my hands. Then it would go out and then I have to real lighted and I was too drunk to fuck. You know, do the get it to go on. I was actually inhaling soy era. We had four Ricky recur, those fuckin smoke, those up and I'm getting a fragile I'm gonna pieces. How fuckin thing together,
The girl played hands solo. Now, with the one I'm murderer, the fugitive, the fuck happened, I'm ever standing in line and getting a pretzel nigger. You want Salter, no salt, I gotta take salt and it was so fuckin salty. I just rights member, just licking the fucking salt off and was getting all over. My shook has already put mustard on it. It that's an afflict the sucked. The fuck is wrong with me. What is what I want to tell you guys, I'm taking another stand up special the first week first weekend in Marge tickets are don't sell yet, and I'm not naming the city at either Khazar gonna wait to lie, everything's all fuckin, legally solidified there and die. And I am now I'm a dry dock. Once again, I am off the boughs that was it
I don't know what I'm gonna drink again, maybe on my birthday in June, I like it. I had a great time drinking yesterday, but I am up, and I don't do that again for a long time, so I'm definitely not going to drink right up to the special and thereby then I'll have a good fuck and sixty two let's go for a hundred days again. How did let's go for two? Then I'll, try and break my fuckin record three hundred sixty seven days in the meantime I'll keep the weight off. I won't become Billy fair face, that's what it's all about and it will be built. Face working around all of Europe, is a guy. What I'd go with the grass fed face? Now, I'm gonna be that guy. I don't wanna be a topic. Shit sort of my big goals and life span Which goes make any new year's resolutions whose kidneys. New year's resolution is basically, let's see how long I can do this. Before going, I go back to being the same douche bag. I was
Is that what they really are your idea. South America shades, you know, maybe you can stick it out half way through February by the beginning of March. What happens? You'll look in the mirror, brushing your teeth, you're an asshole starts tomorrow tomorrow get back doors, so that's it had said and done that what the boughs the maybe until the rosebud next year. Maybe that's what I'll do once a fucking you get ivy see. Everybody knows that guy owns a fuckin Harley and their neighborhood. Once a year it gets a hair cut in a shave, obeying a guy. Like that sure we all do dead. Ip is get some sort of nickname enough, maybe killed somebody, maybe didn't you know they had some weird, really a feminist thing about him. You know like he could literally choke a fuckin sauce watch to death. Yet if you like
a finger paint or something maybe that's what I'd do maybe once a year I'm going to drink at the grand daddy of a more, I don't know happened this year. I really don't understand how I so vividly remembered the game yet was complete. Glee. I dont remember the fucking tailgate whatsoever. It sucks was for the first year I missed the fly over. I was in the tunnel When the fly or rapid volleys fucking Wisconsin, answer my fuckin walking on water in their waited a goddamn seats. I was route for Wisconsin this year by the way way, congratulation to organ running. Your first rose ball since nineteen seventeen, that's fucking, unbelievable on fuck, unbelievable. Ninety five.
I voted against because I didn't like their snow globe. Helmets assiduous stupid euro will hologram human you're football team, or you are you're right and green cards. You know it's bad enough. You called the ducks goddamn, we were afraid four contain Jesus Christ. I'm times did somebody turned the corner and you think it alright, there's a six yard gain and also needs at the party that daddy, that twenty touchdown fuckin unreal. Did I even stay in the stands during the year Coming back to me, I saw the half time show some ban would have did a bunch of Van hailing songs. You know because nothing says Van Helen, like a hundred peace, Fuckin orchestra.
Actually I tell you, I think I was constantly did it. There was constant bad. That was the only thing that sounded worse there. When David Lee Roth did the bluegrass version of inhaling songs. But anyways edge No. This is Christmas Christmas. Over everybody. I want to ask you this: have you thrown out your tree? Had no choice, Phil Fuckin way When you do that, you gets excited for this fucking Christmas tree it up and then what happened, like this. The day is over you just look at it like like it was a boy banned in the in it. The just and timber lake now you you just look at your Christmas tree like its lance bass. It fuckin two thousand six, it out I actually pride myself on the dispose of my Christmas tree every year. I do it the proper way. I do it the way supposed to. I don't just fuckin
I'll put it in the passenger seat of my car, like some fuckin each hiker you met put too in the back Can you throw it out of the fuckin meat? strip of a highway. I don't do that. I dispose of it like the fuckin iceman. In our view, guys ever see the ice man when he talked about cutting off the bodies. That's what I do get all the decorations. All the jewelry cut out the feelings, And then I take it out the driveway and fuck and cut it up, and I stick it in the EU, the recyclable you, unlike my fuckin neighbours, who just take the whole tree and stick it in the Recycle Bin gothic. Stick it out Stan and there, like that, Fuckin old School Denver, Broncos fan that where's the barrel around his waist. It's the only thing: it's miss When you just take the whole Christmas tree near. Stick it in the barrel is just as some fuckin suspenders go up and over attached onto it
that's what it should have bill all. I think it should. Our eye three. This is the Monday morning, podcast by the, where everybody and hey- let's get down to some fuckin bullshit here I've actually I figured out a way here to make some money off the podcast. Do you let's go to Amazon dot com. Sure we all do anytime you I go there if you'd like to make a donation in my pocket, rather than going directly to Amazon Dotcom just go to billboard dotcom click on podcast. I know this is a complex. Two steps are right and what you click on the part gas. You look on the right hand, side the page right under where it says I tunes is Amazon, dot com, you click right on there GotTA, Amazon and you buy something, doesn't cost you any more money, but I get I get a percentage, they give me a little, but they give you a little kickback ego. Both they'll tell nobody. We gave this t right just for
having people towards Amazon, Doc, Kanzi already go, and now you just got it through my website. You know, and in that way you get to donate to the podcast without spending any fuckin money. You know. I'm not telling you to go to Amazon dot com and buy something you don't wanna fuck and by Unsay. When you go there go through my website click on the Amazon, dot com add value by some? the ten percent of whatever I make. I'm going to give to the wounded worries projects the way to support this podcast and support the troops egg self the falcon. The Father Radiohead Anthology, whatever the fuck you buying over there, who knows I would speak- there are seven other live. Another sponsor row was its stamps dot com. That's the
It is one of you, gotta stamps, dot com. You know what I was too drunk yesterday to train fucker. Remember how this one goes out about this. One goes I'll! Let you know about it next week, but basically stamp stuck her. You know what happens. Out of the Fucking post office. You got a stand in line to get stamps to go up to one of those grumpy people. That's gonna, end up shoot, all right. You know I don't like. I don't like that. Automated shit out the grocery store, but those fuckin, though the goddamn people behind the register, don't shoot up the fucking grocery store. You know I don't like. I don't like that automated should those grocery store, but those fuckin, though the goddamn people buy, the register? Don't shoot up the fucking grocery store of three goddamned days, but this shit, you know I fuck and ate the post office. There are projects, there I said: if you go down there, you stand in the fuckin lying. You stand for twenty four commission finally get up the front just by a book. A goddamn stance and the deuce puts this windows closed.
There goes over eighty two fuckin chicken salad sandwich. We can see. I fucking hate those cuts the point actually started usually automated machine down. There's something else. I don't fuckin like this one, stand alive, what it, whereas it oh automated machine, is gonna, be self fuck uneasy right now There's some asshole up their sent an artist Christmas cards to foreign fuckin relatives, he's gonna, wait packages and all that shit. The problem there. He doesn't work at the post office. He does it not a fucking. Do it. But if you go to stay calm, everybody just fuckin pink, they bore me click it you get some goddamn stamps. Are you not to go down there and put your life in jeopardy, their stance, dot, com? Everybody go fuck yourself, how's that for read that you like that, I hope my computer it it's over here might have been the angriest commercially ever gonna hear we live,
What are you saying is dig it just not they had so angrily are. At last week I asked the Ladys to justify the divorce laws. Ok and you know what not a goddamn one of them could fuckin do it so far reason. Some guy decides right it. I was basically saying: us defied me justify me just to find me. Why copyrights? Why deserves a hundred and eighty million dollars justified to me. Don't stay well, that's what the law says. Don't say that justify the reasoning for it and I use the example If I asked you, why is it illegal to kill somebody, you wouldn't be? I that's what the last as you being like life is the most precious thing on the planet. We all need to respect people's lives. You do not respect somebody's lie. The people were taken up People's lives away like there, the Lord right you could justify,
the reasoning for it. You know what and nobody can do it. Quoting this douche bag. This guy goes back Here's why she deserves the money then he goes on and says. Marriage is nothing more than a eagle and or religious fiction. That makes two people partners. While there I'm new information when two consenting adults, let's get married under of their own, Free well, they are volunteering themselves into an official partnership where both parties agree. That their lives and assets are now shared equally, unless they had We on a preen up. Did you see the difference here this I basically, though, it is basically an elaborate wagon at flat the law that is not justified. It justified. Tell me why why does that law exists? I No, why I shouldn't kill you, I shouldn't take your life away
fuckin with your life, you get one of em. I shouldn't take it away, it told We make sense its logical that we cannot people going around killing one another euro. Unless there are even though, but you can't, you can't on any way justify some. I'm getting a hundred ninety million dollars of NBA championship rings and they ve never even fuck it in the leg. Did she ever even play basket? It is no You cannot logically, tell me you kid. You can justify it. Bates are all your doing right now is telling me what the fucking law is iron. Stand what the lies. I understand. I live in California and if I get married- and I don't have a fucking preen up- ok, she is automatically entitled to half of my shit. Jesus
are, they have much. It doesn't make sense, though, I'm telling you to me sense of it. Don't tell me basically going. You know, there's alone Alabama appear in a car where the girl of seventeen J gotta shoes on that statutory right, and then I go. Justify that law. To me, why is a hot? What? Where is the rape in that? What is that as well, we'll concerted adults get into a car in the world with the possible takes her shoes off and she seventeen and aren't that's not justified. Then he goes on to say why, when any person is worth substantially more money than the other agree to such an arrangement, Now you just saying corbies fuckin stupid for doing this. That's that's not my question. Brad aright! He's gonna goes: if call me had suffered a career, ending injury when he married his wife.
And then she went on to win the Super Lotto and at a hundred million dollars. I guarantee Coolby would want his split and he deserve every penny. Ok, why. Why would he deserve every penny?. Tell me why. I'm not saying that he wouldn't ask for it. Answering the fuckin question, Brad answer the Falcon question: why what you don't fucking deserve it. You know, You dont, if you go out and you marry the greatest composer of all time and that person composes this time was fucking music, that for fun, centuries. People are going, be listening to and analyse in Egypt in in during the course that you made, rid of millions of dollars. Ok, I understand why that person made hundreds of millions of dollars. I dont get why, if you
then get a divorce from somebody who can do sit there on the couch fuckin doritos all day when they get divorced. Why they are entitled to half of the fucking riches. Stop explaining. I know the law says that that's why they they should The law says that they are legally entitled to I'm saying: what is the reasoning behind that? Ok, I get it no one, a bunch of guys go, start families and then fuck and walk in a way. I am stand that, but at some fucking point you have enough fuckin money. She's just right or check for twenty million dollars. Twenty million Is more money than most people will ever make in their fuckin life's most people want close that in their fuckin lifetime will not come close to their she's, getting it all at once. You get twenty dollars. You was set for fuckin life, but that's not enough. These cuts they
hundred, and ninety million dollars for fucking kills. We think there were nine figures. They have an account, put anything in their life. I understand why Hobby is worth three hundred fuck a million dollars. You see this this past week he's gonna fuckin. He's has an injury that most but what a sad out six months of the season, this guy, Fuckin warrior this assault expensive, that guy's a fuckin warrior. Ok, they don't make guys like that. Guy like tat come around once every two three generations that guy's the fuckin man and he is war. I understand why he's worth thirty million dollars I for the life and we do not understand. I cannot justify whatever the fuck in law says fuck that law justified for me. You can't do it. You guys had an entire fuckin way. Nobody can do it, one guy named Brad, basically just hold me what the law was, but he did. He didn't justified. Why? that law exists. Why
that there is some sort of fog it now shut up bill. We got it right. This fuckin drives me up the Fuckin war, he's fucking goddamn bombers, fuckin women. Katy would tie their God? Damn shoes are walking around multibillion. As I saw what time is Fuckin lady, she was married this guy in the NBA, the guy fucked around our own. They get a divorce. Yeah got a divorce. Ok yeah, he fucked around yeah. He fucked up. And then she goes out, takes all the fuckin money and drive around in a car with a license plate that says his money. I just think like this. Did the arrogance and these self entitled, like Ireland title you cheated army. Therefore, I'm entitled to hundreds of millions of dollars- you're, not you're, not, but you are cause. That's what the law says. It's a stupid, his fuckin thing over his money. Can you believe the arrogance that show that we, like you, knocked your wifi
The two within every guy a tv was go. That's I that's right, like totally You got a license plate. That said too, for two: you said to four to within every guy on tv was go. That's I am right by totally back in it, you fuckin bomb ass, broad, go out, get a fucking job, go advance, something earn your fuckin money fuckin cheated on your course. He did. He do what is supposed to be doing you gonna fuckin champion racehorse? What do they do yet? Does it go out fuck one horse and that's it now? They send it out to study, because it's got TAT Championship Jean Pump and through his blood. You know why there's somebody mouth breathe and FAT Fox on airplanes. Because of the marriage loss. Casually can back one of us and our great once with that fuckin thoroughbred seamen, stick with one person who you are you fucking mind there was ignorant and disgusting aren't plough ahead here, ok
The question still open still on the table. Tell me why Tell me why corbies wife justified Why she she deserves a hundred and ninety million dollars justify- morally the way I can join. Defied EU. Morally, why you can't you shouldn't, kill somebody. Why you shouldn't steel? Somebody stuff! I hopefully get all of that. I get all that you know they say fuck it. You can justify this can justify morally. Why you guys shouldn't fuck around on his wife? They would be like back. That's what the law says they wouldn't they would. They would fuckin shit what right off the top of their fuckin heads could give you a twenty minute speech and none of it would have to do with the law.
We would all have to do with love and trust and relationships, and they could morally justified this fuckin law. There's not a fuckin brought out there, the other guy out there they can justify somebody who sits around all got their day, not doing, Shit and then being entitled to a hundred ninety million dollars of LOS Angeles, Lakers championship money. If you had an alien land on this planet? The first question would be well does his person play for the Lakers does she work for them? Did she draft the players? Did she design the uniforms that what does she Do any this. She really really That would be any take out as the laser gonna need shooter the twat, then that would be it but say Please we don't live in a world like that. Our advice for the weak never want belt. My wife and I are both work out: people, triathlon, half marathons, etc. You guys you gonna get his in her hip replaced.
In your fuckin early sixties. Last year we started attending a class. Do this is fucked up one. Last year we started attending a class to help with this topic our work it out in the east. It seemed like a good shit. We got along right? Any works for the same company. We do. This is a huge company in Morocco, they were, so it's not like. He sits next to me or something anyway. We re joy, disguise class, any email, all the people that took the class regularly telling him what they needed for that day's class waits a mad jump, rope, etc. It's peanut accelerated since we are both a mailing list. We knew his email address. I started to sees things happening my wife was emailing him a lot. He was emailing her a lot. It was conversation between them via work, email, which is
Kay, I guess, but then they started. Texting each other and it was frequent. I come downstairs here. Phone snapshot and I'd say we are talking to. She would always say no one or just checking my men. The judges, etc. Being that, I'm a system engineer a technology I called bullshit and proceeded to sure her passwords on the laptop stairs Jesus Christ, he I now, but I will to see what was up so I got a password logged in or followed account online and low Behold she was accepting this guy back and forth for small dude. How did you capture her password.
This is why don't bank online? I don't do any of that shit. This is the kids a secure site. No, it isn't anyways, so he finds out that she's text understood both of them are texting back and forth, and he says I'm not just saying during the day a few times, I'm saying throughout the day and up until eleven p m at night, even after midnight and while I'm lying in bed next to her, she would always get If I said anything about who the fuck are you talking to at eleven p M, we became neutral friends with this person from the star and I asked some girls. I knew in some guys at some guys that that both knew him and they both said yeah. You need to address it, so I called the do one night and pretty much said: stop fucking texting my wife. At night, are you and I are going to have a problem anymore? ITALY shut it down the skies. Five seven hundred fifty pounds and not some
starter anything I'm six want to oppose. It could easily stop his ass out he's an insurance runner, not some super Jack He immediately stopped The time I saw him in the locker room of the Jim? He was very cautious around me and way to nice. Almost like was his way of saying sorry, everything stopped after that. My question is: was I write doing this addressing it with him, basically texting has blurred the lines between. What's so, and what's not guy girls always say it was just a text but no big deal, but I think it that's horseshit. It's it's the same as a phone call me. So if you want call my wife, while up in bed with her go for, but they won't texting, is a bitch move, which is why so many people get busted doing it at that,
We want to email each other at work and discuss work outwards routines. I get it, but having that instant connection, through you found a matter where they are. Is a little odd, especially women, bed right next door. Am I wrong for putting this bitch in line and telling him to stop it? Yeah do. Do you know what the always? Why you're asking me if you're wrong is because you busted you fuckin wife and right now, she's mine, fucking? U manipulating you trying to get! You She's, basically almost done it slept around you're. Actually questioning am I fuckin wrong for four fuckin catching my wife texting with this. Other guy at eleven o clock at night. Give me there's only one reason: you text somebody at eleven o clock at night, two reasons: either you ran out of gas. Are you trying to fuck em? That's the only to reason, people text at that fuckin our than they he's trying to fuck your wife are
and I don't know, what's up with your wife: ok cause you're gone, who you texting all nobody right there. The fact that she goes on nobody slams two fuckin phone shot right. There She knows she's doing something that ain't fuckin call this. A very far can touchy subject all right, because This involves the woman she Guys solve problems with violence, so I'm not trying to, an egg. You want here, Sir, but you definitely did the right thing and that's really a what the fuck situation that you're in that a fuckin cool. Right, I mean a step outside your situation now, Sir aright other than Eddie you, one hundred percent did the right thing to do
not led her fucking worm her way out of it. I personally speaking, I am not talking about make step and away from the story. If I caught my girl doin it that's a fuckin rap, it's over thrice ship is fuckin over go fuck yourself. It's over it's over. I know where the fuck this is going. I know where the hell. This is Lee. What the fuck you text this guy for level clog night. You want his dick Y. All in the course of the day to tell you how to do a fuckin push up. My fucking break you flirt with this guy. You wanna fuck, em,. He has to email. You text you fucking nine thousand times during the course of the day, to tell you how to do a fucking push up me. A fucking break your flirt with this guy. You want to fuck up so relationship as over happy Fuckin bomb buddy
up on buddy about, but data right back betrayals. Do you get the fuck out of here solver? That's that That's how you gonna let in the same way, fucking called wife when she busted of cheating rather taken that big tweedy bird diamond that she got from she right there, the relationship it's fuckin over, it's fuckin over trust, us it's fuckin over, but he's worth hundreds of means of dollars which, for some reason, she's entitled to have it. So she stuck around she stuck around put in a ten years now he has to pay for her fucking life for the rest of her life. He has two fuckin supporter, but she's, a God, damn child in its legal somebody. Please justify that I'll, never get over it. People I'll keep going. Actual till one. You motherfuckers can morally justify the reasoning behind that fucking law. Please stop wasting my time.
By telling me what the law is in speculating wealth of tables reflect Toby. What had done at cop pat I'm not saying who would have done what I'm saying morally tell me for kids and they were in poverty. I get that you want to fuck and avoid that. Ok, if that's what the justified, if you gonna try just fight that way, I get it, but what I I'd say I'm fuckin, I hear they just left, and then you had this poor woman with four kids and they were in poverty. I get that you want to fuck and avoid that. Ok, if that's what the justified, if you gonna try just fight that way, I get it but what I would like to introduce, as it is a a new modification that law with some sort of salary cap? Ok, I dont think just because you married somebody who's, rich man or woman, that that You the fuckin right to sit on your goddamn ass. For the rest, you fucking life it get out
get license plates, say in his money, her money, I didnt pay for an army right there. You wonder why people get killed that's the kind of shit right there. That's two minutes a instigating right. There, if he comes over fuckin slaps, the goddamn spit out of your mouth. What did you do it? Look at all? simply your honor! You know at them sets the fuck is wrong with you, but you have them some plate for that's our works, oh care that she's being a cunt, that's no excuse for trading or, like one advice another to their bill, I made you after showed Pittsburgh the black eye. What the hot latina we laughed about. My shoes matching my outfit whelp my beauty. Girlfriend for the past three years as a little bit of insecurity, journey issues, a lot of those option.
We gorgeous women do do. You know why it is it's because their level and without even reading this shit. The reason why I think a lot of my fuckin insecure is because, because they're beautiful and that goes away after while so the clock is just fuckin ticking you know, if you just some regular douche bag. Like me, there's no pressure going back. Do you fuckin high school reunion, I mean there's the expectations are so fuckin low. You know it's easy to surpass. Like allergies, he didn't get fat skies ASP, but if you're fuckin a logic adjust? It can only go down hill and I also think that of the same and security. A rich guy has where rich guys like this woman's just with me because of my money, because of who I am, I think that they have the insecurity disperse it. Just with me because of my ass Teddy S,
For some odd reason. She feels the need for me to prove to her that I lover whenever wearing public setting Teresa. During some Christmas shopping, she got up that that I wouldn't hold your hand as we walk through the mall. She proceeded to catch, one of those one of her spicy latin attitudes with me. If you were white- and you said that you said that on tv you would have to apologize for nine weeks and you lose your job. Why does it? have to be spicy. Are you saying that lead to ignore people are like their peppers I must stop commenting in just Plaza this ok, so I handle hurdle. Situation like a jeep parentheses. Gentlemen income lately ignored harass until we got into the car- and I finally had enough for her telling me how I dont lover and how she wants me to love her.
Oh, I don't love her. How she wants me to lover and our honour- action and of a man I am anyway that right, there's, probably how you got this hard girl, because you were the first guys sit there with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. You acted like you, didn't even give a fuck which fed into her security of like, oh, my God, is the expiration date hit. Am I not hot anymore look or make common again right. I swear these bitches are so on a preacher unappreciative at this funny column, pitches located, pitches. Understand how much I appreciate the ass everyone bill. We do something. Do movies plays etc, but because she has a badge she has to find something the complaint about? I think it's because women have this trade that's feel a strong need to be miserable shit, you know, what's going on, I just spoiling her, yet the dinner movies place every fuckin weekend. Sheiks now she's
do expect it. You don't owe me it should become part of. Routine is not special anymore. So now you have to do something extra special could special is a special. You know, that's what I'd get whisper the shit we're up in San Francisco right. I lit up my credit cards this Christmas right. My girl had a great fuckin Christmas. It's three days later weapon Fuckin San Francisco. She wants to go shopping. Unlike for what you didn't get enough, you know So she knows I'm right. So what did she do? She tells me she wants a goddamned candle, ok, because it's not expensive, but she'll still feel like. She got something I don't know what it is. They always get a few they always gotta get stuff is there is be some sort of a goody back. And you know what I would get it for. I would get afore. I got you done over. My credit cards are still blowing. I'm not get new shit she's cool cell, so she just kept laughing.
Because I was being unbelievably rude and I was being really loud. I was just joking around and but still The thing I just kept saying, I spoil you, you Know- was shut down for well you're, not getting anything until Valentine's day. Now you what's up to now get your bag of Fritos. What I think about that, maybe someday wash it down with a half. And then what they do is they immediately get mad and then all you do, is you don't take the bait? They want you to get mad so that they can turn it into a fight about something else, because they know you fuckin right eye. So let it be met. Jogger. Do you just gotta stay fuckin camp let's see what this guy does so anyway, he go so we are driving on the highway, leaving them all and she still bitching and finally, Tell her you know what, if you don't, like
we express my love for you then step off gotta read that quote like a bull I can't I'm not even a try. You saw me ITALY, I actually read. I read that like. Do she EAST Coast, white guy, fuckin, step off? How did you oh god I was. It was a good, an but it don't ask me to do it. I plough You know I might have like a fuckin substitute black eye for black eyes right some shit. It here see you guys to read the way you supposed to say other than that you get an fuckin, a crack arrest, red you're gonna have to live with it So immediately after that, I said after I said that this bitch start throwing these accurate and quick ass party, oh compounds, she's pun can you mind, you are doing. Sixty five miles per hour down the highway, trying not to hit the guardrail while at the same time. Getting this crazy, bitch off me luckily
I didn't crash my year old Mercedes. This a Larry's come on who do you love this girl? Is she just another accessory my year old Mercedes with the Corinthians leather I get. Pulled over get pulled up oh god, forbid, seriously injured us. I mean the hell out of her and help Face against the passenger window totally acceptable totally. The motion is gentlemen, moved you can't puncher, you just hold their head up against the glass. You know The people on the other side get to see what a face looks at a funhouse mirror. In order to decrease a reach while steering the car on the highway and absurd. Being. Her manly composts gotta, give it to her the a shadow mean right so the picture we drive and I can totally picture this. Dude I've lived this z. Picture me driving down the highway in a bright
Mercedes, so ugly, I didn't had a Mercedes, more than eight, a eighty three Ford Ranger with black vinyl seats,. Swerving like some drunk, It is not a lane staring with one hand and stiff farming, the shit out of my girls, if I'm pausing for the Heisman trophy after she stopped being my face and she added I have to say I hid her at her wars by pressing her face against the glass. Are you fucking kidding me this bitch almost too both of our lives story short as soon as I was able to come to a safe and complete stop. I kick the bitch and, having heard from her sets, this was three weeks ago and it's all for the best that type. Girl can never be satisfied, which is something I've learned the hard way over the past three years, but this was the straw that did it somewhere, question, for you is. Was I wrong in this situation and though I owe her an apology. No,
and no nor write all you can do. Who is breakdown your game plan, our right. This is where you fucked up. You took the bait right. She kept bitching and pitch and ambition and pitch in trying to make you mad. She was sure she got you to do exactly what she wanted you to do, so that gave her up by an excuse to do what she wanted to do, which was fuckin flip outing yell, All right, that's what they do when they know they don't have a fucking leg to stand on end. They know they're wrong what they then try to do. You know, all of them and not in every situation, but when they
I'm going to be an adult and just say you know what you write: a big fuckin crazy right now I apologize. Ok, when they're not gonna, take that adult route, what they then do is they just push your buttons and they just try to make you mad and they just keep pushing urine and pushing it Importunate Importunate until you then flip out and say something fuckin crazy like well. If you don't like it, then once you get the fuck out and then they flip up all right. So what you gotta do is in the future. Is it did you just don't tell debate. You gotta recognize you know, did toward the door in the fuckin Dennis Rodman thank Tee. The bait me: I knew a penalty, that's all they do is ok and the rough seized the retaliation, that's basically it's the same fucking thing. So when the future just don't get mad drive them up the fuckin wall and you won't believe the amount of argument should get a star winning because in there
for to piss you off they going to cross like ten of the lights, are right. Now when they cross ten other lines. If you take the bait and then go even further the down the road. That's all let's remembered in the end, as you then trying to together, who said what when, but if they got, if they cross ten lines- and you don't take the bay, they ten lines beyond where the fuck they should be, and you gotta dead to rights. Have to maintain you fuckin cool now getting back to this other shit is You do not all her fucking apology. Alright, it's absolutely fucking predict yes, it's absolutely childish and you can't as an adult, expect somebody to not hit you if you're hitting them. All right, she's, basically asking you to extend a common human dignity
when courtesy that she's not extending to you. So she can go fuck yourself, you definitely I don't know if you made the right move that If you walk around cholera Bitch in that type of thing, this is you just try to be a tough guy, then this bitch said this in this Vienna. This bitch said that, ah that's another thing, don't or I'll call of bitches Cosette. Did the duchess kills you? I don't have a call. A bad names are right. Just hold your ground: dont lose your fuckin cool and let them go through their whole. Little fuckin, histrionics trying to get you to take the floor, convey our eye and his. He's in the relationship you admit when you're wrong and you sincerely apologise. They don't have a fucking. The standard when you're right and you gotta start wouldn't arguments and you're gonna be happier they adopt our right and other than that I don't I'll. Stop taking cycles are right. Here we go.
Youtube videos of the weak drumming mom kills why bout. I haven't seen that, but that's a classic drumming song and angry kid with both staff. You gotta see this kid. I think Bruce Lee came back as a little blonde hair. Why kid? I don't know what, but, kid is tapping into Bruces fighting force and I'll tell you you, you could far can take over a small country with three. The three kids like this, that set Oh dilemmas, Roquat bill one. Would you rather get your ass kicked by a flaming, homosexual mail or a raging boy dyke woman. It's tough can, I say both because both would be fuckin hilarious,. A raging ball, you don't raging baltic woman that That is funny as a flaming homosexual men. If I got like you know the Hollywood stereotype, like all, I got it your honor. I would rather
that just because that would be fuck it now. What am I talking about? Look for this for that for the hilarity of people around me, I would rather be a flaming homosexual mail, but for my fucking ego, a raging bull deck woman, because ITALY as at least I could have the excuse of well, I did what I had a woman, They want a woman, you couldn't you knocked out you asshole, and then I go could just you know, I could go to some at about society. Very ways. Number two a bell should I bang my coworkers girlfriend who is allergic to robbers and as baby daddy's or remain Twenty nine year old virgin? That's what's bullshit that doesn't exist. If
Twenty nine year old Virgin, you don't know how to get fucking late, and you would never have that fucking conversation with somebody free sex. You know talking about condoms, so I'm not going to answer that one, but just in case is true. Should I bang my co worker's girlfriend know you shouldn't be any co workers girlfriend you're fucking with your ability to have a job, pay your bills and eat who's allergic to rubber smell either. When I get there you're going to get some warts utter that that that'll be the least of your fuckin. Problems remain a twenty nine year old Virgin remain a twenty nine year old virgin. Sir, what have you got? twenty nine year old, virgin dot com and find some other twenty nine year old Virgin and you guys put on fuckin raincoats and have at what did you do that? Are that. Wasn't dilemma that was more advice that supply cast for this week happy new year, everybody
like, I said if you wanna, go to Amazon dot com, you can buy some please go through my website. Click on the merchandise, button, click on then click on the Amazon, we'll get you give me some money for the park ass, the authority to the protests and ten percent of it goes to the worldwide. Is project, that's it. Is the podcast. You don't say. Long term, Evan, hypo you my fuckin dates. Let's see Whereas all Billy fat face gonna be off belts like a fucking bird advance, I'm gonna be the next states. I have January twentieth the house, a blues in Houston, Texas January, twenty First, I want to be at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas and then weren't a family. February Albion Charlotte with Carolina Alabama Birmingham, the Georgia York. Look at that look at
Somebody get those dates up today. Hopefully, if my agent is back from fuckin vacation I'll get the actual dates which he already gave me and I fucked up and after that I'll be February, seventeenth at the Fox Theatre in Connecticut Fox Woods in the Bergen you see Centre in Inglewood, New Jersey, theatre at West, hurry, Westbury, New York! Look at that! Look at that Oh there, it is Likud, Likud Theatre. We get theater, I actually already evident March, stirred Washington DC. That's what I'm taken my specialty secret, his out. That's it progress was we go? Fuck yourself, don't take any shit happy goddamn new year.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-08.