President Biden has announced a cancer ‘moonshot.’ However, he should focus on the lack of proficiency in American students due to the interruption caused by the COVID lockdowns. President Joe Biden is praising himself for the so-called Inflation Reduction Act while inflation was just measured at 8.3% (year-over-year) with increases in gas measured at 25%, electricity at 15%, and food at 11% with eggs alone at a 40% increase. The Federal Reserve cannot keep up with controlling the monetary side of Biden's policy because the fiscal side of his spending is so out of control and will only add to inflation. Democrats are crooked, corrupt cheats that don't accept the will of the people in elections, and they've been that way since their inception. Democrat Attorney Marc Elias carefully organizes scores of litigators to change election laws to improve the probability of Democrats winning. The current administration is spending millions of dollars in the way of hearings and investigations into Trump with the goal of influencing and interfering in the 2022 midterms so that they can mitigate their expected losses in congress. Yet it's these same Democrats that say that Republicans are the ones that can't accept the outcome of an election. What is the purpose of immigration? ICE and the border patrol have been effectively defunded. The ruling class is completely disconnected from the American people and they're trying to change the country for various reasons. They reject the idea that open borders are to change the make-up of the country to further their control, but this is precisely what happens when you have open borders.
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