« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/19/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, MSNBC shows suggested that Judge Cannon’s ‘bizarre’ grand jury ruling was based on Mark Levin and Jim Trusty. The manual for prosecutors specifically says, “A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district.” A U.S. attorney is expected to comply with this, and they didn’t in the Trump documents case. The media is so afraid of this issue that they are trashing the Judge who is asking rational questions. The Durham report lays out that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, their lawyers, and the Obama administration interfered with the election of 2016 to try and stop Donald Trump from being elected and nobody was charged. Also, there is a national popular vote compact movement being pushed by left-wing groups. They want to change the electoral college system without amending the Constitution. This could be the biggest power grab in Democrat party history. They are not about voting, they are about winning. The U.S. Constitution is silent on whether you can indict a sitting president or whether a president can pardon himself, even for federal offenses. If Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024 and still has all of these indictments against him, or if he has been convicted in a jurisdiction by Democrats, the Constitution says nothing about it because the Constitution was written for virtuous people and not people like Joe Biden and Jack Smith. The greatest threat to America is the Democrat Marxist movement and the Biden Administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite legitimate, erika hills, dale college, which proudly refuses every penny. Government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening My sincere appreciation ale stay for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door, First blocks bolted: what the great isn't just resting on our laurels. He's I'm sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the more club march five weeks to the book comes up that crap hates america. Certain pre publication copies of incentives to certain individuals. When I think my friend leo to ralph Unsolicited very kind of him to post what he postal, but don't be a lot of thinking in
commenting on this now, I believe you get a lot of people who say I don't understand. how do we as a country, allow our border to be of? I don't understand: how do we allow these people to loot? How do we this? We don't do any of this. we're not allowing anything until people understand until they understand until the republican party comes. Grips until the republican leadership in the senate comes to grips with what mark with the fact that the democratic party is essentially Making autocratic parties all over the world, particularly marxists countries,. You're, never going to understand, what's taking place ever.
This language control, you're gonna, learn in the book is through these there are these professors I have been pushing this for years in this country and elsewhere that the what language that words in the english language that Phrases in the english language or imperialistic colonial iq, their mark prefer and their teaching this their marks of professors out there. What do you think they have these guests, these professors on MSNBC and seen in and elsewhere running up in a slimy, the compost. who say, you must destroy the english language, strong the white dominant culture, we're making it up you're, going to learn all about it. That footnotes will be there. Look it up. Read this the so called scholarship. All by yourself. This is what's taking place. Take the word What a it's of accidents not a coincidence.
The word equity means what resume they all started from a different base. Therefore, even if you have equality, you can never achieve equity until one till you destroy the country and of course, then you have violent totalitarian it. This is what we're in the middle of. now those of you who listen to this programme, a watch my shows you get but there's one hundred and thirty million people in this country and. because I study history in philosophy and all the rest of it. I know what I see. I know what I I feel. I know what I smell and it is this revolution. That's consuming us, This is why there is almost no push
back in the media, with these constant indictments had donald trump and I'll get the georgia probably the next hour. It's like big deal. It is a huge deal. The statutes they're using. In the cities there bring in these cases. Why bother having a trial waving go The motions whose that's all we're doing which brings me to the liars and the reprobates and sleeves balls, always find new ones on MSNBC swell cnn theirs the bologna there's a mammogram dave, aren't burke A former state senator in Florida he's a state of turning for bomb beach county. and they bring him on the morning Joe show, because the morning schmo lives palm beach kelly, jupiter.
And they probably kiss each other's s. So to speak. so brings us. Nobody onto is nothing channel. and I didn't play you would know about it, but you need to know what's going on out there under the radar. And I want you to listen to this, because this is the war on the judge in florida, unlike the choice in washington d c, where it's been, discovered and remiremont reminded? I should save a piece story in which judge track neck whose handling the trunk case proclaim. Mac. January six and twenty twenty likewise matter? Riots have absolutely nothing in common where she was effectively defending. The twenty twenty rights, which involve all the the assaults, the galleries, the arson, death murder,
It pays semitism anti americanism. That's nothing compared to generous. She says, and that is the mindset of the phoney judge, whose overseeing the case donald trump sickening, absolutely second trump doesn't have a shot, doesn't even have a chance. Anyway, one of the things I have argued actually is that, according to the report of justice guidelines for prosecutors. It says they shall use rain juries in the district on paraphrasing. where the events that are being investigated occurred are certainly most of them. What do you mean involving the document tomorrow, largo didn't occur in Washington d c. The vast majority them occurred in flower florida, south florida and yet the a prosecutor smith to work
colder and its tight with call me here. The investigations, the witness testimony, all of it in front of a Democrat, washington, d c, grand jury where he got his indictments, the vast majority, And then he said, you know what we're going to move this down to the grand jury. In florida, which heard The testimony first hand, none of it. And there s a rubber stamp? What was done in washington, d c, and so he has this grand jury still functioning, does psmith in Washington d c. it throws a few more indictments out there. He gets it out of the grandeur in Washington DC. Then he shoots. The grand jury down there and the federal judge their canada's saint wait. What will wait a minute? The rules of the debate,
the justice of common sense and frankness. Tell us you're supposed to do stuff for the grand jury here in my district, not up there in washington d c. How do you explain yourselves. For using that? Then you are not this venue, particularly given the department justice, I would argue, says Thou shall well I my buddy Jim trusty on former trouble or one of the most fantastic litigators. I think. I don't know how he lost him, but he needs him. We discuss this cut. One go so you're a judge can and for a second, I haven't talked to you since that very interesting order. They came out a couple of days ago. She didn't decoupled. Things seemed bizarre. So, let's stop so they talk in advance,
Scarborough is now one of them and has been he is a complete media. Whore among us, thanks brings in this democratic state prosecutor leave obvious. We discussed this before, but look at the smear on this judge. Scarborough being sergeant. I guess, nor that her ruling, her comments seem bizarre. What come it was bizarre. Now they bring in the state attorney for palm beach county were Garbo lives go ahead, She did something that from florence didn't and ask for question the propriety of the grand jury that exists in dc and expose it to the public you're alive. Haven't and why I left my rights hold on a second, the judges I wait for anything. It's obvious to end are: who spent any time and a federal court room, we're doing anything at the federal level that this is
Not only unusual, it is bizarre, absolutely bizarre. It doesn't happen all that. I would have stayed ehrenberg if it happens all the time gimme the twenty times, that it happened- hey jerk, gimme that twenty times said it's happened twenty times at last year, twenty Oh, I have five years, let's saying they can say stuff tell them I, after all its and emerson bc audience about comcast owns MSNBC right, MR producer, why don't you focus on your damn business? How hard can it be cables and the ground to the house to the box and doubt slice them? They now seven cases are more than one grand jury, often there more than when go rang jerry. Why would she expose I hey joe and as somebody who doesn't know what they're talking about, they would be you.
After more than one grand jury. You have the grand jury in washington during the investigation and handing over its indictments toy grand jury in florida. Can you point one more case where that ever happened to my lifetime. I don't remember any, but can you point to one? What is the justification for this. Joe doesn't ask hey, Dave IRAN, no you're, bs, sir. I know your former state senator, I know you're a democrat hack. I know you the attorney of palm beach county, tough job, I guess but dave. Can you get another example day being an expert on this subject at the federal level? Hey dave, can you can you point out another case in which something like this has happened where the entire negation occurs and wash in d and then when the after they indict they guessed it to another grand jury? Can you can you dave yo yo. Can you jack S, go ahead That's interesting job trump, lord, Jim trusty, was on a right wing show
lange show you punk, I'm glad you're watched having right wing about asia. Is this guy see weren't type pants for something, MR illusion, as he said, since the movie deliverance. Maybe it is, you know we got to actors by god, Joe scar, the banjo player and we ve got. Dave, IRAN, who apparently ned baby right wing shut. This is how they vote talk. So let me tell you how this works scoreboard is. Can you come on. During, and I need your help on this grandeur, sure, I'm estate attorney here, I'll whore you just like you do on your show all the time, Joe, and by the way, would you talk about this right wing show mr produced, U s dave around MR tough guy prosecutor in palm beach to come on the programme. Go ahead.
Said there's a problem with having this separate grand jury. This was the day before the ruling came out and so made. Some people think that was at us message sent from trumps team to the judge, trumps team. First of all, justly doesn't talk to trust. The trumps team is a former I don't talk to trust lawyers, I don't even know who they are. So what is he talking about? Gave IRAN? Excuse me, aren't burger ehrenberg They are in work whenever they held his name is so some people are saying there was a message sent who other than goons on MSNBC? No, there was Measured sent shrilly bizarre, you cannot be. These people, folks they lie in luck, hey dave on I'm cool you a filthy liar want, did you,
this programme and defend yourself as too tough guy. You got those pathetic coward, come on this programme. I produce is going to be in touch with you dave and then I want you come on the show rather than have you had so far up Joe scarborough is but. I'm here, like a man I say man come here I got whatever you are, go ahead. Is anyone of impropriety by these peculiar she decided to do that when no ask for that. To be brief, I didn't you doesn't have to be asked about that. She's sitting there, a hall always saying that case and the judge exude me in the process. We are sending indictments down from washington d c, her district for a trial. You have any asking: how could she possibly that's? How
Though I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, don't call! you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story. Study, the writer, so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one- there are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit LA and for hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course sheila.
And resolved to be more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. The weekend even better. This is the best of love in making one and moves. You know about a hundred lawyers stepping down because he might be brought into some indictment charges later as a his way, who cares with what's going on in this country? What do I care about them? I don't. I want to read something to you, america, from the doorn report from the doorn report. That's right. Based on the review of cross fire hurricane related intelligence activities, we conclude that the department and the ep:
I fail to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law. an actual certain events and activities described in this report. As noted former be I'd. Tourney, Kevin climbed, Psmith committed a crime by recording language in an email that was material to the appeal obtaining of faces, surveillance order and other instances. I personally working in that same face application displayed at best a cavalier, attitude towards accurate, seeing completeness happier, personnel also repeatedly disregarded important requirements that they can. to seek renewals or that faces surveillance, while acknowledged But then it in hindsight they didn't genuinely believe. There was probably cause to believe that the time It was knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities. Half of the farm power Our investigation also reveal that senior fbi personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigour towards the end
Nation they received specially from received from politically affiliate persons and entities information. A part triggered and sustained growth, fire hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for a special council mothers investigation in particular that Significant reliance on investigative leads provided, funded directly or indirectly, by trumps political opponents department, did not even Not adequately examined question these materials, and the motivations of those providing them. Even when about this, in terms of direct to the fbi and others learned of significant potentially com, contrary information. Throughout the duration of crossfire hurricane factions. Some states, as they are inconsistent with the premise that tromp or persons associated with their trump campaign were involved.
nay, collusive, organs, maternal relationship with the russian government. ignored or simply assessed away, indeed from even be, the opening of crossfire hurricane but those most directly involved and the subsequent investigation and express their open disdain for trump Asked about when they would open and addressed occasional trump, asserted that with prevent trouble for becoming president discuss throughout this report. Our investigations revealed that the stated basis, for opening a full investigation. Determine whether individuals associated with the trunk campaign, where wedding and Coordinating activities with the government of russia was seriously flawed again the ep its failure to critically analyze. Information that ran Contrary to the narrative, every trump russia kaluza relationship exhibited throughout,
crossfire. Hurricane is extremely troublesome. In other words, Hillary Clinton, the democratic party, their lawyers, and the obama administration, it turf. with the elect could have twenty sixteen to try and stop Donald trump We have being elected nobody Was charged what for claims or fraud. Nobody was charge whether attempting with attempt to gain here with the election, not he was charged with a rico violation Nobody was charged with a damn thing set, that one junior lawyer for falsehood, barring an email, wiping out something and putting the opposite meaning when they a face amply gave what about it. Mr producer,
Nobody was charged not that federal level, not at the state level, not at any level and report pillage your prizes for regurgitating what the state The democratic party was leading to the state media. Nobody was indicted for anything the Democrats have challenged election after election on the floor of the house in the courts. Now swear elsewhere,. Ever republican president, who gets elected as a legitimate george bush was said to be a legitimate donald trump,
was said to be a legitimate. And now the criminalization. This entire process is shocking. Chris Christy Said today and of course, whatever he says so crucially important, they have right to make these legal challenges and when their over that's the end of it, no big boy, that's not the way it works. Congress makes them final decision, not a district. You're, not a circuit court, not even the supreme court congress makes final decision, even if congress in the bush begone case Had decided it would ignore the supreme court and no account balance achieved. What kind account electors a different way congress would prevail period so Not what the legal process says: it's what the poles a cop process and the constitutional process says kind.
has the final say, come Besides, if there's fake actors, others, not fake electors, Where's the sides of a closer lecturing goes one way or another. You don't cry lives these decisions, presidential, frida tell somebody in our cities and find another eleven or twelve thousand votes. It's not assume that that's a crime presidents are free to cod, secretaries of state governors state legislators asking them to see what I can do to reverse the election. It doesn't committing a crime. None of this is criminal. false claims of fraud. You wanna hear False claims of fraud- america, we were Have to we would
To open the yankee stadium and ship off The politicians in washington d c, the yankee stadium, who will be charged with false claims or fraud. And unfortunately, I've had to do this before and I won't do it as long as it is. It goes on for twelve thirteen minutes. Just a few so this Democrats. Every recent presidential election were republicans. I've won democrats. false claims or fraud go. You can run, the campaign, you can then become the nominee
You can have the election stolen from whew. How can you, when we resin, interferes with that breitling an illegitimate president that didn't really wink? So how do you know fighting static when you are the president? Vice president, I absolutely agree: trump did actually win the election in two thousand and sixteen he lost the election. He was put in all the russians and trump knows he's an illegitimate president. The president elect, although legally elected, is not legitimate president elect as a legitimate president. You said you believe that russia's interference altered the outcome of the election. Do we have a president with, in fact it disapproval proven, has been assisted by the russians and may in fact not be a legitimate president. The one thing that trump is PAMELA has been president is that finally, we will see how legitimate his victory actually was. I have an objection. I object to the fifteen both on the state of north carolina. I object because people are horrified he's an illegitimate president. Do you believe trump is a legitimate president. What I believe is that there's no question that the outcome of this election was affected by the russian interest. What about all the false claims of fraud.
What about an american one that conspiracy to obstruct election? What conspiracy to prevent to prevent donald trump. the rightful winner from taking office. What about what all the democrat lawyers involved in out in pushing the russia collusion argument. What about them. None of them are facing sanctions or this parliament? How come none of that been charged with a door. port that lays out chapter and verse. If Fannie will s or whatever the how her name is fairly well. If her charges,
judgment is smith. Charges are legitimate. How is it. that we just realized that these are campaigning crimes. How is it that Joseph Kennedy senior wasn't large, whether phalanx of crimes that didn't do president? How is it that John kennedy- oh yes, John Kennedy, Who stole the nomination from Hubert humphrey bad Lyndon Johnson. And then install the presidency from Richard Nixon, incur county in west virginia in texas? How is it that John Kennedy was indicted
If these, in fact, our long cherished criminal charges there would be applied to any party and president. How is it that Lyndon Johnson didn't go to prison, didn't go to prison. after stealing an election first for the house of representatives and for the senate. How is that possible? and how is it possible that Hillary Clinton, who just thirty thousand email, sulphur. Mishandled classified information, made false statements about and obstructed just in federal present, how is it the bill Clinton, mister, Classified videos and this
Acts drawer: how is it. that is not in federal president. How is that possible. That Joseph Kennedy senior John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Hillary Clinton and bill Clinton Aren't all in federal or state prison or work. we know the answer to this. To be an understanding between the two parties party in power in the party out of power, dont all eyes these elections? Politics is rough, politics has to be resolved politically now Emily for president vice president has to be resolved by congress. You don't say garden variety, criminal statute or even
No statute setter ridiculous, like the clan, Statue, the enron statute, the sba, a statute and there's those and perverse ways to go after your opponents, false claims of fraud You realize how many politicians would be doing time in prison. Finally, some votes. That's now a crime attempting to pay where to persuade state legislators to appoint a new sleight of electors. Just the attempt. or wind up with lawyers being indicted. Conspiracy to change the outcome of an election. That's what Election challenges are, it goes across state lines, does fanny.
And arizona, pennsylvania and so forth, claiming did the same thing in those states better this grand mob conspiracy and if So people going to throw all nineteen defendants together, let em figure it out. sounds like IRAN. Doesn't. Run You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the podcast community, so switch to another podcast aben. Follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen.
You're sitting to the best of mark love, then the national popular vote, compaq agendas, just in the democratic party hates american fact. A couple of people reading at whom you would know, say this. book is so and cyclists. It cannot mean in terms of reading it flows that you said almost like nineteen, eighty four, but the formation in the book. For so thorough and extensive, and that's why it took me sixteen months. The best book ever written, particularly given the times we live in. So this effort, the national popular folding, compact being pushed by left wing robes sore, Funded groups billy, Your dog money groups and the democratic party. and democratic states
Legislators and governors who have signed these bills. And they say whoever wins: the national popular vote, the elect In that state, regardless of how the people in the state, regardless other people, marilyn vote, but in a sort of out and so forth and sound dc and non state. that they will agree that all their electors, all their electors. Regardless of the call voting united states like wisconsin that those votes. Go towards the person who wins the national popular vote, They want to change the electoral college system effectively without many of the constitution. Could be the biggest power grab and democratic party history, which of course does.
Final damage to our society, and so. We ve gotten together as compact. And they're about eighty votes away from getting this, MR producer, of states have already signed on democratic state, Now isn't that the greatest interference in electoral politics in history? But that's it when the points the mindset, so hr one how to destroy the voting system national popular votes. The democratic parties out to destroy the voting system. only it can win legitimately. Whether it's the national popular vote, compact.
whether it is censorship through twitter. Whether it is the governments or the doorn report. it is prosecutors and so forth, and why is it because they do not want the voting system to be competitive. Not now not ever. They're, not about voting thereabout winning? Let me really that they're, not about voting, thereby winning winning. and they try and plot I'm looking for a way To ensure that they never lose their already A permanent government, the administrative state, the swamp as many collar There already have that. but that's not good enough. myriad ways that are voting system are under attack and not by donald trump, that's my point
Maybe I'll, try and explain this on Hannity tonight. a myriad ways are voting. System is under attack and not by donald trump. Tundra by the democratic party democratic party, Pushes the idea of the night No popular vote compact to destroy them or a college system, the Democrats party, seeks to register for In towns or the later, you bed at the federal level illegal aliens. or non citizens even more broadly, to vote. The democratic party promote bill. I return when the house is concerned by the democrats to destroy all Protections and our electoral system, the democratic A party counts, the vote after the elections are over.
as a require signatures doesn't require dates on balance when you again, you said to be suppressing the vote down Tromp challenges elections he some questions about the election. He says let's look for more votes in georgia. He says by the way, stay legit. they torres republicans, you have the ability to send in a second slate of election. That's our history congress or to their. And he's facing scores of criminal charges, federal state. Now you know, by the way that smith and willows coordinating, I don't. the list in front of me mister producer. What cut would that be? I think it's I think it's the last one.
I want you to listen to this. Its largely overlooked is people are focusing on the fact, and I don't blame them that the in, movement was listed in the morning on the official clerk webpage. The fulton county courthouse before the grandeur even met and voted, and what does that tell you that a stalinist as it gets I want you to listen to this from fanny. Well, scope! Have you had with the special council about overlap between these cases and do you intend to try all of these defendants together? Do I intend to try the nineteen definitiveness indictment together? Yes, if you had any contact with the special counsel about the overlap between this indictment and the federal indictment, I'm not going to discuss our investigation at this time, discuss the investigation. She didn't ask you to discuss the investigation. She said if he had any discussion about overlap on timing, but the That's your investigation! So the fact that she
Say no means yes,. Now let me tell you what I think, as a matter of logic and reason. This whole. Damn thing is being orchestrated by main justice, the department of justice and the attorney general, the united states. She's not only had contact, in my view with the special council jack, the ripper, In washington, dc she's had contact with the department of justice. Her charges in case you don't know The ninety seven ninety eight pages, depending on how you camp they go beyond the borders of georgia. They go into six other states. Excuse me, And they even include charges that in his exposition in phony indictment, jack
math has on the general six trudged now it's interesting that these prosecutors, when the issue there dimension when they hold discussions. They never overlap like they both On a tuesday by accident, When you look at these charges, you can see they fit like a puzzle. some cover thing is that the other offers didn't cover just today. and make sure that they have as many charges many as many disparate allegations as possible against donald trump making defence almost impossible. And even using the most absurd laws. You can even imagine. but there's a similarity in all these indictments as well. The piling on oath eddie charges in manhattan. Over forty charges in atlanta.
over forty charges on the documents matter. Course, the four ridiculous charges. on january six matter. But that said when you look at the other three its absolute over That's piling on, as we say in the legal profession,. Using irrelevant statues, stretching statutes, use arguments never used and the course we invite negation of an election. piling on. This is sound like to you They are legitimately trying to protect you from from an effort Overturn an election and why have donald trump had succeeded? What, if pants put a two week pause and place be doing nothing more than was done in eighteen, seventy six, and what? If second set of electors had been sent to be doing Thing more than they did in writing.
sixty in hawaii in eighteen, seventy six period and what Donald trump truly believes that the art The election was corrupt. be doing nothing more in saying nothing more than Hillary Clinton spin saying that stacy abrams been saying in saying nothing more than jamie Skinner said in the numerous republican elections benny thompson democratic after dinner. creative to democratic in the house representatives, not to mention the Senate admin, Joe Biden not dimension AL gore, Hillary Clinton, bill Clinton. false claims of fraud What about john eastman? What about rudy giuliani one around my poor general us. this is a young lady really very modest means she's, already spent
fourchan defending or law licence against this sixty five group that try to destroy her But on the show, as you know, Now indicted in georgia for what, for nothing. Nothing illegal, that's for sure the whole motion, the homo, of attorney representation, a turn representation and zealous advocacy The window of her conservative republican. And the of the fence. Now entitle offence.
lawyers losing their licences or at having them suspended, going broke, trying to defend their careers and their livelihoods dimension. A reputation. Give a former president. I mean what else could they do Non disclosure agreements. Presidential document. He's working hard to fight the election that the They keep saying overturn the results of an election results, Election are determined until the congress says they are, though,. a great one makes your weekend even that here, this is the best of mark Levin we're going to have a little bit of fun today.
we want to talk ever so slightly about the constitution in you're in the right place. You're with me, MR constitution, man. The deal with a laugh which, in the end. get a called MR constipated man, but that for another day So Jonathan Turley and a few of us a little bit of above. all friendly all respectful. There's a writer newsweek, I'm afraid who really doesn't understand what she's talking about. That's. Ok,. So let me do this in a way that is in plain english starts from the top. What they buy administration is doing to president trump Say president trump get elected president.
any still as all these indictments against them or in one of these jurisdictions he's been convicted. I not of his peers of Democrats. What then. We look at the constitutionally united states stage. What does the constitution of the united states say about this? Absolutely nothing because you see the constitution was written for virtuous people and a virtuous. People serving in their government wasn't for Joe Biden and jack Smith,. And fanny them. Go ahead in manhattan was written for people who
virtue and they have none so now. What do we do?. while some of the ground has been laid here in the past Nineteen, seventy three and two thousand, but he may mark. The department of justice and nineteen seventy three. we in the administration of richard Nixon, take a look at this. He case prediction was indicted. In the office illegal council, which is the brain trust the department Since the office looks at these, issues gives advice to, many journalists, president, look very careful The pros and cons.
Of course, it acknowledged there's not much in the constitution. It helps us to their silly, not much in our, street that helps us even at the constitutional convention. There's nothing on this, so they looked at it and they went through it very carefully, and I read it And they concluded no, not because the institutions choose constitutional powers. It but really canter shouldn't indicted sitting president or why. Could you were wonderfully cap attaining the executive branch. You aren't undermine the voters who voted for the president and vote for the vice president to become president. They voted for their president. You will endanger america's national security.
It will do all these things, because a president cannot possibly effectively be a president and, at the same time have time. To defend himself and keep himself free. any citizen would have difficulty doing that. Let alone a man whose, the head of the executive branch, and, in fact, is the executive branch he's one third of our government. Moreover, there are other issues like how would he be To negotiate with other countries he'd have respect whatsoever and what Convicted anyone's up in jail when what we can always each him, ok great, but what, if you can't remove some peace? is the process by which the framers of the constitution set b.
Constitutional slash political process for removing president knotty criminal process. and so they concluded a nineteen. Seventy three that using the best thinking and reasoning, practicality that we possibly can but the Official position of the department of justice is no. You cannot and must not indicted sitting. President. You cannot allow a prosecutor. and a grand jury and then later a prosecutor, then, algerian a judge to determine the outcome of a not just an election, but also the Decision about whether you remove president or not imagine having a prosecutor and a jury.
deciding if president stays in office or not so this is the opposite of democracy. Which leads us to donald trump. If Donald trump us elected president. The same argument applies, it was argued and nineteen. Seventy three two thousand that essentially went through all those arguments as well and effectively rubber Add the position they government took a nineteen, seventy three so They democrat department of Joe this and a republican department of justice saying no the candidate is sitting president unless you want to destroy the cat, institutional construct and, moreover,. You're violating is due process because I can't possibly defend himself. You know he has to say with his loris rouse had a time they have to go over depositions they have to go over. Documents have took over exculpatory information, they have to go now.
I sent emails and on and on and on videos a million document, nine months of videos? That's just one case here, just one kid. And so the fear also was you would open the door to the kind of activity that is taking place today by the day. crackpot our let's stay focused So does it follow that a president can himself we honor. President has never been indicted, a candidate who wins the presidency's, never been indicted, Kenny part himself again: you have to look at. What is rational, what is practical Packed it has on the nation, was the cards Fusion is and tell us theirs,
to stop a president from pardoning himself. That's number one. Certainly not from federal charges. So, given me the conclusion of the depart, Of justice under different administrations and seventy three and twenty. That you cannot indicted sitting president. Then they conclude and logically follows eddie sitting president who is indicted, can pardon himself there's no reason we can't. Here's the next shoe on this. Have read this opinion in two thousand then include the nineteen seventy three arguments and their own arguments and they conclude, look You cannot indicted sitting president because the dangers
nation faces, because you will decapitate the executive branch. You will cripple the ability of of an elected press. The function and on and on and on. The question is now: if the georgia indictments stan donald trump elected president and he pardon himself from the state charges The truth is the constitution. Doesn't tell us in fact. neither do the members from the department of justice The department of justice, those memos do our something. What are they tell us? the reason. The reason why the departing Justice is position to federal prosecutors that you cannot indicted sitting. President is because the dire Come stances I could create an hour institutional system with a decapitated exact.
branch and without the presence of being Will defend himself? That's the conclusion. That's all there is It's a rational argument. Some are even call an equity argument. Whatever the argument is that it so the king should then becomes- and I've heard Jonathan turley say this- perhaps some others- I don't remember that they are now nothing but respect, by the way, but at present in part, pardon himself from state charge, but why is that. Our president, doesn't typically in fact he doesn't at all regions. State charges her convictions based
state law and state traditional systems and pardon people to federalism thing we just don't do that sort of thing. Am I pointed out is wholly and completely irrelevant. that has nothing to do with what the department of justice set one up. What about Ernie Grabowski down the street we're talking about elected presently, united states? Who is the executive branch I has been embezzling funds from a bank and then a president decided. You know I feel bad for that guy, I'm going to pardon him. So I would agree now The present does not have authority to do that, but you, have the authority to pardon himself for the very reasons the department of justice said they cannot
in data sitting president at the federal level, am I making any sense to use of farmers to produce one step back and take a look at this. Since we were not really talking strictly about the constitution, we're talkin but what happens to the constitution? Let stepped back and take a look at them. there are literally thousands of deejays an assistant, DA's state prosecutors and local prosecutors all across the country. If it is the position, That fanny well and albert brag, anyhow we can get away will say. Prosecuting donald trump. Even if he's elected president, what do you think would happen to the country then in thereafter, mr produce.
In other words, the exposure to destroying the executive branch and the federal constitutional construct. As I found in times worse. So clearly it's an important federal constitutional matters are not america. and surely let me even throw in article sixty supremacy clause would apply, would not america, as applies to the poor, of the united states matter and robots the embezzler, the bank embezzler in George, I'm not talking about him. I neither was the department of justice they were talking about if hypotheticals in having a president of the united states. How can possibly be as a matter of practicality and logic that the position department of justice is you,
indicted sitting president and it follows from their that he can't pardon himself except. If you're a state prosecutor or local prosecutor, then press Juno way go. I do it that can't be right. That makes no sense. So we have claw a clause in the constitution that helps us work. Our way through this, the supremacy clause and the president does had the pardon power. and so would follow, seems to me without much argument. These are all novel questions, because what the democratic. Today there are other questions, but there are better. Choose than others,
certainly follow them. Based on the conclusions department, justice reached and seventy three and in two thousand. That states cannot indict a sitting. President. If a kennedy running for offices indicted and becomes president that the president can in fact, partnerships. with or without the supremacy clause? I think the supremacy clause makes it stronger, but for the same reasons that we say, federal prosecutors cannon died, the president The president can pardon himself from federal charged it's not that complicated. and it certainly in a much stronger argument. The one our friend Jonathan Turley is.
We are giving you nothing but the best the best of market. Then it could be over a thousand over fifteen hundred people dead from this fire in hawaii. That, in the first instance, was caused by an electrical power line. Yet electric is supposed to be our future, not part of it all of it. Many fires are caused by or deaths caused by. Drilling for oil gasoline range, meaning that through paypal mr bit of history. I can't think of many had fanny because natural gas And oil, finally plenty of further the safest
sources of energy that we have. And so I'm just telling you now there's going to be all this finger, pointing while the utility didn't do what it was supposed to whether you totally said it was focused on green energy is moving in that direction. And so that's what was putting its resources look out on whose telling the them much matter people are dead in a circle back to this later. You look what's happening off the shore of Languedoc city, the jersey coast, with these massive windows, the death, the The aggregation of The environment, the whales gardeners- god knows what else You know we have sure sheep, plentiful, safe
And yes, environmental, environmentally friendly natural. Ass, an oil Those companies had a business. We are reducing the amount of supply we're eliminating future. fritz to discover more supply. We are During the entire industry to our enemies, the communist chinese In order to camouflage, although this wrong headedness, we choose the phrase: climate change, climate change, bets on climate change,. Which takes me to the bigger issue I watch bill bar About thirty minutes being interviewed by neil cavuto this afternoon, pm, eastern and thereafter.
and actually a neil did a pretty good job questioning him a lot of time. That's where I disagree with neo another's why why No bars invited on programmes and on networks they used to his guts now they can't They can't scared room enough jamie Chris Christie, Chris Christy. Spends an enormous amount of time on abc NBC Cbs. Cnn, but because He goes where he's hated. That's not why at all I hated there anymore, they love it. What's the greatest threat to america
I'm asking you folks this what's the greatest threat to america,. Joe bind the american marxist movements, the democratic party in what they ve done to our country or donald trump. The bar says you can't tell he doesn't know how jump off that bridge when he gets too. It is also a pleasure in that respect, but what we want from that so for bill bar that the costs to close to me Chris Christie, the calls to close to make Mitch Mcconnell, he prefers Biden overturned, You know, and she prefers Biden overturn. This is why republicans Always lose the Democrats and I don't mean politically in the culture. I mean the rule of law,
I mean our society. because of the wasn't try but would be dissenters when wasn't one of them will be one of the others. There very comforting, They say with Chris christie: Chris Christie is rhino. Both physically and otherwise. He's arena. People are leaving new jersey, not because of the democratic governor because, republican and democratic governance. He didn't do anything. Effective, they're, financially, culturally in any way he's a safe republican. Any democrat tv networks, lovely guy. It didn't used to, but he dances and sings further support. No bar that we're going to impeach him. They can't get enough of them.
even my brothers and sisters of my favorite cable network, certainly in the news department, they can get enough of them by the way they can't get enough of that. Run swami either and on a footnote there. Why is there. Why are you being pushed hard moral night labour mortgage? It's a twenty one year high going higher interest rates are going higher. The cost of Good night, I return, americans are saying, is prohibited, cost of gasoline nine out of ten americans are saying, is prohibitive, utility bills. Over eight out of ten american say it's prohibitive, in other words, struggling.
Nobody walks through a city street The sun has gone down rigour so your race in Major seeding in america anymore, nobody. Could you put your life on the line? May not make it afraid taking public transportation in every major seen in america. The cops have been undermined. The schools are indoctrination, mills, most perverse and grotesque ideology I even by a fraction of a percentage of the american people are, economic systems under assault. We have worse dead in american history, we have a deficit each more each year, which is unbelievable, unimaginable.
Were destroying our economy from within one building up the military to confront, but is clearly communist china and their move to dominate world, economically, militarily Just stolen island that's disputed from view I'm in taiwan, their building, our basic right? Now, as I speak as they ve built a a spy facility in cuba,. What are we doing about it? Absolutely nothing. This administration, the Democrats just gave six billion dollars to the iranian regime. Do they genocidal regime slaughters, young people who protest against rate them and they start slight prisons are giving
thousands and thousands of drones to the russians took tumor, ukrainian citizens,. A building nuclear warheads to put on their icy beams I just gave them six billion dollar. The worst censorship in american history didn't happen. woodrow wilson, it's happened under Joe Biden. It will judge said so and spell it out chapter and verse a circuit court panel. So same thing, they spelled out chapter and verse. A clear violation of the first amendment when the The state's government, the bite administration and its various departments are pressuring twitter before elon musk came to the rescue.
to interfere in our elections, to censor scientific information to punish there local opponents and all the rest. We have the fbi and the department of justice that have gone after parents. We have the And the department of justice that have gone after peaceful pro life protestors the apparent department of justice that we're gone after the catholic church. You're starting to go after orthodox shoes, We have a president of the united states who defies every immigration law on the books. In the worst mayhem, with ever seen with early Immigration were even democrat mayors, A phoney sanctuary cities
Moreover, we overwhelmed. Begging, their president to do something about it and he won't do a damn thing, because this is part of the process. This is what he wants to do. we have women being raped and sold under sex trafficking as well as children. On this border, we have the drug cartels pulling out. poring over the border area you seen in america in all fifty safe now has dropped cartel operations taking place Emma s. There Coming across the border sentinel coming across the border, illegal weapons coming across the border time to really to grab it zactly the consequences of all this, but its immense.
from today on in this country, its immense. And bill bar can't decide would vote for. With the nominees trump or biden Christy can't decide who he drove for if the nominee is Tramper Biden. Mitch, Mcconnell's already decided he's going to support Biden, no question about it over trump. The usual operatives are the rhino state. The car rose. The bush significance. All the knives or out all this but towards are doing everything they can everything they care.
Then there are going to succeed. If they keep it up, they will pay Wait: ten fifteen twenty thirty percent of the republican party to vote. Perhaps for a third Party or even Biden. When you look at the real conservatives, billboard. No conservative me doesn't have any can surely credentials. He shows up a federalist society meetings mostly The danish. When you listen to new gingrich. when you listen to figure Davis, hands. When you listen to former, u s attorneys tom and so many others, farmers I shall council saw weissmann deputy special.
When you listen beyond certain of the legal analysts users go to left and right because they see be so impartial? Now, at a time for impartiality,. We're in the middle of a revolution, I laid out the bare facts just now. the countries being destroyed. We live in a post constitutional period where people have to fear for their future. Liberty when they speak out when they organise when they purchase weapon the law abiding citizens have to fear for their liberty. They have to fear from it Going centralized police state under the command of the democratic party
Bill Barr decide who either.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-20.