« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 2/25/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, it’s amazing that people complain about how much money the U.S is spending in Ukraine, but it’s nothing close to the amount of money government wastes on redistribution of wealth and pursing Marxist’s agendas. Some say, why is Ukraine our business? Was it our business when Germany invaded Poland in 1939? Ukrainians want their liberty. We should be proud that we are helping to arm Ukraine with weapons. How can you unite a country when MSNBC has guests on like Wajahat Ali, who claims that Nikki Haley uses ‘brown skin to launder’ white supremacy? The left uses race to drive ideology, to drive Marxism. In the face of Russia and China, now is the time when we need real leaders and statemen. There is no Republican Presidential candidate today, announced, or unannounced, insisting we increase defense spending without footnotes. No one is talking about rebuilding the military in a comprehensive way. Nobody is talking about environmental justice or environmental equity in the aftermath of the East Palestine, Ohio disaster because it happened in a poor white area, which is why this isn’t being racialized by the media bigots on TV. It doesn’t fit the modern narrative, but if this were a different type of community we would be hearing all across the Democrat media. Railroad companies like Norfolk Southern can be sued into bankruptcy through civil lawsuits, but the government is completely protected, and nobody in the EPA or any government agency will be fired after the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. Democrat department heads and secretaries like Pete Buttigieg are not experienced or competent people, just like their leader President Biden. Buttigieg took so long to visit East Palestine because he’s lazy and incompetent with no experience.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship. It's quiet in the underground bunker doors, The blocks bolted. What a great one isn't just resting on our laurels: He's making sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best. More mark fascinated, really by hearing twenty five thirty. Thirty two year old We know very little about even reason: europe In military history, burial about world war. Two very little
about a hundred hundred fifty years ago in european history. The ball, Which involves russia, ukraine and poland and romania, the balkans. Aids and on and on and on telling us what our farm policy should be. They all say the same thing like the like the marxist left. They repeat the same thing. How long is this gonna go on? I, to tell these millennials. We don't know it's not a video game. How much money are we going to spend. whatever money we spend, we need to make sure it goes where supposed to go. So it's not abused and frivolously use, but. These wars do involve military equipment.
And why is it any of our business? I don't know, was it any of our business. When italy invaded north Africa. One japan invaded china third reich invaded. The sedate land in Austria and part of the checklist live up back your republic and so forth. But back then we decided it wasn't any of our business. There wasn't any of our business or we write. So these military machines build up all three the access powers they built. These alliances. there was a big fan of muslin. He toad
I was a big fan of himself and the rest, his history, but do we know the history? I think that an important quite one man who says he knows, history now spend a lot of time studying it is black repute, and I mention this before. even though its a heavy red he put out of an opinion, peace. In the russian media picked up by the european media on July, twelve Twenty twenty one, a year and a half ago,. And he laid out what he thought would be his persuasive case for greater russia. He's a big fan. He admires peter. The great
Myers, the early tsars talks about greater russia, but Peace, if you take your time and unravel it, he's talking about russia. that ukraine and russia are the same thing. That there are lands in romania territory that russian. There are lands or territory in poland that russian. He mentions lithuania, the balkan states that our russian.
And he says there been analysed efforts by the west to detached russia from its historic character, and he said during the high period of the soviet union- You said there were republics within the soviet union, but soviet union was a single country, so while their worthy Borders they were never considered separate state or a separate country borders. Just various reports. Within the soviet union like states. The problem is most of those republics.
Of themselves, captive nations that prudence histories bogus put was not going to stop at ukraine. He tells us this. Poland is probably the most aggressive country, poland and romania and the balkan states there. Most aggressive countries try, provide whatever military support? They have whatever military they have to the ukrainians because they believe their next. And they do not believe that nato and the united states will protect them or defence. We know this from the prime minister of poland himself,. Other countries like sweden, want to join nato. Why
because Putin's says even parts or Sweden really belong to. Ukraine in Ukraine belongs to russia to greater russia. Finland Which was a neutral country norm? War were too scared to death. Why are these countries so worried? Because they know their history and they know their experience with the russian and proven keeps bringing it up. So people who say this is very important to understand this about globalism over neo conservatives and, moreover that is or warmonger so people are saying here- is ukraine.
Which had forty four million people and has twenty five percent less now that is fighting. The people are fighting they're, not surrendering it's, not afghanistan. They are fine, they are not surrendering theirs. we just need the arms to fight them because their arms there most the key to weapons were drained out of the country by the russians and ninety nine you form beyond, and so. they they barely had their own army. they had their own airport, they don't have, many nuclear weapons, so they can't make threats the way russia does.
and so these are people who are fighting and dying because they want to be free of russia and Putin's has written it all out there in the public record. That this is a really war against the ukrainian people. It's war against. You knows the linsky in the nazis arrest her, but the public record also that he wants to destroy the ukrainian people much the way, stolen, starved out the ukrainian people and killed three to six million other and one year the ukrainians earnest. Hope they know what's on their border, they know what they're dealing with. This war has been going on for what be one year on February. Twenty. Fourth, I believe. Russia invaded ukraine.
The other way around ukraine is Attacking russian cities, ukraine is not capturing russian civilians moving in concentration camps and slave labour Rain has not destroyed russian, russia's ability to create energy, And on and on and on, ukraine is the victim they need. ukrainians are fighting back in ways that nobody expect they water could whither without weapons. These are people with a long history. The poles Are doing everything they can to back the ukrainians because they know the ukrainians were effectively fighting for them. The romanians know the same thing: the baltic states know the same thing.
as do most of the other countries in eastern europe, particularly the ones that ring ukraine. Moldavia, scared to death, tiny little country with a police force to be gobbled up at an afternoon. when people say had you know, Putin was do this, do the same, Well, who say Putin's keeps threatening us with no explore? How do they know how to do that? But what, if he does he want betty will if he cut through ukraine, continue, in my opinion, Because Joe Biden demonstrated to him in a surrender in ukraine that he will not confront pewter. At the nato line he wilma do it. I find most of the people,
lay stupid when it comes to russia, ukraine, robot cherry, pick, the information To make ukraine look bad and russia look like the victim. The most of these people. I believe in NATO either that, though, most of these But I believe that we should be helping south korea either that most of the people. I believe that we should be helping the stated Israel, either, which is understandable. It is a consistent your logic if you were a consistent, your logic. Now you say china is now going to be helping russia. China is always been helping. Russia, the bargain ministrations, been covering it up.
But china is also working with iran. china is also in our hemisphere. China's answer. as a navy that bigger than arse china, also try to take over the south. China sea were five to six trillion dollars in economic activity. Take place. China's threatening japan, china, threatening the philippines? China's threatening vietnam has come to us and, of course, their threatening taiwan. China, why help russia? China thinks it's in its own strategic, best interests period, and I think it does thanks.
Much the way, japan in ITALY and germany made an alliance were not responsible for it. We didn't cause, we didn't provoke it. The people of Ukraine Deserve our thanks, rather than the other way around this amazing to me how much people say were spending in ukraine, which is a lot but either way, but it Nothing close to the amount of money we spend in this country and waste in redistribution of wealth, pursuing arcs said: genders left wing groups, the straw. Our own economy, destroying our own energy independence and on and on and on It amazes me when they say we should be spent this money in our own country. No, we should be slashing the money.
We spend in our own country slashing it because vast majority of you, don't see a time of it. It's not for you. And the idea that if we get out a ukraine were suddenly going to build a southern border, still stupid, it's a lot. It's insane! Nothing stops us from doing it today. It is the ukrainians who are preventing war war three right now: the ukrainians, who are standing up to the russians and preventing their tea tanks, their tiger from rolling through ukraine and poland, you rolling through ukraine in iran,. Any a rolling through ukraine into the balkan states. It is the ukrainians who are preventing it. What evidence do I have? I have
number one witness, Vladimir Putin's. That's the it's, I am, I friends twenty twenty two as history? But have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot, com, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit LA in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie.
And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today maybe you're weekend even better. This is the best of mark levin, does anybody know who watch our hot alleys. He said to be an author, why hot ali. and he's on MSNBC today, and I must confess the foggiest idea with this guy but he must be important, is on MSNBC, like the important I was in gas and you see the turmoil. Overtly constipated news network with sour lemon. Please, maybe on the way out of here, it's endless stream stupidity.
We'll souring women is multiplied by ten over there. It s hollow state that is the work with the lowest I q and the most racists no question about much more than cnn save this watch. Actually watch a hot ali: want you to listen to what was your hot ali has to say and then ask yourself: why does MSNBC its sister Nbc in its ownership, ship comcast allow this. why do they in my opinion, oh, how blatant racism. Day in and day out by their hosts and their guests? then go to courts or neil hearse are not all skin folk are kinfolk Nikki Haley instead is the Dinesh D'Souza.
kansas owens she's, the alpha karen with browns again and for what two premises and racist she's, a perfect measuring canada and instead of applauding her eye and. Is disgusted by people like Nicky Hayley, who know better whose parents were the better fisheries as ashes and said of the nineteen sixty five immigration nationale act, which passed thanks to them regional, be I'm protesters and the similar Its act, her father came here because, was a professor. He taught at a historically black college in south carolina, how she became the powder american that she is and what did she do like all these model minorities which, by the Is a strategy of white supremacy to use asians, in particular as a cudgel against black folks? Instead of pulling us up from the traps and pulling others from the bootstrap. We are taught to take your boot and put on them Of poor browns immigrants, refugees and black box, and that's what you did in her ad,
oh, I see her and I feel sad, maybe because she uses are brown skin as a weapon against poor black folks and poor brown folks and she uses or brown skin to launder white supremacist. Talking points and the reason I feel said, because, no matter what she does maybe it'll. Ruby enough, then, ever love her. so, ladies and gentlemen, this is worth in part. I wrote about an american marxism, she might be bio, I dunno sousa, and there are people were black skin and their age and people, and there are like tino people and unless you're down for the revolution, Unless you some kind of marxist, oh you're, not really a month. your uncle phil in the blank and aunt fill in the black.
Did he color current or something she's? The alpha karen with brown skin. for white supremacist and racists. Now you need to understand the coastline which now white, supremacist and racists are white people about the clan they're, not turnabout, NEO nazis, they're, talking about white people generally. You're widespread is all see our tee in all the rest of the crap, but this guy is a guest today any chosen because of his bigotry and racism. In my view, ty white racism is in its in big and you don't have to be white to experience. Nicky Hell is not white, and so people like watch our
we are especially angry at the Nicky haley's or the world furious. Because a net benefit a general from the radical left rub. illusionary marxists and how they turn their backs on them. They act like white. Privileged people want to hear this woman, Time, it's not important in that a major american corporation comcast, a major network, is spewing. This absolute, Health go ahead to or neil hersel, not all skin folk are kinfolk Nicky, We instead is the dynamic disused of canvas once she's the alpha karen with browns again and forward two premises and racist she's, a perfect measuring kennedy, and instead of applauding her eye
disgusted by people like Nicky Hayley, who know better whose parents were the beneficial as I just said, of the nineteen sixty five immigration nationale act, which passed thanks to those do be Elam protesters and the civil Its act, her father came because he was a professor, he taught at a historically black college in south carolina- how she became the powder american that she is and what did she do like all these model minorities which, by the way is this image of white supremacy to use asians, in particular as a cudgel against black folks, instead of pulling us up from the traps and pulling others from the bootstrap. We are taught to take your boot and put on the neck of poor. Rounds, immigrants, refugees and black folks and that's what you did in her ad so I see her and I feel sad many
as she uses are brown skin at bay hall shut up, you bigoted the fun. Let's take a look, look at the people trying to get into this country from every corner of the globe, and I come from Sweden, You're not coming from switzerland and coming from germany, Austria or Austria. The coming from. south of the border that coming from the continent of africa they're coming from the middle east, south east asia, china are the most diverse population in those countries or face the world. I can't think of another country that is diverse as the united states. I can't think of another country, that's as beneficent as the united states when it comes to immigration even worse.
Before Biden, what we have now is absolute anarchy. I think cant think of it. Country in the face of the earth that has a constitution that compels equal treatment- I didn't say equal results, equal treatment and a court system and attempts to apply it. I can't think of another What do you mean this agency agency really the asians or used against black people. Sorry used against anybody. In fact, it is The radical left, the white radical left democrats, more discriminating against asians ass. Those who, try to get into harvard lightly.
Ass, those who have been graduating from the most, area public school systems, were they have their national marriage scholarship awards held back ass them ass. The. In the sickening irony of this is these bigots and racists. In my view, they do and we must harm to black people and brown people enormous enormous. To quote Zora near hurseton reeling well it even atlanta. My my my. Not all skin foger kinfolk. So if you're, not why whatever their me, I do not think like this man.
Then you're not black or brown or yellow already you mind is white, that's what he means, but I've told you means and people like him mean on the left. This, the use of race to drive ideology. That's what it is to use a race to drive marxism. You can you your how dangerous this man is and would be. If he had a position of power there is no debate theirs. Challenge here, either in with him or there's something desperately wrong with you? The collie speaks a dash, the and others it just outrageous. She guys guys like this. I guess he some could a scoop pseudo scholar, MR producers, something proud pro
tenured somewhere, I guess, but he should be shamed. And yet there is on tv and he's not along with congo line of. Maniacs and my view like this, spew their poison in their hate who spread their cancer? Have no wonder they while uniting the country, how the hell to a country with this kind of programming from work your heart ali on MSNBC. How do you unite the country? You don't and then they they demand. Idiot ideological conformity they demanded in the heat for the united states is so deep and so broad, it's really unbelievable. It truly unbelievable.
And if they continue along this path and have their way as an aggregate, we're done we're finished and whatever fantastic paradise they haven't mine for all of you of all backgrounds, Will be a living hell? There's no question about it, Many consumers dont know that one of the biggest propagandists for president binds ridiculously named inflation reduction act. Was there a r p a our pay? This so called. Advocate for seniors spent millions of dollars on ads in advance. Helping liberalising congress pass this monstrous legislation in doing so, a r p provided cover for vulnerable democrats in them, November elections, why would a r p do this, possibly for money or
He is a mass of conflict of interest. Over the last decade they ve been paid north of six billion dollars stemming from its financial relationship with united health care. Then along comes there. A r p supported inflation reduction act america miraculously big insurance and their p b, a middle men like a our peace financial part. A united healthcare emerges big winners. Please visit this great website to learn more commit at the dot org? That's commitment, the seniors dot org paid for by american. Couldn't you wanna sitting to the best of mark love. Then it's time to take note. America Of those who are so called leaders and those who wish to be our so called leaders- and it's this there to countries where there is a
towards russia and china, the great direct threat to us is communist china. So let me talk about that first, it is important for you to take note of which congressmen which senators, which president's which would be present presidential candidates. get this right. You know, after the attack on pearl harbor people ass. Well, how could this happen? We have the experience of pearl harbor. The experience of pearl harbor and other attacks on the united states to guide us.
Now is the time for real leadership now's the time for real statesmen. And I'm not saying too many of them quite frankly, which candidate today Among the republicans, announced or unannounced is insisting that we significantly increase defence spending without a whole bunch of footnotes, That, while we gotta make sure this, which one none, then I'm aware of zero, which one is very unpopular today, With all the problems we face from inflation from the Been border critical theory. What's going on with our children, the difficulty for so many people in this country to make ends meet.
But that's when you need real leaders in real statement prior to. Attack on pearl harbor, our grandpa. it's in great grandparents were in the great depression. Were they made of stronger stuff than the rest of us, because I'm starting to think in many cases? Yes, yes,. but in many cases no also. With the same kind of movement with Democrats and republicans prior to us being attacked a problem, and isolationism salute pacifism, even in the face.
Of imperial japan rising conquering, even in the face. A fascist steadily rising in conquering, even in the face of nazi germany, rising conquering spreading. We have to Except for reality, watch taking place. not to start a war but to protect us. This is not a priority with senator. It's not a priority. Chuck Schuman who runs the senate, it's not a priority with much mcconnell. The republican leader has been a priority for decades, and its
suppose I can tell it's not a priority with many many people whom many of you support in the house of representatives. Well, we're pushing woke and where we're doing I got it, but that's An excuse to accept defeat. Should a war break out. The illogic is unbelievable. Our borders open. So we should be pacifists and isolate. We have the largest. generals and admirals one can think about are the pentagon anyway,. And so we should flat liner defence spending. Now we should remove
the generals and animals as soon as we can. I heard Donald trump talk about this. The other day, maybe was today In a video that he released but here's the point is anybody who wants to be president forget about the idiot who's in the oval office. Anybody going to speak out on the republican side. In a coherent and comprehensive way about the need. to rebuild our military. There is no way that communist china should have more ships than we are. Nowhere. We used over six hundred ship navy under reagan. It's now under three hundred ships under three hundred ships were more obligation.
The more responsibilities throughout the world. we're running out of ammunition because of. The russia that russia's war on ukraine and so there is what to cut off. You can't know the answer is we need to build up our industrial ability. to manufacture what we need, whether its to help ukraine, but most of all way to help ourselves recruitment, other states. Armed forces is at a record low, we're missing our targets. We don't have enough pilots for god's sakes,.
Who, among the republicans, is leading the charge on this? Nobody cause they're scared of you. Not you you, but you know what I mean this Secular gone, there were in a period of pacifism,. The enemy knows it the Minos, our history, the enemy is on the rise and they intend to take advantage of this unexploited. The animal in charge of our naval forces in the pacific he again has warned today. We are not sufficiently prepared should china invade taiwan we are not sufficiently prepared should to china. Take up a: u s, vessel.
And nobody knows this better than g the communist chinese. What are we going. people can throw around names, warhawk neo cons, chicken or whatever. I am behind this microphone. I think I have a public responsibility to help protect our liberty. And your children and grandchildren. These wars paid wars, big wars were big powers and big weapons. By using satellite wars, proxy wars. Direct wars are monstrous you, children and grants, I won't be a volunteer army. It'll be draft monstrous.
We should do everything we can to avoid this. should never surrender our liberty. That should never be the choice. Our enemy should fear ass. They should fear that we are so powerful with a big. Navy on the face of the earth, more planes and pilots, Plenty of ammunition to take care, whatever we need to take care of that they or even their think about. Taking us on directly or indirectly, but that's, not where we are today, so are they leaders of the statement on this issue. Where are they, then we turned a russia. This is embarrassing The number of people in this country and in the republican party
And pseudo intellectuals and pseudo conservatives, who pretend that russia is benign, is shocking. How many of you have relatives direct bloodline,. Who fought in world war two in europe. I do you most of you do well we're not imperialists. we're, not colonialists. We didn't take all thy land and keep it to ourselves. We gave it back. We help build up these countries. Through the marshall plan. We didn't take patents,
Vice and turn our guns on russia. I heard some guy jerry somebody rather of who the host colleague superstar for the wall street journal. I dont know em to british action. Any say russia would never invade poland or nato country it. Just once you cry And we know that because it invaded ukraine now this had to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in order to get the pole and they pretty much have to go through ukraine. But what are they listen to what vladimir Putin's says, one of they read what he's written.
Just as just a blow this off the broom, it like there's not on issues like an app, act of the matter is that is his plan, and you know who knows the polish prime minister knows it. The roma indian prime minister, knows that the leader of Finland knows that the leader of Sweden knows if the leaders of the poor states, know it that's why they're providing everything they have to the ukrainians, the ukrainian people. We are fighting for their survival and they're doing of a job people are we to give a weapons to what we actually are fight their wars. We don't have to fight the ukrainian defensive The russians are finding it themselves if we stop supporting them, they will lose, they will be mass occurred.
and the russians will line up their tanks or anything else. I am on the border with other countries, they know it. The russians now at history, how's our show, but why would you chance? It. The russians are bogged down in ukraine? Nobody thought it was possible, but the ukrainians, thereby down in ukraine. They ve had I've, read sixty three a hundred thousand casualties. And then I hear republican positioning themselves trying to figure out. but to say about them, and they have mostly settled on. We spend enough money.
We don't have a plan for ending the war. This can't go on forever gonna one year, so We need to withdraw our funds, then what happens. Russia rolls through ukraine then what happens? They have no idea, none. Apparently they don't care, they haven't thought it out but they know that many of you. Even though we haven't lost. Anybody in our war. No, you don't wanna. Do it anymore. What is China say? One really do this. China's says they they ukraine's. Wait till they soon. We do a taiwan what
ran, say: okay, now's, the time attack, Israel, in other words,. People who claim to be concerned about war and provocation or create war war. Three, an endless provocation. peace through strength. What do you think that means reagan started? Tromp picked up on it: peace through strength, its that peace through appeasement, peace through passive, Isn't. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark le then Well, ladies and gentlemen,. I want to get into this
Form in the assembly cores the things she is said and what she's doing. She was on the special grand jury. As you know, it was set up by the democratic district attorney elected district attorney. to try and go after donald trump, and a number of people around president and move For I do, as I have been worse check, the coverage of this he's palestine. our higher community, which a relatively poor community in majority, while community, a blue collar community. It's interesting how that affects the coverage of you noticed he's talking about environmental justice or environmental equity. Have you noticed Mr producer.
Even though the trains go right through this community go right through it, including with toxic chemicals. Nobody has even attempted, including me, I'm just make a point to racial eyes, this as the EU. We'll bigots and racists on tv and other aspects of the media do You don't see white privilege here, koran quote so it doesn't, the the modern narrative, this word different type, community you'd be hearing all of this, the pages the new york's lines in the washing composed on the comments made news network on I myself stay. It be gay,
In day out, there be headlines and Joe Biden would have been there already and he would have been there. Attacking attacking Economic injustice, environmental, injustice, big business, but there's nothing in it for him. these people, ten of a republican they congressmen, there's republika, there's nothing in it. For. So one day, twenty or so and he's not there and course. We know that buddha judge is not there. The eight p administrators made two trips wandered drank war and say, say it's clean.
Now they say they're sending in the epa to do the clean up. The appeared doesn't do clean up the epa hires people to clean up the epa is based in washington, d c It's a top heavy bureaucracy like all the rest, like all the rest. There are no civil rights activists to speak for these people. There are no columnists at the new york times and washed and post to speak for these people. Oh you'll, get a column here and there I suppose, but no study drumbeat nothing in the sector. It transportation is constantly talking about echo. Fire, fundamental justice and so forth. As I said, he
And found his way there yet buys press And hasn't found her way there yet because they can't make political hey out of this fact. They would be criticised for failing to act and act quickly to do something about this. The division in our country, the abuse and maltreatment of people comes from the democratic party was from the federal government president tromp. Obviously he was there to day in his palace steen and he brought several truck. Stop bottle war when he spoke to the people there in the media say it's a precedent. Joe Biden goes too.
Here, that's fine by me walks through the streets. All of a sudden. The sirens go off, he does Even cover his ears, he never misses. A shuffle see Service is nowhere to be found. The russians recalled three hours, I d be there, so they knew and around the silence Come under fire. Love historian, like lincoln, did like madison. Did he didn't come under fire in a war zone through nor philadelphia walk through cities. All over the country Even some suburbs, those are wars, and now I am planning to start off with this, but I'm just decided that
Somebody has to say what so obvious, so I will now give the grand jury. Who is on a media blitz going from event? Two event: media interview. To media interview. Something's not right with her I dont know what it is: something's not right with her, but when you listen to her what should conclude or what conclude: is this entire, so called I shall jury was jury was clamshell, she was the former, it's a clown. And so we will play some of this whole area, because the deed,
in this case had to know the foreman was a clown. She didn't pick the former. But she had to know what was going on. She runs Damn grandeur he's an elected democrat atlanta. And they want to indict a number of republican legislators. They may be gunning for rudy giuliani, they might be gunning for trump and I would. Say this. not all of those individuals. It is my humble opinion that its now it clear that you cannot get a fair trial. Should you be charged.
with all the publicity coming from the foreman a thirty year old cook,. Of these special grand jury set up. effectively run by the democratic elected district attorney, It also demand investigation of the four women and an ethic Investigation of the prosecutor term, whether she took appropriate action to shut the foreman down had been gone on for seventy two hours. What steps that she take to stop the foreman from doing media appearances, whatever steps So they clearly weren't effective, because I went on like a jerry, louis marathon, she's out there.
Making a mockery of the entire system she's laughing. she's joking in the media participate is that you america now I want Listen to some of this, his on cnn. Her name is emily course. This the grand jury in the state of georgia cut one go. Personally, I want to hear from the phone I wanted to hear from the former president honestly, I kind of discipline of the former president, because I got to swear everybody it, and so I thought, if you really cool to get sixty seconds with president drop me looking at him moving like do solemnly swear, I'm going getting swear sporting event. I just can't would be awesome. Lonely can see how trying to get the former president to come. Talk to us
Would have been a year in negotiation by itself, so it sounds like that was a battle that you all decided not to wait. Actually, that's kind of how it ended up. Was that and I'd be fascinated by what he said, but Do you think he would come in and said anything groundbreaking or just the same had a thing we ve heard, so it what you don't need a here. Fifty people say the same thing, what I mean at some point you have. You get the jest None of this is supposed to be discussed in public in any just an ethical system. And I would argue, this is prejudicial. We wanted to hear what he had to say, but we didn't bother because he'd be too difficult to get. I want look him in the face she know get sixty seconds with em.
so he would solemnly swear to tell the truth. wanted to look at him. But within violent negotiating because I would have taken too long cut to go after everything they have seen. What would your reaction? Be it the day decides against bringing any charges. After what you see, It will be sad if nothing happens like that, that's about my only request there is is for something to happen at all, Necessarily know what it is about, the legal expert, I'm not the judge, I'm not the lawyers, but I I will be frustrated if nothing happens. This was too much twitch information too much of my time too much everyone's time too much of their time too much argument in in court about getting people to appear before us. There is just too much for this to just be: ok, we're good bye and if it is just a perjury charge or perjury charges,
would that be acceptable to that's fine. I will be happy as long as something happens, hoping we propose, I'll be happy, something needs to happen. Look you know, I'm no expert and this stuff I was just the jury. Former. But all the time and effort in resources we put into this all the court arguments we put into this just too much Say goodbye, so the d a needs to do something which the only thing that I can do is make a charge or not. I will be happy as long as something happen. Something needs to happen. Can you imagine. Your freedom is left to somebody like this.
And that was yesterday. and we're not aware of any thing that the district attorney has done over the course of the last two or three days to put an end to this. And she should have put an end to it. The very first time that this. Special grand jury? Foreman showed her face. She's thirty years old on tv cut three go. We do not, of course, by them These questions remaining forever, one that wasn't in that jury room with you is how many people are in trouble here. What can you tell us about
Many people, you recommended as a group, to face indictments now this reporter kate balloon. She will be praised by her fellow corrupt journalists for participating in the corruption of the process. We don't do this to mass murders. We don't do this to terrorists. Not a single report has raised the ethics. related to something like this, not one. Why is there, but we know why that is so, don't see justice they seen seek a hangman's nous. That's what this go ahead. I think
for having me first while and I'm I'm hesitant to speak to something that the judge made, decision not to share he I don't know if everyone is aware of this, but there was a hearing about what parts of it court should and should not be published its various forms. and they list well sections that were removed were consciously chosen to be removed, and I dont want I have better judgment than the judge. That's totally understandable is it would, you say, when it comes to. There are, and there are indictments recommended, of course, is more than twelve was more than twenty people. I think, if you look at the page numbers of the port, there's about six pages in the middle, the got cut up.
Four spacing I working to continue their sides to take a heartbreak, so she just said: there's six pages in the middle alone for shake. Spacing it's not a short list. Meaning there is a recommendation: a lot of people are gonna, be indicted. She was not freedom to say that so the judge specifically all right what she says. I think, if you look at the page numbers of the report, there is about six pages in the middle. They got cut out, meaning that said no, don't release those allowing for spain. in it's not a short list. Moderation liz. She asked the reporter. I mean when it comes to seventy five: as I assume of course it's not seventy five people, but you characterize his twentieth people, I can't say I counted ok more than a dozen, though I had heard you say in another anyway, I believe so that's probably a good assumption. That is more than a dozen
sounds to me. She violated the judges decision, the order buzzer six pages you're not supposed to be, walking about and she's talking about them in any event going to need some goods. Defence lawyers and they need to take aim at the dna, and this jury I love giving you nothing, but the best the best of march loving. You know this covered money, it's just unbelievable. first of all tens of billions of dollars into fraud just out the window. and then there in this battle the Democrats saying they kick up. One penny, not one penny, the ominous omnibus monstrous bill that they passed in november, with the help of Mitch Mcconnell. The other rhinos
they say we're going to shut down the government by june and we'll go broke and it will be the fault of the republic or will be the forum Mcconnell, because these republicans in this house were trying to do the right thing. The trying to save our country from a complete utter finance I'll break down. But what do they mean? There's nothing. We can catch humorous as we want your budget. Ok, here's my budget. Take them with monies have of the baseline. It's been used for every but covert? I want you to listen to this. and tried to get angry I'll, get angry force from five business. A growing list of municipalities across the united states are low, it set up reparations programmes for black residents and some of them are considering using covered eighteen relief funds to pay the initiative to slush fund forever think democratic everything marxist.
critics argue using funds from the american rescue plan d, bankroll social justice initiatives are a misuse of federal taxpayer dollars, but proponents Defending the use of pandemic money as way reduce disparities when it comes to housing and narrowing the wealth gap. Ok attention, america, it's not up to the government. to quote on call narrow the wealth gap it the damn governments, business. Why is there a whilst gap? There could be a thousand reasons why there's a wealth gap number one. The word freedom. People are motivated by different thing. Some people are motivated by making a fortune. Some people are data by money at all so People are lazy as hell and there on the public doll. Some people are in the public doll, because there they ve got
issues that they are trying to address, whether its they recently fired or whatever it is that the words? What do you mean? trying to close the wealth gap How do you closed a wild care? What they don't make poor people richer. They make rich people poor. That's what they're talking about this is marxists. Marxist problem. vernon, Amy church. Mr Robert turner holds a sign after leading up tests from city hall back to his church in the greenwood neighbourhood, whatever tat misreading, that's under a photo here we go box. Business identified at ten cities, states and counties that a recent considered using some sort of reparations programme. Why are we paying rep ray Since at all you know we perish these. Thirteen fourteen to
if amendments at the end of the eighteen sixties well after the civil war, civil war was fought, seven hundred thousand casualties. How are we going to determine who gets money? I'm quite sure about this How do we know just if we even wanted it Do it, how do we know. Who came here when we have illegal immigrants in the country over the past fifty years, people have come from. Corners of the world, some of whom are black and brown and wide and other how rainbow coalition is Jesse jackson, calls it fine, but can approve they going to need. I gets ends. Three dot com will be very busy, but this is ridiculous: paying reparations. This is just more marxist democrat, But I tell you what I have said it before: I'm going to say it again, so the back mentors can remember
gerda dayton, if we're gonna, Reparation, it's not we it's the democrat party, the Democrats, Party should be paying reparations democrat already supported slavery. Democrat party fought for slavery. The democratic party after their civil war, help foster the coup, klux clan the crab party. The party woodrow Wilson promoted segregation, the democratic party oppose, federal anytime: lynching laws, including the after those words, craig governors who stood in the in the door ways of scores to prevent little black kids from going school with little white kids, there was Joe Biden who opposed little.
kids going to school with little white kids, it's the democratic party that full a bus nineteen sixty four civil rights act and oppose the nineteen. Sixty five civil rights act to democrat party. That promoted, Jim crow and including literacy test, and pay taxes on all arrested was democrats Crash on their supreme court did upheld slavery, teeny the chief justice at the time. Democrats on the supreme court, their role in the policy versus ferguson case at separate separate, but equal is equal. and I could go on and on and on shove anyway,
To pay reparations, it's the democratic party, not everybody, and I'm quite serious about this. Well, let's go on this issue covered money covert. You got here. Ten cities states counties. I want to use some sort of covert funds for reparation, such just unbelievable officials in shelby county tennessee. That includes memphis. They're going to vote on. One of these spend five million dollars in pandemic relieved money to study the possibility of longer term reparations. There was Guy on radio effort. American show, but a big one. I think the guy's a shark I mean the god or whatever his name is idiotic guest on there
said five trillion dollars. That's the number five trillion dollars. So it shakedown time. Member one I interviewed shall be steel, great man and his message was: we are free. He's african american, you said were free, go do whatever you want were free, but the democratic path he needs, racism, the democratic party, more more needs anti semitism. The democrat party needs anti. asian ism, as ever we caught out on up Missionary Edmund for junior, whose co sponsoring the proposal defended the use of
these funds for the programme tone fox business in a statement that the negative Packs of a pandemic include assistance to households and communities while promoting affordable housing, assistance of small businesses and profits. this is not going to be a process that is issuing checks to black people and shall be county, adding the process of community reparations provides an ecosystem to intentionally track and promote blackwell while providing access to shut the hell up. I'm sick of this, This is money you're, here's the thing we ve got a government that prosecutor people per ponzi schemes, for miss allocation of funds for maladministration. We ve got regulations. We got agencies, we can Investigators way have agent they're all over the damn place, trying to find
private businesses that are doing what the federal government does every game day and is: does it righteously right really self righteously. They raised all this tax money apply towards covert a pandemic and now they're using it for leftist causes leftwing causes. This is an absolute misuse of taxpayer dollars our body byron, Donald, whose off African americans outrageous that cities would use endemic relief funds to pay for reparations programmes there? Why disagree It's the topic he said: two's pandemic spending on something that congress did not vote for or approve Localities to say, they're going to basically re purpose the funds for this. This
rage and should not occur. That's right! There's no statute. There was passed for this representatives didn't have an opportunity to vote on it. We do have an opportunity to comment on it to our representatives. It's like buying what is done. Executive orders. right. These benito mussolini, benito Romania, the trains running on time, buying cannon, keep them on the tracks by the way MR environment, Mr Joe Biden has made and even environmental disaster, part of the country- and this guy biden- is as far away from it as possible. He's barely talked about it and, to the extent that the Democrat, propagandists and demagogues talk about it,
blame it on donald trump surprise. He hadn't blamed on donald duck, Donald trump. That's how sick these people are. They take responsibility for nothing, nothing. The view. Joy, reed, bigot, racist and the rest of them. Isn't it amazing that the marxist among us are all democrats- Media there. All Democrats, the tenured professor, their old mammograms, they all vote democratic, because this is what the democrat party has become. Turns out one of the ball bearings is over heated understand it correctly on the train and the. And the engineer tried to slow the train downright before the accident.
And the national transportation safety board chair has said. This was absolutely preventable, absolutely preventable. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't, but it wasn't. The tracks was the train. Was a ball bearing at over here.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-26.