« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/30/20


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, only one candidate called the other candidate names at the Presidential debate – Joe Biden. The Commission on Presidential Debates organized a poorly moderated debate. Biden is a brawler that doesn't use facts, he uses insults, lies, and interruptions. Biden failed to make the case of who he was, what he's done, and why he'd be a better President than Trump. Later, John Adams versus Thomas Jefferson was the birth of negative campaigning. Adams and Jefferson were friends but party politics played a heavy role at that time and a sitting vice president ran against a sitting president. Then, Biden has failed to criticize Democrat Governors for the deadly decision of putting patients that tested positive for Coronavirus in nursing homes which cost the lives of so many elderly Americans. Now, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo denied that this ever even happened.  Afterward, former FBI Director James Comey took the virtual hot seat in front of the US Senate Judiciary Committee where Comey minimized his role in signing fraudulent FISA warrant applications. Finally, Congressman Matt Gaetz calls in to discuss his new book - Firebrand: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the MAGA Revolution.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here,. There is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son
here, appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader.
Mark Levine, I'm not gonna give out the number. The first directives are not taking any calls the first hour the debate you ve heard. Everybody else comment I have not. I have scrupulously.
not listen to other radio torture hosts how I've watched the television, but no Your host- I don't know who's, saying what I don't want to know who sang what, but I watch this debate very carefully It was a lousy. Residential commission system that was set up. it was moderated awfully. and I want to get into specific, sir. With respect to these candidates. there's only one candidate who called the other candidate names. I went back and double track this, and that was Joe Biden. Clown racist, stupid, shut up.
I'm not surprised by this Joe Biden has a nasty old man and he was a nasty young man annually. Take a risk when I post these things during the day, because the back benchers jest Cherry Pick, my post, that's, ok, but can I tell you, but Joe binds always been this way, whether its Robert Bork, as I posted this morning, are Clarence Thomas Or scores of individuals who were nominated for judge ships and presidential appointments and republican administrations, this is how he treats them. He caused them names use surrogates. He leaks to the press Joe Biden has had a fifty year relationship with a Washington press.
Donald Trump has no relationship with a washed and press and has only been in Washington less than four years and tat, and you can tell with respect to bite in the press. Tromp was cut off repeatedly. By was allowed to go on with these little monologue and what binding does in a two minute monologue: he'll tell five lies in throat tenant, Thoughts because that's what they do in Washington and that's how buying conducts himself, he doesn't a brain power, he's brawler, you think trumps brawler binds abroad. now I suspect, but dont know that the president and his team looked at how bind debated Paul Ryan in October. Twenty thousand and Paul Ryan was considered. A very decent where the alike as politics should not that's beside the point, a very unfair
armed young man very attractive young man he'd been in Congress for some time when everybody thought he'd whip all Joe, but you see John, doesn't play fair. Joe makes facial ticks. He comments under his breath. He has sort of an odd laugh. He does things to try and disrupt the disrupt his opponent, this is what he does that's what he did to Paul Ryan what he tried to do. The Donald Trump Donald Trump was not playing the role of Paul Ryan Donald Trump as a counter puncher, and you go back and look at the beginning of this debate. from last night, and you will see it was Joe by who started the brawling in the interruptions, the name calling.
In this constant tromp as a liar liar like in a bind hasn't it. Career of lying plagiarism, stealing speeches from Robert Kennedy, then Neil Kinnock, lying about scholarships into law, lying about his iq lie. About his grades and on and on and on and on lying about its policies? I was deeply by some of the questions that were asked by the moderator just telling you that german American first A radio hosts first, not a tv home First, I don't author first, I'm an american first and I'm gonna tell it like it is, but we'll get some of this. This white supremacy, stuff titters. That the Joe Biden wasn't asked about it because he was the only candidate staining on the stage who actually doubt were white supremacist segregationist and was damp proud of it come on. As even called him up at the moderator didn't
listen to the moderators question at present in the United States was he must like white supremacist presently, I states, who week before. for the first time in our history. Issued an order that lynching is a federal hate crime. it hasn't been done under Obama. Burma, Abiden hadn't, been done under any Democrat. and as an arms length, long list a policy that is implemented for the purpose of trying to assist the black community. No bind doesn't have a list at all, nothing half a century, but all circle back to their full circle. Back to that.
If the presidential commission doesn't like the way the debate went, maybe they ought to do a better job, picking a moderate and maybe the Democratic Party I do a better job in nominating its candidate Does the first when the throw the mud was by? As I said, he's a brawl, and I want to remind you of what happened October, eleven twenty twelve. Unfortunately, this is audio, not video and throughout this Biden is smile. When laughing rolling his eyes. His body, English, fucking, Paul ryan- keeps interrupting. And I guarantee you- I don't know for sure, but I guarantee you try But the Trump team saw this and they were not in a play. The role of Paul Ryan, because I've been hearing news, analysis, commentators, people I like. Not radio, elicit a radio
Some say if trumpeted kept quiet Biden would have fallen on his face. Note. If trumpet have kept quiet Biden would have gotten away murder, all of his lies and slurs would have gone on challenge, because the way the press, Central Commission set this up in the way the moderator was handling the debate trunk couldn't reply. He had no opportunity to reply several times. He said. Can I so that no, not I'm going on to the next question. Will you can't leave things unanswered. October 11th, two eleven, twenty twelve listen carefully. Paul Ryan and Joe Biden cut Tango. Here's the problem Caught with their hands in the cookie jar, turning care into a piggy bank for Obama care there and by the way, throughout this, he smirking right videos are smirking, he's he's, motioning, psyches, gotta
Direct social or whatever it is, go ahead, conversely, said one out of Xx, Girls in nursing homes are going to go out of business as a result of this snow. They seventh place now now in senior. Stop, please. You gonna hear throughout this little shots like that Well, he's violating the time the Paul Ryan has go ahead. the delusion that current Medicare advantage coverage. They have that's a thirty. Two hundred dollar benefit cut, that don't worry saying more people size from your own wearing what Mamma more people signed up for Medicare advantage out through the changed. What there's? Nobody is right here, right now: I know this is rather I know we are honoured the rest to make a lot of ground I think they will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other. Well, I mean taking all the foreign ministers, and this goes on.
This goes on and they wasn't just on healthcare- was throughout this debate by was mocking making faces that Strange laugh that he has rolling his eyes interrupting. This went on. Nepal Ryan's not Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Snap, Paul Ryan. for. I was the Washington exceeded. The Wall Street Journal editorial page, one of their favourite candidates, they loved Paul. And they're out there trashing, among others, the present United States today present I've states how to make a decision. Once this debate starts Once it was clear what was going on with the moderator once it was clear, was going on with a brawler Biden in his history. Coming back puking back up onto the stage he had to make a decision. Am I gonna get rolled twice
like Paul Ryan did or do I fight back. Do I fight back? Do I confront Joe Biden? Do I confront what's happening in terms of the moderation of this debate and he fought back. He had no choice. More when I return ban folks, something serious to talk to you about, I don't have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression. They even put together a D. started history of Amerika, the New York Times sixteen nineteen project, the other side nose like you do that our countries done To achieve in advance liberty than any other in history, the best way to fight back teach the truth today,
We have learned the true story of America from the college: that's better a teaching it than any other hills. They'll college, my friend that Hills D have put together. A great free online course called the great american story, a land of hope and folks. That's just We need right now hope so get inspired. Sign up today for free at Levine for Hills, Delta come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others that Levin for Hills, Del back, come L. Avian flu, Helstone Backup at a neighbour of mine is not particularly political, not practically, family I was walking Dog Marty this morning comes up to me.
And he says he wants to give his opinion about the bank. Panic total, of course, but it's very interesting. He says. So. What do you think? I gave my opinion. You said I'll, tell you what their other kind The Democrats would have chosen if they had chosen in my proudly would have voted for them. He said when I watch this debate, my mom most of my focus was on Biden. I said why Is that so because I know who trumpet what is record is, I know, highly talks, but I don't really know Biden. After forty seven years he said after eight years as fight- I don't really know this guy- don't nobody's done. And he said I watched him when I listen to him- I still don't know he's done and I still not always want to do, found to be rather nasty Jonah. voting for, by voting for Trump, frank, lunch and others out there with their groups, and they said
This turns off. Independence Parents are people have made up their minds, what turns them off a bra. And so they they do one of these. It's a plague on everybody's house. No, it's not a plague on everybody's house. If you listen to the debate. The present the United States was prepared with specifics. He could tell you about his record. Joe Biden was not prepared with specific he refused to talk about whether or not he would destroy the Supreme Court. packing. It refused to hand. Question about the filibuster rule he lie. about his opposition of fossil fuels and frank, and I hope you listening to me western Pennsylvania in the rest of the country. He lied about us word for the green new deal better. Section and a hundred ten page, Using manifesto was written in part.
AOC see it's there on his website, any lied about, because that's what he does He won't release a list of Supreme Court nominees potential nominees, bigger Easter. and conceal a rat agenda they intend to impose on this country. He eyes about Obamacare. We don't need They tell us what happened to us are deductible is our crazy high are pretty so crazy high. We don't have the choices of insurance companies, an insurance plants where all straight jacket it in Even he knows it, which is why they keep talking about we're going to improve expanded even improve reform. It, God forbid. Any would lie like that throughout me. Wasn't challenged no fact checking for the modern who did some fact checking
seem to like to get into fights with the present the United States. I'm just observed me nothing personal with me, but I'm I consider- and I'm watching this so that this neighbour said he knew about tramp. He knew thing about buying and think about that. All these decades. and you didn't like what he saw. And he also said you don't call a president and a clown and racist. You just don't do that. The present the United States was actually quite restrain. He didn't say sleepy Joe heating Joe arrested, is certainly could of again our circle back when the pressure, when the moderator s present United States, will you denounce white surprise. Just what you denounced them. They will you denounced them now? Why would you ask a question like they did I find it an outer Anti Semitism Does a poison in the Democratic Party, some of the people who live it icing Biden are out of the clause
they pay. So much was he asked about Anti Semitism was binding about his relationship, was radiation interests. That even come, our Harris denounced storing them. It's out there, but why wasn't he presently I've states has no relationship, no history whatsoever, white supremacist white supremacy. What's the game. the game is he's picking up steam among african Americans, particularly black men and so there, has to be staunch? You see they have to stop there because I could scrub the election and the The virulent anti semitism out of the left and the democratic party- not one question about that, not one by one
you ask I presently, the United States has done more to trying to assist the black community than the first black president and Joe Biden then really any president of modern times and you're asking him while he denounced white supremacy and white supremacist em. Take either. first, the ninety ninety four prime bill and put it first reformed prime you're asking this president that why? Because the princess, ladies and gentlemen, that you got all this. Port from you and all of you out. There must be white supremacist, oh yeah, and the proud boys. President know what the proud boys is. I don't even know what they held a proud boys. As I hear of them. I am somewhat familiar. Get based on what I read, but I don't know the details of them and then Biden says antifreeze: idea it's not an organization called
a hell of an idea: gone around burned out cities, meeting people's brains in trying to blind cops with lasers. all that some idea, and why did he an idea, doesn't want to say and tv is a domestic market as terrorist group he doesn't want to say it up here. Back folks, I have something serious to talk to you about to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country, one side in our country Claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression, they even put together started history of Amerika the New York Times. One thousand nineteen project, the other side. Nose like you do that our countries done to achieve an advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth. today we have learned the true story of Amerika from the college: that's better at teaching it than any other hills, they'll college, my friend,
he'll still have put together. A great free online course called the great amount in story a land of hope and folks that just what we need right now hope so get inspired sign up today for free at Levin for Hills, Delbert come from Helstone course on the glorious history. The last best hope on Earth America and share with others. That's Levine for Hills, Del Back com, in Vienna for Hills Del backup world. Further these trop full of hot constant national asphalt mark within call him thousand seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one one I dare every so called newsroom in this country to go back and we watch that debate and see who, through the first my boss,
and who started the interruption fresh? And I I love you. My fellow Americans Levant pledged to do it, actually the same thing. As I said, I was taking note of the time it was Biden. But I'm watching tv in their saying you know Trump has a plan to knock by north his game. That's not what happened was there to have a debate, a straightforward debate and bind was It abroad, I know the scene Be hard for people to digest mentally, but it's true because that's what Biden does that's what he did were born? That's what he did. Time sets what he did, Paul Ryan, that's what he did with everything else because he's a low I q, guy now another thing people are saying on TV should awaited trunks Let him get away with all this and just be quiet because he would have trip. These are the same. people are saying trumpeted Underestimated or put out, the word that you know buying is not capable of up; Abiden is so, which is it
factors, at least in the first hour Biden, was in fact capable of debating not well but debating. He wasn't slobbering all over himself. It would have been a huge mistake. for the present. The United States to lobby they go on and on and on because today we be talking about what happen a tramp. He let this guy get away with lie after alive to alight and confront him. He let this guy Wrap them over and over and over again that's what we did discuss today, if Trump followed any the advice or listening to, he was pin against the wall. He had to make a decision I gotta be Paul Ryan, or am I gonna be Donald Trump. I'm going with a hostile moderator and I'm dealing with a brawling Joe Biden. That's what we that's what he is one more thing On this white supremacy issue, Richards I believe that his name-
not the leading one of the leading NEO Nazis in America. He is endorsed Joe Biden Wasn't Joe Biden, nourished about that, the mass murder in Pittsburgh, I've seen a guy those those jewish per dinner's there. He tromp, any hey that the first many Jews and his family where's great support for Donald Trump among the white supremacist. It should Meanwhile, another african american State representative, this time in Ohio, has endorsed. tromp wisely getting the same attention is Tom Ridge or John TASER, who endorsed by. We know the answer to all these questions: doorway, all of them and Joe Biden accuses the present. A United States of killing over two hundred thousand people had a deck get through the cracks
So sickening such a disgusting and outrageous accusation and all the people who have lost somebody the appreciate job and exploiting the death in your family. These people are, A table in there they have an empty chair and that's Donald Trump, Donald Trump. sick. He never criticised the decision of these big blue, very high. We populated governors in these states who decided to put corona patients and nursing homes and put them in stood living homes. He's never once criticise that not once but leave the tax issue. Now you're gonna bring up the tax issue in your moderator, get it right, Rita, tighter New York Times article deep into the article on top About this last evening way, The article hidden by them
at times like they did what the Holocaust. It says, Trump, twenty tended towards seventeen paid. The alternative minimum tax, that is a federal tax. A proxy they twenty four million dollars. It's right there in the. We don't have the documents that we're purloined. felony committed, but if you're gonna bring up a damp ex issue at least read the article. I get it right. We all know about Biden, Doktor, Jill and Joe setting up One cooperation: what do they do that for because was making a ton of money giving speeches slobbering incoherent speeches million. millions of dollars over thirteen million? Thirteen point? Three million, so he said But there s one corporation, why? Why did Mister lunch but Scranton versus Park Avenue set up this corporation. Why did he do it? So I wonder,
a payroll taxes. Social security and minor care. It's Joe Biden who explicitly specifically, Ozma to contribute to social Security and Medicare care. What you think you're bring that up. If you can- bring up a specious issue that Donald Trump New York Times says. You spent only seven hundred and fifty dollars in tax spending and tax payments. you know use the talking point to the left or the so the media, which is so corrupt, thoroughly completely correct. You notice what else did come up bind and bring it up, Russia what happened Russia. What happened at the collusion with Russia? Three. Damn years this nation has to suffer through this, never comes up, not want
set by the president. Who is trying to explain it and he's cut off repeatedly cut off repeatedly. The Wall Street Journal editorial page wonders. Why were we playing by queensberry rules? Here? We want to die trumped the come out like Paul Ryan and what get his brains beaten. Him ask yours a question: not these these people who look twenty twenty hindsight there so proper. I would have done it this way. done it that why you wouldn't have done anything you're, not the stage and there's a reason for that. choice taking incoming binds the first went to start brawling. That's what binds drop is well aware that what buying does he is well aware. I soon what happened. Paul Ryan IRAN where's. He knows what happened. Abortion and Thomas after them he knows dealing with a reprobate, a guy that
in a throw around lies and attack. He she just let him fall on his own face Wasn't going to fall on his own face the first hour again the same pay! I will give trump I'd. Advise are the same thing: However, the other side of their mouth, who say, I think, tromp and Republicans have always stated that binds incapacity. and he will out shine what they ve. We understand that they ve set while he was the guy's good he's a good liar was prepped Alai. Two minutes get in as many lies as you can and the other thing you get don't Donald Trump, solar, Donald Trump. So can you tell me one thing Donald Trump lied about during that debate, Mr Bittacy, nothing! What are we talking about? Coming from the biggest sera liar over fifty years in Washington DC, what did he do?
You lie about anything. So once again, people don't like you said because Donald Trump doesn't take bs. He stands up for himself. He fights back, they don't like it. He kept interrupting captain erupting who started the interrupting. Go look you're, not the trust, go! Look. It was by. Who's, the brawler in these two billion and is a very good friend, a very smart friend of mine, said to me when you compare trumps performance last night to what took place in twenty sixteen. He was much better this year. Exude me this time than in twenty six. They much Never Hillary Clinton was said to block them out None of this serious Paul show anybody blowing out Donald Trump. Some of them show him winning.
I don't think it was a strategy did not buying off his game. I think he was dead ending himself in its policies and trying to explain to the american people what was going on and it was buying. Who was that rest or Biden who's. The brought brawler buying who's, the Bali and This gentleman said down the street from me. I know about tromp, I didn't know about Now I know about buying and I'm not vote of one man, I'm not voting. When I first started in radio, it's almost twenty years, not right mister but close to it. The first debate that took plate took place and then go back and check this. It's all over the As I said, we need to eliminate moderators. Others have picked up this point since then, and what was talking about, I explained what I was talking about: the Lincoln Douglas Debates, not if we're going to have Lincoln Douglas Debate.
But these moderators are impossible and I'm not just picking on the moderator lesson and all of them. Almost all of them have been a disaster the camp. Panes. We don't need a presidential commission on debates. The campaign should get together and decide what if any kind of debates are going to have. This is a political process. And I want to tell you one other thing: I don't give a crap about this debate. I don't give a crap about the next two debates. I don't give a crap about the vice presidential debate I know the media cares. Oh, I know its endless. I understand don't get sucked into this election, really very simple. It comes down to one thing: do you love your country? It don't you don't. Exe,
The learned things from the debate, the media love this. They loved the gotcha moments. They love their headlines. They loved lecturers lecture the candidates they like to influence the outcome of these I am telling you ask them or comment on them, but it has thirdly, no influence on me whatsoever. Why you either love this country, and you want to save this republic or you don't, what this election comes down to debate or no debate interruption or no interruption, moderator Renault moderator President, commission on debates are no presidential commission on debate this election, Comes down to your survive ability you wanna, be free or not, you want to save your way of life, are not that's the issue.
Do you want to end the violence on the streets or MAC? You believe democratic socialism, aka Marxism, because it's on the move is devoured and conquer. The democratic party. That your choice in this election screw the debates- that's the bar line I'll, be right back then, folks, something serious to talk to you about. I don't have to tell you that were in a fight for the soul of the country. One side in our country, claims that America was founded on ban principles and build on oppression. They ve put together a d, started history of Amerika the New York Times. Sixteen nineteen project. the other side. Nose like you do that our cut he's done more to achieve an advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth today.
We have learned the true story of America from the college: that's better a teaching it than any other hills. They'll college, my friend That hills D have put together a great free online course called the great american story, a land of hope and folks, that's just we need right now hope so get inspired. Sign up today for free at Levine for Hills, Delta come from Helstone course on the glorious history of the last best hope on Earth America and share with others Levin for hills. Del back com, L, easy! I am for a hills del backup. By the way we have some really really loyal within its most of you would get these now all the time, because when I'm done with the programme, I shudder really:
what we find is my commentaries are monitored not just by the political class but by cable shows cable network. enemies like media matters and media, heighten people like that, and so cherry pick stuff some trade pick it the play dry. Some cherry pick it to attack. I don't care. It's like the president's talking to the american people. I'm talking to you live in item talking to my audience. I dont care with the other say, or it doesn't matter. some you get worried, you semi, don't worry. It's ok, now there's a hand wringing out there like tat. We ve never seen anything like this Jake Tapir, who is it macro embed over at CNN. Like most of the other house, he said this is the worst thing he's ever seen in its transport. and the level of commentary and the year and the IQ number
goes down and down and down. Is he speaking to talk to other hosts and commentator same thing at MSNBC? There's really no difference between those two networks really the same thing, and that's because these hosts are left wing Democrats and their illiterate. When it comes to history, you know for the left. History begins when they were born. History begin they choose it to begin. I'm gonna do something I down any other radio, hostess Dinah we're gonna go through little, but a history of some of these campaigns is this really the nastiest campaign ever The geniuses at the Wall Street Journal editorial page said enough lemme? This is this is just what we ve never seen in Paul. What do you think Papa? I. they don't know Naomi. What are you well? I'm appall. This is worse than professional. Rationally.
Never seen anything like this wet and, of course, I rather editorial again very emotional. but they didn't explain anything that I have explained here. They didn't go back and they didn't look well who's, the one who started this and the brawler with Paul Ryan and are not a thing. They did mention the president didn't call Joe Biden Sleepy Joe were hiding Jordan, none other. now. There's only one person on that stage. Disrespected the presidency, the office, the presidency and I was Joe Biden- and he thinks he's gonna slide into. He thinks he's going to slide on it because he's got the mediators back pocket, which was evident and continues to be evident. Joe Biden when it gives a speech like you did. He got on a train gonna train today, Our ongoing a whistle stop poor, I'm going to Western shut up, you idiot he's doing a whistle stopped or so in giving a speed.
He's trashing the president he's lying about the president, he's the one As president in american history, not James Buchanan, not not aid Johnson now not honour not be rabid, racist, big time. press a Democrat, Woodrow Wilson. Now not and Johnson and what he did with Vietnam, no Donald Trump as the worst press In an american history so- pathetic I'll, be right back from the West would one podcast network,
now broadcasting, I'm lonely underground commandos, than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: twenty million Levant I sat there. Terrestrial radio live streaming amount Levin ass, the eye hard up our podcast welcome. Welcome all I want to move on little bit of a history lesson and this is actually quite good actually before I do this
I want you to hear this montage put together by this great organization called maybe in house in an MSNBC urging Biden, don't do anymore. baby don't do any more debates. Since when the media advise candidate, starting with Jake Tapir, of course, cut six go so. A simple question after what went down this evening, do you think Joe Biden should participate in a second or third debate? Should the next two debates go on as scheduled, I wouldn't be surprised by the way, if this is the last presidential debate, their Michel other debates are we really going to repeat this? Are we going to have another two of these
I think we have to hear from the presidential Commission under raids tomorrow. We we can't do to more of these. Why are we bothering with a discussion? of the rules of format, time limits of moderators wall? When we have just seen guys just slow talking. He slow thanking guide. this amazing: these are. These are networks where they have hosts calling tromp Hitler repeatedly in one programme, Hitler. In saying the most awful things another look at this debate: it's it's so uncouth tone. Guph traps, Hitler, goodness it there's anything like this. His supporters are like I am the debate. If someone could mostly peaceful
protests where we have riding in the streets. Anything goes when he attacked the president. Is it That debate, that's where their line is drawn. That's where little Miss manners comes in what I like debate better. Let course I work, but it ain't gonna happen, because the democratic destroy everything they destroy our cities there, destroying our institution that destroying our election. You think they're gonna, let the debate be handled in it. way. Joe Biden knock and allow that, shall we do a little history, you wanna, have a little bit of fun here little but a context, let let's, let's try that this is something I enjoy. Is this the nastiest, as the Wall Street Journal at a total page suggests another's ass, the Nastase ever headlines everywhere will never ceiling
Yes, we have and it started early on negative campaigning. You go back to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, and these were to very, very close friends during the evolutionary appeared and by the way they would later in life, become very, very close friends, as you well know, but as its point out and publications by eighteen hundred party politics had taken over. And you had
president found himself running against his vice president. You had John Adams Run against Thomas Jefferson, his vice bread. Now all I was change. What an amendment to the Constitution Jefferson's camp, I accused items of having if I can pronounced this but you'll know what it is. A hideous hermaphrodite article character, which is neither the force and firmness of a man or the gentleness and sensibility of a woman. In other words, both trinitarian in return Adams, man called Vice President Jefferson, a mean spirited low, lived fellow, the son of a half breed indian squall side by a Virginia mulatto father while and slurs just piled on Adams, was labeled a fool
A hypocrite, a criminal, a tyrant, Jefferson branded a weakling, an atheist libertine and a coward Martha Washington. Telling a clergyman. The Jefferson was one of the most detestable of mankind, so Jefferson hired the first campaign operative James Calendar, because back then candidates didn't campaign not because of a virus adjust wasn't considered the thing to do and. but the difference was they both the Jefferson hired, there's hatchet man. This is calendar which helped smearing on items. Now. Adams consider himself above such things, any pay the price for it.
Now, I'm sure the trunk camp is unaware of this, but the very wise to follow history. Calendar was unscrupulous, very effective. Any convinced many Americans that John Adams was actually plotting to attack France. In other Democrats, I want Donald was tied in with the Russians without it was a lie, but a lot of voters in the end. Jefferson won the election, but Jefferson, while he paid a price to this guy calendar serve jail time, for the attacks he wrote about out is because back then there were not. defamation laws. You could serve time. It one thousand eight o one. When he got out of prison, he felt the Jefferson had done him wrong. So they, the next turn, one thousand eight too.
and had only been a rumour by then he, wrote a story that Jefferson had enough. but one of the slaves by the name of Sally Hemmings? You may have heard her. And there were serious a series of articles and he can in the Jefferson LIVE with Hastings in France, hemmings in France that she had given birth to five of its children. An Jefferson was as follows: Jefferson for the rest was life so well and they and they became fast friends later. But there's more there's a lot more in our history. This. What amazes me about our press and attitudes painted a dancer and here's the art and I'm gonna use this just to rub their noses and at this is from September twenty three twenty six,
teen literally four years ago, CNN by Gregory, Craig. and the headline on this story from four years ago: Trump Clinton. They not compare to these campaigns and, of course they talk about the Jefferson and Adams campaigns, but they also talk about Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. the contest to go to the House of Representatives in eighteen, twenty four John Quincy Adams, one in the house, had lost the popular vote, any beat Andrew Jackson. It was a populist he had received the support of Henry Clay, the speaker and Action was furious and Jackson. You know who'd been orphaned, who
as a teenager was a combat veterinary, courageous man. One thousand twenty eight as the election came up again hey was extremely nasty supporters of Andrew Jackson called John Quincy Adams, a pimp and supporters of John Quincy Adams called Jackson and his wife, polygamous. Saying that she was still married, what hadn't had a divorce when he I return that was probably true. Well. Andrew Jackson, mother was packed occurred as a common prostitute that these sellers brought over for the benefit of being the English and Joy
It was called a murder, a traitor and mentally unstable Adams dismissed the vile tone. He said that these slurs were skunks of party slander, that was a hell of a campaign. One thousand eight hundred and sixty. Eighteen, sixty Abraham, Lincoln and political rallies and Lincoln's area people got drunk, they had fistfight, they threw excrement, they attacked here, since they screamed and shouted incurs, did I mention they drank? They drank a lot and it was not exactly a festive atmosphere that was set about Lincoln and his supporters. Years before the public flocked to see heavyweights in the ring on the gridiron, many would bring their boots
was off hours and aggressions to the campaigns Lincoln in particular, steered clear of the trail as outright campaign was still considered, unbecoming So when one of the four candidates in eighteen sixty the Democrats, Stephen Douglas, announced he was going to travel from Chicago. The new Hampshire by way of New Orleans to visit, is sick, mother political opponents and the partisan press through their daggers Douglas called others made a speech every time the train stopped for water and call holes or said, and for that it was marked brutal, as a mama's boy has little Stephen in search of his mother and son,
his independence, his manhood making him look like a pipsqueak which he was, he was only five for the broader sweep of the eighteen. Sixty campaign was much darker. Would conspiracy theories racism, racial hatred and that have been tabled set by the Scott decision in eighteen, fifty seven and it goes on who's, a vicious campaign. One thousand eight hundred and seventy two. Public and presidential nominee was a newspaper magnates by the name of Horace Greeley Knee was running against useless he's S grant turned on the fighter reconstruction in the south and the Democratic Party, still hopelessly divided liberal Republicans, which broke away from the Republican Party, really form the base of the electoral opposition,
the campaign near they face one minor hurdle: no one wanted their nomination, so Greeley came in and he was a yellow journalist too many respects and he was mocked. Unflattering character traits are made of them essays and cartoons. in its report. The press behave like a band of cruel teenagers, wondering allowed, as in one evening, posts editorial how many men are there of character and reputation who may be counted among his friends if there be any at all their very few so That is difficult to recall their names round against them, they said, he's the most corrupt, the most designing, the most dangerous of the community, and they accuse Greeley vote
times are really wacko things. He was a vegetarian when, here alone, more Grover, Cleveland, Rubber, Cleveland Child was born out of wedlock, mostly abandoned. They call him Grover the but for all the work Grover Cleveland did in cleaning up corruption during his time as sheriff of eerie county mayor of Buffalo, governor of New York the democratic Domini in eighteen, eighty, four, let a less tidy personal life, the CNN reflation ship, the widow Maria happen in the early eighteen. So These yellow the child, but hardly a father The story the day glorified through the media, there was no smoking gun or direct testimony. All they had were accusations and circumstances, and of course he did know happen. And she named her son, his last named Cleveland
I admit, to having an affair with her and paid some child support. So the Republicans took aim at Cleveland as a deadbeat dad while dragging happen and the child into the monk.
There's a famous cartoon of cleaver walking down the street in a woman carrying a baby saying, Mama where's my PA and the Rhine took hold, became a rallying cry for supporters of Cleveland opponent, James Blaine, who would sing it in the streets during campaign. Immense problem is plain had his own problem and it goes on folks. The media don't have any idea what you're talking about you ve got in so many cases, not every case, but so many cases, individuals who are so illiterate, so uninformed so driven by left wing politics and social activism you're never going to get the truth from these people.
There's nothing extreme about Donald Trump, in fact, in so many respects he's in the mainstream of the old way, but he's a man whose great pride great success has been under enormous attack by the left in all its forms: academia, the bureaucracy, Hollywood, the media that done. Crap party. He deserves better than he's getting even from pseudo conservatives. What was I supposed to do last night, roll up into a ball and feed opposition and get into the corner now now.
the dirty player in this campaign is Joe Biden. Joe Biden did not want to run on his record. He didn't even talk about his record if he did, it was in passing forty seven years folks. What does he have to show for it? Joe Biden is a hustler history will point out he's a hustler, a man of limited character, really no character at has throughout his career one destroy. Individual after another who he character assassinated the man who is way above his great love and them you're trying to drag him across the finish line. That's why there's leaks specifically time to be used during debates the near time, the Atlantic and all the rest
I'll be right back then I'm gonna be really direct with you. If you're cellular plan is with Verizon eighteen t t mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered. You would get right now with pure TA, So look at your cell phone bill word shows data usage. The average person is switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big carriers are charging you for. Unless the data it's like paying for an entire roll on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves. The average person over four hundred dollars a year on their wireless service. Unlimited talk text and to gigs have data offer just twenty dollars a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folk. Switching to pure talk is that
Easiest decision you'll make today gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, dotcom promo code, l e g, I and podcast- that's Levin POD guest, pure talk. Usa, simply smarter wireless one. Here, tough interview, ladies and gentlemen It believes in scale with evil Pelosi. Now, MR producer, would you circle back for the a billionth time to either policies office and invite or on the programme and make a bizarre scheme. That is your name. The morning schmo showed today you see us, access. The morning schmo show is sure to be called the morning. Mika show Mr Reduced, but no,
early Jos, Genitalia, wins, cut, seven, go should there be, Madam speaker, should there be more debates given that the president broke all the rules, but he agreed to during this debate. Wow, aren't you something? Aren't you incisive? Aren't you precious? Aren't they something? I can't tell you what the something useful, something manners vacation nation we're murmur debate, given the present Bravo arose. Let's hear what The policy has to say go at night So you know I'd, never thought that he would. Anybody should we're distance, but because we know what wow another incoherent buffoon leading the Democratic Party a body, emotive Obama, I'll yourselves special you're, so terrific you're so articulate
Can you imagine policy and bind in a room talking to each other. Can you imagine I I'll, be right. Back nobody says it better. Mark Laverne locked with nobody could better call. Now I read seven seven three aid, one. Three eight one one I want to have So it's gone against media matters. You know this. Media matters, this left wing Cook Soros Front Group files the Internal revenue services of five or one c, three nonprofit charity, nonpartisan charity. and you know they got some of the relief funds they filed for
got some your taxpayer dollars, even though its a political front group for the left and the Democratic Party. How did they get away with this? I'm quite serious. There's a group out there. That's that's brought a case The media matter and think about how outrageous It is their taking money away from people who are unemployed for businesses that are going under but who really need it to funding activities against against the country. And then they put out these little hit jobs, or only conservatives. Only conservatives and then the media run with the new times and media rocket back. I hope they lose. I hope their exposed in the Internal Revenue service should order that front group. A long time ago, the white about the press
its taxes. They are worried about their own taxes. As far as I'm concerned, let's keep an eye on that. Mr producer right want to tell you about something Facebook. Should we leave Facebook? Mr producer, I'm flirting women because of what just took place I mean I read it from the top. This is Facebook right. Mr Bloom Here's what Facebook posted in these tech companies really are a stalinist they special privileges as a matter of federal law, and they really do need to have those revoke they need to be subject to litigation, any other major company out on a wider protected because they're, really not the public square court on quote, says here. Mark Levine, shared information, that's been reviewed by led stories
added a notice to the postal others can see that its false. What was the story. Ladies and gentlemen, brow king on July, twenty six- twenty- sixteen- U S and Intel authorities learn that Russia into new of Hillary Clinton plants, the cook up, ACE, and or alleging that tromp was working with Russia, Obama was person. Briefed on Russia's knowledge of Quinn's plans. What does that come from? Ladies and gentlemen, the directive national intelligence facebooks. This is them. No reporting fact check factual dna letter on Russia into from July twenty? Sixteen? not? Shall Russia Hoax was Heller's plan? Mr Barroso, show that are not. I mean, I know how to read English. learn more about how fact checking works on Facebook to fight false news. Facebook reduces the disks.
Fusion and misleading content, while also showing additional reporting on the same topic, pages and website I repeatedly publisher, share. Misleading content will see their overall distribution, really reduced. There are built, monetize and advertise remote, I'm not monetizing advertising on facebook- I my rich, not in the least Our ability to register as a news page removed my registered as a news paid, but that was factual. That was news will also be able to see. If a page has a history of sharing false news. Deleting Misleading content won't affect those outcomes. South they're trying to put the Harlot letter on me, as they ve tried to put the scarlet letter a leading conservatives all over the country, as they ve tried to do with the present, the there's, absolutely nothing misleading or false. With
post that I put up about the DNA letter on Russia in tell that exposes Hillary Clinton, nothing so Facebook as a censorship operation, Facebook Is a Hillary Clinton, liberal operation. It is a Joe Biden, Democrat Party operation. Like twitter. This is why I want as many of you as possible. Start moving over to parlor at Mark Levine Show on parlour at Mark Levine Show on parliament, motherhood, MR producer, on twitter and Facebook. Let's hear they like this, would you linked to me? at Mark, Levine, show em parlor on both sides place it if they start
moving that. Then I think we have a serious and I trust matter that definitely the Department of Justice needs to look at. This is supposed to be about free speech. This is supposed to be about communication. You got black lives matter, pudding stuff up. They allowed day you ve got terrorist type, related type organizations of my view, like anti for in others. They put in nation, up, ok, great you, ve got lies left and right from the left stays. I linked to a fact. And they put the scarlet letter up, there is utterly repulsive now. senator mightily, one of the great senders was that Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today, as was TED crews, was led by Lindsey, Graham and Jim call me the Rep
bait. Former FBI director was giving testimony with awe this new information out about Russia, Hillary Clinton role. The day and the Obama administration, Droll Obama's Raul binds information. They operate tended an exact state exists, their dna, their thing prince are everywhere everywhere and call me plays robot. Well, I'm just a directly the FBI and Letter but here we are at the hearing today- cut one had to daily collar. Go For that reason, when you were nominated to the position of of HI director, even though I had some grave concerns with the FBI and how, administering Pfizer at the time. I trusted you. I believe that you would act in good faith, when I asked you in my office and later in. many hearings. First vineyard,
Mason hearing and then in our Oliver subsequent oversight hearings what you would do to help make sure that, five approaches was respected, not manipulate. You gave me your word and have establish that brief relationship with you all those years earlier. I trusted you, I have to say today. I am very disappointed to see that those promises. And now to me seem very insincere. No, Mr Conway, with all due respect, you don't seem to know anything about an investigation that you ran. So how can you now, as a private citizen, informer FBI director show up and thence collate freely, regarding any alleged ties between President Putin and present. I heard you say just a moment ago now. I hope I misunderstood you, please correct me. If I did, I think I heard you say that you specula
till speculate. They might have something on President Trump because of how doesn't trump refers or doesnt refer to President Putin in public. This, of course, takes into account nothing. About the fact that sources you very light on the past have turned out not to be accurate. You didn't identify the inaccuracies subsequent to the a course. It acknowledges nothing about the fact that there perfectly reasonable explanations as to why one leader would refer to a foreign leader and a certain tone or the fact that this the same tone that he uses them referring to other world leaders, particularly those world leaders in parts of the country we ve had some issues. So I want to say how can do as a private citizen now come to us and in your could for FBI director in speculate so freely. Regarding these alleged ties when you don't seem to know anything,
about this investigation that you re because he's a hack. And I'm not having an plays answer because he's a hack. Why do you think the CNN and MSNBC love this guy and publishers love this guy? What scares sky, actually served in high public office for decades. Europe attorney the southern district in New York, deputy attorney general, the United States, the director, the FBI, my God, how many peoples. From this man. I don't have any idea: Senator Josh Holly Missouri at the hearing today cut to go in this case, the Pfizer court said that they, had reason to doubt the reliability of FBI applications across cases because the full of misleading information that you personally signed off onto you regret your role in this,
president, in misleading of a Pfizer court. regret my role. I regret that I am sure why We regret your role in the unprecedented misleading of a Pfizer court Where did the FBI supply information to revise a court that was inaccurate, incomplete and should have updated the every hour you Eddie you're, the director, you were, the FBI go ahead. but I regret that it happened. Only the Mediterranean is the. What the f b I directed does in connection with a visa is actually very narrow. to the side, it's important that it be accurate and one that I regret that I have any of you. People find sign really thick documents: contracts, mortgages whatever under penalty. Apparently you son sign your your federal and those of us who have stayed income taxes under penalty perjury right, MR, but is it most
Let us have no idea what the hell's going on you have an account or a sepia. They help you walk through. Even the simplest of taxes are not so simple, your defence can. I had a minor role you signed it and when you are signing for a warrant despite an individual who you claim as a foreign agents of some kind. You bet a damn well know. What's in that document,. TED crews at the hearing today cut three go on Mr Mr Conway. Let's go directly to lies, the inspector General report concluded that Mr Klein Smith, an attorney who worked for you in the F b I deliberately altered and e mail id e mailed to see I ate ask if Carter page was a source. The the CIA came back and said. Yes, he was US source and Mr Klein as your lawyer, all that email to add the words? Not a source to make
The email say precisely the opposite of what the CIA said and that fraudulent doc It was then use as a basis for a fraudulent submission to devise a court you bill, that is honest and competent. Mr coming, don't believe it. You ve offered an accurate summary of the hour when the dead Are you sure, as Hell did go ahead in front of me page two hundred and fifty four Describes how the lawyer, specifically the words and not a source, had been minister Inserted in the response direct Reversing what the CIA says was it practice? your FBI to fraudulent alter evidence that you submit to federal courts. the practice in the light of fraudulent alter anything is presented to battle course. While it is difficult to say that that at investigation that featured fraudulent evidence, he has come
in an honest this guy call me such a step, which such a hack, the idea that he could serve in any major position where you can all over the liberties of individuals, the sky, in the rest of them, were involved in trying to topple the present the United States. I want you to think about that and which, if you think about that, the next time I don't like the way tromp interrupts. I like his demeanor. You like tyranny,. because we're surrounded by and he's the target and ease the target because he stands between us and the tyrants. Be right back then I'm gonna be really direct with you. If you're cellular play
It is with Verizon eighteen T, T mobile you're simply paying way too much for the exact same covered. You would get right now with pure TA, so look at your cell phone bill word shows data usage. The average person is switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month, but the big carriers are charging you for unless, the data it's like paying for an entire roll on an airplane, but only needing one seat? That's how pure talk saves. The average person overflow. hundred dollars a year on their wireless service. Unlimited talk text and to gigs of data offer just twenty dollars a month and if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks, switching to pure talk is that Easiest decision you'll make today gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month that pure talk, USA, dotcom promo code, L E, the eye and podcast that's Levin POD guest, pure,
USA simply smarter wireless or theirs Joe by walking Pennsylvania like a homeless guy. You're, a liar you're, a liar. you're a liar? Am I doing a good job? I miss Theresa. I think I am. there are a lot year. Clown clown shall come on shut up like these So not patter, Walter Scott? I don't know I don't jolted great doin about about you, guys these eggs, played a kind of leader, we're looking for Jack Labour rights, I got a lot more to do. Ladies and gentlemen, a lot more substance cutting edge
fun I'll, be right back from the I stood one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen. This final, our the cast, is sponsored. sclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash joy
now broadcasting, only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven three eight want three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three eight point: three: eight one one over right, still that tab Audio of Andrew Cuomo deny that he made nursing homes take back corona virus, positive patients, and he does this in an interview, I'm gonna play some of this audio for you with the finger Lakes Daily NEWS now.
right, go posts and we ve posted this many many times they march twenty five twenty twenty directive that one out from the Department of Health, Andrew Cuomo, Howard, Sucker, Sally, Dresden,. In which they make it clear- and they underline this no resident I'll be denied readmission or admission the nursing homes solely based on confirmed or suspected diagnoses of covert nineteen nursing are prohibited from requiring a hospital. President who is determined. Drake stable to be tested for Covid nineteen prior to admission worry mission, I everyone who post this story or that's right, school or bright barter, whatever Or oppose the audio from my programme where we broke this story because of my genius, because of a wonderful collar who called into the programme of director of of
Of the medical side of a nursing home, Elaine Healy, username she's, a hero. And she deserves all credit the world for calling this problem breaking the story wide open. This was his palace. This is a policy that Joe Biden has never discussed and never condemned from a governor he's, never condemned, and this is the only state does I've pointed out over and over again same thing happened in Michigan in Illinois, in California, in New Jersey in Pennsylvania over forty percent. Last time I checked the statistics over forty percent of the people who have died from the Rona Virus, whether they ve died solely from the corona virus or the air
com or, and they had the corona virus, wherefrom, nursing homes and assisted living. And so a Joe Biden blame suppressing the United States for the death of over two hundred thousand people and he tries to exploit that its truly unconscionable an Cuomo keeps lying about it and yet is huge popularity in New York, particularly Nigger city he keeps lying about now in any of the walk of life. He will be doing time. Would he not MR producer. If he ran a nursing home. They ran a nursing home. He be subjected to prosecution. This, I feel sure. let's hear what he had to say, go and we never needed nursing homes. because we always had hospital beds so again
never happened in New York where we needed. you say to a nursing home? We need you to take this person, even though their car covert positive. It never happened. We had extra bets. We had of Tibet job. It's we had extra bed said Emergency hospitals that we put up all, of course the state. So I just never happened that we need did a nursing home to take a covert positive person. It never happened. he's such a wire, such a complete bob face liar and look Holly twists like a good leftist. Yes, there were emergency beds, put up by the army core of engineers at the direction of the presently nice
And, as we pointed out rather than use those facilities, many of which were empty, are Franklin Gram and the samaritan project and those bet he ordered a March twenty fifth. He ordered. I read the directive.
quote and its underscored no resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the nursing homes solely based on the confirmed or suspected diagnosis of covert. Nineteen nursing homes are prohibited from acquiring a hospitalized resident whose determined medically stable to be tested for covered nineteen prior to admission or readmission. So why did the governor remove this memo from all New York state websites? You can't find what did he do that. Where the congressional hearings about what took place in New York in these other states, but especially New York and Cuomo, where are the core Genes for Cuomo went where's. Where is the Biden campaign that the points the finger at the President who, has nothing to do with this. He didn't order this present.
The one who created all these thousands and thousands of beds through the army core of engineers and the rest of the United States military. The democratic party. The nominees for the party dares to blame the presence of the United States for this and he's never call on, Carpet forty goes all over the country. Well, it doesn't go there speaks all over the country by in the same allegation play it one more time just go. You can hear what it was disgusting, immoral liar. This man is. And how he lies to the face of the people interviewing him and to the people of New York, and I would the job. I remember last night eurobond you were saying to the present the United States, how many of you are sitting around a table with an empty chair, a family?
who died from the corona virus. Yes, Joe, how many as result of what Cuomo Murphy, Pritzker Whipper Newsome in the others did what about it? You go ahead.
and we never needed nursing home beds because we always had a hospital bed and by and by the way, if there were a real hearing honestly real prosecution, which there won't be his own words, would be used against wait a minute. We have contemporary information documents, Heaven that back in March, you ordered this, and now your own subsequent, tell public statement is that you never needed it. You just damned yourself go ahead, so I just never happened in New York where we need to say to a nursing home. We need you to take this person, even though there covered positive, it never happened. We had extra beds, we had of Tibet the job. It's we had extra bedstead emergency hospitals thou be put up all, of course the state. So it has never happened that we
did it not that's enough for this half when Emil is a half an hour and I want to circle back and when a circle back at this- Hearing today actually was importantly rush investigation income, He's on the stand, he's not really understands said staring into a computer that one of the Zoom hearings. in his question by Lindsey Gram, cut forego on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the top of the line braid. How would you re read the crossfire her investigation in terms of being done thoroughly by the book and investigation the f B. I should be proud of. the natural apply a number scale, but I would say, in the main it was done by the book it was Probably it was essential that it be done so your proud of it.
Overall. I am proud of the work, their parts of it that our concerning a juncture will talk about an overall impact, the work one when a complete crackpot leave What part of one of the greatest scandals, if not the greatest skin, I think it's the greatest scandal. American political history is proud of its parts of it not so much. Trying to topple President trying to set up a president trend of trap. and spies and the president's campaign in stuff like that, but otherwise for kind. Proud of it here. Otherwise we went by the book. Here's Charles gradually cut five go. Did you ever speak with President Obama or Vice President Biden about any aspect of cross fire hurricane. If so, what did you discuss? I dont morality discussion. I remember some time in the summer of two thousand. Sixteen, I think obvious
during a meeting in the situation room? I told the president that the FBI was endeavouring to understand whether any Americans we're working. I forget disguise such a liar. I don't care what he has to say. back then The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone
Plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a MAC, By monthly magazine full of incite articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organism And has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s! by the way we're gonna have our good friend congressmen, Matt Gates on the programme at the bottom of the hour. He's terrific but things I want to do here too, to clean up some significant matters here. Whose insight star com a fantastic side. The pandemic on binds watch killed. Thirteen times any children is cove, and I want you to listen to this because
This is the way it ought to work you ready imagine the reaction of the public to a new virus outbreak, the targeted children sending ten times as many to hospitals and killing thirteen. Times as many as covert nineteen, would you all the governments handling this pandemic as success that what happened in two thousand and nine when the h one end one a k, a swine flu pandemic swept across the land while the total them DES from the swine flu is much lower than covered nineteen, its impact on cheap drain and younger adults was farm, Severe not consider these numbers, folks, MR reduce, or what posted on our social sites. Please just call it the Biden record on the swine flu, the deaths Let's say well we'll get to this: according to the centre for Disease Control, latest numbers out of them
two hundred thousand people have died with Kova nineteen nine. Two or under the age of eighteen. Ninety two, but one thousand Two hundred and eighty two children died from the swine flu too. thousand nine to twenty ten one. Morocco Mama was in the White House, and Joe Biden was vice president. The number of jobs hospitalized from covert, has been around eight thousand the number of hospitalized children. Because of the Swine flu was eighty six thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Now this one Louis, particularly worrisome, because, unlike covert and seasonal flu, this one time it is the young more than a targeted. The elderly, in fact, fully temper, under the debts from the swine flu. Where AIDS nineteen or younger, while at just there. ten percent, while oversight The five with covered. Only Eighty percent of the deaths have been among those over sixty five with those.
Eighty five counting for thirty two percent of the DES those under eighteen account for a mere point: zero six per of covert des now, the FAO. That the Swine flu was unusual in this way didn't escape experts at the time. This is really really different from what we see with seasonal influenza, said doktor and shoe caught, directive CDC National Centre for immunization and respiratory diseases and the follow two thousand nine with seasonal about sixty percent of hospital cases, occur in people's five it over and here we're only sing about seventy percent of hospitalizations at that age group illustrated this virus is disproportionately affecting the young affecting the young despite, these scary statistics, the message back in two thousand nine Bob Woodward your client was be com
even if the virus spread like wildfire in the fall of two thousand nine and vaccine develop, had various snags sky. Was remained open, the press was busy explaining why the incidence of swine flu were likely exaggerated in fact by himself, suggested in April two thousand nine- that people not fly because of this wine flu. He was mercilessly backed by the press friend for inducing panic and the White Ass quickly issued a clarification and, I might add they stop testing. Not covert has also proved deadly to youth, not because of the disease, but because the draconian lack downs and the school closing that bind and his fellow them rats urged and want to extend theirs and other costs that we ve seen particularly high school CDC director Robert Redfield said we're seeing, sadly far greater suicides now that we are debts from covert got that.
There are other reasons, not the praise: the Obama Biden handling of the swine flu, which, provided himself. The former vice president recently declared It in a Bahama nation of the United States, just past five Milly reported infections of covert nineteen to number that of the mine he said and break. The heart should have gotten this bad. But according to the CDC, more than say, the million people contracted the swine flu ranks. It was by the chief of staff during that time. Are we play this audio top political that its purely a fortuitous that swine flu? Isn't one of the great mass casually events in american history? It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. Now, She's been out there for a long time for the media, which ignore it. And clay went on to say if anyone thinks that this can happen again. They don't have to go back to nineteen eighteen, they just have to go back to two thousand nine and twenty ten and imaginative
with a differently fatality, you can just do the math on that. So let's do the math. If the swine flu had a similar case fatalities covert. Nineteen, the death toll would have been one point: eight million one in eight million under Obama and by the fact that only twelve thousand died had nothing to do with binds or Obama's efforts. But in fact, as claimed says, they got lucky lucky. Likewise, the fact that two hundred thousand of die would covert. Is it because the Trump Administration fell down on the job, because The disease is so harmful to the elderly and health compromised by won't tell you that is and maidens, and the press won't tell you that, which is why it's been up. Two alternative news outlets to get the facts,
unbelievable, let's hope in the second debate. Somebody brings us up, let's hope, they're not interrupted when they do I will immediately try to interrupt them in order to try and keep the information from the american people. That's the nature of that beast. A Joe Biden, that's what he does when he had another such subject again. Other all hide in the sense that you have this left wing lunacy about low good news companies had a better than ever Backed almost seven hundred and fifty thousand jobs amid a jumping construction and hospitality, have. You heard that today anyway, I don't know what else more good news market watch dot com, consumer confidence index jumps to one hundred and one point, eight in September from eighty six point: three media reporting, the positive news that is the big media. I doubt it we ve deaf.
He turned the corner on the economy. We definitely turned the corner on the virus, were almost getting multiple vaccines in place and show by had absolutely nothing to do with it. Thank God, based on what I just ready before there be, why point. Eight million dead people at the swine flu is anything like the corona virus. Under the Obama Bind Administration. Fairfax County, Virginia right next aloud and County Virginia that I talk to you about the other night Fairfax, They public schools turned into exclusive one, our conversation with author, IRAN, candy see candy, while they gained Many thousand dollars. Well, you know what we're gonna talk about this after our discussion for com, man gates it's important enough to hold over I'm gonna, do that will be right back.
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fair describing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a Macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about? More than talk a MAC fights old time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits in discounts included, special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone Plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly Magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S!
Supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S! Market work! Thunder Rambo Ripe, Conway, now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one that gate is a stand out. Member of Congress, you have to say, he's a fighter out. There so? How are you, Sir great thanks for having your mark? It's mine your firebrand any written a book called firebrand dispatches from the front lines of mega revolution. First of all, what did you think of the debate? Last night, What do you think a Joe Biden? In particular, I thought the Joe Biden looked frail and I think that Washington perceives good differently than the rest of America think Washington is looking for it here to Washington standard.
the media a week, the corporate elite, the lobbyists that that run this place and sort of filled the echo chamber with their nonsense. I think most Americans what did that debate and said if by job we're on the line? If the success of my family Had on a decision and outcome, who would I want fighting which of these two men could I trust the success of our country, all things, I too, if it were all on the line, and I think clearly our Donald Trump was dominant exists for management of the debate. respect, but what you see is the old Joe Scarborough season it is it is. We try not to remember that serve it. If I, when he represented our area, Congress is a bathing. What had no you'd bucks a year will do to some of the principal? Yes, you exactly right really not very good. Tell us about this book firebrand. I believe that
Donald Trump is not an aberration, but he's the front the wave and that there is a new politics are coming to this place, Where we put our country and our people first and we could divorce or cells from the establishment of both parties, I talk about a riding in Washington and finding it to be a deeply corrupt place. For example, I had to pay seventy five thousand dollars out of my political party, To the Republican Party to get a seat on the services commit war with one another. How to donate to the party fund. Could a party formed from Political fun and you're what I asked the leader of the party. I should warn you: how do I get on this committee? The answer was: deliver seventy five thousand dollars across the street in the next ten days I made my first thought is like
is anyone here where a wire, but then I thought well hell if these things are foresail, maybe I oughta pay twice so I dont eighty two hundred and fifty thousand- and I tell I ended up not just on the services Committee but the Judiciary Committee. Its after years of observing this, I became the only Republican in Congress to swear off all pack money. I take no pack money, no leadership, pack, money, no ideological pack money, my only special interested the american people- and it is allowed me a liberty and a perspective on this point that I think could be helpful to the fire brigades. You wanna come and be a part of this great populist revolution that our transformational president glad now he went when were you liked it? How do I could, with the burden? they sixteen thwarted at about the same time, Tony, seventy You ve only been there a few years and you ve you ve, already made a very good name for yourself there and you were support
of Rhonda scientists for governor is well correct. Cabdriver. Remember when, when we had you down for signing, and you got the chance to show your perspective with the people, for I think they're still turn down there, that you care where we met up I thought I'd run the firebrand spirit when I talk about my relationship with before the governor and the book in your coming to the conclusion that, even when all the money is supposedly piled up again even when you dont have you know the tea endorsement for everyone that really matter, even when your counted out, if you speak clearly to the people about how you can improve their wives and if there is an open,
The authority that can carry a long way in our politics. I write it in my books. It Donald Trump doesnt present, like some of these other politicians of yesterday and the girl of why you know perfect background, never done anything. You ve ever been ashamed of. His wife here, he's honest and visible and we'll another creature and opportunity for folks like me to do things a different way by bottle in Washington has been very different than most I'm not trying to climb a committee ladder. I'm not trying to remain
Our offices are trotted, get up here and excite the american people around these ideas and the other a few big challenges I think we're facing you'll. I write a lot of the book about China, Univee the Obama administration, the Bush administration, before I think, believed in the chimera dream, but ultimately has come a nightmare and ago for president tromp. I think there's an understanding of China's strategy that they are the strategic competitor and maybe, instead of trying to build democracy got a flood phantom arable wishes in the Middle EAST. We oughta raise our gaze and sharpen our focus on the fight that really matter. The book is firebrand despair. He's from the front lines of the Magyar Revolution, the author, your listening. representative mad gates, you gotta, Mark Levine, Show Facebook Mark Levine, Show Twitter, we ve linked to it there. directly to Amazon. If you like, it's a terrific book, a terrific Arthur terrific congressmen had his Florida look for the president, would
sake. Florida looks very differently with Hispanics breaking to the president. In droves. Miami Gate County is gonna, be a key. How do you watch in the upcoming elections, because Democrats are not going to be building large vote margins there, a lot of working class has fallen. In Florida are only a generation or to do for socialism. Not you know the Hackensack drop Circle, Socialism Bernie Sanders, Buddy, no food, no medicine, socialism, the central and South America, and they are about pleased with the bite and Harris Embrace of this meal. Marxist black lives matter with a matter that is a cold Should that I don't think the Democrats can just take for granted. There were generally, there was a lot of politics around all our trump is gonna, be deporting your grandmother. The truth is, our trump is secured the border, anyone deporting be illegal criminals very effectively, and I think that a lot of has been a goat or study.
He's alive Democrats battalion tell us about your son. My son Destr today became an american citizen, It is truly by my became a citizen today. Could I Add exciting I did I get here knows just thinking about it. When I will miss your master was twelve years old, he came over from Cuba, we we have waited eight years for his family reunification. Visa I've been dating is older sister and while Her relationship with meat and work out sort of racism is wonderful young man for seven years his bob died only ten days after he got to the United States. She died in Cuba. Her laugh tat, sort of getting him on the plane here to new life, and now he's now studied nursing, a college of incredibly proud of them, and I just I just couldn't be: were overjoyed that you can have a chance to vote in the upcoming watched in it's amazing how the left in the meat
as a Democrat Party, wherever they are, try to portray conservatives, you look it Amy, Coney Barrett, she's, adopted to children from here DE she's got one trial with the severe special need to look at you
Matt Gates, and you adopted a young man who is hispanic and in whose many examples like this does many examples like this, but it breaks the narrative. Doesn't it of the left, yeah and you're the reason that people know about my son. You know out side of our community where people see us go to church together and got a ball games together. Is that such a grudge, mended? The Judiciary committee said that no one, no white members should be allowed to speak about policing reforms, because none of us could understand what it's like having about white child. You see they supposed party of Cowards over there on the left. They wanna paid all of us with one brush and we have the first family situations. The first wife experiences, diverse perspectives and Joe it be in the communist, won't tapioca they're trying to build. There's no grace, there's no
for difference and acceptance, and that's shame because I can get it leads to the types of adverse. Then why have you seen on our streets and bitter tearing apart a lot of our metro balkan cities under democratic leadership? He listening the MAC Gates, congressmen from Florida, the book as firebrand dispatch from the front lines of the Magter revolution. I want to strongly recommended, Amazon, dot com mark Levin, Show Facebook, mortal events, show twitter, you're, very popular on tv and What do you think that is, I think it's because I rate well well, that's true! Yeah, a media But is it your message, delivery both? What do you think it is the thing about earning media is that you have to earn it yet you have to do interesting things. You have to offer a perspective
you naked and fight for. Where do I do my best to do that each and every day, but, but I think ultimately, in the era of Trump, it's about authenticity is about being real. Who you are you know I certainly when you, when you fight so close to the wine, sometimes go over it. I make mistakes. I understand that you know I I represent, afford a man and for a woman at their best, but I also represent them at their worst and at times I have the beggar forgiveness when I met mine, but I think being upset about that and candid gives me flexibility with my constituents because they know that wine, when one of the battle on their fight for I met gates. I just want to tell you this book is outstanding: firebrand dispatches from the front lines of the Magyar revolution. Again, Amazon, DOT, com,
are gonna Mark Levin Show Facebook Mark Levine showed shorter. I always forget this mark Levine Show parlor, that's very import. We want as many people to go to parlor as possible Matt. It's been a pleasure. Good luck to you, my friend, or I look forward to seeing you in Washington or Florida wherever we beat up now Washington, hopefully Florida amen to that gap. Less take care so great I am only going to Washington number one if I have to number two. If there's really something special going on, you know, like peace, trees, Nobel Peace Prize. Is that they are never given to the present, even though it gets nomination so terrible yeah, I know riots. Mr bidders yeah! No, I don't go for those. What was that? Let me tell you, after that republican convention, we were in the middle of it. We were in the middle of that right. It was disgusting,
And those were the days when Joe Biden wasn't condemning right. I just want you to remember this folks twice say debates. debates you know what's going on in this country? He know what's taking place and you know it's at stake we rightly ban the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time, presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond
but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cellphone, it's a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get MAX by Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at aims. Dont? U S! That's a m! I see that you s stopped boarding the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S! When I first move to Virginia, we lived in Fairfax County was a republican county. Now it's a dark blue county sigh mood,
I called loud and counting, which was a bright red county, and now it's a blue county. That's what happens when people from the District of Columbia and people from Maryland, move and Virginia or move into Florida are moving to Georgia. they continue with their reckless insane political ideology and voting patterns. Marty even is fed up with them to write. Marty Barney hated, liberal, Dear Marty, Hate slip of data. All quiet down anyway, want to read this to you from the Federalist Fairfax County genius sitting other living rooms, kitchens and Danny rooms on the morning of August, six principle teachers and other leaders from Fairfax County public schools in Northern Virginia tuned into Munich inclusive one. Our conversation with Arthur Abraham, candy K and die. The bill was
one thousand dollars for the one, our conversation or three hundred thirty, three dollars and thirty three cents per minute of chat. He says, because I was curious what my son School District had spent for one hour talk by a celebrity offer. I broke the news of the price tag for the talk in a column for coalesce. Ok, it goes on who is this guy he's one of the radicals behind the critical race theory, one of the radicals behind the critical race theory? Now this past week- and he says in a dig at the new Supreme Court nominee- Amy Coney Barrett, a white woman who adopted two black children from eighty, this individual candy referred to wipe parents who adopt black children as white colonizers,
Born in eighteen, eighty side of marxism and class warfare, critical race theory puts people including children against each other, for example, forcing students to wear privilege scorecard to differentiate themselves. From the classmates and keep this. The strategy of indoctrination is getting the books of idiot logs into the hands of students, as quote required reading. Unquote, that's exactly what has happened in Fairfax County Virginia in the way after candies twenty thousand dollar and our conversation that contract that Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau, signed with the school district for candies talk, including important clause, number ten, simply entitled books. Why am I telling about these things? Could of it happened the southern states like Virginia, it can happen anywhere, You really need to keep your eyes, peeled: young mothers and fathers and grandfathers and grandmothers what's going on in your school districts, the contracts.
It is understood that the sponsor meaning the Fairfax County School District will arrange to have the speakers books available for purchase and or give away it further states either the sponsor may purchase copies the bucks authored by the speaker directly from penguin or from another retailer sure enough. The school district spent about ten thousand dollars buying candies book How to be an anti racist or Amazon and doled out about fourteen thousand dollars for his books stamped and goes on. Your kids are being indoctrinated there being poisoned and you're paying for every damn piece of it. You are paying for the alert Attend the school board meetings find out what the hell these textbooks are and what's going on in these seminars and speak out, we saw it or not horses, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel- and our president see a next time tomorrow,
same place same time. Gap left from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-10.