« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/14/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the war on police continues as two cops were ambushed in an attempted assassination. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not connected to this, but they sure as hell have been passively silent on this violence. Then, the left relies on the public's ignorance and the Democrats and their allies in the media are blaming President Trump for the systemic racism, coronavirus deaths, riots, looting, and now wildfires in California are being blamed on Trump too. The problem is that Democrats have run Oregon, Washington, and California into the ground, in many cases having one-party control, following Clinton era anti-logging policies, yet they blame Trump. Later, football ratings are down 28% because patriots have taken a knee to the NFL. This is the result of politicizing a sport when Americans just want to enjoy watching a game not get insulted by Marxist, anarchist, and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Afterward, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss the House agenda, Commitment to America. Finally, former NFL player and now Congressional candidate, Burgess Owens joins the show. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son
here appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader
eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven. Three thousand eight hundred and thirteen eight hundred and eleven. The war on law enforcement. The world cups continued. Over the weekend. We all thought we
Some bastard one up to lay a car police vehicle with two policemen sitting in there. He sought to execute them in cold blood. Now, if you're gonna say that police officers or systemically racist. They routinely abuse people. The bad apples are all the apples then show video night after night, day after day, suggesting that police officers are killers. You create an environment that is extraordinarily violent and dangerous. And our media and the mayors in there
Governors in these areas and the Biden campaign have done exactly that. To be clear, obviously not connecting any of them with the effort to murder to police officers. What I am saying is that, these officers have been harmed and main and killed, In the course of the last several months in these. In this violence. And there's gonna be more of it, because Joe Biden Even when he says are tweets against this sort of thing, it's almost passive. And then he, and then he puts attitude about assault weapons bans. Software
and was an assault weapon used in this case. Ladies and gentlemen, other was a pistol used in this case, and so they go back to their knee jerk responses He got a vice presidential candidate. Come on Harris who was defending court on quote protesting Defending black lives matter, supported, along with certain abiding staffers bailing out violent criminals. This is chaos. Turkey And Biden and Harris do not have an answer to it, because it will require police officers.
And potentially the military like the National Guard, among others to put it down and they're not prepared to do that. Not now, not tomorrow, not the next day, that's number one Number two, as I observe what's taking place the last several days and the buying campaign in the media. Their literally blaming the presence of the United States for the riots, which, of course,. The mayors, and they governors among others, are supposed to be addressing directly, thereby in the present, the United States for its debts related to the corona virus. Even though none of that is in the president's control. President, doesn't run the hospitals he's been in charge of the doctors. He's
in charge, whether people, where face mass or where they go or what's open and what's not open and so Biden. The others want you to believe that, as the death toll goes up and by the way many these death. Do not have as their primary cause the virus we ve had that discussion for months and months and months, but I want to move on so now: deaths from the virus or on tromp the riots round drop The deaths from the virus or on Trump, though it gets better. The wildfires in Oregon, California and Washington State it's on trumped too, because it inside the Paris and court because he's climate change deniers. So that's on trumped up now what else systemic racism. That's a phrase you ve become familiar the last few months. That's all
I'm too, because a Charlottesville, you so riots the virus test, the West Coast, fires, systemic racism, all on Trump. And this is how they intend to win the presidency, and yet every one of these is failure the Democratic Party in the left every damn one of them. The dinner crash been running California for years and years and years it's a one party state there and control the environmental commissions there. In control of major cities there and control the Decisions are made with respect to the the timber, the forests and all the rest of it. Republicans have no say the present, the United States has no say it's theirs, they own the whole thing, and yet they hide behind climate change.
Well, what's the problem, climate change is the climate change and why homing MR producer is their climate change in Montana, Idaho,. Big country out their ladies and gentlemen, changing Colorado. Now we ve had forest fires before we ve had huge fines. Before, but they getting worse and worse and worse, not because of climate change, but because of the people In charge of managing these areas of our country, these dark Are a disaster, a disaster when it comes to the comes to the environment. The irony is the hard left. The dark blue states are disaster for the environment, absolute disaster,.
What's going on now and organ in California parts, a Washington state, Exxon, mobile, couldn't do if I wanted to do it's not because climate change go on the internet. There's expert after eggs were saying the same thing you have been saying for years. I talked about this the other day. The talk shows we're not talking about it decades. In decades of liberal policies,. They do not allow logging do not allow cleanups. Do not. Prevented a birds, any these things and it's been gone. Auction the maid nineteen nineties, under the Clinton administration they set. The policy These governors embraced it and they pave the way for these Massa wildfires pave the way.
This has been going on for thirty years stuff to do with climate change. Getting hotter and hotter. These flatter authors sample To the globe are getting hotter, some parts of the globe are getting cooler. We have no control over. The sun does to us. I wrote in liberty and turning how old is a book now it's over ten years old, I think of the coming that coming blackouts and in California. Why? Because I'm no now because of the policies, go and look it up. The coming bran out some blackouts and other states that follow California is lead, don't have the same problem. It is an environmental disaster because of the left, but they want to keep talking about climate change. Because that's it adds an abstraction men,
climate change of all things, it's an abstraction, so the fact in California, there are already cutting their energy usage is not enough. The fact that their That was the regulated up. The wives who it's not because it's never enough. That's the nature of the left. They're, not the problem. Their ideology is not the problem, the people of the problem- and this is where we're going in every part of our economy and culture. Every part Our society should Joe Biden when they got toughest environmental rules in the country, California, the state is burning their the highest. Actors in the country and California they're gone bankrupt Beautiful state would natural resources than a one time was run perfectly well.
Under ragged do major Wilson. But you have now had a series of left issue had Jerry Brown LIVE, No, some and others one party state. They pray to the idol of climate change, pluck prey to the idle leftism and they destroyed the state they ve destroyed. They ve destroyed the states, environment and people. Now Their entire lifestyles had been changed, says: array world effect on people, thousands, our homes burned to the ground God knows how many animals, thousands of people are dead and they blame climate change. Would play mother nature when it doesn't matter, they take responsibility for nothing. Nothing.
Riots, never what they said about the riots in Portland, because. Pressing the United States and in federal law enforcement Still riding in Portland had nothing to do with on forest. Remember, Nancy Pelosi, called federal law enforcement; never forget storm, troopers teachers they don't play that don't tv now that to police officers, not federal, but it doesn't matter where ambush. Shot execution style in our county to sheriff deputies, the language that is used is appalling. Now we have this pandemic, We ve turned the corner on this pandemic. We have literally turned the corner on this pandemic. People are still dying and their store dying from And heart disease there still dying from strokes.
Suicide. A whole number things. People are dying from about two and a half million people in this country year die, but the only try to keep up the corona virus and they can't even explain that To you, they can anyone explain the definition when they somebody in his dying from the corona virus and they're not going to be president has nothing to do the increase or decrease its. It is what it is at this point. Everything is being done that can be done, and so we get a vaccine, that's when the precipice on the precipice in four or five weeks they attack the president. They say its political, it's too fast, is it safe the Idiot Harris? I won't you. Because it's trump like drops in the lab work and on the on the virus. Only a vaccine.
You need to think very clearly about, what's going on here, folks very clearly. There's a reason why there's riots and these democratic cities, with these democratic governors very few and republican towns with republican governors. There's a reason why these heavy democratic states are burning. I'm not saying they would necessarily burn otherwise, but not like this decades in decades of left wing policies, let nature. I remember I was, I was let nature be, don't mess with nature, don't mess with truly quite appalling, but they have an answer for it. It certainly not them so. The answer is climate change, because Trump is not a true believer. Its trump swap.
The police, systemic racism, and, if you don't believe in systemic risk, There's something wrong with: you gave an answer and an excuse. Everything, but that's all. It is an excuse and excuse. I'll be right back, now. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to me Show- and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of them Best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because hills deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend
No matter what they major in whether its science or music or economics are business, whatever hills dealt, teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digested, conservative thought it's called in Primus five point: four million Americans receiving Primus for free every month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, Delta, Comp, L Eve. Here. I am free helstone that come there's no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for a host of the Senate, Primus to you for no cost every, start receiving and reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love gonna, love, Infra, Hilda, COM,
easy. I am free dot com Levine for Hills, Del dotcom job was in the Senate about thirty nine year, did he sponsor any climate change legislation court on co, nothing that I can find MR producer, psyche. He was an observer all these decades. Now it's just decided to run for officers this. This great paragon well, what what did he do on climate change when he was in the United States Senate from US forty years? Nothing. There like to follow the science, but they don't. They never follow the science. They only leave it a baby in the woman's a baby, so they call it a choice. Follow science there it is Sit on the sign, a grand begin see it's a baby. It's got out, not
choice. It's a feed, saudi human being, but follow the science we wanted, rate pharmaceutical companies in the world that close to have vaccine, they should be cheer. Size. The ceo was on defaced the nation he so we're gonna be and probably by the end of October. Then it's up to the FDA. In the government. They have forty four thousand participants started with thirty thousand they're going to fall, Four thousand. We ve never seen anything like this before ever and they have but all the protocols and cut Harris wants you to believe it's dangerous. They don't follow the science, their favorite governors pudding chinese virus positive patients with senior citizens.
Follow the science, they don't say a thing about him. Nothing, not a word, surely be celebrating Pfizer. She will be very excited about. What's about that, take that Democrats are scared that that happen happened before the election. They wanted to fail. They want the president they hit. The brakes other Ike. That now I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you list the Mai, show at my show, and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best Really liberal arts colleges in the nation? That's why I talk about them all the time, because hills deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend for.
No matter what they major in, whether at science or music or economics or business, whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you, too, through their free monthly, digestive conservative thought. It's called in Primus five point: four million Americans receiving Primus for free every month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Lavigne for Hills, Delta, Comp, L E The iron fray Hills Delta come there's no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for hills to the Senate, Primus to you for no cost every start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love, gonna, love, infra, hills, dot, dot, com, au AV, Ireland, for a hillside, dot com
then Free hills, Del dotcom. Nobody says a debtor mark. Laverne with important market said nobody could say it better call. And now I read seven seven: three, eight one: three eight one, one Sunday night Football TV Sittings drop twenty eight percent from the twenty nineteen opener. I want to thank you Knights and all the rest of the Patriots out there, you took a knee against the NFL. They took any against our country. Tv ratings for the first Sunday night, football game of the NFL season word down in a big way: reports the daily collar. The deadline, the Rams, beating the cowboys and s enough was watched by fourteen point. Eight one million viewers on NBC scored, afore. Point, seven of the early ratings, which means roughly four point: seven percent.
Households watched it, that's a twenty eight percent decline in the ratings. A twenty three percent decline in view the ship from the twenty nineteen opener as always numbers are subject to changes more information comes in, but the numbers are pretty. This is. Happens when you make everything political, the NFL put to the biggest names at all pro sports and a prime time game against each other, and still people didn't care as much as they did last year. When you turn sports and a political debate, not just political, debates into a left wing enterprise people are gonna. At its head, simple, not a mystery. People watch sports to have fun. They dont want to be lectured. Might only be one game, but the NFL thousand in serious trouble. If this is a trend that continue
our seas unlocked, and I hope it does the Levant defined Movement, the Levant Beady S movement. We use their medicine against them and then we don't need jackasses who get on tv and start lecturing, like where morons like we don't know anything. Chris callings worth Thursday night football. Cut. Twenty two ago I feel like I have to start off by saying I stand behind these players. One hundred percent one hundred percent are trying to do is grave. Positive change in his country, frankly, is long overdue. So let's just go away: go call for port wow, how courageous with the commission
and the players all saying the same thing, how courageous, but would have been better Chris callings worth if he had said you know what this is a great country. We all get to exercise our first amendment The men and women who died for that right, but now bring positive change to this country. By what calling the fan systemically racist by embracing black lives matter. A marxist anarchy Anti american anti semitic Organization, Chris Callings worth what do you think about the anti Semitism I think the next Thursday night for Paul? You should address there. What do you think about that? Crazy.
He knows people who love America to listen to these lectures and, quite frankly, as a small percentage of the population of Jews at you to hear black lives matter. This is positive trend. No, it's not see people who hate my guts. Some people hate my country. And so we have to make this statement, so is part of a girl boy network. That's what it is. That's what it is, how many broadcasters in this business, that is Football have you heard speak out and say to the contrary to this. None. I mean Jason, Whitlock and so on, but I mean people who are covering the game How many have spoken not want, because he's. This is easy. Let me start to saw by saying G Wild what a plan you got that out.
You know, at the end of my show, last night on life Liberty and live in, and I'm not gettin indulge this too much. I talk about my grandfather, my great uncle these. Where Remarkable men and they weren't alone in my family, are in this country. They were extremely poor, extremely poor. Is they went through the depression, and I pointed out that my grandfather- my great uncle- they get in one of these all rickety trucks, they would drive it from Philadelphia out the western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburgh? They would fill it up with coal. But I mean they were with shovels and all the dirt and all that does they would fill it up a call dry back all the way back and go to
but a door and saw the call because back then call was used for cooking was used for heating. It was used for many things and they work like Hell. And then, when we were attacked and nineteen forty one a pearl harbor, they both join the Marines again father was, he was an older man. He was thirty four years old, he join the Marines and he wound up that. He would Jima and Guam his brother in law name was William, but they call them Tiger Teddy. Used to sit in the passenger side when he would go and get the call the two of them. Would he fought it Guadalcanal? Now these were strong tufts treatment. My grandfather time was pretty big. It with six to he'd, been a boxer tigers
Brother in law had huge hands was a very strong man. There was no white privilege, they didn't have any privilege, they work for every damn thing. They got everything they work for every damn thing they could take care of their families, nobody, to them a damn thing: they didn't have welfare, they don't have food stamps, they don't have anything. Available they never took it and now. Privilege when they went over to fight the Japanese, that doesn't look like white privilege to me it's fighting the beaches, he would Jima and fighting in Guam Guadalcanal that was hell hell on earth. I don't lectures when Chris College Work or anybody else for that matter period. Appalling
Multimillionaires ran running up and down a football field, a basketball court baseball, feel Hollywood living alone, said no human beings on the face of the earth of ever lived regard. A color anything else putting out people who make a fraction of what they make who break their backs every damn day with dirt? Under there now. That their systemically racist and the greatest country in the face of the earth. And the Democratic Party believes it and promoted for power.
I want you to listen to Joe Biden. I want you to listen to him. How now he's trying to tie these fires in the west to climate change to the suburbs, Donald Trump? This is how sick this is cut. One go found from climate denial may not have caused these fires. Now. Do you believe this? Whether fact trackers, whether Woodward's Donald Trump Climate, denied may have caused these fires go it flows and regular occurs, but if he gets- Second, why record floods and record hurricanes we ve had floods and hurricanes beef? Where mass of floods and mass of hurricanes and this jackass sitting in the Senate
thirty nine years what they always know about it. If he really believes in this way We didn't do anything nothing, thank God. These, how I should vans will continue to become more common, more devastate. And more deadly. Meanwhile Donald Trump, On that integration is threatening our suburbs. We do now he's not warning that integration is threatening he's such a friggin, why this guy, I despise even in his current mental state, he's always been this way. Donald Trump, is not against immigration. You, where you jackass, don't you remember when you are causing up to the biggest and the segregationist? Donald Trump has never been a bigger segregation, not for one SEC That was yo you climb down I'll try
believes the suburbs should have sovereignty that they should be able to rule over themselves. The town townships, the city's. That's the nature of that kind. That's the way it was created. You dump, the suburbs are diverse them diverse place on this in this country. Almost forty percent of the suburbs are minority. Almost forty percent- it's not about against any great He doesn't believe this federal government should be zoning and roll Out single family home late, as you know, we ve done, shows on this. What happened? A Westchester New York Western Chest to New York was taken to court. The Obama administration, not because the right Issues with racial discrimination, but because they wanted to change what stretched or carry it had. Nothing.
With is or diversity, because Westchester counties very diverse, I'd like Vermont we're Bernie Sanders is from unlike Martha's vineyard, Obama has a home, unlike Brentwood in Beverly Hills, Well Lebron James has our home just in this one or two sentences, trumps for climate change, Trump against immigration, climate changes, wipe out the suburbs. I mean folks. This is sick. Go ahead But you know what is actually threatening our suburbs. While eyes are burning the suburbs of the West floods. Wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the MID West, case shut up. You Eddie. You raise your voice like a like
in a pattern, room scratch the walls for for a back, then now I know you love freedom, how do I know that? Because you listen My show- and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best, really liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because hills deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what
Major in whether at science or music or economics are business, whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly, digestive conservative thought. It's called in Primus five point: four million Americans Receevin Primus for free every month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, Delta, Comp, l e g. I am Fray Helstone Dotcom, there's no strings attached, generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future Duration, make it possible for a host the Senate, Primus to you for no cost every month start receiving and reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend
the freedom. You love, gonna, love, infra, hills, dot, dot, com, au AV, Ireland for a hillside, dot, com, Levine from Helstone, Dotcom, honest to God, folks greatest country in the world. Do we really want a certified idiot. To be presently- and I say everything aside. Can you imagine listen to this guy for four years, I mean really I need to be in one of those white coats. What do you call those things we have tied them up? I don't know. And raises he his voice, so now they ve done.
The suburbs Strait, jacket, the suburbs to climate change, to floods, hurricanes fires and Donald Trump. How stupid If you weren't third grade doing a test on your right that stuff that you know, if we're going to hold you back yeah you just not you're, not with it till, they must think you are so damn stupid. Its climate change and trot. That's why we're fire that democratic control? Washington State are again and California and its mother nature is for and transport think about that democratic control. These cities, It's not climate change burn in these cities. It's my life burden, these cities, that trumps fall and federal law enforcement for not think about. We got that China virus policy Pelosi calls it the trouble So the virus all over the world, that's trumps, fall now. How much are you going to put up with this programme.
So big signing ceremony at the White House tomorrow. And it involves Israel. Given that Yahoo involves the you a among others and of course the present, the United States has done a fantastic job spreading peace. They not talk about that. We'll see if we can track down my buddy ran Burma he's the ambassador from his did the United States. We become very, very close friends if he sat with the Prime Minister to talk about that later in the day Life liberty, eleven o, my lord, this is the schedule. Sometimes people back up This coming Sunday, the presence of the United States. The following Sunday. The secretary of state.
The Sunday after that generated crews very very close friend. The Sunday after that, another close friend man. I call my pastor extra Hegyi, that's just the next fortune. To grant slam isn't MR produce. And so we will bring you the very best broadcasting we can, particularly in the lead up to the election. That is where I am focused focused focused. All these people were books and if I can help you grow, but I need to focus on the year on the country on the election. We will have the republican leader the housekeeper Mccarthy's S, to come on how come on at the end of the programme. He very much want to talk about.
Issues that are important, I think he's got a very good collection of issues that he wants to discuss, among other things, so that'll be very exciting. Do I owe you a commercial must reduce or my o k. So we have the Democrats now. In addition, the blaming the president for the wildfires on the West Coast, not the governor. Not the legislators, not Biden, has been around since forever. The president You gonna buy that if you buy that you're out of your mind, run these cities and protect police officers. That's the president's! That's sick! I'm telling you. Systemic racism, whatever that is, they can when the fine it on the left they came and define you just have to
you damn well better believe in an hour out I'll, tell you why that's the president's for President securing the board he's having a growth Let me twice he's build up. The military is trying to defend peace, Officers and bring law in order to this country has done more for they black. Humanity? They hispanic humanity, the asian community, that every Democrat in modern history? As far as I can tell They write back from the westward one podcast network.
Easy now broadcasting number may underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Markleham anywhere. Our number eight seven, seven create one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one of MR producing this Chris calling worth I notice heated announced right there and then you know what. Given these systemic racism that exists and the need positive change in this country, I'm stepping down and I'm giving my slide turn african American. He didn't do that day.
She and I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this guy's a joke. Most of these people are joke. Most of these people are pathetic, their hypocrites thrones. These two sheriffs deputies are shot. The intention was to murder them they're in the hospital. And you have some thugs. Trying again in the hospital who are saying they hope they die or doing ongoing and Goin can all arrested. Have you heard These people denounced by a single athlete by one athlete. Have you heard these people there now on ESPN. I'm asking this question: I haven't heard I'm prepared to stand corrected
but if it was, it was in passing, maybe one or two people. That's it. That's it. I didn't hear anybody talk about that. Come on Harris. You may recall the late show June eighteen, twenty two. I want you folks to listen to this stuff, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert has a brother whose a lawyer who pronounces as last name Colbert Jesse no he's a Washington lawyer society. We could bear. Does that in his brow. Says Colbert can go. How important is it for these protests to continue Its critically important and I'm gonna tell you something.
Very conscious decision it become a prosecutor. I grew up in a community that was not always under the best end of law enforcement in terms of how what what is it? With her a NATO see who pretended been brought up and poverty, she was shut up and poverty. Neither was, I don't see how my parents were brought up in ready, but they didn't go around bragging about it anyway. Go ahead. Man, I now be a relative or a friend who has not been the subject of some form of racial profiling or excessive for oh, yes, there there there are black people who have not been subjected to excessive force. I can bring them on this programme, The terms are racial, profiling would depend on the situation, but anyway go ahead. So when I made a decision to become a prosecutor, it was a conscious decision which was to go inside the system.
Some leverage, their actual, she so full of crap and did you effectually change did racial profile? Feeling of excessive force stop when your attorney General California is out. Happen. Ladies and gentlemen, when you're district attorney and Francisco. You slept your fingers and call on call. All this stuff went away, as I won't happen when a fraud guide. I say that to say this. The only way we going to truly achieve change is when there are people in the system more willing or pushing to do it and when there are those votes, we're outside of this system, demanding it I'm very clear that some of this success- We have been able to achieve a round criminal justice reform would not have happened in recent years. Were it not for black lives matter, black lives manners I wear. The president did what he did on only gave. I heard a black lives matter. This is a violent and when reminded she is promoting a violent.
Marxist anti semitic aunt, I knew your family and worse organization. That's what she's doing a cow aid for vice president of the United States. No books out on her that this web amazes me, where all the art Well, son. Come our Harrison her background on none we're all the books on on Joe Biden, the ex. Therefore none none there aren't any go ahead, And the intensity and the brilliance of that move, the brilliance of the black lives matter, movement. Lisbon. Could you need to lessen the brilliance of the black lives matter? Movement, go ahead, forced at least that there would be some counterforce to the status quo, which is so reluctant for change,
The status quo, reluctant to change Joe Biden, is the status quo. She is the status quo. She serve for years is d for years, as attorney general too, theirs in the Senate, its Donald, we oppose the outsider. You never served in any political position before it became President United States he's the outsider and Joe Biden could do pick. The candidate who doesn't have a longer razumihin record of living in Washington, DC. They want to have it always here they want to brace black lives matter. A radical militant, violent marxist Organization plus portrayed Subsidy moderates at the same time and the pressure And you get away with it with them as well, go ahead! That's what these movements do. That, where these systems are so invested, end ingrained in what they call tradition, but its status quo, often.
Tradition can have tradition? Who the hell is Kemal Harris Honest God she got elected to the dossier in San Francisco big deal. She got elected One party state in California to attorney general big deal. She got alike. Did the Senator one party state big deal and now she's a philosopher king? You can tell everybody, have a live hell. Is that she's a hack but yea for Bio em. Now be, oh, I'm activists. As I said, last night were in front of this hospital calling for the death of these two police officers, calling them pay. Trying to get in the hospital were pushed back there Could be rounded up and locked up? That's exactly what should take place, but here are below M activists. Member come on as make exceptions. She embraces the entire organization, cut twelve
I will Deliver a message to the family of the pigs. I hope they effing die to be outdone. Is this reprobate sunny house arrest? He? I am a more One of the dumbest lawyers I've ever heard now these are just clips without watches these in around a table who can stand it. But listen to their city cut thirteen go. My understanding is that, according to a new Fox NEWS, Paul more voters classified the lamb unrest as rights rather than protests, and that is scary, because that's feeding into this narrative, the Trump campaign has been very scary. Ladies and gentlemen,. Because you see ninety three percent of the protests or nonviolent she's going to cause. That's the talking point really
Sonny, may I call you Sonny, even though your dreary should be dreary, Euston. Ninety nine point: nine percent: a police interaction with minorities is peaceful, wow. Ninety nine point: nine percent, its peaceful did. You know that dreary Houston want to repeat that tomorrow on your the yen to show the agenda Five more well, not Mccain for morons, I guess, go ahead and if you really look at the facts, ninety three percent. Ninety three percent of protest are not.
Violent. Let show you some outrageous answers. That means seven percent or violent burning down buildings looting physically assaulting people, so percent for dreary, Houston, that's, ok! That's an ok number! Seven percent. We have three hundred twenty million people in this country. One percent as well, Mr producer, thirty two million a more history, the math, but let's say thirty, two million, so two hundred thousand as what a fraction of a fraction right, MR producer
So, according to dreary used and the fact that we ve had almost two hundred thousand deaths from the corona viruses, not a big deal right, isn't right. It's a tiny prince away under seven percent? Twenty under one percent of the population, see how pathetic this is still sickening. This is how stupid it is. Murders, murder, mayhem as mayhem, arson is arson and looting as looted. This woman's supposed be a lawyer supposed to be a lawyer. In a ninety three percent of the protests or non violent, so seven percent of the marble- that's a big number, particularly if you're on the wrong end of it, So far, bigger number than the number of police brutality cases, which is a tiny fraction tiny fraction.
But whatever you do, don't let facts get in the way of an dialogue like dreary, Houston Albert, back then
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I'm sure it is right, we will not have my call screen up, but I think it only fair to check in with some college will recommend that I speak too York exam satellite sow. How are you, sir? Thank you mark precede taken and I'm a big Vanier show on Sunday. Thank you wanted to call. Thank you. I wanted to call I dont think enough has talked about the accomplishments. The trouble ministration has done for the environment, you know people like eo see. Thank you could check
and the weather with a stroke of the pen, and that makes it easy for her to talk about it. I don't think so. I think they believe you can change the whether by destroying capitalist, that's what they believe that true too. But if you look at things like the save our see that that was a bill path and signed by Donald Trump and people should read about that, that's a big one and then the other big big one was the bill. He passed that protected wilderness in the western part of the country. That was biggest protection bill like this. This stuff doesn't persuade me because I happen to know as a matter of fact, to twenty five percent of the Continental United States is owned by the federal government in a huge boost, Did you that twenty five percent is not available for human beings. So passing more bills. Were the federal government controls more land
it can do less on the land. The problem here is not that the forests in the timber areas in California in Oregon and state, aren't pristine. The problem is, they aren't managed by human beings and this dear that human beings create all the Mental disasters is an effort by the left to control human banks and weak I let them get away with it. So they're gonna talk about climate change, the way they would talk about mystics and then. STAR, and soon I do a climate change. This has to do Human mismanagement of forests of timber areas and basically the left notice that the vast majority this happens where the blue governments are in control. Same with vast majority of lawlessness. They have experiment after experiment when it comes to education when it comes to the environment when it comes to the lack of law enforcement. Their experiments are failures.
We must put them on their chests. That's what we must do all right. Well, I guess that, and I've got good. I guess what I would like to see happen in the future. If these folks on the left think that they have, I give to make our environment better all he is willing to do with listen and his work with them, but they just don't want to come. The table and talk rationally about it, ok and they have never talk reaction without the environment. To be perfectly honest with you, that's what the whole green new deal is about. It is about look. Whether it's the environment, whether its race, whether its immigration, whether its capitalism for the marxist mindset and that's what we're talking about here, it's all the same. I think these are just different fig leaves to get to the same result in the same result is to destroy that which exists.
And her come Allah Harris Bumble over mumble over this the status quo in tradition. You must eliminate them. We understand, marks the world begins today. We must why Shhh ourselves cleanse ourselves of human history, a material history and the world begins now and that's what this is all about: Climate change is just another way to destroy capitalism and then another way to destroy individualism, another way to destroy these successes that we have had in this country. And so what you see is the opposite happened, the most dangerous, places to live right now over the far side, The timber areas are in blue states because an automatic then almost daily, I mean think about your own home if you have piles Thousand leaves and piles and piles of dead trees that have been rotting there for a couple years, you're gonna move the marcher sound talk,
you you're, gonna move them are you're gonna, lemonade, hazard that right, you're, gonna movements like a house, doesn't burned a table. The same applies, Forest and so forth, and we use how to do this stuff. We used to be lawyers and you now to bring loggers and anymore you. And because it to religion, it's a religion with the left wing, climate change, it's a religion. Now systemic racism, people who really get into this an animal can't it you're, never gonna, be able to talk them out of it. It's it's. It's now part of their faith. I saw good call. I appreciate my friend that's gotTA, Steve Atwater, California, they great care sofa. How are you going How you doing thank you for your show again, anyway. I just wanted to see if anybody has brought up the question about the you know back in the good old days when they used to log, they used to cut the big trees and they would bring.
Low down there be a one log load and these trees- I don't know- maybe two fifty three hundred years old are more and if you count the growth rings or look the growth rings on these trees. You can see these areas where they have lots of rainfall for a long period of time. The growth ranger based on real why'd. They had good And then, in the drought years you can see where their very very close together and they struggled. You can even see The scars on the inside the growth rate be healed and the forestry research centre. Would some of those you know on record. I have read this also that there was twenty five year: droughts in the past and fifty year, drought and in others, was probably back in the wagon days, so Should I just wanted to throw that in London in it's very important
we ve all read about horrendous floods. All right about horrendous hurricanes, horrendous earthquakes, horrendous fires do not start today that the left depends on the public's ignorance. The media depend on the public so and so they want everybody to believe. They're, gonna get worse and worse and worse because of us, the human being we, the human being, I'm no control over floods. We have no control over droughts no control over any of this. We ve had drought before they ve had droughts all over the world, and the funny thing is there's the least amount of of development and industrial innovation. The that doesn't say you know what there's no see. Two there were moving on Africa, get slammed Middle EAST gets slammed. Other parts of the world gets slammed that aren't nearly as advanced as we are.
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Calm podcast on apple pie casts Google play Spotify or sound cloud. Tata, Jeddak, patriot, unapologetic, constitutional, lest you can reach him at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one say a watch, these rights. You are the unbelievable assassination attempt on these police officers. Then you watch black lives matter. Members tryin rush, the hospital. Cheer further deaths in so many discussing things. It all absolutely second, you know John Locke once said law is not to abolish or restrained, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.
Where there is no law, there's no freedom, so you want to let And T far be a lamb or other writers burned down your cities. There goes your freedom. You want to get rid of the copse. There goes your freedom, you want like Joe Biden, there goes for free. As you have heard me say many times, I have a liberty agenda Levin TV. What chairs on the blaze tv network you can watch this come to life with our conservative pro american content. Their reveres, our constitution and champions are individual freedoms. This is what we do each and every day and there's never been. Time to check this out just go Levin tv dot, l e, the iron tv dot com and sign up today for a free, thirty day trial. No, that's right! We're going to give you four month of live in tv and all the other It shows on the blaze tv network at no cost EU whatsoever, but only
They subscribe right now and if you're able to I want to strongly encouraged, that's and tv dotcom alleviation tv, Dotcom, Levine TV dad come. You know, Mr Barroso, I have to stop announcing whom I guess you're going. Let yesterday I mentioned I was going to the sectaries stayed in this one. I really have to stop doing that. You know why right it's just What a business! This is all right. Let me see here too, I have my. And when I see her MIKE there, it is one Miami Florida listening that good w giant? Oh, how are you, sir, oh foreign markets? In order to speak, we put you american crater. Thank you forgetting my call. Thank you, sir. I have two points that I want to bring:
Number one has to be with this ratio, pandering that were seen concealing professional sport and the second is Nikita Khrushchev I'll make it breaks the first one. Is What are you create the men and the women are a kind of final and on Centre court, because a black wise matter thought they'd. They set up. The first four rose behind the servers line that you could see. These make should figures. Black, like matters, the names are for four hours, yet we want less learning the minute when other about this three black athletes and in tennis,. I would have quite a few were one of them: the one who won Naomi Osaka every day that she was on tv when she plays. You was wearing a mask with the name of each of these individuals who have fallen through the hands of the police off. For whatever reason. Maybe so we had them. Let me ask you a question one. Because it says here you're of that- and I want to thank you.
Is an amazing that they don't wear on their masks or on their helmets or on their jerseys. The names of men and women and uniform who recently died defending this country, one hellhole or another. Absolutely absolutely bird One thing that I did honor was they d, the the individuals who put their gives an army sergeant. People who put their front line in dealing with Kobe in New York City, so teamed up with one of the professional athletes in. Thank you to these That's a good sound with that would find. That was very, very good. But you see these. These visa reporters are top pandering. They have done me right at the end, the winner, which is, as we all know, he was wearing a mass with black lives. Now they had a name that forgot which individual and the reporter cried the anger. How did you feel better message? Get a quasi think she learned from it. He threw it right back at the reporters it. What did you or anything from it? He part eating
what with common, so they gotta following its owner, and the second thing that I think is- is it that a nineteen, fifty nine and the EU, major Nikita Khrushchev. Outline ten item was saying that communism and socialism what's happening. Date without an innovation for Russia he's late and you ve come in, come in your show, penetrate the school through it, patient, make greatly society dependent on government take or health care what I mean, you can look it up, and maybe you can bring it up on your show some day and we see that happening right now. Our country has had to say, and will you defend your country, you fight hard for liberty. When you see what's goin on Every time I learnt limit, let me ask: let me use you feed online, asked this question. When to buy Harris, promoted the free market system of economic level
and on the cuban hot on one of they one of they promoted private property right. What did they promoted? Law enforcement lever. One of they promoted mean. I go down the list here, one of they promoted institution. The declaration of independence individualism, in other words the people who are alien to and hostile to, the american founding, which has made this country so great and made it possible oh Mamma, Harris to be a vice presidential running, make it made a pie about for a man like Joe bind to be a democratic to be the democratic presidential running late and made a pie, Above all, the NFL in the NBA the major link base and for all these things to exist can prosper, go ahead, while people now my regular use the fray,
yeah. Well, I one generation away, I'm a product of the American. I do know it. I've said it a thousand times in its actually last paragraph and liberty and tyranny go ahead. I followed my father was a prisoner in Cuba, political prisoners. There leave. Can we apply for Visa, the United States? I became a party America. Criminal became an army sergeant com. My confirm my country for twelve year, but we could prove three wedding prerogative: the park, the american dream for everybody, and when you see what What can destroy? They have no idea what socialism communism in Kosovo. Experienced that level, James came straight at a high swollen and a professional basketball he's a billion air. He's, never experienced The thing is an experience discrimination. The man is never ever experienced what it's like to live and in one of these police states period- and I call it correct. Let's not on your show, which will not be your bed shows I loved it, shooting yeah yeah. What
Remarkably, I want you to take care of yourself MIKE, Atlanta, Georgia, on the mark, Levant, my carry you, sir. You you're you're a great a reason I can listen to appreciate. Thank you. The question for you are buying is going to use transfers, pass the carbon tax. An issue which, by the way, we both know that represent wrong you have a good year with a governor. Why care we get them to play? I wouldn't say what the government, but anyway, go ahead with the right government, well. Here we are again from Kip. The play run claims own admission, a video about the Abiden Obama, Abiden response or lack of it each one and why I have explained this over and over again what else I can do have properly discussed MR producer, what five times five times,
so I'm not gonna play it over and over and over again, but I've disgusted at great length how they screwed up in two thousand nine. I my friend thank you for your call, And the people will listen regular, they are going to say a very goes again just keeps repeating himself EDGAR, Sir, Nora, California, the great cave e M L. How are you a Well, sir, thank you mark for everything you do in you. If my life in a way that my father did, while, firstly at a great and certainly thank you, Sir, go it I would like to start with saying from California if my phone goes out, it's because of the smoke filled bear with me, but No, we had a guy goin in youth who happens, he happens could, and I have an exit happens to be the
you're, a girl or the governor. California, given new them, tell me that its climate change cutting the fires and now the lack of forestry Empty, I think I now get to your point before I have to go right. We ve changed. A case everybody's mind in my little circle by showing them the fat. So we are morning Trop, even though we were born in another country, were our own. American boy maybe go, but I said Dorothy, I reckon on gas there. Thank you. Again you other, but we are gone. Twelve we ve seen what's going on everywhere? it. Isn't. Let me let me try this way. You're in California. I look briefly in California.
I guess the early nineteen, what the hell, when I don't remember at this point, but the fact is. Everybody wanted to come to California, didn't they EDGAR. Oh your fairy. Google, I was there in eighty one, ninety one, Everybody wanted to come to California, the land of opportunity. You can become whatever you want. It just fastened was completely different spirit in the state and so forth. The Democrats managed to taken. I briefly and then they use that brief control to take permanent control. They destroy. The electoral institutions in California, in order to build up the Democratic Party, they took over most of the court's. They took where the various commissions and the bureaucracy and they ve choke the hell. That state. They destroyed it in many. As for Republicans and others such on party state and now, when they respond,
dolly for managing a farce and timber and so forth, because their area logs pushing abstraction that doesnt work They blame another abstraction climate change, its climate change and then they have the gall to blame. The present the United States has just like just like the one on virus ass for the chinese virus or Yahoo. They unimportant. Americans color the covert. Ninety right I made a shocking Europe and literally blame the press and by the way, the press, so they smile, they write it down. They just write down. Over the demo, its climate? age and its transfer, and you see this in all the newspapers today here. Here's one thing I would like to say before I go, Sir, is Donald Trump. That I am a patriot, hit down from fault, continued- could be a cataract yet so you a hispanic american and voting for Trump, There was burning what I learned. How to colleagues go? I
I am an American born in Mexico. Oh, nothing will had a political and whenever you said I agree with you, I was born in. Thank you so now I know, I know not tell you what we do. He's more men, like you, that's for sure. Thank you, buddy. Take can't thank you for your service, EDGAR Guadalajara. What he said My hearings going my sites going. MR reducing but one, it's not going, I can't get into that I'll, be right back Ben This is more than a rumour, but I think so
you should, let us know one where- and I am certainly not saying one way or another- but I have been during that CBS might have a partial interests in the drugs report. Again, I dont know this for a fact: I'm not making it allegation, but I would like CBS News or CBS corporate to confirm this or deny this I'm not trying to speak. Gossip, I'm not trying to spread a rumour. I honestly don't know. I don't know for a fact. Perhaps CBS will let us know because a little too much secrecy going on around that site in the site is absolutely viciously at I drop in a really is, even though I think drudges turned on Trump but I think that the level of vitriol and they cancerous propaganda and the links.
Maybe it is one of these news corporations again, I don't know this for a fact. Cbs might have a partial interest in it. I don't know this for a fact that perhaps CBS can. Let us know. I certainly don't want accused him of anything, but I think They are let us now and say: no, we have no, no interest whatsoever. Don't you agree, MR producer. I should just say knots, not us, we have no interest in it and, of course, we would Print that posted in everything else, but there's something good, fish are going on there and I and I dont, really appreciated here. We are led up to an election with the Democratic Party, with hundreds of money a thousand dark money with the Democratic Party, money coming in massive amounts of monies armor of money. Almost a hundred million dollars where people are marking that there are unemployed Not to reveal hoo hoo, their employers are some people are wondering,
foreign money, that's moving into the bargain campaign courses a single news operation in this country at least broadcast that gives a damn about any of that there is broad. As news and yet that very very serious, and then we have a I'm tired, I mean Bloomberg. Who is going to put a hundred million dollars? He says could be a head fake, but says in Florida to try by that state and knock off trump like by So this all sorts of stuff going on sorrows, member that article other days, putting like half a billion dollars under this race, with rare as front groups and so forth. So there's heads heavy dark money. Big time billionaires, millionaires, An enormous amount of money into the bargain campaign or their by an election effort to try and defeat trot because trumped shaken things up, folks trumpet shaking things up, and these people, like that.
In fact, in the next hour, in addition to cover Mccarthy waiver wonderful candidate, coming on as well, in addition to a Burgess Owen Owens. In addition to that, I want to talk about the abiding camp, and is now expanding its legal team. The you ve heard me talk about the year, the games that they played, like military games for a possible coup of trump winds. This stuff. If the Democrats take the house, they intend to eliminate the fellow buster These are all tyrannical totalitarian moves, tyrannical totalitarian moves. None of this will happen unless try to Americans vote for these people, None of this will happen. Unless they, when the like, on all of its going to happen. If more than vote than us all of it.
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And we hated this smell bad, that we don't have. Fires like this. Then, and now the way of the fire, the smoky outside my house. Right now, it's horrible! It's it's horrible! Yet logging! You had to slash burning, you heard clearing going, Oh yeah, you had management a farce and timber areas, you do not have that any more and much of the West Coast, particular Californian Oregon and obviously Washington state in this is the consequence, has nothing to do with tromp and nothing to do find a change everything to do with leftwing Democrats give em I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored
sclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash jaw
easy now broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script fielding we once again made contact with our leader. A mark. Levine here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: the Democrats are burning down our cities, they're burning down our farce jack and talk like a liberal. Yes, they are. And other words to burn down the United States Senate, bright bar dot com, Harris Alec, he cadre of high profile Democrats resembling a coalition to kill
The Senate filibuster should former Vice President Joe Biden when this November and the party take full control. The Congress. Nbc news reported that a new group called fix. Our Senate was in the early stages, are getting up and running. You see. All these shadowy front groups that are being created for all kinds of things to raise money. You know I kind of coin this phrase: silent cool for modern political talk. There was a book called silent. But I started a talk about silent coup, others picked it up and you re things reverberating this business, it's just the way it is. I'm not sure coup is the right word anymore. After all these years, this is a violent insurrection. It is an insurrection. Into our political system and our economic system, indoor culture and
our society to try and destroy its an insurrection think we should start using that word because it fits perfectly with the insurrection ACT, which has as its purpose, to put down an insurrection. And news reports that a group called fix our Senate was in the early stages getting up and running the organizational help coordinate messaging for groups active, Since senator supporting the abolition of the filibuster a Senate, requiring a three fifths. Super majority, usually sixty two and debate on lead station. So what they want to do is alive made the filibuster rule, so they can push through everything with fifty one senators that'll be the
time and in history is certainly in most of our history. There's no point for a Senate anymore. Fetch gonna conducted self, like the house who represented suggested. And the reason they want to do this in a very open about it is to push the radical Marxists agenda, and so they can't be stop under any circumstances. You think I'm kidding when I keep saying they want to turn the United States in the California. That's exactly what they want to do. Temporary control becomes permanent control. And then there's is nowhere to go no state to go this. Is it They're gonna, try and destroy the filibuster, although they will destroy they'll, get rid of it to try and bring in D C and poor Rico as states and therefore for democratic senators, making it virtually impossible for the Republicans never take the Senate?
I write argue that you have to do that under the constitution, particularly with respect to DC, since it's the District of Columbia, but nonetheless, there lawless thought keep rolling through and I hope that they get John Robert the court to go along with them, and they may well cite the issue of citizenship plain as day for the senses, but the court's don't agree. So that's that. Twenty two million illegal aliens in this country are, Suddenly gonna get citizens Seventy five percent, or eighty percent of them will vote Democrat of the adult. This is how you do This is what they're gonna do and eventually they'll get rid of the electoral college they won't have to. At that point, the low matter. So all the fire was at her in the constitution having trash the constitution. Having crash trash, the the people who wrote,
adopted it and ratified it with the sixteen nineteen propaganda, proud with the help of the New York Times in our public schools. Can see where we are under attack at every level of this culture and society every level and should Donald Trump Win. Over the Atlantic and other places, they call it a coup. They're talking about an insurrection, violent. Then I'm gonna tell you something, and I keep saying at some point. A violent insurrection is violence, and this is what worries me. And I want to repeat this so media matters- can hear this criminal front group. That abuses are internal revenue code laws it pretends to charitable
non partisan organization that's pretty funny. I don't how they get away with that. I don't over. The IRS auditor's are, but there you have it and what the What needs to be done is what other presidents have done over time, and I think this president will do actually be re elected and that is to trigger the insurrection act. Put down an insurrection because that's what's happening in this country. Buying campaign expands legal team. This is ABC News. Former vice president draw binds campaign, is expanding its legal operation and it is patient of a major fight. Over voting this far bringing in two former you, solicitors, solicitor, general other topic, and he's too see what could evolve into a fierce battle over the results of the November. But I think I've been telling you this for three months. And there was an article about a month ago, so they'll give or take a week about how buying it already brought in six hundred lawyers. This is
say their plan. Hillary Clinton, saying I don't. Concede. Under any circumstances, so we are really dealing with this. This marxist operation, with its fascistic practices, it's the same party that supported spies in the trunk campaign before it's the same party that refuse to investigate the conduct of the I support the FBI director, the deputy FBI directorate honor, that's the party for months, the binding for present campaign, has been quietly building a mass of electoral Protection programme. Listen to that the largest and presidential campaign history campaigner by advisor under the new legal expansion they're going to undermine it. Targeting the vote taken on mine, the integrity, the election. That's the purpose of these lawyers, the programme-
integrated legal communications and political strategies to ensure the jurisdictions are properly prepared to handle that challenges that come with holding safe in person voting and also to combat misinformed Asian about voting the mail, the the team will focus on an aggressive court on call response to activity. They view as voters. Suppression will also include robust problem. Right, identifying fine encountering foreign interference of misinformation. And on and on and on, and the new rate was announced on Monday or be Helms Dana Remus Divine campaign. General council Bob Bower, a former white county that guy's a real sleaze bar. But it doesn't, and there the legal team also includes former solicitors. General Donald verily watered down under he was still alive. No offense to oversee campaigns: national Litigation team, a separate group this and this at the law, firm, Perkins Kui- will be led by Prs.
What an election lawyer mark alive, the site name ring a bell with anyone, MR producer member him. He was effectively the bag. Man that delivered the money from the Dnc in a hurry campaign, as I recall for the dossier he's a real hidden. And I got he'll focus on state by state voter access issues, ensuring an accurate vote cap format. Ernie Journal, Eric Holler will also hold around. So you see they're, going to bring in all the disgusting phony lawyers. Into their system. So we're gonna, be ready for this. We're gonna fight We're not going to roll over we're not going to be in a fetal position. This is going to be a big fight, but I want to encourage all of you all of you. You've got to go make sure your registry, the vote. If you get him
and valid, and you want to use a male embowered doorway to last minute. How can it be around user absentee? Don't wait to last minute use whatever tools you want to use my tree about and make sure your registered and then do same thing with your family members, your friends, workers in your neighbors you're, the precinct worker here, the Thomas Pain, I tell you over and over again you're the pamphleteer. Be right back the association and mature american citizens is one of the facts. Describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook waves in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in
She wanted a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel, discounts, self, plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get MAX by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said, on a MAC member, and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U S, Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s! House Republican later Kevin Mccarthy. How are you, sir, I'm doing? Well? How are you doing
and I understand you are now running hard on and specific agenda commitment to America. Can you tell us about it more, you're gonna roll out on the capital, stack steps. We call a commitment to american people, go to a commitment to America, dot com and see it. It will restore way of life, rebuild the greatest economy and renew the american dream. It starts by a plan for cold it to defeat. This virus give us a safe and effective ability that we can compete in defeated we also talk about, rebuilding our communities- that they are saying that we will not be found the police. We will actually condom greater one point: seventy five billion, so you get a better training, more officers and five hundred thousand body. Can we also talk about restoring
restoring our constitutional rights, freedom of speech, religious liberty. Our second amendment, then we go into building I economy back up? You know we built the greatest economy in the world and we can do it again. And the way that we do that a couple different ways? We do it to our tax policy, but we also do it by confronting China by bringing that supply chain back to America. Building those manufactured jobs will also protect our border. This is an exciting planned. It really shows a real contrast to what the Great want about defending dismantling, destroying this nation and were able to renew rebuild, Restore we will react, reunite this nation and the stronger than ever they seeds. Do you need to take them at their house back
only seventeen you realise there are more Republicans in Congress since I got sworn in his leader and there are fewer Democrats in Congress. Since the close you were given the gavel, we have one every national election with Clayton. We ve got a democratic which republican we beat them in their democratic feet when they had a special election. We only have seventeen seeds to go, and there are thirty Democrats who are currently sitting in seat that President Trump carried. You know there were eight point. Eight million Americans who voted for president trumpet twenty. Sixteen who did not vote in it, If they show up in twenty twenty will retire Nancy Pelosi. We would be in the majority, by nine seats and terms of fund, raising how our powers, the republic, inside doing and for the house,
versus the Democrats. I d be able to figure that out. We ve done well, but this is the challenge with Colbert. It makes it a little more difficult to be able to fund razors and they have Michael Bloomberg, who just gave the democratic million dollar. Let's stop their cabin he's. Given the Democrats, sixty million any spending, a hundred million inflated, be trump heads, unbelievable yeah. So what we really need is all your listener, so did take the house dot com and help us retire policy, so we can rebuild our country dont. Let Michael Burke Bloomberg determine what happens our voices to powerful this country is too important. That's why we make a commitment. We put it on record and the real question that people should ask your name me. One thing the Democrats have solved since they had the majority
one thing that they thought by the way, but let it put let's put this up on our sights. Take the house that com a mark, Levin, Show Facebook Mark Livin, show Twitter in the parlour side on all three sites. Folks He can do. We need to take that. We need to get where I cannot stand this policy. I get an amount along Karen trust me on this or you're, not think about it She has been so out of touch, Hunting, China, she said, is a diversion peace bills, distraction. We have more peace in the Middle EAST and any time in the history of earth and you ve done it in more than a month with its president and she called a distraction. She calls us conservative, domestic enemy. And she calls federal law enforcement storm troopers, I mean she's
lost her mind. I really think something's not right there. They talk about by night talk about policy. Will polo is running the entire democratic party. She is the power and we have to retire and were so close just seventeen feet I want to encourage the Levant. I sat there to go to take them. Start come some of your and opposition, but some of your take thou start come. We can't match But what we can do something. Let me ask you My questions here here wearing comes to. If you don't take the and they take the Senate and they take the press. And see: there's nothing. We can do to stop them. Is there because they're gonna kill the filibuster world about Cuba Cover backer, so you won't have the power of the minority. Two hundred and eighteen, who govern mature majority, had all the power in the house, and I promise you what they do, because this is what they ve already done,
they'll make Puerto Rico in Washington, Dc States, so they'll be for more seats in the Senate. They'll do just what they're doing in San Francisco D. Let sixteen year old be able to both. You won't have to be a citizen devote anymore, then they'll make tax payers, their election. I mean these are all bill that they have passed. This is what they believe and think what they're doing right now you just had to police officers and almost walk up at be shot for no other reason- and you ve got me who's running Vice president, the Senator of California, the former attorney general, who they would call the top cop saying nothing saying nothing that two innocently You watch that officer. She gets up shot through the jaw call men go outside, protects her other deputy, because he's bleeding she's bleeding profusely and she's trying to protect not being shot and what
putting people on the streets are laughing, and then they go to the hospital to block the ambulance. The thing people have to die. When did we look stop knowing what was right and launch? Why can't Biden stand up? Why can't cobbler hair stand up? Why can't Nancy Pelosi stand up? This is in their state as well it's so shocking. How we ve got this point over the last few months. Isn't it I mean the earnest respect for police the disrespect for this country and you know- and you know, cover Mccarthy. The factors of the Democratic Party had embrace this war was or was outspoken against this and the two Parties, united in the people united against this, it wouldn't be going all, but they have a whole. That is black lives matter, Anti Father, radical left us they have a home and the Democratic Party, however, not just a home, they have a funding mechanism, they are funded. The same way. The Democrat funder campaign to act blue that
They don't speak and by the way I blew, can you tell us about their stark moneyed its coming into act. Blue people have to report their for the occupation and others were now learning that with act blew a recent study that they say they are unemployed. Half of all their money comes outta, raising billions of dollars. That really begins, and I dont know if it's true or not, but it is worth somebody could fungal foreign money and adjust claimed the people are unemployed and its under the reporting period and these millions upon millions of dollars just fund into these campaigns, and you have no idea gave an immediate semen of no interest in this whatsoever. It shot its hundreds of millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars that determine the outcome of what the future life. We have reports from the FBI that China wants the input,
Our election. We have report that China is more sophisticated than any other country out there and what are the Democrats say? They feared to distraction China, gives us a virus that kills hundreds of thousands of people across the country and the Democrats will stand up. I do not know what the Chinese Communist Party, has on the democratic, but it must be so powerful, well said, take their house calm. Take their house cover Mccarthy. Thank you, Sir and we'll be right back. The association of mature american citizens is one of the first, describing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook lives in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full.
Time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits in discounts include, special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone. It's a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservative As I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U S supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S mark or event,
puerto rican coalition meets at three day call now. Eighty seven thousand seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one well as a wonderful candidate, wonderful man, Burgess Owen, who's running for the house in Utah. Fourth congressional district, it real. Is aimed tied district in terms of Party Affiliation Burgess. How are you, Sir Mark Dont great and look for the Chad, with my bread, absolutely amen. Tell. Why you're running about you and why you should be the kind which are not your opponent? Oh gosh walk away running- is because I was raised in an environment where we already talked what I'll catch it all about equipment benefits may be cake age and growing segregation by a remarkable, remarkable community of a black people, blacker committed and love our country very people, their actual, nor are pretty much living the american dream, because what? What did you? Six percent, a black American noted pick me were part of no class- would have seen
up until the last two decades? If what happened, We get an ideology: Marxism, socialism, they sneakers way and that about both his way into our community and opinions, everything and a long time ago that star wars happen to our you. That would do everything I could to protect them from what I've seen it's happening because of the black, and you know the last, the last few decades I personally like live up to this time last year, appeared mainly, There will never be a politician until I reckon I very simply that we don't get conquered back, we'll get the hell out clear across his nation, what company or do not have a chance, because all the policy with a grin democratic policy that they keep them equally You ve come angry, keep em that living our country, and were now beginning to see because of great present. We have is pulling back according to see women at work or quite a quite a while. We just didn't know it because they were we're country above a dreamer than imposing an optimistic that we never knew that this evil.
We ve everything was coupled away for now. Do we know what way to fight? go back an all out Davis thing that make up the draft as applicable to America. Just when Baby UNESCO, It does not we wait, we do about it does best land. We understand why me I've been about each other by weight is left, is at the heart of the source of the market to hate our country hated to deal christian values we live with, and I do anything I can no shame go to school. I will we build all these values that countries and your opponent. It is one of the person who just people being beset with policy The problem we have with the left is that we have the courage to say that they will be the risk was out there be moderate. They will share our values until they get to where they have to show that they have the courage and not a static and philosophy, and what we find out is that my opponent does not have the courage to stand up to table.
I was still a policy back me waters Elsie, and that is not the bay of distant for we believe that an end and in education and play an Iphone or the business at this moment, daughter and we believe a family in it. That's exactly the opposite of the heart. Left so hey, what's gonna happen about our districts, find that out and out, and I'm number excited, but have no debate within the Tibet issue. And I went out and our distant goal will out will be we stand by waiting for you to say that this is a good thing. When it, we must have a both that the Democrats must have to keep your power and chaos. We must have the keeper keep our country and our culture, and I'm excited by spectacle. America than this you're gonna, be the least there for the rest, our nation, trying to lead the way we go out. Values here will show country the way we should be going in the future and I'm excited about being part of that process. How's, the ground game there you ve got nowhere would have allowed excitement again is a plus the Tina, desperate so
the last summer around imports. We did have a lot of excitement. We didn't get out the way we should, I didn't learn a lesson from that and I have, but I'm really excited about what was dealing in terms of the grass roots. Getting out in getting found out in, and a bank where people registered so that's gonna, be, I think, the real telling points we to have a very large group of independent members to end up in a very simply is now that kind of talk is on those Canada. We all believe in camp was the talk the greatest weapon. We have against evil its communication. We, the people, will start talking together. We will find a way to get them and gay, because we have, we might have with different getting there, but in game is always the same. Due to build a greater future for our kids, what we do that, within a safer than what am I have made the platform here, is something that I think we have. The power to state will be very, very good. Put together, that is, we are gets, were put together, the first probably stay down, but bringing the trafficking of children
we're going to stop, it will work with eighty work without combating operated under another girl, railroad Boeing them ever say heap on need to understand how serious this is and they they grab little kids and they turn him into were well, sir, slaves in many cases where it is created evil mark, and that's why we doubt we don't talk about employment may make you don't want to rely that happening with fifty million. Lay the round the world today more than it was back in the day, the about a baking hundreds if kidney and costly- and I use that always put down a suspect, but also for organ donation It is an evil gray and any right, of course, because of the closely benighted space to the greatest product. The sooner than rotting, know we're gonna startled
People know and educate ourselves the what's happening out there and we see that a heart leapt hidden under the US out when they could be interpreted by their work, because there is no god when it comes down to the radical left. There has been no, no, no no study; they will do whatever it takes to gain power until the two did to do their own thing. Now we have a chance now to do any state, really be the pony state, the nation, the Restless Asia, where this, how to deal with it believe me that these evil people behind bars where we should be and make sure our embed are educated to the danger of this particular issue. So definitely what would then be no put here and I'm looking for the work of the presidency with Cambodia. Those mankind, wherever with with the timetable, would also do the same thing. The american waken up ever just get ready we going to fight able to get in we're like we did want before one of the crucial
things. If you win it, wouldn't get a few. Others is removed, Nancy Pelosi, who really is a blight on the body politic? Isn't she disaster here, fear and prevent port more what about in, and I wish I a chance to meet you a couple weeks ago in and the other p teammates. We have a very slow. The window within both. Firstly, we get we get the house's than it had been made and presently nothing seems to happen because we ve been elected leaders of the now We have not cutting across his country. Those who left me please support those freshman candidates area because of us together, the team We will make a change it and bring this cup around in a way that we will be very proud, Delaware
should that we all have to deal with what a bee health care was so security, while our budget also think that without the darker than left us keep an issue, we're gonna to women s papers and make sure we propose this been played, striven else asked in it and give our appraisal chant before you without. How about his back to truly a show with America, loving leadership with life, and I can't wait reply that the debt by the team does not just burgers. I fear you thought is a team all closet for that. We need to come together. The nation in both these guys in most of my life, was diagnosed importers before Roger promising below our country. Now promise should ever keep their word and not be a career politician. The lobbyists will despite its location where president and we can have a renaissance, that America them product that experience our lifetime, come to get away with its many process. To expect that said that that winning appealing for sure you know, ladies and gentlemen, I met Burgess Sullens, really, as did my wife for the first,
in any significant way, a few weeks ago, truly decent man, man of deep faith, truly principled man. Exactly the kind of man. The Democrats do not one in the United States House of Representatives, and I think you would be a tremendous leader and the House of Representatives, not just a member but a tremendous leader and Your site is Burgess Owens Dictionary Burgess for Youth Burgess number, for you taught. I come over gonna put that up I live in. Show Facebook mark living show twitter market parlour the fund raising going compared to your opponent, What will we do very well, I'm traveller country, we have America that actually picking hand, which is great. And when we're we're just with his excitable putting despite together and if I can say this mark into the western world today,
This is a country, a nation miracles. We always have been if we understand how we see that overall began twenty sixteen it up with a miracle for us, because we collectively, if we, the people as well as well, we didn't want- and we came together- bound the person that, despite the best I ever seen in my life tat, we have a chance. So the second article, twenty our country right now is ready for the greatest renaissance upturn our experience in a lifetime- but we have to do- is just get up here- the active both don't. Let them accommodate speak up, and get the truth about what I'm, what I really feel as if I were anyway, I'm even willing to make a deal with them by giving them a great friend. I will look at sea and ever to which they are problems. Looked after and I cannot deal with a real out. The baby lie too and once when someone understands its troops have been a good deal in the time to the truth and never come back. That's what's up with a black here today and I will leave the plantation will. Never come back
Americans, who allowed to lead to the propaganda machine. The number you do the same throughout the winter, Then I'd be not as good as we do that we'll be an inevitability. Shake of the head is grey conversation. We need have moved forward Burgess Islands. I really hope you you take this seat back. I think you'd be a tremendous asset to the House of Representatives and stand tall for this country. You are not only a great basketball player, great person and these in the website is for those of you who can support him. Please for those of you who live in that district I'm sure you'll need all the helping get Burgess for you today that would be. You are G S, s number, four Burgess for Utah DOT, com and it will be on my social sites Burgess, I'm Thank you very, very much and good luck and God bless you. My friend mark. Thank you for your support, I would appreciate my family begged them to take care of yourself. When I found about,
just sullens want him and he so well read, I mean just those papers. It's me well read philosophy marks lock meaning a remarkable guy! You know is a great great football player to, but he be such an asset in the house. If he can help you folks, Burgess for Utah, can't be. You are G s number four Burgess for Utah, dotcom I'll, be right, back Ben Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Wrong organizations in America, now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a Macbook Jameson in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time
presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone It's a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max. Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop! supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot. U S, Let's go to the cause! Dada Frederick, Maryland the Gray
w I may I'll go down a marker what'd, I tell you, you will keep my interest about Matt Drudge and I've been perplexed about him for a while, and the only conclusion I can come to is either sold out or eastern threaten so I mean it's evil. Ladies man threaten I'm just curious to know. Is this when I heard and it could be dead, wrong use that party, Company was sought and was it saw the CBS not trying to spread a rumour, but if it CBS Frida have their pr people or whoever they use to contact us or to post and say no, but that site it's not just anti trump. It is viciously anti trumpets poisonous. At this point, I'm putting you turn, that's why I would say that I have described
I had to ask for a while, but you know, thank God. We have banned Gina report. Looked the liberty gaily you, you know, among others, will do a great job bone, GINO Pages, terrific, the blaze pages, terrific, like a daily wire daily collar right scoop there. It there's many many, I'm sure I'll get in trouble. Does I care, remember, Lucy and is very good there are many many wonderful sites out there and available to all of us. Thank you, Donna. You take care yourselves James in Canada, I live in a James. Go right ahead. Please help I came for me on the show. I listened to your show religiously and thank you I do appreciate. When you? U challenge the lies, and you speak the truth, they patron clear country. Thank us three them
the reason I'm calling it they guessed. I did you have you have an extra room in your house up there. You never know after the election and my if the pop up there, you never know what I want to talk about. I don't know if you want to come up here and I because we ve already got left in a lot of ways in which we and other rural government that the charge and a lot of people here that our rooting for president, a trunk and our rooting for derivatives, because I just hope that allow that that Americans know how important election it not only for the United, but for around the world I mean for myself. I look at the term. That's going on around the world and in the UK in in other areas too, and even in Canada we ve gone. So we really gone far laughed and when I look at and I think about the United States, I just think it's like, though it's like the last real democracy that out there.
And it is really a ray of hope in about away through the rest of the world, and it is the United States. Wasn't wherever that now there would be so much term, hey around the world. I mean the United States is really the glue holding all that chaos together, and I just hope that selection American come out and they vote because of this. Listen to the left, listen to their pocket, that they try and create the trumps responsible for fires. Trumps responsible for hurricanes trumps responsible for the EU flew trumps responsible for the riots Trump loves, dictators trump is mentally, it goes on and on and I've never seen anything like this every I really think, what you're doing and and- and other, you know a lot of others out there that are exposing the lies and really only
who accountable for what they have in getting there lies the United in the distortion, doesn't doesn't take track, I mean really I just feel James. I want to thank you, my friend Mr Producer, MIKE from Red, California. I want you to get his number. I want us to call him tomorrow. Thank you. Good James Ladys in general, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. Thank you for out there live in item patriots. We will be right back here tomorrow, same time, same place, at our National Town Hall. Meeting people in China, God bless you from asked, would one part gas network.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-15.