« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/31/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the term “Climate Change” is ambiguous, and Democrats have been using climate change to take control of every aspect of our lives. We have a Democrat party that is exploiting climate change to destroy the civil society and take as much power as possible. The term “Climate Denier” is used by the Democrat party and the media to manipulate minds, and language, and promote their propaganda so there can be no questions about the validity of climate change. Reasoning with Marxists doesn’t work because they are ideologues and this is their religion, which is why people like Bernie Sanders or AOC cannot be reasoned with. Also, Conservatives and Republicans must get together in a very serious way and figure out what to do about the judiciary in Washington D.C. The cabal of Obama-Clinton-Biden judges is destroying our judicial, electoral, legal, and constitutional systems. If this is not addressed soon, this small group of radical leftwing lawyers will continue to rule like a Stalinist Politburo over significant aspects of our society, and there's literally no effort underway among Republicans on Capitol Hill to address this. We cannot have this kind of evil tyranny in our courts, which abuse the power of the judiciary and criminal procedures. Later, President Biden is pushing the most massive amnesty movement in the history of America without any vote from Congress, all in order to get illegal immigrants the ability to vote. The is not a single country that survived without borders, especially one that allows foreigners to decide if they can come, because without that we do not have the ability to retain our sovereignty. Finally, Mark is joined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to discuss the emergency response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Now broadcasting underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, The the
the the the the I am article nine here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three one one going to decide
well beyond the programme, and our three is that correct, MR producer. I the jump into this every now and then climate change. It is the number one avenue through which the democratic parties seeks to economically destroy this country. and it started as they d gross movement is we ve talked about as I written about over half a century ago. It was hatched in europe among many marxist organizations they finally settled only nomenclature climate change. Why? Because it too, Raise at his ambiguous, it means everything in it means nothing and every single, whether in climate event, can be attributed to Climate change, that is, capitalism, prosperity, human beings and america. The democratic party seeking desperate, the fundamentally transform america. has been using this day,
India, from the top Biden, always down to the little man Grants in the various news organisations- and here Fine again today, at FEMA, headquarters cut eight go through a situation where. you know, We'Re- how can I said, There are still some deniers out there. In terms of whether or not. Climate change do than this and we're gonna need a lot more money. To deal with and mercy preparations are due to all your taking care of his I've said Times it's like gun control, evil people kill people they immediately one to scrap the second amendment of a democratic party that is exploiting this for power.
a democrat party that is exploiting this today Troy the civil society- and this is the problem let me go to page one fifteen in my new book- marxists fascists autocrat, generally splain away the horrendous and barbaric conditions that they create Ladies and gentlemen, there was an electric wire that broke He told her company was focused on the agenda that was forced down its throat by the buying administration and the authorities blocked off for the one road out turn people back. Most of them were burnt or crisp.
Other authorities refuse to trigger the siren, which caused the deaths of many without water headlong into a climate change. yet they want to steal appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses by focusing on the paradise they promise in the future. That is the Democrats Finally, every individual surrenders their free will and partner whole too small, cabal of activists, revolutionaries and, ultimately, autocratic masterminds, who claim to speak for and represent the people. There's no better subject to illustrate such a colossal deception in today's world is climate change, which is sent with a democrat parties, growing authoritarianism over all aspects of american life. Every weather events or natural disaster that causes discomfort, damage or death is attributed to climate change
in turn is said, to require major changes in the quality of life. The capitalist system reduction in economic. growth and prosperity increase. Taxation and regulate regulation? the surrender of national sovereignty to international governing organizations and or these significant expanse of domestic governmental power. Remember I literally finished, writing this three months ago indeed, every household product from gas stoves, light bulbs and dishwashers day. Our condition is washing machines, automobiles and anything They use, as energy is now subject to government control. And since that time is said, to be urgent requirement still in vast federally directed change to save the future of humanity. There is virtually no time for reflection circumspection. or scientific and factual evaluation of past predictions, and there accuracy or actually inaccuracy the direction, which the nation is being forcibly plunged: three
It is that climate change is a power. Politically and economically driven movement within american marxist framework. That empowers the debt crap parties ability to control the baby people and I go through the book some major predictions. Over the past half century. That had been completely hysterical and completely false. the list of so called experts, scholars, scientists, meteorologist, climatologists, professors, politicians, etc. This the end of the world is around the corner, most of whom blamed mankind's activity, particularly the success and prosperity. The united states is endless. They were not only tat wrong. But there are, driven by an ideological and political agenda disguised as science, therefore where to ignore all this, do not look back. The world begins They would new promises and predictions intended to empower the government of the democratic party, so lange
which manipulation, scared, tactics and censorship are used to control and shape public debate. This is a great chapter and he goes on and you're going to have to grab at yours. of the democratic party hates america get it on amazon. But I focus a lot on this in this particular chapter Back then, You know it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the vitamin is action is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands,
Americans are getting gold, I raised is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text, and six eight five nigh to again text. L easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six, eight five nigh to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. This word: deniers gore started to use your pointed to die, that's not by act, The filling of blank denier used to be the holocaust and much like the new york times and the left you're a holocaust denial.
And there was aimed at nazis and neo nazis and clansmen so forth, so the democratic party, the media in the left have done. Is they ve taken hold. Cast an iron, they ve turned it into climate change denier. You understand. This is how they manipulate minds. This is how they manipulate the language. This is how they promote their propaganda, so there can be no questions about climate change. Not while I'm in a question in a big way in just a moment, copyright back, you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the by diminished nation- is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource,
for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why south of americans you're getting gold, I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact, progressed a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text. And six eight five nigh to again text. L easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five, nine to argo augusta precious metals, dot com, that's all precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, precious metals, dotcom, thou, art, levant, michaud show at national at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one by the way is a site point. with immigration is an amazing that the so called black leaders in the black communities, the so called
Asian leaders in the asian communities, the so called latino leaders and latino communities, virtually said nothing about binds f. Now to get work permits rallies illegal aliens in these cities will now take jobs from american citizens were black latino an asian You see these so called leaders are complete sellers. In this nation, the media in the democratic party in the bureaucracy divide us under groups for the census? They divide us in the groups for politics. They divide us in the groups for victimization, but it's interesting that these so called self appointed self describe leader cities. Various groups not say a damn thing. When these people are affected by gay, oh see you ve got
millions and millions of foreigners poring over the border, they're gonna, get work permits, because that binds way of saying and I will take them off the illegal alien list. William work permits eventually will become citizens about democratic. Meanwhile, look Happening in these cities. look what's happening in new york and chicago. and every other major city in the country. Houston, phoenix
and I could go on and on. There's no city missed, but these phony fraudulent leaders look at our sharp, incomplete klutz, complete punk, not worth nothing because they get their power from the democratic party, its party before people its party before community its party before country. I hope people wake up to this, but I hope they wake up it's not too late hour. I have had this article for a few days. I usually just the news more than sixteen hundred scientists, including Two nobel laureates declared climate emergency a myth. Now liberty attorney an entire chapter on this, and I call it enviro statism back. There
We had a list of nine thousand here we have a list of sixteen hundred. Why Because they ran out a room, probably on their petitions, let's go on here, a coalition of sixteen hundred. Nine scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating there is no climate emergency that they could I strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net zero c, o two policy being pushed across the globe. Now you wouldn't know this. If you're watching the news tonight or last night or last year, you'd have no idea.
The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gases, but instead challenges the history brought about by the narrative of imminent doom. By the way, I challenge the harmful effect of greenhouse gases as a pedestrian is somebody who breathes is somebody. Who's listened to scientists and experts before who were concerned that we didn't have enough greenhouse gases, and that's why the amazon was done. You remember, although MR reducer, they don't talk about the amazon anymore. You know why it's lush jungle down. There is lush. So now we have to find something else. They don't even talk about the polar bears any more. You wanna know why, because they're everywhere up there, the populations is expanding. While we can't talk about them, they're not going to tug over the whales because actually they're killing the whales by interfering with sonar communication, and so with the climate change fanatics are killing the whales they're, also killing people. The declaration put together by the global climate intelligence group was made public. Despite then urges the climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific year. That would be nice to an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy was founded in two thousand and nineteen by emeritus, professor of geophysics guns, burke out and science journalist marcel cry
Scientists should open openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, or politicians should dispassionately count the real costs, as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures, though this is all well and good, and I'm glad they said this, I'm glad they wrote this, I'm glad this is reported by just the news that, ladies and gentlemen, reasoning with marxists, doesn't work they're ideologues. This is their faith. This is their religion. Reasoning with marxists is actually joke. Can you reason or the Bernie sanders? Of course not. reason with with any of these, we'll also see the stooges icon? Of course not.
Can you reason with a march as professor no way that's why once they take over society like pol pot in cambodia, twenty five percent of the population was murdered. Or one now took over china, sixty million people were murdered, sixty million people. Look a castro look at as well, or look at all these places. Look it look at the north, korea, obviously than our work. The people aren't free there not happy
Doesn't matter you can reason with them and tell them that it's not working, of course, that the thrown in prison and decapitate so they're right the scientists. They don't go far enough, because greenhouse gases without greenhouse gases, we would all die we'd suffocate cause. There wouldn't be any auction What are greenhouse gases? You know the biggest element in greenhouse gases. Mr producer condensation, that's water over ninety percent of greenhouse gas is water. Now I know they don't teach this in school anymore, but they taught it. When I was in fifth grade.
A small, tiny percentage, almost incalculable, is carbon dioxide, and I make this example all the time you take and it's in liberty attorney. You take a stadium that seats, one hundred thousand people and that represents say the atmosphere, greenhouse gases. How many of those hundred thousand seats would represent carbon dioxide for four.
You heard the george carlin bit earlier, most brilliant discussion on climate change ever how does outline the incandescent light bulb affect the environment in any serious way. It doesn't. Have on all your household products it doesn't, it has zero impact. None to paragraph. Just one of the other areas, but this is the big area, because, if you can I'm your regulating water and air for the benefit of the people in control anything and they ve
It stated that in the last few years under biden- and they ve also demonstrated they're going to do it through the bureaucracy, the spit out, some data spit out some paid for science. That. Is developed through grants that a result oriented these. One thousand six hundred and nine experts, you're gonna, be totally ignored. Why Could you dealing with a marxist revolution? That's why it's the de gross movement and here's the deal when you actually read the democrat party hates america you gonna see this is part and parcel of an entire movement. I explained that the civil rights movement is no longer about civil rights, the civil rights marxist movement.
You can see that the world capitalism is a war that resonates throughout the democratic party throughout their agenda. Look at the capping of prices on drugs, the destruction, Fossil fuels and we can go on and on and on these things are a coincidental. They are not. I accident their man, made they're purposeful than the Democrat, runs and says, look how we saved you on drugs, but I can't get this drug or that drug. Oh, that's the pharmaceuticals! That's those companies. Member shortages, baby formula, whose fault was that, oh, that's, the company's form no, and we found out later there was about
price of gas. Remember he blamed putin for the price of glass and appearance of monster, but he has nothing to do with the price of gas in america. Never has we were energy. Independent putin was a joke, but the prices are going through the roof. They want to take no responsibility for that either. Price, a few food is going through the roof fertilizer price of further. There is enormous such passed along, but more than their fertilizer energy diesel fuel. That's what truckers use these! fuel the cost of everything's going through the roof, because its being regulated, kept out of existence. I call this socialism economic socialism through the back door. They don't actually
the nationalize businesses and so forth, to get the result that they want their much more clever than that. Now it's like marxist parker to me slow, bleed slowly, but surely one institution after the next day to the next and out your kids at the target they ve always been the target. This is what they ve always want to destroy the nuclear family. There's no context provided when people talk about these things, for instance these trans movement. I trans movement What does have one one hundred thirty eight percent of the population, even smaller? So what's this movement sent a movement. The democrat party seized upon this to destroy the nuclear family. You destroy the nuclear,
family by creating confusion about what a man is, what a woman is and worse than that. By allowing the government look school boards school districts, that's the government making decisions about your child's gender coming between you and your children. We. We have courts now willing their parents do not have a right. They don't have a right to know, what's being discussed and done between the government and their children. This straight out remarks send the book that is marxism. That's One hundred percent wanted is that's not americanism. Side pull us all together in the book of this
He's an inner, it's not it's, not like a woodward book or there's another book out there about interviews about by dinner. Tat gets us nowhere. Nowhere, I don't care about that stuff. I'll be right back then yeah It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource, for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no
stan phenomenal learn why thousands of americans you're getting gold I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five nine to live in, Six, eight five nigh to our good. I gust of precious metals, dot com- that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dot com by you take some credit. Three economy buying can take some credit for the economy.
I think he should take all the credit in the world for what's got time to friggin disaster, a complete nightmare. So by now it is far as I'm concerned. In fact,. I'm looking right now. I have here: let's see we have Sixty percent of the american people are living pay check. The pages sixty one percent of americans are living paycheck to pay check. Inflation is no squeezing budgets. The is c and b c. The number I can who say they are stretched. Therein has re stubbornly high court into several reports for reserve. Chair pow recently called for continued vigilance in the fight against inflation, says.
Milton friedman, the great melt three minutes to say only government can create inflation because they control the printing press is the private sector? Can I create inflation? The consumer cannot create inflation. Trade unions cannot create inflation government biden. the democratic party in power warns, there may be even more interest rate increases to come here at folks. As July, sixty one percent of evolved still say their living paycheck paycheck. Slightly more than fifty nine percent last year now. like to talk about one. Inflation only went up three four percent. You need to understand that inflation going up on top of
What had already went up! and help anything when you. Robust economy on inflation. So percent of consumers earning less than fifty thousand a year and sixty percent of those ernie between fifty nine hundred thousand are living pay check to pay check in July, up from a year ago, Of those earning a hundred thousand or more forty, four percent are living paycheck to pay check Seventy percent of americans admit to being stressed about finances. Forty five. And of adults. Are they have an emergency fund, meaning fifty five percent don't and for those who do have emergency savings? Saving? Twenty six per Had said they have less than five thousand dollars by a much That's fine omics today as a right now
I shall return this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much. sponsorship. Your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command, both the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america march living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one
I'm going to push another movement. You know in this programme will help promote support various movements. Let me start this one. I will repeat something I said last night and that I've posted about before. Conservatives and republicans must get together. in a very serious way and figure out, as I posted this. What to do about that? Especially in Washington DC, what is more, Joseph Stalin than Joseph story, more marks than blackstone. They cabal of obama, Clinton, Biden, judges. is literally destroying our judicial system, electoral system, legal system and constitutional system.
I've made some of my thoughts here, including a new judiciary act that breaks up the deasey cork a ball and stripped the jurisdiction of subject matter authority in several areas distributes him to more politically balanced parts of the country. But if this is not addressed and soon this small group, Radical left wing lawyers who Horribly abused their power. We continue to rule like a stalinist politburo over the significant. aspects of our society. There is little or no effort right now under way, among republicans on capital held to address this. None. Where are those twenty one conservatives who stood up, who stood up and said mccarthy where's the end of the world.
Those twenty one. Conservatives who talk about shutting down a government which I'm all four. But that's not the point. This is priority number one, the most powerful courts in america shy of this report, court are in Washington d c. They ruin everything related to the federal government, everything they ve been intentionally populated with the most radical bomb, throwing ideological marxists from our law. Schools from the government.
From various organisations there destroying moody giuliani, as I speak, their destroying donald trump. As I speak,. Their destroying the lives of hundreds and hundreds of protesters who committed no acts of violence. what of home receives seventeen years federal prison sentence today, who didn't attack any? But how is it possible to have a judge Tonia? Shrunken on a court like this, whose grandfather was a marxist in jamaica, such a threat to the ruling british government there that they put him in prison for a period of time,
she's made it abundantly clear, julie, cohesion. Roman hears her that she's, a big it keeps lecturing defend, ensure wide about their privilege. That's not what to do It's supposed to be thinking about when there's somebody in front of her begging for mercy whose very liberty might be taken from them, based on how the judge rules an emotion, the instructions she gives to a jury.
the same saying that she whitbread she lays out that kind of crap doesn't belong in a court room five months for donald trump to prepare for this trial and the government can't name one other case ever that's gone from indictment of full trial in five months: my one and, as I have explained- and I can't explain it over and over again, she jump the line. The first case was the documents case in florida. She purposely jump align, sir her case we go first, so she could get a democrat during a democrat city to convict crop of just one count, so they
section. Three forty amendments coax can use it as fodder and the media can say the convicted phelan running for president. That's what she's doing and crippling churches by putting the data the trial one day before super tuesday, Why did she do that cause? She didn't want to go second, because I will push your case out.
Many many many many months, because judge cannons case was first and judge can and separate trial date. For my, we cannot have this kind of tyranny, this kind of evil in our courts who abuse the power, the judiciary per views, criminal procedures. We cannot have that kind of a judiciary. So what are the republicans forget about the republicans in the senate? They don't even have enough courage to remove mitch macao as their leader he's. Not a leader he's pump it in the walls
he's no better than Biden binding, defends him today. What I tell you this has become a humiliation either republicans when a senate gonna put up with this apparently so. parallel. So there's no movement afoot, not the removal from the senate, that's up to the people kentucky and so forth. but they voted for him to be their leader. Is that a leader who stares into oblivion for thirty to sixty. Seconds at time. That's a man needs help. This is the american government. This is the american system. It's supposed to be the greatest number face. The earth. We have all men who don't know where they are. We have all women
don't know where they are they don't I had about. They can't remember what they said: they Air into oblivion, what the hell is this. This is your ruling class and there's nothing you and I can do. But what about turn on its mark Supreme court's already spoken about that you have to amend the constitution of term limits. You can't change by statute. So let's stop picking up the trees, hey. Let's start that's not really focusing on things. Pressure needs to be broad and corn in and soon and Barroso, any other empty suits
the cut the pallbearers who stand around our guy, their weak and yet the colonel had enough, which did a long interval. With an enemy media outlets, a a big corrupt democrat party media outlets crashing trump very. He had enough ability to put his brain cells together. Alright, let me move back to this. If we do not get this under control, it doesn't matter what laws we pass. It doesn't matter what the bill of rights say when the judge is supposed to be not just the referee, but.
in out for the rights of the defendant is a judge for the democrat party and for the regime that is trying to take out the defendant. We're not america anymore. Are we going to leave it to these twelve people in black robes and the others in the circuit? There were added by obama. Are we going to leave it to them without pushback whatsoever, who's the republican house who's going to lead this effort? Who is he? Who is she, where all the tough guys all of a sudden where'd they go? Where are they they're nowhere, they're nowhere to be found literally nowhere? There should be a priority, not an afterthought. The populating this court in Washington DC.
With a stalinist bomb, throwers was intentional populating. The circuit court deasey with a bomb throws, was intentional, even expanded that Gordon added them and deasey isn't even a state, the constitution She really when I per change the constitution. That constitution gives the power right now today. This second. Can a congress of the united states to eliminate judge ships to move around judge ships to create new jobs, ships? It gives congress the power today right now to limit the jurisdiction of the court in washington d c
Taboo subject matter to other jurisdictions in a country that are more balanced it the power to make that happen. But mark the a while ago about. I took care fight fire fight, stop giving up so where the tough guy worthy. They're, just gonna beat up on fellow republicans where they get really serious and take on a a cabal. A radical marxist and black robes all they are lawyers, or they are flesh and blood. There not perfect, rather fact, many them imperfect
There is no way chat can should have ever been confirmed, but she was, and she did it with the help of Senate republicans. If they wanted to stop her, they could have stopped her, but they didn't, where were they were? Was lindsey grant. The where all the members of the Senate judiciary committee. And many years ago this judge how comes off patrick lay. He stand There's so much comedy up there and ceo mit wie that she flew through on her confirmation barrel how just destroyed rudy giuliani yesterday, just a shrine, I'm going to bang
they just use these cases as an opportunity. To rule you know, I got a role this way, I'm sorry. This is where we have to do. So there is actually something we can really start to do not try to do about it and doing nothing literally I think the two main ways to deal with this is to break up that court and number two to move jurisdiction. to other parts of the country. There is no reason that every matter that involves government and the district of columbia should be heard by twelve district court judges and a panel of three circuit court judges in Washington DC. They have their own circuit, the deasey second.
The most powerful court under the supreme court, because it's based in Washington that should be the case that should be the case that a city has circuit court and at that court can. We see every damn federal act that takes place well I'll swing, knowing why Were that, particularly since their boat, corrupt, now corrupt road through intellectually corrupt, you walk into the court room in your republic in your toast. you walk into that court room and you were involved and generate six, and I don't mean violence. I mean you came in the building and left the building. Are you on the property? The building? Your tough, your name is donald trump. Your task, you work for donald trump. Your house. Same a barrel how same with judge jackson,
say what all these reprobates you're a guy today who the hell, yes, which ascends to seventeen years in prison for pushing down a fence. Judge Kelly were reminded appointed by trump, who cares? Cash cares of. it's appointed by Abraham and Moses he's an idiot. The government wanted this guy in prison for thirty three years, so they knew what they were doing, because what is what is Kelly doing? He cuts the terminal. Seventeen williams, seventy cameron are expected, get thirty three years, so this guy gets seventeen years in prison too
Eleague lawyers in new york, who threw molotov cocktail into a police cruiser and blow it up and had more in their truck same department of justice, one in the court that said two years is too long for each them. The democrat court agreed and they're out on the street after about a year. I guess it just depends on who's, throwing them. Our cocktail hour, whose pushing down the fence I'll, be right back much is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know this. I right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you glass splinters ouch time to put that old, phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free,
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roy his reputation for nearly half a century. I can assure you of he had the traditional. To visit ideology of ruth beta ginsburg, it would give handing him with every bone in their body and they be using anybody who attacked him is being raised, but instead stay racist shore attacking him now. How do I know that Because I'm gonna tell you and we. And you a little bit about the most corrupt supreme court justice, probably in american history,. who gets no attention from little dick durban? The Democrats Chairman of the senate, injudicious, this committee and the hack media but I will remind you of how she is that is the most corrupt justice likely in american history. Is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know this.
he's right sure battery lives, so you have to have a charger on hand. Crack screen that gives you glass, splinters ouch time to put that all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free. five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for your trucks. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers on america's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound to five zero.
as a mark, Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless. Some people talk about the tea party. We are the anti party calling now eight seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one who well, I think, the most important legal, conservative and libertarian legal groups in the country and think tanks. Maybe the heritage foundation, will stop focusing on it, support for russia against ukraine and spend a little bit more time on. What's going on in the very heart of the city, where their headquarters is they and others c, I god knows who will get together and pressure. Republicans in the house.
I said elsewhere on a very specific agenda that everybody can rally around, and I will certainly give it air cover here to try and take our judiciary back and try and break up this soviet style politburo. That is controlling the washington DC courts, thereby controlling. A tremendous amount of america's agenda. In a way that is so abusive, That is so on ethical, let its really on a map. Move wasn't actually happening in unfolding in front of us. I urge them. I encourage them. and I will give you our time here, but get up your ass, and do something about it. You don't need to think about projects this the biggest project or possibly, is its having an effect on us.
I want to thank those on radio and tv now who, without attribution regurgitate Well, we been talking about here four days of not weeks, that is. The girl, now this judge trunk and are actually in her case since monday, to have a quick trial, get one quick conviction and give a fuel to the section. three fourteen mme crowd, and I hear that being repeated now and that's good. It's good that people listen it's not good that they don't have enough class to to plan out where they've heard these things, but look at that's the nature of the beast. Let's just win right: mister bitters! Let's just says: what are you waiting a steak sandwich or something pretzel? He was eating something during the
I don't blame at dinner time isn't so that's my view or that they deserve, re import. You know this book really the democratic party hates america. It really ought to be read well before the republican Memories, it ought to be read before the general election, because. Despite these, never tramper say some of whom, what you support for president horse the media and so forth. We just can't afford to learn to lose its election. We just can't I mean, can you imagine The year and a half left this and then for more and bind won't survive return fees. Elective slacken happen
He's already an imbecile legally an imbecile, they taken his driver's license away from them. They should be taking. The keys to the house away from them. They should be putting a monitor on them, so they know reshuffling off to morning noon and night through there get lost And I could go on and on maybe I will one point. There are tens of millions of us who love our country, our families and our freedom, and there are under attack in every corner this country. There are people who think like us who believe like us. With whom we have a tremendous amount in common.
Four main to hawaii from Alaska florida everywhere in between all walks of life surgeons, doctors, farmers, janitors truck drivers, doesn't matter, there's tens of millions of us and the democrat parties, Stu disenfranchised they want to decide who are now many will be when a damage whomever than germany is there. shredding the constitution along the way green. All these, these admiral, How in the process. Pushing us where we ve never gone before. They have secreted themselves as lenin, said, they should, as graham ski.
italian communist said they should, as solid ski said they should, in the key seats a power for the judiciary, department, justice, fbi. The age ass, a ph d s, he see autumn. This massive bureaucracy is populated with people who embrace this ideology? Look what they're doing on the border, pure cloud and pippin of one the system to a woman. And not americans, foreign overwhelm or system, they want arson damn overwhelmed. and I told you I the other day they only want to flip texas blue, which means game over.
During the citizenship, ceremonies. Their handing out voter registration cards at the same time, people are being sworn in the government, but they have- A mass of certain surreptitious my going on right now, you're funding or the six hundred depart. Insane agencies of the federal government are being told, go out and get people registered in under represented communities whatever the hell. Let me The so called under represented communities seem to be pretty well represented in washington on the courts, but they never really defined what they mean anyway. Please leave it to your imagination,.
That's what they're doing he signed in executive order? There's no authority notion national authority. Not one penny supposed to be spent on this, but it does amount. Pine is urging that the people here illegally be quickly legalised in one, Is the most massive. Amnesty movement in the history of america, without a single vote by congress to get them to vote, they don't have to cheat that is illegal aliens to vote they're going to get a stamp of approval by the Biden administration, where they have an absolute right the more the merry? Well, that's fraud. You gotta Courtney, say you have any evidence of fraud.
Evidence of anything I'm toward going on. They gay people and up to download on their iphones. That's how poor they are. You saying download the app and their total up before you come to the border so who are go through the port and will waive in. And then they have the nerve, this administration to tell us. You know Illegal entry into the country socially quite quite way now yeah cause. Now it's legal entry into the country through these through these ports, but even now The illegal entries are skyrocketing. Can you name one country just one. That, as survive without border, just one. One country that allowed foreigners to decide They should come into the country. What kind of a country let's?
vigils from around the world to decide if they get to come into our country. Only one that I know of ours. There's not another. On the face of the earth come to our country. We want to get you a job. We want to get you wouldn't we need, especially when you to never this is all considered legit by the courts in america by these dumb. Moronic lawyers who manage to get a judge ship, a man there egos through the roof. I don't care if their local judges handling traffic cases. I don't care if their divorce court, judges I don't care if they're judges are mostly handle contract cases,
I just said handle everything from soup that doesn't matter man: they have their own courtroom, their own clerk or clerks. They have security, most of them have these beautifully paneled court rooms, and they have these wonderful to be a judge is one of the cosiest job jobs on the face of the earth. The most and don't their opinion. Sir opinions are written by somebody else and they review them and they may in a red mark them in may. Go through the men at him and so forth, but they're not smart enough. Most of them actually write the draft psych most authors. I was concerned.
Often they're just not smart enough to write a book, so they have other people write their book and they can go through it at where they can at least say that's my book. I can't live with myself. I don't do that. It's the rare judge who actually does the work of a church they chunk. I guarantee she's, not smart enough. Why look what she's doing look, what she's doing she's a bomb thrower. I suppose she tells the clerk. This is what I want to do. This is where I want to go right it up or go over it I'll, adjusted I'll make my notes and so forth, and so on that judges welcome. on this programme and tell me that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, but she won't show hide behind her. Her robe.
I have no respect for their women. Are no respect for any those judges in the dc system, except maybe one I won't name- does idle run of the rest of them. None nothing! Then. I have the guts to stand up to the other judges. And what this full judge has done, a washington is really undermine the ability, the judge in far to do her job so k by her she's. Not there now worried about. I'll be right back much. Is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know this
Signs write short battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch, it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five G. Samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you see for pure trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the data you could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, to five zero say: mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless
the. Let me about the most crooked supreme for justice. Maybe ever rename is soda. her name is sonya sodomy or a pay for cars. Jason libraries seeking a bold face name forgets lecture few come bigger than sonya sort, o my or the supreme court justice who rose from Poverty in the bronx to the nations high court she's benefited to from schools, purchases of hundred, sometimes thousands of looks she's written over the years. So am I staff has often prodded public institutions that have hosted the justice. by her memoirs, children's books or children's books works that have earned her, at least. Point: seven million since she joined the cord in two thousand and nine It tells us that those events, largely at a public view, were obtained by the eight p two more than one hundred open record request to public institutions.
The resulting tens of thousands of pages of documents offer a rare look at her and her fellow justice is beyond their official duties. I notice she will not be criminally investigate and forget about ethics. Well she's using her government paid for staff member heavy. so the district in new york and the s he sees investigating elon musk, whose in the private sector last time I checked wondering if this this glass tax kind or whatever is building is really more for him than it is for the business. Have I won a supreme court justice uses taxpayer funded staff to make money. Notice, there's no special counsel and notice. There's! No! U s attorney looking into her. In her case, the documents revealed repeated examples of taxpayers, funded court staff performing task for the justice is put ventures
Which workers in other branches of government are barred from doing mona foreboding her literary career, saddam irony. reader. Do what other government officials cannot, because the supreme court does not have a formal code of conduct. That is a lie. Misappropriation of government funds has nothing to do with who you are nothing. This is one of the most basic tenets of ethics laws that protects taxpayer dollars from miss. You said cadres pain of former deputy chief, the office of congressional ethics. That's not the person you talk to. They need to dust off one of these intelligent, not blowhard, but intelligent, former federal prosecuted. What sort of my oars invited to participate in a book programme? Chambers staff recommends the number of books at her side
For an organizational order based on the size of the audience so as not to disappoint Andy, who may participate speaking being about the events since the court. That's a lie. The documents attained, A p show the justices conduct spans their concern level split your but sir. My oars stand out when it comes to being a crook. She is, in my view, the best the best. They put in long hours accommodated the shifting requests of sir. My yours court staff, then, is the public cost of her in any event sort almost ten fold A subtle, my or aid emailed with a different urgent concern. She said the organizers did not buying of copies of the justices book which attendees had to purchase I have on hand in order to meet certain my your after her talk for an event. With a thousand people- and they have to have a copy of just ask one
to get into the line. Two hundred fifty bucks is definitely not enough said the taxpayer paid for aid ally families, perch. Multiple some people will be upset if they are unable to get in line, because the book required is sold out. it's not an isolated purse of my you're prepared for commencement weaken the university californian law, school Davis, her step pitch deficient, they are buying copied copies of sign books, connection with the event before a visit to the university was card to the staff suggested. A book signing. And I believe that now is she shade made millions, her publisher, penguin random house corner the ip has had many cases before the court. That sort of my or has ruled by facilitating it, it is not refuse to say how can little dick serbia,
the illinois is not interesting for the meeting I. The no broadcasting from the underground command post, the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american won't ever understand this one. A little bit want to focus on What's going on in florida, the hurricane katrina, state their united. Getting a lot accolades, decide to set a press conference today, on? What's going on in florida? You know it's amazing. It's come to the point in florida with this governor dissenters that
expected to be handled as well as any human being can handle it. Isn't that true, mr maneuver. And there's a reason for their disguise, can do guy, that's what he said what he does. So, let's start with this cut eleven go and I've told all of our personnel the state level it. Oh you protect people's property, And- and we are not a tolerate any looting in the afternoon. of a natural disaster. I made it just ridiculous that you would try to do something like that on the heel an almost category four hurricane hitting this community, but also just remind potential looters that people you know Now, what you're walking into people have a right to defend their property, this part of florida, you got a lotta advocates answer proponents of the second amendment.
I've seen signs indifferent people's yards in the past after these disasters- and I would say, is probably hear you We shoot you never know. What's behind the door, if you go break into somebody's house, china loot. These are people that are going to be, but a defend themselves and their families? So so I would not do it you're, gonna, hold you accountable from all law enforcement perspective at a minimum, and it could even be worse than that, depending on it's behind the door, so let's all band together and lift people off and not try to take advantage.
but difficult situation. Have you ever in your life? Read the governor talk like that. It almost sent chills down your spine. Doesn't it member chris matthews with the leg and all the record? I won't go that far but seriously. You know Florida. You have the right to carry a weapon and he's saying you go into these houses. He might get killed and you might deserve it. So I don't recommend you do. Have you ever heard of a governor who talks like that camp in georgia? Doesn't talk like that? I dunno, like people, keep talking him at first, who is not running for president Secondly, it didn't strike me as as bright as a you mister producer. In fact, he strikes me as kind of stupid. Note no fence and no it's not as accent or is. He just strikes me as kind of stupid, but nonetheless cut twelve go.
But what's your business the? What? What did he say? What do you make of the well I've seen a lot of really heartbreaking damage. I think when people lose my church when they lose their home when they lose a business you can see. I mean this was really the day after the impact a lot of these folks and like she they came this morning to see, and so it was all very raw when you have your whole life work into say, like a business, it ends up under five feet of water and that's a lot of work that you've got gotta do going forward. So I think that it was something that was really difficult for a lot of people for me to see for kc to see, but we're going to come back and get everybody back and that's going to happen. So I know it's not easy. Now. I know there's going to be a lot of work, but we will get everyone back on their feet.
say what you well, this guy's a stellar governor, absolutely star governor Jared Moscow, which does a Democrat. He replaced this guy ted deutsche, I think, was in congress along time another and so a so moskowitz was on CNN yesterday, he's the former flawed emergency director he was appointed to that posed by coming to dissent. I don't know that if he knew he was a Democrat who is interested in politics, training else. Where do we go from there? run in the democratic primary for the seat that this guy ted deutsche gave up, which is a fairly moderate democrat district. So he's interviewed on scene and this moskowitz its cut thirteen go. We did a good job on on emergency management any has, since he came in
Does he really understood that emergency management in florida? What what needed to be the top agency in the country? In fact, on the very first day than that, I took over in two thousand and nineteen, the very first place we went to was mexico beach and, quite frankly, the government largely in the governor, has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into building This means management agency of any state in the state of florida and your battle tat the great they just did in a year ago, and so that a state of florida half of emergency measure we have to be when you have storms like Michael and now a doll you all in a four year period, but look at this stage the states doing a good job. You know we ve had a couple of of life, but that's been kept down to a mental. I think a lot of lessons worth offer me in a lot of people listening.
He did those evacuation warnings, but look we're not out of the woods yet. You know the the immediate response is still ongoing for they eventually transition to recovery. I mean it's incredible: how the state manages These disasters, it's all incredible how the state has completely changed its voting system under two scientists were the votes actually come in by eleven eleven. Thirty. Now you know who's one in whose lost and there's no fraud. It's amazing. How is broken the backs of the teachers in everybody talks about Because they were resisting everything you wanted to do in the classroom, which is actually teach kids and not poison. Our minds he's even taken on disney because he wanted to because disney decided
which has headquarters really by executives in los angeles, eiger. then another guy now eiger again they that they were they use them their clout in florida to fight on behalf of the indoctrination of children, And so to say, it just says: okay, you want to do that. Let's do it and you're loose and he is very compassionate. Like you sound like you like him a lot, I like him a lot Nikki haley's, getting a ton of attention because she's on the warpath against the vec ramaswamy, not that I don't blame her she's not running
or record what is a record in south carolina. She doesn't even tell us and she's very moderate on abortion. He can tell even though she's dressed it up as the most rational argument. There is okay, great. What's your record eight years, what's your record, who knows her record who's, not from south carolina very few people very few Folks, I call him, as I see it as they say, the old line is action speaks louder than work, we right back then everyday life. Why? So? When he does Thus, I will let you know
in the meantime, let's take a call, we have a great color out there yeah on the mark, Levin app ed, las vegas. He'll be interrupted. Any time may go right ahead. Please all right! Thank you. I agree with you about all that said about the democratic party being a marxist organization. There clearly subverting our constitution and taken power, power, wrestling forbidden to the government there. Any laws left over from them hardy era, that we can give to prosecute these offenders brand. But now, let me ask you a question it who controls the prosecutors right, but who is no, but they control the prosecutor at the federal level
they control the prosecutors. So it doesn't matter how smart the point is or how many laws there are? It's not going to Hell every sheriff in the us. These days is under oath to support the constitution number, What do you want them to do the rest, there's not going to be a citizen's arrest ahead and then what. Citizens arrest how this work exactly when you have a lot of people who understand laws and low that I can. But I'm wondering what are we gonna? Do we're gonna go around and start or have a city. Since arrest against what, against the judge against the attorney general, I mean you think this is, can actually be productive.
whoever at that time was probably the most subversion would be the first to go. I'm not understanding! I thank for you call my friend, I'm just not understand people throughout things like citizens arrest. You're going to arrest the attorney general with a citizen when he's surrounded by the f b, I mean how's that actually going to work. I want ideas that that have the potential of actually at some point being effective. Maybe it's not today, maybe it's much more. Maybe it's five years from the citizens arrest is not gonna get us there or telling bidest prosecutors to prosecute people. That's not gonna get us anywhere. Telling republic the members of the house they get off their ass and do something that's a start.
That's a start or litigating against them outside of their stronghold. That's a start! I do it. I think it in an emergency briefing. We understand it, though pressure lead I do have another caller, please I don't pay call screen. Debbie c b enron in baltimore. How are you ran? I thank you very much yeah my question. is about our. As you know, the constitution exclusively forbids a thing called a bill of attainder, which is a law that you
as against the law. That's a pass directed at one individual, correct, correct, and it seems to me that these prosecutions against MR trump are functionally equivalent to that no they're, not the same thing, but the bill of attainder is something that congress he is prevented from doing under the constitution. Does absolutely nothing to do with the executive branch. The open gate could use it as a defense. Okay, two things on this number. One he can't
number two is going to use it in a defense against a a judge, who's already violated, in my view, her oath of office in the way that she's handling her case. What you want to do, as you want to bring motion, said that number one promotions that are supported by the constitution- not that are going to be thrown up I recording the country for zsa, eva eva lawyer, to file motion by the bill of attainder. They probably lose their licence cause. He'd say what does that have to do with this, while the facts the same as elena, there are other motions he can fight. I've talked about them here and others have talked about them if they're listening to the program, but there are other motions they can good motions and we're waiting for them to do it, and I hope they do that. Thank you further call my friend who's next great jobs, meaning there steve out who's next.
Phil on long island on the market of inaccurate ahead. Mark you doin, ok, ok I want to talk to you about what's going on on the island. I don't know We are familiar with black island off long island. They have now put five wind farms up there, a plan on putting over a hundred or more to the point. to come around by will you employ parkway and shirley to connect to the substance. Wholesale whose putting them in their battle I state or the federal fork work informs Eleanor Elinor. I mean the state or the feds who's put those wind farms and it's gotta be the story, because this data to approve it sort of the down, while the state then have to prove it if the feds are doing it.
im curious who's. Doing this, I guess effectively, it doesn't matter, but you gotta know how to fight it. They're doing this all over the country, all over the sea boards, these beautiful, beautiful ocean, Use they're gonna kill more more whales. Son, they don't care about wells. I remember watching their show where they used to have. You know the late bob barker who used to fund these groups. They used to go around and block the japanese he's from you know harpooner whales, and it was fascinating naming, show fascinates me: I couldn't stop watching it and you feel for these wheels. You know I'm no p, that's for sure, but I believe in animals, and I love animals. And so the bottom line is this:. he's environmentalist these radical they're killing these wells
killing other animals too, but really it's all a farce. It's all a charade. It always has been it's just about the destroying our energy system, destroying the capitalist system. I know this doesn't really make sense to most people, but this is what they're doing so. You have to rely on them, so they more control and redistributing goods so forth and so on. Are I my friend, I'm sorry to hear about that. I appreciate it who's next w w e K, Alfred, like placid florida, go right ahead. Please I mark. When are you going? Let me look I'm doing great. Thank you. That's good! You had a look at your top. Yes, I do At home that lady is radio off
I'm sure your radio on can't hear on the dc court. Yes, I do worry that I'd see I'm here if you're. some time, and then she listens listeners the show educators. So I do not think she smiled early cares educators. I don't worry about it in the least. What are you gonna? Do send somebody out here to arrest me right back Yes, it's true marshall event is the fastest growing radio show in amerika. The marshal of show is on that aid. Seven, seven, three, eight one! Three, eight one, one governor you, don't you didn't the call in is very very kind of you. We appreciate it.
Now, no I'm! I am happy to do it. You guys are doing well we're doing great give us a low. Now, what's on what it looks like tonight, well you yesterday about eight o clock. In the morning we got here with almost a category four hurricane that hit the big Ben part of florida and data mad significant storm surge since that time, we ve, been able to restore about four hundred fifty thousand households to power there's currently about a hundred and thirty thousand better without mostly in that ground zero area. A lot of them are rural counties so we have tens of thousands of additional line, men that are working to do those restorations, so we anticipate saying
A lot of those people are online over the next a few days, which would be really really good and then, of course, you know, we've been doing search and rescue. Fortunately, ah there there hasn't been any confirmed fatalities from the direct impact of the of the storm. In those coastal areas, we did have wine for a traffic accident, far away that they did involved the storm, but I think people did the warnings and some of those areas are very vulnerable areas. Area people just got out a dog there. I bet the really hard hit areas. Today we did a tour, and ah you know there were some some significant search. I mean it got up You could see the water line on places a four five six feet up, so that's definitely can can be life threatening if you're, if you're, not if you're not taking precautions, but we've done a lot of rescues, but they haven't really been people that we're necessarily going to die. They just got stranded out in the floods, or so we have urban search and rescue teams. National
starred everybody mobilized, so yeah. This is just what we do mark. I mean you know, being a florida guy that are that these things happened. So it's something that we prepare for, and I, when it's time for us to act, we do and we're able to help get people back on their feet as quickly as well. You know you had this gentleman moskowitz was a democrat congressmen relatively modern. Actually, you had appointed him. I guess before he got into politics to handle some of these sorts of things and he had nothing but praise for you and I You get elected governor, was this like priority number one or in the top three or something how you could be for your emergency response and so forth. Shore I mean in florida is traditionally
in a good job, particularly with some of the you know, hurricane andrew and ninety, two cat five was not handled well or you start to have successive governors after that, put more emphasis on it, and so so we have had a good track record of it, but I came on the heels of hurricane Michael, which is a category five hitting the panama city, and so we said, okay, you know what is Florida a well well, what are we need to do better and we a head and said we're gonna. Do it so you learn, and each different. Ration or other things that that can be done me one of the things we did with hurricane ii and last year was we said you know what I've got a massive budget surplus here. I've got I'm paying I've paid down almost twenty five percent of our state's total debt. Since I've been governor, I'm not going to sit here and not help people, because I'm waiting on FEMA or waiting on the federal government, so we took
our own missions like temporary housing. We actually would work with residence down and selfless florida to do the travel trailer. So if you know your house gets flooded, you gotta go at eight, it's going to take time or you gotta repair the roof. It may not be habitable right. At that moment, it may take and may take a couple of months even well rather than stay in a hotel or have to move somewhere else or you stay in some like rv city somewhere that FEMA would create. So why don't we just put a travel trailer on your front front, a lawn you can stay on property, do your roof repairs please state, so people really like that, and so we're going to be introducing those into some of the hard hit areas on this time. People are really excited about getting the opportunity, but it's basically just. How can you make a difference and then go execute and get it done, and we don't have tolerance for bureaucracy and for red tape. I mean I just
alba guys when we had to the bridges got knocked out in southwest florida. Last and last September people said it was going to take six months to be able to repair these bridges, and I was like well that's just totally unacceptable. It was not our bridges at the state level, they were local bridges. Some people are talking about getting federal money. I'm like what the hell do. I care about about the federal money, I'll I'll do it. We gotta get these people back on their islands, and so the one bridge they thought would take months. We did in three days, sanibel causeway a was broken in three different places and from the time we took over the job, we were able to open it back up and in two weeks so know I think a lot of it is just planning on what is what could happen and then how do you respond? Clearly prevent loss of life? All that is number one, but then you gotta look at it and say: ok, even in the category five storm like ie and you look at southwest florida, the vast majority of people did not have category
big damage or even had any damage there even though it was one of the most costly storm ever so. If you can get the services back up, quick, the electrical all that stuff go in that just creates a sense of calm in the community. Yeah you'll have some of these storms in other parts of the country, they're kind of like a modest storm, and sometimes people be without power for two or three weeks. While you do not want to be in that situation, so we've had a very rapid restoration of power this time to do several hundred thousand on the day the storm hit. The state is pretty good. He really is remarkable to these sorts of things because you have to put in you know twenty four seven Do they wear it down? I mean it's like, oh my I and here's another hurricane or diego. You, let's get ready that put the suit on for battle. Will you, I think, both
you you, obviously, and when its go time, it's go time van emergency response. It is something that we do, but, for example, yesterday I got into the emergency operate in then a rider attend to four in the morning and so. were there going on over everything. We know we were gonna, get hidden, tallahassee dirt glee. There was a path that said we are going to get the eye. While we ended up not doing that, I saw a habit and make sure we can have come Would he have operations where we are, but then of course are helping out with other stuff, and so we did that, and I mean I went from there. You know three fifty in the morning till till probably nine thirty ten o'clock at night, and so you know it it does get tiring. It does wear on you
That is something that you do. You do the adrenaline and then you go and we ve had me. We ve had her katy and, of course we had this one. We had the surf side tower collapse, the condo collapse. You remember that that was not obviously a hurricane related, but that was wee wee wee snapped in that was a full on emergency response and then we treated ovid like an emergency response. We did not have our department. health in charge of doing things like you know, monoclonal antibodies. I had my emergency response. People are doing that because logistically they were very sound and they could get. They could get this done. So we got to the point where, if a community needed monica and some treatments for covert monoclonal antibodies, you know within like thirty six hours, I could have a site set up and that's because these
You know how to respond to things, and I notice you don't blame other things or other people or other levels ago. You just jump in right would put the with your sleeves rolled up. Here I mean look at when people's livelihoods are, I saw, was in horseshoe beach in dixie, county, big band and I show up in there, but it's a hearted area, so first I meet with parishioners and the first baptist church. There I go into the church. Water had gotten four or five feet: all the pews are ruined, everything is ruined and the church- and this is just something that they had relied on for so many years, and you know so sad and you see that and you see how that if people, then I go across the street one of the parishioners she lost. She lost basically everything in her house I'm, and this is what she had had save for she was retired and
All of a sudden, you got four or five feet of water in there and then I went down a couple of couple of blocks further, some of the businesses I got wiped out, there's what the the horseshoe beach has one restaurant and it had massive amounts of water. They had to gut everything, and so it's just like- and this is like these people just got back today. Because they had evacuated yesterday, so they got back today. So was all very, very raw, and you see that and I'm just like you know what I mean, no care about the media. I don't care about canada, political posturing, it's like you, ve gotta, be a leader. You ve got a stand up. You gotta help these folks and soda this kind of how I do, I don't really have time for the petty net. I usually don't get it without any ways, but particularly in an emergency situation. You just gotta get the job done. Well, I mean it is remarkable what you've been able to do, what your team does- and I- and I just said you know even before this hurricane
yet I see the people of florida. No, they have somebody who's gonna. Do everything humanly possible. I mean you can only do so much, but there are things like and be done. That often are not done governor. So I want to tightening up here I think that you thing I think when people see you show up when they see you're doing all that you can. They appreciate it, and I have people to this day will. Thank me, for me. It is doubtless florida, alas, last year when they had that people know they they can tell when you're, when you're, leading when you're working hard, rather than just going through the motions, and when I see that I appreciate it and, yes, you can't just snap your fingers and fix every problem, but you can make a difference if you're willing to cut through the bs and the bureaucracy and just focus on results, yeah. Well, you know what they say: action is more important than words and you ve demonstrated that govern. I want to thank you very, very much as a flourishing and which everybody there godspeed
and keep up the gray work, and if people want to help the victims, there is a florida disaster fund, dot. Org that you can do. through its re, several million dollars. You know this is not government. This is private. Already that's manage by volunteer florida and it can help meet some of the needs that a government programmes can and, of course we don't want to rely on the federal government, so florida disaster fund dot org. We did sixty three million for the victims of hurricane, in which was very very helpful for a lot of those people and will do the same with whatever money is raised for the victims of hurricane. I dahlia a memory we post to those. Let's let post them on all the social sites. Mr bidders will do that governor and god bless you. My friend best to you and your family and everybody in florida, thanks, smart created, take care. You two, don't let him speak for himself. What do you think exceptional
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Were you believer trying to put them in prison? The democrat party's? That's why it needs to be exposed. That's why I wrote this book. The democrat party hates america you've got to endure and listen. Haven't you understand, I'm just put on want to put more meat on the bone, so we can do something about and where things we can do is go under when we took other people and other communities and so forth, and once they went a will you keep voting democrat. You know they ve done the black people. Do you know what they ve done? Delight You know people do you know what they ve done. The women do, you know what they ve done, the asians, what they ve done. The white people now do you know they don t, you know who they are. Do you know they didn't
need any civil rights movement in the sixties and so forth. We need your folks, we need, we cannot rely on the parties. We cannot cannot rely on the politicians. We need your folks plum. So I talking to programme about leaders and statesmen know your pick him my reward above for fine by me, fine by me, maybe one of old fraser hutches again We need your head examined, but you know it's up to you. Talk to you.
Maybe you want to vote for donald trump, who was a great president and would be a great president again and what they're doing to him is disgusting. Nobody discusses that more than I, but that doesn't mean you have to trash all the other candidates, particularly one other candidate. You know the big guys, the big dogs they'll, duke it out we're, not the big dogs. you just heard from this governor florida? What he's doing what he's been doing? There's a reason why the radical left wing phony civil rights groups want to destroy him, that the teachers unions want to destroy him, and so many others want to destroy her. We wish you people, florida and all the rest of the coastline, all abbess. We really do you get a chance. The democrat party hate, markets there at amazon is waiting for you.
And I'll, see you serve I'll, see you next tomorrow, gabbler I
Transcript generated on 2023-09-02.