« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, three people were hunted down and killed by a gunman in a racially motivated shooting at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. The Neo-Nazi movement and anti-black racism grew out of the Democrat party, not the Republican party, and the idea from the democrat media that Ron DeSantis has encouraged either is just appalling. Also, the House Judiciary committee is launching an investigation into the phony Georgia DA Fani Willis and the circumstances around her politically motivated actions against Donald Trump. Meanwhile, we have a fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington D.C. who is a radical Obama hack, and despite there being scores of witnesses and documents they are setting a March 2024 trial date for Donald Trump, giving Jack Smith everything he wants. The Trump defense cannot appeal substantively and get proper legal representation in such a short timeframe. It is the job of a Grand Jury to indict on the basis of probable cause, not the Federal government. The use of these grand juries, where there is obvious evidence of chicanery by these prosecutors, must be scrutinized at the front end of these various cases. The Democrat party wants a one-party state like all autocracies, particularly Marxist regimes.

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