On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, it's not controversial to support due process and justice. A new video emerges in the case of Jacob Blake showing a scuffle with police before making his way to the car. Rioting, looting, and arson in Kenosha put people on alert to defend their life and property. This also gives room for other radicals that are not leftists to come in and take the law into their own hands. The insurrection act must be triggered and the individuals causing all of this havoc must be rounded up and removed from society. Then, Jacob Blake's mother, Julia Jackson, publicly denounced the rioting, looting, and arson in Wisconsin as "disgusting" and was upset that it was being done in his name. Joe Biden made a video echoing her sentiments since he hasn't spoken out about the violence himself he relied on Julia Jackson's comments to end the violence. Later, LeBron James is launching a multi-million dollar campaign to recruit poll workers in urban areas. Interestingly, LeBron's goal is to combat systemic racism at the polls, however, it’s the Democrats that control these urban cities with mostly minority populations. Afterward, sportscaster Stephen A. Smith calls in to discuss the Kenosha shooting. Smith argued that police are quicker to shoot black people while attempting an arrest than they are non-blacks who are subdued and arrested without incident.
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