« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/15/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Durham report lays out that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, their lawyers, and the Obama administration interfered with the election of 2016 to try and stop Donald Trump from being elected and nobody was charged. Democrats challenged Republican election after election, in courts and on the floor of the House, and nobody was charged. Every Republican president is illegitimate according to Democrats. Congress decides on fake electors, not any court - you don’t criminalize these things. Presidents are free to contact state legislatures asking to see what they can do to reverse an election – it’s not a crime. None of this is about justice or law and order - it’s a revolution with the purpose of destroying the Republican party. Also, there is a national popular vote compact movement being pushed by left-wing groups. They want to change the electoral college system without amending the Constitution. This could be the biggest power grab in Democrat party history. They are not about voting, they are about winning. Finally, Rep Steve Scalise calls in to react to the Trump indictment in Georgia. Americans are disgusted with this, they hate seeing law enforcement being abused to go after their political opponents. Democrats are scared as hell to lose power.

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