« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/3/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda. The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. President Biden sent his kids to private schools, but he opposes school choice. The Democrat party today is the greatest enemy we face in America. Biden and the Democrats speak more fondly of illegal immigrants than they do of American citizens. Biden and the Democrats are more in love with the Paris climate accords than our Constitution. The Democrat party is massively expanding government and spending money they don’t have. Capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism and free speech and academic freedom is shrinking in America. Also, this latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a Donald Trump jury pool and deny the former president due process. The corrupt Biden DOJ, Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized, and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. In this, they’ve committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public. The whistleblowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes, etc. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power-hungry Democrat Party, and punished by the Biden regime. Later, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court's leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court's Republican members are susceptible to the praise. Notice how the three leftist Democrats on the Court never break when it comes to major decisions important to the Democrats, regardless of the Constitution's text and the framers' intent.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader The
The the in relation to the best of the mark. Levine show happy independence day. Welcome. Welcome lot going on out there. most of it that good, if you wanna, see really good things going on honestly. Look inside your own hard and soft. Looking your own life in your family. We all have
complete control, obviously, but more control. If you want to be down and out, you look at the government. There is an endless ever a relentless effort interfere in your life. To tell you what you can't, can I do to ban things to compel things really never seen anything like this in our country, never And when I look at MR daul, who did a hell of a job testifying today, and yet I look at the Democrats and we'll get into this- friend of mine said to me it s. The Democrats, don't wanna hear what he has to say. No, of course not because they were part of the plot to get trump and he exposed it any expose them with blowers. They only good whistleblower is a whistle blower that can be used to get a republican,
wise, their livelihoods are threatened to even threatened with jail. When it comes to the Democrats, the Democrats turbine take color speaks more fondly of illegal immigrants have just entered the country, then he does of american citizens. First. Second, third, fourth generation: think about that. The democratic party And by and they are more in love with the paris climate accords than they are with the constitution and the declaration of independence. Why is that? I think we know why the list goes on. Where's, the worst crime in america and democratic cities.
Hu, the worst judges in america, the democrat judges were the most partisan, worse prosecutors in america, the Democrat prosecuted. Which party is it that's massively expanding government. spending money. They don't have imposing impossible that. Generations yet born? I think that's the democrat party. and when you look at today's news, today's events that are going on so about yesterday hunter by getting a pass. Why Democrats, former president tromp indictment, arrest attempts to put him in prison democrats somebody
people are safe from the cities. The war on the cops Democrats. I want to thank those of you who went over to amazon and ordered your copy superiority, copies of the democratic party hates america. Since then, I've gotten twice. I've kept track of this, MR producer about a hundred twelve free books. learning from programme director suggest think I, Can you send out books willy nilly? First of all, the books are unavailable for three months. Secondly, The publisher can't possibly meet all those demands, and certainly I can't.
And leave about, but I thought it was important to do this project. and I told you yesterday, we ve been getting a lot of inquiries. I want to thank you and I Elaine, I can spend all day on it, but I open it up this. Why the debt Cried party and authoritarianism is the first chapter. This book is not intended to be provocative, but in the a party centric parts of our society and undoubtedly will be. That said, it's not written for democratic party officials, politicians, media sycophants activists and surrogates. certain for those patriotic americans who fear for our country and its future. America's unravelling our founding
History under assault our families and fade sir being degraded individualism has been substituted for group ism, Our blindness is now said to be racist, capitalism and press up. Prosperity are devoured by economic socialism and climate change, fanaticism, class, rooms have become indoctrination, mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion. Had teachers, unions or a hostile parental environment and critical decisions about the health and welfare their children in america, freeze Each academic freedom are shrinking and the police state is growing. This monitoring and spying on citizens Government is banning and regulating more and more a household products from incandescent light bulbs, dishwashers.
while creating shortages and driving up costs of others. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation, at schools, while police budget, slashed and many prosecutors, and judges cobble violet criminals, Our borders are wide open: two million, of foreigners who seek entry into the country as drug and criminal cartel ship killer drugs into our country by the tonnes, and brutalized migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves, and the list goes on. The democratic party is responsible for most of this and much more. It seeks to permanently control our governmental institutions, just as it dominates our cultural entities an immediate academia, entertainment, the science see
de legitimize and eviscerate. The constitution, loading the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court separation of powers etc, which obstructs its ideological, size the abuses, the rule of law, by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation, our and even imprisonment and october thirty, two thousand eight hundred obama shadow it grad than we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. He was not kidding I'll. May forty, two thousand eight Michelle Obama pronounced that we are going to have to change A conversation we're gonna have to change radiations, our history, we're going to have them moving window a different places, a nation. She meant it.
the obama's you're, not alone among democrat party apparatchiks and their contempt for this country. In fact, it is the rare top democrat party politician who read Billy praises america and sincere about it. They mostly trash talk that country smear millions of its people Examples are too numerous to catalogue here, but it is a party that is built. the demands of propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcolm tents and as a horrifying history. supporting the most contemptible causes, including they re segregation. The coup collects clan even lynchings, indeed, almost from the start, the democratic are rejected. The principles and values of the american experiment, today. It is the home of another anti american movement, american marxism, with its various it illogical appendages there,
Crap party ruling class are legion activists. Are you, I did in this revolution, as the title of this book declares that at party hates america and ease of you fundamentally transformed something you clearly not love or even alike it savings. Weighing on my radio, show me many times, One says I wish I could fundamentally transformed my spouse. If someone says. Then, you obviously don't love or like your spouse, but what, if you buy? What, if do not want to fundamentally transform america and you'll love our country, and it's important to speak. The truth about also seek to impose their will on the rest of us when dealing with such a direct threat to our freedom society way of life. We can not dodge responsibilities as citizens. Specially in my case,
when I have such a large such large platforms to push back. It can be difficult and unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this, The predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from where's individuals living quarters. Nonetheless, that time as light and their causes to on board too self centre. So let us step back and examine what is taking place and the central role of the democratic party. I'm not going to sit here and read all ninety two to ninety three thousand words. But those are the first handful of paragraphs. They led into the rest of that chapter, the democrat party and authoritarianism, the other chapters extract.
One chapter two as anti black racism and anti semitism chapter three, anti white racism and anti semitism chapter foreign language and thought control. Chapter five is war on the american citizen chapter six war. The nuclear family chapter, seven war on the constitution and chapter eight ireland would be proud, then there's the closing chapter. The epilogue, I hope, you'll take a moment because this book is written for you threaten for this autumn.
Specifically you my radio and tv audience, but mark but mark. We already know these things, there's a lot of things in this book. I doubt you do, but that's ok, then be preachers and proselytize spread. The word used the book you're, the new colonists. I want you to think back to the time in this country was facing annihilation from the british crown.
I want you to remember what I told you before that one third of the people in this country at the time, one third of the colonists and no more supported self government supported representative government supported dependence? I want should remember that one Third oppose them and supported the crown in knowing one too. But in one colony against another. Some of the colonies were perfectly happy, sewing cotton to the british crown
They won done any nothing to do with what was going on in Boston and philadelphia, and one state in particular. half of those who fought in the revolutionary war fought for the crime against their fellow colonists. But a third of the colonists who were in fact affected. By the revolutionary war took no side, two thirds. Therefore, Rather, against the revolution or took no side. There are tens of millions of us america. Tens of millions of us who need to support each other. I don't have all the answers.
I had only answers I wouldn't be in this business- would be a preacher or something else, but I dont have only at. But I do have a lot a lot to offer. You. From history in economics from philosophy a lot. And the democratic party today is the greatest enemy we face in this country. The greatest enemy we face in this country take, although sling and arrows, but I want you the army of oliver nights, the stand with me be right. Back much love in the
if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could if you have an eye array or for a one k, physical, go in your eye, ray the world. Go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold by what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my. and family. You should call a gusting get there also A guide to gold I raise feels good, There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. In seven for gold, I re that's eight seven cents, For god I re eight, seven, seven my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press
This metals dot com- this is marked levine wishing you. I have me fourth of July back to the best of me. The government is destroying the children of the country, absolutely obliterating them It is brainwashing them to be racists or the sulphate brainwashing them to be failures. brainwashing them to be little economic zone, listen marx's against capitalism. is brainwashing them to be failures, one of the great it high schools in america? Northern Virginia purposely withheld national- merit scholarship award information from young people.
Succeeded beyond other young people kept information from them in their parents, so they couldn't use. It took the colleges and universities. Do you want to know? Why too. Many of them were asians and jews. This is your government. School system I want to pursue this because now we have low test scores record test scores across amerika right back. If we learned anything over the past two years? It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that bill something that could help if you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go in your eye ray the world, go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it
you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals, though the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine, get there also a guide to gold. I raise feels good There's another savings option: diversity is the key call. A gust of precious metals, at eight seven, seven for gold- I re, that's eight seven cents. for god, I re eight seven, seven forgone irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com. This is the best that the mark levine shout happy independence day Something that has always been important to me. I dna is education, I was nineteen years old. I ran for the local school board and cheltenham counter pennsylvania among
outside of thought of back. Then it was republican. Today. It's all democrats. and I ran on getting back the basis. No stolen law school and I won At that time I was, the youngest personnel are likely to a school board and the commonwealth pennsylvania and us quite the pistol, think I am today. In that I always took on the teachers union, the local education, so Creation of facility of the anime had these brutal fight and we had nine members on the scoreboard. The votes were typically seventy two,
under the school board was an old man. He was twenty. Seven actually was my buddy bob zoellick. We were very much have liked mind. Seventy two Seven, the to every now and then eight, the one, but mostly senator well. Long story short. I eventually became president of landmark legal foundation. since a foundation. I can't take the credit for this, but this is a foundation, a fantastic foundation. They took on the issue of school choice before you ever heard of school choice. We represent a woman called polly, William. She was a state delegate, animal walking, the poor staring mock black woman armies and she supported school choice, as did the governor tommy thompson.
But we represented her and others. Several families. because the national education association was constant education association, it's its milwaukee, affiliates. And phony civil rights groups all opposed skull choice. Here we are facing groups like the mw recipients over this letter asian was arduous. It was complicated. There were two concepts, Solutions we were dealing with the state constitution, the federal constitution. we're in the wisconsin supreme court at least twice, and we won there, as were other group we went to the u s supreme court, at least twice,
Eventually, one there, this whole debate about school choice and options for kids would not be possible, but for the victories, the long. Fought difficult victories by landmark legal foundation and a few other group. We wouldn't be talking about school choice today or charter schools, or any of it. The idea was first brought to us a landmark legal foundation by man. You may have heard of milton friedman note. The freeman was his idea member the first time at milton friedman, I didn't know well, obviously the first time I met him into him at a seminar. Have hated seminars, but I bumped into him at a seminar I introduced myself. I wasn't no,
guy on tv and radio at the time was much younger. And you said where you were: were you Can I said, I'm working life landmark funding, she's wonderfully starts why he in turns around these was wait a minute you're the school choice. Laufer, I said yes, we are sir, And we had a wonderful tat. It was a wonderful, wonderful man too so easy to talk to So what am I to read to you right now, that's straits? What I mean about the democratic party in government. the last twenty four months, the democratic party, Be thirty months has absolute LEO obliterated, our educational, their surrogates the teacher union bosses. rennie Weingarten and whenever a cracked
heads the anyway. They have destroyed public education, they have destroyed the classroom, they have destroyed the faith of parents and the school system for good reason. And they double triple quadruple down because they figure what the hell are. You gonna do about And the consequences are grave and severe. Here's a piece in the new networks I by Dana Goldstein. so, while the new york times actually it's in many many media outlets, but I choose to read it from here just to make the point this is also the operation that backing the sixteen nineteen project. This is also the operation that backs everything democrat. Then they think
cover their ass with an article like this. Well, it doesn't work not here. The math and reading performance Thirteen year olds in the united states, is now at the lowest level in decades accorded to test scores release today from the national assessment of educational progress, the gold standard, federal examination. The last time math performance was this slow for thirteen year old was in the night It was in nineteen. Ninety in reading two thousand, for these are thirteen years. Performance has fallen significantly since the twenty nine In twenty twenty school year, when they corona virus pandemic, wrought havoc on the nation,
education system address, reading what you wrote they wrote, but the downward trend reply the day began years before the health crisis raising questions about a decade. Disappointing results for american students. federal standardized test, known as the any e p was given last fallen, just on basic skills, the thirteen old, scored an average of two fifty six out of five hundred in reading. To seventy one out of five hundred in math down from average scores, two sixteen reading to eighty in math three years ago. Cheap declined across lines of race class geography, but in math, especially, Annabelle children, including black native american and low income students, experienced bigger, drops.
Large body research shows that most american children experience academic struggles during the pandemic has also been clear that low Come students of cholera most heavily affected by school closures and remote learning, which in some district Lasted more than a year, lorenzo schools must reduce which party trying coming when the lightest test results, other federal government's final major release, a data on pen make learning loss. Did they not say two paragraphs before that their started well, for the pandemic ten years ago. Yes, they did, they scores
two educators. Understanding of the challenges that lie ahead for children, a different ages and demographic groups are, then they get into their classic marxist panel. They dont teach math anymore. Like mass. They don't teach reading any more like reading. They don't english anymore, like english, they don T. history anymore, like history, so to what goes on in these classrooms and in the school districts is superfluous, so much goes on in these school So these classrooms is democrat party propaganda. Many people teaching our children, our unqualified they get and you're out, if there are one or two years.
Schools have been nationalized by the democratic party, the union's role in the classroom. They control the textbooks. This seminars, training sessions, the faculty around.
I control the school libraries and have her parents group dares to speak up. Your only be a hit list. You dare not challenge this monopoly. You dare not challenge. It. Obama sent his kids to private school. He refused to support poor black kids. Going to private school Biden, went to a private catholic school so both of his boys. He opposes school choice. Puducherry went to a private school. He opposes school choice, alleged.
worn went the private school, she opposes skull, troy and they talk about the kids. We need another government programme, we need to redistribute more well, we need to raise more taxes and anyway, You disagrees with them. Obviously, as against education, the edges Asian scores are going down and down and down the more powerful the department of education becomes, the education scores are going down and down and down the more control? The Democrats have the classroom like everything else they touch. It turns a crap and now. Now they want to control your children, mines not just fail. A teaching.
And they don't want to get out of that classroom. We cannot have options, challenges, choice. We need indoctrination into the democratic party and all of its screwy marxist agenda, you were tomboy. Thirty fourth grade a little girl likes to play with the boys rages. Eyebrows. Maybe she's more boy and girl, let me go interviewer so you're down the hall to the school psychologist and do not tell her parent, Who? Obviously, a reprobates who will object.
the educational bureaucrats from much superior were smarter or more progressive or more open minded. They say, we need to do its metal glee right with our children. But there have been regimes in the past that have sent exactly the same thing. They experimented on people were just trying to figure out the best form of science and save the greater good save the masses. What's the problem.
How do I identify that sound like silence to he science? You must reduce her. How do I identify and you a supreme court nominee. Who won't even define a woman while she's praised as the first black woman on the supreme court? She can define black, she could define supreme court, but woman. She can't define why she can define it Cause she's a a serial. That's why a lot more to say about this I'll, be right back. If we anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something back help if you have an eye or for one k physical. in your eye. Ray the world gul council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold, Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my. in family. You should call a gusting get their old a guide to god. I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids Evans seven for gold. I re that's eight seven! So For god, I re eight, seven, seven, my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
This is marred levin wishing you. I had a fourth of July now back to the best of make Jimmy carter and the Democrats created a department of education. The ninety seven reagan comes in I'm one of many that come in with him tries to abolish. he even won the senate when coattails, nobody thought he would so big was his landslide. He won the senate, but Blocked from eliminating the department of education by the republican majority in the senate, blocked for a lot of people like ms mckenna and listen Rakowski. Listen. Rakowski is the anyway, and if these favorite senator more than any democrat as well as much MC com.
This is why we lose these battles. The Democrats are hardened marxist and there. Publicans too. Many anyway are complete. Sellers. Others are passive. It's disgusting disgrace were today. Nobody holds her due account for what's taking place in classrooms today, cheese, significant vote in a senate that almost fifty fifty tim, scotch gonna have the justify endorsing her throughout his campaign was adam shift, has held, was teach us centred, missed producer.
Well, we have to talk about this after the top of the hour. I could not be more proud of the republicans for censuring adam shift in the house the houses where the action is folks, the house is action is the Senate is where you go who are the old, the old man and old ladys home. But the houses where the action is Adam shift is just Century by the house of representatives or cash, the republic? Ok, I don't care it's. The house of representatives. Because he's a lying scumbag. Let's watch for the republic to defend this, that is him and objective. This brother, dressed up as commentators, are oppressed central candidates. This entire lie about russia collusion and the constant by shifting go on tv and trash. The former president
as chairman of the entire committee trying to mislead American people into believing that he actually had evidence he said over and over again well. He's a lying sack of the sausage. and now he's been Helen spent centric. As I understand it, MR producers are correct by the house: represent now when it again it s over the course of the next few minutes, and I will report back. We will continue I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again.
for listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The air. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin show happy independence day. Did you listen The two minutes a day, audio tape. There was, Week by the Biden regime to CNN america, did you listen to oh yeah tal over the media. Tal over me. And the legal analysts and our hosts the rest they want to know how does trump get out of this.
How does trunk get out of this where the seventeen audio, apes, involving the burdens and the bribery for ten million dollars from the How many chinese, whose president today Joe Biden. He's the one that has power to day he's one destroying the country. Does anybody care about those they were either how come scene? It never gets a copy of that stuff. But notice. The media could give a damn about Civil liberties, due process. Poison juries, misconduct by the carbon of justice by the rug it or prosecutor notice. They don't give a damn. about individual rights in the bill of rights.
Civil liberties applied every by and so this morning I gonna up and I posted the fine words made the rounds. while beating their chests about the hearts of trump polling, classified information. The fact is that the correct Biden, d, o j sleazy jack smith's office, the usual rub, media lapdog said publicly identify characterized and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. Everything we ve learned about. This is from the leaks. America, not from trump from the leaks by the government from the filings by the government So here we have another link in this. committed, scores of felonies interfere, in a presidential election
push, the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war. While smearing in denouncing trump and his supporters trumpet Elite anything to the public. They have. After fifty years in washington, by in owns the federal bureaucracy, the thoroughly career Biden, family Biden, regime use the power of fair, long force against their political opponents this called mega extremists pro lifers parents, all whites, by mrs D, Ancona whatever that means. While the same investigators and prosecutors pool all punches lie. Sensor cover up, dismiss play All the publicly known evidence, thank you, The irish whistleblowers Kevin Mccarthy Jordan and james comber of me millions and millions of dollars and farm pathos. Bribes influenced
Stealing, money laundering and other sleazy biden, financial schemes Specially involving selling out to our biggest threat communist china. We ve manchurian president. The whistle blowers have testified about obstruction, political interference. to buy underlined crimes they ve been ignored by corrupt media personally attack by the parents. We democrat party and punished. by the Biden regime. Many general garland corrupted the core like most mob lawyers as being caught, Her during himself before congress and obstructing justice by claiming to not have interfered in the hunter by an investigation when I S, whistle blowers, say the prosecutor told them that's David why's that he did. Even though, why says trying to reverse course, problem
They ve numerous witnesses and contemporaneous notes to back them up ireland has approved every sleazy investigative and prosecutor, our tactic against trump and me their republicans. Walter, create a public image of the earnest judge, a dangerous man was stalinist characteristics, atlanta has stonewalled appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss, Joe Biden he wants to smother with a political pillow binds. Multiple but all activities maybe even involve our national security he's the man in charge of the bag and cover up and the trump imprisonment effort. ireland appointed unleashed a disgrace. Jack jack Psmith nor forget, stop alike tactics to sue binds political targets, especially so called magyar. Republicans, this big
threat in nemesis donald trump smith, was public admonished and in a d, zero supreme court decision. Eighty zero for his abuse of power a phoney public corruption cases brought against a former republican governor garland saw that as a compelling credential, and of all the lords could have chosen. He picked this one because he knew nor do the work of the mob. garland violent bite in his operatives are hopelessly corrupt media. The democratic your destroying our country. Right before our eyes. This latest ask a leak around it. click. The cnn is further did a poison, a jury pool and deny the former president due process as he was denied attorney, clive privilege and the EU administrative processes afforded former presidents when leaving office to be clear.
We know nothing about the context of the audio, nothing we're fat exam wait two minutes we see it in a favorite Date run. Media outlets we know no more or no less than they tell us to know and multiple money is committed by this regime and leaking that tape will become completely ignored, felony committed in pursuit of trap or no longer felony the justice system is dead. Democratic party owns the federal government. That's what I posted. have you heard a single broadcast network any. Raise these concerns. Not one single host, not one. A single legal analysed, not one that government commits
Only after felony, after felony leak after legal fairly carefully about clare, five material. They violate the espionage, but it doesn't matter of no consequence, I see this piece about Netanyahu, it's funny. In a sick way, works is left is the same, whether in america, Israel or anywhere else by the gray caroline glick on gns. Excuse me Jns. On thursday night would sunken faces channel thirteen, Legal correspondence deliver the news that job
Is presiding over prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, trial for bribery and breach of trust and told the prosecutors The attorney last week that the prosecutors Not proven their charger bribery and are unlikely succeed in doing so, since all their major witnesses of already testify the employee, patients are shattered by the seven years to forces the state prosecution in the media, get my drift this day. prosecution in the media at worst days, rather than. Get civil war in their efforts to criminal. Netanyahu and demonizing supporters the same marxist tactic there. goal was never hidden. A thousand Netanyahu from public life and disenfranchises voters by disqualify and demonizing there are like the leader when I read this later today Is this that is close to what I posted as possible:
maybe now again, I'm saying here look at the overlap here. Beginning and twenty. Sixteen could she's right on through criminal law, It's too reporters from every major paper: radio station in television channel state prosecutor's police, investigators, journalists and enters invented and shaped a narrative criminality surrounding Netanyahu and solid to the public on a daily basis, yellow, they said, undermine Israel's economy, national security, moral fibre, It satisfies decadent tastes, enriched cronies and further is obsessive, compulsive quest, repository the coverage from the same media that eight, let's unqualified, Mr Netanyahu's downfall, the media, to fight every means the prosecution employed against him. Shame when America's media again participating in these
diabolical stalin, like practices where you were audio that information by the damn government to try and take out trump same game thing in Israel. The report is, and editors who proudly proclaim themselves champions of civil rights and the of law. Look the other way are justified. Repeated crimes committed by profit It is an please investigated in order to get Netanyahu and she goes on in a fantastic peace. In fact, I can cut it. There is too important
It should have just a few of those crimes which, while exposed and full on the witness stand, were widely known in real time. Rather than report them critically or even dispassionately, the media justified or ignored them and attacked as unprofessional, corrupt, the few writers and reporters who are willing to expose them to compel not yahoo closest associates to incriminate him. The prosecutor. No, please, extorted, tortured and humiliate too those chiefs of staff, David Sharon and our hero former director general of the ministry of communication. Shlomo filbert, and that knows from former spokesmen near her. Vets were subjected to physical and psychological torture and extortion at the hands of police investigators, closely guided by pro regulators there are locked up and denied food and medical treatment, Police ruin have acts and heroes, marriages, police,
did sharon's italy mother into an investigation cell in front of him to try a break him: these men who committed no crimes, were subjected to problem incarceration and denied sleep. That's was jailed in a flea ridden cell and that minimal medical care, all the witnesses were subjected to prolong public humiliation. The police open scurrilous criminal pro against haro and stage a dramatic arrest him into custody, as he landed at the airport, as if he were a drug kingpin marie peter navarro, MR and mrs America. Remember that. When they arrived at the man at an airport, opened up. Another open ended, scurrilous investigation against filberts son heroin. Sharon's bank accounts for a frozen there. Why
as firm of serves unable, even by food, at the supermarket all to take down the idea just like in america whenever they can do to take down trump and the media are in on all of it. Multiple other prosecution witnesses were subjected to similar Whenever state prosecutions campaign to use that criminal probed to intimidate and terrorised Netanyahu and coercive into stepping down. sound familiar america, the demon in criminalize this sitting. Prime minister and his associates prosecutor some police investigators engaged in widespread crime. Use of cyber warfare factors developed fight Israel's enemies, Netanyahu his age and apparently children and wife were subjected to Legal monitoring of their electronic communications wow We can do a legal search warrant. Try and cynicism
team to the former presidents home one of the breach of trust charges. Its Netanyahu allegedly originated in the police's illegal. You Such spyware tool against diary, horror again most of the day chose this prosecutor or misconduct and apparent out. Criminality in that part of investigators and prosecutors was known. sometimes has always happening the vast bridge reported. Senators in every medium supported these actions, just like they support the leak out that audio yes, that per slobbering all over all the media well over our web pages everywhere. Beta workers issues totalitarian activity, it's perfectly fine by lab, will one day that pendulum will swing. You mark my words.
And I will continue when I return for eyes and eighteen t t mobile. If your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited unlimited text and ultra fast five g data produced twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? U s its phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk, uses the most dependent Five g network in the nation gets go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks, amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy, so choose a veteran one.
I think that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text with plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast you'll save an additional Fifty percent of your first month with pure talk spaces the past that the mark levine shall happy independence day, take women folks to another important show- or I trample all these things together- the constitution united states Marxist laugh, they would be. The Democrats in their media, loved away with around when they can use it to help them. after their enemies. On the other hand, they condemned the constitution. In every other way, is being Mr White
owners and so forth, so those are their pathologies and those of their mental issues pact problem is common sense. It's logic, don't matter. There was a ruling today or an opinion issued today and more versus harper. That's one of most disgusting opinions. I read LE yet a sick three majority. That means three of them. Publicans one, but the three radical democrats soon appear written by John roberts, the chief justice, who has It is abundantly clear now that he is a worthless fry, Funny you, sir. Entered all as principles: cabin I warned you was no conservative is proving it every day and bear it. Firstly, as under the spell of roberts and she's becoming please disaster more one, return for eyes and eighteen t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily
save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited talk unlimited text and ultra fast five g data for just twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? You asked it's phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk uses the most dependable Five g network in the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy, so choose a veteran a company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, levant podcast for unlimited talk and text with plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk that calm and use promo code, levant podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month with pure talk
This is marked live in wishing you I have before the July now, back to the best of made little timid. here and there from my new book, the democratic party age. The constitution cause its relevant through and through So before we get into the specific, truly imbecilic decision involving or carolina. Lay the foundation. Those three justices. robert cabinet in Barnett, being praised on MSNBC slow, Bring praise and sober, then this is what the rabbit left. Media noted. Do John Roberts covets positive slobbering media, I believe bear it has been,
under his wing. These mentoring, her in desperately seeks I kind of attention to, as does cabin I. After what they did him. Three stalwarts orally. Thomas and corset lets it. There are no others. Now you know the democratic party hates the constitution as they hate america. Is they hate you hate, the founding they hate the framers when attire after the constitution called war on the constitution chapter seven, I look. With notes, and all this book is actually over three hundred fifty pages. But don't let that scare, you its load? excited about this book pre orders on amazon? Our signal billy behind the pre orders for american marxism, which does concern me. I m
wondering why This is a crucially important message for you. This because ridden for you and I said This chapter, the euro constitution, is the most remarkable governing document ever written Chris. a functioning federal government but protects both state in individual liberties. At the same time, you if we divide the federal government into three coequal branches with their own responsibilities in his mouth. are chosen and fundamentally different ways. Other designed to protect the people from at least two forms: a tyranny, mob accuracy and dictatorship. The constitution is a document that takes into consideration, take The consideration narrowly diverse nature of america from its more dense, populated areas to its rural communities, from its more marshall centres to farming areas from
fisheries to its mining towns from people of deep fade to be both no faith from there. The educated that barely leadership from the rich the poor and yes from white, the black people in every other, skin color. It is a self correcting document allowing for to address imperfections and unforeseen events, should seen in portion of the body politic and the public demand them. Constitution is a truly incredible manifestation of thousands of years of human experience from progress yet drafting period of less than five months. But if you purposes to fundamentally transform america than europe This must also be to destroy constitutional republicanism, that's them constitution must go either all once or by parts. That is exactly what the dough crap party the mines have in mind.
Buying and his party are endlessly relentlessly looking for ways to bypass the institutions, obstacles to centralize power, in the past, the democratic party academicians insisted that institution actually embodied their ideological agenda and compelled our outcomes. They demanded they celebre. The judiciary is abuse of judicial review and promotion. activism, today they make open there staying for the constitution, and no longer seek to disguise their true intentions. For example, radical left us ruth koker culture, professor, more its college of law. The ohio state university is all iterative of this modern assault on the constitution itself. Key to this to try to link the constitution is slavery. She right,
the opening sour, whereas a totally white supremacist constitution, The united states constitution is a document the during area itself, further supremacy white supremacy constitute. A political economic, cultural system, which way over overwhelmingly control power and material resources, she's an unconscious ideas, a white superiority, Title men are widespread the relations of white dominance and non white subordination, daily reenacted across a broad array of institutions and social said, and by the way This has gone on a law schools across margolis, ladys and lily white as they come rather than understand the constitution as a force for progressive structural change. We should understand as a barrier to change from its inception, constitution and try and slavery. The dagger Black people considering them to be property, in any equal members of the community.
The civil war amendments did not truly about slavery and only prohibited a limited band of state action rat reconstruction was short, lived as white supremacy, quickly. Eviscerated any political games, black voters had achieved this, cream corridors interpreted these civil war amendments consistently with their white supremacist routes, then serve as an effective instrument to help eradicate the badges incidents, vestiges of slavery, constitutions, come the tool to both ban voluntary race, affirmative measures, the federal state and local governmental levels and also debris congress from enacting strong abolitionist measures quarters enshrine the views of Andrew Johnson, Its proponent of white supremacy into it struck. Now, there's a guy by the name of eli missile, or else Still, I should say who is a contributed. Msnbc is on there. All the time
In my view is absolute bigot, and he book. I had abide and I read it. Allow me to retort a black eyes. To the constitution begin. In my opinion, this is who is like calker. He declares that the united states is and always has been, a corrupt society. Institutions about thing. But the demands of the moral white people enshrined in a document and imposed on the nation. During his media tour promoting the book he declared on a b the view television show quote the constitution. It's kind of trash: let's just talk dollar for a second He went on it was written by slavers and colonists and why People who are willing to make deals with slavery in colonists cologne lists, I should say they didn't anybody who looked like me, what they thought about the constitution. Moreover, this document,
written without the consent of black and brown people in this country and without the consent of women in this country?. And I say that the starting point. The very least we can do is ignore what those slavers colonists A massage interests, thought and interpret the count detention in a way that makes sense for a modern world. Now, of course, among the improvements to the constitution, he says word no states rights when it comes to health care less. policing and guns- that's just better. He says for MR therefore turnings called the constitution is simply a practical and cynical way to destroy it. for he and his fellow area logs to impose their will now. Do we respond to this? That's why I write books like this. That's why this book is particularly crucial.
I'm gonna learn a little bit of information. You ve never learn before, certainly not in classrooms or other books for law. Professor Robert name, then who have met and no in the past is great. Guy now leads Penance institute, explains to begin with the dominant view. Among the founders was that slavery was absolutely not fine the prevailing view. Was slavery violated natural law. It was doomed to extinction. In fact, seventeen. Eighty seven several states had begun the journey towards abolition, nor did the constitution create or mandate slavery or racial discrimination. These requests. heads of state law and a varied from state to state the founders. Or to accept that situation to prevent america from fracturing into a multitude of nations constantly war with each other, as in europe,
So far as the common claim that slaveholders adopted the constitution of the public that right find it only a small percentage, own slaves, perhaps as many slaveholder suppose the constitution is favoured any rights please five stage the ratifying electorate included free african americans? Did you know that. Apparently missile, didn't know it now. You know Interesting. How many of those who insist that in mrs may, all our history must be taught in promoting the non historical c r t the refuse to do just that Relentlessly smear our country. The previously named american constitution society, whose president his former wisconsin democrats senator rest, fine gotta, have a conference. Titled founding Values reckoning with our constitutions, generational impacts on health and well being you'll notice,
endless attack on the constitution, because marx's that's what they embrace and I've said a thousand times. They cannot coexist constitutions, establishment of a racial caste system, they say, left a legacy that can be seen generations later and its impact, health and well being of communities of color exploitative signed terrific studies and fear medical care and discuss Literally designed infrastructure in environmental policy have wreaked havoc on the bodies of black, indigenous and latina ex americans only goes on both sides. now, of course, the party most directly responsible slavery, segregation and racism in their perpetuation is the democrat pie The american marxists are deeply sympathetic to an aligned with as members and advocates now, even more.
I am scrolling down, they want to make a point Let's see your folks stick with me is written. by alex tab. The new york times. They relied heavily in the modern access on the old time marxist Francis fox payments among other, but Gets deeply into the history of the country infringements like needles and professor nettlesome sister professor, at hillsdale college, DR david azeroth makes a good and succinct and so the framers of the constitution. Listen to this, The argument that the constitution is races suffers from one fatal flaw. The concept of race does not exist in the constitution. Nowhere constitution or in the declaration of independence, for that matter, are human
is classified according to race, skin color, ethnicity, nor one had sex religion or any other, the less favoured groupings, our founding principles, colorblind, although our history regrettable regrettably, has not been, but the constitution speaks people, citizens persons, other persons, are euphemism for slaves and indians not taxed, in which case it is our taxes. Status, not their skin color that matters the first rep so as to raise a color occur in the fifteenth amendments guarantee of the right to vote. Ratify in eighteen. Seventy eight points out further the infamous This clause, as I pointed out here, which more nonsense, has been written than any other clause does not declare that a black This is where sixty percent of a white person. It says it for purpose of determining the number of representatives for each state in the house and direct taxes. The gun we can only three fifths of the slaves and not all of them. As this
States wanted to gain we're seats billions. listed on it, but it was rejected. This The thousand or so free blacks in the north and the south or canada. are with whites, their free will blacks. Constitution defers to the stage to determine who shall be eligible to vote under article one section, two clause, one It's a little known fact of american history that black cities. As for voting, that is perhaps as many as ten states at least either. We know, but as many as ten at the time of the founding. The precise numbers are unclear, but only georgia, south carolina virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites. He says, because the constitution does not explicitly recognise slavery and does not therefore admit slaves were property, all the protections it affords to persons could be applied to slaves
Any one of these provisions- and of an abolitionist states anyone would make a deal and you know who underscore that point, MR producer, in a speech in July fifth, eighteen, fifty two frederick tat Houben, a slave. to escape slavery was a genius He said the most fantastic things about the constitution but if men would only follow it, that's in the book to but I'm not gonna reed anymore. Right now. those of you have pre ordered. Thank you. Those of you thinking about it Did you go ahead and jump in
The book isn't gonna change between now and when it is released. But I want you to get into the cue to be the first among to receive it. I feel when I write these books, that is, for their very important for helping to coalesce a movement to save the country. You're going to learn information in these books to counter the marxist left, the counter the democratic party. that you never heard before let's do this together, amazon had come books, a million large, a noble they all sites see. If we can push this But finally, the number one on amazon I'll be right, it was love eyes and eighteen t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily. save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited time
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Additional fifty percent of fear, first month with pure talk, faces the past that the marked levine shout happy independence day. I can guarantee you guarantee. That if any information was leaked, actually fingering Joe Biden or his family, the it wouldn't be. The information it was late. Payments made The issue would be wholly did what are their motives? Are they going to be tracked down? I'm quite cheers You have none of that today, except from me and may be a few others. I haven't heard no. Sure about the constitutional violations, whether to turn climb privilege, whether tentless leaking.
I have so much respect for Dershowitz, yes, he's a Democrat, but he's not a marxist he's under terrible assault from his own party in his former friends. but he calls him, as he sees him call them as I seem to, and I'm not going to stop there was done last evening was deplorable. Absolutely outrageous. Oh, you cannot have due process in this country when you're, trying to poison, a jury poor like this, in every media's participate in every media have watched and of, my twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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The no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the year. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin shelf, happy independence day, to you, one of the two sections in yours. Institutional elections that the court decided on tibet. Then I want to explain to you how in and disingenuous this decision was in this decision came down the way it did truly quite simple. The alive since clause of the constitution provides this part of it quote the time places, a manner voting alike,
since four senators and representatives shall be priests, bribed in each state by the legislature thereof from the state, the legend, nature is the beginning. In the end but the congress may at any time by law makers alters such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. Now the word, legislature is in there. A common understanding of a legislature. It's not complicated. This is one of the clear pieces of next in the constitution. How could they written. And it was obvious. drafted at the constitutional convention, it was adopted at the council. Usually convention and it was adopted, ratifying states, but that's not good enough for the: u s supreme court, that's not good enough,
governors for boards of supervisory boards of election state courts, lower federal courts. It's not good enough. Now. Try. seems pretty plain to me- The Democrats in advance of this decision have a headache Court press- and I mean the Democrats in the media and elsewhere suggests- That, if you rule that the language and the constitution says what it says. There must be something wrong with you, this is unique theory, so theory that the state legislatures have the final say and that there isn't state court review. Then the? U s supreme court today, even expanded to federal court river.
So the state legislatures just a bit player and it can be overruled by state courts by federal courts. Can you remember all this during the last election, correct, so these supreme court just rewrote the constitution. Remember the first hour where I read at some length about our constitution. and I want it, takes his virtuous people to embrace it to follow it to execute. What we lack virtuous people in high positions in America today, buzz you running around trying to get trump. That's pretty Charlie, do these days and destroy the country before I get into the case, What you do know that the cook said MSNBC and obama a cook himself, and he
in his career, condemning the constitution, those who drafted it while they he's roberts, the chief justice who wrote the majority decision and blew out the text cavanaugh. Karen, who was so beaten down by the left, he's doing everything it can to build up a credit and bear it. The biggest disappointment of the more last day the trump administration, she is confirmed. She's considered a scholar. It turns out she's just another rhino. Because she's under the wing roberts in this after all the roberts court and he doesn't like all the talk about a right wing court. This case is in basilica. The majority does it is illogical, completely illogical, two grounds number one
Case was already resolved, even though one up supreme court by this, Important north carolina, the petition, including the speaker, the north carolina house, said that north carolina supreme court did not have the power to change the district lines that were determined by the republican state legislature. It have their power. then they cited, among other things, this section of the constitution. We get to make these decisions, the people like this. We get to make these decisions. Well guess what in the next election, the subsequent election, the people North carolina elected a new supreme court news quota majority, I should say- and that court reverse the prior corps
an agreed with the republican speaker and the case, was over. There were no issues for the: u s supreme court! That happens from time to time. You know, but the! U s, support port didn't drop the kid to give an opinion. The majority wanted to give an opinion. Even though there was no issue left to adjudicate, the petitioners As a result of the state election and the new majority on this, Supreme court, they won they wonder issue, but the? U s import the majority said no. We want to take this up number number one. That is outrageous. That means too who wants to play in this field and activists, role.
It had literally no basis for ruling anything today, because the people who brought the case Their case was satisfied. It was over its moot, but roberts, the chief Since these three marxist radicals on the court, who always stand together when it comes to a major case,. and now the two other rhinos they wanted to hear the case. They wanted to decide on a case by what are they decide? What are they decide. The language seems pretty clear, doesn't plain english. I mean, if you come from a big time law school and you ve been a judge, you bins, Certainly know how to read plain english, like a few sentences in the constitution, Again, the time
places and manner of holding elections for senators and representative shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature there, but the congress made any time by law making such regulate, there's another section of the constitution to which I spent a lot of time on again. Emphasizes the role of the state legislature Choosing of electors does say the state says the state legislature and yet and other parts of the constitution. We will hold tenth a member It talks about the states at this stage. dislike her, but this No impact on the six justice six, three, the three truly excellent justices, Alito thomas and gorsuch,. Before I give you the second point, the real. The justices wooden drop this case, particularly the three republicans,
Because they wanted to appeal to the radical left my party media. That's been pounding them lightly, John roberts, hollywood John, because he reads the news on the media: it's his court baby cabin, as I said, is trying to remake himself and Baron is a lost solve who is subjected to the influences, the chief justice, two lousy chief justice supreme court. Will this MSNBC supreme court goes against giving state legislatures unchecked control over federal lectures. How do you like that sense? How do you like that total now now give it to the court's. Instead, though, have on track control. The justices rejected the quote in the paint pendant state legislature, theory encore. So it's a theory. There is in black and white in the constitution, but it's
theory, you see america was cited by trump supporters during the twenty twenty election. They mean me. Their theory would have reached directed the power of state courts to review certain election laws exactly the framers didn't, say the states. They said the state legislature, state by the legislature thereof at the store thereof. They know how to write the framers. They know how to think these things through, but you see what happens here is when you abandoned the cards. to join in the mornings. Are the constitution can do these sorts of things. So the three marks on the court they hope for and they were joined. the three rhinos on the court, so there you go sixty three
read. This is going to turn into another burger court. To be perfectly honest with you. warren berger I in turn for warm burden. When I was in law school, I drew did the speeches, most of them, no doubt with poor quality of. of teaching in law, schools when it comes to actual litigation, cosy asked me to look into those things. I certainly enjoyed it and I certainly did, and he quite right, but that was a that was all over the map, because you had leftists, you had one conservative then you at others who were looking for in on each case, looking for a way in a way out on a so there. It's the way, NBC news and MSNBC report. The supreme court Tuesday declined to impose new limits on state courts. reviewing certain election related issues by ruling against republic in the north carolina fighting. Congressional district map the would have
We favour their candidates. Imagine that emerge having a majority party wanting elections and deciding what the district should look like lay gentlemen. That's been going on since day, one who should decide all we should have experts in washington and what happens the experts are corrupt the next thing. You know that democratic parties in charge of it again the court decline to embrace a broad version of a hitherto obscure legal argument called the in depth. in state legislatures theory. Now by the This propaganda came out of ivy league law. Schools has been pushed by the media since day. One. which republican say limits: the authority of state courts to strike down certain election laws enacted by state legislatures. So Wonders and former president Donald trump cited the theory in various cases during the we twenty presidential election and its aftermath so coarse. They go after eastman
surely come after me, even though he and I never talked about this, as far as I know doesn't matter it's always been my view, its Just my view is the view of a number of justice in the past, including renquist and so forth, but regard suppress it in and what justice is thought. What s this is wrote. What is the constitution. You have here in the federal constitution they conference of already on the state legislature in federal election matters, There's not a conference on states generally, there is like France, on the state legislatures in plain english, under their federal constitution. How, then that's a state court get to intervene? and say no, the state legislature is wrong. It has no that role
Producers are authority to interfere in a federal election matter. It doesn't matter what state courts normally do, MR chief justice, it does matter. State courts normally have judicial review overstate constitute Well, they choose mister chief justice. This is a federal crime, Traditional issue authority granted specifically to the state legislatures, the framers of the constitution, and were a hell of a lot smarter than you and those five others. You went with you. They know exactly what they were doing. They wanted the elected body in the state Dealing with the elected body at the federal level congress. they didn't want all courts in between. To make decisions like this. If they did they said so there,
Very reluctant to empower the judiciary, they called it the weakest brand, now the most powerful branch other than the fourth branch. The unconstitutional mass appear bureaucracy, and this is exactly the point of my book Bring way by rulers. The democratic parties all end. But then we have this re couldn't get They wanted today without those three republicans, and they got it how much we vet these candidate matter: their records and lower courts matter, their record of bureaucracy, Matter their records they flip, the vast majority of them and I don't wanna, hear again read my old friend federal judge, Roy lambert, how wonderful cabin I was on the court's. He sacks.
And I don't want to hear from the federalist society ever again how wonderful parent was when we took up her cause here. She sacks. I'll be right back much the the John farm income in the united states was a loss of eleven hundred dollars. Sixty percent of u s, port comes from one company wholly owned by the Chinese, and farmers are more like to commit suicide than veterans. Folks, we got a problem, I'm listening In farmer and founder of mine we offer grass bad and grasped finnish beef and lamb pastured pork and chicken and wild caught alaskan sam ships straight from the, Of rural america come stand shoulder to shoulder with us by putting the family farm at the centre of your supper table was
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Louisiana one of the other states of louis alabama, but I could be dead wrong. He shot them down. Again voting with the left. Then It in their so its clear what he's trying to do in his own mind, for his own legacies? He wants to be a great republic in civil rights court justice. Twenty wants to be and that's why the left does what it does to our nominees brutalized and when there they collapse when strong, like clarence thomas, they dont The short segment when we come back, I want to circle back something and provide additional information to you. Ladies and gentlemen, from the wash examiner break of thieves investigator reporter the group
getting conservative supreme court justice and, by the way, their only targeting the three. Only the three thomas alito endorse and it's a phoney moose operation out o you speedily san francisco so phony news operation called pro pubic, a k, a pure pro public. And its funded with an enormous amount of dark money left used to hate dark money? They or pretend to, but they use more of it than anybody, because there near spend like. Spend lavishly like marxists per country. On power, our billionaires not so much knots much the very nervous they re now read. What are they gonna do to my very nervous not all of them, but to have our children in an open the rationale that country for god's sakes, where's art George soros anyway, I'm here
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I do here is damaged I do how this works in me. So today, chief justice, John Roberts, socio justice, cabinet, associate justice. Barrett are being praised. The saviors democracy rejecting the crackpot idea of the pennell legislative theory. Barely. They can't read point anguish,. and by the way, as a footnote, I just try this with chief justice roberts. Let me put this in a way that even should understand. Sir John but I used to call you, for you became a justice john. new north carolina supreme court selected term saying they they get in there and they
First, the old north carolina supreme court ruling that was challenged by the petitioner. So the petitioners aren't petitioners anymore. They one that the supreme court level in the state, no longer any issues. We call that moot john. Maybe miss that a law school and thereafter. So the cases mood but John And cabin on barrett, they do They want to rule anyway and of course, these three radical justices they're laughing all the way to the cafeteria in the supreme court, whose a thing What three schmuck we got here. and so they rule. For the position that was argued by the party. that lost the case. In this state of north carolina and we're not the petitioners here-
those if standing in for the state having lost. In these states supreme court, the supreme court revives the defence in a stage mope well Now, what they've unleashed here, of course, the endless law suits and state and federal court by the left. So the state legislatures will not have the final say: do not The final say even according to the federal constitution there are the state entity that has any say tell us. Work supreme court with the opinion written by John Jay. Hey. Here's johnny and support baron cabinet have completely or
The election process in the constitution. and they ve not only empowered state judges get this. They ve empowered federal judges. But they don't say how exactly or when exactly or why exactly to also intervene as they seem necessary instead legislative decision. So the state legislature really is no said: the state or look over their shoulders federal court Look over their shoulders? This was who case and they took it, and they stride. The whole election process, extreme activism, extreme activism, just as bad as any activism of the far left and, of course, the three radicals other court think it's perfectly fine. And they are being celebrated, MR producer, they not celebrated today will all the
actually a hold on tv, but what happened? So the three conservatives on the core, the original constitution. Bracken five investigator reporter. washington examiner public other non profit, news website, attacking supreme court, justices, clarence, thomas and samuel leader. They also want. Could cavanaugh funded left wing mega donors who pump money into the court, packing advocacy groups, picking up speed, Since the overturn a Roby way last year, the website is repeatedly alleged ethics vial. Since against thomas and a leader, leader, the website publish details on a two thousand eight fishing trip, oh wow, that he took with concern head fund manager, Paul singer pro public component, The trip was mine, including an elite annual financial disclosure, and that he did
refuse himself from a case involving singers organization. Before I continue, did he setups twenty shall corporations? No Did he get over thirty million dollars from the communist, chinese and others and wandered through, shall corporations and other no in illegally by a gun. Now, then, pay as taxes now. There audio them in some kind of bribery scheme. Now that he's with hookers. Now was he a drug addict? Now? Why don't we gotta get him for something that we he was on a fishing trip? Oh. Ellida pre empted the reporter only this week within a bed for the worse A journal worry defended himself and accuse pro public of levelling charges. You recall, I read that to you.
And pro public exclusively sites, leftist ethics experts so called looking their priors about constitutionally justice is to satisfy their dark money. Democrat donors. The website was founded in two thousand seven by sandler foundation to radical left group which given nearly forty million dollars to probe pubic. Since two ten that foundation. Excuse me color. Form by herbert and marion sam, some fond of money in the left wing groups that actually call for the thomas and advocate for court pack The sandlers have been blamed part, but the two thousand eight housing ma. crash even making it all the time magazines list of twenty five people to blame for this financial crisis, sadie fix all that you become a sugar daddy for the democratic party. That's how you do it all
we forgot same foundation. That may prove public a possible when it lets them, Forty million hours also gave half a million. Today and just ass, a dark money court backing group that spirit, it the smear campaigns against justice. Of course, such Cavanaugh barrett weather. Merit, hasn't learned her lesson Demand justice got half a million dollars and a twenty nineteen sandler earmark grant to a group called new venture fun Which is part of a web of left wing dark money, not profit groups, managed consulting firm arabella advisers. This is the commie. Network, in my view of stalinist leninist, a maoist like operation will be here for the democratic party, their network spent only one point: two billion in two
twenty alone. All this dark money. What happened to our country we lost it billion is our billionaires or passive. No but trouble hopefully controversy. And justice has from pushing heavily for investigations in the conservative justices. That's deputy chief How also katy oconnor call for time, mrs resignation in April, and it goes on and you'll notice, coordinating the democratic party pelosi there teeth almost falling out of them by the waste policies face melting now, mister booth I have explained before that they ve pulled her skin, so tight behind her head or multiple occasions that I think this king is coming loose, but I actually think with ie
some are coming in climate change. It so hot now breaking record temperatures. I don't know I'm just saying that anyway, her faces melvin, nancy policies faces is much like John carries faces melding they get a packet with you know. ice every night to make sure it hangs in there still with us. Applesauce a mashed potatoes. Now, where was I doesn't matter? You get the point. They coordinated little dick durban, they coordinator the other democrats on capitol hill policy. We demand new away. May your mouth shut, that? How are you demand that them corrupt president american industry bought and paid for or not, By the communists, chinese, but every government I can think of money lost through shall corporations. You got your lawyer run and the attorney general job over there at the department of justice protecting is boss, like he's supposed to be my boss,
my ensuring president prejudice thing is son not appoint a special council these guys, crooked is out We unleashed there's more on pragmatic, wouldn't tough below, a tough guy in people's lives, calling them in front of grand jury haven't I granddaughter a Democrat justice be damn right. It s, real people precision left and right all we have fake electors who, with our fates, ignoramus. Oh, we have these theories in the constitution like their state, I just like you should be calling the shots says it right. In the federal. What's a theory, abortion is a theory in the constitution and I believe Crap. You people think up on my left. Those theories.
And meanwhile, we hate the constitution constitution has been shaved. I thought you hated of wait a minute. I do hated. You know I e the race through road at the the slavers, colonists who wrote it is written White supremacy love up on those those justice has Through for us to empower the dinner Party we love it I don't know what I despise more The current marxists or cowardly pathetic republicans to assist them. Because they want a moment and glory They seek to my stomach the way we fight for justice is fight like hell and how turn on us in a moment's notice and they turn on
progeny and they turn on the constitution. Our country, that's what happened today with a six three think about roberts voted for obama care, even though its on, institutional voted for reading this language out of that our institution, the united states voted against the dobbs decision and he's the chief justice has putz supports johnny, you're a putz. Maybe you always were- and I just didn't know definitely are now. I live Call him a perch on or no while I be rounded up random up about. You, know its interest all these, so called conservatives who got behind cabinet, obviously defending them against the onslaught, but I warned you he'd be this where are they now they apologizing member me mark dogma
saying now: there's no alternative. Let's get camera Dorothy in there, let's get goin. We have to fight with the left, and the Democrats is better than any here in my memory. Maybe up there with the wood newt, but he's been permanent away, pounded away pattern away, and most of you now agree with me every deals to be a deal. We like it's just not. But how about most of them are things that we like. Meanwhile, where the federalists society title that concerns all the colonists: tonnage cabin on? How greatly was? I warned you another bushy, I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone. Yes from verizon, eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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girlish, nato. The best to the mark levine, show happy independence day. Anxious september. Nineteen seems like forever away had won the democratic party. Hake, some hates is coming out Are we doing a full hour? Was sean I'll be doing my own show. be doing some others, we ve got a lot of very cool things planned, I think, very exciting, will do couple book signings not a lot more gunnar test out complacency and goes by the way you can guess which one but we're gonna be all in on this and it won't matter if you are not to be. really honest with you I mean I know what I wrote. I know what's in it, but I am hoping that your be able to have an opportunity to see what's in it, and you can get your.
Be right now, amazon, dotcom priority or copy get in the queues and get it as fast as possible, barnes, noble and books, a million. We'd love, to send a message out there now interesting Lee. So far there ignoring us better guarantee there's a gathering storm. I guarantee it. Democrat party will do anything to lie She deceive dismiss degrade character assassination and what they do. Best is the accused people of doing what they do. And they train scare the. However, at the same time, that's what they do most americans are feeling the effects of inflation. Are you mister producer? He is. Mr producers constantly getting his nails done. It's very expensive these days,
most toenails recall, I forget what you call it pedicure, let's pedicure these kids today, I don't know, I'm tellin, you folks, your gun, of this book. I dont believe I've ever said that about another one of my books, but I but I've always that way that you were because this book in particular, when I sat down and wrote it and spend all those hours and days and weeks and months on it. Had you and mine. How should I write this house I approached this. How can I make this compelling, They make it intriguing entertaining. but still have the philosophy and the scholarship and all the history in it, and I think this book does all and I would encourage you to go to amazon dot com. some using you I'm sick of hearing this please bear with me, if I don't do it here- I have no one else to do it so when encourage you to go on amazon dot com. Get you a copy of that require party hates america or
Go to barnes and noble some nine or any other place. It has a link, and I want to salute all of you. Thank all of you who have jumped encourage all of you to do it and I will see you tomorrow: god bless each and every one of you have a beautiful night.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-05.