« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/16/21


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden chose to run for president but would never release his medications list. Despite his many cognitive failures the media continues covering for his obvious decline. Using the guise of a COVID health emergency Biden's senior staff has no problem telling Facebook what social media posts they want to be censored. The fact is there isn't a single case of death related to anyone's Facebook post about the coronavirus. Now, Jen Psaki says if an individual is banned from one social media platform they should be banned from all. What's next, banning talk radio hosts or conservative commentary on cable news? Will dissent or disagreement be labeled as misinformation that kills people too? Then, Karl Marx was viewed as a prolific writer and fancied himself a journalist for the New York Tribune, this is why the Marxists in the media are a disaster and are indeed the enemy of the people. The American media have become special pleaders for the Americanized Marxist movement in various areas of our once open and free society. The silencing of opposition (repression) is their main tactic as they claim ideological purity. Later, Michelle Lette, a member of the Fairfax, VA Parent Teacher Association, called for the critics of critical race theory to be allowed to die. Even some parent groups have been compromised by the teacher unions. Afterward, Candidate for Governor of California, Larry elder, joins the show to discuss his run for Governor of California.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen. The following segment of the pod cast is presented exclusively by hills. Now: college verbal, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship, easy now, broadcasting the lonely underground commandos than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain. Steel of among the script filled again. We once again made contact with our leader Mark Levanter, number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one welcome job,
continues his role. Benito Mussolini pressing the case repressing the case, I should say of tyranny. War on freedom of speech, further exposing these phony platform then the oligarchs who made billions of dollars off of us after our permission using our data. The litigation that's been fire by President Trump and you ve heard many many many people through Yesterday and today making that point good point which why were glad we made it. So he is confronted by Rapporteur, he's going to a helicopter. I guess you're going back to warming ten or whatever the hell he's doing. I have I thought Mr Buzek. I wonder if he's going back to one who can constantly on the weakens cause he's getting some kind of treatment.
For that to be the case, I don't owe that to be the case, Why don't they release his medical records? One of the release, the medicines that he's taking many talk. Trumps tax returns. Isn't it more we to know about Joe Biden go? Situation is a more important to know what prescription drugs, he's taking my license. That push Mister Bruce. What do you think of that. we want to know what prescription dry, Joe binds taking and we want a release of all information relating to his mental faculties? cloning, whether or not they ve been taken tests up on these issues, for instance, you can do TAT will determine if somebody has this, if think, it's called Tao. Growing in their brain. I think it's a protein that is effectively interest.
Hearing with the synopsis in the brain and so forth, and so on, why does Joe Biden. Take that because he'd probably fail it and I dont say, there's to marked the man by the way. I don't do that. Too many people in this world that have dimensional, Alzheimer's and so forth and sought now my point: is he chose to run for president. The Democratic Party chose denominate him his whole, I kept their mouths shut, his friends kept their mouths shut it. There is doctors kept their mouths shut, Retiring our media, protecting it He is every indication of having issues I was present in the United States. Don't we have a right to know anything? I mean they so are we need to know tax return screw the tax returns? How does it tell us anything. I would like to know what passed Captain drugs, Joe Biden, taking I think we have a right to know not out of a period. Curiosity,
That I'll tell us a lot about I'm now Joe Biden is The most repressive, oppressive, suppresses pay. Modern. History he's up There would Lyndon Johnson and Franklin rose about Woodrow Wilson. Abuse of civil liberties. There's not a single Democrat. Any leadership position in America who, speaking out against this, not one. There's not a single media fraud on the cards Painted news that worker S Alice D, pay use of the New York slime, so the watchman compost and all the rest of them concerned about the speaking out against this. Now. The toils nothing accused Donald Trump of things like this, even though we didn't do them. They were made about whose tweets but they're not made about the fact that job and his administration is
working with big tech, big Tec, to censor people to send differences of opinion that its opinion, that differs from the Fischer position and worse pushing companies that handle the text platforms to spy on people who text to see if their texting That Joe Biden has administration do not like What do you call this? He called tyranny totalitarianism. Harry is outside the White House today and he says This you'll hear they helicopters background some reporter saying covered information what your message to platforms like Facebook. Now you know I'd, say you're a soccer going to say something else, a phoney reporter that throwing us about throwing a great fruit, so evil Joe Biden can hit it if not with a bad, at least with his head
Three go like Facebook, people really don't look if you have asthma vaccinated and that's another killed. If we don't have a pandemic anymore. don't have a pandemic anymore. On vaccinated people waiting the pandemic among any people in this country, thanks to Joe Biden quite frankly, but we would like to keep our free speech. We do. I look like to keep our civil liberties, but his problem with that every site go or a crack in the world. Uses. Opportunities like this creates opportunities like this. To squelch individualism and speech.
freedom of association and that its exact They were buying us doing it's a health emergence always a health amounts. You know it's funny. I wrote about this liberty, internal twelve and a half years ago. They It's always a health emergency and environmental emergency. There's, always emergencies, always emergencies. but we have something called the constitution of the United States, in I would say the emergency is that their destroying it first amendment religious liberty, destroying freedom of association, destroying free speech, destroying it. and that's what binds doing their killing people Where is the evidence anywhere blinking? Somebody posting something on any of these social sites, resulting in death of anybody. It's like. Voters, suppression, republicans
one want blacks to vote will go to any republican state where lacks not allowed a vote in republic in states where all the minorities, their names, their law suits, saying that they report from voting because it was difficult to showed a voter. I D or signature MAC or that days of early voting wasn't enough. They need a forty eight days of early voting, whereon lawsuits they don't exist. what the Brennan Centre set first Any centre named after associate just this Brennan is a crap centre right. I said it. Not to be outdone, it can persecute the White House today cut forego.
with the public, with all of you to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others you for providing misinformation hour. She didn't double she quadrupled quintupled down she's, truly of the totalitarian mindset you see if you, Ban from one social site, you should be banned from all of them, so saith Jane precisely on behalf of joy, Robin at bargain Junior. You should be and, as a human being, what's et, ladies and gentlemen, what we have the communist chinese social credit system, but do you think to producer, I think we will. That Mark Levin losers a lot of points why he doesn't demand that people take vaccines? He needs
To be banned from Facebook and all social media, he needs to be prevented from flying here, To be prevented from having a job the government or any federal contractor countries with this is headed folks ominous Chinese. That regime is learning from Joe Biden and Facebook. Third from. Why didn't we think of this kind? our health emergency and accused People who don't abide by our demands as killing people. That's right will turn everything on its head. why didn't we figure that Joe Biden, Now we need social credit ratings. Is that far behind about. talk, radio house, as I mentioned the other day,. Spreading misinformation. That's killing people in the car emergency have a deep flat forming fox
they ve always wanted to do there. Of course,. Shutting down the near post, the Wash and examined the washed in time. Shutting down one Erica NEWS or news max. You know the list to short list can't have these voices spreading. Misinformation did Information in killing people for crying out loud payments, we white supremacist. They must support Jim Crow, these people, their non humans, let's dehumanize them, If you disagree with Joe Biden and foul tree and the other lunatics. The insane asylum that is Washington DC. Well, then, you out to kill but now. This is where we are killing people, even if you're, an expert in the medical field. Amex next Britain in
just diseases. It doesnt matter your disagreeing and this women, is not allowed. This is what I mean by American Marxism, your stuff, right in the eye Albert back then I know you freedom. Now, how do I know that? Because you listen to my show at my show- and everything I do is about preserve freedom and the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation, hills committed to pursuing truth and funding. Liberty, hills teachers, students to defend freedom, no matter what they major ANT hills, they'll teaches them how to defend liberty and they do for you to, through their free monthly, Digest of constitutional thought, called in Primus point seven million Americans receive and Primus for free every month and you can
scribe for free at level. Four hills down back! Come no story! attached, generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for hills their dissent. Primus to you free every month. So receiving and promised to learn how to defend the freedom. You love this love for a wholesale dot com. That's alleviation for a hills. Del dotcom test to hit me, I saw Miss, occurs. Saki, wasn't thumb cut fine
to produce. We go every little ministration face. Flame disapprobation hasn't been proactive. His warehouse process works in the well, I would say first, it should come as no surprise that we are in regular touch with social media has genuine another comes as a huge surprised at your regular touch with social media trying to censored people who use. are killing people because they disagree with you a kind of communism. Man, oh man, I must get banned from radio for life. Mister. What kind of communist propaganda is this? They do constructive every day day go ahead,
touch with all of you and your media outlets about areas where we have concern information that might be useful information that may or may not be interesting to your viewers. You I'll make decisions just like the social media platforms, make decision value your spinning now you're, spinning now. that's, not what you're doing giving information and telling people to make decisions you're telling them that people should be censored. That. Misinformation. Slash disinformation should not be allowed its, not just you doing it. It's the sergeant arms are what are they com? Yes, him. The surgeon, general. Now see how they play games. It's like they play gleams games. When critical rice report, you don't want to teach about slavery. Who said that what does that have to do critical race theory you and I didn King slavery and a critical racing go ahead.
the sector company indifferent, but just as an example, so we're mate regularly, making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives dangerous to public health. You see, ladies and gentlemen, are tracking, though who provide opinions that they disagree with on social media enemy, Taylor Secret there not just try in people with whom they Disagree on the virus or vaccines. They are tracking people period. That is what they are doing. Another question is: how does this manifest themselves? They picking up the phone and calling and say you know, ban this doctor than that? ban that other individual over there? What are they doing or they sending them black lists people who are supposed to be prevented from getting on social media, get a scarlet letter. If we had a serious Congress with oversight, there was a controlled by the same party. Then what
at some answers with some oversight hearings, but again the democratic parties all in on censorship, throwin going Be in many other Americans seeing are seeing across me and many other Americans. Its many other americans- and I now correct. Her English, Mr Produce go ahead, social and traditional media, and we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media. We work to engage with them in order to censor people We want to engage with them, they make sure their tax returns are proper. We want to engage with them, they make sure they're, not they're, not involved activity. That is counterproductive. We just went to engage. That's all I engaging with them. aging with them.
Government has enormous power in the hands of Buck Biden in his lackeys and leaped dogs. Who are more than willing to use? It has A tremendous amount of power. I wonder now I'm serious about this. If there was pressure from the Biden campaign in Camp to ban truck, would that be so far for Mr Barroso. I wonder. if, by in the Democratic Party in his campaign, and even so He went to his election were pushing to ban trump. And why would that be forfeited.
He's killing a lot of people. You know he led an insurrection. He doesn't agree with us on this. That and the other is miss information as disinformation. They hate him more than anybody. I don't put any of those pairs them out because they showed us some ankle. The ankle of american Marxism I'll be right back. I know you love freedom. Now, how do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is about prince, freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with hills, they'll college, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation hills Committed to pursuing truth and funding, Liberty, hills, teachers, students to defend freedom, no matter what they major ANT Hills, Dale teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do
for you too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought, called in Primus point, seven million Americans receive and Primus for free every month, and you can scribe for free at level four hills doubt backup, no story attached Jenny, donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for hills their dissent? Primus to you free every month, so receiving and promised to learn how to defend the freedom? You love this love, for a wholesale dot com, that's alleviation for a hills del dotcom. Yes, it's true partial over this off the fastest growing radio show with America the marshal of the show always on age, seven, seven three one three eight one one now is Peter do see demonstrates every day. Every week day in the White House, press room. He's really. The only sir
journalist who is allowed to ask questions. He is a incredibly polite and decent. and serious drought, gimmick Hasta could learn a lot from Peter see buddy walk because an arrogant ass, but that's all another story Peter Deuces following up here and say: wait a minute they. Ve been spying on people's facebook profiles. Cut sex go speaking of misinformation. Announcement from yesterday, for how long has the administration thence by people's Facebook profiles looking for vaccines, misinformation? That was quite a loaded and inaccurate question, which I would urgently and how well Peter. First of all, as you know, we're we're in a regular touch with with a range of media outlets. One is talking about a range of media outlets. We don't get to participate.
the platform of the New York Times in the Washington Post. We don't get to participate on the platform of Many of these media outlets. social media was set up in the middle, eighteen, ninety with protection for the big oligarchs, so that these platforms would be an When communication avenue for all of us, it's not the same, thing. Is a news network or a newspaper. and so this is absurd. And what he is saying is where we're saying what everybody saying years, except on the left of course, is wait a minute. You're censoring people, people who previously had relatively- Access anchor revived our opinions there not clear Benjamin there palestinian terrorists, there, not the Taliban.
Their american citizens, some of them who are experts in the field of infectious diseases and vaccines who want to provide different opinions. Look up on the media have been before. Let go wrong. The bag administration look around. Our government has been the whole point of it. Representative Republic, with a constitution and a bill of rights and free speech, is to be to do exactly that. So we don't have access to the New York Times and the washed imposed on those platforms, but we do or did too Spoken, twitter and all the rest of it. What does nothing? do the other, our always trying to provide information in the meat. That's why we hate the media costs are a mouthpiece for you, grapes. We got that. But the new media is supposed to be different and that's why they're protected differently than the old media and yet think they have a great talking, but in our always trying to influence Ranger media outlets it as a matter of
Lloyd Sing, arranged media outlets you're trying to bear people who have access to this platform, including a former presently United States, and I am now opinion that Democrats work, Bob and that decision, because they fear Trump had as watch. Let me finish as we are aware, as we are in regular touch with social media platforms for decades. So this is a confession. Okay, this is Fashion, that the court's you're gonna need to hear their regular touch with media platforms, about what correcting misinformation, Hetty, correct misinformation on media platforms, the Facebook form is any news. Operation is Mr Barroso. These aren't, news entities that produce news that certainly not their prey. Our purpose, called social media.
Romania, media and so again what does nothing to do with the other side, What she's confessed to again is that, of course, we are in touch with them like the rest of the media and what are you trying to influence them? Ok, Joe Biden goes to the helicopter and when he's going to their helicopter, what is cut again, Mr Buzek cut three: let's play it again, One might say that actual you're, the only pandemic, we have you jerk year, the pandemic. Other killing people for having a different opinion using and, of course, through kill. people in some emergency,
tracking individuals off the internet, and then there their pointing them out their finger into these fares oligarchs for reason,. They're, not fooling us, they're, not falling anybody with their Castro like propaganda. Now Spending, we do it all media outlets. A wide range of these aren't media outlets. There, social platforms, its weren't distinction go back to Peter Deuces question Mr Bittersweet Cut sex go
open information, people's sharing information online, just as you are all reporting information on your new stations. So these twelve people with full of individuals do they know somebody deserve General's office go over there. I am happy to get you the citation of where that comes from there's no secret list. I will tell you that these are people who are sharing information on public platforms on Facebook. Information that is travelling is inaccurate. Our sea so easy led into this in fashioning, so their tracking people, but they're not keeping a list of people. now. That is an absurdity tracking people, your track, M for reason, you are keeping information on what you mean. keeping a list them. Of course you are. This administration is violating, civil liberties is vital. free speech.
This has been a straighten, is hotel, a tearing and mindset and in actions- and you heard by. well, killing people get shut up. You Eddie picture dentures back in your face. They kill people your current paper, you jerk with your attack on that your refusal to secure the border yeah, paper. There have I These idiots killing people Kenny whenever rational discussion. Jim Crow, their razors data, one black people to what kind of crap is this? What kind of Throw back idiocy is this unbelievable. I noticed so she cut him off. She wouldn't let him finish. Now we have, we have
spend time on this folks? I understand some people get. A patient cannot match me about. Then for me and I'm not for you. we have somebody named healthy, thorny Schmidt, she's Facebook. Oversight board. Member and former p M of Denmark. What what does this genius have to contribute to America cut nine, go. I'm always trying to find. Of course, as many of us are engaging in this conversation is that is that middle how'd, you motorway, consent and went how'd. You find that balance has shut up. You eddie it. I can't even understand what you're saying now there's Donnie douche Donna Dose. Back, ladies and gentlemen, a Jude in size and brainpower. May I say I think I will I do it's on the morning, Joe with another Donnie. May I say that MR bitten by the aim of the morning Schmahl.
Now, there's a lot of people on tv. The very low I accuse, but nobody's is lower than Joe Scarborough. I've told you many times Joe used to be an actor. That movie deliverance tough moving a watch there he was on the bridge playing the banjo. playing the role of a child of insects. But of course we know Jos, not a child of incest. Right just Like one may I say with all due respect and here Donnie, douche speaking of On the morning, Schmo show cut tango. People in this country get their news from Facebook, Somerset get half the people Facebook, which is which market capitalization is into trillions. How dare works of art and shall Samara allow these continue to happen. There platform pages guy same say, milk, say milk same mindset.
They bring this puke on tv. I don't know why. I don't know what this jerk has ever done. While he was a marketing x, is an idiot. He doesn't understand liberty and individualism and free speech and all the rest he's a hack comes on there. waste money on make up and hair guys up the guy's, a puke. Everywhere, whose Donnie DO, who is this at all, Buddy really does seem like a Donnie to me. Go ahead Ok, that's up a tiny fraction and just say we're: gonna do with immediate task force and clean up our platform. This is fine day blood on their hands again now, folks, these People aren't inciting anybody. Are they on you're, killing Paypal, says they half witted well who pose us at present in the United States blood on our hands, inciting anybody at all. They believe in
incredible over black people about all that inciting anything. Is it, ladies and gentlemen? Now not in the least he's very rational people go ahead. we have a very isolated situation with half of all. This problem is getting a new one place and we still that's enough. That's I don't know. Anybody cares about this puke really. I have no idea. generally rightly minds with this guy I've- and I am not saying it is I'm sure, he's very ethical play By the book Betty reminds me this guy shows up. He seems very swarm you to me Can't my finger on it. and hence I want I'll be right. Then I know you love me
now how do I know that? Because you listen to my show at my show and everything I do is about preserve freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with hills, they'll college, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation, Hills, committed to pursuing truth. And Funding, liberty, hills teachers, students to defend freedom, no matter what they major ANT hills, they'll teaches them how to defend liberty and they do for you to through their free monthly digestive constitutional thought, called in Primus. point: seven million Americans receive and Primus for free every month and you can, Scribe for free at Lahti, for a hills, doubt backup no strings Attached Joe donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for hills their dissent Primus to you free every month, so receiving and promised to learn how to defend the freedom. You love visit. Look
for a whole dot com, that's Ellie for a hills Del dotcom, the two biggest vaccine deniers who work? People were, of course, Joe Robin it Biden and comma com. Harris montage cut. Eleven go. Don't let's say there is a vaccine that approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it well That's gonna be an issue for all of us. If and when the vaccine comes, the thought likely go through all the destinies Vienna trials and remained to be done when we finally do God willing get a see who's gonna, take the shot
who's gonna, take the shot. You will be the first one to say put me sign me off They now say it's ok and the question of whether its real one is there. That requires an enormous transparency. You got to make all over the valuable to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see to this consensus. This is a safe back see if the President asked why we have a vaccine. Would you take it? only if it was completely transparent and other experts in the country could look at it only if we knew all of what we didn't do it. You ve done to give answers illustration can give answer these questions. The american people should not have confidence, but if Donald Trump tells us it and that we take it, I'm not taken it. How do you like that? I don't think Facebook ban any of them either the two: did they Ladies and gentlemen,. You're, quite an army of the Patriots out there
I'll keep you up to date on what's going on, because this is a movement were developing. Many of you already. As I look on Amazon there's a boycott, I alone can fix it being pushed very, very hard by Manchurian, hosts and rep. Bates on CNN and other places. These are two Washington Post reporters. It's another crash mouse, mere job on Donald Trump, its number one number three A book called landslide the final days of the tribe presidency, another attempt to smear press. And trapped by Michael Wolf, whose a hip man, in my opinion,. other book and between these two number. Two on Amazon is American Marxism. Is a book that many of you have already acquired. Scratching your head were: how is this other book number one, because this is what they do, it'll be a hot for a month or two and then I'll go away. The problem, is they don't go away?
That is the people who are doing this to this country and so The overwhelming majority of you have posed Didn't have comment that you appreciate the fact that this book was written, that is, that it fuses with all the events are swirling around us and so about, but then there are a handful Far ready enough already, who just want to go by the numbers paint by the numbers- and these are people who are not gonna- help save the country. These are people, expect everybody else to save the country for them. So I reject them. I ignore them. If I can spend sixteen months of my life running this book in the lead, three months of my life talking about it the next several months of my life again. trying to promote what's in the book, then I think it's ok,
That we go over some of these issues. during a little section of the programme I convey what's going on. I wouldn't be weird if I wrote this book and I didn't talk about. What's in it and yet say, go formal movement go be activists. Go to this reach chapter five I mean it means nothing. It's idiotic. This book is what we do every day. This book is about what surrounding us every day and it to provide answers and solutions that good thing, not a bad thing I should tell you that the new, at times is sitting there really for we too. And helping beyond hope that this anti antitrust book, I alone, can fix it by to Washington Post reporters Succeeds in is the top of the list, because, this is the game they play now. Here's the Good NEWS.
even during the course of this week, folks, had been going to Walmart our costs. Go Or be Jays or SAM's, you been. The barge noble bucks, a million and target and so many under wonderful retailers who actually have the book and you ve been buying. It. You ve been going online to Amazon Dotcom and you been buying even buying it, Because you want to read it and when you take your time and go through it.
PETE Hague Set is going to be hosting life. Liberty and live in the Sunday is gonna, be interview. He read the book, Jesse Warders Haseman come on his programme Saturday. He read the book. Both men have said to me how remarkable that says how crucial it is, how important it is that we get the word out and that's what
trying to do get the word up I'll, be right. Back now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America, Mark living here, aren't number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven seven create one three, eight one one it's Friday by weak, put down on the gas pedal here he takes it drove All the way New Jersey to Virginia.
who were host life, Liberty and Levant. Where interviewed me for America, Marxism and then drove all the way back. Mister. To do, his Sevenpm shop, that is great guy, Now I decided that, rather than get into some national solutions in the book ten- I we can do more that next week and you can read them yourselves as a view of acquired the book. I want to talk about journalism. What is journals, propaganda, censorship and subversion is what I call the title of chapter six. I want to remind you that Karl Marx, was a journalist first Inform us that was his profession. In writing in Jacobus magazine, which is a socialist magazine. Stephen Sherman notes. That marks was a journalist more or less all of his adult life.
You found it his own paper in eighteen, forty, eight, his work for the knew Tribune, he wrote for the near Tribune, came about Because he'd met an american newspaper, editor Charles Dana would later go onto editing. Your son in Cologne in eighteen, forty, eight and in a few years later, Dana s marks to contribute articles to the New York Tribune on this Waste in Germany, Rights, that I think that marks and angles view the tribune as a way to publicize their views and influence debate with a large number of readers. Now in an interview with James, led better the editor of dispatches for the new Tribune in two thousand a book of marks as articles for the Tribune led, better xx, names. They called the basic marks approach to his New York Tribune column was to take an event that was in the news and election and uprising the second opium more. The outbreak of the American Civil WAR
sift through it. Until I get boil down to some fundamental questions of politics. Economics. and then on those questions. He would make his judgment in this sense, marxist journalism says, does resemble some of the writing that is published today and journals of opinion. It's not Hard to say, direct line between Marx's, journalistic writing, listen and the car, of tendentious riding on public affairs that characterize much political. Journalism specially in Europe in the twentieth century. Thus Marx's approach journalism. As I say,. Says modern journalists do today, that is, he was unencumbered by commitment to actual news reporting. Instead is reporting what shape the noose around his own opinions and ideology. lead better who went through all of marxist. Columns and writings said after
Teen forty eight marks learn the power of counter revolution and big And I believe that existing systems of government economy could not be overthrown until I Tivoli informed and organise proletariat could be, Belies to do so has been clear with every passing year. He writes in many nations. Such organization was decades away that existed at all. So, in other words, marks, understood the power of mass communication and the need to control it in shape to frame events and opinions. The purpose was to propaganda us not informed. Let better went on reading through Marxist Tribune dispatches. You can help at sea and urgency and excitement almost an impatience. It is portrayals of some insurrections in crises in Europe in India,. At times he wrote us if this particular rise in corn prices? Were this little dust up with authorities in Greece was going These spark that wording,
revolution, or maybe it would be the death of George fly or maybe a pandemic, you get. The point led better goes on. It's, not as if one can fall marks for feeling that way. After all, during the period crowned heads of Europe were toppling and certainly at least liberal revolution, seemed likely in a number of settings. There are times when his discipline of thought appears to leave him and he's also prior to be totality, their revolution could only occur. when the masses are ready, but we I know for certain of the masses, are ready until they create a revolution. Now better explains that marks was indeed a revolutionary advocating as ideology material historicity, but he was for the foremost a journalist hero Marks today is taught as an economic theorist as a polluter Thanks to some degree as a historic in a philosopher each, categories valid each is also incomplete. The
Starck or record at least just another category them it should be thought of as a professional writer as a journalist. the penguin classics volume I've edited he says, is but a sample overall mark Produce with their health from angles, merely five hundred articles for the near Caribbean. Together, amass nearly seven volumes of the two men fifty via collective works. I think We come closer to understand the importance of rhetoric and marks as work. If we think of him as a journalist, you got that. Or anomalies journalists known on other out the enemy, the people now nada, thereafter, Get the news their objective there impartial now, they're, not. Today, the worse than a worse than I was that allows. This is why the despised.
And so later I write an american marxism. The combination of propaganda, pseudo news and social Activism in America's newsrooms. has resulted in the disastrous state of the modern press, no law, Are there discernible traditional or professional standards apply to reporting of the news. Indeed, journalism such as it is, has come full circle. Returning did Protein supply by marks himself again as lead, better explained earlier remarks of journalism does resemble some of the writing that is published today or Marx's influence goes well beyond his opinion journalism, as I point The american media have become special pleading for the marxist ideology, or least advocates for those who apply it. to numerous aspects of our society? That is the Marxist movements, America eyes movements spawned from Marxism. But the story doesn't end here. In fact, it gets worse.
The next steps in the logical progression away from an open and free society were indoctrination and activism are key to controlling thought and outcomes. Listen ultimately to repression, which brings us back to the fore, our doesn't it Joe Biden, his administration, It is these silencing of opposition country voices in pursuit of ideological purity. In that ops targeting and cancelling people who refuse to relent. That's pretty preshent, don't you think, must reduce. I said the next step is the logical progression away from an open and free society were indoctrination and activism, repeated controlling fought and outcomes ultimately to repression, that is, the silencing of opposition on contrary voices in pursuit of ideological purity, and that Bob's targeting and cancelling people who refuse to relent.
Is book rules for radical saw, Linsky well known marxist community and organizer wrote Reformation means that masses of our people have reached the point of disillusionment with ways and values They don't know what will work, but they do now that the prevailing system is self defeating, frustrating and hopeless. They don't act for it. Age, but won't strongly oppose those who do that too. Is that right for revolution. He said remember once you organize people around something is commonly agreed upon. Is pollution. Then an organised people are on the move from in short, a natural step, the political pollution to panic on pollution to revolution. the media, have played a huge role in dispiriting the Publican undermining american institutions, traditions, by linsky measure. The revolution is now upon us.
among other things. His tactics must now be deployed and they include picking the target freezing personalizing in polarizing. But a linsky went on, he said. conflict tactics, there are certain rules that the organizer should always regard as universality is, one is Opposition must be singled out as the target and frozen. He said. Obviously, there's no point to tactics unless one is a target upon which the sooner the attacks with this Guess comes a polarization. indicated before all. She must be polarized if action is to follow. more Joe Biden what's goin on today and yesterday polarizing Jim Crow. They don't want black people to vote you're, killing people you see, Joe Biden is in. You see our journalists are following in the tradition of marks.
Everything I'm saying will be viewed is heretical, but it's not I've got. History have got the facts. She had read what they written I've read, but they said you can do exactly the same thing. When you're sitting at home, thinking, Gee whiz that sounds like accept sounds like wiped because it is. and this gives you the substance and the support for these views that you know something's not right, very important. That's three paragraphs from american marks when I sat down with me, excess before we began. He said. It's hard to know where to start with this book, there's so much in it.
And yet there is so much that needs to be conveyed. exactly what shown. How did he said to me. Exactly what Jesse Water said to me. by the way of Germany Bars listening out there, I've got lot of friends had Fox Donna, Mr British law. friends- maybe you want to update your article. Jesse bar, you remember, is the hip man right for the Hollywood reporters pimple face pervert looking guy, but I've contended, I dont believe he is written. I never said he was. The saying what he looks like that Sure is not certainly not this the American Marxism Number, but its number one on Amazon, got to number one, because they quote Lee Joint Chief of staff. This. Mealy mouthed Milly,
Among other things, accusing but being Hitler. now would you walk over broken glass by a book with a guy acute or these two passionate post reporters write, something like that. What is the purpose of a book like this? What is the value of a book like this Why would anyone promote a book like this. follow the shiny object. Right, don't pay it. You know, what's going on in your schools in your border, don't pay attend. What about the happened, your economy, your ability to pay for food and the price of gasoline. Don't pay attention not gonna, let them Do more trumps, Mary, I'm By the end of tonight, maybe by the end of thanks to you, all right this wrong on Amazon. But even more than that
Leave this movement is growing. I pray to God. It is. That they're, so many things we can do and I provide so where's of ideas at the back of the book. Probably had many ideas, yourselves, even better, that's a good thing. I am able to encourage. A number of you look into your hearts in your souls and dig up the energy and make the time to participate. In this pushed back, so we can way out of the abyss my entire career and everything I do here is worth it. Because then I know that you are the poor of yours when we talk about the revolution that when we talk about that,
Coloration in the constitution, we talk about the men and women have given their lives didn't fall on deaf ears,. I have tremendous faith in you. I am blessed by you. Let's go ahead, let's go ahead and fix. what's been broken I'll, be right back Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries a pure talk over the past few months. We,
The rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen tee in Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good? Well, it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just there. Dollars a month, and if you go over on data, they don't charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Alleviation Podcast and when you do you're safe two percent of your first month. That's pure
Usa, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless reminder less about bookends. Tomorrow we will be having a exclusive. virtual discussion in question and answer for a full hour on Saturday wondered two p m eastern time. Anyone the entire country, can join. This is your last chance? Actually and this is one of the few ways you can actually get assigned book it's tomorrow tomorrow On PM eastern time at bookends what New Jersey now don't show up there. This is a virtual discussion and you'll be able to purchase, take it and that will include one sign book plated copy of American Marxism and interested zoom event in a very excited about doing this to them. I think you'll have a blast too.
So how do you find out about this? How do you sign up. It's already evening time in getting to night time on the EAST coast in tomorrow. Is it you gotta bookends die can't be o k, dash d and e s that come book? Andy S that come one more time book, Andy S, dot com, it's a less time or mention it so anywhere across the country you can participate in this. This is the new way given what states and localities her up to and the difficulty it is actually ever retail outlet anymore, but this is independent book store. They ve always been supportive of all the books and all the things I've done We normally have a book citing there, but they're not able to somewhere when a participate. I will be there book slash in that come on zoom book slash. and start come again when you get your ticket they will include one signed but plated copy of American Marxism and enter
Tourism of that Done so well, just sign a whole bunch more and ship them after them. But, as I say, this is one of the few areas left another that you can go purchase assign sign book if you like, but we won't have the one hour event as our good. at premier, join in the guys over there they do a fantastic job and its mere collectibles dot com. Backslash Marxism, pray mere collectibles dot com, Backslash Marxism, you'll, get a signed copy, a certificate they put in a beautiful display box. That's premier, COL the boss, dot com, Slash Marxism. Their limited edition of the first edition and when they're gone, they're gone too. Those are two that are publicly available one tomorrow and after tomorrow, that'll be over and over
premier collectibles, once they're gone, they're gone, you know you might want to think about the holidays in the distant future, birthdays, her Her one had my desire- it's just that you read the book. How are you signed on sign that you take your time, Go through it, and we will continue to do some of this next week to I am on scores and scores of wonderful have felt aided their radio programmes with terrific coast. I am one so many of the Fox programmes with a few notable exceptions, but we do what we can do. We do a weakened. and some trying to push the message out there? sure use your help because its More important that each one of you do it in neighborhoods with your colleagues. your co workers at risk. We'll boards in your communities, Potent than me doing it I feel I feel it. I feel it
the rising up the great patriots in this other I knew Merrick Revolution starts here. Tomorrow then show call at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one and I have to tell you folks: I love radio are used, of listening to. I used to love, Opening to Russia's legal director. I'd, love doing this programme. A new folks are just fantastic ray. it was my favorite. It just is three hours: it's not enough. Five hours a day, that's right, I think so
And I know that you would listen five hours a day, but I'd have a hell of a good time. By the way, I want to thank all the great retailers out there, all the great we Tell us that sell books. hours. I know headed gray, generous with their shelf space and have a significant inventory. That's Barnes and over bucks a millionaire. scour all the others. Independent bookstores too, So it's available, we can accuse any body of. of hiding them or not providing them there. Thousands of copies of the book now have you noticed something, ladies and gentlemen,. There is almost no reporting on this so We were huddling here in talking what Bobo Sponsor the left will be, the response of the left will be either to try and ignored, just like that, somebody or,
That's trash like a lot in so far as the former, but don't get to the latter. How did it managed by the way Now, who's Michel, let or is a lucky Michel Letty you probably heard this today determine Her- might take on it. she's, a member of the Fairfax County parents, teachers, association,. And I've always warned you then there, of course sections to the role that these Bt age and in some places they called on PETE Theo's, are the playthings of the teacher. You mostly. They are devoured by the system. Just like school boards, even what Republicans I mean, Republicans on but she's, also vice president, they Fairfax and double asap. Well, quite the renaissance woman excuse me quite the renaissance birth person now before
a school board meeting this week and see the videos everywhere, she got very said, the parents who are opposing critical race theory, I suggest folks that for Now- and you call a critical marxists theory, where's Lee have the word Marxists in there, we want to go to these board meetings. Its critical marxist rates theory. What do you mean by that you'll be able to tell them exactly? Let's hope they ask the question. but she's learn from Joe Biden. Accused people are killing people wanting people that Jim Crow and all the rest. Is quite a part of this democratic Party is in its history, Disgusting, its mouth pieces in the New York Times their disgusting, but they care about people they don't care about anybody. Let's try and listen to this. We're gonna have thoroughly pop up the volume cut. One go:
this woman's immediate idiot, unbelievable How she is rationalizing everything, ambled, oh boy, how she's treating people she disagrees with this. How she wants to be treated so few against critical, racist, Marxists theory, your answer. Education at I teach her entire according to history, interracial reckoning, listen Phraseology. racial reckoning as our reckoning. Where do we go for this reckoning? What's gonna happen or we're gonna get fifty lashes? Are they gonna?
What exactly is this racial reckoning, racial record? What kind of crap there's this, he's not jobs every day, one of them's attend Glad to have you noticed that. Every single one of you cannot separate the Democratic Party from these markers movement. Go ahead, You re a tight children, you parents out there and this woman's a member of it. Eighty eight Fairfax county and Presently, Fairfax and W C B did I say it, I repeat it: they must very very proud of this on hand. insane lunatic, go ahead, Let you die, let you die.
This woman should be arrested, she's, dangerous. She dangerous. She should be arrested. She's inciting violence. Have you they never incite violence. it could be a racist. You can say whatever you want, buying says the most awful horrific thing. You're murdering Well, you're killing paper, but he's not inciting a damn thing. This, It's not citing anything issuing the vile ways and that comes out of the mouths of the marxist left. now that other not inciting in media in Amerika there not inciting anything. Never ever are they. Buildings burning behind one of these, not jobs agent, MSNBC, it's mostly peaceful, he's a follies up a foe go ahead.
There's the clapping seals she says, them die. Don't let these on com oh yeah. Let them die, you're, a sick. and you see the video most of these people must reduce her white to applaud even notice it. Yeah. I hate myself yea. I hate my children and our grandchildren gay. Let people this agreement made by die, shut the hell up. You moron! And what is your goal? Lady? What's your colleagues a blueprint. Tell us tell us where we're headed with you and nobody, That's right! I said it and nobody.
Oh she's, a revolutionary now you're revolutionary Yankee about fighting mark There's a mere revolutionary urinary, trying to overthrown Islam or nazi regime. You're revel now you stand up and North Korea, you stand. Again giant China. You stand up against Putin's Russia. You stand up against. there's no medicinal and Venezuela Whitefish standing up and fair fact, County Virginia much more! Flower might forgot what you idiot. She's inciting an insurrection by the way. Did you hear her? Words must reduce let Die March forward, what did he mean by that? What did she mean by that. Found nobody cares not ladder. I lied to point these things out. I guess. But we will. We shall, and we always do
Let me see if I can get this new computer to do what I need it. Asking MR producer for help just gimme just sing sing show tuned silently there we go as it at work. I got this whole system is working I'm so excited now. I cannot we print stuff. I can actually reads the it's unbelievable. I let's go Let us go to Germany, believe you Let's go to Brad Thomas Vill Pennsylvania, the Great W S, our great affiliate, their Brad go right ahead, place. They are carried on well. Thank you, Sir just one touch Vespucci that your books are also, I got a new one file and what the family friends while and anger you get help. actually got one
Both are ones on August Maneuver used about democratic birds. You start to see the light now of what actually happened, so wonderful and moving forward. But yes, yes, I wonder just that. Faced with your facebook, do you think the government, the Democrats in particular? or even section two thirty is to hold the social media hostage. Basically. Gonna hold them hostage. I mean the threat to taken away if they don't do what they want them to do. is that your lawyer, let me guess tat threatened, take away to thirty protection by here's the thing the Republicans already won and taken away. So I got I'm not sure, that's the case. I think that they ve thrown in with the party they think is going to be victorious by the end of all the struggling. I think me Medium done the same thing they picked aside. You think it's the winning side and they're going to support that side, even
They raised their taxes, even if they regulate them, because they figure survive. It suggests the prices and, though, use the regulations to defeat competition? These are not capital. they are corporatist, that's what they are We used to talk about the Robin back. They robber barons during the industrial society, it period of our country, industrial society and so forth. So our robber, they created things are even used. Today we have robber barons and the government the real robber barons they steal from people, they steal their private property. If they're in the second did this: they all have long prison sentences, but if you're elected office still what everyone from any one you want and your called righteous you called for the people which is I know a Marxism is right, steals from everybody decide, who gets what, while its equity, Eddie. So stealing his equity. making the labour from somebody else, whether to intellectual or physical, are both that somebody up.
I have a limited life, have a limited work career time. They steal from you. Forty percent of income means that are taken. Forty percent, your labour, what you ve done, giving it the somebody else, and then they pride themselves under how righteous I'm I'm gonna help the poor and, of course they never help the poor. The poor stock. Failing schools thanks, people and crime ribbon communities. Thanks to these people. I am rambling. What did you say Sorry, I don't, I don't think so. I think in the case of the big tech they throw and with the Democrats I think that's where their futures and throw them to begin with this guy, but why four hundred million dollars through these various so called non profit groups. Almost all of targeted, the getting out the majority vote in specific precincts to defeat Trump, and
What should we do in that case, while I oughta file ethics? complaints against them. They had a file f tc. Playing against him. They fire foil. They do their so many things we can do, and I have it in the back of the book so matrix take a look at the back of the book, I my brother, absolutely now. Let me see here, don't hang up yet I want to give you a signed copy of American Marxism and its It's a pleasure to hear from you take care. You are right. I don't have time they cover will take one so I'll be right back. Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months we
the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, tee and variety and her team obol, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, UK great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika, does that sound good? Will? It gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just there dollars a month, and if you go over on data they don't charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine alleviate podcast and when you do you're safe. Two percent off your first month. That's pure.
You will say: dot: com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter Wireless Lynn, cyclists, California, Ex M Satellite Lynn. How are you doing great today Mark before I start? I just wanna tend boundless gratitude to you for all you do it. You are an incredible man, I am a conservative Soulis person in LOS Angeles, very vocal on my facebook page in terms of how I feel about with the Democratic Party is doing to support Congo. people and IRAN and other forces that want me and my people in my homeland, extinguished off the face of the earth and its end.
We feel in conflicts dead. In a couple of ways First of all, I wonder if I express being jewish on social media, considering we ve been going on lately in terms of anti semitic. You know. I saw some people if I'm Goin to be, and others like me will be targeted at some point in the future and then the other place I built conflicts dead is ideal a ten temple and Knowing that when and if I to that temple- which I'd like to do that, the conflict is knowing that many are most of those people are voting liberal and I answer the two questions before we run out of time. Number one be proud of who you are, the foremost patriotic America. Her jewish american, italian american Black American be proud of that too. but in the end, your red, blooded, american and weary, diverse country, and we are unified country, except for the fact
That we have these these marxist movements in the Democratic Party there trying to terrorist, to shreds we have to fight, retain our unity and our For one another, just remember: skin color, doesn't matter we're. All blooded, Americans, that's how reviewed all over the world! That's how our enemies view us. That's how we need to view each other. That's number one number two if most the people in your temple or voting the wrong way. I'd find a new temple. That's that's the first point. I can point is I wouldn't subsidized Temple theirs Many causes that you can contribute to so many worthwhile charities that you agree with an embrace that would give my money to them. Salt the EU should pretend you're liberal when you go to that the Temple and stir say I'm here, and I expect you were basically be freebie. when they do, they ran out of you conservative, fair,
I have thought it with, but for the most part I don't I get out of there. I got out of there. I got out of the whole reform movement I get. I can't take it anymore: it's not worth the grape juice and the sugar Coated Trust, but thank you very much, Lynn I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen. This final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader. Ma am artful man here aren't number seven ray. I want one won't take seven, seven one real one one maybe Hunter vine has violated our draft laws are done, laws and our federal registration laws and he hasn't been charged with the damn thing. If you notice that MR put to producer drawer
laws, gun laws and federal registration. They found everything they could on anybody in the trouble orbit for anybody. He who wore a mega had all the rest of it, but you can't believe that the the justices were the ones who should be marching in the street. Demanding equal justice hunter by ass a quieter paused investigation before election. This is from the near posed. Stephen now Senate, Emily Jacobs, that is their name, their top Ro prosecutor in Delaware decided to pause a criminal investigation of hundred by months before that what did twenty election to prevent the public from learning about it. According to ports. So here we have big tech covering up four hundred by.
Here we have big media covering up for a hundred Bonn cassettes room with big tech, censoring literally censored. Here, we now have a federal prosecutor covering up for a hunter bud. I don't care that he was appointed by tromp Trump. Didn't know this guy, you S attorney David Weiss. U S, attorney David, wise appointed by former President Trump decided not to seek search warrants, are issue grand jury subpoenas so as not to quote alert the pie. like to the existence of the case in the middle. The presidential election political reports. The prosecutor's office reportedly was torn over whether to continue its proper pause due to the election and wiser remains at his job, leading the case side those who wanted away. He remain it is just not think about that he's appointed by Trump and by doesn't want to run over.
doesn't want to remove, and why do you think. To its credit. He listened alone name source, told the publication, the just. departments. Role in these cases face criticism from Trump allies who know that Adele A computer repairman gave the FBI laptop for laptop, formerly long and a hundred bind in December, twenty nineteen as they near posts for his report in the final so the twenty twenty presidential election the post reveal they trove of emails from Hunter binds laptop that appeared to link this candidate, father to his farm business venture and Communist China and with Ukraine. Energy company penalties, smart now revealed that the younger Biden introduced a top Belize by executive to us. Then vice president. than a year before the elder. By nominally pressured ukrainian officials in the firing a prosecutor, it was investigating. The cover
this family, so damn corrupt. It's so damn corrupt. The fact that they get away with this stuff. Don't give me this crap about hey. We want we'll just now. We want equal justice. And meanwhile, a laptop was seized by the FBI in December that year tree there very busy looking into it. Aren't they folks. In addition to his ukrainian connections. Other on the computer, showed had hunter discussing potential business deals with this, China's largest private energy company, one day I seem to draw considerable attention from the younger Biden, who called it interesting for me. my family centre, I begin reveal the findings are their investigation into hunters overseas business dealings in September, and they
The Obama administration ignored glaring warning signs when they then vice presidents and join. The border worries me when he had no energy experience. So ok, on the board of Amtrak Way, no train experience, he's experience in using drugs, though they should it made him. They headed the d, a. media to following the release of the post, Expos a twitter, lock the posts account and demanded the outlet delete six tweets that linked to their store. They demand That ain't newspaper delete sick. Tweets that link the stories based on the files from the abandoned laptop in order to regain account axis. That's. We forget that Twitter finally caved in unlocked the account after a two week, stalemate in the waning days of the election. Without the deleting any the tweets in question, and it goes on.
But meanwhile, poor Rudy Giuliani, can't practice law. His licences, suspended in New York, suspending a Washington d C. You see, ladies and gentlemen, we can go on and on about this stuff from the time we will, but it doesn't get us too far. The injustices, the inequality, the real inequality, they only, Worse is more more powerfully. Government becomes more more powerful, a democratic party becomes they they get worse as this, African Marxism continues to spread- and this is my point this what I said to handed ya think was last night. What do we do about all this. We go on and on about it, we do that Hawk radio, we do it on Fox, we do it on. We can go on and on about. That's ok, people need to know. What's goin on, we should wring our hands, but then what then we move on to the next subject. Now we can't just keep moving on because its
we gonna get worse. The left never moves on? They never forget there like peoples. We move on Hunter by What is anyone can prosecute? Actually me hundred by well he's under criminal investigation of Pennsylvania, everyone's it's under Krim. Nobody ever gets charged with anything if you notice that dora- Beheld charge somebody at some point, but will it matter that point probably not. They certainly one overall after Donald Trump Spy I tried to set em up number twenty six. Jeanne combing highly covered up further Hillary Clinton. he did this. She did there. She didn't everybody's opening up. You know the criminal code while she should be charged with businesses, but we ve. This
Did not the charger? What what. So she skates. Despite our sleazy. She is hunters skates. Despite how sleazy he is Joe Biden Scheme Despite how bad right, how sleazy ideas they all escape. Meanwhile, our hunting down trumpet our NATO's tax for the really We're gonna get his record over the Russians. Are we gotta get that tromp term from and he's done, nothing You realize he's done nothing. Criminal investigations, federal level, local level, state level is that nothing wrong. You ve got this this crate It was his former lawyer who flips to try and get favoured treatment, and his daddy didn't trot Thou is back in the family. like you now a trump as any of em are right to attorney, climb, privilege, confidentiality or turning where a product like every sing,
a person in this country has a right except trunk. I'll be right back then Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot? U s a problem of the hour or can ever body Larry Elder on the programme announced that he's running for governor of California Larry is terrific, say one want to miss that.
And just reminder I will be on Jesse Waters show, on the Saturday night, I think that's When I buy my calculation, I will be Amerika part to Roma, show on Sunday morning and of course, liberty and live in Sunday night? A pm eastern time, it'll be PETE Headset- and I so we have a We can, I hope, when your shopping and go to cost our Barnes and whatever you do your grab copies of American Marxism is discounted everywhere. Everywhere and that's an opportunity, two to choir it and also, of course, Amazon dot com, if you're not much of a shopper and you wanna brought to your home at so easy complete first. The show was going least for me. You know, you know we ve. A lot about this in the past, but I want to underscore this, the founder or co founder of Wikipedia as a warning for all of you,
The daily mail has reporting this Rest, the media could give a damn, Noble should trust Wikipedia. He says it's cofounder warns, Larry Sanger says the site has taken over by left wing tears corner called, who write off sources that don't fit their agendas fake news. They have utterly. Strewed the truth about me on Wikipedia. either lies by their cherry Picking and all the rest, my children would recognize me on Wikipedia is a big slop over there, and these and tears are a bunch of a boat pickers with their brown church. Did he say, insurance should, I say, pink church, either That's fine by me, people can no longer be trusted as a source. Unbiased information
Since the online encyclopedias left, leaning, volunteers and I left leaning their economies, cannot any news that doesn't fit their agenda according to the sites cofounder Larry Sanger fifty three cofounded Wikipedia two thousand one along with Jimmy Wells, said they. Outsourcing project has betrayed its original mission by letting the views of the establishment he said he Red with the assessment that teams of democratic leaning, volunteers remove content, is it to their liking, including in Asian, about scandals linked to President Joe Biden, of course, his son hunter. Ass by unheard dot com, if Wikipedia, Can we trust any replied? You can trust it together, reliably establishment point of view on pretty much everything. And that's an understatement, of course,. Sagres cited the entry on Joe Biden, which he says, is sanitize version that doesn't include arguments from a GEO pay perspective the by
article. He said. If you look at it has very by way of the concerns are Republicans vat about him If you want to have anything remotely resembling the republican point of view about by you're, not going to see it from that article and there's a pair Reverend, it's quite long article, so there should be at least a paragraph about Ukraine scandal. Very little of that can be found in Wikipedia Sanger said what little can be fat is extremely biased and reads like a defence councils, brief really- and that's all true. And see if there's anything else here, you crises the founder one of the founders and he wants nothing to do with appear. I don't use Wikipedia he's Wikipedia? Neither should you this is one of the things I preach in the last chapter find other sources as many other sources out there there's other places to go
can still use like online encyclopedias online diction. Are there so many resources available to us Why we subsidize, through heads and through usage, all these crap sites, it's gotta, stop. I mean in this, doesn't take a lot of work just to stop doing it. This one. This is one get your attention Disney Walt Disney was a great patriot. It was a christian man. It was close friends with Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney would be disgusted by what's being done by what he created in the use of his name. hard storms. Writing a town Hall Disney cancels Christmas and it has, it has cause. It offends people Disneyworld is cancelled Christmas
it is very merry Christmas Party, extremely popular yuletide tradition, is going to be rebranded instead magic, kingdom or hosting nighttime show the new deal call a Christmas event is called Disney very merriest after hours, a generic holiday theme celebration, came up with that idea deserves a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking. Do He did not provide an explanation for the change, but in recent days the woke imagined, magic kinda made national headlines by culturally cleansing many popularize among the so called offensive rides that have been updated are pirates of the Caribbean, splash mountain era. Inspired by song of the south, they also plan to update Jungle, crews have concerns about the depictions of natives, even controversy surrounding Prince charming lifesaving kiss that I can snow white from her slumber. The me to cry.
Turkish, you with the unwelcome, smooth. A strange, isn't it with all that weird sex stuff there pushing mister Bellew, so the unwelcome smooches, what offends them April Disney announced it was adding inclusion key component of its customer service. We want our ass to see their own backgrounds and traditions reflected in the stories experiences of products. Counter in their interactions with Disney. That company said. The original introduction included good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all agents. Now the greeting is good dreamers of all ages, Can we forget the Disney wanted its white staffers to complete a white privilege, training workshop whether the name of Jiminey cricket is going on new fans are beyond outraged over the council.
Christmas news accusing the magic kingdom of appeasing critics. You know we used to go to Disney World frequently but broadcast from their own. I was a b c radio network, we blast. Is there nothing these fools want, destroy, they're nothing these american marxist movements will not destroy, and Corporatist one on a greater economic. believe the disease continuing to follow these stupidity already shown in changing cast costumes. So is not Friend or erasing all gender in their traditional welcoming greeting that included both boys and girls. When angry fan rode on Facebook Disney I've been here. Guess: mascot for nearly forty six years, you're losing many of us who actually keep your business going. While you try to build it Critics and their habitual offended get it together
their or shut down completely, because you'll never make those kinds of people happy. That's true.
I won't be going to Disney any time so the kids wanna go, but I did not want to put up with this crappy I'll be right back a MAC. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S! Plastic conservative fire mark Laverne Show call now that eighty seven seven three eight one three eight one one you on other Larry other is is a brilliant radio host he is saying, is a patriot.
Decided to run for Governor California Larry, how are you my friend, great mark I've been a politician after three point five days efficiently can the minutes. I can tell so Larry, I'm gonna, ask the question: why do you want to run and what makes you think you can win. frankly, I don't have a choice. This date is, this, absolutely is become. Almost ungovernable. People are leaving to stay for the first time in a state has read of a magazine called Theo Magazine, a look. They think like taxes and spending on funded pension might by building the degree to which the state is business friendly and seventeen years about magazines existent all seventeen years, California rate, the blast, the least friendly state
To get to the bottom of all fifty states, the school system is a wreck I went to criminal high school, you saw them will be boys manhood. I recently checked to president of clear to my former high school or man. Proficient hooting elfins recurred to a school were only two percent of people are map provision and if they quit school, meaning the gangs dominate the school. I know this because I stay Tommy chose Crenshaw high scope because he wanted to go to a school about would equip school. You got, of course, rising crime because the police have been demonize devoted were duped in assigning from competition. Forty seven mark that allows you to do this deal up to nine hundred fifty bucks every single day I do not have followed. You won't go to jail that give you take it if they catch you. So the idea was that instead of sending people who are job, lifting many of whom are addicted to drugs due to present will get them into going to react. While the latter part is ok, but with the inflated with the inducement with the threat,
If you don't do it, there's no progress whatsoever till they stealing to support the drug habit. Staying on the streets of their data to themselves, to others, the taking of property about ten percent of them altogether, frantic meaning of danger to themselves or to other I'm sorry mark they should theoretically sufficiently be picked up and then removed for their own good and for the good of the other homes community and their spending more and more money building, so called for the homeless. At a substantially higher caught in the private sector could do a and b all is going to the kurdish people from the other states to come. Here you mean the weather was nice and give me a free house come on down that with going on here and the teachers union, there are three hundred thousand teaches you and teachers public public teachers in color.
When you're March last year, on an average ear to point to or fires? Are you kidding me if intimated that five percent of them are incompetent which meet? If came thousand public school teacher or educating kid every single day, often in the worst schools, where they need the best features it outrageous? In a way this man at handle, the pandemic is entitled mug guy. Down the entire state, while sitting there that bridge multi restaurant with the very people who wrote the mandate that they were violated. Meanwhile, his all enjoyed important private education. He claimed at his own wine, or we from the very mandate report on everybody on this guy mark has got to go. I take it you don't think California is too far gone, although you think they're right there or were you wouldn't be running right
I wouldn't be wanting look with got walk radiated with common to all the people of the union came to his house. They try to capital building, but he reform the power of the public teacher junior. Unless it happened in California, Democratic gonna lose lose lose because a union put a limited amount of money and in what got work to do, as you know, is limited negotiations to wages. No longer allowed automatic dues and if you want to re beyond two percent, yet it go to the voters to get it and he made him contribute something to their pension, health care, plant and inadequate bigotry. Anything and read an article in forty years ago and was reformed, have laid agitate, billions and billions of dollars. It got to be done here and nobody has been talking about and even the republican rivals are you talking about the power, the public, public sector, unions and and and and don't get me started on the cost of living. My father came here in nineteen. Forty five mark TWAIN toilet, as you know, to full time jobs, cleaning, toys, stay at home, wife, my mother, three boys. She stayed at home until the youngest about with a middle school. My dear faces nickel and dime and bought a home in substantially to the time with, but with it was with women uptown.
A thousand dollar house according to swallow just the other day. If you worked with full time job- and you have an earthquake education- it, my dear, you, can not duplicate the route that my father followed, that why people are leaving California for the first time in a state of history and going to plated like energy, I like been Shapiro, did a going to Florida going to taxes. It is outrageous and somebody had to say: is he not my kids lift California for Tennessee. And it's really an appalling because it's a beautiful say you know when I was a kid grown up on these coasts in Philadelphia, everybody, Wanted to go to California, it was the land of opportunity. You wanted to start a business. They at the proper tax and regulatory It's there. It was the the place of opportunity, and today it is took one generation to basically destroy the state. Didn't it sure did.
The stories I'm getting when I had prepared for this campaign. One develop were told me: he had a two thousand development project got food under seek what California Quality Environmental ACT. Put it down to a thousand gotta. Do credit to five hundred got suit it down to two hundred twenty two years later. Got approve for two hundred. Another employer told me that this guy suit him for a back wages are unpaid, waited fifty five thousand dollars. He found a. He wasn't even then the fleeting state when he claims he will be incurred, all this money and it turned out that the burden of proof on the employer to death pull the claim the court on only because it guy the B of the box with very very wealthy. Did he fight that? Otherwise most people just settle and they may lawyers below something in it. I am delude something even if the claim is bogus kind of crap is going on. We are releasing fell and during the corona virus pandemic, twenty thousand fell. It will eat only under the humanitarian early release programme. What were treating developers and contracted light fell it it's out wages and somebody had to do something about it and on the guy in emerging people to go to elect elder dot com, you, let's build it.
Because my opponent, the EP, given Newsome raise and spin on limited amount of money not held by the law. We are you the rivals, We have campaigned expenditures and spending limit that he does not have a national fight. I need money from California, obviously Brady money for millions and billions to quote Bernie Sanders, who set up an committees at along the philosophy of mine so that we can take this thing back. The union power has got to be radiant until you do that you're, a concluding alleged that keep losing election to keep losing elections, because once you, anything like what I said before, hundreds of millions of dollars into whatever initiative that that they want to keep an eye and a malign you to make you all of a sudden look like having everything but achievable after they show up at your house for what they did is got Walker. They trash the capital building. That was gonna happen if they really get serious there, Fraid of anything really get legitimate fear of losing some of their power
get serious. If you don't mind, I hope it doesn't hurry. I'm going to endorse you, because I I mean I would love to have a governor like you, you would be absolutely the best. So what is the website? Waiter it'll? Go elect do dot com Elect Eldred our com, though some in the jar, but anyhow I wouldn't need they up like. Thank you so much for your endorsement. Of course I wanted. I love it while you're the and the garden what good you could do for that state, even where they had democrat legislature and so forth, in your ability to articulate these founding. Principles and human principles and speak. I must, however, five percent a black here, take it as read as tumble over the proficiency. Fifty percent of all give cannot ones that what at each month, whited likely here in California, where, U S deep away, you a unified, go district twice ass, likely to have their own kid own school aid given private school. And what is it tell you? If you open up a restaurant, put up a sign in fact component just don't eat the food
our Larry God bless you, my friend. What have you back? Ok anytime Mark Elect elder. That takes a lot. He liked Elder daughter and you are more than welcome. Let's put that up on parliament's producer, An article here that I can't ignore before the end of the week here than the daily mail NFL announced they will play the black national anthem before the STAR Spangled banner. During every week. One game and players may feature names of police brutality, victims on their helmets, I admit I live in a good cause. I didn't know until a year ago that there was a black national anthem and you see this effort at separatism. segregation, how its now. Coming from corporatist it's in sports her, whether their manufacturing newspaper, it doesn't really matter.
Into this segregation in the separatism the point of the national anthem? Mr pull us all together, but now we have to anthems. What's next, how many more anthems, we're gonna breakin into ethnic groups and so forth. This guy Roger good. There is a real, dumb bastard it is. I don't want us to say yet: Zactly worry, as he gets paid, fifty million dollars a year to be stupid, stuff there's one national anthem, it's for blacks and whites and everybody else The country's anthem? We don't break anthems down. ethnicity and race and ancestry and religion. And so, for this is the balkanization of America. so there thinking about What do they say here? They may allow players to feature the names of police brutality, victims on their helmets, undistributed Ivan idea. Why don't players put the names of football
I have been accused of brutality on their helmets. Can we do that? Mr Barroso? We they have. The names of football players are accused of rape for it, the beating their wives were accused of other types of crimes. Why don't we their names on their helmets. I'd like to see what do you think folks I'll be right? Ben AIM
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants, and I have a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s living! I pay tribute esters, though waken rise up sweep into these stores. Sweeping Amazon get your car,
American Marxism Crush, pushes by these aid tied Trump books. Let us in or ourselves? Let us galvanise the book as air, for you everywhere at surrounding you, we made is possible. We already succeeded in many respects. So when you're going to cost car you're going to books, You're gonna Barnes Ignoble, wherever you are there we can do it? Do it Or go on Amazon back come, let us crush the smearing left wing at Thy Trump books. Do it and then read the book understand what Junot enjoy being triggered by a be motivated by it. We can do this. It's our country. Invigorating be motivated, be resolute, I feel it don't you. be proud, be strong, be prepared. This is the weekend
When you are out and about you can make a difference, it doesn't take much. many of you, gotta Carrasco, our SAM's, or be Jays yeah. Many they go to Walmart. or any of these large soda warehouse type stores. Were there America Marxism, where their prominently go into your local store go into bucks, a millionaire, Barnes Unknowable, where their prominently look on Amazon COM, don't these two hacks from the Washington Post. There sit there at number one because all the Fanatics are going in there. They want to know that General Milly called Tromp Hitler or I mean by that book. No, I don't think so. I'm counting on you you're a camel me recounting on each other. Let's go to shock
Los Angeles, California, eight seventy the edge of the great care allay Jacques how're, you, sir, we have minute mark our. I drop. I was. I was wet with beards regarding by the way like to warn the best web. Everyone knew that they would like NASA them and I'm sick. Dear though You and your black gentlemen, correct gray, would not bother with a big day. We agree on the everyday. Do the boy, everybody, that brings the Canadian Why you don't like that the Canadian you're, probably right, we ve
entered the will of insanity. Don't you think shock? We can agree on that big year, though, but now they ve never read them.
I am a man. Don't hang up, I want to send you a copy of America. Marxism see you agree with me. Ninety percent. Don't hang up. Ladies and gentlemen, every Friday you pay dreams in your honor.
bugs the weakest officially over the weekend, begins now watch me, I'm all over Fox this weekend. We're trying to. The charger, eight p m eastern time, life, Liberty and Levin. I know you're gonna love. It.
We salute all our forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel, goodnight bride. He impressed me, can I Pepsi and smoking? Can I salvage and Barney my little Barney? Let's do this baby. This is the weak and tat your copies. If you have one get some for family members, let's go, let's go time is running out, get I dad. Can I mom Unite LEO and God bless each and every one of you
Transcript generated on 2021-07-25.