On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Barack Obama got a softball interview with Anderson Cooper and of course, he doesn't get any hard questions. Instead, he reverts to demagoguery. Obama references changes in the Demographics of America and gets no pushback, yet this program receives hateful criticism for pointing out these same changes. Obama says some right-wing media outlets stoke fear and that White America is resentful of the changing population. Then, Obama cynically cites critical race theory as the biggest threat to the republic, the problem is that this is Marxism and Obama knows it. Herbert Marcuse is the ideological founding father of the new left movement and critical race theory. Later, President Biden and Antony Blinken have handed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians through intermediaries with no strings attached. Biden also ignores Rep. Ilhan Omar's antisemitism. Afterward, Michael Farris from Alliance Defending Freedom calls in to explain the facts of the Tanner Cross case. Cross was silenced by the Loudon County School Board after voicing his objections to using coerced pronouns that are against his faith beliefs.
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