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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/23/22


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Clarence Thomas wrote a brilliant opinion on the now unconstitutional New York law regarding carrying a concealed pistol or revolver. The Supreme Court found that New York's 'proper cause' law violated the second amendment and prior case law. No special need or 'proper cause' is needed, as that would violate the 14th amendment. There is no need to demonstrate 'proper cause' for one's right to free speech or any other Constitutional right, and as such one's right to protect themselves in their home extends outside their home as well. A state's regulations may not impede one's constitutional right. Then, the DOJ raided the home of Jeffrey Clark a former DOJ official from the Trump era. Several of Mr. Clark's colleagues are now trashing him, and it seems odd. House Republicans have announced preliminary findings of their investigation into Speaker Pelosi's failure to secure the capitol on January 6th. Afterward, Ken Hartman from Our Community Salutes recognizes young people in the military and teaches them about the US Constitution.



TAGS: Clarence, Thomas, constitution, New York, NY, unconstitutional, conceal, carry, gun, pistol, revolver, scotus, supreme court, second amendment, 2a, free speech, Department of Justice, DoJ, Jeffery Clark, Pelosi, January 6, Ken Hartman, Hartman, Our Community Salutes

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by hills, they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes- have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom.
For listing, in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters, had hills dale for their great sponsorship, now run them wrongly underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader here. I never eat seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one through
eight one one a lot going on. I will try and cover all of it. I watch part of this hearing again today at a shudder off again. There's a sky, the former acting deputy in general, the something about him. I really do not like down here I believe, as his name. wailings, he said, is another fellow Jeff Clark and I dont know any these people personally have met rosen on one occasion. That's it here Jeff Clark had never. The criminal case he was qualified to be attorney general. I don't know, is qualified or unqualified. As I said, I know nothing about the man, but I do know this was right: Kennedy qualified to be attorney general when he was thirty four years old, he never hand on a criminal case. So as soon as I heard that he said this
Cocky is held. And again, you have testimony, that's not challenge. No questions can be raised, even a simple one like that, but that Really what I want to start with this? cream court. Today, whenever I see a decision written by clarence thomas, I take my time and I read it. Because the man is brilliant, actually believes in the constitution?. So where does six three decision today in the case New york, state rifle and pistol association ink at all verses, brain tentative new york, state police, bruin. so let me read you these syllabus I can't read all one hundred and thirty five pages and keep you as listeners, in new york makes it a crime to possess a firearm without a license, whether inside or outside the home.
An individual who wants to carry a firearm outsiders, how may obtain an unrestricted licence to quote. Have carry on quota concealed pissed. Peaceful, a revolver. He can prove that cop, Proper cause exists, the key phrase proper That's what's in the new york law and can satisfies the proper clause requirement only if he can demonstrate a special need for self protection distinguishable from that of the and or community now that almost impossible. Petitions and cut coke and robert NASH or adult law abiding york residents, who both Live for unrestricted licences to carry a gun and public based, their generalised interests in self defense. The state tonight both of their applications for unrestricted licences alleged-
because coca nash failed to satisfy the so called our cause requirement. Petitioners then sued responded state officials who oversee the processing of licensing applications for dick Return: injunctive relief, alleging that respondents violated their second and fourteenth amendment rights, by denying their unrestricted licence applications for asylum demonstrate a unique need for self defense. The district court spit petitioners complain and the court of appeals affirmed They threw it out both courts. both courts relied on the second circuits prior decision and cut ascii versus county westchester, which had sustained new york. Opera caused standard holding the requirement was substantial related to the achievement of an important government interest.
And here we summarize, the holding me arch, proper com, requirement violates the fourteenth amendment. By preventing law, abiding citizens with ordinary self defence needs from exercising their second amendment right. To keep him bear. Arms in public for self defence prior case district of columbia versus heller. The courthouse The second and fourteenth amendments protect an individual right to keep and bear arms for self defense. And under a heller, when the second amendments plain text covers other, It was conduct. The constitution present thirdly, protects their conduct. And to justify or far on regulation they govern must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent. with a nation's historical tradition, a firearm regulation
They go on historical analysis can sometimes be difficult, a nuanced by reliance on history to inform the meaning of constitutional text, is more legitimate and more admirable. Then asking judges to make difficult, empirical judgments about the costs and benefits a firearm restrictions. Given their lack of expertise in the field. Now that is a big. point the nobody's pointing out. He sang the original ism verses activism. It's our job to look at the track text. in trying to discern what was attended, the sit around and say you know. We think this makes answer, we think that doesn't make sense, fed Courts tasked with making difficult empirical judgments Firearm regulations under the banner of intromit its scrutiny, which has a concocted completely phony standard. The court is created often too. To the determinations of legislators, while today
a deference to legislative interests. Balancing is understandable and elsewhere. Appropriate is not deference the constitution demands here second, a memo quotas, the very product of an interest balancing by the people on quote it should The elevates above all interests the right of law, abiding responsible citizens to use arms for too from from the case case that has that the court set forth in Hell or in applies today requires watch to assess whether modern firearms regulations are, system with a second amendments, text and historical understand. and by the way, what I'm doing now reading you, the syllabus most how small do that, because its chest Spicy enough, but for me it's spicy The tenth degree and to you too So we know exactly what they're talking about, because has to do with what
bill of rights, your liberty of where's. The regulatory challenges posed by firearms today are not always the same as those that preoccupy the founders in seventeen. Ninety one, whether we instruction generation in eighteen, sixty eight, but the constitution can and must apply to stances beyond those the founder, specifically anticipated, even Its meaning is fixed according to the understanding. So those who ratified it told you when you, Get a majority opinion from clans time any opinion, are you really got a red and either We recognised and hell, or at least one way in which the second amendments historically fix, meaning applies to new circumstances. Reference to arms does not apply only to those arms of existence in the eighteenth century. and he goes on. Be clear: I'm skipping around a little bit.
Even if a modern day regulation is not a dead ringer for historical precursors, it still may be analogous enough to pass constitutional muster Example, courts can use analogies too long standing laws and so forth. having made the constitutional standard endorsed in Hell or more explicit, the court applies that standard. The Before number one undisputed that petitioners to ordinary law abiding adult citizens are part of the people whom the second amendment protects and hope. Disputes that hang guns or weapons in common use today for self defence. The court is little difficulty concluding that the plan, text to this. Second amendment protects coke And NASH's proposed course of conduct carrying hangings publicly for self defence. nothing in the second amendments text draws a home public distinction with respect to the right
keep em bear arms and the definition of bare actually encompasses public, carry. Moreover, the second amendment guarantees an individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation and conference she can surely take place outside the home number. Two. The burden then falls on respondents. There will be the new york state. the show that new york's proper cause requirement is, can system, with a nation's historical tradition of firearms regulation. To do responded, respondents appeal to a variety, or sources from the late twelve rich till the early nineteen hundreds, but when it comes interpreting, the constitution, not History is created, equal additional rights are enshrined with the scope they were understood have when the people adopted economic growth was adopted in seventeen. Ninety one, the fort tenth amendment eighteen, sixty eight
dark I'll evidence that long predates her post dates. Either time may not eliminate the scope of the rock these principles in mind, the cork, and What's the respondents have failed to meet their burden to identify an american tradition? Just Fine new york proper cause requirements in new york. Craig new requirement. You have to have a proper cause. In order to carry the gun that you have a right to carry. Because you've already been cleared, background checks, new york right to own I have to leave it in the house and he can't take it outside house. Respondents stanch or with a k he's so it takes down, but the art Entire, the common law, offences and so forth. all the look at history.
Constitutional right to bear arms in public for self defense. It's not a second class right subject to an entirely different body of rules. Then Their bill of rights guarantees exercise of other constitutional rights does not require individuals to demonstrate to government officers so Special need. second amendment right to carry arms in public for self defense is no different york opera cause requirement, violates the fourteenth amendment. by preventing law abiding citizens with ordinary self defence needs from Exercising their right to keep and bear arms in public. Painting delivered by the court to that of the court thomas. He's joined by roberts, Alito corset, cavenaugh, barrett.
Now I'll explain further what all this means we'll be right back then it's no secret, that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus helstone die Just of liberty is so important in private looks at the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years, Some primus has featured speeches given at hills, they'll evinced by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers these day hills, publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway Chris roof over a six point. Two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today. At absolute.
No charge, I always look forward to receiving my copy of in Primus my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subject. If you can go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli v, I n for hillsdale dot com, the pretty critical cartoon, even John Turley, because I don't actually have it raised enough. The issue of the opposition and questioning of the witness, but I have to say today they did a pretty good job, actually I give them credit where credit is due back good summary of this by charles cook, at national review in new york, rifle versus barone. The court affirm that gun right so, do the same protection as all other constitutional rights, stanley.
most important? Second, amendment ruling. Sometimes it is potentially the most important second sacramento rolling in american history, and one of the reasons for that is its author Clarence Thomas. for all abreuvoir brouhaha. The question at hand was rather straightforward. Can the state of new york require that applicants forgone, carry permanence. Demonstrate a special need for self protection distinguishable from that of the general community. New york, obliged by the constitutional, offering shall issue regime of the sort that forty three of the other forty nine states of adopt so left is trying to suggest this is some kind of a radical decision, because they're nuts, that's what they are. They don't believe in individual liberty, except when it Comes to their ideology Sixty three vote: the justices decided that the latter approach is required.
in the united states, clarence Thomas majority opinion concluded. Authorities must issue conceal, carry licences whenever. Apple can satisfy certain threshold requirements. Without granting licensing officials, discretion to deny licences based on a perceived lack of need or sold or suitable. Those of us who have carry permits, you have have to meet the requirements for carry permit a bureaucrat. They're, a judge is not free to sit there and say: You know you don't really need this gun. You don't really need this gun. And while there is nothing illegal about america's existing state, while permitting systems- in other words, they can permit them. They can play some requirements on them. Those Systems may not be mere smoke screens for outright. Prohibition are unequal protection or Unacceptable delay.
we do not rule out thomas added in a footnote. Any constitutional challenges to shall issue regimes where, for example, long Times and processing licence applications are exorbitant fees, deny ordinary citizens the right to public. Carry so state your free within a rein to make decisions about having weapons, but they can't have the ability- and gave it to a bureaucratic chargers suffered to say well,. You don't really need it. That's not good enough. Ass justice leader was keen to note the holding decides, nothing about who may lawfully possess a firearm requirements that must be met to buy a gun. decide anything about the kinds of weapons that people may possess. The bottom line rights cook new york is allowed to exclude, carry permit applications when a categorical basis, for example the
Lookin has a felony conviction, but not on subjective one. Example, the applicant doesn't need a gun in the view of the determining officer. That's all I did. That's all. It is a very modest opinion. Very reasoned opinion build the prior super. court cases and so forth. But on the other hand, you can't allow states, particularly blue stage, to just willy nilly deny people the right to have these weapons will be right, back It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus helstone digestive liberty is so important. In primus
said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years, progress has featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers these days most of the publishers, people like victor Davis, Hanson, mollie, hemingway and chris ruvo over a six point, two million american households and businesses receive from Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today at absolute. no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of Primus my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subject.
If you go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli v, I n for hillsdale dot com. It's your job to search of the constitution. The mark Levin show column now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. What happened, ladies and gentlemen, is that the circuit courts basically ignored the supreme court decision Several years ago, written by justice scalia in the heller case in these Circuit court started to create their own tests a two tier test, a two tier test. and what thomas says in the majority says here, there's no to tears. That's one t too many is one test. The constitution basically. And. as a leader notes
Holding decides nothing about who may lawfully possess a firearm. Requirements that must be met by gun, nor does it decide The kinds of weapons that people I possess other words, that's an issue for another day, but one people are applicants for weapon. And they are move to receive a weapon. Then there's no reason they can't take it Outside their house themselves as much as they protect themselves inside a house, and you can simply leave it to beaver. To make decisions on a one off basis if they say, as I said from the opinion, fell can have it and so forth. That's one thing: to say. You have not demonstrated to me why you need this you're, not
required to demonstrate why you need that or why you need free speech. Hawaii need the freedom to exercise your faith or any of those legs. That's the point that a secondary level of examination that the state has no power to conduct the brilliant decision as these, circuit courts were weaseling their way out of the heller decision. What time has tried to do here with with absolute genius, is slammed the door shut and soak a that's enough of that. You don't Special need them inspiration for self protection, this washable from the general community. because who knows what the hell? That means. And the leader, wrote in his country, The exercise of other kind,
The traditional rights does not require individuals to demonstrate to government officer's some special need secondary right to carry arms in public for sub defence is no different. New york, so called proper court. cause requirement violates the fourteenth amendment by preventing law abiding citizens with ordinary self defence needs from exercising their right to keep em bear arms in public. and again what they're saying is it doesn't mean you can't have restrictions. But number one the point Rules cannot be the point to just violate Second amendment. That is crucial can't control fanatic more than you can violate free speech, her freedom of the press, freedom of association or the free exercise, a religion and on and on and on. And you can't leave those decisions to an individual, bureaucratic or group of bureaucrat since number. One number two: once you pay
that threshold. That the regulation really isn't a subterfuge to violate the second amendment people apply and people. I therefore able to purchase a weapon uk. Then say: okay, now that you have the weapon he can't take it outside, but why not. While you haven't demonstrated ass. that you have a need to protect yourself outside. And thomas says: well, that's a bridge too far, the new york it says you have demonstrated harry's posted demonstrate that, which is why so few people number one get a carry pyramid. A number two can actually defend themselves. A very important, Right by the book right by the
institution and, of course, that he justices, sir Brian Opinion just full of emotion, endlessly, testing. And, of course, the lido and his concurrence Jes lamson down one after another after another and after another like what is have to do with anything tie that something that's not even permitted mania had took place in buffalo. And so what After due number one with the constitution and number two, what does it have to do? These massacres Is your talking about how many mass murders have been committed by people carry permits and, although that any have have they? Mr bidders. I am not aware of any factor How many criminal offences have been committed? I wonder by people who love
They carry weapons, carry permits. Versus how many. Shootings her crimes have been stopped by people who carry these weapons. Seas are, of course, still Six were never free to receive. because I don't fit. The narrative and our waiting for the big decision. The anticipation that the. Roby way will be reversed, her overruled or how want a phrase it it will be tomorrow. Whatever it is, it is we want, about that further, of course, but the point is: if anything like deal the if there was leaked it's another brick
decision this time from a leader One of the things I notice by the way. One of the things I notice that the year. the true blue originals on the court Alito and thomas imprint, learn gore such most of the time. Are so much smarter than the liberal the us on the court, so much smarter than sort of my or an kagan and briar. I think it's fair to say at least from my perspective that sotomayor is the problem Dumbest of the bunch she's down onto saying the dumbest, but as I these opinions and Alito. And thomas or the smartest through the back.
And the year. The chief justice is neither the dumbest nor the smartest. He is the most conniving of the bank. that's right. I said of the bunch. So we shall see how this turns so far, they went right but Constitution when it came to her the school issue and main went right. I mean with the girl tuition, they won right. Would the constitution. when it came to the second amendment, and that was a complicated case, brilliantly brilliantly handled by clarence thomas and I would add, the leaders concurring but thomas opinion is absolute genius. Tried to say that about the other side, that their opinions are absolute genius.
Now we get into a situation with our media, were the vast majority of people commenting on this decision? Haven't read it. Because they know what they think. And their righteous and everybody else is a loser. I mean it's along opinion and there's a lot of dissenting there's some concurring and all the rest of it. And so you know by the time they heard what the decision was. These hosts on the constipated news network on anonymous, lsd. and elsewhere hadn't actually had a chance to read or digest the opinion they didn't care Why? Because they don't care in the bill of rights except their rights under the first, a mammoth freedom of the press and, of course- That's been demonstrated in these hearings, they don't care, At the ability to confront your accuse to have Skull pretoria or getting
People's opinions and their own notes, you need me, the challenge that even in a legislative form form but not today,. We are examined stateless chain where demonstrating today. just remember the first, the first hearing we demonstrated demonstrated there, and then we prove that you have demonstrated approved a damn thing, because you're not being challenged. by anybody. And it's the second time this committee's brought up that I can I gotta watch at all. An individuals right to assert to assert that they don't want testify. Second, you know the year. The right against self incrimination
Is that right in the constitution wiser right in the bill of rights, because this The federal government. Congress has a lot of power. A lot of power to threaten you. D crates circumstances, which your words are used against you and that's not. An avenue towards getting to the truth. that's an avenue towards coercing a result. When you call somebody to testify whether it is storing it deposition or at a public hearing on it, Many of congress call somebody to testify Peanut them are threatened subpoena them if they dont volunteer, quite rightly If you know that committee is plotting to make a criminal referral are debating it, and, if telling you that.
They view this as a quasi criminal endeavour, even though it violates the constitution. And if you don't testify. They're, gonna refer you for content of congress and under this politicized you attorney in washington and attorney general washington. They will literally charge you Some cases seek to imprison you People show up and they plead the fifth cause there. Stuck there box, then unintentionally, so. That's one of the reasons at the moment. Is there so today as before they the necessary to mention that fellow Jeff Clark had fled the fifth. Unlike the lawyers who are testifying
in providing the narrative that the committee wanted unchallenged meaning Clark must be a liar, but here we have these gentlemen, who are patriots because Do we want the matter. But I told you this guy donoghue robbed me the wrong wake. I'd be the nicest guy on face the earth. I don't know no idea. I've never met him. I've never met clark. I've never met these people. Hath arose and was ok, but some The sky donoghue. particularly when he embellish is when he said Jeff Clark wasn't qualified to be attorney general because he Prosecuted a criminal case had never been closed. Her grand jury never been. This never been that turning generals attorney, general don't have to have had criminal backgrounds, many cases bill. Bark criminal
as has been far prosecuted. None to my knowledge, but I could wrong. Doesn't really matter. Hang due note, Robert Kennedy. This he was John kennedys brother and, by the way,. Did a hell of a lot to protect his brother while he was attorney general united states the oj. Now mark. What did you do it that kept something To use almost as a footnote with you- and I am going to use it a friend of mine spirit on he sent me this from the gale beast- sometimes Some time back, ridden by Chris Matthews, who wrote an entire book on the kennedys any course he of the kennedys sympathetic to the candidates. when it came to Nixon
whose rights in the book. TED Kennedy began pushing for the creation of a special prosecutor to look in the watergate that he make clear, was his price, forgetting elliot Richardson, the republican proved by the Senate judiciary committee to be attorney, general rejected it names, rich she's me rejected a names richardson put forward until he got the one he wanted. Archibald Cox. This is Chris Matthews had served attorney general Robert Kennedy, a solicitor general before that had worked on jack kennedys presidential campaign cox manage J, F, K. Speech. Writing a research operates most important during the great debates with richard Nixon. Kennedy demanded their richardson give arch bauxite, clear avenue to pursue its target instead That the special prosecutor be given unlimited money unlimited time in total protection from next. He could not be
fired, except by Richardson himself, and only then in the event of extraordinary improprieties Cox was appointed your dear close friend, political operated with the Kennedy family to lead special prosecutor investigation. of their enemy, richard Nixon president nixon cockspur, seated two fellows investigative staff with veterans Bobby Kennedy, justice department of the nineteen sixty eight presidential campaign of the eleven senior councils, Cox hired seven had been associated either jack Bobby or tunny teddy Kennedy, the warning Prosecution was going to be a kennedy operation and richard Nixon couldn't do a damn thing about it said quote: unquote Doesn't it smell the same way with this committee Smell the same way of american airline, this year said, turn use, nay. My leg is graves.
Starkness think I'll be right back. Then. it's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills dell's die just of liberty is so important in primus Said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years, in primus is featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day here publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six point, two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolute
no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of them primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subject drink of infra hills delta come right. Now, Ellie Vienne pray, hills del dotcom. That's MR producer! Let's play come all harris. One go: we, the present myself. Many of us are deeply concerned in troubled by the Supreme court's ruling. Today, it I believe, defies common sense, and the constitution of the united states. She shows absolutely nothing about the substance. Nothing. She has no idea what the court was. Nothing. Biden has no idea what the court ruled. Nothing. It doesn't matter. Yes, they have
Oracle pass they say: oh it's, on the historical past. This is what governor nitwit says in new york and mayor nitwit. Axes are they talk about? The historical past, doesn't account for reality of today. Yes, it does says You are such a competent boob. All of you meaning, he's government ruling class officials that you don't get it could decisions about what I can carry willy nilly cause. You don't think I should this segment of the not cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month, go to pure talk, dot com to fight a plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thanks
so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of alarm, the script building it we once again made contact with our leader maritime article of inherent number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one nick trainer on twitter name children here right. Tiny four months ago,. When asked about the Democrats, switching parties devote fur and the states August republican primary. That's not something that I have contemplated
That I worgen eyes her that I will organise she told the near york. Meanwhile, a few hours ago, red J Epstein posts. Citing the new york times. This train you sending mail to wyoming democrats with instructions on how to switch parties to vote for her in the states august primer. oh, she so ethical she's, asleep, like all the other on this committee let me go through this again. Its understandable to you, of course, but everybody else the committee, has no powers Pursuing in all cases, And yet are more than one occasion Members have said, that's exactly their point. in their goal is donald trump.
And in the shadows they have eleven former federal prosecutors, apparently to form a. U s. Attorneys. there are trying to develop a case without challenge and weather The constitutional protections that witnesses normal again. and then referred over to the department of justice and the department of justice has now made public its insistence that the committee give to it. Any information at has particularly these deposition transcripts. So people are being set up. From a criminal unconstitutional perspective, whatever you think of what took place is beside the point. I'm talking about process in our system.
So people are now being set up by this committee, the prosecutors in the shadows. and you're, seeing some o publicly Their dissent between the two groups, the department of justice lawyers and the committee lawyers and other- isn't there colluding their working together. Now, how do we know this exactly well, we! read? The tea leaves was a story that broke today that yesterday Former deo J official by then image Jeffrey clark had his home searched, has fox covered the story, authority search the homo jeffrey clark of former justice department. Official president trumps administration. an official of the? U S, attorney's office and washed and confirmed a fox news. There was-
law enforcement activity in the vicinity of clerks, lord and virginia residence on Wednesday. But what, say more clark's name is expected to come up in hearings with the house select committee investigating january six as you can see? That's exactly what happened. u are s attorney's office and washed has no comment regarding the nature that activity or any particular individuals will they have to because it was all set at the hearing today or Mr Clarke's name and reputation Was utterly destroyed. Utterly destroy this is what Airships means, from his perspective about the army, mccarthy, hearings, report, were accused of being communists, but there was no way to respond, except, as he also said on this programme, it's worse because there's opposition, there's no opposite side to china
what's taking place, so Mr Clark subpoenaed to give a deposition. And fled the fifth. which he was ridicule by that committee at the end of the hearing, but he play. For this very reason,. because he and his lorries know that turkey's collusion going on between the prosecutors on this committee and the prosecutors The- u s attorney's office, And those who are under american airline clark service thing assistant attorney general for the civil division going My final months in office and colleagues have testified. He was a quadrant quote. True believer. That's a twenty. Twenty election has been stolen. According to NBC news, I have never heard from this guy clark and only know what his voice sounds like it. Everybody taken their shots, everybody saying what he thinks, what he said, what he believed.
This is the problem with a process like this. Reportedly flouted deal A policy and of directly with the white house regarding election conspiracies rather than going through proper channels and Its position is what we have no idea. None. Could it's even more evident in hindsight, but at the time I did think he's made the president and now he wants to be brief by the director of national intel on thermostats. it's what's going on here, would Jeff Clark, former trump appointed acting attorney general Jeffrey rose and told the judiciary committee last year. Asked a question Mr Clarke can answer MR resin. Because he's imperilled afraid now could also tell from what I was watching during the hearing.
that rosen. And down a here in this other guy's name, I forget because its forgettable, we, He hated clark hated him hated him. The general six committee is expected: a highlight clarks environment, trumps attempt to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election during upcoming hearings, the fox report. Subpoenaed clark and october. He refuse to answer questions during testimony. That's not what happened. He played the fish, That's a constitutional right, that's it every is much the constitution as the existence of these members of congress. In this committee. to protect people from exactly what's going on. The question, should be Why does anybody have to assert the fifth amendment, whether being questioned by this committee, this we could go to the department of justice.
and get some form of testimonial immunity spin done before. A person like clark or I don't know who else general, slain and others who well counselled Can I cant do in front of this committee I can speak freely. Inga testimonial immunity nor. got it, which is why he was able to explain everything in front of the committee. There was trying to destroy him ali. So why didn't they given that? Why didn't they trying given that because they want these guys in prison? That's why. I don't know anything about Mr Clarke, but I'll. Tell you this. I know a lot about these committee members in this committee and it
crash. This guy, like he's some kind of mass murder, her some kind of terrorist. I'm not into this folks. I dont like these solemn, which trials I don't like. Stalinist hearings, public public, longings if you well. I can't I just can't stand it. They say that committee has demonstrated. The committee has proven. Last time. The committee showed what committee. Every one of these members had to be approved by Nancy Pelosi, or they couldn't serve on this committee. The one witness they won't callers nancy policy and, as I've said, if you think about this they're getting into or
of things that really have nothing at all to do with what happened with the security breakdown on January six, This is an investigation the republican party, because you hear police training and kings, here today the gone off on the republican party and republicans and so forth. They got off on fellow public and members of the house who they hate because they have a day free shot here. Folks, training, oh she's gonna lose Kings, angers out afresh to take another taken it out of the sky, perry their attack, and this one, and now I'm in no way to rebut this. None set the shop in front of this very same committee. and to expose themselves to potential criminals, Even if you don't commit a crime, you know all he can.
Directed himself clearly at obstruction. Clearly, that's perjury. You know the game. If they were so cock sure about what they, presenting to the american people if they were so certain about, they use those witnesses who are testifying today. if they were so certain about what bilbil I had said and all the rest of them had said, and maybe they are They wouldn't be afraid of a normal process in front of a normal committee hearing weathers Least, another side weathers other But testifying under oath under penalty of perjury, where there may be expelled tori explanations, information, even evidence, talkin,
its introduce that this committee is not even shared with the american people to railroad job. So why, with this man. Why was this man clark have his house searched. in twenty four hours of this hearing, in which he is the target of the hearing, MR produce. Surely the committee sir turnkeys office coordinated colluded. She will what's that Certification for that, ladies and gentlemen,. They went into his house. Very very early in the morning, the way Boss explains it you, left on the street standing in this his pajamas. This is what they do humiliate.
Peter navarro, humiliate steep And humiliate rod stone, humiliate this guy. they didn't do that to any of stephen cobras group. They don't do that. Would democrats. sending swap teams and all the rest patently code into a tweet twelve Federal law enforcement investigators showed up at this guy's house, a former top Just apartment official, involved in embezzlement now Was he selling secrets to the enemy? No was here weeping with the enemy likes. So berger whenever they held up pukes name is swore well know. What was he doing. What did he do? Oh, he was obstructing an election. help us at me now
I mean well. the timing isn't that a little curious. Course it is Demonstrates the coordination again between the prosecutors on this committee in the prosecutors So trainees office in their main justice. they wave around the constitution like they are defending the constitution. They are abusing it every time they meet in, do what they're doing and that's the truth. Donald trump wanted to overturn the electric donald trump was challenging the election. One thing I haven't gotten yet, as I listen, even though they say we looked into than we looked into the. They said: there's no systemic elections, ok, fine, fine. And how do you know that exactly.
Where we looked into this will not gonna. Did you have officer some: u s attorney or some criminal division unit or who is taking in all these complaints and how are they process so quickly? Who did you speak to. Where were you s attorney in far off, he says they blow him off. Now listen folks, I brought it up on fox. I've brought it up on levine tv. I brought it on behind this microphone. That alone, neo nazi organizations out there with their little websites, have even mentioned it, so why did not mention in the broader media cause. I don't want it to be met. That's why, here we have a piece of the federalist. Jordan boyd Ass, the gaiters pelosi responsible for the january six: security breakdown- a? U capital! Isn't this? What this committee supposed to be looking into.
speaker that house nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the? U S, capital. On january, six Twenty one, and today there smear the hell out of trump and not once did a member said, but you know he did offer us the national guard, because there's nobody there to speak up. Nobody. There's nobody there to say anything. Nobody. I mean I had questions for all these justice department, guys. I'd questions for billboard Took you so long to resign wanting you resign earlier, but you know the capital police were half staffed on January six policies, house sergeant at arms, deny multiple request for national guard assistance from the pentagon lena
states, capital, police chief of the days leading up the general six officers. reporting equipped had insufficient ride shields and how much they were a train to handle a ride even after the rights or twenty twenty, and on and on and on will be right back for verizon in eighteen. Ten t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you dont use, stop paying for things you dont use. Instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your car provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking, coverage really going to be that good, am I going to drop calls slow internet? I can tell you first hand. The five g service is that good switch, pure talk was that easy, so list
don't sit on the fence, any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to The leap and start saving money every month, gonna pure talk, dot com, select a plan than enter promo code, levine podcast, that's alleviation, podcast and say fifty percent off your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and under promo code, levine podcast. Yes, indeed, federal authority search, the home of Jeffrey clark, Most of us, but heard it before And he was these. I wonder these three men who testified today predict
the sky donoghue, who seemed a relish their praise is great. Patriots How had been in the wall a long time. Not one of them said: look I'm gonna, give you my opinion, will tell you what I saw a place for what I feel took place. But I do have to say: is the former acting attorney general, the united states? I do have to say, as the former deputy attorney general, the united states or the other guy got the says, the former janitor on the third floor, what I really was there, This proceeding is truly problematic. didn't, hear bar, say there. We didn't. He arose and say that.
We didn't hear donoghue say that and we didn't hear my khakis sailor. Even if they feel very very strongly, and even if their testifying truthfully. There being used as pawns I have to conclude I'd say this. That either there perfectly happy with that. Perfectly happy with that. Or their caught in the limelight and they like it and they like I don't know if they were subpoenaed the testify today or not either way Should you say I'm gonna make a number of statements today and they deserve account some telling you the truth, but I
You have to say that Mr Clarke side here, and so I chose night here- to provide their import and so forth. I just want to make that clear. You don't say any of their verizon eighteen d, n t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you dont use, stop paying for things. You don't use instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your car provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking. Well is the key it's really going to be that good. Am I going to drop calls slow internet. I can t your first hand the file. gee service. Is that good switch? Pure talk was that easy, so listen, don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to
Take the leap and start saving money. Every month, gonna pure talk, dot com, select a plan that enterprises code, levine, podcast, that's ellie, veolan, podcast and say fifty percent of your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and under promo code, Levine, podcast close in america's passionately, cerebrospinal wise and talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Let me show you how this works. Politically, we talk that someone the first hour about this supreme court decision involving your second amendment rights. Here's a peace now politico page kirsten politico as a left wing platform, nonetheless,.
Two of the lorries responsible for a major victory for gun rights forces at the supreme court. Today, our party, With their prominent law firm after the firm announced, it would no longer handle second amendment litigation. Former solicitor general park lament In erin murphy irregular supreme court, litigators said they were launching their own firm their chicago base, kirkland and Ellis, decided to step back from gun, related litigation. clement set in a statement. We were given a stark choice: either. Withdraw from ongoing representations are withdraw from the firm. Anyone who knows us and our views regarding professional responsibility, client, loyalty, knows the result, Lee one course open ass. We cannot oblige an ongoing representations just because a clients position is Popular in some circles, corn on through
firm, spokesperson, kirkland confirmed its decision, but did not explain its rationale for dropping gun case. The key turning kirkland John ballast said. He hoped the firm could continue to work with Clemente a few matters nigh related the guns shall I works. Elements which appeared coordinated, on the same day as the supreme court ruled, the three to strike down new york's law. Limiting consumer carry permits to those. who can demonstrate or proper purpose to have such weapons outside their home. That is a very sleazy way to spin. It My men argued the case before the justices in november, and murphy's name appeared immediately. Bloke laments on the briefs his departure. trip from kirkland analysis echoes a similar episode about a debt
Ago, when he left a lana base, king and spalding. after their firm, moved to distance itself from comments work to preserve the defence of marriage, act, a feather banning benefits for same sex couples. you can represent marxist who want to overthrow the country you can represent mass murders every in between. But new one. You represent a prince, Bob constitutional position. Originally supported. By the framers of one, you represent people, Faith and I could go on and on now, you're controversial choose managua controversial. so the law firm once nothing to do with you. Increasingly, society in our culture so stacked.
And I know how we are, I am, I am ready to blow blood vessels all over the place. I watch this hearing and have a process is so corrupt. I see how they destroy the oil industry and the energy industry, and then they blame the oil industry in the energy industry. It's just such so lousy. Let me get into this here. At the federalists, investigators, Pelosi responsible for january six, security breakdown- u s! Capital By jordan void- and this is why she's appointed the this- reprobates from on party from the republican party to this committee again. if there is some kind of balance on this committee Somebody would have been asking about this. What is the purpose
This committee, why we focused on this we're gonna get into the republican party and we're gonna go Donald trump in his corner call raw how come you're not looking to russia collusion and Hillary Clinton in her role. How come lucky in amerika, lies in the perkins, coy law, firm and other dammit. Ass, a law firms that suit all over the country to change the rules they help Biden, how come you're, not How come you're not interviewing under oath mark Zuckerberg in the four hundred seventeen million dollars at he spent in florence. The election of this there is no question. how can we not interviewing these supreme court justices? Those elected. Pennsylvania to talk to them about how they violated the federal constitution. That's a real hearing. Would look like, ladies and gentlemen, that not its trump and the Republicans Speaker, the house needs
pelosi shoulders! Much of the blame for the security breakdown at the? U s: capital! On january six, twenty twenty one. a preliminary report from public an investigator representatives, jib banks and rodney Davis determine Capital police were half staff on January six policies. How sergeant at arms denied multiple requests for now? my guard. Assistance from the pentagon and the capital play Chief in the days leading up the general six officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient ride shields and how much they were too and they were never train to handle a ride even after the rights of twenty twenty the advice. Negation shows how the report Hence full report no wise adjust republicans because a Democrats window at the republicans, report is not slighted to be released for a few weeks, but said Davis, said the hyper partisan january six committees attempt.
To present a slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact, prompted them to release their findings. That will help Americans understand the extent of the committee's misrepresentations and omissions He said the committee has lied and may numerous unsupported undisputed claims that have been thoughtlessly pirated by their media and fact checking allies said thanks and Davis and Davis is no friend of trumps. No, public appointed members serve on the committee and no minority rights have been granted are observed by the committee. Those. reaches of house rules, have led administration committee, ranking member. Presented a rodney Davis restart a hell of a good job on this by the way turn out. There will be an investigation of the J six committee itself wants. Publicans take control their houses. They expect to do
following the november elections it so damn aboard you get out and vote and you make sure everybody you know does the same thing. The J six committees attempts to blame the capital ride on former present donald trump and election integrity supporters right, sir. The federalists, the geo p members, found that policy was response. For capital security according to house rules and has led the debt Crap majority for years repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the cap. Security system. You know why hates the cops her base, hates the cops. She couldn't be seen bringing in the national guard or muslim The cops right. And she called them nazi storm troopers in the past this Inaction left the capital unnecessarily vulnerable banks and Davis known
Banks and Davis pointed to an after actual report from capital police. let the law enforcement department reorganized its intelligence without authorization which, after without a central, open source, intelligence capabilities and costs having changes that may have contributed to the tragedy. On january six. And in light of the information banks and Davis added that the capital, Intelligence unit acknowledge the potential for her violence, yet failed to adequately communicate the threat the necessary steps to protect the capital house, that a relative handful of report and so they small staff. can pull this information together, but the there are six committee has no interest in a whatsoever. We know why fight these shortcomings, the republicans, found that, even though the cap police union largely voted. It had no confidence in its intelligence division supervisor that
supervisor was promoted to acting chief following the capital right. House minority later cover mccarthy had picked banks and representative Jim born jordan to represent republicans on the committee last year, but they were promptly. put it off by speaker, the house nancy Pelosi who imply the geo p, would hamper a cordon. Cocoa We had to investigation into the capital right now, thanks: Jordan, Davis and the two republicans who are poised to join. The Democrats show trial committee before me. he pull them out. Our leading their own investigation into the capitals security breach Their reviews. Information hardly touched by police he's pixar running the show trial. Banks noted in a recent interview, a pbs news era that, despite gathering more than one hundred thousand pages of evidence, that J Six committee, as quote only selectively, offer the american people a very small part of an encore. He said
Forget that this select committee has already been caught altering evidence there to apologize when its dishonourable that this isn't by partisan effort to give the american people the facts and the findings says repeatedly criticised policies handpicked committee as a political witch hunt just on slandering conservatives, especially those who expressed concerns about election integrity and getting to the bottom of our really happen. On January six groups, against, were denied the right to meaningful, put meaningfully participate in the Democrat show trial. He said, but I should the five of us are leading our own independent investigation into the total break The security at cabin our mission is to answer but questions about what happened that day, the demo Let's have ignored jordan boy, federalist And she says it exactly right: it's a hundred
incorrect. In this committee. A character assassination committee again, I don't know Jeff Clark. But you may think you know Jeff Clark after this here, but you don't know Jeff Clark. This guy must be sitting at home. The fact raided his house. I guess yesterday was national tv he's beings? Jeff brutalized. By rosen, donoghue and the other schwab who was sitting there least, these men of a law so called could have at least said one sentence or two senses are said. We have a footnote here. That we do not abide by this process were forced to comply with it, but we do want a bite. It.
Now let me tell you what happened today, I d say, but they didn't that's all I had to say, but he didn't I'll be right back then, Verizon Ain, t t t mobile are charging you a premium fee. Every month for data you dont use, stop paying for things you dont use. Instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your care provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking, coverage really going to be that good. Am I going to drop calls slow internet? I can tell you first hand. The five g service is that good switch. pure talk. Was that easy, so listen, don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to
The leap and start saving money every month, gotta pure talk, dot com, select a plan than enterprise code, levine podcast, that's ellie, veolan, podcast and say fifty percent off your first mark. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast, good news is that nobody cares about this. Nobody except the people on the committee Democrat operate democratic donors and the right because in their base for pushing the hell out of it. You are using our tax dollars. The fondness. This is not a legitimate proceeding. And the criminalization of this, which is at the top of it? This is their priority. This is what they tell us.
Is an abomination. Everything this country stands for. Yes,. one and if the Republicans take the house, I will reiterate as others are now saying in and out of congress, they will need to investigate the activities of this committee they will want to get a text, messages, emails and other documents. They will want to interview people under oath about what may Pelosi was doing with our tax dollars and other right now. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you know Withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's her. Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report. Any behaviour they think a suspicious, it's true and I shock when I read this secret or on cash from swiss america, the new or against cash, is really a war against the constitution against. Freedom, loving, americans, so You need to read the war on cash: get your free cup
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Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a mark of any era, number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, ladies and gentlemen, you know we really ought to thank the democratic party, the media, all their special interest groups, They actually were able to Stall in the oval office. A man who has growing dimension.
and they didn't give a damn about this country. His wife doktor geo knows he hasn't And I don't say this to mark: he knows They know he hasn't family knows it ever sing a reporter in that white house. Press room knows it they ve, told the reporters and editors and opinion writers in their own media outlets. remember of congress. Who's ever talk to him are met with them knows it. The phony comedian, like jimmy kimmel and b there on tv. They know it. And, of course, we know it. Here's a popularity rating of thirty six percent or so. I think it said down their repute. Of our rights scope. breaking bad mistakenly reveals instructions given to him and a real
If he's a complete eddie, you say like we already know this. None on about this. This underscores the problem because Joe mine actually is gonna run for reelection. You see. because the people around him one him to run for reelection like susan rice and so forth, the invisible hands behind Joe Joe Biden was at a meeting today and held up a no with instructions or in a while. He was talking in the meat caught a close up other note- and it is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen,. Right, our friend Brian Brien, right scoop not only is the leader of the free world told who he'd be talking to his literally told to enter the room and sit down as if he's a completed. On the back of the note there special, no cards. Now, it's as the president at the top.
Offshore wind drop by sequence of events, first bullet. You enter the rows of our room and say hello to participants. Second bullet: take your seat. Third bullet press enters fourth bullet he gave brief comments, parental These two minutes next bullet press parts. Next bullock, you ask liz Schuller president arafat scenario, a question. No, lives is joining virtually next bullet. You say participants next bullet you d park. No, we don't get to see the other side of the card. Maybe it says next bullet, You go to the men's room, not the ladies room. Next bullet make sure you
Well, your pants down before you take a crap next ball Why don't want to get into the details? Now this is a problem in so many ways and at so many levels it really is. far leaders, they know it's a mess. They know, is a mess. Their people are running this. Running this presidency and here's the thing if it wasn't for list cheney and adam kings in you're in this january, six crap. If it wasn't for nancy policy and her fast If it wasn't for all this and the corrupt media, there be a focus on this president, not the last present. There be a focus on skies, mental wellbeing and it's not good there'd, be a focus, on the twenty fifth amendment, as applies to him Be a focus on appeasement furs.
Above violations of federal law, whether its immigration and so forth. On this president, he's the president. Now like it or not, there is. There be a special council in forgetting his whole, damn corrupt family and their time the communist china said you get this guy Jeff What were they shop at his house and they take it electronic devices according to news reports in the case of hunter? I'm trying to find as electronic devices and give back to. So this is why we have the main torreon candidate with has literally. his brains and functioning. This brain is functioning and we have them
purpose of the twenty fifth. A memo, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly for this exist. Play for this! That's what it's for. Instead, we gotta hear a testimony from former justice department officials without any without it push back, there's a good editorial hats genetic coral by gentlemen by my robert lighter, wall street journal about this funny gun bill. The Senate gun bill has terrible. Liberals and conservatives alike should oppose it. Lemme shooting such as you have all they happen. A rallying cry merges for time was to do something anything to prevent such tragedies in the future. On tuesday. Senators introduce these so called by partisan, safer communities at their effort to do something. but when you're sorrowing cries to do something that thing you do may be worse than the status quo. This act,
Say terrible bill and in its current form it ought to be defeated by a bipartisan political collation of congress level should, the bill because with its gun control provisions are antithetical to their criminal justice reform agenda. The lock, spain they categories of those to whom it is unlawful. The seller gunnar ammunition to include anyone convicted? What a felony as a juvenile. this will ensnare many, because the modern definition of a felony is exe actually broad and enclosed offences that aren't Typically serious the bill also charge it changes the a prohibition on Sally firearms to those who have been involuntarily committed to it. and oh institution, and while it, secludes via invalid, Mary commitments before the age of sixteen the bells perfectly strengthens the info, one of the prohibition against those involuntarily committed between Sixteen and eighteen how many people involuntarily committed to a mental institution have committed
Acts of mass murder, I'm just curious we should be cautious before we make it impossible for children alive normal adult lives. as liberals often point out, particularly in the death penalties, involve children and teenagers lack maturing an impulse control. The gun ban would have significant racial socio economic disparities, The community's will find ways around the gun ban for their children. Having robust pretrial divergent programmes, don't result and technical convictions acts. in part, and so the political process and hiring lawyers to expunged. Fictions at poor communities terminal similarly be forced to take please. I will forever alter their futures and it goes on. The conservatives and gunnar should hate the bill. Two gun owners who have committed juvenile indiscretions of That they are no longer able to purchase, firearms are ammunition the bell, also a strange technical defects that prohibits the serve guns and ammunition to those can
of juvenile offences, but it does simplicity, ban possession a loophole that some of our climate close later. delta involuntarily commitments before they were. Sixteen. The reverse is true. The bill I'll ask for arms to be sold to them, but it doesn't decriminalize their possession of a farm anyway. It goes on. by failing to define dating relationship adequately congresses effectively delegating the critical question Falls within this ban to whom it delegating the hard details remains to be determined. Is it about alcohol. Tobacco. Actually, very back all tobacco firearms and explosives, the court's unelected bureaucrats, what a mess but don't worry it's by partisan. anything with the word buying? It is to be endorsed as a civil right. So, it's by partisan, so it's gotta be great. What a bunch.
meat heads of europe, back then ladies and gentlemen, my wife participates in an organization brought it to my attention that Absolutely fantastic it's an organization that deserves a heck of allow more national attention. Effectively what it is, it is an organisation that supports and promotes And celebrate young people whose I'm up for the united states military typically out a high school. began this organization. Again, I Fantastic is key.
hartman of our community salutes. Can. How are you my friend mark It's a pleasure to be on your programme tonight well, is a great honour for me and my family, and I want you to tell the american people about community salutes sure so you had a right fourteen years ago, I recognize what I was serving on our local school board here and soldiers. He met a whole other nightbirds story drank a recognised at that time. We doing nothing to recognise another kid: your graduated from high school and who were in lifting directly melter animal soldier myself, browser officer. So I held a dinner, the kitchen, our community back then fourteen years ago- and now, fourteen years later, we of art mooney flew ceremonies all over the country Not only do we recognise these young but who are enlisted in the military, but we also
educate them on the? U s constitution, because they ve taken a sacred or off as you well know that protect and defend it. So it's it's! A for it is giving them in their minds and dad that that recognition that they rightfully deserve. After all, only three percent of all highschool senior screamin qualify the servant, to these days, and as you know- and I know you ve talked about- are we about. We face a major national security crisis right now, as our military is unable to lifted up young. But the first rank so don't we do. We have ceremonies, we educate them, we celebrate them. We educate them on your constitution and You really an organisation that is putting in the sense that you're beginning to expand. You want to reach into every community in the country in order to acknowledge salute an honour. These young people correct that correctly up.
Two things: one. We rely on the generosity of americans, but supporter ceremonies are educational programmes So, yes, we have hundreds of all dears that that that do this and people who are interested in starting our community suits ceremony can simply come back a website elsie s, usa, that work, but we have one other special and very important events, and that is our virtual. Thank you card on our website it. Oh, yes, you will say that work We have a card, a virtual card, that our goal is to get one million americans to go to that car before the fourth of July. For obvious reasons, inside that card these young men and women, these these young less than one percent of all highschool graduates and their mounts. Dad's know that their kind- stands behind their decision to sir so bacon.
Website learn more about us, had come a website or support us. We we are taxed now where tax we are now profit tax organization, so they can get adoption. But We immediately they can go and signed a virtual. Thank you part so that these kids know that job. They support that decision. You know it's amazing- can hartman of our community salute, sets o c s. Usa, downward. so amazing is. And to my wife made me aware. We, I didn't know these things. Didn't exist, in other words, kids just go off and so forth, and they don't get the the attention and they don't get the appreciation they deserve. How long don't mean What is the response? You get one when you, when you do this amazing, you know it's absolutely not one of the most emotional experiences at anybody attends
because you see any kid? You're d1 out be tab there signing dave's kids, who are certainly borne out the cow just have also sir receptions by the college. We Kids, these kids are taken out our constitution, who are willing to stand and watch tower so that the decline It may have the freedom to pursue their dreams, and yet they get there oftentimes only mention a graduation, so this is denied, or they come out with your mom and dad and grandmothers, and they it reckon, I'll make it honoured, are our dinner recently in child. You repeat: headset was one are our speakers that evening and thereby my kids, said the kid you come to our that nearly a hundred percent I'm actually get on the bus report and I gotta go back. the notion that national nineteen seventy three when we say the draft in this country. Has our nation states, such a dangerous situation, so
we are we we rely on these young americans to support our constitution m m we'd, better, damn well make sure they. they understand that we ve got their backs. While we have a very patriotically Audience here many absurd many have not, and why Asking us to do is very simple: go to your website sign the the petition? thanking them Let's see if we can get a million people July. Fourth, which means we have to start now. and also asked for some support, so you can read this celebration across the country for young people throughout country, who are joining the military, correct, correct it. Cost us about about, Forty dollars to
Throw a dinner and a ceremony give them your all the materials that we give them the end and educate them on the constitution does are certainly not getting that forty dollars each each young man and woman right correct for forty dollars, you can sponsor a few well, a young man or woman, It will be going into the military again only about a hundred and fifty thousand kids do this. Every year, fewer and fewer every year, as as we all know so, its sub region and so they can go. There signed a virtual cart. can go there and and and make it attacks, tax, deductible donation, knowing that these People are last. Hence when a guy to our liberties, and we need to make sure that they know that their behalf There were behind them, you know it's amazing can harm. This. there are so many young people who are directionless there. So many young people. Who'd been brainwashed through
cool to haiti, country and I'll go in the streets, And will be violent even in opposition to it, so many people who been brainwashed by this movement or that movement and so forth, and yet these young people, whether it's because there its intuitive, whether because of the way the raised or whatever these young people, they might through it. They love their country, their voice. Wanting to serve, despite all the negative counter wins and that's what you are doing is so darn important and that's why I'm hoping I'm hoping you folks in the audience you patriotic levant nights ledge recognize these kids or these young men in these young women. Let's sign that card, Oh cs, usa, dot org! That's for our community salutes. Oh c s, usa, dot, org, MR reduced or make sure it's everywhere
Let's have a levine surge right now, levant search. Can we do this eleven surge, let's get onto this website, let sign that car let's get to a million as fast as we can and those of you who are having difficulty making ends meet. I got it, those of you who can spare little bit leave a few bucks. So they can actually take actions needed to help these kids can hartman. I want to thank you, my friend, in this fight task, that organization of yours, god bless your mark. Thank you very much for all your support and encouragement. Thank you. My friend, that's our community salute and my beautiful wonderful wife was involved in this too, is a very, very important group. I'll be right. Back fog, Juba near me, talk about alma how stakes for a while. Now they are seriously seriously the best stakes: I've, a rat and now with somebody here, no back yard grill out is complete weather
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We have already in this family. I just want to encourage you to do it. It doesn't take a lot of time, o cs. As for our community, salutes usa doc, Or go cs usa dialogue and if you're able, Not I got it through able you Tax deductible contribution of this is: what drives me crazy. You look at it, like this. That really is a charitable non profit non partisan organization. Under the five or one c, three part of the internal revenue could then you the group like medium matters, which are death by democrats and leftists, which Has its entire purpose straw, the reputations of any one with whom they disagree. Cattle gotta start up money from soros. I get a lot of dark money. In their budgets, site for Ten million dollars a year,
I don't know where all like goes. I would be interested, and yet they are in the same, status, our community salutes or five or one c three organization and donations to that group or tax deductible. If they're a charity. When everybody knows what they are facing: an awful Things wrong with our tax. Could somebody needs to look at that? Come the republican also. This time around, they really need to look at groups like this and see if they should be getting a tax exempt charitable na, Profit status Which billionaires millionaires launder their money to try? destroy people I disagree with its very anti ethical. Add to our Republican system, but can heart
our community, salutes dot, org, o c s, usa, doubt or that's what I'd like you to go. Let's make this eleven search coming in a very, very positive way. Oh cs, usa: dot org, I think of all these young people. who had been brainwashed, a hate, the country. Wind up in the streets and twenty twenty. Many of them are gonna, be the streets, if not tomorrow, soon thereafter, when these supreme court issues in outstanding rolling related to abortion. Basically, the courts can a sage, none of our business or our. I bet, you better, do less. And then you have these young people. Despite all the brainwashing and indoctrination attempts. Despite all these lousy com, media. A tv all the time. despite all these counter in once in their lives.
Because they were, they were raised or faith or their intuition are all of it. There, patriots, threats and nobody celebrates them. Nobody even acknowledged slam, but this group does and pete headset is a board member. This group oh what a great hero he is. So I really want us to hit the million signing them a card. Try fourth is really close. Please help us out here. Please help us out. Oh c s, usa, dot, org,. Our community salutes is one, it is o c s: usa, dot org. If he can Leaving a few dollars to remember,
keep the information its tax, deductible, aright folks I don't know how much more than we can take, but Walter little bit Amy well butcher member Amy club richer. They treat her like she's, just fantastic, but remember what was it or two ago, when there are no reports on how she brutalize, as our staff, people, behind the scene, the real thing his boss, but not amy, known honour and She's on the constipated news network: that's where everybody goes when their constipated, or at least they look constipated. And she sang, but there also cut six go
so to start with something, that's gonna save lives, even if a particular provision winter save their own babies lies. That is an act of love and generosity of spirit that you hear from the families of those that have lost loved ones. That's why we're moving ahead, and I think it actually paves the way in the future to look at some of these other provisions It's never enough, don't you see that this army, one hundred percent, So now people are using nigh. people are using frying pan. Think I'm kidding I'm not. This is a first step. Now guns are Highly highly regulated throughout the country by quality is by states in by the federal government.
It's the most highly regulated of the bill of rights. Think about that It's the most highly regulated of your rights the bill of rights and they keep pretending? It's not because the ruling classes, the failure, the leadership. Law enforcement failed in texas. Many failures by high tech Hospital by others in buffalo in parkland, another failure. police officers hiding behind a year. A column that holds up the school for forty minutes, while kids are being shot and killed. This bill,
though a dancing about any of it and as the author in the wall street journal piece, it so ambiguous. We don't you know what they're talking about an individual liberties are gonna, be under attack and on and on and on. But it doesn't matter. We deal in civil rights, Symbolises MR producer. Our shibboleth, I should say, look it up, We go on shibboleth, we deal in well pseudo events. Had phrases absolutely apropos here, we go When pseudo events. So rather than being what all look at this were passing something it's gonna have an effect, no its! Not that's why it's! first step. What's the last step, But even here what is the next one and the one in the wonted? What's number nine in europe step process, we don't know psych entered
Why transitioning. so I just want you to know that these were balkans, who vote for it are completely selling you out to promote themselves. Before we do that, I want to get the mike Leon fox news yesterday on the ingram show cut seven go there. Flag laws on the floor, It sounds like it's ok of someone's endanger, but is the problem when you give blot grants to states to enact these red flag laws and administer them. What concept toots a danger could be a posting that, with you disagree on climate change, I mean I don't know depending on who the the judge to me this is one of, problems with what mark within describes as crony federalism, where congress doesn't want to legislate in an area so will pay the states to do it. pay the states to do it in a way that gives us plausible deniability from whatever bad things. They do. This just
contain any restrictions on their ability to infringe on due process on second amendment rights. They couldn't allow co worker anonymously to report someone they dont like and in some states that would suffice. This is why Michael is so smart and he's my boy Two, I about crony federalism and liberty internally. That book is almost thirteen years old and he read it and he doesn't forget a thing: the kaiser, genius, doesn't forget a damn thing. And he's also the north star disney. In so many ways, hathaway No, I didn't say that not all be picked up and sent all over the world. You know how it gets must produce, for if I say anything about anything I'll be right, Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question.
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swiss america dotcom something all these cases that are brought in the district of columbia. Why second most powerful court were called the DC court, appeals in Washington DC, some power. In washington d c, the supreme court in DC court of appeals. In all these major federal Ronald charges brought where. All over the country, but. So many them brought in d c, the democratic judges Mccrae juries That fair how's, our constitutional in a wave, fixed over the years. This issue of juries. Because we had really unconscionable situation.
were, you would have say, a black person who's on trial and the entire juries white. May occur and sort of a race hysteria. Well that was unacceptable and it should be unacceptable. That's not a jury appears for that. Defend not just be of color, just because of the whole history of the situation Now, washington d c. You have a guy who gets off. Even though the evidence is. right in front of everybody's faces in your have. Jurors several jurors who were donating to the clean campaign, wonder who donated to a campaign. And other you're whose door daughter was on the same team. The same Ports team- as the defendants daughter the judge in that case, was a lie, On time,
an acquaintance even a friend with defended a one point when they both worked at the department of justice. Listen, I would crave incredible doesn't voluntarily refuse no problem with the jury. I work and then happen for republic in washington dc could never happen. It almost seems like every case that broad in washington dc against donald trump, he loses seems our way, whether to Tax returns or executive privilege, or what. They just lose. They pile up, they lose, which means pretty much every case the other side brings. They seem to win. They expanded the dc court of appeals. You know when obama was president and harry reed was. president of the excuse me majority leader in the senate that
a couple siege, jested just for good measure and then equally fill them with a couple more knuckle. Heads. We don't fight this way Mitch. Connell's too good, for this is too busy trying to destroy the conservative base. He too busy Are you gonna? Do the republicans when this aware Bi partisanship bob bob shut up? You idiot marble mouth. That's right. I said it how you now have their him. So here is my idea, needs to we find. But we move these cases out of washington d c. Because you can't have a fair trial equity, and have an equitable trial. But about that but you understand the equal
Creation of justice anyway, you can have that one republicans, Or non democrats are tried by a jury, pull pick from a city, a city. that votes. Ninety two percent democrat. Now you know everybody associated with donald trump and washington d c is not going to get a fair trial. Let's just the way, it is the politics of the chest to skewed. It's too skewed nando race, everything to do with ideology and party affiliation. so the house of representatives, the judiciary committee, hopefully hopefully the win I don't know, but hopefully hopefully, though, destroy the Democrats in the next election sub. Do you.
you like these phony moderates. They want all. Gosh high marijuana gosh. I miss schmidt there in in northern, reject guy he's on the by partisan but he's a hack he pretends. Hopefully what will happen. Is they're gonna look at this, and so you know what. There's no reason by happenstance These cases have to be tried in Washington DC. Now. Remember what I've told you only the supreme court is. Specifically in the car The other courts by congress, and there's no reason why only those courts are used. To try all these cases really needs to be given some thought: Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces: police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, weasel a truck driver friends and our ukrainian friends don't freak.
oh see, as you say that our please sign the guard o c s: usa, dot, org I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-24.