« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/16/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin show, with everyone talking about how much prison time Donald Trump might get as a result of his federal indictment, why is it not discussed how much President Biden would get if he were held to account for his crimes? If Republicans retake the presidency, it must be a top priority to hold the Biden crime family accountable for their corruption. It is time to clear out U.S. attorneys' offices and FBI offices across the country by imposing term limits, and we need a full investigation of top officials at the Department of Justice. The Democrat Party is a corrupt, totalitarian enterprise that will do anything for power, and today they own the legal system and most of the lower courts. This cabal has sought to destroy the governmental and justice systems in this country, and these people need to be held to account with swift justice. Trump has been treated so abusively and endlessly as if he were part of the mafia, when in reality that would be the Biden’s. Also, Barack Obama hates America and is still doing whatever he can to drive racial division in this country. Obama is not proud of America despite being elected as a Senator and President. Racism has always been a tool of the Democrat party since Woodrow Wilson, and now it is used as a weapon against whites.

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