« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/13/19


On Thursday's Mark Levin, in the latest pseudo-event, Bernie Sanders sounds an awful lot like The Constitution of the Soviet Union (1936). Sanders is lifting ideas from chapter 10 of the USSR Constitution for what he's proposing as his platform for President of The United States. Then, Clinton hitman and pseudo-journalist George Stephanopoulos tries to set-up President Trump with a gotcha question in a recent interview. Trump pushes back saying he'd have to check out the hypothetical information Stephanopoulos mentioned before calling the FBI for simply receiving opposition research. Stephanopoulos never asked Hillary Clinton if he thought it was wrong for Hillary’s campaign to hire a law firm, that hired a consulting firm, that hired an ex-British spy to provide opposition research obtained from Russian's — which actually did happen! Later, former Vice President Joe Biden's son continues to face criticism over dubious dealings with China and Ukraine. Afterward, new information surfaces regarding the involvement of the Obama-era State Department and what they may or may not have known about the dossier.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution where learning prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening, and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run underground boughs with a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a non describing we once again made contact with the leader of our number eight seven seven report, one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one another! make sure it's unbelievable. These pseudo issued a hypothetical question by George Stiff Anomalous Clinton,
man and I'll. Get into that later. On did you notice, MR producer cause? I send it to you for posting. My immediate comments about the Democrats are criticising the power it isn't it Hillary Clinton in the day and see that funded efforts by foreign ex by to collude with the Russians, member that because we put it up on our massive social media sites at Facebook and Twitter. That has been the response virtually. Firstly, every radio host routinely arson and every Republican in the country, but there's better responses, there's even better responses but first, ladies and gentlemen, I have in front of me a list Of somewhat Bernie Sanders is proposing, and I want to read it to you:
Citizens of the United States should have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment, work in accordance with its quantity and quality, Citizens of the United States have the right to rest and leisure, the institution event. Vacations with full pay for workers and employees. The provision of a wide network of senatorial rest homes and clubs for the accommodation of the working people, Citizens of the United States have the right to maintenance in old age and also in case of sickness or loss of capacity to work. And this right is ensured by the extensive development of social insurance of workers and employers at state expense, free medical service for the working people and the provision of a wide network of health resorts for the use of the working people. Citizens of the United States have the right to education. I too, insured by universal compulsory elementary education by educate,
including higher education being free of charge by the sis, of state stipends for the overwhelming majority of students in the universities and colleges. That's not Bernie Sanders. You know that is that's chapter. Ten, the nineteen thirty six soviet constitution. Sound so swell doesn't it, ladies and gentlemen, all kinds of free bees and luxuries and leisure and. Stay provisions and subsidies, the right to work, the right to quality job the right to rest and leisure rest homes, clubs for working people, accommodations, The right to main into an old age and so forth and son does not the old Soviet Union constitution of nineteen thirty, six chapter, ten,
Some like a Bernie Sanders platform. Does it not, MR producer, exactly in fact, Bernie Sanders goes further. Why am I telling you this because histories very, very important Bernie Sanders is stealing some of his proposals from the night team. Thirty, six soviet constitution, including chapter ten. Any knows that nobody on the face of that, Continental United States will know that he's doing it. But here I am little or mark- I know he's doing it. Always doing it he's not challenged? It's not seriously questioned people sit there and all of how he puts together these proposals. Sounds like Elizabeth worn.
Elizabeth worn is a wannabe the syn This is the real deal, the real deal. Many a Bernie Sanders. Proposals come right out of the soviet constitution. Nineteen thirty! Six in all. You bet benches out there in this business, I'm sure you gonna repeat this tomorrow you can find This, what I read on page two hundred five and two hundred six of of ameritopia every one of my books have a purpose and how do they turn out in the Soviet Union? Is this what people got? This is how people lived the books, Connemara Toby, for reason, since the kind of utopia people, people with to live. There was a dish that is how on earth it was a hell on earth. If you were asked
teaching history and our public schools and universities and colleges people would know what Bernie Sanders is propaganda propagandizing. This is exactly why Bernie Sanders won't come on this radio show. This is exam HU, I Bernie Sanders, won't come on life liberty and live in or low and tv Bernie Sanders won't come with Emma. Ten mile radius of mark for them. Cuz, I know who he is, and I know exactly what he's doing he's lifting ideas from the old Soviet one thousand nine hundred and thirty six constitution. That's what he's doing clowns like Elizabeth Warren are doing the same thing. They just don't know what the other car who are running they I don't know it either. He gives this big speech on site
Socialism, yesterday, we unravel that, I think better than most and that's been linked to my social sites. Free things, ladies and gentlemen, free things well, don't believe it for a minute all right, Are we have to deal with another manufactured issue, a pseudo event, a hypothetical question raised by Clinton? Hitman George? if an apple who is now secreted south within the media, as most of the left do as major journalist at ABC News So let's take a listener. There's some show of heard others talk about it, but you haven't heard me talk about, let's go cut forego and then the report comes out and they even say they ve done should go into the F B. I when he got that ok, let's put itself in a position year. Congressmen somebody come up and says: hey, I, information on your opponent. You call the FBI
coming from a very lonely. Do I've seen a lot of things over my life? I don't think my whole life. I've ever call the FBI in my life. I don't you call it. If we are you throw somebody out of your office, you do what an outdoor gotta stolen breathing book, he called the F B. I well that's different their stolen briefing, but this is understood. This is somewhat They said we have information on your opponent. Oh, let me call the FDA. Give me a break life as we do at your citizens. What should happen? The f b I do your campaign, this time round of foreigners? If Russia, if China, if someone else offers information upon it, should they accepted or should they call the F b? I let you stop it. None of this has happened. None of this has happened. This is However, this is a pseudo event that turns into news and it will be talked about and talked about now. I have to talk about I'll be on hand it in hundred nine nine thirty pm eastern be talking about them should be asked of me, because this is what the modern mass media do. This isn't it.
This was a hypothetical question and a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question, nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing actually took place. Zero! Nothing go ahead. I think you do ass? I think you might want to listen. I don't there's nothing wrong with listening. If some call, for Would you know as right as a russian question, ladies and John. How would you even know whether the turning over the FBI, if you don't listen to it or read it by ass Moses? So would you accept that Well, first, you must accept that if you're going to turn it over to the FBI, you either Muslim. Until it depending on what it has or read it, and he says I might do both.
I don't know why this is controversial. I dont know why republicans slobbering all over them, so I know I know I won't answer that way. Democrats, of course we know it there. Capable Anima done with them all I got a doozy go ahead. Norway we have information on your honor. I think I do you want a kind of interference and elections, interference of information? I think I'll take it if I thought: something wrong man. Why have you know that's interference in the election you might take in turn it over the FBI. Did I hear him say? Yes, I went foreign governments interfering in our election. Did you hear must minimise? I didn't that than anyone else here that so I see spending it right in front of us go ahead. I if I thought there was something wrong but when somebody comes up with, I said I would give it to the FBI. If I thought there was something wrong, I don't
stay with this controversies about it's all manufactured it stupid, guy, They come up with our research on. Let's call the FBI therapy is in Heaven of agents to take care of it? But you go in honestly to Congress they all but they always have and that's the way it is. It's called up. Oh research, Not very interesting to hear the Democrats on the media wine about this has high put on my social sites, the small. Been repeated all over the country. This is the same party that wants to know nothing, nothing about it
Larry Clinton campaign in the Dnc infusion cheap he s in the hiring of a farm, ex british spy. Who did what? Who affirmatively went to the Kremlin to talk the apparatus ex right and then used it in the alpine police state tactics at that FBI and the Department of Justice and intelligence agencies to try and destroy the Canada, see this president. I mean they took affirmative steps to collude. Didn't they affirmative steps now the real question: what. And of George definite Bless for once in his life, had gone up to Barack Obama, Nancy Policy and said. Let me ask you a question
thing. It was wrong for Hillary Clinton to spend money in the day and see to spend money in laundered through this law. Firm again at this fusion JP s further laundered it a higher this expressly spy. Who then in turn affirmatively contacted russian apparatchiks got false information to use against Donald Trump. Do you think that should have been done? Do you know that questions been asked of Nancy Pelosi or Barrack. Milhouse Benita Obama. Never, and that's, not a hypothetical question that actually happened Their committees. Don't want to know about it. The reporters don't want to know about it. They don't want to know Butkus. I've got some more answers to. We'll be right that ban folks, many of our nations oldest colleges, profound, to teach students to seek truth, recognize what beautiful and hold up what is good, but
Thirdly, many have lost their way locked in the grip of political. Correctness. They no longer allow free and open discourse and instead pedal their moral and cultural relativism. Thankful. There's hills Del College since its family in eighteen, forty four hills Dell has remained true to its original mission to provide sound learning of the kind of central to preserving civil and religious liberty and intelligent piety and his still enters its one hundred and seventy fifth year. Their goal is simple and yet profound to help stew understand what is no bless him best in yourself and the World Hills, Dale Colleges, liberal arts, education and vibrant campus community help students form a foundation for the rest of their lives, a truly life defining experience. So, if you're, looking for a college that prizes learning and values, intellectual enthusiasm, everyone shares a strong sense of meaning and purpose. Welcome too, stale college, please visit
Those dale dot Ye D, you slash admissions to plan a visit and learn more: that's hills. They'll don T, you slash admissions. By the way, the night Edition of Lemon Treaty, which is a blockbuster, and although it's only fifteen minutes develop on front of the pay waterways, none of the pay waterways linked to it Mark Levin, Show Facebook Mark Levin, Show Twitter, you can see how it the programme, but it's on this very topic. What else I saw Nancy Pelosi up there at the podium she definitely has. Some kind of a nerve is sure something's going on her. Your flailing around at a sync with their mouth bizarre, but that aside, she found this appalling, unethical and another issue for potential.
Peach meant she is mentally unhinged. This would be the same Nancy Pelosi who I believe it was. Two thousand seven took a trip to Syria to visit the mass killing, genocidal maniac, the father of the current mask Genocide maniac in Syria, against the wishes of George W Bush and his administration, undermining their foreign policy. This would be the same democratic Party, then Eighteen, eighty, seven burg, speaker again, this time, Jim right went the nickel Agora d our Tegor, among others, to try and negotiate some kind of farm policy deal against the direct wishes of the regular monster
But even more on point, this would be the same Democratic Party who monsieur praise all over TED Kennedy, a lion of the Senate, and TAT Kennedy. As you know, if you listen to this programme and nineteen eighty three made entreaties to the head of the KGB Thrace. Surrogate friend of his former senator and ultimately to the top. This party, which TAT Kennedy was providing them with advice on how to do. Them with advice on how to defeat Reagan, because he thought Reagan wasn't Handling the Soviet Union very Well- and you want to and defeated in his re election for a second term. You wear this The greatest interference with our election that I can think of, except by the Obama administration, the democratic don't want to know anything about. For obvious reasons.
And so they're all in a lather over a hypothetical. Do the president, any hypothetical response by the President complete pseudo event. Now news? Nothing happened. Nothing at all happened. There wasn't far Napo research. It wasn't presented that president, he didn't use it. You didn't presented to the FBI None of it happened, but that's George, definite, plus a Clinton head man who now has a bigwig with ABC News. Yet we have factual information, historic information information relevant to today that the democratic. Hardy never wants to talk about Obama's, never confronted about what is administration did. Hillary Clinton is never confronted about how her campaign funded all this the day and sees no regret, never confronted choose me not even a hearing on where's this,
wound Richard bear the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Republic where's this republic. Nowhere. He's not my cafeteria, the Senate, I guess, but that's it. This is why aren't free? this- is why on freedom of the press is, pillar is? It is not because of me because the press doesn't believe in freedom of the press. Now, let's listen Mitt Romney he's piled on. He saw irrelevant had Tipp, they help cut five. That would be simply unthinkable for a candidate for president to accept that to encourage it to participate with in any way shape or form. He would strike at the very heart of our democracy, TAT S. Why do you play these games.
You realize, ladies and gentlemen, what a lousy president he would have been if he had been elected. This is real Mitt Romney? The The governor Massachusetts? the real Mitt, Romney Mister romilly care I don't know this. Guy is a problem. It is a jealousy that he didn't get elected president and trumpet I'm quite serious strike at the heart of our them, what which strike at the heart of our democracy said he'd listening, take it necessary. Give. It yet the eye every human being has a common problem. How do I live? Well, happiness and well being depends on how we answer that question hills to college. Isn't it Larry aren't argues that the best book ever written on this subject is Aristotle's Nick I'm a key and ethics and a new
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Levin show call it now. Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven It's amazing about this question. From of all people. George stuff Annapolis, during the Clinton campaign for RE election The Clinton campaign and the Dnc took millions of dollars from the chinese military. You ve heard of the reality group, Johnny, Chuck and others in the book on freedom of the press so time with some believable millions they were hanging up. Money in an inn in numbers, serial numbers in bags by the tens of thousands of dollars but millions of dollars found its way into the Clinton campaign in the DMZ.
Really the only. Liberal news outlets it was focused on this in any consistent way, was the LOS Angeles times. Because a lot of these individuals were based out there and allay washed impose barely are near times barely cared. And there was never a special council Jana Reno refusal When the one time she refused. So the Red Chinese Army was interfering in our election in a significant way to help Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party democratic candidates and other races also receive support. And I don't remember the democratic
any word about interference, I don't know where Mitt Romney was but again that's reality. That's a fact: that's not a hypothetical! That's what they did reality a fact: hypothetical and that food policy says this hypothetical. The president's answer that I, but that's just another area, investigate support of this impeachment this. This is unbelievable than me and cool, sounds like Mitt Romney go for Mitt Romney user is a buffoon an absolute. None of this has happened except on the democrat side, which is worse. The Russians didn't present the Democratic Party in the Hilary campaign with information they Hilary com
pain in the Democratic Party paid far it paid for George Willard on a book torrents Actually, it's failing nobody's interest in what he s the sir, what he has the right. Only because he's very flawed he's never tramper. You can be They call the present without being in never trumper, but he's a ever trumper. He is a head on. And so he's been on. Msnbc now is on CNN. Here's what he had to say. John. Berman, this guy, wasn't he sports gone. Mister bidders remain missing, something different Berman. How will this guy's an idiot anyway cut six go, and you said it again. I was struck by the fact that Donald Trump, the president, gave an interview from inside the oval office to George Stephanopoulos those words and inside the oval office, our shied wow inside? Opel office.
Maybe the same oval office where Bill Clinton had sex with an aunt. I think it is MR produce. I think it is. Whether it be the same oval office. John Kennedy ordered the Irish and given files on his enemies are we're Lyndon Johnson did the same plus for the EP battle that oval office? Yes, I think so going president, has done more damage more lasting damage to the country. Then Richard Nixon did. What do you mean by that Richard Nixon's burglaries, another other abuse The power were surreptitious, they were the grid and when exposed they were tied it up and we moved on now our. This is so ridiculous. Surreptitious and when they were tied it up, we moved along. I dont know what he's talking about
see, ladies and gentlemen, Nixon used to be the one they hated the most Nixon and Watergate Watergate Nixon we'd, never seen anything like this will. Of course, we had would Nixon done was done in spades by helping chain J F K, but Nix was on the wrong side of the I'll. Just being honest, with you being honest with you been done in spades by after Woodrow Wilson. But Nixon was unpopular in Washington DC much like tromp ears and regulators, and so for Georgia has been since forever, we hide it up and we moved. I don't know I didn't know we did it all you stop these acts Watergate prosecutors hollow routinely long in the tooth, the two slobs they covered, the Watergate for them. Shining compost, basically we're getting leaks from the number to the FBI. Wow. What journalism.
And of course, the Washington Post still believes that sets its best period ever Let's go back to George: go ahead. This damage The country is public and constant, it is a bell he's ring in that can't be on wrong. He is putting into our civic discourse a level of of conversation out of name calling and of abuse, really really George, while you're onto networks. Msnbc unseen, and I call the press. When Hitler and Stalin and Muzzle Lenny in a racist, snow white supremacist in an anti semite in this, and that in the US So why do you? Why are you being yourself to go on? These networks said that that undermine the public debt? Worse in the civil societies, her body, you hate, Trump, go ahead: that will now seemed perfectly normal in the future. Try to imagine any president prior to this one,
during overseas to an opponent, as he did to Mr Biden as quoting a dictator of North Korea, actually misquoted him. The same your Biden is low. I q idiot that's just not the way our children if they were keen column Hitler heating an existential threat. How many of those things on the low side So what is George will ignore? There's a the George. Well, let the abandonment, patients and spies through the trunk campaign in ever bring set up. Does a balance is not a big deal. The attorney general cause them spies. Two to three letter word to quote: robot s p wires. Yeah, I know as be ah yes, I'm just plank so. What is really bring those things I'd be doesnt, bring up the abuses of power by the by these com,
the term another stuff guide to me. Old we'd send do to the room without supper. If they talk like that and then there's Susan Rice,. She and the other for somebody busy on masking american citizens. They needed where net neck brace they were. They were moving. So fast cautious, interviewed by Andrea Mitchell in till you hear the depressing question be the answer, for question by Andrea Mitchell to Susan Rice, bring in these Democrat they bring in these Obama officials these Clinton officials to comment on Trump? Isn't that in that shocking and an Romney of course cut seven, What is your view of the present open? the door too Foreign assistance and twenty Twond President did not open the door to foreign assistance in twenty twenty. There will be
Hillary Clinton in the day and see the and the Obama administration. Let's stop playing games, let's stop playing games. But what kind of question is that from the people defending freedom of the press? Don't you know go ahead or Andrew. This is extremely serious. The stark reality this truth is that we have a president of the United States who's, not Hang on America's team is you invited us to their city She of the administration that trash Erica wherever her boss travel. She administration He treated our allies, like Netanyahu like some jerk off. This excuse me dump that, like some jerk, she.
He was part of the cabal, it gave a hundred and fifty billion dollars to the iranian regime and look at them today. Blowing up oil freighters go ahead. Foreign interference in our presidential elections is Ended and finally admitted in fact that he sees nothing wrong with collusion, which is in fact happens when you except information from a foreign, today and he said Did he knew it again he sees, No problem with a president of the United States being a home in to a foreign power, foreign hostile power is inevitably one would be if you accepted Information and support from government there There are calls into you and they can manipulate you. But if the your own government is doing the Obama administration.
Haven't if their interfering with the election. Do you see what I mean? How ridiculous this whole thing? Is they in Obama, officials Why didn't she asked. Susan Rice, what did you know At the spies in the trunk campaign, what did you know about the face? A court What did you know about the unmasked You know about the set up of Lieutenant General Flynn. With whom were you in communication. Why were you the one that road, the after the fact email Saying we're doing everything straight by the book when in fact, you weren't member there? Why did you tell the IP guide the White House to stand down when he was concerned about Russia tapping into the? t system at the White House
What is an injury Mitchell? Ask any of those questions. Well, the answer is simple: Andrea Mitchell's Mitchell's on Martine she's, a progressive Democrat First chapter. Of on freedom of the press. That's who she is, that's what she is. You can see this all over the place. So we have, as I say in the book, a pseudo issue that goes on and on and on all its a phoney issue, hypothetical question hypothetical. Then you have real news, which of course they don't want to talk about. Where real interference solicited By the day and see the heroic, and pain and misconduct on the part, of the Obama administration. No questions. They have Obama, officials, national security law enforcement. They're, not asking the questions, and here you have a Clinton official dressed up as
reporter for ABC trying to set up. The current president of the United States on the book. This is what the doing its playing out exactly as expected. I'll be right back since its foundation, teen. Forty four hills, they'll call. It has provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. I wanted, about an Primus, the free monthly speech, digestive hailstone college in primacy. Dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues first published, and one thousand nine hundred and seventy two in Primus is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty with more subscribers three point: nine million than the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have a stay issues like free speech there.
Regulation of big tech, mental ill. And the American Medical insurance system, and because of This founding principles are so important. Hills, though often and Primus absolutely free of charge to anyone who requested that's right. You can subscribe to Primus for Free here's I want you to do. I want a visit in Primus Dad Hills, they'll dot? Eighty you for your free subscription, that's in prime I m p r. I am I S daughter, was there that EU welcome to Hell. Now what about the Feinstein family? husband relationship with Red China. What about a hunter Biden and our foreign governments are Making him a very rich man I mean I could go on and on here. Ladies and gentlemen, President answers a hypothetical.
And there is wrongly in george- will never trumpeters, as you might expect, there's damn that's all around, and the media present isn't done anything the bottom line. It's always the bottom line. He isn't done. Anything to any newspaper he's an unleash. The Irish to the FBI against any journalist or publisher hasn't putting one prisoner, shut down any newspapers like other presidents here he hasn't colluded with any foreign power. And yet others have so. They ask em hypothetical, and everybody in Washington, like the Rockettes dance and from one end of the stage to the other, this that would be simply unthinkable, says round me for a candidate for president to accept that,
to encourage it to have your money in the Cayman Islands. You big dummy sad influence. Any of your thoughts into your votes. Have your kids are twenty seven of them? What are they doing? What are they invested with about this hunter? By cannot ask about hotter Barton now. His connection for the Russians in the Ukraine is not back back. Can ask can ask why not packet influenza, big, dumb Joe It's the hypothetical we're focused on a hypothetical Mitt Romney have any interest in Hunter by Non zero. Could careless George will never Susan rise coarseness? Why would they care
how about Feinstein and are big dummy, husband and all their investments over the years and red joining up now? Who cares no big deal. Habit in nineteen nineties when Red chinese military was investing in the Clinton campaign in the d, a map it doesn't matter. We have a hyper Go here and it's very important, hypothetical by George Step and Apple us, of course, Nancy Pelosi cut eight go yesterday, president gave us once again evidence that she does not know right from its very sad, very sad thing. That is not right from long, but what does that mean? He doesn't know right from wrong how so he wants to secure the bordering ones
help the american citizen, as well as these foreigners who are harming themselves dangerous themselves. He standing up to IRAN and North Korea in Russia and China, Cuba or, as they say, Massachusetts Huber. Ah, that seems right from Ah, he standing with the Israelis against the terrorists at seems to know right from wrong the hellish she talking about, go ahead, that he has been involved in a criminal cover up. I said that I believe has been involved in it, criminal cover up. You know who sounding more more. Like Mr Barroso, Stalin believe, he's been involved in a criminal cover up. I don't care about Mala and I know I have proclaimed that he's been involved in a criminal cover up I proclaim she is mentally unhappy.
I'll be right back. He's here now run only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three one one. Schweitzer has said that the job. Biden and Hunter Bind went to China in December twenty thirteen in ten days after their trip hunter by gets a billion dollar deal with the chinese government in twenty fourteen
breaks a deal with the Ukrainians and its covered a little bit, but they don't know the terms says we from China to Ukraine and now Romania, with this this man in Romania, MR pop of brought up on corruption, charges and convicted in his own, country couldn't do the romanian media he hires Hunter to lobby on his behalf into the United States, in effect to get the US government to call off the Ukrainians from there the and eventual imprisonment of this businessman. And by the way. During this time he was not registered as a lobbyist, so you know what they would be doing. If the name was Don Junior that is Donald Trump Junior or a vodka tromp or Eric Trump, are just the last name. Trump. But the very worried you see about foreign interference in our country very strong
Isn't it and then we have the genius. Goes by the name of Jake Tapir or, as we call him here, fake tapir and he gets very constitutional on us. And he tweets out today at eleven forty nine, a m in response to the staff Annapolis Hypothetical, Federalist Sixty eight talks about quote the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper sent a seed in our counters? Unquote, as one of our quote, most deadly adversaries of republican government, unquote, I wonder if fake tap out is aware that virtually everything the democratic candidate for president are promoting is rejected in the federalist papers. He doesn't cite the federal papers. Does he in response to Bernie Sanders
Camilla Harris, Joe Biden or any of the rest of them. Does he see cycle it all is papers when it comes to their no, the doesn't federalist papers when it comes to the highly Hillary Clinton campaigner and see and their interference in our campaign now never. No tough questions for Obama, no tough questions. For Susan Rice, Susan Rice, Nancy, Rice, none, none. Let's go to cut nine Nancy Pelosi go ahead, there is in the law Cannot accept visions and an increase in kind from they find your camp. So so now a contribution.
Opposition research from a foreign country? Well, let me ask you a question, is the reverse is true. Can you make a contribution in kind contribution that is provided Information to candidates in a foreign country to defeat candidate? You might oppose, in other words,. The Obama administration used cut out and money from the State Department to try and defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu to round ago that violate federal law, Nancy Pelosi, I'm just curious. When TAT Kennedy was colluding with the Kremlin against Ronald Reagan, that violate campaign finance laws. These people are so Stupid has nothing to do a campaign finally slots. Nothing, nothing
Otherwise, Hillary Clinton would be imprisoned again. She be imprisoned for life and for her work, patients of the espionage logic and she be in prison. Again, you see. She affirmatively solicited information from Russians, the fusion, GPS and via the british, ex spy. Janata Maize, who she's she said a press conference today and not a single person stands up and challenges are raises any of this. Why Because we don't have a free press of a democratic party press had come, and that is in the law if it needs more clarity, then we will go. The duty to report does not tat don't accept it, but you reported What what does she rambling about? Does anybody know anybody? The idea this in itself
when she has a bunch of mashed potatoes in her mouth in addition to her head, go ahead. Because this is an invasion of our democracy. What is an invasion of our democracy?. Question by Clinton hit man. Any hypothetical response did the president not say if the information was of such a kind that, yes, you should Did the president not say if the information was of such a kind that, yes, you should turn it over to the FBI know I heard him sailor. And how do you know what information is unless you read it, that is accepted? Look at it is this. The dumbest argument. Next thing, you know who call Pelosi Nasty when drew me, she's nasty or her state is nasty which is she's nastier statements, Nancy, which is it I say
She hates women in this is this: is this gotta go round and round, and I go ahead and try here, but there Language in the law that prohibits any confusion and again contribution is in kind information when the listener In kind information or whatever, that is, so all you know what they do want to do then mister producer that Yoda have crime tape and wrap it around the capitol building, just wrap it around the capitol building. So now, if you get information. Why is it have to be limited to a foreign government if you Information from anybody that, using your campaign. That's a contribution. Right doesn't have to be from a foreign energy. If this is the theory that shows the yard, that this is what the law is to get information anybody about your opponent that might be helpful to you.
And you use it. You accept that that's a crime than we better. Crime tape around the capital building costs are all criminals guy. We want to make sure that has more clarity and carries responsibility to report you what the hell you, son Nancy can always be outdone by how keen Jefferies, Miranda S LSD today, because that's were left to stew. By Stephanie Rule also dumb as a door not cut tango? with this, do you make of the president saying right there in the open, he'd exactly from fires, and the next election chosen is interesting issue the reporter or the politician. He said he would take the information like opposition research and of theirs information, that of the sort that issue report
the FBI? Will what he's encouraging influencing our election? Hillary Clinton paid for influence on our luck, the Dnc paid for influence on our luck, the Obama administration through law enforcement and our intelligence agencies interfered with our luck. But Donald Trump Personal, the problem, ladies and gentlemen, he's the problem and they bring these same clowns in to attack him. How came Jeffreys for God's sakes? He doesn't give a day, what the Russians did in connection with Hillary Clinton banners her Barton Aid for dossier guide it's a shocking statement, excepting assistance from a hostile foreign power like Russia? its treasonous behaviour.
He didn't say he would accept assistance from a hostile foreign power like Russia did he did say that someone must reduce your seriously. Then even say Norway. The scandinavian countries somberly, were you got Bernie the Red, Who's running campaign based on the stalinist constitution in nineteen, thirty, two cats- don't say that you got Joe by whose son is all wrapped up with China. Ukraine and all the rest, making a fort can bring em up now. You gotta a report that says nothing about Clinton. The day and see the dossier, the foreign spa. The Russians, despise the F B put. It is not a word but tramp tramp trio, George Welfare,
you know, he's rarely undermining the discourse of civil society. Oh yes, he is, and then we, a came, Jeffreys and independent thinker. If there ever was one the shocking statement, accepting assistance from a hostile foreign power like rush, treasonous baby. Let me ask you something: Hakim since you're an expert on treasonous behavior. You must know what a former secretary of state of your party Who was also a former Democrat nominee who ran for president in your party? John F, carry that is John F. You carry. Is working behind the back of the current sectaries state by the back of the current presently United States advice
during the iranian Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran on how to deal with our president. Do you find that treasonous they start came Jeffreys, you don't say damned thing about it. That will be the same John Kerry, who undermine that's. What we're in Vietnam, who you nominated to run for President Albedo, O Rourke in between teeth, gleanings and hair cut, and who knows what He got in on us to cut eleven go. I think the presents answered George stuff monopolised yesterday underscores the importance. Moving forward with the patient, and so you see, ladies and gentlemen, the hypothetical question in the hypothetical answer is unimpeachable offence unimpeachable. We cannot have this. We just cannot have this in the office of the President
Just as his election was unimpeachable offence, unimpeachable some people offence and this underscores the problem does not. Ladies and gentlemen, the hypothetical question underscores the problem by the by the Clinton hit man, and so now we now we know that trot must be impeached, go ahead, not only that ensure that we get the fox to the truth what happened to our democracy and twelve. Sixteen, when you excuse me, you see, ladies and gentlemen, Meddler Schiff comings and the other bows, this will ensure we get the facts of the twenty sixteen campaign. I said this, the other and it deserves underscoring, because I think it's actually crucial. We a party to the other or one president did the other had never happened. We have not back benchers pay attention. We have not had
back mentors pay attention. We have not had a peaceful tree. Position of power from Obama, trunk. They will not accept his election. They will not accept the results of the electoral college, they will not accept it and they throne process It is at this present their throats subpoenas at this president, the throne federal judges at this president to turn everything they can think of it. This present. Porn stars porn star lawyers, psychiatrists from Yale phony book. This area they throw it in the throne and throw it there is now working now work, one more showing. Mark Warner, who runs, renders a moderate and Virginia. Don't you know very bizarre man, quite frankly, he's there were rational manner.
Actual mono of CNN cut twelve go so this morning the President Should I contacted the F B? I have been contacted by some holster. What are you talking about? I don't have any idea It is time you see there s a tough, quite went well. What does he told he's gonna be the right ones. We don't I've. Senator here. There's a sop are hidden over the plate. Guy had to shift, but I would say this week when I caught up with someone This morning are also waiting. Christopher steals work is a former british agent and his effort, Christopher steals work is a former british agent. His effort to Jordan Scam in saying that she should accompany the eyes and algae here is that you see rather than asked the question the Republicans you're Democrat he can hit this out of the park. Let me set this up for you guys,
I saying I'm coming forward basis, Foreign agents trying to intervene in our election there ought to be firm and obligation for any presidential campaign to the May I ask a question Warner by does your name. So when the Russians were interfering in our election, why didn't you tell the president you didn't? That is the candidate Trump When the Russians were interfering when in our election, why didn't you inform candidate Trump rather than trying to set them up. When the Russians were interfering, our election. Why did the Obama Administration way to about a week before the general election? The termination.
The answer is they felt Hillary Clinton was going to win, so they didn't want to kind of dirry up her victory, but they ve all but dirtied up the president's victory. So they should tell the FBI and what, if it's, the FBI That's interfering in our election when you think about that, Mr One, how about you Urartu, how about you. I'll be right back. What are you doing here? The wine language it comes out of the left and the Democratic party? Just listen to the sky Cohen. You would think a buffoon like him wooden can you to appear on CNN and MSNBC, but that is your Democrat Party press. I want you to listen to this cut thirteen go, I think
twenty twenty elections will rid us of them, but I think he's a present danger and that if we don't do something, to be sure, and I think impeachment proceedings will help see that he's beaten, but that's not the reason they do it. We will moral imperative to bring those charges, How should we stand up to its responsibility even set of world? I think we'll see blood. I as articles he soldiers dying, because this man will find a way to wag the dog, get us into war to prove his standing and to make him feel. Like he's a man, just the young gotta, get sent off from the Upper EAST side of Manhattan that a military school upstate slit. Listen to this this guy certify about. And he's on CNN. Why would you bring a man like this on CNN? You don't have to agree with them, but they do agree with. Sky, Steve Cohn, is the worst of the worst among them anyway. Listen, I always talking about the present. The United States
I noticed George well won't say a word about Steve Colony wants a word about CNN and their coverage cause he's there there promoting them I'd a word about MSNBC in their coverage and Joe Scarborough convergence in all the other low lights, because that's it. We place he has to go right. Mitt Romney I won't on Steve Cohen's comments. He won't be asked about the current comment and by the way when is met, me taken a lead on the Hillary Clinton. De and see in it It's in the election, the FBI, interference in the election, the spies put into the Trump campaign. He's absolutely silent on these matters? Is me I'll be right? Establishments worst nightmare. Mark love, then
Now, a seven seven, three aid, one three, eight one: one: domain letters from the IRS are hitting the male now. Aren't there Theo back taxes? may be receiving one of them quite soon. And when it arrives well, you'll have questions like is true that the Irish can garnish my paycheck. Can the eye really take my home and bank accounts and can they get retirement savings? The answer is yes, dollar, areas can do that and more, but there's a way out called call the fresh start initiative, an official government programme for tax statuses. Nobody knows more about the fresh start initiative and the word winning experts at optimum tax relief. Now the mission, is to stand between you and the IRS fighting to protect. You hey check and assets and helping you get the best deal possible, but dont,
because the irish contact a hefty penalty in interest on you every day caught them now for your free consultation, you're free consultation, while you still have up call eight hundred four hundred and ninety nine six thousand three hundred eight hundred and four nine thousand nine hundred and sixty three hundred and eight Four, nine. Sixty three hundred some restrict supply for complete details. Please visit optimum tax relief that come so Kellynch Conway. So this another little bureaucratic operation. Where all these little left this hiding out there, an examination of colleagues, Conway's, public comments and cheese, critical of Democrats, people running against the president and so forth. And they say she's covered by the hatrack, so Is not allowed to be political, so the president should remove. Her is the first time in the history of the hatrack that a president,
has been urged to remove a staffer innocent staff in his inner circle. And I dont know, ladies and gentlemen, the George stuff Annapolis violate the hatrack when he was working frequent, inhabit David Axelrod when he was working for a bombing or aura or the creepy ballerina, as we like to run a manual how do people work four presidents and so forth? They all vital, the hatrack not just Kelly, Conway, and so severe are her violations that she knew to be removed from her job, nothing That the kind of crap that's going on in the Washington DC capital, they kind of while standards that are going on.
So she should be fired. She should be fine. Now she shouldn't. Well, the only reason she should be fired is because of that fat slob, husband here is, quite frankly, what's his name, George Conway George Long Way, Conway looks a lot like John candied me? Doesn't media MR producer, but he's not funny every time He opens his big mouth. The media finds it important. Media finds an important it's not important now, Sarah, how could be Sanders is going to retire from her job as the press secretary. Sure it is wearing I'm sure it's exhausting dealing with the press everyday. Can you imagine it's a twenty four seven job, but she has been absolutely outstanding, terrific absent.
Terrific, I'm sorry to see or go quite frankly, but look at this it epic times by Mark taps, got poor, a coordinated, still dossier work with key Obama. State department officials looks like People are interfering with our election You're Silverberg then House democratic whip, stent behaviors, national security, adviser, coordinated, called work on Russia, dossier materials provided by Christopher stay on quote with assistant secretary of State Victorian Newland special envoy for Libya, job then Weiner to newly released documents made public by judicial? What. I don't know this first hand, but this is an article that apparently of documents a series of emails between September? Twenty six? Twenty sixteen December, ten, twenty sixteen damaged
that wine or shared quote Russia related information? I quote that he obtained from steel, whom he described as his old o friend. With Newland who then shared it was Silverberg. Why delayed a previously scheduled meeting with the State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and research and auditing share. The information would Nolan occur the traditional watch. No one. No one is a senior marketing mug over there at the Department of State assistance sector, state multiple references in the emails to additional telephone calls and other contacts with unnamed reductive parties as well. Discussion of a possible working group meeting suggest an activist. Bought by summer, break to the still dossier? information he has provided by new and in wine. I let look folks here. What's goin on that
democratic Party, the Hilary campaign in the Obama administration role in Cahoots, oh and media there all in Cahoots. This is why the media will never get to. The bottom because the media- I don't want to get to the bottom of this- because an auditor- the bottom line is the media will be exposing themselves, so they're not going to do that. Or did you hear the hyper and steal. Sperm was named orbits business intelligence he's the former british spy who created the infamous dossier. And steal sperm was named orbits business, intelligent he's the former british spy who created the infamous dossier bearing his name base, salacious and unverified information about from russian intelligent sources, alleging improper contacts, activities involving president Trump in the twenty sixteen campaign present the attorney General United Sates says he there were spies, he wants them.
There was a predicate illegal predicate for the the use of the FBI B. I despise russian entail Jim was involved in trying to take down the trunk campaign. Democrats don't want. Damn thing about a snipe hypothetical, my god, we're focused stared, don't distract us these Republican trying to distract I've heard this all over the media today. They're all using my argument that I posted on social media. While I to distract no, it's not it's a fact. It's not a distraction. And it gets into really quite serious detail here, of which I don't really need to go much further, and so I want its. Let's see MR produce. Let me see if I have the call screen up. I do not who shall ice
to whom? Shall I speak w by dawn in Florida? Go. I have a hypothetical forty mark you. What? If what if you're We can go on the Ukrainian. The legacy of the jar profiteer came over to the Trump Administration said: hey. I have a quid pro quo with with them manchurian candidate and his son MR hundred by MR hundred by magic made about two billion hours working, Are there any made as much as fifty thousand about for a short time, but then it turns out that it Joe Biden, you can't shut his mouth about eight eight says: hey. I had the Dame prosecutor fire because he was, frightened they renounce direct quote. Isn't it damn near nearly yes, sir, and then he goes
hundred bite is such an international business. We have because past years experience during this sort of thing, maybe you got her Harvard MBA or something I think about it. I guess I suspect it is universally Delaware, but one, oh, I know somethin like that, but then he somehow Texas Magical is them from his Ukrainian. It fair. Because there were to China or to become resembled a waterway sums paid on chinese company, somehow make six million dollars up yet again, manchurian candidate somehow will be I know that there was a quid pro quo there, but so Friday's guttural. I let's do it this way. What do you think the chinese government is trying to get access right answers or, and and and hold on an influence, Joe Biden decision making and isn't it What Joe Biden did just a few weeks ago.
Come on you think China rarely could compete with us come. What do you think in care of our approach to future thought? Why would we do there? Are I done excellent point? That down his stance, dollar aren't so here, hang up on when I send you signed copy of unfreezing of the press and if you already have one keep the sign in hand. The other one does somebody please. We appreciate it. That's gonna, Ronnie, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, their great W Phd Go Mark. I love you well! Thank you, sir. Your brother. We open neighborhood am actually shopping for a in in Elkins Park, as we speak for my my, as you know, that's where I'm from cedar road. They build a monument to me there. You wear this I think it's called a fire hydrant none. They should I wouldn't,
report? We haven't. I used to live on sea road. Eighty two o three seen around the world on a street now from a great on board way. That area my son, received by the way his name is Ronald Reagan, while it, if I have another site, will be no more creed. I promise you aren't you nice and he received a scholarship to archbishop- would set were twenty Clearly, I know exactly where that is. The idea you gotta go my country, Estonia, the collar with regard to Hunter Biden, I'd like to see a tax returns, because the media is no project on trumped kids. Maybe we should see it, but the red light, basically I would. I have a question for you. We have what you people, we ask you what should do and how to get an elegant bobbing you always do local you and ivy do what you got to do and we finally started a super PAC and it took forever because if you know where we stand on things, and you know if it was, you know
democratic transvestites, her abortion over their programme like a week took a really long time, so we finally got a gun in my question, for you I would the call the letters DDT, De Apec anyway go ahead, you will in future, be regarding what do you say? We will tell you that we are now, but I'm my question is the top three rhinos who would you pick for, though the top rated top up your head? You know you think. Would they dropped reader? I Romney Mcconnell, and in their many by the way, an end? What's got corner ok and they're. Not the only ones unfortunate is about. Thirty of them everywhere, thirdly, unity, the old school: you know, public enemy is less or have any reply look an enemy to less, so we are going to valuable too We just gonna one I when I finished off the top of my head. I my brother, thank you for your car. Let us continue. Actually I
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you gonna Walmart supposed to be there and you get a warmer orange and noble has tons of them buxom the same, be jays target. They all have set the airports apparently, but seriously get it happy for all the fathers in your life. I'm not saying your police Must you understand my grandfather? fathers, brothers, husbands on freedom of the press. I'm telling if they're patriots, they're gonna, really really appreciate it, and I want to thank all the wonder, people come on my social sites to Knox, one per cent who miscreants but the other, ninety nine percent, so beautiful art put their the solemn news from Salem Massachusetts. Above and beyond family honours, Peabody officer for making kids feel safe
Fifth, greater Selina Vargas was having trouble going to school at a concern Peter Missus Carroll, school or north northern street could suffer a real locked Peabody Police officer, Richard Cochrane, came to the rescue Earlier this year, her mother, Jennifer, Vargas, said she email Cochrane the resource officer for the Cities Elementary School at two, a m about her daughters concerns about going to school. Selina was ten at the time Cochrane's research was, he was there for the greater who is moving up today. Higgins Middle School on the four, but he didn't stop there. He the guidance counselor and Carol print. While Tracy Smith on the best way to address Salinas concerns. So called Selina the ten year old into the office and Cochrane took time to moreover, Comer fear he the girl how the school building has security measures on its window and doors I can prevent some concerns that she was having and it's hard because you look around Cochran and
Tell me some concerns that she was having and it's hard because you look around Try and things are going on in schools. So a lot of people are but on guard their word about their kids. So on Wednesday morning, at the Carol School foregoing, And beyond, to reassure her daughter and for the word Cochrane: does can kids on all elementary schools feel special Jennifer Vargas her family donated fifteen copies of a police themed card covered children's book? The book called our police. By Arthur Jackie, live in described it Roma police still the end of the year donation provided enough copies for the labourers at each of the city's eight elementary schools in copies for the people. The Institute Library and its since the West and South branches, plus a few for Cochrane of fifty six year old, Father three
Vargas also had labels may, with the officers picture on the inside cover to signify the donation. He makes every kid feel like that. His kid Vargas said Jennifer mother and Selina the ten year old, surprise Cochrane with the book donation in a conference, I'm off the main office at nine, a m after you finished up being students cross a north an shamrock streets, both leaning Cochrane had tears willing in their eyes holy cow. It's very nice. He said that is so nice. I dont know what to say. I want to save Thank you for helping both of my kid said: Vargas Llosa, the door, Savannah will be attending Peabody high in the fall. I've never had anything at all. My time here, then, is meant as much Has his as this rather Cochrane said brave fortunate to work in the schools.
And there's a photo there over this wonderful officer in this wonderful young girl holding our police to produce what can we post their please on my social site of with the photo, and I want to thank the individual who posted down on my social site, Wish my parents were here to see it? Maybe they are saying it? I don't know, but I was the purpose of this book. I tell my dad was a great patriot. Every one of his books was about promoting America, and this book in particular, was his last. Our police. I remember showing a term way too early copies publisher, too copies in August, but wasn't coming out until October, and he was very proud of it. We re pain when he was very very well. I said you know pops your books come in on a couple of weeks and he smiled.
And I smile now. What am I a story I'll be right. Back, now run them? Let me underline that the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three. One one don't forget ten. I now nine hundred and thirty p dot m Eastern six hundred and thirty p dot M Pacific. I will be on Hannity discussing all sorts of stuff. I suppose.
See him mister producer. You fired off another item to me here than I'm looking for right now. Let's see if I can find it bear with me. Ladies in jail, Everybody just sing. Ok, I can't find it so forget it k aright. He just send it again while working, pass it for now see. What's going on with federal spending. Ladies and gentlemen, the maid deficit search the two hundred and eight billion dollars one month, forty per to pray the higher the last year now honest The Democrats didn't take control of the house until this November and they really want sworn until one January, so can't blame them and the Republicans have had the Senate throughout
this is. Why try to explain to my fellow conservatives how bad Mcconnell is in his leadership team. They are. A disaster, pointed judges all you want. If we had a conservative as the republican leader in the Senate, they would be promoting conservative that is constitutionally judges to so that given they'd also be promoting securing the border. That's a given! This spending is completely out of control completely out of control, And those of you who have my book, plunder and deceit, you really are a dusted off and take a look and then look at your children and your grandchildren and ask where they hell gone with this, because this is a disaster federal state, tops three trillion dollars through May for the first time neither state from seeing us for the first time in the history of the United States, the federal guy
and spent more than three trillion dollars in the first eight months of the fiscal year at sea, I mean there's not even any effort, even with the second highest tax revenues ever collected in the first eight months of the fiscal year. The federal, Women still run a deficit for those eight months, ready for this of seven hundred and thirty eight billion dollars, rounded off the seven hundred and thirty nine billion dollars. You're. Looking at a trillion dollar deficit this year. Added to twenty two in dollar fiscal operating debt to over a two hundred and fifty trillion. Unfunded lie, but I mean it its mind. Boggling silence we're going to talk about a hypothetical you see whether the peace
can use the word nasty the other day in a way that people don't like never going to But a porn star we'll get outta. This is this is the problem. We need aid. Press we need a press. That's going to inform us about. What's going on, CNN is part of a free press. You here this on cable tv, you just want other television networks, they don't care the more spending, the better that empowers government now, when you listen to these numbers, when you read these numbers and then put him in the context of the Democrats are proposing, you can see this country will implode from then, within twenty or thirty years, if they get elected, this can't keep up? I want to thank the draft report,
Matt's linking to these stories are important stories, but nobody else seems to care or boring it's a numbers. They all don't care when you turn into Venezuela, don't care when you can't get toilet paper in other free. That's free that free that what happens when there's nothing to give, because that's what we're talking about when there's nothing, to give I'm waiting for the fact checkers, because Joe Biden said something the other day
Which is really I mean heinous, if you will have any of you have had cancer or a family member whose had cancer a family member whose died from cancer, it's a horrible thing and then there's this story. Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has received a wave a backlash for promising to find a cure for cancer. If he's elected in twenty twenty. Let's play that for everybody here, MR producer go ahead, but when it happens to you, you know that's why I've worked so hard, my career to make sure that that I promise you If I'm elected president you're going see the single most important thing, this changes America's we're going to cure cancer.
I mean this is pretty then outrageous. He really is cancer. There. Many forms of cancer is very complicated. There been some break through some progress depending on the kind of cancer other types of cancer, just as deadly as they always been so very complex. Matter. They say: there's different kinds of cancers, so for some politician to say you will like me, I'm going to cure cancer, I mean that that to me is the biggest lie of all the lies. I've heard and I don't know how long and it gets almost no attention. And it is a it say, it's a horrible thing to say. Can to do everything I can to try and peace, research on cancer or whatever the the particular issue is in.
Maybe one day will have a cubit. If I'm am elected, will cure cancer o alignment of all for Joe by means of a vote for him. We will cure cancer. I mean he should be ridiculed for this and only made fun of ridiculed. For saying such an outrageous thing, because it's not happen. If you elect him, it's going to cure cancer. Many was vice For eight years Obama was President Fray: you did they cure cancer now? What are you waiting for? Why did you have to wait till now to cure cancer
Seems to me that's a very important thing to do when your vice President Elliot Dallas, Texas, the Great W B, a pay, go hurry markets, a real pleasure to free the correct, my call yes, it's certainly is, and I want to say that I got hooked on your show because you actually engage the legal analysis of certain issues that, though you actually deal with- and I just want to tell you- don't got doing that. Thank you! Don't ever stiver thinker being one because you're not that speaking of the legal analysis exonerate Pantalone poor for this sort of thing up, since Joe Biden has been exonerated poor of obstruction of justice, buyer you know threatening the fire.
Prosecutor and not that dimension some in inappropriate because reduced relates to Ukraine, your son, I'm sorry Joe Biden. Turning to fire prosecutor, what he tongue, when I'm sorry, oh yeah, he would, with there would be investigation ever thought right. That's what I said: yup enthusiasm winning, I should say Hungary hungry yeah, go ahead without them having we know that it is disqualified. Why you're right we ve all kinds of new standards need to be applied to democratically. Let me asking a serious question Elliot. Romney's, gonna replay their game. You think Miss Mc Connell's, tough enough to play there get these guys are pathetic, pathetic The democratic created new standards, a new precedent for subpoenas. Do you think the Republicans, control. These committees are gonna. Do then the house there not doing it in the Senate, it's just appalling. They don't fight
which is why you like Trump so many of us, because he does fight, which is why the only people wrongly fights our own his own side. So so he fight Trump, but he doesn't fight. Shermer. Tell me what the hell is that it wrongly set about trucks humor lightly, nothing, nothing, bad! Nothing! Bad! Exactly right away, don't hang up on a single signed copy of on freedom of the press and don't forget, you go to Mark Levine, Show Facebook Mark Levin showed Twitter and we have the entire living tee show for this evening in front of the pay all so you can Yet it is in a concise fifteen show they tend to run about thirty. Thirty five minutes. Seven I needed to say so. I hope your check it out. That's gotta!
Guess Sarasota Florida, serious satellite go ahead. I mean that such vague anger, but you have right, there are one or two play the whole entire clip of what bide. Instead, if anybody has the right to talk about wanting your air or funding. He didn't say: hey pal I to parents, just died from cancer. I read other relatives of cancer. Don't pull out with me. There are other people but other elements out there you're running for President Europe, a politician he said: he'll cure cancer say what you said, and I played the entire clip that's relevant to this. Who do you think are coming on. Here, acted like a tough guy. I played the entire clip. You don't go as a politician's and say you like me, I'm going to cure cancer because he's not get up the phone you Eddie, and no nobody has no right to say that nobody goes its ally, how's it going to cure cancer,
if these elected President United States. Like these guys running around on climate change are like me and I'll, take care of the climate that, when you call them later, Gentlemen, you call them out for their outrageous over the top comments. I get a collar like this. This not Nick, he doesn't have Right to say it that has nothing to do with it and, yes, we suffered horribly. But so many other families, you don't have a right to say, you'll. Let me I'm going to cure cancer. Donald Trump set elect me. I'm not a cure. Cancer. We never hear the end of it here, just a hypothetical we, I hear the end of it and if he did that we should never hear the end of it. I want to know how eurobonds going to cure cancer. You, as vice president for. Years. He was in the Senate over forty years. We didn't cure cancer
Petitions don't cure cancer researchers cure cancer, lab technicians, cure cancer, people or skilled in these cure cancer, not politicians, running for office. We played all the relevant all the relevant part. I don't want any more cause on this. I don't want any more cause on this. I say what I had to say in its correct and it was disgraceful what he said my opinion. None of these politicians are going to cure cancer I remember when Nixon so we're gonna spend a billion dollars and find a cure for cancer. We're still looking. As I said at the beginning, some improvements have seriously been, may depend
the kind of cancer, but in other areas, where made any improvements, quite frankly, flag mental health. What if he said, I'm running for press And I'm gonna cure Alzheimer's times were so far away from during all Simons. It's horrible sin dimension so forth. That's just what we need apologia you're like made these that's a snake oil salesmen com, it that's what that is now right to be angry about it. Even if my family hadn't suffered from cancer and it has. But that's not. The point is not a personal matter he's not going to cure cancer and don't play with people's heartstrings our way I'll be right back
Mimi Continue with our phone call Shelly, yes, I think we shall, Colorado Springs, Colorado, the great cave. We owe our go. Let's go live in already in the interview that I'm dead with George envelopes. It kept blending apples in order to create lemonade like the media, does accept emanated only has the same color but the two, apples oranges, that Trump was answering a question from stuff Mendel. Ups from the perspective of individual from a poor country, whichever way which specifically talking about four government, an individual's representing foreign government apple and oranges and Tat straight cut didn't get it right last night,
He really didn't get it right today, in that pretty basic I'd sir. I appreciate it least. Atlanta, Georgia, exam satellite go talk about turn, lead and the budget, because that Congress is the Bible. Probably not the problem. Congress is the problem. They get paid a hundred and seventy four thousand dollars a year, They're gonna pension after one com would you two years for the house and the best healthcare that's enough for their. Meanwhile, twenty years of Burma to get a penchant for military and you're not guarantee a been a bad about this week, their salaries when the deficit goes up. What have we have? You know they like to talk about merit? I'm all four merit have I we put them
some kind of merit based income, but they won't do it there. A vote themselves. Anything based on merit, that's for sure that guy there never gonna do anything I may look. Look at these fools now and the House of Representatives look at them tripping over it, otherwise subpoenas accusing the present of crimes talking about impeachment shilly a page, We have paid, surely be indicted for what for nothing here. The american people they elect these clowns. They put him in the House of Representatives. Look at them. They looked like fools. I mean they really look like fools and weather. The Senate, where those clown, what are they going to wake up working? the american people and work and further legal Allianz their working for criminals against the cops I gotta hear all the code Pink Republicans Congo, lying coming on, IRAN is taking warlike acts against its neighbours against us.
Its blowing up oil tankers, we need it these navigable waters free for commerce? at the world, their threatening our troops there through in our allies and its trumps fall and pompiers fought and boltons for this, is that crap or hearing them and I everybody wants a war. Everybody in the best wants a war. This is that crap, where hearing now so you can't stay as a traditional conservative who loved your country, who wants them Hector military assets who believes that there ought to be shipping these navigable waters you can't stay. Well, you know what what Iranians, are doing what the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran is doing, is provocative. These acts of war. Oh, you must be a neo come! Oh, you must like war not only are caught, and I don't like war. You jerks
On the other hand, I am not a code pink Republican either and what happens LISA when these co, pink, Republicans and Democrats get their way. What happens is their bigger disasters with more casualties they saw? Have the ball prevention of to propose any constitutional amendment, no good for in other member and our group, our friends, Mechlin their work very, very hard on this and very very proud of them. I thank thanks for your car, but I was talking about foreign policy. I hate these attack. America first type people, whether their national populists on the right or national populist on the left. They pretend to be patriotic, but every time every time. An enemy stands up at sorry for why? What do we want, or widow up when I can for war. Ladies and gentlemen, where good people and a good country I'll be right back
Going gets going, tough, get more global, curly now eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven here's some news. You will amiss if you watch CNN or am I sell us d? This is from these our tribune wellknown right wing newspaper Aimee for Liddy, actually its signing the Associated debate. Minneapolis Minnesota Minnesota campaign find official said last week that democratic? U S representative and big it die, Semite Alien Omar Misuse Camp, funds and violation of state rules. They are sorry, Did she had filed joint tax returns with our husband years before They were legally married and at a time when she,
Mary go another man also confusing, in other words tax fraud. There, the deface put criminal consequences representative under more scrutiny from critics standards with the Democrats. Ladies and gentlemen,. Turn issue with Marrable Marital passed? One tax wrecked expert said that no criminal and ten, and the issue has been corrected. She is unlikely to face any criminal consequences, not gonna. We have new states, With the Democrats, ladies in general, she's guilty Gilias, Hell gilias how she goes present. She goes to the House of Representatives Cafeteria, where she's locked up for seven years. What did Omar do wrong the Minnesota campaign, finance and public debt? those are bored set, o mourner, husband, Eichmann cap gap, a dab fire joint text Parents for twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen before they re, they married and while Omar was Lee
We went to another man. While some states allow for joint filing for common law, Marriages Minnesota. Does not, but they wouldn't be common law. Marriage is married to somebody else. Married to somebody else what Omar set about this very little in response to a question, but we need George staff Annapolis. They ask a real questions on hypotheticals. Why isn't there and ethics complaint against? How is it that these people escape all this stuff? I just don't? I don't get it. It's like this guy Eliza Comings and his wife. What's her name again rose the more or something or other Romney, more less Rami, something like that She's got a nonprofit for profit money, don't added to her nonprofit various organizations that are called the test.
Fine front of Eliza Cummings Committee, Which he uses them in a positive way and then they get funding from the federal government. Organizations for which he is oversight, and what kind of crap is that outcome on ethics complaint has been filed against him. Why? At the Republicans on that committee, like mark meadows and others, demanding. And coming stepped out. I don't know why they're all bodies. I guess I don't know why it just seems obvious to me any the Republicans Wellnigh committee. Have you ever ask yourself, just how can I love a virtuous life much like Omar here, married to a man. Strongly with another man you without it's not her husband becomes the husband, oh, my goodness, have you ever suit yourself. Just how can I live a virtuous life? More happiness and, while being depend on how we answer that question hailstones college
resident, Larry Arn argues that the best book ever written on this subject is status Nick I'm a key and ethics where Aristotle, presents a guide for securing such a virtuous life just ten on demand videos beach. Only thirty, in its long you'll, learn how to confront the primary obstacles to happiness and make the choices that bill good character, new free online course from Helstone College shares, startled teachings with you, and it can help led the most complete, happy life possible register. For this free course did he say free he did. Introduction, Aristotle's ethics. How delete a good life feature lessons from the greatest self help book ever written at Levine from Helstone Backup El Avian Flu, hills down dot com. If you take this, free course, from hills and he'd Aristotle's advice, your life will change for the better.
You can learn how to lead a good life just as every hills to college student. Does it's yours for free? Levin for wholesale dot com, L easy. I am for hills, they'll, dot, com. I'm sick of the news most of its money when news to begin with. Miss Washington D C, the great W Emmy I'll go right ahead, sir. It's an honor! Listening to your thank you for what about everything, you're doin? You gonna and I was born in Ukraine and I'm following the news in Ukraine End and in English here, and I just wanted to say a couple of things about Joe Biden yeah Joe Biden, when visiting you crying. I don't even know how many times I need less suspicious from day one, because people like me expected that you were gonna help Ukraine with Russia,
asian and, most importantly, we were expecting for years bad. Obama would Joe Biden or bad administration would allow us to purchase lethal weapons. Call me right. Nothing. They did nothing, did nothing but Joe Biden was only concerned about one of the largest gas fields in Ukraine that have fun fine words that board on the board of directors of a company called worries me and ass Company that is controlled by one of the ukrainian oligarchs, so they were, and to develop a bad and the sooner they started doing that. That's when Russia attacked and that's when Russia invaded Eastern Ukraine member date, invaded Crimea? Only, I dont think have any plans to go into youth in Ukraine, but there were secure in their
you think they wanted it still. Their gas release, cut it off and then continue to promote their own gas everything else, but I've Obama never visited Ukraine in all aid here. If you didn't find anything to do that, and that was that southern enough for another point that I wanted to mention is that the media, Ukraine is totally copying and basting level media in the United States in the kind of debate put every day and still do this again. John it's all I really shouldn't, because Donald Trump has done a hell of a lot more to try and defend Ukraine than Obama has ever done absolutely, but you're gonna find anything on me, citations to see a man, Amazon BC, zero, bother the information about everything that Donald Trump Bit for Ukraine, and that is
I dont flooding and one of the reasons in my bag. By the way. Let me just let me ask you a question. You know I've written this book on on freedom of the press in chapter six tie dress, among other things, the Holocaust, as well as stolen starvation of the Ukrainians. You I'm sure, knew about this, but the general public didn't know about this. Don't you think it's important to know about this either of incredibly important, I mean, or almost virtually every family was affected by the famine in mind. Thirty two nine thousand thirty. Three around, like three million people that died of starvation and the media, and everyone lies and actually. And they see the New York Times actual. I forgot you Burundi. I believe it was there Ain t who, as a propaganda, forestalling actually our diaspora wanted, to put a huge effort to provide food and to fund train for Ukraine
and actually in order to do that, they wanted the support from the west. So he was that agent, the scumbag actually lie than feathered. Everything was fine and you are out of work, as the report does one for Ukraine and forty is created, but Tomkins Village file, type of installation. Everything looked park, and allow about. My son reporters like for the year and chest guardian including Mugger Ridge he went and he saw- and he reported that the dishes were horrific, absolutely horrific, and so the New York Times had to know there were other european papers had pointed it out to not a lot but others, the problem was there any was so powerful was such a powerful newspaper was intimidating and with other report, I would try and raises in Europe and silver he would write pieces trashing them pages of the New York Times is the New York Times less am I
and I want to thank him and his son you assign copy of on freedom of the ass. If you already have your own copy, please give it to somebody else. Don't hang up? Oh Gordon Chicago Illinois, Ex M Satellite go banks or take it MIKE, hey you're, when when tromp was being interviewed by Annapolis, I think he rope adopt them. I think he is he's got now all these great sound bites of outrage from the left tomorrow we can just play for of a magnetic can come out and say you know. I understand how they feel because they did that to me well list people are already saying that, thanks to me, so I don't know if he rope adopt them butter, You know, staff Annapolis is in the hit squad. Business political hit squad, business, he's left us he's an old time, democratic he's dressed up as a journalist, and I think that's the response now
I don't know that the president was thinking about that at the time, but that is the response at it You really want to look at interference than you, gotta look at the Democratic Party in Hillary Clinton and didn't take information from the Russians they paid for information. Our I my friend. I appreciate your call right back, then so the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran, which is killed. Hundreds hundreds of american soldiers which, Funding and arming Is another terrorist organization, as well as Hamas, which is
building a caliphate of its own in Yemen, parts of Iraq, parts of Syria threatening United States armed forces has blown up now for oil tankers and its job, boltons fog and my pompiers far, but this is the kind of sick crappy get from the code pink left in the code. Pink republicans. Absolutely outrageous white trash I'm payment. Bolton remarks NEO cards no you're in NEO Idiot. Pathetic, and you know when you say stuff like that guys geyser, whispering in the president's ear. You demeaning, the president. Present knows what he wants to do. You know good friends of the media research centre? And this is a spectacular organization. Then they wonderful leadership with bread and and Terry over. There are play
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I also want to remind you. The limp Levin tv show for tonight is in front of the of the pay Wong available to anybody wants to see it. I haven't on my website, Excuse me, my social sites mark Levant, Facebook I'll get a right, one of you they mark Levine, Show Facebook Mark Levin Show Twitter, you can also get it over it at all. In tv, Facebook, their blood, Stevie were all over the place and please don't forget It's Thursday, you gotta, move quickly, get your copy of on freedom of the press, your husband, your file, your grandfather or your son for fathers Day or all of them the fathers in your life, as I say,. He got Amazon right now. It's forty percent! sixteen hours and eighty send you're not gonna do any better than that terms of a gift on it. Every major book retail enemy, your warehouse retail oh binds among others, is loaded with these books. There really done a great job at all. These retail store sire
your check them out to it. But if you need act, you get act because the Sundays coming upon us. Fred Birmingham Alabama. How are you, sir I'll, do and grow, more and more God just want to show you how much I appreciate you with this and freedom. I'm listening about two year right now and I saw the first. And this morning, where the communists, broadcasting system, CBS News, reporting, George a marvellous. I guess you'd should be smell. Snapple Africa's taking bits pieces out of context of the interview making the President look some kind of buffoon, I'm thinking seriously about trying to make your books required reading in my college classes, but I teach I just tell you teach powers. I appreciate you so much while I appreciate that whatever
the teacher in college where I teach usually economics classes, but does a teacher american constitutional government classes? Well, listen! I'm really press for that appreciates I'll. Tell you what, we'll send you assign copy. So you can give that to one year twenty to your kids although I guess, schools almost arabic, That is something else. I really appreciate that sir very kind of you so there's a gentle They teach economic sender and the constitution in college and on freedom of the press, he likes it, and I really want to strongly encourage you to get your copy from files that look, I'm not kidding about this year that I must you need to spread the word. I can't do it all by myself. It's really the grass roots the matter in this country K. Let's continue Charles,
Staten Island, New York, the great debut ABC, go I mark alone or a great, Regrettably, that are the guiding that the president should rope without any doubt interviews, I don't think I did, I don't know they did rope it up. But I don't I don't did, but you should know people about them to kill him tomorrow. Em they don't care about anything, but getting him. You should know he's not gonna get up opera. You know four interview they have yet war. Every question should be prepared to turn a thing: What do you mean when he asked? I consternation what will you know? You said about a candidate you guys were dark. Every single question should be regarded shouldn't be so we wax who, who am I to tell him he gonna like depression, United States, I'm sick, buying, a microphone? I got what I could get your color to try for your report,
I don't think trust. Then I think he gave an honest answer and of course they twist everything. He says. Every Thing he says they set the choice What he says. Where he says it when he says it, and that's why that's why you can eat work your way around them and look at other sources of information, and that's why you need doing age the left, even if they dressed up his journey. First and pound these people, Charles I want to thank. We had Charles I'm and you look I'm in a very generous mood. I signed copy of on freedom of the press to don't hang up, I can't and everybody but they're, but there, for if you want to get your copy, it's the number one. Let me say this jested, them off the number one hardcover e book, Nonfiction book in America and the New York Times had to acknowledge it. I'm sorry, but they did
we salute all our forces police officers, firefighters, emergency purse. Now all you heroes out there I see in thirty minutes on Hannity. Please don't miss us, get your copy on The press, the press time's running out, see tomorrow, God bless you.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-03.