« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/12/18

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Bill Cunningham fills in for Mark. President Trump was in his element at the historical North Korean summit. The hate-Trump Media hates this great success and won’t give him credit no matter what he does. This hatred is similar to that endured by President Ronald Reagan back in the 1980's. North Korea giving up nukes is a huge deal and Trump deserves credit for achieving this much so far. Also, Kim Jung Un was launching missiles and we were facing a war so how bad could it get? North Korea has no resources and still farms by hand but they have nukes and were threatening the US and the world. So what did we actually give away? Sanctions are in place, troops are still there. Pausing military exercises aren't much of a concession for denuclearization. Later, Barack Obama failed in his handling of American hostage Otto Warmbier in North Korea. Warmbier's family was told to not give interviews about his treatment while held captive by the North Koreans and he eventually died from his injuries - the Obama Administration did nothing to help here either. And if Hillary Clinton would have won the election would we have low unemployment, a market at 26,000, or conservative Justices? Hell no!

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