« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/6/20


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, what exactly have these governors done for the citizenry? President Trump provided masks, ventilators, hospital ships and field hospitals because governors were not prepared for a pandemic. So what did Gov. Andrew Cuomo do to improve the health of New Yorkers? In fact, Cuomo, Phil Murphy and Ned Lamont ordered COVID-19 patients into the most vulnerable nursing home facilities resulting in 90% of deaths in Connecticut. Lock-downs are these governors' claim to fame and that's why they don't want to end them.These bad ideas and stay-at-home orders provide cover for Speaker Pelosi to quietly sneak her big government agenda into relief bills. 

Afterward, in yet another poor decision by Cuomo, NY State will be taxing out-of-state workers that came to flatten the curve from their home states. Then, a Texas judge is throwing the book at a women for seeing clients at her hair salon during the coronavirus quarantine. Civil rights heroes like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. peacefully engaged in civil disobedience to end unfair practices enforced by the government. The opposite of the Cloward-Piven strategy is to overload the bureaucracy by having all salons, barber shops and others to open-up their businesses (adhering to social distancing) and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) guidelines, of course.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundreds Seventy fifth year hills is a truly independent institution where learning. Prized in intellectual. Enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a mark of an era where seven, seven, three eight, why we ate one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one fear and panic: hats with the media
going to this country The site called mediators. I called the drug report. If you watch CNN. MSNBC. Listen to some of these so called experts, Supposed to others. But before we came only hours talking to MR producer, Mr Cosgrove and I said to them what exact Have these governors done to help the people in their states. The hospitals, the doctors, the nurses, they would have acted in a pandemic. There are heroes, their professionals, that trained to do, they would act in an pandemic anyway,. Would have been all hands on deck, the schedule,
Changed what exactly did these governors do?. Present in the United States had to provide the additional ventilators and masks and other P p, or is it p p, depending on who you listen to the extra hospital beds, mode To the press, conferences for most of the governor, certainly in the blue states, was about panic and fear. And demanding. Things they didn't have and didn't prepare for. What exactly has Governor Cuomo done her all the best Critias in the talking about what exactly has Governor Cuomo done or did he do. Improved healthcare situation of the people in New York, Wallace Pandemic took off and is still going on. I mean we were
Lead the fight here to expose him, and I want to thank all the cable outlets and radio outlets so who followed along and and gave her. Attributions this programme. Have you noticed that MR producer. There are waiting around me In order that we found, I found a line that they never even found, but anyway, that aside, decisions, Cuomo may kill people killed, people. Most forty percent of the people who have died from this virus have died in and around New York City and Northern Jersey. It almost thirty percent of them died in nursing homes and assisted care facilities and Cuomo and Murphy and other But the most vulnerable among us at risk.
But I'm seriously I'm sitting here, you listened all the reporting and all you read all the writing and and and I'm wondering. The vast majority he's got what what did they do exactly to improve, The treatment. The efficiency. The provision of health and medical care in their areas almost nothing that I can think of. All they pretty much have done. Have they used their police forces to impose lockdown lockdown of churches and synagogues. Locked down to small businesses downs of entire neighborhoods communities.
For which they are to be praised according to the media and any effort. To undo these locked downs them He asked the question how many people will die? Why are the lockdown preventing people from dying. We just saw. In the case of New York, Como just said and will play a later, sixty percent people who died wherein lockdown we're at home. In other words, when they sent kids in college, spectre, their homes. Some of you might have been carriers by the way with their parents Grandparents had had the reverse affected that never made sense. Doc, I needed from Stanford told us an early on back to cats from Yale told us utterly on, but I'm quite serious.
Shuffling paper shuffling around resources demand The federal interference demanding federal this and federal at what did most of these governors actually due to effectively. Address this pandemic and the answer is virtually nothing. This is why the media and these Democrats are wedded to the locked out. That's all they got there, point anything else, and they will insist over and over again, despite the fact, there are many scientific experts out there who disagree. Good, Lord child. She among others they your down the wrong people, you don't lockdown All the people you locked on the most vulnerable people once you figure it out, but its very difficult for a quorum undertake the boot up Of New York City and his entire state is very difficult for news of the take the boat off the threat his various metropolitan
Areas but the entire state is very difficult. Murphy, all these guys, the clown in Michigan. I haven't done anything. Medically or healthcare wise, to confront this illness in any significant way. But exercise. Something akin to martial law. Now I know I'm the point of the spear when I raised these issues like the death toll would not be anything near what they said, that many more people have the virus in Symptomatic than is being reported, which correspond and the percentage of of death and a court death is a. Terrible thing, so it's not something that needs that's to be taken. In an unserious way, but that's not the point the point
the information we been given. But I really do I scratch my hand and wonder what these are particularly liberal democrat governs. What exactly did they do. They pride themselves on forcing People to stay home, they pride themselves on shuddering businesses. We're not going to open any business or we're not going to do anything. That's going to affect the lives of anybody where we're just not going to do we're not ready to open we're, not going to do it because they're praised this is all they've done. They ve taken out the brass knuckles of government and punch. Everybody in the teeth. This is also why the pandemic. Of all the other illnesses weather- Heart disease or strokes or cancer, and so much more and then
for people who are sick, today than they otherwise would be the other people who are dead. Today who might not be dead had they got in there, they needed is never discussed, We have the CDC Vienna age. We ve got this and that we get the stated how many people have died from Non corona virus illnesses. Since January, one. Is it significantly more than last year. Exactly how many hospitals have closed exactly how many hospital beds have been lost? actually how many doctors and nurses have been put out of business since January. Want you, Can't find this information easily cos at times it stupid, he trashing drop the Washington Post busy trashing trap and they're all too
retrenching any governor who dares to open up their state, doing it slowly. It's not like that. They're. None of nobody's doing that. The governors that have had an authoritarian, even fascistic impulse or the ones that are praise, but the new exclaimed, the watchman compost, sycophants and cable Oregon satellite news. Present, was ass. Today by reporter, I, like you, know you ve, said now, But you know we need to do more open economy and so forth. What, if there's more that's some illness. Now that is, based on the assumption that if we have more
that's a more illness less it's because it's because more people are free to live their lives. But why is it based on that. We were just hold by Cuomo, that's, it percent of the deaths occurred by people who are hunting down, and we know People at the in the air. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are the most want above the entire population. Why they? Opening businesses. Furthermore, this virus- it's not you snap, your fingers of people buy it takes it cases every case is different, but in most cases, when you look at the data that they're giving us it takes, ten Fourteen days it could take twenty one days. So you see an increase in death, it's not because of anything any governor has done lightly and here's the other point.
There's nothing else. The government can do well marked what at there's nothing else. That government at any level can do nothing. What are you saying what I'm saying the truth in it the first two pointed out so be it There is literally nothing else, the president or this task force can do. There's literally nothing else. A governor can do They can do harm, as Cuomo has done. And other governors have done horrific Deadly harm to populations in this country, but there's Nothing else they can do to protect to us from this virus? It's going to take. A vaccine which merits Develop its
to take some treatments which may or may not develop, all of which. Even when working with the government, all of which are going to have to come out of the private sector, the farmer. Took companies the lapse and so forth. But there's nothing else. A governor can do to protect us. This is a deadly virus, The president has taken steps for which he was attacked to try to protect us, and he's done so more than any governor in any of the states when it immigration when it Stu travel when it comes to read China when it to Europe. Filling the voice it states had four instruments.
For medical aware and on and on and on. Nancy Pelosi structure of the dinner they plan. They have no idea Yeah there's nothing else: the government can do all they want to do, spend money, they want to do spend money, because the vast majority of their base. Relies on the federal government for its sustenance. The vast majority. The Republican based does not. Good, so spending us into oblivion enrich is and reward their base, and that's they care about, though, burn down the country, In order to get power, they don't care so they keep pushing fear and panic. The New York Times we talked about this yesterday is leaked, a so called report,
That hasn't been vetted that hasn't been tested. That even the CDC itself from which the report K, K distance itself set over. That's not a final report, but then times God and talk about three thousand. Then that's a day. Starting in June. I believe They headline this thing: why they don't have all the facts. They don't have all the facts factually denies it Burke's denies it. What do they do that fear and panic, if you so fear and panic people will give up their liberties. Ask your neighbors talk of them. Made of them are frightened a death. In order have fundamental transformation. The central does
government all these progressive, radical, progressive ideas of a minimum income for every human being in the country. Taxing wealth, subsidizing states in their pensions and, moreover, spending drawing the vote. Anything you can think of funding plan parenthood taxpayer. For Of all abortions, these are all proposals that have come at a Nancy policy as she is the House of Representatives, as we know, fear and panic. Look at Cuomo he's an incompetent before yet he's very puppet New York right now, look at New Newsome, incompetent before very popular New York run in California right, maybe New York too, for I know
right back if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you Two with him Thou Knowest, free online course that great I can story a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the Great America, story. It's Doug should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This course
dozens of others on a variety of topics, are avail To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills Del back, come alleviate for hills, del dot com, I'm not going to bring on the Governor Texas through the attorney general taxes, to tell us what we already know that Shelly Luther as a political prisoner. That he left wing judge through her in prison because she the open, her salon cause she needed a feeder kids and the people who work there need to feed their kids. We will hear what Judge Eric more yea had to say many view. Many of you haven't. We want what Shelly Luther has to say: sponsor Dallas Salon.
Shelly Luther's, my man, Daniel Horwitz points out of concern review, is a civil rights hero. Be hated by the media and the left you sure out there Going to prison over illegal immigration, or over now gee, Bt Q issue. Should be called a hero, But here she is, Lady who stands up against the system stands up against the court peaceably civilly for opening her salon, and the judge throws the book at her
in prison. Ten thousand dollars a day, and I want to pursue this further, as only I can probably right back if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands. These days, I know, excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you And two with hills, newest, free online course that greater I can story, a land of hope, learning and teaching our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the Great America, story: it's operate,
Option, masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. Course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics- are avail. To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills doubt that come Ellie, the iron pray Hills del dot com is America's constitutional convention mortal they show call now seven seven four year, one point: eight one: one I want you to listen to this will get started. This is this judge Eric more yet many of you have heard this, but many of you work maybe didn't hear it. And this is a judge, is about the throw the book at Shelly there is a Dallas salon owner opened or business. She made the point. Look we're doing all the mitigation strategies in terms of distance and masks, gloves and so forth. But
Gotta put food on the table. I gotta keep my business open. I have other people who work for me: stylist, going hungry they're going under here's the judge cut one, go that you now see the error of your way Stay, To society cannot function, we're one's own belief in a concept of liberty for miss you. Flock your disdain for the rulings of duly elected officials, but you What apology to the elect officials, whom you just respect disrespected greatly ignoring. And in one case the filing their orders, Lando You understand that the proper way in which work in an ordered society to engage concerns which you may have had to hire a lawyer and advocate for change. An exception. When a man
better laws. You find a friendship. That's your problem. We state that this is the way that citizens in the state should behave in that you represent to this court, but you will today sees operation of yours alone. That's my job, I say basically wants you to get on our hands and knees and beg for mercy for in her own store and mitigating. Poligized to the state apologize, the politicians. Fetch the errors of your way go ahead until air There are further orders of this of the government from you'd do so. This What will consider the payment of a fine it? the incarceration you demonstrated that you have so clearly is anything to say. She so clearly earned. It.
This is why so many of you detest the judiciary. Because, just like some of these governors, the power to their heads. He didn't say look MA am I understand. Your situation, even if you don't agree She's doing. I understand this is a problem I understand so far than so, but we have this order. And by the way I don't mean over these orders come from. I don't even know the constitutional basis for these orders. I think, when we're done look yet the casualties here will see the dead will see the injured. And will see our liberties in the constitution. By the data, the injured- I don't mean the laser focus on corona virus. I mean the fact that there's no focus on hearted acts and strokes and cancer and other people who are dying there is the decisions by these governors go ahead. Let's do cut.
Judge I would like to say that I have much respect for this court and laws and I've never been in its position before and it's not I am pleased that I want to be, but I have Disagree with you, Sir, when I, when you say that unselfish because during my kids. It's not fish. Here that are going hungry because, rather feed their kids, both sir, if you The law is more important than kids getting fed in please. Go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon and represents millions of people in this country, articulate strong, respectful, American a red blooded american den
Horwitz have conservative review Shelly there is a civil rights hero. An individual who breaks the law. That conscience tells him, is unjust and who willingly accept the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is it really in reality expressing the highest respect for the law, Martin Luther King now we know why States Rights Horowitz, have released thousands upon thousands of murders, child molesters, drug traffickers, Hamburg, as from jails in prisons they needed to make room for women like Shelly Luther who are sick exercising their rights to earn an honest living one in creating large gatherings, unlike your local Walmart or home depot. We all know deep down in our hearts that what's going on with our government, is illegal, illogical, immoral and a colossal threat to their future basic liberty in this country for years to come.
How many of us are scared to put our money where our mouth tsar and live out enduring words of Martin Luther king one- does not only illegal but a moral responsibility to obey Jes laws. Conversely, One has a more responsibility to disobey unjust laws. My These unilateral edicts shutting down life, liberty and property, aren't even laws, and most certainly, are not rooted in science, who would have thought witness numerous acts of mediaeval tyranny and the state of Texas would Donald Trump as President and Greg the governor he writes. I don't owe it Donald first to do that, but these case, Had been too numerous to count the case now hopefully, service. The fulcrum to this revolt against tyranny is that of Shelly Luther. A salon shop owner who refuse to closer business and its neighbours, order to sit in jail for seven days for assent. Doing what the governor himself said is the right course of action,
Yesterday, Dallas County judge, Eric more yea, ruled that Luther was in civil and criminal contempt against the states. Lockdown edict keeping our salon shop salon. Allah mode, for seven days. He said care to seven days in jail, ordered to pay thousands and fines for remaining open. After April twenty four she had publicly torn up, cease and desist order from County Judge Clay Jenkins who's the candidate Zack it of a day later, if you calling are selfish. My I gave her a chance to poligized and go free and you heard response mining Judge boy a arrange, a hundred and fifty eight thousand dollars a year from taxpayers and unlike Luther her employs he lost, not a penny from his arbiter capricious and illegal shut down. Funny. I so many liberal judges and politician our media, like boy was that we need to pardon drug traffickers killing. Tens of thousands of.
But because they have no choice but to engage in the activity to earn a living. The sickening fact here is that, Dallas county jails, have released one thousand real criminals in the guise of not spreading the virus, it now, they arrest peaceful business owners like Luther for having a handful of people and our business while Walmart and subways are wide open. And friends have set up a go, find me page to cover Shelley's legal fees. Mr produce, we find out exactly what link, as you can see in the article put it up on my facebook and twitter sites, please MR producer. Ok need to hear from me. Brother falsehoods, easy for us to sit here and say that this is unconstitutional. But then we allowed to go on by giving in to the tyranny Shelly Luther took a stand against a worse form of tyranny than anything King George ever did the easier thing
It had been for her to apologize, but our founders warned us against that. SAM Adams, road in the Boston Gazette, April, seven, seventeen, seventy one. The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution. I worth defending at all hazards, our duty to defend them against all attacks bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the press, the generation enlightened as it is, if we should, Suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle cheated out of them by the artifices of false designing men. Now. Many will say Shelly major point and should not have taken it further, but we will never change anything if we allow our constitution to be shredded with impunity, His James Madison warned it is proper to take alarm at the. First experiment on our liberties, we hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens and one of the noblest characteristics of the lay revolution.
The free men of America did not wait till you, Sir Power had strengthen its up by exercise and entangled the question and precedents. Are beyond the first alarm. At this point, every single clause of the bill of rights has been violated and there's no And incite most states ironic. Led by the time Luther was sentenced, abbot Eddie terminated. They ordered closing businesses. He himself, express frustration with the shutdown Sixteen hours later by the governor and attorney general compact and put out statements condemning, judge, Moors ruling in calling for Luther's release to a good start Why is he not calling on the board of parts? I was thinking this myself to say: a pardon recommendation immediately have in this house and in Texas of all states urban, too many examples of this in Texas throughout the past month, whatever Happened: the attorney General Strata lawsuits Sutton bring. The situation is start filing lawsuits, this kind
We, as vast as it is geographic expanse, is become too this tyranny that we are seeing today. It's time but ever tyranny that we are seeing today. It's time for the President public and governors to pick aside. Well, it's clear the president. As pick decide. None of this would be happening terms the opening at all, had trumped up in pushing this for six weeks and pushing at it. And today he's under it I already here go home people yard protest. You support protester. Despite your guidelines, the meat I've been trying to set him up be trying to Heaven contradict advisers on and on because that's all they know, that's all. They know. Allow me remind you of something member glowered impudent. We ve talked about this over the decades there strategy,
These were ultra left wing, political activists and professors, american sociologists they can with their strategy in nineteen. Sixty six and pushed on a democratic party, and there Sir, to great effect in the clouds given strategy is a political strategy outlined Nineteen sixty six, they call for overloading the? U S public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a placement of the welfare system, with quote a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty. Let me put it this way declared, employment strategy if applied by patriots. Would mean the people who own salons should all open.
You can mitigate. You know how to deal with masks and people six feet apart. You will need to be told I'm just saying If that strategy was turned against, in particular, democratic governors. In California, in New York in Michigan, in L, A. New Jersey, a republican governors particular in Maryland, There's not enough law enforcement, they could do a damn thing about. It is not enough courts. I could do a damn thing about whether to Barbara perhaps now salons. Tanning salons tattoo parlors restroom of any kind salons. On and on and on and on little business is all over this country there'd be nothing they can do. Nah, unlike the hard core left, you would be tracked.
But the next limes, the washing compost, the constipated news network, Emma sell Us D and all the others. Sit on their fat ass is collecting salaries, while they report from their basements after the New York Times, we would starve to death. After the Washington Post, we were dive first left the CNN. We go with our clothing. Left MSNBC whenever roof over our heads, because none of these people knew how to do anything. It's People who actually know how to do something and with their hands that make this country work. The media do not make this country work not today. The democrat part media of the day. Is destroying this country. The re proud, New York Times had a full page of all the New York Times mobsters who
saved a Pulitzer prize. If you look at the Pulitzer Prize Committee, its filled with leftists, yet The left us these days to get a Pulitzer prize. And a fool who started the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project other than you have time. She won a Pulitzer prize for the one thousand, six hundred and nineteen private enemy of the people presidents, been right all along sire there's no get around it, not the free press, the on press. I'll, be right back if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days, I know
excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College. Hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with her Styles, newest free online course that Great America story, a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future ready Stir right now to take this free online course. The greater I can story, it's operate. I should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles, course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are avail.
To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills, Dub outcome alleviate foothills del dot com. I want you to listen, nobody's been hammering on this nursing home issue harder than I have, and it has spread throughout the country now throughout the media, and I mean the enemy, the people, I mean the regular media that is fox and other places. This is from today in the what is the current dotcom of Connecticut, the Hartford current nearly ninety percent corona virus DES in Connecticut last week, Where nursing home patience.
Nearly ninety percent nettle a month? You should a protected those people on day, one The way governor dissenters has. And I see more more people- are realising what a treasure governor d This is again we had them on life, Liberty and Levin. Nobody would touch the guy was under attack by the meeting. I said no way I'll have them on, did exactly the opposite of Cuomo, that exactly the opposite of the month Zactly. Have these governors done to protect their people. Absolutely disgusting lots
to do faults. I hope you ll stick with me will be right back from the westward one podcast network, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader a mark of any error. Number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one real one, one as I've been saying for the longest time. Eighty policy is in fact fascistic. The way she has undermined the house of Representatives and our constitution
they she forces through legislation without the participation of our representatives. The impeachment scandal this guy being her in what she did. The present the United States, while the run his virus. The corona virus was on the rise to bed The Senate is so worthless and gutless an impotent. We oughta be hey, having hearings about the fair so the house and the Democrats when it comes the corona virus, but who's gonna. Do it Linsey, Graham now he makes it sound bites, but very little action just want you to see how Nancy Pelosi hatred guts, how she favours tyranny and autocracy she's got hers She and that slab of a husband and her eighteen or twenty children on the five year at whatever she's got they ve got here's the very wealthy capital work for them, and so now it's time to burn down capitalism burned down. The constitution
because Nancy once Power Utah. About a nut job. They talk about trapper, now, she's, a nun job. And I say that, of course, with all due respect. And here she is on the morning spot they all go in the morning schmo. Now you notice that every If we could mobster and reprobate whether there get- their hosts. The contributors They all wine up in the morning smell like flies to you know what cut five he'll everyone's eager to get out and we think to unlock the lock down to test, trace and treat less well. Although she told me she has had no role in helping this country at all, except the is and delays in the lace heavily in Saint test, trace and treat. Has trace and treat
yea here, stumpy Hoeyer Tommy, don't test hated that three ts a triple t. May I say: Go ahead, isolating social distancing and when the science tells us that we can do something differently or society has told us that you moron you low, IQ, fruitcake. Yes, they have rights. In your own. Damn state at Stanford right down the street from your district. One day, and we have any signs here here, the site Thousand stop putting mashed potatoes and applesauce in your face. I say that again is a service announcement. What's going on there. Let's say she's! My look more. Like John carried out, you think, MR it is there too much of this elective, sir, If you get my drift, go ahead,
socially distant wearing your mask doing things in a way that is appropriate. First of all, who supported her the medical experts country he hated away a mask. He wear gloves social decency here, yet I could get a heavy. Everybody go to China, TAT Member, that one that's all go to China. Tat were open its had me, hey, let's walk out. She should be getting. The hook should have gotten a hook a long time ago, off the stage Had hearing people going with guns in swastikas to the legislature and mission, I know about the President: didn't cheer people on with guns and swastikas you Eddie. And we ve had protests all over this country with law abiding citizens who pay your damn salary, Hey for your damn schoeffer and pay for it,
damn jets and pay for your power, the present it did. Cheer people along with guns and swastikas. Here Disgusting disgrace. And there they are the morning schmo, they just sit there. They just sit there unbelievable What wanted you to hear that I'm going move around a little bit. If I'm a Byron York has a piece exclusive it's an exclusive peace minded time at the washstand examiner. You ve got a fella by the name of Richard Griddle, who is a great patriot.
This is a gentleman whose, under constant attack from the left, you want to know why cause he's a conservative constitutional who supports the president and he's gay and you're not allowed to that's it. You're just not allowed, So we got a destroyer. We're more more people are following, including people who are gay, what they're fine. Is that counts additional conservatives. Are open minded people, it's pretty much live and let live in the golden rule where's, the left is absolutely intolerant. If you step Adeline. They seek to destroy you and everything about you. If you're gay, you must be a liberal democrat. If your black, you must be a liberal democrat. If you're hispanic, you must be a liberal democrat. If Jill. You must be a liberal Democrat and on and on down the line. Well, some people like to think
themselves. They actually believe in liberty. So here's Byron, Yorks Peace, exclusive dna give national intelligence to Adam shifted French groups are ready to release a big development and the fight over, Fifty three secret interviews, their House Intelligence Committee, conducted during its Trump rush investigation acting ECHO of national intelligence, richer grenelle as cynical, the determined Adam shift, notifying him that the transcripts of all teetering, three interviews over six thousand pages and all have been cleared for public release, quote all the transcripts with our require actions can be released to the public without any concerns of disclosing classified material. Grenelle wrote this If, in a letter dated two days ago, the entire committee did first probe into the rush. Twenty sixteen campaign Right York, rush,
campaign, interference and allegations of Trump Russia collusion. Even today, it- findings make up most of what we know about the affair is part of the segregation, it was run by then majority Republicans The committee interviewed some key witnesses in the trap, Russia Matter. Donald Junior STI Ban and Sally Yates, Michael Cohen, hoping some anymore. If were conducted in secret by timber twenty eighteen. With the committee's report long finished and made public the Republicans who still controlled the committee, decided the interview transcript should be released to the public in a rare moment of comedy democrats agree and what's up twenty six twenty eighteen, the committee the unanimously to release the transcripts, but there was a catch. The documents would have. The first checked for classified information by the intelligence committee. So awful went to the intel The community never to be seen again, but
how may twenty twenty there still secret, two weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board reported that the I see the intelligence, But he had finished its review of forty three, the transcripts but Adam chief was refusing to release them the papers, The was also preventing declares vacation, the remaining ten transcripts so. Sky is a soviet fascist to discuss, shift. I could see him as the year as the car, dad? If you will of some kind of a gulag chef, just get a uniform and a stick and a soap box. So shift is preventing the release. The information has nothing to do a classification now. What does that tell you folks. Tunisia, this good stuff in there, and that cloud chuck: shrimp goes to the floor. The Senator Data says the President's trying to cover something cover
on the corona virus notice that clown chum, he Chuckie. He doesn't go to the floor. The Senate demanding that the house, until Its creator release these interviews. Does he unnoticed Don't be pressed by any report it to do so, not Philip bump, not Jeremy watches ass now not day no balls, who else do we have Peter Baker or bakers? Peter? I don't know. In the letter Grenelle revealed that the forty three transcripts had been finished since June, twenty nineteen one. Have been nice to have those transcripts during the course of the so called peach went process. Ladies and gentlemen, this is blockbuster. Shift, has been sitting on them all that time. Grenelle said the boy Ten have just been finished as well court, I urge you to on your previous public statements. The committee's unanimous vote on this matter to release all fifty three.
Clear transcripts, two members of Congress and the american public as soon as pie Ass Grenelle said just in case has still not interested. Grenelle added COS I am also willing to release the transcripts directly from the office director of national intelligence to ensure we comply with the unanimous and bipartisan vote to release the transcripts man. This guy's good this and now is terrific one. Thing? In March, twenty nineteen there was one democrats crash renewal in charge of the house in considering impeaching the prisoner right off the bat over Russia back then she frequent that the day- and I quote under no circumstances- share House Intelligence, Khamenei transcripts with the White House, entrapper any other, any other person associated with as white president. Unquote, some summary in the view that is a dubious requests in some of the witnesses came from the White House and by the way How do you defend yourself under these
We, the answer, is it almost impossible, never Grenelle complied pursuer dear guidance. These transcripts have not been Over the White House, he wrote to shift the net they say up to shift. I don't believe that, but let's read this. The chairman has shown no hesitation to keep secrets even when they involve non classified information. A great national interests, for example, shifts don't concealing the committee's impeachment inquiry interview with Michael Atkinson at the time the Intelligence Committee Inspector General in the Ukraine matter as the Trump Russia interviews. Republicans remember when shift claim that he had direct evidence of collusion a charge space, council, Robert Mahler was never able to establish some republican lawmakers believe the transcripts. My up show that ship, Making it all up all long time for the public, that too says. Byron. Europe now look. These fools claim. They want transparency. They want the truth. These four.
Claim they want oversight. Tommy where's. To talk on the New York's limes demur Need the release of these transcripts? There hasn't been one where's At a time when the Washington Post, demanding the release of these transcripts there hasn't been one where's fake cap was where's Wolf blitzed where's, Donnie, lemonade, where's right, a warm up There's Rachel mad cow. Where is our Chris matters Is there any my let's go on awareness? the morning: Schmo and Messerschmidt, none of them, none of them. Are demanding the release of these transcripts where's Donnie Deuce Doubleday, whereas he now, where. Where's, Danny no boss, where's Peters Baker or bakers, Peter you get my dream
How is it that one puke one puke from California. Can able to run. Be able to run the whole country and keep this information. Where's urge con man. Where's George comment. Neither a men and they never trumpet crowd. They could careless. See. This is why so we don't have a free press. This is a joke. The whole thing is pathetic. And it all starts and ends with the media. If they were in the pots and pans for this information. We eventually get it, but they know their part of the cover up their part of the
operation is I've, call it all on they participated in it and they still are, and they still are. I would encourage legal groups throughout the country. The file fire requests with the dna. We now know that the information they have has been rejected and declassified, so they. Televisions, community cannot hide behind the bureaucrats who cannot hide behind the fact that any the informations classified, get it in front of a real judge. Like Judge Lambeth Federal District, It raises a great judge in Washington DC if you can move on with it. I'll be right back then.
Bob Bob, ladies and gentlemen, drew qualm according the media's, the most popular governor in America and here the peace Pga media by Brian Preston. Homo gives people another reason to hate New York, he'll tax, corona virus volunteers as well. What's this all about. Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you are still being paid in your home state pay. That I told you to volunteer and put your own health and danger to help New York, in other words, to go to New York from other parts of the country to help them. For New York who needed help. Well guess what.
Andrew Como says you only York, state income, taxes. Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the corona virus pandemic and it's happened centre will have to pay stay. Taxes according to the governor, he addressed the issue to state as news conference, so we're In a position to provide any subsidies right now, because we have a thirteen billion dollar deficit and by Wade is six point. One billion dollar deficit before the pan. I'm so half of it. Half of it had nothing to do with the pandemic So there's a lot of good things. I'd like to do and if we get federal, fun, We can do, but it would be a risk, Well for me to sit here looking at a third, ten billion dollar deficit. Sam gonna, spend more money. When I came, pay the essential services, that's his answer people who come in from around the country you gonna be taxed for each day
You volunteered to help people in New York. There is a nice way to put this Andrew Cuomo is an idiot he's. Just made sure that no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future. His so betray his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It is He feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you live in New York and New York. Has suffered more than any other state during the krona virus pandemic. The leadership is elected. Governor Cuomo Mayor, the Plaza are the reason why there immoral. Even though the state government s thousands of people who come to Europe from out of state to help fight the virus, now they have the New York state taxes, even on income? might make from their homes states that their paid, while there in New York.
Can you believe that, MR producer, you think people can come into New York and volunteered a help. After this. Put your lives on the line, this the most foolish, the foolish more man to serve public office. He sits there in the home of the New York Times and, of course, the New York Times doesn't turn its propagandist guns on Cuomo or the other. Left wing outlets in New York, sell Us D in the putrid buffoons who poses house there, they don't turn their there, I began this. The guns on Cuomo look at this guy. In addition, to sending the killer virus and a nursing homes. Not telling people come from anywhere in the country to help the people in New York going to tax your income, while
quality dead matter. We're gonna. Take you on a number of the market to Morrow morning. Show you reach marked now seven seven, three one for you. What was I mean? If you think of dumbest things, a government can do that's Cuomo. If you can think of that most thing a mayor can do that to come here and I feel bad for the patriots who live in that state in that city, your outnumbered, by not jobs by cooks, it's terrible! Absolutely true!
Look at the message this full just sent to the whole nation. You come here in volunteer at my request. To help our city to help our state. And some people who have done it have died. You expose yourself to this virus Front lines of the battle: what does it do that he hides our Albany for most of the time, but anyway we're going for each day you're. Here Even though you not earning anything here, we're gonna tax, you basting income in another state, and I know that you're gonna have to fill out a new tax return. Tommy, ladies and gentlemen, this man, the dumbest man, walking the face of the earth or what
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Only not all right, there's so much to get to hear cancer patients. You never have suffered through all this cancer patients hard patients. Patients with diabetes patients with law. And kidney issues. Otherwise, patients had her suffering from maladies their deadly, if not treated properly,. In some cases, even if treated properly. Pga media Stephen Green cancer tree since on hold the invisible health costs of the shutdown Doktor Scott Godly. Former commissioner, the FDA and resident the american enterprises Two warns of the broad public health impacts of people too, here to see their doctors even for cancer treatments,
during the war on fires, shutdown got linked. We did that data from community cancer practices show sharp drops and oncology visits, including a Seventeen percent decline for chemotherapy and north in the northeast you're sorry Ports that cancellations and no shows have doubled, which means people. Need of elective cancer. Screenings aren't getting them, tell medicine visits her up, but not nearly enough to make up the difference. New cancer patient visits are down by more than a third, not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a big steaming bowl of not good in a report The cancer letter Matthew been I, on spoke with Doktor be green, no relation of the author chief medical officer four flatter on health doktor green
said. We ve seen a drop off a new patient visits. We ve seen a drop off and chemotherapy visits. We ve seen a drop off in full, appointments? We ve seen in increasing cancellations. This puts many practice is at risk. Not to mention the risk potential cancer patients who aren't getting screened and current cancer, Since were skipping chemo treatments had a fear the war on virus, Doktor Green noted. It isn't just cause. Sir page patience, he said you had that people are showing up at hospitals for strokes. Born even showing up for I've been deck pen deck disease dump. Mr producer dump. Which had just mind boggling to me the citizens had hospital. Has gone down what's happening to all those people suffering. From all these various illnesses,
What are we going to start seeing the people who developed a cough you been a sign of lung cancer. What am I ass. There was lymphoma. Who normally would have gone to see their doctor but have delayed it, CBS Ricky Climate tweeted too got leave that a New York City people are afraid of going anywhere near a hospital or medical center right now, even if their appointments were not already cancelled by the doctors office. And this is why I have nothing but discussed, and frustration for the fear and being pushed by the media. Weathered the drudge report, Whether it is media I'd whether this CNN and MSNBC, whether his newsrooms all over the country. This is a very, very serious illness. This virus, but the constant panic and the constant fear- and I talked about this months ago. This is bad enough. We don't need the.
Stood panic and the constant fear because you gonna get people killed, just need the facts. The whole point of flattening the curve was to prevent the infection rate for overwhelming the medical systems ability to treat six people, whether they sick people, infected by the war on virus had a broken arm required, chemotherapy, etc? We were very fort. That we did indeed flattened curve and although things were dicey, New York City for awhile, the medical system never became overwhelmed. The thing to remember is absent a vaccine that may never come The witch hunt virus is here to stay many, we'll get infected and yes, I'm almost all pre existing conditions will die, that's the nature of, and but we ve done. The hard work of preventing the worst case scenario were over One possible stack up bodies like cordwood turning away cancer patients
those in need of emergency medicine etc, but we at such a scare and a people that the. On virus is causing people to miss out on cancer treatments, emergency medicine, etc? As though we never did flat occur?. This is insanity and it has to stop. I am asking the New York Times: will you do a full page article on the number of people who have died as a result? I'm not seeing a doctor not going to go hospital because you scared the s. Or of the scientists and experts telling people. If you don't really need surgery, the cholera Active surgery, while Lecter Surgery, ladies and gentlemen, can be determined if you're gonna have a heart attack. If you have cancer in a number of other. We do that study. Will you do that
Body in the media who's going to do this now tarred work. And it goes against the narrative, then if, of course with an air of Newsome. The narratives in Michigan Illinois and Canada a new jersey. It was wrong to scientists. The governor Florida was the first to tell me and my audiences. All the empty a hospital beds- There are more hospital beds now than they were before the pandemic about the effects hospitals and doctors? It was one of the top. Cancer surgeons in Miami, whose name I shall keep out accidents. I could use it who told me about what happening and doctors offices all across the Country and all across his city state, as they were shuddering.
Did the media just keep pushing pushing pushing the website ass, keep hyping, they want their hits everybody Something out of this, the Democrats want to control voting and they want them. Loose states subsidized. But whose truly looking out for the sick people, as I said to you before what exists we have new, some done too prove health care and medical delivery. What exists clay has Cuomo done. They shuffle resources around? They shuffle papers around, they didn't protect. Their nursing homes and theirs, Said living communities they buy sickly, had been loud voices for subsidies. In some cases, subsidies they didn't need like ventilators and bets all the press conferences call my hat
He screwed up the subway system. He screwed up system in New York city. He screwed up me nursing homes in the assisted living facilities. He comes into this pandemic short handed. He comes into this pandemic six point one billion dollars in the hall which now there The bus is supposed to make up and then the icing on the cake is Volunteer who comes in a new Yorker came into New York from another part of the country to help New York. Who were asked by combat come to New York are going to be taxed on their income for the number Days they were in New York as if their. Basketball players earning a hundred forty million dollars a year.
They may him the death bad enough by this virus, but bad political decisions, bad leaders and all they do is attacked Trump He tried to back up and help these. These fail governors in these failed mayors who had a quickly produce devices. Meant that the Obama administration didn't have or didn't replenish. Listening to the science every step of the way he did, they say Trump, the neck fast enough, Do you know of a politician who acted faster than Trump. Was a policy? No, she was walking in Chinatown. Tell everybody to come the Chinatown the children no shimmer was still putting out statements John Bonham. Around Romney wanted three four five other witnesses.
In a phoney impeachment scam trial, where they never where they collect the president. So, which politician was first, which elect The official was First Donald troposphere. He beat out the media. And thanks to Brent both Zella news busters, we have that montage, the media, all the media Telling us this is what fine don't worry, that, let's rock yet I'll push into a panic for God's sakes,.
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He can't get Mama hug right now, but you can Brighton her day with books, co, Slash, Levin Code live in That's be, oh, you, Q S, dot, com, slash, leave. The iron Beale Q, S, dot, com, slash alleviation, aright. Let's see here, can we get to a collar? Let me see here: do I have the screen. Somebody semi the scream linked, but in the meantime huh recommend that I speak to Mister producer. Where's chest in New York, the great Debut ABC Sonia, go: hey, hey glad, you're on. The two ion yes, you're gonna be off soon. If you don't go way, we're running out of time,
but an honor? I love you, you are thank you. Thank you so much what you do. I live in the people's Republic of New York, fortunately, but this is my home before that, petrol, Financial Cuomo engine. How will he he's not gum he's just an evil pickles human beings, so we'd, rather him be dumb, but beyond that he ass he can either we file at. I told your screener that I actually used to work for a former Republican elected in New York, who actually ran again and her Cuomo one point, and it came pretty close, but couldn't quite do it, but this man now he's enormously popular, is up there with Saddam Hussein. Nepal numbers Again, Gaddafi and
I never saw those partners, but I remember Saddam Hussein was always like ninety three percent or something I don't call that seventy seven he's getting there if he can If he can close more buildings, if he can t ex more volunteers. Shove, more corona virus, positive patients in nursing homes, babyhood. The ninety three percent of the elderly We never think mutations in our state have died because of his health care. The water which have posted on the website that's exactly where I found that nobody was even talking about it until Doktor Lane Healy comment. I went, I look for it and I want to thank you. You, your call Helene Healy is on the line, but we're gonna wait till the next Sorry cuz only a few minutes and she is the the straight of a nursing home who contacted me. March twenty six the day after this order, one out and the day of the Wall Street Journal article, which exposed
The Cuomo administration was doing literally forcing corona positive patients into nursing And it was she As a result of her call this programme that blew the litter The scandal as far as I'm concerned, so she better make sure everything is in order because I have no doubt they call
while on leave his his surrogates in his his hacks throughout the government against her nursing home of potentially her, so we will have to cover in the next hour. I hope you'll stick with us I'll, be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run them roaming underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader, America, marked within number eight seven, seven rear one. Three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one one! You know my first book was called men and black and was about how the Supreme Court is destroying America. In many ways, the Supreme Court has
strong America by changing our constitution. And there been a couple of courts in particular that have done so- the dread Scott Court, the plus he court The FDA, our court. The ROE V court and subsequent court decisions. But what's interesting is this even if its I'm honored in a perfect way Lisa gets lip service, and what is this? This is the political question doctrine mark I'm done! I'm turning on tv and gonna get a hamburger and hope. You'll stay with me. This is an important matter. We are so lucky to have our constitution does not
the country in the world that has anything like it so lucky because as whether the court likes it or not, its powers, supposed to be limited, particularly it comes to political matters, polluted what matters are supposed to be left as post Left to the political branches. That is the presidency and Congress. Otherwise you'd straw a republic. You destroy the vote. You destroy the whole mechanism. And you replace it with a politburo a handful of lifetime appoint elites dictate to the whole country. How things are to function? This is a grave threat.
Any democracy or republic, it's even a graver threat. Then an outside threat Because the poison the cancers from within- and it's incredible Difficult to address it because war, You go to get the the result you go to the court's. You go to the court. I want to talk to you about what's going on in Israel as an example, What could happen to this country one day, but I don't think so because of our constitution, You have a supreme court in Israel, which has fifteen members.
Most cases earth by three justices, the most extraordinary cases are her by five, and yet there was a case in is a case before the Supreme Court of Israel. That's her by eleven justices, almost unprecedented. Really. Why. Because they are deciding issues related to whether or not the prime minister of Israel can be the Prime minister of Israel and whether the the deal The prime minister of Israel and the four I had of the blue and White Party. Many gods have made. The coalition deal after three alike. Hence in months of doubt. Is satisfactory to the justices. Now keep a few things in mind: number one. There is no law that prevents Benjamin Netanyahu from serving as prime minister.
A few hours ago, the Supreme Court of Israel basically sets but the core no authority whatsoever to take up the matter. Anyway, that's number one. Number two: the court is still. Getting into the weeds in turn of the coalition deal that was made not senior officials should be pointed more quickly than the deal provides structure. The cabinet. Issues related to the canal set and so forth, and so you really have a politburo in Israel. Effectively, that's what you have in. Why is because when the israeli gut it was set up. It was sort of a basque realisation of the British. The early founders.
Of Israel where European Socialists pretty much. And so they enshrined for and purposes their ideology in their power in the court system, particularly the Supreme Court. One things, Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying to do. Doing more than nine years as Prime Minister. It is to reform the court and to reform their system here. Course the president nominates and then the Senate confirms, or does it confirmed. A very, very convoluted system in Israel except here's the deal. They have any judiciary, Appointment committee. He can Is made up of nine members. Three, the members are sitting justice is on the Supreme Court hoop Disobedient deciding what other jobs this is going to serve on the Supreme Courts will obviously they're going to go as best they can, with with lawyers who are
video logically learn to their own views. Three then there's two other members who are members of the israeli bar. Those two members and the three justices make up a majority of five out of nine. And almost always vote that way, so you have Cabal, a five. You have to who are members of the parliament and to her members of the government. That is the sitting offers the prime minister. But here's another trick. Seven out of the nine members of this traditional selection committee, have to approve. Her confirm somebody for the Supreme Court of Israel. What does that mean? That means Justice is on the court, can veto? Anybody they want to. They have the final say so. There's a guy
Qualified to begin with, but when it comes to the appointment of Supreme Court Justices, three Supreme Court Justice is currently on the Supreme Court of Israel. Can veto any Decision it doesn't like, in terms of its membership, We have this incestuous body, Completely unmoored from elect completely unmoored from the body politic. This is what they call an independent judiciary gets worse. It gets worse. For at least the last twenty five years. This court was. Taken the position that you dont need standing to bring a case in front of the court. This really started with a very powerful man, their chief Justice Barrack, yes by Iraq,.
Who judge Posner Circuit Court judge in this country once called a benevolent dictator. Who basically said, and now this is the position as the courts. Seized power weakened? pick up any issue. We think we need to. Determine if decisions are reasonable, reasonable. So what? basis what standards they use to make that decision whatever's between their ears. Of course, this court is heavy duty left at tat. Time, look cool tat! I never knew this court is made. Decisions on related military? Its Decisions on whether the Spending enough for the homeless, this court is made score and scores of political decisions, they don't have a political question doctrine with the court's, particularly our Supreme Court's. Very careful.
Release claims to be not to step into these political decisions. Anybody can bring a suit you don't to have standing. And that means you might as well that's good. I want to bring it that me and said they get involved in anything they want to and they do and they do So, unless and until somehow, these Alleys get control of these courts, they don't have a constitution, they were going to have a constitution, but they can agree on so there. What they call basic laws which the get together for once to get control over this Supreme Court to never the elected have Of the israeli government get together for once. To get control over this Supreme Court to never going to have control over it and, of course,
left in Israel doesn't want. Is it an interesting to you when we have a concentration of power and autocracy in some way a tyranny: if not a soft tyranny, always favours the left. What what The right with fascism were not of the right reconstitution lists were not of the right we're not of the left that third link on that. Our lingo. And the reason why the Skype, Iraq, the chief justice, at the time, these really Supreme Court in the Riis. Why activists on our court are very troubled. The limits, for instance in my country, that the constitution places on all public officials is because it makes it very different. For them to rule over us. If you read rediscovering Americanism and the tyranny of progressive ism, or if you listen to the show on a regular basis, you know that then
Higher progressive movement in this country and the progressive movement is a socialist movement. That's what it is. It is a soft marxists, but hard socialist movement. That's why see pushes for what she wants and tumor and all the rest? There never satisfied But the amount of money with the can manage government control government regulation so that they are. They are socialists really and you have now, Social listened in Europe and in Israel. The reason they want to do away with limits boundaries. Some balances and all that sort of thing and the reason they really do not believe in the popular vote, even though they claim they do. Is because there are the masterminds they have to make the decision Doesn't matter if there's a rule of law constitution, whatever it is it you know the high left in our country talks about a living breathing constitution, which means there's no constitution. Means they write it up as they think about it. In
Well, they're Supreme Court doesn't even pretend it doesn't even pretend. So it's got judicial tyranny. That's what we call. It Its judicial tyranny and it is destroying the state of Israel. I'll be right back then Amy the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believe and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC Fights
Full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! I want to give an example of how the media work with the left left work with the media and why they really are one of the same. Here's, a peace and political were one of the co founder said I don't give a damn
an investigating the terror red matter, I won't bind to be coordinated. And trust me when I tell you We every newsroom America thinks exactly the same way there dealing with it. I read, matters are trying to figure out, had a broom. It. Sweden, under the rug, the trying to figure out how to say they covered up while not covering up the definitely not gonna, go and seriously pursue it. Less. They feel that by new so bad than though use it and whatever else they can use to take him out. But right now that's not happening. This is Political headline to leftwing site the left struggles in corona virus fight? It's not clear progress, we'll be able to win concessions in the next relief package, and it goes Poor, ay c and others here, they thought they could really fundamentally transform America poor
Propeller YAP Yap, I do whatever name. Is Washington state Mark Pecan of Wisconsin? All they all we're ready to do great things to our country, and they are, of course, We're going to use the year the pandemic, poor Chris Murphy of Connecticut, complete sleaze bore and all these others, how? My goodness, Ghana, Presley tally back and others. They wanted so much to fundamentally transform America see, ladies and gentlemen, in many ways they It fundamentally transform America with their spending and so forth, but that's not what they mean they wanted their hard core left wing clause? I marxists agenda to be enshrined in these bills, force upon the american people. Before even knew what the hell happened, since all these bills are being written by Nancy Pollution, which is I explained yesterday through a great peace by Congressman Bradley burn it
actually why she won't let the house meat. Because she's writing all the bills. Left struggles and corona virus fight, and it's not clear progress will be able to win concession to the next relief package. This Billy crystallizes, the problem, if you love your country, feel Freedom, you love your constitution, you loved capitalism and the declaration. This really Chris lies as the issue of the law. Struggles in the corona virus too, in concessions. You'll never see a title that conservative struggle in the corona virus to win concessions. Is there any effort foot by any member of the Senate or the house to advance the cause of liberty, private property rights limited raiment constitutional ism. Anything.
In any one of these bills,. Let alone a list of them the way the debt Crash role now Mcconnell says you know we want to give immunity to businesses, and I got that I agree with that. But that has nothing to do. With the would be fundamental, nature of governance pushing demanding voter, I d not pushing demanding that only citizens can vote or not bring in demanding that we secure the border, we're not pushing in demanding anything only the press Does well maybe sanctuary city shouldn't get it, and then he sends pollution in their management talks. The Mikado our Adam White, one provided by and that's what we get.
I mean a policy says as much. I load these damn things up and if we get some good are loaded up again, get some more loaded up again get some more. What's our agenda seriously You'll never see a headline Conservative struggling corona Virus- it's not clear concerns will be able to win concessions in the next really back because they know that the left is. They are resolute their non. Stop we on our, so we got. Romney gets Susan Collins, you got this one and I I don't know where I go. I don't know I'm a colonel. Who's, the other one in there what said at once a guy's name from Missouri. I can remember his name, not a loser. You got the Senate Appropriations Committee, pressuring the Department of Education and that drink from us. If I could only remember his name, not Holly the other guy.
Yeah yeah yeah, you guys should be spending money. For illegal aliens to sweat their port. The Republicans, the Republicans The deal's all the time cut a deal not to advance liberty. Our limited govern anything sort. I don't need the re. The rest with this article. We already know what the left is capable of and what they're doing. And, of course the media will never report, how a in the others were trying to exploit the pandemic for political power. You'll never read that headline either number New York slimy, where the rooting for three thousand Americans to die each day to make trot, looked back like its trumps response already know he's not a doctor.
He's the president does what the president can do. It's the virus, alright I'll, be right back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them. Believes in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U S work within but force the liberals want to silence, but you can talk to mark,
at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one hour and I want to remind you, live in. I sat there strongly encourage you, please we between the lines, you don't even have to download my podcast, you don't if the listen to it, but I think in the future you may want to weave therefore wonderful affiliates, but sometimes you get busy when they hear the show with a couple of it's out there that well, I won't come Ninety eight? Ninety nine percent of them are terrific, wonderful programme, directors, station managers, regional managers and so forth, and so on just a couple so gotta, Mark Levine, Show Dotcom, Mark L, Vienna show dot com click on the audio rewind middle, the top of the homepage, the button click on Audio rewind middle, the top of the homepage that'll. Take it to the pad cas page. Then choose your platform. Google podcast, apple podcast at your podcast people like the apple, but the
there's a good two and we're going to continue to promote this cycle, you'll. Do it. If you don't you're, not sure how to do it, as somebody in your household, who is her call up, a friend or your Santa. Your daughter, whom I were on the phone and also the walk you it's so simple, takes three minutes as I would know how to do it and then the pod as you can listen to it anywhere: computer, you have a MAC and an Ipad, laptop, you have a cell phone, I mean really any. Medication form you'll, be able to listen to him. So that's that benefit of that sort. Your check it out. The mark Levin showed outcome podcast, what a doktor, Alain Healy of New Rochelle New York, who called us on that. Memorable day March, twenty sixth Elaine. How are you. Elaine Healy. Are you there? Yet? How are you Elaine?
I mark I'm hanging on. Thank you. You Elaine Healy, deserve credit in the world. You call this. Program, you put your neck and your career on the line. You said I'm ringing the alarms here, by way of an order: from the state of New York? The governor. And his assistant sucker, which is going to threaten the lives and the well being of the rest. Hence in are nursing home. In a nursing homes. All over this state particularly city and the metropolitan area, because there to force people force, people have had this virus and are still positive this virus into our nursing homes, there's no we can do. We can't get them on the phone they're. Not Turning to us we're try to figure out how to to properly objective this, because our residents are going to be threatened. Did you lose any residence
I'm sorry to say that we have This was all, but not all, but most If it was preventable, wasn't it well, there was a good deal that was preventable. I think that there was a component, That happens and would have happened anyway, much like it. It didn't Kirkland, but certainly a sort of about one way directive that we had to accept. Corona IRA virus patients into the facility, really fan the flames And nothing else, certainly patients that not have any corona virus up pace, residents already. Those places were put Shelly, infected and places that word dealing with outbreaks. It certainly
aided a lot worse, but the reason I wanted to call it that I called in tonight- and I was listening to you and by the way I wanted to thank you so much for championing the cause of the nursing In its thanks to you. If I didn't vehicle. Your member house astonished- I was yes, But he's doing what I mean really horrified yeah but you got the word out ultimate. So I think, finally, their starting to pay attention but but early, This evening you were saying gonna what what have governor Don real What have they done to help and I would think about something that could have been on, and this should be done to help and specifically nursing. And that is in and you're, not gonna, believe this either. But here come the issue of testing the issue of testing. So
you are in charge. I think that you would probably my priority would be nursing homes, assisted living home senior citizens facilities, as well people with other co morbidity, but that would be my party like the governor of Florida dissent, as that was his priority exactly and- and what I wanted to point out was that there was a widespread lack of testing available to know thing. Homes are certainly in the early weeks of the pandemic and a persist in some spot this day, and this made it very very difficult to manage what was going on. And it was particularly ironic because testing with valuable in many places and in these drive through centres, though you go and even a new Russia where, where this all began, I think it was March thirteenth
governor set up an outpatient drive through testing centre right down the street, where my nursing home you know hundreds of people a day drove through and got tested, even those that really had no end. Despite the fact that you are presenting to millions of people This governor will make an excuse us well we wanted the testing kitsch, but the federal government didn't have didn't, give us enough and we were competing with Arkansas. We couldn't get enough. You tell me we're going to write down the street right down the street it, for they were out for people who drove through and that that testing centre is still going on and to this day. But the point I wanted to make to this day the New York State Department of Health has not inquired as to the nursing? as to whether or not they have adequate testing to meet the needs of the still to this day, despite all the information outlets available about what's happening. Let me ask you
Did they ever withdraw that march? Twenty fifth order about who knows people nursing homes need to take up not so they haven't withdrawn. That order now know that still that still active even though there is now clearly enough beds elsewhere,. Well, you know when confronted about it, what he says is that you were well that's a whole another story, but they he does a pretty good tat dance around that issue. He says that when he's asked about the order that says that you have to take in patients from the hospital, he p its anything well, if you have a patient in Europe to fill it that you can manage, I heard him say this. Then then you need to let us know so we can send them somewhere else. It does it all the time and yet and you I know you know about this- the poor
man it Cobble Hill, nursing home the one they called at the one that emailed it to to ask if he could have his patients. Ransford you were not to the Javert Centre to the ship that wasn't a shepherd becomes yeah. So here he was actually doing what it was that Cuomo says that were supposed to do in the event that it not that anyone whatever do that by the way or knew that could or should, but he was actually doing. He email, the Department of Health? He said I have my facilities on fire so to speak, I want to evacuate patience. He happened to say the comfort which, of course, you know got flat down for that Why didn't they offer to take those patients and put them somewhat, because Cuomo says the a call was that we couldn't send them to the comfort and, of course,
that such a lie, all we have to do is call the present. The United States he's talking to him every day twice a day, whatever we're times and earlier to do so. Mr President, can we use the comfort in the present would have said absolutely right, but what he said but what he said in the next breath when, when he's asked about you noticed this direct, admit, patience. He says, if you have a patient that you can't handle. All you have to do is contact the Department of Health and we will find a place for that patient, that's exactly what this person was doing here what happened to offer help he said you can bring them to come. That was it. So why didn't they say to this man who would apply doing for help. Oh well, you can in the conference but will take them and will put them somewhere out what he saw I recall you tellin me on March twenty six that you I'll, try to get a hold of the health officials and tell them that don't do. This is a terrible idea and you can reach any by one
We ve been trying to reach them for a lot of different things, including testing can kits We have we reached out to them that day through our New York, Medical Directors Association, which is the state Chapter of the American Medical Directors Association and and registered with them our concern about this, and we also offered to partner. Them as the physicians that practice in this environment to see. If we could, You know bring our expertise to bear equation, as we all tried to deal with this problem, but that that didn't meet with any any response so by but as far as testing is concerned. To this day, they talk about. I think you, even quoting on Nancy policies that test what was it tell how, who knows, who cares and mocking her thin trade? isolate and so on and so forth. Today
Its task tree trace and ice cream, something like them right. Ok, so again today, day they had not asked us. Do you adequate testing to meet the needs of your residence and yet there testing transit workers that their testing, the efta and wider testing Nypd, which I have nothing against by the way that you know that. So now, let's all good, why do they keep skipping and nursing homes? What is it at the nursing homes that these fools. Get another gonna unleash criminal and civil investigators. I mean just what you don't need because you're trying to handle the the council, wages? Are these brilliant decisions, Elaine Keep in touch, I want to thank you for what you did and tried to do for your country and for all these Frail senior citizens who really had nowhere to turn. I think. Finally, now you have a good when writing about the post. You have other
on cable starting to cover the New York Times, did one article, but is really not press the case the near. It is all over it. But it took a long time and now we honestly this not only needs to get fix, but people may be held to account. Thank you very, very much alone. Give us a call again. I appreciate it we'll be right. Back aims, the association and mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot? U S in our! I look at this list of people at the New York slums, among others, who got the pure surprised, and I think to myself that got the pilot
prize. Ladies and gentlemen, for being radical liberals, the crackpot push these sixteen nineteen project. Other crackpots, who got the Russia scandal wrong, the scandal is what the Obama administration did with law enforcement and the intelligence agencies, and what the media did to give aid in comfort to this of unprecedented lawlessness and they get pillages for some thinking to myself. We gonna hell of a job covering this pandemic from day one. I should get appeal at don't you think, MR producer, I get appeal later for my coverage of the war on China, Corona over nineteen virus. I should get appeal it. Can you And let me end where I began.
What exactly have most of these governors done, particularly in the blue states, to help the health and medical treatment of people in need and their states and many these mayors, really shuffling papers, shuffling resources putting out edicts shuddering. This is only In law enforcement against innocent Americans the doctors and nurses, the technicians in the hospitals and steamer Does he personnel the ambulance drivers? It's all those people. All those people in their profession, the medical profession. There are the heroes. The politicians in some cases, made very bad decisions. They cause people lives. And calm one of the worst. Very much enjoying their
cause. I martial law tactics, against their citizens, really getting there jollies telling people they can't plant seeds for vegetables in the backyard, are they surf in the Atlantic Ocean, or they can being automobiles, driving to them church parking there in groups, even their hermetically sealed in these automobiles shut down gun shops. Meanwhile, Walmart open costs goes open Mcdonalds. Open. Your grocery stores and supermarkets are open because How can people have tremendous ingenuity, creativity. We know how to mitigate and we know how to live. We now admit: Gate went out of work.
Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo told people volunteer in his stay. You will be tax for every day. You were in that state, Didn't care about money you gotta large poker dollar bill. Trust me, though, it is all about money, power. The vast majority, the governors, as fast as I can tell, did very little for their people very little. And, in some cases, the tremendous damage The present the United States is trying to fill their voids trend accord
with the private sector, trying to coordinate with the governors, the hospitals, the lamps, the pharmaceutical companies and, of course, he's attack? What will be more tomorrow, we salute, are our forces police officers, fire fighters and emergency person on all you folks, I just mentioned and more thank you for helping this country in helping your fellow man and I'll, see you tomorrow, right here on the radio God bless you from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-07.