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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/4/21


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, what is the biggest crisis facing the US right now? Iran and the US are close to reaching a deal and the Biden administration is paying Iran to come to the table. The border is still not secure, there is still sexual assault and Texas is turning purple right before our eyes. Significant inflation is kicking in due to the profligate spending and confiscatory taxes. This prevents the most successful people from succeeding and will hurt many. Also, the Biden administration added 2.5 million residents to the 2020 census data. This determines how many Congressional seats are assigned to each state. There are currently only five vacant seats so three or four seats make a big difference on whether Democrats stay in power in 2022. Marxists have secreted themselves into every level of our culture and it's hurting our country. Then, American patriots cannot leave it to others to tell us how to live and whether our children will memorize America-hating curriculums. Silence, capitulation, or acquiescence to the Marxists will only embolden and strengthen them. We have allowed them to lie and indoctrinate children for 120 years and we can't allow a loud Marxist political minority to take over this country! Patriots like Jack Levin and Rush Limbaugh would say "Bravo!, Keep Fighting!" Later, why isn't there a poll that showed whether more Democrat voters or more Republican voters are on welfare? The Democrats would want to shut down welfare.

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